4 Strength Behavior of Geopolymer Based SIFCON With Different Fibers

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Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi European Journal of Science and Technology

Özel Sayı 28, S. 1342-1347, Kasım 2021 Special Issue 28, pp. 1342-1347, November 2021
© Telif hakkı EJOSAT’a aittir Copyright © 2021 EJOSAT
Araştırma Makalesi www.ejosat.com ISSN:2148-2683 Research Article

Strength Behavior of Geopolymer Based SIFCON with Different Fibers

Mukhallad M. M. Al-Mashhadani 1*
1* Department of Civil Engineeirng, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey , (ORCID: 0000-0002-1646-5879), [email protected]

(1st International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS 2021, November 1-3, 2021)
(DOI: 10.31590/ejosat.)

ATIF/REFERENCE: Al-Mashhadani, M. M. M. (2021). Strength Behavior of Geopolymer Based SIFCON with Different
Fibers. European Journal of Science and Technology, (28), 1342-1347.

Fabricating cementitious composites with sustainable materials represents an essential aspect in the recent developments in the
construction section. On the other hand, using fibers within the binding matrix to enhance its strength properties is a familiar application
and holds significant importance to the research community. In this investigation, the Geopolymer matrix which is based on silica fume
(micro silica) and blast furnace slag (GGBS) was reinforced with five different fiber types to form slurry fiber reinforced concrete
(SIFCON). Hook-ended steel, crimped steel, elastoplastic, macro twisted, and macro nylon fibers were used, the results revealed the
fact that steel-based specimens generally yielded better results when compared to specimens reinforced with other fiber types. Normal
condition results of hook-ended and crimped fiber-based specimens yielded an increment of more than 10% in both compressive and
flexural strength tests while their elevated temperature results showed strength loss rates less than specimens with other fiber types.
Also, with acceptable performance in both conditions, macro twisted fibers can be considered as potential fibers for geopolymer based

Keywords: Geopolymer, SIFCON, Crimped fibers, Elastoplastic, Macro twisted.

Farklı Lifli Geopolimer Esaslı SIFCON Betonların Dayanım Davranışı

Sürdürülebilir malzemelerle çimentolu kompozitlerin üretilmesi, inşaat bölümündeki son gelişmelerde önemli bir yönü temsil ediyor.
Öte yandan, mukavemet özelliklerini geliştirmek için bağlayıcı matris içinde liflerin kullanılması tanıdık bir uygulamadır ve araştırma
topluluğu için önemli bir öneme sahiptir. Bu araştırmada, silis dumanı (mikro silika) ve yüksek fırın cürufu (GGBS) esaslı Geopolimer
matris, bulamaç elyaf takviyeli beton (SIFCON) oluşturmak için beş farklı elyaf türü ile güçlendirildi. Kanca uçlu çelik, kıvrımlı çelik,
elastoplastik, makro bükümlü ve makro naylon lifler kullanılmış, sonuçlar çelik esaslı numunelerin diğer lif türleri ile takviye edilmiş
numunelere göre genel olarak daha iyi sonuç verdiğini ortaya koymuştur. Kanca uçlu ve kıvrımlı elyaf esaslı numunelerin normal durum
sonuçları, hem basınç hem de eğilme mukavemeti testlerinde %10'dan fazla bir artış sağlarken, yüksek sıcaklık sonuçları diğer elyaf
türlerine sahip numunelere göre daha az mukavemet kaybı oranları göstermiştir. Ayrıca, her iki koşulda da kabul edilebilir bir
performansla makro bükümlü lifler, jeopolimer bazlı SIFCON için potansiyel lifler olarak kabul edilebilir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Geopolimer, SIFCON, kıvrımlı lifler, Elastoplastik lifler, Makro lifler.

The aforementioned facts led so many researchers to develop

1. Introduction new technologies and experimental attempts to fabricate
alternative binders that are based on environmentally friendly
The construction sector around the world witnesses an increase materials. Within this field, many investigations were conducted
in terms of using major resources such as water and natural rocks. to partially or fully replace ordinary Portland cement (OPC) [3].
Within this scope, the production of cementitious binding Geopolymer technology, which was firstly developed by Prof.
materials represents a major issue because of the greenhouse gas Joseph Davidovits, holds significant importance in terms of
emissions. CO2 emissions from cement production form wastes utilization and fabricating non-cementitious binders which
approximately 7% of the total CO2 emissions [1,2]. are based on wastes and by-product materials [4,5].

* Corresponding Author: [email protected]

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European Journal of Science and Technology

On the other hand, the flexural properties of cement-based b)

composites always show weakness in tension zones due to the
brittleness of cement composites [6]. In this concern, using fibers
to enhance the flexural behavior is one of the familiar practices
because of the high tensile strength of fibers [7,8].

In some experimental applications, the main goal was to gain a

flexural strength that is close to the compressive strength. Slurry
Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SIFCON) is one of the successful
approaches in this field and is found in a wide range of
applications that require high flexural strength [9-11].

Many research attempts focused on developing Geopolymer

composites and SIFCON separately, but there is a lack of studying Fig. 1 A Sample of a) GGBS and b) silica fume
their behavior together, thus, the main objective of this
investigation will be to evaluate the performance of geopolymer
based SIFCON composites. Compressive and flexural strength Table 1 Chemical composition of silica fume and GGBS
properties of geopolymer-based SIFCON specimens fabricated
with five various fibers (steel-hook ended, steel-crimped, Chemical
GGBS Silica Fume
elastoplastic, polyamide and nylon) were determined in normal Analysis
condition and being subjected to elevated temperatures (250 and SiO2
40.55 91.57
500) °C.
12.83 0.38
2. Material and Method Fe2O3
1.10 0.15
The details of used materials, the mixing proportions, and the
applied standards and test procedures were explained in this TiO2
0.75 -
section as follows:
2.1. Materials 35.58 0.32
The main binding materials used in this study were silica fume MgO
5.87 4.05
(micro-silica) which was provided from Eti Antalya
Electrometallurgy Inc. (Kepez–Antalya/Turkey) and ground K2O
0.68 2.58
granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) which was provided from
Bolu Cement Company (Bolu/Turkey), the chemical Na2O
0.79 0.55
compositions of silica fume and slag are listed in table 1. Sodium
silicate and sodium hydroxide were used as activators; their L.O. I.
details are given in tables 2 and 3. Fine river sand which is 0.03 1.68
correspondent to BS EN 196-1 [12] and Rilem Cembureau
standard was used in this study. the Sieve analysis of river sand is
shown in fıgure 2.
Five different fibers were in this study and their properties are
given in table 4, Samples of the used fibers are shown in fıgure 3. 90
Passing (%)

0,125 0,25 0,5 1 2 4
Sieve No (mm)
Fig. 2 Sieve analysis of river sand

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Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi

Table 2 Properties of sodium hydroxide a)

NaOH Na2CO3 Cl SO4 Al Fe

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
99.1 0.3 < < < <
0.01 0.01 0.002 0.002

Table 3 Properties of sodium silicate

Na2O SiO2 Density Fe Heavy

(%) (%) (20oC) (%) metals (as
(g/ml) Pb) (%) b)
8.2 27.0 1.360 <0.005 < 0.005

Table 4 Properties of used fibers

Sp. Tensile L/D

Type Gravity strength
(mm) (mm)
(g/cm3) MPa
Hook ended 30 0.75 7.85 2100 40
Crimped 36 0.45 7.85 910 80
Twisted 45 0.6 0.91 850 75
elastoplastic 40 0.6 0.91 750 66 c)
Macro nylon 45 0.55 1.14 500 81

Table 5 General mixing notes

Binder percentage 50% silica fume

+ 50% ggbs

Ratio of binder to filler 1: 2.25

Ratio of chemical solution to 0.5

binder d)
Molarity of NaOH (M) 12

Curing system Room temp.

Table 6 mixing proportions (g)

fume GGBS Sand Na2SiO3 NaOH
225 225 1012.5 150 75 e)

Fig. 3 Samples of a) steel-hook ended b) steel-crimped c)

elastoplastic d) macro nylon e) macro twisted fibers
e-ISSN: 2148-2683 1344
European Journal of Science and Technology

2.2. Mix proportions, mixing, and testing methods

Sodium hydroxide (12M) was prepared one day before the 50,00

Flexural Strength (MPA)

mixing day and left to cool. On the day of mixing, sodium
hydroxide and sodium silicate were mixed to form the chemical
activating solution. are given in table 5. Dry materials were first 30,00
mixed and the chemical solution was added to form Geopolymer
paste. Fine sand was then added to the paste to create Geopolymer 20,00
slurry, the General mixing notes and the mixing proportions are
given in tables 5 and 6, the mixing process is clarified in figure 1.
The designated molds for compressive and flexural strength 0,00
tests were cubic molds with 50 mm side and prismatic molds with HE CR EP TW NY
dimensions of (40×40×160) mm. the fibers used in this study were
put in the mold before the casting process, the mixing process 7 days 28 days
started by pouring Geopolymer slurry into the molds and then the
casted specimens were vibrated to eliminate the air bubbles. Fig. 6 Flexural strength results of the series
Specimens that were designated for elevated temperature tests
were put into a high-temperature furnace, the heat increase rate
was 1°C per minute and the heating process at the desired In addition to that, compressive and flexural strength results
temperature lasted for one hour. After that, the specimens were were listed comparatively with the 28th day’s results as shown in
allowed to cool to be tested later. figures 5 and 6.
Concerning the tests in this study, compressive and flexural
strength tests were conducted according to ASTM C109 [13] and 3.1. Normal Condition
ASTM 348 [14], respectively. In general, the strength results for all series state the fact that
the fabricated matrix yielded a development with time. As can be
noticed from figure 5, compressive strength for all series
developed significantly. The development percentages ranged
from 7% for the EP series to 24% for the HE series. Series which
Geopolymer are reinforced with hook ended and crimped fibers showed the
• Chemical Resin • The resin is
highest increment rates from 7 to 28 days, this can be related to
solution is mixed poured into the the fact that the interfacial interaction between the geopolymeric
with the main • The resulting molds which
paste is mixed matrix and steel fibers is better than that with other fiber types,
materials (Silica contain the
fume+ GGBS) with the fine fibers also, the findings comply with the previous research attempts in
Geopolymer sand this concern [8,9].
GP SIFCON Figure 6 shows that the flexural strength development
percentages of all series are close to each other, the increment
percentages varied from 12% for EP and NY series to 16% for HE
series. These close percentages can be explained by knowing that
the flexural behavior of SIFCON is mainly related to the behavior
of the fibers [15,16]. HE and CR series showed better
Fig. 4 Mixture steps of the conducted study performance when compared to the other series because of the
comparable properties of steel-based fibers [8]
3. Results and Discussion
As stated in the previous sections, compressive and flexural 70
strength results were determined and listed in Figures 5 and 6. The 60
strength development from 7 days to 28 days was drawn for the


fabricated series. 40
70,00 30
60,00 20

50,00 10
40,00 0
30,00 HE CR EP TW NY
20,00 28 days 250 500
0,00 Fig. 7 Compressive strength results after elevated temperature
7 days 28 days

Fig. 5 Compressive strength results of the series

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3. Using macro synthetic twisted fibers in SIFCON
applications was found to be possible since these fibers

40 showed an acceptable performance in the conducted


20 4. In comparison to other fibers, elastoplastic and nylon

fibers showed weaker strength results under the
10 influence of elevated temperatures due to the low
melting points of these fibers.
28 days 250 500

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