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US 2003O198708A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0198708A1
Pucci (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 23, 2003
(54) APPARATUS FOR COMPRESSION (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Apr. 23, 2002 (IT).............................. BO2OO2AOOO225
(75) Inventor: Fabrizio Pucci, Castel Guelfo (IT) O O Classification
Correspondence Address: 7
MODIANO & ASSOCIATI 8. s ---- --- --- ------- --- --- ---------- --- ------------ ----- B.

Via Meravigli, 16 OX O -- O - ------------- ------------ --- ---------- --- --- ------- --- --- ----


An apparatus for compression molding of articles made of
(73) Assignee: SACMI COOPERATIVA MEC- plastics, comprising: molding means, feeding means for
CANIC MOLA S.C.R.L. feeding doses of plastic material, which are provided with
removal elements for removing in Succession Said doses
from an extruder and transferring the doses onto Said mold
(21) Appl. No.: 10/414,311 ing means, and conditioning means for conditioning tem
perature of Said doses during transfer thereof from Said
(22) Filed: Apr. 16, 2003 extruder to Said molding means.
Patent Application Publication Oct. 23, 2003 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2003/0198708A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 23, 2003 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2003/0198708A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 23, 2003 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2003/0198708A1

Patent Application Publication Oct. 23, 2003 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2003/0198708A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 23, 2003 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2003/0198708A1
US 2003/O198708 A1 Oct. 23, 2003

APPARATUS FOR COMPRESSION MOLDING 0011. This aim is achieved with an apparatus whose
ARTICLES MADE OF PLASTICS characteristics are defined in the appended claims.
0001. The present invention relates to an apparatus for 0012 Further features and advantages of the invention
compression molding articles made of plastics. will become better apparent from the description of two
0002 The invention can be applied non-exclusively to an embodiments thereof, illustrated hereinafter by way of non
apparatus for manufacturing any plastic articles, and in limitative example with the accompanying drawings,
particular caps for closing containers and the like. wherein:
0003 U.S. Pat. No. 5,807,592 by the same Assignee 0013 FIG. 1 is a partial plan view of a first embodiment
discloses apparatuses for pressure-molding of caps for clos of the invention;
ing containers, Such as Screw capS. Such apparatuses com
prise a carousel that rotates about a vertical axis and on 0014) FIG. 2 is an elevation view of the embodiment of
which a plurality of pressure-molding units are mounted FIG. 1;
concentrically around the rotation axis of the carousel and at 0.015 FIG. 3 is an elevation view, rotated through 90°
identical angular distances. Each one of Said units comprises with respect to the view of FIG. 2;
an upper punch, which cooperates with a lower mold that is
aligned with Said punch and has a molding cavity. 0016 FIG. 4 is a plan view of a detail of the apparatus;
0004. By virtue of the rotation of the carousel, the mold 0017 FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the detail of FIG.
ing units trace a circular path, which comprises a first Sector, 5;
in which the necessary doses of plastic material to be molded 0018 FIG. 6 is a sectional view, taken along the line
are deposited in the cavities of the molds, a Second Sector, in VI-VI of FIG. 4;
which the article is molded, a third sector, in which the
molded article is cooled, and a fourth Sector, in which the 0019 FIG. 7 is a sectional view, taken along the line
molded article is extracted and conveyed away. VII-VII of FIG. 4;
0005. In these known apparatuses, the plastic material to 0020 FIG. 8 is a partial plan view of a second embodi
be molded is removed from an extruder by means of a ment of the invention;
rotating head provided with a plurality of removal elements, 0021) FIG. 9 is an elevation view of the embodiment of
which trace a circular path that has a point of tangency with FIG. 8:
the extrusion nozzle and with the circular path traced by the
molding units. The rotating head and the carousel are 0022 FIG. 10 is an elevation view of the embodiment of
mutually in Step, in order to allow the removal elements to FIG. 8, rotated through 90 with respect to the embodiment
remove in Succession doses of plastic material from the of FIG. 9;
extruder and deposit them in the cavities of the molds. 0023 FIG. 11 is an elevation view of a third embodiment
0006. Apparatuses for forming liners inside preformed of the invention;
caps are also known. In these apparatuses, the doses of 0024 FIG. 12 is a sectional view, taken along the line
plastic material, after being removed, are introduced in the XII-XII of FIG. 11;
preformed caps conveyed by a rotating head. The caps are
then transferred into the molding units of a rotating carousel, 0025 FIG. 13 is a plan view of a fourth embodiment of
which form the liners directly inside the caps. the invention; and finally
0007. The conventional apparatuses suffer the drawback 0026 FIG. 14 is an elevation view, taken along the line
that the doses of plastic material removed from the extruder, XIV-XIV of FIG. 13, and an enlarged-scale view of a detail.
by moving in a free air environment, do not maintain a
constant temperature until molding occurs and therefore DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
have differences in the degree of plasticity of the plastic EMBODIMENTS
material between the Surface layerS and the innermost layers.
0008. These differences cause variations in the flow of 0027. With reference to FIGS. 1 to 7, reference numeral
the plastic material during molding and generate defects on 1 designates a portion of the carousel of an apparatus for
the finished product. compression molding, which is rotationally actuated in the
direction X about a vertical axis.
0009. This drawback, moreover, is worsened by the 0028. The carousel 1 comprises a plurality of molding
removal elements, which cool down along the path that they
trace, So that when they make contact with the plastic units, each whereof is composed of an upper punch (not
material at the outlet of the extruder they cause a localized shown in the drawing), which is aligned with a lower mold
temperature variation in the contact region, which causes
aesthetic Surface defects on the product. 0029. Each mold 2 has a cavity 3, which is open upward
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and in which a dose D of plastic material is molded; Said
dose is introduced therein in the pasty State and is fed by a
0.010 The aim of the present invention is therefore to rotating head 4, which rotates in the direction Y about a
provide an improved apparatus So as to obviate the draw further vertical axis Z that is parallel to the rotation axis of
backs on the finished product. the carousel.
US 2003/O198708 A1 Oct. 23, 2003

0030 The mold 2 is mounted at the top of a vertical stem, and lie concentrically to the rotation axis of the carousel 4,
which is guided in a Seat of the carousel 1 and is actuated by between the extruder 8 and the point of tangency of the paths
a hydraulic jack (not shown), which can be connected, by A and B.
way of Suitable valve Systems, to a Supply of pressurized 0037. Two Superimposed horizontal walls or bottoms 11
fluid. When the pressurized fluid pushes the stem upward, and 12 are arranged between the walls 9 and 10; the upper
the mold 2, in an appropriate region of the path traced by the bottom 11 forms, together with the walls 9 and 10, an upper
carousel, compresses the dose D of plastic material against channel 13, while the lower bottom 12 encloses, together
the punch, performing, along a Subsequent arc of the path,
the molding of the article, for example a cap-type closure. with the bottom 11, a duct 14 that is connected to a
compartment 15.
0.031 Said rotating head 4 is shown only schematically in
the accompanying drawings, Since it is not relevant to the 0038. The compartment 15 is connected, by means of a
inventive concept of the present invention. In any case, it can tube 16, to a delivery of heated air, which after being
be understood more clearly from the aforesaid U.S. Pat. No. conveyed through the compartment 15 into the duct 14 flows
5,807,592. into the upper channel 13 through a plurality of openings 17
0032. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the rotating head 4 formed in the upper bottom 11.
comprises a shaft 5, which rotates about the vertical axis Z 0039 The device is adjacent to the flange 6, so that the
and to the top of which a flange 6 is rigidly coupled; a edges of the walls 9 and 10 skim the lower face of the flange
plurality of elements 7 for removing the doses of plastic 6, So as to close in practice the channel 13.
material are fixed to the lower face of Said flange and are 0040. In order to reduce the escape of the hot air from the
distributed around the axis Z at an equal circumferential channel 13, at the opposite end of Said channel there are two
distance that is equal to the one by which the molds 2 are respective transverse partitions 18 and 19, in which two
Spaced around the axis of the carousel A. Each removal passage openings 20 and 21 are formed; Said openings are
element 7 comprises a Sort of cup, which has a concave sized So as to allow the passage of the cups 7 during the
portion directed along the rotation axis Y. The lower edge of rotation of the head 4.
the cups 7 is co-planar to the outlet of a nozzle 8a of an
extruder 8, whose opening is directed upward So that during 0041 Operation of the device according to the invention
the rotation of the head 4 each cup 7 can remove from the is readily understandable from the above description. In
nozzle a dose D of plastic material that corresponds to the particular, it should be noted that the doses D removed from
dose that exits from the nozzle in the time that elapses the outlet of the extruder 8, by passing through a channel that
between the passage of two Successive cups in front of Said is Substantially closed until they are deposited in the cavities
nozzle. 3, do not undergo appreciable temperature variations.
0033. The cups 7 trace a path. A that is tangent to the path Indeed, by adjusting appropriately the temperature of the air
B traced by the molds 2, and the angular velocities of the fed into the channel it is possible to adjust the temperature
carousel 1 and of the rotating-head 4 are linked So that at the of the doses to values for optimizing the consistency of the
point of tangency of the paths A and B each cup 7 is plastic material during molding, So as to ensure the produc
Substantially aligned with a respective mold 2. The transfer tion of articles that are free from Structural and aesthetic
of the dose D from the cups 7 into the cavities 3 of the molds defects.
can be performed as described in the aforesaid U.S. Pat. No. 0042. The described device is susceptible of numerous
5,807,592 by virtue of the action of a jet of compressed air modifications and variations, all of which are within the
that is directed downward, possibly combined with a down Scope of the same inventive concept and are shown in FIGS.
ward mechanical action obtained by providing, in each cup, 8 to 14. It is noted that for the sake of simplicity in
an expulsion piston that can move vertically and is actuated description, the parts that are identical, Similar or equivalent
by compressed air by way of valve means. to the parts of the apparatus shown in FIGS. 1 to 10 are
0034 AS explained initially, with known compression designated by the same reference numerals increased by 100
molding carousels of the type described above, the dose D for the variation of FIGS. 8 to 10, by 200 for the variation
of plastic material, after being removed by the cups 7, is of FIGS. 11 and 12, and by 300 for the variation of FIGS.
struck by the stream of air for a certain time before it is 13 and 14.
deposited in the cavities 3. During this time, the dose D
undergoes a cooling that alters its consistency, So that during 0043 FIGS. 8, 9 and 10 illustrate a solution in which the
molding there is an uneven flow of the plastic material, with walls 109, 110 close concentrically in a cylindrical shape
the mentioned defects that can be observed on the finished around the rotation axis Z of the rotating head, So as to form
article. This drawback is combined with the fact that the a circular channel 113, which remains closed by the flange
removed doses transfer heat to the cups, which dissipate it 106 and in which the cups 107 rotate. The openings 117 are
during the rotation of the carousel, So that at every removal formed in the circular bottom 111 and allow connection to
of the doses from the extruder, the temperature decrease due the underlying duct 114 (not shown) and therefore the
to the contact of the doses with the cups is added to the feeding of the hot air, which by filling all of the circular
temperature decrease of the doses caused by the air of the channel 113 keeps its temperature at a Substantially constant
environment. value, which can in any case be preset according to the
0035) In order to obviate this drawback, a stationary requirements.
device is associated with the outlet of the extruder 8 and 0044) A first access opening 122 and a Second access
keeps the temperature of the doses Substantially constant. opening 123 are formed through the upper bottom 111 and
0036) Said device (see FIGS. 4 to 7) is composed of two the lower bottom 112 (not shown); said first opening is
vertical walls 9 and 10, which are shaped like a circular arc provided in order to allow the nozzle 108a of the extruder
US 2003/O198708 A1 Oct. 23, 2003

108 to access the channel 113 up to the level where the doses stationary cam 30. The cam 30 actuates the stems 28
D are removed by the cups 107, and the removed doses are between a position for removing the doses D from an
deposited through said Second opening into the cavities of extruder 308 and a position for depositing said doses inside
the molds 103. the caps C.
0045. The solution of FIGS. 8 to 10, with respect to the 0056. The caps C, with the dose D deposited therein, after
one described above, offers the advantage of keeping the covering a preset rotation angle (approximately 90° in FIG.
temperature of the cups 107 Substantially constant, So as to 14), are inserted in respective seats 31 of a rotary Star
prevent the cups from cooling during the rotation of the head conveyor 32, by which they are transferred onto a molding
104 and, by making contact with the doses, from causing carousel 33 equipped with molding units 34, which mold the
damaging variations in the consistency of the plastic mate liners G inside the caps C.
rial and from forming defects that can be observed on the 0057 The caps C move from the extruder 308 to the
outer Surface of the molded article.
carousel 33 inside a channel 313 that is S-shaped and runs,
0046) The two variations shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 and along a first part of its length, concentrically to the rotation
respectively in FIGS. 13 and 14 relate to adaptations of the axis of the rotating head 304 and, along a Second part,
inventive concept to an apparatus for forming a liner inside concentrically to the rotation axis of the Star conveyor 32.
caps C. 0058. The channel 313 has, along said first part, a Sub
0047. The variation of FIGS. 11 and 12 comprises a Stantially tubular Structure with a rectangular cross-section,
vertical extruder 208 with a nozzle 208a that is orientated which is formed by two vertical walls 309 and 310 and two
downward. Below the extruder 208 there is the rotating head upper and lower horizontal walls 35 and 36. The lower wall,
204, which is keyed on a shaft 205 that has a horizontal axis along the arc that is concentric to the axis of the Star
and is provided with cups 207 that are arranged radially with conveyor 32, is integrated, along half of its radial width, by
respect to the shaft 205. the peripheral annular region of the Star conveyor 32.
0.048. A conveyor 23 is arranged tangentially below the 0059) The channel 313 is supported by brackets 37,37a,
rotating head 204 and conveys the caps C at a mutual which are fixed to fixed parts 38 of the apparatus, and is
distance equal to the circumferential distance of the cups connected to a hot air Supply as in the previously described
207. examples. In order to allow the doses D to be deposited in
0049. The rotating head 204 is synchronized with the the caps C after being removed from the extruder 308 by
conveyor so that each cup 207 deposits the dose D removed means of the cups 307, along the portion of the upper wall
from the nozzle 208a in a respective cap C. that is concentric to the axis of the rotating head 304 there
is an arc-like slot 39, through which the cups 307 can be
0050. The cups 207, along the semicircular portion of the arranged adjacent to the caps in order to deposit the doses
path that runs from the nozzle 208a to the point of tangency and can be raised back into the position in which they are
with the conveyor, rotate inside a Semicircular channel 213 ready for the Subsequent removal.
formed between two walls 209 and 210 that lie concentri
cally to the shaft 205 and continue parallel to the conveyor 0060. As clearly shown, the embodiment of FIGS. 13
23 above and below the caps C. and 14, like the embodiment of FIGS. 11 and 12, illustrates
the possibility to condition the temperature of the doses even
0051) The channel 213 is closed at the front by a wall 24, when the path between the removal point and the deposition
which joins the walls 209 and 210 and at the rear by a side point of the doses is considerably long.
wall 25, to which the outer wall 210 is coupled, and by a disk 0061. In the practical execution of the invention, the
26, which the inner wall 209 skims with its edge. thermal conditioning of the doses can be provided not only
0052. The concentric walls 209 and 210 are provided by means of hot air but also by Subjecting the doses to
with openings that allow the cups 207 to enter and exit the heating by irradiation or by heating the air in the channel
channel. with electrical means. Moreover, it has been found that even
0053 At the nozzle 208a there is the connecting tube 216 without adding heat from outside the System is capable of
for connection to the delivery of hot air, which accordingly ensuring a thermal equilibrium by utilizing the heat of the
conditions the temperature of the doses from the point where nozzle of the extruder and of the extruded plastic material.
they are removed to the point where they are compressed 0062) The disclosures in Italian Patent Application No.
inside the caps C in order to produce the liners. BO2002AO00225 from which this application claims prior
ity are incorporated herein by reference.
0054) The embodiment of FIGS. 13 and 14 also com
prises a rotating head 304, which has a vertical axis and What is claimed is:
concentrically to which a plurality of grip elements 27 are 1. An apparatus for compression molding of articles made
provided, that are Similar to clamps and are actuated like of plastics, comprising: molding means, feeding means for
clamps in order to grip and retain the caps C. A rotating head feeding doses of plastic material, which are provided with
of this type is described for example in greater detail in U.S. removal elements for removing in Succession Said doses
Pat. No. 4,518,336 by the same Assignee, to which reference from an extruder and transferring the doses onto Said mold
is made here as an integral part of the present description. ing means, and conditioning means for conditioning tem
0055. A cup 307 is provided in alignment with each perature of Said doses during transfer thereof from Said
individual grip element 27 and above the respective cap C, extruder to Said molding means.
and is rigidly coupled to a stem 28 that can slide vertically 2. The apparatus for compression molding of articles
and is provided, at the top, with a roller 29 that follows a made of plastics, comprising: molding means, feeding
US 2003/O198708 A1 Oct. 23, 2003

means for feeding doses of plastic material which are 6. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein Said walls are
provided with removal elements for removing in Succession arranged closed in a cylindrical shape, concentrically to the
Said doses from an extruder and transferring the doses onto further vertical rotation axis of the head, So as to form the
Said molding means, a channel that runs from Said extruder circular channel that has the upper bottom and the lower
toward Said molding means, and conditioning means for bottom which are annular and form therebetween said duct
conditioning the temperature of the doses, provided in Said connected to the Source of hot air, two acceSS openings being
channel, Said removal elements for removing and transfer formed through Said bottoms to allow access to Said channel
ring the doses advancing along Said channel.
3. The apparatus of claim 2, further comprising: a carousel of the nozzle of the extruder and deposition of Said doses in
that rotates about a vertical axis, a plurality of molding units the cavities of Said molds.
mounted on Said carousel concentrically to Said vertical axis 7. The apparatus of claim 2, comprising the feeding means
at identical angular distances from each other, each molding for feeding doses of plastic material which comprise: an
unit comprising an upper punch and a lower mold provided extruder; a head, which rotates about a horizontal axis and
with a cavity for molding the articles, said punch and Said is provided with a plurality of removal elements for remov
mold being aligned with each other along respective vertical ing in Succession individual doses from Said extruder, a
axes between a Spaced position and a closer position; conveyor for caps, which is arranged tangentially below Said
actuation means for actuating Said carousel So that said
molding units advance by following a circular path along rotating head; Said removal elements being actuated So as to
which Said feeding means for feeding doses of plastic deposit Said doses in Said caps Substantially at the point of
material to be molded are provided, Said feeding means tangency with Said conveyor, and a channel, which is
comprising a rotating head provided with a flange that connected to a Supply of thermally conditioned air and is
rotates about a further vertical axis with a plurality of Said composed of a first Semicircular portion, in which Said
removal elements rigidly coupled below Said flange for removal elements rotate and run between Said extruder and
removing in Succession individual doses from a dispensing Said point of tangency, and a Second Straight portion, in
nozzle of the extruder, each one of Said removal elements which Said caps that contain Said doses advance, Said
being arranged So as to deposit the removed doses in the channel being formed by walls provided with openings that
molding cavities of a respective mold when said mold is allow passage of Said removal elements.
Spaced from the respective punch; Said channel being con
centric to the further vertical rotation axis of Said rotating 8. The apparatus of claim 2, comprising: a head, which
head running at least from the nozzle to a point of tangency rotates about a vertical axis and is provided with grip
between an upper path of Said removal elements and a path elements for retaining caps and the removal elements for
traced by Said molds, and being closed in an upward region removing doses of plastic material removed from the
by Said flange and having inlets and outlets for Said removal extruder, each one of Said grip elements being aligned with
elements. a respective removal element, Said removal elements being
4. The apparatus of claim 3, comprising an upper bottom actuated between a position for removing the doses from the
and a lower bottom being arranged between Said walls and extruder and a position for depositing Said doses in Said
forming a duct that is connected to a Source for feeding hot caps, and a Star conveyor for transferring Said caps onto Said
air, a plurality of openings for conveying Said air into Said molding carousel; and Said a channel, which is connected to
channel being further provided in Said upper bottom, said a Supply of thermally conditioned air and runs partially
channel being delimited by two vertical walls that are around Said rotating head and partially around Said Star
concentric to the further vertical rotation axis of the rotating conveyor, and along which said caps advance after depos
head, upper edges of Said channel being in Sliding contact iting Said doses therein.
with the lower face of said flange.
5. The apparatus of claim 4, comprising passage openings 9. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein said dose condition
for entry and exit of Said removal elements, formed in ing means is provided So as to operate with heat from Said
respective partitions that lie transversely to Said channel and extruder and Said doses.
connect the opposite ends of Said walls and Said upper and
lower bottoms.

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