Phy - Chapter 1 - Objective - Paper

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Mobile: 9925462649/9428411443

Subject: Physics Chapter: 1 (Objective) Time: 30 min

Marks: 25
Standard: XII Students Name:

1 The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as

(a) Ampere’s law (b) Ohm’s law (c) Faraday’s law (d) Coulomb’s law
2 Two similar spheres having +Q and -Q charges are kept at a certain distance. F force acts between the
two. If at the middle of two spheres, another similar sphere having +Q charge is kept, then it
experiences a force in magnitude and direction as
(a) zero having no direction.
(b) 8F towards +Q charge.
(c) 8F towards -Q charge.
(d) 4F towards +Q charge.
3 A charge Q is divided into two parts of q and Q – q. If the coulomb repulsion between them when they
are separated is to be maximum, the ratio of Q/q should be
(a) 2:1 (b) ½ (c) 4:1 (d) 1/4
4 Two charges of equal magnitudes kept at a distance r exert a force F on each other. If the charges are
halved and distance between them is doubled, then the new force acting on each charge is
(a) (b) (c) 4𝐹 (d)
8 4 16
5 The electric field inside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density is
(a) zero. (b) constant, less than zero. (c) directly proportional to the distance from the centre.(d)
none of the these
6 Total electric flux coming out of a unit positive charge kept in air is
(a) 𝜀0 (b) 𝜀0 −1 (c) (4𝜋𝜀0 )−1 (d) 4𝜋𝜀0
7 The magnitude of electric field intensity E is such that, an electron placed in it would experience an
electrical force equal to its weight is given by
(a) mge (b) mg/e (c) e/mg (d) e²g/m²
8 In Fig. (i) two positive charges q2 and q3 fixed along the y-axis, exert a net electric force in the +x
direction on a charge q1 fixed along the x-axis. If a positive charge Q is added at (x, 0) in figure (ii), the
force on q1 is
(a) shall increase along the positive x-axis.
(b) shall decrease along the positive x-axis.
(c) shall point along the negative x-axis.
(d) shall increase but the direction changes because of the intersection of Q with q2 and qy.
9 Which of the following statement is correct? The electric field at a point is
(a) always continuous.
(b) continuous if there is a charge at that point.
(c) discontinuous only if there is a negative charge at that point.
(d) discontinuous if there is a charge at that point.
10 Gauss’s law will be invalid if
(a) there is magnetic monopole.
(b) the inverse square law is not exactly true.
(c) the velocity of light is not a universal constant.
(d) none of these.
11 SI unit of permittivity of free space is
(a) Farad (b) Weber (c) C2N-1 m-2 (d) C2N-1 m-2
12 Two insulated charged metallic sphere P and Q have their centres separated by a distance of 60 cm.
The radii of P and Q are negligible compared to the distance of separation. The mutual force of
electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is 3.2 × 10–7 C is
(a) 5.2 × 10–4 N (b) 2.5 × 10–3 N (c) 1.5 × 10–3N (d) 3.5 × 10–4 N
13 An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° with an electric field of intensity 2 × 105 NC–1, It
experiences a torque of 4 Nm. Calculate the charge on the dipole if the dipole length is 2 cm.
(a) 8 𝑚𝐶 (b) 4𝑚𝐶 (c) 8𝜇𝐶 (d) 2𝑚𝐶

15, Seventh Parishar, B/H Eulogia Inn Hotel, Gota, Ahmedabad-382481 Page 1
Mobile: 9925462649/9428411443
14 The surface considered for Gauss’s law is called
(a) Closed surface (b) Spherical surface (c) Gaussian surface (d) Plane surface
15 Which of the following figures represent the
electric field lines due to a single negative charge?

Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While
answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are correct.
16 Assertion : If there exists coulomb attraction between two bodies, both of them may not be charged.
Reason : In coulomb attraction two bodies are oppositely charged.
17 Assertion : A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will increase or
decrease, depending on the nature of charge.
Reason : The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
18 Assertion : Electric lines of field cross each other.
Reason : Electric field at a point superimpose to give one resultant electric field.
19 Assertion (A): The surface densities of two spherical conductors of different radii are equal. Then the
electric field intensities near their surface are also equal.
Reason (R) : Surface density is equal to charge per unit area.
20 Assertion : When a conductor is placed in an external electrostatic field, the net electric field inside the
conductor becomes zero after a small instant of time.
Reason : It is not possible to set up an electric field inside a conductor.
21 Case study Based Question
A charge is a property associated with the matter due to which it experiences and produces an electric
and magnetic field. Charges are scalar in nature and they add up like real number. Also, the total charge
of an isolated system is always conserved. When the objects rub against each other charges acquired
by them must be equal and opposite.
[1] The cause of a charging is:
(a) the actual transfer of protons.
(b) the actual transfer of electrons.
(c) the actual transfer of neutrons.
(d) none the above
[2] Pick the correct statement.
(a) The glass rod gives protons to silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(b) The glass rod gives electrons to silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(c) The glass rod gains protons from silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(d) The glass rod gains electrons when they are rubbed against each other.
[3] f two electrons are each 1.5 × 10–10 m from a proton, the magnitude of the net electric force they will
exert on the proton is
(a) 1.97 × 10–8 N (b) 2.73 × 10–8 N (c) 3.83 × 10–8 N (d) 4.63 × 10–8 N
[4] A charge is a property associated with the matter due to which it produces and experiences:
(a) electric effects only
(b) magnetic effects only
(c) both electric and magnetic effects
(d) none of these.
[5] The cause of quantization of electric charges is:
(a) Transfer of an integral number of neutrons.
(b) Transfer of an integral number of protons.
(c) Transfer of an integral number of electrons.
(d) None of the above.

15, Seventh Parishar, B/H Eulogia Inn Hotel, Gota, Ahmedabad-382481 Page 2
Mobile: 9925462649/9428411443
Subject: Physics Chapter: 1 (Objective) Time: 30 min
Marks: 25
Standard: XII Students Name:

1 The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as

(b) Ampere’s law (b) Ohm’s law (c) Faraday’s law (d) Coulomb’s law
2 Two similar spheres having +Q and -Q charges are kept at a certain distance. F force acts between the
two. If at the middle of two spheres, another similar sphere having +Q charge is kept, then it
experiences a force in magnitude and direction as
(e) zero having no direction.
(f) 8F towards +Q charge.
(g) 8F towards -Q charge.
(h) 4F towards +Q charge.
3 A charge Q is divided into two parts of q and Q – q. If the coulomb repulsion between them when they
are separated is to be maximum, the ratio of Q/q should be
(b) 2:1 (b) ½ (c) 4:1 (d) 1/4
4 Two charges of equal magnitudes kept at a distance r exert a force F on each other. If the charges are
halved and distance between them is doubled, then the new force acting on each charge is
(b) (b) (c) 4𝐹 (d)
8 4 16
5 The electric field inside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density is
(b) zero. (b) constant, less than zero. (c) directly proportional to the distance from the centre.(d)
none of the these
6 Total electric flux coming out of a unit positive charge kept in air is
(b) 𝜀0 (b) 𝜀0 −1 (c) (4𝜋𝜀0 )−1 (d) 4𝜋𝜀0
7 The magnitude of electric field intensity E is such that, an electron placed in it would experience an
electrical force equal to its weight is given by
(b) mge (b) mg/e (c) e/mg (d) e²g/m²
8 In Fig. (i) two positive charges q2 and q3 fixed along the y-axis, exert a net electric force in the +x
direction on a charge q1 fixed along the x-axis. If a positive charge Q is added at (x, 0) in figure (ii), the
force on q1 is
(e) shall increase along the positive x-axis.
(f) shall decrease along the positive x-axis.
(g) shall point along the negative x-axis.
(h) shall increase but the direction changes because of the intersection of Q with q2 and qy.
9 Which of the following statement is correct? The electric field at a point is
(e) always continuous.
(f) continuous if there is a charge at that point.
(g) discontinuous only if there is a negative charge at that point.
(h) discontinuous if there is a charge at that point.
10 Gauss’s law will be invalid if
(e) there is magnetic monopole.
(f) the inverse square law is not exactly true.
(g) the velocity of light is not a universal constant.
(h) none of these.
11 SI unit of permittivity of free space is
(b) Farad (b) Weber (c) C2N-1 m-2 (d) C2N-1 m-2
12 Two insulated charged metallic sphere P and Q have their centres separated by a distance of 60 cm.
The radii of P and Q are negligible compared to the distance of separation. The mutual force of
electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is 3.2 × 10–7 C is
(b) 5.2 × 10–4 N (b) 2.5 × 10–3 N (c) 1.5 × 10–3N (d) 3.5 × 10–4 N
13 An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° with an electric field of intensity 2 × 105 NC–1, It
experiences a torque of 4 Nm. Calculate the charge on the dipole if the dipole length is 2 cm.
(b) 8 𝑚𝐶 (b) 4𝑚𝐶 (c) 8𝜇𝐶 (d) 2𝑚𝐶

15, Seventh Parishar, B/H Eulogia Inn Hotel, Gota, Ahmedabad-382481 Page 3
Mobile: 9925462649/9428411443
14 The surface considered for Gauss’s law is called
(b) Closed surface (b) Spherical surface (c) Gaussian surface (d) Plane surface
15 Which of the following figures represent the
electric field lines due to a single negative charge?

Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While
answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are correct.
16 Assertion : If there exists coulomb attraction between two bodies, both of them may not be charged.
Reason : In coulomb attraction two bodies are oppositely charged.
17 Assertion : A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will increase or
decrease, depending on the nature of charge.
Reason : The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
18 Assertion : Electric lines of field cross each other.
Reason : Electric field at a point superimpose to give one resultant electric field.
19 Assertion (A): The surface densities of two spherical conductors of different radii are equal. Then the
electric field intensities near their surface are also equal.
Reason (R) : Surface density is equal to charge per unit area.
20 Assertion : When a conductor is placed in an external electrostatic field, the net electric field inside the
conductor becomes zero after a small instant of time.
Reason : It is not possible to set up an electric field inside a conductor.
21 Case study Based Question
A charge is a property associated with the matter due to which it experiences and produces an electric
and magnetic field. Charges are scalar in nature and they add up like real number. Also, the total charge
of an isolated system is always conserved. When the objects rub against each other charges acquired
by them must be equal and opposite.
[1] The cause of a charging is:
(e) the actual transfer of protons.
(f) the actual transfer of electrons.
(g) the actual transfer of neutrons.
(h) none the above
[2] Pick the correct statement.
(e) The glass rod gives protons to silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(f) The glass rod gives electrons to silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(g) The glass rod gains protons from silk when they are rubbed against each other.
(h) The glass rod gains electrons when they are rubbed against each other.
[3] f two electrons are each 1.5 × 10–10 m from a proton, the magnitude of the net electric force they will
exert on the proton is
(b) 1.97 × 10–8 N (b) 2.73 × 10–8 N (c) 3.83 × 10–8 N (d) 4.63 × 10–8 N
[4] A charge is a property associated with the matter due to which it produces and experiences:
(e) electric effects only
(f) magnetic effects only
(g) both electric and magnetic effects
(h) none of these.
[5] The cause of quantization of electric charges is:
(e) Transfer of an integral number of neutrons.
(f) Transfer of an integral number of protons.
(g) Transfer of an integral number of electrons.
(h) None of the above.

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Mobile: 9925462649/9428411443

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