WWE Full-Time Ramchunder Nevil

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(Preliminary & Secondary Treatment)


(Génie Civile 4eme année)

Name : Ramchunder Nevil

Index No : E19079
Date De Soumission : 27 Avril 2023
Soumis a : Mons Dewdharee
Table of Contents
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Preliminary Waste Water Treatment: ........................................................................................ 1
2. Primary Treatment:...................................................................................................................... 2
3. Secondary Treatment: .................................................................................................................. 3
4. Anaerobic and Aerobic:................................................................................................................ 4
4.1 Anaerobic treatment: ..................................................................................................................... 4
4.1.1.Advantages of Anaerobic treatment: ...................................................................................... 4
4.1.2.Disadvantages of Anaerobic treatment: ................................................................................. 4
5. Flowchart for the Secondary Treatment: (Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment) ..................... 5

List of Figures
Figure 1. The process for water treatment plant.................................................................................... 1
Figure 2. Preliminary Treatment Process ................................................................................................ 1
Figure 3. Primary Treatment Process...................................................................................................... 2
Figure 4. Secondary treatment ............................................................................................................... 3
Figure 5. Aerobic and Anaerobic treatment ........................................................................................... 5

AS : Activated Sludge

Wastewater or sewage water treatment is a process of cleaning and purifying sewage water
(Raw water) that has been accumulated from domestic households, industries, and agricultural
activities. The main goal is to eliminate harmful products, chemicals and microorganisms from
wastewater before it is released back into the environment. The process includes different
stages namely;

1. Preliminary 2.Primary 3.Secondary 4.Tertiary

Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment

Figure 1. The process for water treatment plant

1. Preliminary Waste Water Treatment:

The Preliminary treatment is the first stage where coarse solids and other large materials is
removed. The purpose of removing those solid waste is to protect the equipment of the
treatment plant such as clogs, jams and excessive wear. The preliminary treatment is composed
of different processes such as;

- Screening, Comminutor, Flow measurement and Grit chamber.

Not all treatment plants will use all of these devices mention above.

Figure 2. Preliminary Treatment Process

2. Primary Treatment:
After the preliminary process the primary treatment begins. The waste water contains small
suspended solids and dissolve organic matter. This water is send to a primary sedimentation
tank in which the waste water is kept such that the settleable solid will have time to settle to
the bottom of the tank and form sludge (Primary sludge). After the primary treatment the waste
water becomes in liquid form with no physical method required to separate pollution from the
water. The role of the microorganism begins afterwards known as the secondary treatment.

Figure 3. Primary Treatment Process

3. Secondary Treatment:
Once the waste water leave the primary treatment several methods of secondary treatment may
be used such as Biological, Physical and Chemical treatment. In most cases we used the
biological method that is the microorganisms are used to help in two different approaches

- Activated sludge system (AS system)

- Attached Growth System Process (Trickling Filters)

The AS1 system is where the microorganism increased a lot and eventually that microorganism
is going to settle to the bed of the system. Thus the water together with the sludge is sent to the
secondary clarifier where the sludge settle with time to the bottom of the clarifier and removed
to be treated as a solid waste and whatever is left at the top of the secondary clarifier will be

Figure 4. Secondary treatment

Activated Sludge System

4. Anaerobic and Aerobic:
As mention earlier the most common treatment method is the AS process in which the bacteria
are circulated through a treatment tank containing the waste water. Aerobic system requires
oxygen whereas on the contrary anaerobic system does not.

4.1 Anaerobic treatment:

The anaerobic digestion is a sequence of processes by which microorganism breakdown
biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen and mostly used where the level of organic
contaminants concentration is high. The process of the anaerobic treatment leads to the
production of biogas2 a by-product which can be later used as a renewable energy (natural
gas/methane). It has a number of advantages over aerobic treatment process.

4.1.1.Advantages of Anaerobic treatment:

• Produces biogas (Renewable energy source)
• It has lower energy requirement compared to aerobic treatment
• It results in lower levels of sludge production and a more concentrated sludge

The benefits of biogas is that it can be used to generate electricity which can help to reduce
the amount of organic waste which would land in landfills or incinerated causing air pollution
and have an environmental impact.

On the contrary anaerobic also composes of its disadvantages such as follows:

4.1.2.Disadvantages of Anaerobic treatment:

• It is generally not as efficient in reducing organic load and nutrient levels compared to
aerobic treatment
• It requires strict control of temperature, pH, nutrient ratios and other factors to maintain
optimal conditions for the anaerobic bacteria to thrive.

• It has a longer treatment time compared to aerobic treatment

• Production of odors and corrosive gas.

Biogas :Gas composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2)

5. Flowchart for the Secondary Treatment: (Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment)

Figure 5. Aerobic and Anaerobic treatment

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