Jagannath Ghosh - 21032 - IAAC

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Solution of Problem A

Solution of Problem B

Solution B:
To calculate the time it takes for light to reach each planet,
we can use the formula: Time = distance / speed of light

Where the speed of light is approximately 300,000 km/s.

For Mars:
distance to the Sun = 223 million km
time = distance / speed of light time = 223,000,000 km / 300,000 km/s time = 743.3
seconds=12.4 minutes

So, it takes about 12.4 minutes for light from the Sun's surface to reach Mars.

For Jupiter:
distance to the Sun = 777 million km
time = distance / speed of light time = 777,000,000 km / 300,000 km/s time = 2,590
seconds = 43.2 minutes

So, it takes about 43.2 minutes for light from the Sun's surface to reach Jupiter.

For Pluto:
distance to the Sun = 5,906 million km
time = distance / speed of light time = 5,906,000,000 km / 300,000 km/s time =
19,686.7 seconds = 328.1 minutes = 5.5 hours

So, it takes about 5.5 hours for light from the Sun's surface to reach Pluto.
Solution of Problem C

Solution C:

(a) To find the eccentricity of P/2023 IAAC's orbit, we can use the formula for the
semi-minor axis and the eccentricity,
e: b = a*sqrt(1-e^2)
where b is the semi-minor axis.

Rearranging this equation gives:

e = sqrt(1 - (b/a)^2)

Plugging in the values for a and b, we get:

e = sqrt(1 - (8.3/16.5)^2) ≈ 0.732

Therefore, the eccentricity of P/2023 IAAC's orbit around the Sun is approximately

(b) The aphelion is the point on the orbit where the comet is farthest from the Sun,
and the perihelion is the point on the orbit where the comet is closest to the Sun.
These correspond to the points where x is equal to the semi-major axis (a) plus or
minus the eccentricity (e), respectively.
P1: x = a + e = 16.5 + 0.732 = 17.232 AU
P2: x = a - e = 16.5 - 0.732 = 15.768 AU
P3: x = a = 16.5 AU

Therefore, P1 is the aphelion and P2 is the perihelion.

(c) To find the speed of the comet at each point,

we can use the vis-viva equation: v(x) = sqrt(μ(2/x - 1/a))
where μ is the gravitational parameter, which is the product of the gravitational
constant G and the sum of the masses of the two bodies (the Sun and the comet, in
this case).
Since the mass of the comet is negligible compared to the mass of the Sun, we can
use μ ≈ GM, where M is the mass of the Sun.

Plugging in the values, we get:

M = 1.9 × 10^30 kg
G = 6.674 × 10^-11 m^3/kg/s^2

At P1:
x = 17.232 AU = 2.572 × 10^12 m
v(P1) = sqrt(GM(2/x - 1/a))
= sqrt(6.674 × 10^-11 × 1.9 × 10^30 × (2/2.572 × 10^12 - 1/16.5))
≈ 5.33 km/s

At P2:
x = 15.768 AU = 2.357 × 10^12 m
v(P2) = sqrt(GM(2/x - 1/a))
= sqrt(6.674 × 10^-11 × 1.9 × 10^30 × (2/2.357 × 10^12 - 1/16.5))
≈ 6.39 km/s

At P3:
x = 16.5 AU = 2.462 × 10^12 m
v(P3) = sqrt(GM(2/x - 1/a))
= sqrt(6.674 × 10^-11 × 1.9 × 10^30 × (2/2.462 × 10^12 - 1/16.5))
≈ 5.97 km/s

Therefore, the speed of the comet at P1 is approximately 5.33 km/s, at P2 it is

approximately 6.39 km/s, and at P3 it is approximately 5.97 km/s.
Solution of Problem D

Solution D:
To determine the distance to the stars, we need to first calculate their distance
from Earth using their parallax angles. The parallax angle is the angle formed
between the two lines of sight from Earth to the star when viewed from opposite
sides of Earth's orbit.

Let's use the formula:

distance (in parsecs) = 1 / parallax angle (in arcseconds)

For the first star:

distance = 1 / 0.11 = 9.09 parsecs

For the second star:

distance = 1 / 0.13 = 7.69 parsecs

Now, to determine the distance between the two stars, we can use the law of
distance^2 = 9.09^2 + 7.69^2 - 29.097.69*cos(5 degrees)

distance = 12.49 parsecs

Finally, we can convert this to light-years:

1 parsec = 3.26 light-years
distance = 12.49 * 3.26 = 40.66 light-years

Therefore, the two stars are approximately 40.66 light-years apart from each other.
Solution of Problem E

Solution E:

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of

space and accelerate the expansion of the universe. It is considered to be the
dominant component of the universe's energy density, accounting for about 68%
of the total energy density of the universe.
The term "dark" in dark energy refers to the fact that it does not interact with
electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes and other instruments
that detect light. Its existence was first inferred from observations of distant
supernovae in the late 1990s, which revealed that the expansion of the universe
is accelerating, rather than slowing down as was previously thought.

Other evidence for the existence of dark energy includes observations of the
cosmic microwave background radiation, which is thought to have been emitted
shortly after the Big Bang and provides a snapshot of the early universe. These
observations have revealed patterns in the distribution of matter and energy in
the universe that are consistent with the presence of dark energy.

Another piece of evidence for dark energy comes from measurements of the
large-scale structure of the universe, such as the distribution of galaxies and
clusters of galaxies. These measurements suggest that the universe is filled with
a mysterious, repulsive force that is causing the expansion of the universe to

Overall, the existence of dark energy remains one of the biggest mysteries in
cosmology, and scientists are still working to understand its properties and how
it fits into our understanding of the universe.

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