Cto (3607531)
Cto (3607531)
Cto (3607531)
Application for Consent to Operate for Red & Orange Category Industries
Application for Consent to Operate for discharge of effluent, under Scction 25 and Section 26 of Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and emission/continuation of emission under Section 2l of the Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Application No. : 3607531 Date of Submission : 24/05/2023
Category : ORANGE
Industry Type : Parboiled Rice Mills
Vill.- BAJEKUMARPUR, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman.
(Name and Address of the Unit)
To : The ..................................................................................................................................
1. I/We hereby apply in the application form for both Consent to Operate (Fresh/Renewal) (i) under sub-section
(2) of Section 25 and Section 26 of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 to make discharge
from land/premises and (ii) under sub-section (2) of Section 2l of the Air (Prevention and Control of pollution)
Act, 1981 to make emission from a proposed industrial plane owned by RITAM NANDI
for a period upto 24/05/2023
Date:..................................... (Signature...................................)
Name of the applicant : RITAM NANDI
Designation : PARTNER
Application on behalf of : TARA SANKARI AGRO PRODUCTS
Address of applicant : BAJEKUMARPUR
07. Gross capital investment on land, building, plant & machinery Lakhs.48535000
excluding capital investment on pollution control system the unit till the date if application
(To be supported an undertaking affidavit, annual report or certificate from a Chartered Accountant).
08. Give the list of raw materials (including fuel) with consumption per month
(if the space provided below is for inadequate, please attach :
separate sheet giving information using the same format ).
2 Paddy husk (boiler fuel) 250 Metric
3 HSD (standby DG fuel) 0.2 Kilo
Type of Use Sources of supply (Strike out which if/are not applicable) Quantity (M3/day)
Borewell Domestic purpose 2 KLD
Borewell Manufacturing process 70 KLD
Borewell Boiler feed 40 KLD
12. Whether facilities available for liquid waste treatment : Yes/No
if yes.
(a) Quantity of Liquid waste reted :
(b) Describe the facility along with a diagram:
(Please attach separate sheet)
13. Attach latest `analysis report` of the Board or Board's recogzised laboratory showing quality of liquid
waste discharge (before and after treatment) :
Type Details/Capacity/Unit/NA
DG Set 82 KVA
(B) (From Furnaces, Heaters,Kiln etc.)
Type of Furnace/Heaters/Kiln No. of Units Capacity of each unit Fuel used (nature &
quantity) in individual
Number of boilers Capacity of each boiler Fuel used (nature & quantity) in
individual boilers
1 3 750 kg/hr
No. of DG sets Capacity of each DG sets Height of the stack above Height of the DG room
DG sets
1 82 KVA 3.5 Meters 3
E. (Noise pollution control measures)
Emission Stack Height Stack Fuel Quanti Gas Fuel SMF Plant Consp- Stack Remar Polluti
Type Attach of the Diame Consu ty Quanti Capaci Unit Draft ks on
ed To Stack ter mption ty(m^3 ty Type Contro
/hr)) l
Flue Boil 33. 1.2 Ric 0.7 0 0 Yes 3 Met ID Bric Gra
Gase er 5 Mts e 5 ric Fan k vity
s hus Met Ton stac Dus
Stack k ric nes/ k t
Ton Hou for Sett
nes/ r boil ling
Hou er. Cha
r AP mb
CS er
Other Flu DG 6.5 0.2 HS 0.0 0 0 Yes 82 KV Nat MS
s e Set Mts D 15 A ural stac
Gas Kilo draf k
es Lite t for
Sta rs/H one
ck our DG
If the space provided above is inadequate, please attach separate sheet giving information using the same format
(Attach latest `analysis report` of the Board's recogzised laboratory)
20. Attach a separate sheet (not applicable to small scale unit) :
Providing a brief write-up and schematic flow sheet
of the manufacturing process clearly showing sources
of generation of solid (hazardous and, non-hazardous)
liquid and gaseous wastes
21. Attach layout plan showing the different outlets for liquid :
waste discharge
[] The THIRD PART of the challan (in original) as proof of deposition of consent application fee
[] Undertaking/Affidavit/Andull Report/certificate from a Chartered Accountant (Item No.07)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.08
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.09
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.l1 (b)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.13
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.17 (A)
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.18
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.20
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.21
[] Additional sheet against ltem No.22
Notes : => All enclosures, documents and analysis reports of Board's recogzised laboratories must be
signed/counted-signed by the applicant with official seat.
=> All subsequent connection in the application form and enclosures should be signed by the applicant or any
person authorised by tln applicant.
=> Thc form is to be filled prefenbly in by type written or logiblc hand writing