Gas Laws - F3

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Form 3 - Topic 1

Table of Contents
Boyle’s Law ............................................................................................................................................................ - 1 -
Charles’ Law ........................................................................................................................................................... - 3 -
Combined Gas Law ............................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Some Applications of Gas Laws ........................................................................................................................ - 9 -
Diffusion and the Graham’s Law ....................................................................................................................... - 9 -

Objectives of the topic

By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to:
(a) State Boyle’s and Charles’s laws.
(b) Describe experiments to illustrate Boyle’s and Charles’ laws.
(c) State and use the combined gas law to solve numerical problems.
(d) State Graham’s law of diffusion and relate the rate of diffusion to relative molecular
mass of a gas.
(e) Explain diffusion in terms of kinetic theory of matter.

Boyle’s Law
 Boyle’s law deals with the relationship between pressure and volume of a fixed mass
of a gas when temperature is kept constant.
 Pressure in a gas is as a result of the collisions of the gas molecules with the walls of
the container.
 When the volume of the fixed mass of a gas is decreased through compression at
constant temperature, the molecules travel a shorter distance to collide with the
walls of the container, leading to increased number of collisions per unit time.
 The pressure of the gas therefore increases with the increased rate of collisions.

Boyle’s law states that the volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to
its pressure at constant temperature.
 What Boyle’s law implies is that as the pressure increases, the volume decreases.
The pressure of the gas inside the barrel of a pump is directly proportional to the
physical pressure applied to compress the gas.
 A graph of the physical volume is a curve as shown below:.

 The mathematical expression of Boyle’s law is:

VP = Constant
 The expression implies that when the volume of a fixed mass of a gas changes
from V1 to V2 its pressure also changes from P1 to P2. This leads to the general
P1V1 = P2V2
 When a graph of volume of a fixed mass of gas is plotted against the reciprocal
Of pressure, a straight line is obtained.

1/ p
 The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa). It is equal to one Newton per square
metre (NM-2). Other units used to express pressure are atmospheres.
 One atmospheric pressure is equal to 760 mmHg pressure or 1.01325 × 105
Pascals. The SI unit of volume is cubic metres (m3).
 One cubic metre is equal to 1.0 × 106 cubic centimetres (cm3).

Worked Examples
1. A volume of 375 cm3 of a gas has a pressure of 20 atmospheres. What will be its
volume if pressure is reduced to 15 atmospheres?

From Boyle’s law, P1 V1 = P2V2

P1 = 20 atmospheres, P2 = 15 atmospheres, V1 = 375 cm3, V2 =?
Substituting for P1, V1 and P2 the equation becomes;

2. A given mass of gas occupies a volume of 200 cm3 at a pressure of 5 atmospheres.

At what pressure will the gas have a volume of 800 cm3?
From Boyle’s law, P1V1 = P2V2
P1 = 5 atmospheres, P2 =?, V1 = 200 cm3, V2 = 800 cm3
P2 = 3X200
P2 = 1.25 atmospheres

3. A certain mass of gas occupies 250 cm 3 at 25°C and 750 mmHg. Calculate its
volume at 25°C if pressure changes to 760 mmHg in SI Units.

V1 = 250 cm3, V1 = ?, P1 = 750 mmHg, P2 = 760 mmHg

4. At a Constant temperature, a gas at 540 mmHg pressure occupies a volume of 300

litres. The gas is made to expand and occupy a volume of 600 litres. What is the new gas
pressure in SI Units?

P1 = 540 mmHg, V1 = 300 cm3, V2 = 600 cm3

540 × 300 = P2 × 600

Charles’ Law
 Charles’ Law deals with the relationship between the volume of a fixed mass of a
gas with its temperature at constant pressure.

Charles’s Law states that: the volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature, its pressure being kept constant.

How does the volume of a fixed mass of gas vary with temperature at constant pressure?
Fit a narrow glass tube into a rubber bung. Loosely fix the bung in a round bottomed flask.
Introduce a drop of coloured water into the glass tube. When the drop is half way down
the glass tube, firmly stopper the flask making it airtight. Note the position of the coloured
water column in the tube. Immerse the flask in a trough of warm water.

Observe and record what happens to the water column. Repeat the experiment using ice
cold water in a trough. Record your observations.

1. What happens to the water column when the flask is warmed or cooled?
When the flask is immersed in a trough of warm water, the column of coloured water
first drops then moves up steadily.
When the flask is immersed in warm water the coloured water column in the capillary
tube drops initially because the flask expands before the gas inside absorbs heat to
start expanding.

2. How does the change in temperature affect the volume of the fixed mass of gas?
The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute
temperature, its pressure being kept constant.

3. Which factor is kept constant in this experiment?

Pressure is kept constant.

4. Explain the observations made during the experiment in terms of the kinetic theory.
 When the gas inside heats up, it expands and pushes up the water column in the
capillary tube. When a fixed mass of a gas is heated at constant pressure, its
volume increases to counter balance the constant pressure.
 The heat energy increases the kinetic energy of the gas molecules. This leads to
increased rate of collisions with the walls of the container causing an increase in
the gas pressure.

Mathematically, Charles’s Law is expressed as;

Volume α absolute temperature

V α T (Where V is the volume of the gas and T its absolute

temperature in Kelvin)

Thus, = constant

 When the volume of a fixed mass of a gas changes from V 1 to V2, its absolute

temperature changes from T1 to T2 leading to the expression:

 A graph of volume of a fixed mass of a gas against temperature is a straight line.

The graph intercepts the temperature axis at −273 °C when extrapolated as shown

 A gas whose volume is theoretically zero at -273°C is referred to as an ideal gas.

 In reality, a gas would have turned into a liquid before reaching a temperature of
 The temperature at which the volume of a gas is assumed to be zero is called
absolute zero.
 From the absolute zero temperature, the absolute temperature scale is derived. The
lowest temperature on the absolute scale is zero Kelvin (0 K). The Kelvin (K) is the SI
unit of the temperature on the absolute scale. The equivalence of −273°C on the
Kelvin scale is 0 K.

Temperature inter-conversion from one scale to the other is done as follows:

1. To convert temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) to Kelvin (K), add 273. For example,
to convert 204 °C to Kelvin add 273 this;
T = 204 + 273
= 477K

2. To convert temperature in the Kelvin scale to degrees Celsius, subtract 273.

For example, convert 405 K to degrees celsius (°C)
T= 450 – 273
= 177°C

Worked Examples
1. Convert the temperatures below to the absolute scale:
(i) 0°C
(ii) 25°C
(iii) –20°C

T = t + 273
(i) 0 + 273 = 273 K
(ii) 25 + 273 = 298 K
(iii) –20 + 273 = 253 K
 Temperature on the Kelvin scale is denoted by T, while on the celsius scale it is
denoted by t.

2. Convert the temperature recorded below in Kelvin to temperature in degrees celsius

(i) 0 K
(ii) 250 K
(iii) 273 K

t = T – 273
(i) 0 – 273 = – 273°C
(ii) 250 – 273 = – 23°C
(iii) 273 – 273 = 0°C

3. A gas occupies 450 cm3 at 27°C. What volume would the gas occupy at 177°C, if its
pressure remains constant?


From Charles’s Law:

Converting the temperature to absolute temperature then substituting for V 1, T1 and

T2 then:

4. At a temperature of 57°C, nitrogen gas occupies a volume of 750 cm3. At what

temperature will the gas occupy 100 cm3.
Express the answer in degrees celsius.

Combined Gas Law

 The combined gas law deals with the variation in the volume of a fixed mass of a
gas with respect to changes in temperature and pressure.

 The mathematical expression of Charles’s Law, V α T can be combined with that of

Boyle’s law V α to obtain the expression:

Therefore; PV α T

Hence; = Constant
 If a fixed mass of a gas of volume V1 exerts a pressure P1 at absolute temperature T1,
the expression may be written as:

 Suppose the same mass of gas has a volume, V 2, and exerts a pressure, P2, at
absolute temperature, T2, then the expression becomes:


 This is the ideal gas equation. It enables the volume of a gas to be obtained under
any conditions of temperature and pressure provided its volume under some other
conditions of temperature and pressure is known.

Standard Conditions

 There are two conditions considered when comparing volumes of gases:

1. Standard temperature and pressure (s.t.p). The s.t.p conditions refer to a

temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 760 mmHg (1 atmosphere).

2. Room temperature and pressure (r.t.p). This refers to a temperature of 298 K and a
pressure of 760 mmHg.
 It should be seen that from the standard conditions, all computations of
temperature should be expressed in Kelvin.

Worked Examples
1. What will be the volume of a given mass of oxygen at 25°C if it occupies 100 cm 3 at
15°C? (Pressure remains constant).

Let the initial volume, temperature and pressure be V 1, T1, P1 respectively, and the final
be V2, T2, P2.

From the gas equation;

Where, V1 = 100 cm3, T1 = 15 + 273 = 288K and P1 = P2 = constant.

2. A given mass of a gas occupies 20 cm3 at 25°C and 670 mmHg pressure. Find out the
volume it will occupy at:

(a) 10°C and 335 mmHg

(b) 0°C and 760 mmHg

(a) From the gas equation,

Where, P1 = 670 mmHg, V1 = 20 cm3,

T1 =25 + 273 = 298 K, T2 = 10 + 273 = 283 K, P2 = 335 mmHg, V2 = ?

Some Applications of Gas Laws

The effects of changes in pressure, volume and temperature on a fixed mass of a gas
have been used in a wide range of applications which include:

1. Inflating tyres, balls and balloons appropriately depending on the prevailing

temperature conditions.
2. Designing of aerosol cans and tear-gas canisters which contain a gas compressed
under pressure to act as a propellant of liquid contents in the cans.
3. Regulation of pressure in an aircraft for comfortable in flight environment at high

Diffusion and the Graham’s Law

 Diffusion is the process by which particles spread out from a region of high
concentration to regions of low concentration.
 The scent of a strong perfume reaches all corners of a room as soon as the
container is opened because of diffusion. The inter–molecular forces of attraction in
gases are very weak due to their large inter-molecular distances.
 A gas therefore, always spreads out to fill up all the space available. The perfume
spreads from an area of high concentration to areas where its concentration is low.

 The spreading out of gas particles in air takes a shorter time than solid particles in a
solvent. This is because gas particles are far apart and have more kinetic energy
than the liquid particles.

Graham’s law of diffusion

 Different gases have different rates of diffusion.

Graham’s Law states; The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square
root of its density under the same conditions of temperature and pressure
- 10 -

 To verify this, two gases, ammonia and hydrogen chloride can be allowed to
diffuse inside a combustion tube as shown below.


1. What observations are made in the glass tube and after how long?
A white solid is formed in the tube closer to the end where the cotton wool soaked in
concentrated hydrochloric acid was placed after about 5 minutes.
2. Which gas covered a longer distance?
3. Explain the observations made in the glass tube.
Concentrated ammonia solution generates ammonia gas while concentrated
hydrochloric acid generates hydrogen chloride gas. Ammonia and hydrogen
chloride gases diffuse in air in the tube, and when their molecules meet, they react to
form white, solid ammonium chloride.
NH3(g) + HCl(g) NH4Cl(s
4. Determine the molecular masses of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen chloride (HCI).
N = 14.0, H = 1.0, CI = 35.5.
Ammonia =14+3=17g/mol
Hydrogen chloride =1+35.5=36.5g/mol
5. Calculate the rate of diffusion of:
(a) Ammonia gas.
The distance covered by ammonia was 12 cm. The rate of diffusion of ammonia gas in
air is;
12cm /5 minutes = 2.4 cm/minute

(b) Hydrogen chloride gas.

The distance covered by hydrogen chloride was 8 cm within the same time interval of
5 minutes.
The rate of diffusion of hydrogen chloride gas in air is

6. What is the relative rate of diffusion of ammonia to hydrogen chloride gas in air?
The relative rate of diffusion of ammonia gas compared to hydrogen chloride gas in air
- 11 -

This means ammonia diffuses 1.5 times faster than hydrogen chloride. This is
because ammonia gas is less dense than hydrogen chloride gas. Therefore, gases
with low densities diffuse faster than those with high densities.

The mathematical expression of Graham’s Law is:

Meaning that:

When the rates of diffusion of two gases A and B are compared, the equations are:

 Since density is directly proportional to molecular mass, Graham’s law can also be
expressed as:

 Therefore, if the rate of diffusion of two gases A and B are compared, then:

 Where MA and MB are relative molecular masses of the gases A and B respectively.

Since Rate is inversely proportional to time, (Rate α ).

- 12 -

 It means that it is also possible to compare the time taken for equal volumes of two
gases to diffuse under similar conditions:

This means that:

RATA = Constant and RBTB = Constant

(Where R = rate, T = time)



Where TA and TB are the times of diffusion of gases A and B respectively

Worked Examples
1. Equal volumes of carbon (II) oxide and carbon (IV) oxide are allowed to diffuse
through the same medium. Calculate the relative rate of diffusion of carbon (II) oxide.
(C = 12.0, Oxygen = 16.0)

Relative molecular mass (Mr) of CO = 12 + 16 = 28
Relative molecular mass (Mr) of CO2 = 12 + 32 = 44

Carbon (II) oxide diffuses 1.254 times faster than carbon (IV) oxide.
- 13 -

2. If it takes 20 seconds for 200 cm3 of oxygen gas to diffuse across a porous plug. How
long will it take an equal volume of sulphur (IV) oxide to diffuse across the same
plug? (O = 16.0, S = 32.0).


3. Determine the molecular mass of the gas Y which diffuses times slower than
Oxygen. 0 = 16.0

4. If it takes 30 seconds for 100 cm3 of carbon(IV) oxide to diffuse across a porous plate.
How long will it take 150 cm3 of nitrogen(IV) oxide to diffuse across the same plate
under similar conditions? (C = 12.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0).
- 14 -

Therefore, time taken for NO2 to diffuse is:

Alternative Working Method

Since equal volumes must be compared:

100 cm3 of CO2 takes 30 seconds

5. Calculate the relative rate of diffusion of ammonia gas compared to that hydrogen
chloride gas under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

From the expression:

This ratio implies that ammonia diffuses 1.5 times faster than hydrogen chloride gas.

Past KCSE Questions on this topic

1. 2006 Q 3 P1
60cm3 of oxygen gas diffused through a porous partition in 50 seconds. How long would it
take 60cm3 of sulphur (IV) oxide gas to diffuse through the same partition under the same
conditions? (S= 32.0, 0 = 16.0) (3marks)

2. 2007 Q 12 P1
(a) State the Charles law (1mark)
(b) The volume of a sample of nitrogen gas at a temperature of 291 K and 1.0x10 5 Pascals
was 3.5 x 10-2m3. Calculate the temperature at which the volume of the gas would be
2.8 x 10-2m3 at 1.0 x 105 Pascals. (2marks)
- 15 -

3. 2008 Q 1 P1
A small crystal of potassium manganate (VII) was placed in a beaker water. The beaker was
left standing for two days without shaking. State and explain the observations that were
made. (2marks)

4. 2008 Q 20 P1
(a) State the Graham’s law diffusion. (1mark)

(b) The molar masses of gases W and X are 16.0 and 44.0 respectively. If the rate of
diffusion of W through a porous material is 12cm 3s-1, calculate the rate of diffusion of X
through the same material. (2marks)

5. 2009 Q 26 P1
The graph below shows the relationship between pressure and the temperature of a gas in a
fixed volume container.

(a) State the relationship between pressure and temperature that can be deduced from the
graph. (1 mark)
(b) Using kinetic theory, explain the relationship shown in the graph. (2 marks)

6. 2010 Q8 P1
The pressure of nitrogen gas contained in a 1 dm 3 cylinder at -196 °C was 107 Pascals.
Calculate the:
(a) Volume of the gas at 25 °C and 105 Pascals. (1½ marks)

(b) Mass of nitrogen gas.

(Molar volume of gas is 24 dm 3, N = 14.0) (1 ½ marks)

7. 2011 Q6 P1
A certain mass of gas occupies 0.15 dm 3 at 293K and 98,648.5 Pa. Calculate its volume at
101,325 Pa and 273K. (2 marks)

8. 2012 Q19 P1
The set up shown below was used to investigate a property of hydrogen gas.
- 16 -

State and explain the observation that would be made in the glass tube if
beaker A was filled with hydrogen gas. (3 marks)

9. 2013 Q14 P1
(a) State the Charles’ law. (1 mark)

(b) A certain mass of gas occupies 146 dm 3 at 291 K and 98.31 kPa. What will be its
temperature if its volume is reduced to 133 dm 3 at 101.325 Pa?
(2 marks)

10. 2014 Q6 P1
100cm3 of a sample of ethane gas diffuses through a porous pot in 100
seconds. What is the molecular mass of gas Q if 1000 cm 3 of the gas diffuses through the
same porous pot in 121 seconds under the same conditions?
(C-12.0, H=1.0) (3 marks)

11. 2015 Q4 P1
(a) State the Boyle’s Law. (1 mark)
(b) A gas occupies 500cm 3 at 27 °C and 100,000 Pa. What will be its volume at 0 °C and
101,325 Pa? (2 marks)

12. 2016 Q20 P1

60cm3 of oxygen gas diffused through a porous partition in 50 seconds. How long would it
take 60cm3 sulphur (IV) oxide gas to diffuse through the same partition under the same
condition (S=32.0, O=16.0) (3 marks)

13. 2017 P1 Q6.

(a) State Charles' Law. (1 mark)
(b) Explain why the pressure of a fixed mass of a gas increases, when the volume of the gas
is reduced at constant temperature. (2 marks)

14. 2018 P1 Q 6.
(a) State Graham’s law of diffusion. (1 mark)
(b) Explain why a balloon filled with helium gas deflates faster than a balloon of the
same size filled with argon gas. (2 marks)
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15. 2018 P2 Q3(b)

Use the set-up in Figure 3 to answer the questions that follow. The flask was covered with a
cloth that had been soaked in ice-cold water.

(i) State the observation made on the coloured water. Explain. (2 marks)
(ii) Name the gas law illustrated in Figure 3. (1 mark)

16. 2019 P1 Q26.

140cm3 of nitrogen gas diffuses through a membrane in 70 seconds. How long will it take
200 cm3 of carbon (IV) oxide gas to diffuse through the same membrane under the same
conditions of temperature and pressure. (3 marks)

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