Chapter 1 Electric Charges & Fields STC VM

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1. The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as
(a) Ampere's law (b) Ohm's law
(c) Faraday's law (d) Coulomb's law
2. When the distance between the charged particles is halved, the force between them becomes
(a) One-fourth (b) Half
(c) Double (d) Four times
3. A soap bubble is given a negative charge, then its radius
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) Remains unchanged
(d) Nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient
4. A body can be negatively charged by
(a) Giving excess of electrons to it
(b) Removing some electrons from it
(c) Giving some protons to it
(d) Removing some neutrons from it
5. The minimum charge on an object is
(a) 1 coulomb (b)1 stat coulomb
(c) 1 .6  10 −19 coulomb (d) 3.2  10 −19 coulomb
6. Out of gravitational, electromagnetic, Vander Waals, electrostatic and nuclear forces; which
two are able to provide an attractive force between two neutrons
(a) Electrostatic and gravitational
(b) Electrostatic and nuclear
(c)Gravitational and nuclear
(d) Some other forces like Vander Waals
7. With the rise in temperature, the dielectric constant K of a liquid
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains unchanged (d)Charges erratically
8. When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant k , the maximum force of attraction
between two charges separated by a distance
(a) Decreases k times (b)Remains unchanged
(c) Increases k times (d) Increases k −1 times

Prof.Veeresh Kalkori M.Sc.Ph.D (VTU) 1

9. A glass rod rubbed with silk is used to charge a gold leaf electroscope and the leaves are
observed to diverge. The electroscope thus charged is exposed to X-rays for a short period. Then
(a) The divergence of leaves will not be affected
(b) The leaves will diverge further 
(c) The leaves will collapse
(d)The leaves will melt
10. One metallic sphere A is given positive charge whereas another identical metallic sphere B of
exactly same mass as of A is given equal amount of negative charge. Then
(a) Mass of A and mass of B still remain equal
(b) Mass of A increases
(c) Mass of B decreases
(d) Mass of B increases
11. Number of electrons in one coulomb of charge will be
(a) 5.46  10 29 (b) 6.25  10 18 
(c) 1 .6  10 +19 (d) 9  10 11
12. Dielectric constant for metal is
(a) Zero (b) Infinite
(c) 1 (d) Greater than 1
13. The electric field inside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density is
(a) Zero 
(b) Constant, less than zero
(c) Directly proportional to the distance from the centre
(d) None of the above
14. Electric lines of force about negative point charge are
(a) Circular, anticlockwise (b)Circular, clockwise
(c) Radial, inward  (d)Radial, outward
15. Figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a charged body. If the electric field at A
and B are E A and E B respectively and if the displacement between A and B is r then

A r B

(a) E A  E B  (b) E A  E B
(c) E A = (d) E A =
r r2
16. The unit of electric field is not equivalent to
(a) N / C (b) J / C 
(c) V / m (d) J / C − m
17. The unit of intensity of electric field is
(a) Newton / Coulomb  (b) Joule / Coulomb
(c) Volt − metre (d) Newton / metre
18. The wrong statement about electric lines of force is
(a) These originate from positive charge and end on negative charge
(b) They do not intersect each other at a point

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(c) They have the same form for a point charge and a sphere
(d) They have physical existence
19. An electric dipole is kept in non-uniform electric field. It experiences
(a) A force and a torque  (b) A force but not a torque
(c) A torque but not a force (d) Neither a force nor a torque
20. An electric dipole of moment p is placed normal to the lines of force of electric intensity E , then
the work done in deflecting it through an angle of 180  is
(a) pE (b) + 2 pE
(c) −2 pE (d) Zero
21. The torque acting on a dipole of moment P in an electric field E is
(a) P  E (b) P  E 
22. The electric field at a point on equatorial line of a dipole and direction of the dipole moment
(a) Will be parallel
(b) Will be in opposite direction
(c) Will be perpendicular
(d) Are not related
23. If E a be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a point on its axial line and E e that on
the equatorial line at the same distance, then
(a) Ee = 2 Ea (b) Ea = 2 Ee 
(c) Ea = Ee (d) None of the above
24. An electric dipole in a uniform electric field experiences (When it is placed at an angle  with the
(a) Force and torque both (b)Force but no torque
(c) Torque but no force ( d) No force and no torque
25. Intensity of an electric field E due to a dipole, depends on distance r as
1 1
(a) E  (b) E  
r4 r3
1 1
(c) E  (d) E 
r2 r
26. The ratio of electric fields on the axis and at equator of an electric dipole will be
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 4 : 1 (d) None of these
27. When an electric dipole P is placed in a uniform electric field E then at what angle between P
and E the value of torque will be maximum
(a) 90 o  (b) 0 o
(c) 180 o (d) 45 o
28. What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the electric field strength due to it
on the equatorial line
(a) 0o (b) 90o
(c)180o (d)None of these

29. Electric field at a point varies as r 0 for

(a) An electric dipole
(b) A point charge
(c) A plane infinite sheet of charge
(d) A line charge of infinite length
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30. According to Gauss’ Theorem, electric field of an infinitely long straight wire is proportional to
(a) r (b)
1 1
(c) (d) 
r3 r

1.State and explain Coulomb’s law in electrostatics. [March 2014, July 2017, March 2020]

 Statement: “The force of attraction or repulsion between any two-point charges is directly
proportional to the product of the magnitude of charges and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them. The direction of force is along the line joining the two

Explanation: Let q1 and q2 be two-point charges placed in air or vacuum at a distance r

apart. Then, according to coulombs law
𝑞1 𝑞2 𝑞1 𝑞2
F∝ 𝑟2
⇒F = K 𝑟2

Where K = 4𝜋∈0
is constant proportionality

𝟏 𝒒𝟏 𝒒𝟐
∴F = 𝟒𝝅∈𝟎 𝒓𝟐

2.How does the electrostatic force between two-point charges change when a dielectric medium
is introduced between them? [July 2017, JULY 2022]
𝟏 𝒒𝟏 𝒒𝟐 1
F= 𝟒𝝅𝑲∈𝟎 𝒓𝟐
⇒𝐹 ∝ 𝐾 ∴Force decreases

3.Write coulomb’s law in vector form explains the terms. [March 2015]
1 𝑞1 𝑞2
 𝐹⃗21 = 2
4𝜋∈0 𝑟21

Where q1 & q2 = two-point charges

𝐹⃗21 = Force on q2 due to q1 , ̂𝑟21 = Unit vector pointing from q2 to q1

4.Write any two basic properties of charge. (ANY TWO) [July 2014 July 2019, March 2018,
March 2019]
1) Electric charge has additive in nature
2) Electric charge is conserved in nature
3) Electric charge is quantized
4) Like charges repels and unlike charges attract each other
5.Write two properties of electric field lines. (ANY TWO) [July 2015,2018, March 2016, March
2017, MARCH 2022]
1) Electric field lines start from positive charge and end at negative charge.
2) Electric field lines never intersect each other.
3) Electric field lines do not form any closed loops.
4) The tangent drawn to the field lines gives the direction of electric field at that point.

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5) In a charge free region, electric field lines be taken to be continuous curves without any
6) Electric field lines leave or enter the charged surface normally.
7) Electric field lines cannot pass through a conductor. This means that electric field inside a
conductor is zero.

6.Define electric field at a point. Mention the S.I. unit of electric field

 Electric field at a point, in an electric field is defined as the force experienced by a unit
positive charge kept at that point.

 The SI unit of electric field is newton per coulomb (𝑁𝐶 −1 ).

7.Define electric dipole moment. Write its SI unit.

 The product of magnitude of either charge and distance between them”.

 The SI unit of electric dipole moment is coulomb meter (cm).
8.What is electric flux? Write the SI unit of electric flux. [March 2020]
 Electric flux is defined as the total number of electric field lines passing through the given
surface normally.”
The SI unit of electric flux is Nm2C-1
9.Define linear density of charge and mention its SI unit.

 Charge per unit length is called linear charge density. Its SI unit is Cm-1

10.Define surface density of charge and mention its SI unit.

 Charge is charge per unit area is called surface charge density. Its SI unit is Cm -2
11.Define volume density of charge and mention its SI unit.
 Charge is charge per unit volume is called volume charge density. Its SI unit is Cm -3

12.State and explain Gauss’s law in electrostatics.

Statement: “The total electric flux over a closed surface is equal to ∈0
items the net charge

enclosed by the surface”.

If q is the total charge enclosed by a closed surface S then according to Gauss law
ɸ𝐸 =

Where ∈0 = Permittivity of free space


13.Draw the electric field lines for a (i) single positive charge (ii) single negative charge and (iii)
two unlike charges. (iv) two unlike charges OR sketch the electric lines of force due to a
point charge q. if q< 0 and q> 0 [July 2016]

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(i) Single positive charge (ii) Single negative charge

(iii) Two like charges. (iv) Two unlike charges

14.Obtain the expression for the magnitude of torque experienced by a dipole placed in a
uniform external electric field. [March 2019, Paper-2]

When dipole is placed on uniform electric field E, the net force on the dipole is zero & hence
constitute torque on the dipole.
The magnitude of the torque is
Torque 𝜏 = Force ×perpendicular distance between the forces
𝜏 = F × BC
𝜏 = F × 2a Sin θ (∵ Sin θ = 2𝑎

𝜏 = qE × 2a Sin θ (∵ P = q x 2a)
𝜏 = PE Sin θ
In vector form

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⃗⃗⃗⃗ × E
τ⃗⃗ = P ⃗⃗⃗⃗


1. Derive an expression for electric field due to an electric dipole at a point on the axial line.
[PU Board Model Paper-3, March 2016, July 2017]

Consider an electric dipole consisting of two-point charges + q and – q separated by a small

distance 2a.
Let P be a point on the axial line of dipole at a distance r from center O of the dipole.
The electric field at P due to + q is
1 q
E1 = 4π∈0 (r − a)2
along BP

The electric field at P due to – q is

1 q
E2 = along PA
4π∈0 (r + a)2

Since E1 > E2 and they act in opposite directions. The resultant electric field E is given by
E = 𝐸1 + (- 𝐸2 )
1 q 1 q
E = [ 4π∈ (r − a)2
− 4π∈0 (r + a)2

q 1 1
E= [
4π∈0 (r − a)2
− (r + a)2
q (r + a)2 − (r − a)2
E= 4π∈0
[ (r2 − a2 )2

q r2 + a2 + 2 ar − (r2 + a2 − 2ar)
E= 4π∈0
[ (r2 − a2 )2
q r2 + a2 + 2 ar − r2 − a2 + 2ar
E= [ (r2 − a2 )2
q 4ar
E= [
4π∈0 (r2 − a2 )2
q × 2a × 2r
E= 4π∈0 (r2 − a2 )2
(∵ P = q x 2a)
1 2rp
E= 4π∈0 (r2 − a2 )2

If the point P is far away from the dipole, then r > > a
1 2rp
E= 4π∈0 r4

1 2p
E= 4π∈0 r3
along BP

In vector form

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𝟏 →
𝐄 = 𝟒𝝅∈ 𝟐𝒑
𝟎 𝒓𝟑

The direction of Electric field is along dipole moment.

2. Obtain an expression for the electric field on the equatorial line of an electric dipole. [March
2015, March 2019]


Consider an electric dipole consisting of two-point charges + q and – q separated by a small

⃗⃗⃗⃗ be the dipole moment.
distance 2a and P
Let P be a point on the equatorial line at a distance r from the center of the dipole.
The electric field at P due to + q is
1 q
E1 = 4π∈0 (r2 + a2 )
along AP (∵ AP2 = OP2 + OA2)

The electric field at P due to – q is

1 q
E2 = along PB
4π∈0 (r2 + a2 )

The magnitudes E is resolved into two horizontal & vertical components.

i. The vertical components E1 sin θ & E2 sin θ are equal and opposite, therefore they cancel
each other.
ii. The horizontal components E1 cos θ & E2 cos θ will get added parallel to the dipole axis.
The resultant electric field at P due to dipole is
E = E1 cos θ + E2 cos θ
E = 2E1 cos θ ∵E1 =E2 [ but cos θ = 1 ]
(r2 + a2 )2
1 q 2𝑎
E= 4π∈0 (r2 + a2 ) (r2 1
+ a2 )2
1 𝑃
E= 4π∈0 3 ( ∵ P = q x 2a)
(r2 + a2 )2

For a dipole a is very small when compared to r i.e., r >> a

1 𝑃
E= 4π∈0 r3

The direction of Electric field is opposite to the dipole moment.

3. State Gauss’s law in electrostatics. Derive an expression for electric field at a point due to
an infinitely long thin charged Straight wire using Gauss’s law. [July 2016,2022]

Prof.Veeresh Kalkori M.Sc.Ph.D (VTU) 8

Statement: “The total electric flux over a closed surface is equal to ∈0
items the net charge

enclosed by the surface.”

Consider a uniformly charged wire of infinite length (l) with uniform linear charge density

Let P be a point at a distance r from the wire and E be the electric field at P.

Imagine a cylindrical Gaussian surface.

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ are along the same direction. Surface area of curved part of cylinder, ds = 2πrl
⃗⃗ and ds
The E
where l is the length of the cylinder.

Flux through the Gaussian surface is

𝜙 = E ds cos θ (∵ θ=0, cos 0 = 1)

𝜙= E x 2πrl ----------------- (1)

By Gauss Law
𝜙= ∈0
𝜙= ∈0
----------------------- (2) (∵ q = λl)

From equation (1) and (2)

E x 2πrl = ∈0

2π ∈0 r
In vector form
⃗⃗ =
E 𝑛̂
2𝜋 ∈0 𝑟

Where 𝑛̂ = radial unit vector perpendicular to the curved surface of the wire.

4. Using Gauss law derive an expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged infinite
plane sheet.
Statement: “The total electric flux over a closed surface is equal to ∈𝟎
items the net charge

enclosed by the surface”.

Consider an infinite plane sheet of charge with surface charge density σ.

Let P be a point at a distance r from the sheet and E be electric field at P.

Imagine a Gaussian surface in the form of cylinder of cross-sectional area A only two faces
of the cylinder will contribute the flux.

The net flux through Gaussian surface is

Prof.Veeresh Kalkori M.Sc.Ph.D (VTU) 9

𝜙 = E ds cos θ + E ds cosθ

𝜙 = 2E ds cos θ

𝜙 = 2EA ----------------- (1) (∵ θ=00, cos 00 = 1,

ds = A)

By Gauss Law
𝜙= ∈0
(∵ q = σA)
𝜙= ∈0
------------------- (2)

From equation (1) and (2)

2EA =
2 ∈0
In vector form
⃗E⃗ = 𝑛̂
2 ∈0

Where 𝑛̂ = unit vector normal to the plane sheet.

5. Using Gauss’s law in electrostatics. Obtain an expression for the electric field due to a
uniformly charged thin spherical shell (i) at a point outside the shell (ii) at a point inside the
shell. [March 2014, July 2014, July2018, March 2019]
Statement: “The total electric flux over a closed surface is equal to ∈0
items the net charge

enclosed by the surface”.

Case – 1: Electric field at a point outside the shell

Consider a charged shell of radius R. Let P be a point outside the shell, at a distance r from
the centre O.

Let’s construct a Gaussian surface with radius r. The electric field E is normal to the

Electric flux through the Gaussian surface is

𝑑𝜙 = 𝐸 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 𝑑𝑠

𝜙 = ΣE ds cos θ (∵ θ=0, cos 00 = 1)

𝜙 = E Σ ds ( ∵ Σds = 4πr2)

𝜙 = E x 4πr2 ----------------- (1)

By Gauss Law

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𝜙= ∈0
------------------ (2)

From equation (1) and (2)

E x 4πr2 =
1 q
E= 4π∈0 r2

In vector form

1 q
⃗E⃗ = 𝑟̂
4π ∈0 r 2

Case –2: Electric field at a point inside the shell

Since there is no charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, hence electric field inside the
shell is zero.

E= 0

Numerical Problem (HOTS)

1. What is the force between two small charged spheres having charges of 2 × 10 –7 C and 3 ×
10–7 C placed 30 cm apart in air? (NCERT 1.1) [F = 6 × 10–3 N (repulsive)]
2. The electrostatic force on a small sphere of charge 0.4 µC due to another small sphere of
charge –0.8 µC in air is 0.2 N. (a) What is the distance between the two spheres? (b) What
is the force on the second sphere due to the first? (NCERT 1.2) (Answer: 𝒂) 𝒓 =
𝟏𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎 𝒃) 𝑭 = 𝟎. 𝟐 𝑵)
3. Four- point charges qA = 2 mC, qB = –5 mC, qC = 2 mC, and qD = –5 mC are located at the
corners of a square ABCD of side 10 cm. What is the force on a charge of 1 mC placed at
the centre of the square? (NCERT 1.6) [Zero N]
4. Two -point charges qA = 3 mC and qB = –3 mC are located 20 cm apart in vacuum. (a) What
is the electric field at the midpoint O of the line AB joining the two charges? (b) If a negative
test charge of magnitude 1.5 × 10–9 C is placed at this point, what is the force experienced
by the test charge? (NCERT 1.8, MARCH 2017) (Answer: 𝒂) 𝑬 = 𝟓𝟒 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓 𝑵𝑪−𝟏 𝒃) 𝟖. 𝟏 ×
𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝑵)
5. Three charges each equal to +4 nC are placed at the three corners of a square of Side 2 cm
find the electric field at the fourth corner. (MARCH 2018)
(Answer: 𝑬 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓 𝑵𝑪−𝟏 )
6. Two-point charges 𝑞𝐴 = 5µC and qB 𝑞𝐵 = -5µC are located at A and B separated by 0. 2 m
a) What is the electric field at the midpoint O of the line joining the charges? b) If a negative
test charge of magnitude 2 nC is placed at O, what is the force experienced by the test
(Answer: 𝒂) 𝑬 = 𝟒𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓 𝑵𝑪−𝟏 𝒃) 𝟗 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝑵) (MARCH 2020)

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7. Two small charged spheres having charges of 2 × 10−7 𝐶 and of 3 × 10−7 𝐶 are placed 3 cm
apart in vacuum. Find the electrostatic force between them. Find the new force, when the
distance between them is doubled. (Given: = 9 × 109 𝑁𝑚2 𝐶 −2) (MARCH 2022)

(Answer: 𝑭𝟏 = 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟏 𝑵,: 𝑭𝟐 = 𝟏. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟏 𝑵))

8. A system has two charges qA = 2.5 × 10–7 C and qB = –2.5 × 10–7 C located at points A: (0, 0,
–15 cm) and B: (0,0, +15 cm), respectively. What are the total charge and electric dipole
moment of the system? (NCERT 1.9)
9. A point charge causes an electric flux of –1.0 × 103 Nm2/C to pass through a spherical
Gaussian surface of 10.0 cm radius centred on the charge. (a) If the radius of the Gaussian
surface were doubled, how much flux would pass through the surface? (b) What is the value
of the point charge?

10. An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 × 10–9 C m is aligned at 30° with the direction of a
uniform electric field of magnitude 5 × 104 NC–1. Calculate the magnitude of the torque
acting on the dipole.
11. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 × 10 –7 C. (a)
Estimate the number of electrons transferred (from which to which?) (b) Is there a transfer
of mass from wool to polythene?
12. A conducting sphere of radius 10 cm has an unknown charge. If the electric field 20 cm
from the centre of the sphere is 1.5 × 103 N/C and points radially inward, what is the net
charge on the sphere?
13. a)Two insulated charged copper spheres A and B have their centres separated by a distance
of 50 cm. What is the mutual force of electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is 6.5 ×
10–7 C? The radii of A and B are negligible compared to the distance of separation. (b) What
is the force of repulsion if each sphere is charged double the above amount, and the distance
between them is halved?
14. A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density of
80.0 mC/m2. (a) Find the charge on the sphere. (b) What is the total electric flux leaving the
surface of the sphere?
15. An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 × 104 N/C at a distance of 2 cm. Calculate the
linear charge density.
16. Two large, thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, the
plates have surface charge densities of opposite signs and of magnitude 17.0 × 10–22 C/m2.
What is E: (a) in the outer region of the first plate, (b) in the outer region of the second plate,
and (c) between the plates?
17. Two -point charges each of +2µ C are placed at the two corners A and B of an equilateral
triangle ABC of side 0.2 m. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant electric field
at C. (MQP 2023)

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