BouDagher-Fadel Et Al. Text Combined JFR 2017

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Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadel1, Xiumian Hu2, G. David Price1,

Gaoyuan Sun2, Jian-Gang Wang3, Wei An2

Department of Earth Sciences, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK

School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Xianlin Street 163, Nanjing

210023, China

Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

Correspondence author. E-mail: [email protected]


This study of mid-Cretaceous foraminifera from the Linzhou, the Coqen and the Xigaze

Basins in the southern Tibetan Plateau has provided the first high resolution biostratigraphic
description of these limestones and interpretation of their paleoenvironmental settings. The

fossil assemblages are dominated primarily by orbitolinid larger benthic foraminifera. We

reassessed the identification of many taxa, dividing the South Tibetan sedimentary

successions of Aptian to Early Cenomanian age into eight new foraminiferal biozones (TLK1

a–h): (i) (TLK1a) a shallow reefal environment corresponding to planktonic foraminifera

zone (PZ) Aptian 1–2, dominated by Palorbitolina and Praeorbitolina spp.; (ii) (TLK1b) a

transgressive, reefal to forereefal environment corresponding to PZ Aptian 3, characterized

by the first appearance of Mesorbitolina parva; (iii) (TLK1c) a shallow reefal to backreef

environment of Late Aptian (PZ Aptian 4) age, characterised by the first appearance of

Mesorbitolina texana; (iv) (TLK1d) a transgressive phase of forereef to an inner neritic

environment of Albian (PZ Albian 1) age, characterised by the first appearance of Cuneolina

pavonia; (v) (TLKe) an open-marine reefal environment of Albian (PZ Albian 2) age, with

assemblages dominated by flat to slightly conical orbitolinids, characterized by the first

appearance of Palorbitolinoides hedini; (vi) (TLK1f) a shallow, open-marine reefal to

forereef environment of Middle Albian (PZ Albian 3) age, dominated by flat and convex

orbitolinids, and characterised by the first appearance of Mesorbitolina aperta; (vii) (TLK1g)

a reefal to forereef environment of end Albian (PZ Albian 4) age, characterized by the

appearance of Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillieri and Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri, and in which

Early Aptian species of Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi have been recorded for the first time

from the Late Albian; (viii) (TLK1h) a shallow reefal environment of Early Cenomanian age

characterized by the first appearance of Conicorbitolina sp. A and Nezzazata conica. The

eight new biozones provided biostratigraphic correlation of t h e Langshan, Sangzugang

and Takena Formations in the Lhasa terrane, while the observed evolution of the

environmentally controlled microfacies corresponds closely with the current, inferred global
sea-level variation of the period. The almost continuous sedimentary sequences studied

allowed previously defined orbitolinid phylogenetic linages to be confirmed.


What is now southern Tibet was, in the mid-Cretaceous (93–126 Ma),

paleogeographically located at the southern margins of the Asian Plate boarding the eastern

Tethyan Ocean. It was the site for the deposition of large volumes of sub-tropical backreef

and reefal, shallow-marine carbonates. The variations in foraminiferal assemblages, in

particular the larger benthic foraminiferal (LBF) assemblages, hold the key to date the age of

the mid-Cretaceous limestones in southern Tibet and to understand the paleoenvironmental

and tectonic development of the region. At this time, the LBF assemblages of the region were

dominated mainly by the agglutinated orbitolinids.

Although studies of the mid-Cretaceous Tibetan orbitolinids have been reported over

the last four decades (e.g., Zhang, 1982, 1986, 2000; Smith & Xu, 1988; Yin et al., 1988;

Zhang et al., 2004) from isolated occurrences, their detailed biostratigraphy is not available.

Also, the taxonomy and identification schemes used in that literature are often not compatible

with the now widely accepted description of orbitolinids (see Schroeder et al., 2010).

In this study, we describe orbitolinid-rich assemblages from largely continuous

sedimentary sequences from the Lhasa terrane of the southern Tibetan Plateau, which range

in age from Early Aptian to Early Cenomanian. Material from the Sangzugang Formation

from the Xigaze Basin, the Takena Formation in the Linzhou Basin, the Langshan Formation

in the Coqen Basin were analysed in this study (Fig. 1).


The Tibetan Plateau (Fig. 1) comprises a series of terranes, including (from north to

south) the Songpan-Ganzi complex, the Qiangtang terrane, and the Lhasa terrane (Yin &

Harrison, 2000). The Lhasa terrane, located on the southern part of the Tibetan Plateau, is

bounded by the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone with the Tethyan Himalaya to the south, and by

the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone with the Qiangtang terrane to the north (Yin & Harrison,

2000; Zhu et al., 2013). The Lhasa terrane is divided into southern, central and northern

subterranes, which are separated by the Luobadui-Milashan Fault (LMF) and the Shiquan

River-Nam Tso Mélange Zone (SNMZ), respectively (Zhu et al., 2011, 2013).

The southern Lhasa subterrane is comprised of the Gangdese magmatic arc and

Xigaze forearc basin. The Gangdese magmatic arc is characterized by Late Triassic-Early

Paleogene Gangdese batholiths and Paleogene Linzizong volcanic rocks, with minor

sedimentary cover (Chu et al., 2006; Ji et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2013). The Xigaze forearc

basin, located in the south of the Gangdese arc (Fig. 1), is dominated by the thick Albian-

Campanian deep-water turbidites and thin shallow-marine Sangzugang limestones (Dürr,

1996; Wang & Liu, 1999; Wang et al., 2012; An et al., 2014). The Sangzugang Formation,

exposed discontinuously from Sangzugang village in Sagya County to the Xigaze airport,

consists of thick-bedded or massive dark-gray bioclastic limestones with abundant benthic

foraminifera, rudists and corals, and minor occurrences of bivalves. The 60–230 m thick unit

is in fault contact with either the overlying deep-water turibdites or the post-collisional

Gangrinboche conglomerate (Wang et al., 2013), and its original stratigraphic relationships

are uncertain. The Sangzugang Formation was deposited in reefal environments along the

northern part of the forearc basin during the Late Aptian to Early Albian (Liu et al., 1988).
The Linzhou basin lies at the retro-side of the Gangdese arc, and is filled by Jurassic

to Cretaceous volcanic, carbonate and terrigenous clastic rocks that are overlain by the

Paleogene Linzizong volcanic successions (Pan et al., 2004). The Early Cretaceous Takena

Formation in this basin is intercalated between the underlying shore-face Chumulong

Formation and the overlying fluvial Shexing Formation (Leier et al., 2007). Orbitolinid-

bearing limestone beds occur in the middle of the Takena Formation. Samples from two

sections (the Jiarong and Laxue sections) were studied.

In the central Lhasa subterrane, Carboniferous metasedimentary deposits, Permian

limestones, Jurassic siliciclastic deposits and abundant Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary

rocks are widespread in many places. In our study area (Fig. 1), thick (up to several km)

Cretaceous sedimentary strata are exposed (Pearce & Mei, 1988; Harris et al., 1990; Zhu et

al., 2009, 2011). These strata are composed of the Lower Cretaceous Duoni sedimentary-

volcanic rocks, the Langshan limestone, and Upper Cretaceous Daxiong continental molasse

(Leeder et al., 1988; Yin et al., 1988; Zhang 2000, Zhang et al., 2004; Sun et al., 2015). The

Langshan limestone, upon which this study focused, is exposed in a west-east direction with

an extend of up to ~1000 km in the central Lhasa subterrane, and is bounded by the Gangdese

magmatic arc to the south and Shiquan River-Nam Tso Mélange Zone Gaize-Selin Co thrust

(SNMZGST) to the north (Zhang, 2000; Zhang et al., 2004; Kapp et al., 2007).


The Sangzugang Formation in the Xigaze Basin is 60 to 230 m thick (Fig, 2), and it

outcrops near the northern boundary of the Xigaze forearc basin (Wang et al., 2012; An et al.,

2014). Based on foraminiferal data, the Sangzugang section (GPS: 29°18′11.1″N;

88°24′51.3″E) has been dated as Aptian–Albian in age (Cherchi & Schroeder, 1980;

Bassoullet et al., 1984).

In the Linzhou basin, the Penbo Member of the Takena Formation (Yin et al., 1988;

Leier et al., 2007) consists of about 250 m of mudstone, siltstone and limestone with

overlying successions of fluvial red beds of the Shexing Formation. Previous studies placed

the Takena limestones as Aptian–Late Albian based upon the study of echinoids, ammonoids

and foraminifera (Yin et al., 1988). In this study, we measured and sampled the limestone-

bearing strata (a ~100 m thick middle part of the Takena Formation) from two sections (the

Jiarong section, 29°53′48.7″N, 91°19′19.1″E; and the Laxue section, 29°54′25.1″N,

91°20′48.1″E). Detailed lithostratigraphic logs and sample positions are shown in Figure 3.

In the Coqen Basin, the Langshan limestone (Fig. 1) unconformably overlies volcanic

rocks of the Lower Cretaceous Zelong Group or conformably overlies the Duoni Formation

(see Sun et al., 2015), and is mainly composed of ~80–800 m of orbitolinid-bearing

wackestones and packstones (XZBGM, 1993; Zhang et al., 2004; Scott et al., 2010). Three

sections of mid-Cretaceous Langshan limestones were measured and sampled for this study.

The Langshan Formation in the Azhang section (31°56′48.5″N, 84°55′16.5″E) consists of

~800 m of orbitolinid-rich limestones (Fig. 4), while the Langshan Formation in the Guolong

section (31°26′23.6″N, 85°24′46.6″E) reaches ~400 m in thickness (Fig. 5), and the Xiagezi

section (31°10′52.0″N, 84°52′14.0″E) consists of ~80 m of orbitolinid-bearing wackestones

and packstones (Fig. 6).

In total, our study is based on a detailed analysis of over 350 samples from six logged

stratigraphic sections (see Figs. 2–6). Analyses of these samples allowed us to review the

mid-Cretaceous Tibetan benthic foraminiferal assemblages and to revise their stratigraphic

range, while tracing their phylogenetic and paleoenvironmental evolution, which correlates

well with the current inferred global sea-level variation of the period (Fig. 7). The occurrence
of planktonic foraminifera (PF) at some levels of the sections allowed us to constrain the ages

of these LBF and to confirm the dating of the formations.



During the deposition of the mid-Cretaceous sediments of the Takena, Langshan and

Sangzugang Formations, agglutinated foraminifera made up the bulk of the foraminiferal

assemblages, while PF were sporadic, only occurring at a few levels. Small biserial/triserial

textularids, conical cuneolinids (e.g., Cuneolina, Vercorsella, Sabaudia) and planispiral

forms (e.g., Pseudocyclammina) are common. However, the major components of these

formations are the flat to broadly conical orbitolinids.

The orbitolinids are characterized by conical tests that are usually a few millimetres in

height and diameter (although they can attain diameters of 5 cm or more). In axial section, the

embryo is located at the apex of the cone, followed by series of discoidal chamber layers. In

transverse section, the chambers are seen divided into a marginal zone, with subepidermal

partitions and a central zone with radial partitions. The radial partitions in Orbitolina thicken

away from the periphery and anastomose in the central area, producing an irregular network.

The earliest formed chambers of the megalospheric generation can form a complex

embryonic apparatus that can be divided into a protoconch, deuteroconch, a subembryonic

zone and periembryonic chamberlets depending on the genera involved. For instance, in

Palorbitolina, the embryonic apparatus consists of a large, globular, fused protoconch and

deuteroconch, followed by periembryonic chambers. Praeorbitolina evolved an embryonic

apparatus divided into a protoconch and deuteroconch with an incompletely divided

subembryonic zone. In Mesorbitolina, the deuteroconch and subembryonic zone are more or
less of equal thickness. In Conicorbitolina the marginal zone becomes extensively divided by

vertical and horizontal partitions, while in Orbitolina the deuteroconch is highly subdivided

and of much greater thickness than the subembryonic zone (Fig. 8) (see Schroeder, 1975;

Hottinger, 1978; Simmons et al., 2000; BouDagher-Fadel, 2008; Schroeder et al., 2010).

During this study, we have had cause to redefine many of the orbitolinid species

previously defined by Zhang (1982, 1986, 1991) from Xainsa, Baingoin and western Tibet as

synonyms of previously established species. Some of Zhang’s species were revised by Rao et

al. (2015). We here identify the following:


Order FOAMINIFERIDA Eichwald, 1830

Superfamily ORBITOLINOIDEA Martin, 1890

Family ORBITOLINIDAE Martin, 1890

Genus Palorbitolina Schroeder, 1961

Type species: Madreporites lenticularis Blumenbach, 1805

Palorbitolina lenticularis (Blumenbach, 1805)

Fig. 9.1

Madreporites lenticularis, Blumenbach, 1805 p. 80, figs 1–6.

Orbitolina (Palorbitolina) discoidea Gras, Zhang, 1982, pl. 8, figs. 1–10, pl. 7, fig. 10.

Orbitolina (Palorbitolina) umbellata Zhang, 1982, pl. 7, fig. 15

Orbitolina (Palorbitolina) complanata Zhang, 1982, pl. 8, figs. 13–17, pl. 9, figs. 1–7

Discussion: Palorbitolina lenticularis is characterised by an annular periembryonic

zone completely surrounding the upper part of the centric embryonic chamber. It was
described as O. (P.) umbellata and O. (P.) complanata from the Aptian of Takena Formation

in Xizang, China.

Distribution: This species is found in this study in the Aptian (PZ Aptian 1–4a,

TLK1a–early part of TLK1c) in Jiarong, Laxue, Azhang and Guolong sections and in the

Linzhou basin.

Genus Mesorbitolina Schroeder, 1962

Type species: Orbitulites texanus Roemer, 1849

Mesorbitolina birmanica (Sahni, 1937)

Fig. 9.10

Orbitolina birmanica Sahni, 1937, p. 368, pl. 30, figs 1–19.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) birmanica Sahni, Zhang, 1986, p. 112, pl.5, figs. 1–2.

Orbitolina (Orbitolina) deltoides Zhang, 1982, p. 73, pl. 12, fig.7.

Discussion: M. birmanica is characterised by a biconvex embryonic apparatus, which

includes a plano-convex protoconch and a deuteroconch that is irregularly subdivided by

occasional partitions. Zhang (1982) described O. (O.) deltoids, which is similar to M.

birmanica, as new species from the lower Cretaceous of the Lhasa Block of Tibet.

Distribution: In this study, M. birmanica was found in the Aptian to Albian (PZ

Aptian 4–Albian 4, TLK1c–g) of Azhang, Guolong sections and in the Coqen basin.

Mesorbitolina lotzei Schroeder, 1964

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) lotzei Schroeder, 1964, p. 469, text-fig. 3a–f.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) tibetica Cotter, Zhang, 1982, pl.2, figs. 7–16.

Discussion. This species is characterised by a centrally positioned embryo, laterally

surrounded by an annular first postembryonic chamber. Zhang (1982) illustrated similar

forms from the lower Cretaceous of the Lhasa Block of Tibet under his new genus and

identified them as Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) tibetica Cotter. Here these species are

considered as synonyms of M. lotzei.

Distribution: This species is here found in Aptian age (PZ Aptian 2, upper part of

TLK1a) sections of Jiarong and Laxue, and in the Linzhou basin.

Mesorbitolina parva (Douglas, 1960)

Figs. 10.1, 10.3

Orbitolina parva Douglas, 1960, p. 39, pl. 9, figs. 1–14.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) lhuenzhubensis Zhang, 1982, p.74, pl. 3, figs. 6–9.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) minuscula Zhang, 1982, pl. 6, figs. 5–9.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) parva Douglas, Zhang, 1982, pl. 3, figs. 10–13.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) scitula Zhang 1982, p. 64, pl. 4, figs. 6–12.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) absidata Zhang, 1986, p.109, pl. 2, figs. 13–17.

Mesorbitolina irregularis Zhang, 1986, p. 75, pl. 2, figs. 2–4.

Discussion: This species is characterised by a deuteroconch showing a complete system

of radial partitions. Zhang (1982) and (1986) described and illustrated similar forms as new

species: O. (C.) lhuenzhubensis, O. (C.) minuscula and O. (C.) scitula from the Aptian of

Takena Formation in Xizang, China; O. (C.) absidata and M. irregularis from the Aptian of

the Lhasa Block, Tibet.

Distribution: This species was found in Aptian sections (PZ Aptian 3–4a, TLK1b–

TLK1c) of the Azhang, Guolong and Xiagezi in the Coqen basin.

Mesorbitolina texana (Roemer, 1849)

Figs. 10.2, 10.4–10.5

Orbitulites Texallus Roemer, 1849, p. 392.

Orbitulites Texallus Roemer, Roemer, 1852, p. 86, figs. 7a–d.

Mesorbitolina maryoensis Zhang, 1982, p.111, pl. 4, figs. 1–6.

Mesorbitolina regularis Zhang, 1986, p. 75, pl. 2, figs 5–6.

Orbitolina (Palorbitolina) megasphaerica, Zhang, 1982, p. 69, pl. 8, fig. 11.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) orientala Zhang, 1982, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. 1–4.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) pengboensis Zhang, 1982, p. 74, pl.3, figs. 1–5.

Orbitolina (Columnorbitolina) rutogensis, Zhang,1982, p. 64, pl. 5, figs. 1–15.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) cotyliformis, Zhang, 1982, p. 115, pl. 5, fig. 4.

Orbitolina (Orbitolina) sp., 1986, p. 116, pl. 7, fig. 11.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) texana (Roemer), Zhang, 1986, p. 111, pl. 4, figs. 7-17.

Discussion: This species is characterised by an almost square embryonic apparatus,

with clear deuteroconch and sub-embryonic zone, each divided by radial partitions. Zhang

(1982, 1986) described a number of new species similar to M. texana (see list of synonyms)

from the Aptian of Takena Formation in Xizang, China.

Distribution: This species is found in this study in the Aptian to Albian (PZ Aptian

4a–Albian 1, TLKc–TLK1d) of Azhang, Guolong sections and in the Coqen basin.

Mesorbitolina subconcava (Leymerie, 1878)

Figs. 10.6, 11.5

Orbtolina subconcava Leymerie, 1878, pl. E, fig. 7.

Orbitolina (Orbitolina) bangoinica Zhang, 1982, p.73, pl. 12, figs. 1–6.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) aspera Zhang, 1986, p. 112, pl. 5, figs. 7–9.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) imparilis Zhang, 1986, pl. 6, figs. 5–10.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) langshanensis Zhang, 1986, p. 113, pl. 8, figs. 1–5.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) xainzaensis Zhang, 1986, p. 114, Pl. 7, figs. 6–7.

Discussion: M. subconcava is characterised by an oval proloculus surrounded by a

well divided deuteroconch and subembryonic zone. Zhang (1982, 1986) described similar

species to M. subconcava from the Lower Cretaceous of the Lhasa Block, Tibet (see above


Distribution: This species is found in this study in the Aptian and Albian (latest

Aptian 4a–Albian 4, upper part of TLK1c–TLK1g) of Azhang, Guolong sections and in the

Coqen basin.

Mesorbitolina aperta (Erman, 1854)

Figs. 11.1–11.4, 11.6–11.7

Orbitolites apertus Erman, 1854, p. 603–60, pl. 23, figs. 1–3.

Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) gigantea Zwang, 1986, p. 115, pl. 7, figs. 8–10.

Orbitolina (Orbitolina) toihaica Zwang, 1986, p. 116, pl. 8, figs. 8–11.

Discussion: This species is characterised by a deuteroconch subdivided in the upper

part by several partitions of different sizes, whereas the lower part exhibits an irregular
network of partitions. Zhang (1986) created two new species, O. (M.) gigantea and O. (O.)

toihaica, that are similar to M. aperta from the lower Cretaceous of the Lhasa Block (Tibet).

Distribution: This species is found in this study in the Albian to Cenomanian

(Albian 3–Cenomanian 1, upper part of TLK1g–TLK1h) of Azhang, Guolong sections and in

the Coqen basin.

Genus: Praeorbitolina Schroeder, 1964

Type species: Praeorbitolina cormyi Schroeder, 1964

Praeorbitolina wienandsi Schroeder, 1964

Fig. 12.1

Praeorbitolina wienandsi Schroeder, 1964, p. 412, text-fig. B.

Orbitolina (Eorbitolina) robusta, Zhang, 1982, p. 74, pl. 1, figs. 10–13.

Discussion: Praeorbitolina wienandsi is distinguished in having an embryo followed

by an initial spiral of only 2–3 cuneiform postembryonic chamber layers. It was described as

O. (E.) robusta new species by Zhang, 1982 from the Aptian of Takena Formation in Xizang,


Distribution: This species is found in this study in the Aptian (PZ Aptian 2–late

TLK1a) in Jiarong, Laxue, Azhang and Guolong sections and in the Linzhou basin.


In our study, sixteen species of orbitolinids forming four different lineages have been

recognised (see Fig. 8). They belong to the Palorbitolina lenticularis–Palorbitolinoides

hedini lineage (Cherchi & Schroeder, 2013); Praeorbitolina cormyi–Mesorbitolina texana

lineage (Cherchi & Schroeder, 2013), which extends into the here newly identified

Mesorbitolina subconcava–Mesorbitolina birmanica–Mesorbitolina aperta lineage; the

Conicorbitolina lineage. Orbitolinopsis has been here registered for the first time from Tibet

from the Late Aptian of Tibet.

Cherchi & Schroeder (2013) traced the evolution of Praeorbitolina cormyi to

Mesorbitolina aperta without integrating M. birmanica in the lineage. Mesorbitolina

birmanica was first insufficiently described in 1937 by Sahni, however, the description of the

types was subsequently emended by Sahni & Sastri (1957). Mesorbitolina birmanica has

been identified by many authors from Tibet, Iran, and India (see Schlagintweit & Wilmsen,

2014; Rao et al., 2015). It is characterised by a biconvex embryonic apparatus, which

includes a plano-convex protoconch and a deuteroconch that is irregularly subdivided by

occasional partitions. It is considered here as belonging to the ancestral stock of the

Mesorbitolina subconcava – aperta group with a comparatively larger and more complex

embryonic apparatus. The deuteroconch in M. subconcava is generally subdivided by short

subdivision, which reach the lower part of the protoconch (Schroeder et al., 2010), while the

deuteroconch of M. aperta is initially subdivided by several sets of alveoli, which become

intense and irregular in the advanced forms in the Early Cenomanian. Mesorbitolina

birmanica has been previously reported from Tibet by Zhang (1982, 1986, 1991), and ranges

here from latest Aptian (Aptian 4b, 115.0 Ma) to Late Albian (Albian 4, 100.5Ma). On other

hand, M. subconcava ranges from Late Aptian (latest Aptian 4a, 116.0Ma) to Late Albian

(Albian 4, 100.5Ma), while M. aperta is Late Albian (Albian 3, 106.7Ma) to Early

Cenomanian in age (Cenomanian 1, 98.8 Ma).

Orbitolinopsis and Paleodictyoconus are common in the upper Aptian assemblages.

We refer to their species as Orbitolinopsis sp. A and Paleodictyoconus sp. A. on the basis of

limited material. In this lineage Orbitolinopsis sp. A occurs in the earliest Late Aptian

(earliest Aptian 4). The test is relatively small, up to 1 mm in diameter, conical with a flat

base. Its apex is twisted as in Urgonina, however the first coil is lost, leaving just an off-

centered embryonic apparatus and the radial partitions anastomose centrally to form reticulate

zone in transverse section. The chambers are rectangular to discoidal, lacking tiers of

peripheral chamberlets. The off-centred proloculus is globular, slightly larger than the oval

deuteroconch. Paleodictyoconus sp. A occurs in the latest Late Aptian (latest Aptian 4), and

is characterised by a narrow marginal zone that is subdivided by radial beams, with those of

adjacent rows alternating in position. The off-centered proloculus is still globular, but is

followed directly by a small deuteroconch and a small spire of peri-embryonic chambers.

This species differs from the Early Cretaceous Paleodictyoconus arabicus (Henson) in

having fewer concentrated partitions.

Conicorbitolina first appears in the Late Albian (Albian 4, 102.2 Ma) as C. cf.

cuvillieri, a markedly conical species with a spherical embryonic apparatus, partially

obscured in many sections. However, the spherical protoconch and the cup-shaped

deuteroconch clearly defines this species as Conicorbitolina. The relatively small size of the

embryonic apparatus (~0.2 mm in diameter), and the subembryonic area divided by many

radial partitions are comparable with typical C. cuvillieri. Conicorbitolina develops a much

larger embryon (0.8–0.9 mm) in the Cenomanian, and develops into a less conical form,

described here as Conicorbitolina sp. A. Due to limited material, however, both forms are

indeterminable at a specific level.

The co-occurrence of LBF with PF at some levels of the mid-Cretaceous is vital for

the correlation and refining the biostratigraphy of some of the long-ranging LBF. All the LBF
were identified and the main species are plotted in Fig. 9, in relation to the proposed

foraminiferal biozonations. In our definitions of stratigraphic ranges, we primarily use the PF

zonal scheme of BouDagher-Fadel (2013), which is tied to the time scale of Gradstein et al.

(2012). The integration of the material described in this study has enabled us to define eight

mid-Cretaceous biozones that extend the previous Tibetan biozones for the Late Cretaceous

and Early Paleocene described by BouDagher-Fadel et al. (2015), thus:

• TLK1a (Jiarong section 13LZ18–13 and Laxue section 14LZ18–12 in the

Linzhou basin, PZ Aptian 1–2, 126.3–119.5 Ma). This biozone is characterised by the first

appearance of Pseudochoffatella cf. cuvillieri (Fig. 9.9). It includes primitive orbitolinids,

such as Palorbitolina lenticularis (Fig. 9.1) and planipiral forms with alveolar walls, such as

Pseudocyclammina sp. A (Fig. 9.8). Praeorbitolina wienandsi (Fig. 9.2a), Praeorbitolina

cormyi (Figs.. 9.2b, 9.3–9.7) and Mesorbitolina lotzei made their first appearances in the

upper part of this biozone.

• TLK1b (Azhang section in the Coqen basin: 12LS01–12LS05, PZ Aptian 3,

119.5–116.5 Ma). This biozone is characterized by the first appearance of Mesorbitolina

parva (Figs.. 10.1, 10.3). Palorbitolina lenticularis, Palorbitolinoides orbiculata with rare

ataxophragmids, such as Vercorsella camposaurii, V. arenata, Sabaudia capitata, Opertum

sp., triserial to biserial chrysalinids such as Chrysalidina sp., Praechrysalidina sp., Dukhania

sp., rare nezzazatids, such as Nezzazatinella sp., small miliolids, Textularia spp., agglutinated

foraminifera with alveoles such as, Everticyclammina sp., Pseudocyclammina sp. A and rare

dasyclads are also present.

• TLK1c (Azhang section 12LS06–17 and Guolong section 13GL195–141 in

the Coqen basin, PZ Aptian 4, 116.5–113.0 Ma; Sangzugang section 10SZG–B, C,04,10 in

the Xigaze basin). This biozone is characterised by the first appearance of Mesorbitolina

texana (Figs. 10.2, 10.4–10.5). M. parva (Figs. 10.1, 10.3), M. birmanica (Fig. 9.10),
Palorbitolinoides orbiculata, Sabaudia capitata, Vercorsella camposaurii, V. arenata, (Fig.

11.11) Orbitolinopsis sp. A (Figs. 12. 4a–12.6), Paleodictyoconus sp. A. (Figs. 12.3–12.4b)

are common. Palorbitolina lenticularis become extinct within the early part of this biozone

where assemblages are dominated by robust, shallow, clear-water, convex to concave forms

of orbitolinids. In the upper part of this biozone, orbitolininds are replaced gradually by small

agglutinated forms, such Everticyclammina sp. A (Fig. 12.9), Pseudocyclammina spp.,

Buccicrenata spp., Chrysalidina sp., Vercorsella arenata, Mayncina sp, Daxia minima,

Sabaudia minuta, S. capitata. Rare Mesorbitolina texana remain constantly present with rare

species of M. subconcava appearing for the first time. Codiacean, dasyclad algae and

gastropod spp. are common. Everticyclammina sp. A (Fig. 12.9), planispiral with a very short

initial coil, followed by an elongate uniserial part with a single areal aperture and an alveolar

wall with the septa remaining solid, dominate the assemblages. This species is similar to the

advanced E. greigi (see BouDagher-Fadel, 2008) in which the lower parts of the adult septa

are oblique, then tangential to the spiral suture, and thicken and coalesce to form imperforate

basal layers to the chambers.

• TLK1d (Azhang section 12LS18–56, Guolong section 13GL86–59 and

13GL196 in the Coqen basin, PZ Albian 1, 113.0–109.8 Ma). This biozone is characterised

by the first appearance of Cuneolina pavonia (Fig. 11.8) and Nezzazata sp. Assemblages

include Mesorbitolina texana, M. subconcava, M. birmanica, Palorbitolinoides orbiculata

(Fig. 10.8), Buccicrenata sp., Stomatostoecha plummerae, Nezzazata sp., Nezzazatinella sp.,

Cuneolina parva, Sabaudia minuta, Vercorsella scarsellai, Pseudocyclammina sp., and

Ovalveolina sp. Small miliolids and dasyclad algae are common.

• TLK1e (Azhang section 12LS55–63 and Guolong section 13GL57–51 in the

Coqen basin, PZ Albian 2, 109.8–106.7 Ma). This biozone is characterised by the first

appearance of Palorbitolinoides hedini (Fig. 10.9). Assemblages include Mesorbitolina

subconcava (Figs. 10.6, 11.5), M. birmanica, Palorbitolinoides orbiculata, Vercorsella

scarsellai, Buccicrenata sp., Sabaudia minuta, Cuneolina parva, C. pavonia and small

miliolids. Planktonic foraminifera, such as Favusella washitensis (Fig. 12.2), and dasyclad

algae are also rare.

• TLK1f (Azhang section 12LS64–86 and Guolong section 13GL50–41 in the

Coqen basin, PZ Albian 3, 106.7–102.2 Ma). This biozone is characterised by the first

appearance of Mesorbitolina aperta (Figs. 11.1–11.4, 11.6–11.7). Assemblages are

dominated by Mesorbitolina subconcava, M. birmanica, Vercorsella scarsellai, Buccicrenata

sp., Cuneolina pavonia and Textularia spp.

• TLK1g (Azhang section 12LS87–89, Guolong section 13GL40–34 and the

Xiagezi section 13DW04–7 in the Coqen basin, PZ Albian 4, 102.2–100.5 Ma). This biozone

is characterized by the first appearance of Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri (Figs. 12.7–12.8).

Assemblages include Mesorbitolina subconcava, M. aperta, M. birmanica, Cuneolina

pavonia, Vercorsella scarsellai, Sabaudia minuta, Buccicrenata sp., Hemicyclammina sp.,

Pseudocyclammina cf. rugosa, Pseudocyclammina sp. B, Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillieri,

Stomatostoecha plummerae, Nezzazata sp., Nezzazatinella picardi, and rare planktonic

foraminifera Ascoliella quadrata, Favusella sp. are also present. We have also found in this

assemblage a primitive form, Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi (Fig. 12.1), thus extending the

range of Praeorbitolina to the top of the Albian in this area.

• TLK1h (Azhang section 12LS90–120, Guolong section 13GL34–18, Xiagezi

section 13DW07–11 in the Coqen basin, PZ Cenomanian 1, 100.5–98.8 Ma). This biozone is

characterized by the first appearance of Conicorbitolina sp. A (Fig. 10.7) and Nezzazata

conica (Fig. 12.11). Assemblages include Mesorbitolina aperta (Figs. 11.1–11.4, 11.6–11.7),

Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillieri, Sabaudia minuta, Cuneolina cf. cylindrica, Pseudocyclammina

sp. B, Cuneolina parva, C. pavonia (Fig. 11.8–11.10), Daxia cenomana, Nezzazatinella

picardi, Buccicrenata sp., Pseudocyclammina sp. B and Pseudedomia sp.

The almost continuous sedimentary sequences also allowed the recognition of four

phylogenetic lineages for the Tibetan orbitolinids, namely:

• the Praeorbitolina – Mesorbitolina lineage of Aptian – Early Cenomanian

age, previously defined by Cherchi & Schroeder (2013) is confirmed. However, we also

prove the range of the Early Aptian Praeorbitolina of this lineage extends to the top of the

Albian in the Tibetan platform (Fig, 12.1, 13), and we integrate Mesorbitolina birmanica,

which exhibit a rather large and complex biconvex embryonic apparatus with a plano-convex

protoconch, within the Early Aptian to Early Cenomanian Mesorbitolina lineage (M. lotzei–

M. aperta);

• the Palorbitolina - Palorbitolinoides lineage of Aptian – Albian age,

previously defined by Cherchi & Schroeder (2013) is also confirmed. However, we extend

the range of Palorbitolina lenticularis into the latest Late Aptian. In addition, we prove that

the age of Palorbitolinoides orbiculata extends into the Early Albian (see Fig. 13 for age

range of key species).

Our data show that the Takena limestones in the Linzhou basin have an Aptian 1,

TLK1a, age while the Sangzugang limestones in the Xigaze basin correspond to the age of

Aptian 4, TLK1c. The Langshan limestones have a relatively longer duration spanning from

Aptian 3, TLK1b to Cenomanian 1, TLK1h. The age and LBF biozone correlation of mid-

Cretaceous limestones in the three sedimentary basins of the Lhasa terrane are shown in Fig.



The mid-Cretaceous was a globally warm period, characterised by an increase in the

number of agglutinated foraminiferal forms having large alveoles, such as

Pseudocyclammina, or forms with internal radial partitions, such as the orbitolinids. This may

have been as a consequence of adaptation to the extreme climatic and oceanic conditions

during this interval (BouDagher-Fadel, 2008), linked to an inferred dramatic increase of

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which may have been triggered by enhanced global

volcanism (e.g., the Ontong Java flood events), and that led to an increase in temperature and

oceanic anoxia (e.g., Kerr, 2006). The high CO 2 levels during this greenhouse period also

would have led to increased oceanic acidity (Naafs et al., 2016), which would have favoured

the development and ecological domination of agglutinated LBF forms, such as the

orbitolinids, over those forms with biogenetically precipitated calcitic tests that dominated

before and after this period.

As seen above, the mid-Cretaceous shallow marine limestones, which today occur in

the Tibetan Plateau, have fossil assemblages that are dominated by the agglutinated

orbitolinids, although Pseudocyclammina and Dictyoconus are also present. These

agglutinated LBF thrived in many shallow carbonate environments (Arnaud Vanneau, 1980).

The conical tests of the orbitolinids were strengthened by subdividing it into many small

chamberlets, which likely housed within their walls symbiotic algae (see BouDagher-Fadel,

2008). By studying the size and shape of their test, Masse (1976) deduced that they had a

free, epifaunal mode of life. They lived by lying on the sea-floor substrate, on the flat base of

their conical test. Using associated algae, Banner & Simmons (1994) noted that Palorbitolina

lenticularis was most common in sediments thought to be deposited at depths of 10–50 m.

Orbitolinid-rich beds, with large, flat, orbitolinids seem to be characteristic of transgressive

deposits, while more conical forms thrived in the shallowest water (Vilas et al., 1995;

Simmons et al., 2000). This relationship of shape to palaeobathymetry has been observed in
different studies on living larger foraminifera for example, Reiss & Hottinger (1984)

observed a flattening of Operculina tests with increasing water depth.

During this time, adaptive radiations in the shape of their tests and environmental

control of growth-forms make LBF reliable paleoenvironmental indicators (see Simmons et

al., 2010). Sedentary, attached LBF grew to accommodate the shape of the vegetable

substrate to which they adhered (BouDagher-Fadel & Wilson, 2000). Those found attached

on sediments in deeper waters tend to be flat and discoidal in shape (see BouDagher-Fadel,

2008). However, LBF are also very sensitive to light levels (BouDagher-Fadel, 2008), and

water clarity is an important factor in their distribution and the way they grow. Being

unicellular, LBF exhibit relatively rapid adaptation to environmental conditions through

evolutionary modifications of their shape ande structure. For example, shallow-water settings

with high clay content have similary populations of larger orbitolinids as those of the deeper

water environments (Pittet et al., 2002). It is therefore, essential to analyse not only the shape

of the orbitolinids, but all associated foraminifera to deduce their paleoenvironment. On this

basis therefore, we can combine the analyse of the shape of the orbitolinids with that of the

associated microfaunas and microfloras to infer the palaeoenvironmental history of the

margin of the East Tethyan ocean during the mid-Cretaceous as follows (see Fig.15):

• A regressive phase of shallow reefal environment where small primitive

orbitolinids, such as Praeorbitolina spp., dominate (TLK1a).

• A transgressive phase (TLK1b) or reefal to forereefal environment with

assemblages dominated by large flat shaped orbitolininds (flattest around the maximum

flooding surface).

• A reefal environment (TLK1c) shallowing abruptly to a backreef setting where

orbitolinids are replaced by Everticyclammina spp. and small conical ataxophragmids (e.g.
Vercorsella arenata). These two phases of sea-level change were identified by Miller et al.

(2011) (see Fig. 7).

• A transgressive phase (TLK1d) with the flat forms of Mesorbitolina texana

dominating the assemblages. Many of the specimens of M. texana in the Guolong section

were well sorted in size and direction by wave actions, reflecting their deposition in a high

energy forereef environment (see Fig. 15).

• A regressive phase (TLK1e) where assemblages are dominated by small,

broadly conical forms of orbitolinids (e.g., Palorbitolinoides hedini (Fig. 10.9). Planktonic

foraminifera are present, but rare (e.g. Favusella washitensis, Fig. 12.2) indicating a low

energy open marine reefal environment.

• A regressive phase (TLK1f) where assemblages are dominated by broadly

conical (e.g., Mesorbitolina subconcava, Figs. 10.6, 11.5) to small convex orbitolinids (e. g.,

Mesorbitolina aperta, Figs. 11.1–11.4, 11.6–11.7) with abundant fragments of rhodophyte

and dasyclad algae indicating a shallow reefal environment.

• A transgressive phase (TLK1g) of a reefal to forereef environment, reflecting

the reported (Miller et al., 2011) rapid sea-level rise of over 50 m (see Fig. 7). Assemblages

are dominated by broadly convex and flat orbitolinids (see Fig. 15). Planktonic foraminifera

and forms with coarsely agglutinated epidermis, such as Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri (Figs.

12.7–12.8) are frequent.

• A regressive phase (TLK1h) where foraminiferal assemblages are dominated

by conical, relatively small orbitolinids, but with complicated embryonic apparati (e.g.

Mesorbitolina aperta, (see Figs. 11.1–11.4, 11.6–11.7)), and small ataxophragmids,

indicating the re-establishment of shallow reefal conditions following the reported (Miller et

al., 2011) 50 m sea regression in the Early Cenomanian (see Fig. 7).

We found that the mid-Cretaceous carbonate successions in the Tibetan Himalayas

evolved through eight depositional stages (see Fig. 15), which correlate well with the global

sea level curve for the period (Miller et al., 2011; see Fig. 7), and from which we created eight

biozones (TLK1a–h). The occasional presence of PF with orbitolinids (e.g., Fig. 12.2)

provided the opportunity to define the biostratigraphic framework of the LBF in the studied

sections. The biozones created in this study for the mid-Cretaceous of the Tibetan

platform enables the correlation between the Langshan, Sangzugang and Takena

Formations in the Lhasa terrane to be made.

A comparison between the mid-Cretaceous LBF associations of the Tibetan

carbonate platforms with those of the southern Neo-Tethys margin and of southwest Europe

show that the LBF are comparable with those developed over large parts of the Tethyan

realm. The Tibetan orbitolinids seem to have only very few latest Aptian–Albian species

(Palorbitolina lenticularis, Mesorbitolina texana, M. parva) in common with those of North

America, however, Albian and Early Cenomanian lineages are comparable with those of

Europe and the eastern Arabian Plate (see Schroeder, 2010). We further confirmed the

Praeorbitolina cormyi–Mesorbitolina texana and the Palorbitolina lenticularis–

Palorbitolinoides hedini lineages of Cherchi & Schroeder (2013), but also integrated a new

Mesorbitolina birmanica–Mesorbitolina aperta lineage. Finally, we were also able to extend

the range of the Early Aptian Praeorbitolina (e.g. Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi, Fig. 12.1) to

the top of the Albian, and present a revised range chart of the Tibetan forms in Fig. 13.

The foraminiferal bearing facies, used here as biostratigraphic and

paleoenvironmental indicators, enabled us to define eight new biozones (TLK1 a–h), which

complement the Late Cretaceous and Neogene biozones for this region previously described

by BouDagher-Fadel et al. (2015). The biozonations erected here are based on the

stratigraphic first occurrences of index foraminifera. The limestones are rich in LBF, the most

significant of which are orbitolinids as they have long been recognised as useful

biostratigraphic markers in mid-Cretaceous Tethyan carbonate platforms (Henson, 1948;

Douglass, 1960; Schroeder, 1962; 1975; Hofker, 1963; Neumann, 1967; Arnaud Vanneau,

1975, 1980; Cherchi & Schroeder, 1980, 2013; Marcoux et al., 1987; Görög & Arnaud

Vanneau, 1996). Occasionally the deeper water LBF assemblages co-occur with, or are

interspersed with PF assemblages. The well-established PF biostratigraphic ranges (see

BouDagher-Fadel, 2013, 2015) have enabled the confirmation and delineation of the

biostratigraphic ranges of these co-existing LBF.

In addition to enabling the development and refinement of the eastern Tethyan

carbonate biostratigraphy, the assemblages studied enabled the details of the

paleoenvironment of the area to be inferred. The paleoenvironment is interpreted from the

changes in the foraminiferal facies throughout the sedimentary succession. In the backreef

carbonate facies, ataxophragmiids and everticyclamminids dominate the foraminiferal

assemblages of small miliolids and textularids. However, in the reefal to outer neritic

environments, orbitolinid facies dominate. The inferred paleoenvironmental development of

the region correlates very well with the global sea-level variation deduced by Miller et al.


We thank Zhong Han and Wei Zhang for their assistance in sampling the field. This study

was financially supported by the Most 973 Project (2012CB822001) and the NSFC Project

(41472081). We would also like to thank Mike Simmons for discussion on some species of



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Figure 1. A Simplified tectonic map of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions, showing the

Lhasa terrane in the context of the Tibetan Plateau (Pan et al., 2004). JSSZ—Jinsha suture

zone; BNSZ—Bangong-Nujiang suture zone; IYSZ—Indus-Yarlung suture zone. B

Simplified geological map of the Lhasa terrane modified from Kapp et al. (2005). SGAT—

Shiquan-Gaize-Amdo thrust; GST—Gaize–Selin Co thrust; GLT—Gugu La thrust; ST—

Shibaluo thrust; ELT—Emei La thrust; GT—Gangdese thrust system; GCT—Great Counter

thrust. Section 1 from the Xigaze Basin; Sections 2 and 3 from the Linzhou Basin; Sections 4,

5 and 6 from the Coqen Basin.

Figure 2 Stratigraphy of the Sangzugang Formation in the Sangzugang section, Xigaze Basin,

showing the samples’ position and occurrence of main LBF of biozone TLK1c.

Figure 3 Stratigraphy of the Takena Formation in the Jiarong and Laxue sections, Liuzhou

basin, showing the samples’ position and occurrence of LBF. Blacks circles are samples from

the Laxue section, while white circles are from the Jiarong section.

Figure 4 Stratigraphy of the Langshan Formation in the Azhang section, Coqen basin,

showing the sample positions and occurrence of LBF.

Figure 5 Stratigraphy of the Langshan Formation in the Guolong section, Coqen basin,

showing specific, labelled sample positions and occurrence of main LBF.

Figure 6 Stratigraphy of the Langshan Formation in the Xiagezi section, Coqen basin,

showing the sample positions and the distribution of main species of LBF.
Figure 7. Variation in sea-level during the mid-Cretaceous based on Miller et al. (2011). The

stars indicate the boundaries of the PZ after BouDagher-Fadel (2013).

Figure 8. Phylogenetic evolution of Tibetan orbitolinids. Planktonic Zones after BouDagher-

Fadel (2013).

Figure 9. 1 Palorbitolina lenticularis (Blumenbach), Jiarong section, TLK1a, PZ Aptian 2,

sample 14LZ13. 2 A Praeorbitolina wienandsi Schroeder, B Praeorbitolina cormyi

Schroeder, Jiarong section, TLK1a, PZ Aptian 2, sample 14LZ13. 3–7 Praeorbitolina cormyi

Schroeder, Jiarong section, 3, 7, TLK1a, PZ Aptian 2, sample 13LZ16, 4–6, Laxue section,

TLK1a, PZ Aptian 2, sample 14 LZ12. 8 Pseudocyclammina sp. A, Jiarong section, TLK1a,

PZ Aptian 2, sample 13LZ15. 9 Pseudochoffatella cf. cuvillieri Deloffre, A form. Note that

the coarsely agglutinated hypodermis has small Textularia spp. and small benthic

foraminifera incorporated into the wall, Laxue section, TLK1a, PZ Aptian 2, sample 14LZ18.

10 Mesorbitolina birmanica (Sahni), Guolong section, TLK1g, PZ Albian 4, sample 13GL40.

Scale bars = 1 mm.

Figure 10. 1, 3 Mesorbitolina parva Douglas. Guolong section, TLK1c, PZ Aptian 4, sample

13GL142. 2, 4–5 Mesorbitolina texana (Roemer), 2, Azhang section, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1,

sample 12LS55, 4–5, Guolong section, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1, sample 13GL78. 6

Mesorbitolina subconcava (Leymerie). Guolong section, TLK1f, PZ Albian 3, sample

13GL41. 7 Conicorbitolina sp. A. Guolong section, TLK1h, PZ Cenomanian 1, sample

13GL30. 8 Palorbitolinoides orbiculata Zhang. Guolong section, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1,

sample 13GL61. 9 Palorbitolinoides hedini Cherchi & Schroeder, Guolong section, TLK1e,

PZ Albian 2 sample 13GL56. In 1–4, 6–9, scale bars = 1 mm, 5, scale bar = 0.3 mm.

Figure 11. 1–4, 6–7. Mesorbitolina aperta (Erman), Guolong section, 1–3, TLK1f, PZ Albian

3, 1 sample 13GL46, 2–3, sample 13GL41, 4, TLK1h, PZ Cenomanian 1, 13GL30, 6,

TLK1h, PZ Cenomanian 1, 7, oblique axial and oblique equatorial sections, sample 13GL30.

5 Mesorbitolina subconcava (Leymerie), Guolong section, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1, sample

13GL83. 8–10 Cuneolina pavonia d’Orbigny, Azhang section, 8, TLK1h, PZ Cenomanian 1,

sample 12LS92, 9, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1, sample 12LS27, 10, TLK1d, PZ Albian 1, sample

12LS21. 11 Vercorsella arenata Arnaud-Vanneau. Guolong section, TLK1c, PZ Aptian 4,

sample 13GL162. In 1–10, scale bars = 1 mm, 11, scale bar = 0.3 mm.

Figure 12. 1 Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi Schroeder, Guolong section, TLK1g, PZ Albian 4,

sample 13GL35. 2 Favusella washitensis (Carsey), Azhang section, TLK1e, PZ Albian 2,

sample 12LS53. 3, 4b Paleodictyoconus sp. A. Guolong section, early TLK1c, early part of

Aptian 4, sample 13GL187. 4a, 5 – 6. Orbitolinopsis sp. A. Guolong section, 4a, 5, TLK1c,

PZ Aptian 4, sample 13GL187, 6, TLK1c, PZ Aptian 4, sample 13GL142. 7–8

Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri Deloffre, Guolong section, TLK1g, Albian 4, sample 13GL40. 9

Everticyclammina sp. A. Azhang section, TLK1c, Aptian 4, sample 12LS17. 11 Nezzazata

conica (Smout), Azhang section, TLK1h, PZ Cenomanian 1, sample 12LS92. Scale bars = 1

mm, except for 2, 7–10, scale bar = 0.3 mm.

Figure 13. Range chart of key benthic and planktonic foraminiferal species of the Tibetan

Platform. Planktonic Zones after BouDagher-Fadel (2013).

Figure 14. Age and LBF biozone distribution of mid-Cretaceous limestones from the Xigaze

basin, the Linzhou basin and the Coqen basin in the Lhasa terrane. Sample numbers

correspond to those in Figures 2–6.

Figure 15. The depositional environments that prevailed during the mid-Cretaceous on the

Tibetan Platform; global sea-level variation after Miller et al. (2011).

Ngamring Fm. GPS: LBF
N29°18′ 09.8″
E88° 24′ 54.5″

10SZG10 Paleodictyoconus sp. A

Mesorbitolina texana


Sangzugang Fm.




10SZG04 Paleodictyoconus sp. A

10SZG03 10SZG-C
Vercorsella camposaurii
Palorbitolina lenticularis
10 10SZG02
Mesorbitolina texana
10SZG01 10SZG-A,B,C Palorbitolina lenticularis
GPS: Mesorbitolina sp.
N29°18′ 11.1″
0 E88° 24′ 51.3″
m Gangrinboche Conglomerate


Laxue section



N 29°54′25.1″
E 91°20′48.1″
Buccicrenata hedbergi
Pseudochoffatella cf. cuvillieri
Palorbitolina lenticularis
Pseudocyclammina sp.
Textularia sp.

Everticyclammina sp.
Praeorbitolina wienandsi
Blefuscuiana gorbachikae
Hedbergella sp.

Calcareous shale
Dentalina sp.
Praechrysalidina infracretacea
small miliolids
Mayncina sp.
Mesorbitolina lotzei


Mesorbitolina sp.
Praeorbitolina cormyi
Daxia sp.
Buccicrenata sp. A
Daxia minima
Praechrysalidina sp.
Mayncina bulgarica
Pseudocyclammina sp. A
Lenticulina sp.
Sandy limestone

Blefuscuiana sp.

N 29°53′48.7″
E 91°19′19.1″
Jiarong section

Aptian Albian Cenomanian








Langshan Formation Formation
Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member
























Pseudocyclammina sp. A
Sabaudia capitata
Palorbitolina lenticularis
Mesorbitolina parva
Vercorsella arenata
Mesorbitolina parva
Mesorbitolina sp.

Vercorsella camposauri
Palorbitolinoides orbiculata
Daxia sp.
Mesorbitolina texana
Mesorbitolina subconcava

Sabaudia minuta

Orbitolinopsis sp. A
Paleodicytoconus sp. A
Mesorbitolina birmanica
Everticyclammina sp. A
Nezzazata sp.
Cuneolina pavonia
Favusella washitensis
Cuneolina parva
Palorbitolinoides hedini
small miliolids

Stomatostoecha plummerae
Larger benthic foraminifera

Vercorsella scarsellai
Mesorbitolina aperta

cf. cuvillieri
Pseudocyclammina sp. B

Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri

Ascoliella quadrata

Cuneolina cf. cylindrica

Conicorbitolina sp. A

Nezzazata conica

Daxia cenomana
Aptian Albian Cenomanian







Langshan Formation Formation
Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member



















Sabaudia capitata

Mesorbitolina parva
Mesorbitolina texana
Orbitolinopsis sp. A
Paleodictyoconus sp. A
Vercorsella arenata

Vercorsella Camposaurii

Palorbitolinoides orbiculata
Mesorbitolina birmanica
Stomatostoecha plummerae
Sabaudia minuta
Cuneolina pavonia
Nezzazata sp.
Palorbitolinoides hedini
Cuneolina parva
Mesorbitolina aperta
Larger benthic foraminifera

Conicorbitolina cf.
Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri
Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi
Nezzazata conica
Conicorbitolina sp. A
Daxia cenomana
Albian Cenomanian



Langshan Formation Formation






Sabaudia minuta
Vercorsella scarsellai
Ammobaculites sp.
Mayncina sp.
Nezzazata sp.
Opertum sp.
Pseudocyclammina cf. rugosa
Textularia sp.
Mesorbitolina birmanca
Cuneolina parva
Cuneolina pavonia
Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillier
Stomatostoecha plummerae
Buccicrenata sp.
Nezzazatinella picardi
Sabaudia minuta
Larger benthic foraminifera

Pseudocyclammina sp. B
Daxia sp.
Orbitolina cf. quatrica
Nezzazata conica
Conicorbitolina sp. A

122. 113. 100. Age (Ma)
Mid-Cretaceous Period, Epoch,
Apt. Alb. Cen. Stage



Planktonic zonation




TLK1 biozonations

Praeorbitolina cormyi

Praeorbitolina wienandsi

Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi

Mesorbitolina lotzei

Mesobitolina parva
Praeorbitolina - Mesorbitolina

Mesorbitolina texana

Mesorbitolina subconcava

Mesorbitolina birmanica

Mesorbitolina aperta

Palorbitolina lenticularis

Palorbitolinoides orbiculata
Palorbitolina -

Palorbitolinoides hedini

Orbitolinopsis sp. A

Paleodictyoconus sp. A
Orbitolinopsis -

Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillieri

Conicorbitolina sp. A

1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10
1 2

3 4 5

6 7

8 9
1 2

3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11
1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8 9 10
122. 113. 100. Age (Ma)
Mid-Cretaceous Period, Epoch,
Apt. Alb. Cen. Stage




Planktonic zonation




TLK1 biozonations
Palorbitolina lenticularis
Praeorbitolina cormyi
Pseudocyclammina sp. A
Pseudochoffatella cf. cuvillieri
Praeorbitolina wienandsi
Mesorbitolina lotzei
Mesorbitolina parva
Vercorsella camposaurii
Vercorsella arenata
Sabaudia capitata
Opertum sp.
Chrysalidina sp.
Praechrysalidina sp.
Dukhania sp.
Nezzazatinella sp.
Textularia spp.
Everticyclammina sp.
Pseudocyclammina sp.
Palorbitolinoides orbiculata
Mesorbitolina texana
Mesorbitolina subconcava
Orbitolinopsis sp. A
Paleodictyoconus sp. A
Mesorbitolina birmanica
Benthic foraminifera

Everticyclammina sp. A
Buccicrenata sp.
Sabaudia minuta
Daxia minima
Cuneolina pavonia
Nezzazata sp.
Stomatostoecha plummerae
Ovalveolina sp.
Favusella washitensis
Palorbitolinoides hedini
Cuneolina parva
Mesorbitolina aperta
Conicorbitolina cf. cuvillieri
Hemicyclammina sp.
Pseudocyclammina sp. B
Nezzazatinella picardi
Pseudochoffatella cuvillieri
Ascoliella quadrata
Praeorbitolina cf. wienandsi
Pseudedomia sp.
Conicorbitolina sp. A
Cuneolina cf. cylindrica
Nezzazata conica
Orbitolina qatarica
Daxia cenomana
Blefuscuiana gorbachikae
Hedbergella sp.
Favusella washitensis
Ascoliella quadrata
Planktonic foraminifera

Favusella sp.


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D /=




BR Reef








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