D2O NHA Manuscript
D2O NHA Manuscript
D2O NHA Manuscript
2. Principles
Selection of the isotopic purification method
The most common method for separating hydrogen isotopes is to distill water and then per-
form electrolytic decomposition, followed by hydrogen isolation with a palladium filter.
This method was inappropriate for our situation, for several reasons. First, it simply could
not achieve the desired level of isotopic purity, as the best commercial hydrogen samples
available contained more than 1 ppm of HD. Second, it was desirable to integrate a new
isotopic separation unit into the existing hydrogen recirculation system, in order to ensure
that the gas was continually cleaned of any possible deuterium contamination. The only
method suitable for an in situ isotopic purification of hydrogen is cryogenic distillation.
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI), 188350, Gatchina/Russia
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-7300, USA.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIUC, IL 61801, USA
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen PSI/Switzerland
Principles of cryogenic distillation and main column requirements
The principles of distillation (i.e. rectification) are well-known. Distillation under cryo-
genic conditions conforms to the same rules as high-temperature rectification, which is
prevalent in the chemical industry. The method exploits the difference in the saturation va-
por pressure of mixed species above the surface of the liquid mixture. It can be regarded as
a multi-step fractional distillation that uses a column filled with a special facility for in-
creasing the phase contact surface, where the facility can be either a set of perforated plates
or packing, the latter being more suitable for a column with a relatively small inner diame-
ter. A condenser located in the top of the column converts the vapor mixture to liquid
form; this returning liquid is called “reflux.” The vapor can also be partially siphoned from
the top of the column as a purified product of the process. The reflux drains down along
the column and moistens the packing. The amount of liquid suspended on the packing is
the column holdup. The lower end of the column is equipped with a reboiler. The sepa-
rated mixture boils in the reboiler to form the vapor, which rises upward along the column
and interacts with the counterflow of draining reflux. The liquid is saturated with the high-
boiling component while the gas is saturated with the low-boiling component. In our case,
the mixture is of regular hydrogen (“protium”, or H2) and “deuterohydrogen” (HD). Deute-
rium (D2) molecules are very rare in the source gas and can be ignored.
The column was designed to separate an initial mixture injected into the device
through a feed port, with pure H2 (whose HD content is at least 30 times lower than that of
the feeding gas) being the distillation product. The HD component has to be accumulated
in the reboiler with the possibility to discharge it.
In order to find the optimal operating mode for the column, a number of studies and
verifications were carried out, including investigations of the pressure drop along the col-
umn, assessment of the holdup, and the cleaning performance at different modes.
HETP concept
The separation factor ! defines an elementary separation effect achieved at one contact of
liquid and vaporized hydrogen. The ideal separation factor is a ratio of saturation vapour
pressures above pure components, and depends on temperature: a higher temperature means
a lower separation factor. By passing through the separation column, liquid and vapour are
brought into repeated contact, thereby multiplying the elementary separation effect. The
downflowing liquid hydrogen is thus steadily enriched in its high-boiling component (in
our case, HD) while the rising vapour is steadily depleted.
In accordance with the concept of the Equilibrium Theoretical Plate [3], the Height
Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate (HETP) is the main performance characteristic of a sepa-
ration column. HETP is the height of a column part left by liquid and gas flows which are
in mass-transfer equilibrium (the deuterium concentration in the liquid is α times higher
than in the gas). A lower HETP corresponds to a higher column separation power.
The separation ratio of the column is the ratio of relative concentrations of the com-
ponent of interest at the bottom and top of the column:
X / (1 ! X Bottom )
SR = Bottom . (1)
X Top / (1 ! X Top )
The separation ratio is associated with the separation factor by the Fenske [4] equation:
SR = ! N , (2)
where N = the number of theoretical plates.
800 1.6
600 1.5
400 1.4
200 1.3
0 1.2
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Temperature, K
Figure 1. Temperature dependencies of saturated vapor pressures and separation factor for
H2-HD system
p-H2, kPa
Saturated Vapor Pressure, kPa
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Figure 2. Temperature dependencies of Temperature, K pressures and separation factor for
saturated vapor
ortho-para hydrogen system
3. Design
A simplified layout of the deuterium separation unit (DRU) is presented in Figure 3. His-
torically, the DRU has been part of a chemical purification system [2] gas scheme, and has
a through sequence of enumeration for the units and devices. The separation column of
2.2 cm inner diameter and 155 cm overall packing height is the main part of the unit. It
consists of two sections connected by flange coupling. The column is encased in a vacuum
jacket containing upper and lover attachments (adaptors) that support various hardware and
vacuum terminals. The jacket and adaptors comprise a common vacuum volume. The vol-
ume is fixed on an adjustable tripod which provides precise vertical positioning of the col-
umn. All working parts of the device are placed inside the vacuum volume.
Cold head
V 42 Feed flow
M FC 4
V43 Pure protium
M FC 5
Conden ser
Radiation shield heat exchanger
Liquid distributor
Packed column
PT11 PT10
Needle valve
Centering screws
The condenser is a closed, conical, bimetallic volume (Figure 4) whose upper part is made
of copper plate. The inner part of this plate is processed in the form of lamellas to develop
the heat transfer surface area. The vertical orientation of the lamellas facilitates the down-
ward motion of the condensed hydrogen drops. The conical part has a flange for connect-
ing to the column that is welded to the copper plate by electron-beam. The condenser has
two connections for conducting product hydrogen and its pressure to an upper point of the
differential manometer PT11.
Figure 4. Condenser
The cold head tightly contacts with the outer surface of the copper plate through a thin in-
dium foil to provide better heat flow. The cooled part of the condenser is mounted in the
upper adaptor and therefore in the common vacuum insulation of the column. A counter-
flow heat exchanger is mounted around the condenser. The heat exchanger first cools the
feed flux using the product flux. The feed flux is further cooled and ultimately liquefied by
the cooling power of the cryogenerator. The cooled feed flux is delivered to the center of
the column just above the liquid distributor.
The reboiler is used to evaporate the separating mixture. Its rather complicated arrange-
ment (Figure 5) is needed to provide steady and controllable boiling [7]. This unit mainly
consists of a central tube and a massive copper muff equipped with an electric heater. Up-
per and lower collectors are welded to the central tube and connected with the muff by four
lateral tubes (from above) and the manifold (from below). The connection between the steel
parts and the copper body of the muff is provided by electron-beam welding.
Several longitudinal apertures are drilled in the muff around the large central hole.
An electric heater is coiled around its body and a PT100 temperature sensor (TT11) is fixed
on it. The sense of its structure is shown on the scheme of fluxes (Figure 6).
The central tube keeps most of the liquid hydrogen collected in the bottom of the
column. This hydrogen forms the steady lift of the liquid which can be precisely measured
by the differential manometer (upper and lower arms of the manometer are connected to the
lower part of the column and to the lover collector of the reboiler, respectively).
Lateral tube
Central tube
Upper Heater
Manifold Lower
Boiling zone
The column is filled with specially designed spiral prismatic random packing made of
0.2 mm stainless steel wire (Figure 7). The packing is intended to provide a maximal sur-
face for phase contact. Given the 2×2 mm size of the prismatic springs and the 560 ml vol-
ume of packing in the column, it provides the surface area of 1.95 m2. The choice of stain-
less steel was dictated by the purity requirements for hydrogen. The packing surface was
pickled with nitric acid to develop its roughness and improve wettability by liquid hydro-
This was the first test of this particular packing in a cryogenic distillation column.
A similar type of packing, but of bigger size (3×3 mm), was tested earlier in PNPI water
distillation columns of 80 mm inner diameter, and exhibited good separation characteristics
(HETP = 2.5-3 cm) [9]. A similar packing made of stainless steel (Heli-Pak and Coil Pack)
tested in a cryogenic distillation column of small diameter gave an HETP value about 5-
6 cm [10]. Thus, the HETP value of 5 cm was put in the design according to a conservative
Figure 7. Packing
Operating modes
As mentioned earlier, there are several possible DRU operating modes for producing deute-
rium-depleted hydrogen. Four modes were tested during the experiments: “feedthrough”
with purging of the deuterium-enriched mixture, “feedthrough” without purging, continu-
ous circulation, and so-called Rayleigh depletion.
During Raleigh depletion the column was fully primed with liquefied hydrogen.
After the priming, the hydrogen was released through the product line. Natural hydrogen
was used only for preliminary tests. The accumulation of required product was carried out
from pre-depleted protium.
In the “feedthrough” modes the mass-flow controllers were used to operate the feed
(MFC5) and the product (MFC4) flows. The rate of the purging flow was adjusted with a
manual needle valve using the bubble flow meter.
4. Analysis
Cromatographic analysis of ortho-para composition
A method for quickly determining the deuterium content in deuterium-depleted hydrogen
was not available during the experiment. It was essential, however, to be able to rapidly
estimate column performance so that adjustments could be made. A chromatographic
analysis of ortho-para isomers of hydrogen was proposed as a method of indirect estimation
of the column’s separating power.
A chromatographic device equipped with a Al2O3-filled chromatographic column
immersed in liquid nitrogen was used for the analysis. The low temperature is essential for
separating the isomers, which have temperature-dependent differences in adsorption affin-
ity. Neon was used as the carrier gas, instead of the more conventional helium, in order to
provide a greater difference in thermal conductivity between the separated species and the
carrier gas.
Measurements of the concentration of ortho and para isomers in the top and bottom
regions of the column make it possible to estimate its separation performance, and to calcu-
late the concentration profile for deuterium. An example of a chromatogram for samples
taken from the top and bottom part of the column is shown in Figure 8.
Hydrogen composition:
Top: Para=72.5% Ortho=27.5% Top
25 Bottom: Para=5.0% Ortho=95.0% Bottom
Signal. mV
1500 2000
2500 3000 3500
Figure 8. Chromatogram of separated ortho- andsparahydrogen. (Column pressure: 1.2 bar;
Reboiler power: 10 W; Operating mode: total reflux)
A specially prepared synthetic mixture of H2, HD, and D2 was prepared for the column test.
The mixture was prepared by diluting natural hydrogen with pure deuterium and subse-
quently passing the mixture through the catalytic column under heating conditions. The
column is filled with palladium catalyst immersed in granulated silica gel. The mixture
thus obtained is analyzed by the same chromatographic device as used for ortho-para com-
position measurements, albeit with minor readjusting of the regime [11]. The chroma-
togram of the converted mixture is shown in Figure 9.
Signal, mV
10 HD=47.3%
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Figure 9. Chromatogram of synthethic s of hydrogen isotopes
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Vapor flow rate, mol/h
Figure 10. Pressure drop across the column
28 Experiment
Linear fit
Packing holdup, %
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Vapour flow rate, mol/h
Figure 11. The holdup as a function of the flow rate
The first DRU run was carried out using natural hydrogen with 126.9±1.9 ppm of deute-
rium. The initial gas volume was 181.6 liters. The column was filled by liquid hydrogen in
large excess, and after 1 hour of operation the excess gas (84 liters) was withdrawn from
the column bottom through the discharge line. This explains the low final deuterium con-
centration in the bottom (Table 1). Withdrawn gas was sufficiently enriched to signifi-
cantly change the average concentration in the column. The negative deuterium concentra-
tion in the column’s top (−1.9 ppm) indicates the precision of the measurement resolution.
(The method relies on extrapolating a measurement of deuterium content from a sample of
natural hydrogen, and gives low accuracy for close-to-zero concentrations.) Thus the small
negative value indicates effectively zero value for the HD admixture.
The experimental data for the ortho-para separation were fitted with the Fenske equation
(Figure 12). The average HETP calculated on the basis of tests with various vapor flow
rates is 2.2 cm (Figure 13), which is comparable with the best world results [12].
60 !o-p(P)74.4
Experimental points
Separation ratio
1 2 3 4
Figure 12. Fenske equation fit for total reflux mode
Column top pressure, bar
1.2 bar
3.0 1.5 bar
2.8 3.0 bar
4.0 bar
HETP, cm
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Figure 13. HETP flow rate,
at various mol/h
flow rates
Height, cm
1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
HD fraction, ppm
Figure 14. Expected concentration profile for HD. Feed flow = 1 l/min, pressure = 1.5 bar,
purging flow = 0.015 l/min, HETP = 2.2 cm, initial deuterium atomic fraction = 3 ppm.
The column’s deuterium concentration profile, as calculated from the ortho and para hy-
drogen separation, yields a very low value at the top of the column. This low concentration
could not be confirmed by online direct measurement because of insufficient sensitivity in
the mass spectroscopy.
D2 measured
0.6 D2 calculated
0.5 HD measured
HD calculated
0.4 HD measured
0.3 H2 calculated
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 15. IsotopeNumber of theoretical
composition plate
along the column
6. Conclusions
The height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) for the column is 2.2 cm, on the basis
of our measurements. It is one of the best results yet for columns of low and medium cryo-
genic power. A new packing design was developed and successfully tested.
The column’s isotopic separation power exceeds the demands of the MuCap ex-
periment. The output deuterium concentration is lower than 6 ppb, and this value is nearly
independent of the initial concentration. The output of the system in the “feedthrough”
modes, which are most appropriate for production, is 500 l/day. A sufficient amount of
deuterium-depleted hydrogen was obtained for use in MuCap experimental runs in 2006
and 2007.
In addition to deuterium-depleted hydrogen, the setup can produce pure ortho-
hydrogen, which is useful for some experimental physics applications.
A method for measuring low deuterium content in hydrogen (1 ppm and less) was
developed and used to measure the deuterium admixture for the 2006 MuCap run.
7. References
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