Cto (3607531)

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Paribesh Bhawan, 10A, Block LA, Sector III , Salt Lake

Kolkata 700 098,lNDlA; Ph 335 9088,& Fax : (0091) (33) 335 8073

Application for Consent to Operate for Red & Orange Category Industries

Application for Consent to Operate for discharge of effluent, under Scction 25 and Section 26 of Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and emission/continuation of emission under Section 2l of the Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Application No. : 3607531 Date of Submission : 24/05/2023
Category : ORANGE
Industry Type : Parboiled Rice Mills
Vill.- BAJEKUMARPUR, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman.
(Name and Address of the Unit)
To : The ..................................................................................................................................
1. I/We hereby apply in the application form for both Consent to Operate (Fresh/Renewal) (i) under sub-section
(2) of Section 25 and Section 26 of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 to make discharge
from land/premises and (ii) under sub-section (2) of Section 2l of the Air (Prevention and Control of pollution)
Act, 1981 to make emission from a proposed industrial plane owned by RITAM NANDI
for a period upto 24/05/2023

2. The Annexure, Appendices, other particulars and plans are attached .

3. I/We further declare that the information furnished in the application form, Annexure/Appendices and plans is
correct the best of my/our knowledge.
4. I/We hereby submit that in case of a change either or a point or the quantity of discharge or the quantity of
emissin, a fresh application for consent shall be made and until such consent is granted, no change shall
be made.
5. I/We hereby agree to submit to the board, application for renewal of consent two months in advance of the
date of expiry of the consented period, if to be continued there after.
6. I/We undertake to furnish any other information within seven days of its being called for by the State Board.
7. I/We enclose herewith Challan of Rs.
deposited at Branch on in favour of
West Bengal Pollution Control Board being the 'Consent to Establish application fee'.

Date:..................................... (Signature...................................)
Name of the applicant : RITAM NANDI

Designation : PARTNER
Application on behalf of : TARA SANKARI AGRO PRODUCTS
Address of applicant : BAJEKUMARPUR


01. Full address of the proposed factory (mentioning Post Office, :
Vill.- BAJEKUMARPUR, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman. Police Station, local body with Ward No. etc.)
Telephone: 0342-7908871520Fax: 0342-7908871520
Police Station : MadhabdihiP. O. & Pin Code: Bajekumarpur 713427
LocalBody: Pahalanpur GP Ward No: Mouza- Dakshin Mohanpur
J.L. No : 169 Plot No. & Dag No.: 312,347,349,351-354

02. Full address of the Registered Office/City Office : BAJEKUMARPUR

Telephone: 0342-7908871520Fax: 0342-7908871520
E-mail : rajib.chowbey@gmail.comWebsite:

03. a) Size of industry (Large / Small[) : Large

b) Power Supply Agency at the factory premises
[viz, C.E.S.C/W.B.S.E.B/Others /specify)] : WBSEDCL

04. Year of commissioning of the industry : April/2017

05. (i) Number of persons engaged by the factory : 40

a) Workers/Labour (including contract engagements : 28,
b) Management Staff : 6
c) Others(Night watchman ete.) : 6
(ii) a) No. of working hour per day : 16
b) No. of working day per year : 360,No

06. Population residing in the Quarters / Colony, if applicable :

07. Gross capital investment on land, building, plant & machinery Lakhs.48535000
excluding capital investment on pollution control system the unit till the date if application

(To be supported an undertaking affidavit, annual report or certificate from a Chartered Accountant).

08. Give the list of raw materials (including fuel) with consumption per month
(if the space provided below is for inadequate, please attach :
separate sheet giving information using the same format ).

SL NO. Name of Raw Materials(including fuel) Quantity per Month

1 Paddy 5050 Metric

2 Paddy husk (boiler fuel) 250 Metric
3 HSD (standby DG fuel) 0.2 Kilo

09. List of products and by-products manufactured :

(if the space provided below is for inadequate, please attach separate sheet giving information using the same
format ).

Name Production Capacity (Per Month) Average Production

(Per Month)
Rice bran (by- 250 Metric Tonnes/Month 220 Metric
product) Tonnes/Month
Rice husk (by- 1260 Metric Tonnes/Month 1230 Metric
product) Tonnes/Day
Rice 3260 Metric Tonnes/Month 3200 Metric
(parboiled) Tonnes/Month


10. Water consumption for different uses

Type of Use Sources of supply (Strike out which if/are not applicable) Quantity (M3/day)
Borewell Domestic purpose 2 KLD
Borewell Manufacturing process 70 KLD
Borewell Boiler feed 40 KLD

11. Information regarding liquid waste discharged.

Do not give information on storm water discharged.

Sources (Place of Quantity(M3/day) Place of discharge)

Borewell; 1.6 KLD Panchayat
permission drain/soakpit (via
applied for septic tank) for
domestic effluent
Borewell; 50 KLD Periodical sampling
permission for discharge to
applied for Panchayat canal via
ETP for industrial
(If the space provided above inadequate, please attach separate sheet giving information the same format).
(Note: Please attach a diagram showing liquid waste flow from its place of generation upto the of final

12. Whether facilities available for liquid waste treatment : Yes/No
if yes.
(a) Quantity of Liquid waste reted :
(b) Describe the facility along with a diagram:
(Please attach separate sheet)

13. Attach latest `analysis report` of the Board or Board's recogzised laboratory showing quality of liquid
waste discharge (before and after treatment) :

14. Whether water meter at water intake points installed : No,

15. Whether energy meter of E.T.P. installed :
16. Whether waste water flow measuring device installed : No


17. Details of source of emission--

(A) (From manufacturing process):.....................................................

Name the unit operation causing emission of pollutants
(Please attach additional sheet if required) :

Type Details/Capacity/Unit/NA
DG Set 82 KVA
(B) (From Furnaces, Heaters,Kiln etc.)

Type of Furnace/Heaters/Kiln No. of Units Capacity of each unit Fuel used (nature &
quantity) in individual

(C) (From Boilers)

Number of boilers Capacity of each boiler Fuel used (nature & quantity) in
individual boilers
1 3 750 kg/hr

D. (From Diesel Generator Sets)

No. of DG sets Capacity of each DG sets Height of the stack above Height of the DG room
DG sets
1 82 KVA 3.5 Meters 3

E. (Noise pollution control measures)

Acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment of DG room Exhaust mufflet

Yes Yes

17. Emission Details.

Emission Stack Height Stack Fuel Quanti Gas Fuel SMF Plant Consp- Stack Remar Polluti
Type Attach of the Diame Consu ty Quanti Capaci Unit Draft ks on
ed To Stack ter mption ty(m^3 ty Type Contro
/hr)) l
Flue Boil 33. 1.2 Ric 0.7 0 0 Yes 3 Met ID Bric Gra
Gase er 5 Mts e 5 ric Fan k vity
s hus Met Ton stac Dus
Stack k ric nes/ k t
Ton Hou for Sett
nes/ r boil ling
Hou er. Cha
r AP mb
CS er
Other Flu DG 6.5 0.2 HS 0.0 0 0 Yes 82 KV Nat MS
s e Set Mts D 15 A ural stac
Gas Kilo draf k
es Lite t for
Sta rs/H one
ck our DG

If the space provided above is inadequate, please attach separate sheet giving information using the same format
(Attach latest `analysis report` of the Board's recogzised laboratory)


19. Give details regarding solid waste

Type of Waste Description of Quantity per month unit Method of disposal

From effluent Sludge 2 Metric Land filling
treatment Tonnes/Month
From boiler Husk ash 40 Metric Landfilling/agri
operation Tonnes/Month field
From process Dust, stones, 125 Metric Land filling
grits, etc. Tonnes/Month

20. Attach a separate sheet (not applicable to small scale unit) :
Providing a brief write-up and schematic flow sheet
of the manufacturing process clearly showing sources
of generation of solid (hazardous and, non-hazardous)
liquid and gaseous wastes

21. Attach layout plan showing the different outlets for liquid :
waste discharge

22. Other relevant information, if any :

(Please attach separate sheet if required)
Seal Signature of Applicant............................................

Check-list of accompaniments: [Please put tick mark (-)as applicable]

[] The THIRD PART of the challan (in original) as proof of deposition of consent application fee
[] Undertaking/Affidavit/Andull Report/certificate from a Chartered Accountant (Item No.07)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.08
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.09
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.l1 (b)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.13
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.17 (A)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.18
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.20
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.21
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.22
Notes : => All enclosures, documents and analysis reports of Board's recogzised laboratories must be
signed/counted-signed by the applicant with official seat.

=> All subsequent connection in the application form and enclosures should be signed by the applicant or any
person authorised by tln applicant.

=> Thc form is to be filled prefenbly in by type written or logiblc hand writing

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