Radiotherapy and Oncology: Original Article
Radiotherapy and Oncology: Original Article
Radiotherapy and Oncology: Original Article
Original Article
Late toxicity and quality of life with prostate only or whole pelvic
radiation therapy in high risk prostate cancer (POP-RT): A randomised
Vedang Murthy a,⇑, Priyamvada Maitre a, Jatin Bhatia a, Sadhana Kannan b, Rahul Krishnatry a,
Gagan Prakash c, Ganesh Bakshi c, Mahendra Pal c, Santosh Menon d, Umesh Mahantshetty a
Department of Radiation Oncology; b Department of Biostatistics; c Department of Uro-Oncology; and d Department of Pathology, Tata Memorial Hospital and Advanced Centre for
Treatment Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Mumbai, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Aim: To report toxicity and quality of life (QOL) outcomes from a randomised trial of prostate only versus
Received 3 October 2019 whole pelvic radiotherapy in high risk, node negative prostate cancer.
Received in revised form 9 December 2019 Materials/methods: Patients with localised prostate adenocarcinoma and nodal involvement risk > 20%,
Accepted 11 December 2019
were randomised to prostate only (PORT, 68 Gy/25# to prostate) and whole pelvis (WPRT, 68 Gy/25#
Available online 7 January 2020
to prostate and 50 Gy/25# to pelvis) arms with stratification for TURP, Gleason score, baseline PSA,
and type of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Image guided intensity modulated radiotherapy
(IG-IMRT) and two years of ADT were mandatory. Acute and late genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal
Prostate cancer
Pelvic radiotherapy
(GI) toxicities were graded using RTOG grading. QOL was assessed using EORTC QLQ-C30 and PR-25
Radiotherapy toxicity questionnaire pre-treatment and every 3–6 months post RT.
Quality of life Results: Total 224 patients were randomised (PORT 114, WPRT 110) from November 2011 to August
2017. Median follow up was 44.5 months. No RTOG grade IV toxicity was observed. Acute GI and GU tox-
icities were similar between both the arms. Cumulative grade II late GI toxicity was similar for WPRT
and PORT (6.5% vs. 3.8%, p = 0.39) but GU toxicity was higher (17.7% vs. 7.5%, p = 0.03). Dosimetric anal-
ysis showed higher bladder volume receiving 30–40 Gy in the WPRT arm (V30, 60% vs. 36%, p < 0.001;
V40, 41% vs. 25%, p < 0.001). There was no difference in QOL scores of any domain between both arms.
Conclusion: Pelvic irradiation using hypofractionated IG-IMRT resulted in increased grade II or higher late
genitourinary toxicity as compared to prostate only RT, but the difference was not reflected in patient
reported QOL. NCT02302105: Prostate Only or Whole Pelvic Radiation Therapy in High Risk Prostate
Cancer (POP-RT).
Ó 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 145 (2020) 71–80
Prostate cancer is a leading cause of male cancer globally, with techniques in these trials may be considered less than optimal by
incidence increasing parallel to rise in life expectancy [1]. Patients the current standards. Evolution of intensity modulated radiation
in unscreened populations in developing nations present with therapy (IMRT) with image guidance and hypofractionation has
more locally advanced and high risk disease [2]. Such patients improved the therapeutic ratio by more accurate dose delivery
are currently treated with a combination of high dose radiation and shortened overall treatment time [5,6]. Recently, safety of
and long course androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). dose-escalated pelvic lymph nodal irradiation (PLNI) with IMRT
Prophylactic regional nodal irradiation in high risk cases has was demonstrated in a phase II multicentre randomised trial from
improved survival outcomes in cancers of breast, and head and the United Kingdom [7].
neck. However, the benefit of irradiating pelvic nodes in node neg- The randomised trial Prostate Only or Whole Pelvic Radiation
ative prostate cancer is yet to be determined conclusively even Therapy in High Risk Prostate Cancer (POP-RT) aims to establish
after two randomised trials [3,4]. Radiotherapy dose and delivery the efficacy, toxicity and impact on quality of life (QOL) of PLNI
compared to prostate only radiation using image guided, moder-
ately hypofractionated, dose escalated radiotherapy. While long-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Radiation Oncology, Tata Memorial term survival outcomes are awaited, we report the late toxicities
Hospital, Ernest Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai 400 012, India. and QOL outcomes from this trial.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Murthy).
0167-8140/Ó 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
72 RCT of Prostate only vs. Pelvic RT
Materials and methods aiming to cover 95% of the PTV by the 95% isodose. For step-and-
shoot IMRT, seven equally-spaced beams were typically used. All
Trial design contours and treatment plans were reviewed and finalised by a
single radiation oncologist. Occasional patient with dose con-
POP-RT is a randomised single institution trial comparing pros-
straints exceeding the tolerance was replanned. Patient-specific
tate only and whole pelvis irradiation in patients with high risk,
plan delivery quality assurance was performed for each final plan
node negative prostate cancer. The study was approved by the
before commencing treatment.
Institutional Ethics Committee and is registered at
Patients were aligned with skin tattoos for treatment, following
(NCT02302105). It was conducted in accordance with the principles
the same bladder protocol as during simulation. On board imaging
of good clinical practice. Safety and efficacy data were reviewed
using cone beam CT or megavoltage CT was taken daily before each
regularly by an independent institutional data monitoring
fraction for set-up verification and confirming the empty rectum.
Patients were advised low residue diet in general but no daily lax-
ative was routinely advised. If the rectal gas prevented a good
Patient selection and randomisation match, the patient was prescribed a mild laxative. Patients were
All patients with high risk, node negative, non-metastatic, reviewed weekly during RT by the treating physician and acute
biopsy proven prostate adenocarcinoma with >20% risk of pelvic genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) toxicities were graded
nodal involvement (Roach formula) were screened for the study. using RTOG scale.
Inclusion criteria were stage T3b-T4a; T1-T3a with Gleason Score All patients received ADT with Luteinizing Hormone Releasing
(GS) 8–10; T1-T3a with GS 7 and serum Prostate Specific Antigen Hormone analogue (LHRHa) or bilateral orchiectomy at least
(PSA) > 15 ng/ml; T1-T3a with GS 6 and PSA > 30 ng/ml. Patients 8 weeks prior to starting radiotherapy. Medical castration contin-
had to be fit for androgen suppression with either medical or sur- ued concomitantly with radiation and later for a total duration of
gical castration, with physician estimated life expectancy >5 years. two years.
Patients unsuitable for high dose, moderately hypofractionated
radiation therapy or with history of prior pelvic surgery or inflam- Objectives and assessments
matory bowel disease were excluded.
The enrolled patients provided written informed consent prior The primary objective was 5-year biochemical failure free sur-
to randomisation. Randomisation was carried out by the trial vival (BFFS) using the Phoenix criteria to define biochemical failure
statistician (SK) in Clinical Research Secretariat within the hospital (nadir PSA + 2 ng/mL). The secondary objectives were disease free
by phone or email. Patients were allocated randomly to either survival (DFS), overall survival (OS), acute and late GI and GU tox-
Prostate Only Radiation Therapy (PORT) or Whole Pelvis Radiation icities, and quality of life (QOL).
Therapy (WPRT) arms using stratified block randomisation method Baseline assessment prior to randomisation included complete
with block size of 4. Stratification factors were GS (6–7/8–10), type history and physical examination, serum PSA < 3 weeks of randomi-
of ADT (medical castration/orchiectomy), PSA (>50 or 50 ng/mL), sation, laboratory investigations (complete blood counts, renal and
and history of transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) (yes/no). liver function tests, serum electrolytes) and staging imaging (CT
scan of abdomen and pelvis, MRI pelvis, bone scan or Ga-68 PSMA
PET scan) <8 weeks from randomisation. All patients were assessed
Treatment planning and delivery
weekly during RT, 6–8 weeks after RT completion and 3–6 monthly
All patients were treated with IMRT with daily volumetric thereafter in clinic. Follow up included clinical evaluation (digital
image guidance. Empty rectum (using a low residue diet without rectal examination, PSA), toxicities (GI and GU; RTOG criteria) and
routine laxatives) and adequate bladder filling were ensured for QOL documentation (EORTC QLQC-30 and PR-25).
simulation and daily treatment, using a bladder protocol of
500 ml water drunk 45 minutes before simulation and each frac-
Statistical considerations
tion. Non-contrast planning computed tomography (CT) scan was
acquired with patient positioned supine and three external mark- For the primary endpoint of 5-year BFFS, the sample size calcu-
ers were placed at the level of pubic symphysis to align the lasers. lations assumed a 5-year BFFS of 62% with WPRT and 45% with
Intraprostatic fiducials were not used. A short scan was taken at PORT. To detect this difference with a 5% two-sided significance
the level of prostate to check adequately full bladder (250– and 80% power, a total of 224 patients were randomised to both
300 ml) and empty rectum (rectal diameter < 4 cm) before pro- arms equally (112 in each arm). Toxicities till three months post
ceeding with the simulation scan. Target volume and organs at risk radiation were considered acute, and those beyond as late toxici-
(OARs) were delineated as per Radiation Therapy Oncology Group ties. Late toxicities were reported both as cumulative and at last
(RTOG) guidelines and International Commission on Radiation follow up. Intention to treat analysis was done using SPSS version
Units [8]. The CTV prostate included the entire prostate gland 21 (IBM Inc.). Incidence of toxicities (Grade 0-I versus Grade II)
and the base of seminal vesicles, with a 7 mm expansion (5 mm was estimated with 95% confidence intervals for both the arms
posteriorly) for PTV prostate. The CTV for pelvic nodes included separately and compared using chi square test or Fisher’s exact
common iliac, internal iliac, external iliac, presacral, and the obtu- test. Hazards ratio was estimated for actuarial toxicities using
rator nodes delineated as per RTOG guidelines. Nodal PTV was gen- cox regression method to assess the difference in toxicity plots
erated with a 7 mm expansion around the nodal CTV. Detailed between both arms. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically
description of target volume and OARs with the dose constraints significant. An unplanned analysis of bladder and rectal dosimetry
used is provided in Appendix 1. was performed by comparing the medians across both arms using
Dose prescription was 68 Gy in 25 fractions to the prostate in independent samples test.
both arms and 50 Gy in 25 fractions to the pelvic nodes in WPRT EORTC QLQ-C30 and PR25 questionnaires were used for QOL
arm as simultaneous integrated boost (SIB). Using inverse planning assessment. QLQ-C30 assesses six function scales (physical, role,
method, step-and-shoot or rotational IMRT was planned on emotional, cognitive, social, and global health status) and eight
Eclipse planning system (Varian Medical Systems), or helical symptom scales (fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain, dyspnoea, insom-
tomotherapy-based IMRT on proprietary tomotherapy planning nia, appetite loss, constipation, diarrhoea, and financial difficul-
system (Tomotherapy Inc.). All the plans used 6 MV photon energy, ties). The prostate specific QLQ-PR25 assesses three symptom
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V. Murthy et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 145 (2020) 71–80 73
scales (urinary, bowel, and hormone treatment-related symp- between both arms. Two patients in WPRT arm and none in
toms), sexual activity, sexual functioning, and bother due to incon- the PORT arm experienced acute grade III GI toxicity. At three
tinence aid. All items and scales scores were linearly transformed months follow-up post RT, overall residual GI toxicity was grade
to 0–100 points scale according to the EORTC guidelines. Means II in 0.9% (WPRT 1.8% vs. PORT 0%) and grade I in 5.8% (WPRT
and standard deviation of QOL scores for each arm at different time 6.5% vs. PORT 5.6%) patients. No patient in the study experienced
points were estimated. Linear mixed model with repeated mea- acute grade III/IV GU toxicity. Compared to PORT arm, more
sures was used to test the differences in serial QOL scores between patients in WPRT arm experienced mild to moderate acute GU
the arms, to control for intra-subject correlation of responses. A 10- toxicities (grade II 24.3% vs. 32.7%) however the difference was
point difference in QOL scores between the two arms was consid- not statistically significant. Residual grade II GU toxicity was
ered clinically significant. Statistical significance for each time 2.8% (2.8% each in WPRT and PORT) and grade I was 10.8%
point was considered as p < 0.007 (correcting for multiple time (WPRT 12.1% vs. PORT 10.2%).
points). Only available data was used for statistical analyses with- The crude toxicity rates are shown in Fig. 2. No patient experi-
out imputation for the missing data. enced late grade IV GI or GU toxicity in either arm (Table 2). One
patient in WPRT arm and none in the PORT arm showed grade III
Results late GI toxicity. Grade II GI toxicities were 6.5% in the WPRT
arm and 3.8% in the PORT arm (p = 0.39). Cumulative late GI toxi-
Between November 2011 and August 2017, total 336 patients city showed no significant difference between the two arms
were screened for the study, of which 224 patients were eligible (Fig. 2C). Late grade II GI toxicity at last follow up was 2.7% in
for randomisation (Fig. 1). Of 114 patients allocated in the PORT the WPRT arm and 0.9% in the PORT arm (p = 0.32). Grade III late
arm, two patients withdrew consent and one patient received GU toxicity was observed in five patients (PORT = 2, WPRT = 3).
whole pelvis radiation, whereas all 110 patients in the WPRT GU toxicity grade II was significantly higher with WPRT (17.7%
arm received the allocated treatment. Baseline patient and disease vs. 7.5%; p = 0.03) (Fig. 2D). At last follow up, two patients of WPRT
characteristics were well balanced in both the arms (Table 1). arm reported grade III toxicity but grade II GU toxicity was statis-
Majority (78.3%) of patients were locally advanced (stage T3a), tically similar between the two arms (5.5% vs. 1.9%; p = 0.32).
with median nodal involvement risk of 42% by Roach formula. Half Post hoc dose volume histogram (DVH) analysis was done for a
of the patients had GS 8, and over a quarter of patients had prior subset of half the patients in each arm (n = 50 each) for differences
history of TURP (27.6%) or had diabetes (28.4%). Median follow up in the planned dose for bladder and rectum during WPRT or PORT
was 44.5 months. (Fig. 3). Volume of bladder receiving 30–40 Gy was larger in the
Maximal acute toxicity developed is shown in Table 2. There WPRT arm (V30, 60% vs. 36%, p < 0.001; V40, 41% vs. 25%,
were no acute grade IV GI toxicities in any arm. Most patients p < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the volume of
experienced grade I-II toxicities with no significant difference bladder and rectum exposed to 60–65 Gy between both arms.
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74 RCT of Prostate only vs. Pelvic RT
Table 1
Baseline patient and disease characteristics.
Table 2
Acute and late toxicities (RTOG).
Acute Toxicity
Grade Overall PORT WPRT P value
n = 214 (100%) n = 107 (50%) n = 107 (50%) (gr 0-I vs. gr II)
Gastrointestinal 0 93 (43.4) 48 (44.8) 45 (42.1) 0.23
I 59 (27.5) 32 (29.9) 27 (25.2)
II 60 (28.0) 27 (25.2) 33 (30.8)
III 2 (0.9) 0 (0) 2 (1.8)
Genitourinary 0 74 (34.5) 44 (41.1) 30 (28.1) 0.17
I 79 (36.9) 37 (34.6) 42 (39.2)
II 61 (28.5) 26 (24.3) 35 (32.7)
Late Toxicity
Grade Overall PORT WPRT P value
n = 211 (100%) n = 104 (49.2%) n = 107 (50.2%) (gr 0-I vs. gr II)
Cumulative 0 142 (67.2) 73 (70.1) 69 (64.4) 0.39
I 59 (27.9) 27 (25.9) 32 (29.9)
II 9 (4.2) 4 (3.8) 6 (5.6)
III 1 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.9)
At Last Follow up 0 191 (90.5) 97 (93.2) 94 (87.8) 0.17
I 16 (7.5) 6 (5.7) 10 (9.3)
II 3 (1.4) 1 (0.9) 2 (1.8)
III 1 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.9)
Cumulative 0 95 (45.0) 48 (46.1) 47 (43.9) 0.03
I 88 (41.7) 48 (46.1) 40 (37.3)
II 23 (10.9) 6 (5.7) 16 (14.9)
III 5 (2.3) 2 (1.8) 3 (2.8)
At Last Follow up 0 173 (81.9) 88 (84.6) 85 (79.4) 0.32
I 30 (14.2) 14 (13.4) 16 (14.9)
II 6 (2.8) 2 (1.9) 4 (3.7)
III 2 (0.9) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.8)
Total 217 patients (PORT = 105; WPRT = 112) completed 1068 subscales (Appendix 3). Scores for subscales of treatment-related
QOL questionnaires over a median assessment period of 18 months symptoms as well as sexual functioning also showed no significant
(range 1–73 months). Each patient completed an average of 5 difference for the two arms.
(range 1–11) assessments. No statistically or clinically significant
change was observed in any functional or symptom domain of Discussion
EORTC QLQ C-30 between both arms over the follow up period.
The symptom scores of PR-25 including bowel and urinary symp- POP-RT incorporates the currently recommended dose escala-
toms were also similar between the two arms (Appendix 2), as also tion for prostate radiotherapy delivered with image guided inverse
the responses to specific items of urinary and bowel symptoms planning IMRT. Overall incidence of grade III toxicities was low,
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V. Murthy et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 145 (2020) 71–80 75
Fig. 2. Crude toxicity rates and cumulative late toxicities (Grade II or higher) – Gastrointestinal (A, C) and Genitourinary (B, D) (time points calculated from the date of
with no significant difference in acute GI or GU toxicities between (p = 0.03), corresponding to the larger volume of bladder exposed
both arms. Addition of PLNI delivered using IG-IMRT did not to 30–50 Gy dose in this arm.
increase late GI toxicity. Late GU toxicity was higher with WPRT
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Table 3
Randomised trials of prostate only versus pelvic irradiation in node negative prostate cancer.
Hormonal Therapy NHT 2 months before Only for high risk – NHT (LHRHa) for 4 to NHT (LHRHa) for 6 to 9 months before RT NHT at least 2 months + concomitantly
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RT + concomitantly + AHT for 4 months 8 months before RT + concomitant + AHT for total 2–3 years.
Arms 4 arms: 2 arms: 2 arms: 2 arms:
NHT + WP (n = 320); WP (n = 225); PO (n = 62) WP (n = 110);
NHT + PO (n = 319); PO (n = 221) P&P (n = 62) PO (n = 112)
WP + AHT (n = 319);
PO + AHT (n = 321)
Technique Conventional box field. WP upper border at L5- Conventional portals for WP. IMRT (image guidance allowed). IG-IMRT. WP upper border at L4-L5.
S1. WP upper border at S1/S2. 3DCRT for PO WP upper border at L5-S1.
Dose Fractionation Pelvic LN: 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions Pelvic LN: 45–46.8 Gy in 20–26 fractions Pelvic LN – 60 Gy in 37 fractions (55 Gy in Pelvic LN – 50 Gy in 25 fractions
(BED3 = 80.64 Gy) (BED3 = 74.88 to 78.75 Gy) 37 fractions if mandatory dose (BED = 83.33 Gy)
Prostate: 70.2 Gy in 39 fractions Prostate: 65.25–68.4 Gy in 29–38 constraints not met) (BED3 = 92.4 Gy) Prostate – 68 Gy in 25 fractions
(BED3 = 112.32 Gy) fractions (BED3 = 110–114.19 Gy; After Prostate – 74 Gy in 37 fractions (BED3 = 129.65 Gy)
(NHT = Neoadjuvant Hormone Therapy; AHT = Adjuvant Hormone Therapy; RT = Radiation Therapy; WP = Whole Pelvis RT; PO = Prostate Only RT; P&P = Pelvis and Prostate; IG-IMRT = Image Guided Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy; LHRHa = Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone analogue; QOL = Quality of Life; GI = Gastrointestinal; GU = Genitourinary; EFS = Event Free Survival).
V. Murthy et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 145 (2020) 71–80 77
The benefit of PLNI in radical intent radiotherapy for locally incidental, and may even change with longer follow up. However,
advanced prostate cancer has been debated for decades [9,10]. It the contribution of bladder volume exposed to moderate RT doses
is even more relevant with near universal adoption of IMRT for towards late cystitis is a hypothesis worth exploring, which to our
prostate cancer globally. While long term outcomes from ongoing knowledge has not been reported previously in literature.
phase III trials are awaited, toxicity concerns especially to the Similar findings were observed in rectal dosimetric analysis,
bowel need to be addressed before they can be weighed vis-à-vis with larger rectal volume receiving 30–40 Gy in the WPRT arm
potential benefits in tumour control. (V30, 69% vs. 58%, p < 0.001; V40, 47% vs. 41%, p = 0.02). However,
Till date, three RCTs have compared outcomes with whole pel- it did not translate into clinically measurable change in acute or
vis irradiation versus prostate only radiotherapy (Table 3). Of late GI toxicity. While bowel dosimetry was not separately anal-
these, only phase II PIVOTAL trial used IMRT [7]. Long term results ysed, both physician-graded lower GI toxicity and patient-
of PLNI are available from the randomised trials RTOG 9413 and reported PR-25 bowel subscale were similar for both arms.
GETUG 01. RTOG 9413 randomised patients with >15% risk of Improved bowel and rectum sparing by universal use of IG-
nodal involvement in 2 2 factorial design for hormone sequenc- IMRT may be responsible for this, since the rectal dose volume
ing and radiation portals. In the latest update, WPRT and PORT parameters achieved in both the arms were well below the plan-
showed no difference in biochemical control and late GU toxicity ning constraints. A study correlating HRQOL outcomes in prostate
[3]. Late GI toxicity was the highest in WPRT arm of NHT cohort, 3DCRT dosimetry showed higher incidence of rectal bleeding and
but similar in the other three arms. Interaction between ADT and incontinence with higher DVH distribution range, but the
radiotherapy did not allow straightforward assessment of the reported DVH range was far higher than the one achieved with
impact of WPRT on toxicities. Overall, results were still not conclu- IMRT in our trial [15]. Upper extent of pelvic field in POP-RT
sive for benefit of PLNI [11]. Meanwhile, GETUG 01 used 3DCRT for was at the level of aortic bifurcation, which is higher than the
prostate but conventional four fields for WPRT, beginning from S1- other randomised trials of WPRT (Table 3). No increase in the
S2 interspace [4]. Over 50% patients in both arms of GETUG 01 had bowel toxicity was observed, demonstrating excellent bowel
nodal involvement risk < 15%, and it was underpowered to show sparing achievable with IMRT.
survival benefit with WPRT in the high risk subgroup. Again, Although this is the largest report of prospectively assessed
detailed toxicity outcomes were not reported in GETUG 01, while patient-reported QOL and treatment toxicities, these are not the
the impact on patient QOL was not addressed in both these ran- primary end points of this trial. Toxicities were assessed with
domised trials. RTOG grading only, which may be subject to interpretation and
Recently, phase II PIVOTAL study from the UK reported a non- documentation bias [16] and does not differentiate between vari-
comparative analysis of toxicity with IMRT-based PLNI, with acute ous symptoms. Addition of CTCAE may have improved the qualita-
lower GI toxicity at 18 weeks post RT as the primary endpoint [7]. tive toxicity assessment. International Prostate Symptom Score
Acute and 2-year GI toxicity showed no difference between the (IPSS) questionnaire was not used in this trial, however the
two arms of PIVOTAL, similar to POP-RT. However, unlike the PIVO- patients were screened for any pre-existing symptoms at baseline.
TAL trial, we observed higher late GU toxicity with WPRT. While Dosimetry was available for analysis in about half of the patients,
the PORT arms of both trials show similar grade 2 + late GU toxicity and was not retrievable for the remaining patients. This is however
(PIVOTAL 5.1%, POP-RT 7.5%), the WPRT arms show a difference unlikely to change the results significantly, as the missing dosimet-
(PIVOTAL 5.6%, POP-RT 17.7%); possibly due to use of hypofraction- ric data was not subject to any selection bias. QOL assessment
ation and longer follow up in the present trial (median follow up using EORTC PR-25 module without additional dedicated question-
37.6 months versus 44.5 months respectively). naires might have impacted the sensitivity of assessments. The
Patient-reported QOL scores showed no difference between results reported presently at median follow up of 44 months may
both arms for any domain. Higher RTOG late GU toxicity with evolve differently with even longer follow-up.
WPRT did not show a corresponding increase in PR-25 urinary While the long-term survival outcomes are awaited from POP-
symptoms scores. This could be attributable partly to the absence RT trial, two other randomised trials are exploring the question
of haematuria as a symptom in the urinary subscale of PR-25 of benefit of PLNI in high risk node negative prostate cancer. RTOG
questionnaire. We did an exploratory dosimetric analysis for pos- 0924 is recruiting patients with unfavourable intermediate risk or
sible reasons of increased late urinary toxicity in the WPRT arm. favourable high-risk prostate cancer, allowing brachytherapy boost
Post hoc DVH analysis from our trial showed higher bladder vol- for prostate (NCT01368588). Phase III trial PIVOTAL boost is
ume receiving planned dose of 30–50 Gy (V30, V40 and V50) for expected after the feasibility demonstrated in the phase II PIVOTAL
WPRT, the difference being statistically significant and clinically trial. The benefit of PLNI for advanced localised prostate cancer is
relevant. We hypothesise that this could account for more grade expected to be conclusively answered with the results of these tri-
II toxicity with WPRT, particularly gross haematuria. It would als. It remains to be seen, however, if the trade-off in terms of
be interesting to see the planning constraints for urinary bladder increased toxicities is worthwhile.
achieved in PIVOTAL for doses in 30–50 Gy range between the To conclude, whole pelvic RT delivered with hypofractionated
two arms. IG-IMRT resulted in increased grade II or higher late genitourinary
Urinary toxicity is known to be associated with higher dose to toxicity as compared to prostate only RT. This was not reflected in
the bladder neck and trigone [12], and history of previous TURP the patient reported QOL. Final results of clinical outcomes are
[13]. Late cystitis rates were higher post IMRT in high risk patients awaited.
when larger volume of bladder neck received >75 Gy [12], and
widespread use of TURP in India could account for higher GU tox-
Financial disclosure
icity in both arms of the present study [2]. However, TURP or dose
to bladder trigone/neck are unlikely to be responsible for the dif-
POP-RT trial is supported by intramural funding from Tata
ference in bladder toxicity between the two randomised groups
Memorial Hospital and the Terry Fox Foundation.
here as TURP was an a priori stratification factor. Previous studies
in dose escalated prostate IMRT show association of late grade
2+ GU toxicity with WPRT [14]. Higher bladder DVH range has Conflict of interest statement
been associated with worse urinary obstruction and incontinence
[15]. The observed difference in urinary toxicity could also be None.
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78 RCT of Prostate only vs. Pelvic RT
Acknowledgements Dipika Chourasiya, Ms. Gitanjali Panigrahi, Ms. Pooja Gurav, and
Ms. Sujata Ghonge for their valuable help in collection and mainte-
We are grateful to Tata Memorial Centre and Terry Fox Founda- nance of the trial related data and meticulous follow-up of
tion for the funding support of this trial. We sincerely thank Ms. patients.
Appendix 1. Target volume and OARs delineation and their dose constraints
Appendix 2. Patient-reported quality of life outcomes for EORTC PR-25 urinary and bowel symptom domains. The mean composite
scores for urinary symptoms domain (8 questions, Q31-37 and Q39 of PR-25) and bowel symptoms domain (4 questions, Q40-43 of
PR-25), along with the standard deviation from the mean score are shown. Threshold of significance for p-value is 0.007 to correct
for QOL assessment being done at multiple time points
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V. Murthy et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 145 (2020) 71–80 79
Appendix 3. Patient-reported item-wise responses for urinary and bowel functions of EORTC PR-25
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80 RCT of Prostate only vs. Pelvic RT
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