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Subject : English
Class / Semester : XI Multimedia/ Odd
Main Material : Formal Invitations
Time Allocation : 3 weeks x 1 Hour of Lesson @ 45 Minutes (Online Class)

A. Core Competency (KI)

K-1 Living and practicing the teachings of his religion.
K-2 Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care
(cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), courteous, responsive and
pro-active and show an attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and in placing themselves as a reflection of the nation in
the world.
K-3 Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge
are based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and
humanities with insights into humanity, nationality, statehood and
civilization related to phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge in the field of study specific according to their talents and
interests to solve problems.
K-4 Processing, reasoning, presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract
realms related to the development of what they learn in school
9independently, and being able to use methods according to scientific

B. Basic Competence and Indicator of Competence Achievement:

Basic Competence Indicator of Competence

(KD) Achievement(IPK)
3.16 Analyze the social functions, 3.16.1 Analyze social functions, text
structures, and linguistic elements of structure and linguistic
several special texts in the form of elements of formal invitation
formal invitations by giving and according to the context in
requesting information related to which it is used
school / work activities in accordance
with the context of their use.
4.16 Compile a special text in the form of an 4.16.1 Write formal invitations
oral and written formal invitation are using the appropriate text
related to school / workplace activities, structure and linguistic
paying attention to functions and elements according to the
elements, text structure, and language context of use.
elements, correctly and in context.
4.16.2 Present their formal
invitation using a text
structure and language
elements appropriate to the
context of use.

C. Learning Objectives

1. The students are able to analyze the social functions, structures, and linguistic
elements of the formal invitation letter appropriately with honesty, discipline,
confidence, responsibility, and care, cooperation, responsive, proactive, and
peace loving.
2. The students are able to develop the structure of the formal invitation text
from observations and independent learning, and convey the difficulties found
in studying the official invitation text with confidence and full responsibility.
3. Students are able to write a formal invitation with their own language related
to their daily life, using text structures and linguistic elements according to
their needs with honesty, discipline, confidence, responsibility, and care,
cooperation, responsive, proactive, and peace loving.
4. Students are able to present their formal invitation with their own language
related to their daily lives, using text structures and linguistic elements
according to their needs with honesty, discipline, confidence, responsibility,
and care, cooperation, responsive, proactive, and peace loving.

D. Learning Materials



Formal Invitation is an invitation, which follows a dignified form,

tone or style in agreement with the established norms, customs or
For example:
- An invitation to the opening of a school
- An invitation to the graduation ceremony
- An invitation to the wedding party.
- etc

Common format of a Formal Invitation

- The first line is the name(s) of the person(s) who invite(s).

- The second line is the request for participation.
- The third line is the name of the person(s) invited.
- The fourth line is the occasion for invitation.
- The fifth line is the time and date of the occasion.
- The sixth line is the place of the occasion.
- The last line is the request for reply.

Oral Formal Invitation

- Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?

- Mr. Budi, I would like to invite you to the opening of my
software company.
- Mr. Suharto, my husband and I are celebrating our third
wedding anniversary. We would like you to join us.

- Thank you! I'd love to

- Oh, thank you! I would be delighted to. When is it?
- I am afraid I will not be able to come. I have prior

Social Function:
• Maintain a relationship by greeting and giving a formal letter
of invitation to a friend in writing.
• Give information to friends

Text Structure:
1. Name of the host
2. Phrasing of the invitation
3. The kind of event
4. Date
5. Time
6. Venue
7. Special instruction
8. Request to respond

Language Element:
1. Standard words and grammar
2. Clear neat spelling, handwriting, and print out.
3. Speech, word stress, intonation, when presenting orally
4. Reference words
5. Verb Auxiliary Capital
Examples of formal invitations:
E. Learning Methods, Models and Approaches

Methods : Question &Answer (Q&A), Analyzing Video,

Models : Project Based Learning

Approaches : TPAC (Scientific, Technology)

F. Learning Activities


Preliminary activities ( 15 minutes)

Via WA group (WAG)

1. The teacher opens the lesson by giving a written opening greeting
through the WAG.
2. Next, the teacher provides information to open the Zoom link via WAG to
start online classes.

Via Google Meet/Zoom

1. The teacher opens the lesson by giving a prayer opening greeting to start
the lesson.
2. The teacher greets and takes the attendance of students as an attitude of
3. Preparing physical and psychological students in starting learning

1. The teacher reminds the last materials to the students, to remember it
and connect to this material.
2. Teacher connects the material or learning activities to carry out with the
experiences of students with previous material / themes / activities.
3. Teacher reminds the introductory material by asking questions.
4. Teacher asks questions that have a connection with the lesson to carry


1. The teacher motivates students for daring learning and gives reinforcement
to stay home and adhere to health protocols
2. The teacher provides an overview of the lessons; they will study in their
daily life and convey learning objectives of these materials.

Reference Provision

1. Informs about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and

GPA at the ongoing meeting
2. Describe the learning steps.

Core Activities ( 30 minutes )

Literacy Activities
1. The teacher gives instruction, please watch the learning video, pay
attention to the contents of the video, write down the important points in
it, if anyone doesn't understand, please ask later after the video has
finished playing.
2. The teacher shared screen about a learning video about Formal Invitation.
3. The teacher reviews the material shared on screen and reminds the
points of the material.
4. The Teacher and the student do Q and A about the video, the difficulty
that they find in the video.
5. The teacher shows the examples of formal invitation to students through
a short slide and students asked to see, observe, and read the invitation.

Critical Thinking
1. Students analyze the purpose of the formal invitation.
2. Students analyze detailed information about social functions, text
structure, and linguistic elements of formal invitation.


1. Students do Q and A with teachers and friends looking for goals and
detailed information from official invitations.
2. Students do Q and A with teachers and friends by presenting the results of
their observations and independent learning.
3. Students do Q and A with teachers and friends convey the difficulties
found in learning formal invitation with full confidence and

Students do Q and A by asking questions about the results of their analysis

regarding the learning video presented, and the difficulties found in
studying the formal invitation text with confidence and full responsibility.

Students do Q and A with teachers and friends by asking about differences

and similarities from several examples of official invitations to different
events on the slide and other students are given the opportunity to answer
them honestly, discipline, confidence, responsibility, caring, and
cooperation, responsiveness, pro-active and peace loving.


1. Students analyze and conclude about the important points appeared in

the learning activities that have just been carried out and write them
down in their notebooks.
2. Students individually try to find examples of school invitations on the
3. Students individually answer the questions presented on the zoom /
Google meet as games /quiz related to formal invitations according to
their needs honestly, disciplined, confidently, responsible, caring,
cooperative, responsive, pro-active, and peace-loving.

Closing Activities ( 15minutes)

1. Students with the teacher make a summary /conclusion from the material
that has been studied, namely about the objectives and detailed
information from the formal invitation.
2. The teacher and students reflect on the learning experience.
3. Students pay attention to the explanation from the teacher through Google
meet/zoom about the lesson plan at the next meeting.
4. Next, the teacher provides information to open the Google Class to open
and download the materials uploaded on Google Classroom then ask the
students do the evaluation after the Google meet/zoom ends for today's
learning achievement materials and submit it not more than 12 AM.
5. The teacher gives instruction to the students independently to answer
questions about Formal invitations through Google Form in their Google
Class after the Google meet/zoom ends.
6. The teacher gives reinforcement to their students by giving motivation to
keep studying at home.
7. The teacher directs students to pray before finishing learning.


Preliminary activities ( 10 minutes)

Via WAG ( WA Group)

1. The teacher opens the lesson by giving a written opening greeting
through the WAG.
2. Next, the teacher provides information to open the Zoom link via WAG to
start online classes.

Via Google Meet/Zoom


1. The teacher reminds the last materials to the students, to remember it and
connect to this material.
2. Teacher Links this material / themes / learning activities carry out with the
experiences of students with previous material / themes / activities by
asking questions that have a connection with the lesson carry out.
3. The teacher asks about the question (have you done your homework to
open, analyze and read the YouTube link presented in the Google class
about learning videos related to today's material? )

1. The teacher motivates students for daring learning and gives reinforcement
to stay home and adhere to health protocols
2. The teacher provides an overview of the lessons; they will study in their
daily life and convey learning objectives of these materials.

Reference Provision

1. Notifying the core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM

at the meeting that took place
2. The teacher delivers online class information about instructions or learning
how to learn this learning step through WAG.

Core Activities ( 25 minutes )

Via Google Meet/ Zoom

Literacy Activities

1. The teacher gives instruction, please watch the learning video, pay
attention to the contents of the video, write down the important points in
it, if anyone doesn't understand, please ask later after the video has
finished playing.
2. The teacher shared screen about a learning video about How to write
Formal Invitation.
3. The teacher reviews the material shared on screen and reminds the
points of the material.
4. The Teacher and the student do Q and A about the difficulty that they find
in the video.
5. The teacher shows the examples of formal invitation to students through
a short slide and students asked to see, observe, and read the invitation.
6. The teacher shared screen gives example how to write a formal invitation
based on context.
7. The teacher-shared screen about the assignment on their Google
Classroom to write formal invitation based on the context provided there.
8. The teacher asks students to choose one of two questions provide there
about write formal invitation.
9. The teacher gives the time duration to finish the assignment and submit it
not more than 12 AM.
10. The teacher delivers information to keep in touch in WAG, when they
have difficulty to write formal invitation.

Critical Thinking
1. Students analyze questions on Google classroom.
2. Students write a formal invitation with their own language according to the
assignment in the Google class with confidence and full responsibility.

1. Students do Q and A with teachers and friends about the difficulties found
in writing the formal invitation during learning with confidence and full

Students do Q and A with teachers and friends about the results of their
analysis regarding the learning videos presented and provide materials about
the difficulties that found during online learning with honestly, disciplined,
confidently, responsible, caring, cooperative, responsible, proactive, and
peace loving.

1. Students analyze and conclude about the important points that have learnt,
carried out, write them in their note.
2. Students individually answer questions are presented in Google Class by
writing formal invitation with their own language according to daily life
with honesty, discipline, confidence, responsibility, care, and cooperation,
responsible, proactive, and peace-loving.

Closing Activities ( 10 minutes )

1. Students together with the teacher make a summary / conclusion from the
material that has been studied, namely about the objectives and detailed
information from the official invitation
2. The teacher and students reflect on the learning experience
3. The teacher gives instruction to learn about module and video about formal
invitations provided on Google classroom.
4. The teacher gives homework to look for and watch video on YouTube about
presentation in front of the class, and do not forget to write the video link
and title.
5. The teacher gives reinforcement to their students by giving motivation to
keep studying at home.
6. The teacher directs students to pray before finishing learning in WAG.


Preliminary activities ( 10 minutes)

Via WAG (WA Group)

1. The teacher opens the lesson by giving a written opening greeting
through the WAG.
2. Next, the teacher provides information to open the Zoom link via WAG to
start online classes.

Via Google Meeting/ Zoom

1. The teacher opens the lesson by giving opening greetings to start
2. Teacher does greeting and take students’ attendance as an attitude of
3. Physical and psychological students in starting learning activities

1. The teacher reminds the last materials to the students, to remember it and
connect to this material.
2. Teacher links materials, themes, learning activities to carry out with the
experiences of students with previous material, themes, and activities.
3. Teacher reminds the introductory material by asking questions.
4. Teacher asks questions that have a connection with the lesson to carry out.
5. The teacher asks about homework that “the students look for and watch
video on YouTube about presentations in front of the class, last week”.
What video is it? Mention!


1. The teacher motivates students for daring learning and gives reinforcement
to stay home and adhere to health protocols
2. The teacher provides an overview of the lessons; they will study in their
daily life and convey learning objectives of these materials.

Reference Provision

1. Notify the core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at

the meeting that took place.
2. Describe the learning steps.

Core Activities ( 25 minutes )

Literacy Activities
1. The teacher reminds the formal invitation, how to write it and video that
they find on you tube about presentation in front of the class.
2. The teacher shared screen about a learning video about How to present
your Formal Invitation in front of your class.
3. The teacher displays the slides contains the students' work in writing
formal the teacher has corrected invitation last week.
4. The teacher asks students to take turns present formal invitations in
online class.

Critical Thinking
1. Students analyze the objectives of presentation about formal invitation.
2. Students analyze detailed information of present formal invitation been
made by the students.

1. Students do Q and A with the teacher and their friends about the
difficulties found in presenting the formal invitation text with confidence
and full responsibility.
2. The teacher asks students to take turns perform speaking skills in
extending formal invitations in online class.

1. Students do Q and A about difficulties with difficulties that they found in
presenting the formal invitation with honestly, disciplined, confidently,
responsible, caring, cooperative, responsive, pro-active, and peace loving.
2. The teacher found in presenting the formal invitation and the other friends
give feedback after presentation.

1. Students analyze and conclude about the important points that they have
learnt about formal invitation.
2. Students do Q and A about difficulties found in presenting the formal
invitation with honestly, disciplined, confidently, responsible, caring,
cooperative, responsive, pro-active, and peace loving.

Closing Activities ( 10 minutes )

1. Students and the teacher make a summary of the material that has been
studied, namely about the objectives and detailed information from the
official invitation.
2. The teacher and students reflect on the learning experiences.
3. The teacher gives reinforcement to their students by giving motivation to
keep studying at home.
4. The teacher directs students to pray before finishing learning.

B. Media, Tools, and Learning Resources:

Media : Social Media (Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Form, WAG,

You tube), Power Point Slide (TPACK)
Tools : Hand phone, Internet and Laptop
Learning : Supporting Book (Kurikulum 2013 Mata
Resources: PelajaranBahasaInggrisKelas XI,Kemendikbud,
RevisiTahun 2018)
Experience of students and teacher
You tube and the Internet

C. Learning Assessment, Remedial and Enrichment

1. Assessment

a. Knowledge

Based Indicators Technique of Execution

Competency Assessment Time
3.16 3.16.1 Analyze social Assignment Learning
Analyze the social functions, text (CBT) Process
functions, structure and
structures, and linguistic
linguistic elements elements of
of several special formal invitation
texts in the form of according to the
formal invitations by context in which
giving and it is used
information related
to school / work
activities in
accordance with the
context of their use.

b. Skill

Based Competency Indicators Technique of Execution

Assessment Time
4.16 4.16.1 Write formal Assignment Learning
Compile a special text invitations using (CBT) Process
in the form of an oral the appropriate
and written formal text structure
invitation relate and linguistic
school / workplace elements
activities, paying according to the
attention to functions context of use.
and elements, text
structure, and 4.16.2 Perform their Presenting Learning
language elements, formal invitation Process
correctly and in using a text
context. structure and
appropriate to
the context of

c. Attitude

- Observation Assesstment
Assessment of observations of observations of students' daily attitudes and
behavior, both related to the learning process and in general. Direct
observations are made by the teacher. Here's an example of an attitude
Behavioral Aspects
Total Attitude Value
No Student Name Assessed
Score Score Code
1 Depien Widya 85 75 50 75 275 68,75 C
Erlita Mei 85 75 80 85
2 325 81,25 B

• P : Polite
• H : Honest
• R : Responsible
• DS : Discipline

a. Interact with friends in a friendly manner
b. Communicate in good language
c. Use friendly written language
d. Behave politely

a. Delivering something based on actual circumstances
b. Does not cover up the mistakes that occur
c. Not cheating or viewing other people's data / work
d. Includes learning resources from citing / studying

a. Performing tasks regularly
b. Participate actively in group discussion activities
c. Doing tasks as assigned
d. Tidy up the learning space, tools and equipment that have been used
a. Order follows
b. Do assignments on time
c. Do not do activities that do not see
d. Does not make class conditions in the WAG unfavorable

1. Behavioral aspects with the following criteria:
100 = Best
75 = Good
50 = Enough
25 = Less

2. Maximum score = number of attitudes assessed multiplied by the number

of criteria
= 100 x 4 = 400

3. Attitude score = total score divided by the remaining terms

= 275: 4 = 68,75

4. Value / predicate code:

85, 01 – 100, 00 = Best (SB)
70, 01 – 85, 00 = Good (B)
55, 01 – 70, 00 = Enough(C)
00, 00 – 55, 00 = Less (K)

5. The format above can changed base on aspect of the behavior I want to

d. Scoring

Assignment (CBT) of Formal Invitation


Formal Invitation Assement

No Rated aspect Score Information

3 There are no text / sentence structure errors
2 There is a structural error but it is workable
1 Structure 1 Lots of structural errors and difficult to
3 Use of vocabulary appropriately
2 Inaccurate use of vocabulary but still workable
2 Vocabulary 1 The use of vocabulary that is wrong and difficult
to apply the content / meaning
3 The arrangement of the invitation text is in
accordance with the text format / structure, the
3 Generic contents of the full text
Structure 2 There was a slight error in the arrangement of
the invitation text but it is still workable, and
there is some text content that is missing
1 The invitation text arrangement is not in
accordance with the text format / structure, and
the text content cannot be implemented at all

Score obtained
Score = X 100 %
Maximal Score
Assesment of Perform (Speaking Skill)

No Rated aspect Score Information

1 4 There are no structural errors at this time

Structure 3 There is a structural error but it is workable
2 Many structural faults and difficult to implement
1 Lots of structural errors and difficult to
2 4 Participants can pronounce the sentences of
native speakers
3 Students can pronounce phrases with local
Pronounciation accents
2 Students pronounce the phrase using the local
accent and it can still be done

1 Students pronounce expressions using a local

accent but it is difficult to apply.

3 Fluency 3 Students express fluently

2 Students express interspersed with pauses
1 Participants instruct to express with many

Score obtained
Score = X 100 %
Maximal Score

2. Remedial

Students (students) who have not mastered the material (have not reached
completeness of learning) will be returned by the teacher. The teacher will re-order
the problems related to the things that have been discussed. Implement repair on a
mutually agreed time according to schedule.
3. Enrichment

In this activity, students (students) who have mastered the material (have attained
learning completeness) to answer enrichment questions in the form of more
phenomenal and innovative questions or are given other activities that are relevant
to the material that has been discussed. In this activity, the teacher can record and
provide benefit for students who succeed in enrichment.

Lampung, September 24th 2020

Principal of
SMK 2 GanesaSekampung Subject Teacher


NUPTK.4894586691323452 NUPTK.4736768669130112

Principal Notes

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