Bryandale News Vol 015 - 2006 08 31

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PO Box 69597, Bryanston, 2020, South Africa

Cumberland Avenue, Bryanston, Gauteng, South Africa

+27(0)11 706 6087 +27(0)11 463 3862
Banking Details : Std Bank 009953 Acc No 023390360

11 January – 30 March 2006 18 April – 23 June 2006 17 July – 22 September 2006 2 October – 1 December 2006
Vol01 Vol02 Vol03 Vol04 XTRA Vol05 XTRA Vol06 Vol07 Vol08 XTRA XTRA Vol09 Vol10 Vol11 Vol12 Vol13 Vol14 Vol15 Vol16 Vol17 Vol18 Vol19 Vol20 Vol21
19Jan 26Jan 09Feb 23Feb 27Feb 09Mar 16Mar 23Mar 20Apr 04May 10May 11May 18May 01Jun 22Jun 20Jul 03Jul 17Jul 31 Aug 14Sep 05Oct 19Oct 02Nov 16Nov 20Nov


Our condolences go to Sue, Michael and We already have approximately 50 children COMPUTERS AT LOW PRICES
Renee Elmira on the unexpected death of wait-listed for 2007 enrolment. If you already Low prices! Good Value! I have no overheads
Greg. This has been so hard. Sue was our have a child at Bryandale and have another and work from home. I have 15 years experience
Caring Mom for many years and it is now our child due to start Grade 1 next year, but in the IT Industry. I sell NEW HP, Lexmark, Acer
turn to be here for her and the boys - we do so haven' t yet put their name down, you are etc. Karen (083) 526 3376
willingly. God bless you all during this difficult really in trouble. Contact the office to put their
time. names on the waiting list.
Desert Sands Persian Carpets and Restorations
– for the best priced carpets in town! Direct
THANK YOU FROM THE BRYANDALE importers of genuine, handmade carpets. All
sizes, colours and styles. Free home
To all of our parents who support, assist and PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION consultations and advice at any time to suit you.
overlook our imperfections. The stronger our GOLF DAY – Four-Balls and Prizes
team-work, the better the support for all Full cleaning and repair service provided by
The BPA’s major fund raising event of the qualified Iranians. Trade-ins offered. Coachman’s
children. year is the Golf Day. This year’s is on Crossing (Next to Mugg and Bean)
Tuesday 10th October 2006. If you haven’t yet Celia (011) 463 7770 (083) 376 0498
SPELLATHON booked your four-ball or if your company
We estimate we will collect ± R65,000. Thank can assist us with any prizes, please contact BRYANSTON ORGANIC MARKET
you to all the sponsors. To the children who us NOW! Forthcoming events......
have learned their spelling so well, I hope all Sat 26th August - Spring Fashion Show
these words will now be applied in written THRIFT SHOP – Opportunity Knocks Sat 23rd September - Heritage Day Party
work. Thank you to each and every one! Pam Rodgers will be leaving us at the end of Tue 31st October - Hallowe' en Moonlight Market
the year. Her expertise at running the Thrift (from 17h00 to 21h00)
Shop will be sorely missed. If YOU can assist The Market is open on Thursday and Saturday
END OF THE YEAR IS NEAR us by taking over this very important function, from 09h00 to 15h00. Enjoy a delicious meal, find
Should any pupils be relocating to another great organic and natural produce, deli foods, lots
please contact us.
school in 2007, we would really like to know. of children'
s activities, live music and secure
Jacqui Grieves : Chairlady of the BPA.
This will assist us in our planning and the parking. Culross Rd, Bryanston. (011) 706 3671
[email protected]
shortening of our waiting list for next year.
AROUND THE HOUSE Need tyres, shocks, brake pads, a tow bar or
PRINCIPALS’ CONFERENCE INVEST IN YOUR GARDEN THIS SEASON battery? Everybody does, sooner or later! Call
Ms. Laubscher and Mrs. Griebenow will Garden Delight offers creative landscaping at Erroll, identify yourself as a Bryandale parent,
attend the South African Principals’ Affordable Prices tailored to meet your budget. teacher, friend or family member and be assured
conference in Bloemfontein from Wednesday We specialise in a personalised once-off range of of the best possible price and advise. We' ve had
to Friday of this week. The school will be safe services including… overwhelming support so far - thanks a lot!
in the capable hands of Mrs. Longmore, Mr. landscaping / cut-backs Give it a try! (011) 467 3777 or (082) 337 6450
Ainley, Mrs. Groeneveld, Mr. de Beer and lawn dressing and composting
Mrs. van Schalkwyk. We trust the information rose and fruit tree pruning DANCING
gleaned from all the experts at this conference re-vamping of existing gardens. Learn the DANCE OF THE 7 VEILS in the
will assist in improvements for all. Penny Horwitz (083) 459 6161 comfort of your own home. Available for the first time on DVD with step-by-step instructions on
basic belly dancing techniques and a complete
BOOK COVERING FOR THE KIDS choreographed dance. Produced by the founder
If there are any moms who have a morning of the Belly Dancing Association of South Africa
FUNKY SLEEPING BAGS made on order. Bright
free, and would be willing to assist with book and yours for only R150. Jacqui (083) 309 3220
and colourful - cool to be seen with! Two sizes
covering, please contact Desiree Jacobs on available 1 - 6 years and 6 years and older.
(011) 704 3999 or (083) 230 0246. Carol (083) 272 9939 TAP AND MODERN DANCE CLASSES
Offering children’s and adult’s classes
Saturday mornings, Rivonia Recreation Club.
So what is a balanced packed meal? has opened inside the Broadacres Garden
Centre (behind Broadacres Spar) in Fourways. Stella Campbell-Bruyns
Half of the volume of what is packed into the (011) 803 0737 or (072) 783 4332 (After hours)
Stockists of imported deluxe fancy dress
lunch box, should be full of fresh or cooked
costumes and accessories for children. Situated
vegetables (in the form of finger foods or
salads) and one or two fruit portions (peeled
in a beautiful garden nursery with new kiddies' PHYSIOTHERAPIST
playground and outdoor restaurants. Holly Hogan
and ready to eat). Add some lean protein, the (011) 467 3229 [email protected]
size of the palm of your child’s hand. Include General Physio practice.
only one fistful of slower release (lower GI) (011) 787 4351 or (082) 589 2843
starchy food, And one added fat Round off the PLUMBING
meal with a bottle of water. BARTMANN PLUMBING
For all your plumbing requirements,
Maintenance and Construction. Please email your NAME, CONTACT
CODE OF CONDUCT 086 00 22 782 DETAILS and no more than THREE WORDS
Homework is an extension of schoolwork that describes a PRODUCT or SERVICE that
and is completed neatly and punctually. you or your company provides.
TO ADVERTISE e.g. Tyres / Hair Cutting / Car Windscreens /
To advertise in our newsletter Video Rentals / Etc to [email protected]
THRIFT SHOP [email protected]
Mon 07h15 – 08h00 13h00 – 14h00 LEAD BY EXAMPLE
Tue 13h00 – 14h00
Junior Boys played against Rivonia on LEGORA FARM HOLIDAY FOR CHILDREN HOMEOPATH Eugenie Rowson DIHom (Pract)
Tuesday the 29th of August. Both Teams Send your son or your daughter for an (UK); FBIH (UK); MIGPP (UK) My expertise as
played exceptionally well and drew at the end unforgettable holiday. Everything takes place an internationally qualified homoeopath
of the day. Well Done! under supervision of qualified teachers. reinforces my effectiveness using the ultimate
Horse riding, Milking cows, Tennis, electro-magnetic computerized, drugless healing
Junior Boys team played against Montrose on Mountain climbing, Target shooting. system in the world. Embracing the science of
17th August 2006. We Unfortunately lost both Die van Tonders Tel and Fax (014) 534 0241 bio-energetic medicine, the SCIO device
Derik (082) 570 5431 Adrie (083) 268 1104 conducts 8000 test in minutes and can detect
matches. Better luck next time boys.
Book now for the school holidays! weaknesses such as viruses, bacteria, fungus,
nutritional deficiencies, toxins, pathogens, food
CROSS COUNTRY FOR THE LADIES sensitivities, learning disabilities, trauma,
Well done to our District Runners who ran in emotional imbalances, brain pattern imbalances,
GIRLS PAMPER PARTIES hormonal disturbances, and much more. It then
District Champs on 17 August 2006. 3 Hour Skin, Nail, & Make-up Workshop at ‘Skin
in the Boys U/10 age group… energetically harmonises the body’s stressors
Sense Rejuvenate’ in Douglasdale. and imbalances relating to any disorder or illness
Timothy Chambers came 3rd COST : R120.00 p.p. and stimulates a return to health. The results
Dane Heymans came 7th Contact Libby (011) 465 4178 speak volumes. Crawford Drive, nr Douglasdale
in the Girls U/10 age group… [email protected] Shops. (082) 771 2292
Cian Oldknow came 7th
in the Boys U/11 age group… BAYSWATER BEAUTY CLINIC
Jan Posthumus came 8th Spring Special….. SERVICES
in the Girls U/12 age group… We offer a full range of salon therapies, including Elizabeth Szabó Bookkeeping Services
Kim Caboz came 9th facials, slimming, waxing, manicures, pedicures, specialises in the following...
in the Girls U/12 age group… massage, tinting, make-up & anti-ageing Books to Balance Sheet / VAT Returns / Salaries
Amanda Booth came 4th treatments. To celebrate spring we are giving a & Wages / Statutory Returns / Office
Samantha White came 10th 10% discount on all treatments, and on Tuesdays Administration / Budgets & Forecasts / Debtors &
& Thursdays facials are discounted by 25%. Creditors Recons / Stock Take & Control /
in the U/13 Boys age group…
Come and relax and be pampered….. Management Accounts
Kyle Winter came 9th Contact us on 011 787 7963 Other services are available.
It was fantastic to see such talent amongst our (situated close to the Sandton Clinic). For assistance on all of the above
runners. Congratulations! Gift vouchers also available. Call me on the following numbers
(011) 462 4111 or (082) 789 0262
In the Gauteng champs held at Heidelburg on
26th August 2006… Cian Oldknow came 45th GIFT IDEAS NineLives Studios
out of 84 in that age group. Timothy EVERY CHILD LOVES to hear stories about Tim Neary helps people balance health and
Chambers came 34th out of 84 in his age themselves! Imagine the look when mom reads stress management into their lifestyles. He offers
them a story where he/she features as the main
group and Amanda Booth came 80th in her personalised fitness instruction and Chinese
character! Create-a-Book personalised story Shiatsu treatments at competitive prices. Ideal for
age group. Well Well done, a fantastic
books create a love of reading and increase the x-training and sports-specific complimentary
achievement and all should be proud!!! self esteem and the ability to learn of your child! strength training.
Great gift for birthdays and Christmas! Tim (084) 626 3533 or [email protected]
THANK YOU When the book’s about you…..
After the District event Miss. Natalie Woods it’s a different story altogether CARPE DIEM COMMERCIAL SERVICES
had an accident and would like to Thank Mr. Michele (082) 338 8853 [email protected] Accounting & Tax / Statutory Returns
Winter for all his help. CC Registrations
“Just when you think their are no NURSERY / AFTERCARE Personalised and flexible service
good Samaritans left - one jumps LOLLIPOP NURSERY SCHOOL from a Qualified Accountant on- or off-Site
out to prove you wrong. I truly Small, well-established school providing Russell Strooh Bcompt (Hons)
Thank you.” said Miss. Woods" individual love and attention. Creative and (083) 263 3620 (083) 222 9633
stimulating programme making learning fun.
Well-equipped classroom with spacious outside SplitFeather communicates
HOCKEY play area in shady garden. Tim Neary helps small and medium businesses
An apology to both Brennan Hammond and Karen (011) 705 1266 (083) 474 9463 gain more clients, better faster and less
Jenna-Leigh du Preez who were mistakenly expensively. He offers freelance journalism, copy
left out when we listed our new hockey writing for the web, editing and press-release
provincial players. What an accomplishment
ACCOMMODATION strategy and copy for the media.
KNOW SOMEONE MOVING TO BRYANSTON? Tim (084) 626 3533 or [email protected]
and well done!!!
Research has told us that when people intend to
buy or sell a property, the school is one of the
I would also like to mention that Kim Caboz first institutions to be approached. If you refer SPORT
was made the vice-captain of the U12 Impalas these people to Dieter Harck, the owner of Shuai Meng Liu Martial Arts
team and that Jenna-Leigh du Preez Remax 100 in Fourways, and a sale results, they Want a happy, fit, disciplined and confident child?
captained the U13 A Southern Gauteng Team. will pay up to 10% of their commission directly to See results with a non contact Kung Fu kids
the school! class held by a 32nd generation Shaolin Monk.
There is the possibility for dedicated students to
HIP HOP Dieter Harck (082) 500 7585
compete nationally & internationally, Kung Fu
International hip-hop achievements in Prague now being included in the Olympics. Classes held
over the July holidays. The Kim Field Dance are at the Bryanston 1st Scout Hall. Cost is R300
Academy (Kingfisher Rd, Fourways), came 1st LESSONS p/m. Classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
in their hip-hop category at the International A+ TUTORS WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS! from 15h00 – 16h00 For more info call Renato on
Dance Festival in Prague. The weather was Extra lessons in Maths, Science, Afrikaans and (082) 494 4802
hot, the competition tough but a good time Accounting are offered in a fun, funky
was had by all. The dancers from Bryandale environment. See our website for more info To all Young Cricket Enthusiasts
Primary were: Stephanie Blake, Megan Tutt, OLD PARKS JUNIOR CRICKET will be starting
Daniela Osato, Tinashe Chagonda and Tessa (082) 775 5853 or (011) 465 5196 soon, our Registration Day being Saturday the 9th
Rafaro Orfao. September 09h00 to 11h00, and the opening
HIRE EDUCATION CC practices starting 08h20. Saturday the 23rd
Get 1-on-1 tuition by trained, professional tutors. September !!! We cater for both boys and girls,
HOBBIES At your home, All subjects, All grades. ages 6–13 and offer a fun structured environment
Mr. & Mrs. Bead Large selection of beads etc Experience the advantage of individual extra with a very high level of coaching.
Unbeatable prices lessons. Our tutors: supervise homework; clarify; For more details please contact Duncan Craggs
Discounts for school projects apply structure; fill in gaps; keep learners up to on (084) 317 9825 or [email protected]
Workshops and Kiddies parties. date; prepare for tests and exams; instill a
1st Floor, Sloane Square positive attitude.
Free advice (011) 463 7430 For more info, phone us on (086) 128 8867 LEAD BY EXAMPLE

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