Cs PPT - 1

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Time response of continuous data systems, Different test Signals for the time response, Unit step
response and Time-Domain Specifications, Time response of a first-order and second order
systems for different test signals, Steady State Error and Error constants, Sensitivity, Control
Actions: Proportional, Derivative, Integral and PID control.

✓ Time Response of a Continuous data systems/ Time Domain Analysis

✓ Transient and Steady State Response
✓ Standard Test Signal : Step, Ramp, Parabolic and Impulse, Need, Significance
and corresponding Laplace Representation
✓ Poles and Zeros : Definition, S-plane representation
✓ First Order Control System : Analysis for step Input, Concept of Time Constant
✓ Second Order Control System : Analysis for step input, Concept, Definition
and effect of damping
✓ Time Response Specifications ( no derivations )
✓ Tp, Ts, Tr, Td, Mp, ess – problems on time response specifications
✓ Steady State Analysis – Type 0, 1, 2 system,
✓ steady state error constants, problems
✓ Control Actions: Proportional, Derivative, Integral, PI, PD and PID control 2
Shadab. action
A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Time Response
➢ In time domain analysis, time is the independent variable. When a system is given an
excitation, there is a response (output).

➢ Definition: The response of a system to an applied excitation is called “Time

Response” and it is a function of c(t).

➢ Time Response - Example

The response of motor’s speed when a command is given to increase the speed is shown in

As seen from figure, the motors speed gradually picks up from 1000 rpm and moves
towards1500 rpm. It overshoots and again corrects itself and finally settles down at the
last value 3
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Time Response
Generally speaking, the response of any system thus has two parts

(i) Transient Response

(ii) Steady State Response
➢ That part of the time response that goes to zero as time becomes very large is called as
“Transient Response”
i.e. L c(t) = 0
t→ 
➢ As the name suggests that transient response remains only for some time from initial
state to final state.

➢ From the transient response we can know;

✓ When system begins to respond after an input is given.

✓ How much time it takes to reach the output for the first time.
✓ Whether the output shoots beyond the desired value & how much.
✓ Whether the output oscillates about its final value.
✓ When does it settle to the final value. 4
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Steady State Response
➢ That part of the response that remains after the transients have died out is called
“Steady State Response”.

➢ From the steady state we can know;

✓ How long it took before steady state was reached.

✓ Whether there is any error between the desired and actual values.

✓ Whether this error is constant, zero or infinite i.e. unable to track the input.

Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Standard Test Signal
➢ It is very interesting fact to know that most control systems do not know what their
inputs are going to be.

➢ Thus system design cannot be done from input point of view as we are unable to know
in advance the type input

Need of Standard Test Signal

➢ From example;

✓ When a radar tracks an enemy plane the nature of the enemy plane’s variation is

✓ The terrain, curves on road etc. are random for a drives in an automobile system.

✓ The loadingon a shearing machine when and which load will be applied or thrown of.
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Need of Standard Test Signal
➢ Thus from such types of inputs we can expect a system in general to get an input
which may be;
a) A sudden change
b) A momentary shock
c) A constant velocity
d) A constant acceleration

➢ Hence these signals form standard test signals. The response to these
signals is analyzed. The above inputs are called as,
a) Step input - Signifies a sudden change
b) Impulse input – Signifies momentary shock
c) Ramp input – Signifies a constant velocity
d) Parabolic input – Signifies constant acceleration

Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Standard Test Signal
Step Input
Mathematical Representations Graphical Representations
r(t) = R. u(t) t>0
=0 t<0

This signal signifies a sudden change in the reference input r(t) at time t=0
Laplace Representations L { R u ( t ) } = R
Unit Step Input
Mathematical Representations Graphical Representations
r(t) = 1. u(t) t>0
=0 t<0

This signal signifies a sudden change in the reference input r(t) at time t=0

Laplace Representations L { u ( t ) } = 1
s 8
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Standard Test Signal
Ramp Input Graphical Representations
Mathematical Representations
r(t) = R.t t>0
=0 t<0

Signal have constant velocity i.e. constant change in it’s value w.r.t. time
Laplace Representations L { R t } =
Unit Ramp Input Graphical Representations
Mathematical Representations
r(t) = 1.t t>0
=0 t<0
If R=1 it is called a unit ramp input

Laplace Representations L { R t } =
s 9
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi
Standard Test Signal

Parabolic Input
Graphical Representations
Mathematical Representations
Rt 2
r(t) = t>0
=0 t<0

Laplace Representations L { R t } = 3
Impulse Input
Graphical Representations
Mathematical Representations

r(t) = (t) =1 t>0
=0 t<0

The function has a unit value only for t=0. In practical cases, a pulse whose time approaches
zero is taken as an impulse function.
Laplace Representations L{ (t)} = 1
Shadab. A. Siddique Maj. G. S. Tripathi

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