Vulcraft Manual DesigningwithVulcraft3rdEdition2019

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First Edition Copyright ©1991

Second Edition Copyright ©2002

Third Edition Copyright ©2019

Nucor Corporation

All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof

must not be reproduced in any form without
the written permission of the publisher.

Vulcraft, a division of Nucor Corporation, has provided this book for use by engineers
and architects in designing and using Vulcraft steel joists, Joist Girders and deck. It
includes all products available at the time of printing. Vulcraft reserves the right to
change, revise or withdraw any products or procedures without notice

The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with
recognized engineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed
to be accurate, this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific
application without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy,
suitability and applicability by a competent licensed structural engineer, architect or
other licensed professional. Publication of the material contained herein is not intended
as a representation or warranty on the part of Nucor Corporation, or of any other person
named. General use of this information will not result in infringement of any patent(s).
Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability arising from such use.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1
1.1 PURPOSE........................................................................................................................1
1.2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT...........................................................................................1
1.3 CURRENT USAGE............................................................................................................2
Standard joists .............................................................................................................2
KCS Joists.......................................................................................................................2
Top chord extensions (TCX) and extended ends...........................................................2
Joist substitutes and outriggers......................................................................................3
Load/Load joists............................................................................................................3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Virtual Joists and Joist Girders.......................................................................................3
Building Information Modeling (BIM)..........................................................................3
This book was produced under the guidance of Russ 1.4 CUSTOM DESIGNS..........................................................................................................4
Balvin, Marlon Broekemeier, Bruce Brothersen, Wes
Frampton, Dave Henley, Scott Russell and John 1.5 SHOP WELDING OF JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS............................................................4
Whiteman. A special thanks to Benton Cooper of Vulcraft 1.6 CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................................5
for his assistance in drawing the figures and for getting
the text in final form for publication. The authors wish 1.7 OTHER SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................6
to thank all the Vulcraft personnel involved for their 1.8 REFERENCE STANDARDS................................................................................................6
many suggestions and comments.
1.9 SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS.................................................................................................7
1.10 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................8
Authors: CHAPTER 2 ROOFS..............................................................................................................9
James M. Fisher, Ph.D., P.E., DIST.M.ASCE 2.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................9
Julius P. Van de Pas, P.E., S.E. 2.2 ROOFING TYPES..............................................................................................................9
2.3 DECK TYPES..................................................................................................................10
Steel Roof Decks..........................................................................................................10
Concrete Deck............................................................................................................14
Wood Deck.................................................................................................................15
2.4 ROOF LOADING............................................................................................................16
Dead Loads..................................................................................................................16
Collateral Dead Loads..................................................................................................17
Roof Live Loads............................................................................................................17
Snow loads..................................................................................................................17
Rain Loads...................................................................................................................18
Wind and Wind Uplift..................................................................................................18 3.4 SERVICEABILITY CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................................37
Connection Design for Net Uplift Forces.....................................................................20 Control of Deflections..................................................................................................37
Load Combinations......................................................................................................20 Other Deflection Considerations.................................................................................38
Concentrated Loads.....................................................................................................20 Vibrations...................................................................................................................38
2.5 SERVICEABILITY CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................................21 Expansion Joints..........................................................................................................38
Control of Roof Deflections.........................................................................................21 3.5 FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................39
Expansion Joints..........................................................................................................22 Bay Size.......................................................................................................................39
Area Dividers...............................................................................................................23 SJI Floor Bay Design Tool............................................................................................39
Roof Slope...................................................................................................................24 Joist Span Direction.....................................................................................................39
Free Drainage..............................................................................................................24 Joist Spacing................................................................................................................39
2.6 FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................24 Seat Depths.................................................................................................................39
Bay Size.......................................................................................................................24 Framing System Depth and Story Height....................................................................42
SJI Roof Bay Tool.........................................................................................................25 Composite Joists (CJ – Series)......................................................................................44
Direction of Joist Span................................................................................................25 ECOSPAN Composite Floor System..............................................................................45
Joist Spacing................................................................................................................25 3.6 SHEAR CONNECTORS..................................................................................................46
Joist and Girder Depth.................................................................................................25 3.7 CONNECTIONS.............................................................................................................46
2.7 CONNECTIONS.............................................................................................................26 CHAPTER 4 LATERAL LOAD SYSTEMS................................................................................48
CHAPTER 3 FLOORS...........................................................................................................28 4.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................48
3.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................28 4.2 DIAPHRAGMS..............................................................................................................48
3.2 FLOOR DECKS...............................................................................................................28 Introduction................................................................................................................48
Cast-In-Place Concrete on Steel Deck.........................................................................28 Diaphragm Types.........................................................................................................48
Form Deck..................................................................................................................28 Fastening of Steel Decks..............................................................................................49
Composite Deck..........................................................................................................29 Fastening of Wood Systems.........................................................................................50
Concentrated Loads.....................................................................................................30 Load Tables..................................................................................................................50
Example 3.2.1 Composite Floor Slab with a Line Load...............................................31 Diaphragm Design Procedure......................................................................................51
Example 3.2.2 Composite Floor Slab with a Concentrated Load................................34 Diaphragm Connections..............................................................................................53
Concrete for Slabs on Steel Deck................................................................................36 Chord Force Connections............................................................................................53
Precast Slabs................................................................................................................36 Example 4.2.1 Diaphragm Chords (ASD).....................................................................56
Wood Decks.................................................................................................................36 Example 4.2.2 Tie Plate and Connection for Diaphragm Chord Force (ASD)..............58
3.3 FLOOR LOADING...........................................................................................................37 Shear Transfer Members.............................................................................................62
Self-weight..................................................................................................................37 Attachment to Shear Walls..........................................................................................63
Collateral Dead Loads..................................................................................................37 Attachment to Vertical Bracing (Braced Frames)........................................................66
Live Loads....................................................................................................................37 Expansion Joints..........................................................................................................67
Live Load Reductions...................................................................................................37
4.3 HORIZONTAL BRACING.................................................................................................69 Hangers and Bracing..................................................................................................126
Analysis Procedure......................................................................................................70 Example 5.2.1 KCS-Series Joist/Crane Support..........................................................129
Connections................................................................................................................71 Beam Supports..........................................................................................................131
4.4 BRACED FRAMES..........................................................................................................72 Example 5.2.2 Beam Seat Design..............................................................................132
Multistory Frames.......................................................................................................72 Conveyors.................................................................................................................135
Single Story Frames.....................................................................................................72 Sprinkler and Other Hanging Piping..........................................................................137
4.5 MOMENT FRAMES.......................................................................................................73 Mechanically Field Installed Struts at Concentrated Loads......................................138
Design Considerations.................................................................................................73 Example 5.2.3 Mechanically Field Installed Struts at Concentrated Loads...............138
Rigid Moment Connections.........................................................................................74 5.3 HEADERS AND OPENINGS.........................................................................................143
Joist Girder Details.......................................................................................................74 5.4 ROOF TOP UNITS........................................................................................................146
Joist Details..................................................................................................................81 5.5 JOIST REINFORCEMENT..............................................................................................150
Frame Analysis.............................................................................................................84 Introduction..............................................................................................................150
Drift Considerations.....................................................................................................86 Load Distribution.......................................................................................................152
4.6 SELECTION OF THE LATERAL LOAD SYSTEM.................................................................86 Example 5.5.1 Load Distribution to Joists.................................................................153
Building End Use.........................................................................................................87 Adding New Joists......................................................................................................155
Building Geometry.......................................................................................................87 Joist Reinforcement...................................................................................................156
Expansion Joints..........................................................................................................87 Example 5.5.2 Joist Reinforcement...........................................................................157
Roofing System............................................................................................................87 5.6 FLOOR VIBRATIONS....................................................................................................163
Future Expansion.........................................................................................................88 5.7 SPANDREL SYSTEMS...................................................................................................164
4.7 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS...........................................................................................88 5.8 PONDING...................................................................................................................167
Moment Resisting Frame Systems...............................................................................88 5.9 FIRE RESISTANCE........................................................................................................170
Braced Frame Systems.................................................................................................89 5.10 SPECIAL SITUATIONS................................................................................................172
Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed per AISC 341.................................................89 Camber.....................................................................................................................172
Chords and Collectors..................................................................................................89 X-Bridging at Walls.....................................................................................................173
Anchorage of Structural Walls.....................................................................................89 Cutting Bridging........................................................................................................173
Seismic Provision Requirements.................................................................................90 Joists Spanning Parallel with Seam Roof Standing Spans..........................................173
4.8 DESIGN EXAMPLES.......................................................................................................91 Tilted Joists................................................................................................................174
Example 4.8.1 Building Braced at Walls......................................................................91 Folding Partitions.......................................................................................................174
Example 4.8.2 Rigid Frame Building..........................................................................106 Seat Depth Changes..................................................................................................174
SJI Connection Design Tools......................................................................................121 Unequal Joist Reactions on Joist Girders or Beams...................................................174
CHAPTER 5 SPECIAL TOPICS.............................................................................................122 Weld Size..................................................................................................................175
5.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................122 Expandable Walls......................................................................................................175
5.2 HANGING LOADS.......................................................................................................122 Expansion Joints........................................................................................................175
Cranes and Monorails................................................................................................122 Sloping Joists.............................................................................................................176
Example 5.10.1 Sloping Joists....................................................................................177 Add-Load and Bend Check Loads..............................................................................204
Splices.......................................................................................................................178 6.8 JOIST GIRDERS SUBJECTED TO UPLIFT LOADING.......................................................204
CHAPTER 6 SPECIFICATION OF COMPONENTS.................................................................179 6.9 END MOMENTS AND AXIAL CHORD FORCES IN JOIST GIRDERS................................205
6.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................179 Girder End Moments.................................................................................................205
Building Codes...........................................................................................................179 Axial Forces................................................................................................................205
Loading.....................................................................................................................179 6.10 GIRDER SCHEDULES................................................................................................205
Deflection.................................................................................................................180 6.11 BRIDGING CONSIDERATIONS...................................................................................211
6.2 JOISTS SUBJECTED TO UNIFORM GRAVITY LOADS AND WIND UPLIFT LOADS..........180 6.12 SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................212
Joist Selection............................................................................................................180 CHAPTER 7 CONNECTION DESIGN...................................................................................213
Load/Load Joists Designation....................................................................................181 7.1 THE BASIC CONNECTION............................................................................................213
SJI Standard Weight Tables for LOAD/LOAD LH-Series Joists....................................181 Maximum Eccentric Top Chord Force for Joist Girders.............................................214
Joists with Wind Uplift...............................................................................................182 Maximum Eccentric Top Chord Force for Joists.........................................................215
6.3 JOISTS WITH CONCENTRATED LOADS........................................................................183 Example 7.1.1 Joist Top Chord Reinforcement..........................................................216
Prevention of Torsion on Joist Chords.......................................................................183 Rollover Capacity of Joist Girder Seats......................................................................219
100 Pound Concentrated Loads................................................................................183 Example 7.1.2-7/16 inch Seat Angle (Standard seat)................................................219
Concentrated Loads Greater Than 100 Pounds.........................................................183 Example 7.1.3-¼ inch Seat Angle (Non-standard seat).............................................221
Add-Load and Bend-Check Loads..............................................................................183 Weld Requirements...................................................................................................222
Traveling Loads..........................................................................................................184 Summary...................................................................................................................222
KCS-Series Joists........................................................................................................184 7.2 MODIFICATIONS TO THE BASIC CONNECTION...........................................................222
Specifying Concentrated Loads for Joist Design........................................................184 Joist Girder Modifications..........................................................................................223
Examples..................................................................................................................188 Design of “Fixed” Joist Girder Seats..........................................................................223
Example 6.3.1 Joist with a Concentrated Load – Option 1.......................................188 Example 7.2.1 Joist Girder Fixed Seat.......................................................................225
Example 6.3.2 Joist with a Concentrated Load – Option 3.......................................190 Increasing Joist Girder Chord Capacity with Seat Extensions...................................227
Joist Seats..................................................................................................................191 Joist Modifications....................................................................................................227
Beams.......................................................................................................................191 Increasing Joist Moment Resistance with Joist Girder Seat Stiffeners......................227
6.4 END MOMENTS AND CHORD FORCES IN JOISTS........................................................191 Example 7.2.2 Joist Girder Rollover Strength with Seat Stiffeners............................227
Joist End Moments....................................................................................................191 Increasing Joist Chord Capacity with Seat Extensions...............................................231
Axial Forces................................................................................................................192 Example 7.2.3 Extended Seat...................................................................................231
6.5 JOIST SCHEDULES.......................................................................................................194 Summary...................................................................................................................232
6.6 SPECIAL PROFILE LH JOISTS....................................................................................199 7.3 BOTTOM CHORD EXTENSIONS...................................................................................232
Scissor and Arched Chord..........................................................................................201 Geometrical and Tolerance Requirements................................................................233
Pitched Joists.............................................................................................................201 Column Considerations.............................................................................................233
6.7 JOIST GIRDERS SUBJECTED TO GRAVITY LOADS.........................................................202 Example 7.3.1 Bottom Chord Force Transfer.............................................................235
Joist Girder Designation.............................................................................................202
7.4 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS..............................................................................................237
Example 7.4.1 Determining a Joist Girder Maximum Chord Force...........................237
Chapter 1
Example 7.4.2 Typical Connection (Joists Bearing on Joist Girder Seat)...................243
Example 7.4.3 Allowable Joist Moment (Joist with TCX)..........................................246 Introduction and General Information
Example 7.4.4 Typical Connection (Joist with TCX on Girder with Stiffened Seat)...247
7.5 MOMENT PLATE CONNECTIONS................................................................................252 1.1 PURPOSE
This book serves as a manual to provide a better understanding for specifying professionals
Tools for the Design of Joist Girder Moment Connections.......................................255 on proper use and employment of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders. It is not a book
Design Checks for: Joist Girder Moment Connection to the Strong Axis of a Wide Flange which describes how these components are designed by Vulcraft. While steel deck, steel joists
Column...........................................................................................................256 and Joist Girders have been in use for over 90 years, they are used in applications of greater
complexity than initially contemplated. Their potential for innovative use has not yet been
Top Chord Connection...............................................................................................256 fully exploited. The book covers the use of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders so that their
advantages are best employed and the process of using them is straight forward and efficient.
Cap Plate to Column Weld........................................................................................257
When reference is made to AISC Specification equations (AISC, 2016d), or to equations in
Column Web Shear....................................................................................................257 the AISC 15th Edition Manual (AISC, 2017), the reference is designated as AISC Eq. or AISC
Manual Eq. with the equation denoted within parenthesis, e.g. AISC Eq. (D2-1). In a few
Stiffened Seat Connection.........................................................................................257 cases reference is made to the 2010 AISC Specification (AISC, 2010) and is so noted. AISI
Column Web Checks..................................................................................................257 Specifications (AISI, 2016a) are similarly noted. Other equations pertinent to this text are
designated only by an equation number.
Bottom Chord Connection.........................................................................................258
Stabilizer Plate Checks...............................................................................................258
The development of joists and Joist Girders begins with the development of the steel truss
Minimum Member Thicknesses (Weld Compatibility)..............................................258 which dates from the mid-nineteenth century. Open web joists are trusses; however, their
design is per the Steel Joist Institute (SJI) “Standard Specification for K-Series, LH-Series,
7.6 JOIST SEATS SUBJECTED TO ROLLOVER FORCES.........................................................259 DLH-Series Open Web Steel Joists and for Joist Girders” SJI 100-2015, (SJI, 2015b). This
Example 7.6.1 Joist Seat Rollover Resistance............................................................260 contrasts with structural steel trusses that are fabricated per AISC standards. In the beginning
of the twentieth century steel joists were produced to individual manufacturer’s patents and
CHAPTER 8 RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................262 standards. These individual producers were unified under a common design standard when the
SJI was formed in 1928. The establishment of the Standard Specification for steel joists allowed
8.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................262 building designers to specify rather than design a structural component of the building frame.
8.2 SDI CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE............................................................................262 This Standard Specification is included in the Vulcraft “Steel Joist & Joist Girder Systems
Manual, hereafter referred to as the Vulcraft Manual, (Vulcraft, 2017c). The Vulcraft Manual
8.3 SJI CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE.............................................................................263 should also be consulted for all cases where references are made to the “SJI catalog.”(SJI,
2017b). The acceptance of the Standard Specification by building codes and building officials,
8.4 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER.................................................................................266 allows the use of steel joists in buildings without the need to reconfirm by engineering design
8.5 CONTENT OF PLANS...................................................................................................269 the sizes, materials, and welds used in joists conforming to standard designations for given
loads and spans. Over the years each Standard Specification has had accompanying load tables
8.6 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................270 which provides allowable uniform per foot loads for varying spans for each of several standard
designations. This remains the basic format of the load tables to date, except for the addition of
tables for KCS joists, top chord extensions, joist substitutes, outriggers and Load/Load joists.
REFERENCES................................................................................................271 While the standard load tables have always presented allowable strengths as uniform loads
only the application of load in the completed project rarely met this requirement to the letter.
For many years designers have used various strategies to account for both concentrated and
non-uniform loads. The principal method being used was to cover the actual shear and moment
diagrams with the shear and moment diagram of an appropriate standard designation joist.
This method was generally thought workable, although it was technically incomplete since in
some instances there were high localized top chord loadings and force reversals in some web
Joist manufacturers have also recognized that savings could be realized by designing joists to
the exact uniform load requirements. This saving results from providing joists with properties
which fall between the sizes and weights of joists conforming to the SJI standard designations.

1.3 CURRENT USAGE substitutes can also be specified with cantilever outriggers up to 6 feet in length. The Vulcraft
At present, the usage of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders has already expanded beyond Manual contains load data for joist substitutes and out riggers for ASD and LRFD.
the elementary use contemplated originally by the Steel Deck Institute (SDI) and the Steel Load/Load Joists:
Joist Institute (SJI), (See list of SDI reference documents in Section 1.8) and the SJI “Standard
Specification for K-Series, LH-Series, DLH-Series Open Web Steel Joists and for Joist Weight tables for Load/Load joists were first introduced in the SJI Catalog in 2010. The SJI
Girders” SJI 100-2015, (SJI, 2015a), hereafter referred to as the SJI Specifications. In addition Catalog contains Standard Weight Tables for Load/Load LH-Series Joists. The weight tables
to being simple span members carrying uniform loads, these components are frequently used are intended to provide the specifying professional with a tool to assist in the preliminary
in continuous and statically indeterminate systems requiring greater sophistication in their design and as an estimate of weight for joists used in floors and roofs that require high capacity
specification and design. These systems require the use of rigid connections and in many cases loading. Many efficient floor framing layouts require joists for which the uniform load per foot
the system resists lateral as well as gravity loads. Steel deck diaphragms are also employed in exceeds the 550 plf limit used for K-Series joist tables or where the uniform load exceeds the
the lateral load resisting system. tabulated safe loads for LH-Series joists. The tables apply only to joists with parallel chords.
The usage of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders includes both single and multistory The reader is referred to the Vulcraft Manual for additional information on KCS-joists, Joist
structures for both floors and roofs. Steel joists have also been employed in curtainwall
systems as girts. These components are applicable over a broad range of building types such Extensions, Joist substitutes and outriggers, and Load/Load joists.
as: warehouses, industrial plants, offices, commercial shops/malls, academic facilities, civic/ Virtual Joists and Joist Girders:
institutional structures and large clear span structures such as fieldhouses and convention
centers. Virtual Joists and Virtual Joist Girders are a set of pseudo section properties, generated by
SJI as tables, and are based on commonly available joist chord pairs. The major axis moment
Standard joists of inertial (Ixx) is based directly on a pair of double angle joist chords and pre-adjusted for
K-Series, LH-Series and DLH-Series joists can be referred to as “Standard Joists.” The SJI approximate deflection contribution from web strain. Virtual Joists and Joist Girders allows
Specification covers the design, manufacturer, application and erection stability/handling of joists and Joist Girders to be checked for flexure, shear, axial and combined forces by treating
standard joists. The SJI Specifications are adopted by the International Building Code (IBC, them as doubly symmetric I-shaped beam sections. They are currently inserted into several
2015), hereafter referred to as the IBC. Not only is the specification adopted, but also adopted stiffness based structural analysis programs.
are the ASD and LRFD Load Tables for Standard Joists along with KCS-Series joists, joist Top Virtual joist and Virtual Joist Girder tables allows joist member stiffness to be accounted for in
Chord Extensions, Extended Ends, Joist Substitutes and Outriggers. The major advantage of the overall building model. Once the building model is completed, standard SJI joist and Joist
having IBC adopt the SJI Specifications is that when specifying standard joists calculations/ Girder designations can be called out on the plans.
design calculations are not required to be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for any
given project, the specifying professional need only indicate the proper standard designation For additional information on the use of Virtual Joists and Joist Girders three Webinars are
for the joist. offered on the SJI Website, The titles are “Using the SJI Virtual Joist and
Joist Girders in RISA,” “Using the SJI Virtual Joist and Joist Girders in RAM” and “Using the
KCS joists: SJI Virtual Joist and Joist Girders in SCIA.”
KCS joists, ASD and LRFD load tables are published in the SJI Catalog (SJI, 2017b). The CS Building Information Modeling (BIM)
in the KCS designation stands for constant shear. These tables provide moment strength and
shear strength for 40 different designations in depths ranging from 10 inches to 30 inches. If In addition to many other design tools, Vulcraft offers BIM tools for Revit and Tekla and has
KCS joists can be selected for a given arrangement of loads, the need for a custom design is assisted in the development of joist components that are packaged with SDS/2.
eliminated with the exception that concentrated loads must still be specified. Concentrated Vulcraft’s NuBIM for Revit add-in allows users to specify and model all parallel chord joists
loads must be located at panel points or else field installed webs must be added. and Joist Girders available from Vulcraft as well as many common special profile joists,
Top chord extensions (TCX) and extended ends: Ecospan® and composite joists. Users can apply a variety of common loading conditions to
all joists, as well as create schedules and diagrams. All Vulcraft and Verco deck profiles can
ASD load tables were first introduced in the SJI Catalog in 1989, and LRFD load tables be added to standard Revit floor and roof components through the add-in. When the project is
followed in 2000. Top chord extensions are referred to as S “Type” and have only the two complete, a file can be exported containing all information related to Vulcraft products, which
top chord angles extended. Top chord extensions are the most economical solution to support can be sent to Vulcraft to aid in the estimating and detailing process.
overhanging loads. If the S “Type” does not have sufficient strength, then the R “Type” should
be specified. The R “Type” (extended ends) have the standard bearing (2.5 in.) end bearing seat With the NuBIM for Tekla Plug-In, the design professional can build and manage projects
extended. If the 2.5 in. extension does not have sufficient strength the specifying professional more effectively within Tekla Structures. Vulcraft’s Joist Plug-In for Tekla Structures enables
can specify a deeper seat be used so that the extension is a deeper member. the design professional to specify Vulcraft joists during the creation of the building model. The
model can be exported containing Vulcraft joist and Joist Girder information and then be used
Joist substitutes and outriggers: by Vulcraft to aid in the estimating and detailing process.
Joist substitutes are 2.5 in. deep members commonly used for uniformly loaded simple spans Due to the complexity of the construction industry, the various states of deliverables through
up to 10 feet in length. For members less than 8’, joist substitutes should be used instead of the construction process and the product itself, BIM is defined by the industry standard
open web joists. Vulcraft can supply joist substitutes in a variety of profiles so long as the terminology of “Level of Development” (LOD). Within the construction industry the models
member is 2.5 inches in depth. The load table in the SJI Catalog were revised in 2010. Joist
can change both during the process stages and by individual construction products from 100 cause to reject and discount the length of weld affected by these defects. These types of defects
to 500. A LOD model 100 is represented with a symbol or generic representation whereas a affect only the integrity of the weld and not the connected materials, and hence, may not need
LOD model 500 is a field verified representation in terms of size, shape, location, quantity correction if an adequate length of defect free weld is observed. This is not to suggest that these
and orientation. The Vulcraft BIM model falls within LOD of 300 to 350, or Manufacturer/ types of defects are not a cause for concern, with regard to the ability of the welding operator.
Trade Level of Development. The Vulcraft 3D BIM model include chord and web sizes, Conversely, a defect such as excessive undercut is cause for rejection and repair, as it has
webbing location, bearing seat slopes, depths and holes/slots, with bridging sizes and locations affected the strength and capacity of the undercut member. The application of the acceptance
all included. The Vulcraft BIM model can coordinate with other trades and “clash detection” criteria in a performance-based manner is the key difference between the SJI and AWS welding
functions can be performed. In order to provide a realistic model, the appropriate information criteria.”
must be provided to Vulcraft by a third party, most often from a complete set of construction
The above citation outlines a few differences between AWS and SJI welding, there are, however,
documents. The information for a complete model must include all loading, serviceability,
many similarities:
geometric and connection requirements. With the appropriate information, Vulcraft designs a
propriety product that is converted to a 3D model and it can be inserted into the overall building • Welding consumables for SJI products should meet an appropriate AWS standard
model. • SJI recognizes the AWS pre-qualified joints
A common way to set BIM expectations for the construction trades is through a BIM execution • SJI requires a qualification process for welding procedures that are not AWS pre-
plan (BIMXP). It is strongly recommended that whenever a BIM is required, clear instructions qualified
and expectations be noted in the contract documents so that they can be properly included in
the estimate. Vulcraft has a common BIMXP on the Vulcraft website, which Vulcraft suggests • SJI requires Weld Procedure Specifications (WPS’s) with the same basic information
be used for such coordination. required as AWS
For additional information related to BIM see the BIM tab on VULCRAFT.COM. • For the qualification of individual welders and welding operators, SJI requires a
program of testing and performance verification. SJI recognizes qualification to the
1.4 CUSTOM DESIGNS AWS D1.1 and/or AWS D1.3(AWS, 2017) standards as the means to accomplish the
The need to design for concentrated and non-uniform loads and the desire to provide designs for qualification
actual loads has prompted joist manufacturers to expand their engineering design capability and In all cases, a consumable, procedure, operator, or acceptance criteria that meets the AWS
this in turn, along with automated controls, has fostered an environment of greater and greater Specification will also meet the SJI Specification.
variety of custom products. Currently the following products are offered. These products are:
For an in-depth treatise on SJI welding the reader should consult Technical Digest #8.
1. Special designs for which the specifier indicates on the contract drawings the exact
loading for which the joist is to be designed 1.6 CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS
2. Special profile joists: Bow string (curved top chord), scissors and offset ridges on The providing of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders is done in a legal environment in which
double pitched joists are offered. These profiles are a significant departure from what each individual project is permitted to be constructed by the issuance of a building permit. The
would normally be thought of as joists but are a natural extension of the custom design issuance of such permit requires that the construction conform to minimum requirements which
are set forth by statute and include the Building Code. Many jurisdictions have assembled their
process within the standards of joist construction own unique requirements. However, the International Building Code, is the predominate code
1.5 SHOP WELDING OF JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS in the US. When the IBC is not adopted, in a given location, specifying professionals often rely
upon ASCE/SEI 7, “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures” (ASCE/SEI,
The SJI Technical Digest #8 states, “The SJI approach to welding is a performance-based 2016), hereafter referred to as ASCE 7.
specification that has been developed over decades with a specific focus on the design and
The Chapter 22 Section 2207 in, the IBC contains the requirements for the design of steel
fabrication procedures intrinsic to steel joists and Joist Girders. The essence of the SJI joists, including calculation requirements, drawings and certification.
Specification’s modification of several AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1(AWS, 2015)
acceptance criteria is that it is possible a weld, or portion of a weld, that neither contributes Section 2207.1 General indicates that, “The design, manufacture and use of open web steel
to the overall structural performance, nor takes away from the overall structural performance joists and [Joist Girders] shall be in accordance with the Steel Joist Institute ‘Standard
could be rejected by the SJI Specification is based on welding in a controlled environment, Specification for Steel Joists, K-Series, LH-Series, DLH-Series and Joist Girders.’”
in a repeatable and predictable manner, validated by full-scale physical testing. Unlike AWS
Section 2207.1.1 Seismic design, indicates that, “Where required, the seismic design of
acceptance criteria, a weld or portion of a weld that does not meet all the SJI acceptance criteria
does not necessarily require removal or repair. Instead two questions are raised: buildings shall be in accordance with the additional provisions of Section 2205.2 or 2211.6.”
In addition to the requirements in the IBC, the design, manufacture and use of open web steel
1. Is there an adequate length of defect free weld to meet the required strength (length)? joists shall be in accordance with the SJI Standard Specifications.
2. Is the defect detrimental to the structural integrity of the member being joined? It is the adoption of the SJI Standard specifications that allows building designers to specify
As an example, suppose a fillet weld specified to be 3 inches long was made 5 inches long, joists using standard designations. When special loads or special joists are required, joists must
but the last inch of length was undersized. This would meet SJI acceptance criteria but not be custom designed following the standards cited. The design of standard and custom joists is
that of AWS D1.1. As another example, excessive porosity or an apparent lack of fusion are the responsibility of the joist manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the building designer to
establish the loadings to which the design must conform. This involves the judgment of the TECHNICAL DIGEST 11 “Design of Lateral Load Resisting Frames Using Steel Joists
building designer in interpreting the requirements of the building code, the building user’s and Joist Girders (SJI, 2007a)
requirements, and loads and forces from all sources on the joist and Joist Girders for the
TECHNICAL DIGEST 12 “Evaluation and Modification of Open Web Steel Joists and
completed structure. The building designer expresses his judgment through the identification
Joist Girders” (SJI, 2007b)
of joist and Joist Girders by standard designation or the presentation of loading diagrams,
schedules or notation. “90 Year Open Web Steel Joist Construction (1928-2018)” (SJI, 2018)
The AISI specification is applicable to the design of steel decks and references many of the SDI In addition to the Steel Deck Institute’s “Design Standard for Steel Roof Deck” SDI (2017d),
publications. the SDI has several manuals relative to steel deck design:
The Steel Deck Institute provides specifications, a Code of Standard Practice (SDI, 2017a) and “Diaphragm Design Manual (DDM04),” (SDI, 2015),
load tables for common deck profiles to which SDI gives standard designations. “Floor Deck Design Manual (FDDM),” (SDI, 2017e)
1.7 OTHER SPECIFICATIONS “Manual of Construction with Steel Deck (MOC3),” (SDI, 2017f)
Steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders are frequently used in combination with structural “Roof Deck Design Manual (RDDM),” (SDI, 2017g)
steel. “Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Manual (SDCFSFDM),” (SDI 2018)
Metal building systems conform to the “Low Rise Building Systems Manual” (MBMA, Standard Practice Details - No. SPD2 (SDI, 2001)
2012) published by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association. This Manual may have Additional important references:
applicability where joists are used in conjunction with a metal building system.
Where steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders are used in conjunction with other materials, the FM Global publishes an annual “Approval Guide” (FM Global, 2018) and a series of “Loss
following codes may apply: Prevention Data Sheets” (FM Global, various dates). The purpose of these documents is to
raise the quality and integrity of building construction to limit insurance losses and improve
1. Concrete: ACI 318, “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and conditions for underwriting insurance. These standards are frequently stricter than would be
Commentary” (ACI, 2014) required by the Building Code and their applicability should be agreed to after consultation with
the building owner.
2. Masonry: “Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures and
Related Commentaries” (ACI, 2011) Presented in the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO),
are product descriptions and tabulated information which show conformity to the applicable
3. Masonry: “Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook, 8 Edition, (MIA, 2017),
Brick Institute of America, Torrance, CA.
Underwriters Laboratories of Northbrook, Illinois publishes the “Fire Resistance Directory”
4. Wood: “APA Construction Guide” (APA, 2016), American Plywood Association,
Tacoma, Washington (UL, 2019) which contains descriptions and illustrations of numerous fire rated assemblies
for floors and roofs, etc. These rated assemblies are required by code depending on the
1.8 REFERENCE STANDARDS occupancy, size, height and construction class of a given building and are thus important in
Other reference standards are important and useful in designing structures employing steel determining the required construction of floors and roofs.
deck, steel joists and Joist Girders. First, ASCE 7 “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and 1.9 SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS
Other Structures,” is very helpful in understanding loads on structures because it goes into
greater detail than many codes. It covers dead loads, live loads, wind loads, snow loads, (as Chapter 2: Discussion of roofing types, decking types, roof loadings, arrangement of framing
distinguished from roof live loads), rain loads, earthquake loads and load combinations. and bays and serviceability criteria for roofs.
The Steel Joist Institute has published a series of Technical Digests covering a range of Chapter 3: Discussion of floor decking types, floor loadings, arrangement of framing and bays
significant topics, which are: and serviceability considerations.
TECHNICAL DIGEST 3 “Structural Design of Steel Joist Roofs to Resist Ponding Loads” Chapter 4: Discussion of lateral load resisting systems, roof and floor diaphragms, horizontal
(SJI, 2018a) bracing, braced frames, rigid frames, selection of appropriate systems.
TECHNICAL DIGEST 5 “Vibration of Steel Joist Concrete Slab Floors” (SJI, 2015b) Chapter 5: Presentation of solutions to special situations: hanging loads, headers and openings,
roof top units, joist reinforcement, ponding, vibration, fire resistance, etc.
TECHNICAL DIGEST 6 “Structural Design of Steel Joist Roofs to Resist Uplift Loads”
(SJI, 2012) Chapter 6: Requirements and procedures for specifying steel joists, Joist Girders, and steel
TECHNICAL DIGEST 8 “Welding of Open Web Steel Joists” (SJI, 2008a)
Chapter 7: Design of connections, strength and use of standard end connections, axial forces,
TECHNICAL DIGEST 9 “Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders” (SJI, reinforced seats, rollover of joist seats due to lateral loads, connection details and examples of
2008b) designs accounting for forces on joist and Joist Girder ends.
TECHNICAL DIGEST 10 “Design of Fire-Resistive Assemblies with Steel Joists (SJI, Chapter 8: Discussion of requirements for construction documents, drawings and specifications,
2003) requirements for preliminary designs and budget/concept drawings, responsibilities of parties in
construction, discussion of codes of standard practice and division of buyer/seller activities.

As stated initially it is the intention of this book is to give the building designer a complete
Chapter 2
and usable understanding of the design process where steel joists, Joist Girders and steel deck
are used.

This chapter deals with roofs and roof framing. It presents a discussion of six topic areas:

1. Roofing types
2. Deck types
3. Roof loading
4. Serviceability considerations
5. Framing considerations
6. Connections
Roofing types are classified by the roofing industry into two broad categories: low slope and
steep slope. Low slope roofs are commonly characterized as flat but are generally pitched to
gutters or internal drains. Low slope roofs are identified by their materials and/or installation
procedures. They are:

1. Built-up roofing
2. Single-ply roofing
3. Liquid applied roofing
4. Structural metal roofs
Built-up roofing is composed of layers of roofing felt which are adhered together with alternating
layers of bitumen. The roofing felt consists of a mat of organic or inorganic fiber which is
saturated, impregnated and/or coated with asphalt. The inter-ply bitumen can be various kinds of
asphalt or coal tar depending on the conditions of use. Built-up roofs are top surfaced with either
aggregate, mineral surfaced cap sheet or other reflective or protective surfaces. They can also be
finished with a top coating of asphalt. Built-up roofs are installed on a foundation of insulation
which is attached to the decking. Built-up roofs by virtue of their continuous attachment and their
limited elastic properties require the strictest attention to roof deck stiffness and control of
lateral expansion and contraction (see Section 2.5).
Single-ply roofing is self-descriptive. It consists of a single sheet membrane which is either
laid loose and ballasted, semi-attached (at discreet locations) or continuously adhered to
the substrate which is insulation over the deck. These membranes are made from various
materials. The most common are:

1. Ethylene Propylene
2. Diene Monomer (EPDM)
3. Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Roof decks are commonly 1-1/2 in. deep but deeper units are also available. The Steel Deck
Institute identifies the standard profile for 3-inch deck as DR. Vulcraft designates this deck
4. Polymer Modified Bitumen as 3N deck (Vulcraft, 2018). The SDI has also identified three standard profiles for 1-1/2 in.
The membranes are delivered to the site in rolls which are seamed together in the field to form steel deck, which are narrow rib, intermediate rib and wide rib, and has published load tables
continuous roofing. Over the years the rolls have become very wide and are often delivered to for each profile for gages varying from 22 to16 gage. These three profiles, NR, IR and WR,
the job site in 12 foot and greater widths. Attachment to the deck and joists are only made at correspond to Vulcraft’s designations of A, F and B. A comparison of weights for each profile
the seams which can cause severe overstresses in the deck and joist under wind uplift loads. in various gages shows that the weight to strength ratio for each profile is most favorable for
Fisher, J.M. and Sputo, T. (2017) address this situation in their article “Are your roof members wide rib deck and least favorable for narrow rib deck.
overstressed?” The following steel roof deck types are manufactured by Vulcraft for use in roof construction:
When these roofs are adhered to the substrate, the limitations on an area are similar to those 1. 1.5B/1.5BI, 1.5BA/1.5BIA, 3N/3NI, 3NA/3NAI, 3NL-32 and 3NI-32
of built-up roofs but the requirements for deck stiffness can be somewhat relaxed. When the
membranes are loose laid and ballasted, the requirements for both roofing area and deck stiffness 2. PunchLok® II decks: PLN, PLB and PLN-32
can be much less restrictive than the adhered membranes. Many localities no longer permit the 3. 2.0D, 2DA and 3.5D, 3.56DA Dovetail Decks
use of ballasted systems due to the ballast becoming projectiles during severe wind events.
4. Cellular Roof Decks: 1.5BP and 3NP
Liquid applied membranes consist of a foamed in place insulation, usually urethane, which is
covered by a protection and water barrier, usually a silicone-based product. Such membranes 5. Cellular Acoustical Roof Decks: 1.5BPA and 3NPA
are highly individualized, so reference to specific manufacturer’s literature is advised. For further information on roof decks consult the SDI Standard for Steel Roof Deck (SDI,
Structural metal roofs are divided into two main categories: standing seam and through fastened. 2017d), Vulcraft’s manuals: “Steel Roof & Floor Deck,” “PunchLok® II Roof Deck Weld and
In both cases, the roof is attached to the supporting joists or purlins, which are usually spaced Screw Support Connections,” “Dovetail Roof Deck Welded Support Connections” (Vulcraft,
at five feet, and spans between them to support the roof loads. A standing seam roof is formed 2018), (Vulcraft, 2016b) and (Vulcraft, 2017a) and online at
from long narrow panels which are joined together by an inter-locking or seamed high rib joint The Dovetail decks are ideally suited for sound control when infilled with 2 in. Poly-Iso or
running parallel to the drainage direction. The roof is attached to the joists with a sliding clip 2 in. fiberglass insulation. The Punchlok IITM deck is ideally suited when high diaphragm
which permits longitudinal expansion and contraction of the panels due to thermal effects. shears are required.
Through fastened roofs, as the name implies, are fastened to the support with screws. This
direct attachment limits the range of movement in response to thermal load. In general, the deck selection, which results in the least weight per square foot, is the most
appropriate. However, consideration must also be given to the flute width because the
Except for structural metal roofs, most roofs rely on deck for support. insulation used must span the flute. In the northern areas of the United States, high roof loads in
2.3 DECK TYPES combination with thick insulation generally makes the wide rib (B) profile predominant. Where
very thin insulation is used, narrow rib deck may be required although this is not a common
Decking spans between joists or purlins and supports the weight of the roofing, insulation and profile and is the heaviest, most expensive profile with the lowest strength to weight ratio, thus
the roof live and/or snow loads. Decks are made from steel, concrete or wood. it is almost never used. In general, the lightest weight per square foot deck consistent with
insulation thickness and span should be used.
Steel Roof Decks
Steel deck must be designed to conform to the building code for maximum loads and
Most of the steel deck is manufactured from steel conforming to ASTM A1008/A1008M, serviceability criteria. The reader should contact Vulcraft/Verco for assistance in making deck
Structural Sheet for uncoated or painted deck or from ASTM A653/A653M, Structural Sheet calculations.
for galvanized deck. The specifying professional should choose one finish or the other.
In addition to the load, span and thickness relations established by load tables, there are other
However, both types of finish may be used on a given project, in which case the designer considerations in the selection of a profile and gage for a given load and span. First, the Steel Deck
must indicate on the plans and project. Institute limits deflection due to the uniformly distributed live loads to span over 240. Secondly,
Vulcraft steel deck is manufactured from sheet that is obtained from the steel mill with either the Steel Deck Institute has published a table of maximum recommended spans for construction
a galvanized or uncoated (black) finish. A shop coat of primer can be applied to either or and maintenance loads (SDI, 2017f), reprinted here as Table 2.3.1. The reader is cautioned
both sides of the sheet. If primer is applied in the shop, a coating of iron phosphate is applied about using the double and triple construction spans with the deep rib decks because individual
(phosphatized) before the primer is applied to enhance adhesion of the primer. Shop primer sheet weights are so great that the deck erectors have great difficulty in handling them.
is only intended to protect the steel for a short period of ordinary atmospheric conditions. Shown in Table 2.3.2 are recommended maximum construction center to center spans for
The Steel Deck Institute (SDI) recommends the field painting of shop coated deck especially commonly used Vulcraft/Verco decks. As noted in the footnote, the spans are calculated using
where the deck is exposed to the weather. SDI also recommends the use of galvanized deck 50 ksi steel for 1.5B, 1.5BI, 1.5PLB, 3NL-32, 3NI-32 and 3PLN-32 decks and 40 ksi steel for
(G60 or G90) in corrosive or high moisture conditions. Selection of the steel deck finish is the Dovetail decks, as compared to the current SDI table which uses 33 ksi steel for the calculated
responsibility of the Specifier. values. The SDI “RD-2017 Standard for Steel Roof Deck” (SDI, 2017d) no longer requires a
Steel deck is supplied as galvanized or shop prime coated. The shop prime coat is only intended deflection criterion relative to the calculated values for maximum construction spans, thus in
to protect the steel for a short period in ordinary atmospheric conditions. The Steel Deck Institute many cases for Vulcraft/Verco decks, deflection criteria for vertical loading or wind uplift will
recommends the field painting of shop coated deck especially where the deck is exposed. SDI control the maximum span length. See Table 2.3.3, “Simplified FM Approved Spans (c-c).”
recommends the use of galvanized deck (G60 or G90) in corrosive or high moisture conditions. Since the maximum rolling length of Vulcraft/Verco deck is 42 feet, deck center to center span
Selection of the steel deck finish is the responsibility of the Specifier. lengths exceeding 21 feet cannot be used for double span conditions. This requirement is also
applicable to the SDI Table 2.3.1.

Recommended Maximum Spans for Constructions RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM CONSTRUCTION C. TO C.

and Maintenance Loads Standard 1 1/2” and 3” Roof Deck SPANS FOR COMMON VULCRAFT/VERCO DECKS
ASD ASD Deck Span Gage ASD C. to C. Span
Deck Span Gage
Span Cantilever Type Condition Number (ft.-in.)
Type Condition Number
(ft-in) Span (ft-in)
22 8’-3”
NR22 22 2’-11” 0’-10”
1.5B, 1.5BI 20 10’-5”
NR20 20 3’-08” 1’-00” Double
Single or 1.5PLB 18 14’-0”

NR18 18 5’-00” 1’-03”

16 17’-0”
NR16 16 6’-05” 1’-07”
22 15’-3”
NR22 22 3’-07”
Double 3NL & 3NI-32 20 19’-3”
NR20 20 4’-06” Double
or or 3PLN-32 18 23’-5”*
NR18 Triple 18 6’-02”
16 26’-6”*
NR16 16 7’-11”
22 9’-11”
IR22 22 3’-05” 0’-11”
20 12’-3”

IR20 20 4’-03” 1’-01” 2.0D Dovetail Double

Single 18 15’-9”
IR18 18 5’-10” 1’-06”
16 18’-11”
IR16 16 7’-06” 1’-10”
20 21’-3”*
IR22 22 4’-03”
Double 3.5D Dovetail Double 18 24’-9”*
IR20 20 5’-03”
or 16 28’-0”*
IR18 Triple 18 7’-02”
Clear Spans are calculated using 50 ksi steel for 1.5B, 1.5BI, 1.5PLB, 3NL-32, 3NI-32 and 3PLN-32
IR16 16 9’-03” decks and 40 ksi steel for Dovetail decks.
WR22 22 5’-08” 1’-06” *Center to center spans exceed maximum rolling length of 21’for a two-span condition. Consult Vul-
craft/Verco for further guidance.
WR20 20 7’-00” 1’-10”
WR18 18 9’-06” 2’-05”

WR16 16 12’-02” 3’-00” FM Global in its Loss Prevention Guide (LPG)1-28 “Wind Loads to Roof Systems and Roof
WR22 22 6’-11” Deck Securement,” gives a standard for attachment of insulation to steel deck. LPG 1-29 “Roof
Double Deck Securement and Above Deck Roof Components,” gives a standard for the required weight
WR20 20 8’-07” and distribution of ballast for roofs that are not adhered and the attachment of insulation to steel
WR18 Triple 18 11’-08” deck.
WR16 16 15’-00” LPG 1-28 requires a sidelap fastener between supports for spans greater than 3 feet. This
DR22 22 11’-11” 3’-04” fastener prevents adjacent panels from deflecting differentially when a load exists at the edge of
DR20 20 15’-04” 4’-02” one panel but does not exist on the edge of the adjacent panel. The Steel Deck Institute requires
Single that the side laps in cantilevers be fastened at twelve inches on center.
DR18 18 21’-01’ 5’-07”

DR16 16 27’-05” 7’-01”

Steel decks are attached to supports by welding or by fasteners which can be power or
pneumatically installed or with self-drilling self-tapping screws. The Steel Deck Institute in
DR22 22 14’-07” its “Standard for Steel Roof Deck,” requires a maximum attachment spacing of 18 inches
DR20 Double 20 18’-11” along supports. FM Global requires the use of 12 inch spacing as a maximum and this is
or more common. The attachment of roof deck must be sufficient to provide bracing to the joist
DR18 Triple 18 26’-00”
top chord, to anchor the roof to prevent uplift, and in many cases to serve as a diaphragm to
DR16 16 33’-09” distribute lateral loads to vertical braced frames.
Spans shown are calculated using 33 ksi steel and Allowable Strength Design and considered to be
conservative. Longer spans may be permittted by LRFD designs or for higher strength steels. Consult deck Diaphragm strength is a function of the deck profile, thickness and attachments, both to the
manufacturer for further guidance. supports and at sidelaps. Diaphragm strength tables have been developed by the Steel Deck
Refer to the deck manufacturer’s catalogs or the SDI Floor Deck Design Manual (FDCM) for construction Institute and are contained in the SDI “Diaphragm Design Manual DDM04 (SDI,2015).”
span table for floor deck. Further information on steel deck diaphragms is presented in Chapter 4.
The reader is encouraged to go to the Vulcraft website,,
for diaphragm strengths and stiffness coefficients tools that can be used in calculations of
Note: Center to center spans greater than 21 feet exceed rolling lengths for Vulcraft/Verco diaphragm deflection.
deck for the two-span condition.
Table 2.3.1 Steel Deck Institute Recommended Spans
The website tools are divided into the following three categories: most light weight insulating concrete is used as part of proprietary insulating systems and that
manufacturers’ literature should be consulted. Provided in Vulcraft’s manual, “Steel Roof &
1. Joist Design Tools Floor Deck” are diaphragm values for Type 1 and Type 2 fills on 0.6, 1.0 and 1.3 CVS decks.
• Joist Analysis Aid
Gypsum concrete decks are cast on gypsum form boards which span between metal bulb tees
• Shear Diagram Assistant which span between joists. The usual spacing of bulb tees is 32 inches on center. The gypsum
concrete is reinforced with galvanized reinforcing fabric which is draped in the cross section.
• SJI Design Tools The design of such systems involves the use of proprietary products and systems. Their
2. Roof Deck Design Tools manufacturers should be consulted for design criteria. Because gypsum concrete decks are not
generally considered to have diaphragm capacities their use may require a separate roof bracing
• 2018 IBC Deck Diaphragm system, such as rod or strap bracing or perimeter in-plane trusses.
• Steel Deck Roving Load Precast concrete deck elements span between joists and are available from manufacturers
• 2015 Deck Diaphragm in these configurations: channel slabs, hollow core slabs and solid tongue and groove edged
planks. Manufacturer’s load tables should be consulted for spans and load capacities. Precast
3. Floor Deck Design Tools slabs are used both topped and un-topped. Topping is used to create roof pitches, to increase
• Unshored Span Calculator insulating value or to create a reinforced concrete roof diaphragm. The slabs are attached to
the joists using clips or by welding depending on the manufacturer’s standard details. The
• Deck-Slab Diaphragm Strength attachment of the precast deck units may or may not have the strength to provide bracing of the
• Composite Deck-Slab Strength top chord of the joist. Most precast concrete decks do not provide diaphragm capabilities so
other bracing in the plane of the roof must be provided. The specifying professional shall define
Concrete Deck the type and spacing of attachment to all joists and Joist Girders.
Concrete decks on steel joists are available in a wide variety of forms. They are: Wood Deck
• Insulating lightweight concrete Wood decks are available in the following general categories:

• Gypsum concrete 1. Plank and laminated wood decks

• Precast concrete slabs 2. Plywood and OSB decks

Lightweight insulating concrete is cast on steel form deck or form boards. It has a density of 20 to 3. Structural wood fiber decks
40 pounds per cubic foot and should not be confused with light weight structural concrete which Plank and laminated wood decks are field assembled from long narrow wood pieces. They are
has a density of 100 to 120 pounds per cubic foot. Light weight structural concrete is frequently frequently installed with tongue and groove edges. The length of individual pieces is either
used on steel deck in floor construction. It is rarely used in roof construction. uniform to produce single or multi-span members or random which produces a multi-span
Lightweight insulating concrete is made using light weight aggregate such as vermiculite or condition the length of the roof. Random layup installations have plank end joints in the span
perlite. Additional information on light weight insulating concrete can be found in American and may be visually objectionable. Uniform layouts have end joints over the supports. Plank
Concrete Institute Committee Report “ACI 523.1 Guide for Cast-in-Place Low Density and laminated decks are used when an exposed wood surface is required in the building design,
Concrete”(ACI, 2006). Aggregates for such concrete are covered in ASTM Specification “C332 or when a nailable top surface is required. They are usually attached to joists by means of nailer
Standard Specification for Light Weight Aggregates for Insulating Concrete”(ASTM, 2017). strips which are bolted or screwed to the top chord providing both lateral bracing to the joist
and a tie down to resist uplift loads. Plank and laminated wood decks are not normally used
Roofs of insulating lightweight concrete rely on the substrate for the strength to support dead as diaphragms, as this has not been adequately studied by the industry. One inch and two-inch
and roof live loads. The lightweight insulating concrete is only a fill which contributes to dead nominal decks have limited diaphragm strength. The strength is limited to the force couple
load. Steel decks which are used to support light weight concrete fill are form decks such as which can form between two face nails driven through each plank into each support. Generally,
Vulcraft’s CSV. Because of the high moisture content of insulating concrete, it is necessary to plank and laminated wood decks must have an alternate in plane bracing systems to transfer
provide slot vented decks so that water and vapor can dissipate from both the top and bottom lateral loads. Such systems either cover the deck with a plywood or diagonal plank diaphragm
sides of the concrete. Vulcraft 0.6, 1.0 and 1.3 CVS decks have sidelap vents which are adequate or provide diagonal or strap bracing or perimeter bracing trusses.
for venting structural concrete. Vermiculite aggregate lightweight insulating concrete requires
the use of CSV-Series deck which is slot vented in the bottom of the deck. The high moisture Plywood and OSB panels are marked with an Identification Index which gives a maximum span
content and the need for permanence of the steel form indicate that steel forms used with over which a given panel grade and thickness can be used for roofs and floors. For example,
insulating light weight concrete must be galvanized. 48/24 indicates a maximum recommended support spacing of 48 inches in roof construction
and 24 inches in floor construction. The loadings associated with these index numbers are 35
The attachment to supports of the steel form deck are as described in the section on steel psf roof live load and 100 psf floor live load. In both cases live load is intended to mean total
roof deck, i.e. welded or mechanically fastened. The Steel Deck Institute has done research superimposed load. In many cases the 35 psf roof superimposed load may not be adequate,
to establish diaphragm values for steel form decks supporting lightweight insulating concrete. in which event reference should be made to load tables published by the American Plywood
SDI has established two construction types for decks with insulating lightweight fills. Type 1 Association (APA, 2016). Plywood and OSB is readily used as a diaphragm and diaphragm
consists of at least 2-1/2" of vermiculite aggregate concrete over the top of the steel deck. Type values for various panel layouts, panel thicknesses and nailing patterns have been tabulated.
II is a built-up composite in which a board of at least two inches in thickness, made of expanded Values are published by the American Plywood Association and others are adopted by the
cellular polystyrene, is embedded in the light weight insulating concrete. It should be noted that model building codes. The specifying professional must denote the edge nail spacing, panel
orientation with sub-purlin size and nailing requirements. Fibrous glass 1.1 psf
Structural Wood Fiber Deck is a panel product composed of long wood fibers which are bonded Fiberboard 1.5 psf
with a cementitious matrix. These panels are either designed to span from joist to joist or Perlite 0.8 psf
are used with bulb tees in a two-way system. These panels have unique properties and their Polystyrene foam 0.2 psf
manufacturer’s literature should be consulted for load and span information. Depending on the Urethane foam 0.5 psf
panel and its manufacturer, these decks may or may not be used as a diaphragm.
Collateral Dead Loads
2.4 ROOF LOADING Collateral loads represent a category of dead loads which are not part of the building structure
Roof structures support a variety of loads. These loads are applied uniformly, non-uniformly but are required for the building’s function. These include:
or as concentrated loads. Only uniformly distributed and non-uniform loads are discussed in this • Mechanical equipment
chapter. Uniformly distributed loads on roofs are:
• Piping
• Dead loads
• Electrical equipment
• Collateral loads
• Conduit
• Code specified roof live loads
• Sprinkler piping
• Snow loads
• Fire proofing
• Rain loads
• Ceilings
• Wind and wind uplift loads
When these collateral loads can be attached to the structure with multiple uniformly spaced
• Load combinations hangers such that each hanger reaction on the joists is less than 100 pounds, these systems can
• Concentrated loads be accounted for as uniform loads. In some cases, a theoretical overstress may exist due to
the hanger reaction; however, from a practical point of view the overstress can be neglected.
Roof dead loads represent the self-weight of the roof construction. They include the weight of the When hanger loads exceed 100 pounds, they should be accounted for by special designs using
roofing membrane, insulation, the decking and joists. The self-weight of the Joist Girder must concentrated loads or bend check loads.
be added for its design, and the weight of the columns must be added for their design and the
design of foundations. Roof Live Loads
Dead Loads Roof Live Load is defined by ASCE 7 as “A load on a roof produced (1) during maintenance by
workers, equipment, and materials, and (2) during the life of the structure by movable objects,
Unit dead loads are also found in technical publications and manufacturer’s literature. A very such as planters or other similar small decorative appurtenances that are not occupancy related.
complete presentation is given in ASCE 7 in Tables C3.1-1a and C3.1-1b. An occupancy-related live load on a roof such as rooftop assembly areas, rooftop decks, and
Representative dead weights of the roofing and decking types discussed previously are as vegetative or landscaped roofs with occupiable areas, is a ‘live load’ rather than a ‘roof live
follows: load’.”
Roofing Appropriate values for roof live load are defined in Table 4.3-1 of ASCE 7 and can be reduced
per Section 4.8 of ASCE 7 based on the tributary area of the structural element being designed.
Built-up roof gravel surface 5.5 to 6.5 psf
Vulcraft will not perform this load reduction process but will assume that it has been considered
Adhered or attached single ply membrane 1 to 2 psf and applied, if warranted, by the specifying professional.
Ballasted membrane 10 to 15 psf
Liquid applied 2 to 5 psf Snow Loads
Structural metal roofs 1 to 2 psf The design roof snow load is determined per ASCE 7 Section 7 based on the defined 50-yr
Decking MRI Ground Snow Load defined in Figure 7.2-1. In some cases, the location may fall within a
region defined as ‘CS’, which means a Case Study is warranted to determine the value at this
Steel decking 2 to 3 psf location. In most ‘CS’-defined locations, one can determine the appropriate ground snow load
Lightweight insulation concrete (30 pcf) and steel deck 10 psf via consultation with local building officials.
Gypsum concrete (50 pcf) 15 psf The calculation of design roof snow load is a factoring of the ground snow load. This factoring
Precast concrete 10 to 20 psf accounts for the documented difference between ground snow and roof snow and is modified
2" nominal wood planks 5 psf for exposure and thermal conditions and the importance of the facility. Snow loads are further
3" nominal wood planks 9 psf modified to account for buildup of snow at roof offsets and roof obstructions (drift loads). Some
Plywood per 1/8" of thickness 0.4 psf methods also account for the change in expected snow density in drifts. Where drift loads exist
Structural wood fiber board 3 to 6 psf on joists and Joist Girders load diagrams shall be provided by the specifying professional.
Insulation (per inch of thickness)
Cellular glass 0.7 psf

Rain Loads 2. Once the appropriate table for the desired deck type is located within the section
chosen in Step 1, choose deck gages for the secondary support spacing desired and that
Codes are beginning to recognize rain loads as separate from roof live loads and snow loads. match the FM wind rating specified. Values are provided for one, two and three-span
Currently the requirements are more descriptive than prescriptive. Their goal is to prevent the conditions. Please note that these maximum span values include consideration of:
buildup of water beyond that anticipated in the provision of roof live load. Water can accumulate
on a roof either intentionally when a controlled flow roof drain scheme is used or accidentally a. A construction loading of 200 pounds, including strength and a serviceability
when drains are blocked. In both these conditions relief or overflow drainage must be provided. limit of L/240
Relief may be obtained via other drains, overflow at roof edges or parapet scuppers. The b. Pull-over resistance of the fasteners at the FM wind rating given per the AISI
governing code must be carefully reviewed by the building designer for these provisions. In Specifications
any event, as a minimum, a roof area tributary to a drain must be designed for the depth of
water which accumulates if that drain is plugged. c. Flexural strength of the deck loaded at the FM wind rating given, assuming the
attached membrane spacing is less than one-half the deck span
ASCE 7 also recognizes the potential for rain-on-snow and requires the addition of 5 psf to
snow loads where the ground snow is ≤ 20 psf (but not zero) for all roofs with slopes (in i. If the membrane attachment spacing is greater than one-half the deck
degrees) less than W/50 where W is defined as the horizontal distance from eave to ridge (in span, the specifier should switch to the method defined below from
feet). It is also stated that, “The additional load applies only to the sloped roof (balanced) load FM Data Sheets 1-28 and 1-29
case and need not be used in combination with drift, sliding, unbalanced, minimum, or partial The approach outlined in the Vulcraft document is sufficient only for wind ratings up to 1-90.
loads.” In situations where deck profile or gages desired are not listed in the Vulcraft FM documents
Rain loads may also create a condition called ponding. This word has different meanings in the available at or the wind rating required is greater
literature on roofs and roof loading. Among roofers, ponding means the accumulation of water in than 1-90, the specifier should contact Vulcraft for assistance in seeking special consideration
low spots which evaporation will not remove in forty-eight hours. Building codes use the word from the FM Regional Engineer.
to describe the accumulation of water due to blocked drains. Lastly, the engineering profession Required to Meet FM Data Sheets 1-28 and 1-29: If the project requires adherence to the full
uses it to describe the potential for instability of the roof due to the progressive accumulation provisions outlined in FM’s Data Sheet 1-28 (Wind Design) and 1-29 (Roof Deck Securement
of water in the deflected curve of the roof framing. This last condition is presented in detail in and Above-Deck Roof Components), the following approach may be followed.
Chapter 5.
1. Determine the required wind ratings for the field, edge and corner zones of the roof per
Wind and Wind Uplift requirements in FM 1-28. This is done by:
Roofs are subjected to uplift forces induced by wind blowing on and over the building. These a. Determining a Roof Design Negative Pressure (RDNP) from Tables 3, 4 or 5,
forces vary in intensity depending on building exposure, building geometry and wind velocity. as appropriate
The force also varies in intensity over the roof surface. It is greater in intensity at roof edges
and corners. b. Determining the RDNP multipliers for each roof zone from Table 6

Building codes provide minimum wind forces on both main wind-force resisting systems as c. The wind rating for each roof zone is the value from Step ‘a’ multiplied by the
well as components and the cladding thereof. For example, Chapters 26 to 30 of ASCE 7 RDNP Multiplier and then by two and rounded up to the nearest multiple of
provide multiple approaches for the determination of wind loads on the various elements of a 15. See Section 3.3.2, page 24, for an example
structure. 2. Determine the maximum steel deck span from FM 1-29 Tables 1A-1D (for 1.5B-decks)
Should the project require Factory Mutual insurance underwriting, the specifying professional or 1E (for 3N decks) for the roof covering required. Please note also the needed deck
for the project should consult with the FM Regional Engineer to determine any provisions they gage and yield strength. This will apply for Zone 1
may require be met as part of the design of the structural system. The specifying professional d. Please note that FM 1-29 Section recommends that the spans in
remains responsible for the interpretation of these requirements on the job. The following Tables 1A-1E should be reduced by 10% if Acoustical Deck is required
guidelines outline Vulcraft’s understanding of two possible approaches that may be taken
concerning additional roof deck design requirements FM may require. e. Also, should the Zone 1 wind rating required be greater than 1-90, the yield
strength of the deck is required to be 80 ksi and the number of support fasteners
FM Wind Rating Specified only: In this situation, the FM Regional Engineer specifies that the per flute should be doubled
roof must have an FM wind rating such as 1-60, 1-75 or 1-90. This may be all that is specified.
In this case, the specifier may refer to the Vulcraft document “Vulcraft FM Deck Data” (located 3. The Support Fastener Pattern should be determined for the type desired using the
at and determine needed information as follows: RDNP determined in Step 1a above. This pattern would then be used in Zone 1

1. The user will refer to Section 9.1.1 for mechanical support fasteners and 9.1.2 for f. The “Connection Tension” tab of the Vulcraft Online Design Tool called “2018
welds. Definition of the fastener patterns at both the supports and sidelaps is provided IBC Deck Diaphragm” can be used to quickly determine needed fastener uplift
in the initial paragraph of each of these sections. This fastener pattern is appropriate capacities
for Zone 1, Field, only g. Please note that FM 1-29 Section suggests that mechanical fasteners
a. The fastener pattern in Zone 2, Edge, should be two times the requirement in are preferred over welding for fire-prevention reasons. If welding is to be used,
Zone 1 FM Data Sheets 1-0 and 10-3 must be considered as well

b. The fastener pattern in Zone 3, Corner, should be two-and-one-half times the 4. Zone 2 and Zone 3 support fastening patterns are most-easily determined using the
requirement in Zone 1 prescriptive approach outlined in FM 1-29 Section, which are:
h. For Zone 2, double the fasteners required for Zone 1 2.5 SERVICEABILITY CONSIDERATIONS
i. For Zone 3, use two-and-one-half times that required for Zone 1 The proper function of roofing, ceilings and other building components related to the roof
structure is a building serviceability concern. A strength design which adequately supports the
5. Sidelap fastener patterns can be determined from FM 1-29 Table 4 using the Zone 1
weight of the roofing and the roof system may not provide adequate functional performance.
wind rating
In roof structures, serviceability design largely concerns the control of deflections, but also
Ballasted roofs present a different situation. With ballasted schemes the edges and corner zones concerns design for roofing expansion and contraction, as well as, building movement.
require increased ballast to counterbalance the uplift forces. The roof design must provide
capacity for the extra weight of ballast. Roof deck attachment is only of concern for uplift where Control of Roof Deflections
schemes combine ballast and insulation attachment in the perimeter and corner zones. Such What follows is a brief review of deflection limits and loads for steel deck and joists from various
schemes are only recommended for roofs where the structure cannot support increased ballast sources.
International Building Code (per Table 1604.3)
The Steel Deck Institute in its Standard Specification for roof deck gives the following
requirement. “Deck Support Attachment: Steel deck shall be anchored to structural supports 1. Span over 360, uniformly distributed live load supporting plaster or stucco ceiling
by arc spot welds, fillet welds, or mechanical fasteners. The average attachment spacing of
deck supports perpendicular to the span of the deck panel shall not exceed 16 inches (400 mm) 2. Span over 240, uniformly distributed live load supporting non-plastered ceiling
on center, with the maximum attachment spacing not to exceed 18 inches (460 mm), unless 3. Span over 180, uniformly distributed live load not supporting ceiling
more frequent fastener spacing is required for diaphragm design. The deck shall be adequately
attached to the structure to prevent the deck from slipping off the supporting structure.” Steel Deck Institute:
The strength of the connections mentioned above can be obtained from manufacturer’s 1. Span over 240, uniformly distributed live load
published test values or from the AISI Specifications (AISI, 2016a), Chapter J. Welds can also 2. Span over 240, 200 lb. concentrated load at midspan on a one-foot section of deck
be evaluated using the AISI S100 Equations J2.2.3-1 and J2.2.2-2.
Steel Joist Institute:
Connection Design for Net Uplift Forces
1. Span over 360, design live load where plaster ceilings are attached or suspended
Net uplift due to wind loading is one key design consideration for open web steel joists used in
roof systems. The uplift resistance of the joist seat itself, along with the capacity of the welds 2. Span over 240, design live load in all other cases
or bolts, which connect the seat to the supporting structure, are vital links in the load path when
considering wind uplift in a roof system. The specifying professional must specify net uplift FM Global:
loads required for Vulcraft to incorporate in the joist design. Span over 200, 300-pound concentrated load at midspan
In the 44 Edition of the SJI Standard Specifications and Load and Weight Tables for Steel
Note that the Commentary to IBC Section 1604.3 states the following. “In computing deflections
Joists and Joist Girders Catalog (SJI, 2017b), in the section on end anchorage for uplift, it states to verify compliance with Table 1604.3 limits, the loads shown in the column headings of Table
that “The adequacy of the end anchorage (bolted or welded) between the joist or Joist Girder 1604.3 are the only loads that must be applied to the member. It is not necessary to use the load
bearing seat and the supporting structure is the responsibility of the specifying professional. combinations of Section 1605.3 for verifying that the deflection limits have been met.”
The joist manufacturer is responsible for the design of the bearing seats of the joists and Joist ASCE 7 Commentary Section CC.2.1 further explains that, “For serviceability limit states
Girders for the loads designated by the specifying professional on the contract documents. See involving visually objectionable deformations, reparable cracking or other damage to interior
Section 6.1(b) of the SJI Code of Standard Practice (COSP).” finishes and other short-term effects, the suggested load combinations are: D + L and D + 0.5S.
… The dead load effect, D, may be that portion of dead load that occurs after attachment of
For additional information on welded and bolted end anchorage uplift capacities and design nonstructural elements. Live load, L, is defined [as Occupancy-Based Live Load and not Roof
examples, refer to Steel Joist Institute Technical Digest 6, “Structural Design of Steel Joist Live Load (separately labeled as Lr)].”
Roofs to Resist Uplift Loads.”(SJI, 2012)
Thus, it is appropriate to check roof systems for a serviceability load combination of Dcol + 0.5S
Load Combinations only.
Building Codes specify the combination of the various load types for the design of systems The NRCA also points out that the roof structure must provide positive slope to drains (NRCA,
and elements. These combinations reflect a judgment as to the probability of the simultaneity and 2015). This generally means that internal roof drains should be located at columns, i.e. non-
intensity of the loads in question. It is not always necessary to bring all of the loads from all deflected low points, and that the roof pitch versus member deflection should be checked.
sources to bear on a system or element at full intensity at one time. The applicable building
Partitions and vertical plumbing stacks which are attached to the roof or penetrate the roof must
code requirements should be studied and followed regarding load combinations. Vulcraft
combines multiple loadings per the applicable building code unless instructed otherwise by the be detailed in a compatible fashion to allow roof deflections and not allow inadvertent loading
specifying engineer. of partitions and stacks. Vertical slip joints are needed.
Concentrated Loads Building codes do not indicate total load deflection limit, nor do they dictate camber.
The treatment of concentrated loads and the specification of loading on joists and Joist Girders
is covered in Chapters 5 and 6, and in the Vulcraft Manual.

Expansion Joints
The number and location of roof expansion joints or building expansion joints is a design issue 600
not fully treated in technical literature. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA,
2015) gives the following recommendations for the location of roof expansion joints.
Rectangular Multi-
1. Where expansion or contraction joints are provided in the structural system framed Configuration


with Symmetrical
2. Where steel framing, structural steel, or deck material change direction
3. Where separate wings of L, U, T or similar configurations exist
4. Where the type of deck material changes; for example, where a precast concrete deck 400
and a steel deck abut
5. Where additions are connected to existing buildings
6. At junctions where interior heating conditions change, such as a heated office 300
abutting unheated warehouse, canopies, etc. A two-piece reglet and counterflashing
assemblies can accommodate the movement at main building-to-canopy intersections
Nonrectangular Configu-
7. Wherever differential movement between vertical walls and the roof deck may 200 ration (L, T, U Type) Any Material
NRCA standard details show that the roof structure under roof expansion joints is intended to be
In 1974 the Building Research Advisory Board of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
published Federal Construction Council Technical Report No. 65 “Expansion Joints in Buildings”
(NAS, 1974). It cites recommendations of the Brick Institute of America and the National
Concrete Masonry Association, that buildings supported by continuous exterior unreinforced
masonry walls, be expansion jointed at intervals not exceeding 200 feet. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
The report also presents the figure shown in Figure 2.5 as a guide for spacing expansion joints DESIGN TEMPERATURE CHANGE (F°)
in beam and column frame buildings based on design temperature change. The report includes
temperature data for numerous cities. The data given are Tw, the temperature exceeded only 1%
of the time during summer months, Tm, the mean temperature during the normal construction Fig. 2.5 Expansion Joint Spacing Graph
season and Tc, and the temperature exceeded 99% of the time during winter months. The
design temperature change is the larger of the two temperature differences either (Tw-Tm) or [Taken from F.C.C. Tech. Report No. 65, “Expansion Joints in Buildings”]
(Tm-Tc). The (NAS) figure gives five modifying factors which should be applied to the Allowable Area Dividers
Building Length as appropriate.
Area dividers are provided in roof membranes to control the effects of thermal loads. They are relief
“Maximum allowable building length without use of expansion joints for various design joints in the membrane and do not require a joint in the roof structure below. They are also used
temperature changes. These curves are directly applicable to buildings of beam and column
to divide complex roof plans into simple squares and rectangles. In large roofs they are placed at
construction, hinged at the base and with heated interiors. When other conditions prevail, the
following rules are applicable. intervals of 150 to 250 feet depending on the membrane manufacturer’s recommendations. The
limits given above apply to built-up roofs and adhered single ply membranes. Greater distances
1. If the building will be heated only and will have hinged column bases, use the allowable between area divider joints can be used in ballasted systems.
length as specified
2. If the building will be air conditioned as well as heated, increase the allowable length by
Structural steel roofs are more strictly limited in the allowable dimension parallel to the ribs.
15 percent (provided the environmental control system will run continuously) Standing seam roofs are limited by the range of the sliding clips. Depending on the manufacturer,
it is in the range of 150 to 200 feet. Through fastener roofs rely on purlin roll to prevent slotting
3. If the building will be unheated, decrease the allowable length by 33 percent
of the roof panels. Because of their greater stiffness steel joists should rarely be used with
4. If the building will have fixed column bases, decrease the allowable length by 15 percent through-fastened roofs. A practical limit between dividers is in the range of 100 to 200 feet
5. If the building will have substantially greater stiffness against lateral displacement at when these roofs are attached to light gage cold-formed purlins.
one end of the plan dimension, decrease the allowable length by 25 percent Structural steel roofs are more flexible in the direction perpendicular to the ribs, so area
When more than one of these design conditions prevail in a building, the percentile factor to be dividers can be spaced at greater distances. The roof manufacturer’s recommendations should
applied should be the algebraic sum of the adjustment factors of all the various applicable be consulted and followed.
NRCA also comments on roof area dividers indicating that if they are used, they should be cost factor, and thus a 40'x40' often proves to be the most economical system. Larger bays of
flashed to a minimum height of 8 inches above the roof surface and that they should not restrict 40'x50', 50'x50' or 40'x60' are also economical.
or impede drainage. In general, soil conditions will not have a major impact on the selection of the bay size when
Roof Slope shallow foundations can be used. However, if very poor soils exist and deep foundations are
required, larger bays will tend to be more economical because of the reduced number of deep
Roof slope is also a factor in roofing performance. For membrane roofs, ¼ in. pitch per foot is foundations. This assumes, of course, that the floor slab can be placed on grade and there does
generally recommended. For structural steel roofs the minimum pitches are on the order of ¼ in. not have to be a structural floor system.
per foot for standing seam roofs and ½ in. per foot for through fastener roofs. The International Similar judgments as to bay spacing are required when overhead top running cranes are to
Building Code requires a minimum slope of ¼ in. per foot except for coal tar roofs where a be contained in the structure. Typically, bay spacings should be limited to approximately 30
slope of 1/8 in. may be used. feet for these structures. This is since the crane runway beams will have a significant impact on
the cost of the structure. A 30 -foot runway girder is significantly less expensive than a 40-foot
Free Drainage runway girder. In addition, the AISC Specification requirements for tension flange bracing also
begin to dictate costs with runways spanning 40 feet. This adds structural steel and expensive
All roofs should be designed and constructed so that water is not retained on the roof surface. miscellaneous details.
Even in roofs that are constructed with ¼ in. per foot slope there are instances where free
drainage may not occur. A classic example is a roof with no interior drains that drains to an eave SJI Roof Bay Tool
gutter. This situation occurs when the first upslope joist or purlin deflects under snow load more The SJI provides a “Design Tool” to assist the specifying professional on optimizing roof bay
than the eave member deflects. Often the eave member does not deflect as it is supported by the size. The tool is entitled, “Roof Bay Analysis Tool.” The tool can be down loaded free of charge
building siding. A check can be made by the specifying professional for this situation. The SJI from the SJI Website, under the tab “Design Tools.” The user can input
Roof Bay Analysis Spreadsheet can also be used for this check. The situation is also discussed various scenarios to arrive at the least weight or the least cost bay size. Cost data can be input
by the user along with other design data. Bays can be evaluated using either ASD or LRFD. In
in SJI TD #3 on “Ponding.” The tool can be downloaded free of charge from the SJI Website, addition, the bay can be evaluated for roof ponding stability, using an iterative analysis. Pull under the tab “Design Tools.” down menus allow for easy selection of steel deck, joist (K, LH, DLH- Series) and Joist Girder
When through fastened or standing seam metal roofs are used, it is extremely important that selections.
the manufacturer’s installation procedures for closures be followed, especially at the eaves, to Direction of Joist Span
prevent wicking of the water under the roof panels.
One question that often occurs is whether it is best to span the joist in the long direction or in
2.6 FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS the shorter direction when a rectangular bay has been selected. The designer is encouraged to
examine alternate framing schemes for a given project using the “SJI Roof Bay Tool” mentioned
Bay Size previously, and to contact Vulcraft to discuss the least expensive system. Prices can vary for
joists and Joist Girders depending upon plant workload and market conditions.
The designer may or may not have the opportunity to select the bay size for a proposed project.
Owner requirements and functional requirements often dictate a certain bay size. In addition, Joist Spacing
the building footprint, which is often dictated by the building site, has an impact upon the bay size Joist spacing should be maximized depending on the type of deck being used. Typically, the
selected. In general, for single story buildings without cranes, bay sizes ranging from 30'x30' fewer number of pieces which need to be erected will reduce the cost of the erected steel.
to 60'x60' have proven to be economical. Square bays have been shown to provide greater Longer joists should be spaced further apart since each one requires significant shop labor.
economy than rectangular bays. Gravity loads have the greatest impact on the optimum bay The joist should be spaced to maximum values of the deck, but with spaces no greater than those
size if the size is not dictated by one of the aforementioned items. Lighter roof loads allow larger recommended for construction practice as contained in the Steel Deck Institute specification.
In addition, the designer should check to see if FM Global requirements must be followed. If so,
bays without cost penalty.
then the FM Global recommended joist spacings should be followed.
When the structure has a high ratio of perimeter length to enclosed area, e.g., a long narrow
If a standing seam roof is being used, typically a 5-foot joist spacing is used. This is since UL
building, then a 30'x40' or a 30'x50' bay where the 30' dimension is parallel to the long building
90 uplift requirements for most standing seam roof systems can only be met with a 5-foot joist
dimension often proves to be the most economical. This is since with long narrow buildings the
spacing. It should be noted that Nucor Building System’s standing seam roof system has a UL
economy is heavily influenced by the wall system. For example, if a metal wall system is to be
90 uplift rating with a joist spacing of 5'-6".
used, then the most economical girt system is one in which light gage cold-formed steel girts are
used. These are typically C or Z girts. The maximum span of such girts is approximately 30 Joist and Girder Depth
feet. If a bay spacing larger than 30 feet is required, then wind columns are required to laterally
support the C or Z girts in mid-bay. The wind columns and their attachments to the structural The optimum Joist Girder depth in inches is approximately equal to the span of the girder in feet.
steel at the roof have a significant impact on the cost of the framing system. For metal wall The designer should generally follow this rule of thumb. However, for expensive wall systems,
structures with bays larger than 30 feet, the designer is encouraged to investigate the use of steel such as architecturally treated, tilt up and precast systems, a one-foot savings in height of
joists for the girt system as an alternative to wind columns and cold formed purlins. If the owner structure may prove more economical as compared to the extra cost of shallower Joist Girders.
wishes to use cold formed purlins, then a 30'x40' or 30'x50' bay size may prove to be the most Joist depth should be selected based on the Economical Joist Guide contained in the Vulcraft
economical system. Joist and Joist Girder Systems Manual; but the designer should also examine bridging
For structures with a low ratio of perimeter length to area, e.g., square buildings of significant requirements for the selected joist. It may be that by selecting a slightly heavier joist, a line of
size (200'x200'), the percentage of steel that would be contained in the wall framing is less of a bridging can be eliminated thus resulting in a substantial decrease in the total cost of erected
steel. If possible, joist selections should also be made so that X-bridging is not required. The Basic Connection is also used when framing Joist Girders into the weak axis of wide flange
columns. This condition is shown in Figure 2.7.2.
The reader is referred to Vulcraft’s “Steel Joist & Joist Girder Systems” (Vulcraft, 2017c) Manual
( for additional information on The stabilizer plates should be detailed to extend beyond the cap plate so that the girder can be
joists and Joist Girders. erected without tilting the columns.
For roof framing, the most widely used and least expensive connection for joist to Joist Girder
to column framing is shown in Figure 2.7.1. The Joist Girder is placed directly on top of the
column and the joist which frames into the column at right angles to the girder is placed atop
the girder. The joist is bolted to the girder seat and the girder seat is bolted to the column cap
to satisfy OSHA requirements and for ease of construction. When tube columns are used, the
Joist Girder seat bolts are often placed outside of the face of the column in order to eliminate
the need for threaded studs. These connections can later be welded if specified by the designer.
Vertical stabilizer plates are positioned to line up with the bottom chord of the Joist Girders.
Holes are provided in the stabilizer plates per OSHA to secure guying cables. The bottom
chord of the Joist Girder slides around the stabilizer plate. This prevents twisting of the girder
during erection and is required by SJI. The stabilizer also serves to laterally brace the bottom
chord of the girder after erection. The bottom chords of the joists and Joist Girders should not
be welded to the stabilizer plates unless the resulting continuity effects are investigated by the
building designer. Per OSHA, stabilizer plates with guying cable holes are also required for
joists located at columns.
This connection will be referred to frequently throughout this book. Since the connection is
basic in nature to most framing systems, it will be referred to as the Basic Connection. In many
cases joist and Joist Girder seats may require welding to their supporting elements to prevent
slip or for additional strength.

Fig. 2.7.2 The Basic Connection

Various modifications can be made to the Basic Connection in order for the connection to resist
moments in the joists or Joist Girders. These modifications are discussed in Chapters 4 and 7.

Fig. 2.7.1 The Basic Connection


Chapter 3 Steel form deck for floors is manufactured from sheet steel and is available in three finishes:
painted, galvanized (ASTM A924 or ASTM A653 (G60)) and unfinished (black). Form deck
which is permanent carries the weight of itself and the concrete both in its wet state and when
it has hardened. Thus, load tables for reinforced slabs on form deck do not include the weight
of the slabs. Galvanized form deck and painted form deck in most applications are permanent
Floors form decks. The appropriateness of painted form deck should be considered as one would
evaluate painted roof deck and thus is appropriate for most situations. Neither painted roof nor
floor deck is appropriate in certain high moisture environments. Unfinished steel form deck is
3.1 INTRODUCTION not considered a permanent form.
This chapter presents considerations for floor system designs using steel deck, steel joists and Form decks must be designed for construction loads, because it is rarely feasible either from the
Joist Girders. standpoint of time or money to shore them. Thus, the profile and thickness should be selected
This discussion covers the following topic areas: from the tables in the Vulcraft Manual based on an un-shored condition to carry the weight of
concrete and construction loads. The Vulcraft Manual (Vulcraft, 2018) also gives allowable
• Floor decks uniform load capacities using three criteria: allowable stress of 36,000 psi, deflection of span
over 240 and deflection of span over 180 for single, double and triple clear spans.
• Floor loading
The Vulcraft Manual also presents load tables for the finished slabs. For form decks, flexure
• Serviceability considerations reinforcement for superimposed loads is provided using welded wire reinforcement. For
• Framing considerations thin slabs and light loads this reinforcement is to be installed at a constant depth. For thicker
slabs and heavier loads, the reinforcement is to be draped, that is high over the supports for
• Shear connectors negative moment and low in mid span for positive moment. Proper reinforcement supports, to
• Connections ensure the correct positioning of the fabric, must be specified on the drawings to ensure that
the proper supports are supplied. At times loads, spans and the need to accurately position
3.2 FLOOR DECKS the reinforcement may require the use of reinforcing bars as opposed to reinforcing fabric.
Floor decks on steel joists are created using three basic approaches. The Vulcraft load tables give the required reinforcement to meet the flexural requirements
of the tabulated load and span. In some cases, these reinforcement areas do not meet the ACI
• Cast-in-place concrete on steel deck 318 requirements for minimum shrinkage and temperature requirements. It should be noted,
however, that these less than ACI reinforcement ratios have been used with success historically.
• Precast slabs
Composite Deck
• Plywood and wood decking
Cast-In-Place Concrete on Steel Deck Composite decks serve a dual purpose. During construction they serve as a form to support the
weight of wet concrete and construction loads. After the concrete has hardened, it is engaged with
The following steel deck types are manufactured by Vulcraft and are used in floor construction. the deck by interlocking in the embossed sides of the flutes so that the concrete and steel deck act
1. Vulcraft Non-Composite Decks, 0.6C/0.6CSV, 1.0C/1.0CSV, 1.3C/1.3CSV, 1.5C, 2C compositely. The steel deck provides positive moment reinforcement. Because the deck forms
and 3C the positive reinforcement, it must be permanent. SDI in its commentary to its composite deck
specification, recommends the use of ASTM A653 (G60) galvanizing. The specification itself
2. Vulcraft VL Composite Floor Decks, 1.5VL/1.5VLI, 1.5VLR, 2VLI and 3VLI only requires that the finish “be suitable to the environment.” Vulcraft has found that good long-
3. Vulcraft Acoustical Cellular Decks 1.5VLPA, 2VLPA and 3VLPA term performance can be achieved under usual conditions using phosphatized/painted deck. If
the deck is to be fireproofed the finish must be compatible with fire proofing. Also, electrical
4. Vulcraft Cellular Decks, 1.5VLP, 2VLP and 3VLP raceway decks must be galvanized.
For further information on Vulcraft Floor Decks consult Vulcraft’s “Steel Roof & Floor Deck” Composite decks are treated as a series of simple spans for the purpose of carrying live loads,
Manual (Vulcraft, 2018) and SDI’s “Standard for Non-Composite Steel Floor Deck” (SDI, and as such are not provided with negative moment reinforcement. Rather shrinkage and
2017c). temperature reinforcement are provided. The amount of reinforcement is recommended in the
SDI Specification as “0.00075 times the area of concrete above the deck but shall not be less
Form Deck than the area provided by 6x6-10/10 (6x6-W1.4xW1.4) welded wire fabric.”
Conform decks are form decks. As form decks, they must safely support the weight of wet This reinforcement ratio is less than that which would be required by the American Concrete
concrete and construction activity. The Steel Deck Institute’s manuals, “Roof Deck Design Institute code but represents an amount which has provided good historical performance. This
Manual (RDDM)” (SDI, 2017g), and “Floor Deck Design Manual (FDDM)” (SDI, 2017e), approach to reinforcement may allow negative moment cracking to form over the supports.
contain requirements for loads during construction for the weight of the deck and the weight This is a serviceability concern, not a strength concern. Where deck bears on girders, transverse
of wet concrete plus the greater effect of either 20 psf uniform load or 150 lbs. concentrated cracking may also occur. The designer should consider additional reinforcement over girders.
load on a one-foot width of decking. A deflection limit of span over 180 with a maximum of ¾
in. is given for the load case consisting of the weight of deck and concrete. This deflection is Published in the Vulcraft Manual are load tables giving superimposed live load capacities for
to be taken as relative to the deck supports. Vulcraft’s manual, “Steel Floor and Roof Deck,” various slab thicknesses, gages, profiles and spans for both normal weight and lightweight
provides deck load tables which give profiles, gages and spans of steel deck which comply with concrete. These tables also give the maximum span using the SDI criteria for one, two and
the SDI criteria. three span conditions in an un-shored condition. The tabulated maximum spans for an un-
shored condition do not include the effect of web crippling, which must be checked using the W = L/2 +b3 ≤ L
tabulated allowable reactions presented elsewhere in the Vulcraft Manual or with the Vulcraft
Mwa = 12Pbe/15W lb-in./ft
Span Calculator available at
Example 3.2.1 illustrates a situation where web crippling governs the thickness and profile where
selection. This illustrates the importance of taking this extra step when selecting a thickness be = Effective width of concentrated load, perpendicular to the deck ribs, in.
and profile from the tables. The use of un-shored deck is almost universally preferred. The
tables should be used to select a proper thickness and profile based on an un-shored condition. bm = Projected width of concentrated load, perpendicular to the deck ribs, measured at top
of steel, in.
The SDI “Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck-Slabs” (SDI, 2017b) lists several areas of
concern regarding the use of composite decks. The major points are: b2 = Width of bearing perpendicular to the deck ribs, in.
1. Parking garages: b3 = Length of bearing parallel to the deck ribs, in.
a. Slabs should be designed with negative moment reinforcement h = Depth of composite deck-slab, measured from bottom of steel deck to top of concrete,
b. Added shrinkage and temperature reinforcement should be provided
L = Deck span length, measured from center of supports, in.
c. Care must be taken when deicing salt or sea salt is present. As a minimum, the
top surface of concrete should be sealed, galvanized deck should be used and the Mwa = Weak axis bending moment, perpendicular to deck ribs, of width, in.-lbs per foot of
underside of the deck should be painted width
d. Strong consideration should be given to using the steel deck as a stay in place P = Magnitude of concentrated load, lbs.
form only. tc = Thickness of concrete above top of steel deck, in.
2. Cantilevers require special top reinforcement. The deck should be used as a form only. tt = Thickness of rigid topping above structural concrete (if any)
The design of which is the responsibility of the building designer
W = Effective length of concentrated load, parallel to the deck ribs, in.
3. Dynamic loads, such as heavily loaded fork trucks, can destroy the mechanical
interlock between deck and concrete. The use of composite deck is not recommended x = Distance from center of concentrated load to nearest support, in.
where forklifts are used unless the use is an infrequent occurrence
Examples 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 illustrate key issues in proper deck selection, i.e. unshored construction,
Vulcraft Manual gives uniform superimposed load capacities for various profiles, thicknesses web crippling, uniform load strength and live load strength.
and spans. At times it becomes necessary to check slab capacities for line loads and concentrated
loads. Design approaches and test results have been put forward over the years to address these Example 3.2.1 Composite Floor Slab with a Line Load
loading conditions. The current state of the art is presented in the SDI “Floor Deck Design Manual.” Design a composite steel floor deck for the information given:
As its title indicates it covers other areas as well as the treatment of line and concentrated loads.
Concentrated Loads
Deck clear span = 10 feet.
The SDI “Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck-Slabs” (Section 2.4) provides a method for
Unfactored superimposed live load = 80 psf
analyzing concentrated loads. The method provided is appropriate for any magnitude of load
and uses an effective distribution width in the context of defined dimension parameters and an Unfactored 500 plf concentrated dead load perpendicular to the deck span located 2 feet
upper limit on effective width. Based on the method of analysis provided, the slab’s flexure and from the left support.
shear strengths can be established using ASD or LRFD principles. The Standard indicates that,
“Concentrated loads shall be distributed laterally (perpendicular to the ribs of the deck) over A two-hour restrained assembly fire rating.
an effective width, be. The load distribution over the effective width, be, shall be uniform.” The Concrete strength is f 'c = 3000 psi.
Standard also indicates that, “The concrete above the top of steel deck shall be designed as a
reinforced one-way concrete slab in accordance with ACI 318 Chapter 7, transverse to the deck Solution:
ribs, to resist the weak axis moment. Mwa, over a width of slab equal to W.” 1. Using the composite floor deck fire resistance ratings contained in the Vulcraft Steel
The defined parameters and effective widths are : 1 Floor and Roof Deck Manual select a 3-1/4-inch lightweight concrete thickness
above the deck. This thickness can be used to satisfy the concrete thickness required
bm = b2 +2tc + 2tt in many D 900-series fire resistant designs found in the UL Fire Resistance Directory
be = bm + 2(1.0-x/L)x ≤ 106.8(tc/h) for single span bending where the deck is unprotected.
= bm + (4/3)(1.0-x/L)x ≤ 106.8(tc/h) for continuous span bending when reinforcing steel 2. Try a 3VLI20 deck (DL = 48 plf, based on Vulcraft Unshored Span Calculator of
is provided 47.615 psf).
in concrete to develop negative bending 3. From the 3VLI Vulcraft load tables the Type 20 deck can support a uniform live load
of 149 psf.
= bm + (1.0-x/L)x, ≤ 106.8(tc/h) for shear Determine the equivalent uniform load for bending:
Also see ANSI/SDI C-2017 and the User Notes in Figures 2-2 and 2-3.
VL= (1.2)(48 plf)(10 ft)/2 + (1.6)(80 plf)(10.0 ft)/2 + (1.2)(500 plf)(8.0 ft)/(10.0 ft) = 1,410 plf.
VR= (1.2)(48 plf)(10 ft)/2 + (1.6)(80 plf)(10.0 ft)/2 + (1.2)(500 plf)(2.0 ft)/(10.0 ft) = 1,050 plf.
Note the line load is continuous so for the wall load be = 12.0 in.
From statics the point of zero shear is located 5.65 feet from the right support.
The required LRFD moment = (5.65 ft)(1,050 plf) [1.2(48 psf) +1.6(80 plf)](5.65 ft)2/2 =
2,970 ft-lbs/ft = 35.6 kip-in./ft
The factored yield moment for the slab = 62.36 kip-in./ft
SDI Manual (Table 4D)
The slab is o.k. for bending.
Check shear strength:
The required LRFD shear = 1,410 plf
φVn = 5,660 lbs/ft
SDI Manual (Table 8C)
1410 lbs/ft ≤ 5,660 lbs/ft o.k.
The composite slab is o.k. for moment and shear.
Use the Vulcraft Unshored Span Calculator to check the bare deck subjected to the SDI
construction loads. The Span Calculator is available on the Vulcraft website, www.vulcraft.
The calculator determines the maximum simple span, two span and three spans for the
specified bare deck when subjected to the SDI construction loading conditions. The checks are
made in accordance with the AISI “North American Specification for the Design, Fabrication
and Erection of Structural Steel Members” (AISI, 2016a). Detailed results can be viewed by
“running” the “Calculation Tab.”
Shown in Figure 3.2.1 is the input and the output for the “Unshored Span Calculator.” The
output indicates that even a simple span of up to 11.7 foot is permissible. Thus, the specified
span of 10 foot meets all criteria.

Fig. 3.2.1 Vulcraft Unshored Span Calculator


Example 3.2.2 Composite Floor Slab with a Concentrated Load Determine the Design Bending Strength:
Determine if a concentrated dead load of 1,000 lbs/ft plus a live load of 80 psf can be safely Unfactored Uniform Load based on P:
supported by the 3VLI20 deck described in Example 3.2.1. Assume the concentrated load can
be located at any position on the slab. The concentrated load rests on a 4-inch square bearing Wpb = P/be = 1,000 lbs/(55.5 in./12 in./ft) = 216 plf
plate. Solve using LRFD. Total factored moment near mid-span (based on a simple beam)
Given: Mpos(P) = 0.125(1.2 wDL + 1.6wLL)(L2) + 0.25(1.2Wpb)(L)
b2 = b3 = 4.0 in. = 0.125[(1.2)(48 plf) +1.6(80 plf)](10 ft)2 + 0.25(1.2)(216 plf)(10 ft)
tc = 3.25 in. = 2,970 lbs-ft/ft.
tt = 0 in. = 35.6 kip-in./ft
Span = 10 feet. φMy = 62.36 kip-in. = 5,200 lb-ft
h = 3.25 + 3.0 = 6.25 in.
SDI Manual Table 4D
5,200 ft-lbs ≥ 2,970 ft-lbs/ft o.k.
Determine the effective slab width for flexure and shear.
Determine required distributed steel:
For flexure:
Weak axis moment to be resisted at mid-span:
bm = b2 + 2tc + 2tt
w = L/2 + b3 ≤ L = 120 in./2 + 4.0 in. = 64.0 in. ≤ 120 in.
bm = 4 in. + 2(3.25 in.) = 10.5 in.
be = 70.5 in.
The most critical location for moment calculations is to place the load at the center of the span.
Mweak axis = Pube/15 w = 1.2(1,000 lbs)(70.5 in.)/[(15)(64 in.)] = 88.1 lb-in./ft = 1,060 lb-in./ft
be = bm + 2(1.0-x/L)x ≤ 106.8(tc/h) for single span bending (no reinforcing)
Try 6x6xW2.1xW2.1 welded wire reinforcement.
be = 10.5 in. + 2(1.0-5.0 ft/L)x ≤ 106.8(tc/h)
As = 0.042 in.2/ft
x = L/2 = 60 in.
b = 12.0 in.
be = 10.5 in. + 2(1.0 - 60.0 in./120 in.)(60.0 in.) = 70.5 in.
d = tc/2 = 3.25 in./2 = 1.625 in.
be(max) = 106.6(tc/h)
be(max) = 106.8(3.25 in./6.25 in.) = 55.5 in. = 4.63 feet. (controls) f y As ( 60 ksi ) ( 0.042 in 2 /ft )
=a = = 0.082 in.
For shear: ( )
φ ( b ) f c' 0.85 (12 in.)( 3 ksi )
Place the load the slab depth away from the support (x = h) = 6.25 in.
bev = bm + (1.0-x/L)x, ≤ 106.8(tc/h)
φM n =
 a
φf y As  d −  =
 2
0.9 ( 60 ksi ) 0.042 in.2 /ft ) 1.625 in. − 0.0822 in.  =
3.59 kip-in./ft

=10.5 in. + (1.0 - 6.25 in./120 in.)(6.25 in.) = 16.4 in. = 3,590 in.-lbs/ft

Determine Design Shear Strength: 1,060 lb-in./ft ≤ 3,590 lb-in./ft o.k.

Unfactored uniform load based on P: Determine deflection:
wpv = P/be = 1,000 lbs/16.4 in./12 in./ft = 732 plf Id = 11.85 in.4/ft
SDI Table (3H)
Total factored shear: 3

w pb L3
( 216 plf )(120 in.) = 0.022 in.
Vu = (1.2wDL + 1.6wL)L/2 + 1.2wpv(120 in. – 6.25 in.)/120 in.
48E s I d 48 ( 29,500,000 psi ) 11.85 ≤ in.4 / ft )
wDL = wconcrete + wdeck = 48 psf (based on Vulcraft Unshored Span Calculator of 47.615 psf).
L 120
= = 5,450 o.k.
Vu = [1.2(48 plf) + 1.6(80 plf)](10 ft)/2 + 1.2(732 plf)(120 in. – 6.62 in.)/120 in. = 1,760 plf ∆ 0.022
φVnt = 5664 plf Check Punching Shear:
SDI Manual Table 8C b2 = b3 = 4.0 in.
5,664 plf ≥ 1,760 plf o.k. tc = hc = 3.25 in.
fc’ = 3000 psi
nailers as was discussed in the section on roof decks. Their capability as diaphragms was also
 4 '  4 ' ' ' discussed there.
 2 +  φVv pr f= c bo2hc+≤ 4φvφv f c fbcobhochc ≤ 4φv f c bo hc SDI (2017b) Eq.SDI
(2017b) Eq. (2.4.9a)
 β c   β c 
ßc = ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load = 4.0 in./4.0 in. =1.0
Floor loadings can be divided into three principal categories: self-weight, collateral dead loads
ACI 318 indicates the effective shear perimeter need not approach closer than tc/2 to the edge and live loads.
of the applied load.
bo = 2(b2 +tc) + 2(b3 + tc) = 2(4.0 in. + 3.25 in.) + 2(4.0 in. + 3.25 in.) = 29.0 in.
Self-weight of the floor system consists of the weight of concrete, steel deck and framing. The
The available shear equals: weight of the cured concrete slabs and steel deck combinations are given in the Vulcraft Manuals.
 4  The self-weight of framing must be computed on a job by job basis.
V pr = 2 +  0.75 3000 psi ( 29 in. )( 3.25 in. ) ≤ 4 ( 0.75) 3000 psi ( 29 in. )( 3.25 in. )
 1.0  Collateral Dead Loads
17, 400 lbs ≤ 11,600 lbs Suspended collateral loads are the same as was presented in the chapter on roofs (see Chapter
V pr = 11,600 lbs 2 Section 2.4). There is however, one additional superimposed load on floors: the weight of
partitions. The loading for partitions is prescribed by the Building Code and by the engineer’s
1.2P = 1.2(1000 lbs) = 1,600 lbs ≤ 11,600 lbs o.k. judgment for the intended use of the building.
The SDI Design Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck-Slabs requires that bearing lengths Partitions running parallel with joists create a continuous line load on the deck. Alternately,
be determined in accordance with the AISI Specification. The SDI Design Standard requires partitions running perpendicular to the joists create a concentrated load on the joists. Codes
a uniform load of wet concrete plus dead weight plus 20 psf construction load be used for this used to specify that the joists be doubled under partitions. Such requirements have been dropped
calculation. due to the need for flexibility in partition arrangement and rearrangement. The provision of a
blanket uniform load to account for partitions is generally all that must be done for standard
Concrete for Slabs on Steel Deck drywall partitions of normal height (eight to twelve feet). Masonry walls for example at stairs
The concrete used on steel deck is structural concrete. The minimum 28-day compressive and elevators should be specifically accounted for in the design of their supporting members.
strength required by the SDI Specification is 3000 psi. This concrete is available in a range Live Loads
of densities depending on the aggregate used. The range is from 145 pcf (normal weight) to
110 pcf (structural lightweight concrete). Normal weight concrete is most commonly used. Minimum design live loads are specified by building codes. These loads are given as blanket
However, the lesser density of structural lightweight concrete is often used for an advantage loads in pounds per square foot. Some codes also give concentrated loads along with an area
in fire rated assemblies because in rated assemblies it can result in lighter overall slabs. Also, of application. Code specified loads vary with the classification of use of the structure. Building
the elimination of the need for fireproofing on the under-side of deck often justifies the greater owners may at times require design live loads in excess of the code specified minimums.
unit cost for structural light weight concrete. The minimum thickness of concrete over the Alternately the owner may have in mind special uses not anticipated by the code. It is thus
deck flutes is given as 2 in. by SDI. A greater thickness may be required as part of a fire rated important for the designer to review the live load requirements before embarking on the design.
assembly or may be required to increase the mass and transverse stiffness of a floor system to The design live loads should be tabulated on the drawing for future reference. Special treatment
control vibration. is usually required for loads resulting from equipment, storage racks, files, libraries, safes and
moving concentrated loads from pallet lifts and fork trucks. These loads may not only require
Concrete on steel deck requires a complete system of concrete stops, flute closures, trim pieces greater than normal flexural strength but also shear strength. In the case of concentrated loads
and sheet material around columns. The drawings and specifications should indicate if this shear may govern the design when the load is placed near the support. The shear strength of
material is part of the deck work, concrete work or sheet metal work. composite slabs with steel deck should be carefully verified because the load in question may differ
Cast-in-place slabs on steel deck form excellent floor diaphragms. Diaphragm values for both from those anticipated in the calculations and load tests which were used in the development of
concrete on form deck and composite slabs in various combinations of concrete properties and the deck load tables.
steel deck profiles and gages are given in the Vulcraft Manual “Steel Floor and Roof Deck.”
Live Load Reductions
Precast Slabs
The IBC provides for the probabilistic expectations of full live load by means of live load
The precast slabs discussed in Section 2.3 of Chapter 2 can also be used in floor construction. reductions. The amount of reduction depends on the nature of the load and the tributary area of
These slabs are available in three configurations. Channel slabs, hollow core slabs and solid the element under consideration. The applicable building code procedures should be followed as
tongue and groove edge planks. Manufacturer’s load tables should be consulted for spans and appropriate.
load capacities. The attachment of these decks to the joists and the diaphragm capabilities are
discussed in Chapter 2.
Serviceability considerations are related to the function of the building and its components. It
Wood Decks
is generally a function of stiffness rather than strength. In floor design the primary issues are
Plywood and wood plank decks were also discussed in Section 2.3 of Chapter 2. These decks control of deflection and control of vibrations.
are also used in floor construction. As cited in Chapter 2 the plywood identification for floors
Control of Deflections
has associated with it a super imposed load of 160 psf for floors. Common spans for plywood
decking are 16 to 24 inches. Wood planks can be used at greater spans in the range of 36 to What follows is a brief review of deflection limits from various sources for steel deck and
48 inches. These decks are either attached directly to the joists or by means of continuous joists.
Steel Deck Institute: 3.5 FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS
a. Span over 180, not more than 3/4", uniformly distributed weight of wet concrete and
weight of metal form deck Bay Size
b. Span over 180, not more than 3/4", uniformly distributed weight of wet concrete and For most multistory buildings little if any options exist for the engineer to select the optimum bay
weight of composite steel deck as a form size. Architectural requirements and building footprint usually dictate the bay size. Certainly,
larger bay sizes are more favorable for steel systems as compared to poured in place concrete
c. Span over 360 for superimposed load on composite steel deck systems. The 30'x30' bay size is very common for multistory structures. It is an economical bay
Steel Joist Institute: for joist and joist girder framing. The 30' bay is also economical relative to spandrel systems. If
the building cladding system is to be supported from a spandrel member, deflection requirements
a. Span over 360, live load for floors will generally dictate the size of the spandrel, thus the spandrels become increasingly more
b. Span over 360, where a plastered ceiling is attached or suspended expensive with span length. If perimeter bays larger than 30 feet are used, it is often economical
to add intermediate columns around the perimeter of the building to save costs. In bays with
c. Span over 240, for all other cases composite girders the bays should be set at even foot increments so that the deck flutes can be
Other Deflection Considerations laid out with a flute over the girder which will allow the installation of shear connections without
special cutting of the deck.
Partitions and ceilings require detailing consistent with the deflections which occur after their SJI Floor Bay Design Tool
installation. Partitions are supported by the floor and must be able to follow the floor’s deflected
curve without distress. This distress would most likely occur as a diagonal crack at the upper The SJI provides a “Design Tool” to assist the specifying professional on optimizing floor bay
corners of doorway openings. The potential for distress is most directly addressed with control size. The tool is entitled, “Floor Bay Analysis Tool.” The tool can be downloaded free of charge
joints at openings and at intervals of long uninterrupted walls. The spacing of such joints is from the SJI Website,, under the tab “Design Tools.” The user can input
suggested to be 30 feet or closer. Other studies have suggested panel height to length ratios of various scenarios to arrive at the least weight or the least cost bay size. Cost data can be input
1:2 or 1:3. by the user along with other design data. Bays can be evaluated using either ASD or LRFD.
Pull down menus allow for easy selection of steel deck, joist type (K, LH, DLH and CJ-Series)
The tops of partitions, when run to the underside of the next floor or to the underside of roof,
and Joist Girder selections.
should be slip jointed to provide lateral stability and to prevent inadvertent transfer of load
from one level to another. Details of this sort usually provide a range of movement between 3/8 Joist Span Direction
to 1 inch. This range of movement should be matched to the expected deflections.
For floor systems, it is almost always more economical to span the joists in the long direction of
The deflection limit of span over 360 is a well-established criterion for the performance of plaster framing. Since the joists sit on top of the girder, they can be made deeper than the Joist Girder
and other ceilings. It should be noted however, that this limit may allow greater deflection than (by the amount of the seat depth) without infringing upon the clear height requirements.
can be accommodated in a rigid joint between wall and ceiling, especially when there are
ceilings supported by long bays with abutting partitions at mid-span. The relative movement Joist Spacing
between walls and ceilings consisting of acoustical panels in a metal grid is most easily Experience has shown that wide joist spacing provides very economical floor systems. In fact,
accommodated with this construction. The relative movement between wall and ceiling which the widest spacing for a given deck profile and slab thickness should always be used. The wider
can be accommodated is in the range of ¼ to ½ inch. joist spacing provides several advantages over joists spaced 2'-0″ o.c. Typically erection costs
are less and the wider joist spacing provides a floor system with better vibration characteristics.
The deflection of supporting members during concreting operations is of concern because it
The joists are deeper thus allowing larger penetrations through their web openings.
affects the performance of the concreting crew and may also result in unanticipated dead loads.
American Concrete Institute (ACI, 2014) requirements for form deflection are not written with Seat Depths
steel deck and joists in mind. The deflections given are stricter than is usually the practice in
buildings framed with steel. It is recommended in AISC Design Guide No. 3 (Fisher J.M., Per SJI Table 5.4-3, standard bearing seat depths range from 2-½" for K-series to 5" for LH-
West M.A., 2019), that framing members be held to a maximum deflection of span over 360 (1 and light DLH-series to 7-½" for very-heavy LH- and heavy DLH-series and Joist Girders.
in. max.) for the weight of wet concrete and framing. This should be the maximum accumulated However, please note that it is possible to specify a special minimum bearing seat depth (BSD)
deflection in the bay. The concrete contractor must be prepared for this deflection and must in order to reduce the impact of this depth on the height of the structure. Per SJI Table 5.4-3,
anticipate the need for the proper volume requirement to fill the deflected curve. the BSD may also be determined as BSD = 0.6 x (RP + D). D is defined as 2.5 (K-series) or 4
(LH-series). RP is defined as the horizontal distance from the joist end reaction point to the face
Vibrations of the wall or edge of support member (see Figure 3.5.1). Please refer to the Economical Joist
Guide in the Vulcraft Manual (Vulcraft 2017c) using the specific span and loading situation to
The control of vibrations is a special topic and covered in Chapter 5.
determine which series is likely the most economical selection.
Expansion Joints
Cast-in-place concrete slabs on steel deck should have expansion joints at intervals of 200 to 250
feet on center. This range is stricter than would be recommended by the Federal Construction
Council as cited Chapter 2, Section 2.5, but recognizes the fact that the slab is thinner and
less heavily reinforced than the cast-in-place concrete structures upon which the Federal
Construction Council recommendations are based. It is also based on practical experience.

Fig. 3.5.1 Definition of ‘RP’ dimension from SJI Table 5.4-3

If a joist requires a sloped seat (i.e., a seat whose bearing surface is not parallel with the top
chord), standard bearing seat depths will likely not be sufficient. Also, the seat depth will differ
from one end of the joist to the other. In addition, if top-chord extensions are also required, this Fig. 3.5.2b Option B- Full Depth Coped Joist Flush Shear Plate
will further affect the seat depth. Guidance as to how to determine the bearing seat depths for
a sloped joist can be found in the Vulcraft Manual in the section entitled ‘Sloped Seat Depths’.
Vulcraft can provide a flush-framed connection at the ends of the most floor joist series (except
for K-series) and Joist Girders using flush-shear plates which attach to shear tabs on the girder
as shown in Figures 3.5.2a thru 3.5.2c. Having the top of the floor joist be flush with the top of
the girder reduces overall floor-to-floor height, facilitates the easy installation of welded shear
studs on the girder top flange, and permits the girder to be designed with composite shear studs,
if desired.
The joist flush-shear plates are designed and detailed by Vulcraft using 1 in. thick plates with
standard short slot holes (1-1/16" x 1-5/16") for 1 in. diameter A325 bolts. Vulcraft will design and
resolve within the joists, the effects of the end moments created by the eccentricities shown in
Figure 3.5.2. The angle braces shown in Figure 3.5.2a are to brace the wide flange girder for
torsion due to unbalanced loading or eccentricity of the load. The angle braces can be omitted
from the detail if the EOR determines the girder does not have issues due to torsion. The EOR
is responsible for the design of the beam shear plates and the required number of 1 in. diameter
bolts shown in Options A, B, and C in Figures 3.5.2a thru 3.5.2c. The bolts must be designed
by the EOR to resist the joist end shear and bending from the end shear times the eccentricities
Fig. 3.5.2c Option C- Full Depth Rectangular Joist Flush Shear Plate
The connection shown in Fig.3.5.2d will be designed by Vulcraft. The bottom chord braces will
be supplied loose.

Fig. 3.5.2d Option D- Partial Depth Joist Flush Shear Plate

Fig. 3.5.2a Option A- Partial Depth Joist Flush Shear Plate

Framing System Depth and Story Height ALLOWABLE DUCTWORK

Provided in Table 3.5.1 are estimated depths and weights of framing for various bay sizes Joist Panel Maximum
and supported loads for planning purposes. The total floor to floor distance can sometimes be Depth Length Span Round Square Rectangular Flat Oval
reduced when mechanicals are run in the joist spaces. (in.) (in.) (ft.) (in.) (in.) (in. x in). (in. x in)

WEIGHT TABLE 18 48 22 11.0 9.25 6.0 x 18.25 20.50x 7.50

20 48 25 12.5 10.25 7.0 x 18.75 21.25x 8.75
Total Weight of Joists, Girders and
22 48 26 14.0 11.25 8.0 x 19.25 21.75x10.00
Joist and Girder Information Bridging (psf) for Loads Shown
24 48 32 14.5 12.0 8.75 x 19.0 22.00x10.75
Joist Girder Joist Joist Girder
Span Span Spacing Depth Depth 120 130 140 150 26 56 38 16.0 12.75 9.5 x 19.25 25.50x11.75
(ft) (ft) (in.) (in.) (in.) (psf) (psf) (psf) (psf) 28 56 45 15.5 12.75 9.75 x 18.5 25.00x12.25
20 20 6′--8″ 24 20 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.5 30 64 45 17.5 14.25 11.0 x 19.5 30.00x14.00
30 20 6′--8″ 24 20 3.6 4.0 4.2 4.5 32 64 50 19.5 15.75 11.5 x 25.25 29.50x14.50
30 20 10′--0″ 24 20 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.5 34 78 52 21.5 17.5 12.75 x 28.0 36.00x15.75
30 30 7′--6″ 28 24 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.7 36 78 56 22.5 18.25 13.25 x 29.25 36.75x17.00
30 30 10′--0″ 28 24 4.5 4.7 5.1 5.3 38 86 60 23.5 19.0 13.75 x 30.75 40.75x18.00

35 30 7′--6″ 32 28 4.6 4.7 5.2 5.6 40 86 60 25.0 20.25 14.75 x 32.5 41.25x19.25
42 96 60 27.5 22.25 16.25 x 35.5 45.50x20.25
35 30 10′--0″ 32 28 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.3
44 96 60 29.0 23.75 17.75 x 37.5 46.25x21.50
35 35 7′--0″ 36 32 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.9
46 82 60 31.0 25.0 18.25 x 39.5 40.50x23.00
35 35 11′--0″ 36 32 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.8
48 82 60 32.5 26.5 19.5 x 41.5 40.75x24.25
40 30 7′--6, 32 28 5.1 5.3 5.9 6.4
50 100 60 35.0 28.5 21.0 x 44.45 50.50x26.00
40 30 10′--0″ 32 28 4.9 5.3 5.7 6.3
Table 3.5.2 Maximum Allowable Ductwork Size for Joist
40 35 7′--0″ 36 32 5.4 5.8 6.0 6.6
Without Fireproofing or Insulation
40 35 11′--8″ 36 32 5.3 5.7 6.1 6.5
40 40 8′--0″ 40 36 5.8 6.1 6.6 7.3 Footnotes to Table 3.5.2
40 40 10′--0″ 40 36 5.6 5.9 6.2 7.2 1. The ductwork table represents the largest ductwork shapes that can be accommodated
40 40 13′--4″ 40 36 5.6 6.2 6.5 7.2 by floor joists for each given depth based on a 2000 plf loading condition and the
maximum span shown. If the span is less than the maximum shown, or the loading is
The above table can be utilized as a guide to estimate the dead load
less than 2000 plf, it may be possible to accommodate larger ductwork. Contact Vulcraft
of the joists, Joist Girders, and bridging in the initial design phase with your condition if the dimensions given in the table are inadequate.
Table 3.5.1 Framing Depths and Weights 2. The sizes in the above table represent the maximum duct sizes that will pass through
an interior panel in the center one-third of the joist. If the duct falls at either end of
the joist, allowable duct sizes may be reduced due to larger web sizes. If the duct
is wrapped in insulation, dimension from outside to outside of insulation should be
compared to the table.
3. No allowance has been made for fireproofing and/or insulation on the web members. If
either is present, the size of the ductwork must be decreased accordingly.
4. To ensure the ductwork will satisfactorily pass through the joists, be sure to specify the
minimum panel size listed in Table 3.5.2 on the structural drawings if the actual duct
sizes approach those given. Note that Vulcraft reserves the right to furnish panels larger
than those shown in Table 3.5.2.
5. Table 3.5.2 does not apply to Joist Girders because of the wide variability of panel
lengths possible due to the flexibility of Joist Girders to meet project requirements.
If large HVAC ducts are being run perpendicular to the joists, Vulcraft can provide a Vierendeel for the specifying professional to contact Vulcraft during the planning stages to establish the
opening which must occur within the center third of the overall length (OAL) of the joist. These design limitations appropriate to the efficient use of composite joists. It will be necessary for
Vierendeel openings permit larger ducts to be run through the steel joist, thereby reducing the the designer and Vulcraft to develop a proper means for specifying the composite joists for
required floor to floor height. It is typical for the maximum width of the Vierendeel opening to subsequent design and fabrication. The SJI “Standard Specification Composite Steel Joists
be no greater than two times the steel joist depth. See Figure 3.5.3. Catalog” (SJI, 2019) contains a section on the “Responsibility of the specifying professional.”
Since Vulcraft is designing the CJ-Series joists, communication between the specifying
professional and Vulcraft is extremely important. To do this, basic design information must be
provided to Vulcraft. The following list summarizes the needed information:
1. Joist Depth
2. Joist Span
3. Adjacent Member Spacing
4. Type of Floor Deck
5. Concrete Unit Weight
6. Concrete Compressive Strength
7. Slab Thickness above Floor Deck
8. Composite Design Loads
a) Noncomposite DL
b) Construction LL
c) Composite LL
Maximum Vierendeel Opening W= 2 x D d) Composite DL
Figure 3.5.3 Vierendeel Openings 9. Camber
Composite Joists (CJ-Series) A “Composite Joist Floor Design Parameters Checklist” can be found in the “Code of Standard
It is possible to use joists in floor systems which are designed to act compositely with the floor Practice for Composite Steel Joists.” A form for filling in the above information is provided.
slab. The employment of composite behavior has all the advantages of composite construction Prior to contacting Vulcraft the specifying professional is encouraged to conduct a preliminary
using wide flange members plus the advantages of joist construction.
design for the composite joists. As mentioned earlier this can be done by downloading and
The advantages of joist construction are: running the SJI Tool entitled, “Floor Bay Analysis Tool,” at The tool can
1. Simplified fabrication and erection due to end bearing seats provide excellent information as to the least weight and most cost effective floor system by
iterating several parameters such as joist depth, joist spacing, bay size and spans, etc.
2. Lighter overall structure weight
3. Open webs for mechanicals
Additional advantages when using composite joist construction: ECOSPAN® Composite Floor System
1. Shallower depth joists, which allow shorter story heights The ECOSPAN Composite Floor System is a lightweight floor system comprised of Vulcraft’s
open web steel composite joists, form deck or 1.5 inch composite deck. The unique feature of
2. Lighter joists due to reduced top chord size the floor system is the self-drilling and self-taping Shearflex® Screws which fasten the deck to
3. Fewer pieces due to wider spacing of joists with thicker slabs the joists. The Shearflex® screws act as shear studs providing the composite action between the
concrete and the joists. A special Shearset® Tool is used to install the screws. The concrete slab
4. Longer spans than comparable depth non-composite construction design is the responsibility of the specifying professional. Slab reinforcement may consist of
The decision as to whether or not to use composite joists should include consideration of: rebar, welded wire fabric. The reader is referred to the ECOSPAN® “Design Manual” (Vulcraft,
2016a) for further information on the system.
1. The potential for dead load deflection of the un-shored non-composite section
2. Floor vibration considerations
3. The added cost of the shear connectors required for composite action
Because the use of composite joists requires custom design of composite joists, it is important

3.6 SHEAR CONNECTORS The SJI provides “Design Tools” to assist the specifying professional for designing Joist Girder
floor connections. These tools can assist the specifying professional by making the design
Composite behavior between steel framing members (such as composite joists) and the process more timely and complete. Six different spreadsheets to assist in the design of moment
supported concrete slab on steel deck is created by the attachment of shear connectors to the connections are provided for free download from the SJI Website, under the
framing members. These shear connectors project into the slab and are anchored into it when tab “Design Tools.” Each can be used to calculate connection strength based on the necessary
the concrete hardens. The requirements for composite construction are given in Chapter I of limit states. A reference manual is provided with each spreadsheet, explaining the calculations.
the AISC Specification. Studs are attached using proprietary methods which are designed to Each spreadsheet provides for the design of a Joist Girder framing into one side or both sides
burn through the decking to weld themselves on the framing member below. One problem in of the column. The six connection Spreadsheets are:
the installation of studs results from snow/water on the top surface of the steel deck or water
accumulating between the deck and the framing members. It is desirable to avoid welding 1. Connection to the Strong Axis of Wide Flange Columns
shear connectors through two steel deck thicknesses where possible. AWS D1.1, Section 7
Shear Studs, outlines stud qualification testing required by the shear stud manufacturer and pre- 2. Connection to the Strong Axis of Wide Flange Columns- Intermediate Levels
production qualification testing required on the jobsite at the start of each shift. The attachment
of the concrete slabs to the framing members with shear connectors can be a substitute for
welding the deck to the framing. However, welds must still be supplied to anchor the deck panels 3. Connection to the Weak Axis of Wide Flange Columns
prior to the installation of the shear connectors.
The specification of the size, number and arrangement of shear connectors is done as part of 4. Connection to HSS Columns- Top Plate
the building structural design. The arrangement of shear connectors must in general reflect the
shear diagram of the composite member. Thus, each side of the point of zero shear receives shear 5. Connection to HSS Columns- Knife Plate
connectors and the spacing is uniform except as governed by the AISC Specification equations
which account for concentrated loads. 6. Connection to Wide Flange Columns - Knife Plates
It is possible to design for either full or partial composite action. For full composite action,
the size and number of studs is selected to resist a horizontal shear based on the lesser force of Although the Spreadsheets are specifically written for the design of moment connections, they
either the fully stressed concrete slab or the fully stressed steel section. For partial composite can also be used for cases where Joist Girder additional top and bottom chord axial load transfer
action, only the horizontal shear required to develop the portion of slab needed to resist loads
is required, or for seat design. The tools can be used for either ASD or LRFD.
is provided. Once the magnitude of shear force is determined, the size and number of shear
connectors can be selected using the AISC Specification. The shear connector values must be
calculated based on the specified concrete compressive strength. The shear connector values
must also account for the deck profile and number of studs per flute. The requirements regarding
this condition are set forth in the AISC Specification.
The required deck dimensions are provided in figures in the Vulcraft deck manual. In the manual
the maximum and minimum flute widths are given so that the average may be computed. The
selection of the type of shear connectors is the responsibility of the specifying professional.
Vulcraft will prepare composite joist designs outlining the size, spacing and quantity of shear
studs for each CJ-Series joist. If requested by the specifying professional, Vulcraft will provide
design calculations for the CJ-Series joists with a cover letter bearing the seal and signature of
Vulcraft’s registered specifying professional.
The construction documents should also state that a revision of stud selection must be made if
the final deck profile differs from the one anticipated in the design. Changes in deck gauge for
a given deck profile have negligible effect on the shear capacity of the shear connector.
Two connection conditions are unique to floors as compared to roofs. First, because columns are
continuous to the roof joist, the floor Joist Girders must frame into both sides of the columns.
This is accomplished with standard bracketed seats such as illustrated in Part 10 of AISC Steel
Construction Manual. When joists frame into the web of the wide flange columns, care must
be taken to select a deep enough column so that the seat width can be accommodated in the
inter-flange dimension. Also, the deck must be supported over the Joist Girder seat and around
the column.
Another connection concern involves headers around large openings such as for stairs. Often a
header must be provided to support joists with this header in turn supported by a joist or girder.
This situation frequently requires the use of wide flange headers which must be supported
by Joist Girders. This requires a specially designed seat connection so that the header can be
supported on the girders as if it were a joist, i.e. a shallow bearing seat be used. The design of
this seat is discussed in Chapter 5.

Chapter 4 Fastening of Steel Decks

A variety of fastener types and patterns are available for connection of the deck to the structural
members, and for the deck to deck sidelaps. The choice of the fastener type not only depends
upon the shear requirements, but also on the project requirements and the preferences of the
Lateral Load Systems construction team.
The fastening of the deck to the joists must as a minimum meet the SJI requirement for the joist
chord lateral stability. This is given in the SJI Specifications (SJI, 2015a) and is 100 lbs. per
4.1 INTRODUCTION foot for K-Series joists and ranges from 120 lbs. per foot to 520 lbs. per foot based on chord
In this chapter the various means of providing lateral force resistance systems for single story size for LH and DLH joists.
and multistory joist and Joist Girder buildings are presented. There are several lateral force Welding is often used to connect the deck to the structural members. The Steel Deck Institute
resisting systems available to the structural engineer for both horizontal and vertical loading. (SDI, 2017d) requires 5/8-inch arc spot welds (puddle welds) or a 3/8 x 3/4 in. elongated weld.
The best combination of systems to use for a given project is dependent upon several variables. The 3/8 x 3/4 in. elongated welds are required for A and F decks because the 5/8 in. arc spot
These include building geometry, number of stories, end use, roofing types, vertical loading welds cannot be made in the narrow rib of these decks. In the International Association of
requirements, lateral loading type and magnitude of the lateral loading. Wind, seismic and Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO, 2018) Evaluation Reports, the arc spot weld size
earth pressures are the most common lateral loading that affect the design. Depending on the requirements vary somewhat between various manufacturers. Weld patterns vary depending
upon shear requirements. For 36-inch-wide roof deck a minimum of three arc spot welds per
building’s height, weight and location, the IBC and ASCE7 may place restrictions on the type sheet width are required for attachment to the structural members. This is equivalent to an 18-
of vertical lateral force resisting system that may be used for the building. in. spacing. The maximum number of welds per 36-in. sheet width is 7, i.e. one every 6-inches.
4.2 DIAPHRAGMS These patterns are commonly designated as 36/3 and 36/7. Other patterns are 36/4 and 36/5.
The reader is referred to the Vulcraft Steel Roof and Floor Deck Manual (Vulcraft, 2018) and
Introduction to Punchlok II® Roof Deck, Weld and Screw Support Connections (Vulcraft, 2016b) for a full
description of fastener patterns.
Roof and floor diaphragms have been utilized in the design of structures for many years. The
primary purpose of the diaphragm is to transfer horizontal shear forces to the vertical force A comment should be made regarding the welding of the deck to structural members using
resisting system in the structure. A common analogy is that the diaphragm is a deep horizontal welding washers. The SDI (SDI, 2017d) AISI (AISI, 2016) and the AWS (AWS, 2015) do not
plate girder. The decking materials are similar to the web of the plate girder in that they carry require the use of welding washers for decks equal to or greater than 0.028-inches in thickness.
the shear forces. Just as the stiffeners in a plate girder prevent the web from buckling, the major Since 22 gage decks are approximately 0.0295-inches in thickness welding washers are not
deck corrugations, joists, etc. provide the buckling resistance for the diaphragm, the flanges of required. The SDI Specifications go further recommending against using welding washers
the plate girder carry the flexural stresses. Similarly, diaphragms must also have continuous for decks greater than 0.028-inches in thickness. Their research indicates a decrease in shear
resistance if welding washers are used for these decks.
flanges at their perimeters to resist the flexural forces.
Mechanical fasteners such as power-driven fasteners and self-drilling screws are also used for
Diaphragm Types the deck-to-structural attachment. The use of these fasteners is growing in popularity. Although
Diaphragms can be classified based upon the type of materials used to comprise them. Materials these fasteners provide less shear capacity than welds they have several advantages. These
commonly used with joist and Joist Girder buildings include: include:
1. Steel deck 1. They are easy to install with little skill required
2. Steel decks in combination with insulating fills 2. They provide a clean neat appearance since deck burn thru is eliminated
3. Concrete slabs on steel form deck 3. Quality control questions are basically eliminated since their strength is very dependable
once they are correctly installed
4. Composite steel decks with lightweight concrete
4. Inspection costs are generally less than welded systems
5. Composite steel decks with normal weight concrete The disadvantages of power-driven fasteners and self-drilling screws are:
6. Wood diaphragms 1. Their shear capacities are less than those for welded deck
The strength and stiffness of a diaphragm system is controlled predominantly by: 2. The installed cost can be higher compared to welding the deck (depending on building
1. The deck configuration, i.e. the height of the major corrugations and spacing of size)
corrugations within the panel Power driven fasteners and self-drilling screws have more attachment patterns that can be used
2. The span of the individual deck panels as compared to those for welding. Heavier attachment patterns, depending on span and gage,
can sometimes match the capacity of welds.
3. The material thickness and strength
Sidelap connections are made by welding, Punchlok II system, button punching, mechanical or
4. The type and arrangement of fasteners (specifically, the spacing of fasteners to the self-drilling screws. Vulcraft/Verco, and other manufacturers of steel deck, do not recommend
structural elements and the side lap connectors) the welding of sidelaps of nestable decks of 22 gage or less. Sidelap welds can be made
5. The type and amount of concrete fill, if any
on 22 gage interlocking decks. However, extreme care must be exercised even with proper Currently, specifying professionals of steel deck systems rely on two sources for diaphragm
welding equipment. The Punchlok II Tool provides a connection where the sidelap material is values. These are the Steel Deck Institute and IAPMO. Both sources provide load tables with
sheared and offset so the sheared surface of the male leg is visible in the cut. This provides a strength and stiffness/flexibility criteria. IAPMO diaphragm strength and flexibility values are
strong reliable connection for shear transfer. Button punching of sidelaps is probably the most used predominantly by specifying professionals on the West Coast. The Steel Deck Institute
unreliable method used. Extreme care must be taken to make sure that the upstanding leg of load tables are used throughout the remainder of the country. Some differences in the allowable
the deck is fully inserted into the upper portion of the deck. If it is not fully inserted, then the strength and stiffness values will be apparent to the specifying professional when comparing the
button punching operation will not connect the lap together properly. This is also a problem if two different sets of load tables. This is since different researchers compiled the data and they
the interlocking deck is to have sidelap welds. If the vertical leg is not inserted properly then used different empirical equations to establish diaphragm tables. The SDI Diaphragm Design
the weld on the sidelap will not engage both pieces of deck. Manual (SDI, 2015) contains detailed information regarding diaphragm behavior and presents
examples illustrating the analysis and design diaphragm systems. The reader is encouraged to
Fastening of Wood Systems study this manual for a comprehensive treatment of steel deck diaphragms.
Wood deck diaphragms are attached to steel joists either directly by special self-drilling screws
Wood Systems:
or by using wood nailers, which are generally attached to the joist with wood screws. The
method of attachment should be specified on the plans so that the required holes in the top Wood diaphragms can be formed from plywood, Oriented Strand Board (OSB), timber decking,
of the joist can be accounted for in the design of the joist. It is sometimes possible to attach laminated timber decking and other board sheathing. Each of these types poses special design
wood nailers by bolting through the gap between the top chord angles. The use of this sort of and detailing concerns which are beyond the scope of this document. The reader is directed to
detail requires coordination between the specifying professional and Vulcraft so that the bolt the following references for a detailed treatment of the design and detailing of wood diaphragms.
diameter and bolt spacing can be chosen to match the geometry of the joist. The bolt will be
counter-sunk, and a washer will be placed under the top chord. The specifying professional 1. Timber Diaphragms: American Institute of Timber Construction, “Timber Construction
must check for uplift pull-through and for bearing of the reduced wood thickness against the Manual,” Tigard, Oregon. (AITC, 2012)
bolt shank. If the perimeter joist is to be used as a diaphragm chord, provision must be made 2. “Diaphragms and Shear Walls, Design/Construction Guide”: American Plywood
for chord force transfer from the nailer to the joist. Bolting between the top chord angles is Association, “Plywood Diaphragm Construction,” V310, Tacoma, Washington. (APA,
typically not preferred. 2007)
In general, the requirements for the inter-connection of wood diaphragm elements have been 3. “Special Design Provisions for Wind & Seismic (SDPWS),” (AWC, 2015)
developed as wood to wood connections. The most common fastener is the nail. The use of
The remainder of this chapter is devoted solely to diaphragm design using steel decks.
wood nailers on joists allows the wood deck diaphragm to be constructed without variation
from standard and codified procedures. If the sheathing is connected directly to the joist, the Diaphragm Design Procedure
load path must be considered. The gap between the joist top chords is not designed to transfer
horizontal forces between pieces of sheathing. The edges of the sheathing need to be detailed The specifying professional can control the strength and stiffness of the diaphragm by the
and installed so they both occur on the same joist top chord angle. If this is not practical, selection of:
another means of transferring the load needs to be detailed and provided, for instance a light 1. The deck thicknesses
gage metal strap across the sheathing edges. When attaching wood decking directly to joists,
care must be taken to ensure that the fasteners are equivalent to those used in the standard 2. The type of fastening to the structure
procedures and that they are acceptable to the building official. Where diaphragm strengths
are taken from standard references, care must be given to maintain the patterns of support 3. The frequency of fastening to the structure
associated with the given capacity. In many cases, a series of relatively closely spaced joists 4. The type of fastener used to connect the sidelaps of the deck together
is expected. Also, many capacities are dependent on blocked edges which requires a wood
member on the sheathing panel edge which runs perpendicular to the joists. 5. The frequency of the sidelap fasteners

Load Tables 6. The spacing of structural members

Metal Systems: In addition to the above items the stiffness of deck systems without concrete infill are controlled
by the deck type, i.e. A, F, N, 2D, 3.5D, N32 or B.
In the United States, considerable research on light gage steel deck diaphragm systems was
conducted in the early 1960’s. In 1967 the American Iron and Steel Institute published its For most situations, the thickness of the deck and the spacing of the structural members are
first edition of design criteria for light gage steel shear diaphragms for use in roofs and walls. determined by the gravity load design. The thickness can be increased over gravity load
The criteria included information on steel and concrete diaphragms. The Steel Deck Institute requirements if the diaphragm shears are such that providing a thicker deck is more economical
published its first “Diaphragm Design Manual and Load Tables” in 1981. A 4th edition and than providing additional sidelap fasteners or additional deck-to-structural connections.
expanded diaphragm manual (SDI, 2015) was published by the SDI in 2015. In addition to However, as a rule the authors have found that the maximum number of structural connections
these organizations, various manufacturers of steel deck have conducted their own research and and increasing sidelap connections should be used prior to increasing the deck thickness. It is
published diaphragm strength and stiffness values of their own. not generally economical to change the spacing of the structural members in order to provide
greater diaphragm resistance.
In its 2016 North American Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural
Members (AISI, 2016a), the American Iron and Steel Institute included recommended safety After selecting the type of deck for gravity loads, the next step is to design the diaphragm
factors for light gage diaphragms. Basically, these safety factors agree with the International for horizontal lateral forces. Once the horizontal loads and diaphragm shears have been
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO, 2018) Evaluation Reports for determined, the specifying professional uses the load tables to determine the type and number
welded diaphragms, and the Steel Deck Institute for mechanically fastened systems. of connectors to achieve the required strength. To optimize the design, it is common for the
connection patterns and or the deck thickness to vary across the diaphragm. This is done so the Where a reduced Ew is given in the code for uninspected masonry, the reduction is not
strength can be matched close to the actual shear in the diaphragm, i.e. as the shear decreases recommended in this equation.
the attachment requirements are decreased. When this procedure is used it is necessary for the f 'c =Allowable compressive strength of wall material in flexure in pounds per square inch.
specifying professional to provide the locations of the deck thicknesses and fastener spacing.
Shown in Figure 4.2.1 is an illustration of weld and screw patterns used to meet the strength This equation cannot be derived and is empirical in nature. It is not intended as a strict limitation,
requirements of the diaphragm system. but rather a guideline for the specifying professional in giving thought to the diaphragm
Diaphragm Connections
Once the shears and chord forces are determined and the fastening system selected the
connections must be designed to transfer the forces into and out of the diaphragm. These
connections are extremely critical and often overlooked. They are not discussed in any detail in
the referenced documents. The connections fall into three basic categories:
1. Chord Force Connections
2. Shear Wall Attachments
3. Vertical Bracing Attachments
Chord Force Connections
Chord Connection Parallel to Joist
As mentioned previously, the perimeter members of the diaphragm serve to carry the flexural
forces. The chord force is determined using beam theory, i.e. the maximum bending moment
in the diaphragm is calculated and the chord force is determined by dividing the moment by
the depth of the diaphragm. The perimeter member of the diaphragm must have the strength
to resist the chord force along with any other imposed loads. If the perimeter member is a
joist or Joist Girder, the forces resulting from diaphragm action must be provided to Vulcraft,
unless it can be determined that the perimeter member will not be overstressed by the chord
force. Forces from all load cases in combination with the diaphragm chord force must be
specified. It is not enough to simply provide Vulcraft with the chord force because of the need
to check specific code load combinations which include the diaphragm force. The specifying
professional should note if the chord force is a wind or seismic load and should indicate if ASD
Use 36/4 with1 Side Lap Screw Use 36/7 with2 Side Lap Screws design loads or LRFD design loads are to be used.
Fig. 4.2.1 Roof Diaphragm Key Plan Suitable connections are also required between members acting as the diaphragm chord.
Specifically, force continuity must be provided between adjacent chord members just as would
In addition to strength considerations the deflection of the diaphragm must be considered relative
be provided in plate girder flange splices. This is illustrated in the detail shown in Figure 4.2.2,
to its effect on the building. The deflection of a given diaphragm can be calculated based on
for small chord forces.
the equations provided in the SDI Diaphragm Manual or in various Evaluation Reports. The
diaphragm deflections can then be compared to serviceability requirements for the structure
in question. Serviceability guidelines for low rise steel buildings can be found in AISC’s
“Serviceability Design Considerations for Low- Rise Buildings, Steel Design Guide Series 3,”
(Fisher, J.M. and West, M.A., 2019). Generally, serviceability limits are not contained in the
building codes since they are not life safety issues. The specifying professional should discuss
these limits with the client because they may have a significant impact on the quality of the
structure as well as its cost. The Evaluation Reports on diaphragms contain tables of diaphragm
flexibility limitations. The reports also indicate that when diaphragms are supporting masonry
or concrete walls, the maximum deflection of the diaphragm should be computed using the
code prescribed lateral forces, and should be limited by the equation below:

100hw2 f c' Ewtw

∆ wall =
hw = Unsupported height of the wall in feet.
tw =Thickness of the wall in inches.
Ew = Modulus of elasticity of wall material for deflection determination in pounds per inch.

Note: The girder must be designed to transfer the force F across the gap between girder top chord angles.
Fig. 4.2.2 Diaphragm Chord Fig. 4.2.4 Joist Tie Plate

Fig. 4.2.3 Joist Chord Bending

Represented in the Figure 4.2.2 are the top chords of a perimeter joist in a diaphragm system.
Force, F, is the chord force determined using the beam theory described above. The force, F to
be transferred from one joist to the next must pass through the joist seat, the welds connecting
the seat to the Joist Girder, across the gap between top chord angles of the Joist Girder, to the
adjacent joist. This is a legitimate force path, but each component must be designed to resist the
force. The capacity of this connection is limited. The strength may be controlled by the strength
of the joist top chord. The chord is subjected to the axial force, the bending from uniform loads
and the additional bending moment as shown in Figure 4.2.3, where M = F(e). This bending
moment could severely overstress a joist chord if no consideration were given to it in the design.
Reinforcement of the chord may be required. Vulcraft can design the joist to accommodate the
axial force and bending moment, if the proper information is provided; however, the result
would probably be a substantial increase in the size and cost of the perimeter joists.
A better force path would be created if a top plate or tie angles were added to transfer the axial
force directly from the top chord of one joist to the top chord of the adjacent joist. For roofs,
this is illustrated in the details shown in Figures 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. Fig. 4.2.5 Joist Tie Angles
The tie connection and weld sizes are based on the calculated chord force. As mentioned, the
specifying professional needs to specify the required axial load on the plans so Vulcraft can
design the joist accordingly. The design professional does have the option to do additional
calculations to check if a standard SJI chord number designation joist is adequate for the
vertical loads plus the chord force. It will be faster and give a more efficient joist design to
specify the axial load on the plans along with the vertical load requirements. Ma = wL2/8 = (0.150 k/ft.)(50 ft.)2/8 = 46.9 kip-ft.
The following example illustrates the design of the continuity tie and a procedure to check the Pa = 46.9 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/[(30 in.- 2(0.5 in.)] ≅ 19.5 kips (tension)
joist chord for the diaphragm chord force.
Where 0.5 in. is the estimated centroid distance for the chord angles.
The maximum required axial chord force, Pa = 19.5 kips+ 20 kips = 39.5 kips (tension).
Determine the allowable tension chord forces:
Based on the joist load tables a 30K7 can support 203 lbs/ft.
The allowable moment Mn/Ω = 63.4 kip-ft.
The allowable tension chord force = Mn/Ωd
= (12 in./ft.)(63.4 kip-ft.)/[(30 in.- 2(0.5 in.)] = ± 26.2 kips.
Allowable chord force = 26.2 kips < 39.5 kips needed. n.g.
Result: standard 30K7 joist is not adequate to act as the diaphragm chord member.
See the following alternate solutions for the diaphragm chord requirements.
Alternate Solution 1:

Fig. 4.2.6 Example 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 Since the required axial chord force is greater than the available force, the axial chord forces
should be provided to Vulcraft for a modified 30K7 design. Due to the load combinations,
Example 4.2.1 Diaphragm Chords (ASD) Vulcraft will combine the uniform load with the axial load.
Determine whether the standard 30K7 perimeter joist shown in Figure 4.2.6 is adequate for the The joist can be specified as shown in Table 4.1.
diaphragm chord forces due to ASD design wind loads.
Given: Loads for Combined Bending and Axial Check (2)
Net Wind
The perimeter joists have a “net” uplift load of 150 plf acting simultaneously with the diaphragm Mark
Wind Top Chord Roof Live Downward Wind
Number Designation Axial Load 0.6W Dead Load Load Lr load 0.6W Uplift load (3)
forces (ASD). Perimeter joists have a dead load = 14 psf, a roof live load = 20 psf and a
J1 30K7 20.0 kips 44 plf 63 plf 32 plf 150 plf
downward wind load 0.6W=10 psf. The joists are at 6'-3" on center (1) Standard designation is minimum requirement. Joist Manufacturer to modify joist design as required for
Solution: combined loading requirements.
(2) Joist manufacturer to use these load in the applicable code load combinations to design the joist for combined
Determine the diaphragm chord force from the lateral loads: bending and axial.
(3) Net Wind Uplift is the result of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination.
Ma chord = (30 kips)(100 ft.) - (20 kips)(50 ft.) = 2000 kip-ft.
Table 4.1 Joist Schedule for Perimeter Joist
Pa chord = 2000 kip-ft./100 ft. = 20.0 kips (ASD)
Note: This solution has the benefit that the specifying professional could skip checking the
Uniform loads: 30K7 to see if it is adequate for the diaphragm chord force. By specifying all the loading,
Tributary width = 6.25 ft./2 = 3.125ft. Vulcraft will check the joist for the standard requirements and check the joist for the axial load
requirements and modify the joist as needed.
Dead Load wDL = (3.125 ft.)(14 psf) = 43.75 plf, say wDL = 44 plf
The specifying professional could take it one step further and specify the joist using the Load/
Roof Live Load wLr = (3.125 ft.)(20 psf) = 62.5 plf, say wLr = 63 plf Load designation (30K107/63) along with the wind load, thus bypassing having to determine the
Downward Wind Load 0.6wW = (3.125 ft.)(10 psf) = 31.25 plf, say 0.6wW = 32 plf standard designation.
Downward Load: Alternate Solution 2:
D+Lr w = 44 plf + 63 plf = 107 plf Since the required axial chord force is greater than the 30K7’s capacity a larger edge joist can be
D+0.75(0.6W) + 0.75Lr w = 44 plf +0.75(32 plf) +0.75(63 plf) = 115.25 plf < Net Uplift.
Load The capacity of the 30K7 can be scaled in order to determine the uniform load that would be
required for a 30 in. deep joist to work for the combined loading.
Net Uplift Load is greater than downward load, so it will control the bending moment in the
joist. The 30K7 capacity is 203 plf, which translated to 26.2 kip axial capacity. The required axial
force is 39.5 kips.
Determine the joist chord force from uplift: Required uniform load = (39.5 kips/26.2 kips)(203 plf) = 306 plf
Based on the standard load tables for 50ft. span, a 30K11 has a capacity of 333 plf > 306 plf o.k. chord width will allow for down hand welds. The gap between top chord angles is
Specify: 30K11 for the perimeter joist. often 1 in. (it may be less on small rod web joists). Figure 8-13 in the AISC Steel
Construction Manual (AISC, 2017) provides minimum shelf dimensions for various
Note: The 30K11 may weigh more and be more expensive than 30K7 with axial load. The 30K7 weld sizes
with axial load will only require the top chords to be modified. The 30K11 will have a larger top
chord than the 30K7. The webs and bottom chord of the 30K11 will also have to be upgraded 3. The thickness of the plate dictates maximum fillet weld leg size
from those required for a 30K7 due to the additional vertical load required for a 30K11 joist. This
solution also requires additional calculations by the specifying professional compared to the 4. The capacity of the weld is the lesser value of the weld metal strength and the base
method in Alternate Solution 1. metal strength, per AISC Specification Section J2.4. Due to the custom angle sizes
Example 4.2.2 – Tie Plate and Connection for Diaphragm Chord Force (ASD) used by Vulcraft, the base metal thickness should be checked
Design a tie plate and the required weld to transfer the chord axial force 0.6W = ± 20 kips
(ASD) to the 30K perimeter joists from Example 4.2.1. Tie Plate width and top chord width compatibility:

Note: These calculations should be made by the specifying professional. Any assumptions Assume 3/16 fillet weld, shelf width = 7/16 in.
made by the specifying professional in the calculations need to be specified on the plans, for Joist chord width > Plate width + 2(shelf width)
example, the top chord horizontal leg size and top chord angle minimum thickness. Joist chord width > 4.0 in. + (2)(7/16 in.) = 4.88 in.
Joist horizontal leg length = (4.88 in.-1.0 in gap)/2 = 1.94 in. < 2.0 in.
Specify Minimum top chord angle horizontal leg = 2 in. (2 in. is a common angle size
The limit states of: tension yielding, tensile rupture, block shear and base material strength for joists).
are required for the design of the tie plate and the attachment to the top chord of the joist. The
Weld design-tie plate to joists: (E70 electrodes):
compressions buckling strength of the tie plate must also be determined.
Continue check with 3/16 fillet weld:
Tie Plate Design: (use A36 steel)
Weld Metal Check:
Tension yielding:
Rn = (0.6FEXX)(0.707)(D/16) = (0.6)(70 ksi)(0.707)(3/16) = 5.57 kips/in.
Try a tie plate PL 4x1/4.
Rn/Ω = (5.57 kips/in)/2.0 = 2.78 kips/in.
Ag = 1.0 in.2
Total required weld length = (20.0 kips)/(2.78 kips/in) = 7.18 in.
Pn = FyAg = (36 ksi)(1.0 in.2) = 36 kips AISC Eq. (D2-1)
Pn/Ω = 36 kips/ 1.67 Try 4 in weld each side of plate to joist top chord: Total weld length = 2(4 in) = 8 in. o.k.
= 21.6 kips Per AISC Table D3.1 (Case 4) the weld lengths on each side of the plate (l1 and l2) shall
21.6 kips > 20 kips o.k. not be less than 4 times the weld size.
Compression Buckling of the tie plate: Minimum length =(4)(3/16 in.) = 0.75 in. < 4.0 in. o.k.
Slenderness ratio = Lc/rx Minimum base material check of the top chord angles (shear rupture controls).
With a one-inch gap between the joist ends and the weld will extend to the end of the joists, Required base metal strength = 20 kips/(4 in.+4 in.) = 2.5 kips/in.
Lc = 1 in.
Rn base metal = (0.6)(Fu ksi)(t in.) kips/in. = (0.6)(65 ksi)(t in) = 39t kips/in.
rx = 0.288675d AISC Manual Table (17-27)
rx = (0.288675)(0.25 in.) = 0.0722 in. Rn base metal/Ω = (39t kips/in)/2.0 = 19.5t kips/in.
Lc/rx = 1 in./0.0722 in. = 13.9 Rn/Ω = Required strength: 19.5t kips/in. = 2.50 kips/in.
Since Lc/rx ≤ 25 the compressive strength equals the tension yield strength The minimum chord thickness, t = (2.50 kips/in)/(19.5 kips/in.) = 0.128 in.
AISC Section (J4.4)
Specify: minimum top chord thickness = 0.128 in.
Note: The size of the tie plate is influenced by and affects several parameters of the design:
1. For projects with steel deck: the tie plate thickness should not be greater than 3/8 in. (Vulcraft has multiple angle thicknesses between 1/8 in. and 3/16 in., as well as between 3/16
for the steel deck to be installed over the plate in. and ¼ in. As a result, the minimum thickness does not have to be rounded to a 1/16 of an
2. The width of the plate must be coordinated with the width of the joist top chord. For Tensile rupture check for the 4x1/4 plate with 4 in. long weld each side:
example, the width of the plate plus the weld shelf dimension each side, should be
the same or less than the width of top chord angles plus the gap between the angles
(top chord width). Having the tie plate and shelf dimension be less than the top

Determine the shear lag factor for the plate from AISC Specification Table D3.1, Case 4. Determine the shear lag factor for top chord from AISC Specification Table D3.1, Case 4.
2 Treat the two angles as a Tee Section (since joist construction will connect the angles):
3l 2  x  3 ( 4.0 in. )  0.125 in. 
U = 2 
1-  =
2 
1-  0.73 2
2 2
3l + w  l  3 ( 4.0 in. ) + ( 4.0 in. )  4.0 in.  3l 2  x  3 ( 5.0 in. )  0.534 in. 
=U = 2 2 
1-  2
2 
1-  0.74
3l + w  l  3 ( 5.0 in. ) + ( 4.0 in. )  5.0 in. 
l = (4 in. + 4.0 in.)/2 = 4.0 in. where
w = 4 in. wide plate. l = (5.0 in. + 5.0 in.)/2 = 5.0 in.
x = 0.25 in./2=0.125 in. w = the plate width = 4.0 in.
Pn = FuAe AISC Eq. (D2-2) x = 0.534 in. (centroid of angles)
Ae = AnU AISC Eq. (D3-1)
An = (4.0 in.)(0.25 in.) = 1.0 in.2 Pn = FuAe AISC Eq. (D2-2)
Ae = (0.73)(1.0 in.2) = 0.73 in.2 Ae = AnU AISC Eq. (D3-1)
Pn = (65 ksi)(0.73 in.2) = 47.4 kips Ae = (0.99 in.)(0.74) = 0.73 in.2
Pn/Ω = 47.4 kips/2.0 = 23.7 kips ≥ 20 kips o.k. Pn = (65 ksi)(0.73 in.2) = 47.4 kips
Pn/Ω = 47.4 kips/2.0 =23.7 kips ≥ 20 kips o.k.
Check Joist top chord angles at tie plate:
Plate Length: L = 5.0 in. + 1.0 in. gap between joists + 5.0 in. = 11.0 in.
From earlier calculations, the angles require a 2 in. horizontal leg. Typical top chord angles Use: Tie Plate 4"x 1/4"x 0'-11" with 3/16" fillet welds 5.0 in each side of plate to each joist.
are equal leg angles. From earlier calculations, the minimum thickness required was 0.128 in.
Thus, assume L2x2x0.128 top chord angles. Angles have Fy = 50 ksi, Fu = 65 ksi. Specify in detail on plans: Minimum top chord thickness = 0.128 in.; Minimum top
chord angle horizontal leg = 2 in.
Ag = 0.99 in.2 (for the two L2x2x0.128 angles)
Note: Because the weld had to be lengthened after the top chord base metal check was run, it is
Check block shear of joist top chord angles at the tie plate: AISC Section (J4.3) possible to decrease the minimum required thickness with the 5 in. weld each side of the plate.
Shear area equals the thickness of the two top chord angle legs for the total length of the Since the required thickness is so close to 1/8 in. it is not necessary for this connection.
weld: If the joists shown in Figure 4.2.6 had been framed in the opposite direction, then the diaphragm
Agv = (2 angles)(0.128 in.)(4.0 in.) = 1.02 in.2 chord force would be resisted by some other structural element.
Tension area is the area of the top chord angles beyond the tie plate. With L2x2 top chord The detail shown in Figure 4.2.7 represents one example at a building end wall where the joist
angles and a 1.0 in. gap: is supported by a Joist Girder.

Top chord width = 2.0 in + 1.0 in. + 2.0 in. = 5.0 in.
Total length beyond plate = 5.0 in. - 4.0 in. = 1.0 in.
Ant = (1.0 in.)(0.128 in.) = 0.128 in.2
Rn = 0.6FyAgv + UbsFuAnt = (0.6)(50 ksi)(1.02 in.2) + (0.5)(65 ksi) (0.128 in.2) = 34.8 kips
Rn/Ω = 34.8 kips/2.0 = 17.4 kips < 20.0 kips n.g. (need to increase weld length)
Increase weld length to 5.0 in.:
Agv = (2 angles)(0.128 in.)(5 in.) = 1.28 in.2
Rn = (0.6)(50 ksi)(1.28 in.2) + (0.5)(65 ksi) (0.128 in.2) = 42.6 kips Fig. 4.2.7 Deck Support Angle
Rn/Ω = 42.6 kips/2.0 = 21.3 kips > 20.0 kips - 5.0 in. long weld o.k. In many buildings the angle is provided to support the deck and attached roofing materials
from tearing due to construction and foot traffic. The need for the angle as a deck support
The top chord tension yield check will be done by Vulcraft based on the provided top member should be determined first. If the angle is to be provided for this purpose it is possible
to also size the angle for the diaphragm chord requirements. A word of caution is appropriate
chord. here. Typically, the edge angles cannot be installed as one continuous angle, whether due to
building length or practicality of installation. If the edge angle is used as the diaphragm chord
Check tensile rupture of the joist chord angles: member, the splice connection must be detailed on the construction plans in order to provide
the continuous load path. If this detail is not shown it is likely the angles will simply be butted
together and not connected.
If the girder shown in Figure 4.2.7 is to be used as the chord member for the diaphragm,
the specifying professional will need to consider the load path for the chord forces. There
will need to be a tie connection between girders to form the continuous member, typically a
knife plate or tie plate. In addition, the chord forces must be transferred down to the girder to
activate it. To form this load path, the angles collect the load from the deck diaphragm. The
angle must transfer that load to the joists. The joist then transfers the load to the girder. This is
done by rollover on the joist seat. The rollover strength of typical joist seats is 1,820 pounds.
This capacity is discussed in Chapter 7. If additional strength is required, some type of shear
transfer member is installed between the joists to directly connect the deck to the girder. For
diaphragms that resist seismic loads, especially in high seismic areas, it is best to provide shear
transfer members (blocking) for a positive connection between deck and girder. This avoids the
joist seat experiencing cyclical rollover loading from the seismic loads.
If the girder shown in Figure 4.2.7 is in line with or part of the Lateral Force Resisting System,
the angle may also need to be used to transfer the diaphragm shear parallel to the deck span
down to the girder. The deck is attached to the angle with welds, power driven fasteners or self- Fig. 4.2.8 Shear Transfer Member with K Joist
drilling screws. Without these fasteners it is not possible to transfer the diaphragm shear from
the deck directly to the joist. The load is transferred from the angle to the joist. Then from the
joist to the girder by means of joist seat rollover. As discussed in the previous paragraph, the
joist seat has a relatively small capacity for rollover. If additional capacity is needed for the
diaphragm load transfer, some type of shear transfer member will need to be installed. Just like
with seismic chord force, described in preceding paragraph, it is best to use blocking to transfer
seismic loads from the diaphragm to the girder. Once the load is in the Joist Girder top chord
a proper force path to connect girder to girder must be provided. This can be done with a knife
plate or with a tie plate or tie angles, like that shown in Figure 4.2.4 and Figure 4.2.5.
Shear Transfer Members
It is required to provide a positive load path to transfer the diaphragm shears into the
vertical lateral force resisting system. A variety of details have been used for this purpose.
In the preceding paragraphs the transfer of deck shears to Joist Girder top chords was briefly
discussed. For small shears it was pointed out that the joist seat could be used for this transfer. Fig. 4.2.9 Shear Transfer Member with LH Joist
For larger shear loads, or seismic loads, a shear transfer member, would likely be required Attachment to Shear Walls
between the deck and the Joist Girder top chord, or edge beam. There are multiple options for
the shear collector members including HSS tubes, channels, joist substitutes (2.5K or VS joist), Shear walls are often used to transfer diaphragm forces from floors and roofs to the foundation
angles and bent plates. The details shown in Figures. 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 provide two possible system. The edge attachment of the diaphragm to the shear wall can be accomplished in several
examples. The height of the shear transfer member should match the height of the joist seat. ways. It is common to use ledger angles, channels or bent plates. The deck is attached to the
ledger and the ledger is connected to the shear wall. The connection to the shear wall can be
This means different size members will need to be used for K-Series and LH-Series joists.
done with embeds, headed weld studs, bolts or other means. In addition to the shear transfer,
When choosing the shear transfer member, the specifying professional must consider the width the effects of gravity load and wind uplift must be considered on these connections. When a
of the horizontal top surface for making the connection from the deck to the shear transfer joist or Joist Girder is positioned directly next to the vertical wall, allowance must be made
member. The connection of shear transfer to the Joist Girder or wide flange beam can be done for the vertical movement of the joist or girder relative to the “non-deflecting” vertical wall.
with a continuous weld or a stitch weld depending on the loading. On Joist Girders, the shear If the shear transfer device loads the wall vertically as well as horizontally then the wall must
transfer members should either be attached to both top chords, or attached to alternating girder be designed for the vertical load as well as the shear force. In Figures. 4.2.10 and 4.2.11 shear
top chord angles. This way the load is equally distributed to the girder top chord angles. The transfer details are illustrated which permit vertical movement. The plate size, welding and
contractor must take care when installing the shear transfer member and the deck. The low flute wall attachments must be designed for the shear forces. The detail shown in Figure 4.2.12 does
of the deck should be flat against the shear transfer member in order to properly fasten the deck. not have “built in” slip, thus the connecting plate must be designed to flex vertically under the
Provided in the AISI Specification are equations for calculating allowable arc spot weld shear action of gravity or uplift wind loading or it must be designed to transfer the vertical loading
forces. The manufacturers of mechanical fasteners also provide strengths for determining the to the wall. Particular attention must be paid to the weld design for this detail. When the joist
deflects vertically considerable prying is placed on the arc spot welds.
required spacing of the fasteners for the required loading.
The detail shown in Figure 4.2.13 represents one way that the shear forces can be transferred to a
CMU wall when the joists frame into the wall. The continuous angle provides the multipurpose
function of deck support, shear transfer and diaphragm chord.
When the first joist parallel to the shear wall is not installed immediately next to the wall,
i.e. it is located a typical joist space away from the wall, the design considerations change.
The detail shown in Figure 4.2.14 is an example of this condition. The continuous ledger
angle can be installed conforming to the roof slope. With the additional distance, the deck can
flex to accommodate the vertical deflection of the joist. The detail also has the advantage of
accommodating joist camber. The deck will flex to accommodate most camber conditions for
K-Series joists. The accommodation of camber is discussed further in section 5.10. In these
details the angle ledger also serves as the structural support for the gravity loads on the deck.
This must be included in the design of the attachment. The design of the ledger to the wall
should take into consideration the construction sequencing in order to come up with the most
Fig. 4.2.10 Shear Transfer to Precast (T-Strap) cost-effective connection.

Fig. 4.2.11 Shear Transfer to Masonry

Fig. 4.2.13 Gravity and Shear Load Transfer to Masonry

Fig. 4.2.12 Shear Transfer to Precast

bottom chord through the web members. The specifying professional must provide the force
information so that Vulcraft can check the web members and can also determine lateral bracing
requirements for the bottom chord of the Joist Girder. The force diagram shown in Figure
4.2.15 can be used to convey this type of information.
The specifying professional must schedule the required forces. The force, F, may be due to
wind, seismic or other lateral loads.

Note: Design the web system to transfer the force F from the top chord to the bottom chord.
Fig. 4.2.15 Joist Girder Note
In addition to the information shown in Figure 4.2.15, Vulcraft must be informed as to how to
Fig. 4.2.14 Gravity and Shear Load Transfer to Masonry combine the force in the load combinations. Sample load schedules are discussed in Chapter 6.
This same procedure could be used to transmit forces through the joists to the vertical bracing
In seismic areas, projects with concrete or masonry, shear walls may have different requirements system. In most cases special edge joists will be required. When the bracing forces become
and loading considerations for the connection to the wall. One such consideration is the out of relatively large (greater than 20 kips), it may be better to substitute a wide flange beam for the
plane wall anchorage forces to prevent the wall from pulling away from the building. perimeter member. The size of the beam and its lateral bracing must be determined. Special
bridging can be specified for the bracing of the beam. The beam also requires detailing at the
A few additional comments are pertinent to deck attachments to hard wall systems. These
column location to transfer shear and axial forces.
relate to building expansion and contraction. Some specifying professionals use masonry wall
bond beams as the chord members for the diaphragm. The bond beam reinforcement must be Expansion Joints
continuous, which can cause expansion and contraction problems with the wall.
At times it is necessary to transfer diaphragm shears across a roof or floor expansion joint.
For buildings with long walls, diaphragm force attachments should take into consideration the Any detail that allows the expansion joint to perform its intended function and yet is capable
expansion and contraction of the building. This may require the strategic use of horizontal and of shear transfer will work. The details shown in Figures 4.2.16 and 4.2.17 have been used.
vertical slip joints at certain locations. In Figure 4.2.16 the strap plates offer negligible resistance perpendicular to the joist direction,
The specifying professional should be aware that the construction sequence may dictate the allowing the expansion joint to move, yet since they are axially stiff, they can transfer shear
type of connection used to the wall system. In some cases, the walls may be present prior to across the joint via tension in the straps. The joist seats must have the rollover capacity to resist
the steel erection and in other cases the steel may be erected first. Where the steel is erected the strap component of force in the direction of the expansion joint. If insufficient capacity
first, it may be necessary to hold the deck back from the wall in order to permit the connections exists, a shear collector member can be used on the Joist Girder lines to carry the force.
to the wall to be made. This procedure may cause the erector to provide additional temporary
bracing until the diaphragm is attached to the shear walls. This condition is discussed further
in Chapter 8.
Attachment to Vertical Bracing (Braced Frames)
When vertical steel bracing is located below the perimeter member, the perimeter member must
transfer the forces into the vertical bracing. When the perimeter member is a Joist Girder, the
bottom chord of the Joist Girder will interfere with the steel bracing unless the steel bracing is
attached to the column below the bottom chord. The bottom chord can serve as the compression
strut if it is connected to the stabilizer plate, otherwise the column must be designed to transfer
the force from the column top to the vertical bracing. For proper force transfer the top chord
force must be transferred to the column top by the girder seat or by some other means. The
girder seat capacity is limited to 8 to 16 kips (ASD). See Chapter 7 for further discussion. For
larger forces, the load must be transferred from the top chord by using a tie plate, knife plate
or a similar attachment.
When the bottom chord is used as a strut the top chord force must be transferred to the
expansion joint to function. As mentioned earlier, the joists must be properly specified for the
web shears and chord forces.
There are occasions when diaphragm action cannot be used to provide lateral stability for the
structure. This most frequently occurs in single story structures where standing seam roofs
are used. In these cases, lateral forces can be resisted in the plane of the roof with a horizontal
bracing system. The bracing system can be designed to resist forces in one or both framing
directions. In Figure 4.3.1 a roof plan is shown in which horizontal bracing is used to resist
lateral forces in only one framing direction.
In Figure 4.3.2 a roof plan is shown in which the horizontal bracing is positioned to resist lateral
loads in both framing directions. Any arrangement of bracing that forms a stable configuration
can be used.

Fig. 4.2.16 Expansion Joint Shear Transfer

Fig. 4.3.1 Roof Bracing, One Direction

Fig. 4.2.17 Expansion Joint Shear Transfer

In Figure 4.2.17 the diaphragm shear is transferred thru the web members of the joists to the
bottom chord. The angles perpendicular to the joist are designed to transfer the shear thru
bending in the cantilevered portion of the angles. The slotted hole in the angles allows the Fig. 4.3.2 Roof Bracing, Two Directions
The bracing members illustrated in Figures. 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 can take several forms. The bracing
can be fabricated from angles, rods, channels, etc. hung directly under the roof joists, or made
from thin strap material placed directly on top of the joists. Some attempts have been made
to string rods thru the joist webs and have proven to be expensive, time consuming and often
not workable. In most situations the roof strap bracing concept has been the most economical
solution. If the strap braces are held to a ¼-inch maximum thickness they generally do not
interfere with the standing seam roof application. If the design requires the straps to be much
wider than 6-inches an alternate framing system should be considered, e.g. adding additional
bracing or choosing an alternate lateral load system. Forces in straps of ¼ in. x 6 in. become so
large that connections to structural elements are not practical.
There is concern about strap sag in that a large deflection will be required to remove the sag from
the straps before the strap is capable of resisting load. If the steel erector attempts to remove
most of the sag from the straps this movement will be minimal, but some sag will always be
present. The strap is akin to a tight cable, in that it takes an infinite force to remove the sag from
the cable or strap. Attempts have been made to provide “draw” in the strap bracings, but this is
generally not worth the expense. It is a good idea to tack weld the straps to the tops of all the
joists at each crossing to hold them in place.
Analysis Procedure
Fig. 4.3.3 Horizontal Bracing
Most horizontal bracing systems are analyzed assuming that the horizontal bracing works in
combination with the joists and Joist Girders forming a deep truss. The joints are taken as
pinned and only the tension diagonals are considered in the analysis. One question that arises
is how to distribute the lateral loads among multiple horizontal trusses. If only one horizontal
truss is contained within the roof framing the decision is simple. When two or more trusses
exist then lateral loads must be distributed in some manner. A computer analysis could be made
of the entire roof framing. However, this is generally not necessary. For the framing systems
shown in Figures. 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 three options are viable. These are:
1. Design each horizontal truss for the full lateral load
2. Distribute the lateral loads equally to each of the horizontal trusses (assuming the trusses
have equal stiffness)
3. Design each truss for wind pressure or wind suction loads
For seismic loads the specifying professional must provide a mechanism to “drag” the seismic
lateral loads to each truss. This is also true for the column stability forces for gravity loads.
However, the stability loads are generally quite small and special connections may not be
required. For wind loads, forces must be transferred across the structure if option 2 is chosen.
When more than two sets of horizontal trusses are provided similar distributions can be Fig. 4.3.4 Strap Bracing Detail
assumed. However, it is generally more economical to provide only two trusses in order to
limit the number of special connections in the roof system.
The arrangement of the horizontal trusses within the roof has an economic bearing. This can
be seen by referring to the truss layout shown in Figure 4.3.2. If the joists run left to right, then Connections for horizontal bracing systems present the same design considerations as
the joists marked A in Figure 4.3.2 would act as the chords in the long direction horizontal for connections with diaphragm systems. The loads must get into and out of the bracing.
truss system, and the members marked B act as compression struts. The forces in the joists Bracing details must be provided to transfer the loads into the joists and Joist Girders without
must be provided to Vulcraft for sizing. By positioning the bracing as shown in Figure 4.3.3, overstressing the end seats or chords, and the chord loading information must be provided
the magnitude of the chord force in the joists is reduced by 100 percent. In addition, eight strap to Vulcraft. A detail such as the one shown in Figure 4.3.4 can be used to transfer the strap
braces are eliminated plus the number of joists with tie plates is reduced. See Figure 4.2.4. bracing forces into the joists and Joist Girders. For structures with wind columns, details must
The only negative feature of this bracing arrangement is that the wind loads which are applied be furnished to transfer the pressure and suction reactions at the top of the column into the
to the side walls must be transmitted through the Joist Girders before being transferred to the bracing system.
bracing system.

4.4 BRACED FRAMES braced frame configuration for the discussion. Sketches should include the clearances under the
diagonals for forklift trucks or pedestrian traffic for the client’s consideration. If additional
Braced frames can be used as the only lateral system, or they can be used in conjunction with clearances are desired, it may be possible to use moment frames for the interior frame bays.
other systems, such as moment frames or shear walls. The following are items to consider Moment frames are significantly more expensive than braced frames, so the owner will want to
with incorporating braced frames into the building design. consider the cost-benefit ratio when deciding with the design team what is best for the project.
There are multiple options for how the bracing can be configured. These include chevron The need for interior braced frame lines often occurs in large structures that are quartered
configuration, inverted chevron, eccentric braces, single diagonal, X-bracing and K by expansion joints. Figure 4.4.1 shows the typical location of expansion joints in a large
configuration. The diagonal members can be structural shapes or Buckling Restrained Braces. warehouse facility.
The configuration, number of bays and detailing requirements will vary based on the building
geometry, height and building code requirements/restrictions. The horizontal members of
braced frames are typically wide flange beams. As discussed earlier, joists and Joist Girders
can be used as the horizontal beam member, except in eccentric braced frames. This is typically
only done on frames up to two or three stories in height. For taller frames or heavily loaded
frames, it is typically simpler and more economical to use a wide flange beam. When a joist or
Joist Girder is used in a braced frame, it may only qualify as an Ordinary Braced Frame, which
may limit the uses as well. The use of joists and Joist Girders for the typical floor framing and
wide flange beams in braced frames is common and not a problem.
Multistory Frames
For multi-story steel buildings, braced frame systems provide an economical option. However,
braced frames are not always allowed around the perimeter of the building. This is due to
their interference with windows. On occasion, braced frames can be in bays where stair wells
and elevator shafts are positioned at the perimeter bays. Depending on the building size and
geometry, it may be possible to coordinate with the owner and architect to determine perimeter
bays that can be used for the braced frames. It will often be a compromise between the structural
needs of the building and the end use of the building.
If the design team is considering designing a building with a dual system of braced frames and
concrete or masonry shear walls, the construction aspect of the project should be considered in
addition to any benefits from the dual system. This would also apply for dual moment frame Fig. 4.4.1 Expansion Joints
and shear wall systems. Because these systems are built by different trades, there will need to
be extra coordination on the project, especially where the steel framing connects to the shear The bracing shown around the perimeter does not provide lateral stability for the structure.
walls. In addition, there are scheduling considerations with a dual system. The time to construct Each building segment is torsionally unstable. The structure cannot be made stable even using
concrete or masonry shear walls is different than the time necessary to erect the steel portion the shear transfer details previously described in the diaphragm section. Using selected interior
of the structure. This can affect the overall length of schedule on a project or create challenges bays for bracing, usually on each side of the expansion joints is the most economical solution.
for the project schedule. If these bays cannot be braced, then a rigid frame solution may be in order.

Single Story Frames 4.5 MOMENT FRAMES

Unlike multistory buildings, single story braced frames are often located at the perimeter of the Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF) can be designed utilizing a joist or Joist Girder as the beam
structure. Generally, fewer windows exist and their locations can be avoided. Only overhead member of the frame. These frames are also referred to as Ordinary Truss Moment Frames
doors and exits must be avoided. All the braced frame configurations mentioned earlier can be (OTMF). Designing an OMF utilizing a joist or Joist Girder is no more difficult than designing
used for single-story braced frames. The X-bracing configuration, either with rods or angles, with a wide flange beam. To obtain a cost-effective design the specifying professional must be
is very common. aware of the interrelationships between the framing elements, i.e. joists, Joist Girders, columns
and connections. In general, the most economical design is one which minimizes fabrication
Much like diaphragms, the economical layout and number of braced frame bays will depend and erection costs of the connections, and one which reduces the special requirements (seat
a great deal on the building geometry. When the length-to-width ratio between braced frame stiffeners, chord reinforcement, etc.) for the joists and Joist Girders. In high seismic zones,
lines exceeds about 4 to 1, lateral forces become quite large. The drag strut loads that must be there are significant restrictions on the use of OMF. In these areas, a different type of moment
transferred to the frames also become large. When the lateral loads become large, it is often frame may be required.
necessary to have multiple braced frame bays in a given frame line. This helps reduce the size
of the members in the braced frames. It also reduces the column uplift forces due to overturning, Design Considerations
reducing foundation costs. To reduce uplift forces, it is recommended that braced frames be The first consideration is to determine if moment frames are required in both framing directions.
placed in adjacent bays rather than separated. This allows the downward forces of one frame to
be used to resist the uplift forces of the adjacent frame, hence minimizing uplift and reducing When moment frames are required in only one direction, the framing scheme should be such
foundation costs. When the length to width ratio of the building exceed 4 to 1 the specifying that the Joist Girders are part of the moment frames. If moment frames are required in both
professional should discuss the cost advantages of interior braced frame bays with the client. directions, the framing scheme that creates the smallest end moments in the joists should be
The client’s first reaction is often negative, so it is often helpful to have sketches of the proposed examined first.
For single story buildings, the Basic Connection (see Chapter 7) is often the most economical to the columns is the responsibility of the specifying professional. See Chapter 7 for further
if it is adequate to resist the required lateral loads without modification. If the Basic Connection discussion relative to the design of the details presented here.
is not adequate or cannot be used, providing moment connections to each column in the line
Detail A - (Figure 4.5.2)
typically provides the most economical system. If the frame column is adjacent to a bearing
wall, the Basic Connection may need to be modified or an alternate connection used (see The basic gravity load connection for Joist Girders becomes a moment connection when the
Chapter 7). bottom chords of the Joist Girder are welded to the stabilizer plates. This connection is the least
expensive moment connection. It requires the fabricator to only provide the column cap plate
For multistory projects, moment frames are best placed around the perimeter of the building as
and the stabilizer plates. The erector simply welds the Joist Girder seat to the column cap and to
shown in Figure 4.5.1. Deep joists and Joist Girders on the perimeter do not interfere with head
the stabilizer plates. The allowable top chord force for a Joist Girder is 8 to 16 kips, depending
room requirements for the building interior. In addition, the exterior joists and Joist Girders can
upon the size of the Joist Girder top chord. For LRFD the design strength equals 12 to 24 kips. In
act as the spandrel system for the structure.
addition to the standard 3/4-inch A325 erection bolts the seat of the girder must be welded to
In multistory structures, moment connections are not always required in the roof. In some the column cap using a 1/4-inch fillet weld 5-inches long on each side of the seat to achieve the
cases, the lateral forces can be transferred from the roof plane to the story below through loads indicated above. To reduce the forces from continuity, the specifying professional may
cantilever columns extending from the floor below. want to specify the welding of the bottom chords after dead loads are applied to the Joist Girders.

Fig. 4.5.1 Multistory Framing

Rigid Moment Connections
As mentioned earlier, the Basic Connection is the most economical connection for moment
frames, provided it has the capacity to resist the imposed lateral loads. This capacity is
generally limited by bending stresses which are induced in the joist or Joist Girder top chords by
eccentricities in the resisting moment force path. A complete discussion of these eccentricities is
contained in Chapter 7, along with other design considerations relating to the Basic Connection
and modifications that can be made to strengthen the moment resistance of the connection. Fig. 4.5.2 Detail A - The Welded Basic Connection
Other types of moment connections are also discussed in detail.
As an aid to the specifying professional, typical moment details are summarized and discussed
below. After determining the moments that exist at the connections in the frame, the specifying
professional can evaluate which of these connections will provide the best solution. The
capacities of the connections are discussed in terms of top chord forces in the joists and Joist
Girders. This is because the top chord force generally limits the capacity of the connection. To
determine the chord forces the specifying professional can divide the required moment by the
appropriate force couple lever arm. For calculations involving the Basic Connection and most
modifications to the Basic Connection, the lever arm is the distance from the centroid of the
bottom chord to the underside of the seat. When this is not appropriate, the appropriate lever arm
is indicated in the summary.
Joist Girder Details
In all the details presented below, the column web must be checked by the specifying professional
to determine if web stiffening is required. The design of the welds connecting the Joist Girders
Detail B - (Figure 4.5.3) Detail C - (Figure4.5.4)
Illustrated in Figure 4.5.3 is a modification which can be made to the Basic Connection. The Joist Girder top chords can be reinforced during manufacturing by inserting a one-inch thick bar
modification connects the top chords of adjacent Joist Girders using tie angles. The angles between the top chord angles or by extending the seat angles along the top chord of the girder.
provide a path for the continuity moment chord forces to be transferred from one girder to the Both types of reinforcement serve to increase the eccentric load bending resistance of the top
adjacent girder without requiring the force to be transferred thru the seat of the girder. Since this chord and must extend past the first vertical web member in the girder. This type of detail is
eliminates the bending stresses in the top chord of the girders due to the gravity load continuity expensive and should be specified by the specifying professional sparingly. Shown in Figure
forces, the 8 or 16-kip available force is totally available to transfer the lateral load forces 4.5.4 are both types of reinforcement. Based upon practical weld sizes and lengths available to
into the column. A top plate can be used in lieu of the tie angles. However, the top tie plate connect the Joist Girders to the columns, the chord force should be limited to approximately 50
usually interferes with the joist seat. The use of the continuity tie increases the strength of the kips for ASD and 75 kips for LRFD.
Basic Connection to resist lateral loads. However, the cost of field welding the tie in place is

Fig. 4.5.4 Detail C - Reinforced Chords

Fig. 4.5.3 Detail B - The Welded Basic Connection with Tie Angles
Detail D - (Figure 4.5.5) Detail E - (Figures. 4.5.6 and 4.5.7)
The special girder seat condition shown in Figure 4.5.5 is best used at sidewall columns. To be Detail E can develop larger Joist Girder chord forces than Details A thru D. They also have
effective, the bolts in the seat must be separated by more than 6-inches. A practical chord force the advantage of giving the specifying professional more control over the design, thus less
limitation for this detail is 40 kips for ASD and 60 kips for LRFD. Because the seat is designed coordination with Vulcraft is required. A disadvantage is that a support bracket is required on
as a rigid extension of the column, the force couple lever arm for this connection is the distance the side of the column for the Joist Girder seat for the moment plate to be welded to the column.
between the centroid of the top chord angles and the centroid of the bottom chord angles. The detail shown in Figure 4.5.7 is the most effective connection for multistory frames because
the additional support is necessary on continuous columns to support Joist Girders. The force
couple lever arm for these details is the distance between the centroid of the top chord angles
and the centroid of the bottom chord angles. The strength of Detail E is limited by the top
chord axial load capacity. Maximum force limits of 200 kips (ASD) and 300 kips (LRFD) are
recommended for this detail.

Fig. 4.5.5 Detail D - Rigid Seat Connection

Fig. 4.5.6 Detail E - Moment Plate Connection (Single Story)


Fig. 4.5.8a Detail F - Knife Plate Connection (Single Story)

Fig. 4.5.7 Detail E - Moment Plate Connection (Multi-story)

Detail F - (Figures 4.5.8a and 4.5.8b)
Modifications to Detail E are shown in Figures 4.5.8a and 4.5.8b. Knife plate connections
have been used successfully in single story and multistory moment frames. An advantage of
the knife plate connection is that it eliminates some of the field welding required with Detail
E. A disadvantage is that Vulcraft must give special attention in the Joist Girder seat design to
accommodate the knife plate. Welding to the column cap should be partial pen or full pen rather
than fillet welded, so that the seat on the Joist Girder can fit tight to the knife plate. For the
multi-story connection, welding the knife plate to the column bracket will also interfere with
the Joist Girder seat. The knife plate should be shop welded only to the column flange to avoid
interference. Since the girder is being fitted over the knife plate in the field, use of a 7/8 in. thick
knife plate should be considered to allow for field and fabrications tolerances. The force couple
lever arm is the distance between the chord centroids.
A chord load limit of 200 kips for ASD and 300 kips for LRFD is recommended for this detail.
A more detailed discussion of the knife plate connection is contained in Chapter 7.
The specifying professional is encouraged to contact the local Vulcraft sales engineer regarding Fig. 4.5.8b Detail F - Knife Plate Connection (Multi-story)
the use of the knife plate connection.
Joist Details
In the details presented below the building specifying professional must check the columns
to determine if column web stiffening is required. The design of the welds which connect the
joists to the columns is the responsibility of the building specifying professional. See Chapter
7 for further details.
Detail G -- (Figure 4.5.9) Detail I - (Figure4.5.11)
The basic gravity load connection for joists becomes a moment connection when the bottom Placing stiffeners in the Joist Girder seat increases the rollover capacity to 8.55 kips (ASD),
chords of the joists are extended and welded to the column. The capacity of this connection to and 12.85 kips (LRFD), thereby increasing the detail’s capability in transferring lateral load
resist joist moments is minimal. As shown in Chapter 7 the rollover capacity of standard Joist moments to the column. Because the cost of providing these stiffeners by Vulcraft is significant,
Girder seats is 5.89 kips (ASD), and 8.85 kips (LRFD). Use of the rod bottom chord extensions an alternative to Detail I should be used.
reduce the continuity chord forces as explained in Chapter 7.

Fig. 4.5.9 Detail G - The Basic Connection

Detail H -- (Figure 4.5.10)
Fig. 4.5.11 Detail I - Stiffeners in Girder Seat
Use of the continuity tie plate provides a force path for the continuity forces to be transferred from
joist to joist without requiring the force to be transferred thru the joist seats, thus eliminating the Detail J - (Figure 4.5.12)
continuity secondary moments in the joists. Joist top chords can be reinforced by extending the seat angles along the top chord as shown
in Figure 4.5.12. This significantly increases the chord capacity to resist bending forces;
however, the detail is expensive to fabricate and the economics of its use by the building
specifying professional must be carefully considered.

Fig. 4.5.10 Detail H - The Basic Connection with Tie

Fig. 4.5.12 Detail J - Joist E Member Extension

Detail K- (Figure 4.5.13) inertia Ieff = Ij/1.15.
The bracketed connection shown previously in Figure 4.5.6 can also be used for joists. It For Joist Girders, an approximate moment of inertia can be obtained from the equation:
provides the same advantages for joist connections as it does for Joist Girders. The force couple
IJG = 0.027 NPLd
lever arm is from the centroidal distance between the joist chords.
N = number of joist spaces
P = panel point load in kips
L = Joist Girder length in feet
d = effective depth of the Joist Girder in inches
The effective moment of inertia for the Joist Girders should again be divided by the 1.15
Ieff = IJG/1.15
There are several ways to model joist or Joist Girder in Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF).
1. Using any stiffness analysis program, the specifying professional can perform the
Forces and moments in moment frames comprised with joists or Joist Girders can be
determined in a manner like other ordinary moment frames comprised of steel columns
and beams. The first step in the design process is to perform a preliminary analysis. It is
Fig. 4.5.13 Detail K – Moment Plate Connection (Single Story) suggested that the OMF be considered as a pinned base frame in order to eliminate moment
resisting foundations. However, for drift control, partially restrained or fixed bases can be
Frame Analysis considered. The specifying professional should consider serviceability criteria and drift
control at the preliminary design phase of the project. After selecting trial member sizes for
Chapter C in the AISC Specifications (AISC, 2016d) provides stability and strength analysis the columns and joists (the term joist as used here means joist or Joist Girder), a computer
provisions for the design of rigid frames. Chapter C is based on the direct analysis method, analysis is performed to determine forces, moments and deflections (both first order
which can be used for all framing cases. Alternative methods of analysis are also permitted, and second order) for the load combinations prescribed by the applicable building code.
specifically the effective length method and the first-order method which are presented in Because second order analysis is a non-linear problem, the analysis must be performed for
Appendix 7 of the Specifications; however, certain restrictions apply to these methods. Most each required load combination.
software programs provide analysis solutions which satisfy the AISC analysis and design It is suggested to use a simplified model for the joist frame by modeling the joist as an
requirements. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss all the analysis methods. equivalent beam section with the effective moment of inertia as mentioned above. The
If one performs the required second order analysis which accounts for P∆ and Pδ displacements, node at the interface of the column and joist should be located at the mid-height of the
then Equations H1-1a and H1-1b in Chapter H of the Specifications can be used directly for joist to more closely approximate the relative stiffness of these two elements and to more
determining the column requirements. The advantage of using second order analysis techniques accurately predict lateral drift in the frame. This model will provide conservative results
for the moments in the joists and columns since the joists are attached to the columns at
is that effective length values are not required, i.e. Lc = K can be taken as 1.0. their bottom chord.
Analysis methods require that, for the lateral force resisting system, the moments of inertia and
The reader is encouraged to refer to SJI’s Technical Digest 11, “Design of Lateral Load
cross-sectional areas of joists, Joist Girders and columns be input into the analysis. Resisting Frames Using Steel Joists and Joist Girders” for additional information for the
For joists, the moment of inertia is easily approximated from the joist load tables. The Vulcraft design of Ordinary Moment Frames.
Manual provides the following equation for calculation of the joist moment of inertia: 2. Commercially available software packages that make use of SJI’s Virtual joists or Joist
Ij = 26.767 (WLL)(L3)(10-6) Girders can be used. Virtual joists and Joist Girders were developed by the SJI to facilitate
use in software that was designed to use tables for wide flange beams. Tables “in like
format” were developed for software suppliers. Several suppliers are currently making use
WLL (lbs./ft.) equals the live load causing a deflection of span over 360 per the joist load table, of the tables.
The reader can contact any software supplier of their choice to determine how to use the
L equals (span - 0.33), in feet Virtual joists and Joist Girders. One can also visit the SJI website and view
The moment of inertia does not include a reduction for web deformations. For a stiffness analysis Webinars on the use of Virtual joists and Joist Girders.
or for deflection calculations divide Ij by 1.15 to obtain an approximate effective moment of
To insure the joist or Joist Girder supplied for the project will meet the requirements used in the The choice of the most economical lateral load system is dependent on several parameters.
frame analysis, the moment of inertia for the joist (Ij) or the Joist Girder (IJG) should be specified These principally include:
on structural plans as the minimum moment of inertia (i.e. 1.15Ieff used in the analysis). 1. The building end use
Drift Considerations
2. The building geometry
As with any structure, the stiffness of the frame must be considered, and drift must be controlled
not only for strength considerations but also for serviceability requirements. The drift for most 3. Expansion joint requirements
single-story industrial warehouse buildings with metal wall panels is generally in the range of 4. The type of roofing system
the height/60 to height/100. More stringent requirements may be necessary depending upon
the wall system, or if overhead crane runway systems are used. Typical drift limitations are 5. Future expansion requirements
provided in Table 4.5.1 for single story industrial buildings.
As a rule braced frames with horizontal roof or floor diaphragms provide the most economical
For multistory frames, most specifying professionals limit wind drift to H/500. Where H is the framing system for joist and Joist Girder buildings. This should be the specifying professional’s
story or building height. Wind forces are based on 10-year recurrences which result in pressures first choice as a system. The parameters listed above can cause a different framing system to
of approximately 3/4 of 50-year recurrences. be used.
“Serviceability Design Considerations for Low- Rise Buildings, Steel Design Guide Series 3,” Building End Use
is an expanded treatise on serviceability requirements in low rise steel buildings. See also the
provisions in ASCE7 for drift considerations with seismic loads. The end use of a building may affect the lateral system to be used for the building. As
previously mentioned, it might be necessary to have all interior vertical lateral force resisting
DRIFT CRITERIA FOR STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS systems be moment frames so there are no obstructions inside the building. The windows
in an office building might dictate the locations a brace frame system can be used or force a
moment frame to be used. Truck doors on a warehouse project might require that shear walls
Structural Element Drift Criteria Loading
be used on that wall line. These are just a few examples of how end use might affect the
Metal Panels H/60 to H/100 10 year. wind lateral system.
Building Geometry
Precast Walls H/100 10 year. wind As mentioned in the discussion on diaphragms and horizontal bracing when the length to width
ratio of the structure exceeds approximately 4 to 1, the structural requirements placed on the
Unreinforced Masonry * 1/16, crack width at wall diaphragm or horizontal bracing system become severe. This may require that interior frame
10 year. wind
Walls base lines be used to reduce the length to width ratio and the loading. In addition, uplift forces due
Reinforced Masonry to overturning become significant at frame locations. For these structures, depending on the
* H/200 10 year. wind building size, the most economical approach may be to create moment frames with Joist Girders
at some or all the frame lines. Likely, the Basic Connection will not be suitable, since relatively
Crane lateral load or 10 few interior columns would be available to participate in the moment frames. Thus, the Joist
Cab Operated Crane H/240
year. wind. Girders should be rigidly connected to the exterior columns only, and the Basic Connection
Top Running Pendant Crane lateral load or 10 used with any interior columns. For lateral loads in the perpendicular direction of the building,
H/100 the first choice would be to use a diaphragm to transfer the lateral loads to the frame lines at the
Cranes year. wind
perimeter of the building.
*Note: These drift indices can be increased with proper detailing. See, AISC’s “Serviceability Design
Considerations for Low- Rise Buildings, Steel Design Guide Series 3.” Expansion Joints
Table 4.5 Drift Criteria When the structure is of such a size that expansion joints are required, the expansion joints
prevents the entire roof from acting as a single diaphragm. The roof would then act as separate
4.6 SELECTION OF THE LATERAL LOAD SYSTEM diaphragms each side of the joint. If the diaphragm shears can be transferred across a singular
expansion joint, an interior frame line would only be required on one side of the joint. For
The various methods of resisting the lateral loads have been discussed in the previous sections. large diaphragm shears that cannot be transferred across the joint, interior frame lines would be
The three basic options are: required each side of the joint.
1. Roof and floor diaphragm systems with braced frames
Roofing System
2. X-Braced roof systems with braced frames When a standing seam roof is used, typically a horizontal roof bracing system is used. For the
3. Diaphragms and moment frames vertical system, braced frames or moment frames are typically be used. Again, if the length-
to-width ratio is greater than 4 to 1, the moment frame system will most likely be the least
The systems can be mixed to provide the optimum structure. For example, diaphragms with expensive. If the loads and size of the building are such that the Basic Connection can be used
moment frames in one direction and braced frames in the perpendicular direction without modification, then the moment frame system will probably be less expensive than the
braced frame system. The moment frame solution will most likely have heavier columns than
an X-braced frame system, but the erection cost of the X-bracing may be more expensive than
the extra cost for the columns. Braced Frame Systems
Future Expansion For steel braced frame systems, there are four types applicable to steel framed structures:
Usually, future expansion considerations only influence the vertical lateral force resisting 1. Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames (Type B1, EBF)
system. The frame line at the expansion may have to be designed for additional load if the
2. Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frames (Type B2, SCBF)
expansion is going to connect to the existing structure. The number of bays used for a braced
frame may be limited at the expansion location. It may even require a moment frame system to 3. Steel Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (Type B3, OCBF)
be used at the expansion location.
4. Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (Type, BRBF)
Like moment frame systems, the Structural System Selection noted in Chapter 12 of ASCE
Joists or Joist Girders are commonly used to resist some seismic forces. Joists and Joist Girders 7-16 provide the limitations for when each of these frame types may be used in a structure. The
can be used as the beam in ordinary moment frame type systems, the beam in ordinary braced limitations again are based on the applicable Seismic Design Category, height, and mass of the
frame type systems, as chords/collectors of the diaphragm system and continuous ties in the structure. Each of these systems must be designed to meet the applicable requirements of the
wall anchorage system. When designing a structure to resist seismic forces, the engineer AISC 341.
must first select a Seismic Force Resisting System (SFRS). ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 “Design
Coefficients and Factors for Seismic Force-Resisting Systems” lists distinct types of Seismic Joists and Joist Girders cannot be incorporated into Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames. Steel
Force-Resisting Systems. Special Concentrically Braced Frames and Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames require
details that are not practical for connecting joists and Joist Girders to Diagonal Braces in these
Moment Resisting Frame Systems systems. Thus, a joist or Joist Girder braced frame must be categorized as a Steel Ordinary
For steel moment frame systems, there are four types applicable to steel framed structures: Concentrically Braced Frame in AISC 341. In higher seismic design categories, there are
significant restrictions on the height and mass of the building for which OCBF can be used.
1. Steel Special Moment Frames (Type C1, SMF) Due to these restrictions and the low Response Modification Coefficient for OCBF, they are not
2. Steel Special Truss Moment Frames (Type C2, STMF) used very often to resist seismic loads.

3. Steel Intermediate Moment Frames (Type C3, IMF)

The beams (joist or Joist Girder serving as the beam) and connections in the OCBF system must
typically be designed for load combinations including overstrength. The provisions include
4. Steel Ordinary Moment Frames (Type C4, OMF) certain exceptions to the overstrength requirement for the design of the connection.
The Structural System Selection noted in Chapter 12 of ASCE 7-16 provide the limitations Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed per AISC 341
for when each of these frame types may be used in a structure. These limitations are based
For a structure in Seismic Design Category B or C, the engineer may select the SFRS category
on the applicable Seismic Design Category, height, and mass of the structure. Each of these
of “Steel Systems not Specifically Detailed for Seismic Resistance, Excluding Cantilever
four systems must be designed to meet the applicable requirements of the AISC 341 “Seismic
Column Systems.” These are commonly called “R=3” systems. Moment frames and braced
Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings,” (AISC, 2016c).
frames that are part of an “R=3” system do not need to conform to AISC 341.
Special Moment Frames and Intermediate Moment Frames require the use of a moment
Chords and Collectors
connection between the beam and column that has been demonstrated by testing to allow for
varying degrees of inelastic rotation without significant degradation in the flexural strength of Joists and Joist Girders also act as chords and collectors in diaphragms for all types of Seismic
the two members. Tests have not been conducted on the connections typically used for joist Force Resisting Systems. These chords and collectors must be designed for the load combinations
or Joist Girders for compliance with the requirements for Special or Intermediate Moment in the applicable building code including overstrength factor (Wo). The requirement to design
Frames. Special Truss Moment Frames are required to provide significant inelastic deformation for load combinations including overstrength factors applies to structures in Seismic Design
capacity within a special segment of the truss. These provisions require a specially designed Categories C and higher. The overstrength factor on large projects can often cause the drag load
and detailed truss to be used. Thus, a joist or Joist Girder moment frame must be categorized as on collectors to exceed the capacity of the joist. The overstrength factor can also cause the drag
an Ordinary Moment Frame in AISC 341. load to be large enough that the connections to transfer the load between joists or Joist Girders
become impractical. In these cases, a wide flange beam can be used for the collector members.
Ordinary Moment Frames are expected to withstand minimal inelastic deformations in their
members and connections when subjected to a design-level earthquake. Ordinary Moment Anchorage of Structural Walls
Frames, that incorporate joists or Joist Girders as the beam, rely upon the column to provide
For projects with concrete or masonry walls, joists and Joists Girders are often used as part of
this inelastic rotation. Therefore, the use of this type of system is limited to one-story buildings
the wall anchorage system. The wall anchorage forces are intended to prevent the concrete or
where the hinging of the column will not immediately create a stability problem. AISC 341
masonry walls from pulling away from the structure. The horizontal seismic wall anchorage
does provide requirements for the strength of the moment connection that need to be included
forces are axial loads on the joists and Joist Girders. The building code requires continuous
in the design for frames resisting seismic loads. In higher seismic design categories, there are
ties or struts between diaphragm chords in order to distribute the anchorage forces into the
significant restrictions on the height and mass of the building for which OMF can be used. Due
diaphragm in higher seismic areas. By connecting the joists with tie plates or tie angles, and
to these restrictions and the low Response Modification Coefficient for OMF, they are not used
the Joist Girders with knife plates, continuous ties can be created. The seismic axial load on the
very often to resist seismic loads.
joists and Joist Girders must be specified on the structural plans. The factor for Steel Elements 4.8 DESIGN EXAMPLES
of the Structural Wall Anchorage System in ASCE7 needs to be included in the axial load
specified in higher seismic areas. Example 4.8.1 Building Braced at Walls

Seismic Provision Requirements Using ASD, design a bracing system for the building shown in Figure 4.8.1.

To design and supply joists or Joist Girders as part of a SFRS per AISC 341, Vulcraft must Design the following:
know certain facts about the SFRS as designed by the specifying professional. The specifying 1. Metal Deck Diaphragm attachment for MWFRS wind loads
professional is required to designate on the Structural Design Drawings, and/or in the Project
Specifications, the items listed in Section A4.1 and Section A4.2 (as applicable) of the AISC 2. Diaphragm Chord/Collector Members
341. 3. Shear Transfer at Lines 1 & 6
Per Section A4.1 General, Structural design drawings and specifications shall “include the 4. Specifications and Loading on members at Braced Frames
following as applicable:
5. Diagonal Members of Braced Frames
(a) Designation of the SFRS
6. Check Diaphragm Deflection
(b) Identification of the members and connections that are a part of the SFRS
7. Final call outs for structural plans
(c) Locations and dimensions of protected zones
(d) Connection details between concrete floor diaphragms and the structural steel elements of
the SFRS
(e) Shop drawing and erection drawing requirements not addressed in Section I1”
For systems designed according to the AISC 341, the joists or Joist Girders that are a part of the
SLRS (including chords and collectors) must follow the following specific member, welding
and bolting requirements.
• Section A3.4a Consumables for Welding: “All welds used in members and connections
in the SLRS shall be made with filler metals meeting the requirements specified in
clauses 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 of Structural Welding Code-Seismic Supplement (AWS D1.8/
D1.8M) ….” [AWS, 2016].”
• Section D1 MEMBER REQUIREMENTS: “Members of moment frames, braced
frames and shear walls in the seismic force-resisting system (SFRS) shall comply with
the Specification and this section.”
• Section D2. CONNECTIONS Section D2.1 General: “Connections, joints and
fasteners that are a part of the SFRS shall comply with Specification Chapter J, and
with the additional requirements of this section.”
Fig. 4.8.1 Example 4.8.1 Roof Plan View
• Section D2.2 Bolted Joints
• Section D2.3 Welded Joints: “Welded Joints shall be designed in accordance with the
Frames are Ordinary Braced Frames with Tension only bracing.
AISC Specifications Chapter J.”
Typical Joist: 22K7
The AISC 341 welding requirements are applicable to joist and Joist Girder chord splices,
connections to columns in moment frames and braces in braced frames. AISC 341 also applies Interior Joist Girder: 42G 8N 9.2K/6.0K
to the welded connections between joist and Joist Girder chords and web members with the
exception that the welding be performed per SJI requirements. Section A3.4a applies and shall Perimeter Joist Girder: 42G 8N 4.6K/3. 0K
be followed in its entirety. Deck: Vulcraft 22ga. 1.5B-36 Grade 50 (22 gage, 1.5" tall B deck, 36" wide)
The AISC 341 bolting requirements require conformance with AISC “Specification for the Eave Height = 24 feet (top of metal roof deck)
Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel Buildings,” and place additional restrictions
Design Loads:
on the bolt, hole types and allowable limit states for design. All bolts shall be designed as
bearing bolts and must be installed as pretensioned high strength bolts with faying surfaces that Dead Load, Joist, D = 15 psf
satisfy the requirements for slip critical connections.
Roof Live load, Lr = 30 psf (Not reducible) in the diaphragm. The load for each wind direction must be determined.
MWFRS loads: North-South Direction, chord force at Line A and D
Wall wind load, 0.6W = 20 psf (Windward + Leeward load) MN-S = wwL2/8 = (240 plf)(200 ft.)2/8 = 1200 kip-ft.
Roof wind loads, 0.6W = -17 psf (negative sign signifies uplift load) Pchord N-S = (MN-S)/(Diaphragm Depth) = (1200 kip-ft.)/(120 ft.) = 10.0 kips
0.6W = 0 psf East-West Direction, chord force at Line 1 and 6
ME-W = wwL2/8 = (240 plf)(120 ft.)2/8 = 432 kip-ft.
The specifying professional needs to check both the case with uplift loading and the case
without uplift loading, since there may be instances where including uplift is the worst Pchord E-W = (ME-W)/(Diaphragm Depth) = (432 kip-ft.)/(200 ft.) = 2.16 kips
case, and other instances where the wind load being 0 psf will be the worst case. The above diaphragm wind loads will be used in sizing the members for the building.
Applicable load combinations: The joist spacing can be determined from the information provided in Figure 4.8.1. The Joist
D+L Girder span is 40 feet. There are 8 equal joist spaces, thus the joist spacing = 40 ft./8 = 5.0 feet
on center. The deck is Vulcraft 22ga. 1.5B-36. This preliminary size is based on the vertical
D + 0.6W loads, and the component and cladding wind loads on the deck. For diaphragm shear capacities
the deck is to be installed with 2 spans minimum. The deck is being supported by joists, so the
D + 0.75(0.6W) + 0.75 Lr deck support members will be at least 1/8" thick (0.125"). The MWFRS uplift load on this roof
Solution: diaphragm is 17 (0.6W psf).
1. Metal Deck Diaphragm attachment for MWFRS wind loads For this building, use Hilti Powder Actuated Fasteners (PAF) for deck attachment to the
supports and #10 screws for the side-lap connection. Screws used for side-lap connections
Diaphragm Loads: Based on MWFRS pressures need to be SDI recognized screws produced by Buildex, Elco, Hilti or Simpson Strong-Tie.
The Vulcraft Roof Deck Diaphragm Design Tool should be used to determine the diaphragm
The uniform load to the roof diaphragm is the reaction of the wind load on the wall. This capacity. The deck diaphragm tools can be accessed at Figure
building does not have a parapet, thus the diaphragm load is half the eave height times 4.8.2 is the output from the Vulcraft 2018 IBC Deck Diaphragm tool based on the information
the wind pressure on the wall. and requirements above. This tool is based on the “North American Standard for the Design of
Profiled Steel Diaphragm Panels,” (AISI S310-16, 2016b).
ww = (24 ft./2)(20 psf) = 240 plf
AISI S310-16 for the diaphragm capacity based on combined shear and wind uplift. Based on
Determine the wind load at each frame line: the tables in Figure 4.8.2, the diaphragm attachment can be chosen.
The roof diaphragm for this building is a flexible diaphragm. As a result, the roof diaphragm
will behave as a simply supported beam. The wind load to the frames will be the end reaction
of the simply supported beam uniform wind load times the half span of the diaphragm in the
direction of the wind.
Lines 1 & 6, North-South direction:
V1 = V6 = (ww)(L/2) = (240 plf)(1 kip/1000 lb)(200 ft./2) = 24.0 kips
Lines A & D, East-West direction:
VA = VD = (ww)(L/2) = (240 plf)(1 kip/1000 lb) (120 ft./2) = 14.4 kips
Determine the maximum wind shear force per foot in the diaphragm:
The diaphragm depth for this building does not vary, so the worst-case shear will be at the
frame lines. Diaphragm shear equals the wind load to the frame line divided by the diaphragm
v1 = v6 = (V1)/(Diaphragm depth N-S) = (24.0 kips)(1000 lbs/kip)/120 ft. = 200 plf

vA = vD = (VA)/(Diaphragm depth E-W) = (14.4 kips)(1000 lbs/kip)/200 ft. = 72 plf

Note for buildings where the diaphragm depth varies, the specifying professional will need to
check the diaphragm shear for each segment of the diaphragm with a different depth in order
to determine the worst-case shear.
Determine Diaphragm Chord forces:
The diaphragm chord force is the tension-compression couple force from the bending moment
is required. Note, for large buildings, it is common to use multiple attachment patterns,
where the patterns increase as the diaphragm shear increases. This is done to make the deck
and its attachment as economical as possible.
2. Diaphragm Chord/Collector Members
2.1 Check Diaphragm Chord/Collector Members in North-South Direction, Lines A and D:
The typical joists at Line A and D will be used as the Diaphragm Chord/Collector members
for the North-South direction. Determine the joist top chord axial forces in the edge joists
based on the required load combinations to determine if the typical 22K7 is acceptable. The
edge joist has a tributary load width of 2.5 feet.
Load Combinations:
D + Lr
D + 0.6W
D + 0.75(0.6W) + 0.75Lr
For dead load axial:
The required joist moment = (15 psf)(2.5 ft.)(40 ft.)2/8 = 7,500 ft.-lbs = 7.5 kip-ft.
The required axial chord force D = (7.5 kip-ft.)(12 in./21.0 in.) = 4.3 kips
The effective depth of the joist is taken as 21.0 in.
For live load axial:
The required joist moment = (30 psf)(2.5 ft.)(40 ft.)2/8 = 15,000 ft.-lbs = 15.0 kip-ft.
The required axial chord force Lr = (15 kip-ft.)(12 in./21.0 in.) = 8.6 kips
For wind load axial:
Axial load from wind loads will be the worst-case of the collector load and the diaphragm
chord force. The worst-case collector load will be at Line 3 and Line 4, load will be the
same (the joist that is part of the frame is a separate case and is addressed later in the
Collector Load = 0.6W = (80 ft.)(75 plf) = 6.0 kips
Pchord N-S = 0.6W = 10.0 kips (controls)
Combined Axial Loads:
D + Lr = 4.3 kips + 8.6 kips = 12.9 kips
D + 0.6W = 4.3 kips + 10 kips = 14.3 kips
D + 0.75(0.6W) + 0.75Lr = 4.3 kips + 0.75(10 kips) + 0.75(8.6 kips) = 18.3 kips (controls)
Determine the allowable joist top chord axial force for the typical edge joist:
For the 22K7 with a 40 ft. span the available gravity load = 231 plf
The available moment = (231 plf)(40 ft.)2/8 = 46.2 ft.- kips.
The available chord force = (46.2 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(21.0 in.) = 26.4 kips
26.4 kips > 18.3 kips o.k.
This capacity is based on the wind axial loads being transferred from joist to joist with a tie
Fig. 4.8.2 Deck Diaphragm Capacity & Shear Stiffness
plate or similar. If the load is transferred thru the seat, it will cause additional bending in the
Diaphragm Attachment: joist top chord and reduces the capacity.
Hilti X-HSN24 PAF with a 36/4 Pattern at Perpendicular supports, (1) #10 side-lap screw The 22K7 is adequate as the diaphragm chord/collector member at Lines A and D with
per span, and Hilti X-HSN24 PAF at 20” on center (1'-8" on center) to parallel supports. tie plate to transfer wind axial load.
Allowable capacity vallow = 227 plf > 200 plf = v1 - attachment is acceptable. Size the tie plate and weld:
Due to the size of this building and the low diaphragm shears, only the 1 attachment pattern
The axial load may act in tension or compression, therefore design for the compression case. Note: For large diaphragm shears, the rollover force will easily exceed the seat capacity,
so a shear transfer member between the joists should be used in those cases.
Use a 1/4-in. thick x 4-in. wide x 8 in. long tie plate with 1/8 in. fillet weld 3 in. long each side
of the plate to each joist. Collector Loads in Joist Girders at Lines 1 and 6:
Rn/Ω = 11.1 kips > 10.0 kips = Pchord N-S - Tie plate and weld o.k. The Joist Girders spanning from Line A to B and from Line C to D will act as collectors
to bring the diaphragm shear to the Joist Girder that is part of the braced frame from Line
See example 4.2.2 for how to calculate capacity of plate and weld. B to C. These Joist Girders must be designed for the collector wind axial loads. Due to the
wind axial load the Joist Girder designation must include the live load portion of the panel
2.2 Check Diaphragm Chord/Collector Members in East-West Direction, Lines 1 and 6: point load, as shown above in order to properly design the Joist Girder for the required
Line 1 and Line 6 are girder lines. Due to the joist seat the roof deck is not attached directly to load combinations. The collector length of all 4 of these girders is the same, 40 feet.
the girder. The following are two common ways to create a chord/collector member at girder Joist Girder Collector Axial Load:
lines. The first is to use a continuous shear transfer member (in some cases referred to as
blocking), between the joists and welded to the girder, allowing the girder to be used as the Pcollector = 0.6W = (Collector Length)(Diaphragm Shear) = (40 ft.)(200 plf) = 8.0 kips
chord/collector member (best for high diaphragm shears and seismic loads). The second is to Design Joist Girders at Line 1 and 6, spanning from A to B and from C to D for
use a continuous edge angle as the chord/collector member (best for small diaphragm shears). axial load 0.6W = 8.0 kips.
With the small diaphragm shears on this building use a continuous edge angle as the chord/ The collector axial load must be transferred from these Joist Girders to the Joist Girder
collector member. The diaphragm shear load path is from the deck to the continuous angle, then in the Brace Frames. Shown in Table 7.1.1 is the maximum allowable axial load thru the
from the angle to the joist seat. The joist seat transfers the force to the girder based on the joist Joist Girder seat of 10.0 kips, which is greater than the 8.0 kips axial load.
seat rollover strength. The axial load on the angle will be the worst-case of the diaphragm chord
Design the Joist Girder seat to transfer axial load.
force and the collector load to transfer the shear to the joist seat.
Axial Load: Note it may be possible to transfer a higher axial load through the Joist Girder seat. If the
specifying professional desires to transfer axial loads, through the Joist Girder seat, that
Pcollector = 0.6W = (Joist Spacing)(Diaphragm Shear) = (5 ft.)(200 plf) = 1.0 kips are greater than those given in Table 7.1.1, they should contact Vulcraft to evaluate the
specific Joist Girder design and the loading.
Pchord E-W = 0.6W = 2.16 kips (controls)
Try an edge angle L2 ½ x 2 ½ x 3/16 with a full penetration butt weld at the splice. 4. Specifications and Loading on members at Braced Frames
A = 0.818 in.2 4.1 Specification and Loading for Joist at Line A and D in Braced Frame:
ry = 0.771 in. The braced frame bay is in the middle bay for 2 reasons. First having the frame in the
middle of the bay allows for thermal movement in both directions from the frame. The
Determine the allowable capacity for the edge angle per AISC Specification Section E: second reason is having the frame in the middle bay keeps the collector loads as small as
To determine the slenderness ratio for the edge angle, use ry. The welding of the angle to the possible.
joists and the attachment of the deck to the angle is assumed to prevent buckling about rz. The
joists are spaced 5 ft. on center, 60 in apart. For constructability concerns, one must avoid conflicts between the braced frame diagonal
members and the members of the joist. This can be accomplished by connecting the
L/ry = 60 in./0.771 in. = 78 bottom chord of the joist to a gusset plate on the column and connecting the diagonal
braces to the gusset plate.
Fcr/Ω = 15.6 ksi
From the diaphragm chord analysis earlier in the example, the joists at Lines A and D
The allowable axial force = (15.6 ksi)(0.818 in.2) = 12.8 kips > 2.16 kips – o.k. were required to be a 22K7. For the joist at the frame, the joist must be called out to at least
Use L 2 ½ x 2 ½ x 3/16 continuous angle at Lines 1 and 6 with a Full Penetration Butt meet the requirements of a 22K7. Due to the connections of the joist at the frame, there are
weld. no other loading requirements for Vulcraft to include in the design.

3. Shear Transfer at Lines 1 and 6 Determine the axial load for which the joist needs to be designed:

As noted above, the diaphragm shear is transferred from the edge angle to the joist seats. The axial load will be the worst-case of the diaphragm chord load in the North-South
The joist seats then transfer the load using rollover down to the girder. As a result, the joist direction and the collector load. The braced frames for this building are tension only
seat must be designed for the rollover force. bracing, as a result, the entire wind load for the frame must be collected to the top chord
of the joist. Thus, the collector axial load to the joist is the frame load. The load at Line A
From the above section the edge angle collector load = 1.0 kips. From Section 7.6.1, the and Line D are the same, so the same joist can be used.
allowable rollover strength = 1.82 kips. (Based on 2x2x1/8 angle joist seats). As a result,
it is possible to use the joist seat for rollover. VA = VD = 14.4 kips (controls)
Pchord N-S = 10.0 kips
Specify in the structural details that joist seats at Line 1 and 6 to be designed for
the rollover force 0.6W = 1.0 kips. Since the bottom chord of the joist is connected to gusset plates at the column, the wind
load for the frame will need to be transferred from the top chord of the joist through the
joist webs to the bottom chord of the joist. This needs to be noted on the structural plans of the Joist Girder. Thus, the collector axial load to the Joist Girder will be the frame load.
so the webs are properly designed. The load at Line 1 and Line 6 are the same, so the same Joist Girder can be used.
Joist Wind Axial Load 0.6W = VA = 14.4 kips, transfer axial load through webs to bottom V1 = V6 = 24.0 kips (controls)
Pchord E-W = 2.16 kips
The detailing of the joist connections will also impact the design. The bottom chord of the joist
is connected to a gusset plate at each end of the joist. In addition, the top chords of the joist are Since the bottom chord of the Joist Girder is connected to gusset plates at the column, the
connected to the adjacent joist at each end. This will cause some fixity at the ends of the joist. wind load for the frame must be transferred from the top chord of the joist girder through
If the bottom chords of the joist are not welded until after the dead load is installed, the worst- the webs to the bottom chord of the Joist Girder. This needs to be noted on the structural
case end moments would only be due to the live load. plans so the webs are properly designed.

wLr = (2.5 ft.)(30 psf) = 75 plf Joist Girder Wind Axial Load 0.6W = V1 = 24.0 kips, transfer axial load through webs to
Bottom Chord.
MLr = wLLL2/12 = (75 plf)(40 ft.)2/12 = 10.0 kip-ft. (specify this end moment on the
plans) Because the Joist Girder must be designed for axial loads, Vulcraft will also need all of the
loads that are to be included in the load combinations. This includes the live load at each Joist
Because the joist must be designed for axial loads, Vulcraft will also need to know the uniform Girder panel point (which was shown in the original designation in the Given information) and
loading that is to be included in the load combinations. This includes the uniform dead load and the MWFRS uplift loads. The following should be specified on the plans.
the MWFRS uplift loads. The following should be specified on the plans.
MWFRS Uplift: Max wW = (40 ft./2)(17 psf) = 240 plf
wD = (2.5 ft.)(15 psf) = 38 plf
Min wW = (40 ft./2)(0 psf) = 0 plf
MWFRS Uplift: Max wW = (2.5 ft.)(17 psf) = 43 plf
5. Diagonal Members of Braced Frames
Min wW = (2.5 ft.)(0 psf) = 0 plf
The braced frame widths are the same on all 4 sides of the building and the heights of
4.2 Specification and Loading for Joist Girder at Line 1 and 6 in Braced Frame: the frames are similar. As a result, use the same steel section for all the braced frame
diagonal members on this building. Since the braced frames are being designed as tension
The braced frame bay at Lines 1 and 6 was in the middle bay for the same reasons the bracing at only frames, use angles for the diagonals in the frames. Bolt the diagonal angles together
Lines A and D was located in the middle of the frame line. Just like with the joist at the braced where they intersect. The centerline of the connection of the diagonals at the base of the
frame, a gusset plate will be used at the bottom chord of the Joist Girder to transfer the axial column is 6 inches below the slab.
load to the braced frame diagonal.
The detailing of the Joist Girder connections will also impact the design. The bottom chord of
the Joist Girder is connected to a gusset plate at each end of the Joist Girder. The Joist Girder
seat is welded to the column cap at each end of the Joist Girder. As a result of these connections,
the Joist Girder will have fixity at the ends of the Joist Girder. If the bottom chords of the Joist
Girder are not welded until after the dead load is installed, the worst-case end moments would
only be due to the live load. The live load moment can be taken from the rigid frame analysis,
since there is fixity at the ends of the joists. Fig. 4.8.3 Schematic Elevation at Line A and D
From a rigid frame analysis: Requirements at Lines A and D: (loads to frames are the same)
MLr = 209 in.- kips = 17.4 kip-ft. (this moment will need to be specified on the plans) Horizontal length of brace = bay width = 40 feet
Check Joist Girder seat for collector load and continuity load from live load moment: Brace Height = 24 ft. + 0.5 ft. (connection below slab) - (1.5 in for deck) - (22 in - 0.5 in
for centroid of joist bottom chord) = 22.58 ft.
Collector load at seat = 0.6W = 8.0 kips
Brace Length = [ (40 ft.)2 + (22.58 ft.)2 ]1/2 = 45.93 feet
Continuity load = Lr = MLr/(42 in – 0.5 in – 0.5 in) = (209 in-kips)/(41 in) = 5.1 kips
Horizontal component of brace load = wind load to frame = VA = 14.4 kips
0.75Lr + 0.75(0.6W) = 0.75(5.1 kips) + 0.75(8.0 kips) = 9.83 kips < 10 kips from Table
7.1.1, so it is possible to design the Joist Girder seat to create fixity at the column. Axial Brace Load T = (VA)(Brace Length / Horizontal Length) = (14.4 kips)(45.93 ft. / 40 ft.) =
loads thru the Joist Girder seat will need to be specified on the plans, so the seat is properly 16.5 kips
designed. Determine the brace area required (A36 angle):
Determine the axial load for which the Joist Girder needs to be designed: Allowable tensile stress = Fy/Ω = 36 ksi/1.67 = 21.6 ksi
The axial load will be the worst-case of the diaphragm chord load in the East-West Areq’d = 16.5 kips/21.6 ksi = 0.76 in.2
direction and the collector load. The braced frames on this building use tension only
bracing, as a result, the entire wind load for the frame must be collected to the top chord
Determine the radius of gyration required: 6. Check Diaphragm Deflection:
Due to tension only braces, use a maximum slenderness ratio of 300. For the in-plane slenderness The diaphragm deflection in the North-South direction will be the worst-case. It is the widest
ratio of single angles with bolt at intersection, use one half of the brace length divided by rz. For side of the building and the narrowest diaphragm. If the North-South direction is acceptable,
the out-of-plane slenderness ratio use 0.75 times the brace length divided by ry (ASCE, 1987). the East-West direction will be acceptable by inspection. Diaphragm deflection has 2 parts, the
rz (req’d) = (45.93 ft./2) (12 in./ft.)/300 = 0.919 in. (controls) shear deflection and the bending deflection.

ry (req’d) = (0.75)(45.93 ft.)(12 in./ft.)/300 ft.= 1.38 in. (controls) The effective stiffness of the deck G’ is given in the output tables of the 2018 IBC Deck
Diaphragm tool, see Section 1 of this example. G’ = 9 kips/in

The equation for the shear deflection is:

( 0.24 kips/ft )( 200 ft= )2 1.11 in.
8DG ' 8 (120 ft )( 9 kips/in. )
Fig. 4.8.4 Schematic Elevation at Line 1 and 6 w equals the diaphragm load = 0.24 kips/ft.
Requirements at Lines 1 and 6: (loads to frames are the same) L equals the diaphragm length = 200 feet
Horizontal length of brace = bay width = 40 ft. D equals the diaphragm depth = 120 feet
Brace Height = 24 ft. + 0.5 ft. (connection below slab) - (1.5 in for deck) - (2.5 in joist The equation for bending deflection is:
seat) - (42 in -1.5 in for centroid of Joist Girder bottom chord) = 20.79 ft. 4
5wL4 5 ( 0.24 kips/ft )( 200 ft ) 1728
Brace Length = [ (40 ft.) + (20.79 ft.) ] = 45.08 ft.
2 2 1/2
∆b = = 0.29 in.
Horizontal component of brace load = wind load to frame = V1 = 24.0 kips (
384 EI 384 ( 29,000 ksi ) 1,037,000 in.4 )
Brace Load T = (V1)(Brace Length / Horizontal Length) = (24.0 kips)(45.08 ft. / 40 ft.) = where
27.0 kips
I= 2A(d/2)2 and is normally calculated using A equal to the perimeter member area (diaphragm
Determine the brace area required (A36 angle): chord member). The area of the tie plate between chord member is 1.0 in.2, the top chord
Areq’d = 27.0 kips/21.6 ksi = 1.25 in.2 (controls) area of a 22K7 joist will be greater. Use A = 1.0 in.2
Determine the radius of gyration required: 2
2  144 in. 

rz (req’d) = (45.08 ft./2) (12 in./ft.)/300 = 0.902 in.

= 1.0 in.2 (120 ft/2 ) 
I 2= ( 2 ) 1,037,000 in.

 ft 
ry (req’d) = (0.75)(45.08 ft.)(12 in./ft.)/300 ft.= 1.35 in.
Total Deflection:
Use L5x5x5/16 Diagonals with bolt at intersection
Dmax = Ds + Db
A = 3.07 in.2 > 1.25 in.2 o.k.
Dmax = 1.11 in.+0.29 in. = 1.40 in.
rz = 0.990 in. > 0.919 in. o.k.
The maximum deflection for a ten-year wind is 75% of the deflection for a 50-year wind.
rx = ry = 1.56 in. > 1.38 in. o.k. Therefore:
Note, the connection of diagonal members to gusset plates, connection of joist and Joist Girder Dmax for a 10-year wind = 0.75(1.40 in.) = 1.05 in.
bottom chords and design of gusset plates are not covered in this example. For the gusset
plates, since they are going in between the bottom chords of the joist and Joist Girder, the Allowable deflection = H/100 = (24 ft.)(12 in/ft.)/100 = 2.88 in > 1.05 in o.k.
design professional will want to make sure the plate is wide enough. For Joist Girders, the gap 7. Final call outs for structural plans:
is typically 1 in between the angles, so a 7/8 in plate should be used. For joists, the gap is often
1 in for larger joists and longer spans, so a 7/8 in plate should be used. For smaller K-Series The following figures and tables illustrate the specification of the Joists and Joist Girders for
joists with rod webs the gap may be less than 1 in, so the specifying professional will want to this example problem that should be included on the structural plans.
coordinate with Vulcraft to make sure the gusset plate is of the proper thickness.

Loads for Combined Bending and Axial Check
Uniform Loads End Moments Axial Load (4)
MWFRS Load, Live Load Continuity
Moment Lr (5)
Mark Dead Roof Live Wind Axial
Number Designation (1) Load Load Lr Max Uplift Min Uplift Left Right Load 0.6W Add'l Requirement Comments
J1 22K7 38 plf 75 plf 43 plf 0 plf 10.0 kip-ft 10.0 kip-ft Design Joist Webs to
14.4 kips Braced
Transfer Axial load Frame Joist
from Top Chord to
Bottom Chord
(1) Standard designation is minimum requirement. Joist Manufacturer to modify joist design as required for combined loading requirements.
(2) Joist manufacturer to use these load in the applicable code load combinations to design the joist for combined bending and axial.
(3) Joist Manufacturer to check joist design with both Maximum and Minimum MWFRS loads in load combinations for worst case loading.
(4) Tension or Compression Load. Axial load is transfered from Top Chord to Bottom Chord and into gusset plates for tension only Braced
(5) End Moment Sign Convention, Positive moments:

Table 4.8.1 Joist Schedule at Braced Frame

End Moments Axial Loads
Seat Axial Load (5)
0.6W (3)
Live Load Continuity
Moment Lr (8) Top Chord
Mark Designation Wind Load Wind Load Live Load
Hilti X-HSN 24 Fasteners Number (Total Load/Live Load) Max Uplift Min Uplift Left Right 0.6W (4) 0.6W Lr (6) Add'l Requirement Comments
JG1 42G 8N 4.6K/3.0K 240 plf 0 plf - - 8.0 kips 8.0 kips - Seat Axial = 0.0 kips
Deck Min Side-lap Perpendicular Parallel at Line A & D
Mfr Type (1) Deck Gage connection (2) Supports Supports JG2 42G 8N 9.2K/6.0K - - - - - - - -
JG3 42G 8N 4.6K/3.0K 240 plf 0 plf 17.4 kip-ft 17.4 kip-ft 24.0 kips 8.0 kips 5.1 kips Design Joist Girder Braced
(1) #10 TEK screw Webs to Transfer Frame Joist
Vulcraft 1.5B-36 22 per span 36/4 pattern 1'-8" o.c. Axial load from Top
Chord to Bottom
Girder (7)

(1) Deck to be Grade 50 (1) Deflection Criteria: Live Load Deflection ≤ L/240 .
(2) Side-lap screws to be SDI recognized screws by Buildex, Elco, Hilti, or Simpson Strong- (2) See framing plan for joist spacing along Joist Girder.
(3) Joist Girder Manufacturer to check Joist Girder design with both Maximum and Minimum MWFRS loads in load combinations for worst case loading.
tie (4) Axial load is Tension or Compression Load.
(5) Axial load to Joist Girder seat is already included in the Top Chord Axial Loads shown and does not need to be added.
Fig. 4.8.5 Plan View and Deck Schedule for Final Design (6) Seat Axial Live Load is due to Continuity End Moment.
(7) Axial load is transfered from Top Chord to Bottom Chord and into gusset plates for tension only Braced Frame.
(8) End Moment Sign Convention, Positive moments:

Table 4.8.2 Joist Girder Schedule at Braced Frame

Fig. 4.8.6 North Elevation and South Elevation

Fig. 4.8.7 East Elevation and West Elevation


Fig. 4.8.10 Detail C

Fig. 4.8.8 Detail A

Fig. 4.8.9 Detail B

Fig. 4.8.11 Detail D


Fig. 4.8.13 Example 4.8.2 Roof Plan View

Fig. 4.8.12 Detail E

Example 4.8.2 Rigid Frame Building
Using LRFD and Building shown in Figure 4.8.13.
Design the following:
1. Rigid Frame System with Joist Girders at Lines 2 through 7 (frames are
2. Rigid Frame System with Joists at Lines B and C (interior frames, frames
are identical)

(Interior Column Detail)

(Perimeter Column Detail)

Fig. 4.8.14 Detail F Fig. 4.8.15 Detail G
Given: Dead Load D = (11 psf)(4.375 ft.)(42 ft.) = 2.02 kips, Use D = 2.1 kips
Frames are Ordinary Truss Moment Frames Live Load Lr = (12 psf)(4.375 ft.)(42 ft.) = 2.21 kips, Use Lr = 2.3 kips
Dead load: Determine Joist Girder Approximate Moment of Inertia:
Joist: D = 7 psf + 3 psf (Collateral load) = 10 psf Effective depth d = 36 in. - ¾ in. - ¾ in. = 34.5 in.
Joist Girder self-weight = 1 psf (¾ in. is estimated distance to centroid of top and bottom chord angles)
Joist Girder D = 10 psf + 1 psf = 11 psf Igirder = 0.027NPLd
Live load = 20 psf Reducible = (0.027)(8)(2.1 kips + 2.3 kips)(35 ft.)(34.5 in.) = 1,148 in.4
Joist: Lr = 20 psf (Tributary Area < 200 sq.ft.) (Since Joist Girder Moment of Inertia will be used in the frame analysis, the
Joist Girder: Lr = 12 psf (Tributary Area > 600 sq.ft.) approximate moment of inertia should be specified in the Joist Girder schedule
as a minimum required I.)
Typical Joist: 22K4
Initial Column Sizes:
Joist Girders: 36G8N (loading to be determined)
W14x38 Perimeter Columns and HSS 8x8x1/4 Interior Columns
Eave Height = 18feet (top of joist)
W14x38: HSS 8x8x1/4:
MWFRS loads – LRFD (Simplified Method ASCE 7-16 section 27.4):
110 mph 3 second gust, Exposure C, Risk Category II A = 11.2 in.2 A = 7.10 in2

Wall wind load, W = 26.2 psf (Windward + Leeward load) Ix = 385 in.4 Ix = 70.7 in.4

Roof wind load, W = 0 psf (Neglect the uplift load for this example) MWFRS loads:

Strength Load Combinations: Wind load will push on wall (either North side or South side). Load the
perimeter column with a uniform horizontal wind load.
1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
ww = (42 ft.)(26.2 psf) = 1,100 plf (LRFD)
1.2D + 0.5Lr + 1.0W
Frame Analysis:
Wind Drift:
Provide a rigid connection between the perimeter column and the Joist
Serviceability Level Loads: D + 0.6W, D + 0.75Lr + 0.75(0.6W) Girder as shown in the Figure 4.8.16. The connection is to be made after all
Maximum Drift = H/100 for a 10-year wind dead loads are applied. The Joist Girder connection at the interior column
will be a pinned connection (Joist Girder bears on column bracket on side
10-year wind is 75% of a 50-year wind
of column). Use pinned connections at base of columns.
Girts at North & South walls brace Perimeter Columns at 7.5 ft on center maximum in
weak axis Use the Direct Analysis Method and Second Order Effects, but not
including Pδ.
Perimeter Columns: W14x38 (ASTM A992, Fy = 50 ksi) initial size
Interior Columns: HSS 8x8x1/4 (ASTM A500 Gr. B, Fy = 46 ksi) initial size
1. Rigid Frame System with Joist Girders at Line 2 through 7
Joist Spacing = 35 ft. / 8 Spaces = 4.375 feet on center Fig. 4.8.16 Schematic of Rigid Frame at Line 2 through 7
Girder is 36G8N. Frame Analysis Results:
Determine panel point loads: Joist Girder JG1 & JG3:
Because the Joist Girders will have wind loads and axial loads, provide the End Moments: Axial Load:
panel point dead load and panel point live load separately in a schedule so
Vulcraft can design the Joist Girders for the LRFD load combinations. MLr = 30.6 kip-ft. W = 5.7 kips

Panel Point Loads: MW = +99.5 kip-ft.

Joist Girder JG2: Ky = 1.0
Axial Load: Ly = 7.5 feet
W = 5.7 kips Lcy = KyLy = 7.5 feet (controls)
The above moments and axial loads need to be provided to Vulcraft so the Lb = Ly = 7.5 ft.
Joist Girders can be designed. The axial load will be transferred through
From AISC Manual Table 6-2, Lc = 8 feet.
Joist Girder seats at interior columns.
Pc = φcPn = 381 kips
Perimeter Column:
From AISC Specification Section F7
1.2D + 0.5Lr + 1.0W
Mcx = φbMnx = 210 kip-ft.
Mux1 = 148.5 kip-ft.
Use AISC Appendix 8 method to approximate second order effects, B1.
Pu = 14.1 kips
1.2D + 0.5Lr + 1.0W
1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
Pr = Pu = 14.1 kips
Mux1 = 132.4 kip-ft.
e = (depth/2) + 1 in. gap + 2 in. to centerline of bearing = (14.1 in./2) + 1 in. +
Pu = 23.8 kips
2 in. = 10.1 in.
Drift (due to 0.6W loading)
Mux2 = (Pu)(e) = (14.1 kips)(10.1 in.)(1 ft./12 in.) = 11.8 kip-ft.
∆ = 2.09 in.
B1 = 1.0
10-year wind: ∆10year = 0.75∆ = (0.75)(2.09 in.) = 1.57 in.
Allowable Drift = H/100 = (18 ft.)(12 in./ft.)/100 = 2.16 in. > 1.57 in. o.k.
Mrx = B1(Mux1 + Mux2) = 1.0(148.5 kip-ft. + 11.8 kip-ft.) = 160 kip-ft.
Perimeter Column Check: W14x38
Pr / Pc = 14.1 kips / 381 kips = 0.037
Joist Girder bears on T plate on the side of the column (column bracket),
Because Pr / Pc < 0.20 AISC Eq. H1-1b applies
so there is an additional moment due to vertical load not at centerline of
column (tie force from end moment will be larger than Joist Girder seat can Pr  M rx  Pr  M rx 
+  ≤ 1.0+   ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
AISC Eq. (H1-1
2 Pc  M cx  2 Pc  M cx 
Column Effective Lengths: 14.1 kips 14.1 160 kips
kip-ft   160 kip-ft 
+ + =0.78  =0.78
Since the direct analysis with second order effects was used for the 2 ( 386 kips ) 2( 386 kip-ft)   210 kip-ft 
210 kips
analysis, Kx = 1.0.
1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
Connection of Joist Girder bottom chord to column will laterally brace the
column. Pr = Pu = 23.8 kips
Lx = 18.0 ft. - (2.5 in. joist seat depth) - (36 in. Joist Girder Depth) = 14.8 feet e = 10.1 in.
Lcx = KxLx = 14.8 feet. Mux2 = (Pu)(e) = (23.8 kips)(10.1 in)(1 ft./12 in.) = 20.0 kip-ft.
Column is laterally braced in weak axis by girts at 7.5 feet on center maximum. B1 = 1.01
Girts are also detailed to brace the column for bending. Mrx = B1(Mux1 + Mux2) = 1.01(132.4 kip-ft. + 20.0 kip-ft.) = 154 kip-ft.
From the AISC Manual Table 6-2, use worst case of Lcy & Lcy eq: Pr / Pc = 23.8 kips / 386 kips = 0.062
Lcx 14.8 ft Because Pr / Pc < 0.20 AISC Eq. H1-1b applies
eq = = 3.91 ft.
rx 5.87 in.
ry 1.55 in.
There is a 1 in. gap between the bottom chord angles, so use 7/8" thick plate to allow for field
Pr  M rx Pr  M rx 
+  ≤ +1.0
  ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
AISC Eq. (H1-1b) tolerances (and so weld does not have to be built up).
2 Pc  M cx2Pc  M cx 
Try 7/8 in. x 6 in. wide (minimum size for detailing)
23.8 kips 23.8  154
kip-ft 154 kip-ft  φTn = φ FyAg = (0.9)(36 ksi)(0.875 in)(6 in) = 170.1 kips > 50.6 kips o.k.
+ + = 0.76 ≤ 1.0=o.k.0.76 ≤ 1.0 o.k.
2 ( 386 kips2) ( 386
 210
kips ) 210 kip-ft 
Weld from Joist Girder bottom chord to stabilizer plate:
Use W14x38 Perimeter columns
Since the Joist Girders are not heavily loaded and the span is not long, the bottom chord angles
Joist Girder to Column Connection Design: may not be that large, perhaps ¼ in. or less thick. Since part of the welding will be to the toe of
Connection at top of Joist Girder: the angle, size weld based on 3/16 in fillet weld.
The Joist Girder bears on a column bracket, therefore, use a top plate welded to the Joist Girder Lreq’d = 50.6 kips/[(1.392 kips/in)(3)] = 12.1 in. < 4(4 in.) = 16 in. o.k.
and to the column cap plate to transfer the force. The perimeter column web should also be checked for local web yielding and web crippling
Mu = 148.5 kip-ft. (worst case moment for column) per AISC Sect. J10, due to load from Joist Girder Bottom chord (not shown here).
Pu = Mu/d Use Stabilizer Plate 7/8 in. x 6 in. wide with 3/16 in fillet weld 4 in. long each side of each
Joist Girder bottom chord angle to stabilizer plate.
= (148.5 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(36 in.- 0.75 in.) = 50.6 kips
2. Rigid Frame System with Joists at Line B and C
The distance to the top chord centroid is not deducted because the plate rests on the top chord.
Typical joist is 22K4, use this as minimum requirement for joists at rigid frame. Because the
Pu ≤ φ FyAg, φ = 0.90
joists have axial loads and end moments, the uniform loads on the joists will also need to be
Areq’d = (50.6 kips)/[(0.90)(36 ksi)] provided so that Vulcraft can check all the load combinations.
Areq’d = 1.56 in.2 Dead Load: wD = (4.375 ft.)(10 psf) = 44 plf
Use a 3/8-in.-thick x 5-in. wide plate. Roof Live Load: wLr = (4.375 ft.)(20 psf) = 88 plf
A = 1.875 in.2 > Areq’d o.k. Determine approximate moment of inertia for a 22K4:
Check the plate for compression:
From the SJI joist load tables:
When Lc/r ≤ 25 (AISC Specification Section J4.4) the compressive strength of the plate equals
the tensile strength. If the fillet welds connecting the plate to the top chord and the column cap wLL = 79 plf for L/360
plate extend to the edges of the top chord and the cap plate only a small unbraced length of the Ij = 27.767(wLL)(L3)(10-6)
plate exists. Consider this is the case for the connection. Therefore, use the 3/8-in.-thick x 5-in.
wide plate. L = 42 ft. - 0.33 ft. = 41.67 ft.
Determine the top plate weld required: Ij = (26.767)(79)(41.673)(10-6) = 153 in.4
Use a ¼ in. fillet weld. Since the Joist Moment of Inertia will be used in the frame analysis, the
φRn = (1.392 kip/in.)D AISC Manual Eq.(8-2a) approximate moment of inertia should be specified in the Joist schedule as
minimum required I.
= (1.392)(4) = 5.57 kips/in.
Initial Column Sizes: HSS 8x8x1/4 Interior Columns
Lreq’d = 50.6 kips/5.57 kips/in. = 9.1 in. < 2(5 in.) =10 in. o.k.
HSS 8x8x1/4:
¼ in. min Joist Girder top chord angles, Block Shear:
A = 7.10 in2
φRn = 67.5 kips
Ix = 70.7 in.4
Shear Lag does not control for this connection.
Columns also support the girders.
Use Tie Plate 3/8 in. x 5 in. x 0'-10" long with ¼ in. fillet weld 5 in. on both sides of tie
plate to Joist Girder, use 10 in. total weld from tie plate to column cap plate. Joist MWFRS loads:
Girder ¼ in. min top chord angles. Column Lines A, B, C, and D are all frame lines. (Design of frames at Line A and D are not
Connection at base of column and overturning check are not part of this example. included in this example). Wind load will push on the wall, and the roof diaphragm will
Determine the bottom chord connection to stabilizer plate: distribute the load to the frame lines.
Line B & C Wind Load to frame:
W = (35 ft./2 + 35 ft./2)(18 ft./2)(+26.2 psf) = + 8.3 kips (LRFD)
Frame Analysis: Joist Girders bear on column bracket each side of the column. The unbalanced
roof live load case was checked in the initial selection of the column size.
Provide a rigid connection between the interior columns and the joists as
Unbalanced roof live load on Joist Girders does not need to be checked with
shown in the Figure 4.8.17. The connection is to be made after all dead loads
the MWFRS frame loads.
are applied. The connection of the joist to the shear walls at Line 1 and 8 will
be treated as a roller connection. Use pinned connections at base of columns. Column Effective Lengths:
Use the Direct Analysis Method and Second Order Effects. Since the direct analysis with second order effects was used for the analysis,
Kx = 1.0.
Connection of Joist bottom chord to column will brace the column.
Lx = 18.0 ft. – (22 in. joist depth) = 16.2 feet
Lcx = KxLx = 16.2 feet.
Lb = Lx = 16.2 feet
Fig. 4.8.17 Schematic of Rigid Frame in Joist Direction Column is braced in weak axis at the Joist Girder seat.
Frame Analysis Results: Ky = 1.0
Joists J1 & J3: Ly = 18.0 ft. – (2.5 in. joist seat depth) – (7.5 in. Joist Girder seat depth) = 17.2 ft.
End Moments: Axial Load: Lcy = KyLy = 17.2 ft.
MLr = 17.38 kip-ft. W = 8.3 kips From AISC Manual Table 4-4 Lc = 18.0 feet
MW = +8.65 kip-ft. Pc = φcPn = 227 kips
Joist J2: From AISC Manual Table 3-13:
End Moments: Axial Load: Mcx= φMp = 70.2 kip-ft. (AISC Manual Table 3-13)
MLr = 15.30 kip-ft. W = 7.0 kips Use AISC Appendix 8 method to approximate second order effects,B1
MW = +13.84 kip-ft. 1.2D + 0.5Lr + 1.0W
The above moments and axial loads must be provided to Vulcraft. Pr = Pu = 28.2 kips
Axial load will be transferred through Joist seats at interior columns. B1 = 1.06
Interior Column: Mrx = B1(Mux) = 1.06(26.5 kip-ft.) = 28.1 kip-ft.
1.2D + 0.5Lr + 1.0W Pr / Pc = 28.2 kips / 227 kips = 0.12
Mux = 26.5 kip-ft. Because Pr / Pc ≤ 0.20 AISC Eq. H1-1b applies
Pu = 28.2 kips
Pr  M rx Pr  M rx 
1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
+  ≤ +1.0
  ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
AISC Eq. (H1-1b
2 Pc  M cx2Pc  M cx 
Mux = 16.7 kip-ft. 28.2 kips 28.2
 28.1
 28.1
 ft-kips 
+ +   = 0.46 ≤ 1.0
 =o.k.
0.46 ≤ 1.0 o.k.
Pu = 47.6 kips 2(227) kips2(227)
 70.2kips
 70.2
 ft-kips 
Drift (due to 0.6W loading) 1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W
∆ = 2.29 in. Pr = Pu = 47.6 kips
10-year wind: ∆10year = 0.75∆ = (0.75)(2.29 in.) = 1.72 in. B1 = 1.10
Allowable Drift = H/100 = (18 ft.)(12 in./ft.)/100 = 2.16 in. > 1.72 in. o.k. Mrx = B1(Mux) = 1.10(16.7 kip-ft.) = 18.4 kip-ft.
Interior Column Check: HSS 8x8x1/4 Pr / Pc = 47.6 kips / 227 kips = 0.21
Because Pr / Pc > 0.20 AISC Eq. H1-1a applies the column and the Joist Girders are being supported by a column bracket on
the side of the column.
Pr 8  M rxPr 8  M rx 
+   +≤ 1.0
  ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1a)
AISC Eq. (H1-1a) Connection at Joist Bottom Chord:
Pc 9  M cxPc 9  M cx 
The connection of the joist bottom chord to the column will only need to resist
47.6 kips 47.6
8  18.4
8  18.4
 ft-kips  the tension-compression load from the end moments. Since this is a smaller
+  +   = 0.44 ≤ 1.0 =o.k.
0.44 ≤ 1.0 o.k.
227 kips 2279  70.2
9  70.2
 ft-kips  joist and is lightly loaded, assume a minimum bottom chord thickness of 1/8 in.,
and specify in joist schedule.
Use HSS 8x8x1/4 Interior Columns
Connection Forces:
Joist to Column Connection Design:
Joists J1 & J3:
Connection at top of Joist:
Tu = 0.5(11.0 kips) + 1.0(5.5 kips) = 11.0 kips
The connection of the joist is at the seat to column interface. As a result, the
effective depth of the joist for determining the tension-compression load for the Tu = 1.6(11.0 kips) + 0.5(5.5 kips) = 20.4 kips (controls)
connections will be based on the distance from the bottom of the joist seat to the
Joist J2:
centroid of the bottom chords of the joist. For the wind load, the joist seat must
transfer the load due to the wind end moment and the wind axial load. Loads to Tu = 0.5(9.7 kips) + 1.0(8.8 kips) = 13.7 kips
the joist seats need to be specified in the joist schedule so Vulcraft can properly Tu = 1.6(9.7 kips) + 0.5(8.8 kips) = 19.9 kips
design the joist seats.
Use a 1/8 in. fillet weld, 2.5 in. each side of each bottom chord angle.
Effective depth for connection d = 22 in. – 2.5 in. – 0.5 in = 19 in.
φRn = (1.392 kip/in.)(2)(2.5 in. + 2.5 in.)(2 angles) = 27.8 kips > 20.4 kips o.k.
Tension-Compression load from end moment T = C = M/d
The gap between the bottom chords is going to be 1 in., so use 7/8 in. thick plate
Connection Forces: to column (o.k. by inspection).
Joists J1 & J3: Connection to HSS column:
TLr = (17.38 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(19 in.) = 11.0 kips Check the column to make sure the wall of the HSS member will not be
TW = (8.65 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(19 in.) = 5.5 kips overstressed from the load from the joist bottom chord. The load from the joist
bottom chord will be considered an “out-of-plane transverse load” to the wall
Joist Axial W = 8.3 kips of the HSS column. AISC Equation 9-30 gives the capacity of the side wall for
Wind load to seat, W = 5.5 kips + 8.3 kips = 13.8 kips this type of load. AISC Figure 9-5 can be used to determine T, L, a, and b. The
7/8 in. plate will be centered on the column, so a and b will be the same.
Tu = 0.5(11.0 kips) + 1.0(13.8 kips) = 19.3 kips
Tu = 1.6(11.0 kips) + 0.5(13.8 kips) = 24.5 kips (controls)
Joist J2:
TLr = (15.30 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(19 in.) = 9.7 kips
TW = (13.84 kip-ft.)(12 in./ft.)/(19 in.) = 8.8 kips
Joist Axial, W = 7.0 kips
Wind load to seat, W = 8.8 kips + 7.0 kips = 15.8 kips
Tu = 0.5(9.7 kips) + 1.0(15.8 kips) = 20.7 kips
Tu = 1.6(9.7 kips) + 0.5(15.8 kips) = 23.4 kips
Use a 3/16 in. fillet weld, 3.5 in. each side of seat.
φRn = (1.392 kip/in.)(3)(3.5 in. + 3.5 in.) = 29.2 kips > 24.5 kips o.k.
The joist seat loads noted above significantly exceed the capacity of a Joist
Girder seat to resist rollover. This is the reason the joists are bearing on top of
T = column width = 8 in. The following are the Joist Girder schedule and schedule for the Joists at the Rigid frames
should be provided on the structural plans.
a = b = ½(column width - 7/8 in. plate) = ½(8 in. - 7/8 in.) = 3.56 in.
L = plate width = 6 in. JOIST GIRDER SCHEDULE (1)(2)
Panel Point Loading End Moments (6)
Qf = 1.0 Roof
Live Load Continuity Wind Moment W
Girder Girder Depth Dead Roof Live Wind Axial Moment
t = 0.233 in. (column design thickness) Mark & Number Load Load Lr Moment Lr (kip-ft) (kip-ft) Load W of Inertia Add'l
Number Spaces (3) (kips) (kips) Left Right Left Right (kips) (4)(5) IG (in4) Requirement
   Tab    Tab  JG1 36G 8N 2.1 2.3 30.7 - ± 99.5 - 5.7 1,148
1/4" min Top

2  ( a + b )2  4  ( a + b+) L4  + L Chord

t Fy  t Fy a + b   a + b JG2 36G 8N 2.1 2.3 - - - - 5.7 1,148
Rn =  Rn =    Qf
 f AISC Manual Eq.Manual
AISC 9-30 Eq. 9-30 JG3 36G 8N 2.1 2.3 - 30.7 - ± 99.5 5.7 1,148
1/4" min Top
2 2 ab ab Chord
    (1) Manufacturer to design Joist Girders using LRFD. Nominal design loads shown are to be used in the applicable LRFD code load
    combinations.
(2) Deflection Criteria: Live Load Deflection ≤ L/240 .
(3) See framing plan for joist spacing along Joist Girder.
   8 ( 3.56 in.)(83.56   in.)
( +)(63.56  (4) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.
 ( 3.56 in. + (
in.) 

+4 3.56 in. )  4
 + 3.56
 
  in.
+ 6 

(5) Manufacturer to design Joist Girder seat to transfer axial loads shown.
( 0.233 in.) ((0.233
46 ksiin. ) )2 ( 46 ksi )   3.56 in.
 3.56in.
in. + 3.56
 1.0 14.8 kips
(6) End Moment Sign Convention, Positive moments:
Rn = Rn =     1.0 14.8 kips
2 2  ( 3.56 in.)( 3.56( )( 3.56 in.)  
   
   
Table 4.8.3 Joist Girder Schedule
φRn = 1.0(14.8 kips)
This capacity is less than the bottom chord load. Two possible options exist.
One is to increase the thickness of the column to see if a thicker wall column
would have enough strength. A second option would be to slot the plate thru the
column and weld to both walls of the column. This will have a strength of twice
that of a connection to a single wall. It also has the benefit that both joists will
connect to the same plate and provide better continuity of the loading.
Capacity = 2(fRn) = 2(14.8 kips) = 29.6 kips > 20.4 kips o.k.
Use 7/8 in. x 6 in. plate slotted through column for joist bottom chord
Connection at base of column and overturning check are not part of this example.

Table 4.8.4 Frame Joist Schedule

SJI Connection Design Tools

Connection design tools can be downloaded from the SJI Website The tool
“Joist Girder Moment Connections to the Strong Axis of Wide Flange Columns” can be used to
perform the above connection requirements plus several other checks not shown here.

Chapter 5 2015b) classifications A, B and C

• Crane or monorail capacity of not more than five tons
• Pendant operated cranes only
Special Topics CMAA crane classifications D, E and F should not be suspended from joists because of their
high duty cycles.
5.1 INTRODUCTION It should be noted that the pendant operated limitation excludes radio operated cranes, as these
are considered to have the same impact factors as cab operated cranes. It is recommended
The information contained in this chapter is presented to make the designer aware of the many that crane systems not conforming to the above characteristics have an independent support
considerations that affect the design of joist and Joist Girder systems. These include hanging system. Also, a separate system of structural bracing should be provided in lieu of roof or floor
loads, headers and openings, roof top units, joist reinforcement, spandrel systems, ponding, diaphragm bracing to resist the lateral and longitudinal crane thrusts in the plane of the roof for
vibration and fire resistance. In addition, special situations relative to the design and use of such crane systems.
joists and Joist Girders are discussed.
The crane thrusts provide another load condition to be considered in the design of the frames,
5.2 HANGING LOADS but no other special considerations need be addressed.
Cranes and Monorails The crane beam reaction should be increased by the appropriate impact factor for the design of
the beam hangers. The impact factor for pendant operated cranes is set by the governing code
Joist systems are often used to support either underhung bridge cranes or monorails. Crane and is usually 10 percent. The joist supporting the hanger load should also be proportioned to
systems are suspended from the joists and impart vertical, lateral and longitudinal forces onto resist impact loading.
the joist system. The vertical force is equal to the crane beam reaction for the worst-case location The strength of the crane support system is affected by fatigue considerations. The CMAA
of the crane wheels. The lateral forces are due to a combination of many factors such as runway service classifications (CMAA, 2015a and 2015b) have been established to describe the
misalignment, trolley movement and/or skewing of the crane bridge. The longitudinal forces conditions of use for a crane in a particular situation.
are due to the tractive force of the crane accelerating/decelerating or to the crane bumping
The CMAA Specifications state, “All classes of cranes are affected by the operating conditions,
against the runway stops. Due to the dynamic nature of the forces, the design of crane support therefore for the purpose of the classifications, it is assumed that the crane will be operating
systems requires that consideration be given to fatigue and impact. in normal ambient temperature of 0° to 104° F (-17.7° to 40° C) and normal atmospheric
Since crane loads are not considered in SJI standard joist designations, additional loading conditions (free from excessive dust, moisture and corrosive fumes).
and serviceability information must be clearly noted on the contract documents for proper The cranes can be classified into loading groups according to the service conditions of the most
estimating and design. The joist or Joist Girder must be specified as special, “SP,” with dead, severely loaded part of the crane. The individual parts which are clearly separate from the rest,
live, wind or seismic loads and the crane loads clearly noted. Additional design criteria must or forming a self-contained structural unit, can be classified into different loading groups if the
include the allowable stress range for the joist design, and any special welding requirements. service conditions are fully known.”
Items that must be noted are as follows: The CMAA classifications are as follows:
• Crane classification: see limitations below 2.2 CLASS A (STANDBY OR INFREQUENT SERVICE)
• Loading: vertical, horizontal and longitudinal This service class covers cranes which may be used in installations such as powerhouses,
public utilities, turbine rooms, motor rooms and transformer stations where precise
• Deflection: for the required load cases handling of equipment at slow speeds with long, idle period between lifts are required.
• Design Method: follow AISC specifications for fatigue loading Capacity loads may be handled for initial installation of equipment and for infrequent
• Inspection: a defined and regular inspection schedule for the joist or Joist Girder should
also be specified
This service covers cranes which may be used in repair shops, light assembly operations,
These special requirements must be specified by the design professional and coordinated with service buildings, light warehousing, etc., where service requirements are light and the
Vulcraft. It is always best to contact Vulcraft during the specifying process to verify that all speed is slow. Loads may vary from no load to occasional full rated loads with two to
requirements can be met. five lifts per hour, averaging ten feet per lift.
In underhung crane and monorail support situations, the joists often serve a dual function. They 2.4 CLASS C (MODERATE SERVICE)
are supporting both a roof (or floor) and the crane system. The specifying professional must
take proper precautions to ensure that these functions are compatible. For example, deflections This service covers cranes which may be used in machine shops or paper mill machine
caused by longitudinal and lateral crane thrusts may affect the work of office personnel located rooms, etc., where service requirements are moderate. In this type of service, the crane
adjacent to the crane, or repeated movement from both vertical and lateral loading may have a will handle loads which average 50 percent of the rated capacity with 5 to 10 lifts per
detrimental effect on the deck to joist attachments. hour, averaging 15 feet, not over 50 percent of the lift at rated capacity.
Crane systems suspended from joists should be limited to the following: 2.5 CLASS D (HEAVY SERVICE)
• Cranes that conform to the Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. (CMAA, This service covers cranes which may be used in heavy machine shops, foundries,
fabricating plants, steel warehouses, container yards, lumber mills, etc. and standard The approximate number of loading cycles for each loading condition is given in the 1989
duty bucket and magnet operations where heavy duty production is required. In this AISC Specification Table A-K4.1. The Table is repeated as Table 5.2.2
type of service, loads approaching 50 percent of the rated capacity will be handled
constantly during the working period. High speeds are desirable for this type of service AISC LOADING CYCLES
with 10 to 20 lifts per hour averaging 15 feet, not over 65 percent of the lifts at rated
Loading Condition From To
1 20,000 a
2 100,000 500,000c
This type of service requires a crane capable of handling loads approaching a rated 3 500,000 2,000,000d
capacity throughout its life. Applications may include magnet/bucket combination
cranes for scrap yards, cement mills, lumber mills, fertilizer plants, container handling, 4
etc., with twenty or more lifts per hour at or near the rated capacity. a
Approximately equivalent to two applications every day for 25 years.
Approximately equivalent to 10 applications every day for 25 years.
Approximately equivalent to 50 applications every day for 25 years.
This type of service requires a crane capable of handling loads approaching rated d
Approximately equivalent to 200 applications every day for 25 years.
capacity continuously under severe service conditions throughout its life. Applications
may include custom designed specialty cranes essential to performing the critical work Table 5.2.2 AISC Loading Cycles
tasks affecting the total production facility. These cranes must provide the highest
reliability with special attention to ease of maintenance features.”
The current AISC Specification no longer classifies loading conditions based on the number
The class of crane, type of crane and loadings all affect the design. The fatigue associated of cycles as indicated in Table 5.2-2. Regardless, this table provides useful information
with crane class is especially critical for the design of crane runways and connections of crane regarding the number of cycles that can be expected based on different work requirements
runway beams to joist systems. during a structures service life. The current AISC Specification includes equations that allow
the specifying professional to directly calculate the allowable stress range for a given condition
The CMAA crane classifications do not relate directly to the AISC Specifications for fatigue. based on the number of cycles and the fatigue category of the detail being designed.
The AISC Specification provides equations to determine an allowable stress range for a given For the situation shown in the 2016 AISC Specification, Table A-3.1 Description 8.2, “shear on
“Stress Category.” To use the equations, the designer must enter the value of nSR, which is throat of any fillet weld, continuous or intermittent, longitudinal or transverse” is applicable to
the stress range fluctuations in design life, into the appropriate design equations provided in fillet welds attaching web members to chords. Calculations for a Class C crane are as follows:
Appendix 3 of the AISC Specification.
For Description 8.2, the Stress Category is F. Therefore, Equation A-3-2 applies.
If the specifying professional determines that fatigue considerations must be incorporated into
the design of the joists, the specifying professional must select a joist with adequate strength 0.167 0.167
to meet the AISC fatigue provisions. The specifying professional must also inform the joist  1.5   1.5 
supplier that the joists are subject to fatigue loading and provide the appropriate allowable =F=
SR 100 FSR 100 ≥ 8 ksi
 ≥ 8 ksi AISC (A-3-2)
AISC (A-3-2
 nSR   nSR 
Fatigue provisions in the 1989 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 1989), where
included “Loading Conditions” based on the number of loading cycles. Shown here in Table FSR = allowable stress range, ksi
Taking nSR = 500,000 cycles for a Class C
CMAA Crane 1989 AISC Loading
Classification Condition
Thus, for a Class C crane the fillet welds for web members should be designed for an allowable
stress range equal to 12 ksi.
A, B 1
Similar calculations are required to determine the allowable stress range in the base metal
C, D 2 adjacent to the welds. The fluctuating stress range in the base metal of the joist chords needs to
E 3 be evaluated based on the stresses in the chords as well as the forces at the connection.
F 4 The AISC Specification also requires, “For axially loaded angle members where the center of
gravity of the connecting welds lies between the line of the center of gravity of the angle cross
Table 5.2.1 Crane Loading Conditions section and the center of the connected leg, the effects of eccentricity shall be ignored. If the
center of gravity of the connecting welds lies outside this zone, the total stresses, including
those due to joint eccentricity, shall be included in the calculation of stress range.”
Only the stress range due to the fluctuating load is limited by the AISC fatigue provisions.
The specifying professional should specify a joist depth. Vulcraft will design the joist or Joist
Girder for the specified loading and all other specified design criteria.
Hangers and Bracing
Economical underhung crane runway beams are usually designed to span 15 to 20 feet.
Runway beams or monorails may be constructed from standard W or S shapes, or special
patented shapes. As discussed above special joists should be designated as special, “SP,” joists.
The special design criteria as noted above, must be listed. Vulcraft will mark these joists to
distinguish them from other joists. This avoids confusion in the field between the special crane
support joists and the typical joists.
The crane beam and monorail support hangers must load the joist at a panel point, or concentrated
load reinforcement must be provided, or Vulcraft must design the joist chord for the induced
bending. The hangers should allow for vertical adjustment. This will allow the crane beams to
be leveled after the roofing has been applied and the dead load deflection of the roof system
has occurred. The vertical adjustability of the hangers will also accommodate the differences in
elevation caused by fabrication and erection tolerances.
The lateral load induced by cranes, varies with the size and type of crane. For the classes of
cranes considered, the governing codes usually specify the lateral load to be 20% of the lifted
load and the trolley weight. The lateral load is distributed to each runway with due regard to the
lateral stiffness of the runway beams and the supporting structure.
Each hanger (only on one side of the runway) should have a lateral brace to prevent the crane
beam from swaying at the hanger location. If opposite side hangers are also laterally braced Fig. 5.2.2 Crane Runway Hanger Parallel to Joist
unaccounted for forces will be induced in the system. A typical hanger and brace for this
situation is illustrated in Figure 5.2.1. The tractive longitudinal force at each runway is typically specified as 10% of the total
maximum wheel loads supported by that side of the runway. The longitudinal force created by
the crane hitting the crane stops may exceed the tractive longitudinal force. The stopping force
is a function of the crane travel speed and the length of stroke of the crane bumper. This bumper
force can be controlled by the selection of the bumper. The resulting load to the support system
should be coordinated between the specifying professional and the crane supplier.
A bracing system is required to resist the longitudinal crane thrusts. If the crane runway runs
parallel to the joists, the longitudinal thrusts are transferred through the joist diagonals to the top
chord and into the roof deck or into a bracing system designed by the specifying professional.
All joist forces must be specified. Additional deck connections may be required and must be
noted. The typical hanger detail will require modification to also transfer the longitudinal load.
Clamp type hangers may be used to attach hangers to the bottom chord of joists. However, the
specifying professional must design or specify clamps to avoid bending the outstanding legs
of the joist chord. Clamps and hangers are not part of the components designed and supplied
by Vulcraft.
If the crane runway is perpendicular to the joists, longitudinal braces must be provided. The
braces should be provided at intervals of about every fourth of fifth crane beam (about one
hundred feet apart). Monorails also require longitudinal bracing. If the monorail turns a corner,
bracing should be provided in both rail directions at each corner. Figure 5.2.3a illustrates the
configuration of a lateral brace for a crane system running parallel to the joists and Figure 5.2.3b
Fig. 5.2.1 Crane Runway Hanger Preventing Sway illustrates the configuration of a longitudinal brace for a crane system running perpendicular
to the joists. The number of transfer channels and puddle welds required is a function of the
Care should be taken in the design and detailing of the lateral brace. The brace is intended
brace force and the strength of the deck. Criteria for the design of welds to light gage steel deck
to resist lateral load. However, the brace may inadvertently pick up some of the vertical load
is contained in the AISI Specification for the North American Specification for the Design of
depending on its stiffness relative to the vertical hangers. Since the hangers and the lateral
Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
brace are not located precisely at a panel point (as shown in Figure 5.2.1), their loads and
locations must be supplied to Vulcraft. For the best load path lateral braces should be attached to the transfer channel rather than the
joist top or bottom chords.
If the crane runway is parallel to the joists, the lateral brace will have to extend to the top chord
of an adjacent joist and horizontal members will have to be added directly under the deck
to transfer the thrust load into the roof deck. A typical hanger and brace for this situation is
illustrated in Figure 5.2.2.

Fig. 5.2.3a Lateral Crane Brace

Fig. 5.2.3b Longitudinal Crane Brace
The proper specification of joists for monorail loading (including impact) is similar to the
specification of joists for any other concentrated loading. This is discussed in detail in Chapter
6. Specification of a joist to support an underhung crane is more complex than supporting
a single load. Depending on the trolley location, either the left or right hanger load may be
larger. Given the shifting shear and moment diaphragms created by the possible crane loading
conditions, the use of KCS joists should be considered for this situation. In Example 5.2.1, a
KCS joist is selected to support a one-ton underhung crane.
Example 5.2.1 KCS Joist/Crane Support
Choose a KCS joist to support a one-ton pendant operated underhung crane in addition to the
tributary roof load. The crane runs perpendicular to the joist span.
Joist span = 40 feet
Joist spacing = 5 feet
Dead load = 20 psf
Live load = 30 psf
Crane bridge length = 20 feet
Wheel load = 2.5 kips/wheel
Wheel spacing = 6'-0" (2 wheel/end truck)
Crane bridge weight = 2.8 kips
Trolley weight = 1.0 kips
Crane standby use only
CMAA Class A (Less than 20,000 cycles)
Crane beam weight = 30 plf
Runway hangers at 10 feet. from each joist end Fig. 5.2.5 Load Diagram
Solution: (ASD) From statics, the point of zero shear is located 24 feet from the left support.
Roof load on the joist = (20 psf+30 psf)(5 ft) = 250 plf = 0.25 k/ft.
Mmax= (7.3 kips)(24 ft)-(1.3 kips)(14 ft) (0.25 kips/ft)(24 ft)2/2
Determine the maximum hanger reaction: Rmax = (2.5 kips)[1.0+(14.0 ft)/(20.0 ft)] = 4.25 kips.
Mmax= 85 kip-ft
Increase for impact and beam load:
= 1020 kip-in.
Impact Factor = 10 percent of wheel load
Based on the average hanger reaction:
Rmax = (4.25 kips)(1.1)+(0.03 kips/ft)(20 ft) = 5.3 kips
RL = RR = (0.25 kips/ft )(40 ft/2) + 3.3 kips = 8.3 kips
Determine the wheel loads at the far side of the crane aisle from the maximum wheel loads.
Mmax = (8.3)(20 ft)-(3.3 kips)(10 ft)-(0.25 kips/ft)(20 ft)2/2
The minimum wheel load equals the total weight of the lifted load, bridge and trolley, minus
the maximum wheel loads divided by 2. Mmax = 83 kip-ft
Rmin = (2.0 kips+2.8 kips+1.0 kips-2.5 kips-2.5 kips)/2 = 996 kip-in.
= 0.40 kips. The condition with the maximum wheel load on the left side is identical but opposite hand to
the case with the maximum wheel load on the right side. The same maximum moments and
Determine the minimum hanger reaction:
shears result. The load cases excluding roof live load would have greater shifts in the shear
Rmin = (0.40 kips)[1+(14 ft)/(20 ft)] = 0.68 kips diagram. However, the KCS joist specifications require that the joist diagonals be designed for
100% shear reversal (except for the end diagonal), and a constant moment diagram. Therefore,
Increase for impact plus beam load.
the location of maximum moment is not a concern.
Rmin = (0.68 kips)(1.1)+(0.03 kips/ft)(20 ft) = 1.3 kips
Select a 26KCS5
The average reaction:
Shear strength = 9,200 lbs.
Rave = (5.3 kips+1.3 kips)/2 = 3.3 kips.
Moment strength = 1,576 kip-in.
Construct the load diagrams (Figures. 5.2.4 and 5.2.5) and solve for maximum shear and
The KCS joist load tables can be used to select a joist with a enough moment of inertia to limit
the joist deflection to an acceptable level. The deflection should be based on the live load and
Based on the maximum hanger reaction: crane load resisted by the joist as the crane support will deflect this total amount. The crane’s
RL = (0.25 kips/ft)(40 ft/2)+(1.3 kips)(30 ft/40 ft)+(5.3 kips)(10 ft/40 ft) ability to travel should not be impaired. The acceptable amount of vertical deflection at the
runway support should be determined after consultation with the crane supplier about the crane
= 7.3 kips support requirements. Generally, a one percent grade is acceptable.
RR = (0.25 kips/ft)(40/2)+(5.3 kips)(30 ft/40 ft)+(1.3 kips)(10 ft/40 ft) In lieu of specifying a KCS joist, the specifying professional can specify the required loads and
= 9.3 kip joist depth for Vulcraft to design the joist.
Beam Supports
In some cases, it may be undesirable or impractical to support the underhung crane or monorail
from joists. In this case, beams could be provided to support the crane loading and to span
between the Joist Girders. Depending upon the camber in the joist the designer may decide to
specify a similar amount of beam camber. The beams could be designed with an end seat to
match the joists in order to bear on the Joist Girder. If the loads are such that a seated connection
Fig. 5.2.4 Load Diagram is not possible then the Joist Girder could be specified to have a vertical web member at the
beam support location in order to attach the beam to the Joist Girder. Figure 5.2.6 illustrates
a beam to girder web connection. The angles are fabricated with standard holes. The beam
should have slotted holes and snug tight bolts. The bolt gage and pitch must be coordinated
between the joist supplier and the steel fabricator.

Fig. 5.2.7 Example 5.2.2

Check the bending strength of the cantilever:
Check the shear strength of 2-1/2″ deep section:
The nominal shear strength, Vn= 0.6FyAwCv1
Fig. 5.2.6 Beam to Girder Connection AISC Eq. (G2-1)
Aw = area of web, the overall depth times the web thickness, dtw, in.2
The beam to girder web connection should be designed to deliver the beam reaction to the = (2.5 in.)(0.275 in.) = 0.68 in.2
center of the Joist Girder in order to minimize the amount of beam end rotation induced into h = clear distance between flanges less the fillet at each flange, in.
the girder. If practical, the end seat connection should be used in place of framing the beam into
the web of the girder. The end seat connection requires less material and no special erection where
considerations. The beam end can be reinforced to act as a shallow seat if the unreinforced web k = 0.832 in.
section of the member can transfer the shear load. If the strength is exceeded, a heavier beam
should be used, or the beam will have to be connected to the web of the Joist Girder. End seat = 2.5 in.-(0.832 in.-0.5 in.- 0.25 in.) = 0.92 in.
reinforcement is usually required to resist the bending in the coped section of the beam. The tw = thickness of web, in.
design of a 2.5-inch end seat is illustrated in the following example.
Cv1 = 1.0
Example 5.2.2 Beam Seat Design
Vn = 0.6(50 ksi)(0.68 in.2)(1.0) = 20.4 kips AISC Eq. (G2-1)
Design a 2.5 in. deep seat for the given beam and loading.
φv = 1.0, Ωv = 1.5
φvVn = 1.0(20.4 kips) = 20.4 kips
Vn/Ωv =20.4 kips/1.5 = 13.6 kips
Reaction (ASD), R = 9.0 kips
For ASD:
The bearing plate = ½ in.
9.0 kips < 13.6 kips o.k.
¼ in. fillet welds are used to attach the bearing plate to the beam web.
Reinforce the section:
Use Fy = 50 ksi for the bearing plate
Try adding a 4 in. wide plate to the T section. (See Figure 5.2.8.)
The weld must resist the shear flow (v), where; v = VQ/I
V = Shear at the critical section
Ix = Moment of inertia of the composite section
Q = The first moment of area of the added material
Ix = 4.68 in.4
ybar = 1.36 in.
Q = (1.36 in.-0.25 in.)(0.5 in.)(4.0 in.)
Fig. 5.2.8 Added Plate
= 2.22 in.3
Check the plate thickness:
v = (9.0 kips)(2.22 kips)/4.68 in.4
The average bearing stress = R/[(Plate width)(Bearing length)]
= 4.3 kips/in.
= (9.0 kips)/[(4 in.)(3.0 in)]= 0.75 ksi
Try a 3/16 fillet weld near and far side.
The length of the cantilever equals the clear distance from the edge of the beam fillet weld to
Weld nominal strength:
the edge of the plate. Estimate this dimension as 1.70 inches.
Rn/Ω = (2)(0.928)(3) = 5.57 kips/in.
AISC Manual Eq. (8-2b)
The required moment, Mr = wL2/2
= (0.75 ksi.)(1.70 in.)2/2 5.57 kips/in. > 4.3 kips/in. o.k.
= 1.08 kip-in. Evaluate the weld required to anchor the plate:
The nominal moment Mn = Mp = ZxFy P = MQ/I
Zx = bt2/4 = (1.0 in.)(0.5 in.)2/4 = 0.0625 in.3 = (63 kip-in.)(2.22 in.3)/4.68 in.4
Mn = (0.0625 in.3)(36 ksi) = 2.25 kip-in.
=29.9 kips
Mn/Ω = (2.25 kip-in.)/1.67 = 1.35 kip-in.
Length of 3/16 fillet weld required:
1.35 kip-in. > 1.08 kip-in. o.k.
The ½ in. plate is adequate. Allowable weld force per in. = 5.57 kips/in.
Check the cantilever bending strength of the composite section: Length required = 29.9 kips/5.57 kips/in. = 5.4 in.
Based on the triangular stress distribution shown in Figure 5.2.7 the reaction is located one inch Extend the plate 6" beyond the cope and weld with 3/16 fillet weld ns/fs. See Figure 5.2.9 for final
from the end of the seat, L = 7 inches. configuration.
Mr= (9.0 kips)(7 in.) = 63 kip-in.
The section properties for the composite cantilever section are:
A = 4.93 in.2
Zx ≈ 4.67 in.3
Mn = FyZx
=(50 ksi)(4.67 in.3)
=234 kip-in. Fig. 5.2.9 Beam Seat
Mn/Ω = 140 kip-in. Conveyors
140 kip-in. > 63 kip-in. o.k. The proper design of joist systems for the suspension of conveyor equipment is analogous to
Determine the weld required to connect the plate to the beam web. the design of joist systems supporting cranes and many of the same basic considerations apply.
The joists must provide support that is sufficiently rigid so that the function of the conveyor
is not impeded. Also, the performance of the roof or floor that is also supported by these joists Sprinkler and Other Hanging Piping
should not be compromised. The key to successfully supporting a conveyor from a joist system The support of sprinkler systems requires that the specifying professional accommodate the
is careful coordination between the design professional, the conveyor supplier and Vulcraft. load from the sprinkler systems and provide for the hanger attachment for the sprinkler systems.
The systems provided by the various conveyor manufacturers are often proprietary and the The support of process piping, small ducts and cable trays requires similar considerations. The
support requirements vary from project to project. suppliers for these products should be consulted about support requirements and loads. The
support of sprinkler systems is rather a generic problem and standards are available to aid the
There are many different types of conveyors. Most conveyors may be grouped under three specifying professional in designing support for these systems.
major headings:
It must be noted if the sprinkler pipes pass through the webs of the joists. Vulcraft will align
1. Continuous Belt Conveyors the web panels in a bay to accommodate the specified spacing. The pipe spacing must be
uniform since the joist web configuration is typically uniform. The typical maximum branch
2. Trolley Conveyors line spacing is 10 feet, thus when possible a 10-foot spacing should be used.
3. Vibratory Conveyors The sprinkler mains are larger pipes and the loads must be noted on the contract documents as
A continuous belt conveyor consists of a flexible belt that is supported at regular intervals they are considerably heavier that the branch lines.
by idlers. The belt returns below, supported by return idlers, forming a continuous loop. The Load capacity for sprinkler systems is usually provided by the specifying professional using
idlers are supported on a frame that requires support from the joists at regular intervals, usually a uniform collateral load of enough magnitude to account for the loads induced by the piping
twenty to thirty feet. The specifying professional should obtain the support reactions from the system. This collateral load is added to the other loadings, and a joist of enough strength is
conveyor supplier. The support reactions should include the loaded weight of the conveyor and specified to resist the uniform loads. Although the loads are delivered to the joists at discrete
any service walkways that may be present. A belt conveyor is usually driven by a motor drive locations, this method is used almost universally and has proven to be reasonable and economical.
at the end of the conveyor. Tensioning of the belt may be provided by a gravity take up device. Cable trays and duct systems are treated in the same fashion. Large ducts for heavy industrial
This is a weight that is suspended from the returning belt to provide the appropriate tension to duct collection systems and unusually large sprinkler pipes should be considered a special case,
the belt. The belt drive and take up loads should be located and accounted for in the design. and the section discussing the consideration of concentrated loads should be consulted.
This type of conveyor is usually a self-contained stable unit (with the belt tension resisted by
compression in the conveyor frame) requiring only vertical support and nominally sized lateral The National Fire Protection Association provides guidelines for the support of sprinkler systems
and longitudinal braces. in their publication NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (NFPA, 2019).
For steel pipe (except threaded light wall pipe), the standard requires hangers at a maximum of
A trolley conveyor is a chain driven conveyor in which the chain is supported from a monorail at 12 feet on center for pipes 1.25 inches in diameter and smaller, and hangers at a maximum of
regular intervals. The chain usually forms a continuous horizontal loop. This type of conveyor 15 feet on center for pipes 1.5 inches in diameter and larger. The maximum spacing between
is most commonly used for assembly line work. The product is suspended from the chain at hangers for other types of pipe can be found in the NFPA document. Additional hangers may
regular intervals and is moved along the track from station to station. This type of conveyor be required at branch and bend locations or between branch locations. These criteria apply to
may be self-contained regarding thrusts; that is, equal and opposite thrusts may be resolved piping conforming to NFPA requirements. Table 5.2.3 lists typical weights and hanger reactions
through the conveyor framing. If the conveyor is not self-contained, the conveyor will impart for sprinkler pipes.
horizontal loads into the system. The magnitude of these loads is dependent upon the drive
system used, the type of support system used at the conveyor level, and the configuration of the
overall conveyor system. The longitudinal force in trolley conveyors is commonly referred to SPRINKLER WEIGHTS
as the chain pull force. The vertical loads and thrusts must be determined from the conveyor
supplier for each situation. Even if thrust loads are not specified, it is recommended that at least
Hanger Load Hanger Load
a nominally sized lateral and longitudinal bracing system be provided. If the operation of the Pipe & Water 5 ft spacing 12 ft. spacing
conveyor does impart thrusts onto the joist system, the specifying professional should consider (pounds/ft.) (pounds) (pounds)
the use of a structural bracing system independent of the roof diaphragm.
Pipe Dia. Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
A vibratory conveyor or shaker table moves the product by shaking the material on to a (inches) 10 40 10 40 10 40
conveyor. This type of conveyor creates considerable dynamic energy and is subject to high 2 4.3 5 22 26 52 61
cycle fatigue loadings. It is not recommended that this type of conveyor be suspended from
3 8 11 40 54 96 130
joists or Joist Girders.
4 12 16 60 82 144 196
Details for the suspension of conveyor systems are like the details required for underhung
5 18 23 90 117 216 280
cranes. The details presented in the preceding section on crane support could be modified to
suspend a conveyor system. 6 24 32 120 158 288 378
8 41 50 205 251 492 603
Conveyors may be floor mounted as well as suspended from the structure above. If the floor is
framed with joists, the special loads induced by the conveyors should be considered. Conveyors 10 58 75 290 373 696 895
or roller tables running perpendicular to the joists may impart significant concentrated loads 12 - 99 - 493 - 1184
into the joists. If a shaker table is mounted on an elevated floor system, isolators should be
provided, and the natural frequency of the floor joists should be at least fifty percent higher Table 5.2.3 Typical Sprinkler System Weights
than the frequency of the shaker table. Information regarding the calculation of the natural
frequency of floor joist systems can be found in Section 5.6.
Hanger locations are not typically specified on the structural drawings. However, the
specifying professional could require hanger spacings at shorter intervals than required by
NFPA requirements to reduce individual hanger reactions to the roof system. The specifying As a reminder the SJI Specification does not require struts between panel points provided
professional should provide details to ensure that the pipe hanger loads are located at joist the sum of the concentrated loads within a chord panel does not exceed 100 pounds and the
panel points and do not induce bending in the joist chords. Alternately, a concentrated load can attachments are concentric to the chord. The 100-pound loads must also be accounted for in the
be specified to occur at any location on the joist. The contractor installing the piping should be specified uniform design loads.
familiar with the NFPA requirements regarding hanger locations and the permissible types of
hangers. Given:
The specifying professional and Vulcraft should also be aware of the requirements for “Early The bending and shear strength of the joist has been determined to be sufficient to support
Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems” (ESFR). These systems are primarily used the added 500-pound loads; however, the combined bending and axial forces between the
in warehouses where high piled storage is used. ESFR systems are designed to ‘suppress a fire’ panel points overstress the joist.
meaning they are designed to “knock” the fire down to its point of origin. NFPA 13 does not
allow obstructions of any size in the area 1 foot to each side and 2 feet below a pendent ESFR Field measurements revealed that the bottom chord angles are 1.5x1.5x0.155 in. and the top
sprinkler. Contact with small obstructions can cause significant disruption to the discharge chord angles are 2x2x0.155 in.
pattern and will cause failure of the system to function properly.
As indicated earlier, the branch lines pass through the webs of the joists. The spacing of the
lines must be coordinated with Vulcraft. Typically, the interior webbing panel of joists are the
same length and 10 foot equally spaced branch lines can be easily accommodated. Unequally
spaced branch lines can be accommodated but will significantly increase complexity and cost
of the joists.
Sprinkler systems in areas subject to earthquakes require sway bracing to resist lateral,
longitudinal and vertical movement resulting from seismic loading. Sway bracing must be
designed and specified by the design professional and must be anchored at locations that
provide a reasonable load path to the lateral load system of the structure.
Use A36 steel for struts.
It should be noted that building codes may have criteria more stringent than the NFPA criteria.
Also, FM Global (FM Global, 2018) or other insurance criteria should be consulted, if Fig. 5.2.10 Concentrated Loads Between Panel Points
Try 2x2x1/8 A36 angle struts.
Mechanically Field Installed Struts at Concentrated Loads
The struts are at an angle of 75 degrees from the horizontal.
Bolted or screwed connections can be used to attach reinforcement members to joists or
Joist Girders. The use of bolts or screws are best suited for conditions when loads and/or The strut length = 33 in.
reinforcement members are relatively small and when welding is prohibited. Caution must be Strut Properties:
used when drilling holes into members since holes can significantly reduce the tensile strength
of the member. Also, care must be taken not to drill holes into welds, thus reducing existing A36 steel
weld strength. Fu = 58 ksi
Installation: A = 0.491 in.2
Bolt installation and hole sizes used should follow the provisions of the AISC Specifications. rx = 0.620 in.
3/8 in. ASTM A354 Grade BC bolts may be used. These bolts are included as Group A high
strength bolts in Section J3 of the AISC Specification.
Compression Strut:
For screwed connections the AISI Specifications should be followed. Strengths and types of
screws can be found in the manufacturer’s literature. Required axial compression per strut:
Based on Chapter J of the AISC Specification the allowable shear strength of a 3/8" diameter Pr = Pstrut / (cos15o) = 250 lbs / 0.966
Group A fastener is 3.0 kips.
Pr = 259 lbs.
The reinforcing member should be predrilled using a 7/16 in. diameter bit.
The struts meet the requirements per AISC Section E5(a). Therefore, the available axial
Example 5.2.3 Mechanically Field Installed Struts at Concentrated Loads compressive strength may be determined per either equation E5-1 or E5-2 as applicable:
Connect angles to the top and bottom chords of a joist to support two 500-pound point loads as From AISC Section E5, if b / t ≤ 0.71 E / Fy flexural-torsional buckling need not be considered.
shown in Figure 5.2.10. Use a 3/8 in. diameter A354 Grade BC bolts in lieu of welding.
b / t ≤ 0.71 29,000 ksi/36 ksi =20
b/t = 2 in. / 0.125 in. = 16 where
16 < 20 therefore flexural torsional buckling need not be considered. d = nominal fastener diameter, in. = 0.375 in.
L/rx = 33 in./0.620 in. = 53 t = thickness of connecting material, in.
L L Rn = 3.0(0.375 in.)(0.125 in.)(58 ksi) =8.16 kips
n ≤ 80 When ≤ 80
ra ra
Rn/Ω = 4.10 kips
L Lc L
72 + 0.75 = 72 + 0.75 AISC Eq. (E5-1) AISC Eq. (E5-1) Tearout check:
ra r ra
 33 in.   33 in.  Rn = 1.5lctFu AISC Eq. J3-6d
+ 0.75  = 72 +=0.75
112 =112
 0.620 in.   0.620 in.  where
π2 E π ( 29,000
E ) π ( 29,000 ksi )
π2 ksi
lc = clear distance, in direction of the force, between the edge of the hole and the edge of
= = Fe = = 22.8 ksi = 22.8 ksi AISC Eq. (E3-4) AISC Eq. (E3-4)
 Lc 
2 2
(112 )Lc 
(112 )
2 the material, in.
 r   r 
    Assume the distance from the center of the hole to the angle edge = 0.75 in.
36 ksi Fy 36 ksi lc = 0.75 in.- 0.4375 in./2 = 0.5313 in.
= 1.58
= ≤ 2.25 = 1.58 ≤ 2.25
22.8 ksi Fe 22.8 ksi
Rn = 1.5(0.5313 in.)(0.125 in.)(58 ksi) = 5.78 kips
Fy 36Fyksi
     36 ksi

efore, Fcr = Fe 
= =
FFy cr  0.658
22.8  Fy36 = 0.658
Fe ksi
18.6 ksi
22.8 ksi 36 = 18.6 ksi
 Rn/Ω = 6.12 kips/2.0 = 2.89 kips
     
    
The available stress = Fcr/Ω = 18.6 ksi/1.67 = 11.1 ksi Block shear check:
The available strength = (Fcr/Ω)Ag = 11.1 ksi)(0.491 in.2) = 5.45 kips Rn = 0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt AISC Eq.(J4-5)
5.45 kips > 0.259 kips Angles are o.k. By observation will not control.
Tension Strut: Summary:
The available axial tensile strength is the lesser value of the limit states of yielding and Limit state of 3/8 in. diameter bolt shear = 3.0 kips
Compression strut buckling = 5.45 kips
For tensile yielding in the gross section:
Limit state of angle rupture per Rn/Ω = FuAe = 5.44 kips
Pn = FyAg AISC Eq. (D2-1)
Limit state of bolt bearing = 4.10 kips
Pn = (36 ksi)(0.491 in.2) = 17.7 ksi
Limit state of bolt tear out = 2.89 kips (0.5313 in. clear distance bolt hole to angle end
Pn / Ω =17.7 /1.67 = 10.6 kips
Check the strength reduction in the tension chord due to the bolt hole:
For tensile rupture:
Hole size = 7/16 in. = 0.4375 in.
The AISC Commentary (AISC, 2016d) indicates, “There is insufficient data for
Chord angle area = 0.441 in.2
establishing a value of U if all lines have only one bolt, but it is probably conservative
to use Ae equal to the net area of the connected element. The limit states of block shear Ae = 0.441 in.2 - (0.4375 in.+.0625 in.)(0.155 in.) = 0.364 in.2
(Section J4.3) and bearing and tear out (Section J3.10, which must be checked, will Percent reduction in chord strength = (0.441 in.2 - 0.364 in.2)/0.441 in.2 = 17.5%
probably control the design.
The designer must check bottom chord for adequacy due to the reduction.
Ae = (2.0 in.)(0.125 in.) - (0.5 in.)(0.125 in.) = 0.1875 in.2
Self-drilling screw solution:
Pn = FuAe = (58 ksi)(0.1875) = 10.875 kips
In lieu of using a bolted connections screws can be used. Section J4 of the AISI Specifications
Pn/Ω = 10.875/2.0 = 5.44 kips can be used for screwed connections:
Bearing check: • J4.2 Minimum Edge Distance
Rn = 3.0dtFu AISC Eq. J3-6b
• J4.3.1 Shear Strength [Resistance] Limited by Tilting and Bearing t 2 / t1 ≤ 1.0 t 2 / t1 ≤ 1.0
• J4.3.2 Shear in Screws 3 1/23 1/2
=Pnv 4.2
= ( 0.155 )=
Pnv in.4.2 (0.25
( 0.155
in. )in.
 ) ((65
0.25 ) )8.33( 65
ksiin. ksi ) 8.33 kips
kips AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-1)
AISI Eq. (J4.3
• J4.4.2 Pull-Over Strength [Resistance]  
=Pnv (=
= 0.125 in.Pnv)( 0.25
(= in. )(in.
0.125 58)(ksi ) in.
0.25 )( 58
1.81 ksi ) 1.81 kips
kips AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-2)
AISI Eq. (J4.3
=Pnv (= Pnv)( 0.25
0.155 in. (= in. )(in.
0.155 65)(ksi ) in.
0.25 )( 65kips
2.52 ksi ) 2.52 kips AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-3)
AISI Eq. (J4.3
Try a ¼ in. self-drilling fastener.
For t 2 / t1 ≥ 2.For
5 t 2 / t1 ≥ 2.5
Screw head diameter = 0.50 in.
=Pnv 2.7
= ( 0.125
Pnvin. )(
= ( 0.125
0.25 in. )(in.
58)(ksi ) in.
0.25 )( 58kips
4.89 ksi ) 4.89 kips AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-4)
AISI Eq. (J4.3
= = Pnv (=0.155 in.Pnv)( 0.25
(= in. )(in.
0.155 50)(ksi ) in.
0.25 )( 50
1.94 ksi ) 1.94 kips
kips AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-5)
AISI Eq. (J4.3
Minimum Edge Distance: AISI Eq. (J4.2)
Interpolating for
the 0.125 in. for material:
the 0.125 in. material:
The distance from the center of a fastener to the edge or end of any part shall not be less than
0.24 0.24
1.5d. For a 0.25 in. diameter screw, the minimum edge distance = 1.5(0.25 = in.) = 0.375=in. Pnv 1.81
= kipsPnv
+ 1.81 = kips + 1.86 kips 1.86 kips
1.5 ( 4.89 kips-1.81
1.5 ( 4.89 )
kipskips-1.81 kips )
Shear Strength [Resistance] Limited by Tilting and Bearing: AISI Eq. (J4.3.1)
Interpolating for
the 0.155 in. for material:
the 0.155 in. material:
For t2 /t1 ≤ 1.0, Pnv shall be taken as the smallest of 0.24 0.24
= = Pnv 2.52
= kipsPnv- 2.52= kips - 2.25 kips 2.25 kips
1.5 ( 2.52 kips-1.941.5 ( 2.52 ) kips )
( ) ( ) kipskips-1.94
1 2 1 2
4.2 t23d Pnv F=u 24.2 t23d Fu 2 AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-1)
AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-1)
Pnv 1.86 kipsPnv 1.86 kips
t1dFu1 Pnv = t1dFu1 AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-2)
AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-2)
= = = 0.62 = kips 0.62 kips
Ω 3.0 Ω 3.0
t2 dFu 2 Pnv = t2 dFu 2 AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-3)
AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-3)
where Screw shear strength: AISI Eq. (J4.3.2)
Pnv = Nominal shear strength of sheet per screw Pavailable = 0.81 kips (manufactures literature for a ¼ in. self-drilling fastener)
t1 = Thickness of the member in contact with screw head or washer (0.125 in.) Pull-Over Strength [Resistance]: AISI Eq. (J4.4.2)
t2 = Thickness of the member not in contact with screw head or washer (0.155 in.) =Pnov 1.5
= t1d w' Fu1 1.5(0.125 in.)(0.50 in.)(58
= ksi) 5.44 kips
d = Nominal screw diameter (0.25 in.) '
d= d= 0.50 in.
w h
Fu1 = 58 ksi (Reinforcing angles) = Pnv /=
Pavailable Ω 5.44 kips / 3.0
= 1.81 kips
Fu2 = 65 ksi (Joist chords, Fy = 50 ksi)
The limit state of tilting and bearing controls.
For t2 /t1 ≥ 2.5, Pnv shall be taken as the smaller of
Pavailable = (0.62 kips)(1000 lbs/kip) = 600 lbs
= 2.7t1dFuP1nv = 2.7t1dFu1 AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-4)
AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-4)
620 lbs > 259 lbs o.k.
= t2dFu 2 Pnv = t2dFu 2 AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-5)
AISI Eq. (J4.3.1-5)
Check the strength reduction in the tension chord due to the screw hole:
For 1.0 < t2/t1 < 2.5, Pnv shall be calculated by linear interpolation between the above two
Hole size = 0.25 in.
Chord angle area = 0.441 in.2
t2 /t1 = 0.155 in./0.125 in. = 1.24
Ae = 0.441 in.2 - (0.25)(0.155 in.) = 0.40 in.2
Interpolation is required.
Percent reduction in chord strength = (0.441 in.2 - 0.400 in.2)/0.441 in.2 = 2.5%
The designer must check bottom chord for adequacy due to the reduction.
In this section, the effects of small openings in the roof or floor deck are considered. This
discussion treats openings and headers for deck support. In the case of very small openings
(6" to 12") deck reinforcement can be used in lieu of headers. The maximum size of opening
considered, is an opening that can fit between two joists without disrupting the specified joist design for shear and moment on the joist. If the load is located between panel points, then top
spacing for a given framing situation. Openings often coincide with additional concentrated chord bending is introduced. The discussion of the provision for concentrated loads on joists is
loads, such as at roof top units. This situation will be treated in Section 5.4. This discussion is presented in Section 6.3.
limited to the framing around openings and the effect on joists when the overall load to the joist It is always desirable to locate concentrated loads at panel points and thus eliminate top chord
is essentially unchanged from the typical situation for surrounding joists. bending. Small isolated openings for vents can usually be shifted to align with panel points.
This, however, requires that the opening frame is made to conform with the panel point spacing.
Small openings are often required in roofs for items such as access hatches, vents or small For repetitive openings with a consistent pattern, special joists designed for the uniform and
domed skylights. The manufacturers of these items typically provide the products mounted on concentrated loads can be used.
their own light gage metal curbs. Usually, these curbs can be set atop the steel roof deck and
may be screwed directly to the deck. The deck opening is cut to match the inside dimensions In these special joists, if the loads cannot be placed on the panel points, Vulcraft must increase
of the curb. Headers or a small frame should be provided to carry the curb loading to the the chord size or add web members as illustrated in Figure 6.3.4. In general, it has been found
joists. Wood or steel blocking is often placed between the deck flutes to prevent the deck from that additional web members are less costly than increasing the chord size. Lastly, in order to
crushing between the curb and the headers. The typical configuration can be seen in Figure ensure that loads are located at the panel points, a special double frame such as that shown
5.3.1. in Figure 5.3.2 can be used. This frame requires that prior to its fabrication, the dimensional
relation between panel point location and the opening dimensions be known. Alternately, a
double frame such as the one shown in Figure 5.3.3 can be used. If the angles which rest on
the joist chords are designed to span between joist panel points, then the double frame can be
positioned at any location on the joists without overloading the joist chord.
It may be required to interrupt a line of joist bridging at the opening location. This is acceptable
if the bridging is properly anchored. Additional comments regarding bridging are included in
the Section 5.10.

Fig. 5.3.1 Typical Roof Opening

The frames are usually constructed from hot rolled angles with welded connections. The
vertical leg of the header angle is coped, or a short piece of angle is welded to the end of the
header to create a seat.
This latter method is more economical than coping the angle and is also a better detail.
The headers should be installed prior to placing the roof deck, so the header seat can bear on
top of the joist chord. If the frame is not installed prior to placing the roof deck, then the frame
must be welded to the bottom of the outstanding horizontal leg of the joist chord. This is not as Fig. 5.3.2 Double Frame
desirable as setting the frame on top of the joist, because it requires an overhead fillet weld for
installation. This attachment may also cause twisting of the joist chord.
Headers at openings impose concentrated loads on joists. These concentrated loads can
occur either on or off panel points. If located at a panel point the effect thereof is limited to the
provide the required strength for large roof top units by specification of a special joist that
can support the specific unit’s reaction. The section on the design and specification of joists
subjected to concentrated loads should be consulted for more detailed information on this topic.
If a significant number of relatively large units are randomly dispersed on a roof the specifying
professional may prefer to use KCS joists in lieu of specifying individual special joists. This
may prove most effective if all the special joists are just slightly different in loading. Replacing
many similar special joists with KCS joists will avoid confusion, minimize the potential for
errors, and maximize the flexibility of the system. KCS joists are not designed for the bending
of the concentrated loads between panel points, so if the loads are not at panel points, additional
web members must be installed.
A similar option would be to use a Load/Load designated joist with an Add-Load that will
cover the variable mechanical loads in that area of the roof. The Load/Load designation has the
advantage that the joist can also be designed for axial loads. KCS joists and Load/Load joists
are not designed for the bending of the concentrated loads between panel points, so if the loads
are not at panel points, additional web members must be installed.
If a project is being fast tracked or if the specifying professional is unable to procure definitive
unit load and placement information, the specifying professional may choose to resort to
Fig. 5.3.3 Double Frame the zoning method to provide strength to support roof top units. In the zoning method, the
5.4 ROOF TOP UNITS specifying professional in consultation with the mechanical engineer, designates selected
zones on the roof where units may be placed. Using the mechanical engineers’ estimates of the
It is common practice for mechanical units to be placed on the roofs of buildings. These units number, size and weights of the anticipated mechanical units, the size, location and loading of
may be part of the buildings heating and ventilating system, or the units may be a portion of the zones are designated on the plans. Joists are selected or specified to resist the loads placed
the building’s process equipment. Most are supported on a cold formed metal curb. The curb within the zones. This is a good approach for estimating a project. If more accurate information
bears on the deck or on structural members that fit between the deck flutes and span between is available Vulcraft can design for that information.
the joists. Inside the curb, there are openings for ductwork and piping. As an alternative to
the curb support, units may be supported on a steel framework above the level of the roof The zones should be located to provide the maximum area, while affecting the fewest number of
deck. The elevated frame may support several units and a walkway. This frame is typically joists and Joist Girders possible. Locating the zones near to columns will minimize the amount
supported on small pipe or tube columns attached to the joists. This system is most commonly of flexural resistance required in the system. Zones should be located at relative high points of
used for equipment that does not require large penetrations through the roof. The elevated the roof to avoid conflicts with roof drainage. Placing a rectangular zone with at least two of
walkway provides the advantage of eliminating wear and tear on the roof during servicing of the four boundary lines coincident with building frames lines will help avoid confusion and will
the equipment. result in zones located near columns.
Roof top units may vary in weight from a hundred pounds to in excess of twenty thousand For the zone approach to be successful, the joists specified within or partially within a roof
pounds. Sizes vary from two or three-square feet to hundreds of square feet in area. Given zone must be able to support the units placed within the zone. This will require that any joists
the large variation in unit size and weight, the specifying professional must be particularly in the zone be able to resist a given reaction at any point along their chords (with panel point
concerned with the load imposed by the unit on specific joists. Roof top units seldom have a field reinforcement, if required) within the zone. Figure 5.4.1 is an illustration of the proper
uniform density with the center of gravity at the center of the unit. Frequently the units have specification of a zone with appropriately sized KCS joist.
a large plenum at one end that weighs very little and most of the weight is concentrated over a The use of zones requires a relatively conservative design, and the size of zones should be
small area. The unit supplier can provide the specifying professional with reactions at the corners minimized. Roof top unit zones are particularly useful when specifying a prototype building.
of the unit. Alternatively, the supplier may provide the location of the center of gravity and Savings in design time are realized if the same zones are used for each building built according
the weight of the unit. The load and unit configuration vary considerably from one supplier to the prototype plans. The owner of the prototype buildings has the advantage of a uniform
to another, and the specifying professional should take care to obtain information specific to design for each building.
the project at hand and not extrapolate from previous projects. The weight of the curb or support
frame is often not included in the weight information provided by the unit supplier. The curb There is a third alternative to providing special joists at each unit or providing zones for the
weight should be added to the unit weight. Also, it should be confirmed that the unit provided units. Roofs with numerous small units (reaction to a joist < 500 lbs.) may be designed to
for is the unit which is ordered, shipped and installed. support these units at any location on the roof. The specifying professional would determine
the worst-case loading of unit reaction to a joist, and use the procedure outlined in Chapter 6
The specifying professional should be aware that it is common for there to be substitutions in to choose a joist to resist the unit load. These joists would be used throughout the roof. This
the final selections of roof top units during the bidding and construction phases of projects. procedure essentially provides a uniform collateral strength throughout the roof. The specifying
The structural design provisions for roof top units must be based on the unit weights, sizes and professional using this procedure will quickly be able to determine if joist size selection has
layout provided to the specifying professional during design. The structural drawings should been appreciably affected. If the cost of providing the uniform strength throughout the roof
show this information, as it is the basis of the design. This will facilitate confirmation of the is overly expensive, the alternatives of zoning the units or providing special joists at each
appropriateness of any proposed substitutions that differ from the information provided at the unit should be investigated. When Joist Girders are used to support KCS joists the specifying
time of design. professional must clearly indicate the panel point loads and the joist spacing for the girders.
The specifying professional’s decision about how to best provide strength for the roof top units
will depend on the size, number and similarity of the units. The specifying professional may

Fig. 5.4.2 Joist Reinforcement

The use of an inverted channel to carry the unit load between the joists is also illustrated in
Figure 5.4.2.
Fig. 5.4.1 Roof Top Unit Zone The specifying professional should be aware that placing mechanical units on the roof may
To support mechanical loads on a joist system, the specifying professional must fill the gap create other special considerations. In addition to their own weight, roof top units may cause
between Vulcraft and the mechanical engineer by determining the load imposed on each joist and other loads to occur such as snow accumulation around the unit. The 2015 IBC (by referencing
designating the required joist for each situation. The structural design drawings should indicate ASCE 7) has the following exception for requiring drift loads at projections, “EXCEPTION:
the location of large roof supported units. Zone locations or the loads for small randomly placed Drift loads shall not be required where the side of the roof projection is less than 15 feet (4.6
units should be indicated on the plans. The plans should also indicate the sizes of the joists. m) or the clear distance between the height of the balanced snow load, hb, and the bottom of the
Load diagrams should be provided for special joists. The unit size and location information and
projection (including horizontal supports) is at least 2 feet (0.61 m).”
the zoning information on the plans will allow the other consultants and trades to coordinate
with the specifying professional. Joist designations and load diagrams will allow Vulcraft to The effect of wind blowing against the profile of the unit must also be considered. The overturning
coordinate with the specifying professional. Vulcraft should include the joist designations and force reaction may be greater than the reaction due to the weight of the unit, or there may even
load diagrams on the shop drawings for confirmation during the shop drawing review. be a net uplift at some support locations. Wind controlled reactions are more likely with high-
Providing properly sized joists and Joist Girders will ensure adequate shear and flexural strength profile-low-density units with large plenums.
to transfer the loads from the joists and Joist Girders to their supports once the load has been Roof top units frequently contain moving parts such as fans or motors. It is possible that the
transferred into the joists. The unit reaction must be transferred into a panel point of the joist to operation of these units will cause the support structure to vibrate. Vibrating units should be
avoid localized bending of the top chord of the joist. If the location of the unit can be controlled, mounted on isolators to separate their motion from the structure. However, the isolators may not
the specifying professional may be able to locate the edges of the unit at a joist panel point. The be completely effective with large cyclone fans or compressors. The problem may be mitigated
locations of the joist panel points will have to be determined by Vulcraft. If this is not possible, by providing support joists with a natural frequency at least fifty percent greater or fifty percent
a diagonal member will usually have to be added to transfer the reaction to a joist panel point. less than the operating frequency of the unit.
This detail is illustrated in Figure 5.4.2. This diagonal is usually added in the field. However,
Vulcraft will add the diagonal in the shop if instructed to do so, and if the exact location, The lower frequency, however, will allow the support structure to vibrate during start up and
size and weld requirements of the diagonal are specified. The provision for concentrated loads is shut down of the unit when the operating frequency passes through the natural frequency of the
presented in Section 6.3. joist. The natural frequency of a simple span joist may be determined from Equation 5.4.1 or
Equation 5.4.2 as applicable. Equation 5.4.1 defines the natural frequency of a joist loaded
primarily by a concentrated load at mid-span. Equation 5.4.2 defines the natural frequency of a
joist loaded primarily by a uniform distributed load.
=f 188 /=
∆ f 188 / ∆ (Eq. 5.4.1) (Eq. 5.4
=f 213 /=
∆f 213 / ∆ (Eq. 5.4.2) (Eq. 5.4
f = the natural frequency of the joist in cycles per minute
∆ = the joist deflection at mid-span in inches
Verification of the natural frequency of the joists is not a substitute for providing isolators.
Design of such isolators is the responsibility of the mechanical engineer and the equipment One can also ask the SJI office for assistance in determining the joist type. Before contacting
supplier. When checking a system for possible dynamic excitation, the specifying professional the SJI office it is recommended that the “Joist Investigation Form” be downloaded from the
should consider the loads likely to be supported by the joist during the operation of the unit. SJI Website,
Joists adjacent to the unit may also be susceptible to vibration.
There are several acceptable ways to evaluate existing joists for a new loading condition.
Tall vents or stacks protruding through the roofs of buildings often require guy wires for Engineering judgement and experience is valuable in determining the most efficient method
stability. Parapets and mechanical screen posts may require bracing. An attachment to the for each individual condition. The first step is to determine what the existing joist is and what
building structure should be provided to avoid tearing the deck or roofing. It is usually desirable it was designed for. Although joists are generally designed to a stress ratio of 0.95 to 1.0,
to attach the guy wires or braces to a vertical standard several inches above the level of the roof sometimes the original loads were conservative. This is a good place to start the evaluation. The
to avoid interference with the roofing materials. Two possible connection details are illustrated goal is to do as little reinforcing as possible.
in Figure 5.4.3 and 5.4.4. All the force vectors and eccentricities of the guy wire attachment
The strength of the joists can be determined from load tables and the use of the standard SJI
must be resolved into the support structure and the joists sized accordingly.
Specifications. The SJI Specifications require that for a given series of joists the web members
In Figure 5.4.3 the upper horizontal angle must be attached to the steel deck in order to transfer be designed for a minimum percentage of the joist end reaction. The specifications also have
any forces transverse to the joists into the steel deck. Joists cannot resist any out of plane requirements for the minimum strength of vertical web members, chord splices and the welding
loading. For the best load path lateral braces should be attached to the transfer channel rather of diagonal members. The material properties and the proper interaction equations for checking
than the joist top or bottom chords. the chord members may also be determined from the SJI Specifications. The Steel Joist Institute
has published the “90 Year Open Web Steel Joist Construction Digest” (SJI, 2018) that is
particularly useful for determining the strength of older joists. The 90-year digest contains
specifications and load tables for all the series of joists published between 1928 and 2018. The
digest also contains helpful chronological listings of changes in the joist design methods.
When evaluating an existing system, the size and series of joists must be determined. The best
method is to refer to the construction documents for the joist size and spacing designated, and
then to verify the existing construction with a field visit. Inspection of the actual installation is
important. It allows the determination of the configuration and the sizes of the chords and webs.
In addition, a check is made to see whether:
1. The web members are rods or crimped single angles or double angles.
2. The chords are hot rolled angles or rods or a cold formed shape.
3. The bridging is in place.
4. The joists are in good repair or have been damaged.
This information is important since the reinforcement must not only work with regard to stresses
and deflections, but it must also be physically compatible with the existing construction. The
reinforcement in the shape of bars, rods or angles must fit. Eccentricities must be eliminated
or evaluated, and the field welder must have room to weld the pieces in position. Therefore,
oversizing reinforcing members is not always a conservative design. The project site visit also
allows the evaluation of the present actual loading condition on the joists.
If the specifying professional does not have access to the design drawings, then the site visit
Fig. 5.4.3 Guy Wire or Screen Post Attachment is, of course, even more essential. It may be possible to determine the joist designation from
the joist tag. Each joist is supplied with a tag at one end. This tag is intended to mark that
specific joist for erection purposes. Vulcraft will provide an erection plan that indicates where
each joist is to be located. The joists are identified on the plan by the mark on the tag. Besides
5.5 JOIST REINFORCEMENT the mark number, the tag may also indicate the joist manufacturer. If the manufacturer can be
identified they can be contacted to determine if they have any records of the structure. Even if
Introduction the manufacturer does not have records of the project, the manufacturer may have helpful data
The situation often arises when new loads are introduced to an existing framing system, and about his previously supplied joists. If the tags have been removed, then the joist configuration,
the system must be evaluated with respect to the new loading. If the existing system is unable chords and diagonals may be measured. This of course does not provide the material properties
to safely support the additional loads, then the system must be reinforced. The new loading of the joists. Rather than measure each element of the joist, only the chords and the end diagonal
must be evaluated against the known strength of the joist elements to resist moments, shears
can be measured. With the capacities of these members, the specifying professional could
and end reactions. If reinforcement is required, it must be designed for the joists. If the joists in
place were furnished by Vulcraft, and if time permits, the specifying professional can ask for determine the allowable end shear and moment of the joist. Then by estimating the original
assistance from Vulcraft for the reinforcement design. Vulcraft may require a fee for their work. design loads and the time of construction, a reasonable and conservative estimate of the joist
size can be made. As an alternative to measuring the joists, it may be reasonable to assume that
the strength of the existing joists is being fully utilized to support the existing loads and add Example 5.5.1 Load Distribution to Joists
sufficient reinforcement to carry the entire effect of the additional loading.
Load Distribution
The simplest way to distribute load is to span a member between two joists. The member is
designed as a simple beam to span between the joists.
If distributing the load between two joists results in a joist overstress, a support system that
will distribute the load between several joists can be designed. By distributing the load to
several joists, the load to each individual joist may be small enough to eliminate the need for
joist reinforcement. This system is analogous to a continuous beam on flexible supports. The
support system must be sufficiently rigid with respect to the joists to distribute the load to the
intended joists.
The engineer can create an analytical model to determine the load distributed to each joist by a
continuous beam. The joists may be modeled as beam members using the appropriate moment
of inertia for the joists.
Criteria applicable to beams on closely spaced elastic supports is applicable to this case. An
in-depth discussion of this material may be found in Seely, F.B., and Smith, J.O., “Advanced
Mechanics of Materials,” (Seely, 1962). One case of the beam on elastic supports is of interest.
This is the case where the beam, which distributes the load to the joists, is stiff enough to be
considered as a rigid body with respect to the supporting joists. Fig. 5.5.1 Example 5.5.1
In lieu of using an analytical computer model the user may want to create a spreadsheet using Size the beam shown in Figure 5.5.1 to act rigidly and determine the reactions to the joists.
this procedure. Given:
The relative stiffnesses of the joists and the distribution beam is defined by the characteristic The load is located at mid-span on the joists.
parameter, beta, as defined in Equation 5.5.1.
β = 4 ( K β/ S=)4/ (4KEI/ S ) / 4 EI (Eq.5.5.1)
(Eq.5.5.1) Determine the stiffness of the joists:
IJ = 26.767(WLL)(L3)(10-6)
For a 24K7:
K = the stiffness of the joist, kips/in.
WLL = 148 plf.
S = the spacing of the joists, in.
IJ = 26.767 (148 plf)(39.67 ft)3(10-6)= 247 in.4
E = the modulus of elasticity for the beam, ksi
Divide IJ by 1.15 to account for shear deflection.
I = the moment of inertia of the beam, in.4
IJ eff = (247 in.4)/1.15 = 215 in4
If S is less than π/4β the beam on elastic support calculations are applicable. If the spacing limit
is not exceeded and the length of the beam is less than 1/β, the beam may be rigid with respect K = P/∆ = P/(PL3/48EI) = 48EI/L3
to the supporting joists and the reactions to the joists may be determined by static equilibrium. K = [(48)(29,000 ksi)(215 in.4)/[(39.67 ft)(12 in./ft)]3 = 2.78 kips/in.
In lieu of using a spreader beam below the joist, a specially designed and field fabricated truss
can be placed between joists to distribute load between several joists. The chords of the truss Based on Equation 5.5.1, determine the beam size necessary to distribute the load to the four
can be attached below the joist top chord and above the bottom chord. The web members of the joists:
truss can be placed between adjacent joists and attached to the truss chords. If the truss is not Try a W16x26:
located at a joist panel point, joist web reinforcement may be required.
Ix = 301in.4
The following example illustrates the design of a beam to distribute a concentrated load to four
joists. ( 2.78 kips/in.) / ( 54 in.) 0.0062 / in.
=β =
( 4 )( 29,000 ksi ) 301 in.4 )
Check if the spacing S < π/4ß
S = 54 in. < π/4ß = 127 in.
Check the length of beam < 1/β: Solving for the reactions:
L = 13'-6" = 162.0 in. RA = (2.78 kips/in.)(0.072 in.) = 0.20 kips
1/β = 1/(0.0062/in.) = 161.3 in. RB = (2.78 kips/in.)(0.072 in. + 0.012 in.) = 0.23 kips
162 in.≅ 161.3 in. RC = (2.78 kips/in.)[(0.072 in. + (2)(0.012 in.)] = 0.27 kips
Therefore, the beam may be assumed to act as a rigid body in delivering the load to the joists. RD = (2.78 kips/in.)[(0.072 in.+ (3)(0.012 in.)] = 0.30 kips
Solve for the reaction at each joist: The maximum joist reaction is 300 pounds plus the tributary weight of the hanger beam. The
joist reactions are shown in Figure 5.5.3.
The reaction at the joist is equal to the deflection at the joist multiplied by its stiffness.
The rigid body displacement of the beam is shown in Figure 5.5.2.

Fig. 5.5.3 Joist Reactions

The joist strength for this loading could now be verified.
Fig. 5.5.2 Deflected Shape of the Beam
If the support beam is not sufficiently rigid to be assumed to act as a rigid body relative to the
joists the specifying professional may wish to refer to references for beams on elastic support.
It can be seen from this example that a relatively stiff spreader beam is required to distribute the
hanging load to joists beyond those immediately adjacent to the hanging load.
Based on the rigid body displacement of the beam each joist force equals the stiffness of the
joist, K, times the displacement of the joist. As an alternative, the specifying professional may model the beam and joist assembly using a
frame analysis program.
Determine forces in the y direction.
Adding New Joists
ΣFy = 0
Once it has been determined that the existing system is inadequate, the specifying professional
K(∆+3∆1) + K(∆+2∆1) + K(∆+∆1) + K∆-P = 0 must decide if it is more appropriate to reinforce the existing joists or to add new joists to
4K∆ + 6KD1-P = 0 the system. As the following discussion indicates, there are several problems associated with
adding joists to an existing system, and usually it will be more efficient to reinforce the existing
P − 4K ∆ members. If it is decided to add new joists to the system, then a standard joist or a special joist
∆1 =
6K must be chosen to carry the new load.
Sum the moments about point A: Access into the structure with the new members should be considered, as well as the disruption
of piping, ducts and electrical lines. If the new loading also loads the roof or floor deck, it may
ΣMA = 0 overstress the deck at the present joist spacing. In this situation, new joists will have to be
K(∆+∆1)(4.5 ft) + K(∆+2∆1)(9 ft) + K(∆+3∆1)(13.5 ft-P(7.5 ft) = 0 added to reduce the span of deck. This is frequently the case when new adjacent construction
causes snow accumulation on an existing building.
Typically, the top chords of the joists are laterally stabilized by attachment to the supported
27K∆ + 63K∆1-P(7.5 ft) = 0 deck. A new joist will have to be attached to the deck, or braces will have to be provided from
Substituting for ∆1 and solving: an adjacent stabilized top chord. When specifying the new joist with discrete point bracing, the
joist supplier should be made aware of the top chord brace spacing. The bottom chord should
27K∆ + 63K(P/6K-4K∆/6K) - (7.5 ft)P = 0 be attached to the existing bridging.
27K∆ + 10.5P - 42K∆ - 7.5P = 0 There may be some difficulty in the installation if the camber of the new joist does not match
∆= -3.0P/(-15K) = P/15K = 1 kip/[(5)(2.78 kips/in.)] the deflected shape of the existing joists. If the new joist is supplied with camber, it will be
difficult to install this joist between the deflected deck and the joist support. If the new joist is
= 0.072 in. designated as having no camber, then the space between the joist and the deck may have to be
(1 kip)(- 4)(2.78 kips/in.)(0.072 in.) shimmed.
∆1 = 0.012 in.
(6)(2.78 kips/in.) The most difficult problem associated with adding an additional joist is placement room. For
example, if the supports are thirty feet apart, it is almost physically impossible to wedge a The allowable shear diagram can be constructed from information derived from the joist load
thirty-foot-long joist between the existing joists and slide it into place between the deck and the tables and the SJI Specifications. The maximum allowable end shear is equal to the allowable
joist supports. One possible solution to this problem is to order a joist with one end eccentric uniform load times half the joist span for the given joist. The allowable shear at the center of
and with extra bearing length. Both ends should be ordered with shallower seats so that the the joist is a percentage of this value. The correct percentage is given in the SJI Specifications
joist can be slid into place and then shimmed. Another solution is to order a joist with a bolted for the series of joist being considered. K-Series joists are designed for a centerline shear of one
splice within the span. Both solutions also require that the replacement joists have no camber quarter of the maximum end shear.
or reduced camber.
Round bar and single angle web members are usually reinforced by adding an angle to each
Joist Reinforcement side of the web. Double angle web members may be reinforced by adding rods or bars to the
angles to increase their area. The welds connecting the diagonal reinforcement to the chords
The design of joist reinforcement can best be dealt with by considering the joist as being must also be designed or verified.
composed of three major components: the chords, the webs and the end seats. Each of these items
can be considered and reinforced largely independent of the others. The chords determine the The joist end seat may require reinforcement if the actual shear diagram is outside of the
flexural strength of the joists. The allowable axial force in the weaker chord (top or bottom) times allowable shear diagram at the support. The end seat can be reinforced by adding vertical plates
the effective depth of the joist is equal to the flexural strength of the joist. The strength of web between the joist bearing seat and the outstanding leg of the top chord.
diagonals determines the shear strength of the joists. The strength of the end seat determines the After the joists have been reinforced, the reinforcement should be inspected. The inspection
allowable end reaction of the joists. should verify the size and location of reinforcement is as was specified. The reinforcing
The moment strength of a given joist can be determined from the standard load tables. For members should be in line from work point to work point. The welding should be visually
H joists, the moment strength is tabulated directly. For K, LH, and DLH joists, the moment inspected. Other methods of weld inspection are impractical (and not appropriate) for the given
strength may be determined by calculating the moment due to the allowable uniform load as configuration of joist elements and welds.
given in the joist load tables. The allowable axial chord force may be determined by dividing The following example illustrates the principals involved in the reinforcement of joists. Note
the allowable moment by the effective joist depth. The effective depth is the total depth less the that the reinforced joist has considerably more strength than is required for the new loading
distances from the angles outstanding legs to their centroid. condition. Given the unknowns associated with the reinforcement of joists, some conservatism
The allowable axial force in the compression chord may vary along the length of the joist. seems justified. The added strength can be acquired at little cost, since the incremental cost of
Vulcraft may have connected the chords with spacers between the panel points to limit the material in the reinforcement of joists is negligible. The largest portion of cost for this type of
unbraced length of the individual chord angles. The spacers may not have been used near the work is for set up and labor.
ends of the joist, as the required axial strength is less at the ends of the chords. The existence of The reader is referred to the SJI TECHNICAL DIGEST #12, “Evaluation and Modification of
spacers will have to be checked with a site visit. Open Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders,” for additional discussion and examples for joist and
The moment on the joist, due to the actual loading, may be determined as it would be for any Joist Girder evaluation and modification.
simple span member. The actual chord force can then be determined by dividing the moment
Example 5.5.2 Joist Reinforcement
by the effective joist depth. If the actual chord force exceeds the allowable chord force, the
chord must be reinforced. The reinforcement must extend beyond the point where the actual Reinforce a joist to support the uniform load and a new hanging load of 2,000 lbs. located 10'
moment exceeds the allowable moment and must be fully developed beyond this theoretical from the left end.
cut off point. Enough weld should be provided at the panel points to transfer the horizontal
force component of the web member into the chord. The spacing of the welding should also Given:
be spaced to control buckling of the reinforcement between the intermittent welds. Complete
From existing plans, the joist is a 20K7.
uniform welding of the reinforcement to the joist chord is usually not required.
Uniform applied load = 275 plf
Large amounts of welding should be avoided, and the amount of weld applied to a given joist
element should be carefully controlled. If excessive amounts of welding are required, or if the Length = 33 feet
dead load stresses are high, members should be shored while the member is being reinforced.
AWS D1.1 “Structural Welding Code” (AWS, 2015) states that “the specifying professional The top chord angle dimensions were field measured as 1-3/4x1-3/4x0.156 inches.
shall determine the extent to which a member will be permitted to carry loads while heating, For the two angles:
welding, or thermal cutting is performed.” If the specifying professional determines that the A ≅ 1.04 in.2
existing stresses need not be relieved prior to reinforcement, the reinforcement design should
account for the existing stress in the members. Ix ≅ 0.306 in.4
To evaluate the joist web, it is necessary to draw two shear diagrams. The allowable shear diagram The distance between panel points is 24 inches according to field measurements.
should be drawn to scale, then the actual shear diagram should be superimposed (to scale) over Solution:
the allowable shear diagram. The portions of the actual shear diagram that fall outside of the
allowable shear diagram indicate locations of the joist diagonals that require reinforcement. In
addition, to causing locations of high shear, the occurrence of large concentrated loads on joists Determine the chord strength:
may also cause force reversals in some of the diagonal members. If the point of zero shear on
the actual moment diagram deviates significantly from the center of the joist, the diagonals in Determine the end reactions:
this area will shift from tension into compression or the reverse. Diagonals that have shifted RL = (0.275 kips/ft)(33 ft)/2 + 2(23 ft/(33 ft) = 5.93 kips
from tension into compression may require reinforcement. RR = (0.275 kips/ft)(33 ft)/2 + 2(10 ft)/(33 ft) = 5.14 kips
Determine the maximum moment: 44.2 kips > 30.4 kips o.k.
Mmax = (RR)(x) - (w)(x2/2) Calculate cut off points for the chord reinforcement:
where Locate the distance (x) from the right end:
x = 5.14 kips/0.275 kips/ft = 18.70 ft. Ma = (505 kip-in.)/12 = 42.1 ft - kips
Mmax = (5.14 kips)(18.7 ft) - (0.275 kips/ft)(18.7 ft)2/2 42.1 = 5.14x - 0.275x2/2
= 48.1 kip-ft x2 - 37.4x + 306 = 0
Mr = 577 kip-in. x = 12.1 feet.
Determine the allowable moment: Locate the distance (x) from the left end:
From SJI load tables Wallow = 309 plf. 42.1 = 5.93x - 0.275x2/2 (for x < 10 ft, x2 - 43.1x + 306 = 0
Ma = (0.309 kips/ft)(33 ft)2/8 = 42.1 ft.- kips. = 505 kip-in. x = 8.95 feet.
577 kip-in. > 505 kip-in. The chord reinforcement must be fully developed at these locations.
Chord reinforcement is required. Determine the welding required for the chord reinforcement:
It should be noted that if the joist designation is not known then the calculation of the chord Per AWS the effective throat of a flare bevel weld is 0.3125r, where r is the radius of the curved
strength is more complex. The chord strength depends upon whether the chord is fully effective, member.
i.e. Q = 1.0, and the number of battens (plugs) between the chord angles for control of chord
buckling about the z-axis. With the 3/4-inch rod the allowable weld force equals 2.46 kips/in.
Determine the amount of flexural reinforcement required: Required weld at the ends of the ¾ in. reinforcing rods:
The joist will be shored prior to reinforcement, so pre-stress need not be considered. Required length of flare bevel weld = 13.3 kips/2.46 kips/in. = 5.41 inches
The required additional chord force equals Mr - Ma divided by the effective depth of the joist. Provide 6″ of flare bevel weld at the ends of each rod.
The additional area can be calculated by dividing the additional required chord force by the Required weld along the length of the ¾ in. rods:
effective depth of the joist.
Rod force:
Additional required chord force = (577 in.- kips - 505 in.- kips)/19.0 in. = 3.79 kips
Rn Fy  50 ksi 
Where the effective depth = 20 in.- 2ybar of the chords. =
= A 
 1.67 
 0.442 in.
= 2
13.3 kips
ybar of both chords is taken as 0.5 in.
Try adding (2)3/4 in. diameter rods to each chord, Fy = 50 ksi Ijoist = 26.767(WLL)(L3)(10-6)
Ijoist = 26.767(181 plf)(33 ft-0.33 ft)3(10-6) = 169 in.4
A = 2(0.442 in.2) = 0.884 in.2
Ieff = 169 in.4/1.15 = 147 in.4
The adding of the rods reduces the radius of gyration of the top chord. This effect is primarily
about the x-axis. Required shear flow, v:
Check compression chord after reinforcement: v = VQ/I
Required chord force, Pr = Mr/d = 577 in.- kips /19.0 in. = 30.4 kips Conservatively use the left end reaction for V:
Determine the allowable stress for the reinforced top chord: v = (5.93 kips)(0.442 in.2)(19.0 in./2)/147 in.4 = 0.17 kips/in./rod
Ix for the chord angles = 0.306 in.4 (given) The shear flow is introduced into the chord at each panel point. Using the panel point spacing
of 24 inches and the strength of the flare bevel weld of 2.46 kips/in. on a ¾ in. diameter rod,
A = 1.04 in. + 0.884 in. = 1.92 in.
2 2 2
determine the length of flare bevel weld required at each panel point.

0.306 in.4 Length of weld req’d = (0.17 kips/in.)(24 in.)/2.46 kips/in. = 1.66 inches
=rx = 0.40 in.
1.92 in.2 Provide 2 inches of flare bevel weld at each panel point. Also, additional weld between each
panel point to control buckling of the rods.
Lc/rx = KL/rx = 1.0(24 in.)/0.40 in. = 60 For the compression chord, limit L/r of the rod to .75 of the L/r of the reinforced chord:
Fcr/Ω = 23 ksi AISC Manual Table (4-14) Radius of gyration for 3/4 in. round rod = 0.1875 in.
Pa = (Fcr/Ω)A = (23 ksi)(1.92 in.2) = 44.2 kips Solve for the maximum spacing of welds:
L/rrod = 0.75L/rchord Compression diagonal:
Maximum weld spacing = 0.75(60)(0.1875 in.) = 8.4 in. Try 2 L 1-1/4x11/4 x 3/16
Provide 2 in. of weld at 8 inches on center between the panel points. Areq’d = 0.868 in.2
Check the web strength: rx = 0.377 in.2 (for two angles, battens are required between the angles)
VR = wL/2 Lc/rx = 38.0 in./0.377 in. = 101
VR = (0.309 kips/ft)(33 ft.)/2 = 5.1 kips Fcr/Ω = 12.4 ksi.
Minimum shear per SJI = VR/4 = VR/4 = 1.27 kips Pcr/Ω =(Fcr/Ω)(A)
Construct the allowable and actual shear diagram.
Pcr/Ω = (12.4 ksi)(0.868 in.2) = 10.8 kips o.k.
Reinforce the end seats in order to attach the new end diagonals. Try adding 0.25" x 2"x 5" long
plates to each side of the seat (See Figure 5.5.8).
Check plate shear stresses:
From statics, the horizontal force component in the end diagonals equals 11.5 kips. The vertical
force component equals 5.6 kips. Thus, each side plate receives a horizontal force, H = 11.5
kips/2 = 5.75 kips and a vertical force V = 5.6 kips/2 = 2.8 kips.
Assume that the horizontal force component is resisted by the weld between the plate and the
top chord. The stress in the 3/16 in. x 5 in. long weld equals 5.75 kips/[(0.707)(0.1875 in.)(5
in.)] = 8.68 ksi.
Fig. 5.5.4 Shear Diagram
Allowable shear stress:
From inspection of the shear diagram, it can be seen that the diagonals from the left end to the
load require reinforcement. Rn/Ω = 0.6FEXX/2.0 = (0.6)(70 ksi)/2.0 = 21 ksi
Determine web reinforcement: 8.68 ksi < 21 ksi o.k.
Field measurements have provided the panel point locations as shown in Figure 5.5.5. The vertical force component is resisted by the weld between the plate and the seat angle.
Conservatively add diagonal angles along the web members to carry the entire shear force to The weld stress equals 2.8 kips/(0.707)(0.1875 in.)(5 in.) = 4.2 ksi < 21 ksi. o.k
each side of the chords. Since the weld stresses are low it is assumed that if the diagonal is not positioned exactly at the
Use A36 reinforcing angles. weld group centroid the resulting eccentricity of load will not overstress the welds. It can also
be seen that the top chord will not be overstressed locally at the weld location since the chord
thickness is greater than the weld throat thickness.
The required reinforcement is illustrated in Figures 5.5.6, 5.5.7 and 5.5.8.

Fig. 5.5.5 Joist Measurements

Determine the forces in the diagonals:
Tension in the end bar; T = 12.8 kips
Maximum compression rod; C = 5.96 kips
Tension diagonal:
Areq’d = 12.8 kips/(36 ksi/1.67) = 0.58 in.2
Use 2 L 1-1/4x1-1/4 x 3/16, A = 0.868 in.2
Length of 3/16″ weld required = 12.8 kips/2.78 kips/in.= 4.6 inches
Use 3″ of 3/16″ fillet on each angle.


All elevated floor systems respond to pedestrian traffic or other activities. Vibration of the floor
is one response. The magnitude and duration of the vibration may vary from one floor system
to another. The occupants may not be able to perceive any vibrations, or the vibrations may be
so severe as to be disruptive to the occupants. Most floors may be considered as serviceable
with respect to the perceptibility of vibrations. The criterion for determining the serviceability
of the floors is based on whether the occupants are annoyed by floor vibrations. This criterion
is, rather nebulous, and the design of a floor support system that meets this requirement must
be based on the sound judgment of a qualified specifying professional using researched and
documented design techniques.
In general, floor vibration considerations can be grouped into two categories: vibrations due to
rhythmic or repeating excitation and vibrations due to transient vibrations.
The human perception of transient floor vibration relates to the frequency, amplitude and
duration of the vibration transmitted through the floor. The related structural characteristics
are the natural frequency, stiffness and the amount of damping available in the floor system.
The frequency and amplitude of the vibration define the acceleration of motion that is felt by
the occupants. At lower frequencies a higher amplitude may be tolerated by humans without
discomfort. At higher frequencies a lower range of amplitude is more easily perceived by
humans. Damping defines the rate of decay of the amplitude of vibration. A system has 100%
of critical damping if the initial displacement is not repeated. If a floor system has a relatively
large amount of damping, the magnitude of motion may quickly be reduced to an imperceptible
Fig. 5.5.6 Joist Chord Reinforcement amount. In this case, vibrations are not perceived by the occupants. There is a certain amount
of damping inherent in a steel joist and concrete floor system. Additional damping is provided
by elements supported by or attached to the floor system such as ducts, ceilings, partitions,
furnishings and even people.
The current research about design of steel framed floor systems subjected to transient vibrations
is contained in the AISC Design Guide No. 11 “Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems
Due to Human Activity” (AISC, 2016b). The Design Guide provides:
• A method of determining the natural frequency of the floor system.
• Recommendations for the amount of damping that could reasonably be anticipated for
different building types.
• Recommendations for an acceptability criterion based on a maximum acceptable
Fig. 5.5.7 Joist Diagonal Reinforcement
acceleration for different occupancies.
The Steel Joist Institute also publishes SJI Technical Digest 5, ‘Vibration of Steel Joist –
Concrete Slab Floors (SJI, 2015b), which provides further guidance and clarification concerning
this specific floor framing system. Vulcraft provides an online design tool (
design-tools/vibration-analysis-tool) to help the specifier to analyze for transient (walking)
vibrations in order to determine joist specification information, layout, concrete thickness and
other details needed to ensure that the end owner will get a concrete-slab-on-joists system that
meets their expectations. This tool includes recommendations from both AISC DG 11 and SJI
TD 5 as well as significant guidance for the specifier in economical ways to ensure vibration
is properly addressed. When properly designed both composite and non-composite floor joists
provide satisfactory performance relative to vibration behavior.
Repeating forcing functions occur in gymnasiums or aerobics areas where rhythmic exercises
occur, or in large shopping centers or airport concourses where people walk long distances at
a steady pace. If a floor area is subjected to a repeating forcing function, the designer must not
base his analysis of floor serviceability on criteria that include the effects of damping. This is
because the beneficial effects of damping are nullified by the repetitive loading. If a forcing
function continues a rhythmic basis that is near the natural frequency of the framing members,
the function will continue to be amplified as the motion is successively reintroduced prior to
Fig. 5.5.8 Joist End Seat Reinforcement being damped out. In this type of situation, it is desirable to provide framing members of a
natural frequency that is higher than the frequency of the forcing function. Also, the amplitude 4. Full depth extension of the joist, resulting in a bottom bearing joist
of motion imparted by the footfalls should be limited. The AISC Design Guide 11 should be
Top Chord Extensions (TCXs):
consulted for guidance as to the acceptable ranges of amplitudes and frequencies for floor
systems subjected to rhythmic excitation. The standard details of extended ends vary among manufacturers. SJI has tabulated uniform
capacities vs. lengths for extensions on K-Series joists using standard designations, namely
Problems in steel joist and concrete floor systems are most common in floor systems with closely
S1 through S12 which are extended top chords and R1 through R12, which are extended ends.
spaced joists that are 28 feet long and support a relatively thin (2.5 inches thick) concrete deck.
These tables are provided under the title of “Load Tables LRFD/ASD – TCX” in the Vulcraft
The dynamic characteristics of joists improve with longer and shorter spans. Increasing the
Steel Joist & Joist Girder Systems Manual (Vulcraft, 2017c). The allowable loads decrease as
thickness of the deck (with more concrete) also improves the behavior of the floor system.
cantilever length increases. The maximum load is 550 lbs. per foot which matches the maximum
The heavier deck increases the mass of the system and increases the number of participating
load per foot for K-Series joists. These standard load tables apply to uniform loads only and
effective joists. For a given span, increasing the mass will improve the behavior of the floor.
not concentrated loads. However, since standardized section moduli and moments of inertia are
Simply increasing the size of the joist is not as effective or economical means of improving
given, standard ends with uniform and concentrated loads can be evaluated. The digit following
the floor’s behavior. The authors have found that using a relatively heavy floor deck with floor
the “R” and “S” corresponds to the digit following the “K” in the standard K-Series joist
joists spaced 4 to 5 feet apart creates a very economical floor system. The cost of this system
designation. The designer should not designate an extension where the extension digit exceeds
compares favorably with systems using more closely spaced joists, and floor vibrations are
the joist digit. If this limitation cannot be met due to design requirements, then the manufacturer
greatly decreased.
must increase the joist chord size and in most cases an end depth greater than the standard 2½"
The designer is cautioned against taking a “cookbook” approach to the analysis of a floor’s will be required. The table can be used as a guide in order to understand the capabilities of
vibration characteristics. An estimate of the amount of damping present within the joists 2½" deep extensions relative to joist size. Contact Vulcraft for the most economical design
effective width and the mass of the system while in use should be based on experienced and bearing depth. Loads on extended ends must be provided on the construction documents
judgment. The specifying professional should consider the possibility of the primary beams or by the specifying professional. Also, the deflection limits and bracing requirements must be
girders as contributing to the floor’s vibrations. Also, the areas around floor openings should given. Another reason that the extended ends must be considered at the time the construction
be considered. The level of perceptibility of floor vibrations (within acceptable limits) defines documents are prepared is that the depth of the end must be set so that the elevation of the
the quality of the floor system. It is not the responsibility of the joist supplier to determine the perimeter Joist Girder can be established.
requirements of the building use and specify a floor that meets those requirements. If requested,
The joists located on the column center lines pose a problem in floor construction. For roofs the
Vulcraft will provide technical assistance to aid the specifying professional making the required
extension can pass over the top of the column. Since the columns interrupt the joists in floors,
decisions about span direction, member size, spacing and floor thickness.
two methods can be used to solve this condition. Either a cantilevered bracket can be detailed
In addition to human perceptibility considerations, it is possible that floor vibrations may from the side of column or the joist extension on either side of the column can be designed for
affect the functioning of equipment. Lab equipment such as electron microscopes or medical additional concentrated load by using the perimeter element to carry a small header spanning
equipment may be sensitive to floor motion. Properly designing a floor to serviceably support between the column and the perimeter element.
such equipment requires coordination with the equipment supplier. Guidance for the design of
Cantilever Extensions:
floors supporting sensitive equipment can be found in Design Guide 11. It may be necessary
for some equipment to be placed on the base floor supported by the soil. Vibrating equipment The extension from framing centerline to building perimeter on the ends parallel to the joist
should be isolated so as not to impart troublesome vibrations into the system. The design of framing is not solved as easily as the perpendicular condition. In general, three approaches
joists supporting vibrating equipment is discussed in the section on roof top units. are available: 1) cantilevering the deck, 2) cantilevering a bent metal plate and 3) extending
outrigger framing which is perpendicular to the edge.
Where possible, the best approach is to cantilever the deck. Based on the recommendations
The design of the framing along the building perimeter warrants special attention, because it is of the Steel Deck Institute, roof decks (A, F, B) can be cantilevered in the range of 1'-0" to
at the interface of the building frame with the exterior wall. The principal areas of concern are: 2'-10" depending on the type and gage. Such cantilevers are not intended to carry significant
1. Proper design and detailing of the projected framing from the center line of the downward concentrated loads but can be used as a lateral tie back point for the wall system
perimeter framing to the building edge when appropriate, as in the case of metal panel walls supported on intermediate girts. It is
also possible to cantilever floor deck. For short cantilevers with minimal loads, sheet metal
2. Deflection control of the perimeter framing pour stops can be used, but for overhangs of any appreciable dimension, top reinforcement
3. Control of the dimensional tolerances in the building perimeter construction in the concrete slab should be provided. The Steel Deck Institute has published a “Pour Stop
Selection Table” (SDI, 2017e) which gives design thicknesses for various combinations of slab
In only rare instances would there be no projection of the building edge beyond the center line depth and overhang. This table does not provide live load strength, nor does it consider the
of the perimeter framing, so some sort of cantilever is almost always required. On the building potential for rotation or deformation of the perimeter steel.
sides which are perpendicular to the joist framing, the standard approach is to extend the joist end
beyond the center line of the perimeter framing. In ascending order of strength, extended ends Cantilevering the steel deck and concrete can be done when a pour stop would not be adequate.
are: In this case, the steel deck must be checked for its adequacy as a cantilevered form, and the
concrete and steel section must be checked as a cantilever. Top reinforcement in the concrete
1. Extensions of the top chord angles will generally be required for the negative moments over the perimeter framing. If there
is a concentrated load at the slab edge, attention must be given to the development of the
2. Extensions of the standard joist end reinforcement and may require concrete anchors welded to the edge steel and lapped with the
3. Extension of a specially designed extra depth end negative moment reinforcement. In most construction, reinforced cantilevered concrete of the
building ends will be a marked departure from the remainder of the deck so field follow up will
be needed to ensure that the requirements are in fact executed. for in and out deviations in the edge and vertical variations from the idealized floor elevation.
Also, the vertical face of pour stops, and edge angles must be truly vertical for systems which
Cantilevered bent plates are sometimes provided at the end edges of roofs and floors. In floors,
are attached to the face of the edge. In general, the tolerances to which edges pieces must
they resemble the pour stops discussed above. In both floors and roofs, they rely on the torsional
be set are stricter than that of structural material. The tolerances should be clearly set forth
strength and stiffness of the perimeter framing. Since these perimeter members are usually light
for reasons of load, they usually have low torsional strength or stiffness. on the construction documents as should the expected deflections. Where extended ends and
outriggers are used, the documents should clearly state the dimension and associated tolerance
The use of cantilevered outriggers is recommended where heavy concentrated loads are present for the distance from end of joist/outrigger to the face of the exterior edge. Also, provision
at the building perimeter. Vulcraft’s standard outriggers are available and, of course, custom should be made to accommodate the embedded anchors and fasteners required to secure the
designed outriggers can be used. The use of outriggers necessitates reducing the top elevation wall system. These are sometimes cast into the top of the slab or are sometimes fastened to the
of the joist on the exterior column line below that of the other joist in that bay so the outriggers face of the edge. Coordination and complete construction documents are required.
can cantilever over and be supported by them. If the deck can span from the first interior joist
to a parallel edge member at the outrigger ends, there is no need to turn the deck between 5.8 PONDING
outriggers. However, turning the deck to span between outriggers can be easily accomplished The SJI “Standard Specification for Steel Joists, K-Series, LH-Series, DLH-Series and For Joist
if required. Vulcraft’s standard details show the “in board” end of outriggers welded to the Girders” states in paragraph 5.11 PONDING, “The ponding investigation shall be performed
underside of the first interior joist. This may or may not be appropriate in a given situation by the specifying professional.”
depending on loads. This detail should be used if feasible.
Rainwater causes the deflection of a roof system, which in turn increases the volumetric
Wall Support Systems: capacity of the roof. Additional water is retained which in turn causes additional deflection and
In addition to supporting the dead and live loads from the center line of perimeter framing to the volumetric capacity. The process is iterative. The purpose of a ponding check is to ensure that
building edge, the cantilevered perimeter must frequently support the exterior wall. In general, convergence occurs, i.e. that an equilibrium state is reached for the incremental loading and the
there are three conditions of support for the exterior wall. incremental deflection. Also stress at equilibrium must not be excessive.
1. It can be supported on the foundation and tied back to the structure for lateral support The 2015 IBC Code Section 1608.3 references ASCE 7 and states, “Susceptible bays of roofs
and stability. shall be evaluated for ponding instability in accordance with Section 7.11 of ASCE 7.” The
IBC also makes the following reference in Section 1611.2, “Susceptible bays of roofs shall be
2. It can be anchored to the columns for vertical and lateral support. evaluated for ponding instability in accordance with Section 8.4 of ASCE 7.”
3. It can be supported continuously along the building edge. ASCE 7-16 requires in Section 7.11 “Susceptible bays shall be designed to preclude ponding
In the first two situations there is no gravity load from the wall on the cantilever. The only instability. Roof deflections caused by full snow loads shall be evaluated when determining the
requirement is that the perimeter carry the lateral loads, and the vertical deflection be compatible likelihood of ponding instability (see Section 8.4).” Section 8.4 states, “Susceptible bays shall
with the roof/wall or the floor/wall joint. Structures which carry the gravity load of the exterior be investigated by structural analysis to ensure that they possess adequate stiffness to preclude
wall along the cantilevered edge require greater attention in the design. First, the cantilevered progressive deflection (i.e., instability) and adequate strength to resist the additional ponding
perimeter receives a potentially significant concentrated load at the end and, depending on the load. Any of the following conditions shall be deemed to create susceptible bays: (1) bays with
system, the wall may not load all the extensions equally. Secondly, deflection of the cantilevered a roof slope less than 1/4 in: per foot (1.19°) when the secondary members are perpendicular
edge and the perimeter framing play an important part in the proper performance of the exterior to the free draining edge, (2) bays with a roof slope less than 1 in. per foot (4.76°) when the
wall. Deflection at each story must be limited to prevent inadvertent loading of the exterior secondary members are parallel to the free draining edge, (3) bays with a roof slope of 1 in.
walls below. The deflection should be limited so that the cladding supplier’s standard story to per foot (4.76°) and a span to spacing ratio for the secondary members greater than 16 when
story relief joint can be used and can function properly. Deflection must be restricted so that the secondary members are parallel to the free draining edge, or (4) bays on which water
the building perimeter is relatively stable as the load is added during the erection of the exterior accumulates (in whole or in part) when the primary drain system is blocked but the secondary
wall. This is especially true in the case of relatively heavy exterior walls such as masonry, stone drain system is functional. The larger of the snow load or the rain load equal to the design
or precast. The following criteria have been proposed by (Fisher, J.M. and West, M.A., 2019) condition for a blocked primary drain system shall be used in this analysis.”
for the support of floor and roof edge supported exterior walls. These limits would apply to the
Other references to ponding instability can be found in the SJI Technical Digest 3, “Structural
total of cantilever deflection and deflection along the perimeter framing.
Design of Steel Joist Roofs to Resist Ponding Loads.” (SJI, 2018a)
1. Deflection due to dead load prior to setting exterior wall: 3/8" max Ponding as a structural design phenomenon is of concern for two reasons:
2. Deflection due to dead loads and weight of exterior wall: span over 480 to a maximum 1. The loading is water which can fill and conform to a deflected roof surface.
of 5/8"
2. The source of load (water) is uncontrollable, i.e. nature.
3. Deflection due to dead load and the weight of exterior wall when the exterior wall weight
exceeds 25% of the total dead load: span over 600 to a maximum of 3/8" When water can accumulate on a structural system due to impoundment or restriction in
drainage, ponding must be checked. Reasons for the accumulation can be:
4. Deflection due to live loads: span over 360 to a maximum of 1/4" to 1/2" depending on
details 1. Dead load deflections of members in roofs designed to be flat

The cantilevered edge represents an important interface between the structural frame and a 2. Deflections of members which places points in their spans below their end points
principle architectural component. These two systems are designed by separate disciplines and 3. Deflections of bays supporting mechanical units
are installed by different trades. Because of this, care must be taken to coordinate details,
dimensions and especially tolerances. Control in detailing, fabrication and erection must allow 4. Members installed with inverted cambers
5. Blocked roof drains web steel joists and Joist Girders are typically designed for uniform loads. Accordingly,
their shear and moment capacity can vary along their length, requiring strength to be
6. Parapets without scuppers
checked along the entire length. This is especially important since, a) the maximum
7. Parapets with blocked scuppers moment experienced under ponding conditions may not occur at mid-span, where the
8. Intentional impoundment of water as part of a controlled flow roof drain design moment capacity is at a maximum, and b) shear reversals near mid-span can occur
under ponding conditions causing web members that are designed for tension to be
9. Low slope roofs which allow water to accumulate due to the hydraulic gradient
subjected to compression.
The surest way to avoid a ponding collapse is to construct a roof with enough slope and free
3. When joists and Joist Girders which have been designed for uniform loads are subjected
drainage, so that water never accumulates. What is enough slope and what constitutes enough
to non-uniform loads, additional potential limit states arise. For joists, a region of high
drainage? Roof slopes varying from 1/8 in./ft. to 1/2 in./ft. have been used successfully in the
applied distributed load can cause bending failure between the panel points. For Joist
past, but it cannot be stated that in all cases such slopes prevent ponding collapse. Rational
Girders, high applied panel point loads can cause failure of web verticals.
analysis to answer these questions requires knowledge of both the structural and hydrological
characteristics of the roof. Roof slope, stiffness and strength of the members supporting the A direct analysis method can account for all relevant effects in which the load due to impounded
roof membrane, as well as the location and size of drains are all important in avoiding ponding water is computed directly. Such an analysis is implemented within the SJI Roof Bay Analysis
instability. Tool which is available on the SJI website ( under the Design Tools tab.
It should be noted that the 2015 IBC requires that the roof slope shall not be less than ¼ in. SJI Roof Bay Analysis Tool:
per foot. In Section 1507.10.1 Slope. “Built-up roofs shall have a design slope of not less than The SJI Roof Bay Analysis Tool utilizes a direct analysis method in which the applied loads are
one-fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent slope) for drainage, except for coal-tar based on the deformed shape.
built-up roofs that shall have a design slope of not less than one-eighth unit vertical in 12 units
horizontal (1-percent slope).” The SJI Roof Bay Analysis Tool is an excel workbook that can be used as a design aid for
estimating purposes and the selection of roof framing. It performs analysis and design of
From Technical Digest 3: “The recommended general procedure for roof design for ponding a rectangular bay consisting of four columns, two Joist Girders and several joists. General
is as follows. First, select a joist system to carry the primary design loads with the use of the bay design (not considering the effects of ponding) is performed in the “Roof Bay Analysis”
SJI Load Tables (SJI, 2015a). Then, check the adequacy of the design for ponding. If the joist sheet. Ponding analyses are performed in the “Ponding Analysis” sheet. Notes and instructions
system is determined to be adequate, no further ponding checks are required, and the design regarding the ponding analysis are given in the “Ponding Instructions” sheet and analysis
can proceed. If the joist system is determined to be inadequate for ponding, either the stiffness, results formatted for printing are given in the “Ponding Load Results” sheet.
strength or both, the system should be increased. The most efficient method will vary based on
the specific loading and roof configuration. This can be accomplished by any of the following Results from the analysis are presented in data tables. The first table displays the maximum
or a combination of the following: shear and moment for each joist as well as a strength check. The total applied loads in the
ponded configuration are non-uniform as height of water varies with the deflection of the bay.
• Decreasing the joist spacing Equivalent uniform distributed loads are computed through comparisons of the computed
• Increasing the joist size for the original spacing moment and shears to the available moment and shear envelopes for the standard designated
joist. They are determined through a point-by-point comparison as the minimum specified
• Increasing the joist depth
capacity that results in the available strength of the joist equaling or exceeding the required
• Increasing the Joist Girder depth strength at each point along the length of the joist. Equivalent loads are computed separately for
moment and shear to readily identify which controls. The strength ratio is the ratio between the
• Increasing the Joist Girder panel point load
larger equivalent load (either moment or shear) and the specified load capacity for the standard
The AISC Specification ponding provisions have a long history of successful use in design designated joist from the SJI Load Tables.
practice. In addition to the assumption that the entire bay is covered by water, several potentially
The fourth table displays the joist reactions, panel point loads, and a strength check for each
important effects are neglected:
Joist Girder. Equivalent uniform panel point loads are computed through comparisons of the
The un-deformed shape of the roof is perfectly flat, even though a minimum slope is required computed moment and shears to the available moment and shear envelopes for the Joist Girder.
by the IBC (IBC, 2015) and steel joists and Joist Girders are typically constructed with camber. They are determined through a point-by-point comparison as the minimum specified capacity
The method has been adapted to account for low sloped roofs, but to the authors’ knowledge no that results in the available strength of the Joist Girder equaling or exceeding the required
comprehensive study has been performed to evaluate the safety or accuracy of these adaptations. strength at each point along the length of the Joist Girder. Equivalent loads are computed
separately for moment and shear to readily identify which controls. The strength ratio is the
1. The joist on-stiff-supports method can account for camber, but not sloped joists. ratio between the larger equivalent load (either moment or shear) and the load capacity of the
Joist Girder as determined from its designation.
2. The method was originally developed for roof systems with solid web steel beams and
girders where a check of the maximum moment is sufficient to assess strength. Open
Practical Notes for Roof Design for Ponding (From SJI Technical Digest 3): follow the requirements of a given assembly are:
1. It is important to have a rational strategy for addressing ponding regardless of the 1. Increased insulation thickness over the steel roof deck: This could result in greater
specific methodology employed. heat buildup below the assembly and invalidate the fire rating. Certain roof ceiling
assemblies in the “Fire Resistance Directory” permit an unlimited thickness for the roof
2. Sometimes the best strategy is to eliminate susceptible bays by sloping roof members, insulation.
or using tapered insulation or sloping fill. 2. Substitution of different manufacturers of assembly components
3. Counteract the ponding mechanism by providing upward camber in the joists, provided 3. Substitution of different products
that drains are installed near columns, see FM Global 1-54 (FM, various dates).
4. Use of lighter, smaller structural members: The assemblies state the minimum size
4. When designing roofs with low slopes, parallel chord joists with end supports at member. A lighter member may result in reaching the maximum temperature limitation
different elevations are more economical than providing pitch into the joist top chords. faster because of its smaller mass
The web system of a non-parallel chord joist and the joist as a whole is more expensive 5. Use of assemblies which are out of date: Many assemblies contain J-Series joists which
to manufacture. are no longer produced. If no K-Series joist is included as an alternate in the assembly, a
The specifying professional should also be aware that the moments of inertia used in this tool K-Series joist may be substituted in accordance with the design information section of
the “Fire Resistance Directory.”
are based on estimated values using the SJI formulas. To insure both the joists and the Joist
Girders are designed with adequate stiffness by Vulcraft, it is recommended that the gross ASTM E119 divides all construction into two classifications based on two conditions of support:
moment of inertia for both the joists and the Joists Girders be specified on the plans as the restrained and unrestrained. A guide determining the applicability of these classifications is
given in Appendix X3 and Table X3.1 at the end of ASTM E119. The listings appropriate to steel
minimum moment of inertia for those members. The gross moment of inertia Ig = 1.15Ieff;
joist and Joist Girder framing are:
where Ieff is the value used by the Ponding Analysis tab in the tool.
1. Wall bearing:
It is recommended the specifying professional use at least the standard SJI camber. Specifying
camber less than standard SJI camber will have additional costs for the special case, in addition a. Single spans and simply supported end spans of multiple bays with steel joists
the decreased camber can lead to higher water loading. If the specifying professional wishes supporting concrete slab, precast units or steel decking: unrestrained
to use camber greater than standard camber, it is recommended the camber be at least 1.5 b. Interior spans of multiple bays with steel joists supporting continuous concrete
times standard camber for the span, due to fabrication tolerances for camber. The specifying slab: restrained
professional should also be careful not to specify too large a camber, since it could cause c. Interior spans of multiple bays with steel joists supporting precast units or steel
additional flat areas in the roof. decking: unrestrained
Finally, it is the responsibility of the building owner to properly maintain the drainage system 2. Steel framing:
so that it will function properly. a. All types of prefabricated floor and roof systems where the structural members
The reader is encouraged to examine the SJI Technical Digest No. 3 in detail. Using the are secured to the framing members and the potential thermal expansion of the
SJI ponding tool can provide joist and Joist Girder roof systems with the required strength floor or roof system is resisted by the framing system or the adjoining floor or roof
construction: restrained
and stiffness to prevent ponding collapses in roof systems when code compliant drainage is
provided by the design professional. Most ponding collapses are due to maintenance issues. The fireproofing protection for floor ceiling and roof ceiling assemblies using steel joists and
Joist Girders can be achieved in two ways:
1. Direct application of an insulation material such as a cementitious mixture or sprayed
The use of steel joists and Joist Girders in buildings frequently requires the use of fire rated fiber product
systems of construction. The fire ratings of systems are expressed in hours ranging from one
to four hours. The required rating for a roof-ceiling or floor-ceiling assembly in a building is 2. Installation of a continuous barrier membrane such as a suspended acoustical tile or
established by the Building Code and is a function of the building’s occupancy, area and height. gypsum board system beneath the framing
The ratings are to be met using rated assemblies’ meeting or exceeding the required rating. The use of a membrane protection permits the use of mechanical components such as air ducts
Such assemblies typically consist of steel deck, structural members, fireproofing protection and in the plenum area above the membrane. The mechanical systems can be attached directly to
other appropriate materials. Assemblies are constructed and tested according to the methods and the structural framing and can run through the structure as needed. Membrane systems require
acceptance criteria described in ASTM Standard E119, “Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of care and detail in their installation. Since they may be used effectively in certain situations, they
Building Construction and Materials” (ASTM, 2018). should always be considered in the design process.
The purpose of fire tests is to establish the relative performance of different assemblies under It should be noted that the determination of the building fire classification, the required assembly
identical laboratory test conditions. Most fire tests over the years have been conducted by fire ratings and the specification of the fireproofing protection and materials are generally within
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and descriptions of the rated assemblies are compiled in the UL the Scope of the Architect’s services. Close coordination with the specifying professional is
“Fire Resistance Directory.” It is important when applying rated assemblies to a project that all necessary in order to produce a structural design compatible with the architect’s specifications.
the features of the rated assembly be carried over into the design, or it will not be valid and can
delay the issuance of a Building Permit. Common problems associated with this need to strictly
Items of structural concern would include: X-Bridging at Walls
1. Providing structural member connections and details consistent with the classification It is good practice to eliminate X-bridging between the last joist and an end wall and substitute
of restraint horizontal bridging at this location. This will allow the joist and the end wall to deflect
2. Providing for minimum required structural member sizes and depths
independently. This situation occurs with hard wall systems where the joist deflects, and the
end wall does not. In these situations, the X-bridging may tear out of the wall or its attachment
3. Use of appropriate structural member tensile stresses to the wall may fail because the X-bridging will act like a vertical support and will attempt to
carry the joist vertical load. If damage occurs, the bridging will no longer be effective.
4. Use of required steel deck profiles and thicknesses
Cutting Bridging
5. Use of appropriate concrete strengths, densities and thicknesses
One of the primary purposes of bridging is to stabilize the joists so that the joists can support
6. Accounting for the weight of the fireproofing protection system in the design construction equipment and workers prior to the placement of the decking. The bridging
7. Accounting for the depth of the fireproofing protection system in the overall structural also serves to hold the joists in the position shown on the plans. In addition, as previously
design mentioned, the bridging also stabilizes the joists when standing seam roofs are used. Bottom
chord bridging also braces the bottom chord for wind uplift and provides lateral bracing for the
A further discussion of fire resistance ratings using steel joists and Joist Girders is presented in joist diagonals (in combination with the bottom chord). This function is often overlooked. The
the Vulcraft Manual entitled “Steel Joists and Joist Girders.” This information includes various need for this bracing is obvious if one stops to consider that the compression diagonals within
types of assemblies and specific fire resistance design numbers published by Underwriters the joist are designed as individual columns with an effective length factor of 1.0 or less. As
Laboratories Inc. such, the ends of the columns must be braced out of plane. The bridging and inherent flexural
5.10 SPECIAL SITUATIONS stiffness of the bottom chord provide this bracing. Because of the required function of the
bottom chord bridging, it cannot be cut or omitted after the deck is in place. If the bridging must
There are several special situations that confront the specifier of joist and Joist Girder buildings. be interrupted due to deck penetration, the bridging on either side of the penetration must be
This section offers a few brief comments regarding each. “tied off.” Under most circumstances, X-bridging can be used on either side of the penetration
to tie off the bridging.
Because the cost of placing bridging in the field is quite expensive, the designer should not over
The Steel Joist Institute Specification tabulates the approximate camber for K, LH and DLH
specify the number of rows of bridging unless it is necessary for some reason to do so.
joists and Joist Girders. Vulcraft does not typically camber joists where the top chord is pitched
two inches or more per foot, because defections are minimal for such joists. A special case involving bridging is relative to bridging for composite joists. The need for
bridging for Vulcraft’s CJ-and Ecospan® E-Series floor joists was studied by Ziemian (2018).
The Steel Joist Institute Specification tabulates the approximate camber for K, LH and DLH
The results of this study indicated that the bridging can be removed from Vulcraft’s CJ-and
joists and Joist Girders. Camber is solely based on length and ranges from ¼ in. for a 20
Ecospan® E-Series floor joists once the concrete has reached its 7-day compressive strength.
foot joist, to 4 ¼ in. for a 100 foot joist. For joists over 100 feet, the camber is span/300. All
Ziemian explains that, “with the shear connectors anchored by 7 day or older concrete and
parallel chord joists receive standard camber unless noted otherwise. Joists can be cambered to
the steel deck, rotation of the top chord will be restrained. Attachment of the joist webs to this
specified requirements, but this is expensive and should be avoided. In cases where it is desired
restrained top chord and catenary action within the bottom chord provides increased lateral
to camber joists for dead load standard SJI camber will be used by Vulcraft. Joist can also be
stability for the joist, thereby safely permitting the removal of the joist bridging.”
built with no camber when the circumstance warrants. Vulcraft does not typically camber joists
where the top chord is pitched two inches or more per foot, because defections are minimal for Ziemian also indicates in the white paper, “that bridging not be permanently removed from
such joists. Vulcraft CJ and Ecospan E-Series joists with span / depth ratios less than 1.125 without
Erection and detailing problems can occur with LH, DLH joists because these joists have a additional full-scale testing and/or finite element modeling.”
significant amount of camber. For example, if the deck is to be connected to a shear wall at the In rare cases where the aforementioned joists are subjected to forces which would cause the
end of the building and a joist is placed next to the end wall, then allowance must be made for bottom chords to be subjected to compression the bridging cannot be removed.
the camber in the edge joist in order to connect the deck to the wall system. If proper details
are not provided, the diaphragm may not be able to be connected and field adjustments may Joists Spanning Parallel with Standing Seam Roof Spans
be required. In those cases where the edge joist is eliminated from the end wall, the deck can
On occasion it is necessary to provide a standing seam roof on a joist system in which the
often be pushed down flat on an end wall support unless the camber is such that the bending in joists span in the same direction as the major corrugations of the standing seam roof. In these
the deck would be so severe as to buckle the deck. If the joist has significant camber, it may be cases, a subpurlin system can be used to support the standing seam roof. The subpurlin is
necessary to provide simple span pieces of deck between the wall and the first joist. This can generally a light gage hat section spaced 5'-0" on center. Any economical joist spacing may
present an additional problem since the sharp edge of the deck will stick up. The edge should be used, but the subpurlin system must be designed to span the distance between the joists.
be covered with a sheet metal cap to protect the roofing materials. Alternatively, the designer The reactions from the subpurlins and their locations on the joists must be specified by the
can specify a special camber for the end joists allowing for a gradual transition in elevation. specifying professional of record on the structural drawings to Vulcraft. If the panel points on
Consideration must also be made for the anticipated live load deflection which may take place the joists cannot be spaced so that the subpurlin reactions are applied at panel points, the top
under a full design load condition possibly in the future. Keep in mind that special camber will chord of the joists must be designed for the concentrated loads delivered by the subpurlins.
increase the cost of the joist since it must be set up differently to achieve the special camber The designer should be careful in using this system if UL or FM uplift requirements have been
specified. specified. The subpurlin system may not have been tested for uplift, thus guarantees cannot be
The specifying professional must pay attention to different length joists that are parallel to one made regarding the uplift performance of such systems.
another. These joists will have different standard cambers, which can cause detailing and deck
installation problems.

Tilted Joists extended end does not accomplish this because the reaction point is not moved. A good rule
of thumb is to expect to gain one inch of clear bearing for each inch increase in bearing depth.
Joists are often supported in a manner such that the vertical axes of the joist are tilted with Vulcraft should be aware of the intent so that they will provide this added clear bearing when
respect to the ground. This should be avoided if feasible due to several issues as discussed detailing the joists.
below. If a significant tilt exists, i.e. greater than 2 on 12, consideration should be given to the
downhill component of loads. This load component can be resisted either by designing the roof A similar situation occurs when large joists bear on one side of the support and small joists bear
diaphragm system to resist the loads or by designing a horizontal truss system to support the on the other. Again, one can strive to get the reactions over the support centerline by increasing
bridging loads. The specifying professional is responsible for the force resisting system. bearing depth and staggering or offsetting opposing joists (usually by 6 in.) so that each may
extend beyond the centerline. If, for some reason, the joists cannot be staggered or the seats
Folding Partitions cannot be heightened, the induced torsion can be resisted by adding braces from the joist to the
The specifier should be aware that the dust skirts on most folding partitions have a maximum bottom chord of the Joist Girder (or bottom beam flanges) on the side of the larger joists only.
deflection allowance of one inch. If the roof system deflects under the weight of snow or other The braces must be designed and specified on the structural drawings by the building designer.
live load more than one inch, the partition will become inoperable. The specifying professional In summary, roof systems with Joist Girders should be configured to eliminate the possible
must provide Vulcraft the deflection criteria and indicate the loading to be considered for the torsion in the Joist Girder. Roof systems with beams can be configured to eliminate the torsion,
design of the joist supporting the partition. or the beams can be designed for the torsion and allowed to twist.
Deflection restrictions can add substantial cost to the joists and Joist Girders that support the Since Vulcraft may not know the full intent, the designer must designate the offsets and increased
partition. The specifying professional should be aware that the partition installer will adjust seat depths on the structural drawings.
the partition off the floor and should raise it to the proper height per installation instructions.
Therefore, it may be possible to consider only a portion of the partition load in addition to Weld Size
the loads superimposed after the partition installation when specifying the special deflection The sizes of the chord members of joists and Joist Girders are not known by the specifier until
criteria. The amount of partition loading, if any, to be considered in the special deflection criteria the members are designed by Vulcraft. The designer may call for a 5/16 in. fillet weld on the
will depend on the partition model being used, the manufacturer’s installation instructions, and edge of a Joist Girder chord and the Joist Girder chord supplied is only 3/16 in. thick, thus the
how the partition is supported from the structure. weld cannot be made. The specifier should attempt to use 1/8 in. fillet welds whenever possible
Some partitions have optional dust skirts that allow for larger deflections, possibly as much as to eliminate this potential problem. The specifier can contact Vulcraft early in the design process
four inches. Use of dust skirts with higher deflection tolerances can result in significant savings if exact sizes need to be known so that special weld requirements can be determined. Vulcraft
in the joist and Joist Girder costs, due to the lower deflection restrictions. can then provide oversized members to meet specified weld requirements. If the specified
welds are not actually required, this can add significantly to the cost of the project. This is an
The judgment of the specifier regarding what loads to consider, the effects of deflection on area where good communication between the specifying professional/detailer and supplier is
adjacent and supported components, is vital. important.
Also, some partitions require a maximum slope of 1/8 in. per 10 feet in order to operate. This
must also be checked under required load conditions. If the building designer is not sure Expandable Walls
whether the deflection criterion can be met with steel joists, he should contact Vulcraft for A situation often occurs where joists are placed on a perimeter Joist Girder when the building
assistance. In addition, because the folding door is a movable load, high shear and possibly must have expansion capabilities, i.e. a joist will be added to the same edge girder in the
chord bending will occur on the joist or Joist Girder when the weight of the entire partition is future. This problem is similar to the unequal reaction on girders, in that the joists should be
moved to one end of the supporting element. Therefore, not only should the deflection criterion placed over the centerline of the perimeter member. The future joists must then be offset from
be established, but also a loading diagram should be provided to Vulcraft so that the joists can the existing joists. Again, Vulcraft must be informed of the designer’s intent so that the Joist
be properly designed. This is another situation where the KCS joist can be specified. Girder’s top chord can be designed for the eccentric loading of the future joists. As was also
mentioned in the unequal reaction section, the bottom chords can be extended to eliminate the
Seat Depth Changes twist in the girder. The third option is to indicate that the tail of the seats on the joists can be
On occasion, specifying professionals may forget that there is a difference in seat heights cut off later to allow room for the new joists to be placed on the perimeter member. Vulcraft
between the various types of joists, i.e. K-Series and LH-Series, and elevation problems will must also be aware of this situation so that the joist seat can be designed for present and future
occur at the member on which both are supported. The designer may provide a special raised conditions.
portion on the support beam or Joist Girder to raise the K-Series seats so that the top of the
chord is at the same elevation. However, it is usually less expensive to specify a 5-inch seat Expansion Joints
on one end of the K-Series joists. In addition, if special requirements require a four inch or Several situations arise with respect to expansion joints. Obviously, bridging cannot be
some other unique seat height, this can be supplied by Vulcraft so long as the special seats extended though an expansion joint. At expansion joint locations, it is recommended that a row
are specified and the special seats are deeper than the standard, (e.g. a four-inch seat on a LH- of X-bridging be placed on each side of the expansion joint so that the forces which accumulate
Series joist should not be specified). in the bottom bridging line can be transferred up to the top chord of the joists and into the roof
Unequal Joist Reactions on Joist Girders or Beams or floor diaphragm, or into another bracing system that may be present at the top chord.

Proper design of details can reduce or even eliminate twisting forces on a Joist Girder or beam Another situation that arises is how to allow the joists to slide on the Joist Girders at an
under the action of unequal joist end reactions applied from each side of the girder. When expansion joint. Some design professionals specify the use of Teflon pads placed on the joist
joists frame into the supporting member from one side only (such as with a typical perimeter seats to facilitate the sliding of these joists. Holes are often specified in the top chord of the
condition) it is desirable to center the reaction point over the center of the support. This can Joist Girder so that bolts can be placed connecting the joists to the top chord and preventing
be achieved by increasing the clear bearing length by increasing the seat depth. Specifying an the joists from sliding off the top chord of the Joist Girder. One side of the Joist Girder must
be stabilized by firmly bolting or welding the joists to the top chord. In addition, uplift braces
can be extended from the joists only on one side of the Joist Girder. In lieu of providing holes,
a separate plate has been used to allow the expansion and contraction to occur. A detail of such
a plate is shown in Figure 5.10.1. Loads applied by nature.

Loads as adjusted (LL x cosθ).

Loads adjusted and divided into components.

Fig. 5.10.2 Sloping Joists

Fig. 5.10.1 Expansion Joint
Sloping Joists To orient both loadings to the same axis, multiply the live load by the cos θ.
Currently SJI Specifications do not address joists that are to be used at a slope rate greater
than 1/2 inch per foot. Due to a lack of information, designers currently have no easy means for This method produces several benefits in that it:
the proper selection of sloped joists. Some of the commonly encountered mistakes made with 1. Eliminates the need for additional load tables
sloped joist designations include:
2. Ensures the joist will be designed for the moment strength for which it was specified
1. The use of horizontal projection as the span
3. Considers the actual joist length during selection, preventing over span conditions
2. The inconsistency in how loads are being applied to sloped joists
4. Provides a standard procedure compatible with current SJI load tables
3. The effect of the load component parallel to the chords of the joists: This is not an issue
when Vulcraft is designing the joist, since the load will be broken into components Example 5.10.1 Sloping Joists
based on the slope of the joist. Determine the joist to be specified for the following:
Joists are specified by using their actual length and the load normal to the joist as the values that Given:
are used in the SJI load table. The dead and live loads for a roof system are typically oriented
on two different axes. Roof slope = 6:12
LL = 14 psf
The live load is applied over the plan length of the member and the dead load is applied over
the slope length. See Figure 5.10.2. DL = 22 psf
Plan dimension of bay:
Lp = 39'-0"
Joist spacing = 5'-0"
θ = tan-1(6/12) = 26.6°
LLcos2θ (joist space) = 56 plf
DLcosθ (joist space) = 99 plf
Actual joist length, Ls = 43'-7"
The Steel Joist Institute Specifications for short span joists limits the length of joists to 24 times
the joist depth. Therefore, the minimum joist depth for this situation is 22 inches. Chapter 6
Enter the Economical Joist Guide using: TL = 155 plf and LL = 56 psf and joist length = 43'-7".
Specify a 22K5 for the 44'-0" span:
Allowable uniform total load = 157 psf
Specification of Components
Live load that produces deflection of L/360 = 76 plf
Alternatively, a load/load joists can be specified, i.e. 22K157/56.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the proper specification for joists and Joist Girders for
In addition, Vulcraft will need to design this joist for the effects of the load parallel to the joist. loads, deflections, bridging, geometric requirements and other criteria, and how to efficiently
This load would be: designate these requirements on the design drawings. The specification of loads for the design
of joists and Joist Girders is the responsibility of the specifying professional. The loading
[(LLcos θ) + DL]sinθ = 77 plf must be based on building code requirements, building use requirements and the specifying
This load will be applied as an additional top chord axial force in the joist by Vulcraft. professional’s judgment. The extent of information required on the structural drawings is
summarized in Chapter 8.
The specifying professional should consider the information required as consisting of two
Long span joists are spliced when required for shipping or handling. Different states have portions.
specific laws about truck lengths of loads. However, in general, any joist over 100’ will need to
have field splice. Per SJI Technical Digest 9, “Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist The first portion involves the specification of the required design criteria, including all loads,
Girders”(SJI, 2008b), it is the erector’s responsibility to “match mates.” Stated in SJI Technical for the design the joists or Joist Girders.
Digest 9, “joist mates will be marked ‘1A’and ‘1B’ or ‘A1’ and ‘A2’ or some similar marking The second portion relates to the design of joist and Joist Girder connection details. The
to indicate mates. Two dissimilar mates will not fit together properly and will result in wildly connection details are usually indicated on the structural drawings. It is the responsibility of
varying camber from joist to joist. To facilitate the erector’s work in matching mates, Vulcraft the specifying professional to indicate the type of attachment for each joist and Joist Girder.
identifies each spliced joist with a separate mark and each half with its own tag. Connections relative to uplift and lateral forces must be carefully examined and detailed. As
An example of a bolted field splice is shown in Figure 5.10.3 illustrated in Chapters 4 and 7, the details used to transfer axial forces into and out of joist or
Joist Girder chords has a considerable impact on their design.
Building Codes
The International Building Code (IBC) is the governing code for construction of buildings in
the United States. The National Building Code of Canada is the governing code in Canada.
These codes provide consistent policies and practices in the construction of buildings. Codes
are updated and re-published periodically. It is important that the specifier indicate which
edition of the code is used on a given project. Changes in the building codes may affect the
design, load combinations, approval, use and the manufacture of open web steel joists.
The Steel Joist Institute (SJI) publishes a Specification and Code of Standard Practice, which
defines how open web steel joist components and accessories are to be specified and designed.
The SJI Specification is referenced in the IBC. In addition to the SJI Specification, the IBC
defines policies and practices for the approval, submittals and certification of open web steel
joist products. Vulcraft products meet or exceed the SJI Specification requirements.
Since Vulcraft products meet SJI Specifications, and the specifications are included in the IBC,
these products are considered a “deferred submittal.” In so doing, building officials do not need
to approve these products prior to construction.
Vulcraft keeps current on SJI certifications, in order to eliminate the need for product inspections,
and may include the International Accreditation Service (IAS, 2019) in the western US, and
local jurisdictions, where required. Additional 3rd party special inspections can be performed in
accordance with the IBC if done at the manufacturing facility.
Fig. 5.10.3 Field Splice
The IBC specifies standard load combinations, which are to be used for the design of structural
members. The IBC requires that the contract documents include the method of design (ASD or
LRFD) and the designated load combinations to be specified e.g. “Basic Load Combinations.”
If additional load combinations are to be checked, they must be specifically noted. The specifier
must define the loads both uniform and concentrated as either: Dead, Dead Collateral, Live, must be provided. As an alternate, the Load/Load Joist designation can be used (see the Load/
Roof Live, Snow, Minimum Snow, Rain, Uplift, Wind or Seismic. When specifying the loads, Load Joist Designation section below).
it must be clearly noted whether the loads are nominal loads, ASD design loads or LRFD
In the load tables, the top chord of the joist is taken as continuously braced against out of plane
design loads. For example, ASD design wind load should be shown as 0.6W, and ASD design
buckling, typically by steel deck attachments. If this is not the case, the chord bracing which is
seismic loads should be shown as 0.7E. An LRFD design wind load should be shown as 1.0W,
available should be indicated on the drawings.
and an LRFD design seismic load should be shown as 1.0E. The specifying professional can
always call out ASD or LRFD after a load to help clarify what type of load is being presented. See Section 6.3 for discussions regarding KCS joist designation.
This allows Vulcraft to properly configure the load combinations. For example, if a wind load
is presented as strength level W load on the plans, for an ASD joist design Vulcraft will apply Load/Load Joist Designation
the 0.6 factor for the load combinations. The IBC also requires the Sds factor to be included in Uniform load per foot designated joists (Load/Load designation) are an alternative to the
the contract documents. This is important for the joists and Joist Girders because the Sds factor standard SJI K, LH and DLH-Series joists. They are used when the specifying professional
impacts the load combinations with seismic loads. wants to optimize the joist cost. Using the Load/Load Designation provides the breakdown of
Deflection loading for the required building code load combinations. This is particularly useful when wind
and or seismic loads are required for the joist design. The designation takes the following form:
Deflection limitations are serviceability requirements for the structure. Standard deflection
limits for steel structures are listed in the IBC and in the SJI 100 specification. Deflection limits
are defined for roof, floor and partitions. Typical roof live load deflection limits are L/180 or
L/240; whereas, the typical floor live load deflection limit is L/360. L is taken as the span of
the member. Total load deflection limits for steel structural members including open web steel
joists and Joist Girders are not required per the IBC (see footnotes in the IBC deflection limit
table) nor per SJI 100. Consequently, total load deflection limits should not be specified for
open web steel joists or Joist Girders. In cases where a total load deflection limit is specified in
accordance with the IBC the deflection limit will only be checked for live load.
Keep in mind that open web steel joists and Joist Girders are fabricated with built-in camber as
a standard. The SJI 100 specification provides approximate cambers based on top chord lengths
for the specifying professional’s reference and consideration. The camber will exceed or offset
a percentage of the dead load deflection. This additionally reinforces the reasoning why a total
load deflection limit should not be specified.
For movable or stationary partitions, or for other situations where specific deflections are Vulcraft will design the joist for only the loads indicated. If additional capacity is required for
required, a load diagram showing the loads to be considered and the maximum deflection limit future loading, the specifying professional may want to consider specifying the joist be designed
(preferably in inches) must be shown for each joist or Joist Girder. See Section 5.10 of this book for an Add-Load (see Concentrated Load section below). When Load/Load Designation is used
for more information on Folding Partitions. In cases where there are sensitive serviceability the specifying professional must provide the deflection criteria on the construction documents.
requirements, a minimum Moment of Inertia should be specified rather than a deflection limit. For example, in the joist notes on the structural plans the following could be specified, “Joists
to be designed for a Live Load Deflection < L/240.”
The Load/Load Designation has an additional benefit for LH and DLH-Series joists. Additional
Joist Selection joist depths can be specified when the Load/Load designation is used. These are depths in
between the standard designation depths. It is preferred that the depth be in full inch increments.
For joists subjected to a uniform gravity load, the joist designation can be selected directly If a fractional depth is desired, contact Vulcraft for limitations. To illustrate, with standard
from the load tables in the Vulcraft Manual. To determine the load per lineal foot applied to designations, a 28LH06 or a 32LH06 can be specified with the Load/Load designation of 29LH,
the joist, the specifying professional multiplies the total load, including joist self-weight (psf), 30LH or 31LH. The additional depth options can be beneficial on projects where the specifying
times the tributary width supported by the joist. The tributary width is one half the spacing to professional wants to maximize the joist depth based on the project limitations, like building
each adjacent support. The effects of deck continuity are neglected. A joist is then selected from clear height requirements.
the appropriate SJI load tables with sufficient capacity to resist the applied uniform load and
to meet the project deflection criteria. The load tables contain the allowable total uniform load The standard load tables provided in Vulcraft’s manual, “Steel Joist & Joist Girder Systems”
and the allowable live load that an individual joist can support for a given span. The red colored (Vulcraft, 2017c), can be used as a guide. The tables can be used to estimate the self-weight of
tabulated load indicates the load that causes a deflection of L/360. If a different deflection is the joists for the roof loading. The final weight of the joist may even be less than estimated by
acceptable or required, the deflection check may be made by ratio. For instance, if the live load the table because Vulcraft will optimize the design for the exact loading provided.
deflection criterion is L/240, red numbers in the tables would be multiplied by 360/240.
SJI Standard Weight Tables for LOAD/LOAD LH-Series Joists
Vulcraft’s Manual contains an economical joist guide that is helpful to the designer in making
a least cost joist selection. This table does not account for weight of bridging. Under certain The SJI Standard Weight Tables for Load/Load LH-Series joist Tables are used when the
conditions a heavier joist with less bridging, may result in less cost. The economical joist guide required load per lineal foot of joist exceeds the loads listed in the standard LH-Series SJI
considers only downward uniform loads. For joists with additional loads (wind, seismic) a Tables. These higher loads are common for floor joists or roof joists with concrete or other
slightly deeper joist may be more economical depending on the type of load and its magnitude. heavy loads. The weight tables are a tool to assist the specifying professional in the preliminary
The standard joist designation does not provide the breakdown of dead and live loads on a joist. design, and as an estimate for joists with high loading requirements. See the preceding section
For joists, with loads in addition to downward uniform loads, a breakdown of the uniform loads
for the Load/Load designation format and additional information. The seat depth may often be determined by comparison with joists listed in the standard joist
tables or by contacting Vulcraft.
The specifying professional must verify the required joist seat depth with these heavy loads.
Joist depths and loads to the left of the heavy black line use the standard LH joist seat depth of 6.3 JOISTS WITH CONCENTRATED LOADS
5.0 inches. Joists to the right of the dark black lines in the tables require 7.5 in. deep bearing
seats. If the table indicates that a seat deeper than 5.0 inches is required, the joist seat depth Specifying open web steel joists subjected to uniform loads was discussed in the previous
should either be called out, or specifically detailed on the construction documents. section. When a joist must support concentrated loads, the specifying professional must furnish
additional information on the construction documents so that the proper loads are included in
Joists with Wind Uplift
the joist design. Items are discussed in this section that the specifying professional should know
It is the responsibility of the specifying professional to accurately communicate the required about concentrated loads and options for properly specifying those loads.
“net” wind uplift. Uplift forces can cause stress reversal in the web members and chord forces.
Since the bottom chord may be in compression and the steel deck is not present to prevent Prevention of Torsion on Joist Chords
out of plane buckling, the bridging must be designed to provide this lateral support. The gross
Concentrated loads must be connected in a manner not to cause torsion in the joist chords. In
uplift load “W” on the joists is typically the Components and Cladding Wind Load per ASCE7,
based on the tributary area of the joist. The “net” uplift is determined from the building code other words, the load must be applied to both chords without eccentricity on the two chord
gross wind uplift loads minus the appropriate dead loads present. The “net” uplift is the result angles. The specifying professional should indicate this requirement in the construction
of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination for ASD and the 0.9D+1.0W load combination for LRFD, documents. For example, a note indicating, “Manufacturers supplying framing clamp systems
where W is the negative pressure for loads away from the roof surface. The plans should note or suspension clamp systems for use with hanging loads shall design such systems in a manner
if the “net” uplift is an ASD design load or an LRFD design load. not to cause torsion in the joist chords.”
Care must be exercised when collateral loads are included in the design requirements for the 100 Pound Concentrated Loads
project. Depending on what the collateral loads are, it may be appropriate to use only a small
portion or none of the collateral load to resist the wind uplift loads. Therefore, the specifying The following statement is included in the SJI 44th Edition Catalog (SJI, 2017b). “For nominal
professional should determine the “net” uplift loads. If the specifying professional needs to concentrated loads between panel points, which have been accounted for in the specified
specify the gross uplift for the joists, it should be noted if the gross uplift is an LRFD or ASD uniform design loads, a “strut” to transfer the load to a panel point on the opposite chord shall
design load. In addition, the specifying professional must note the dead load “D” that can be not be required, provided the sum of the concentrated loads within a chord panel does not
used to resist the wind uplift loads.
exceed 100 pounds and the attachments are concentric to the chord.”
For small projects it is not uncommon to use the worst-case “net” uplift design load for all
joists. This may be accomplished with a note on the drawings such as “Design and furnish joists Concentrated Loads Greater Than 100 Pounds
and bridging for a net design wind uplift of 15 psf - ASD.” For large projects it is common to Indicated in the SJI 44th Catalog in the section entitled CONCENTRATED LOADS AT JOIST
provide a “net” design wind uplift load diagram, so the joists in the middle of the building do
not need to be designed for the higher perimeter and corner wind loads. This is illustrated in CHORDS is the statement that “concentrated loads in excess of 100 pounds, or which do not
Figure 6.2.1. meet the criteria outlined above, must be applied at joist panel points, or field strut members
must be added as shown in the detail above.” Note, the detail depicts the added strut positioned
from the concentrated load to the nearest panel point on the opposite chord. An example of this
detail is provided in Figure 6.3.4 later in this section.
When exact dimensional locations for concentrated loads are provided by the specifying
professional and the magnitude and dimension are shown on the final Vulcraft joist layout
drawing, Vulcraft will design the joist for the loads and load locations provided. If not, the
joist erector, or the trade applying the load, will need to provide additional web members.
Coordination with Vulcraft is encouraged when unclear.
Add-Load and Bend-Check Loads
(Net Uplift is result of 0.6D+0.6W Basic Load Combination)
Add-Loads and Bend-Check loads are tools for dealing with concentrated loads. The SJI Code of
Fig. 6.2.1 Joist Net Wind Uplift Load Diagram (ASD Design Loads) Standard Practice provides definitions for both. An Add-Load is “a single vertical concentrated
Refer to the SJI Specification Section 5.12 and the SJI “Code of Standard Practice,” (SJI, 2017a) load that occurs at any one panel point along the joist chord. This load is in addition to any other
Section 2.10 for further information on wind uplift design. The Vulcraft Manual contains a gravity loads specified.” A Bend-Check Load is “a vertical concentrated load used to design
table indicating approximate “Net Uplift Reaction (kips)” as a guidance as to whether the the joist chord for the additional bending stresses resulting from this load being applied at any
normal 2-1/2 inch bearing seat will accommodate the uplift. location between the joist panel points. This load shall already be accounted for in the specified
Chapter 5 of SJI Technical Digest 6, “Structural Design of Steel Joists to Resist Uplift Loads,” joist designation load, uniform load, or Add-Load, and is used only for the additional bending
provides guidance on welded anchorage and bolted anchorage. It is the responsibility of the check in the chord and does not contribute to the overall axial forces within the joist.” Bend-
specifying professional to design the attachment of the joist and Joist Girder seats to the Check Loads can be specified for the top chord, the bottom chord or for both. The magnitude
supporting structure. Details must be shown on the structural drawings so that Vulcraft can of the top chord and bottom chord Bend-Check do not have to be the same. Add-Loads and
properly design the seat angles for the specified uplift.
Bend-Check Loads can be used in conjunction or separate, depending on the concentrated load options for the specifying professional to specify concentrated loads on open web steel joists.
type and design method used to specify the load. See section “Specifying Concentrated Loads Using the options allows the estimator to price the joists and Vulcraft to design the joists in
for Joist Design” below for additional information (especially Option 3). accordance with the latest SJI Standard Specifications. The most cost-effective option depends
on the type of load, load magnitude, number of loads and if the location of the loads is known
Add-Loads are a good way to build in extra capacity for joists. They allow a future load to be
or unknown. The five options from the SJI Code of Standard Practice are paraphrased and
installed at any location along the joist, since the shear and moment envelope are covered by
modified to reflect best design procedures as follows:
the Add-Load. If the future load does not occur at a panel point, field installed web members
can be installed to transfer the existing panel point on the opposite chord. Using an Add-Load Option 1: Select a joist designation from the Standard Load Table, or specify a joist using a
will also make evaluating a joist when the future load is installed easier than if additional load/load designation, which has been determined to be adequate for all design loads. The shear
uniform loads were added to the designation to provide additional capacity. and moment envelope resulting from the selected uniform load shall meet the actual shear and
moment requirements.
Traveling Loads
Option 2: Select a joist designation from the Standard Load Table, or specify a joist using
For a traveling load with no specific location, specifying the traveling load as an Add-Load is
a load/load designation for the uniform loads on the joist. In addition, provide the load and
often the best option. This allows Vulcraft to design for the worst-case for both the shear and
location of any additional loads on the structural plan with a note stating, “Joist manufacturer
bending moment. If the traveling load occurs between panel points, there are two common
shall design joists for additional loads at locations shown.”
options. The first is for the construction documents to specify that field installed webs be
installed at the final load location. The second is to require the joist to be designed for a Bend- Option 3: For additional point loads for which the exact locations are not known, for incidental
Check load equal to the traveling load. This way the Bend-Check covers localized bending loads or a combination of the two, select a joist designation from the Standard Load Table or
between panel points and the Add-Load covers global shear and bending on the joist. specify a joist using a load/load designation. The loads can then be summed into a single Add-
Load (or a combination of an Add-Load and Option 1 or 2). The following can be specified on
In some cases, a traveling load will only be supported by the top chord of a joist or only by the
the structural plan:
bottom chord. The specifying professional in this case, could specify the specific chord (top
or bottom) be designed for a traveling load at any panel point. If the load can occur between a) “Design for a (__) lb. concentrated load located at any one panel point along the
panel points, either field installed webs should be called out or a Bend-Check Load required joist” or “Design for a (__) lb. Add-Load.”
on the specific chord (top or bottom). For example, if a joist is to have a 300 lb. High Volume
b) “Design for additional bending stresses resulting from a (__) lb. concentrated
Low Speed (HVLS) fan hung from the bottom chord of the joist, but the final location is not
load located at any location along (___) chord,” or “design (__) chord for a (__) lb.
known and may be between panel points, the specifying professional could call out the joist to
Bend-Check Load.”
be designed for a 300 pound traveling load at any bottom chord panel point and a 300 lb. Bend-
Check load on the bottom chord. The Bend-Check and can be specified on the top chord, bottom chord or both top and
bottom chords.
KCS Joists
c) Both (a) and (b) above can be specified. The load in (b) can be the same or different
A versatile alternative to requiring special joists and selecting standard joists for resisting
concentrated loads is the use of KCS joists. The KCS joist is an SJI standard design. It has a depending on how the joist is loaded.
constant shear capacity and a constant moment capacity throughout its length. All KCS joist Option 4 Select a KCS joist whose moment and shear capacity are greater than the actual
diagonals, except the end diagonals, are designed for 100 percent stress reversal. The end moment and end reaction. Only “net” wind uplift loading can be specified to be added to the
diagonals are designed for tension only (except when “net” uplift loading occurs), because KCS design. All other loads need to be considered when the KCS designation is chosen by the
stress reversal will never occur under gravity loading. The load tables for KCS joists list the
shear and moment capacity of each KCS joist. The selection of a KCS joist is analogous to specifying professional.
selecting a wide flange beam. The specifying professional calculates the maximum moment Option 5 For complex loading conditions, a joist can be called out as a special joist (e.g.
and shear imposed and selects the appropriate joist. If the concentrated load does not fall at a 28LH SP) and then a load diagram or load schedule can be provided on the structural
panel point, the designer must account for chord bending. KCS joists can also be designed for drawings to communicate the requirements to the joist manufacturer. The diagram or schedule
“net” wind uplift loading. The uplift loading is specified on the plans the same way it would be should include the magnitude of the load and the type of load (dead, live, wind, et cetera). In
for any other joist. addition, it should be noted if loads are ASD or LRFD design loads. The SP designation can
An important limitation for which the specifying professional should be aware is that KCS be specified on the plans with a note similar to the following “Joist manufacturer to design
joists cannot be designed for additional axial loads. The KCS joists do not define the loading joist to support loads as shown in diagram.” An example of two joist load diagrams is given
breakdown, so the load combinations cannot be designed with additional axial loads being in Figure 6.3.1.
applied to the joist. An alternate, is to specify a Load/Load designated joist with an Add-Load to
cover the special loads on the joist and the required axial load. That way Vulcraft can properly
design the joist for all the required load combinations.
Specifying Concentrated Loads for Joist Design
The SJI Code of Standard Practice, Section 2.4 – “Specifying Design Loads” suggests five
penalized for large point loads. This is a good option when a joist must be designed for axial
loads in addition to vertical loads, since the load combinations can be determined using an
This option is an excellent way to handle loads from small roof top units. A note, like the
following, can be added to the typical joist notes; “Each joist supporting mechanical units
shown on the structural roof framing plans shall be designed for 2/3 of the total mechanical
unit weight. Load from the mechanical unit shall be treated as an Add-Load and is in addition
to the other Add-Loads in the joist schedule.” This option can also be used in conjunction with
Option 2.
Option 3 is illustrated in Example 6.3.2 later in this section.
Option 4: The use of KCS joists is another possibility. This option is used by some specifying
professionals when multiple concentrated loads exist, or the exact locations of the loads is not
known. This option does require additional calculations by the specifying professional. The
maximum possible moment and the maximum possible shear for all the loading and all the
applicable load cases (including downward wind loads when applicable) must be determined
in order to specify the KCS joist. The only additional load that can be specified on the plans for
Fig. 6.3.1 Joist Nominal Load Diagrams
a KCS joist is “net” wind uplift load.
Comments on the Specifying Options:
It is important to note that KCS joists cannot be designed for axial loads. If the joist will have
Option 1: This option is the most labor intensive for the specifying professional. Specifying axial loads another option should be chosen.
a standard joist to resist concentrated loads results in a joist that is generally less economical
Option 5: The use of load diagrams and load schedules is an excellent way of specifying
to manufacture than specifying a special joist. To select the appropriate joist the specifying
loading in more complex situations. This is the preferred option when a joist supports partial
professional must choose a joist that has enough shear and moment capacity to resist the loads.
length uniform loads or tapered loads. It is important that the specifying professional indicate
The specifying professional must calculate the moment and shears due to the combined loads on
the load types and specify ALL applied loads. That way the joist can be properly designed
the joist. The equivalent uniform load can then be calculated from the maximum moment. The
for all the applicable load combinations. Bend-Check loads can be used in conjunction with
equivalent uniform load based on shear can be calculated from a shear diagram that completely
load diagrams/schedules. A common use of a joist load diagram is to convey the snow drift
covers the actual shear diagram. The larger of these two equivalent uniform loads can then be
used to select a standard joist from the SJI tables. The point of zero shear on the joist should be
determined. If this point is not relatively close (one foot) to the center of the joist, there may Depending on the complexity of point loads, it may simplify things to use a schedule. The
be diagonal members that are subject to a stress reversal. If a stress reversal occurs, a different schedule can simplify the call outs on the framing plan and allow the loading types to be clearly
specifying option should be used. If concentrated loads occur between the panel points, the shown. Roof screen loads and platform loads are two possibilities where a schedule would be
uniform load may not cover localized stress and a Bend-Check load may be required as well. useful. Table 6.3.1 below is an example.
This option is illustrated in Example 6.3.1 later in this section.
Option 2: This option works well for a few added loads per joist with known magnitude and
location. The dimension to the load must be indicated on the structural plans by the specifier or
provided by others. For small roof top units, mechanical sub-contractors sometimes shift the
unit along the span of the joist to avoid obstructions below the roof. For small roof top units, it
may be better to use an Add-Load in Option 3. If a joist has multiple loads, some with known
locations and some with unknown locations a combination of Option 2 and Option 3 can be
Option 3: This is a very versatile option. Using an Add-Load to cover concentrated loads
simplifies the process. The location of the load does not have to be shown. If the load needs
to shift due to field conditions, the moment and shear in the joist is covered and it might just Table 6.3.1 – Point Load Schedule
require field installed webs to be added. The need for a Bend-Check in addition to the Add-
Load will depend on how the joist is loaded. One good option is to specify the joist be designed
for a small Bend-Check (i.e. 250 lb.) and then require field installed webs be added for larger
loads. That way small loads are covered without any field modifications and the joist is not
Summary: Ma = 34,225 ft.-lbs.
1. Concentrated loads must be applied to joist chord concentrically 3. Solve for the end shear that will completely cover the actual shear diagram (see Figure
2. Specify whether the load is applied to the top chord or bottom chord
3. For a few added loads per joist with known magnitude and locations use Option 2 or
Option 3
4. When exact locations of concentrated loads are variable, or not known, make use of the
Add-Load and the Bend-Check procedures for optimum designs
5. Account for chord bending when concentrated loads cannot be located at panel points
by either specifying field installed webs to be installed at the concentrated load, or by
specifying a Bend-Check Load
6. Specify a joist seat depth that can support the end reaction and detail the surrounding
joists to have compatible seat depths
7. Specified concentrated loads must be indicated as nominal or as D, Lr, 1.0W, 1.0E,
etcetera Fig 6.3.3 Shear Diagram

4. Solve for the equivalent uniform loads based on the maximum moment and joist end
Example 6.3.1 Joist with a Concentrated Load – Option 1
Select a joist using ASD to support the nominal loads provided below. For Shear:
weq = Vend /18 ft
weq = 4,100 lbs/18 ft = 228 lbs/ft
For Moment:
weq = 8Ma/L
weq = 8(34,225 ft-lbs)/(36 ft)2 = 211 lbs/ft
Fig. 6.3.2 Example 6.3.1
Given: Equivalent for shear controls.

Joist span = 36 feet 5. Select joist and check capacities:

Uniform dead load = 50 lbs/ft Centerline to Centerline Bearing = 36 ft – 0.33 ft = 35.67 feet
Uniform live load = 150 lbs/ft Round span down to 35 ft for initial joist selection. Choose a 24K4 from the “Vulcraft
Concentrated dead load = 600 lbs located 6 feet from one end of the span Economical Joist Guide” Vulcraft (2017c).
Maximum live load deflection = Span/240 = 1.80 in. Round span up to 36 ft for allowable load check:
Solution: Check total load requirement for 24K4:
1. Solve for reactions: From the Standard Load Tables (Vulcraft 2017c) for span = 36 feet
RL = (600 lbs)(30 ft/36 ft)+ 200 lbs/ft)(36 ft/2) = 4,100 lbs wa = 229 lbs/ft ≥ 228 lbs/ft - Joist is o.k. for total load. Check the live load deflection
RR = (600 lbs)(6 ft/36 ft) + (200 lbs/ft)(36 ft/2) = 3,700 lbs for 24K4:
2. Solve for the maximum moment: From the Standard Load Tables for span = 36 ft, the allowable live load for span/360
Zero shear is located at 3,700 lbs/200 lbs/ft = 18.5 ft from the right end. deflection (Red Figure) is 150 lbs/ft. The deflection requirement for this joist is
(Note location of point of zero shear. Possible shear reversal is insignificant.) span/240. As a result, the Red Figure can be ratioed to determine the allowable live
Ma = (18.5 ft)(3,700 lbs) - (200lbs/ft)(18.5 ft)2/2 load.
wLL allow = (360/240)(150 lbs/ft) = 225 lbs/ft > 150 lbs/ft actual live load - Live Load Joist Seats
deflection is o.k. The end seat depth of the special joist must be compatible with the end seat depth of the
surrounding joists. The seat depth is dependent on the chord size and the construction of the
Final Result: Specify a 24K4 for this member. end diagonal. To verify that the seat depth of the special joist is compatible with the desired
Concentrated load reinforcement may require a field installed web at the concentrated load joist seat depth the actual moment and the maximum end shear imposed on the joist must
location. An example of such reinforcement is shown in Figure 6.3.4. This reinforcement must be calculated. Then uniform loads that resulting from this moment and this end shear are
calculated. If a standard K-Series joist of the desired depth can be selected to resist the greater
be applied to both sides of the joist. of these uniform loads, Vulcraft will be able to supply the special joist with a 2.5 inch standard
depth seat. If an LH or DLH joist is required to support the load, then the special joist can be
supplied with a 5 inch or deeper seat. Examination of the KCS load table indicates that the
shear capacity for a joist with a 2.5 inch end seat is limited to about 9.2 kips. If required because
of the chord size, the special joists can be supplied with a deeper seat. However, this change in
seat depth will affect the seat depths of the other joists and will have to be accounted for in the
height of the support steel and possibly the determination of the eave height.
In cases where large concentrated loads exist and their locations are not known, it may be best
for the specifying professional to require a wide flange beam be used. If the load is due to crane
or conveyor loading, the use of a beam will mitigate the problems associated with fatigue. Also,
Fig. 6.3.4 Concentrated Load Reinforcement in some cases the load cannot be conveniently connected to the joists. In addition, the use of a
wide flange beam can also solve difficult detailing problems. The use of beam framing around
Example 6.3.2 Joist with a Concentrated Load – Option 3 large openings can also facilitate the attachment of headers or stair framing.
Specify joist with Load/Load designation and Add-Load If the specifying professional decides to use a beam in place of a joist, the beam should have an
end seat designed with the same depth as the adjacent joist seats. A beam end can be reinforced
Use same loading and criteria from Example 6.3.1 above. for the 2.5 inch or 5 inch end seat as long as the beam web can transfer the shear through the
shallow seat section. An example of the design of 2.5 inch end seat for a beam is presented in
1. Solve for total uniform load Section 5.2. Another option is to have an angle (with or without a gusset plate) connected to the
end of the beam. This angle then bears on top of the Joist Girder. If a connection bearing on top
Total load = Dead + Live = 50 lbs/ft. + 150 lbs/ft. = 200 lbs/ft. of the Joist Girder is not possible, the beam can be detailed to attach to a vertical web member
on the girder. The vertical member must be designed and installed by Vulcraft. If the vertical
2. Determine joist depth
web connection is used, the specifying professional should be aware the connection needs to be
Using the economical joist tables (as described in example 6.3.1) the 24K4 was the at least 1.25 times the Joist Girder depth away from the end of the Joist Girder. This is required
economical standard designation. For the Load/Load designation use same depth and in order to properly configure the Joist Girder. If the beam occurs at a column, it is often easier
to have the beam be supported directly by the column.
joist series. Use 24K joist.
3. Assemble Load/Load Designation
Joist End Moments
24K joist, total load = 200 lbs/ft., live load = 150 lbs/ft. so the designation is
When joists are used as part of a rigid frame the specifying professional must provide the
24K 200/150 joist end moments. This can be accomplished using a joist load diagram or a schedule of joist
moments. Diagrams should be used for only simple cases as shown in Fig.6.9.1. More data can
4. Treat the concentrated load as an Add-Load be shown in schedules including the magnitude and direction of the moments for the various
load cases considered.
Since there is only one load: Add-Load = 600 lbs. Because it is an Add-Load, location
does not need to be specified and can vary. The bottom chords of joists are often connected to the column before some or all the dead load
is present and before the live load occurs. Thus, the end moments from both dead and live load
5. Since this is a Load/Load designated joist, the live load deflection criteria of span/240 should be provided in a diagram or schedule. In addition, the specifying professional should
must be specified on the plans. require that the bottom chord bridging be designed and furnished.
Unless specifically instructed otherwise, Vulcraft’s policy is to design the joist as a simple span
Final Result: Specify 24K 200/150, Joist to be designed for 600 lbs. Add-Load. Maximum member and then to check the chords and web members for the effects of the end moments. The
Live Load Deflection = span/240. use of a joist load diagram to specify end moments on joists is illustrated in Figure 6.4.1. See
Section 6.5 for typical joist schedules.
As noted at the end of example 6.3.1, this Load/Load designated joist may require field installed
webs at the concentrated load.

Limiting maximum joist moment with 2.5 inch
Joist Depth (inches) deep seats (kip-ft.)
18 81
20 91
22 100
24 110
26 120
Fig. 6.4.1 Joist Load Diagram
28 130
Axial Forces 30 140
There are multiple ways joists can be used where axial loads exist in the chords of a joist (top
chord, bottom chord, or both). Examples include joists in a braced frame, joists in a moment Table 6.4.2 - Limiting Maximum K-Series Joist Moments with 2.5 -inch Deep
frame, joists used as drag struts for lateral loads and joists used in the seismic wall anchorage Seats
system. These forces should be specified in a simple and clear way, either on the framing plan,
on a load diagram or in a schedule. As mentioned above, the specifying professional should also
require that bottom chord braces be designed and furnished by Vulcraft. Vulcraft will check the LH-SERIES JOISTS
effect of the axial forces and adjust the chord design accordingly. An alternate procedure for Limiting maximum joist moment
determining the capacity of a joist chord to resist applied chord forces is illustrated in Example Joist Depth (inches) with 5 inch deep seats (kip-ft.)
4.2.1. If this method is used, the specifying professional should check all required load cases 24 273
and load combinations when selecting the joist. To obtain a more economical joist it is often 28 323
easier for the specifying professional to specify the joist for the vertical loads and to call out the
additional axial load to be included in the design. 32 373
36 423
A special case of transferring axial forces through a joist exists when an axial force is transferred
into the top chord of the joist and transferred out of the bottom chord. One example of this 40 473
occurs when the diagonal of a braced frame is attached to the bottom chord of a joist and 44 523
the roof bracing or diaphragm is in the horizontal plane of the top chord. The design and 48 573
specification of joists for this condition was discussed in Chapter 4. An example load diagram
52 623
is also provided in Figure 4.2.15. See Chapter 4 for additional discussions regarding axial loads
and connections. 56 674
60 724
As mentioned in Section 6.3, the specifying professional must also verify if the joist requires a
special depth end seat, due to top chord angle size. To do this determine the effective moment 64 773
from the axial load. This can be done by multiplying the axial force times the effective joist 68 824
depth to obtain the effective moment. Then add the effective moment to the moment from the 72 874
vertical load for the total moment. This moment can then be compared to the limiting moments
shown in the Tables 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 to determine if the standard seat will work or if a deeper 78 949
seat is required. 84 1024
The maximum vertical design load end reaction for the joist depths shown below is 9.2 kips 90 1099
(ASD) and 13.8 kips (LRFD) for 2.5-inch seats. For shallower joists, refer to the KCS tables 96 1174
for the maximum end reaction. Larger end reactions require deeper seats.

Table 6.4.3 - Limiting Maximum LH Joist Moments with 5 -inch Deep Seats


The use of a joist schedule is an efficient way to convey loading requirements. A schedule
Axial Load (5)
allows the loading to be consolidated in one place preventing the drawings from becoming
cluttered. It is common to have the same joist designation used in more than one bay. With
a schedule, the specifying professional can call out the mark number (e.g. J1) in appropriate Joist Mark Designation (1) Wind Load 1.0W Seismic Load Add-Load
Number (Total Load/ Live Load) (kips) 1.0E (kips) (kips) Comments
bays in lieu of calling out the designation in each bay. By having the designation in a schedule,
it decreases the chances of errors because the designation and any other required loading is J1 20K 288/160 10.5 23.0 1.0 Office
noted once and not multiple times. The use of a schedule is recommended for joists with end J2 32LH 224/128 10.5 23.0 0.5
moments as shown in Table 6.5.4. (1) 26LH 245/135 (values noted at left are to define callout)
Joist Live Load (plf)
The complexity of a schedule will vary by project. Schedules are adjustable to have as many
Joist Total Load (plf) (Dead + Live)
or as few headings as required. Tables 6.5.1 thru 6.5.4 provide example schedules for joists.
SJI joist type
Tables 6.5.5 thru 6.5.10 provide additional information that could be used for a more complex
Joist Depth
schedule. With the load combinations in building codes becoming more complex, a schedule is
(2) Deflection Criteria: Live Load Deflection ≤ L/240 .
a clear way to convey all the different types of loads. When the specifying professional breaks (3) See Net Wind Uplift Diagram for uplift loads on joists.
out all the different load types in a schedule, Vulcraft can design the joist for the appropriate (4) See framing plan for additional loads to be included in joist design, including mechanical loads.
load combinations. Table 6.5.5 illustrates a schedule with load types clearly designated. (5) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.
It is important for the specifying professional to make sure the table clearly conveys the load Table 6.5.2 - Joist Schedule
information, the load type and whether the design will use ASD or LRFD load combinations.
The specifying professional is encouraged to coordinate with their local Vulcraft office when Table 6.5.3 is an example of a schedule used for projects where some of the joists are used as
developing a schedule. the chord members of the roof diaphragm. This type of schedule will likely have all the typical
joists called out with standard SJI designations. The schedule notes the minimum standard SJI
Table 6.5.1 is an example of a simple schedule. The schedule has standard SJI designations designation for the joist with axial load. It also provides the necessary uniform loads that must
and directly calls out the wind uplift loading. This type of schedule is appropriate for small be used in the load combinations with the ASD wind axial load shown. This allows Vulcraft to
rectangular buildings. For a small building it is often best to just use the worst-case uplift load design the joists for all the required loading.
for all the joist, in lieu of an uplift diagram.


Loads for Combined Bending and Axial Check (2)
Joist Joist
Mark Net Wind Uplift Mark Wind Top Chord Roof Live Downward Wind Net Wind
Number Designation load (plf) (2) Comments Number Designation Axial Load 0.6W Dead Load Load L r load 0.6W Uplift load (3)
J1 24K6 100 J1 30K7 20.0 kips 44 plf 63 plf 32 plf 150 plf
(1) Standard designation is minimum requirement. Joist Manufacturer to modify joist design as required for
J2 28LH05 150 combined loading requirements.
(1) See framing plan for additional loads to be included in joist design, (2) Joist manufacturer to use these load in the applicable code load combinations to design the joist for combined
including mechanical loads. bending and axial.
(2) Net Wind Uplift is the result of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination. (3) Net Wind Uplift is the result of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination.
(3) Downward Wind Loads included in designations above.

Table 6.5.1 - Joist Schedule Table 6.5.3 - Joist Schedule

Table 6.5.2 is a more complex schedule. This schedule takes advantage of using the Load/ Table 6.5.4 is an example of a schedule used for a joist that is part of an Ordinary Truss Moment
Load designations for the joists due to axial load requirements. The schedule calls for an Add- Frame. The schedule notes the joist depth and a LH-Series joists. Indicated is the uniform
Load to be included in the design to allow for future loading. Since the joists use the Load/ loading on the joist and the type of load. Also provided are the required axial loads and the end
Load designation, the deflection criteria must be provided and is shown in the footnotes. The moments for which the joist is to be designed. The minimum moment of inertia is also listed
footnotes refer Vulcraft to a Net Wind Uplift Diagram for uplift loading which is common on to ensure that the joist is designed stiff enough to meet the requirements that were used for the
large warehouse projects so that the large number of joists in the middle of the building do not frame analysis by the designer.
have to be designed for the higher perimeter uplift loading.


Joist Joist Dead Load Floor Live
Mark Depth & Dead Collateral Load L
Number Series Load (plf) (plf) (plf)
FJ1 30LH 210 60 600

Table 6.5.5b - Floor Joist Uniform Loads

Provided in Table 6.5.6a and 6.5.6b are axial loads that could be included in a schedule. The
most common requirements will be Wind and Seismic Loads. Called out are the loads to the
top chord of the joist. The specifying professional can also include columns for axial loads
applied to the bottom chord of the joist, e.g. joists in braced frame. There may be projects that
require the joist seat to be designed for a smaller axial load than the top chord of the joist.
Additional columns could be added to the table for the seat (see Examples 4.8.1 and 4.8.2).
Joist Wind Seismic Dead Roof Live
Mark Load 1.0W Load 1.0E Load Load Lr Snow S Rain R
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
J1 8.5 26.0 - - - -
(1) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.
Table 6.5.4 - Joist Schedule
Table 6.5.6a - Roof Joist Axial Loads
Some projects may have complex loading and design requirements. Tables 6.5.5a thru 6.5.10
provide additional columns that could be included in a schedule. The design professional could (1)
mix and match columns from the tables below to create a complex schedule that would meet JOIST AXIAL LOADS (FLOOR)
the needs of the project. The tables are organized by load type, e.g. uniform loads, axial loads, Joist Wind Seismic Dead Floor Live
end moments, etc. The design professional would only need to use the columns that apply Mark Load 1.0W Load 1.0E Load Load L
to the specific project. The tables provided below are not an exhaustive list, but are intended Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
to give the design professional a starting point for projects with complex loading and design FJ1 4.3 13.0 - -
requirements. (1) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.
A uniform load schedule is provided in Tables 6.5.5a and 6.5.5b that could be included in
schedules. Table 6.5.6b - Floor Joist Axial Loads
Illustrated in Table 6.5.7a and 6.5.7b are end moment categories that could be included in a
JOIST UNIFORM LOADS (ROOF) schedule. End moments will be needed when a joist is used as part of an Ordinary Moment
Joist Joist Dead Load Roof Live Downward Net Wind Frame.
Mark Depth & Dead Collateral Load Lr Snow Smin Snow S1 Snow S2 Rain R Wind load Uplift load
Number Series Load (plf) (plf) (plf) (plf) (2) (plf) (3) (plf) (3) (plf) 1.0W (plf) (plf) (1)
J1 24LH 80 16 136 120 85 385 48 100 150
(1) Net Wind Uplift is the result of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination.
(2) Smin is minimum uniform snow load for low sloped roof. This load is not to be combined with drift, sliding, unbalanced, or partial
(3) See Diagram below for S1 and S2 loads, drift condition. These loads are not combined with Smin.

Table 6.5.5a - Roof Joist Uniform Loads

Table 6.5.7a - Roof Joist End Moments



Dead Load Dead Load Floor Live Load L Seismic Load 1.0E Wind Load 1.0W
Joist Mark (kips) Collateral (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
FJ1 - - 0.6 0.4 - - 0.6 - - -
(1) For Bend-Check Load: TC = Top Chord, BC = Bottom Chord

Table 6.5.9b - Floor Joist Bend-Check loads

Table 6.5.7b - Floor Joist End Moments Additional columns are shown in Table 6.5.10 that could be added to a joist schedule. These
columns can be used in a schedule for roof joists and for floor joists. Moment of Inertia
Shown in Table 6.5.8a and 6.5.8b are Add-Load categories that can be included for a joist requirements are often needed for joist that are part of a moment frame. They can also be
design. As previously discussed, Add-Loads are a way to provide extra capacity into a joist required for joists on projects that have vibration design criteria or ponding requirements.
and to account for loads that do not have an exact location. Wall brace loads is an example of Joists may need a minimum size, thickness or just width of the horizontal leg for a
a possible use for wind and/or seismic Add-Loads. Seismic Add-Loads can also be used for connection.
the load from sprinkler main seismic sway braces.
JOIST ADD-LOADS (ROOF) Joist Min. Moment Min. Top Min. Top Min. Bottom Min. Bottom Min. Seat
Mark of Inertia Chord Chord Horiz. Chord Chord Horiz. Angle Additional
Joist Dead Load Roof Live Rain Seismic Wind Load Number Ichord (in4) Thickness (in) Leg (in) Thickness (in) Leg (in) Thickness (in) Requirements*
Mark Dead Load Collateral Load Lr Snow Load Load R Load 1.0E 1.0W J2 150 0.23 2 0.137 2 0.25 Design Joist Webs to
transfer Axial loads
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) S (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
from Top Chord to
J1 0.5 0.75 - - - ±1.5 - Bottom Chord
*Additional Requirements Column is for additional information the Engineer of Record wishes to convey to Vulcraft. The note
shown is just one example of the information that can be provided in this column.
Table 6.5.8a - Roof Joist Add-Loads
Table 6.5.10 - Joist Additional Requirements
Joist Dead Load Floor Live Seismic Wind Load
Mark Dead Load Collateral Load L Load 1.0E 1.0W Special Profile LH joists are Non-Standard Configurations and require special design beyond
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) the SJI Specifications. The common Non-Standard Configurations are shown in Figure 6.6.1.
FJ1 0.4 0.3 0.75 ± 2.0 - • Bowstring
Table 6.5.8b – Floor Joist Add-Loads • Arch Chord
Shown in Table 6.5.9a and 6.5.9b are Bend-Check load categories. Loads from a solar system • Scissor
post are an example where including a wind Bend-Check load might be beneficial. This • Multi-Pitch
allows the post to be located anywhere along the joist top chord. As previously discussed,
Bend-Check loads are only for localized stress in the top or bottom chord and do not • Double Pitch
contribute to global moment or shear on the joist. • Single Pitch
(1) See Figure 6.6.1 for example profiles.
Dead Load Dead Load Roof Live Load Lr Snow Load S
Joist Mark (kips) Collateral (kips) (kips) (kips)
J1 - - 0.6 0.4 0.4 - - -


Seismic Load 1.0E Wind Load 1.0W
Joist Mark Rain Load R (kips) (kips) (kips)
J1 - - 0.6 - 0.9 -
(1) For Bend-Check Load: TC = Top Chord, BC = Bottom Chord

Table 6.5.9a - Roof Joist Bend-Check loads


Scissor and Arched Chord

Care must be taken in the specification and in the supporting structure design for scissors
and arched chord joists. When these members deflect vertically under gravity loads, the end
supports translate outward (horizontal deflection), as seen in Figure 6.6.2. Depending on the
loading and the configuration of the joist, the horizontal deflection can be significant.

Fig. 6.6.2 Loaded Scissor Joist

Scissor joists are typically designed with one of two end connections, pinned/roller or pinned/
pinned. The end reaction will not be truly pinned or truly a roller. Pinned/roller connections
allow the end of the joist to slide, as illustrated in Figure 6.6.2. The supporting structure must
accommodate the horizontal deflection with this type of connection. Pinned/pinned connections
Fig. 6.6.1 Special Profile Joists at the ends of the joist will restrain the horizontal deflection of the joist. This restraint imparts a
Each of these are depicted in the Vulcraft’s Steel Joist & Joist Girder Systems Manual (Vulcraft, horizontal thrust to the supporting structure. The supporting structure must be able to withstand
2017c). the thrust loads with this type of connection. For projects with scissor or arched chord joists
it is beneficial for the specifying professional to contact Vulcraft during the design phase for
Note that special profile joists are only available for LH joists. K-Series joists do not have assistance in determining the horizontal reactions or the horizontal deflections for the proposed
special configurations. The depth of the Special Profile LH joists can be deeper than 48 inches. design. This allows the specifying professional to make an informed decision about what type
If the specifying professional wishes to use deep special profile joists, e.g. 8 ft. deep, they can of support connection to use and the implications to the support structure. If the specifying
contact Vulcraft about shipping impact and about depth limitations. The shipping impacts and professional must limit the horizontal deflection, due to the supporting structure’s needs, it may
depth restrictions will vary depending on the jobsite location. impact the joist design. The more stringent the horizontal deflection requirement the heavier
Special Profile LH joists generally require a deeper end bearing seat. The minimum seat depth the joist will have to be, in order to have a large enough moment of inertia to satisfy the criteria.
will depend on the type of joist, the slope of the top chord, the need for top chord extensions If the horizontal deflection criteria are too stringent, it may not be possible to design a stiff
and the type of supporting member. The Vulcraft Steel Joist & Joist Girder System Manual enough joist to meet the criteria. Coordinating with Vulcraft early in the design phase can help
provides a table for required LH-Series seat depths for sloped conditions. These joists can also avoid this issue.
be designed as bottom chord bearing joists. For example, a double pitched joist can be designed The construction documents should clearly indicate the type of support used for scissor or
as bottom chord bearing to create a gabled joist. The specifying professional should be aware arched chord joists whether pinned/roller or pinned/pinned. For the pinned/roller case, the
that bottom chord bearing joists, both standard and special profile, require X bridging adjacent specifying professional must indicate the horizontal deflection criteria on the plans. This is
to the support to stabilize the joist. typically done by specifying the maximum horizontal deflection in inches.
Often a minimum end depth of 18 inches or more is needed. This minimum depth requirement Pitched Joists
is to allow Vulcraft to configure the webs of the joist at the end support. A rule of thumb for
the minimum end depth of special profile joists in inches is the (span in feet)/4 with 18 inch For single pitched joists, a simple way to specify the joist is to use a modification of the Load/
minimum. For example, a 76-foot joist should have a minimum end depth equal to 76 ft./4 = Load designation. The modified designation indicates the depth at each end of the joist. This
19 inches. The specifying professional should contact Vulcraft if end depths less than 18 inches modified designation conveys the depth requirements. The following is an example of the
are desired for a specific project to determine if a shallower depth is possible. single pitched Load/Load designation.

Similarly, for a double pitched joist, the depth at the left end, ridge, and right end can be
included in the Load/Load designations. This designation is as follows
in the schedule. Table 4.8.3 in Example 4.8.2 provides an illustration of such a Joist Girder
Vulcraft will use the most economical web configuration based on the depth of the Joist Girder
and the spacing of the joists. Indicated in Figure 6.7.1 are the usual configurations of the Joist
Girder web diagonals, as produced by Vulcraft. The D/S ratios shown indicate geometrical
configurations for the girders. D and S are in inch units.

The Special Products section of the Vulcraft website provides additional information on
special configuration LH joists and examples of the information that should be provided on the
construction documents for the different types of joists.
Joist Girder Designation
For simple span Joist Girders subjected to equal uniformly spaced point loads, noting the Joist
Girder designation on the plan provides an adequate specification for the member. The spacing
of the joists should be called out on the plans, even if the joists are “equally spaced” between
two given grid lines. An example of a standard Joist Girder designation is:

There is a large range of depths that can be used for Joist Girders. Joist Girders can be designed
and fabricated with depths in between those listed in the standard load tables. Depths should be
specified in full inch increments, for example 49G, 50G, or 51G. For the number of joist spaces,
partial spaces need to be counted as a space. This is because the number of panel point loads
on the Joist Girder will be the number of spaces minus one. An example would be a girder with Fig. 6.7.1 Joist Girder Web Configurations
(6) 10 foot typical joist spaces and an end space of 5 feet; the 5 foot space would be treated as a
space, so the designation would be 7N. The 10.6K indicates the magnitude of each panel point Vulcraft also offers a VG Joist Girder. The VG type has the largest number of unobstructed
load in kips for an ASD design. The specifier should include the self-weight of the Joist Girder openings in the girder web, because the joists align with the web verticals and do not block
in the panel point load. Due to the load combinations, even those for ASD design, it is often the open panels formed by the bottom chord and the adjacent webs. If this feature is desirable,
necessary for the live load at each panel point to be provided by the specifying professional. girders should be specified with the VG designation. An example of this designation is
This allows Vulcraft to design the Joist Girder for all the required load combinations especially 32VG8N10K. This is illustrated in Figure 6.7.2. The VG type is slightly more expensive than
when axial loads are present. It also allows the Joist Girder to be properly checked for live load a G type. If the specifying professional wants to have items pass through the Joist Girder, for
deflection criteria. Adding the panel point live load to the designation will take the following instance sprinkler mains or ducts, they can specify on the structural plans what needs to go
format: through the Joist Girders, i.e. the size and the location. Vulcraft will determine the best web
configuration based on the requirements.

If the specifying professional wishes to have the Joist Girder designed using LRFD load
combinations it is best to specify the Joist Girder in a schedule. The schedule should have Fig. 6.7.2 VG5N10K Joist Girder
columns for girder depth and the number of spaces. The panel point dead load and the panel If the spacing and magnitude of loading varies, the design requirements for the Joist Girder
point live load should be specified separately. Provide a column for Panel Point Dead Load and must be clearly communicated. This can be done in a variety of ways. For simple cases, the
another column for Panel Point Live Load. Showing the dead load and live load is especially additional loads can be specified directly on the structural plan. A note like the following should
important if the Joist Girder must be designed for any wind or seismic loads. Note in the be provided on the plans, “Loads shown on the plans are in addition to typical loads in the Joist
schedule that Vulcraft is to design Joist Girders using LRFD based on the nominal design loads
Girder designation.” An example of this would be a girder with the typical joists spaced 8 foot 6.9 END MOMENTS AND AXIAL CHORD FORCES IN JOIST GIRDERS
on center and one 10 foot joist space at the end of the Joist Girder. There would be an additional
point load on the girder at the first panel point. This additional load could be called out on Girder End Moments
the framing plan at that panel point. For complex cases, the specifying professional should Vulcraft’s design procedure for Joist Girders subjected to end moments is analogous to the
use a load diagram to illustrate the loading applied to the Joist Girder. Loading applied to the design procedure for joists subjected to end moments. Unless specifically instructed otherwise,
bottom chord of the member could also be indicated on the load diagram. An illustration of a Vulcraft’s policy is to design Joist Girders as simple span members and then to check the chords
Joist Girder subjected to an uneven load distribution is illustrated in Figure 6.7.3. Vulcraft will and web members for the effects of the end moments, unless specifically instructed otherwise.
determine the optimum web configuration for the Joist Girder.
When Joists Girders are used as part of a rigid frame the specifying professional must provide
the Joist Girder end moments. This can be accomplished using a load diagram or a schedule.
Diagrams should be used for only simple cases as shown in Fig.6.9.1 More data can be shown
in schedules including the magnitude and direction of the moments for the various load cases
The bottom chords of these Joist Girders are often connected to the column before some or all
the dead load is present and before the live load occurs; thus, the end moments from both dead,
Fig. 6.7.3 Joist Girder Load Diagram collateral, live, seismic, wind and snow loads can be provided. See Section 6.10 for examples
of Joist Girder schedules.
Bottom chord braces should be specified to be designed and furnished by Vulcraft. This is true
for all Joist Girders, whether they have gravity loads, uplift loads, end moments, axial loads,
Add-Load and Bend-Check Loads
Add-Loads and Bend-Check loads can also be specified for Joist Girders. Add-Loads are a
common way to have the Joist Girder designed for additional load to allow for future mechanical
equipment or other loads. They can also be used to cover traveling loads. See the Add-Load
and Bend-Check load discussions for joists in Section 6.3 for additional information. The
information applies to both joists and Joist Girders.
Like joist, Joist Girders in roof systems will be subjected to net uplift loads if the code-imposed Axial Forces
wind uplift exceeds the allowable permanent dead load. See Section 6.2 for additional discussion There are multiple ways that Joist Girders can be used in a building that would impart axial
on “net” uplift. Net uplift loading will affect the design of the Joist Girders and the amount of load in the chord of a Joist Girder (top chord, bottom chord or both). Some examples include:
uplift bracing. Under gravity loads, the top chord of the Joist Girder is in compression and the Joist Girders used in a braced frame, Joist Girders used as drag struts for lateral loads, Joist
bottom chord is in tension. If a net uplift loading occurs, the bottom chord of the joist will be Girders used as diaphragm chord members and Joist Girders used in the seismic wall anchorage
in compression. system. Just like with joists, these forces should be specified either on a load diagram or in a
Due to this load reversal in the chords, the bracing design must always be adjusted to account schedule. The type of axial load will need to be noted as well so that Vulcraft can combine the
for the uplift condition. Net uplift also causes a stress reversal in the diagonals. This condition axial load in the appropriate load combinations. If the axial load is applied to the top chord of
must also be checked by Vulcraft. the Joist Girder and needs to be transferred down to the bottom chord, like for a braced frame,
this must be noted on the structural plans. It should be noted in the Joist Girder schedule or in
Since the Joist Girders often support large roof areas it may be allowed by the code to design a diagram as shown in Figure 4.2.15. See Chapter 4 for additional discussions regarding axial
the Joist Girders for the Main Force Wind Resisting System (MFWRS) loads in lieu of the loads and connections. Section 6.10 contains examples of Joist Girder schedules, including
Component and Cladding loads. The MFWRS uplift loads will be less than those for components axial loads.
and cladding. The use of the MFWRS uplift loads for the Joist Girders will reduce the impacts
of uplift loading. See ASCE 7 for Tributary Area requirements and any other restrictions for 6.10 GIRDER SCHEDULES
using the MFWRS uplift loads. The use of a schedule is an efficient way to convey loading requirements for Joist Girders.
It is the responsibility of the specifying professional to communicate the required “net” wind A Joist Girder schedule allows most or all the loading to be consolidated in one place. It is
uplift loading for the Joist Girders. This may be accomplished the same way the joist net uplift recommended that the specifying professional use a separate schedule for joists and for Joist
loads are communicated, e.g. a note or diagram. An example of a Joist Girder note on the Girders. This is because the designations are different between the two and the units are often
drawings is “Design and furnish Joist Girders for a net wind uplift of 11 psf - ASD.” Illustrated different for the loads applied to a joist versus a Joist Girder. By having separate schedules, it
in Figure 6.2.1, in the joist uplift discussions in Section 6.2, is a net wind uplift diagram. If is easier to have the schedules present the loading in a concise manner. The other advantages of
the Joist Girders are designed for the MFWRS uplift loads, it may be necessary to provide a schedule discussed in Section 6.5 for joists also apply to Joist Girders. The complexity of a
separate diagrams for the joists and the Joist Girders. This is because the zones and distances schedule will vary by project. The schedule can be adjusted to have as many or as few headings
are different for Component and Cladding loads than they are for MFWRS loads. as required. Tables 6.10.1 thru 6.10.3 provide examples of schedules for Joist Girders. With the
load combinations in codes becoming more complex a schedule is a clear way to convey all the
different types of loads. When the specifying professional clarifies all the different load types
in a schedule Vulcraft can refine the design and design the Joist Girder for all the appropriate
load combinations. Illustrated in Table 6.10.3 is a schedule with load types clarified.
It is important for the specifying professional to provide a schedule that clearly conveys the load
information. The following statement is contained in Section 2.4 of the SJI Code of Standard
Practice (COSP) (SJI, 2017a), “The specifying professional shall provide the nominal loads and
load combinations as stipulated by the applicable code under which the structure is designed
and shall provide the design bases (ASD or LRFD).” The specifying professional is encouraged
to coordinate with Vulcraft when developing schedules different than those presented below.
Table 6.10.1 is an example of a schedule for Joist Girders. The designation includes the live
load portion of the panel point loads so the load combinations with wind and seismic loads can
be designed and so the Joist Girder can be checked for the required deflection criteria. An Add-
Load has also been specified to provide additional capacity for items like mechanical units.
The footnotes refer to a diagram for the uplift loads. This is common, especially if the girders
have enough tributary area to be able to use the Main Force Wind Resisting System uplift loads.
Girder Axial Load (6)
Mark Designation Seismic Load Wind Load Add-Load
Number (Total Load/ Live Load) 1.0E (kips) 1.0W (kips) (kips) Comments
G1 56G 7N 12.5K/5.8K 160 85 2.0
G2 56G 7N 14.4K/5.8K 160 85 4.0 Office
(1) Manufacturer to design Joist Girders using ASD. Nominal design loads shown are to be used in the
applicable ASD code load combinations.
(2) Deflection Criteria: Live Load Deflection ≤ L/240 .
(3) See Net Wind Uplift Diagram for uplift loads on girders.
(4) See framing plan for additional loads to be included in Joist Girder design, including mechanical loads.
(5) See framing plan for joist spacing along girder.
(6) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.

Table 6.10.1 - Joist Girder Schedule

Table 6.10.2 is an example of a schedule used on a project where some of the Joist Girders
are used in Ordinary Truss Moment Frames. Noted in the schedule are the Joist Girder depth, Table 6.10.2 - Joist Girder Schedule
number of spaces and panel point loads, including live load. Also noted are the required axial
loads and the end moments. The minimum Moment of Inertia is also listed so that the Joist Some projects have complex loading and design requirements for Joist Girders. In Tables
Girder will be designed with enough stiffness to meet the requirement used in the frame analysis 6.10.3a thru 6.10.9 columns are provided that could be included in schedules. The design
and frame deflection as specified. professional can mix and match columns from the tables to create a complex schedule that
would meet the needs of the project. The tables are organized by load type, e.g. panel point
loads, axial loads, end moments, etc. The design professional only needs to use the columns
that apply to the specific project. The tables provided are not an exhaustive list but are intended
to give the design professional a starting point for projects with complex loading and design
For complex projects, having the total load and live load at each panel point in the Joist Girder
designation may not be adequate. Shown in Table 6.10.3a and 6.10.3b are columns that could
be used to show various loads at the panel points. It will be rare that all the columns are needed
on a project. For instance, most projects will only have Roof Live Load or Floor Live Load,
not both.

Girder Girder Depth & Dead Load Snow Load Girder Downward Net Wind
Mark Number Dead Load Colateral Roof Live Smin (kips) Rain Load Mark Snow Smin Snow S1 Snow S2 Wind load Uplift load
Number Spaces (2) (kips) (kips) Load Lr (kips) (3)
R (kips) Number (plf) (2) (plf) (3) (plf) (3) 1.0W (plf) (plf) (1)
G1 40G 5N 6 1.0 7.0 7.6 - G1 750 532 2410 375 940
(1) Joist Girder manufacturer to use these load in the applicable code load combinations. (1) Net Wind Uplift is the result of the 0.6D+0.6W load combination.
(2) See framing plan for spacing of joists along girders. (2) Smin is minimum uniform snow load for low sloped roof. This load is not to be
(3) Smin is minimum uniform snow load for low sloped roof. This load is not to be combined with combined with drift, sliding, unbalanced, or partial loads.
drift, sliding, unbalanced, or partial loads. (3) See Diagram below for S1 and S2 loads, drift condition. These loads are not
combined with Smin.
Table 6.10.3a - Roof Joist Girder Panel Point Loads
Girder Girder Depth & Dead Load
Mark Number Dead Load Colateral Floor Live
Number Spaces (2) (kips) (kips) Load L (kips) Table 6.10.4 - Joist Girder Uniform Loads
FG1 38G 5N 8.4 2.4 24.0 Illustrated in Table 6.10.5a and 6.10.5b are axial loads that could be included. The most
(1) Joist Girder manufacturer to use these load in the applicable code common requirements will be wind and seismic loads. This table calls out the loads to the top
load combinations. chord of the Joist Girder, which is the most common case. The specifying professional can also
(2) See framing plan for spacing of joists along girders. include columns for axial loads to the bottom chord of the Joist Girder, e.g. a Joist Girder in a
braced frame. There may be occasional cases where a specialty axial load is required. Another
Table 6.10.3b - Floor Joist Girder Panel Point Loads column could be added to the schedule and a note for how the specialty load is to be applied to
the Joist Girder. An example is the axial load due to the tie force from a Factory Mutual Tied
For snow and wind loads, the design professional may wish to simplify the loading for the Joist Maximum Foreseeable Loss (MFL) wall or a High Challenge Fire wall. A footnote is needed to
Girder by specifying the loads as uniform loads. In Table 6.10.4 columns are provided that specify that only the tie force must be combined with Dead load and Live Load and is not to be
could be included in a schedule for this situation. If this method of calling out the snow load is combined with seismic loads. There also may be projects that require the Joist Girder Seat to
utilized, the design professional would not want to have a Snow Panel Point Load column in be designed for a smaller axial load than the top chord of the Joist Girder. Additional columns
the schedule. could be added to the table for the seat, see Examples 4.8.1 and 4.8.2.
Girder Wind Seismic Roof Live Snow Rain
Mark Load 1.0W Load 1.0E Dead Load Load Lr Load S Load R
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
G1 40 250 - - - -
(1) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.

Table 6.10.5a - Roof Joist Girder Axial Loads


Girder Wind Seismic Floor Live
Mark Load 1.0W Load 1.0E Dead Load Load L
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
FG1 20 150 - -
(1) Top chord axial load, Tension or Compression Load.

Table 6.10.5b - Floor Joist Girder Axial Loads

Provided in Table 6.10.6a and 6.10.6b are end moment categories that could be included in
a schedule. End moments will be needed when a Joist Girder is used as part of an Ordinary
Moment Frame.

Table 6.10.8a - Roof Joist Girder Bend-Check Loads

Table 6.10.6a - Roof Joist Girder End Moments
Girder Dead Load Dead Load Floor Live Load L Seismic Load 1.0E Wind Load 1.0W
Mark (kips) Collateral (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
FG1 0.75 - - 1.0 0.5 - - - - -
(1) For Bend-Check Load: TC = Top Chord, BC = Bottom Chord

Table 6.10.8b - Floor Joist Girder Bend-Check Loads

Table 6.10.6b - Floor Joist Girder End Moments Shown in Table 6.10.9 are additional columns that could be added to a Joist Girder Schedule.
Add-Load categories are provided in Table 6.10.7a and 6.10.7b that could be included in a Joist These columns can be used in a schedule for roof Joist Girders and for floor Joist Girders.
Girder design. As previously discussed, Add-Loads are a good way to provide extra capacity Moment of Inertia requirements are often needed for Joist Girders that are part of a moment
into a Joist Girder and to account for loads where the exact location is not known. One example frame. They can also be required for Joist Girders on projects that have vibration design
for use of Add-Loads is to account for wall bracing that is required for wind or seismic loads. criteria or ponding requirements. Joist Girders may need to have a minimum size, thickness
Add-Loads may also be a way to build capacity into the Joist Girders where the size of or just width of the horizontal leg for a connection.
mechanical units will not be determined until the Tenant Improvement phase.
Girder Min. Moment Min. Top Min. Top Min. Bottom Min. Bottom Min. Seat
Mark of Inertia Chord Chord Horiz. Chord Chord Horiz. Angle Additional
Number Ichord (in ) Thickness (in) Leg (in) Thickness (in) Leg (in) Thickness (in) Requirements*
G2 1300 0.5 5 0.375 4 0.31 Design Joist Girder
Webs to transfer Axial
loads from Top Chord
to Bottom Chord
Table 6.10.7a - Roof Joist Girder Add-Loads *Additional Requirements Column is for additional information the Engineer of Record wishes to convey to Vulcraft. The note
shown is just one example of the information that can be provided in this column.

Table 6.10.9 - Joist Girder Additional Requirements

Joist bridging is required for the following reasons:
1. To align the joists during erection
Table 6.10.7b - Floor Joist Girder Add-Loads
2. To provide stability for the joist during erection
Bend-Check Load categories are shown in Table 6.10.8a and 6.10.8b that could be included in
a Joist Girder design. As previously discussed, Bend-Check Loads are just for localized stress 3. To provide gravity load stability for joists with standing seam roofs
in the top or bottom chord and do not contribute to global moment or shear on the joist.
4. To provide bracing for the bottom chord for wind uplift and axial loads
5. To control the slenderness ratio of the bottom chord
6. To assist in stabilizing the web system
In typical situations, the size, type and number of rows of bridging required depend on the
length, spacing and designation of the joists in the area under consideration. The bridging Chapter 7
requirements are also affected by wind uplift loading and the type of deck supported by the
The two types of bridging are horizontal or diagonal. Horizontal bridging consists of continuous
angles connected to the top and bottom chords. Diagonal bridging consists of pairs of angles
Connection Design
that cross diagonally from the top chord to the bottom chord in the space between each joist.
For typical situations, the required number of rows of bridging is given in tabular form in the
SJI Standard Specifications for K, LH and DLH-Series joists. The SJI Standard Specifications 7.1 THE BASIC CONNECTION
also indicate when diagonal bridging is required. Bridging requirements for KCS joists are The Basic Connection for interior columns framed with joists and Joist Girders is shown in
contained in the Vulcraft Manual. It is best to note on the structural drawings that only standard Figure 7.1.1. As mentioned in Chapter 2 this connection is the least expensive and most common
SJI bridging be sized and furnished. Any other bracing required would not be standard bridging detail that can be used to transmit gravity loads to the column. The use of the Basic Connection
and should be designed by the specifier and provided by others. to support wind or seismic moments to the column requires detailed connection design. In this
Bridging for all joists requires positive anchorage at the end of the bridging line. When a beam section calculations are presented to assist the designer in the proper use of the Basic Connection.
or a wall exists at the end of the bridging line, the bridging is normally anchored to the beam In addition, guidelines are presented to inform the designer when modifications must be made to
or the wall. When a joist exists at the end of the bridging line, X-bridging should be used the Basic Connection and when modifications must be made to joist and Joist Girder ends in
in addition to horizontal bridging between the last two joists. This condition often exists at order to safely carry wind, seismic and continuity moments. Section 4.5 provides additional
expansion joints and when joists are used in lieu of beams at end walls. discussion, details and summary of modifications to the basic connection for resisting
moments. Joist and Joist Girder end moments are always in the form of a force couple. The
Standard bridging is required to laterally stabilize the top chord of the joists until the permanent couple is formed by the force in the chords times the distance between the centroids of the top
deck is attached. Construction loads must not be applied to the joists until the bridging is and bottom chords. Throughout this Chapter methods of designing for these chord forces will
attached to the joists and anchored at its ends. be discussed. The specifying professional should be aware that modifications to the Basic
Floor and roof decks usually have adequate stiffness to provide lateral stability to the top chord Connection can increase the costs of joists and Joist Girders.
of joists subjected to design loads. The most common exception is standing seam roof systems. Before proceeding with wind and seismic moment effects on the Basic Connection, a point
The specifying professional should assume that the standing seam roof has no diaphragm needs to be made relative to creating continuity by welding the Joist Girder and joist bottom
capability and specify that enough bridging be provided to laterally brace the joists under chords to the column. If the top and bottom chords of the joists and Joist Girders are welded, the
design loads. The standing seam roof may be able to stabilize the top chord of the joist, but this joists and Joist Girders will behave as continuous members, that is, continuity moments will be
should be substantiated with test data. If the roof does not have sufficient diaphragm stiffness to developed at the member ends. Welding the bottom chords in place after dead loads have been
brace the top chord, the joist and bridging design (size and spacing) must be adjusted to provide applied will eliminate the continuity moments from dead loads; however, continuity moments
sufficient lateral bracing for the design loads. from live loads will still occur. Continuity moments will cause additional chord forces and
Wind loading on joists will affect the design of the bridging. Under net uplift, the bridging is consequently stresses in the joists, Joist Girders, and their connections. These forces must not
required to provide lateral stability to the bottom (compression) chord. The SJI Specifications be ignored in the design. A variety of problems can occur. These include:
require that the bridging design account for the uplift forces. The Specifications require that
joists subjected to uplift have a line of bridging near each of the first bottom chord panel
points. Depending on the actual amount of uplift, additional bridging may be required. For roof
systems subjected to uplift, the authors recommend against designating the number of rows of
bridging. Rather, the uplift should be specified on the design documents. See Section 6.2 and
6.8 regarding the specification of uplift forces for joists and Joist Girders.
The use of standard bridging, as a brace, to resist lateral loads due to monorails or other
equipment should be evaluated carefully. The decision should often be made against using
standard bridging for these situations. It is best for the specifier to design and detail additional
bracing to resist the lateral loads. This bracing would be in addition to the typical joist bridging.
The bracing of Joist Girders is typically done using angles from the bottom chord of the girder
to the joists at the panel points. The size of the angles will depend on the girder depth loading,
the joist depth and the joist end panel length. The number of braces will depend on the girder
loading. Additional braces may be required for Joist Girders with net wind uplift loading,
depending on the magnitude of the net uplift loads.
Sample specifications for joists, Joist Girders and deck can be downloaded from the Vulcraft Fig. 7.1.1 The Basic Connection
website, 1. Bending moments in the top chords of the joists and Joist Girders which will cause
overstresses and possible chord bending failures
2. Compressive forces in the bottom chords of the joists and Joist Girders which are not secondary moment, M = ± P(e) is developed in the top chord. The double angles which comprise
accounted for in the normal design of these members and which may cause buckling the top chord possess a limited moment capacity; the Joist Girder chord will fail at a relatively
failures of the joists and Joist Girders low load due to the secondary moment and the axial load. If the seat can be rigidly attached to the
column cap, then the chord moment can be eliminated. With the rigid attachment, the seat can
3. Weld and bolt failures within the connection be thought of as an extension of the column. The seat and its attachment to the column cap must
4. Bottom chord forces may also cause column web buckling, web crippling and web be able to resist the moment, ± P(e). Using the standard single bolt line connection and welding
along the seat angle edges, will generally not be sufficient to develop full rigidity. Calculations
yielding and details to accomplish a fully restrained seat connection are contained later in this chapter.
As mentioned previously, these forces must not be ignored in the design. The specifying Vulcraft has done extensive testing of the maximum eccentric top chord force capacity for Joist
professional must calculate their magnitude and determine if the Basic Connection can safely Girders. Based on their test program, the maximum horizontal load for 7.5-inch-deep seats are
support the loads. presented in Table 7.1.1.
The specifying professional is responsible for the design of the Basic Connection if it is subjected
to any loads other than simple span gravity loadings. Vulcraft must check the adequacy of the joists
and Joist Girders for any specified end moments created by wind, seismic or continuity loading. JOIST GIRDER HORIZONTAL LOADS
Vulcraft must also know whether the forces caused by the end moments are concentrically applied
to the chords of the joists and Joist Girders, or if eccentricities exist which will cause bending
Joist Girder (7.5″ Seat) ASD LRFD
stresses in the member chords. This can only be determined if given design documents clearly P /Ω * kips
Top Chord Leg Size φPn * kips
illustrating the connections. Chapter 6 deals with the proper specification of these forces. If the n

Basic Connection is used to resist continuity, wind or seismic moments these eccentricities will 2.5″ 4 6
exist. Because the chord capacity is greatly reduced by eccentric loading, it is the responsibility 3.0″ 8 12
of the specifying professional to limit the use of the Basic Connection to conditions where the
3.5″ and larger 10 15
joists and Joist Girders can be physically designed by Vulcraft to accommodate the intended
loads. *These values are based on using 3/4-inch A325 bolts and a minimum of two 1/4-inch fillet welds 5 inches
The calculations presented below provide the specifying professional guidance as to whether or long along the sides of the seat. Vulcraft must be notified of seat forces for final seat design.
not the use of the Basic Connection would be appropriate for a given design. Based on the details Table 7.1.1 Maximum Horizontal Loads for Joist Girders
and calculations presented, the specifying professional will also know if special measures are
required to accommodate the connection eccentricities. Maximum Eccentric Top Chord Force for Joists
The calculations relative to the Basic Connection are divided into five sections: Examining the Basic Connection shown in Figure 7.1.3, for the axial chord force in the joist
(1) Maximum eccentric top chord force for Joist Girders
to be transferred to the column, the force must pass thru the joist seat, thru the Joist Girder
seat and into the column cap plate.
(2) Maximum eccentric top chord force for joists
For the connection to function, either the connection of the joist seat to the top of the Joist Girder
(3) Rollover capacity of Joist Girder seats must be “fixed,” or the connection between the Joist Girder seat and the column must be fixed. If
neither is “fixed,” a two-hinged mechanism would exist, and no lateral force could be resisted.
(4) Modifications which can be made to the Joist Girders to resist forces greater than those In either case, a moment will exist in the top chord of the joist. (It should also be obvious that the
indicated in (1) above Basic Connection is not well suited as a moment connection for the joists).
(5) Modifications which can be made to the Joist Girder seats and the joists to resist forces The moment in the top chord of the joist can be eliminated if both connections are “fixed.”
greater than those indicated in (2) above However, from a practical point of view it is very difficult to design the connection between the
(6) Special considerations relative to the connection of the joist and Joist Girder bottom joist seat and the Joist Girder seat to be “fixed.”
chords Even if stiffeners are placed in the seat of the Joist Girder to prevent Joist Girder seat from
rotating, the seat angles of the joist are very flexible and would require stiffeners to “fix” the joist
Maximum Eccentric Top Chord Force for Joist Girders seat. Performing these measures results in a very uneconomical connection design. However, for
small joist end moments the connection can be made to function. The approach taken herein
As previously mentioned, chord moments caused by eccentric axial loads can cause premature is to design the connection between the Joist Girder seat and the column to be a fully restrained
failure of Joist Girder top chords. This condition is illustrated in Figure 7.1.2 below: connection. Based on an ultimate approach the moment in the top chord of the joist equals the
axial force in the joist times the distance from the top of the girder seat to the plastic centroid of
the joist top chord. The Joist Girder seat to column connection must resist the moment caused
by the joist chord axial force times the Joist Girder seat depth.
To determine the maximum permissible joist end moment that can be transferred through the
Basic Connection, several potential failure mechanisms must be examined. These include:
Fig. 7.1.2 Joist Girder Chord Moments (a) The failure of the joist top chord due to axial load and the chord moment
Considering the Joist Girder seat connection at the column top to be a “pinned connection,” a (b) The failure of the Joist Girder seat, i.e. rollover capacity of the Joist Girder seat
(c) Failure of the welds between the joist seat and the Joist Girder seat
The eccentric axial load strength for a K-Series joist chord can be determined by finding the Pr P
axial load and bending moment combination for the top chord angles in the joist. When ≥ 0.2When r ≥ 0.2
Pc Pc
Pr 8  M rx  Pr 8  M rx 
+   ≤ 1.0
+   ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1a)
AISC Eq. (H1
Pc 9  M cx  Pc 9  M cx 
When r < 0.2When r < 0.2
Pc Pc
Pr  M rx  Pr  M rx 
+  ≤ 1.0+   ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
AISC Eq. (H1
2 Pc  M cx  2 Pc  M cx 

Rather than performing a second order analysis which includes Pδ, use a solution using the B1
multiplier. To determine the required moment, use Equations (A-8-1) and (A-8-2) from AISC
Appendix 8.
Ma = B1Mnt + B2Mlt AISC Eq. (A-8-1)

Fig. 7.1.3 Force Transfer Ma = B1(2.26Pr)

Pa =Pnt (No second order effects on Pa) AISC Eq. (A-8-2)
Example 7.1.1 Joist Top Chord Reinforcement B1 = Cm/(1-αPa/Pel) ≥ 1
Given: α = 1.0 for LRFD and 1.6 for ASD
The seat detail is shown in Figure 7.1.4.
Cm = 1.0 (Conservative for beam-columns subject to transverse loading between
Pe1 = π2EIx/(Lc1)2
Ix = 2(0.346 in.4) = 0.692 in.4 AISC Manual (Table 1-7)
Lc1 = 24 in.
Fig. 7.1.4 Joist Chords
Pe1 = π2(29,000 ksi)(0.692 in.4)/(24 in.)2 = 344 kips
The seat is “pinned” at the support. Consider the case of a K-Series joist with top L2x2x1/4 top B1 = 1.0/[1-(1.0)(Pa)/(344 kips)]
chord angles. The deck laterally supports the top chord thus, the limit state of lateral-torsional
buckling does not occur. The maximum effective length of the top chord about its x-x axis is 24 Take B1 = 1.0 and verify later.
inches. For the L2x2x1/4 angles the limit states of local buckling also do not occur. Determine Pc for use in the interaction equations:
Since the specifying professional does not know the exact geometrical configuration of the Pn = FcrAg
joist, and since chord forces due to the horizontal component in the end diagonal also exist, the
maximum chord force can be used as an upper bound estimate. The solution also neglects any Lc/rx = KL/rx = 24 in./0.605 in. = 39.7
uniform distributed load on the joist top chord. Fe = π2E/(Lc/rx)2 = π2(29,000 ksi)/(39.7)2 = 182 ksi
The specifying professional must indicate the joist chord force requirements on the contract Fy/Fe = 50 ksi/182 ksi = 0.27
Fcr = (0.658Fy/Fe)Fy = (0.6580.27)50 ksi = 44.7 ksi
Solution: Ag = 1.88 in.2
The seat depth is 2.5 inches, therefore the moment in the chord equals top chord axial force Pn = (44.7 ksi)(1.88 in.2) = 84.0 kips
generated by the end moment times the eccentricity from the bottom of the joist seat to the Pc = φPn = 0.9(84 kips) = 75.6 kips (LRFD)
plastic centroid (yp = 0.236 in.).
Pc = Pn/Ω = 84 kips/1.67 = 50.4 kips (ASD)
Ma = Pa.(2.5 in.-0.236 in.) = Pr (2.26 in.)
Determine Mcx for use in the interaction equations:
For this condition, P∆ forces do not exist; however, small Pδ forces do occur. The beam-
column must satisfy AISC Specification Equations H1-1a or H1-1b. Depending on the moment direction, the top chord may be in tension or compression, thus
the lower bound nominal moment strength of the double angle top chord must be determined Solving the equations using the ASD values for Pc and Mxc:
from the vertical leg in compression or the vertical leg in tension.
Pr = 8.7 kips
For web legs in tension: Mp = FyZx ≤ 1.6My. AISC Eq. (F9-2)
For web legs in compression: Mp = 1.5My. AISC Eq. (F9-5)
Rollover Capacity of Joist Girder Seats
The critical case is when Mcx is a minimum, therefore AISC Equation F9-5 should be used. The Joist Girder seat is typically bolted to its supporting element. Welding may or may not be
For the two angles: used to connect the seat to the supporting element. The rollover strength can be determined
using the prying action procedure from the AISC Manual (AISC, 2017). The added strength of
Zx = 0.88 in.3 welding the seat angles when they are also bolted is negligible.
Ix = 0.70 in.4
The standard Joist Girder has a 7.5 in. seat depth. The seat is usually fabricated using 7/16 in. seat
Sxb = 0.70 in.4/(2.0 in.-0.585 in.) = 0.495 in.3 angles as shown in Figure 7.1.5.
My = (0.495 in.3)(50 ksi) = 24.8 kip-in.
Sxt = 0.70 in.4/0.585 in. = 1.20 in.3
My = (1.20 in.3)(50 ksi) = 60.0 kip-in. (Causes maximum Mp)
Leg in tension:
Mx = Mp = (50 ksi)(0.88 in.3) = 44 kip-in.
Leg in compression:
Mx = Mp = 1.5(24.8 in.3) = 37.2 kip-in. (Critical case) Fig. 7.1.5 Standard Joist Girder Seat

Mcx = 0.9(37.2 kip-in.) = 33.5 kip-in. (LRFD) The rollover strength for the girder seat can be determined by calculating the maximum
Mcx = (37.2 kip-in.)/1.67 = 22.3 kip-in. (ASD) resisting couple that can be developed at the base of the seat angles. The couple is formed by
the tensile bolt force and the corresponding compression on the opposite side of the seat. The
Substituting and solving for Pr in the interaction equations: force system is shown in Figure 7.1.6.
Pr P
When ≥ 0.2
When r ≥ 0.2
Pc Pc
Pr 8  M rx Pr 8  M rx 
+   ≤+1.0  ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1a)
AISC Eq. (H1-1a)
Pc 9  M cx Pc 9  M cx 
Pr 8  2.26PP
r r  8  2.26Pr 
+  1.0
+ = = 1.0
75.6 9  33.575.6  9  33.5 
Pr = 13.7 kips
Pr = 13.7 kips
Pr P Fig. 7.1.6 Joist Girder Rollover Resistance
When < 0.2
When r < 0.2
Pc Pc The available force is determined from the AISC hanger equations. If 3/4-in. A325 bolts are
used to connect the seat to the supporting element, the strength will normally be controlled by the
Pr  M rx Pr  M rx  bending resistance of the seat angle.
+  ≤ 1.0
+  ≤ 1.0 AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
AISC Eq. (H1-1b)
2Pc  M cx 2Pc  M cx 
Example 7.1.2-7/16 inch Seat Angles (Standard seat)
Pr  2.26PP
rr   2.26Pr 
+ =+1.0 1.0
= Determine the rollover resistance for a Joist Girder with 7/16 in. thick seat angles.
( )  33.5 
2 ( 75.6 )  233.5
Pr = 13.5 kips
Pr = 13.5 kips
Seat angles Fy = 50 ksi
Check B1 =1.0 assumption:
¾ in. A325 bolts with a 5 in. gage
B1 = Cm/(1-αPr/Pel) ≥ 1
= 1.0/[1-1.0(13.5 kips/344 kips)] = 1.04 Seat length = 7.0 in.
Revising the calculations for B1 = 1.04 results in Pr = 13.0 kips The bolts are placed at mid-length of the seat length.
Solution: uplift on the seat equals 2Tc = 2(20.0 kips) = 40 kips (LRFD), 26.6 (ASD).
a = 1.0 in. Example 7.1.3-1/4 inch Seat Angles (Non-standard seat)
a’ = a + db/2 = 1.0 in. + (0.75 in.)/2 = 1.375 in. Determine the rollover resistance for a Joist Girder with 1/4 in. thick seat angles.
b = g/2 - t = 2.5 in. - 0.4375 in. = 2.06 in. The solution is based on calculating the available bolt tension force strength using the prying
where, t = 7/16 in. = 0.4375 in. procedure from the AISC Manual.

b’ = b - db/2 = 2.06 in.- (0.75 in.)/2 = 1.69 in. AISC Manual Eq. (9-19) Given:

d’ = slot length = 2.0 in. Seat angles: Fy = 50 ksi

Bc = 29.8 kips (LRFD) 3/4 in. A325 bolts with a 5 in. gage

= 19.9 kips (ASD) AISC Manual (Table 7-2) Seat length = 7.0 in.

Fu = 65 ksi The bolts are placed at mid-length of the seat length.

Seat length: Ls = 7.0 in. Solution:

p = 3.5b ≤ Ls = (3.5)(2.06 in.) = 7.21 in. > 7.0 in. a = 1.0 in.

p = 7.0 in. a’ = a + db/2 = 1.0 in. + (0.75 in.)/2 = 1.375 in.

b = g/2 - t = 5 in./2 - 0.25 in. =2.25 in.
d′ 2.0 in.d ′ 2.0 in.
δ = 1− = 1 −δ = 1 − = 0.71
=1− 0.71
= Eq.( 9-20
AISC ManualAISC ) Eq.( 9-20 )
Manual where, t = ¼ in. = 0.25 in.
dp′ 7.0 in.p
2.0 7.0 in.
δ = 1− = 1− =0.71 AISC Manual Eq.( 9-20 )
b′ p1.69ρin. 7.0b′in. 1.69 in. b’ = b - db/2 = 2.25 in. – (0.75 in.)/2 = 1.875 in. AISC Manual Eq. (9-19)
ñ = ñ = =1.23
= = 1.23
ba′ 1.3751.69 in. in. a′ 1.375 in. d’ = slot length = 2.0 in.
ñ = = 1.23
tc =
a′4 B1.375
b ′
tc =
in. 4 )(429.8
Bc b′ kips()(41.69 )(=
29.8 ) 0.70
in.kips )(1.69
= in.
0.70 in. Eq.( 9Manual
AISC ManualAISC -19a ) Eq.( 9-19a ) Bc = 29.8 ksi (LRFD)
tc =
4φBpFc bu
′ ( )(
4( 0.9 )(
pF kips
u7.0 in.)(( 0.9
65 )(
1.69 )
= 0.70 in.
in.)( 65 ksi )
AISC Manual Eq.( 9-19a ) Bc = 19.9 ksi (ASD)
φpFu  ( 20.9 )( 7.0 in.)(265 ksi  )   2
 2

1 t
  1 t
  1  10.70 in.   0.70 in.  Fu = 65 ksi
α′ = = α′ c 2 − 1 =  c  − 1  2− 1 = 0.99  − 1 =
0.99 Eq.( 9-28
AISC ManualAISC ) Eq.( 9-28)
δ (11+ ρ )  ttc δ (1 +ρ ) (0.71
t  in.)(1 ( )  0.4375
1 + 1.0.71
23 in. )( 1
0.7 3) 0.4375
2in. 
 0.99 in.  
 AISC Manual Eq.( 9-28 )
α′ =  − 1   − 1 = Seat length, Ls = 7.0 in.
δ (1 +2 ρ )  t  2 ( 0.71 in.2)(1 + 1.23) 20.4375 in.  

t  t  0.4375 in.   0.4375 in.  p = 3.5b ≤ Ls = (3.5)(2.25 in.) = 7.88 in. > 7.0 in.
Q  = 2 (1= +Qδα′)  (1= + δα′ ) 21 + ( 0.71)(= 0.991 +) ( 0.71
0.67)(= 0.99 )  0.67
 tt  0.70 in.
t  0.4375 in.   0.70 in. 
Q  c  (1= + δα′) c   1 + ( 0.71)(= 0.99 )  0.67 p = 7.0 in.
=tc c ( 0.67 = Tc )(QB = 0.70
( 0.67
c kips
29.8 = ) in.)(20.0
 kips
29.8 kips
= ) 20.0 kips (LRFD)
(LRFD) Eq.( 9-27
AISC ManualAISC ) Eq.( 9-27 )
Manual d′ 2.0 in. d ′ 2.0 in.
( 0.67
Tc )(QB 29.8 kips ) )(13.3
20.0 kips (LRFD) AISC Manual Eq.( 9-27 )
δ = 1− =1 −δ = 1 − = 0=
1− 0.71
= AISC Manual Eq.
AISC( 9-20 ) Eq.( 9
Tcc QB
= cc 0.67
= 19.9
= c kips(==
0.67 19.9kips
= ) 13.3 kips (ASD)
(ASD) p 7.0 in. p 7.0 in.
= c ( 0.67 )(19.9 kips
= ) 13.3 kips (ASD) b′ 1.875 ρin. b′ 1.875 in.
ñ =
= ñ= =
= 1.364 = 1.364
a ′ 1.375 in. a ′ 1.375 in.
The rollover strength, Vc, equals the force Tc times the lever arm, d divided by the seat depth,
4 Bc b′ ( 4 )(429B.c8b′ksi )(1( 4.875
)( 29in..8)ksi )(1.875 in.)
7.5 in. =tc = = tc = = 0.74 = in. 0.74 in. AISC Manual Eq.
AISC( 9-19a ) Eq.( 9-1
φpFu ( 0.9φ)(pF7u.0 in.)((650.9ksi)( 7) .0 in.)( 65 ksi )
d is taken as g/2 + k. 2 2
1  tc  1  tc  1   01.74 in. 2  0.74 in. 2 
k = for 7/16 in. angles = 13/16 in.= 0.8125 in. = ′
α = = ′
α  − 1 =
δ (1 + ρ )  t  δ (1 +
  − 1   − 1 = 4.62  − 1 =4.62 AISC Manual Eq.
AISC( 9-28 ) Eq.( 9-
 ρ )(0.71
t in.)(1+ 1.(364
0.71) in.
 0)(.25
1 + 1in.  )  0.25 in. 
.364 
d = g/2 + k = 5.0 in./2 + 0.8125 = 3.32 in. 2 2
t   t 0.25 in. 2  0.25 in. 2
Vu = Tc d/7.5 in. = (20.0 kips)(3.32 in.)/7.5 in. =Q  = (1= Q ′ )   (1=
+ δα + δα ′ )1 + ( 0.71)(=4.621) + ( 00.71
4.62 )  0.49
 tc   tc 0.74 in.   0.74 in. 
For LRFD: Vc = 8.85 kips (LRFD) =Tc QB
= c ( 0= Tc )( 29
.49 QB
= ( 0.)49 14
.8c kips
= )( 29
.6 .kips
8 kips= ) 14.6 kips (LRFD)
(LRFD) AISC( 9-27
AISC Manual Eq. ) Eq. ( 9-
For ASD: Vc = 5.89 kips (ASD) Tc QB
= = c ( 0=Tc )(19
.49 QB
= ( 0).499)(.19
.9c kips
= 75.9kips
= ) 9.75 kips (ASD)
Using this design procedure also provides the uplift values for the seat, i.e. for this case the
The rollover strength, Vc, equals the force Tc times the lever arm, d divided by the seat depth, Joist Girder Modifications
7.5 in.
Several modification options exist for Joist Girders.
d is taken as g/2 + k. For interior girders, the top chords of adjacent girders can be connected to one another to
k = for 1/4 in. angles = 0.50 in. virtually eliminate the continuity moments (chord forces) from passing through the Joist Girder
seats. The Joist Girder seat is then required to only transfer wind and seismic moments into the
d = g/2 + k = 5.0 in./2 + 0.50 = 3.00 in.
Vu = Tc d/7.5 in. = (14.6 kips)(3.00 in.)/7.5 in. To obtain greater capacities than those shown in Table 7.1.1 the Joist Girder seat detail can be
For LRFD: Vc =5.8 kips modified to achieve “full” rigidity to the column top, or the Joist Girder can be modified to
carry additional eccentric chord moment.
For ASD: Vc = 3.9 kips
The design of the seat attachment to the column top is the responsibility of the specifying
Using this design procedure also provides the uplift values for the seat, i.e. for this case the professional, whereas the modification of the Joist Girder to accommodate the secondary moment
uplift on the seat equals 2Tc = 2(14.6 kips) = 29.2 kips (LRFD) and 2(9.75 kips) = 19.5 kips is the responsibility of Vulcraft.
The most common methods of continuity transfer are shown in Fig 7.2.1 and 7.2.2. The
Weld Requirements connection angles or plates are sized to resist the full continuity moments. The welding of the
angles or plates to the top chords is accomplished using standard procedures. The designer is
The third failure mode that must be considered is the capacity of the welds connecting the joist cautioned to limit the size of the fillet welds to 3/16 inch, if possible, so that the tie angle thickness
seat to the girder top chord. The specifying professional is responsible for the design of these does not govern the allowable weld capacity, and so that the weld size does not exceed the top
welds. Because of the relatively low axial load resistance of the joist, the welding requirements chord thickness.
are minimal and present no special problem. The weld must be designed to resist the maximum
shear force occurring at the joist seat. Some bending may also exist on the weld group. A
minimum fillet weld of 3/16" by 2-1/2" long on each side of the joist seat is recommended to resist
the 6.8 kip joist axial force. These requirements must be considered in detail when modifications
are made to the Basic Connection.
For ASD:
1. Per Table 7.1.1 Joist Girder force couples are limited to 4 to 10 kips times the distance from
the centroid of the bottom chord to the top of the column
2. The allowable eccentric chord force permitted on a K-Series joist (2x2x1/4 in. chords) is
8.7 kips
3. The maximum lateral shear force (rollover force), Vn/Ω that can be applied perpendicular
to a standard Joist Girder seat (7.5 in. seat) is 5.89 kips
Fig. 7.2.1 Continuity Angles

1. Per Table 7.1.1 Joist Girder force couples are limited to 6 to 15 kips times the distance from
the centroid of the bottom chord to the top of the column
2. The maximum design strength eccentric chord force permitted on a K-Series joist (2x2x1/4
in. chords) is 13.0 kips
3. The maximum lateral shear force (rollover force), φVn that can be applied perpendicular to a
standard Joist Girder seat is 8.85 kips


Based on the preceding calculations that only small moments can be transferred to the column Fig. 7.2.2 Continuity Plates
using the Basic Connection. Modifications can be made to resist larger moments. See Chapter Design of “Fixed” Joist Girder Seats
4 for additional details of joist and Joist Girder moment connections.
The attachment of the seat for full rigidity is accomplished effectively by using additional
bolts between the seat angle and the column cap. Conventional connection design approaches
can be used to design the connection. The “fixity” to the supporting element, or column, is For an odd number of joist spaces:
accomplished by the couple between the bolt tension force and the bearing of the seat against the
supporting element. Shown in Figure 7.2.3 is the resisting force couple. 0.028P 2
=A ( N S − 0.67 N + 0.67 − S )
For an even number of joist spaces
0.028P 2
= ( N S − 0.67 N + 0.67)
P = Panel point load (kips)
N = No. of joist spaces
S = Joist spacing (feet)
Fig. 7.2.3 Fixed Joist Girder Seat D = Joist Girder depth (in.)
For force (P) reversal, the bearing point will occur at the heel of the seat and the interior bolts will
be in tension. The capacity of the force resisting couple Td must be greater than the overturning
moment created by the axial force P times the eccentricity e. The axial force P is located at the
centroid of the top chord angles. The maximum force T is determined in the same manner as in JOIST GIRDER CHORD WIDTHS
the Joist Girder seat rollover calculations in Section 7.1. The location of the compressive force C Minimum Top Chord
is found based on the contact area required to resist the compression force (see Figure 7.2.4). A, in2 Width, in.
C must equal T. If the width of bearing is taken as 2.5k, where k is the distance from the back
of the seat angles to the edge of the angle fillet, the compressive force equals 2.5kL’(φFy). L’ is 0.00 - 0.94 5
determined by setting the compressive force equal to the tension force 2T, where T is the force 0.95 - 1.19 6
in each bolt. 1.20 - 1.78 7
1.79 - 2.64 8
Thus, 2.65 - 3.75 9
L’ = 2Tc/[2.5k(φFy)] (LRFD) 3.76 - 4.75 11
4.76 - 8.44 13
L’ = 2Tc/[2.5k(Fy/Ω)] (ASD) Greater than 8.44 Consult with Vulcraft
From Figure 7.2.4 d = L - L’/2. Note: Vulcraft Joist Girder chords are always equal legged angles.

Table 7.1.2 Joist Girder Minimum Top Chord Width (ASD)

Example 7.2.1 Joist Girder Fixed Seat

Design a Joist Girder to column connection which can transmit a chord force, Pa = 25 kips
The geometry is shown in Figure 7.2.5.
A 40G8N12K girder is used.
Fig. 7.2.4
The joist spacing equals 5 feet.
To determine (e) the size of the top chord must be known. The specifying professional can
estimate the top chord angle size from Table 7.1.2. The procedure is to first calculate the value
of the parameter “A” using the equation applicable to the Joist Girder in question. Based on the
“A” value, enter Table 7.1.2 to determine the minimum top chord width. Since a one-inch space
exists between the top chord angles, an “A” value of 2.65 or larger will typically indicate that
4-inch chord angles would be used for the girder.

Since the holes in the standard Joist Girder seat angles are long slots, the seat angle should be
welded to the column to resist the wind shear of 25 kips. Using 1/4 fillet welds on both sides of
the seat angle requires a length of weld of approximately 4 inches.
The final solution is shown in Figure 7.2.6. The designer must also check the cap plate thickness.

Fig. 7.2.5 Example 7.2.1

Preliminary Design:
Estimate the top chord size for the 40G8N12K girder.

From Table 7.1.2:

A = 0.028P[N2S-0.67N+0.67]/D Fig. 7.2.6 Solution Example 7.2.1

A = (0.028)(12.0 kips)[(8)2(5 ft.)-(0.67)(8)+ 0.67]/40 in. ≈ 2.65 in.2

From Table 7.1.2 the minimum chord width is 8 inches, thus the chords will likely be 3-1/2-in. Increasing Joist Girder Chord Capacity with Seat Extensions
angles. The Joist Girder eccentric top chord force can be increased by using a seat extension on the
Joist Girder. Vulcraft refers to the seat extension as an E member. In most cases the Joist Girder
Assume angle thickness is ½ in. chord can be reinforced by inserting a one-inch thick plate between the top chord angles. In some
instances, the seat angles are extended back into the girder. This is an expensive detail and
Determine the moment resistance: should be avoided if possible. In either case, the moment created by the eccentric force is resisted
The moment at the base of the seat equals the force P times its height above the column: by the reinforced chord extension. Both types of extensions are illustrated in Figure 4.5.4. As
mentioned in Section 4.5 a practical eccentric chord force limit is 50 kips for Joist Girder seat
Ma = P[(7.5 in.)-(ybar)] extensions. The specifying professional should indicate locations and force requirements for
Joist Girder E member extensions on the structural drawings.
Joist Modifications
ybar = the centroid distance for a 3-1/2x3-1/2x1/2 angle = 0.75 in.
Connection plates can be used to connect the top chords of the joists together to eliminate the
Ma = (25 kips)[(7.5 in.) - (0.75 in.)] = 169 kip-in. forces from the continuity moments in the joist seat. Continuity moments can also be reduced
by specifying round rod bottom chord extensions. A discussion about the use of rod extensions
Based on the calculations made in Example 7.1.2 the allowable bolt tension for a 7/16-inch is contained in Section 7.3.
seat angle is 13.1 kips.
The joist eccentric top chord force capacity can be increased to some extent by reinforcing the
L'= 2Tc/[2.5k(Fy/Ω)] = (2)(13.3 kips)/[(2.5)(0.875 in.)(50 ksi/1.67)] = 0.41 in. joist using E member reinforcing.
where: Increasing Joist Moment Resistance with Joist Girder Seat Stiffeners
k = 0.875 in. By adding vertical stiffeners in the Joist Girder seat, the resistance to rollover can be improved.
If the stiffener is placed near the bolts in the seat, the bolt force can be increased. In addition,
From Figure 7.2.5, the lever arm between the resisting force couple is increased. The result is a significant increase
in seat rollover capacity. In some cases, it may not be possible for Vulcraft to place stiffeners
d = 6.0 in. + 1.5 in. - 0.41 in./2 = 7.3 inches adjacent to the bolt holes. For these cases stiffeners in combination with welding the seat to the
supporting member may be used to increase the rollover resistance. The rollover strength of a Joist
The moment resistance is: Girder seat with stiffeners is illustrated in Example 7.2.2.
M/Ω = 2Tcd (2bolts) Example 7.2.2 Joist Girder Rollover Strength with Seat Stiffeners
= (2)(13.3 kips)(7.3 in.) = 194 kip-in. > 169 kip-in. o.k. Determine the allowable strength (ASD) and the design strength (LRFD) transverse shear
(rollover) on the Joist Girder seat shown in Figure 7.2.7. = 5.0 in.-0.8125 in.
Given: = 4.19 in.
Fy of the stiffeners = 36 ksi where
The stiffener width = 4 in. kseat angle = 13/16 in.
Use b2 = 3.75 in.
Determine the plastic moment capacity along the 7/16-inch seat angle and along the stiffener:
Mp = ZFy, where Z = bt /4
Along the seat angle:
Z = (3.53 in.)(0.4375 in.) /4 = 0.17 in.
Mp = FyZ = (50 ksi)(0.17 in.) = 8.50 kip-in..
Along the stiffener:
Z = (3.75 in.)(0.4375 in.) /4 = 0.18 in.3.
Mp = FyZ = (50 ksi)(0.18 in.3) = 9.0 kip-in.
Determine the bolt force:
The nominal bolt force equals the plastic moment divided by the distance to the inflection point
between the bolt and the plastic moment location. Assume the inflection points to be 1/2 of L1
and L2.

Fig. 7.2.7 Example 7.2.2 The nominal bolt force:

Tn = (8.45 kip-in.)/(L1 in./2) + (9.0 kip-in.)/(L2/2).
Tn = (8.45 kip-in.)/(1.625 in./2) + (9.0 kip-in.)/(1.5 in./2)
ASD Solution:
= 10.4 kips + 12.0 kips = 22.4 kips.
Determine the effective bending length along the 7/16 in. seat angle and along the stiffener: Using a safety factor, Ω = 1.67
For the seat angle: Ta = (22.4 kips)/1.67 kips
The effective length = b1 = 2.5 L1, where 2.5 is from (Young, 2011). = 13.4 kips
L1 = 2.5 in.-k = 2.5 in.-0.875 in. = 1.625 inches
Ta must be less than the AISC available tensile strength.
b1 = (2.5 in.)(1.625 in.) = 4.06 inches
One-half of b1 must be less than the distance from the hole to the fillet weld on the stiffener (L2) so The available tensile strength = 19.9 kips AISC Manual (Table 7-2)
that the effective length for the angle does not overlap with the effective length for the stiffener.
13.4 kips < 19.9 kips o.k.
L2 = 2.0 in.-(ts in.)/2- the fillet weld size
Note: Prying forces are generally neglected when bolts are in reentrant corners as shown in
Use a 1/4-inch fillet weld. Figure 7.2.7.
L2 = 2.0 in.-0.25 in.- 0.25 in. = 1.50 inches Determine the allowable transverse shear:
b1 /2 = 4.06 in./2 = 2.03 inches > 1.5 inches The compression force can be assumed to act at the edge of the stiffener.
Use b1 = 1.5 + 2.03 = 3.53 inches. Lever arm = 2.5 in. + kseatangle + stiffener width
For the effective bending length adjacent to stiffener: Lever arm = 2.5 in. + 0.8125 in. + 4 in. = 7.31 in.
b2 = 2.5L2 = (2.5)(1.5 in.) = 3.75 in. The available moment
Maximum width = (10.0 in.)/2-kseat angle Mc = (7.31 in.)Ta
= (7.31 in.)(13.4 kips) Ω = 2.0
= 98.0 kip-in. FEXX = 70 ksi
The allowable shear Vc, equals Mc divided by the seat depth. Solving for D:
Vc = (98.0 kip-in.)/(7.5 in.) = 13.1 kips. D = 0.13 in.; Use 1/4 in. fillet weld.
If the seat is not welded to the column cap, the bolts must be checked for combined tension and Check stiffener size:
shear. Using the AISC Specification for threads excluded from the shear plane for bearing type
connections the allowable bolt tension stress equals: Available force = FyA/Ω

Fnt' =stress
nominal tensile nominal
the effects
to include
of shear
effectsksiof shear stress, ksi Pa = (36 ksi)(3.81 in)(0.5 in.)/1.67 = 41.1 kips
Fnt F 6.90 kips < 41.1 kips o.k.
=1.3Fnt − f rv=1.3
≤ FntFnt(LRFD)
− nt f rv ≤ Fnt (LRFD) AISC Eq. (J3-3a)AISC Eq. (J3-3a)
φFnv φFnv Therefore, The allowable transverse shear, Vc = 13.4 kips (ASD).
ΩFnt ΩFnt Repeating the calculations for LRFD, Vc = 20.1 kips (LRFD)
=1.3Fnt − f rv=1.3
≤ FFntnt(ASD)
− f rv ≤ Fnt (ASD) AISC Eq. (J3-3b)AISC Eq. (J3-3b)
Fnv Fnv Increasing Joist Chord Capacity with Seat Extensions
Fnt = nominal tensile stress from AISC Table J3.2, ksi A seat extension detail (E member) for a standard joist is shown in Figure 7.2.8. The purpose
of the E member is to provide reinforcing to the joist top chord. The reinforcing is designed
Fnv = nominal shear stress from AISC Table J3.2, ksi
to resist the secondary moment. The E member acts compositely with the top chord to form a
frv = required shear stress using LRFD or ASD load combinations, ksi shape which is much more effective in resisting moment than the top chord angles.
Since two bolts resist the shear,

frv = V/(bolt area)

frv = (13.1 kips)/[(2)(0.44 in.2)] = 14.9 ksi
Fnt = 90 ksi
Fnv = 68 ksi
Solving for F’nt from AISC Eq. J3-3b
F'nt = 77.6 ksi.
13.4 ksi < F'nt/Ω
Fig. 7.2.8 Joist with Seat Extension
where Ω = 2.0 The E member is designed by Vulcraft. However, Vulcraft must be provided the information
13.4 ksi < 77.6 ksi/2.0 < 38.8 ksi o.k. regarding the connection and the imposed forces so that a proper design can be made. It is also
important that the specifying professional know whether the E member solution is feasible.
The shear in the bolts could be eliminated by welding the seat angle to the column cap.
By examining the maximum chord size for a K joist (2x2x1/4) with an (S TYPE) member
Determine the stiffener weld requirements: extension, an upper bound can be obtained. The solution is provided below.
Force in stiffener equals the percent of the bolt force that goes into the stiffener. This can be The properties for the extended seat for a K12 joist shown in Figure 7.2.9 are:
determined based on the proportion of moment that goes into the b2 length. Ix = 3.016 in.4, A = 3.76 in.2, S = 2.413 in.3, ybar = 1.25 in., rx = 0.90 in.
Stiffener force:
Fr = Tr [9.0/(9.0+8.45)] = 0.52 Tr
= (0.52)(13.4 kips)
Fig. 7.2.9 Extended Seat for a K12 Joist
= 6.97 kips
Example 7.2.3 Extended Seat
Welding on one side only:
LRFD Solution:
Fillet size:
The AISC combined bending and axial load equations can be solved in order to determine the
D(0.707)(0.6)(FEXX)(3.75 in.)/Ω = 6.97 kips maximum allowable force Pc.
The moment in the extended seat equals the force, Pu, at the bottom of the seat, times ybar The magnitude of the bottom chord force is dependent upon the loads on the structure and the
way the structure is framed. The magnitude of the chord force will dictate the type of connection
Mux = 1.25Pu used. As mentioned earlier, continuity forces can be reduced by welding the bottom chords to
Second order effects are considered neglectable for the calculation of Mux their supports after dead loads are applied. However, it is usually better to account for the dead
load moments initially rather than requiring the erector to return to weld the connections. In
If the deck is assumed to laterally brace the chord about its y-y axis, then Pc is based on the x-x addition, joist bottom chord continuity forces can be substantially reduced by using bottom
properties. For a K-Series joist, the maximum unbraced length of the chord about the x-x axis
is approximately 48 inches, and assuming K=1.0, Lc = KL =48 in. chord extensions which are not capable of generating large forces. The round rod extension has
been used precisely for this reason. The rod extension can be designed to elastically buckle at
Lc/rx = (48 in.)/(0.9 in.) = 53.3 in. low axial loads. The maximum force generated is then the elastic buckling load of the rod. The
joist and its rod extension can be used to provide moment resistance, provided the rod is acting
φFcr = 36.7 ksi AISC Manual Table (4-14) in tension. Based on the joist depth, the specifying professional can calculate the approximate
Pc = φFcrA = (36.7 ksi)(3.76 in.2) = 138 kips rod extension force. In general, the rod length must be at least 2.5 times the joist depth to ensure
that it will lap sufficiently with the joist bottom chord. In order to obtain the most conservative
Mcx = φMy = (0.9)(50 ksi)(2.413 in.3) = 109 kip-in. compressive force value, the ends of the rod should be considered as fixed.
My is used here for Mcx since the attachment of the angles to one another may consist of Geometrical and Tolerance Requirements
intermittent welds and the section cannot be considered compact.
Since the exact size and thickness of the bottom chord angles are generally not known by the
Solving the interaction equations for Pu = 57.3 kips (LRFD).
specifying professional, the connection must be designed and accommodate these variations.
Solving the interaction equations for Pa = 38.2 kips (ASD). Of specific concern is the size of welds. If possible, fillet weld sizes should be restricted to 3/16
Since the end panel geometry may be slightly different than that assumed above, the specifying inches for joist chord extensions. This will accommodate the typical thicknesses of the bottom
professional should not arbitrarily use an E member extension without notifying Vulcraft of the chords. Thegap between joist bottom chords will vary between 1/2 of an inch to 1 inch. The space
force requirements. between the bottom chords for Joist Girders is typically one inch. The use of 3/4 inch stabilizer
plates are common. Typically, the Joist Girder chords can be squeezed together and clamped to
Summary the stabilizer prior to welding. Joist Girders with heavy bottom chords, i.e. those with 5 and
6-inch angles, may not be able to be squeezed together. A 7/8-inch plate may be preferable in these
1. Continuity ties can be used to connect adjacent Joist Girder chords together, virtually
instances. A one-inch thick plate may not allow enough tolerance to pass between the chords
eliminating the continuity chord forces from passing through the Joist Girder seats. Thus,
during erection.
the entire force capacity per Table 7.1.1 can be utilized for wind or seismic forces
The designer should also be aware that bottom chords are not cut to exact lengths. Their length
2. Joist Girder fixed seats can be designed to increase the Joist Girder seat resistance can vary by ± 1/2 inch; thus, the bottom chord detail must allow for length tolerance.
beyond the Table 7.1.1 values. The magnitude of increased capacity is dependent upon
the distance between the seat bolts, and the strength of the seat bolts Column Considerations
3. Seat stiffeners can be used to increase the rollover strength of seats Three conditions exist relative to chord extensions into columns. These are:
4. E member extensions can be used on joists to increase the eccentric force capacity 1. Attachment to the flange of W shapes
7.3 BOTTOM CHORD EXTENSIONS 2. Attachment to the web of W shapes
As mentioned in Section 7.1, when the joist or Joist Girder bottom chords are extended and 3. Attachment to HSS column walls
welded to the column, continuity moments will be developed. Several situations must be
examined when the bottom chords are extended and welded to the column. These include: Attachment to the flange of a wide flange column is best accommodated by using a stabilizer
plate. This situation is shown in Figure 7.3.1. The stabilizer is welded to the face of the flange.
1. Determining the magnitude of the continuity, wind and seismic forces If the stabilizer is “cut to fit” against the flange, the welds need not be designed to transfer the
2. Design of the bottom chord for the continuity, wind, and seismic forces compression force into the column. However, they must be designed to transfer any tension
force. The stabilizer plate must be designed to resist the chord loads.
3. Design of the bottom chord connection to the column
The specifying professional must perform a structural analysis order to determine the forces
in the bottom chord. Comments regarding rigid frame analysis are made in Chapter 4. The
specification of these forces is discussed in Chapter 6. It is the responsibility of Vulcraft to design
the bottom chords of the joists and girders for the specified forces. However, it is the responsibility
of the specifying professional to design the connection to the column. The specifying professional
must consider: Fig. 7.3.1 Bottom Chord Attachment to Flanges
1. The magnitude of the bottom chord force The column web must be checked for its ability to resist the applied forces. For extensions causing
2. The geometrical and tolerance requirements imposed by the joist or girder compression in the column web, the web must be checked for web local yielding, web local
crippling and web compression buckling when the stabilizer plates are on both sides of the
3. The type of column column. The AISC Specification does not address this specific geometrical situation. However,
basic principles may be used to determine the need for stiffeners or doubler plates. The web is plate for the situation shown in Figure 7.3.4. Based on these studies, it is recommended that the
assumed to act as a column spanning between the flanges to resist the compressive force from the stabilizer plate design be based on an allowable stress of 15 ksi. This allowable stress is based on
chords. The following criteria can be used for this check: a length of plate of 8 inches. That is, the distance from the web of the column to the attachment
of the bottom chords.
1. The effective web width can be assumed to equal the height of the stabilizer plates
plus 5 k
2. The effective length factor for the web should be taken as 1.0
If the column web requires stiffening, doubler plates or stiffeners may be used. If only a slight
overstress exists, the stabilizer plates can be heightened to increase the effective web column
height until the web does not buckle or a column with a thicker web can be selected. Doubler
plates can be sized in the same manner that the column web is checked. Unless measures are
taken to connect the doublers to the column web, they must be designed as individual columns. Fig. 7.3.4 Angle Reinforcement to Stabilizer Plates
They should be placed on both sides of the column web to avoid eccentricities in loading from
the stabilizer plate. In lieu of doubler plates, fitted stiffeners could be used to prevent buckling The design of a bottom chord system is provided in Example 7.3.1.
of the column web. The increase in strength may be based on the larger allowable unit stress in Example 7.3.1 Bottom Chord Force Transfer
the web due to the prevention of buckling. However, the effectiveness of the stiffener area is
questionable since load from the stabilizer plate cannot get directly into the stiffener. Design the bottom chord connection shown in Figure 7.3.5: To minimize welds the stabilizers
are slotted.
The condition when the stabilizer plates are connected to the web of a wide flange column
is illustrated in Figure 7.3.2. The stabilizer plates should extend beyond the column flanges
to facilitate erection of the girder. As depicted, only small wind and seismic forces could be
transferred to the column, since the stabilizer plates frame into the web of the column.

Fig. 7.3.5 Bottom Chord Connection

Load Cases:
Case 1: P1 = 100 kips P2 = 100 kips
Fig. 7.3.2 Framing to Column Web Case 2: P1 = 125 kips P2 = -75 kips
To transfer the wind and seismic bottom chord forces into the weak axis of the column, stiffeners Case 3: P1 = 75 kips P2 = 125 kips
can be added to each side of the stabilizer plate as shown in Figure 7.3.3. The column is a W10x33:
Flange width = 7.96 in.
Fy = 50 ksi
A36 steel is used for all plate material.
Joist Girder bottom chord 2L3x3x3/8
Stabilizer plate:
Fig. 7.3.3 Stiffener Reinforcement to Stabilizer Plates Thickness = 7/8 in.
Height = 6 in.
The welds need to be designed only for the wind and seismic loading, or for any unbalanced
continuity loading. ASD Solution:
In addition to transferring the forces to the flanges of the column, the stiffeners perform another Weld Requirements and stiffener strength:
important function. Without the stiffeners, the stability of the bottom chord of the joist or Chord to Stabilizer Plate:
Joist Girder becomes a concern. Vulcraft checks the bottom chord for the compression forces
specified by the designer. The long stabilizer plate introduces a weak link at the end of the Pa = 125 kips
bottom chord which could allow a hinge to occur at the web of the column, thus significantly Try 4 welds 5/16 in.:
reducing the buckling capacity of the bottom chord. The stiffeners on the stabilizer plate provide Length req’d = Pa/weld strength
a significantly better situation for bracing the bottom chord. Length req’d = 125 kips/[(4)(0.707)(21 ksi)(0.3125 in.)] = 6.73 in.
As an alternate the authors have conducted stability studies relative to the design of the stabilizer Use 4-5/16 in. Fillet welds 7 in. long
Also use 5/16 in. fillet welds to connect the stabilizer to the column flanges.
Design of the stiffeners from the stabilizer plates to the column flanges:
The maximum force to be transferred by the stiffeners into the column flanges is 50 kips (Cases 2
and 3). If the force is assumed to be distributed equally, each stiffener must transfer 12.5 kips.
See Figure 7.3.5. Neglect any strengthening effect of the stabilizer plate attachment to the
column web.
Fig. 7.3.6 T-Reinforcement
The stiffeners can be designed as shear elements. Using 1/2-inch plate material (the stiffener
thickness should be approximately the same thickness as the bottom chord of the girder). Use 4
inches of 5/16 in. fillet weld to connect the stiffeners to the stabilizer and to the column flanges.
Shear strength of stiffeners:

Vn = 0.6FyAwCv1 AISC Eq. (G2-1)

Aw = area of stiffener Fig. 7.3.7 T-Reinforcement with Stabilizer
Cv1 = 1.0 Stabilizer plates can be passed thru the HSS walls when large continuity forces exist. To
transfer moments into the HSS when the stabilizer must pass thru the HSS, the angle below the
Vn = 0.6(36 ksi)(4 in.)(0.5 in.)(1.0) = 43.2 kips stabilizer can be added. If additional reinforcement is required to transfer moments into the HSS,
Vn/Ω = Vn/1.67 = 25.9 kips the designer should question the feasibility of using HSS columns.

25.9 kips > 12.5 kips o.k. The designer should carefully consider the cost implications of modifying the Basic Connection.
The use of continuity ties, stiffeners, E members and special seats can add significant costs to
Weld shear strength: any project. As mentioned in Chapter 4, it is generally cost efficient to avoid moment frames if
possible. The designer should evaluate the cost of providing column brackets and field welded
rn/Ω = (0.928)D = (0.928 kips/in.)(5) = 4.64 kips/in. AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b) moment plates in lieu of modifying the Basic Connection. Section 7.5 contains information on
Rn/Ω = (4 in.)(4.64 kips/in.) = 18.6 kips the design of moment plate connections.

18.6 kips > 12.5 kips o.k. 7.4 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS

The details provided in Figures 7.4.1 to 7.4.4 are presented as typical connections to provide
Check the stabilizer plates: moment resistance using the Basic Connection.
The stabilizer plate and stabilizer to chord welds must be designed for a 125-kip force Example 7.4.1 Determining a Joist Girder Maximum Chord Force
(Cases 2 and 3).
Determine the maximum permissible Joist Girder bottom chord force for the detail shown in
Whitmore width of stabilizer: Figure 7.4.1 using a W8x24 column. The bottom chord consists of 2L3x3 in.
Width above the bottom chord = 1in. (by observation)
Width below the bottom chord ≈ (weld length + bf/2)tan 30o
= 7 in. + 7.96 in./2 = 11.0 in.
Whitmore width = 8 in.

Pn = Fcr Ag Pn = Fcr Ag AISC Eq. (E3-1)

AISC Eq. (E3-1)
Pc = (22 ksi)(7/8
Pc =in.)(8
(22 ksi)(7/8
in.) = 154
in.) = 154 kips

154 kips > 125 kips o.k.

Attachment to HSS columns is similar in nature to attachment to the web of W shapes in that the
HSS wall has a very limited capacity to resist the concentrated load delivered by the stabilizer
plate. The details shown in Figures 7.3.6 and 7.3.7 can be used to reinforce thin HSS walls.
rn/Ω = (4)(0.928)(3) = 11.1 kips/ in. AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b)
Required length per weld = Pa/rn/Ω = 30 kips/11.1 kips/in. = 2.7 in.
Use a weld length = 6 in.
The weld length should be two times the bottom chord leg height to avoid a shear lag
reduction for the stabilizer.
Stabilizer Plate: Limit State of Yielding
Pa ≤ Rn/Ω AISC Eq. (D2-1)
If the bottom chord weld starts at the end of the stabilizer the Whitmore width equals (2)
(tan30o)(Weld Length) + the bottom chord leg height.
Conservatively use 3 in. as the Whitmore width.
Rn/Ω= tshsFy/Ω
ts = stabilizer thickness
hs = stabilizer effective width based on the Whitmore width (AISC Manual Section 9-3)
Rn/Ω = (0.75 in.)(3.0 in.)(36 ksi)/1.67 = 48.5 kips
Figure 7.4.1 Typical Connection 7.4.1 (Joist Girder with Special Seat)
48.5 kips > 30 kips o.k.
The bottom chord of the Joist Girder must be attached to the stabilizer plate to resist the 30 kip
force. In addition, the stabilizer plate must transfer this same force to the column. Stabilizer Stabilizer Plate: Limit State of Compression Buckling:
plates are normally sized based on a 3/4 in. thickness of plate. Using a 3/4 in. plate allows the plate Consider the same Whitmore width used for the yielding calculation. The unbraced length
to fit between the bottom chord angles allowing fillet welds to be made to the heels and toes of the plate from the end of the Joist Girder chord to the face of the columns is 3 inches.
of the chord angles. For economy the stabilizer plates can usually be connected to the column Use K =1.2.
using only fillet welds. If moment reversal exists, the stabilizer plate must be welded to the
column web to also resist a tensile force. The specifying professional must specify a minimum Kl/r =1.2(3 in.)/(0.22 in.) =16.4
thickness Joist Girder bottom chord to accommodate the required weld size. As is required for where
the top chord, Vulcraft has the responsibility to check the bottom chord angles for shear lag.
ts 0.75 in.
Case 4 from AISC Specification Table D3.1 is applicable for this check. For reference, the =r = = 0.22 in.
shear lag factor is calculated for the bottom chord based on the angle size. Shear lag factors 12 12
greater than 0.92 do not affect the Joist Girders. Refer to AISC Section J4.4: Connecting elements with Kl/r less than or equal to 25 have
Longer length fillet welds will reduce shear lag effects. the same capacity as the yielding limit state.
Given: Rn/Ω = 48.5 kips
Top chord and bottom Joist Girder force = 30 kips Stabilizer Plate - Block Shear Rupture Strength
Design the bottom chord connection to the W8x24 column a. Block shear plane 1:
Use ASD Rn = 0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt
ASD Solution: Anv = net area subject to shear, in.2
Stabilizer Checks: Ant = net area subject to tension, in.2
Fy =36 ksi
Determine the weld between the bottom chord and the stabilizer (Ω = 2.0)
Fu = 58 ksi
There are four welds:
Ubs = 1.0
Use 3/16 in. fillet welds
Considering only one shear plane:
Required length = Pa/rn/Ω
Rn = (0.60)(58 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 157 kips
LRFD Solution:
Further investigation is not required. Block shear will not control. Given:
b. Block shear plane 2: Top chord and bottom Joist Girder force = 45 kips (Factored load).
Checked as in (a) Design the bottom chord connection to the W8x24 column.

By inspection block shear does not control. Stabilizer Checks:

Weld strength between the stabilizer and the column. Determine the weld between the bottom chord and the stabilizer (φ = 0.75)
There are two welds: There are four welds:
Use 5/16 in. welds Use 3/16 in. fillet welds. D = 3
Rn/Ω = (2)(0.928)(5) = 9.28 kips/in. Required length per weld = Pr/φRn
Allowable strength = (2)(6 in.)(9.28 kips/in.) = 111 kips > 30 kips o.k. φrn = (4)(1.392)(3) = 16.7 kips/ in. AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b)
The directional strength increase for the weld of 1.5 was not used. Required length per weld = Pu/Rn/Ω = 45 kips/16.7 kips/in. = 2.7 in.
Some designers prefer to provide enough weld to develop the full strength of the stabilizer. Use a weld length = 6 in.
Column Checks: The weld length should be two times the bottom chord leg height to minimize shear lag
Web Local Yielding: reduction for the stabilizer.

Rn =Fywtw(5k + lb) AISC Eq. (J10-2) Stabilizer tension yielding (φ =0.90).

where: Pu ≤ φRn AISC Eq. (D2-1)
Fyw = specified minimum yield stress of the web material = 50 ksi φRn= φtshsFy
k = distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet = 0.794 in. If the bottom chord weld starts at the end of the stabilizer the Whitmore width equals (2)
lb = length of bearing (not less than k for end beam reactions) = 6.0 in. (tan30o)(Weld Length) + the bottom chord leg height.

tw = thickness of web = 0.245 in. Conservatively use 3 in. as the Whitmore width.

Rn = Fywtw(5k + lb) φRn = (0.90)(0.75 in.)(3.0 in.)(36 ksi) = 72.9 kips

= (50 ksi)(0.245 in.)[5(0.794 in.) + 6.0 in.] = 122 kips ts = stabilizer thickness

Rn/Ω = 122 kips/1.50 = 81.3 kips > 30 kips o.k. hs = stabilizer effective width based on the Whitmore width (AISC Manual Section 9-3)
72.9 kips > 45 kips o.k.

Web Local Crippling: Stabilizer Plate: Limit State of Compression Buckling:

1.5 1.5
    t t  EF t Consider the same Whitmore width used for the yielding calculation. The unbraced length
 lb  2 tw   lb EF
1n + 30.80  yww f
 w      Qf
yw f
Rn 0.80
= tw2 R t 1 + 3 Qf AISC Eq. (J10-4)
AISC Eq. (J10-4) of the plate from the end of the Joist Girder chord to the face of the columns is 3 inches
 d t d
    f     wf  tt t
    w (use K =1.2).
2   2   
6.0 in. 0.245
6.0 in.
in.   ( 29,000
 0.245 in.  ksi ()(29,000
50 ksi )(
ksi )( 50 in.
0.400 ksi))( 0.400 in. ) Kl/r=1.2(3 in.)/(0.22 in.) =16.4
Rn ( 0.80 )(R0.245
n ( 0.80
in. ))(0.245
1 + 3  in. ) 1 +3   
   (1.0 ) (1.0 )
  8.06 in.  0.400
8.06 in. 
 0.400
 in.   0.245 in. 0.245 in. where
Rn = 153 kips
Rn = 153 kips ts 0.75 in.
=r = = 0.22 in.
12 12
Rn/Ω = 153 kips/2.0 = 76.5 kips > 30 kips o.k.
Refer to AISC Section J4.4: Connecting elements with Kl/r less than or equal to 25 have
the same capacity as the yielding limit state.
72.9 kips > 45 kips o.k.
Stabilizer block shear rupture strength (φ = 0.75) AISC Eq. (J4.3) φRn = (1.0)(122 kips) = 122 kips > 45 kips o.k.
Stabilizer Plate - Block Shear Rupture Strength
a. Block shear plane 1: Web Local Crippling:
1.5 1.5
Rn = 0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt        EFywt f
 lb  t2w   lEF t
b  ywtwf
=Rn tw2 1R+n 3  0.80
0.80=  tw 1 + 3    Q f  Qf AISC Eq. (J10-4)
AISC Eq. (J10-
Anv = net area subject to shear, in.2   d   t f    d tw t f   tw
  
Ant = net area subject to tension, in.2
Rn ( 0.80 )( 0.245
Rn (in.
2 2   0.245
 6.0 in.
in.  0.245
 6.0in. ( 29,000
in.  ksi )((50
ksi )( 0.400
29,000 ksi )( 50 ) 1.0
in.ksi )( 0.400 in.) 1.0
Fy =36 ksi == ) )(  )   
0.80 1 0.245
+ 3 in. 1 + 3     ( ) ( )
  8.06 in.  0.400
  0.400 in.   0.245 in. 0.245 in.
Fu = 58 ksi
Rn = 153 kips Rn = 153 kips
Ubs = 1.0
φRn = (0.75)(153 kips) = 115 kips > 45 kips o.k.
Rn = 2(0.60)(58 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.)+ 1.0(58 ksi)(3.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 444 kips
Example 7.4.2- Typical Connection (Joists Bearing on Joist Girder Seat)
≤ 2(0.60)(36 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.) + 1.0(58 ksi)(3.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 325 kips
Determine the maximum joist chord force for the connection shown in Figure 7.4.2.
φRn = 0.75(325 kips) = 244 kips

b. Block shear plane 2:

Refer to (a)
By inspection block shear does not control.
Weld strength between the stabilizer and the column.
There are two welds:
Use 5/16 in. welds
φrn = (2)(1.392)D
φRn = (2)(1.392)(5) = 13.9 kips/in.
Design strength = (2)(6 in.)(13.9 kips/in.) = 167 kips > 45 kips o.k.
The directional strength increase for the weld of 1.5 was not used.
Some designers prefer to provide enough weld to develop the full strength of the stabilizer. Fig. 7.4.2 Typical Connection (Joists Bearing on Joist Girder Seat)
Column Checks: Given:
Web Local Yielding: Two Joist Girders frame into the column top.
Rn =Fywtw(5k + lb) AISC Eq. (J10-2) The column is an HSS 8x8x3/8, ASTM 1085, Fy =50 ksi.
where: HSS wall thickness, t = 0.375 in.
Fyw = specified minimum yield stress of the web material = 50 ksi (Note: For ASTM 1085 HSS, the nominal wall thickness can be used in calculations.)
k = distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet = 0.794 in. The unbraced length of the bottom chord equals 54 inches.
lb = length of bearing (not less than k for end beam reactions) = 6.0 in. Joist depth = 24 in.
tw = thickness of web = 0.245 in. The column supports an axial load of 50 kips.
Rn = Fywtw(5k + lb) Each joist has an end moment of 125 kip-in.
= (50 ksi)(0.245 in.)[5(0.794 in.) + 6.0 in.] = 122 kips

ASD Solution: Determine the available force that can be delivered to the face of the HSS:
The ASD rollover strength for a Joist Girder seat with 7/16 i n . seat angles is 5.81 kips. (See From the 2010 AISC Specifications:
Example 7.1.1). Since there are two Joist Girders the maximum top chord force for each joist
equals 5.81 kips. Note: The 2010 AISC Specifications provide a more direct solution than do the AISC 2016
Specifications, both provide the same results.
Weld strength:
Limit state: HSSLimit
LimitShear state:
state: HSS
HSSShear Shear
Shear Yielding
Yielding (Punching)
(Punching) AISC 2010 AISC 2010 Eq.
Eq. (K1-
The available weld strength connecting each joist to each Joist Girder seat equals Limit state: HSS Yielding (Punching) AISCEq. AISC
Eq.2010(K1-12) (K1-
2  
Ft tt p   (50 2ksi)(0.375 2 
2 
FFtyy2t tp2l2
2llb 4(50 in.)2 in.)  2(8 in.) 0.75
0.75 in.
2  2
Fy t R = 2sin
l t pksi)(0.375 (50 (50  2(8 in.)
in.) ksi)(0.375
ksi)(0.375 in.)
2(8 in.) 2(8
0.75in.)in.+0.7511 in. in.
 (0.94)
sinb θθ + 41 −11 −
QbBf+b4+ Q 44 =  45.0
45.0 kips
p=  − =
Rn/Ω = (3/16 in.)(0.707)(21 ksi)(2)(2.5 in.) = 14.0 kips sin θ
Rn = =
sin θ+ 4 1y −t p = −= QBf= Q
 ff   0.75 in. +
 4 1− + 4 1 +
− (0.94) −  45.0
=  (0.94)
45.0 kips kips
tp  B t t B 
B B B B 0.75 
 in. 0.75
1 − 0.75
8 8 
in. 88 8in. 8 in. 88 in.
in. 
1−  1 −
11−− B
p p
 
 
 1 − 
 
 1 − 1 
−     
14.0 kips > 5.81 kips, therefore the welds are adequate to transfer the 5.81 kips BB 8 in. 8 in. 8
8 in.
Bottom chord connection: R / Ω =45 kips R /
R /Ω Ω =
Ω===4545 kips
kips/ 1.5
30 / 1.5
/ 1.5 =
= 30 30
= 30kipskips
n n
Determine the available tension strength of 2L2x2x3/16: where where
BB ==overall
overall width
widthof thetheHSS, in. =in.8 =
Angle Properties: B = overall widthB =of overall
the HSS,
widthin.of 8 in.HSS,
of= the HSS, in. = 88 in.
tt ==HSS
HSS wall
thickness, in. in.
= 0.375
= in. in.
A = 1.44 in.2 t = HSS wall thickness,
t = HSS wall in. =thickness,
0.375 in. in. = 0.375 in.
ttp == stabilizer
stabilizer plate thickness, in. =in.0.75 in.
Tn = AFy = (1.44 in.2)(50 ksi) = 72.0 kips t p = stabilizer tplate thickness,plate
p = stabilizer
p in. =thickness,
plate 0.75 in. in. =
thickness, = 0.75
0.75 in.
l p = 8 in.
l = 8 in. l = 8 in.
l p = 8 in.
Tn/Ω = 72.0/1.67 = 43.1 kips p p
sin θ =1.0
sin θ
sin θ =1.0 θ==1.0
Determine the available compression strength of 2L2x2x3/16:
Q f = 1 − U 2 2= 1 − 0.332 =
0.94 AISC 2010 Eq. (K1-17)
The available compression strength of the bottom chord angles is determined from the AISC Q
Q ff 1=
Q f = 1−U 2 = = 11 −
− 0.33−U2 2 = 1 − 0.332 =0.94
U ==0.941 − 0.33 =0.94 AISC 2010 Eq.AISC
AISC 2010
2010 Eq.
(K1-17) Eq. (K1-
Pro M 50 kips 125 kip-in.
column equation E3-1. U= = + Mro + = 0.33 AISC 2010 Eq. (K1-6)
MUro = F=PAro FM 50 kips 2 125 kip-in.
in.3 )
Pro cP rog +50 c Skips
ro (30 ksi)(10.4 in. )kip-in.
50 kips
125 (30 ksi)(24.9
125= kip-in. 0.33
rx = 0.612 in. U= = + U = F= + FS ro
+ = 2 +
+ 0.33
= 3 0.33 AISC 2010 Eq.AISC
AISC 2010
2010 Eq.
(K1-6) Eq. (K1
Fc Ag Fcwhere
S F(30 cAA F cS
g ksi)(10.4 (30
in.2 ksi)(10.4 in.2 )
(30) ksi)(10.4
(30 ksi)(24.9
in. ) (30
in.3 ksi)(24.9 in.3 )
(30) ksi)(24.9 in. )
c g c
ry = 1.12 in.
where =where
c 0.6
= Fy 30 ksi (ASD)
S = 24.9 in. 0.6 30
Pn = Fcr Ag Pn = Fcr Ag AISC Eq. (E3-1) = Fc 0.6
AISC Eq. (E3-1) = Fy == F
30P = 50
Froccksi =
0.6 F
= 30 ksi
ksi (ASD)
Fyy (Given) (ASD)
P == 125
50 kip-in.
kips (Given)
π2 E π2 (29,000
π2 E ksi) π2 (29,000 ksi) Pro = 50 kips (Given)
ro = 50 kips (Given)
Pro ro

Fe F 87.0 =
ksi 2 87.0 ksi AISC Eq. (E3-4)
AISC Eq. (E3-4) Limit Local Yielding of HSS sidewalls, when B = 1.0
state: kip-in.
= = 2 e = =
2 2 M = 125 kip-in.M = 125
M ro(Given) 125 kip-in. (Given)
 Lc   35.1
 Lc in.   35.1 in.  ro
2 Fy t ( 5k + lYielding
Rn state:
b ) Ω = 1.50 ASD sidewalls, when B = 1.0 AISC 2010 Eq. (K1-9)
        Limit
Limit state: Local
Limit state: Local
Yielding Local
of HSS of
of HSS
Yielding when
HSS sidewalls,
B = 1.0 when B = 1.0
 r   0.612
 r in.   0.612 in.  = R= 2(50 ksi) 5(0.375 in.)
= + 0.25ASD
in. 213 kips
where K is taken
is taken as 0.65 R 2 F t ( 5k +=
= n
R 2 F t ( 5
Rln ) 2ΩFy=t (1.50
k +
5k +ASD l ) Ω = 1.50
lb ) Ω = 1.50 ASD AISC 2010 Eq.AISC
AISC 2010
2010 Eq.
(K1-9) Eq. (K1
Rnnb/ Ω =213
y b
kips/1.50 = 142 kips
Lc = KL = ( 0.65
Lc =)(KL = ()0.65
54 in. =35.1)( 54
in. in. ) =35.1 in. = =
Rn 2(50
= ksi) R 2(50
n ksi)
= 5(0.375
+0.25 in. in.)
5(0.375 =+ 0.25
= kipsin.
0.25 in. 213
213 kips
where n

Fy R /
R / Ω =213 kips/1.50Ω =
kRn /outside
Ω ==213
142 kips/1.50
radius =
= 142
50 ksi Fy 50 ksi = n corner
= n ≥ 1.5t 0.375 in.
= =0.57 = 0.57 where
Fe 87.0 ksiFe 87.0 ksi where where
lb = plate thickness, in. = 0.25 in.
Fy Fy ==
= Limit
k outside cornerkk= outside
state: Localof
radius corner
= ≥radius of
of tHSS
1.5 HSS
HSS 1.5
≥in. 0.375
0.375 in.
when ≤ 2.25
when ≤ 2.25
Fe Fe = pl
llb =
l = plate thickness, ate thickness,
0.253lbin.  in.
2 =thickness,
ate in. =
= 0.25
0.25 in.
1.6t 1 +
b Rbn =  EFy Q f Ω = 2.0 ASD AISC 2010 Eq. (K1-10)
Fy Fy Limit
Limit state: Local
Limit state:
state: Local
Crippling of HSS
Local HCrippling
walls of
− 3t 
Crippling of HSS
HSS walls
   
= 
Fcr = 0.658 =


 
 ( =

) (
0.658 Fy (50=
FcrF= y 0.658 
Fe 0.57
0.658) 0.57
ksi) 39.4 (50ksi
ksi) 39.4 ksi AISC Eq. (E3-2)
AISC Eq. (E3-2) =
1.6 2
RRnn3l= 1.6
t 22 1in.)
1 + 31lb+  EFy Q f )Ω = 2.0
2 b l

3 (
in. 
ASD ksi)(50 ksi)(0.94) AISC
= 125 kips
2010 Eq.AISC 2010
2010 Eq.
Eq. (K1-
    R n = t + R =
 Hn − 3t   y H t EF + Q Ω
f− 3t8 
EF y f in.)  2.0 ASD
in. − 3(0.25 Ω = AISC
(K1-10) (K1-
   H − 3t 
Pn F= cr Ag = P( 39.4
n F=ksi (
cr A)g 1.44 =) (
( 39.4
in.2ksi ) 56.7 ) in.2 56.7 kips
Rn = 125 kips/2.0 = 62.5
R 2 1.6(0.25 0.2522 in.
3 (in.) 1 +)
kips 3 ( 0.25 in.)
3 ( 0.25 in.)  (29,000 ksi)(50 ksi)(0.94) = 125 kips
= Rn = where
1.6(0.25 in.)
Rnn 1.6(0.25
1+ in.) 1 + 8 in.  −(29,000 ksi)(50
 (29,000
ksi)(50 ksi)(0.94)
= 125 kips = 125 kips
Pn 56.7 kips Pn 56.7 kips  in.) 3(0.25 in.)
== 34.0
= kips 34.0 kips H = HSS  8width in. −=3(0.25
8 in.  − 3(0.25 in.) 
8 in.
Ω 1.67 Ω 1.67 Rn = 125 kips/2.0 R
Rnn == 125
125 kips =
kips/2.0 = 62.5
62.5 kips
Strength of the (2) 6 in. 3/16 in. bottom chord fillet welds from the chord angles to the where where
connection angle: H = HSS widthH H== =8HSSin. width
HSS width = = 88
Rn/Ω = (2)(21 ksi)(6 in.)(3/16 in.)(0.707) = 32.4 kips.
By observation block shear will not control on the stabilizer plate. 1. The available weld strength connecting each joist to each Joist Girder seat equals
14.0 kips
Determine the maximum chord forces: 2. The available tension strength of 2L2x2x3/16 of the bottom chord angles equals 43.1
Top chord: = 5.81 kips (Controlled by rollover of the Joist Girder seat).
3. The available compression strength of the bottom chord angles equals 34 kips
Bottom chord: 30.0 kips (Controlled by HSS Shear Yielding).
4. Strength of the (2) 6 in. 3/16 in. bottom chord fillet welds attached to the angle equals
Maximum end moment: 32.4 kips
The maximum joist end moment based on the Joist Girder seat rollover equals 5.81 kips times 5. The available force that can be delivered to the face of the HSS equals 30.0 kips
(joist depth - joist seat height) = (5.81 kips)(24 in.-2.5 in.) = 125 kip-in.
The maximum joist end moment based on the Joist Girder seat rollover equals 11.8 kips (ASD)
Example 7.4.3- Allowable Joist Moment (Joist with TCX) times the centroid to centroid distance of the joist chords for a single joist framing to a column.
Determine the allowable joist moment (ASD) for the connection shown in Figure 7.4.3. Two The joist top chord must have adequate strength to transfer the 11.8 kips from the top of the
Joist Girders frame into the column. The column is a HSS 8x8x3/8. The difference between Joist Girder seat to the centroid of the top chord. When two joists frame to the column only 5.9
the connection detail in Figure 7.4.3 from the detail in Figure 7.4.2 is that only one joist is kips must be transferred.
framing into the two Joist Girder seats, thus the ASD rollover strength is 2(5.81 kips) = 11.6
Example 7.4.4- Typical Connection (Joist with TCX on Girder with Stiffened Seat)
Determine the maximum available joist chord force for (ASD and LRFD) for the connection
shown in Figure 7.4.4.

Fig. 7.4.3 Typical Connection 7.4.3 (Joist with TCX)

Given: Fig. 7.4.4 Example 7.4.4 (Joist with TCX on Girder with Stiffened Seat)
The stabilizer plate is A36 steel. Given:
HSS: The column is a W8X24.
ASTM 1085 Joist bottom chord consists of 3x3 in. angles.
Fy = 50 ksi Stabilizer plate height equals 6 in.
HSS wall thickness, t = 0.25 in. Stabilizer plate thickness equal ¾ in.
Examining the ASD results from the Typical Connection 7.4.2: Joist Girder seats are stiffened thus:
The ASD rollover strength is 2(14 kips) = 28 kips. a. Block shear plane 1:
The LRFD rollover strength equals 2(21 kips) = 42 kips. Rn = 0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt
ASD Solution: Anv = net area subject to shear, in.2
Joist top chord weld strength: Ant = net area subject to tension, in.2
Rn/Ω = (3/16 in.)(0.6)(70 ksi)(0.707)(5 in.)/2.0 = 13.9 kips. Fy =36 ksi
Bottom chord connection to the column.
Fu = 58 ksi
Stabilizer Checks:
Ubs = 1.0
Weld - Joist Bottom Chord to Stabilizer Plate (Ω = 2.0) Rn = 2(0.60)(58 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.)+ 1.0(58 ksi)(3.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 444 kips
There are four 3/16 in. fillet welds. ≤ 2(0.60)(36 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.) + 1.0(58 ksi)(3.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 325 kips
Total length of welds = 12 in. Rn/Ω = (325 kips)/2.0 = 163 kips
Rn/Ω = (12 in.)(0.928)D = (12 in.)(0.928)(3) =33.4 kips AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b) b. Block shear plane 2:
Stabilizer yielding (Ω = 1.67). Refer to (a)
Stabilizer Plate: Limit State of Tension Yielding By inspection block shear does not control.
Pa ≤ Rn/Ω AISC Eq. (D2-1) Weld strength between the stabilizer and the column.
where There are two 5/16 in. welds:
ts = stabilizer thickness Rn/Ω = (2)(0.928)D = kips/in.
hs = stabilizer effective width based on the Whitmore width (AISC Manual Section 9-3). Rn/Ω = (2)(0.928)(5) = 9.28 kips/in.
If the bottom chord weld starts at the end of the stabilizer the Whitmore width equals (2) Allowable strength = (2)(6 in.)(9.28 kips/in.) = 111 kips
(tan30o)(Weld Length) + the bottom chord leg height.
The directional strength increase for the weld of 1.5 was not used.
Conservatively use 3 in. as the Whitmore width.
Some designers prefer to provide enough weld to develop the full strength of the stabilizer.
Rn/Ω = tshsFy/Ω
Column Checks:
Rn/Ω = (0.75 in.)(3.0)(36)/1.67 = 48.5 kips
Web Local Yielding:
Stabilizer Plate: Limit State of Compression Buckling:
Rn =Fywtw(5k + lb) AISC Eq. (J10-2)
Consider the same Whitmore width used for the yielding calculation. The unbraced length
of the plate from the end of the Joist Girder chord to the face of the columns is 3 inches.
Use K =1.2. Fyw = specified minimum yield stress of the web material = 50 ksi
Kl/r =1.2(3 in.)/(0.22 in.) =16.4 k = distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet = 0.794 in.
where lb = length of bearing (not less than k for end beam reactions) = 6.0 in.
ts 0.75 in. tw = thickness of web = 0.245 in.
=r = = 0.22 in.
12 12
Rn = Fywtw(5k + lb)
Refer to AISC Section J4.4: Connecting elements with Kl/r less than or equal to 25 have = (50 ksi)(0.245 in.)[5(0.794 in.) + 6.0 in.] = 122 kips
the same capacity as the yielding limit state.
Rn/Ω = 122 kips/1.50 = 81.3 kips
Stabilizer block shear rupture strength (Ω = 2.0) AISC Eq. (J4.3)
Stabilizer Plate - Block Shear Rupture Strength

Web Local Crippling: Ant = net area subject to tension, in.2

 1.5 1.5 Fy =36 ksi

   EF
 lb 2 tw lb  twywt f  EFywt f
Rn 0.80
= tw2Rn1 + 30.80    Q f
 tw 1 +3  Qf AISC Eq. (J10-4)
AISC Eq. (J10-4) Fu = 58 ksi
  d  t f  d
  t wf   tw
   
Ubs = 1.0
2   6.02 in. 0.245
 ( 29,000
 0.245 in.  ksi()(
29,000 )( 0.400
50 ksi ksi )( 50 ksi
in. ))( 0.400 in. )
Rn ( 0.80 )(R0.245
n ( 0.80
in. ))( 0.245
1 + 3 in. ) 1 +
3  
   (1.0 ) (1.0 ) Rn = (0.60)(58 ksi)(6.0 in.)(0.75 in.) = 157 kips
  8.06in. 0.400
8.06 in.
in. 0.400
 in.   0.245 in. 0.245 in.
φRn = 0.75(157 kips) = 118 kips
Rn = 153 kips
Rn = 153 kips
Rn/Ω = 153 kips/2.0 = 76.5 kips. b. Block shear plane 2:

The strength of the connection is limited by the weld from the joist seat to the top of the Joist Refer to (a)
Girders. To achieve full strength (28 kips) the weld size or length must be increased. By inspection block shear does not control.
LRFD Solution: Weld strength between the stabilizer and the column.
Joist top chord weld strength: There are two 5/16 in. welds:
φRn = (4)(1.392)D = (5 in.)(1.392)(3) = 20.9 kips AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b) φRn = (2)(1.392)D
Bottom chord connection to the column.
φRn = (2)(1.392)(5) = 13.9 kips/in.
Stabilizer Checks:
Design strength = (2)(6 in.)(13.9 kips/in.) = 167 kips
Weld - Joist Bottom Chord to Stabilizer Plate (φ = 0.75) The directional weld strength increase of 1.5 was not used.
There are four 3/16 in. fillet welds. Column Checks:
Total length of welds = 12 in. Web Local Yielding:
φrn = (4)(1.392)D = 16.7 kips/in. Rn =Fywtw(5k + lb)
fRn = (0.75)(16.7 kips/in.)(12 in.) = 150 kips AISC Manual Eq. (8-20b) AISC Eq. (J10-2)
Stabilizer yielding (φ =0.90).
Fyw = specified minimum yield stress of the web material = 50 ksi
φRn = φtshsFy
k = distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet = 0.794 in.
lb = length of bearing (not less than k for end beam reactions) = 6.0 in.
ts = stabilizer thickness
tw = thickness of web = 0.245 in.
hs = stabilizer effective width based on the Whitmore width (AISC Manual Section 9-3)
Rn = Fywtw(5k + lb)
If the bottom chord weld starts at the end of the stabilizer the Whitmore width equals (2)
(tan30o)(Weld Length) + the bottom chord leg height. = (50 ksi)(0.245 in.)[5(0.794 in.) + 6.0 in.] = 122 kips

Conservatively use 3 in. as the Whitmore width. φRn = (1.0)(122 kips) = 122 kips

φRn= (0.90)(0.75 in.)(3.0)(36) = 72.9 kips Web Local Crippling:

   1.5 t EF t
Stabilizer block shear rupture strength (φ = 0.75) AISC Eq. (J4.3) 10.80 2lb   twlb  twEF
 3      Q f
yw f yw f
=Rn = Rntw2
0.80 + 3 tw 1 + Qf AISC Eq.
Eq. (J1
Stabilizer Plate - Block Shear Rupture Strength   d   t f d  t f tw  tw
   
  in.( 29,000
  (ksi )( 50 ksi )( 50 ksi )( ) 1.0in.) 1.0
1.5 1.5
a. Block shear plane 1: 2  in. 
2 6.0 6.00.245
in. in.0.245 29,000 0.400 in.0.400
=Rn ( 0.80
Rn )( 0.245
( )( )  )   
0.80 in.
0.2451 in.
+ 3 1 + 3      ( ) ( )
Rn = 0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt ≤ 0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt   8.06
 in. 8.06
 0.400
in. in.0.400
  in.   0.245 in.0.245 in.

Anv = net area subject to shear, in.2 Rn = 153Rkips

n = 153 kips

φRn = (0.75)(153 kips) = 115 kips

The strength of the connection is limited by the weld from the joist seat to the top of the Joist
Girders. To achieve full strength (42 kips) the weld size or length must be increased.
The most efficient detail to transfer moment into a joist or girder is one in which a top moment
plate is welded to the top chord of the joist or girder and to the column. The bottom chord is
connected to the column in any of the ways discussed in Section 7.3. The use of the top plate
significantly reduces the bending in the top chord. Details using the moment plate are shown
in Figures 7.5.1 and 7.5.2.

Fig. 7.5.2 Floor Moment Plate

The design of the seat supporting the joist or Joist Girder can be accomplished using the AISC
Manual of Steel Construction tables for stiffened seats. For unstiffened seats, the tables cannot
be used directly for Joist Girders. The angle bending capacity in the AISC Manual of Steel
Construction tables is based upon the outstanding legs of the angles not exceeding 4 inches.
Since the SJI Specification requires a minimum of 4 inches of bearing for Joist Girders, the
outstanding leg will generally be 5 inches in length. The tables can be used to determine weld
requirements for the vertical legs of the seat, but basic principles must be used to determine
Fig. 7.5.1 Roof Moment Plate an unstiffened seat angle thickness. The AISC Steel Construction Manual tables are based on
The connection is ideally suited for floor girders and floor joists. To design the moment plate, beam web thicknesses and not on joist or Joist Girder seats.
the specifying professional needs to determine the maximum moment at the end of the member Reflected in Figure 7.5.3 is the reaction from a Joist Girder resting on an unstiffened seat.
in question and divide the moment by the joist or girder depth to determine the maximum force, P,
in the top plate. The plate and its attachments to the column and joist or girder are designed using
standard AISC Specification equations. Maximum plate width can be determined from Table
7.1.2 so that down hand fillet welds can be made to the top chord. The plate must be installed
prior to decking. The bottom chord can be left unwelded to reduce the continuity moments until
dead loads are applied. The moment plate and the stabilizer plate must be checked for load
reversal, and the columns must be checked for stiffener requirements.

Fig. 7.5.3 Unstiffened Seat

If the vertical reaction of the girder is centered on the 4-inch bearing length, and the critical
bending location in the angle is assumed to be 3/8 inches from the angle face.
e = 3 in.-t-3/8 in. = (2.625 in.) -t
The bending moment at the critical section:
Mr. = Pre
For a 5-inch bolt gage, the typical seat angle will be 8 inches wide (b = 8 in.).
Mn = ZFy
Z = bt2/4
Z = (8 in.)t2/4 = (2 in.)t2
Mn = (2 in.)t2(36 ksi)
= (72 kips/in.)t2
For ASD:
Mn/Ω = (72 kips/in.)t2/1.67
= (43.1 kips/in.)t2
Pa e = (43.1 kips/in.)t2
(Pa)[(2.625 in.)-t] = (43.1 kips/in.)t2
To solve for a seat angle thickness for a given Pa, the quadratic equation must be solved for Fig. 7.5.5 Knife Plate Floor Connection
the thickness.
The check for column stiffeners is identical to the check at the stabilizer plate location. Vulcraft
For LRFD: must fabricate the end seat to fit over the knife plate. The knife plate should be centered on the
centroid of the top angles. It can extend down to the top of the seat. However, as discussed in
φMn = 0.9(72 kips/in.)t2 Chapter 5 it should not be welded to the seat angle because the welds will interfere with the
= (68.4 kips/in.)t2 bearing of the joist or girder seat to the seat angle.
The specifying professional should check with Vulcraft prior to using the knife plate
Equating: connection.
Pue = (68.4 kips/in.)t2 Tools for the Design of Joist Girder Moment Connections
(Pu)[(2.625 in.)-t] = (68.4 kips/in.)t2
Many of the forgoing examples indicate the complexity for the design of moment connections.
To solve for a seat angle thickness for a given Pu, the quadratic equation must be solved for As discussed earlier, the “Basic Connection” is used for simple spans and is one where the Joist
the thickness. Girder seat rests on the column cap and the bottom chord angles slide over the stabilizer plate.
Vulcraft designs the Joist Girder seat for the imposed vertical concentrated loads. The Basic
On many occasions a stiffened seat or knife plate connections as shown in Figures 7.5.4 and Connection becomes a moment connection when the bottom chord of the Joist Girder is welded
7.5.5 may be required. to the stabilizer plate. This connection has very limited moment capacity. Its strength is limited
Solutions for stiffened seats and knife plates can be found by downloading the Reference by bending stresses, induced in the top chord by load path eccentricities (Figure 7.5.5).
Manuals and the Spreadsheets from the SJI Website,

Fig. 7.5.5 Chord Bending (use 7.1.2)

Also pointed out earlier, is that the SJI has developed design tools that assist the specifying
professional by making the design process more timely and complete. SJI provides six different
spreadsheets to assist in the design of moment connections. Each can be used to calculate
connection strength based on the necessary limit states. A reference manual is provided with
each spreadsheet, explaining the calculations. As indicated the spreadsheets are:
1. Connection to the Strong Axis of Wide Flange Columns
2. Connection to the Strong Axis of Wide Flange Columns- Intermediate Levels
3. Connection to the Weak Axis of Wide Flange Columns
Fig. 7.5.4 Knife Plate Roof Connection 4. Connection to HSS Columns- Top Plate
5. Connection to HSS Columns- Knife Plate
6. Connection to Wide Flange Columns - Knife Plates
It is expected that the spreadsheet user be familiar with the SJI “Standard Specification CHORD STRENGTHS (kips)
for K-Series, LH-Series, DLH-Series and For Joist Girders” (SJI, 2015a), and the AISC
Unbraced Length Area
Specifications. Before using the spreadsheets, the user should perform a structural analysis to
determine that the column has the available strength to resist the applied loads. Angle Size L = 4 ft. L = 5 ft. L = 6 ft. L = 7 ft. in.2
2L 6 x 6 x 1 939 911 879 842 22.0
Design Checks for: Joist Girder Moment Connection to the Strong
2L 6 x 6 x 7/8 825 809 781 749 19.5
Axis of a Wide Flange Column
2L 6 x 6 x 3/4 702 694 679 651 16.9
The following focuses on the Joist Girder Moment Connection to the Strong Axis of a
2L 6 x 6 x 5/8 570 564 556 547 14.3
Wide Flange Column with additional information available in the reference manuals and
2L 6 x 6 x 9/16 499 494 487 480 12.9
spreadsheets. The other Spreadsheet tools follow a similar presentation. In this detail, the Joist
Girder vertical reaction is supported by a stiffened seat welded to the column flange. If the Joist 2L 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 3/16 49 48 41 34 1.80
Girder is modeled as a truss, the chord forces are obtained directly from the model. However, Table 1 Available Strength (LRFD) for Chord Angle Sizes
if Joist Girders are modeled as a beam elements, chord forces are determined by resolving end
moments into force couples. Top chord force is transferred to the column by a top plate field Cap Plate to Column Weld
welded to the chord and to the column cap plate. For Joist Girders framing to both sides of the The weld of the cap plate to the column must also be determined since the top plate force must
column, the top plate is also used to transfer continuity forces from one Joist Girder to the other. be transferred into the column web. The spreadsheet uses the column T-distance as the weld
Bottom chord force is transferred to the column via the stabilizer plates. Numerous limit states, length. On occasion, the base metal strength may be less than the weld strength. If this occurs,
which must be examined, are discussed below. the user can select a deeper column, a column with a thicker web and/or additional weld can be
placed beyond the T distance.
Top Chord Connection
Column Web Shear
The required top plate strength is determined from the axial force in the top chord (Pu = Mr/
de), where Mr is the required end moment of the Joist Girder and de is taken as the distance The nominal shear strength, Vn, is determined using the provisions of AISC Specification
from the top of the Joist Girder to the half depth of the bottom chord leg. The required top plate Section G2.1 (φ = 1.0 for rolled shapes when Eq. G2-1 controls, otherwise φ = 0.90). If the web
area is Pu/φFy (φ = 0.90). Plate length is based on the required length of fillet welds attaching does not have the available strength for shear, then it is generally economical to either select
the plate to the column cap plate and the top chord. Shear lag must be checked per the 2015 a deeper W shape or one with a thicker web. The column web shear yielding is checked at the
AISC Specification Table D3.1 “Shear Lag Factors for Connections to Tension Members.” The Joist Girder top chord connection independent of the column web panel zone shear.
Spreadsheet requires the top plate to the top chord weld length to be a minimum of two times Stiffened Seat Connection
the width of the top plate. This criterion minimizes the shear lag for the top plate. For the top
plate connection to the column cap, the spreadsheet reduces the strength of the top plate for The seat width can be determined from the minimum bearing length and, N, from the SJI
any shear lag. When the top chord is in tension, Vulcraft has the responsibility to check the top Specifications (Table 5.4-3). The reaction is located N/2 from the interior edge of the seat.
chord angles for shear lag. Case 2 from Table D3.1 is applicable for this check. For reference, Additionally, for the stiffened seat connection, the stiffener shall be finished to bear under the
the shear lag factor is calculated for the top chord based on the input of the angle leg size seat (AISC Steel Construction Manual, Table 10-8).
and the angle thickness. Shear lag factors greater than 0.92 do not have an affect on the Joist
Girders. Providing longer fillet welds will reduce shear lag effects. Column Web Checks

Many times the size of the Joist Girder chord angles is unknown when designing the connection. The spreadsheet checks the following column web limit states:
When the chords are subject to axial compression, a good estimate of the angle sizes can be 1. Web Local Yielding
obtained using Table 2-1 in the SJI Technical Digest 11, “Design of Lateral Load Resisting 2. Web Crippling
Frames Using Steel Joists and Joist Girders.”(SJI, 2007a) The digest can be ordered from the 3. Web Compression Buckling
SJI Website, From the structural analysis, the table can be entered with 4. Web Panel Zone Shear
the chord force, unbraced length, to determine the angle size based on the avaiable strength. A
The spreadsheet does not check the web panel zone shear below the bottom chord.
representative sample of Table 2-1 is shown in Table 1.
Web compression buckling is applicable when a pair of single-concentrated forces is applied at
both flanges of a member. This condition does not exist at the exterior columns.
When unequal depth Joist Girders frame into both sides of the column web, compression 7.6 JOIST SEATS SUBJECTED TO ROLLOVER FORCES
buckling is checked when the stabilizer plates overlap one another. In cases when the web does It is often necessary to evaluate the resistance of a joist seat relative to a lateral force applied
not have sufficient strength for the compressive or tensile forces delivered by the stabilizer, the to the top of the joist seat. Shear collector members between the joists will often be required
strength can be increased by: because of the low rollover strength of the joist seats.
Green P.S. and Sputo T (2004) provide a theory to calculate uplift forces on joist seats. The
• Selecting a W Shape with a thicker web yield line analysis in the paper can be adjusted to determine joist seat rollover.
• Adding a stiffener to the web of the column Based on the theory the tension force, Tu, at the seat toe equals:
• Adding a doubler plate
Bottom Chord Connection Tu =
The bottom chord of the Joist Girder must be attached to the stabilizer plate to resist and transfer where
the chord force to the column. Stabilizer plates are normally sized based on a ¾ -inch thickness.
Tu = Ultimate uplift force at the seat toe angle, kips
Using a ¾-inch plate allows the plate to fit between the bottom chord angles allowing fillet
welds to be made to the heels and toes of the chord angles. Economically, the stabilizer plates Mp = FyZ, kip-in./in.
can usually be connected to the column using only fillet welds. Stabilizer plates must be welded LyL = Length of yield line where LYL is the lesser of (Lw +πa) and Ls, in.
to the column flange to resist the compression and tension forces. The specifying professional
must specify that the Joist Girder bottom chords be a minimum thickness to accommodate the Ls = length of bearing seat, in.
required weld size. As is required for the top chord, Vulcraft has the responsibility to check a = 2.3t = Distance from toe of angle to yield line, in.
the bottom chord angles for shear lag. Case 2 from Table D3.1 is applicable for this check. For
Z = t2/4 = Plastic section modulus of unit length of plate, in.2/in.
reference, the shear lag factor is calculated for the bottom chord based on the input of the angle
size, bottom chord leg size, and bottom chord thickness. Providing longer length fillet welds The rollover resistance can be determined by multiplying, Tu, by a lever arm equal to the
will reduce shear lag effects. distance, m, taken as the distance from the tension force to an assumed compression reaction
and dividing by the seat height, h.
Stabilizer Plate Checks
The following strength checks are made: m = seat angle leg length, plus the gap, plus k for the seat angle. See Figure 7.6.2.
1. Determine the weld between the bottom chord and the stabilizer Thus,
2. Check the Whitmore width for stabilizer (AISC Manual Section 9-3) φV = Tu(m/h)
3. Check stabilizer yielding Twenty-four tests were conducted by Green and Sputo on various K-series joist seats. The test
values compared to theory had a mean value of 0.985 with a standard deviation of 0.149.
4. Check stabilizer Block Shear Rupture Strength
Green and Sputo indicate the following limitations exist in applying the design equations:
5. Determine the weld between the stabilizer and the column
(1) The joist seat must be welded to the steel anchorage plate or supporting steel beam or
The spreadsheet uses the Joist Girder bottom chord forces to determine the weld requirements. joist girder with approximately equal length fillet welds on each side. The fillet weld
Some designers prefer to provide enough weld to develop the full strength of the stabilizer. must have a minimum equivalent throat equal to that of a 5/32-inch equal leg fillet weld.
Minimum Member Thicknesses (Weld Compatibility) While this exceeds the SJI minimum 1/8-inch leg weld, in practice most field applied
anchorage welds exceed this minimum. Each weld provided must be a minimum of
Throughout the spreadsheet, checks are made for the minimum thicknesses of base metal to one (1) inch long.
match the weld strength. From the AISC Specification, Section J2.4, the design strength, φRn,
and the allowable strength, Rn/Ω, of welded joints shall be the lower value of the base material (2) The maximum thickness of the horizontal (bearing) leg of the seat angle must not
strength according to the limit states of tensile rupture, shear rupture, and the weld metal exceed 1/4- inch. It is unknown whether the 5/32-inch nominal fillet weld is adequate to
strength based on the limit state of rupture. develop the yield line mechanism for thicker seats based on the scope of this research.
(3) The joist seat length must be a minimum four (4) inches long and must not exceed eight
The moment connection design tools can be downloaded at no cost from the SJI website: (8) inches in length. (4) For seat configurations where the seat angles overlap the top chord angles, the seat
angles must be welded to the top chord from both the inside and outside. The result of
not providing the outside weld is clearly illustrated in Figure 8. This outside weld is
necessary to prevent rigid body rotation of the seat angles that will prevent development where
of the yield line mechanism. m = 2.0 in. + 0.5 in. + 0.375 = 2.875 in.
Sixteen proprietary tests were conducted by Vulcraft. The results of these tests compare h = 2.5 in.
favorably with the above theory.
V = (2.64 kips)(2.875 in)/(2.5 in.) = 3.04 kips/in.
φV = 0.9(3.04 kips) = 2.74 kips
Example: 7.6.1 Joist Seat Rollover Resistance
V/Ω= (3.04 kips)/1.67 = 1.82 kips
Determine the resistance to rollover of the seat shown in Figures 7.6.1 and 7.6.2.
Check the weld strength:
Ru = (3 in.)(0.707)(0.6)(FEXX)(1/8 in.)
= (3 in.)(0.707)(0.6)(70 ksi)(1/8 in.)
= 11.1 kips (Directional increase not used
φRu = 0.9(11.1) = 10.0 kips > 2.64 kips o.k.

Fig. 7.6.1 Joist Seat

Fig. 7.6.2 Resisting Forces on Joist Seat

A seat is fabricated from 2x2x1/8 in. angles with a specified yield strength of 50 ksi. The gap
between the angles is ½ in., k =0.375 in. for the seat angles.
Z = (1.0 in.)(0.125 in.)2/4 = 0.0039 in3/in.
Mp = (50 ksi)(0.0039 in.3/in.) = 0.195 kip-in./in.
a = 2.3(0.125 in.) = 0.288 in.
LYL = 3 in. + π(0.288 in.) = 3.90 in.
Tu = (0.195 kip-in./in.)(3.90 in.)/0.288 in.) = 2.64 kips
V = Tu(m/h)

Chapter 8 The “base bids for roof deck shall include the deck as shown in plan on the structural drawings.
Base bid shall also include ridge, hip and valley plates which are specifically designated on
the structural drawings, which are not part of the vertical load resisting system, and sump pans
per architectural drawings and specifications. No other deck or accessories shall be included
unless specified.”
Responsibilities The base bid for composite floor deck and non-composite floor deck “shall include deck as shown
in plan on the structural drawings and only those sheet steel accessories specifically designated
8.1 INTRODUCTION on the structural drawings and called for in the appropriate division of the specifications. No
other deck or accessories shall be included unless specified.”
The furnishing of deck, joists and Joist Girders is a commercial transaction involving buyer
and seller. The identification of and relations between these two parties is established by Prior to the fabrication of deck, erection layouts showing the location of all sheets are submitted
contract, negotiation and by two standard documents. These documents are: to the buyer for review and approval. Shop work does not begin until final approval is received
from the buyer, unless this approval is waived. After such final approval by the buyer, changes
1) “Code of Recommended Standard Practice for Composite Deck, Form Deck and Roof initiated by the buyer are subject to extra charges. The building plans are taken as correct
Deck Construction,” published by the Steel Deck Institute (SDI, 2017a). except in the case of discrepancy between the building plans and structural steel or purlin (joist)
2) “Recommended Code of Standard Practice for Steel Joists and Joist Girders,” published by
spacing plan, in which case the steel plans are given precedence.
the Steel Joist Institute (SJI, 2017a). The code excludes the following from the base bid:
The seller in these documents is the party which manufactures and distributes steel deck, steel 1. Sheet Metal Work: All closures, flashing and other similar items shall be detailed and
joists, Joist Girders and accessories. The other side of the relation is the buyer. The buyer is that furnished by others.
party which orders, receives and pays for steel deck, steel joists, Joist Girders and accessories.
On the buyer’s side are numerous parties with varied responsibilities. Only one of these parties 2. Shear Connectors: shear connectors and related placement plans
directly pays the seller but all are involved. This group includes:
3. Mechanical Fasteners: screws or power-actuated fasteners and their installation tools
• The Owner
• The Architect/Engineer 4. Welding Materials: all consumables used for field welding
• The General Contractor/Construction Manager
• The Joist and Deck Erector 5. Support Material: deck supporting members

Depending on the nature of the construction, some or all of the following parties may be involved: 6. Touch-up Paint: paint used for field touch-up
• Structural Steel Fabricators and Erectors The construction phase involving the site storage and installation of steel decking is covered in
• Light Gage Steel Fabricators and Erectors the code. All construction phase activity is done by the buyer or his agents.
• Pre- Engineered Building Manufacturers and Erectors 8.3 SJI CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE
Lastly, other trades may be involved, such as: The SJI code covers eight sections: 1) General, 2) Joists Joist Girders and Accessories, 3)
Materials, 4) Inspection, 5) Estimating, 6) Plans and Specifications, 7) Handling and Erection
• Masons and 8) Business Relations.
• Concrete Contractors
• Carpenters, Lathers, Insulators, etc. As in the case with steel decking, the seller in the joist code is the party “engaged in the
• Mechanical and Electrical Trades manufacturer and distribution of steel joists, Joist Girders and accessories.” The buyer is that
party which orders, receives and pays for the joists, Joist Girders and accessories. As cited
All the duties and responsibilities on a given project must add up to 100% coverage. What is before, the buyer is a group of parties with duties and responsibilities defined in their own
not done by one party must be done by another, so it is very important that all parties have a agreements.
clear understanding of the division of responsibilities. The Codes of Standard Practice of SDI
and SJI govern in the absence of other contract requirements. They represent a good summary The SJI code is the governing standard in the absence of specification requirements to the
of what the industry expects under usual conditions and thus a review of these standards is a contrary. The code states that it is expected that the design prepared by architects and engineers
useful starting point. be in accord with the specifications and load tables of the Steel Joist Institute. The seller
furnishes steel joists, Joist Girders and accessories to the specifications provided, or in the
8.2 SDI CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE absence of other requirements, to the specifications and code of the Steel Joist Institute. The
The SDI code covers eight major sections: 1) General, 2) Materials, 3) Quality and Scope seller must identify all material as to size and type. The seller is not responsible for the erection
Responsibility, 4) Estimating and Bidding, 5) Drawings and Specifications, 6) Handling and of items furnished.
Protection, 7) Installation of Deck and Accessories and 8) Concrete Design and Placement. Section two of the code gives certain physical requirements for joists, Joist Girders and
The buyer is expected to provide “complete architectural and structural drawings and accessories. The section also addresses the proper specification of design loads by the specifying
specifications prepared by the designer, all correctly dimensioned.” The plans and specifications professional, bridging and bridging anchors, bottom chord bracing for Joist Girders and
are expected to show details and be complete as to the extent of deck and accessories to be connections.
furnished. The basis of design is the current applicable SDI specification unless specified Section three of the code states that the steel used in the manufacture of steel joists and Joist
otherwise. Girders is to comply with the latest edition of the applicable SJI Specification, and that paint
for steel joists, Joist Girders and accessories, when specified, shall conform to the latest edition of 7. Erection bolts for joists or Joist Girder end anchorage
the appropriate SJI Specification.
8. Horizontal bracing in the plane of the top and bottom chords
Section four of the code states that inspection of all joists and Joist Girders will be made in
accordance with the latest edition of the appropriate SJI Specification. 9. Bridging anchors and anchorage
Section five of the code deals with estimates. It requires that plans “show the character of the 10. Wood nailers
work with sufficient clarity to permit making an accurate estimate” and should include the
following information: 11. Moment plates

1. Designation and location of materials, including any special design or configuration 12. Special joist configuration or bridging layouts
requirements 13. Shear studs
2. Location and elevations of supports These items which are related to the joist and Joist Girders, but not included in the joist and
Joist Girder estimate, must be contracted for from others unless specifically specified otherwise.
3. Location and lengths of joist extended ends This requires the coordination of someone other than the seller (joist manufacturer).
4. Location and size of openings in floors and roofs Section six of the code covers plans and specifications. The plans and specifications provided
5. Location of all partitions by the buyer give the information required as listed above as well as the live loads to be used,
wind uplift (if any), the weights of partitions and the elevations of finished floor and roof and
6. Location and magnitude of concentrated loads bearing elevations.
7. Construction and thickness of floor slabs, roof decks, ceilings and partitions In addition to the SJI Code of Standard Practice, the International Building Code (IBC) and
other building codes, have requirements for information on contract documents. These items
8. Joists or Joist Girders requiring extended bottom chords are necessary to properly estimate and design the project. They include the following:
9. Paint, if different from manufacturer’s standard 1. Building Code and year (i.e. IBC 2015)
The expected scope of estimated work includes the following: 2. Method of joist and Joist Girder design, ASD or LRFD
1. Steel Joists 3. SDS factor
2. Joist Girders 4. Deflection criteria
3. Joist Substitutes 5. Layout and spacing of joists and Joist Girders, including dimension to starting point of
4. Joist Extended Ends layout

5. Ceiling Extensions 6. End supports

6. Extended bottom chord used as strut 7. All special loading (concentrated loads, non-uniform loads, net uplift loads, axial
loads, end moments, and connection forces)
7. Bridging
8. Profiles for non-standard joist and Joist Girder configurations
8. Joist Girder bottom chord bracing
9. Oversized or other nonstandard web openings
9. Headers
The SDS factor needs to be specified on the plans. It is used in the load combinations with seismic
10. One coat of shop paint, when specified, shall be in accordance with Section 3.2 load and will impact the design of the joists and Joist Girders (E = Eh + Ev, Ev = 0.2SDSD).
The following are not expected to be included in the scope of an estimate but would be included The plans furnished by the seller include the steel joist placement plans to show the materials
if specifically designated in the plans and specifications: specified on the construction documents and are to be utilized for field installation. Detailed
plans and lists showing the number, type, location, spacing, anchorage and mark of all joists,
1. Headers when end reactions exceed 10,000 lbs. Joist Girders and accessories.

2. Headers for DLH-Series joists Prior to shop work, the seller submits the detailed plans to the buyer for review and approval.
Shop work does not commence until final approval is obtained from the buyer. After such
3. Reinforcement in slabs over joists final approval, changes initiated by the buyer are subject to extra charges. The building plans
presented by the buyer are assumed to be correct unless written notice is given to the contrary.
4. Centering material, decking and attachments
Section seven of the code covers handling and erection, doing so chiefly by reference to SJI
5. Miscellaneous framing between joists for openings Technical Digest 9 “Handling and Erection of Steel Joist and Joist Girders.”
6. Loose individual or continuous bearing plates and bolts or anchors for such plates Section eight of the code covers business relations. Among other items concerning presentation
of proposals and acceptance of proposals, it gives the following regarding billing and payment:
a) Lump sum contracts are to be billed proportionately to shipments. stabilize the structural steel framework. These other elements can be steel deck diaphragms,
shear walls, and, as was seen above, steel joists and Joist Girders. Non-structural steel
b) Payments are due in full without retention. It should be noted that many construction elements required for the strength and/or stability of the steel frame are to be identified in the
contracts require retainage between the owner and contractors, and so this requirement Contract Documents. The installation schedule for non-structural steel elements of the lateral
(if not modified), could be out of sync with the remainder of the contracts. load resisting system and connecting diaphragm elements are to be provided by the Owner’s
Lastly, section eight states that disputes will be settled by means of binding arbitration. Designated Representative for design to the erector prior to bidding. The erector supplies
temporary bracing consistent with this information and removes the bracing when appropriate
8.4 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER to these conditions. The other building elements are expected to be provided in a timely fashion
The foregoing discussion of the two codes is intended to illustrate the division of responsibility consistent with the contract documents.
between buyer and seller in transactions with deck, joists, Joist Girders and accessories. What The AISC Code of Standard Practice gives the following definition of Contract Documents;
follows is a discussion of the division of responsibilities on the buyer’s side of the relation. “The documents that define the responsibilities of the parties that are involved in the bidding,
As has already been stated the parties on the buyer’s side are numerous. The relations on the fabricating and erecting structural steel. These documents normally include the design
buyer’s side can best be illustrated by using the example of five different joist support types documents, the specifications and the contract.” These documents may be prepared by different
as shown below and by considering relations among the owner, the architect/engineer and the parties. The plans and specifications are prepared by the building designer, an architect or
contractor. engineer. The contract may be prepared by the designer or by the owner, a construction manager,
a general contractor or a subcontractor.
1. Structural steel frame
Steel deck and steel joists can also be supported by light gage steel, pre-engineered metal
2. Pre-engineered metal building frame buildings, masonry walls, or concrete beams and walls. Among other organizations, these
3. Light gage bearing walls materials and systems are represented by:

4. Concrete frame • Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association

5. Masonry bearing walls • American Iron and Steel Institute

Buildings involving the support of joists and Joist Girders by structural steel represent the • Metal Building Manufacturer’s Association
largest proportion of all construction with joists and Joist Girders. The American Institute • National Concrete Masonry Association
of Steel Construction has published the “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and
Bridges” (AISC, 2016a). This code gives trade practices relating to the fabrication and erection • American Concrete Institute
of structural steel. It contains this definition of structural steel: “‘Structural Steel,’ shall
consist of the elements of the structural frame that are shown and sized in the structural design These organizations publish codes, technical bulletins and standards which apply to these
documents, essential to support the design loads as used to define the scope of work in the materials and systems. None of these organizations has comparable documents relating to steel
contract documents, consists of steel elements of the structural steel frame essential to support deck, steel joists and Joist Girders developed to the same degree as the AISC Code of Standard
the design loads and described as: [the code then provides a list of elements].” Cold-formed Practice, the SJI Code of Standard Practice and the SDI Code of Standard Practice. All these
steel products [deck] and open- web joists and Joist Girders” are not included in the list of groups have addressed issues of material and workmanship standards, but not specifically in
structural steel, but rather they are listed in “Other Steel, Iron or Metal Items,” a category of relation to joists and steel deck.
items not included in structural steel “even where such items are shown in the structural design In each of these systems, the coordination concerns relate to the function of the deck and joists in
documents or are attached to the structural steel frame.” the completed structure and the details at the interface with the supporting elements. Examples
Since the requirements for the erection of structural steel and the erection of steel deck, steel of the functional uses requiring coordination would be roof and floor deck diaphragms, steel
joists and Joist Girders do not overlap and are not mutually cross referenced, a common way joist and Joist Girder rigid frames, and steel joist and Joist Girder wind struts.
to have these components erected into one uniform structural framework is to have one party As these functions could relate to building stability, it would be useful to the various contractors
erect all these components under one contract. This ensures that the two categories of material and the deck and joist erector for these functions to be given in the plans. This would then be
will be erected as one. Secondly, the ordering of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders can be a situation analogous to the listing of nonstructural steel and connecting diaphragm elements
made part of the steel fabrication contract. In this way the coordination of bearing elevations, required by the AISC Code of Standard Practice.
seats, stabilizer plates, bolt holes, etc. can be done under one responsibility and it is the best
way to resolve discrepancies between the fabricated steel and the steel deck, steel joists and As for the coordination of details, this must be addressed in the subcontractor to contractor
Joist Girders. While it is important to have good coordination in the fabricated elements, it is contracts, and must cover four general areas:
critical to have it in the erection work. As stated previously, the AISC Code of Standard Practic 1. Attachment of joist end seats: The bearing surface must be appropriately designed
does not cover the erection of steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders. The principal document and detailed to receive the joist end seat. This requires checking for bearing length,
which does is SJI Technical Digest 9, “Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders,” bearing width clearance, provision of holes, welds or embedded weld plates.
which is incorporated by reference in the SJI Code of Standard Practice. This digest gives a
thorough presentation of the issues involved in handling and erecting steel joists. 2. Attachment of Joist Girder end seat and stabilizer plate: As with joists, the bearing
surface must be appropriate to receive the Joist Girders. Additionally, the provision of
One aspect of steel erection is the employment of temporary bracing. Some steel frames do an adequately designed and detailed stabilizer plate must be accounted for.
not rely on any element other than the structural steel for strength or stability. Thus, when the
3. Attachment of Bridging: Bridging must be anchored at its ends. This anchorage may
work required to erect and finish the steel framework is complete, the temporary bracing can
require expansion bolts or other anchors where the bridging cannot be terminated by
be removed at the erector’s discretion. Other steel frames rely on elements of the building to
welding to the last structural element. provide the details of fabrication to the shop. The material is manufactured and shipped. This
4. Attachment of deck perimeter: The deck perimeter is often supported by angles or terminates the manufacturer’s work unless errors in his work are discovered which must be
other loose material which must be detailed and installed to receive the steel deck. corrected.
This material would not normally be provided by the deck supplier nor would it be Erector: Steel deck, steel joists and Joist Girders are usually received at the site by the erector
installed by the deck erector. who checks for shipping damage and quantities and directs their storage and temporary protection
The foregoing discussion of responsibilities among the parties in the design and contraction at the site. As required, the erector erects the material consistent with the specifications and the
process can be summarized as follows: AISC and SJI Codes of Standard Practice. The erector makes all field connections and provides
temporary bracing, as was discussed above.
Owner: The owner is the key to the entire process. It is the owner who initiates the process and
defines the building to be constructed. The owner provides the building usage which establishes Other trades: Once the erection is complete, other trades attach to or otherwise load the steel
the building function and characteristics. This includes the nature of the use of the building and frame with other elements required to complete the building. They must at all times take
any special requirements beyond the minimum requirements of the building code for the type care not to damage the structure by:
and size of the proposed building. The owner establishes the level of quality of the building. 1. Excessive construction loads
The owner hires the architect/engineer and general contractor/construction manager.
2. Cutting or notching the structural elements
Architect/Engineer: The architect/engineer is responsible for taking the owner’s requirements
and, in the context of codes and other regulations, preparing plans and specifications which 3. Applying concentrated loads in excess or in different locations of design specified loads
conform to these requirements. The contents of these plans relative to joists was discussed
above and is given in the SJI Code of Standard Practice. The purpose of these plans is to show This means that they must read and understand the plans and exercise care and judgment.
the completed structure in enough detail that competent parties can understand what materials 8.5 CONTENT OF PLANS
and labor are required to complete their work. The architect/engineer reviews shop drawings
(also discussed above) which show the supplier’s understanding of the materials required as The contents of the plans for bidding was discussed previously. The requirements are presented
well as fabrication and erection details. The review of the architect/ engineer is for conformity to in the SJI Code of Standard Practice in Section 5.1. Also, the Standard Specification requires
his design concept only. The review or approval of shop drawings does not approve deviations that wind uplift forces must be shown on the documents. Specifications should be consistent
from original specifications. There are separate procedures for substitutions. Nor does the with the Code of Standard Practice and the Standard Specifications. When conflicting or stricter
review check for dimensions or fit up. The architect/engineer makes periodic visits to the site requirements are given, it is a source of confusion and extra expense, because it is a departure
to examine the construction for conformity with the design. These visits are not intended to from normal operating procedures.
be detailed inspections as part of a quality control program unless such a program is explicitly On some projects it is desirable to prepare preliminary designs, pricing drawings, scope
contracted with the owner. drawings or phased drawings to expedite the work.
General Contractor/Construction Manager: Amongst other duties these parties are in Preliminary designs and pricing drawings are prepared to establish budgets, determine
charge of carrying forward the work of construction to completion. In the context of steel deck, feasibility and compare framing approaches. As such, they must never be considered complete
steel joists and Joist Girders the general contractor/construction manager solicits proposals for or binding. On the other hand, they should be treated with enough care to be useful. The key
this work. A key activity in this is the apportionment of work among subcontractors so that each element is that they contain a good description of both standard and special conditions, and the
has a clear understanding of what must be done and when. This division of work must be clear emphasis must be on the special, nonstandard aspects. The usual form is to present typical bays
in the subcontractor’s contracts. The plans and specifications should not be relied on solely to or bents and a description of the frequency of these typical conditions, plus a description of
establish the required division and assignment of work to subcontractors.
special bays and loadings. This should include:
Fabricators: The structural steel fabricator prepares fabrication (shop drawings) and erection
drawings showing the work required for the steel framework consistent with the AISC 1. Decking selection and attachment requirements
Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. If the procurement of steel deck, steel joists and 2. Roof drainage and roof slopes
Joist Girders is part of his contract, the fabricator coordinates his work with that of the steel
deck, steel joists and Joist Girder suppliers. Even if the procurement is not part of this contract, 3. Size and spacing of joists
coordination can be made part of it. Otherwise the required coordination must be performed
by the general contractor/construction manager. It is sometimes the case that fabricators or 4. Depth and loading of Joist Girders
others procure joists and Joist Girders by means of bills of material and joist erection plans 5. Bracing scheme used and location of bracing
which are sent to the manufacturer. In this case, the task of interpretation of the plans and
specifications requirements is in the hands of the party who prepares the bills of material. The 6. Designation of joists used as struts
only responsibility of the manufacturer is to provide material conforming to the requirements
given on the bills of material, not the plans and specifications. When bills of material are 7. Sample column connections, especially special connections
prepared by others for the manufacturer, the special skills that the manufacturer has in reading 8. Special depth joist seats
plans and specifications considering the unique requirements for his product, are not taken
advantage of. The direct use of plans and specifications by the manufacturer is preferred over 9. Location and framing approach for major openings
the provision of bills of material prepared by others.
10. Wind uplift loads
Manufacturer: The manufacturer prepares erection drawings consistent with the requirements
of the building design requirements. The content of the drawings is as presented in the SJI 11. Special bridging requirements
Code of Standard Practice. After these drawings are approved, shop orders are prepared which
12. Special deflection requirements REFERENCES
13. Special clearance requirements ACI (2014), ACI 318, “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and
Commentary,” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
14. Design loads and material strengths
ACI (2011), “Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures and
15. Contemplated start and completion dates
Related Commentaries,” 530/530.1-11, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
Certain fast track or negotiated projects begin the construction process with scope documents.
These drawings and specifications are intended to be complete in terms of the scope of work ACI (2006), “Guide for Cast-in Place Low Density Concrete”, ACI 523.1, American Concrete
involved, but incomplete as to final details and design. These documents are issued to solicit Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
proposals and can form the basis of contracts. Because of this, they must be as complete as
possible and must contain indication of where they are incomplete or not final. A procedure AISC (2016a) “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges,” American
must be established in the contract to resolve differences between the scope documents and Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
the final documents. No one should consider the documents as final. The content of scope AISC (1989), “Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel
documents is the same as those for the preliminary drawings given above, but the contents are
presented more formally. It is desirable that the scope documents be as complete as possible, Buildings with Commentary,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
especially about special, nonstandard requirements. AISC (2016b), Design Guide 11, “Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems Due to
Another way to expedite the pace of design and construction is the use of phased documents Human Activity,” Second Ed., American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
and phased construction. In this process the total work is designed and bid in multiple bid
AISC (2016c), “Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings,” American Institute of
packages. A typical breakdown of a project would be:
Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
1. Foundations
AISC (2010), “Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel
2. Superstructure and primary mechanical systems Buildings with Commentary,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
3. Interior development and secondary mechanicals AISC (2016d), “Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel
In this approach, it is intended that each bid package be complete and final and be integrated Buildings with Commentary,” American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
into preceding and subsequent bid packages. This does not always turn out to be the case, AISC (2017) 15th Edition, “Steel Construction Manual,” American Institute of Steel
because subsequent bid packages may bring to light unforeseen conditions which may require
modification of previously bid and constructed work. It is very important in phased documents Construction, Chicago, IL.
to distinguish the work covered in each package. The work of previous packages becomes an AISI (2016a), “North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
existing condition with respect to the current package, and in some cases special provisions Members,” American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C.
must be made for the installation of the work of subsequent packages. This determination
requires extra effort on the part of the architect/engineer and general contractor/construction AISI (2016b), “North American Standard for the Design of Profiled Steel Diaphragm Panels,”
manager. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C.
8.6 CONCLUSION AITC (2012), “Timber Construction Manual,” American Institute of Timber Construction,
This presentation of the content of plans, specifications and the responsibility of the various Tigard, OR.
parties was given to promote a clear understanding of the process by which buildings involving APA (2007), “Diaphragms and Shear Walls, Design/Construction Guide,” V310, American
steel decks, steel joists and Joist Girders are designed and constructed. An understanding of
these issues is essential for a smooth-running project. Plywood Association, Tacoma, WA.
APA (2016), “APA Construction Guide,” American Plywood Association, Tacoma, WA.
ASCE (1987), “Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers,” Task Committee on
Updating Manual 52 of the Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures, Structural
Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
ASCE/SEI (2016), “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,” ASCE/SEI
7-16, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
ASTM (2018) “Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials,”
ASTM E119-00, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM (2017), “Standard Specification for Light Weight Aggregates for Insulating Concrete”,
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA
AWC (2015) “Special Design Provisions for Wind & Seismic (SDPWS)” ANSI/AWC,
American Wood Council, Leesburg, VA. SDI (2017a) “Code of Standard Practice 2017,” Steel Deck Institute, Glenshaw, PA.
AWS (2015), “Structural Welding Code” (AWS D1.1/D1.1M), American Welding Society, SDI (2017b) ANSI/SDI C-2017 “Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck-Slabs,” Steel
Miami, FL. Deck Institute, Glenshaw, PA.
AWS (2017) “Structural Welding Code – Sheet Steel” (AWS D1.3/D1.3M), American SDI (2017c) ANSI/SDI NC-2017 “Standard for Non-Composite Steel Floor Deck,” Steel
Welding Society, Miami, FL. Deck Institute, Glenshaw, PA.
AWS (2016), “Structural Welding Code-Seismic Supplement (AWS D1.8/D1.8M),” SDI (2017d) ANSI/SDI RD-2017 “Standard for Steel Roof Deck,” Steel Deck Institute,
American Welding Society, Miami, FL. Glenshaw, PA.
CMAA (2015a), Specification for Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder SDI (2004), “Diaphragm Design Manual” (DDM03), Third Edition, Steel Deck Institute,
Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes- No. 70, Crane Manufacturers of America, Inc., Glenshaw, PA.
Charlotte, NC.
SDI (2015), “Diaphragm Design Manual” (DDM04), Fourth Edition, Steel Deck Institute,
CMAA (2015b), Specification for Single Girder Cranes- No. 74, Crane Manufacturers of Glenshaw, PA.
America, Inc., Charlotte, NC.
SDI (2017e), “Floor Deck Design Manual (FDDM),” First Edition, Steel Deck Institute,
Doyle, C.G. (2010), “Behavior of Open Web Steel Joist Seats Subjected to Lateral Loads,” Glenshaw, PA.
Master’s Thesis, Villanova University.
SDI (2017f), “Manual of Construction with Steel Deck (MOC3),” Third Edition, Steel Deck
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SJI (2012), “Structural Design of Steel Joist Roofs to Resist Uplift Loads”, TECHNICAL
Contractors Association, Chicago, IL.
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