7th Eng Unit 3 Lesson Plan

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Name No. of Timeline for

of the Topic periods teaching Any specific information
Lesson (25) From To
/ Unit
Before you read 1 1-8-23 A brief introduction about comic
6 A comic story to be understood through
Gopal and the Hilsa-fish pictures with strips of text for support.
The story says nothing is impossible in
the world. Smart people can achieve
Unit III: Gopal and the Hilsa-fish (Honeycomb)

3 6 Inferential and open-ended

Working with the text questions from all the important
concepts of the lesson
Working with language 3 Reported Speech: Changing the
given sentences from the story into
reported speech.

Dictionary work: finding meanings

Picture reading 3 1. Looking at the picture and reading

the text aloud
2. Asking questions about each

3 3. Writing a story in own sentences.

Writing 4. Completing the world ladder with
the help of the given clues.
The Shed (Poem) 2 written by Frank Flynn
Working with the poem 1 2 Inferential and open-ended
questions from the poem
Bringing up Kari (from the 2 31-8- Bringing up Kari is a story of a baby
supplementary read An Alien 23 elephant and his nine-year old friend
Hand) and keeper

Prior Concept/ Skills: (Essential concepts and skills to be checked/bridged before teaching the current concept.)

1. Listen to the teacher and understand

2. Read and comprehend the text
3. Express their ideas, opinions and doubts etc.
4. Speak about their real life experiences
5. Write simple sentences on their own
6. Uses words contextually
7. Children talk about clever people like Tenali Ramakrishna and Birbal etc.

Learning Outcomes: ( Select from SCERT Academic Calendar and Textbook) No. of
➢ Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts.

➢ Reads textual/non-textual materials in English/Braille with comprehension. Total 24
periods to
achieve all
➢ Identifies details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual these
/non-textual material learning
➢ Reads aloud stories/ recites poems with appropriate pause, intonation and for this unit.
pronunciation. (Gopal and the Hilsa-Fish – prose / The Shed – poem)

➢ participates in different activities in English such as role-play, poetry recitation, skit,

drama, debate, speech, elocution, declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school and
other such organizations;

➢ asks and responds to questions based on texts (from books or other resources) and
out of curiosity.

➢ Speaks about the intelligence of Gopal and the Hilsa-fish.

➢ Takes notes while teacher teaches /from books / from online materials.

➢ Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.

➢ Writes stories in own words by looking at the given pictures.


( Generating interest, informing students about the outcomes and expectations for the lesson)

1. Name some clever and witty people you heard about.

2. Have you heard any stories of Tenali Ramakrishna?
3. Have you ever heard any stories of Birbal?
4. Which is the most popular fish in your locality?

Experience and Reflection ?

(Task/question that helps students explore the concept and connect with their life)

1. Have you seen anyone who is known for his cleverness and smartness?
2. Who is clever among your family members and friends?
3. What do people generally talk about in summer season? (heat waves, mangoes etc.)
4. Name some popular foods, fruits etc. in your locality.

Explicit Teaching/Teacher Group Work (We Do) Independent Work (You Do) Notes for:
Modelling ● Using
(I Do) textbook
--Segment wise model reading --read in groups to make the --participates actively in the prompts
by the teacher (Gopal and the uncleared concepts in individual activities suggested by the and
Hilsa-fish) by following the reading teacher i.e. individual reading, activities
strategies like individual group reading, collaborative for each of
reading, group reading and reading, conversations etc. the sections
scaffold reading to make the ● Allotting
students understand the text time for
(with the help of the given students to
glossary chart) ask
--explain how to comprehend --comprehend the text in groups --tries to comprehend the text responding
the text (by putting a tick mark, sharing the ideas among the group with the help of the group to students’
question mark etc. under the members members queries
sentences) ● Asking
--guide the students to answer --answer all the questions in --learns those questions questions
the inferential / open-ended group with the guidance of the beyond
questions given under ‘working teacher textbook
with the text’ content
● Allotting
--transact the process of --they try to change the given --changes the direct speech into time for
changing direct speech into direct speech sentences into indirect speech on his / her own group
indirect speech and numerous indirect speech. activities
examples and classroom and helping
situations. students
--make the students to find out --students learn to use dictionary --uses dictionary whenever and engaged
meanings to the given words and finding out the meanings and wherever necessary. with
using a dictionary usage and parts of speech etc. tasks
it more
● Giving
--encourage the students to read --students read the text aloud in --develops interest to read targeted
out the text looking at the given groups and discuss the questions comics feedback
picture. and answers in pairs. and
--guide them to write a story in --write a story in group in their --writes stories on his / her to students
their own words and give it a own words own. ● Managing
title. student’s
--help the children to fill the --students in groups fill the word --does such kinds of exercises behaviour
word ladder with the help of the ladder discussing the clues given. on hiss / her own. during
clues given. activities

--transact the poem ‘The Shed’ --recites the poem and --recites the poem and talks
(model reading, individual comprehend the poem and about the central idea of the
reading, group reading and understand the central idea of the poem
collaborative reading) poem

--help them to think about the --answer all the questions given at --learn to answer such
poem (answering questions the end of the poem (in group) questions individually
given at the end of the poem)

(Supplementary Reader:
An Alien Hand: )
--Students in group and --develops the habit of reading
Unit II: Bringing up Kari individually read the text ‘The stories and other authentic
Tiny Teacher’ which is meant for material like newspapers,
Since the very aim of the reading practice and try to find the magazines etc.
supplementary reader is to answers to the questions given by
provide extensive reading the teacher. i.e.
practice, the teacher encourages 1. Why did Kari push his friend
the students to read the unit on into the stream?
their own at home. To create 2. Kari was like a baby. What are
interest, the teacher asks them the main points of comparison?
to find answers from the unit. 3. What is “the master call”?

Check For Understanding Questions TLMs

(Digital + Print)
1.Factual: (Gopal and the Hilsa-fish)
❖ Reader
1. What were the people talking about?
2. Why was the king fed up? ❖ PPTs
3. What was the challenge thrown to Gopal by the king?
4. Why was Gopal’s face half-shaven? ❖ Glossary chart
5. What did Gopal smear on his body?
6. How did Gopal go out to buy a high Hilsa-fish? ❖ Charts (for additional
(The Shed– poem)
grammar practice
7. Where was the shed?
8. What was hanging across the door of the shed?
9. What does the poet’s brother say?
10. Where does the ghost hide according to the poet’s brother? ❖ Pictures of hilsa-fish, Gopal, King etc.

2. Open Ended / Critical Thinking: (Gopal and the Hilsa- ❖ The Shed picture

1. Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa-fish?
2. What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was ❖ QR code scanner to scan the codes given
clever? at page 36 in the reader
3. What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy his
hilsa-fish ❖ Video lesson (Gopal and the Hilsa-fish)
4. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he
had bought the fish ❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6EbsHBKeWY
5. Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about
the hilsa-fish which Gopal had bought? ❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJzujYKbUkA

6. Why did the gate-keeper not let Gopal see the king?
Video lesson (The Shed)
7. How did the king feel about Gopal winning the challenge?
❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvbLRIizIZI
(The Shed - Poem)
8. Is the speaker in the poem afraid or curios?
9. What is he/she planning to do soon?
10. Have you ever seen such a room where no one is allowed

Student Practice Questions & Activities

(Exercises from workbook / textbooks/ blackboard)

1. Cross word puzzle with the words from the text

2. Grammar exercises i.e. changing direct speech into indirect
3. Writing a story by looking at the given picture.

(Think of what children SAY, DO and MAKE while learning that can form the evidence of learning to be used for assessment).

1. Why did the king order the people not to talk anymore about hilsa-fish?
2. How did Gopal make himself before going to buy a hilsa-fish?
3. Why were the not people interested to talk about the huge hilsa-fish which was brought by Gopal?
4. Write the central idea of the poem ‘The Shed.’




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