Record of The End-Permian Extinction and Triassic Biotic Recovery in The Chongzuo-Pingguo Platform, Southern Nanpanjiang Basin, Guangxi, South China

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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200 – 217

Record of the end-Permian extinction and Triassic biotic recovery in

the Chongzuo-Pingguo platform, southern Nanpanjiang basin,
Guangxi, south China
Daniel J. Lehrmann a,⁎, Jonathan L. Payne b , Donghong Pei c,1 , Paul Enos c ,
Dominic Druke a,2 , Kelley Steffen a,3 , Jinan Zhang d , Jiayong Wei e ,
Michael J. Orchard f , Brooks Ellwood g
Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 54901, United States
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, United States
Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, United States
Geological Survey of Guangxi, Guilin, Guangxi, People's Republic of China
Guizhou Bureau of Geology, Guiyang, Guizhou, People's Republic of China
Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B 5J3
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States
Accepted 30 November 2006


The Chongzuo-Pingguo platform is a vast isolated platform, 180 km across, in the southern part of the Nanpanjiang basin. The
end-Permian extinction is recorded in conformable sections in the northern part of the platform (Pingguo area). Upper Permian
skeletal packstone contains diverse open-marine fossils including Nankinella and Sphaerulina. It is overlain by a 4.6 m thick
horizon of calcimicrobial framestone constructed by globular calcified microbial framework similar to Renalcis. The PTB event
horizon is interpreted to occur at the top of the packstone, coincident with the abrupt change to calcimicrobial framestone lacking
Permian macrofossils. The transition from Hindeodus latidentatus to H. parvus occurs 1 m above the base of the calcimicrobial
framestone, marking the conformable biostratigraphic boundary.
During the Early Triassic the platform developed as a low-relief bank rimmed with oolite shoals but was bordered by a high-
relief, fault-controlled escarpment along its southern margin. Platform interior facies of the Majiaoling and Beisi formations are
900 m thick and consist of thin-bedded lime mudstone, oolite, and dolostone with restricted marine biota in four shallowing-
upward packages that define depositional sequences. In the Chongzuo area the platform was terminated at the end of the Early
Triassic by burial with up to 1600 m of felsic pyroclastic volcanics and lava flows. Transgression and shallow-marine carbonate
sedimentation resumed early in the Middle Triassic followed by drowning in the Bithynian as indicated by a shift to deep-marine
carbonate and clastic deposition.
In the Pingguo area volcanic deposits are much thinner and only briefly interrupted carbonate accumulation. Here the platform
interior drowned during a major back step early in the Middle Triassic (Anisian, Bithynian). Smaller pinnacle platforms of the

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.J. Lehrmann).
Current address: University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 89557, United States.
Current address: Shell Exploration and Production Company, Houston, TX 77079-1101, United States.
Current address: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, TX 77252, United States.

0031-0182/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 201

Guohua Fm., up to 1700 m thick, continued to accumulate above the Early Triassic platform margin and were eventually drowned
by the Late Pelsonian. In the Anisian, the pinnacle platforms shifted to sharply defined, reef-rimmed margins with Tubiphytes reefs.
The shift coincides with accelerated metazoan biotic recovery in the Anisian. However, the reefs lack metazoan frameworks and are
composed almost entirely of Tubiphytes reinforced by large volumes of marine cement. These observations indicate that controls
beyond the recovery of framework-building metazoans governed the re-establishment platform-margin reefs in the Middle Triassic.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carbonate platform; Reef; Permian; Triassic; Extinction; China

1. Introduction interval (cf. Woods et al., 1999; Erwin et al., 2002;

Lehrmann et al., 2003; Payne et al., 2004, 2006b; Baud
Of the five great mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic, et al., 2005). Although the extinction has been the
the end-Permian extinction stands out as having greatest subject of intensive study, the causes remain unresolved.
devastation in the marine sedimentary record, an Evidence has been published in support of a wide range
aftermath characterized by the unusual abiotic carbonate of potential trigger and kill mechanisms including bolide
precipitates, and an exceptionally long biotic recovery impact, Siberian Traps eruptions, anoxia, hypercapnia

Fig. 1. Early Triassic paleogeographic map of the Nanpanjiang basin compiled from regional geologic maps (Guangxi Bureau, 1985; Guizhou
Bureau, 1987). Inset is a tectonic map of south China modified from Sun et al. (1989). For the detailed distribution of Lower Triassic
exposures used to constrain the distribution of platform and basin environments in this paleogeographic reconstruction see Fig. 3 in Lehrmann
et al. (2005).
202 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

(CO2 poisoning), methane release, and hydrogen sulfide 2002; Fraiser and Bottjer, 2004; Payne et al., 2004,
poisoning linked to oceanic euxinia (e.g. Wignall and 2006b).
Hallam, 1992; Knoll et al., 1996; Krull and Retallack, An obstacle in understanding the end-Permian ex-
2000; Becker et al., 2004; Kump et al., 2005; among tinction has been the rarity of conformable PTB sections
many others). available for study. Even less common are the expanded,
Many studies have focused on the facies, biotic conformable and continuously exposed sections of the
changes, geochemistry and geochronology of Perm- entire Upper Permian through Middle Triassic record
ian–Triassic boundary (PTB) sections from various needed to develop the high-resolution sedimentological,
localities around the globe (e.g. Wignall and Hallam, geochemical, and paleontological records required for
1992; Yin et al., 1996; Baud et al., 1997; Bowring et al., understanding Permian–Triassic events. In previous
1998; Jin et al., 2000; Krull and Retallack, 2000; papers we have emphasized the importance of conform-
Lehrmann et al., 2003; among many others). Recently, able PTB sections and expanded Upper-Permian
an increasing number of studies have been directed through Middle-Triassic sections of the Great Bank of
toward the Lower–Middle Triassic record of biotic Guizhou (GBG) in the northern part of the Nanpanjiang
recovery and environmental conditions in the pro- basin (Fig. 1; Lehrmann et al., 1998; Payne et al., 2004,
longed aftermath following the extinction (e.g. Schu- 2006b; Lehrmann et al., 2005). The purpose of this
bert and Bottjer, 1995; Twitchett, 1999; Woods et al., study is to summarize the stratigraphic architecture,
1999; Lehrmann et al., 2001; Wignall and Twitchett, facies, and depositional environments from the PTB

Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Chongzuo area. Modified from Guangxi Bureau (2000, geologic map 1:500,000), using field observations made by Pei
Donghong (unpublished data). Sections BM, LJ, LY, and BN are presented in Fig. 3.
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic cross section of the Chongzuo area. Stratigraphic sections BM, LJ, and LY occur within the platform. Section BN occurs at the basin margin. Section locations are given in Fig. 2.
204 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

through Middle Triassic of another isolated carbonate north China plate during the Late Triassic (Lehrmann
platform, the Chongzuo-Pingguo platform (CPP), in the et al., 1998). Several isolated platforms developed
southern part of the basin. The CPP contains continu- within the Nanpanjiang basin during the Triassic
ously exposed, relatively conformable and expanded including the Great Bank of Guizhou (GBG) in southern
PTB through Middle Triassic sections and it is dissected Guizhou Province and the Chongzuo-Pingguo platform
by a fold that exposes a 2-D cross section revealing (CPP) in southern Guangxi (Fig. 1). Each of the
its architecture. Further study of this platform holds platforms is delineated by the regional distribution of
promise for understanding the environmental conditions shallow-marine carbonate platform facies and deep-
of the extinction and biotic recovery. water basinal facies (Lehrmann et al., 2005). The
isolated platforms exhibit a pattern of greater longevity
2. Geological setting in the north, step-backed margins and pinnacle devel-
opment in the south, and earlier drowning and burial by
The Nanpanjiang basin is a deep-marine embayment siliciclastics in the south (Lehrmann et al., 2005). Lower
in the southern margin of the Yangtze plate (Fig. 1, Triassic volcanic horizons thicken dramatically south-
inset) which was located in the eastern Tethys sea- ward indicating a southerly source. These differences
way near the equator during the Permian, progressively were interpreted to have resulted from faster subsidence
migrated northward and eventually docked with the rates and volcanism in the southern part of the basin

Fig. 4. Geologic map of the Pingguo area. Modified, using reconnaissance field mapping, from Guangxi Bureau (1987, 1:1000000; 2000, 1:500000)
and Guangxi Bureau (unpublished geologic maps 1:200,000). Inset upper right is a detailed map of the northern pinnacle platform. Sections TP and
NM are presented in Fig. 5.
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217
Fig. 5. Stratigraphic sections from the Pingguo area. TP section is of Permian through basal Middle Triassic strata of the platform interior. NM section is in Middle Triassic basin-margin facies south of
the northern pinnacle platform. See Fig. 4 for section locations.
206 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

caused by tectonic convergence along the southern into shallowing-upward packages, and dolostone con-
margin of the south China plate (Lehrmann et al., 2005). centrated in its upper part (Figs. 3, 5). The Luolou Fm.
ranges from 40 to 538 m thick and consists of black to
3. Stratigraphic architecture dark-gray, laminated or horizontally burrowed lime
mudstone with shale intercalations and interbeds of
Upper Permian strata in the CPP consist of the Heshan debris-flow breccias (Guangxi Bureau, 1985).
and Dalong formations. The Heshan Fm. consists of a The distribution of Lower Triassic formations from
thin bauxitic mudstone at the base, and a thick upper part regional geologic maps and ground observations deline-
dominated by cherty limestone with lesser calcareous ates the extent of the CPP (Fig. 1; Guangxi Bureau, 1985;
shale and coal seams (Guangxi Bureau, 1985). The Lehrmann et al., 2005; Guangxi Bureau, 2000). Shallow-
formation ranges up to 225 m thick in the Chongzuo area marine carbonates of the Majiaoling and Beisi forma-
and its upper part is dominated by cherty limestone with tions define the extent of the platform. In the Pingguo
diverse shallow-marine biota of brachiopods, foraminif- area the platform is bounded to the north, west, and east
era, gastropods, dasycladacean algae, and corals. In the by basinal deposits of the Luolou Fm. (Fig. 4). The
Pingguo area the top of the unit contains several felsic southern margin of the platform in the Chongzuo area is
volcanic ash layers below a conformable PTB (Lehr- defined by the P–D fault which may have remained
mann et al., 2003). The Dalong Fm. is composed of dark- active or at least a bathymetric demarcation during the
colored spiculitic mudrock, chert, and cherty argilla- Early Triassic as evidenced by the distribution of
ceous limestone with volcanic ash layers and a deeper shallow-marine Majiaoling and Beisi formations north
water assemblage of ammonoids, bivalves and brachio- of the fault and basinal deposits of the Luolou Fm. to the
pods (Lehrmann et al., 2005). The unit ranges up to south of it (Figs. 1, 2). In the Chongzuo area the platform
160 m thick (Guangxi Bureau, 1985). extends westward into Vietnam; to the east the margin is
In the Chongzuo area regional geologic maps unconstrained owing to lack of outcrop (Fig. 1). A
combine the Heshan and Dalong in one mapping unit significant question is whether the Chongzuo-Pingguo
across much of the study area (Fig. 2). However, the area is a single isolated platform or two separate
Pingxiang–Dongmen fault (P–D fault; Figs. 1, 2) was platforms. The problem arises because of the lack of
active during the Upper Permian affecting uplift and preserved Triassic strata on the Nanning anticline that
shallow-water deposition of the Heshan Fm. (e.g. LJ separates the areas (Fig. 1). Two lines of evidence
section; Figs. 2, 3) north of the fault and deeper-water suggest that it developed as a single platform: (1)
deposition of the Dalong Fm. south of the fault (BM reconnaissance mapping revealed shallow-marine car-
section, Lianqiao; Fig. 2). Uplift and erosion have bonates with oolite extending to the southern extent of
removed Upper Permian strata north of the fault west of exposures in the Pingguo area (Fig. 1) and (2) isolated
Chongzuo (area west of LJ section) and in the area exposures 30 km west of Nanning also were interpreted
around Longzhou where Lower Permian strata are to be shallow-marine carbonates of the Majiaoling Fm.
overlain by Lower Triassic strata of the Majiaoling Fm. (Guangxi Bureau, 2000; Pei Donghong, unpublished).
Regional geologic maps indicate that the Heshan Fm. The Middle Triassic (Anisian) Guohua Fm. has its
has a widespread distribution in the Pingguo area that type area in the Pingguo Area (Fig. 1). The Guohua Fm.
extended well beyond the area of the Lower Triassic consists primarily of thick-bedded massive and cyclic
platforms (Fig. 1; Guangxi Bureau, 2000). This change dolomite with restricted molluscan fauna and fenestral
suggests that southern Guangxi may have been the site laminites. The formation also contains minor but
of vast shallow-marine carbonate, clastic and paralic significant Tubiphytes boundstone and basin-margin
coal environments during the Late Permian prior to the facies composed of pelagic limestones and interbedded
development of smaller isolated carbonate platforms in debris-flow breccias. The stratigraphic architecture of
the Early Triassic. the Pingguo area is revealed by a northwest trending
Lower Triassic formations consist of shallow-marine fold that exposes a 2-D cross section (Fig. 4). The
carbonates of the Majiaoling and Beisi formations and architecture is best visualized by viewing the strata
basinal deposits of the Luolou Fm. The Majiaoling Fm. down structural dip on the northeast limb of the syncline
ranges from 100 to 130 m thick in the CPP and is (area of TP and NM sections, Fig. 4). The Upper
composed of light to medium gray, thin-bedded lime Permian Heshan Fm. is conformably overlain by
mudstone with minor oolite (Figs. 3, 5). The Beisi Fm. shallow-marine carbonate strata of the Lower Triassic
ranges up to 800 m thick in the CPP and is composed of Majiaoling and Beisi formations. Greater abundance of
lime mudstone with thick intervals of oolite, arranged oolite shoals near the northern and southern margins of
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 207

the platform in the Majiaoling and Beisi and the lack of Lehrmann et al. (2003). The boundary is conformable
reefs indicate that the platform had a low-relief bank in the Pingguo area where cherty skeletal packstone of
architecture during the Early Triassic. The platform the upper Heshan Fm., with diverse open-marine fauna
continued to accumulate shallow-marine carbonate until and volcanic ash interbeds, is overlain by calcimicro-
the platform interior drowned and shifted to deep- bial framestone of the basal Majiaoling Fm. The upper
marine siliciclastic deposition represented by the Banna Heshan Fm. contains the fusulinids Nankinella and
Fm. in the beginning of the Middle Triassic (Anisian, Sphaerulina indicating a Late Permian age. The end-
Bithynian; Figs. 4, 5; top of TP section). During the Permian extinction is interpreted to have occurred at
interior drowning, shallow-marine carbonate deposition the boundary between skeletal packstone containing
stepped back and continued as smaller pinnacle plat- diverse Permian fossils and overlying calcimicrobial
forms (small isolated platforms analogous to pinnacle framestone lacking Permian macrofossils. The bio-
reefs but containing differentiated interior, reef, and stratigraphic PT boundary is currently placed 1 m
slope facies) represented by the Guohua Fm. at the above the base of the calcimicrobial framestone on the
northern margin of the platform (NM section) and basis of Hindeodus latidentatus within the basal meter
southern limit of the syncline northeast of Pingguo of the calcimicrobial framestone and the first occur-
(Fig. 4). The pinnacle platforms of the Guohua Fm. are rence of H. parvus 1 m above the base. The skeletal
1700 m thick (NM section; Fig. 5) and contain peritidal packstone and the calcimicrobial framestone are
dolomite in their interiors, Tubiphytes reefs at the interpreted to represent the continuation of shallow,
margins, and slope carbonates that intertongue with open-marine environments during the end-Permian
siliciclastic turbidites adjacent to the platforms (NM extinction; the abrupt facies change is interpreted to
section, Figs. 4, 5). The pinnacle platforms were finally reflect a substantial decrease in the contribution of
drowned and buried by siliciclastics of the Banna Fm. skeletal animals and algae to carbonate accumulation
near the end of the Anisian, Pelsonian (Figs. 4, 5). and, perhaps, a change to oceanic chemistry intoler-
Numerous faults dissect the Chongzuo area. Inter- able for much of the shallow-marine biota during
pretation of architecture in this area was constrained by the aftermath of the extinction (Lehrmann et al., 2003;
three measured stratigraphic sections in the platform Payne et al., 2006b). In TP section (Figs. 4, 5) the
interior (BM, LJ, and LY sections; Figs. 2, 3) and one calcimicrobial framestone unit is 4.6 m thick and is
section in the basin south of the P–D fault (BN section; composed primarily of chambered globular frame-
Figs. 2, 3). Shallow-marine carbonate deposition was works similar to Renalcis surrounding irregular
initiated in the Early Triassic during transgression over cavities (Figs. 4, 5). The very base of the microbialite,
an unconformity above the Permian (Fig. 3). During however, contains digitate fabrics constructed primar-
Early Triassic deposition of the Majiaoling and Beisi ily by clusters of upward radiating aragonite fans
formations the platform is inferred to have developed a (Fig. 6A, B).
low-relief bank type architecture bordered to the south The PTB is unconformable across much of the
by oolite shoals at the platform margin and perhaps an CPP in the Chongzuo area. At LY and LJ sections the
abrupt escarpment along the P–D fault (Fig. 2). The Majiaoling Fm. unconformably overlies Upper Permian
greater abundance of oolite in LY section close to strata of the Heshan Fm. (Figs. 2, 3). The unconformity
the margin provides evidence for development of is overlain at LY section by a thin conglomerate con-
marginal oolite shoals (Figs. 2, 3). At the end of the taining clasts of limestone, feldspar and coal derived
Early Triassic the platform terminated by burial beneath a from erosion of underlying strata. West of LJ section and
thick pile of felsic volcanics (Figs. 2, 3). After cessation of in the Longzhou area, the Majiaoling Fm. overlies
volcanics, shallow-marine carbonate deposition resumed Lower Permian strata. Calcimicrobial framestone was
briefly (Banmo member) followed by drowning and found in the base of the Majiaoling Fm., overlying the
burial by deep-marine siliciclastics of the Banna Fm. in Heshan Fm. in only one unnamed locality near the
the Middle Anisian (BM section; Figs. 2, 3). southern margin of the platform (Fig. 2; UN). The
beveling of the strata into the Lower Permian indicates
4. Lithofacies and depositional environments that the unconformity resulted from tectonic uplift. The
absence of the calcimicrobial facies in other sections
4.1. Permian–Triassic boundary suggests that the basal Triassic record may be missing
over much of the platform. It is uncertain whether the
The Permian–Triassic boundary in the Chongzuo calcimicrobial horizon is missing as the result of erosion
and Pingguo areas has been described in detail by or onlap of the Lower Triassic section along the
208 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

Fig. 6. Lower Triassic facies. (A) Polished slab of basal Triassic, Griesbachian, calcimicrobial framestone from TP section, Pingguo area. Black areas
are globular calcimicrobial clusters. Medium gray material (e.g. arrows left) is composed of aragonite fans that control overall digitate structure. Light
gray is micrite internal cement. (B) Thin-section microphotograph of aragonite fans from specimen illustrated in A. (C) Thin platy-bedded lime
mudstone of the Majiaoling Fm. (TP section, Pingguo area). (D) Oolite grainstone of the Beisi Fm. (northern platform margin, Pingguo area). Note
giant ooids up to 1 cm across (center).

unconformity. However, the fact that the Lower Triassic gastropods, bivalves, and foraminifers, and one ammo-
is relatively similar in thickness between the LY and LJ noid above the calcimicrobial framestone at TP section.
sections (Fig. 3) indicates that there was not substantial Argillaceous seams result in a greater magnetic suscep-
erosional truncation of Lower Triassic strata in the tibility and “spikey signature” in the lime mudstone as
region. Sections in the basin south of the P–D fault are compared with oolite intervals of the overlying Beisi Fm.
probably conformable where the Upper Permian Dalong (Figs. 3, 5). Oolite occurs in thin stringers commonly
Fm. is overlain by the Lower Triassic Luolou Fm. (e.g. with scoured bases and fining upward beds.
BN section; Figs. 2, 3). The homogenous massive beds suggest bioturbation;
however, discrete burrows are rare. The low biodiversity
4.2. Lower Triassic Majiaoling Formation molluscan fauna are suggestive of restricted marine
circulation, but it may alternatively represent altered
The Majiaoling Fm. is composed of light to medium abundance and distribution patterns of the marine biota
gray, thin-bedded, platy limestone and minor oolite. after the end-Permian extinction. Oolites are interpreted
Lime mudstone beds range from 5 to 40 cm thick and are to have been transported into the site of deposition
separated by argillaceous seams (Fig. 6C). The beds are during storms. The predominance of fine-grained
typically massive, homogenous or may have wavy sediment and presence of fining-upward oolite beds
lamination or vague burrows. Fossils include very rare suggests deposition in subtidal environments above
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 209

storm wave base. The lower part of the Majiaoling Fm. by flaser-laminated interlayering of lenticular and ripple
in the Chongzuo area is thicker bedded lime mudstone cross-laminated fine peloidal grainstone with scoured
with oolite stringers (Fig. 3; LY, LJ sections) in contrast bases and isopachous lime mud drapes. The ribbon rock
to dominantly thin-bedded lower portion in the Pingguo also contains microbial laminites and dewatering
area (Fig. 5; TP section). structures that probably formed by desiccation. The
ribbon rock is identical to Lower Triassic peritidal facies
4.3. Lower Triassic Beisi Formation described from the Great Bank of Guizhou and is similar
to that found in Lower Paleozoic tidal flat facies
The Beisi Fm. is 600–800 m thick and consists (Lehrmann et al., 2001). Subaerial exposure is also
primarily of platy, thin-bedded lime mudstone and indicated by fenestral laminites with mud cracks
massive to cross-bedded oolite arranged into meter- capping sequences.
scale, shallowing-upward cycles and larger graining Facies changes within depositional sequences re-
upward depositional sequences 50 to 300 m thick. The sult in a distinctive magnetic susceptibility signature
upper parts of depositional sequences commonly (Figs. 3, 5). The lower transgressive argillaceous lime
contain evidence of subaerial exposure such as fenestral mudstone yields a spikey high magnetic susceptibil-
laminates. The lower part of the formation contains ity profile that changes upward into the regressive
shale in the Pingguo area and the upper part of the oolite with a blocky, lower magnetic susceptibility
formation is dolomitized. Oolite apparently extended profile resulting from lower argillaceous content in
across the platform interior and thickens from LJ to LY the oolite. The presence of 4 or 5 depositional se-
section southward toward the platform margin in the quences spanning the Lower Triassic (Figs. 3, 5) in-
Chongzuo area (Figs. 2, 3) and at the northern margin of dicates that they are third or fourth order (each with a
the platform in the Pingguo area (northwest of NM duration of approximately 1 my or somewhat less).
section; Fig. 4) indicating the presence of shoals at the There is some ambiguity in correlation of the depo-
platform margin. sitional sequences between the Chongzuo and Pingguo
Thin-bedded lime mudstones are similar to those areas resulting from differences in facies distribution.
described from the Majiaoling Fm. They are massive The following describes our interpreted best correla-
to wavy laminated and contain few burrows, thin- tion (sequences 1–4; Figs. 3, 5).
shelled pectinoid bivalves, foraminifers, and argilla-
ceous seams between beds. The mudstones are in- Sequence 1 The Beisi Fm. is differentiated from the
terpreted to represent deeper subtidal transgressive underlying Majiaoling Fm. by the greater
portions of depositional sequences. Thin fining upward proportion of oolite and dolomitization in
interbeds of oolite with scoured bases are interpreted to its upper part. The base of the Beisi Fm. is
be storm deposits. dominated by oolite representing the re-
Oolites are spectacular cliff forming units and range gressive phase of depositional sequence 1
from individual beds a few meters thick to massive that began in the Majiaoling Fm. (Figs. 3,
amalgamated beds up to 25 m in thickness. The oolites 5). Oolite beds increase in frequency and
are massive to cross-bedded grainstone and coarsen thickness and magnetic susceptibility pro-
upward in some sequences (Fig. 6D). Included are “giant gressively decreases upward (best devel-
ooids” from 5 mm to 1 cm in diameter. Similar giant oped in LY and TP sections; Figs. 3, 5). The
ooids have been reported from the Lower Triassic in upper oolite is cross-bedded and maximum
other platforms in the Nanpanjiang basin (Payne et al., bed thickness reaches 10 m. Giant ooids
2006a) and in Germany (Weidlich, 2005). Composite and large composite coated grains are
coated grains composed of grapestone-like aggregates of found near the top of the sequence.
ooids, which are in turn enveloped in oolitic cortices, Subaerial exposure is represented by rib-
range up to 3 cm across. Additional grains include bon rocks, microbial laminites and water
gastropods, bivalves, peloids, and intraclasts. The suite escape structures capping the sequence at
of fabrics and grains indicates high-energy subtidal to TP section.
intertidal shoals. The upper parts of some oolite intervals Sequence 2 The transgressive portion of sequence
are burrowed packstone indicating abandonment and 2 begins in the Pingguo area with the
stabilization of ooid shoals. deposition of an interval of marine shale
Evidence for subaerial exposure at cycle and 100 m thick followed by thin-bedded
sequence boundaries includes ribbon rock characterized lime mudstone with thin oolite stringers
210 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

(Fig. 5). The regressive portion in Pingguo (Figs. 3, 5). Sequence 3 is capped by
consists of several shallowing upward molluscan wackestone and fenestral lami-
cycles 5–15 m thick. Each cycle coarsens nites in the Pingguo area.
upward from thin-bedded lime mudstone Sequence 4 Dolostone. The top of the Beisi Fm.
through oolite packstone and grainstone consists of dolo-mudstone and packstone.
and is capped with ribbon rock. In a few The unit contains bivalves, gastropods,
cycles the oolite coarsens upward to giant and the foraminifers Ammodiscus and
ooids and large composite coated grains in Glomospira and the conodont Chiosella
the upper part. In the Chongzuo area, gondolelloides indicating a late Early
sequence 2 shallows upward from a lime Triassic (Olenekian) or basal Middle
mudstone interval 25 m thick and coarsens Triassic (Aegean) age. The fauna suggests
upward to a package of oolite greater than restricted shallow-subtidal platform interi-
100 m thick with massive or cross-bedded or deposition. Sequence 4 is capped by
oolite in individual beds ranging from 5 to microbial laminites and fenestral laminites
25 m thick (Fig. 3). Sequence 2 is capped indicating the development of tidal flats in
by fenestral laminite at Chongzuo. The both the Pingguo and Chongzuo areas. In
Chongzuo area apparently contains an both areas the dolostone is overlain by
additional sequence (2a) when compared felsic volcanics (Figs. 3, 5).
with the Pingguo area (Figs. 3, 5). In the
platform interior section at LJ, sequence 4.4. Lower Triassic Luolou Formation
2a is characterized by a relatively thin
oolite and negative magnetic susceptibility The Luolou Fm. is widespread, spans the Lower
excursion within a thick interval dominat- Triassic, and is interpreted to be the basinal equivalent
ed by lime mudstone (Fig. 3). At LY of the Majiaoling and Beisi formations (Guangxi
section, near the platform margin, se- Bureau, 1985). The Luolou consists primarily of
quence 2a is dominated by oolite grain- laminated and horizontally burrowed, pyritic black
stone separated from the underlying lime mudstone with shale interbeds, shale, and debris-
sequence by fenestral laminite. It is flow breccias. Within the limestone/shale intercalated
important to note that sequences 2 and facies the limestone to shale proportions range from 0.5
2A contain the greatest proportion of to 0.8 in sections measured south of Chongzuo. Fossils
oolite in the Beisi Fm. which is fol- are generally extremely low in abundance, and include
lowed upward in both the Chongzuo and thin-shelled pectinoid bivalves, ostracodes, and ammo-
Pingguo areas by greatly increased pro- noids. Fossils become more conspicuous in the upper
portion of lime mudstone suggesting that part at BN section (Fig. 3) and contain crinoids. The unit
this interval represents a second-order is interpreted to represent deep-marine, dysoxic sedi-
maximum regression. mentation. At BN section along the basin-margin slope
Sequence 3 The transgressive portion consists of more south of Chongzuo (Figs. 2, 3), the Luolou contains
than 100 m of thin-bedded light to slump folds and several polymict debris-flow breccias.
medium gray lime mudstone with inten- Breccias are clast supported and contain pebble to
sive bioturbation. The unit is burrow cobble sized, rounded to angular clasts composed of
mottled and contains abundant horizon- oolite packstone and grainstone, derived from the
tal burrows as well as bed penetrative platform margin, and black, tabular lime mudstone,
branched burrows with random orienta- derived from the slope. Oolite clasts commonly contain
tions. The lime mudstones contain peloids, leached ooids with dropped nuclei and rotated geopetals
bivalves, gastropods, ostracodes, and for- indicating lithification and vadose dissolution at the
aminifers. Oolite stringers less than 0.5 m margin prior to transport.
thick probably represent storm beds in
deeper-water subtidal environment. The 4.5. Volcanic member of Banna Formation
top of the sequence consists of oolite,
peloidal, and skeletal packstone and grain- The volcanic member at the base of the Banna Fm. is
stone 20 m and 50 m thick in the Chong- composed of pyroclastics and lava flows of rhyolite to
zuo and Pingguo areas, respectively dacite composition (Newkirk et al., 2002; Guangxi
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 211

Bureau, 2000). The unit is widespread in the Chongzuo 4.6. Banmo member of Banna Formation
area (Fig. 2) with measured thickness of 740 m at LY
section (Fig. 3) and maximum thickness of 1640 m The Banmo member overlies the volcanic member
reported by the Guangxi Bureau (2000). In the Pingguo and consists of a package of shallow-marine skeletal and
area the unit is only 6 m thick and has been mapped oncolitic limestone that changes upward into deep-
across the platform as a continuous horizon (Guangxi marine, black, nodular-bedded lime wackestones and
Bureau, 1985; Fig. 5). Lava flows are interpreted from laminated marls marking the drowning and siliciclastic
the Chongzuo area based on the presence of euhedral burial of a vast area of the CPP.
phenocrysts, plagioclase microlites, and spherulites and In the Chongzuo area the lower part of the Banmo
a lack of glass shards or shattered phenocrysts (Newkirk consists of rhythmic intercalation of dark gray to pinkish
et al., 2002). Pyroclastic breccias and tuff are also gray oncolitic skeletal packstone and argillaceous lime
reported from Chongzuo (Guangxi Bureau, 2000). The mudstone and wackestone. Lime mudstone and wack-
thinner volcanic horizon at Pingguo is vitric tuff with estone beds have wavy lamination and skeletal oncolitic
abundant glass shards and shattered crystals. It is beds are nodular-bedded with numerous argillaceous
interpreted to be a water-lain ash on the basis of stylolite seams. The interval contains a diverse open-
lamination and the fact that it is immediately underlain marine fauna of bivalves, gastropods, dasycladacean
and overlain by marine carbonate. algae, crinoids, and the foraminifers Meandrospira and
Several lines of evidence support the correlation of Pilammina (?). Oncoids have irregular cauliflower
the thick volcanic succession at Chongzuo with the shapes, typically nucleate on bivalve or crinoid
thinner tuff at Pingguo. (1) Biostratigraphy indicates a fragments, and are encrusted by cyanobacteria, forami-
position near the Olenekian–Anisian (O–A) boundary nifera, and unidentified skeletal encrusters (Fig. 7A).
in both areas. This is supported by the occurrence of Cs. This unit is interpreted to represent resurgence in
gondolelloides, an index fossil that straddles the upper carbonate sedimentation following volcanic burial
Olenekian to the basal Anisian (Aegean-Bithynian), (Fig. 3). A normal “healthy” carbonate platform growth
immediately below the volcanics at Chongzuo and was not re-established however, as evidenced by
above the volcanics at Pingguo (Figs. 3, 5). Further- relatively thin accumulation, the dark color, argillaceous
more, carbonates of the Banmo member overlying the content, and lack of restricted carbonate or shoal facies.
volcanics in both areas contain an assemblage of lower Instead the Banmo member is interpreted to represent
Middle Triassic (Bithynian) conodonts, foraminifera, deeper water carbonate sedimentation within the photic
and ammonoids (see section below). (2) Immobile zone and above storm wave base. Instead of represent-
trace elements have a similar signature in both areas ing shallow restricted environments, the oncoids are
indicating a similar volcanic source (Newkirk et al., interpreted to represent deeper-water algal nodules
2002). (3) A preliminary zircon age for the tuff at occasionally turned during storms. Similar algal nodules
Pingguo of ca. 247 ma corresponds to biostratigraphi- have been found in the termination sequence of other
cally constrained tuffs above the O–A boundary on the platforms in the Nanpanjiang basin (Lehrmann et al.,
GBG (Martin et al., 2001). (4) The volcanics occur at the 1998) and have been found in deep-water slope
same lithostratigraphic position in both areas; underlain environments of modern platforms (Enos and Perkins,
by dolostone of the Beisi Fm., and overlain by the 1977). The oncolitic interval is overlain by black,
drowning succession of the Banmo member of the nodular-bedded lime mudstone and wackestone. The
Banna Fm. (Fig. 3). (5) The ash horizon at the boundary nodular-bedded interval contains thin-shelled bivalves,
between the Beisi Fm. and Banmo member is the and conodonts characteristic of deep-marine biofacies.
thickest volcanic horizon in the Pingguo platform, thus This unit is interpreted to represent drowning and
it is probable that it is equivalent to the thick pile of termination of carbonate sedimentation in the Chongzuo
volcanics at Chongzuo. In Chongzuo the volcanics area and is followed by burial by siliciclastics of the
essentially terminated carbonate sedimentation and Banna Fm. (Fig. 3).
buried the platform. In contrast, the volcanics apparently In the Pingguo area the Banna Fm. represents
interrupted carbonate platform growth only briefly in drowning of a large area of the platform as the interior
the Pingguo area. If our correlations are correct, the was flooded and shallow-marine carbonate deposition
Chongzuo area is proximal to the source of volcanic ash stepped back to form smaller pinnacle platforms of the
horizons mapped across an enormous area of Guizhou, Guohua Fm. (Fig. 4). In this area the lower part of the
Guangxi, Yunnan, and southern Sichuan at the boundary Banmo member consists of partly dolomitized car-
between the Lower and Middle Triassic. bonate mudstones and wackestones with restricted
212 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

Fig. 7. Middle Triassic facies. (A) Polished slab of oncolitic lime packstone from the Banmo member of the Banna Fm. Note crinoids (C) and
oncoids (O). Oncoids commonly have pustular morphology (upper left). Nearly all grains have coatings of cyanobacteria, foraminifera, and
unidentified skeletal encrusters. From BM section, Chongzuo area. (B) Polished slab of hardgrounds in the Banmo member of the Banna Fm. at
TP section. (C) Black, nodular-bedded lime wackestone of interior drowning succession of Pingguo area. Banmo member of the Banna Fm. at
TP section. (D) Laminated ammoniod-bearing marl, drowning succession of Pingguo area. Banmo member of the Banna Fm. at TP section. (E)
Polished slab of Tubiphytes boundstone from massive reef facies, greater than 200 m thick along northern margin of northern Pingguo pinnacle
(see Fig. 4 inset for location). Tubiphytes are small, branching, framework-building fossils (arrows). Note that the majority of this rock is
composed of marine cement.

molluscan fauna that apparently represent continued nian) in age on the basis of the foraminifera Mean-
platform growth following deposition of volcanic ash drospira and Pilammina (?), the conodonts Cs.
across the platform (Fig. 5). The presence of several gondolelloides and Neogondolella regalis, and the
hard grounds in this interval (Figs. 5, 7B) reflects ammonoids Protrachyceras, Bulogites, and Paracer-
pauses in carbonate-sediment accumulation. Dolomi- atites. The Banmo member is in turn overlain by the
tized carbonate mudstones are followed by black, Banna shale member, a thick succession of shale and
nodular lime mudstones (Fig. 7C) containing crinoids sandstone turbidites (Figs. 3, 5).
and Neogondolellid conodonts, indicating deposi-
tion in a deep-marine environment. These are finally 4.7. Middle Triassic Guohua Formation
overlain by laminated ammonoid- and radiolarian-
bearing marls (Fig. 7D). The succession provides The Guohua Fm. consists of a complex of interior,
relatively unambiguous evidence for termination of reef margin, and slope facies that form at least three
platform sedimentation by drowning. The Banmo isolated pinnacle platforms in the Pingguo area (Fig. 4).
member is interpreted to be Middle Triassic (Bithy- Two pinnacles occur on the northern margin of the CPP
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 213

in the town of Guohua and in the syncline northwest of laminated lime mudstone with slump folds punctuated by
NM section; another occurs on the southeast end of the polymict debris-flow breccias. The lime mudstone
syncline north of the town of Pingguo (Fig. 4). The intervals are platy or nodular-bedded and are horizontally
pinnacle platforms range from approximately 4 to 8 km laminated in part. They contain crinoids, thin-shelled
across and a thickness of 1700 m was measured at NM bivalves, radiolarians, and conodonts. Ammonoids occur
section. The best exposures occur in the syncline where in shale intervals. Debris-flow breccia beds may be as thin
steeply inclined strata preserve cross sections through as a few meters, but more typically are tens of meters thick
the platform from the interior to basin margin (Fig. 4). and range up to 100 m. The breccias are dominantly clast
Whereas over most of the Lower Triassic carbonate supported with pebble- to boulder-sized clasts composed
platform deposition shifted to siliciclastic basinal facies of Tubiphytes boundstone, Tubiphytes fragment grain-
of the shale member of the Banna Fm., carbonate stone, oncolite-intraclastic packstone, molluscan wack-
sedimentation continued in the areas of the pinnacles estone and packstone, and black, tabular lime mudstone.
into the Middle Triassic Anisian. The isolated nature of The assortment of clasts indicates that erosion tapped into
the pinnacles is demonstrated by the pinchout of the platform interior as well as platform margin and slope
Banna shale from TP section to the northeast and lithologies.
southeast against the Guohua Fm. (Fig. 4). The succession of conodonts from the NM section
The detailed facies distribution of the northern NM (Nicoraella germanica and Ni. kockeli followed by Ng.
pinnacle is illustrated in the inset map of Fig. 4. The bulgarica) indicate a Bithynian to Pelsonian age
platform interior facies is composed of thick-bedded, (Fig. 5). The final termination of the Guohua Fm. is
peritidal cyclic limestone and dolomite. Cycle bases are preserved in the southern pinnacle where the Guohua
oncolitic, intraclastic, and peloidal packstone to wack- Fm. is overlain by shale in the Banna Fm. (north of
estone with few bivalves, gastropods, and dasyclada- Pingguo; Fig. 5). The final termination is marked by a
cean algae. Cycle bases may contain flat-pebble shift to black, nodular-bedded, oncolitic wackestone
conglomerates and domal stromatolites or may be followed by shale. The shift to a dark, nodular facies
extensively bioturbated. Cycle caps contain fenestral indicates termination by drowning. Conodonts within
laminites. The lower part of the interior facies is this interval include Ng. bulgarica indicating that the
limestone, the middle third is pervasively dolomitized, final termination occurred during the Pelsonian. Termi-
and the upper third consists of monotonous, massive nation of the Guohua pinnacles was a significant event
thick-bedded peloidal and molluscan packstone without as it represents the end of carbonate deposition in the
evidence of subaerial exposure. Massive Tubiphytes Nanpanjiang basin in Guangxi (Lehrmann et al., 2005).
boundstone approximately 200 m thick occurs at the
northern margin of the NM Pinnacle (Fig. 4; inset). The 5. Discussion: PT boundary and Lower Triassic
boundstone is composed of branching Tubiphytes
frameworks reinforced by encrusting fossils such as Expanded sections spanning shallow- and deep-
spongiostromate algae and Bacinella as well as micritic water environments through the Lower and Middle
cement (Fig. 7E). The frameworks are further reinforced Triassic are essential for reaching an adequate under-
by several generations of isopachous fibrous marine standing of the environmental and biological causes
cement. Despite the fact that this facies apparently forms and consequences of the end-Permian extinction, par-
a robust platform-margin reef facing the open basin ticularly because the recovery interval was so protracted
north of the CPP, the reef has extremely low (cf. Hallam, 1991). Expanded sections provide an
biodiversity. Although in-place reefs were not found opportunity to distinguish facies-related artifacts from
on the southeast margin of the NM platform (Fig. 4; changes in the biota driven by regional or global
inset), the presence of Tubiphytes boundstone clasts in processes. Moreover, multiple sections across an
slope breccias at NM section (Fig. 5) indicates that there environmental gradient are ideal sources for detailed
were at least patch reefs developed along the southeast geochemical records that can be linked with the local
margin. In-place Tubiphytes patch reefs crop out on the (and global) paleontological record. Exposures of
northeast margin of the southerly pinnacle north of expanded sections in shallow-marine carbonate facies
Pingguo (Fig. 4). spanning the entire interval from the Permian through
Basin-margin facies flank the pinnacles. The best the Middle Triassic are rare, making the CPP a valuable
exposures, at NM section, are composed of a series of resource for improving understanding of the end-
intertonguing carbonate wedges and shale tongues Permian extinction and its aftermath. The GBG contains
(Figs. 4, 5). The carbonate intervals consist of black, perhaps the longest known Permian–Triassic record of
214 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

shallow-marine carbonate deposition (Lehrmann et al., horizontal burrowing near the base of the Lower Triassic
1998) and is the source of a high-resolution Permian– to higher intensity of bioturbation and the appearance of
Triassic fossil and carbon-isotope record (Payne et al., penetrative burrow networks higher in the Lower
2004, 2006b). The CPP is ideal for testing the regional Triassic. Platform-margin and basinal strata (Luolou
generality of the paleontological and geochemical Fm.) likewise contain a low diversity biota with low
records on the GBG, as well as data from more distant skeletal abundance. Each of these observations closely
localities. parallels the record of Early Triassic biotic recovery and
The biostratigraphically conformable contact be- Lower Triassic carbonate facies previously documented
tween diverse, fossiliferous Upper Permian (Changh- on the GBG (Payne et al., 2006b) and elsewhere (e.g.
singian) packstone and grainstone and low-diversity Twitchett, 1999; but see Twitchett et al., 2004). The
calcimicrobial boundstone in the Pingguo area is parallels include an increase in the abundance of crinoid
consistent with evidence for a geologically rapid ex- grains high in the Lower Triassic on the basin margin in
tinction pulse (cf. Jin et al., 2000) and suggests Luolou Fm. and the appearance of crinoids in the basal
abrupt onset of microbialite deposition after extinction. Anisian of the Banmo member in the platform interior.
The presence of microbialites overlying the extinc- Increased abundance of crinoids in the Spathian has
tion horizon on all of the isolated platforms in the been observed on the GBG (Payne et al., 2006b), the
Nanpanjiang basin (Lehrmann et al., 2003) and the western USA (Schubert and Bottjer, 1995), and western
occurrence of stenohaline taxa such as echinoderms and Tethys (Ramovš, 1996). The only report of high relative
articulate brachiopods in grainstone lenses within the abundance of crinoids in the lower part of the Lower
microbialite indicate continued shallow, open-marine Triassic is from the Griesbachian in Oman (Twitchett
carbonate deposition across the extinction horizon rather et al., 2004).
than any significant shift in physical depositional Two end-member explanations have been hypothe-
environment (Lehrmann et al., 2003). sized to account for the occurrence of microbialites
Lower Triassic platform interior strata of the immediately overlying the extinction horizon (cf. Schu-
Majiaoling and Beisi formations contain a low-diversity bert and Bottjer, 1992; Baud et al., 1997; Lehrmann,
fauna dominated by mollusks. The low overall abun- 1999; Kershaw et al., 1999; Lehrmann et al., 2003; Baud
dance of animal and algal skeletal grains in Lower et al., 2005): (1) microbialites represent a default mode of
Triassic platform interior, platform margin, and basinal carbonate deposition in shallow-marine environments
sediments stands in contrast to higher skeletal abun- in the absence of significant skeletal production,
dance in Upper Permian and Middle Triassic strata from metazoan grazing, and bioturbation, as a consequence
the same environments. Similarly low abundance of of the extinction. (2) The microbialites reflect a change in
skeletal grains was quantitatively demonstrated using marine chemistry governing patterns of carbonate depo-
point-counts of samples on the GBG (Payne et al., sition (e.g. carbonate saturation state and the concentra-
2006b). Qualitative observations of Lower Triassic tion of inhibitors to calcium-carbonate nucleation). They
carbonate sections across Tethys are generally consis- do not merely occur due to the removal of skeletal-
tent with this pattern (e.g. Baud et al., 1997, 2005), carbonate sinks. Rather, they reflect conditions generated
although some condensed sections (e.g. Twitchett et al., by the same processes responsible for extinction.
2004) contain a high concentration of fossil grains. The occurrence of abundant aragonite fans within the
Carbonate deposition across the CPP was dominated base of the calcimicrobial boundstone on the CPP, many
by lime mudstone and oolite to a much greater extent of which grow upward in discrete horizons from the
than comparable Upper Permian or Middle Triassic substrate (Fig. 6A, B), suggests that the PTB microbialite
strata. Moreover, the presence of unusually large ooids reflects controls beyond the mere removal of skeletal
(5–10 mm in diameter; Fig. 6D) (see Flügel, 1982, for a sinks for calcium carbonate. Similar aragonite fans are
compilation Phanerozoic ooids by period) indicates widely distributed within the PTB microbialite unit
unusually rapid growth relative to abrasion (Swett and occurring in south China, Turkey (see Kershaw et al.,
Knoll, 1989), likely induced by high CaCO3 saturation 1999; Baud et al., 2005), and Japan (D. Lehrmann, H.
and/or inhibition of ooid nucleation (see Sumner and Sano, and J. Payne, unpublished observations). Similar
Grotzinger, 1993). Qualitative field and thin-section fans are absent from younger Lower Triassic microbialites
observations indicate no significant change in the and are only known to occur locally in an outer shelf to
abundance of skeletal grains through the Early Triassic. slope setting (Woods et al., 1999). If the fans merely
The ichnofossil record, on the other hand, trends broadly reflected the removal of skeletal carbonate sinks, one
from low intensity of bioturbation and exclusively would expect them to continue in shallow water and in
D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217 215

association with microbialites through much of the Lower implication that the return of reefs in the Middle Triassic
Triassic given the continued low abundance of skeletal was caused by biotic rediversification following the
grains (Payne et al., 2006b). Furthermore, the widespread extinction (cf. Flügel and Stanley, 1984; Stanley, 1988).
and synchronous deposition of microbialites appears to be The near absence of framework-building metazoans in
confined to the lowermost Lower Triassic (H. parvus these reefs and dominance of Tubiphytes and penecon-
zone) (Lehrmann, 1999; Lehrmann et al., 2003). The fans temporaneous cements in the reef framework indicates
could reflect an interval of high carbonate saturation of that the re-development of platform-margin reefs in the
seawater, inhibition of other forms of carbonate deposi- Middle Triassic was governed primarily by factors other
tion (e.g. lime mud), or some combination of these and than the recovery of reef building animals.
other aspects of seawater chemistry. For example, the The development of extensive oolite shoals contain-
presence of metal-ion inhibitors of calcium-carbonate ing large ooids in the Lower Triassic and reefs in the
precipitation (e.g. Fe2+, Mg2+, Mn2+) could decrease the Middle Triassic composed largely of marine cement
nucleation rate of new CaCO3 crystals and favor growth indicates that carbonate precipitation occurred readily
of existing crystals preferentially, yielding aragonite fans on the margins of platforms throughout this interval and
(Sumner and Grotzinger, 1993). Ferrous iron and that the bulk of carbonate precipitation was non-skeletal
manganese, in particular, are more soluble under low (abiotic or biotically mediated). The shift in style of
oxygen conditions, and so inhibition of CaCO3 may have precipitation (ooids v. reef cements) as well as the
been especially pronounced immediately after the concurrent shift in architecture from oolite ramps to
extinction if low oxygen conditions were widespread abrupt, steep reef margins may reflect increased
(e.g. Wignall and Hallam, 1992; Wignall and Twitchett, stabilization of platform-margin sediments by the
2002). Other possible drivers include the delivery of problematic organism Tubiphytes. The relatively deli-
alkalinity from upwelling deep water (Grotzinger and cate branching frameworks of Tubiphytes were
Knoll, 1995; Knoll et al., 1996; Woods et al., 1999) or a encrusted by marine cements forming relatively robust,
weathering pulse resulting from a large input of CO2 into rigid reef masses. The development of large, metazoan
the atmosphere from Siberian Traps eruptions or the framework reefs dominated by scleractinian corals first
oxidation of large quantities of methane or organic matter began in the Late Triassic (Stanley, 1988).
(Krull and Retallack, 2000).
7. Discussion: controls on recovery
6. Discussion: Middle Triassic
The CPP and the GBG record the end-Permian
Middle Triassic Tubiphytes reefs on the CPP are extinction and Lower–Middle Triassic recovery in
constrained as Anisian (Bithynian-Pelsonian) in age by unmatched detail. Strata from these platforms have
conodonts from the NM section (Fig. 5). The high provided and can provide multiple proxies for biotic
abundance (55–60% by volume) of penecontempora- recovery and environmental change through this interval,
neous and early-diagenetic cements – peloidal micritic including the abundance, diversity, and distribution of
cement, brownish fibrous calcite cement, fibrous iso- skeletal grains, changing patterns of carbonate precipita-
pachous calcite cement, and aragonite botyroids (Fig. 7E; tion and deposition, and high-resolution geochemical
Christensen and Lehrmann, 2004) – is consistent with records. Each of these proxy records collected to date has
observations of the Anisian reef on the GBG. In both confirmed the geological rapidity and wide-reaching
cases, Tubiphytes is the only volumetrically significant effects of the end-Permian extinction pulse. Together, they
framework element, and both reefs contain only a low also indicate a protracted Early Triassic interval of carbon
diversity biota of invertebrates (ostracodes, mollusks, cycle instability and only limited biological recovery.
crinoids), dasyclad algae, and encrusting microproblema- Accelerated Middle Triassic recovery occurred in asso-
tica (Bacinella, Plexoramea) (Payne et al., 2006a). The ciation with substantial change in carbonate deposition
appearance of heavily cemented Anisian reef margins patterns and carbon cycle stabilization. Although the
following Lower Triassic ramps with oolite on several mechanisms linking biological recovery, carbon cycle
platforms in the Nanpanjiang basin and worldwide stabilization, and the re-development of platform-margin
(Flügel, 2002) suggests a global control on marginal reefs are currently poorly understood, a satisfactory model
reef development. for Permian–Triassic events will only be achieved with
The Lower Triassic has long been cited as a gap in coupled, high-resolution paleontological, sedimentary,
metazoan reef development resulting from decimation of and geochemical records similar to the ones being
biota following the end-Permian extinction, with the developed from the Chongzuo-Pingguo platform.
216 D.J. Lehrmann et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (2007) 200–217

8. Conclusions studies at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. We

thank the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh for
(1) The Chongzuo-Pingguo platform (CPP) is a vast providing funds in the form of undergraduate student–
isolated platform in the southern part of the faculty research grants and support for students to attend
Nanpanjiang basin of south China. The architecture meetings. Steve Kershaw and Oliver Weidlich provided
and platform evolution were reconstructed from thoughtful reviews that improved this paper.
stratigraphic sections and mapping of a fold that
exposes a 2-dimensional cross section through the References
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(3) The presence of aragonite fans exclusively in the
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