Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0250323 A1

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US 2009025 0323A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0250323 A1
Roseberry et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 8, 2009
(54) SKIRTBOARD APPARATUS, SYSTEMAND Publication Classification
METHOD (51) Int. Cl.
(76) Inventors: Jerry A. Roseberry, Ona, WV B65G 2L/20 (2006.01)
(US); Blaine R. Stoll, Chesapeake, (52) U.S. Cl. ..................................................... 198/836.1
Correspondence Address: A skirtboard system for a conveyor belt or line comprising at
ROBERT R. WATERS, ESQ. least two skirtboards mutually opposed to one another. Each
WATERS LAW OFFICE, PLLC one of the skirtboards is positioned near the perimeter of the
633 SEVENTH STREET conveyor. Each one of the skirtboards comprises a Support
HUNTINGTON, WV 25701 (US) plate, a plurality of elements, each one of the elements mutu
ally coupled with the support plate, a liner formed in inter
(21) Appl. No.: 12/061,016 stices between the plurality of elements, a beveled nose
formed along an edge of the skirtboard panel, the beveled
(22) Filed: Apr. 2, 2008 nose complementary to the angle of the conveyor.

Patent Application Publication Oct. 8, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2009/025.0323 A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 8, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2009/025.0323 A1

Patent Application Publication Oct. 8, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2009/025.0323 A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 8, 2009 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2009/025.0323 A1

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US 2009/025 0323 A1 Oct. 8, 2009

SKIRTBOARD APPARATUS, SYSTEMAND build-up of material on the conveyor structure and its atten
METHOD dant components, thereby reducing the likelihood of damage
or early fatigue or exhaustion of the conveyor or components;
FIELD OF INVENTION (iii) improves safety by reducing obstructions in the walk
ways and improving access to the conveyor, and (iv)
0001. This application discloses claims and embodiments improves the environment in and around the conveyor, and
generally related to a skirtboard for a conveyor, and more especially inhibits the build-up of material on the ground
particularly, a skirtboard apparatus and system for a con below the conveyor. The claims and embodiments disclosed
veyor, and a method of manufacturing a skirtboard apparatus, herein reduce the spillage of materials, and therefore, achieve
wherein each skirtboard has ceramic elements incorporated some or all of the aforementioned results. The applicant is
in the individual skirtboards minimizing spillage and loss of unaware of any product, disclosure or reference that discloses
material from the conveyor. the features of the claims and embodiments disclosed herein,
and as more fully described below.
0002. In material handling, many materials are trans
ported or conveyed along a conveyor line or belt, Such as in 0005. In accordance with one embodiment, a skirtboard
the coal mining industry or mail or package handling facili panel for a conveyor is described, the skirtboard comprising a
ties. Given the limited space in Such settings, economizing the Support plate, a plurality of elements, each one of the ele
footprint of a conveyor line is essential, thus, conveyor lines ments mutually coupled with the Support plate, a liner formed
usually are limited to a defined width. Without skirtboards in interstices between the plurality of elements, and a beveled
aligned along the sides of the conveyor, material would bound nose formed along an edge of the skirtboard panel, the bev
or fall from the conveyor line, which could result in process eled nose complementary to the angle of the conveyor.
ing inefficiencies and other undesirable consequences. Such 0006. In accordance with another embodiment, a skirt
as blocking ingress and egress of workers or machines. Thus, board system for a conveyor is described, the system com
it is desirable for a conveyor line to include a skirtboard prising at least two skirtboards mutually opposed to one
system comprising a plurality of individual skirtboard panels. another, each one of the skirtboards positioned near the
The skirtboard panels are stationary panels mounted above perimeter of the conveyor. Each one of the skirtboards com
the conveyor belt, arranged in a laterally adjacent configura prising a Support plate, a plurality of elements, each one of the
tion to form a functional channel for the materials transported elements mutually coupled with the Support plate, a liner
along the belt. Thus, it is advantageous to have an apparatus or formed in interstices between the plurality of elements, a
device having the elements and features disclosed herein. beveled nose formed along an edge of the skirtboard panel,
0003. Several products and inventions have been proposed the beveled nose complementary to the angle of the conveyor.
in order to achieve these goals. The art includes many Such 0007. In accordance with another embodiment, a method
attempts and improvements. However, the art does not appear for making a skirtboard panel is described, the method com
to disclose the combination of elements and features dis prising the steps of forming at least one aperture in a Support
closed herein, including the novel combination of elements plate, coupling a plurality of elements with the Support plate,
and/or materials disclosed hereinafter. In particular, the art coupling a beveled nose to an edge of the Support plate, and
includes several skirtboards that utilize a rubber or synthetic forming a liner in the interstices between the plurality of
wear-liner. Significantly, rubber wear-liners are subject to elements.
quick exhaustion, as the material batters the rubber material 0008. In each of the embodiments described above, and
repeatedly over the course of transportation. The exhaustion for other embodiments not specifically described but contem
rate is exacerbated by the rubber materials susceptibility to plated and/or within the scope of the descriptions herein, the
chipping and failure as the materials becomes thinner, espe Support plate comprises a rigid material. It is envisioned that
cially along the bottom edge of the wear-liner. As such, an each one of the plurality of elements comprises abrasion
improvement to the wear-liners and skirtboards presently resistant material. It is envisioned that each one of the plural
available is desirable and useful. ity of elements comprises a ceramic material. Additional, the
0004. This application presents claims and embodiments liner may comprise a rubber material. It is envisioned that the
that fulfill a need or needs not yet satisfied by the products and profile of the liner may comprise a greater depth than the
inventions previously or presently available, including the profile of the elements. It is also envisioned that the beveled
example of the art presented above. In particular, the claims nose may comprise a ceramic material.
and embodiments disclosed herein describe a skirtboard sys 0009. In each of the embodiments described above, and
tem and skirtboard panels comprising the system that provide for other embodiments not specifically described but contem
an unanticipated and nonobvious combination of features plated and/or within the scope of the descriptions herein, each
distinguished from the products and inventions preexisting in skirtboard panel may further comprise at least one aperture
the art, including combinations of materials used for reinforc for receiving a mounting clamp assembly utilized for mount
ing the wear-liner of the skirtboard, extending the useful life ing the skirtboard panel into position. Additionally, and in
of the skirtboard and minimizing down-time for replacement another embodiment, each skirtboard panel may further com
or repair. Abeleved nose is incorporated into each skirtboard, prise a pair of apertures in spaced-apart relationship, each one
thereby sealing the surface at the belt interface, inhibiting or of the apertures for receiving a separate mounting clamp
preventing the escape of dust and Smaller particles into the assembly utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel into posi
area around the conveyor, and further inhibiting or preventing tion. In another embodiment, each skirtboard panel may fur
spillage of materials. Although not exhaustive, controlling, ther comprise a first pair of apertures and a second pair of
reducing and minimizing spillage of materials (i) reduces the apertures, the first pair of apertures in spaced-apart relation
loss of material production during transport, (ii) reduces the ship with the second pair of apertures, the first pair of aper
US 2009/025 0323 A1 Oct. 8, 2009

tures comprising a pair of apertures vertically adjacent, the 0021. In accordance with each of the system embodiments
second pair of apertures comprising a pair of apertures verti disclosed above, each one of the skirtboards is similar in
cally adjacent. arrangement and configuration, and mutually opposed skirt
boards (e.g. 50a and 50b) are mirror images of one another.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Thus, each skirtboard (generally denoted as 50) comprises a
0010 FIG. 1 is a plan view of the skirtboard panel system support plate 52 arranged to form the rear of the skirtboard—
described herein; the portion of the skirtboard facing away from the belt and any
0011 FIG. 2 is a front view of the system arranged about materials conveyed thereon. The skirtboard 50 may also com
a belt line having a trough and inclined edges; prise a plurality of elements 54 arranged along the Support
0012 FIG. 3 is front view of one of the panels of the plate 52. Each one of the elements 54 may be mutually
system; coupled with the support plate 52 via a variety of means,
0013 FIG. 4 is a side view of FIG. 3: including mechanical fasteners, adhesives or other Suitable
means or materials. The elements 54 may be arranged in
0014 FIG. 5 is a side view of a beveled nose of the panel; random or specific patterns. For example, the elements 54 are
0015 FIG. 6 is a top view of the nose; and depicted in FIG.3 as a plurality of vertical rows arranged in a
0016 FIG. 7 is a front view of the nose. pattern in which adjacent rows 542 and 544 are offset from
one another. This pattern is repeated from end to end except at
DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS the region(s) or area(s) possessing an aperture or apertures
0017 Generally, a skirtboard system is used in conjunc (discussed in greater detail below). The skirtboard 50 may
tion with conveyor lines such that the system is aligned along also comprise a liner 56 formed in interstices between the
or near the lateral perimeter of the conveyor line and utilized plurality of elements 54, the liner 56 formed from a material
to prevent bulk materials from overcrowding the conveyor introduced into the interstices and hardening thereafter, Such
and/or spilling over the sides of the conveyor line during as various compositions of rubber or plastic, among other
transport or unloading. The skirtboard system 10 and skirt possible materials. The skirtboard 50 may also comprise a
board panels 50 comprising the system 10 disclosed herein beveled nose 58 formed along an edge 60 (depicted as a
extend the useful-life of the panels 50 and system 10, and long-edge) of the skirtboard panel. Edge 62 is mutually
reduce the down-time required to remove an exhausted panel opposed with edge 60 and edge 64 and edge 66 are interme
and install a new panel. diately disposed between edges 60 and 62.
0018. With reference to the figures, specifically FIG. 1 0022. The beveled nose 58 is formed to mate with the
through FIG. 7, a skirtboard system 10 comprising a plurality Surface of the conveyor or belt, thereby having an angle
ofskirtboard panels 50 is disclosed, in addition to a method of complementary to the conveyor. The complementary angle
making each individual skirtboard panel 50. and seal formed between the nose 58 and the surface of the top
0019. In one embodiment of the skirtboard system 10, the surface of the conveyor or belt prevents or inhibits the spread
system 10 comprises at least two skirtboards 50a and 50b of dust and the egress of materials from the conveyor or belt
mutually opposed to one another and generally separated by to beyond the skirtboard 50. In preventing or inhibiting egress
a width or distance. As depicted in FIG. 1, the width or of dust and/or materials from the conveyor or belt, the nose 58
distance may be variable to accommodate industrial needs improves safety and environmental conditions by confining
presented. For example, a conveyor line (or belt) may be the dust and materials to a concentrated area of transport,
positioned in a variety of configurations, including a Substan reducing an operator's exposure to airborne materials while
tially flat position, or having a trough with the opposing also reducing the amount of material that may gather around
lateral sides of the belt having a sweep from the trough at a the conveyor as a tripping hazard. Conversely, the nose 58
defined angle (e.g. 20 degrees; 35 degrees; 45 degrees). helps reduce or minimize production losses and equipment
Depending upon the material being handled and conveyed on fatigue, damage orexhaustion by inhibiting material build-up
the belt, the width or distance between the skirtboards 50a on the conveyor structure and any attendant components.
and 50b may be adjusted accordingly. Such an adjustment is 0023. Each skirtboard panel 50 may further comprise at
envisioned as being achieved by the mounting assemblies 100 least one aperture 68 for receiving a mounting clamp assem
generally known and Suitable variations thereto. Likewise, bly 100 utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel into posi
vertical adjustment of the skirtboards 50a and 50b may be tion. In another embodiment, it is envisioned that each skirt
achieved by adjustment of the mounting assemblies 100, the board panel 50 may further comprise a pair of apertures 68a
interaction between the individual skirtboard and mounting and 68b in spaced-apart relationship, wherein each one of the
assembly disclosed in greater detail below. apertures 68a and 68b receive a separate mounting clamp
0020. As depicted in FIG. 1, it is also envisioned that the assembly 100 utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel 50
system 50 may comprise a plurality of skirtboards 50a-50f into position. In another embodiment, each skirtboard panel
wherein skirtboards 50a, 50c and 50e are aligned on one side 50 may further comprise a first pair of apertures 68' and a
of the belt, and skirtboards 50b, 50d and 50fare aligned on the second pair of apertures 68", the first pair of apertures 68
opposite side of the belt. Thus, skirtboard 50c is intermedi (comprising apertures 68a and 68c, respectively) are in
ately disposed and mutually adjacent to skirtboards 50a and spaced-apart relationship with the second pair of apertures
50e, and skirtboard 50d is intermediately disposed and mutu 68" (comprising apertures 68b and 68d, respectively). The
ally adjacent to skirtboards 50b and 50?. Additionally, refer first pair of apertures 68' comprises a pair of apertures 68a and
encing the orientation as depicted, skirtboard 50a is mutually 68c vertically adjacent with one another, and similarly, the
opposed with skirtboard 50b, skirtboard 50c is mutually second pair of apertures 68"comprising a pair of apertures
opposed with skirtboard 50d, and skirtboard 50e is mutually 68b and 68dvertically adjacent with one another. The inclu
opposed with skirtboard 50f sion of apertures 68' and 68" allows for an increase in attach
US 2009/025 0323 A1 Oct. 8, 2009

ment points about each skirtboard panel 50 and permits between the plurality of elements 54. The method further
greater variability in Vertical height and positioning. includes coupling a beveled nose 58 to an edge of the liner 56.
0024. It is envisioned that the support plate 52 may com 0029. The support plate 52 may be fabricated from a
prise a sturdy and durable material, including semi-rigid and Sturdy material. Such as plastic, reinforced plastic, or metal.
rigid materials. For example, it is envisioned that the Support The support plate 52 may comprise most or all of the rear of
plate 52 may be fabricated from hardened or reinforced plas the skirtboard panel 50, though it is depicted in one view
tic, or other Suitable polymers, or metals, such as steel. The (FIG. 4) as comprising approximately 70% of the rear of the
support plate 52 provides a supportive backbone to the com panel 50. The thickness of the support plate 52 may vary
ponents attached or coupled to the plate 52, and also provides according to size of the conveyor line and/or the materials that
Support and resistance to the bulk materials carried on the are handled by the conveyor line. It is envisioned that an
conveyor. acceptable thickness may be achieved in the range of 5/16 and
0025. It is envisioned that each one of the plurality of 7/16", although variations on either side are envisioned and
elements 54 comprises abrasion-resistant material. It is envi considered acceptable as well.
sioned that each one of the plurality of elements comprises the 0030. The support plate 52 and the plurality of elements 54
general class of ceramic materials, including any suitable may be coupled by a variety of means, including mechanical
carbides, nitrides, silicides and borides. For example, porce fasteners and/or adhesive(s) material(s). It is envisioned that
lain and tungsten carbide are envisioned as Suitable materials the use of adhesive material may be the more efficient form of
for fabricating the elements 54. It is also envisioned that the fabricating the components, wherein a layer of adhesive may
elements 54 may comprise a variety of shapes or forms, be set down on the interior surface of the support plate 52 and
including a cylindrical shape, a conical shape, or another the plurality elements 54 set onto or engaged with the adhe
shape similar thereto. It is envisioned that the profile of the sive and surface of the plate 52. The addition of an adhesive
liner 56 may comprise a greater depth than the profile of the layer may enhance the binding of the material used for form
elements 54. ing the liner 56 thereafter, although it is not required or
0026. The beveled nose 58 may comprise a ceramic mate absolutely necessary.
rial, or a material Substantially similar to or complementary to 0031. The liner 56 may be formed by injecting material
the material used for the elements 54. As depicted in FIG. 5, into a mold that corresponds with the arrangement of the
the beveled nose 58 is triangular in shape with a leading edge elements 54 as secured to the plate, or by injecting material
582 generally co-extensive with the frontal plane of the skirt into the interstices between the elements 54 once the elements
board panel 50 (the frontal plane faces the conveyor belt and 54 are secured to the plate 52. In either method, the material
the materials thereon). The beveled nose 58 further includes a (e.g. rubber) is injected so that holes or channels for housing
trailing edge 584 arranged or configured at an angle comple the elements 54 are formed. Thus, once arranged, the ele
mentary to the angle of the conveyor belt. A radius 583 may be ments 54 are housed within the holes or channels formed in
intermediately disposed between the leading edge 582 and the liner 56. As noted previously, this configuration and
the trailing edge 584 to soften the contact that may occur arrangement allows the elements 54 and the liner 56 to pro
between the beveled nose 58 and the conveyor belt, or vide mutual Support to one another, and to take advantage of
between the beveled nose 58 and any materials carried on the the additional support provided by plate 52 and nose 58,
conveyor belt. The beveled nose 58 also includes a top edge respectively.
586 intermediately disposed between edge 582 and edge 584 0032. Likewise, and similar to the coupling of elements 54
along the side opposite the radius. to plate 52, the beveled nose 58 may be coupled to the lower
0027. The liner 56 may comprise a rubber material or a edge of the panel 50 via mechanical fasteners and/or adhesive
material similar thereto. In combination with the ceramic material. In some instances, the lower edge of the panel 50
material used for the elements 54, the elements 54 and linerS6 may comprise a margin of liner 56 formed from the rubber
cooperatively support one another. Elements 54 provide material (for example). With mechanical fasteners, the nose
increased strength to the liner 56, while also encouraging 58 may requireports or holes through which a fastener may be
fracturing of the liner 56 in portions typically much smaller inserted. It is envisioned that adhesive may be more advanta
than is normally found with unsupported rubber wear-liners. geous for coupling the nose 58 and liner 56.
In combination with the elements 54 and liner 56 as described 0033. It is to be understood that the embodiments and
above, a beveled nose 58 (in accordance with the description claims are not limited in its application to the details of
of the nose 58 above) positioned along the bottom edge of the construction and arrangement of the components set forth in
skirtboard panel 50 provides further enhancements to the the description and illustrated in the drawings. Rather, the
structural integrity of the skirtboard panel 50. For example, description and the drawings provide examples of the
the ceramic material of the nose 58 inhibits the frictional wear embodiments envisioned, but the claims are not limited to the
and erosion on the lower edge of the skirtboard panel 50 that specific embodiments. The embodiments and claims dis
typically results. By inhibiting the frictional wear, the ele closed herein are further capable of other embodiments and of
ments 54 and liner 56 are further supported. Thus, elements being practiced and carried out in various ways. Also, it is to
54, liner 56 and nose 58 work cooperatively to strengthen be understood that the phraseology and terminology
each component, preventing early exhaustion and obviating employed herein are for the purposes of description and
the need for frequent repair or replacement of the components should not be regarded as limiting the claims.
and/or the individual skirtboard panel 50. 0034. Accordingly, those skilled in the art will appreciate
0028. A method for forming an individual skirtboard that the conception upon which the application and claims are
panel 50 includes the steps of forming at least one aperture 68 based may be readily utilized as a basis for the design of other
in a support plate 52, coupling a plurality of elements 54 with structures, methods, and systems for carrying out the several
the support plate 52, and forming a liner 56 in the interstices purposes of the embodiments and claims presented in this
US 2009/025 0323 A1 Oct. 8, 2009

application. It is important, therefore, that the claims be pair of apertures in spaced-apart relationship with the second
regarded as including Such equivalent constructions. pair of apertures, the first pair of apertures comprising a pair
0035. Furthermore, the purpose of the foregoing Abstract of apertures vertically adjacent, the second pair of apertures
is to enable the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the comprising a pair of apertures vertically adjacent.
public generally, and especially including the practitioners in 11. A skirtboard system for a conveyor, the system com
the art who are not familiar with patent and legal terms or prising:
phraseology, to determine quickly from a cursory inspection at least two skirtboards mutually opposed to one another,
the nature and essence of the technical disclosure of the each one of the skirtboards positioned near the perimeter
application. The Abstract is neither intended to define the of the conveyor:
claims of the application, nor is it intended to be limiting to each one of the skirtboards comprising:
the scope of the claims in any way. It is intended that the a Support plate;
application is defined by the claimed appended hereto. a plurality of elements, each one of the elements mutu
What is claimed is: ally coupled with the Support plate;
1. A skirtboard panel for a conveyor, the skirtboard com a liner formed in interstices between the plurality of
prising: elements; and
a Support plate; a beveled nose forming an edge of the skirtboard panel,
a plurality of elements, each one of the elements mutually the beveled nose complementary to the angle of the
coupled with the Support plate; conveyor.
a liner formed in interstices between the plurality of ele 12. The skirtboard system of claim 11 wherein the support
ments; and plate comprises a rigid material.
a beveled nose forming an edge of the skirtboard panel, the 13. The skirtboard panel of claim 11, wherein each one of
beveled nose complementary to the angle of the con the plurality of elements comprises abrasion-resistant mate
veyor. rial.
2. The skirtboard panel of claim 1, wherein the support 14. The skirtboard panel of claim 13, wherein each one of
plate comprises a rigid material. the plurality of elements comprises a ceramic material.
3. The skirtboard panel of claim 1, wherein each one of the 15. The skirtboard panel of claim 11, wherein the liner
plurality of elements comprises abrasion-resistant material. comprises a rubber material.
4. The skirtboard panel of claim3, wherein each one of the 16. The skirtboard panel of claim 11, wherein the profile of
plurality of elements comprises a ceramic material. the liner comprises a greater depth than the profile of the
5. The skirtboard panel of claim 1, wherein the liner com elements.
prises a rubber material.
6. The skirtboard panel of claim 1, wherein the profile of 17. The skirtboard panel of claim 11, wherein the beveled
the liner comprises a greater depth than the profile of the nose comprises a ceramic material.
elements. 18. The skirtboard panel of claim 1 further comprising at
7. The skirtboard panel of claim 1, wherein the beveled least one aperture for receiving a mounting clamp assembly
nose comprises a ceramic material. utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel into position.
8. The skirtboard panel of claim 1 further comprising at 19. A method for making a skirtboard panel, the method
least one aperture for receiving a mounting clamp assembly comprising the steps of
utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel into position. forming at least one aperture in a Support plate;
9. The skirtboard panel of claim 1 further comprising a pair coupling a plurality of elements with the Support plate;
of apertures in spaced-apart relationship, each one of the forming a liner in the interstices between the plurality of
apertures for receiving a separate mounting clamp assembly elements; and
utilized for mounting the skirtboard panel into position. coupling a beveled nose to an edge of the liner.
10. The skirtboard panel of claim 1 further comprising a a
first pair of apertures and a second pair of apertures, the first c c c c c

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