09wknm17 Week09

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T & P Notices in Force

Weekly Edition 9
2 March 2017
(Published on the ADMIRALTY website 20 February 2017)


I Explanatory Notes. Publications List

II ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
III Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings
IV Updates to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions
V Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals
VI Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
VII Updates to Miscellaneous ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications
VIII Updates to ADMIRALTY Digital Products and Services

For information on how to update your ADMIRALTY products using ADMIRALTY Notices to
Mariners, please refer to NP294 How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up--to--Date.
Mariners are requested to inform the UKHO immediately of the discovery of new or suspected
dangers to navigation, observed changes to navigational aids and of shortcomings in both paper
and digital ADMIRALTY Charts or Publications.
The H--Note App helps you to send H--Notes to the UKHO, using your device’s camera, GPS and
email. It is available for free download on Google Play and on the App Store.
The Hydrographic Note Form (H102) should be used to forward this information and to report any
ENC display issues.
H102A should be used for reporting changes to Port Information.
H102B should be used for reporting GPS/Chart Datum observations.
Copies of these forms can be found at the back of this bulletin and on the UKHO website.
The following communication facilities are available:
NMs on ADMIRALTY website: Web: admiralty.co.uk/msi
Searchable Notices to Mariners: Web: www.ukho.gov.uk/nmwebsearch
Urgent navigational information: e--mail: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)1823 353448
Fax: +44(0)1823 322352
H102 forms e--mail: [email protected]
(see back pages of this Weekly Edition) Post: UKHO, Admiralty Way, Taunton,
Somerset, TA1 2DN, UK
All other enquiries/information e--mail: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)1823 484444 (24/7)
 Crown Copyright 2017. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF copies
of these Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. For permission to
sell copies of the Notices or to make (non -- PDF) digital copies please email
[email protected]

For UKHO use only 217409

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ADMIRALTY Charts affected by the Publication List


240 3555 NP 131

241 3556 NP 283(2)
342 3564
343 3565
426 3632
436 3972
532 3973
575 3974
958 4030
1257 4031
1271 4124
1618 4790
1795 8048
2093 8059
2444 8286
2573 8287
2578 8288
2581 IN 2027
2625 IN 2080
2886 IN 3009
2887 IN 3033
2889 INT 1336
3002 INT 1448
3003 INT 1462
3008 INT 1532
3009 INT 1626
3016 INT 2549
3212 INT 3500
3413 INT 3550
3504 INT 3548
3531 INT 7211
3537 INT 7227
3538 INT 7232
3539 INT 7239
3540 INT 7243
3546 INT 7407
3550 Erratum
3554 3499

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.6


New ADMIRALTY Charts published 2 March 2017

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2017 Catalogue page

8286 Port Approach Guide Venezia and Chioggia. 27 141

A Venezia. -
45° 22´·91 N. — 45° 27´·86 N., 12° 18´·00 E. — 12° 29´·07 E.
B Chioggia. -
45° 12´·00 N. — 45° 14´·70 N., 12° 15´·30 E. — 12° 21´·26 E.

A new chart to assist with passage planning in the Ports of Venezia

and Chioggia.

8287 Port Approach Guide Marghera, Darsena San Leonardo and - 27 141
A Malamocco.
45° 18´·19 N. — 45° 22´·10 N., 12° 14´·35 E. — 12° 23´·77 E.
B Porto Marghera.
45° 24´·80 N. — 45° 28´·77 N., 12° 12´·64 E. — 12° 19´·20 E.

A new chart to assist with passage planning in the Ports of

Marghera, Darsena San Leonardo and Malamocco.

8288 Port Approach Guide Approaches to Venezia, Marghera, - 27 141

Malamocco and Chioggia.
45° 02´·30 N. — 45° 29´·35 N., 12° 11´·20 E. — 12° 37´·25 E.

A new chart to assist with passage planning in the approaches to

the Ports of Venezia, Marghera, Malamocco and Chioggia.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.7 Wk09/17


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2017 Catalogue page

~343 China - South Coast, Zhujiang Kou. 1:75,000 47 78

Includes changes to depths, buoyage and coastline.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 424(P)/16 and

71(P)/17 are cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices
4501(T)/15, 5021(T)/15, 6242(T)/15, 1152(T)/16 and 5209(T)/16.

~436 Brazil - South Coast, Canal de São Sebastião. 1:40,000 95 118

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new marine


~958 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea - Sweden and Denmark, 1:100,000 10 34
INT 1336 Bornholmsgat.

Includes changes to depths, wrecks, buoyage and submarine cables. (A

modified reproduction of INT1336 published by Denmark.)

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 905(T)/15.

~1271 Korea - West Coast, Daesan Hang, Pyeongtaek - Dangjin Hang and 52 82
Incheon New Port.
A Daesan Hang. 1:25,000
B Pyeongtaek - Dangjin Hang. 1:30,000
C Incheon New Port. 1:50,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to

depths, buoyage, lights and coastline.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 1597(P)/15, 1491(T)/16

and 4445(T)/16.

~1618 Turkey – West Coast, Çandarli Körfezi and Approaches. 1:50,000 29 48

A Aliağa. 1:25,000
B Nemrut Limani. 1:15,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to

lights, coastline, pilot boarding place, restricted area and routing

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 78(P)/17 is


~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.8


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2017 Catalogue page

~2444 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Iran, Eastern 1:125,000 40 62
INT 7239 Approaches to Jazīrat Dās and Jazīrat Ḩālūl.

Includes significant safety related information as follows: addition of an

anchoring prohibited area, SPM, restricted area and pipeline.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 3212(P)/14, 2694(P)/15,

5929(P)/16 and 576(P)/17.

~2581 International Chart Series, Scotland - North Coast, Southern Approaches 1:26,000 6 30
INT 1532 to Scapa Flow.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: addition of

subsea tidal turbines and their associated cables in Pentland Firth Inner

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3978(P)/15 is


~2625 England - South Coast, Approaches to Portsmouth. 1:7,500 1 24

Includes changes to the maintained channel, lights, beacons, buoyage

and submarine cables.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice

~2886 International Chart Series, Bahrain, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United 1:350,000 40 62
INT 7243 Arab Emirates, Jazīreh-ye Láván and Jazīrat Dās to Ra's Tannūrah.

Includes significant safety related information as follows: addition of an

anchoring prohibited area, SPM, restricted area and pipeline.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 3212(P)/14, 5236(T)/14,

1279(T)/15, 2694(P)/15, 5692(P)/15, 403(P)/16, 798(T)/16, 5628(P)/16
and 576(P)/17.

~2887 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Qatar, Dubai 1:350,000 40 62
INT 7232 (Dubayy) and Jazīreh-ye Qeshm to Jazīrat Ḩālūl.

Includes significant safety related information as follows: addition of an

anchoring prohibited area, SPM, restricted area and pipeline.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 3212(P)/14, 5236(T)/14,

2694(P)/15, 403(P)/16, 798(T)/16, 4346(T)/16 and 576(P)/17.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.9 Wk09/17


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2017 Catalogue page

~2889 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Qatar, Dubai 1:350,000 40 62
INT 7211 (Dubayy) to Jabal Az Zannah and Jazīrat Dās.

Includes significant safety related information as follows: addition of an

anchoring prohibited area, SPM, restricted area and pipeline.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 3212(P)/14, 2694(P)/15,

2970(T)/16, 576(P)/17. 706(P)/17 and 861(P)/17.

~3413 International Chart Series, Oil and Gas Terminals in Qatar and the 40 62
INT 7227 United Arab Emirates.
A Qatar, Jazīrat Ḩālūl. 1:25,000
B United Arab Emirates, Fateh. 1:50,000
C United Arab Emirates, Approaches to Jazīrat Dās. 1:60,000
D United Arab Emirates, Jazīrat Dās. 1:25,000
E United Arab Emirates, Mubarraz. 1:50,000

Includes significant safety related information as follows: new anchoring

prohibited area around Jazīrat Ḩālūl.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 3212(P)/14, 2694(P)/15 and


~3632 International Chart Series, North Sea, Germany and Netherlands, The 1:25,000 9 32
INT 1462 Ems, Dukegat to Pogum.
A Emden. 1:12,500
B Dollard (Dollart) 1:50,000

Includes changes to depths. (A modified reproduction of INT1462

published by Germany.)

~3972 Brazil - East Coast, Rio Doce to Cabo de São Tomé. 1:300,000 95 118, 120

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new marine


Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 6623(T)/16.

~3973 Brazil - East Coast, Ponta Corumbaú to Rio Doce. 1:300,000 95 118, 120
Arquipélago dos Abrolhos 1:30,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new marine


~3974 Brazil - East Coast, Ilhéus to Ponta Corumbaú. 1:300,000 95 120

Includes new Marine Reserves and general updating throughout.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.10


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2017 Catalogue page

~4030 Port of Singapore, West Jurong Anchorages and Temasek Fairway. 1:10,000 45 68

Includes changes to depths from the latest surveys of Temasek Fairway,

West Jurong Channel, Tuas View Extension and Sinki Fairway. This
chart is published jointly by the UK Hydrographic Office and the
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 1132(P)/16.

~4031 Port of Singapore, Western Approaches to Jurong Island. 1:10,000 45 68

Includes changes to depths from the latest surveys of Temasek Fairway,

Sinki Fairway and part of Banyan Basin. This chart is published jointly
by the UK Hydrographic Office and the Maritime and Port Authority of

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 1132(P)/16.

ADMIRALTY Publications

NP No. Title and other remarks Date Remarks

NP283(2) ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals. 02/03/2017 Updated to Week 03/17

Maritime Safety Information Services. The Americas, Far East and (19/01/2017).
Oceania 2017/18. First updates in NM week 09/17.
The 2016/17 Edition of NP283(2)
ISBN Number: 978-0-70-774-4438 is cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.11 Wk09/17



Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

4124 China - Zhujiang Kou, Deep Bay. 1:15,000 342 47

22° 24´·52 N. — 22° 30´·74 N., 113° 51´·96 E. — 114° 01´·68 E.

A new chart to provide improved coverage of Deep Bay. (A

modified reproduction of Chart 1504 published by Hong Kong.)

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

240 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea - Egypt, Approaches 1:25,000 240 24
INT 3549 to Port Said (Būr Sa`īd). INT 3549
A Suez Canal Container Terminal. 1:12,500
B Port Said (Būr Sa`īd). 1:12,500

Includes a new channel and changes to depths, dredged channels,

buoyage and coastline.

241 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, Outer 1:50,000 241 24
INT 3548 Approaches to Port Said (Būr Sa`īd). INT 3548

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes

to depths, dredged channels, buoyage and coastline.

426 International Chart Series, Denmark, Limfjorden, Thyborøn to 1:65,000 426 9

INT 1448 Mors. INT 1448
A Thyborøn Kanal. 1:40,000
B Thyborøn. 1:8,000
C Thyborøn Sydhavn. 1:9,000
56° 40´·46 N. — 56° 41´·34 N., 8° 13´·31 E. — 8° 14´·26 E.
D Vilsundbroens Passage Span (Bascule Bridge) 1:6,000
E Venø Sund Snævring. 1:20,000
F Lemvig. 1:8,000
G Holstebro-Struer. 1:7,000
H Oddesundbroens Passage Span (Bascule Bridge) -

Includes safety-critical information as follows: changes to fairway,

depths, buoyage and coastline. The limits of panel C Thyborøn
Sydhavn have been changed.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.12


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts (continued)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

1257 Korea - North West Coast, Daecheong Gundo to Namp'o. 1:250,000 1257 52
A Approaches to Namp'o 1:75,000
B Namp'o 1:20,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes

to depths, lights, buoyage, Traffic separation scheme, waiting area
and coastline. The title has been changed.

1795 International Chart Series, Scotland - West Coast, The Little 1:100,000 1795 5
INT 1626 Minch, Southern Part. INT 1626

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government


2093 Irish Sea, Southern Approach to North Channel. 1:100,000 2093 3

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government


2573 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, Al Burullus 1:300,000 2573 24
INT 3500 to Al Άrish. 1:7,500 INT 3500
Al Άrish Harbour.

Includes new channels and changes to dredged area, cables, lights

and depths.

2578 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, Mīnā' 1:100,000 2578 24
INT 3550 Dumyāţ (Damietta Port) to Port Said (Būr Sa`īd). INT 3550
Mīnā' Dumyāţ (Damietta Port). 1:35,000

Includes changes to dredged channels, depths, buoyage and

general updating throughout.

4790 Canada, Québec/Quebec – Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St Lawrence 1:40,000 4790 79

River, Lac Saint-Pierre.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes

to depths and buoyage.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.13 Wk09/17


New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts (continued)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

8048 Port Approach Guide Salvador and Associated Terminals. - 8048 95

A Salvador including Approaches to Porto de Aratu and -
Porto de Madre de Deus.
13° 05´·00 S. — 12° 41´·30 S., 38° 41´·62 W. — 38° 26´·50 W.
B Porto de Aratu. -
C Porto de Madre de Deus.
12° 45´·70 S. — 12° 44´·50 S., 38° 37´·80 W. — 38° 36´·60 W. -

Includes changes to anchorage areas and the inclusion of Bahia

Regasification Terminal. Limits of Panel A revised to provide
improved coverage and include the Bahia Regasification
Terminal. Includes new plan, C Porto de Madre de Deus.

8059 Port Approach Guide Approaches to Sankt Peterburg including 8059 11

A Approaches to Sankt Peterburg. -
B Bronka. -
59° 55´·50 N. — 59° 56´·80 N., 29° 39´·75 E. — 29° 43´·80 E.
C Moby Dik Container Terminal. -
59° 58´·95 N. — 60° 00´·37 N., 29° 41´·70 E. — 29° 43´·50 E.

Includes new port plans for plan B Bronka and plan C Moby Dik
Container Terminal. Includes new fairway and changes to depths,
fairways, works in progress, buoyage and coastline. The title has
been changed.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.14

New Charts

Reproductions of Indian Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Indian Government Charts)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

IN 2027 India - West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Rozi Anchorage. 1:25,000 532 41
22° 29´·70 N. — 22° 43´·00 N., 69° 57´·00 E. — 70° 06´·50 E.

A replacement of chart 532 providing coverage of Rozi

Anchorage. (A modified reproduction of chart IN2027 published
by India.)

IN 2080 India - West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Eastern Portion. 1:75,000 - 41

22° 32´·00 N. — 22° 58´·00 N., 69° 41´·00 E. — 70° 28´·00 E.

A new chart providing improved coverage of the Gulf of Kachchh

Eastern Portion. (A modified reproduction of chart IN2080,
published by India.)

IN 3009 International Chart Series, India - East Coast, Kākināda Port. 575 43
INT 7407 Approaches to Kākināda. 1:60,000
16° 48´·50 N. — 17° 09´·00 N., 82° 13´·60 E. — 82° 32´·00 E.
Kākināda Anchorage. 1:25,000
16° 56´·00 N. — 17° 02´·50 N., 82° 16´·00 E. — 82° 22´·00 E.

A new chart providing improved coverage of the approaches to

Kākināda Port. (A modified reproduction of IN3007 (INT7407)
published by India.)

IN 3033 India - East Coast, Karaikal Anchorage. 1:20,000 - 43

10° 47´·90 N. — 10° 53´·20 N., 79° 50´·30 E. — 79° 57´·50 E.
Karaikal Port. 1:12,500
10° 49´·08 N. — 10° 52´·00 N., 79° 50´·10 E. — 79° 54´·60 E.

A new chart providing improved coverage of the Karaikal

Anchorage and Port. (A modified reproduction of chart IN3033,
published by India.)

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.15 Wk09/17


Chart to be On publication of
WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

343 China - South Coast, Zhujiang Kou. ~343

436 Brazil - South Coast, Canal de São Sebastião. ~436

958 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea - Sweden and Denmark, Bornholmsgat. ~958
INT 1336 INT 1336

1271 Korea - West Coast, Daesan Hang, Pyeongtaek - Dangjin Hang and Incheon ~1271
New Port.

1618 Turkey - West Coast, Çandarli Körfezi and Approaches. ~1618

2444 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Iran, Eastern ~2444
INT 7239 Approaches to Jazīrat Dās and Jazīrat Ḩālūl. INT 7239

2581 International Chart Series, Scotland - North Coast, Southern Approaches to ~2581
INT 1532 Scapa Flow. INT 1532

2625 England - South Coast, Approaches to Portsmouth. ~2625

2886 International Chart Series, Bahrain, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab ~2886
INT 7243 Emirates, Jazīreh-ye Láván and Jazīrat Dās to Ra's Tannūrah. INT 7243

2887 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Qatar, Dubai ~2887
INT 7232 (Dubayy) and Jazīreh-ye Qeshm to Jazīrat Ḩālūl. INT 7232

2889 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Qatar, Dubai ~2889
INT 7211 (Dubayy) to Jabal Az Zannah and Jazīrat Dās. INT 7211

3413 International Chart Series, Oil and Gas Terminals in Qatar and the United Arab ~3413
INT 7227 Emirates. INT 7227

3632 International Chart Series, North Sea, Germany and Netherlands, The Ems, ~3632
INT 1462 Dukegat to Pogum. INT 1462

3972 Brazil - East Coast, Rio Doce to Cabo de São Tomé. ~3972

3973 Brazil - East Coast, Ponta Corumbaú to Rio Doce. ~3973

3974 Brazil - East Coast, Ilhéus to Ponta Corumbaú. ~3974

4030 Port of Singapore, West Jurong Anchorages and Temasek Fairway. ~4030

4031 Port of Singapore, Western Approaches to Jurong Island. ~4031

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.16



Chart to be

3002 Norway – West Coast, Stavanger. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notices 3452(T)/16 and

207(P)/17 are cancelled.

3003 Norway – West Coast, Sandnes and Approaches. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 3452(T)/16 is cancelled.

3008 Norway – West Coast, Bergen Havn. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 3451(T)/16 is cancelled.

3009 Norway – South Coast, Egersund and Approaches. No Replacement

3016 Norway – West Coast, Haugesund Havn. No Replacement

3212 Norway – West Coast, Kårstø and Karmsundet. No Replacement

3504 Norway – West Coast, Fedje to Mongstad. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notices 5884(T)/15 and

5178(P)/16 are cancelled.

3531 Norway – West Coast, Fensfjorden to Sognesjøen. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 5884(T)/15 is cancelled.

3537 Norway – West Coast, Nesvåg to Kvassheim. No Replacement

3538 Norway – West Coast, Kvassheim to Tananger. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 3452(T)/16 is cancelled.

3539 Norway – West Coast, Approaches to Stavanger. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notices 3452(T)/16 and

207(P)/17 are cancelled.

3540 Norway – West Coast, Approaches to Sauda. No Replacement

3546 Norway – West Coast, Karmsundet to Ryvarden and Skjolafjorden. No Replacement

3547 Norway – South Coast, Ryvarden to Selbjørnsfjorden. No Replacement

3550 Norway – West Coast, Sunnhordlandsfjordene. No Replacement

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.17 Wk09/17

ADMIRALTY Charts (continued)

Chart to be

3553 Norway – West Coast, Selbjørnsfjorden to Bergen. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notices 6426(P)/16 and

3451(T)/16 are cancelled.

3554 Norway – West Coast, Samnangerfjorden, Bjønafjorden and Outer No Replacement


3555 Norway – West Coast, Bergen to Fedje. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 3451(T)/16 is cancelled.

This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice

3556 Norway – West Coast, Kollsnes to Mongstad including Sture Terminal. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notice 5884(T)/15 is cancelled.

This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice

3564 Norway – West Coast, Ytre Hardangerfjorden. No Replacement

3565 Norway – West Coast, Indre Hardangerfjorden No Replacement


NP131 - Catalogue of ADMIRALTY Charts (NP131), 2017 Edition

Amendments to Part 1, ADMIRALTY Authorised Chart Agents / Distributors
Page 6, Distributors section,

McGill Maritime Services Inc

369 Place d'Youville
H2Y 2B7
T: +1 5148491125
F: +1 5148495804
[email protected]

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

Wk09/17 1.18


Notice 827(P)/17 was omitted and should be Cancelled on withdrawal of Chart 3499 as below:

Chart to be

3499 Norway - South Coast, South Western Approaches to Oslofjorden. No Replacement

Note: On withdrawal of this chart former Notices 773(T)/14 and

827(P)/17 are cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.19 Wk09/17
In Force 24 February 2017

(Former In Force List dated 20 January 2017 is cancelled)

Cancelled Notices

Area Notice No.

2 3270(P)/15, 3978(P)/15, 1845(T)/16, 3728(P)/16
3 773(T)/14, 1860(P)/14, 5884(T)/15, 6691(P)/15, 117(T)/16, 341(T)/16, 3451(T)/16, 3452(T)/16, 3676(T)/16,
3679(T)/16, 5178(P)/16, 5393(T)/16, 6080(P)/16, 6234(P)/16, 6236(T)/16, 191(P)/17, 207(P)/17, 499(P)/17,
4 2466(T)/11, 579(T)/14, 3227(T)/14, 5623(T)/14, 3958(P)/15, 4389(T)/15, 4710(T)/15, 6083(T)/15, 6158(T)/15,
2554(T)/16, 2831(T)/16, 3573(T)/16, 3687(T)/16, 4226(T)/16, 5636(T)/16, 729(T)/17
5 913(P)/15, 5614(T)/15, 6285(T)/15, 1323(T)/16, 1574(P)/16, 3620(P)/16, 4781(T)/16, 5483(P)/16
6 3574(T)/16, 5712(T)/16
8 562(T)/14, 3367(T)/14, 3743(T)/14, 4684(T)/15, 2517(T)/16, 3724(T)/16, 4309(P)/16, 4317(T)/16, 4583(T)/16,
5641(T)/16, 6288(P)/16, 6580(P)/16, 54(P)/17, 78(P)/17
9 4198(P)/16
10 1871(T)/16
11 2891(P)/16, 6622(P)/16, 325(T)/17, 459(P)/17
12 5315(T)/15, 6669(P)/15, 2249(T)/16
13 1832(T)/16, 2710(T)/16, 5772(P)/16
14 95(T)/16, 424(P)/16, 1088(T)/16, 1353(T)/16, 2419(T)/16, 2481(P)/16, 2888(T)/16, 2932(T)/16, 3564(T)/16,
3798(T)/16, 4092(T)/16, 4234(T)/16, 4238(T)/16, 4836(T)/16, 4888(P)/16, 5235(T)/16, 5527(P)/16, 6214(T)/16,
15 528(T)/11, 4973(T)/12, 4974(T)/12, 1268(T)/13, 2231(T)/13, 2365(T)/13, 2366(T)/13, 2574(T)/13, 3139(T)/13,
4810(T)/13, 2423(T)/14, 4804(T)/14, 4808(T)/14, 5724(T)/14, 31(T)/15, 2229(T)/15, 4808(T)/15, 3639(T)/16,
3651(T)/16, 4047(T)/16, 4161(T)/16, 4491(T)/16, 4569(T)/16, 4813(T)/16, 4815(T)/16, 5122(T)/16, 5124(T)/16,
5873(T)/16, 6401(T)/16, 6403(T)/16
16 3359(T)/10, 2218(T)/16, 4644(P)/16, 5486(T)/16, 6108(T)/16, 6287(T)/16, 6439(T)/16
17 1313(T)/16, 1330(T)/16, 4490(T)/16, 4549(P)/16, 5402(P)/16
18 717(T)/16, 1473(T)/16, 2829(T)/16, 3411(T)/16, 5883(T)/16
19 4031(T)/16, 160(P)/17, 371(P)/17
20 4673(T)/13, 5233(T)/16
24 6114(T)/10, 472(T)/16, 1094(T)/16, 5813(T)/16
25 5533(T)/07, 1435(T)/09, 329(T)/11, 2480(T)/15
26 5532(P)/16, 274(P)/17

No. of Charts affected Locality & Subject Folio(s)


5557(T)/11 2529 ...................... SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Approaches to Stornoway, Loch Erisort, Tannaraidh 5
South-eastwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage............................................
5404(P)/13 2093 ...................... IRELAND, East Coast, Ards Peninsula, Ballywalter to Guns Island: Depths; 3
Drying heights ....................................................................................................
397(T)/14 2792 ...................... IRELAND, West Coast, Killybegs Harbour, Black Rock Pier N: Light- 4
beacons; Pontoon ...............................................................................................
2080(P)/14 1121, 1411, 2093, IRISH SEA, England, Scotland, Liverpool Bay to Ardnell Bay: Submarine 3, 5
2126, 2131, 2198, power cable ........................................................................................................
2199, 2220, 2221,
2491, 2635, 2724
3593(T)/14 2173, 3338 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Killard Point and Donegal Point NW: Measuring 4
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
3821(P)/14 2669, 3653, 3654 CHANNEL ISLANDS, Guernsey, Little Russel S to The Great Bank N: Depths 16

2. BRITISH ISLES - continued
4995(P)/14 2093 ...................... IRELAND, East Coast, Dundrum Bay to Carlingford Lough: Depths; Drying 3
1606(T)/15 1410, 1787 ........... IRELAND, East Coast, Blackwater Bank W: Buoy .......................................... 3
2521(P)/15 Q 6403, Q 6404...... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Rockall Trough to Rosemary Bank, including the 350
Hebrides: Firing practice area ............................................................................
3272(T)/15 1125, 1127, 2725. IRELAND, West Coast, Corrib Gas Field: Buoy............................................... 4, 5
3746(P)/15 8046 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Immingham: Note................... 7
3788(P)/15 1410, 1971 ........... WALES, West Coast, Caernarfon Bay: Depths.................................................. 3
3871(T)/15 2175, 2611, 2615. ENGLAND, South Coast, Poole Bay, Inner Poole Patch N: Buoy; Scientific 1
4216(T)/15 3278 ...................... CHANNEL ISLANDS, Jersey, Saint Helier Harbour and La Collette Yacht 16
Basin: Depth information ...................................................................................
4590(T)/15 2721, 2841 ........... SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Sound of Taransay: Buoy ........................................... 5, 6
5506(P)/15 8064 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Harwich and Felixstowe: Note 7
5682(P)/15 8045, 8046 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Immingham: Light-beacons; 7
Leading line........................................................................................................
5897(P)/15 8045, 8046 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Immingham: Signal stations ... 7
6066(T)/15 108, 1200 ............. ENGLAND, East Coast, The Wash, Lynn Deeps, Boston Deep and 7
Approaches to Boston: Measuring instruments .................................................
6254(P)/15 8045, 8046 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, River Humber, Immingham: Light ............................ 7
6707(P)/15 2036, 2037, 2629, ENGLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Portsmouth and Portsmouth 1
2631 ...................... Harbour: Works ..................................................................................................
732(T)/16 1127, 2635, 2723, IRELAND, North Coast, Rockall Trough E: Measuring instruments; Buoyage 3, 4, 5
2725 ......................
1145(P)/16 1991 ...................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Brighton Marina: Dredged area; Buoyage .............. 1
2131(T)/16 2037, 3418 ........... ENGLAND, South Coast, Chichester Harbour: Measuring instruments; 1
2203(T)/16 1462 ...................... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Banff and Macduff, Banff Bay: Moorings; Scientific 6
instruments .........................................................................................................
2475(P)/16 1183, 1406, 1408, ENGLAND, East Coast, Greater Gabbard Wind Farm: Works; Maritime limit; 7, 9
1610, 1630, 2052 Buoyage..............................................................................................................
2799(P)/16 1200 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Race Bank: Works; Maritime limit; Buoyage; 7
Submarine power cables ....................................................................................
2948(T)/16 1785, 2720, 2721 SCOTLAND, West Coast, Isle of Lewis, Butt of Lewis W: Buoyage............... 6
3068(T)/16 1752, 1753 ........... IRELAND, East Coast, Belfast Lough, Folly Roads NW: Marine farm; 3
3304(P)/16 Q 6403, Q 6404...... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Cape Wrath to North Channel: Military practice 350
3359(T)/16 2 ............................ CELTIC SEA, Irish Sector, Goban Spur: Scientific instruments....................... 6
3364(P)/16 728, 736 ............... SCOTLAND, East Coast, River Forth, Approaches to Rosyth: Light............... 7
3417(P)/16 1504, 1543 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, Approaches to Lowestoft: Light ................................ 7
3727(P)/16 8081, 8082 ........... ENGLAND, West Coast, Liverpool Bay, Great Burbo Flats, Burbo Wind Farm 3
W: Works; Wind farm; Submarine power cable; Maritime limit; Buoyage.......
3819(P)/16 2, 219, 245, 1233, SCOTLAND, Shetland Islands, Clair Ridge Oil Field Northwards: Submarine 6, 7, 13, 15
1239, 2182C, pipeline; Manifolds; Buoy..................................................................................
2182D, 4140 ........
3971(P)/16 8002 ...................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Southampton: Landmark...... 1
4075(P)/16 8002 ...................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Isle of Wight, Dunnose: Fixed point ....................... 1
4109(P)/16 8002 ...................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Southampton: Landmark...... 1
4173(T)/16 1942, 1954, 2249, SCOTLAND, Orkney Islands, Westray Firth: Scientific instruments ............... 6
2250, 2562 ...........
4408(P)/16 8157 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Thames Estuary, Port Approach Guide Thames 8
Estuary: Buoy.....................................................................................................
4783(P)/16 34, 883 ................. ENGLAND, West Coast, Isles of Scilly: Depths; Drying heights ..................... 1
5111(P)/16 8156, 8157 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Port of London and Port 8
Approach Guide Thames Estuary: Landmark....................................................
5218(T)/16 1752, 1753 ........... IRELAND, East Coast, Belfast Lough: Light-beacon; Buoy ............................ 3

2. BRITISH ISLES - continued
5633(P)/16 1137, 2669, 3278, CHANNEL ISLANDS, Jersey, Approaches to Saint Helier: Depths; Rock...... 16
3655 ......................
5685(T)/16 1757, 1785, 1794, SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Eye Peninsula NE: Light ............................................ 5, 6
2635, 2720 ...........
5769(P)/16 8264 ...................... WALES, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Port Talbot and Swansea: Note .. 2
5773(P)/16 8081 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Liverpool: Light..................... 3
5838(P)/16 8264 ...................... WALES, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Port Talbot and Swansea: General 2
information .........................................................................................................
5959(P)/16 8264 ...................... WALES, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Port Talbot and Swansea: 2
Dredged area ......................................................................................................
6109(P)/16 8206 ...................... WALES, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Milford Haven: Note .................. 2
6110(P)/16 8047 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to the River 7
Humber: Note.....................................................................................................
6113(P)/16 8197 ...................... ENGLAND, South West Coast, Port Approach Guide Falmouth: Note............ 1
6115(P)/16 8046 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Immingham: Note................... 7
6163(P)/16 8045, 8046, 8047 ENGLAND, East Coast, River Humber and approaches : Note........................ 7
6311(T)/16 1859 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Port of Bristol, River Avon (New Cut), Ashton 2
Avenue Bridge: Vertical clearance .....................................................................
6332(P)/16 2131, 3746 ........... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Loch Goil: Lights.................................................... 3
6338(T)/16 1077, 1889 ........... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Cromarty Firth: Buoy............................................... 6
6443(T)/16 442, 1613, 1634, ENGLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Dartmouth: Light-beacon ................ 1
2253, 2454 ...........
41(P)/17 2611....................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Poole Harbour Approaches: Works ......................... 1
186(T)/17 1152, 1165, 1176, ENGLAND, Bristol Channel, Culver Sand W to Newport Deep: Scientific 2
1179, 1182............ instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
208(P)/17 777, 1148, 2345... ENGLAND, South Coast, Mounts Bay: Depths ................................................ 1
288(T)/17 1790, 2171, 2379, SCOTLAND, West Coast, Sound of Mull, Loch Linnhe, Lynn of Lorn, Firth of 5
2386, 2387, 2388, Lorn: Moorings; Buoyage ..................................................................................
2389, 2390, 2724
291(T)/17 2388 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Loch Etive: Moorings; Buoyage............................. 5
293(P)/17 8081 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Liverpool: Buoy..................... 3
490(T)/17 323, 1183, 1610, ENGLAND, South East Coast, Isle of Thanet NE: Buoyage ............................ 1, 7
2449 ......................
495(P)/17 1320, 1552, 1826, ENGLAND, West Coast, Approaches to Morecambe Bay, Walney Offshore 3
1981, 2010 ........... Wind Farm Extension: Works; Wind farm; Submarine cables ..........................
596(T)/17 1415, 1447 ........... IRELAND, East Coast, Dublin Bay: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ........... 3
688(T)/17 1994, 2131, 3746 SCOTLAND, West Coast, Loch Long: Buoy .................................................... 3
819(T)/17 1406, 1610, 1630, ENGLAND, Thames Estuary, North Hinder South TSS: Wreck; Buoyage; 7, 9
2449 ...................... Radar beacon; Restricted area ............................................................................
951(P)/17 8081 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, River Mersey: Dredged area; Coastline; Legend...... 3
1007(T)/17 1121, 1320, 1411, ISLE OF MAN, Maughold Head: Light ............................................................ 3
1826, 2094 ...........
1009(P)/17 8045 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, River Humber, Alexandra Dock: Works.................... 7
1012(T)/17 1121, 1320, 1411, ISLE OF MAN, Douglas Head: Light ............................................................... 3
1826, 2094, 2696
2772(T)/11 4010 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Greenland Sea, Greenland Basin and Knipovich Ridge: 15
Measuring instruments .......................................................................................
4472(T)/12 2897, 2899, 4112, ICELAND, Northwards and North-westwards: Measuring instruments ........... 15
4644(T)/12 2961 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Gulyayevskiye Koshki to Nar’yan-Mar: Buoyage 14
4939(T)/13 2897, 4101, 4112, NORWEGIAN SEA, Iceland Northwards and North-eastwards, Kolbeinsey 13, 15
4113....................... Ridge and Jan Mayen Ridge: Measuring instruments........................................
1529(T)/14 2333 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Mys Teriberskiy N: Mooring buoys.................... 14
1861(T)/14 2315, 2330, 2683 NORWAY, North Coast, Norwegian Sea, Magerøya S, W and NW and 14
Bjørnøya (Bear Island) SE: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ..........................

2157(T)/14 2897, 2900, 4010, NORWEGIAN SEA, Iceland N and NW: Measuring instruments .................... 13, 15
4101, 4112............
3213(T)/14 2966 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Murmansk, Utes Abram-Pakhta E and SW: Buoy; 14
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
1719(P)/15 4101 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Norwegian Sea, Vøring Plateau E: Works; Submarine 13
cables; Submarine pipelines; Offshore installations ..........................................
4478(T)/15 2683, 4010, 4100 NORWEGIAN SEA, Tromsøflaket NW: Measuring instrument....................... 14, 15
6426(P)/15 3553 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Hundvåkosen E: Works; Spoil ground; Lights ............ 13
2400(P)/16 288, 299 ............... NORWAY, West Coast, Mjåsundstraumen to Hellosen: Submarine cables....... 13
3446(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Obstruction ... 14
3674(T)/16 2683 ...................... NORWEGIAN SEA, Tromsøflaket N: Measuring instruments......................... 14
3937(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Floating dock 14
3978(T)/16 2327, 2328, 2366, NORWAY, West Coast, Vesteralsbankene and Eggagrunnen W: Measuring 14
2368, 4100 ........... instruments .........................................................................................................
4447(T)/16 3136, 3137 ........... NORWEGIAN SEA, Svalbard, Prins Karls Forland NW: Measuring 15
instruments .........................................................................................................
4460(T)/16 4101 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Halten Bank NW: Works ............................................. 13
4889(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Maritime limit; 14
4973(T)/16 2966, 8182 ........... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Murmansk, Mys Kondratkina S: Mooring buoys 14
4988(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Buoyage........ 14
5070(T)/16 3137 ...................... NORWEGIAN SEA, Svalbard, Storfjorden, Kvalpynten: Rock ....................... 15
5401(T)/16 3136 ...................... NORWEGIAN SEA, Svalbard, Forlandsbanken NW: Measuring instruments. 15
5930(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Note .............. 14
6393(T)/16 2735 ...................... ICELAND, Reykjavík, Sundahöfn: Buoy.......................................................... 15
6550(P)/16 8182 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Murmansk: Buoyage........ 14
1016(T)/17 2368 ...................... NORWAY, North Coast, Arnøya S: Current meter ............................................ 14
3065(T)/13 3441 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Utö Westwards: Data buoy....................................... 11
887(T)/14 2679 ...................... POLAND, Zatoka Pomorska (Pommersche Bucht), Świnoujście NE: 10
Measuring instrument.........................................................................................
1862(T)/14 887 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholms Skärgärd, Staboudde-Koh: Restricted area 10
4930(T)/14 2117, 2601, 2679, BALTIC SEA, Germany: Buoyage; Measuring instruments ............................. 10
2942, 2945 ...........
5540(T)/14 872, 2362 ............. SWEDEN, East Coast, Utö SE: Restricted area ................................................ 10
905(T)/15 958 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Bornholm N, Davids Banke E: Works; Wreck; Buoy .... 10
924(T)/15 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv, Marieholm W: Works; Bridges; Buoyage; 10
Dolphin; Jetty .....................................................................................................
1316(P)/15 2364 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Sankt Peterburg, Lesnoy Mol S: Works ................ 11
1492(T)/15 924, 925 ............... SWEDEN, East Coast, Skelleftehamn, Kallholmsfjärden NW: Maximum 11
authorised draught..............................................................................................
2009(T)/15 2106, 2117, 2942. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Fehmarnsund: Vertical clearance ............................ 10
2517(P)/15 3439, 3441 ........... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Ahvenanmaa/Åland to Naantali (Nådendal): 11
Submarine power cable ......................................................................................
2690(P)/15 8020 ...................... . 10
LITHUANIA, Port Approach Guide Klaipeda: Restricted area; Note ..............
3095(T)/15 2944 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Rostock N: Foul; Restricted area ............................ 10
3416(P)/15 8026 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Port Approach Guide Rostock: Note ...................... 10
3517(P)/15 2248 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Pellinki Pellinge S, Tunnholmen NE to Stängskär and 11
Stengropsholmen S to Sandkallan E: Depths.....................................................
3561(P)/15 853 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Smögen to Malmön: Submarine pipeline .................... 12
3637(T)/15 2688 ...................... POLAND, Hel SW: Measuring instrument........................................................ 10
3764(T)/15 2364, 8058 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Petrovskiy Kanal E and Korabel’nyy Kanal: 11
Precautionary areas ............................................................................................
4646(T)/15 2395 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Approaches to Sankt Peterburg: Buoyage ............. 11
4754(P)/15 8020 ...................... . 10
LITHUANIA, Port Approach Guide Klaipeda: Restricted area; Note ..............
4766(T)/15 2679 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Zempin N: Submarine pipeline............................... 10

5023(T)/15 2106, 2117, 2942. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Fehmarnbelt: Restricted areas; Fouls...................... 10
5075(T)/15 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Lidingö SE: Floating barrier; Light- 10
beacons ...............................................................................................................
5352(P)/15 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv, Lindholmshamnen SE: Works; 10
Obstructions; Buoy.............................................................................................
5374(P)/15 8104 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Københavns Havn: Light-beacons 10
5590(T)/15 2264, 2713 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Port of Ust’Luga, Mys Kolganpya N: Obstruction 11, 14
5831(P)/15 8100 ...................... LATVIA, Port Approach Guide Ventspils: Depths; Dredged area .................... 10
6085(T)/15 858 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Göteborg, Benskär W: Measuring 10
instruments .........................................................................................................
6330(P)/15 2241, 2248, 8026 BALTIC SEA, Helsinki SW to Rostock NE: Submarine cable ......................... 10, 11
6403(P)/15 8023 ...................... LATVIA, Port Approach Guide Rı- ga: Light; Legends; Dredged area; Note..... 10
6551(T)/15 2355 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Gothmund N: Light; Buoy...................................... 10
6657(P)/15 8020 ...................... . 10
LITHUANIA, Bu- tinge Oil Terminal SW: Restricted areas ...............................
6666(P)/15 8104 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Københavns Havn, 10
Margretheholm NE: Restricted area...................................................................
142(P)/16 8085, 8086 ........... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guides Göteborg and Approaches to 10
Göteborg: Notes .................................................................................................
234(P)/16 2241, 3441 ........... FINLAND, South Coast, Ahvenanmaa NW to Hanko SW: Depths .................. 10, 11
361(T)/16 2276, 8020 ........... . 10
LITHUANIA, Klaipeda: Works .........................................................................
529(T)/16 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Hammarbyleden: Works; Buoyage; 10
563(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Coastline; Dredged 10
areas; Legends; Dredged depth ..........................................................................
655(T)/16 2106, 2117, 2942. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Fehmarnbelt: Superbuoy; Radar beacon; Buoyage 10
694(T)/16 2679 ...................... POLAND, Zatoka Pomorska (Pommersche Bucht): Spoil grounds .................. 10
727(P)/16 8059 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide, Approaches to Sankt 11
Peterburg: Restricted area; Legends; Note.........................................................
863(T)/16 426, 427 ............... DENMARK, Islands, Salling Sund SW: Buoyage; Marine farm ...................... 9
1058(P)/16 893, 2301 ............. FINLAND, West Coast, Gulf of Bothnia: Radio reporting points; Radio 11
reporting lines.....................................................................................................
1150(P)/16 8041 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Malmö, Plan A, Malmö: Note .. 10
1202(T)/16 869 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Uddevalla, Skeppsholmspiren: Works......................... 12
1277(P)/16 2107 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Frederikshavn: Works; Buoyage; Dredging area ...... 10
1434(P)/16 3441 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Utö S to Kyrkfjärden: Fairway; Swept areas............ 11
1526(P)/16 8026 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Port Approach Guide Rostock: Restricted areas..... 10
1850(P)/16 8104 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Københavns Havn, 10
Kvæsthusbroen: Restricted area.........................................................................
2097(T)/16 875 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Kullen: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ................... 10
2306(P)/16 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Karl Johans-slussen: Works; Restricted 10
area; Buoyage.....................................................................................................
2312(T)/16 894, 905 ............... DENMARK, East Coast, Randers Fjord E and Gjerrild Bugt N: Depths; 10
Buoyage; Submarine pipelines...........................................................................
2482(P)/16 8104 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Københavns Havn: Dredged area; 10
Dredged depth ....................................................................................................
2515(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Dredged depths........ 10
2549(P)/16 8041 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Malmö: Anchor berth; Reported 10
anchorage ...........................................................................................................
2827(T)/16 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv , Götaälvbron: Depths .................................. 10
2901(T)/16 930, 2591 ............. DENMARK, East Coast, Vejle Fjord: Depths ................................................... 10
2977(P)/16 2569, 2727, 2729 RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Vysotsk and approaches: Depths; Wrecks; 11
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
3183(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Dredged depth; Note 10
3246(P)/16 8059 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Kronshtadt SW, Lomonosovskaya Otmel’: 11
Anchorage area; Buoyage; Fairway; Lights; Leading lines; Port development;
Precautionary area ..............................................................................................
3429(T)/16 2597, 2942 ........... DENMARK, Islands, Nakskov Fjord: Dredged depth....................................... 10

3478(T)/16 3864 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, Approaches to Kemi, Ajos: Works; Wind turbines .... 11
3531(P)/16 8237 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Kotka and Hamina: Maximum 11
authorised draughts ............................................................................................
3607(T)/16 2855, 2856 ........... SWEDEN, South Coast, Port of Karlshamn, Stillerydshamnen SW and 10
Kölöhamnen: Depths..........................................................................................
3820(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Works ...................... 10
4085(T)/16 2341, 2942 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Stollergrundrinne SE: Obstructions ........................ 10
4089(P)/16 8026 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Port Approach Guide Rostock: Maintained channel 10
4113(P)/16 2364, 8058 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Sankt Peterburg, Sankt Peterburgskiy-Morskoy 11
Kanal: Bridge .....................................................................................................
4117(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Pontoon ................... 10
4134(P)/16 8237 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Kotka and Hamina: Note ....... 11
4153(T)/16 2344, 8039 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Kieler Förde, Friedrichsort SE: Restricted area; 10
Buoyage; Anchorage area ..................................................................................
4212(T)/16 3062 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, Isoniemi NW: Buoy .................................................... 11
4240(P)/16 8039 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Port Approach Guide Kiel : Note ........................... 10
4551(P)/16 8174 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Århus: Leading line; Lights ...................................... 9
4591(T)/16 2364 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Petrovskiy Kanal E and Korabel’nyy Kanal: Light- 11
beacons; Buoyage; Beacons; Jetties; Lights ......................................................
4647(P)/16 8237 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Kotka and Hamina: Swept 11
areas; Recommended tracks; Fairways; Maximum authorised draughts...........
4823(P)/16 8196 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Fredericia: Alongside depths . 10
4864(T)/16 2395 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Approaches to Petrodvorets: Buoy ........................ 11
4981(P)/16 2231, 2288 ........... LATVIA, Liepa- ja and approaches: Buoyage; Depths; Obstructions; Rock; 10
4990(T)/16 837, 872, 2362 .... SWEDEN, East Coast, Nynäshamn NE and Gunnarstenarna E: Spoil ground . 10
5037(P)/16 8207 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Kalundborg: Coastline; Dredged 10
5091(T)/16 2359, 8190 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Hafen Von Wismar: Restricted area; Buoyage ....... 10
5092(T)/16 2364, 2395, 8059 RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Lakhtinskaya Gavan: Leading lights ..................... 11
5166(T)/16 2364, 8058 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Sankt Peterburg, Ostov Sernyy N: Works ............. 11
5182(T)/16 429 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Hals: Measuring instruments .................................... 9
5183(T)/16 2115, 2594............ DENMARK, East Coast, Helsingør : Measuring instruments ........................... 10
5185(T)/16 428 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Aggersund: Measuring instruments .......................... 9
5186(T)/16 900 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Galsklint: Measuring instruments................................... 10
5207(T)/16 905 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Udbyhøj: Measuring instruments.............................. 10
5243(T)/16 2218 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Helsinki, Hernesaari Ärtholmen: Spoil ground; 11
5252(P)/16 902 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Sydhavnen - Frederiksholmsløbet: Works; Restricted 10
area .....................................................................................................................
5322(P)/16 2972, 2973, 8023 LATVIA, Port of Rı- ga: Lights; Leading line; Dredged areas; Recommended 10
5373(P)/16 845 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Södertälje Kanal: Works............................................... 10
5377(P)/16 8196 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Fredericia and Kolding: Light- 10
beacons ...............................................................................................................
5394(P)/16 8104 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Port Approach Guide Københavns Havn: Bridge; 10
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
5576(T)/16 940 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Stubbekøbing: Works...................................................... 10
5631(T)/16 2637 ...................... POLAND, Gdańsk, Martwa Wisła: Works ........................................................ 10
5632(P)/16 8041 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Malmö: Note ............................ 10
5683(P)/16 2241, 2817 ........... ESTONIA, Hiiumaa NE: Depths; Rocks ........................................................... 10
5901(T)/16 2117, 2944............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht NE: Foul; Restricted area.... 10
6114(P)/16 8086 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Göteborg: 10
Beacon; Leading line; Legend; Recommended track ........................................
6151(P)/16 8041 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Malmö: Dredged area; Depth 10
information .........................................................................................................
6169(T)/16 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Saltsjön, Saltsjökvarn: Works....................................... 10

6207(P)/16 2614 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Approaches to Maarianhamina (Mariehamn): 11
Recommended tracks; Maximum authorised draughts; Buoyage......................
6235(T)/16 3062 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, Hailuoto NW: Depth................................................... 11
6237(T)/16 2276, 8020 ........... . 10
LITHUANIA, Approaches to Klaipeda: Restricted area; Buoy ........................
6306(P)/16 8174 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Århus, Basin 7: Restricted area; Buoyage; Works.... 9
6308(P)/16 8134 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Kaliningrad and Baltiysk: 10
Notes ..................................................................................................................
6312(P)/16 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Works ...................... 10
6340(T)/16 911, 8041.............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Malmö, Södra Varvsbassängen S: Restricted area; 10
Works .................................................................................................................
6392(T)/16 2276, 8020 ........... . 10
LITHUANIA, Klaipeda: Works .........................................................................
6394(T)/16 2167, 3829 ........... FINLAND, West Coast, Rauma: Buoyage......................................................... 11
6406(P)/16 902, 8104 ............. DENMARK, Islands, Københavns Havn, Langebro NE: Works; Restricted 10
area; Buoyage.....................................................................................................
6452(P)/16 8237 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Kotka and Hamina: Note ....... 11
6474(P)/16 2276, 8020 ........... . 10
LITHUANIA, Approaches to Klaipeda: Depths; Maintained channels;
Alongside depths ................................................................................................
6508(T)/16 430 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Limfjorden, Aalborg N: Bridge ................................ 9
6549(P)/16 8086 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Recommended tracks 10
47(P)/17 8174 ...................... DENMARK, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Århus: Works; Restricted area; 9
Light-beacons; Light; Lights in line...................................................................
92(T)/17 2117, 2944............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht: Foul; Restricted area .......... 10
183(P)/17 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Göteborg: Dredged depths; 10
Dredged areas.....................................................................................................
230(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Ławica Słupska N: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ..................... 10
233(T)/17 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Frihamnen: Works ........................................................ 10
248(T)/17 857, 8085 ............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv: Horizontal clearance; Works....................... 10
321(P)/17 1089, 1090, 8237 FINLAND, South Coast, Kotka and Approaches and Hamina (Fredrikshamn) 11
and Approaches: Maximum authorised draughts; Reported anchorages; Lights;
Beacons; Buoyage; Recommended tracks; Leading lines; Swept areas ............
348(T)/17 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Gotä Älv: Notice board; Buoy..................................... 10
353(P)/17 8086 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Hönö: Lights; Leading line; Legend............................ 10
354(P)/17 8252 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Gustaf Dalén NE: Anchorage area ............................... 10
462(P)/17 8085 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv, Götaälvbron: Restricted areas ..................... 10
494(T)/17 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Södrahamnen: Works ................................ 10
539(T)/17 2688 ...................... POLAND, Approaches to Władysławowo: Buoy.............................................. 10
620(P)/17 888 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Kapellskär: Works ........................................................ 10
657(P)/17 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Värtahamnen: Works; Berths; Depths .......................... 10
684(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Mrzeżyno N and Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) N: Buoyage; Tidal 10
721(T)/17 922 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Hudiksvall: Works ........................................................ 11
730(T)/17 798 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Visby: Works ................................................................ 10
744(T)/17 857, 8085 ............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Göta Älv: Fairway; Works........................................... 10
766(P)/17 2014, 2018, 2040, POLAND, Gulf of Gdansk, Oilfield B-3 NE, Darłowo NW, Rønne Banke SE, 10
2288, 2679, 2688 Zatoka Pomorska (Pommersche Bucht) and Ławica Słupska NE: Tidal gauges
794(P)/17 8071 ...................... GERMANY, Nord-Ostsee Kanal, Brunsbüttel: Restricted area; Lights ............ 9
806(T)/17 2614 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Maarianhamina (Mariehamn): Works ...................... 11
887(T)/17 2014, 2018, 2040 POLAND, Gulf of Gdańsk, Rowy NE to Łeba NW: Tidal gauges; Buoyage ... 10
905(T)/17 837, 872 ............... SWEDEN, East Coast, Approaches to Nynäshamn, Finnhällorna: Floodlight; 10
Light ...................................................................................................................
944(T)/17 2018, 2251, 2816 SWEDEN, East Coast, Norra Midsjöbanken NW: Measuring instruments....... 10
947(T)/17 2015, 2115, 2945. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, TSS North of Rügen: Restricted area ..................... 10
948(T)/17 2040, 2288, 2688 POLAND, Gulf of Gdańsk, Approaches to Gdynia and Gdańsk, Hel NE and 10
Zatoka Pucka: Measuring instruments ...............................................................
949(T)/17 2014, 2015, 2018, POLAND, Oderbank (Ławica Odrzana) E and Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) 10
2040, 2679 ........... E and SE: Measuring instruments ......................................................................

953(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Ławica Słupska ............................................................................... 10
E: Buoy; Measuring instrument .........................................................................
965(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE: Obstructions ........................... 10
966(T)/17 798, 836, 837, 853, SWEDEN, East Coast, South Coast, West Coast: Danger areas........................ 10, 12
872, 2018, 2107,
2223, 2251, 2361,
2856, 2857 ...........
972(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE: Tidal gauges; Buoyage............ 10
973(T)/17 2014, 2018 ........... POLAND, Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE: Buoyage .................................. 10
974(T)/17 2014, 2015 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Adlergrund SW: Wreck; Buoy................................ 10
1936(P)/14 278, 291 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Alba Oil Field W : Works; Submarine 6, 7
cable; Offshore installations...............................................................................
2458(P)/14 2182A, 2182B...... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Dogger Bank, South-West Patch: 7
Offshore installations .........................................................................................
2903(T)/14 112......................... NETHERLANDS, Harlingen W, Kimstergat: Buoy.......................................... 9
2940(P)/14 110, 1406, 1630, BELGIUM, Lodewijkbank: Works; Wind farm; Buoyage; Radar beacon ........ 7, 9
2449 ......................
5562(T)/14 291, 1239, 1942 .. NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Claymore Oil Field and Scapa Oil 6
Field: Buoyage ...................................................................................................
2115(T)/15 1872, 1874 ........... BELGIUM, Sierra Ventana N: Foul................................................................... 9
2541(T)/15 1406, 1630, 1872, BELGIUM, Thornton Bank S to Vaargeul 1 S: Submarine power cable.......... 7, 9
1873, 1874, 2449
3250(T)/15 1406, 1630, 1872, BELGIUM, Westhinder, Westhinder Anchorage: Foul ..................................... 7, 9
1873, 2449 ...........
3322(P)/15 1187, 1632, 2182A, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Markham Gas Field: Offshore 7, 9
2182B.................... installations ........................................................................................................
3420(T)/15 1875, 3619, 3767 GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Elbe, Friedrichskoog: Marina ................... 9
3733(T)/15 294, 295, 2673 .... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Dunbar Oil Field and Ellon and Grant 6, 13
Gas Fields: Works; Submarine pipeline .............................................................
3983(T)/15 1872, 1873 ........... BELGIUM, Approaches to Oostende: Submarine pipeline ............................... 9
4079(T)/15 266 ........................ NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Dogger Bank, Cygnus Gas Field: 7
Development areas .............................................................................................
4796(T)/15 1872, 1874 ........... BELGIUM, Blankenberge: Depths .................................................................... 9
5452(P)/15 1408, 1503, 2182A NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Thames Gas Field: Works; Platform; 7
5461(P)/15 8097 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Eemshaven including 9
Entrance to The Ems: Restricted area; Buoy .....................................................
6079(T)/15 207, 208 ............... NETHERLANDS, Nieuwe Waterweg, Oude Maas: Buoyage .......................... 9
235(T)/16 208 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Rotterdam, Nieuwe Maas, Maaskade: Buoyage ................. 9
477(P)/16 8010 ...................... BELGIUM, Port Approach Guide Antwerp: Vertical clearances; Note ............ 9
862(P)/16 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Thyborøn Sydhavn: Works .............................. 9
977(T)/16 3618 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Hooksiel : Restricted area ................................ 9
1128(P)/16 427 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Limfjorden, Salling Sund: Works .................... 9
1475(T)/16 128 ........................ BELGIUM, Westerschelde, Houtdok: Works .................................................... 9
1848(T)/16 207, 8015 ............. NETHERLANDS, Rotterdam, Prinses Arianehaven: Works ............................ 9
1958(T)/16 295, 299 ............... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Gullfaks Oil Field S: Buoy.......................... 6, 13
1977(T)/16 207 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Yangtzekanaal: Buoy........................................................... 9
2223(P)/16 125, 126 ............... NETHERLANDS, North Sea Coast, Bergen aan Zee to Zuider Haaks S and 9
Eierlandsche Gronden: Nature reserves .............................................................
2285(P)/16 8097 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Eemshaven including 9
Entrance to the Ems: Buoy.................................................................................
2386(T)/16 274, 292 ............... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Utsira Ground: Submarine power cable ...... 6, 7
2568(P)/16 1423 ...................... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Nordschillgrund SW or Lower Scruff: 9
Wreck .................................................................................................................
2711(P)/16 128 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Westerschelde: Buoyage ..................................................... 9

BELGIUM - continued
2874(P)/16 1406, 1630, 1872, BELGIUM, Blighbank: Works; Wind farm; Buoyage; Restricted area............. 7, 9
1874, 2449 ...........
2949(T)/16 122, 125 ............... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Approaches to Europoort: Buoyage........... 9
3059(P)/16 8097 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Eemshaven including 9
Entrance to The Ems : Automatic Identification System...................................
3619(T)/16 1406, 1872, 1873, BELGIUM, Oostdyck Anchorage S: Foul ......................................................... 7, 9
2449 ......................
3656(P)/16 8015 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Port Approach Guide Rotterdam Europoort: Dredged areas; 9
Dredged depths; Works ......................................................................................
3703(P)/16 8010 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Port Approach Guide Antwerp: Buoyage ........................... 9
3758(T)/16 124, 8230 ............. NETHERLANDS, Noordzeekanaal, Suezhaven: Works; Restricted area; 9
3792(P)/16 8011....................... NETHERLANDS, Port Approach Guide Vlissingen and Approaches to 9
Antwerp: Buoy ...................................................................................................
3796(P)/16 8135 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Wilhelmshaven: Danger 9
area; Extraction area...........................................................................................
3948(P)/16 8010 ...................... BELGIUM, Port Approach Guide Antwerp: Precautionary areas..................... 9
4090(P)/16 8072 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Cuxhaven: Anchorage area; Depth; Buoyage .. 9
4187(P)/16 8010 ...................... BELGIUM, Port Approach Guide Antwerp, Deurganckdok: Works ................ 9
4204(P)/16 8012 ...................... BELGIUM, Port Approach Guide Zeebrugge with Approaches to 9
Westerschelde: Buoyage; Radar beacon ............................................................
4291(P)/16 1408, 1503, 1504, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Horne & Wren Gas Fields: Works; 7, 9
1631, 2182A ........ Platform..............................................................................................................
4368(P)/16 1632, 1633 ........... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS North Friesland : Obstructions........... 9
4375(T)/16 1872, 1874 ........... BELGIUM, Gootebank NE, Westpit and Bol van Knokke: Fouls..................... 9
4405(T)/16 1422, 1423 ........... DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Horns Rev: Obstructions.................................. 9
4446(T)/16 1631, 1632 ........... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Sean Gas Field E: Platform........................ 9
4470(P)/16 8097 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Eemshaven including 9
Entrance to the Ems: Buoy.................................................................................
4519(T)/16 1423, 1633, 1635, NORTH SEA, German Sector: Measuring instruments; Buoyage .................... 9
1875, 3766, 3767
4643(P)/16 267, 1422, 1423, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Nordschillgrund or Lower Scruff W and 7, 9
2182A, 2182B...... SW: Obstructions ...............................................................................................
4782(P)/16 8011....................... NETHERLANDS, Port Approach Guide Vlissingen and Approaches to 9
Antwerp: Light; Leading line; Legend...............................................................
4987(P)/16 267, 1422, 1423 .. NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Dogger Tail End: Obstructions ................. 7, 9
5088(T)/16 128 ........................ BELGIUM, Antwerp: Moorings; Restricted area .............................................. 9
5160(P)/16 8071 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide The Elbe - Brunsbüttel: 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5181(T)/16 427 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Feggesund, Salling Sund and Hvalpsund: 9
Measuring instruments .......................................................................................
5184(T)/16 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Thyborøn: Measuring instruments................... 9
5370(T)/16 110......................... NETHERLANDS, Westhoofd NW: Buoy ......................................................... 9
5986(P)/16 2, 291, 1239, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Athena Oil Field: Works .................... 6
6071(T)/16 122, 125 ............... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Scheveningen NW: Marine farm; Buoyage 9
6079(T)/16 1872, 1873, 1874 BELGIUM, Wenduinebank SE: Submarine pipeline; Buoy .............................. 9
6099(P)/16 8010 ...................... BELGIUM, Port Approach Guide Antwerp: Radio reporting point.................. 9
6167(T)/16 1873, 1874 ........... NORTH SEA, Belgium: Measuring instruments; Buoyage............................... 9
6187(P)/16 267, 1423, 2182A, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Dogger Tail End W: Wreck ....................... 7, 9
6188(P)/16 1423, 1632, 1633 NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS North Friesland N: Obstructions........ 9
6463(T)/16 1546 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Malzwin: Buoyage; Marine farms; Obstructions................ 9
158(T)/17 124, 125, 8230 .... NETHERLANDS, IJmuiden, Zuidelijke Sluiseiland: Works; Buoyage............ 9
216(P)/17 8230 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Port Approach Guide Amsterdam and IJmuiden: Lights; 9
Works .................................................................................................................

BELGIUM - continued
387(T)/17 110, 124, 125, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector: Measuring instruments; Buoyage .............. 9
1633, 3631 ...........
392(T)/17 420, 8229 ............. DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Esbjerg: Light .................................................. 9
393(T)/17 274 ........................ NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Utsira Ground: Restricted area.................... 7
483(T)/17 274, 2182C........... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Utsira Ground: Buoy ................................... 6, 7
498(T)/17 274, 292 ............... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Utsira Ground: Restricted area.................... 6, 7
614(P)/17 267, 1422, 1423, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Dogger Tail End: Wrecks........................... 7, 9
2182A, 2182B......
727(P)/17 120, 128 ............... NETHERLANDS, Schaar van de Noord: Buoyage; Depths ............................. 9
765(P)/17 110, 122, 1406, NORTH SEA, Belgium to Netherlands: Routeing measures; Area to be 1, 7, 9
1408, 1630, 1872, avoided; Anchorage area....................................................................................
1873, 1874, 2182A,
2449, 5500, 8012
808(P)/17 8015 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Hoek van Holland, Breeddiep: Works; Coastline; Depths; 9
Ferry routes ........................................................................................................
824(T)/17 126 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Approaches to Den Helder, Callantsoog W: Buoy; 9
Submarine pipeline.............................................................................................
993(T)/17 274 ........................ NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Utsira Ground: Precautionary area; Well .... 7
940(P)/12 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Ria de Suances, El Tropiezo to Muelle de Solvay: 17
Beacons; Light-beacons .....................................................................................
3159(T)/12 1104, 2649............ FRANCE, West Coast, Île d’Ouessant Westwards, Little Sole Bank South- 1, 16
westwards: Obstructions ....................................................................................
4345(T)/12 3259 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Approaches to Setúbal, Outăo North-north- 18
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
1154(P)/14 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Approaches to Puerto de Luanco and Puerto de Lastres: 17
Depths; Marina...................................................................................................
4171(T)/14 87, 3634 ............... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Montedor SW: Platform; Automatic Identification 18
System ................................................................................................................
1623(T)/15 2148, 2451, 2613, FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Fécamp: Measuring instrument; 1, 16
2656, 2675 ........... Buoyage..............................................................................................................
2314(T)/15 3257 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Entrance to Rio Lima: Buoy ................................... 18
2341(T)/15 3635, 3636 ........... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Cabo Espichel NW: Data collection buoy............... 18
3240(T)/15 2643, 2646, 2647, FRANCE, North Coast, North Coast to West Coast: Automatic Identification 16, 17
2648, 2663, 2669 Systems ..............................................................................................................
6155(P)/15 3224 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Sines: Depths; Drying height .................................. 18
6526(T)/15 323, 1351, 1892 .. FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Calais: Works; Explosives dumping 1, 16
ground ................................................................................................................
6527(P)/15 2146, 2879 ........... FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Chenal de Rouen: Depths; Buoyage; 16
Spoil ground .......................................................................................................
488(T)/16 3222 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Lisboa, Canal da Siderurgia: Buoyage.................... 18
956(T)/16 323, 1350, 1872, FRANCE, North Coast, Dunkerque Port Ouest: Restricted areas ..................... 1, 9, 16
1873, 8163, 8164
1373(P)/16 83, 89 ................... PORTUGAL, South Coast, Portimão, Ponta Joào de Arens SW: Reef; Buoyage 18
1759(T)/16 3222 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Rio Coina, Siderurgia NW: Buoy ........................... 18
1762(T)/16 3227 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Approaches to Aveiro: Buoy................................... 18
2401(T)/16 3227 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Porto de Aveiro, Canal de Mira: Buoy.................... 18
2473(P)/16 8136 ...................... FRANCE, North Coast, Port Approach Guide Rouen: Maritime limits; 16
Legends; Coastline .............................................................................................
2545(P)/16 2976, 2977, 2979, SPAIN, South West Coast, Río Guadalquivir: Depths; Buoyage; Light- 18
2980 ...................... beacons; Lights...................................................................................................
3270(P)/16 8133 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Baía de Cascais: Anchorage areas .......................... 18
3363(T)/16 1114, 2454, 2613, FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Cherbourg, Cap de la Hague E: Buoy; 1, 16
2656, 2669, 2675, Virtual aid to navigation.....................................................................................
3653 ......................
3365(T)/16 2986 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Approaches to La Loire, Le Pouliguen S: Restricted 17
area; Submarine pipeline....................................................................................

3733(T)/16 323, 1610, 1872, FRANCE, North Coast, Binnen Rattel N: Buoy; Measuring instrument; 1, 7, 9
1873, 2449 ........... Automatic Identification System........................................................................
4746(P)/16 1872, 1873 ........... FRANCE, North Coast, Calais and Dunkerque: Vessel traffic services; Waiting 9
area; Channel limit .............................................................................................
5293(P)/16 2357, 2821, 2822, FRANCE, West Coast, Presqu’ile de Quiberon W: Firing practice areas ......... 17
2823 ......................
5297(P)/16 8137 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Sines: Coastline; Legends; 16
Maritime limit ....................................................................................................
5397(P)/16 8040 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Saint-Nazaire: Lights ................ 17
6026(P)/16 8246 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Brest: Dredged areas; Note ....... 16
6644(P)/16 1114, 2135, 2613. FRANCE, North Coast, Cap Lévi to Pointe de Barfleur: Depths...................... 16
58(T)/17 3224 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Sines: Wind turbine................................................. 18
61(P)/17 8247 ...................... FRANCE, North Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Brest: Automatic 16
Identification Systems ........................................................................................
464(P)/17 8186 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Bayonne: Channel limits; 17
Anchorage area; Note.........................................................................................
497(P)/17 2350, 2356, 3345 FRANCE, West Coast, Iroise: Depths ............................................................... 16
809(P)/17 8164 ...................... FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Dunkerque: Maintained channels; 16
Legends ..............................................................................................................
967(P)/17 3057 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Banc de la Coubre to Banc des Marguerites: Depths; 17
Drying heights ....................................................................................................
1017(T)/17 3220, 3221 ........... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Rio Tejo: Depths .................................................... 18
1018(T)/17 3635, 3636 ........... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Cabo Espichel N: Buoy; Current meter .................. 18
1088(T)/13 219, 245, 1129, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Føroyar South-westwards, North-westwards, 6, 13,15
2182D ................... North-eastwards and South-eastwards: Measuring instruments ........................
1550(T)/14 1689, 1831 ........... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago da Madeira, Baía do Porto Santo, 20
Ilhéu de Cima SE: Data collection buoy ............................................................
2974(T)/14 4407 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Mid-Atlantic Ridge North-westwards: Sub- 82
surface oceanographic buoys and moorings ......................................................
3069(T)/15 1957 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Vila da Praia: Buoy. 19
3647(T)/15 4012, 4013, 4014, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Cape Verde Plateau N and Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 19, 20,82,
4104, 4115, 4216, Buoyage.............................................................................................................. 87
4407 ......................
4392(T)/15 245, 2733, 2734, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Reykjanes Ridge: Measuring instruments; Data 15, 19,76
2897, 2902, 4102, collection buoys .................................................................................................
4112, 4114, 4405.
6575(P)/15 1861, 3133, 3134 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Islas Canarias, El Hierro: Restricted areas ...... 20
2122(T)/16 1690 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Western Sahara, Approaches to Ad Dakhla: 20
Wreck .................................................................................................................
4294(T)/16 4011, 4012, 4013, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Sohm Abyssal Plain: Buoy.............................. 19, 82
4407 ......................
6204(T)/16 3134 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Western Sahara, Península de Rio de Oro NW: 20
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
187(T)/17 311, 529, 709, 716, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, INDIAN 19, 20,34,
721, 827, 829, OCEAN, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN: Data buoys............................................ 35, 36,38,
4104, 4115, 4202, 42, 43,46,
4203, 4209, 4215, 53, 64,87,
4216, 4510, 4702, 89, 92,95
4703, 4706, 4707,
4708, 4714, 4806,
4810 ......................
5175(P)/10 3400 ...................... EGYPT, North Coast, Mersa Mat.rûh.: Coastline ................................................ 24
938(T)/12 2214, 2233 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk South-westwards: Scientific 31
instruments .........................................................................................................

359(T)/13 1701 ...................... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Golfo de San Jorge or de Sant Jordi South- 25
eastwards, Afortunada Oilfield: Buoyage ..........................................................
1947(T)/13 186, 187, 188 ...... ITALY, East Coast, Strait of Otranto: Current meters........................................ 27
2188(T)/13 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, South Coast, Porto di Licata, Darsena Marianello: Piers.......... 24
2500(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Approaches to Livorno, Torre del Boccale to Torre del 26
Romito: Obstructions .........................................................................................
3164(P)/13 1018 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa to Golfo di Napoli — South Coast — Capo 26
Rizzuto and Golfo di Taranto — East Coast — Golfo di Manfredonia and
Promontorio del Gargano to Isole Tremiti — SARDEGNA — East Coast to
North West Coast — SICILIA — North Coast — East Coast: Restricted areas
4821(T)/13 1578 ...................... MONTENEGRO, Kotor: Buoy.......................................................................... 27
4844(T)/13 3312 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Lazarevskoye North-westwards: Measuring 31
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
1149(T)/14 1210 ...................... ITALY, Sardegna, Porto di Arbatax: Works ....................................................... 25
2644(P)/14 2214, 2216, 2217, UKRAINE, Crimean Peninsula: General information....................................... 31
2232, 2233, 2234,
2242 ......................
2905(P)/14 2399 ...................... BULGARIA, Burgas, West Basin SE: Less water............................................. 31
5565(T)/14 2213, 2232, 2282 ROMANIA, Portul Sulina E: Wreck.................................................................. 31
81(T)/15 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch Strait, Kerch-Yenikal Channel, Port Kyrm SE: Depths....... 31
686(P)/15 2408 ...................... GREECE, West Coast, Approaches to Igoumenítsa: Works; Buoyage; 27
Breakwater; Lights .............................................................................................
743(P)/15 3312 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Entrance to Tuapse: Depths ................................... 31
1309(P)/15 1578 ...................... MONTENEGRO, Tivat, Porto Montenegro: Breakwaters; Lights; Pontoons; 27
Works .................................................................................................................
1612(T)/15 908, 914, 915 ...... ITALY, West Coast, Rada di Napoli, Anchorage C3: Foul; Buoy ..................... 26
2111(T)/15 2216, 2233 ........... BLACK SEA, Kerch Strait S: Submarine cable ................................................ 31
2132(P)/15 196, 200, 1443 .... ITALY, East Coast, Pescara E to Isola Pianosa SE: Submarine power cable .... 27
2463(T)/15 1591 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Ashdod: Beacon; Buoyage....................... 30
4368(P)/15 8055 ...................... EGYPT, North Coast, Port Approach Guide Mı- na- Al Iskandarı-yah (Port of 24
Alexandria): Hulks; Legend ...............................................................................
4520(P)/15 8034 ...................... MALTA, Marsaxlokk: Buoyage......................................................................... 24
4685(T)/15 3312 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Sochi: Restricted area; Buoyage ............................ 31
4734(T)/15 953 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Civitavecchia, Container Terminal Westwards: Buoyage . 26
4864(T)/15 91, 142, 773, 1912 MOROCCO, North Coast, Approaches to Tanger: Wreck; Buoyage ................ 18
5084(P)/15 8091 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Ashdod: Pilot 9
boarding place ....................................................................................................
5325(T)/15 183, 4300, 4302 .. CYPRUS, South Coast, Paphos Pt. S: Scientific instruments............................ 24
5662(T)/15 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, RUSSIA, Kerch Strait, Mys Varzovka S to Mys Akhilleon S: 31
Submarine cable .................................................................................................
5717(T)/15 241, 2573, 2578 .. EGYPT, North Coast, Approaches to Port Said: Buoyage; Offshore 24
installations ........................................................................................................
6181(P)/15 8061 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide H _efa (Haifa): 30
Maritime limits; Legends; Light ........................................................................
6224(T)/15 1643 ...................... ITALY, South Coast, Taranto: Restricted area ................................................... 27
6614(P)/15 8121 ...................... TURKEY, İstanbul Boğazi, Port Approach Guide İstanbul: Legend................. 29
6667(P)/15 1442 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Venezia: Works; Breakwaters; Jetties; Dolphins; 27
Unsurveyed areas; Depths; Light-beacon ..........................................................
243(P)/16 8110....................... TURKEY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Nemrut Limanı and Aliağa: Jetty; 29
313(P)/16 8121 ...................... TURKEY, İstanbul Boğazi, Port Approach Guide İstanbul: Automatic 29
Identification System; Radar beacon .................................................................
630(P)/16 8105 ...................... TURKEY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide İzmir: Buoy ............................... 29
817(P)/16 8119....................... TURKEY, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Mersin: Buoy ........................... 30
858(T)/16 2212 ...................... UKRAINE, Dnistrovs’kyy Lyman S: Buoy....................................................... 31
860(T)/16 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, Gela, Porto Isola SE: Obstruction; Restricted area ................... 24
1562(T)/16 1211....................... ITALY, Sardegna, Golfo Pevero: Beacon........................................................... 25
1670(P)/16 8119....................... TURKEY, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Mersin: Buoyage...................... 30

1754(P)/16 8121 ...................... TURKEY, Marmara Denizi, Port Approach Guide İstanbul: Buoy ................... 29
1758(P)/16 8205 ...................... BULGARIA, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Varna: Restricted area; 31
1851(P)/16 3313, 3317 ........... GEORGIA, P’ot’i: Buoyage; Works; Obstructions; Lights; Leading lights...... 31
1875(T)/16 186, 187, 188, ITALY, East Coast, Brindisi: Vessel traffic service............................................ 27
1544, 1545, 8210
1976(P)/16 8148 ...................... TURKEY, South Coast, Port Approach Guide İskenderun: Light; Jetty ........... 30
1978(P)/16 8178 ...................... LEBANON, Port Approach Guide Beyrouth (Beirut): Wrecks......................... 30
2172(P)/16 8213 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Trieste: Restricted area; Works ....... 27
2339(P)/16 8115....................... BULGARIA, Port Approach Guide Burgas: Restricted areas; Legends ........... 31
2423(P)/16 8121 ...................... TURKEY, Marmara Denizi, Port Approach Guide İstanbul : Legend; Pilot 29
boarding place ....................................................................................................
2458(P)/16 8226 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Savona and Vado: Restricted area .. 26
2501(P)/16 8204 ...................... BULGARIA, Port Approach Guide Varna: Dredged depth; Berth; Wreck ....... 31
2585(T)/16 1643 ...................... ITALY, South Coast, Taranto, Mar Piccolo, Pta. Penna S: Buoyage; Restricted 27
area .....................................................................................................................
2640(P)/16 8052 ...................... CYPRUS, South Coast: Marine Reserves.......................................................... 30
2822(T)/16 1194....................... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Cartagena, Muelle de Santa Lucía NW: 25
Works; Buoyage .................................................................................................
2854(T)/16 915, 8235 ............. ITALY, West Coast, Napoli, Canale di Levante, Molo Progresso: Restricted 26
area .....................................................................................................................
3102(P)/16 8213, 8214 ........... SLOVENIA, Debeli Rtič NE: Marine Reserve.................................................. 27
3180(T)/16 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch-Yenikal Channel: Depths..................................................... 31
3181(T)/16 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch-Yenikal Channel and Kerchens’ka Bukhta SW: Buoyage .. 31
3302(T)/16 118......................... ITALY, West Coast, La Spezia, Porto Lotti: Restricted area; Works ................. 26
3306(T)/16 131, 1999 ............. ITALY, West Coast, Porto di Piombino: Lights; Buoy....................................... 25, 26
3469(P)/16 8092 ...................... MOROCCO, North Coast, Port Approach Guide Tanger-Méditerranée: 20
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
3548(T)/16 224, 1004, 1005 .. TURKEY, Marmara Denizi, Çanakkale to İstanbul: Routeing measures .......... 29
3572(P)/16 8198 ...................... FRANCE, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Marseille: Works...................... 25
3817(T)/16 2216, 2242 ........... UKRAINE, Kerch Strait: Works ........................................................................ 31
3840(P)/16 8091 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Ashqelon: Light .... 9
3899(T)/16 194, 2538 ............. MALTA, Marsascala E: Buoyage ...................................................................... 24
4017(T)/16 1211....................... ITALY, Sardegna, Isola Tavolara NE: Wreck; Restricted area .......................... 25
4030(P)/16 2070 ...................... GREECE, Aegean Sea Coast, Thessaloníki: Depths; Works; Buoyage; Wreck; 28
Submarine pipeline; Restricted area...................................................................
4211(T)/16 3318, 8074 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk: Works; Buoyage............................. 31
4427(P)/16 8121 ...................... TURKEY, Marmara Denizi, Port Approach Guide İstanbul: Legend................ 29
4544(T)/16 2242 ...................... BLACK SEA, Kerch Strait, Mys Ak-Burun to Kosa Tuzla: Restricted areas; 31
Works; Buoyage .................................................................................................
4581(P)/16 8243 ...................... CROATIA, Port Approach Guide Rijeka: Seaplane operating areas ................. 27
4586(T)/16 269, 8254 ............. CROATIA, Split, Gradska Luka SE: Works; Buoyage ...................................... 27
4642(P)/16 2212, 2214, 2232, UKRAINE, Odesa S: Legend ............................................................................ 24, 31
2243, 4300 ...........
4667(P)/16 1159, 1198, 8121. TURKEY, İstanbul Boğazi, Tophane: Works; Restricted area........................... 29
4673(P)/16 3313, 3317 ........... GEORGIA, Bat’umi: Anchorage areas; Lights; Buoyage; Submarine pipeline; 31
Anchor berths; Harbour developments ..............................................................
4867(P)/16 8119....................... TURKEY, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Mersin: Buoyage...................... 30
4890(P)/16 8074 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Novorossiysk: Anchorage 31
area .....................................................................................................................
4958(P)/16 141, 8092 ............. MOROCCO, North Coast, Tanger Med 1: Buoyage; Works; Restricted area ... 18, 20
4959(P)/16 8092 ...................... MOROCCO, North Coast, Port Approach Guide Tanger-Méditerranée: 20
Dredged depths; Dredging areas ........................................................................
5012(P)/16 142, 773, 1912 .... MOROCCO, North Coast, Baie de Tanger: Depths; Obstructions; Pilot 18
boarding places; Anchorage areas; Buoy; Restricted area; Maritime limit .......
5013(P)/16 8235 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Napoli (Naples): Floating dock ...... 26
5187(T)/16 118......................... ITALY, West Coast, La Spezia: Buoy ................................................................ 26
5194(T)/16 2216 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Kubanskiy SW: Buoy ............................................ 31

5200(T)/16 497, 8128 ............. TURKEY, Marmara Denizi, İzmit Körfezi: Anchorage areas; Quarantine 29
5251(P)/16 3316, 3318, 8074 RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk: Port developments; Depths; 31
Breakwater; Piers ...............................................................................................
5289(P)/16 8110....................... TURKEY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Nemrut Limanı and Aliağa: 29
Buoyage; Lights; Coastline; Restricted area ......................................................
5398(T)/16 2233 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Approaches to Kerch Strait: Measuring instruments 31
5629(T)/16 954, 8274 ............. ITALY, West Coast, Salerno: Port developments............................................... 26
5640(P)/16 8074 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Novorossiysk: Note ............ 31
5774(P)/16 1445, 1467 ........... ITALY, East Coast, Ravenna: Dredged area ...................................................... 27
5954(P)/16 2247 ...................... FRANCE, South Coast, Rade de Cannes, Île Sainte-Marguerite N and Golfe 25
Juan: Anchorage areas........................................................................................
6057(T)/16 3318, 8074 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk: Works ............................................. 31
6066(P)/16 8034 ...................... MALTA, Port Approach Guide Marsaxlokk: Legend........................................ 24
6307(T)/16 3303 ...................... UKRAINE, Approaches to Port Mariupol’: Buoyage ....................................... 31
6471(P)/16 8061 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide H _efa (Haifa): Buoy 30
6528(T)/16 167, 176, 3403 .... TUNISIA, Cap Afrique E: Offshore installation ............................................... 24
6529(P)/16 8226 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Savona and Vado: Notes................. 26
6572(P)/16 2203 ...................... UKRAINE, Portpunkt Oktyabr’sk: Legend ....................................................... 31
6577(T)/16 2202, 2205, 2212 UKRAINE, Approaches to Port Yuzhnyy: Spoil grounds; Buoyage ................. 31
84(P)/17 3402 ...................... LIBYA, Gulf of Sirte: Anchorage areas; Submarine pipelines; Buoyage; 24
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
96(T)/17 1448, 1455 ........... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Muelle Campamento: Buoyage .................. 18
157(P)/17 8239 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide La Spezia: Note .............................. 26
184(T)/17 2212, 2243 ........... UKRAINE, Approaches to Illichivs’k: Buoy .................................................... 31
189(T)/17 908 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Agropoli NW: Restricted areas.......................................... 26
292(P)/17 8235 ...................... ITALY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Napoli (Naples): Restricted area .... 26
334(P)/17 8110....................... TURKEY, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Nemrut Limanı and Aliağa: 29
Routeing measures .............................................................................................
618(T)/17 2282 ...................... ROMANIA, Approaches to Midia: Buoy .......................................................... 31
639(P)/17 1194....................... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Cartagena : Alongside depths; Fouls; Pier; 25
Works; Depth......................................................................................................
640(P)/17 140, 166, 167, 176, MEDITERRANEAN SEA, Marseille to El Iskandarîya (Alexandria): 24, 25,26,
180, 183, 186, 187, Submarine cable ................................................................................................. 27, 28
188, 302, 1030,
1091, 1092, 1093,
1439, 1440, 1705,
1941, 1974, 1983,
1985, 1990, 2116,
2121, 2122, 2123,
2124, 2574, 2681,
3119, 3400, 3401,
3681 ......................
676(T)/17 201, 204, 269, CROATIA, Otok Brač to Umag: Current meters ............................................... 27
1461, 1574, 2712
725(T)/17 3318 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk: Buoy............................................... 31
802(P)/17 2212, 2243 ........... UKRAINE, Illichivs’k: Lights ........................................................................... 31
823(P)/17 1585 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, H _efa (Haifa): Buoyage; Beacons; Lights; 30
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
863(P)/17 8034 ...................... MALTA, Marsaxlokk: Note ............................................................................... 24
992(P)/17 8009 ...................... FRANCE, South Coast, Golfe de Fos: Radar beacon ........................................ 25
5264(T)/10 614, 623, 625, 686 SIERRA LEONE, Approaches to Freetown Eastwards: Works ........................ 20
4558(P)/11 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Ponta da Moita Seca Westwards, Kizomba A Terminal 34
Southwards: Platforms; Submarine pipelines ....................................................
3064(T)/13 3101 ...................... IVORY COAST, Approaches to Port D’Abidjan : Wreck ................................. 34
3680(T)/13 1362, 3099 ........... IVORY COAST, San-Pédro Southwards: Wreck .............................................. 34

2148(T)/14 1690 ...................... MOROCCO, West Coast, Ad Dakhla, Península de Río de Oro S and SW: 20
Wrecks; Buoy .....................................................................................................
4735(P)/14 607 ........................ SENEGAL, Rivière Saloum, Île Ndar to Guague Mendy: Depths .................... 20
590(P)/15 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Kuito Terminal NW: Submarine pipelines ...................................... 34
3341(T)/15 1000 ...................... SENEGAL, Baie de Gorée: Obstruction............................................................ 20
4221(P)/15 8060 ...................... SENEGAL, Port Approach Guide Dakar Port: Wreck ...................................... 20
4498(T)/15 1664 ...................... SENEGAL, Approaches to Rivière Casamance: Wreck.................................... 20
4753(P)/15 8060 ...................... SENEGAL, Port Approach Guide Dakar: Note................................................. 20
5134(P)/15 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Yombo Terminal N to Kossa 1 Terminal SW: Channels; Submarine 34
pipelines; Submarine cable; Waiting areas.........................................................
5973(P)/15 1322, 1387, 3118, CAMEROON, Cap Debundsha NW, Baie Panavia and Kribi W: Restricted 34
3433 ...................... areas; Anchorage area ........................................................................................
278(P)/16 1595 ...................... SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, São Tomé e Príncipe, São Tomé: Lights; Buoy; 34
Wrecks; Depths; Works......................................................................................
1084(P)/16 8060 ...................... SENEGAL, Port Approach Guide Dakar: Pilot boarding place ........................ 20
2756(P)/16 1688 ...................... MAURITANIA, Baie de TânÎt N and Port de l’Amitié: Jetties; Light .............. 20
2798(P)/16 658 ........................ ANGOLA, Approaches to Soyo, Pululu Channel: Depths; Pontoon................. 34
2856(P)/16 1385, 3118, 3321. NIGERIA, Okan Oilfield to Sonan Gasfield: Submarine pipeline .................... 34
3356(T)/16 3290 ...................... CONGO, Terminal Djeno: Restricted area; Submarine pipeline ....................... 34
3789(P)/16 8096 ...................... NAMIBIA, Port Approach Guide Walvis Bay: Jetty......................................... 34
4227(P)/16 8060 ...................... SENEGAL, Port Approach Guide Dakar: Automatic Identification Systems... 20
4457(P)/16 8192 ...................... GUINEA, Conakry Harbour: Light.................................................................... 20
5148(P)/16 8147 ...................... CONGO, Port Approach Guide Pointe-Noire: Restricted area; Note................ 34
5249(P)/16 863 ........................ MOROCCO, West Coast, Port d’Anza, Port d’Agadir and Approaches: 20
Anchorage area; Buoyage; Coastline; Pilot boarding place; Lights; Works;
Channel limit; Alongside depths; Breakwater; Quays .......................................
5396(P)/16 8096 ...................... NAMIBIA, Port Approach Guide Walvis Bay: Jetty; Works ............................ 34
5902(P)/16 3100, 3101, 3103, IVORY COAST, Port d’Abidjan: Light; Buoy; Works...................................... 34
8035 ......................
6612(P)/16 1661, 1690, 1699 MAURITANIA, Baie de Cansado and Baie du Lévrier: Depths; Obstructions; 20
260(T)/17 1392 ...................... BENIN, Approaches to Cotonou: Buoy............................................................. 34
328(P)/17 3103 ...................... IVORY COAST, Port D’Abidjan, Canal de Vridi and Lagune Ébrié: Jetties; 34
Reclamation area ................................................................................................
465(P)/17 8251 ...................... MOROCCO, West Coast, Approaches to Mohammadia: Buoyage; Restricted 20
875(P)/17 8192 ...................... GUINEA, Conakry: Buoy; Radar beacon; Leading line................................... 20
5452(P)/14 5125, 5126, D 6083 SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Cape Town E, Agulhas Bank and Transkei 0
Basin : Maritime limit ........................................................................................
304(T)/15 646 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Baía de Maputo, Canal da Polana NE: Depth ...................... 36
1102(P)/15 8005 ...................... SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Durban: Restricted area; 35
Dredged area ......................................................................................................
3022(P)/15 8005 ...................... SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Durban: Buoy................ 35
3338(T)/15 4156, 4159 ........... SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Hamburg SE: Current meters......................... 35
5235(T)/15 3795, 3797, 4171 SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Scottburgh NE: Buoy ....................................... 35
5244(T)/15 578, 2095, 4153, SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Mossel Bay and Oribi Oilfield: Platforms; 35
4154, 4155 ........... Buoy ...................................................................................................................
296(T)/16 4150, 4151, 4152 SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Valsbaai, Whittle Rk E: Buoy ........................ 35
1303(P)/16 8027 ...................... KENYA, Port Approach Guide Mombasa: Legend ........................................... 36
1579(P)/16 865 ........................ TANZANIA, Sudi, Madjovi Rocks NE to Kisewa Jamada N: Depths.............. 36
1870(T)/16 4158, 8021 ........... SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Port Elizabeth: Dredged depths ..................... 35
2226(T)/16 4173, 4174, 8019 SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Richards Bay Harbour: Depths ........................ 35
2283(T)/16 1846, 8025 ........... SOUTH AFRICA, West Coast, Cape Town, Duncan Dock and Ben Schoeman 35
Dock: Depths; Dredged depths ..........................................................................
2427(T)/16 4162 ...................... SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, East London: Depths...................................... 35
2950(T)/16 643, 8005 ............. SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Durban Harbour: Depths; Dredged depths....... 35

3014(T)/16 690, 1032, 2927, TANZANIA, Mafia Island to Mtwara: Buoyage; Measuring instruments ........ 36
2929, 2949, 3877
3057(P)/16 8027 ...................... KENYA, Ras Serani SE: Buoy........................................................................... 36
3846(P)/16 2758 ...................... MOZAMBIQUE, Porto da Beira, Canal do Macuti and Canal Rambler: Depths 36
4132(T)/16 578, 4153 ............. SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Oribi and Oryx Oilfields SE: Current meters 35
4602(T)/16 1922, 4150, 4151, SOUTH AFRICA, West Coast, Valsbaai: Obstructions..................................... 35
4152 ......................
123(P)/17 644, 646, 8037 .... MOZAMBIQUE, Porto de Maputo and Approaches: Channel limits; Dredged 36
area; Dredged depths; Buoyage .........................................................................
320(T)/17 644, 646 ............... MOZAMBIQUE, Approaches to Maputo: Leading lights ................................ 36
515(P)/17 8037 ...................... MOZAMBIQUE, Maputo: Note ........................................................................ 36
1030(P)/12 2132, 2373 ........... EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Wâdi Feirân Terminal, Berth No 2: Buoyage............. 32
413(T)/13 542 ........................ YEMEN, Approaches to Port of ¸Hudaydah: Wreck .......................................... 32
2035(T)/13 2884 ...................... IRAN, Ra’s-e Tanb South-westwards: Wreck; Buoy......................................... 40
2960(T)/13 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), The World Project South- 40
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
3234(T)/13 1229 ...................... IRAQ, ¸Hadd Warbah, Khawr ’Abd Alla- h: Wreck ............................................. 40
4678(T)/13 3523 ...................... OMAN, Gulf of Oman, Approaches to Wuda- m, As Suwayq North-westwards: 40
Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
3212(P)/14 2443, 2444, 2886, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jabal az. Z.annah (Jabal Dhanna) NE: Vessel 40
2887, 2889, 3177, traffic service......................................................................................................
3178, 3179, 3413,
3780, 3951 ...........
5236(T)/14 2523, 2883, 2886, QATAR, Ra’s Laffan NW & E, Ra’s al ’Ila- j, Jazı- rat Shara- ’iwah S: Buoyage ... 40
2887, 3950 ...........
326(T)/15 3734, 3736, 3737 BAHRAIN, Mı- na- ’ Salma- n and Approaches: Works; Depths ............................ 40
657(P)/15 3736 ...................... BAHRAIN, Approaches to Mı- na- Salma- n, Qaşşa- r an Qulay’ah NW: Submarine 40
pipeline ...............................................................................................................
856(T)/15 1235, 1265, 2847, ARABIA, Khawr al Kafka: Buoyage................................................................. 40
2858, 2882, 2884,
3773 ......................
1279(T)/15 2523, 2837, 2847, QATAR, Approaches to Ra’s Laffa- n: Buoy ....................................................... 40
2886, 3772, 3950
1773(P)/15 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jebel Ali (Mı- na- ’ Jabal ’Alı- ), Palm Jumeirah 40

SW: Works; Restricted area; Buoyage ...............................................................

2091(P)/15 3777, 3788, 3790, SAUDI ARABIA, East Coast, Approaches to Ad Damma- m (Mı- na- al Malik 40
3812 ...................... ’Abd al ’Azı- z): Dredged areas; Buoyage; Works ..............................................
2573(P)/15 3787, 3950 ........... QATAR, Approaches to Mesaieed, Ra’s al ’Ila- j NE: Works; Buoyage ............. 40
2694(P)/15 2444, 2523, 2886, QATAR, Ra‘s Laffa- n to Jazı- rat ¸Ha- lu- l: Submarine cable ................................... 40
2887, 2889, 3413,
3772, 3950 ...........
3708(T)/15 333, 2374 ............. EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Tor Bank W: Platform; Buoy...................................... 32
3749(P)/15 8043 ...................... BAHRAIN, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Bahrain: Vessel traffic 40
service ................................................................................................................
4727(P)/15 1214, 3773 ........... KUWAIT, Approaches to Mı- na- ’ ash Shuwaykh: Works.................................... 40
4761(P)/15 8029 ...................... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Jeddah (Mı- na- ’ Al 32
Jiddah): Note ......................................................................................................
5265(P)/15 15 .......................... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Northern Approaches to Jı- za- n: Port 32
5557(P)/15 2896 ...................... OMAN, Port Salalah: Breakwater; Buoy; Lights .............................................. 32
5640(T)/15 3738, 3761, 3786, BAHRAIN, Juzur Amwaj NE: Buoy ................................................................. 40
3788, 3790 ...........
5692(P)/15 2523, 2837, 2847, QATAR, Al Shaheen Oilfield W: Submarine cables.......................................... 40
2883, 2886 ...........

11. RED SEA, ARABIA, IRAQ AND IRAN - continued
6055(P)/15 2847, 2882, 3775 SAUDI ARABIA, East Coast, Ra’s al Khair Port: Port developments ............. 40
40(T)/16 333, 2374 ............. EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Morgan Oilfield: Radar beacon .................................. 32
321(T)/16 3174, 3404 ........... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Saqr Port (Mı- na- Saqr) NW: Buoy .................... 40
403(P)/16 2523, 2837, 2847, QATAR, Ra‘s Laffa- n to Al Shaheen Oilfield: Submarine pipelines.................. 40
2883, 2886, 2887,
3772, 3950 ...........
500(P)/16 8106 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Port Approach Guide Abu Dhabi (Abu- Zaby): 40
Light ...................................................................................................................
798(T)/16 2523, 2837, 2858, IRAN, Cable Bank: Buoy .................................................................................. 40
2883, 2886, 2887
1012(P)/16 8106 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Abu Dhabi (Abu- Zaby), Sa- s al Nakhl Channel 40
(Khawr al Bigha- l): Vertical clearance ................................................................
1182(T)/16 333, 2374 ............. EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Badri Oilfield: Platform; Light................................... 32
1625(P)/16 240, 241, 2133, EGYPT, Suez Canal, Port Said NE to Port Suez S: Works; Depths; Port 24, 32
2578 ...................... development; Anchor berths; Dredged area.......................................................
2142(P)/16 8042 ...................... BAHRAIN, Port Approach Guide Bahrain: Light ............................................. 40
2221(T)/16 3734, 3736, 3737 BAHRAIN, Port of Bahrain: Buoyage............................................................... 40
2364(P)/16 263 ........................ DJIBOUTI, Port of Djibouti, Doraleh N: Works ............................................... 32
2734(T)/16 1228 ...................... IRAQ, Az Zubayr: Depths ................................................................................. 40
2736(P)/16 3734, 3736, 3737, BAHRAIN, Port of Sitrah: Reclamation areas; Dredging areas ........................ 40
3738, 8042, 8043
2796(T)/16 1223, 2882, 2884, KUWAIT, Mı- na- ’ Az Zawr (Mı- na- ’ Sa’u- d) - Mı- na- ’ Az Zawr (Mı- na- ’ Sa’u- d): 40
3773, 3774 ........... Restricted area; Buoyage....................................................................................
2826(P)/16 6, 2895, 2896, GULF OF ADEN, Oman and Somalia, Port Salalah to Boosaaso and Berbera: 32
2970, 3530, 3784, Submarine cables ...............................................................................................
3785 ......................
2970(T)/16 2889, 3179, 3951 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jazı- rat Arzanah SE and Jazı- rat Dalma- E: Buoy; 40
4281(P)/16 63, 2659 ............... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Northern and Southern Approaches to King 32
Abdullah Port: Harbour developments; Depths .................................................
4346(T)/16 2441, 2837, 2887 IRAN, Jazı- reh-ye Tonb-e Bozorg SE: Buoy ...................................................... 40
4426(P)/16 158, 2658, 2659 .. SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, SW Approaches to Jeddah (Mı- na- ’ al 32
Jiddah): Depths...................................................................................................
4492(P)/16 11, 1268, 2847, IRAN, Hendı- ja- n Oilfield to Foroozan Oilfield, and Jazı- reh-Ye Kha- rk: 40
2882, 2884, 3774 Platforms; Submarine cables; Submarine pipelines...........................................
4526(P)/16 8221 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Port Approach Guide Ar Ru’ays (Ruwais) and 40
Jabal Az. Z.annah (Jabal Dhanna): Recommended track; Buoy; Automatic
Identification System .........................................................................................
4627(P)/16 2577, 2599, 2658, SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Jeddah (Mı-na- ’Al Jiddah) and approaches: 32
2659 ...................... Depths; Wrecks; Obstruction; Beacons; Buoyage; Anchorage areas ................
4709(P)/16 8221 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Port Approach Guide Ar Ru’ays (Ruwais) and 40
Jabal Az Zannah (Jabal Dhanna): Dredged area; Buoyage; Swinging circle ....
4845(T)/16 63, 2659 ............... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Approaches to King Abdullah Port: Lights 32
4850(P)/16 3752, 8253 ........... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Approaches to Khalifa Port: Works.................. 40
5105(P)/16 15, 16 ................... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Approaches to Jı- za- n: Depths; Wrecks; 32
Submarine pipeline; Rocks; Coral .....................................................................
5204(P)/16 Q 6099 ................... ARABIAN SEA, MARITIME SECURITY CHARTS - PERSIAN GULF 0
AND ARABIAN SEA: General information.....................................................
5214(T)/16 1223, 2847, 2884, KUWAIT, Mı- na- ’ ’Abd Alla- h: Submarine cables ............................................... 40
3773 ......................
5628(P)/16 2523, 2837, 2847, QATAR, North Field (Alpha) Gasfield, Barzan-1: Submarine pipelines........... 40
2858, 2883, 2886
5929(P)/16 2444 ...................... QATAR, Bul Hanine Oilfield: Platforms ........................................................... 40
6029(P)/16 8088 ...................... SAUDI ARABIA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Ra’s Tannu- rah and Ra’s 32
Al Ju’aymah: Platform .......................................................................................

11. RED SEA, ARABIA, IRAQ AND IRAN - continued
6310(P)/16 8106 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Port Approach Guide Abu Dhabi (Abu- Zaby): 40
Buoy; Automatic Identification System; Radar beacon.....................................
6626(P)/16 8221 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Port Approach Guide Ar Ru’ays (Ruwais) and 40
Jabal Az. Z.annah (Jabal Dhanna): Buoy.............................................................
227(P)/17 12 .......................... SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Port of Duba- : Depths; Obstruction; Dredged 32
322(P)/17 3773, 3774 ........... KUWAIT, Mı- na- ’ az Zawr SE: Breakwater; Lights; Buoyage............................ 40
355(P)/17 6, 143, 157, 158, RED SEA, Gulf of Aden to Ra’s az Za’fara- nah: Submarine cables .................. 32
159, 327, 333, 452,
453, 542, 1925,
1926, 2373, 2374,
2375, 3661 ...........
576(P)/17 2444, 2523, 2837, QATAR, Mesaieed to Jazı- rat ¸Ha- lu- l, QATAR - Jazı- rat ¸Ha- lu- l to BAHRAIN - Mı- 40
2847, 2886, 2887,
na- ’ Salma- n: Submarine cables; Works...............................................................
2889, 3413, 3734,
3736, 3737, 3738,
3759, 3760, 3761,
3786, 3787, 3788,
3789, 3790, 3950
706(P)/17 2889, 3179, 3780, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jabal Az Zannah and Ar Ru’ays: Channels; 40
3951, 8221 ........... Buoyage; Pilot boarding place; Anchorage area ................................................
861(P)/17 2443, 2837, 2889, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Zirku- to Saath ar Rasboot Oilfield: Submarine 40
3178, 3179 ........... cables; Works .....................................................................................................
866(P)/17 2577, 2599, 2658 SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Jeddah (Mı- na- ’Al Jiddah), Al ¸Harı- q: Depth 32
4002(P)/12 569 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Krishna- patnam Port: Port developments ........................... 43
874(T)/13 40, 58 ................... PAKISTAN, Approaches to Karachi Harbour, New Manora Breakwater and 41
Manora Breakwater: Lights................................................................................
1396(T)/13 319, 828, 829 ...... INDIA, East Coast, Visha- khapatnam Southwards: Obstruction ........................ 42, 43
4428(P)/13 1487, 2622, 2736 INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay): Radio reporting line . 41
4867(T)/13 38 .......................... PAKISTAN, Gwa- dar, West Bay and Orma- ra Westwards: Islets........................ 41
2442(P)/14 670, 3466 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Approaches to Navlakhi: Buoyage ...... 41
5483(T)/14 823, 830 ............... BURMA, Approaches to the Mouths of the Ayeyarwady, Baragua Flats SE: 43, 45
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
662(T)/15 90, 817, 829 ........ BANGLADESH, Elephant Point SW: Wreck.................................................... 43
1106(P)/15 317, 318, 319, 320, INDIA, East Coast, West Coast, Pa- ra- dip to Gulf of Khambha- t: Automatic 41, 42,43
321, 814, 1486, Identification Systems ........................................................................................
1487, 1508, 1509,
1564, 1565, 1566,
1584, 1586, 1587,
2069 ......................
1255(T)/15 492, 1509 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Panaji, Aguada W: Restricted area ........... 41
2044(T)/15 523, 524 ............... INDIA, West Coast, Port of Okha: Buoyage ..................................................... 41
2046(T)/15 243, 244 ............... INDIA, East Coast, Approaches to Visha- khapatnam: Buoy.............................. 43
2290(T)/15 2760, 4070, 4071, INDIAN OCEAN, Sumatera: Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................ 35, 42,46
4073, 4707 ...........
3224(P)/15 1488 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Port Pı- pa- va- v: Dredging area ............................................. 41
3337(P)/15 8032 ...................... PAKISTAN, Port Approach Guide Karachi: Light ............................................ 41
3588(T)/15 825, 840, 842, INDIA, East Coast, Andaman Sea, North Andaman Island Eastwards to Great 42, 43,45
1398, 1419, 3904 Nicobar Island Eastwards: Buoyage ..................................................................
4109(T)/15 1487, 2622 ........... INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay): Obstructions ............. 41
4283(T)/15 3460 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Porbandar: Jetty; Obstructions.......................................... 41
5316(T)/15 1566 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Kovalam Point SE: Marine farm ...................................... 41
534(P)/16 682, 3466 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Kandla: Depths; Drying heights; Buoyage; 41
Recommended track; Lights; Leading line; Platform; Port developments;

631(T)/16 817, 818, 823, 829, BURMA, Manaung (Cheduba) Island N, W and S, Cape Negrais NW: Works 43, 45
830 ........................
955(T)/16 39, 524, 682, 1465, INDIA, West Coast, Okha W: Buoy .................................................................. 41
1466 ......................
1003(T)/16 492, 1509 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Mormugao and approaches: Dredging areas; Spoil 41
grounds ...............................................................................................................
1332(T)/16 1495 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, La Réunion, Saint-Gilles Les Bains: Buoyage.................... 38
1757(P)/16 651 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Mundra Port: Works.......................................................... 41
1922(T)/16 817, 818, 829 ...... BURMA, Paton Peninsula: Offshore installations............................................. 43
1939(P)/16 8166 ...................... BANGLADESH, Approaches to Chittagong, Patenga Point NW: Wreck; Buoy 43
2008(P)/16 682, 699 ............... INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Sikka Creek and Reliance Tanker 41
Berths: Buoyage; Leading line; Restricted area; Depth .....................................
2693(T)/16 90 .......................... BANGLADESH, Kutubdia Channel: Works ..................................................... 43
2907(T)/16 318, 319, 320, 829, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal: Obstructions.............................................. 43
2069 ......................
2944(P)/16 8022 ...................... SRI LANKA, West Coast, Colombo Harbour: Works....................................... 42
3203(T)/16 59, 8180 ............... PAKISTAN, Port Muhammad Bin Qasim: Berths ............................................. 41
3443(P)/16 2622 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Jawahar Lal Nehru Port and Trombay: Leading lights; 41
Maintained channels; Dredged areas; Port developments; Harbour limits;
3444(P)/16 2622 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Port of Mumbai (Bombay) and Approaches: Buoyage; 41
Beacons; Leading line; Pilot boarding place; Anchorage areas.........................
4347(P)/16 2622 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Port of Mumbai (Bombay) and Approaches: Buoyage; 41
Maintained channel; Leading line; Light-beacons .............................................
4552(P)/16 3323 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, Maldives, Male’ to Hulule: Works; Bridge......................... 42
4604(T)/16 815, 816, 1583, SRI LANKA, East Coast, Trincomalee SW: Light............................................ 42
1584 ......................
4622(P)/16 8022 ...................... SRI LANKA, West Coast, Colombo Harbour: Lights ....................................... 42
4671(P)/16 3465, 3473 ........... INDIA, West Coast, Ha- zira: Dredged area ........................................................ 41
5063(T)/16 38, 39, 58 ............ PAKISTAN, Approaches to Karachi, Buleji Pt. S: Wreck................................. 41
5089(P)/16 575 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Approaches to Ka- kina- da and Karaikal: Pilot boarding 43
place; Buoyage; Depths; Maintained channels; Works; Lights; Breakwaters ...
5107(T)/16 492, 707, 708, 709, INDIA, West Coast, Arabian Sea: Data buoys................................................... 32, 41,42
1509, 2736, 2738,
4703, 4705, 4706,
4707 ......................
5147(T)/16 317, 571, 573, 825, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea: Buoyage............................ 42, 43,45
827, 828, 829, 830,
840, 1398, 2069,
4706, 4707 ...........
5300(T)/16 1495 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, La Réunion, Port Réunion (Pointe des Galets): Works; 38
5529(P)/16 3264 ...................... SRI LANKA, South Coast, Hambantota: Works; Breakwater; Coastline; 42
5682(T)/16 575 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Pondicherry Anchorage: Measuring instrument ................ 43
5797(P)/16 538 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Pa- ra- dip: Lights in line; Coastline; Jetty; Dredged depth ... 43
5932(P)/16 823, 826, 833 ...... BURMA, Approaches to Yangon (Rangoon) River: Recommended route; 43
Lights; Depths; Coastline; Port developments...................................................
6059(P)/16 2756, 2757, 3895 INDIAN OCEAN, Comores, Mayotte N and Anjouan NW: Submarine cables 36
6258(P)/16 3700, 8022 ........... SRI LANKA, West Coast, Colombo Harbour: Lights; Works........................... 42
6388(P)/16 84, 90, 829, 8166 BANGLADESH, Approaches to Chittagong: Depths; Wrecks; Buoyage; 43
Submarine pipeline; Jetties; Lights; Automatic Identification Systems;
Beacons; Tidal gauge; Radiobeacons.................................................................
332(P)/17 576 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Tuticorin Harbour: Port developments; Overhead 42
transporter; Dredged depths; Pilot boarding place; Buoy; Wrecks....................
463(P)/17 33, 38 ................... PAKISTAN, Gwadar Deep Water Port : Depths; Lights.................................... 41

826(T)/17 707, 708, 709, 828, INDIA, West Coast, Vera- val to Cape Comorin : Obstructions .......................... 41, 42
1474, 1509, 1565,
1587, 2736, 2738
888(P)/17 6, 12, 15, 143, 157, INDIAN OCEAN, Gulf of Suez to Malacca Strait: Submarine cable ............... 32, 40,41,
158, 159, 164, 253, 42, 43,45,
263, 264, 333, 452, 46
453, 707, 708, 709,
818, 827, 830, 840,
1366, 1487, 1508,
1925, 2373, 2374,
2375, 2441, 2622,
2658, 2659, 2736,
2738, 2760, 2970,
3661, 3784, 3900,
3904, 3943, 3944,
4703, 4705, 4706,
4707 ......................
954(T)/17 1565, 1566, IN 2004 INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Kochi: Buoy.............................................. 41
975(T)/17 84, 90, 8166 ........ BANGLADESH, Kutubdia Island W: Works; Restricted area .......................... 43
3962(T)/13 2403, 3831 ........... SINGAPORE STRAIT, Middle Channel, Middle Rocks Westwards: Works ... 45
4318(T)/13 2403, 3937, 3949 INDONESIA, Sumatera, Selat Riau, Pulau Batam, Tanjung Turut Eastwards 45, 46
and North-eastwards: Light-beacon; Buoy ........................................................
4345(P)/13 937, 1962, 2347, SINGAPORE, BRUNEI, PHILIPPINES, HONG KONG, CHINA, JAPAN: 47, 50,53,
3488, 4509, 4510 Submarine cables ............................................................................................... 57
564(T)/14 2139, 3940, 3945, MALACCA STRAIT, Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) N: Buoy; Wreck 45
3946 ......................
4672(T)/14 2403, 3831, 4042 SINGAPORE STRAIT, Johor S: Buoy.............................................................. 45
707(T)/15 2139, 3901, 3902, MALACCA STRAIT, Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank): Wreck............ 45
3940, 3945, 3946
708(T)/15 3902, 3946 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Tanjung Tuan South- 45
eastwards: Buoy; Wreck.....................................................................................
710(P)/15 1312, 1789, 2403, INDONESIA, Sumatera, Selat Durian to Muara-Muara Sungai Reteh: 45, 46
3902, 3948 ........... Submarine cable .................................................................................................
4112(T)/15 2403, 3833, 4039 SINGAPORE STRAIT, Pulau Cula W: Buoy.................................................... 45
4281(P)/15 14, 46, 48, 51, 80, SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, BRUNEI, PHILIPPINES, 26, 45,46,
1420, 1789, 1844, General information ........................................................................................... 58, 60,89,
1947, 2056, 2403, 90
2785, 2862, 2873,
2876, 2915, 2936,
3125, 3237, 3446,
3471, 3706, 3831,
3833, 3937, 3948,
3949, 4039, 4042,
4117, 4416, 4417,
4950, 4951, 4952,
4955 ......................
5099(P)/15 3833 ...................... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas 45
and approaches: Depths; Dredged areas; Breakwaters; Buoyage ......................
6135(T)/15 2403, 3833, 4039, SINGAPORE STRAIT, Nipa Transit : Buoyage ............................................... 45
4040 ......................
470(T)/16 3833, 4038, 4044 MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Tanjung Pelepas SE and Johor 45
Bahru: Reclamation areas ..................................................................................
1030(T)/16 1140, 3946............ MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Malacca Strait E: Obstruction 45
1132(P)/16 4030, 4031, 4033, SINGAPORE, Temasek Fairway and West Jurong Channel: Reclamation 45
4038, 4040 ........... areas; Buoyage ...................................................................................................

2315(P)/16 3901, 3944 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Selat Manjung (Selat 45
Dinding), Sungai Manjung (Sungai Dinding) and Approaches : Dredged areas;
Depths; Buoy......................................................................................................
2677(T)/16 2152, 2155, 8232 MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Pelabuhan Klang, Tanjung 45
Bakar NE: Wreck; Buoy.....................................................................................
2678(T)/16 2152, 2155, 8232 MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Pelabuhan Utara: Wrecks...... 45
2679(T)/16 2139, 3902, 3946, MALACCA STRAIT, Tanjung Ru S: Wreck; Buoyage .................................... 45
8233 ......................
4467(P)/16 8107 ...................... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Pinang: 45
Light; Note .........................................................................................................
5717(P)/16 1141....................... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Melaka W: Works ................. 45
6106(P)/16 8175 ...................... SINGAPORE, Port Approach Guide Singapore: Dredged depths..................... 45
6395(P)/16 3471, 3476 ........... INDONESIA, Sumatera, East Coast, Sungai Palembang: Lights; Leading 46
lines; Light-beacons; Depths; Radar beacon......................................................
6647(P)/16 8175 ...................... SINGAPORE, Port Approach Guide to Singapore: Dredged depth .................. 45
327(T)/17 4034 ...................... SINGAPORE, Pasir Panjang Terminal NW: Works .......................................... 45
366(P)/17 3946, 3947 ........... MALACCA STRAIT, Pulau-Pulau Aruah to Sinapore Strait: Submarine cables 45
394(P)/17 8232, 8233 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Approaches to Pelabuhan 45
Klang: Dredged depth ........................................................................................
460(P)/17 1788 ...................... INDONESIA, Sumatera, Pelabuhan Pangkalbalam: Depths; Drying height..... 46
2855(T)/06 1251 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Approaches to Dadong Shuidao: Restricted area.. 52
5172(T)/10 341, 937, 1555, CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Hong Kong, Dangan Shuidao, Po Toi 47, 50
1962, 3026, 4127 South-westwards: Obstruction ...........................................................................
3997(T)/12 341, 3026 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Macao East-south-eastwards, Qingzhou Shuidao, 47, 50
Qingsan Men: Light-beacons .............................................................................
3079(T)/13 1059 ...................... VIETNAM, Song Thi Vai, Posco Port Westwards: Buoyage ............................ 47
5038(T)/13 2619 ...................... TAIWAN, North Coast, Chi-Lung, Ho-p’ing Tao, Chien-shan Pi South- 50
eastwards: Scientific instrument ........................................................................
5137(T)/13 2409 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, T’ai-nan South-westwards, An-p’ing Kang: Buoyage . 50
5403(T)/13 1555, 3488, 3489, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Southern Approaches to Hong Kong, Wenwei Zhou SE: 47, 48
4508 ...................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
57(T)/14 1199....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Approaches to Huangze Yang, 50
Dongbanyang Jiao SW: Buoy ............................................................................
222(T)/14 937, 1555, 1962 .. CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Daya Wan, Qing Zhou SE and Sanmen 47, 50
Fairway S: Spoil grounds ...................................................................................
1418(P)/14 66, 2414, 2426, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Songkhla to Kakap Natuna Oilfield NE: Submarine 47
3482, 3961 ........... cable ...................................................................................................................
1804(P)/14 1281 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang, Taiyang Sha E: Beacon... 52
3648(T)/14 1760, 1968, 2409 TAIWAN, West Coast, P’eng-Hu Kang-Tao, P’eng-Hu Tao, Li-cheng Chiao to 50
Chin-hu SW: Submarine cable ...........................................................................
4264(T)/14 3489 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Pratas Island SW: Buoy ................................................ 48
4317(T)/14 3489, 4508 ........... SOUTH CHINA SEA, South China Basin, Macclesfield NE: Buoy ................ 47, 48
4410(T)/14 3884 ...................... VIETNAM, East Coast, Da Nang, Ban Dao Son Tra N: Buoy.......................... 47
4465(T)/14 3489, 4410, 4509 TAIWAN, Luzon Strait, Philippine Sea, Batan Islands E: Buoy ....................... 48, 57
5163(P)/14 3449 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Xiamen Dao, Xiamen Gang and 50
Approaches: Fairway; Works; Port developments; Depths................................
5218(T)/14 67, 2414, 3965 .... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Prachuap Khiri Khan E: Platforms ....... 47
518(T)/15 2653 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Bohai Wan, Approaches to Tianjin Gang: Obstruction.......... 52
650(T)/15 1286, 1287 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Approaches to Yingkou, Xi Tan N: Restricted area............... 52
737(T)/15 66, 3961 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Songkhla approach: Wreck................... 47
1751(P)/15 1604, 1605 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Tongzhousha Shuidao, Langshan Sha N: Wrecks ............ 50
2488(P)/15 4129 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Lingding Yang: Depths .................................................. 50
2676(T)/15 1261 ...................... VIETNAM, Mouths of the Mekong River, Cua Ham Luong E: Wreck ............ 47
3273(T)/15 66, 2426, 3961 .... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ko Losin NW: Wreck ........................... 47
3275(T)/15 2403, 3831, 4042 MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast, Johor SE: Buoy ...................... 45
3276(P)/15 2618 ...................... TAIWAN, T’ai-Chung: Depths .......................................................................... 50

3747(T)/15 1281 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang, Taiyang Sha S: Buoy ...... 52
3848(T)/15 4122, 4123 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Urmston Road S: Works............................ 47, 50
3857(T)/15 1130....................... CHINA, East Coast, Menkou Gang: Works....................................................... 50
4501(T)/15 341, 343, 4129 .... CHINA, South Coast, Longgu West Fairway: Buoy ......................................... 47
4606(T)/15 2412, 3480 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Shanghai E: Superbuoy .................................................... 52, 53
5021(T)/15 341, 343, 3026 .... CHINA, South Coast, Lingding Yang: Buoyage; Automatic Identification 47, 50
Systems; Radar beacons .....................................................................................
5071(P)/15 3449 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Xiamen Gang: Precautionary areas .................................. 50
5342(P)/15 8053 ...................... TAIWAN, Port Approach Guide Kaohsiung: Radar beacon.............................. 50
5355(T)/15 1059 ...................... VIETNAM, Song Thi Vai: Dredged area........................................................... 47
5824(P)/15 1318, 8130 ........... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantai Gang: Breakwater; Depths ......................... 52
5836(P)/15 739 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Lianyungang , Xugou Hangdao : Port 52
developments; Depths ........................................................................................
6200(T)/15 1962, 1968 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Nanpeng Liedao SW: Buoy ........................................... 50
6242(T)/15 343, 3026 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Lingding Shuidao: Wreck .............................................. 47, 50
6450(T)/15 1304 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Huibie Yang: Wreck ......................................................... 50
6501(T)/15 2410 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Min Jiang: Light-beacon; Radar beacon; 50
Virtual aid to navigation.....................................................................................
6597(P)/15 1250, 1255, 1263, CHINA, Bo Hai, Approaches to Longkou Gang: Recommended route ............ 52
1294 ......................
6668(P)/15 1379, 3445, 3446 MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast, Kuantan Port and Approaches: 47
Breakwater; Works; Buoyage; Extraction area ..................................................
6690(T)/15 3890 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Xinliao Dao NE: Virtual aid to navigation..................... 47
73(T)/16 1249, 1250, 8141 CHINA, Bo Hai, Jingtang SE: Offshore installation ......................................... 52
144(T)/16 1304 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Waidiao Shan W: Works................................................... 50
379(P)/16 8141 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Bohai Wan: Anchorage areas; Legends 52
535(T)/16 1760, 1792, 1962, TAIWAN STRAIT, Nan’ao Dao SE: Virtual aid to navigation ......................... 50
1968 ......................
608(T)/16 4123 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Black Point NE: Works ............................. 50
821(P)/16 8167 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Guanhe Kou N: Wreck .......................................... 52
877(P)/16 1254, 1256, 1289, CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Shidao E: Precautionary area ................................ 52
3480 ......................
1013(P)/16 8155 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Bayuquan and 52
Xianrendao: Buoyage; Radar beacon.................................................................
1123(P)/16 94, 1962, 1968, CHINA, South Coast, Zhentou Yan S to Macclesfield Bank NE: Submarine 47, 48,50
3026, 3489 ........... cables..................................................................................................................
1130(T)/16 1557, 8114............ CHINA, South Coast, Zhuhai Gang and Gaolan Gangqu: Buoyage ................. 47
1143(T)/16 1126, 1759, 2412. CHINA, East Coast, Xiazhi Men SE: Buoyage ................................................. 50, 53
1152(T)/16 343, 349 ............... CHINA, South Coast, Longxue Shuidao: Wreck............................................... 47
1271(T)/16 1304 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Cezi Dao S: Works ........................................................... 50
1290(P)/16 1761, 1968, 2024, EASTERN CHINA SEA, Taiwan to Nansei Shoto: Submarine cable; Works .. 50, 53
2412, 3236, 3237,
3658 ......................
1352(T)/16 2412, 3236 ........... EASTERN CHINA SEA, Senkaku Shoto- North-westwards: Data collection 50, 53
1405(P)/16 1760, 1793, 1799, CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Shantou and Chaozhou Gang: Depths; 50
1962 ...................... Bridge; Pilot boarding places; Rock ..................................................................
1407(T)/16 2103, 3879, 3967 GULF OF THAILAND, Cambodia, Approaches to Kampong Saom, Kas Tang 47
North-eastwards: Platform .................................................................................
1459(T)/16 4118....................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Hung Hom Fairway: Works ...................... 50
1873(T)/16 2410, 2411............ CHINA, East Coast, Min Jiang, Jinpai Men: Virtual aid to navigation ............. 50
1874(P)/16 8155 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Bayuquan and 52
Xianrendao: Obstructions...................................................................................
2148(T)/16 986, 1046, 3965, THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Laem Chabang Port W: Buoy; Wreck .. 47
8083 ......................
2248(P)/16 66, 2414, 2426, GULF OF THAILAND, Songkhla to Muda Field E: Submarine cable ............ 47
3482, 3961, 3985
2284(T)/16 1256, 3480 ........... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Chengshan Jiao SE: Buoy ..................................... 52

2288(P)/16 344 ........................ CHINA, South Coast, Dahu Shan SW: Buoyage............................................... 47
2510(T)/16 1304, 1305 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Xiushan Dao N: Works ..................... 50
2513(T)/16 1304 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Zhoushan Dao W: Works .................. 50
2520(T)/16 1305, 1306 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Qushan Dao E: Works ....................... 50
2696(P)/16 8124 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Chang Jiang - Baoshan, Taicang and 50
Changshu Port: Note ..........................................................................................
2737(P)/16 8167 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Rizhao, 52
Lanshan and Lianyungang: Wreck.....................................................................
2748(P)/16 806 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Shijiu Gangqu: Depths .......................................... 52
2801(P)/16 8168 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Rizhao: Note ...................... 52
2824(T)/16 3483, 3488 ........... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Tizard Bank, Gaven Reefs S: Platform......................... 47, 48
3084(T)/16 1143....................... CHINA, East Coast, Qiantangjiang Kou: Virtual aid to navigation .................. 50
3206(T)/16 3883, 3987 ........... VIETNAM, Baie De Padaran: Buoyage ............................................................ 47
3343(P)/16 3482 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Hai Thach-Moc Tinh Oilfield: Platform....................... 47
3362(P)/16 66, 2414, 2426 .... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Songkhla Oilfield NE: Platform; Buoy; 47
Moored storage tanker........................................................................................
3450(T)/16 4118....................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong: Works ........................................................ 50
3497(T)/16 2376, 3230 ........... TAIWAN, Kao-Hsiung Kang: Buoyage............................................................. 50
3556(T)/16 2376, 3230, 3232 TAIWAN, Kao-Hsiung: Works; Buoyage .......................................................... 50
3730(P)/16 8144 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Tianjin Gang: Pilot boarding places ... 52
3731(P)/16 8141, 8143, 8144 CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Tianjin Gang: Pilot boarding places ... 52
3891(P)/16 8153 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Qingdao: 52
Note ....................................................................................................................
3897(T)/16 1555, 3488, 3892 CHINA, South Coast, Qizhou Liedao NW: Buoy ............................................. 47
3942(T)/16 2376, 3230, 3232, TAIWAN, Kao-Hsiung Kang: Buoy; Radar beacon .......................................... 48, 50
4410, 8053 ...........
3949(T)/16 1134....................... CHINA, East Coast, Maji Shan W: Works ........................................................ 50
3951(T)/16 1761, 3658 ........... TAIWAN, North Coast , Pai-sha Chia NW: Buoy ............................................ 50
4016(T)/16 3449, 3453 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Xiamen Shi, Luijiang Shuidao: Works ............................. 50
4037(T)/16 1155....................... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Maoyan Dao SE: Works.................................. 50
4225(P)/16 8141 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Bohai Wan: Restricted areas ............... 52
4307(T)/16 2376, 2409, 3230, TAIWAN, Kao-Hsiung Kang: Buoy .................................................................. 50
3232 ......................
4444(T)/16 1126, 1130, 1304. CHINA, East Coast, Ao Shan SE : Works ......................................................... 50
4494(T)/16 1968, 3489 ........... TAIWAN STRAIT, Taiwan Banks S: Buoy ....................................................... 48, 50
4588(T)/16 1761, 2412, 3235, TAIWAN, East Coast, Su-ao Kang SE: Submarine cable.................................. 48, 50,53,
3236, 3489, 4509 57
4630(T)/16 2103 ...................... GULF OF THAILAND, Cambodia, Sihanoukville: Buoy ................................ 47
4717(P)/16 8170 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Lianyungang Eastern Part: 52
Buoy; Virtual aid to navigation ..........................................................................
4948(P)/16 8170 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Lianyungang Eastern Part: 52
4995(P)/16 1250, 8141, 8145 CHINA, Bo Hai, Huanghua Gang: Buoyage; Beacon ....................................... 52
5005(P)/16 2413 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Songxia Gang: Buoyage; Depths; Automatic 50
Identification System; Rock; Virtual aid to navigation; Wreck .........................
5038(P)/16 8053 ...................... TAIWAN, Port Approach Guide Kaohsiung: Works ......................................... 50
5052(P)/16 3884 ...................... VIETNAM, Da Nang and Approaches: Channel; Reclamation area; Buoyage; 47
Light; Depths......................................................................................................
5053(T)/16 2641, 2642 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Jingtang Gangqu: Breakwaters; Works .................................. 52
5056(P)/16 8144 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Tianjin Gang: Buoyage; Wreck .......... 52
5069(P)/16 3875, 3881, 3882, VIETNAM, North East Coast, Hai Phong and Hon Gai: Dredged areas; 47
3888, 3889 ........... Depths; Buoyage; Anchor berths; Pilot boarding place; Overhead cables;
Restricted area; Port developments; Reclamation area; Bridge .........................
5144(P)/16 8218, 8219 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Southern Approaches to Zhoushan 50
and Beilun: Virtual aids to navigation................................................................
5209(T)/16 343 ........................ CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou: Buoyage ................................................. 47
5212(P)/16 8170 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Lianyungang Eastern Part: 52
Buoy; Automatic Identification System.............................................................

5213(P)/16 1336, 1348, 1371, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Malaysia and Indonesia: Submarine cable; Works....... 47, 48
2414, 2422, 2868,
2869, 3445, 3482,
3834, 3835 ...........
5229(T)/16 1968, 3489 ........... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Taiwan Banks S: Buoy.................................................. 48, 50
5245(P)/16 8168 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Rizhao: Lights .................... 52
5271(P)/16 8185 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Approaches to Dalian: Pilot 52
boarding places...................................................................................................
5329(P)/16 8159 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Zhanjiang: Light-beacons; Lights; 47
Leading lines ......................................................................................................
5399(P)/16 1338, 2111, 2112, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Penisular Malaysia to Sabah: Submarine cable ............ 47, 48
2414, 2422, 2869,
3446, 3482, 3483,
3626, 4508 ...........
5455(P)/16 8152, 8153 ........... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Qingdao: Buoyage; Radar 52
beacons ...............................................................................................................
5506(T)/16 1144, 1303............ CHINA, East Coast, Xiaoyang Shan NE: Works............................................... 50
5568(P)/16 8114....................... CHINA, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Zhuhai Gang Gaolan Gangqu, 47
Tielu Wan S: Light-beacon.................................................................................
5638(P)/16 993, 999 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Mae Nam Chao Phraya: Drying 47
contours; Depths; Bridge; Buoy.........................................................................
5684(T)/16 1249, 1250, 1255, CHINA, Bo Hai, Liadong Wan: Buoy ............................................................... 52
1256 ......................
5686(T)/16 3359 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Shuidong Gangqu: Buoyage; Light-beacons ................. 47
5836(P)/16 8143 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Caofeidian: Note ................................. 52
5897(T)/16 3990, 3992, 3999 CHINA, South Coast, Gulf of Tonkin, Qinzhou Wan SW: Buoy ...................... 47
5927(P)/16 2103 ...................... GULF OF THAILAND, Cambodia, Sihanoukville: Depths ............................. 47
5934(T)/16 1761, 3658 ........... TAIWAN, North Coast, Pai-sha Chia NW: Buoy .............................................. 50
5967(P)/16 8124 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Chang Jiang - Baoshan, Taicang and 50
Changshu Port: Buoy; Radar beacon .................................................................
5995(P)/16 8154 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Bayuquan: Coastline; Reclamation 52
areas; Berths .......................................................................................................
6043(P)/16 8193 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Dadong Gangqu: Buoy....... 52
6062(T)/16 2376 ...................... TAIWAN, Kao-Hsiung Kang - Second Entrance: Works .................................. 50
6082(P)/16 66, 67, 2103, 2414, GULF OF THAILAND, THAILAND, MALAYSIA, CAMBODIA: 47
2422, 2426, 3446, Submarine cable .................................................................................................
3447, 3482, 3879,
3961, 3966, 3967,
3985 ......................
6116(T)/16 2412, 4509 ........... EASTERN CHINA SEA, Yushan Liedao E and NE: Platforms ....................... 53, 57
6213(T)/16 1725, 1728, 3892, CHINA, South Coast, Tieshan Gangqu: Buoy; Radar beacon........................... 47
3990 ......................
6215(T)/16 1206, 1255, 1317, CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantai Gang Xigangqu: Buoyage.......................... 52
1319 ......................
6435(T)/16 1799 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Guang’ao Gangqu: Buoy ............................................... 50
6454(T)/16 3348, 3351, 3892, CHINA, South Coast, Naozhou Dao : Light-vessel; Radar beacon; Buoy ........ 47
8159 ......................
6493(P)/16 8143 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Caofeidian: Lights; Buoyage .............. 52
6505(T)/16 1965, 3875, 3990 VIETNAM, Gulf of Tonkin, Xuy Nong Chao SW: Buoyage ............................ 47
6506(P)/16 8144 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Tianjin Gang: Buoyage; Wreck .......... 52
49(T)/17 2376, 3230, 3232 TAIWAN, West Coast, Kao-Hsiung Kang: Works............................................. 50
165(P)/17 8159 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Zhanjiang: Lights ........................ 47
190(T)/17 1761, 1968, 3236, TAIWAN STRAIT, Pai-sha Chia NW: Buoy ..................................................... 50
3658 ......................
333(T)/17 2645 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Tianjin Gang, Dagang Gangqu N: Works .............................. 52
396(P)/17 8167, 8168 ........... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Rizhao Gang: Wreck ............................................. 52
488(P)/17 8144 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Tianjin Gang: Coastline; Depths; Precautionary area ............ 52

491(T)/17 1046, 3727, 3965, THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ko Chuang SW: Restricted areas ........ 47
3966 ......................
493(T)/17 1280 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Approaches to Bayuquan Gangqu: Buoy............................... 52
578(T)/17 341, 4129 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Cheung Chau NW and Chi Ma Wan 47, 50
Peninsula E: Works ............................................................................................
692(P)/17 8215 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Yangshan Deep Water Port W: Virtual aids to navigation 50
707(P)/17 4123, 4129 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport: Works . 50
712(T)/17 2409, 3231 ........... TAIWAN STRAIT, Mai-Liao NW: Buoy .......................................................... 50
747(T)/17 341, 4129 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Soko Islands E: Scientific instruments........................... 47, 50
800(T)/17 4117, 4126, 4127. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Tathong Channel : Works .......................... 47, 50
810(P)/17 8145 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Port Approach Guide Huanghua Gang, Xincun: Note........... 52
927(P)/17 1126, 8218............ CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Zhitou Yang: Recommended tracks; 50
Routeing measures; Precautionary areas............................................................
952(P)/17 1763 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Wenzhou Gang: Port development; Anchorage areas; 50
Bridges; Depths; Buoyage; Obstructions; Ferry routes .....................................
1013(P)/17 8131 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantai Gang Xigangqu: Buoyage; Channel; Berth; 52
Works .................................................................................................................
3630(T)/06 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section No 4, Tokyo- 53
tohyo Signal Station Southeastwards: Obstruction ............................................
5081(T)/06 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Chiba Ko, Shiizu Passage: Depths ................... 53
2962(T)/07 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3852(T)/07 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Katsuura Ko: Depths .......................................... 53
4621(T)/07 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 7: Pile ...... 53
1304(T)/08 JP 94, JP 95............ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko: Obstruction................ 53
3658(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Koyama Misaki Northwards: Depth ....... 55
4117(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
4118(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: 53
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5079(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Koyama Misaki: Depths.. 55
141(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Susa Ko: Depths.............. 55
1007(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
2050(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Zushi Wan: Depth ...................... 53
2051(T)/09 JP 80....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Iro Saki North-eastwards: Depth...................... 53
2667(T)/09 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kaneda Wan: Depths ................... 53
2671(T)/09 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Takamatsu Wan: Depth.................................................... 54
2918(T)/09 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Section 1, Susaki Wharf 53
Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
3042(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3043(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Eastwards: Depth .... 53
3778(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Toyko Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3781(T)/09 2024, JP 226.......... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima, Dana Misaki: Depth; 53
Rock ...................................................................................................................
3889(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uomachi-no-Hana Westwards: Depth..... 55
4060(T)/09 JP 107..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Higashi-Harima Ko , Befu Public Wharf: Obstruction ... 54
4209(T)/09 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima: Depths ......................... 53
4523(T)/09 JP 179, JP 187........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Tsushima, Tsutsu Saki South-westwards: 53
Depth ..................................................................................................................
5182(T)/09 JP 1062, JP 1067.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu Ko , Kisarazu Ko 53
Breakwater Northwards: Depths ........................................................................

15. JAPAN - continued
5469(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Kami-Koshiki Shima, No 53
Shima and Nishi-no-Ura: Depths .......................................................................
6128(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Futago Shima: Depth ......... 53
6804(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan , Shimizu Ko , Section 2, Hinode 53
Wharf : Depths ...................................................................................................
526(T)/10 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Nada, Kashima Ko North-westwards: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
803(T)/10 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, West coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan South-westwards, 53
Komobuchi Byochi: Depths...............................................................................
1731(T)/10 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Shin-Okitsu Wharf 53
North-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
2328(T)/10 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 2: 53
Depths; Obstruction ...........................................................................................
2774(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uta Shima North-westwards, Futashima 55
Guri: Depth.........................................................................................................
2781(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Shima Westwards, Joga-no-Seto and Tsuri 53
JP 1228................... Sone: Depths ......................................................................................................
2975(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Saba Shima Westwards and Hime Shima 55
South-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
3116(T)/10 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Izena Shima, Ate-no-Ishi: Depth....... 53
3220(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko South-eastwards, Hogo Se: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
3341(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kuro Saki Southwards: Depth................. 55
3611(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Genkai Nada, Iki Shima Westwards: Depths ... 53
JP 1228...................
3870(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Kaikyo East Entrance, He Saki South- 54
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
3873(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ube Ko South-eastwards: Depths.................. 54
4654(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards, Ima Misaki: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
4941(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards: Depths ..... 55
5507(T)/10 JP 213..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Amakusa Nada, Oniki Wan Southwards: Rock. 53
5733(T)/10 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo International 53
Airport, Runway D Northwards and Westwards: Depths ..................................
5736(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko: Depths ...................................... 54
6140(T)/10 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko, Minatomachi 53
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
526(T)/11 JP 153..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route: Depths ......................... 54
785(T)/11 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route: Depths ............................ 54
786(T)/11 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kunisaki Ko Eastwards: Depth ....................................... 54
1112(T)/11 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko, Motoyama Misaki South-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1145(T)/11 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kure Ko, Niko Kawa: Depths .............. 54
1175(T)/11 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Depths.......................................... 54
1176(T)/11 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Restricted area ............................. 54
1866(T)/11 JP 104, JP 132........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo Traffic Route, Osumi Hana East- 54
north-eastwards: Depth ......................................................................................
2285(T)/11 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Southwards and 53
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
2287(T)/11 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Tamashima Harbour Island Eastwards 54
and South-eastwards and Takahashi Kawa: Depths...........................................
2860(T)/11 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Tsuno Shima North-westwards: Depths ... 55
3121(T)/11 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko: Obstruction ................................... 55
3253(T)/11 JP 198, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Approaches to Imari Wan: Depths ................... 53

15. JAPAN - continued
3764(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hon Shima South-eastwards: Depths........... 54
JP 1121...................
3765(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Approaches to Sakaide Ko, Ko-Sei Shima 54
JP 1121................... South-westwards: Depths...................................................................................
3830(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
JP 1087................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4053(T)/11 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Mi Shima: Depths ........... 55
4203(T)/11 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Asanagi: Depth...................................................................................................
4930(T)/11 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo North-westwards, Eigashima Ko 54
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
4931(T)/11 JP 106, JP 131........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo South-westwards, Harima Nada: Wreck 54
5526(T)/11 JP 127..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Chofu Ku, Kanju Shima Eastwards: Depths 54
5883(T)/11 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shodo Shima, Uchinomi Wan, Ji-no-Hanage: Depth...... 54
54(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Mi Shima: Depths ..................................... 55
59(T)/12 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 5: Depths . 53
267(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hamada Ko North-eastwards, Asa Guri: 55
Depth ..................................................................................................................
268(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hi-no-Misaki South-westwards, 55
Approaches to Nima Ko: Depths .......................................................................
538(T)/12 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Awaji Shima, Tsuna Ko: Depth ....................................... 54
640(T)/12 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ka Shima to Te Shima: Depths .................... 54
JP 153.....................
1860(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Traffic Route: Depth..................................... 54
JP 1121...................
1861(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route and Approaches to Ushi 54
JP 1121................... Shima: Depths; Drying patch .............................................................................
1968(T)/12 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Hitachinaka Ko: Obstructions .... 55
2143(T)/12 JP 1106................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Tokuyama, Section 1: Drying 54
patch ...................................................................................................................
2237(T)/12 JP 70....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Enshu Nada, Iwata Southwards: Depths .......... 53
2569(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Mi Shima: Depths.................................... 55
2573(T)/12 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Shimizu Ko, Outer Harbour Breakwater 53
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
2985(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Section 2, Naruo Kawa: Depths .........................................................................
3855(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Tsuno Shima Northwards: Depths........... 55
3857(T)/12 JP 132..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo, Naka Suido, Nakato Shima 54
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
5066(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya, 54
Ogimachi Pier: Depths .......................................................................................
5068(T)/12 JP 126, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Iwai Shima Westwards: Wreck...................... 54
JP 1102...................
5197(T)/12 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Chita Wan, Minatomachi Southwards: Depths...................... 53
5200(T)/12 JP 1220, JP 1221.... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South East Coast, Uchiumi Ko North-eastwards: Depths ..... 53
5402(T)/12 JP 1081................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 to Section 53
5: Depths; Obstructions......................................................................................
5697(T)/12 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Hayasui Seto, Taka Shima Southwards: 53, 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
58(T)/13 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Katsuura Ko Eastwards, Mashio Ne: Depths ........................ 53
981(T)/13 JP 54, JP 1098........ JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan, Sendai-Shiogama Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1029(T)/13 JP 187..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Shiro Se: Depth.............................. 53
1909(T)/13 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Tsuda Wan Northwards, Tora-ga-Hana 54
North-westwards: Rock......................................................................................

15. JAPAN - continued
2230(T)/13 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Osaki-Kami Shima, Onishi Ko Eastwards, Gongen Hana 54
Northwards: Rock ..............................................................................................
2368(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Uku Shima Northwards and North- 53
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
2434(T)/13 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Middle Breakwater 55
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
2566(T)/13 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
1, Daishi Unga: Depths ......................................................................................
2568(T)/13 JP 91, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 and 53
Section 5: Depths ...............................................................................................
2692(T)/13 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Shikoku, West Coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ............... 53, 54
2831(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ................................... 53
2832(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Hoto Shima Eastwards, Kita-no-se: Depths ... 53
3042(T)/13 JP 1267................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hibiki-Shinko Ku, Hibiki Hakuchi Eastwards: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
3137(T)/13 JP 106, JP 150A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tomogashima Suido, Koitsuki-no-Hana Westwards: 54
JP 150C .................. Wreck .................................................................................................................
3833(T)/13 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Shikoku, West Coast, Bungo Suido, Hokezu Wan, Osaki Hana South- 53, 54
westwards and Mizukosu Shima Eastwards: Depths .........................................
3834(T)/13 JP 179, JP 198, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North-west Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Umagome Hana North- 53
JP 1228................... eastwards: Depth ................................................................................................
3835(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North-west Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Umanokashira Hana to 53
Naka Sone: Depths .............................................................................................
4132(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Kai Se Northwards and 53
Nagasaki Hana North-westwards: Depths .........................................................
4133(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Ikitsuki Shima, Kei Shima Northwards: Depths 53
4134(T)/13 JP 1222................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Osumi Gunto, Nishi-Shin Sone and Kuro Shima 53
Northwards and South-westwards: Depths ........................................................
4212(T)/13 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Misaki Ko: Depths ................... 53
4287(T)/13 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Uraga Suido, Tsurugi Saki 53
North-eastwards and South-south-westwards: Depths.......................................
4713(T)/13 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Approaches to Kure Ko, Mitsugo Shima 54
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
4914(T)/13 JP 1146................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Sakai-Senboku Ku and Osaka Ku, Yamato 54
Kawa, Approaches to Kita Hakuchi: Depths; Obstructions...............................
5219(T)/13 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route, Taka Se: Depth............... 54
196(T)/14 996, 1648, JP 77, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Kamoda Misaki SW: Wreck .......................... 53, 54
JP 150C ..................
625(T)/14 JP 91, JP 1062, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast , Tokyo Wan , Yokosuka Ko , Kannon Saki NE 53
JP 1081................... to Kaneda Wan E: Depths ..................................................................................
1108(T)/14 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Uraga Suido, Uki Shima NE: Depths................ 53
1322(T)/14 JP 126..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Hikari, Shimata Quay NE: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
1534(T)/14 JP 165..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mishima-Kawanoe Ko, Muramatsu Quay S: Depths...... 54
1616(T)/14 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Uraga Suido, Ebi Ne S: Wreck.......................... 53
1716(T)/14 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Kurihama Wan: Depths ............. 53
2006(T)/14 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 6: Depths ..................... 54
2007(T)/14 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Nakajimakawa Bridge: Depth .................... 54
2751(T)/14 JP 179..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , NW Coast, Tsuno Shima S: Depths....................................... 53
2858(T)/14 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Keihin Unga, Section 53
1: Depths ............................................................................................................
2915(T)/14 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kure Ko, Ondo-no-Seto S: Depths.................................. 54
2916(T)/14 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ushi Shima N: Depth..................................... 54
2918(T)/14 JP 1067, JP 1081.... JAPAN, Honshu- , S Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu Ko: Depths ........................... 53

15. JAPAN - continued
3176(T)/14 JP 94....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, Section 3, 53
Kasumigaura North Wharf NE: Depths .............................................................
3289(T)/14 4510 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Nojima Saki SE: Buoy........................................ 53
3581(T)/14 JP 153..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Tokudakino Ishi S: Obstruction ............ 54
3656(T)/14 JP 5......................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Otaru Ko, Section 1: Depths .......................... 55
3693(T)/14 JP 1169................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Saruyama Misaki SW, Akagami Saki: 55
Depth ..................................................................................................................
3694(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1052, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Toshi Shima W: Depth ...................... 53
JP 1053...................
3777(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1053........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Momotori Suido N: Depths ............... 53
3866(T)/14 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 6: Depth ....................... 54
4080(T)/14 JP 123..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 3, No 8 Quay S: Depths 54
4183(T)/14 JP 1102................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, O Shima N and NE: Depths ..................... 54
4291(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita, Akita Ku, Section 2, New North 55
Breakwater E: Depths ........................................................................................
4294(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita, Akita Ku, Section 2, No 2 South 55
Breakwater N : Depths .......................................................................................
4313(T)/14 JP 137B, JP 1121 ... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko, Section 2 and Ko-Sei Shima E: Depths ...... 54
4685(T)/14 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Mi Shima NW: Depths ............................ 55
4687(T)/14 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Tateyama Wan: Depths ................ 53
4805(T)/14 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Saiki Wan, O Shima NE: Depth ..................... 53
4806(T)/14 JP 1220, JP 1221.... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , East Coast, Hyuga Nada, Uchiumi Ko, Tosaki Hana E: Depth 53
4961(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita-Funagawa Ko, Akita Ku, Section 1: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
4963(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Irago Suido SW, Tainoshima Sho: 53
JP 1053................... Depths ................................................................................................................
5094(T)/14 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko, Kitakyushu Airport S: Depths .... 54
5095(T)/14 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Shiogama Ku, Section 2, 55
Center Wharf N: Depths.....................................................................................
5209(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Enshu Nada, Ijika Shima NE: Depth. 53
5210(T)/14 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Saiki Wan, O Shima NE: Depth ..................... 53
5470(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yoroi Saki N, Hansu Hana E: Depths 53
5725(T)/14 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Sagami Wan, Inamura-ga-Saki S: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
5727(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Rokuro Saki NE and SE: Depths ..................... 53
33(T)/15 JP 150C .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Tokushima NE, Yoshino Kawa: Depths......... 54
604(T)/15 JP 214B .................. JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Kagoshima Ko, Taniyama 53
Ku, No 2 Jetty E: Depth .....................................................................................
968(T)/15 JP 80....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Nada, Ito Ko, Teishi Shima NE: Depth 53
1344(T)/15 JP 94....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, Section 3: Depths ...... 53
1444(T)/15 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Okuchi Wan, Ji-O Shima NE and Taka 53, 54
Shima N and Mikame Ko NE: Depths ...............................................................
1698(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku, Shinano Kawa: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
1823(T)/15 JP 1030, JP 1034, JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Tomakomai Ko: Obstruction .............................................. 55
JP 1036...................
1824(T)/15 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan: Depths ............................................................... 53
2080(T)/15 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku: Obstruction ................................ 53
2081(T)/15 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto: Wreck ........................................................... 54
JP 153.....................
2083(T)/15 JP 1220................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Miyazaki Ko and Approaches: Depths.................................. 53
2375(T)/15 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Fushiki -Toyama Ko, Kokubu Ku: Depth ............................. 55
2378(T)/15 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko, Kawasaki: Depths ............................................... 53

15. JAPAN - continued
2493(T)/15 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan: Depth................................................................. 53
2494(T)/15 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto: Depth............................................................ 54
JP 153.....................
2627(T)/15 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko: Depths ........................................................ 54
2866(T)/15 JP 1172................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tottori Ko : Depths ................................................................ 55
3163(T)/15 JP 108..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, Usa Ko: Depth ...................................................................... 53
3164(T)/15 JP 1141................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hannan Ko: Depths ......................................................... 54
3165(T)/15 JP 1110 ................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko: Obstruction................................................. 54
3298(T)/15 JP 54....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Miyako Wan: Depth............................................................... 55
3299(T)/15 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kashima Ko: Depths.............................................................. 53
3427(T)/15 JP 91, JP 1081........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Yokosuka Ko: Depths ............................................................ 53
3550(T)/15 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko: Depths ........................................................ 54
3552(T)/15 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Kabe Shima: Obstruction ................................. 53
JP 1228...................
3553(T)/15 JP 179, JP 198........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Koshiki Shima: Depths.......................................................... 53
3684(T)/15 JP 1051................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Ise Wan: Depth ...................................................................... 53
3685(T)/15 JP 1053...................
JAPAN, Honshu- , Anori Saki E: Depth .............................................................. 53
3806(T)/15 JP 70, JP 93, JP 1051 JAPAN, Honshu- , Ise Wan: Depth ...................................................................... 53
3928(T)/15 JP 95....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko: Depths ............................................................... 53
3929(T)/15 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Yoroi Saki SW: Depths.......................................................... 53
3930(T)/15 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Anori Saki S: Depths ............................................................. 53
4168(T)/15 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, Bungo Suido, Kojiura N and W: Depths .............................. 53
4226(T)/15 JP 148, JP 1192 ...... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita Wan, Section 2: Depths ................. 55
4287(T)/15 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sendai-Shiogama Ko: Depth ................................................. 55
4406(T)/15 JP 1062, JP 1067, JAPAN, Honshu- , Kisarazu Ko : Depths............................................................. 53
JP 1081...................
4410(T)/15 JP 214B .................. JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Kagoshima Ko: Obstruction .................................................. 53
4412(T)/15 JP 106, JP 150C ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama-Shimotsu Ko: Light-beacon ......................... 54
4413(T)/15 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Yoshiura Wan: Depth....................................................... 54
4554(T)/15 JP 1163................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Miyazaki Hana N: Depth ....................................................... 55
4651(T)/15 JP 145, JP 1180 ...... JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko: Depth.................................................................. 55
4916(T)/15 JP 1162B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Shinminato Ku: Works .......................................................... 55
4918(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku: Depth ................................................. 55
4924(T)/15 JP 1112A ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, Tatsuga Hana N: Depths ......................... 54
5030(T)/15 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Approaches to Shiogama: Obstruction .................................. 55
5274(T)/15 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kinuura Ko: Depths............................................................... 53
5379(T)/15 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Kushiro Ko: Drying patches............................................... 55
5495(T)/15 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku : Works ......................................... 53
5496(T)/15 JP 77, JP 150C ....... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Hidaka Ko SE: Wreck.................................... 53, 54
5630(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku: Depth ................................................. 55
5633(T)/15 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ko-Zuchi Shima W: Depth .......................... 54
JP 153.....................
5634(T)/15 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko, Ko-Sei Shima: Depths ................................ 54
JP 1121...................
5762(T)/15 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko: Depths ............................................................... 53
6175(T)/15 JP 1121................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko: Depths ......................................................... 54
6471(T)/15 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Kushiro Ko: Depths............................................................ 55
6472(T)/15 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Kushiro Ko: Depths............................................................ 55
6474(T)/15 JP 1052, JP 1057A . JAPAN, Honshu- , Mikawa Ko: Depths............................................................... 53
35(T)/16 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Fushiki-Toyama Ko: Depths.................................................. 55
159(T)/16 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Fushiki-Toyama Ko: Depth ................................................... 55
160(T)/16 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko: Buoy................................................................... 55

15. JAPAN - continued
1163(T)/16 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hachinohe Ko: Obstruction ................................................... 55
1540(T)/16 JP 145..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Akita-Funagawa Ko S: Depth............................................... 55
1541(T)/16 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sendai-Shiogama Ko: Works................................................. 55
1638(T)/16 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Osaki-Kami Shima NE : Depths ..................................... 54
1640(T)/16 JP 1163................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Miyazaki Hana: Depth........................................................... 55
1772(T)/16 JP 70, JP 95, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko S: Obstruction..................................................... 53
JP 1055B ................
1773(T)/16 JP 1102................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido: Depth ........................................................ 54
1894(T)/16 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Koshiki Shima: Light ............................................................ 53
JP 198, JP 213........
2074(T)/16 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Akita: Depths......................................................................... 55
2076(T)/16 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sendai Ku: Obstruction ......................................................... 55
2327(T)/16 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hachinohe Ko: Buoy ............................................................. 55
2329(T)/16 JP 95, JP 1055A, JAPAN, Honshu- , Port Island: Dredging area..................................................... 53
JP 1055B ................
2331(T)/16 JP 123, JP 1103 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko: Restricted area............................................ 54
2332(T)/16 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Osaka Ku - Section 6, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya 54
Ku - Section 1: Depths .......................................................................................
2485(T)/16 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Yashiro Shima, Katayama Seto: Depths.......................... 54
2705(T)/16 JP 70, JP 93, JP 1051 JAPAN, Honshu- , Ise Wan: Depths..................................................................... 53
2770(T)/16 JP 1247B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, Nishi-Oita Hakuchi: Works .............................. 53
2919(T)/16 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Fushiki-Toyama Ko: Depth ................................................... 55
2922(T)/16 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hachinohe Ko: Depths........................................................... 55
3031(T)/16 JP 106, JP 1103 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kobe Ku, Section 6: Buoyage ......................................... 54
3085(T)/16 JP 1098................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kiyohashi to Oragahama: Depths.......................................... 55
3157(T)/16 JP 141, JP 142........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Naka Shima: Depths........................................................ 54
3160(T)/16 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Nogutsuna Shima: Depths ............................................... 54
3162(T)/16 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kinuura Ko: Depths............................................................... 53
3164(T)/16 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Gogo Shima: Depths ....................................................... 54
3282(T)/16 JP 131, JP 150A ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi S: Depths ............................................................. 54
3501(T)/16 JP 1100................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Ishinomaki Ko: Works.......................................................... 55
3641(T)/16 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kashima Ko: Obstruction ...................................................... 53
3648(T)/16 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko: Depths ............................................................... 53
3652(T)/16 JP 1052, JP 1057A . JAPAN, Honshu- , Mikawa Ko: Buoy ................................................................. 53
3654(T)/16 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko: Vertical clearance....................................... 54
JP 1263...................
3774(T)/16 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iwakuni Ko : Dredging area ........................................... 54
3906(T)/16 996, 1648, JP 77... JAPAN, Honshu- , Shio-no-Misaki SW: Buoy .................................................... 53
3907(T)/16 JP 1101................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Nakatsu Ko: Works ......................................................... 54
4045(T)/16 JP 1192................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Akita Wan: Obstruction ......................................................... 55
4158(T)/16 JP 1083................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sasayama-no-Hana: Depths................................................... 53
4159(T)/16 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Te Shima N: Depths ........................................................ 54
4160(T)/16 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tamashima Harbour Island: Dredging area..................... 54
4383(T)/16 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hachinohe Ko, Section 3: Breakwater; Works ...................... 55
4384(T)/16 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto: Depths ................................................... 54
4488(T)/16 JP 67, JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko: Buoyage .............................................................. 53
JP 1062...................
4510(T)/16 JP 1150................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama-Shimotsu Ko: Works .................................... 54
4511(T)/16 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tamashima Harbour Island NE: Dredging area .............. 54
4512(T)/16 JP 1137................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuyama Ko: Works...................................................... 54
4571(T)/16 JP 1083................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Funakoshi: Depths; Drying patch .......................................... 53
4574(T)/16 JP 1267................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuoka: Buoyage........................................................... 54
4685(T)/16 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Chiba Passage N: Depth ........................................................ 53

15. JAPAN - continued
4686(T)/16 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 4: Restricted area .................................... 53
4809(T)/16 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko: Depths ................................................................ 55
4812(T)/16 JP 1083................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko: Fish haven ........................................................... 53
4814(T)/16 JP 1052, JP 1057A . JAPAN, Honshu- , Mikawa Ko: Dredging area ................................................... 53
4926(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Depths................................................. 53
5018(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Keihinjima: Depths.............................................. 53
5019(T)/16 JP 77....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Wakayama: Dredging area..................................................... 53
5021(T)/16 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuoka: Buoy ................................................................ 54
5120(T)/16 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Akita Ku, Section 1 and Section 2: Depths; Obstruction ...... 55
5121(T)/16 JP 1192................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Funagawa Ku: Buoyage......................................................... 55
5123(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Depths................................................. 53
5125(T)/16 JP 135, JP 1263...... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kanmon Passage: Dredging area........................................... 54
5126(T)/16 JP 187, JP 213........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Goto Retto: Depth.................................................................. 53
5263(T)/16 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Esaki Ko: Fish haven............................................................. 55
5264(T)/16 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Uraga Suido, Kudotsu Ne: Depth .......................................... 53
5265(T)/16 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku: Works................................................................... 53
5267(T)/16 JP 1103, JP 1141 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hannan Ko, Section 1: Works ......................................... 54
5268(T)/16 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ko-Bi Shima S: Drying patch ......................................... 54
5416(T)/16 JP 1033A, JP 1036 . JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Tomakomai Ko: Dredged area ........................................... 55
5417(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Shinagawa E: Dredging area ................................................. 53
5419(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Alongside depths ................................ 53
5420(T)/16 JP 1120................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Niihama Ko, Niihama Ku: Works ................................... 54
5423(T)/16 JP 190, JP 1227...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Hakata Ko, East Passage: Depths .......................................... 53
5578(T)/16 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , Hoshigaura-Minami S, SE and SW: Depths ...................... 55
5579(T)/16 JP 145..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Matsugasaki: Light ................................................................ 55
5580(T)/16 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Agui Kawa E: Depths ............................................................ 53
5581(T)/16 JP 1120................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Besshi Quay: Works ........................................................ 54
5582(T)/16 JP 127, JP 129, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Approaches to Kanda: Dredging area ............................. 54
JP 1101...................
5583(T)/16 JP 1247A................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko: Obstructions...................................................... 53
5584(T)/16 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Passage: Works ................................................. 54
JP 1263...................
5723(T)/16 JP 139, JP 1169 ...... JAPAN, Honshu- , Fukui Ko: Fog signal ............................................................. 55
5724(T)/16 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Taruyama Hana: Depth .......................................................... 53
5725(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Yashio and Aomi: Dredging areas ....................... 53
5726(T)/16 JP 127, JP 129, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanda Ko: Submarine pipeline ....................................... 54
JP 1101...................
5727(T)/16 JP 135..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mutsurejima Ku: Depth................................................... 54
5874(T)/16 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sendai: Depth ........................................................................ 55
5875(T)/16 JP 63....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Iwaki SW: Works................................................................... 55
5876(T)/16 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko: Depth ................................................................. 53
5877(T)/16 JP 1110 ................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Senboku: Works ......................................... 54
5878(T)/16 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Hakata Ko: Depths ................................................................ 53
6002(T)/16 JP 1150................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama: Works........................................................... 54
6003(T)/16 JP 127..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Approaches to Kanmon Ko: Dredging area .................... 54
6143(T)/16 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Akita, Section 2: Dredging areas........................................... 55
6144(T)/16 JP 101A, JP 106, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku: Obstruction ................................ 54
JP 150A, JP 1103 ...
6264(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Konan: Works ...................................................... 53
6265(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Shinagawa E: Works............................................ 53
6266(T)/16 JP 91, JP 1081........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Section 7: Works.................................................................... 53

15. JAPAN - continued
6267(T)/16 JP 1262, JP 1263.... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Katagamikaigan: Depths ................................................. 54
6268(T)/16 JP 179, JP 187........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Iki Suido, Ko-Futagami Shima N: Depth .............................. 53
6404(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Shibaura Wharf E and Tokyo West Passage SE: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
6519(T)/16 1390 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Approaches to Niigata: Scientific instrument........................ 55
6520(T)/16 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ku: Restricted area ................................. 53
6521(T)/16 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 3: Works.................................................. 53
6522(T)/16 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Yokohama Passage N: Works............................ 53
6523(T)/16 JP 1052, JP 1057A, JAPAN, Honshu- , Mikawa Ko: Works................................................................ 53
JP 1057B ................
6524(T)/16 JP 101B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kobe Ku, Minami-Komae: Depths ................................. 54
6525(T)/16 JP 137B, JP 1121 ... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko: Depths ......................................................... 54
6526(T)/16 JP 135, JP 1263, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Wakamatsu Passage: Buoy; Light-beacon. 54
JP 1265...................
31(T)/17 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Niigata Ko, West Wharf: Dredging area................................ 55
32(T)/17 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hachinohe Ko: Works............................................................ 55
112(T)/17 JP 1162B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Shinminato Ku: Works ........................ 55
113(T)/17 JP 1100................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Hibarino Central Wharf W and SW: Depths; Obstructions... 55
114(T)/17 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Chiba Passage: Depths........................................................... 53
115(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Works; Submarine pipeline ................ 53
116(T)/17 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kure Ko, Kawaraishi-Minami Wharf: Depths ................ 54
117(T)/17 JP 1247A, JP 1247B JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko: Works; Dredging area....................................... 53
118(T)/17 JP 127, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Approaches to Kanmon Ko: Dredging area .................... 54
JP 1262...................
119(T)/17 JP 135..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mutsurejima Ku: Dredging areas .................................... 54
120(T)/17 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Section 1, Central Wharf: Works........................................... 53
301(T)/17 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kinuura Ko, Mizuho S: Depth............................................... 53
302(T)/17 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuoka, Approaches to Kanmon Ko: Works................. 54
303(T)/17 JP 135, JP 1263...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Dairi-Honmachi W: Works ........................ 54
427(T)/17 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Shiogama Ku, Section 2: Obstructions.................................. 55
428(T)/17 JP 1061, JP 1088.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Katsunan Ku: Depths ........................................ 53
429(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 3, Naibo Wharf NE: Dredging area ........ 53
430(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2 and Section 3, Higashi-Shinagawa E: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
431(T)/17 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Sakai Kawa: Depths............................................................... 53
432(T)/17 JP 77, JP 150C ....... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Gobo S: Buoy................................................. 53, 54
433(T)/17 JP 1247B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, Raw Material Sea Berth SW: Depths ............... 53
434(T)/17 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tanoura Ku, Kaki-no-Tsuji: Obstruction......................... 54
JP 1263...................
435(T)/17 JP 201, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Konominato Ura: Depths....................................................... 53
558(T)/17 JP 127, JP 135........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Take-no-Hana SE: Buoy ............................ 54
559(T)/17 JP 214A, JP 214B .. JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Kagoshima Ko: Works........................................................... 53
666(T)/17 JP 1100................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Ishinomaki Ko: Works........................................................... 55
668(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Depths................................................. 53
669(T)/17 JP 127, JP 128, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko: Depths ............................................................... 54
JP 1101...................
775(T)/17 JP 1172................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tottori Ko, Nagao Hana: Fish trap ........................................ 55
776(T)/17 JP 139, JP 1172 ...... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tajiri Ko: Fish trap ................................................................ 55
777(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 4: Depths................................................. 53
778(T)/17 JP 91, JP 1062, JAPAN, Honshu- , Yokosuka Ko, Section 5: Works ............................................ 53
JP 1081...................
779(T)/17 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagoya Ko, Section 1: Depths .............................................. 53

15. JAPAN - continued
780(T)/17 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Aboshi Ku, Section 1: Depths ......................................... 54
781(T)/17 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanda Ko: Dredging area................................................ 54
782(T)/17 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kitsuki Wan: Depths ....................................................... 54
783(T)/17 JP 1265................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Wakamatsu Ku, Section 1: Dredging area............................. 54
784(T)/17 JP 187..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Fukue Shima: Wreck ............................................................. 53
899(T)/17 JP 79....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Shiogama Ku: Obstruction .................................................... 55
900(T)/17 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Ku, Section 2: Works.................................................. 53
901(T)/17 JP 127, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ami-no-Saki E: Works .................................................... 54
JP 1262...................
902(T)/17 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tanoura Ku: Depths......................................................... 54
JP 1263...................
903(T)/17 JP 135, JP 1263...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mutsurejima Ku: Works .................................................. 54
1237(T)/06 2432, 3046 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Petra Velikogo, Ostrov Askol’d 56
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
3997(T)/10 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gadeog Do Westwards, Gadeog Sudo: Buoyage.......... 52
2427(T)/13 1802, 1803 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Shpanberga Westwards: Buoy ............. 55
1933(T)/14 1230 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Southern Approaches to Oktyabr’skiy, 56
Bol’sheretskiy W: Wreck ...................................................................................
2746(T)/14 3340 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Gulf of Tartary, Bukhta Datta: Restricted area 56
1597(P)/15 882, 1271, 3391 .. KOREA, South Coast, East Coast, Gyeong-In to P’ohang: Vessel traffic 52, 56
services ...............................................................................................................
2151(T)/15 4053, 4511............ RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zenkevich Rise S: Buoy .................................. 55, 92
2427(T)/15 127, 1065, 1259, KOREA, South Coast, Pusan Hang: Buoy; Radar beacon; Automatic 52, 53
3666 ...................... Identification System .........................................................................................
2985(T)/15 896, 898 ............... KOREA, East Coast, Ulsan Man: Restricted area ............................................. 52
5022(T)/15 2432, 3046 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Petra Velikogo E: Buoyage; Scientific 56
instruments .........................................................................................................
5344(T)/15 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Yulchon: Buoyage ......................................................... 52
5489(P)/15 8093 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Vladivostok: Restricted 56
area; Anchorage area; Legend............................................................................
5747(T)/15 3045, 3046 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Ussuriyskiy: Beacon .............................. 56
5956(T)/15 2128 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Mys Kozyrevskogo W: Buoy .......................... 56
6359(P)/15 8063 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Nakhodka: Anchorage areas; Anchor 56
berths; Harbour limit; Pilot boarding places; Restricted area ............................
6652(P)/15 8093 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Vladivostok: Radar 56
beacon ................................................................................................................
1491(T)/16 1271 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Pyeongtaek W, Bangdo anchorage: Buoyage................. 52
1694(P)/16 8063 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Nakhodka: Quarantine anchorages ........ 56
2220(T)/16 127, 896, 898, 3666 KOREA, East Coast, Approaches to Ulsan Hang: Buoyage ............................. 52, 53
2282(T)/16 3365, 3480 ........... KOREA, South Coast, Chuja Gundo SE: Buoy................................................. 52
2828(T)/16 896, 898 ............... KOREA, East Coast, Nakgot SE: Restricted area.............................................. 52
3205(T)/16 3044 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Eastern Outer Roads: Works............................ 56
3545(T)/16 3044, 3045 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Vladivostok, Western Outer Roads: Mooring 56
3546(T)/16 2432 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Petra Velikogo: Mooring buoy............... 56
3763(T)/16 2161 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Nevel’sk: Depths ............................................. 56
3813(T)/16 3928 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Anjwa Do: Obstruction .................................................. 52
3868(P)/16 8238 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Vanino: Pilot boarding 56
places; Precautionary area; Pilotage...................................................................
3959(T)/16 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Pusan: Buoyage .................................... 52
4196(P)/16 1065, 1259 ........... KOREA, South Coast, Yŏng Do and Oryuk To: Anchorage areas .................... 52
4296(P)/16 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan, North Inner Harbour: Depths; Obstructions ...... 52
4378(P)/16 3642 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Incheon: Depths.............................................................. 52
4445(T)/16 1258, 1270, 1271 KOREA, West Coast, Ando to Incheon Hang: Buoyage ................................... 52
4992(T)/16 3340 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Gulf of Tartary: Scientific instruments............ 56

5215(T)/16 898 ........................ KOREA, East Coast, Ulsan Hang, Taehwa Gang S: Buoy ................................ 52
5626(T)/16 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Jinhae Man: Wreck; Buoyage ....................................... 52
6305(T)/16 1801 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Sakhalin W: Platform........................... 56
6370(P)/16 8063 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Nakhodka and 56
Vostochnyy Port: Berths.....................................................................................
6501(T)/16 3044, 8093 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Vladivostok - Proliv Bosfor-Vostochnyy: 56
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
6502(T)/16 3044, 3045, 8093 RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Ussuriyskiy - Ostrov Skrypleva SE: 56
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
6546(P)/16 1257 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Approaches to Namp’o: Traffic separation scheme; 52
Waiting area; Depths; Obstructions; Buoyage ...................................................
6639(T)/16 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan Hang, No. 1 Fairway: Buoy................................ 52
95(T)/17 1163....................... KOREA, South Coast, Busan New Port: Buoyage ............................................ 52
544(T)/17 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Gadeokdo: Buoy ................................... 52
545(T)/17 1163....................... KOREA, South Coast, Busan New Port: Buoyage ............................................ 52
656(P)/17 127 ........................ KOREA, South Coast, Geojedo S and Busan S and E to Hibiki Nada: 53
Submarine cables ...............................................................................................
748(T)/17 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Man W: Buoyage ...................................... 52
862(T)/17 1065, 1163............ KOREA, South Coast, Gadeokdo W: Buoyage ................................................. 52
864(T)/17 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gadeokdo W: Buoy....................................................... 52
955(T)/17 4512 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Poluostrov Kamchatka, East Coast, 56
Approaches to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy : Obstructions; Area to be avoided
1696(P)/09 3835 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Kuala Paloh and Kuala Rajang to Sibu: Depths; Lights; 48
Beacons; Buoyage; Wrecks; Submarine power cables; Submarine pipelines;
Dolphins; Restricted area ...................................................................................
6289(T)/10 13 .......................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Cebu, Approaches to Cebu Harbour, Bantolinao Pt 58
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
2489(P)/12 967 ........................ MALAYSIA, Sabah, Pulau Banggi Westwards, Northwards and Eastwards: 48
Depths; Rock; Coral...........................................................................................
2617(P)/13 967, 4414, 4482, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Palawan to Mindoro and Coran Pass Eastwards: 48
4483, 4484 ........... Submarine cables ...............................................................................................
4641(T)/13 161 ........................ MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Batang Rajang, Tanjung Sebubal Southwards: Wreck 48
5021(P)/13 3482, 3483, 4508 MALAYSIA, Sarawak, North Luconia Shoals West-north-westwards: Works. 47, 48
1751(P)/14 1336, 3482, 3483, MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Beting Tugau (Parsons Shoal) E: Platform.................. 47, 48
3837 ......................
493(T)/15 928, 950, 1649, MALAYSIA, Sabah, Sandakan NE, Berhala: Light; Buoyage.......................... 47, 48,58,
1868, 2576, 3483, 59
4507, 4508 ...........
2619(T)/15 1336, 3836 ........... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, T.Sirik NE: Buoy ......................................................... 47, 48
2622(P)/15 3483, 3838 ........... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Baronia Oil Field W and Central Luconia Gas Field 48
NE: Platforms; Moored storage tanker; Submarine pipeline .............................
2773(T)/15 1748 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Pelabuhan Bintulu, Bintulu Port: Works ..................... 48
4102(P)/15 1338, 2109, 2111. BRUNEI, Labuan W, Maharaja Lela Oil Field: Submarine pipeline; Works .... 48
5609(P)/15 8056 ...................... INDONESIA, Jawa, Port Approach Guide Tanjungpriok: Buoyage ................. 60
5967(P)/15 1844, 2134 ........... BRUNEI, Muara, Palau Muara Besar: Works.................................................... 48
981(P)/16 2134 ...................... BRUNEI, Pulau Berbunut E: Works .................................................................. 48
1005(P)/16 8056 ...................... INDONESIA, Jawa, North Coast, Pelabuhan Tanjungpriok: Light; Works ...... 60
1032(P)/16 4411, 4413, 4414, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Verde Island Passage: Depths; Obstructions; 48
4490, 4491 ........... Wrecks................................................................................................................
1087(T)/16 1336, 3482, 3834, MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Tanjung Sipang NE: Wreck ......................................... 47, 48
3835 ......................
1103(T)/16 2134 ...................... BRUNEI, Muara: Beacon; Buoy........................................................................ 48
1384(T)/16 1823 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Sungai Sarawak, Blacksmith Rocks: Buoy ................. 48
1728(T)/16 3015 ...................... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, Approaches to Sungai Barito: Buoyage................. 59
1755(P)/16 4490 ...................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Batangas Bay: Restricted area ...................... 48

2301(P)/16 1336, 1949, 3483, MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Baronia Oil Field , Tukau Oil Field NE, Central 47, 48
3838 ...................... Luconia Gas Field SE: Platform; Submarine pipeline .......................................
2793(T)/16 1338, 3483 ........... MALAYSIA, Sabah, Saracen Bank NW: Works ............................................... 48
3225(T)/16 921 ........................ INDONESIA, Jawa, Selat Surabaya, Teluk Lamong Pier N: Buoy................... 60
3248(P)/16 912 ........................ INDONESIA, Jawa, Cilacap and Approaches: Maximum authorised draught; 60
Anchorage areas; Pilot boarding place; Buoyage ..............................................
4019(P)/16 945, 2471, 2876, INDONESIA, Jawa, Selat Madura: Submarine pipeline; Works....................... 59, 60,63
4723 ......................
4195(P)/16 1420, 2786, 2791, INDONESIA, Molucca Sea, Ceram Sea, Banda Sea, Papua: Submarine cables 58, 60,66,
2911, 2936, 2941, 67
2953, 2992, 2994,
3249, 3250, 3742,
3749, 3751, 3753,
3798, 3799, 3922
5049(P)/16 945, 975, 3731 .... INDONESIA, Jawa, Selat Surabaya: Buoyage; Works; Restricted area ........... 60
5170(T)/16 983 ........................ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Approaches to Subic: Buoyage..................... 48
5282(T)/16 1949, 2109, 3838 MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Approaches to Miri: Buoy ........................................... 48
5400(P)/16 1336, 1748, 1949, MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Bintulu to Miri: Submarine cable ................................ 47, 48
2100, 3483, 3837,
3838 ......................
5881(P)/16 1336, 1338, 1748, MALAYSIA, Sabah, Sarawak: Submarine cables ............................................ 47, 48
1949, 2100, 2111,
3482, 3483, 3626,
3834, 3835, 3836,
3837, 3838, 4508
5926(P)/16 8068 ...................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Port Approach Guide Manila: Buoy; Wreck 48
6006(P)/16 8056 ...................... INDONESIA, Jawa, Port Approach Guide Tanjungpriok: Wreck..................... 60
6083(P)/16 8056 ...................... INDONESIA, Jawa, Port Approach Guide Tanjungpriok: Note ....................... 60
6200(T)/16 2471, 2893 ........... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, Selat Makassar: Works........................................... 59
6297(T)/16 161, 3835 ............. MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Batang Rajang: Buoy................................................... 48
6451(T)/16 921, 975 ............... INDONESIA, Jawa, Selat Surabaya, Gresik NE: Wreck................................... 60
6645(P)/16 950, 1649, 1868 .. MALAYSIA, Sabah, Pelabuhan Sandakan: Depths; Coastline; Landmark; 48, 59
Jetties; Pier .........................................................................................................
247(P)/17 921, 975 ............... INDONESIA, Jawa, Selat Surabaya: Maritime limits; Former mined areas ..... 60
3423(T)/08 Aus 151 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Western Port , Western Channel, Sandy Point 65
Southwards: Channel depths; Depths.................................................................
4297(T)/08 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Channel depths; Channel limits 65
4051(T)/10 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Shute Harbour, Repair Island Westwards: Wreck; 66
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
3900(T)/11 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Laguna Quays: Depths.......................................... 66
4977(T)/11 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Wynnum: Wreck; Buoy ................. 66
3049(T)/12 Aus 818 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Curtis Channel: Wreck.......................................... 66
5103(T)/12 Aus 113 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Fremantle: Depth information .................... 64
647(T)/13 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Glomar Shoal Westwards: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
881(T)/13 Aus 243, Aus 818 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg, South Head North-eastwards: 66
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1420(T)/13 Aus 115 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Bunbury, Leschenault Estuary: Depths....... 64
1512(T)/13 Aus 57, Aus 741, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Obstruction ................................. 63
Aus 742 ..................
1722(T)/13 Aus 754 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Perth, Rottnest Island Westwards and North- 64
westwards: Scientific instruments......................................................................
61(T)/14 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green: Scientific instrument ......... 66
245(T)/14 Aus 831, Aus 832 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Two Islands: Wreck .............................................. 66
796(T)/14 2916, Aus 310 ....... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Timor Sea, Pulau Selaru SW: Buoyage; 60, 63
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................

1977(T)/14 Aus 256 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Magnetic Island E, Bremner Point: Scientific 66
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
3093(T)/14 Aus 245, Aus 246, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Scientific instruments; Buoyage......... 66
Aus 819 ..................
3982(T)/14 Aus 26, Aus 28 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm, Bladin Point: Works .... 63
4552(T)/14 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green E: Buoy .............................. 66
4712(T)/14 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville, Breakwater Marina Channel W: 66
Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
5372(T)/14 Aus 170, Aus 766 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Mercury Passage, Maria Island, Booming Bay: 65
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
5549(T)/14 Aus 256 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cleveland Bay and Approaches, Magnetic Island 66
E: Scientific instrument......................................................................................
1192(T)/15 Aus 26 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Middle Ground: Obstruction ........ 63
1193(T)/15 Aus 28 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Preston Point: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
2287(T)/15 Aus 320, Aus 323 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Lorikeet Shoal: Scientific instrument; 63
2292(T)/15 Aus 143, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Works; Light........................................... 65
3694(T)/15 Aus 194, Aus 195 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla: Dredging area; Buoyage ....... 65
3703(T)/15 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Works ..................................................... 65
3704(T)/15 Aus 143, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Works ..................................................... 65
3705(T)/15 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Works ..................................................... 65
3706(T)/15 Aus 173, Aus 795 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, D’Entrecasteaux Channel: Works; Buoyage ............ 65
4067(T)/15 Aus 157 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port of Geelong, Point Richards Channel: Depth....... 65
4342(T)/15 Aus 57, Aus 327, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier Archipelago, Roly Rock W: 63
Aus 741, Aus 742 .. Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4343(T)/15 Aus 143 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Depths .................................................... 65
4522(T)/15 2472, 4721, Aus 312 AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Timor Sea, Sahul Banks SE: Tanker 58, 60,63
mooring buoy; Radar beacon .............................................................................
4676(T)/15 Aus 26, Aus 28 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm: Scientific instruments; 63
4677(T)/15 Aus 28 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm: Lights .......................... 63
5124(T)/15 Aus 301 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Boyd Point: Scientific instrument; Buoy.............. 63
5328(P)/15 Aus 318, Aus 319 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, East Holothuria Reef E: Depths.................. 63
5673(T)/15 Aus 327, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Rankin Bank N: Scientific instruments ...... 63
Aus 329 ..................
5828(T)/15 Aus 319, Aus 320 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW: Offshore installation ... 63
6373(T)/15 Aus 813 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Ballina E: Buoy........................................... 66
6394(T)/15 Aus 32 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Wyndham: Depths....................................... 63
76(T)/16 Aus 28 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Port Darwin: Works.................................... 63
80(T)/16 Aus 173, Aus 795, AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Bruny Island SE: Scientific instruments; Buoyage .. 65
Aus 796 ..................
82(T)/16 Aus 167, Aus 799 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Bass Strait, Five Mile Bluff NW: Wreck.................. 65
257(T)/16 Aus 828 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Missionary Bay: Buoy .......................................... 66
261(T)/16 Aus 53, Aus 739, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Approaches to Port Hedland: Buoy ............ 63
Aus 740 ..................
263(T)/16 Aus 487 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, King Island W: Scientific instruments; Buoyage ..... 65
715(T)/16 Aus 197, Aus 200, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Ben Buckler SE: Scientific instruments...... 65, 66
Aus 808, Aus 809 ..
719(T)/16 Aus 64, Aus 69, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Approaches to Onslow: Mooring buoys ..... 63
Aus 743 ..................
720(T)/16 Aus 319, Aus 320 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW: Works ......................... 63
928(P)/16 Aus 622 .................. PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Port Moresby: Works ................................................ 66
929(T)/16 Aus 170, Aus 766 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Maria Island: Scientific instruments ........................ 65
953(T)/16 Aus 487, Aus 798 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Cape Barren Island E: Scientific instruments .......... 65
1248(T)/16 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Weipa: Mooring buoys ......................................... 63
1249(T)/16 Aus 58, Aus 59, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Scientific instruments; Buoyage . 63
Aus 60 ....................

1763(T)/16 Aus 143, Aus 144, AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Queenscliff: Obstructions; Buoy ............ 65
Aus 158 ..................
1775(T)/16 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Shute Bay: Wreck ................................................. 66
1776(T)/16 Aus 252, Aus 824 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Solway Passage: Wreck ........................................ 66
2368(T)/16 Aus 24 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Port Darwin: Buoy ..................................... 63
2369(T)/16 Aus 194 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla: Restricted area ...................... 65
2523(T)/16 Aus 816 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, North Gardner Bank: Wreck................................. 66
2574(T)/16 Aus 754 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Direction Bank SW to Rottnest Island W: 64
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
2579(T)/16 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville: Works ................................................ 66
2580(T)/16 Aus 24, Aus 28 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Port Darwin, Fort Point W: Buoy............... 63
2582(P)/16 Aus 756, Aus 757 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Flinders Bay: Depths .................................. 64, 90
2830(T)/16 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville , Western Breakwater: Works............. 66
2904(T)/16 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands NW: Buoy ................... 63
3120(T)/16 Aus 235 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mooloolaba Harbour : Depths ............................. 66
3122(T)/16 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville, Ross River Channel: Depths; 66
Buoyage; Beacons..............................................................................................
3123(T)/16 Aus 319 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Goeree Shoal to Browse Island: Scientific 63
instruments .........................................................................................................
3124(T)/16 Aus 112, Aus 117... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Success Bank: Obstructions........................ 64
3408(T)/16 Aus 490, Aus 818, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bunker Group: Foul.............................................. 66
Aus 819 ..................
3414(T)/16 Aus 242 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Port Bundaberg: Depth ......................................... 66
3415(T)/16 Aus 136 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Pirie: Works ............................................ 65
3419(T)/16 Aus 485, Aus 780 .. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Haycock Point: Wreck.................................... 65
3609(T)/16 Aus 806 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Green Cape: Buoy....................................... 65
3611(T)/16 Aus 55, Aus 740 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port Walcott: Buoy...................................... 63
3612(T)/16 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville: Buoyage ............................................ 66
3613(T)/16 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Manly Boat Harbour: Depths......... 66
3614(T)/16 Aus 255, Aus 825, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Abbot Bay to Holbourne Island: Scientific 66
Aus 826 .................. instruments .........................................................................................................
3938(T)/16 Aus 813 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Cape Byron E: Obstructions ....................... 66
3939(T)/16 Aus 168 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Launceston Wharves: Obstructions.......................... 65
3943(T)/16 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Albatross Bay: Buoy............................................. 63
3945(T)/16 Aus 200, Aus 201 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Jackson: Works.................................... 65
3946(T)/16 Aus 327, Aus 328 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands NW: Scientific 63
instruments .........................................................................................................
3947(T)/16 Aus 143, Aus 157 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Works ..................................................... 65
4185(T)/16 Aus 319, Aus 320 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW: Works; Buoyage ......... 63
4190(P)/16 Aus 57, Aus 58, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Mermaid Sound, Mermaid Strait and East 63
Aus 60, Aus 741, Lewis Island: Depths..........................................................................................
Aus 742 ..................
4192(T)/16 Aus 722 .................. AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Bathurst Island: Buoy................................. 63
4403(T)/16 Aus 112 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Rottnest Island, Point Clune N: Buoy......... 64
4407(T)/16 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port of Melbourne, Swanson Dock: Works ................ 65
4414(T)/16 Aus 293, Aus 299 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Thursday Island, Port Kennedy: Dolphin; Buoy .. 66
4415(T)/16 Aus 112, Aus 113... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Fremantle: Buoy ......................................... 64
4700(T)/16 Aus 143, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Mud Islands NE: Buoy........................... 65
4703(T)/16 Aus 172 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Port of Hobart: Works; Buoyage .............................. 65
4714(T)/16 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay: Depths; Buoyage ........................... 66
4912(T)/16 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Approaches to Cooktown: Obstruction ................ 66
4914(T)/16 Aus 52, Aus 53, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Finucane Island to Weerdee Island: 63
Aus 54, Aus 739, Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
Aus 740 ..................
5210(T)/16 Aus 112, Aus 113... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Swan River: Wreck ..................................... 64
5240(T)/16 Aus 173, Aus 795, AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Tasman Sea, Adventure Bay SE: Scientific 65
Aus 796 .................. instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................

5247(T)/16 Aus 767, Aus 798 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Eddystone Point SE: Scientific instruments; 65
5472(T)/16 Aus 173, Aus 174, AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Recherche Bay: Buoy; Scientific instrument ........... 65
Aus 795 ..................
5477(T)/16 Aus 130, Aus 485, AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Obstruction ............................. 65
Aus 781 ..................
5500(T)/16 Aus 238 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Brisbane River, Hamilton Reach: Scientific 66
instruments .........................................................................................................
5508(T)/16 4721, 4722, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW : Works ........................ 63
Aus 319, Aus 320 ..
5541(P)/16 Aus 320, Aus 323 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Hall Point to Raft Point: Depths ................. 63
5542(T)/16 Aus 171, Aus 172 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, River Derwent, Tasman Bridge: Works ................... 65
5566(T)/16 Aus 65, Aus 66 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island, Town Point: Buoy .............. 63
5567(T)/16 Aus 810, Aus 811... AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Crowdy Head NE: Buoy ............................. 66
5884(T)/16 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Spitfire Channel: Buoy ......................................... 66
6314(T)/16 Aus 238 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Brisbane River, Hamilton Reach: Works; Light; 66
Buoyage; Light-beacon ......................................................................................
6315(T)/16 Aus 816 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gardner Bank SW: Wreck .................................... 66
6604(T)/16 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mud Island: Scientific instrument ........................ 66
6609(T)/16 Aus 151 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Western Port, Tea Tree Point NW: Depths ................. 65
6625(T)/16 Aus 237 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Fisherman Islands, Coal Wharf: Works; Buoy ..... 66
240(P)/17 Aus 197, Aus 809 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Broken Bay SE: Wrecks.............................. 65, 66
268(T)/17 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Embley River: Works; Restricted area ................. 63
561(T)/17 Aus 250 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Obstructions........................................ 66
621(T)/17 Aus 255 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Abbot Point: Buoyage .......................................... 66
839(T)/17 Aus 249, Aus 250 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mackay: Scientific instruments ............................ 66
840(T)/17 Aus 790 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Three Hummock Island, Neils Rock: Scientific 65
5449(P)/14 NZ 531 ................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Mercury Islands and Mercury 71
Bay: Depths; Rocks............................................................................................
6227(P)/15 NZ 531, NZ 532..... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Coromandel Peninsula: Depths; 71
6524(P)/15 NZ 51 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Moturoa Islands and Doubtless Bay: Rocks; 71
Islet .....................................................................................................................
6525(P)/15 NZ 51 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Bay of Islands: Rocks; Depths ...................... 71
1061(T)/16 NZ 66, NZ 661....... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Approaches to Otago Harbour: Scientific 72
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
4202(T)/16 4600, 4640, NZ 55 NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Poverty Bay E: Scientific 71
instruments .........................................................................................................
4461(T)/16 NZ 5125 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Te Nunuhe Rock (Whale Rock): Buoy ......... 71
5482(T)/16 NZ 6321 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Lyttelton Harbour, Sticking Point 72
E: Restricted area; Buoyage ...............................................................................
5704(P)/16 4640, 4641, NZ 43 NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Raglan Harbour W: Submarine cable............ 71
5935(T)/16 NZ 61, NZ 6142..... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay: Marine farms 71
6391(T)/16 NZ 6142 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Tasman Bay/Te Tai-O-Aorere: Buoyage....... 71
163(P)/17 NZ 46 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Kapiti Island: Depths .................................... 71
164(T)/17 NZ 4633, NZ 4634. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Wellington, Lambton Harbour: Light; 71
Restricted area; Buoyage; Floating barrier ........................................................
369(P)/17 NZ 532, NZ 5321, NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Putiki Bay: Wrecks; Buoy; Beacon............... 71
NZ 5324 .................
385(T)/17 NZ 4314 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Manukau Harbour Entrance: Depths............. 71
946(T)/17 4640, 4648, NZ 46, NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Cook Strait, Fishermans Rock SW: Scientific 71, 72
NZ 463 ................... instrument...........................................................................................................
986(P)/17 NZ 5412 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Port of Tauranga: Buoyage; Light-beacons... 71

5229(T)/05 4624 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Melanesian Basin, Nauru: Fish traps ................... 70
4177(T)/09 968 ........................ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Île Futuna and Îles Wallis: Fish havens................ 70
60(T)/10 1735 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands, New Georgia Island, Port Noro, 68
Hathorn Sound: Jetty..........................................................................................
5211(T)/11 4510 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, North Pacific Basin, Hachijo- Shima South- 53
eastwards: Buoy .................................................................................................
3021(T)/12 3994, 3995, 3996, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands: Fish havens.............................. 66, 68
3997, 3998, 4621,
4623, 4634 ...........
2751(T)/13 1640 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Îles Marquises, Nuku-Hiva, Baie de Taiohae: 73
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3847(T)/13 1436 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Tahiti West Coast, Passe de 73
Taapuna Northwards, Lagon de Punaauia: Wreck .............................................
218(T)/14 2928 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Passe de Thio: Buoy .......... 68
679(T)/14 1494, 1570, 1576 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Vanuatu, Éfaté, Érakor Bay SW: Buoyage........... 68
681(T)/14 2462, 2463, 2907 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, South Coast, Nouméa, 68
Grande Rade and Baie Maa: Scientific instruments ..........................................
1374(T)/15 1060, 1107............ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Îles de la Société, Bora-Bora, 73
Passe Te Ava Nui: Explosive dumping ground; Restricted area ........................
2280(T)/15 4506, 4507, 4604, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN: Scientific 57, 59,67,
4622 ...................... instruments; Buoyage......................................................................................... 68
2385(T)/15 2293, 4510, 4511. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Ryofu-Daini Seamount to Ryo- fu- Seamount: 53, 55
3675(T)/15 4509 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Taiwan SE, Bashi Channel NE: Data collection 57
87(T)/16 1660, 1673, 1674 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Fiji Islands, Viti Levu, Approaches to Suva 70
Harbour, Levu Passage: Wreck; Buoy ...............................................................
1436(P)/16 1494 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Vanuatu, Éfaté - Port Vila - Pontoon Bay and 68
Paray Bay: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
2496(T)/16 761, 4051, 4052, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN: Data buoys ............. 57, 63,68,
4060, 4061, 4062, 70, 73,74,
4506, 4604, 4605, 88, 89
4606, 4607, 4615,
4617, 4618, 4619,
4623, 4624, 4625,
4629, 4632, 4653,
4802, 4808, 4811.
4193(T)/16 Aus 197, Aus 809 .. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Tasman Sea, AUSTRALIA - Sydney to NEW 65, 66
ZEALAND - Auckland: Submarine cable .........................................................
5984(P)/16 1750 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands, Honiara and Lungga Roads: 68
Works; Depths; Dolphins; Alongside depth.......................................................
6576(T)/16 1436 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Rade De Papeete: Works .... 73
249(T)/17 1436 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Bassin de Tapuaeraha: 73
Marine farms; Buoyage......................................................................................
4279(P)/15 8051 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Port Approach Guide 89
Richmond with Approaches to Oakland and San Francisco: Note ....................
6663(P)/15 8050 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Port Approach Guide Oakland 89
and San Francisco: Anchor berths; Swinging circles.........................................
6664(P)/15 8051 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Port Approach Guide 89
Richmond with Approaches to Oakland and San Francisco: Anchor berths .....
2077(P)/16 8051 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Port Approach Guide 89
Richmond with Approaches to Oakland and San Francisco : Automatic
Identification System .........................................................................................

1762(P)/14 4246, 4247 ........... CHILE, Northern Coasts, Ports in Bahia Concepcion: Depths; Piers; 98
Obstructions; Light-beacon; Pilot boarding places; Dolphin; Port
4891(T)/14 3089 ...................... PERU, Salaverry W: Anchorage areas............................................................... 98
5527(T)/14 2799 ...................... ECUADOR, Bahía de Santa Elena and Manta N: Buoyage .............................. 98
5533(T)/14 509 ........................ ECUADOR, Golfo de Guayaquil, Data De Posorja W: Wreck ......................... 98
1745(T)/15 2257, 3092 ........... ECUADOR, Golfo de Guayaquil, Pta. de Piedra W: Wreck ............................. 98
3467(T)/15 3084 ...................... PERU, Matarani, Caleta Islay: Precautionary area ............................................ 98
5860(P)/15 8090 ...................... PERU, Port Approach Guide Puerto Callao: Light............................................ 98
6453(T)/15 656 ........................ MEXICO, Pacific Ocean Coast, Bahia de Puerto Marques: Light; Buoy ......... 89
295(P)/16 8090 ...................... PERU, Port Approach Guide Puerto Callao: Light; Automatic Identification 98
System; Radio reporting point ...........................................................................
1696(P)/16 8165 ...................... MEXICO, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Puerto Lazaro Cardenas: 89
Notes ..................................................................................................................
1802(T)/16 2319, 8212 ........... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Approaches to Buenaventura : Automatic 98
Identification Systems ........................................................................................
3380(P)/16 8090 ...................... PERU, Puerto Callao: Jetties.............................................................................. 98
4068(P)/16 3089 ...................... PERU, Paita: Buoyage; Jetty; Leading line ....................................................... 98
4126(P)/16 8090 ...................... PERU, Port Approach Guide Puerto Callao: Note............................................. 98
4188(T)/16 1029, 1049 ........... MEXICO, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ensenada NW: Marine farms ......................... 89
5374(P)/16 2497 ...................... COSTA RICA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Puerto Caldera: Berths; Dredged areas .. 89
5503(T)/16 2319 ...................... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Río Buenaventura: Buoy .......................... 98
5716(P)/16 8090 ...................... PERU, Port Approach Guide Puerto Callao: Wrecks ........................................ 98
6325(P)/16 8212 ...................... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Buenaventura: Note 98
6341(P)/16 8090 ...................... PERU, Port Approach Guide Puerto Callao: Wreck; Legend; Restricted area; 98
Light; Buoy ........................................................................................................
6492(P)/16 512 ........................ ECUADOR, Río Guayas: Buoyage; Beacons; Bridges; Lights; Jetties; 98
Recommended track; Depths; Floating docks; Overhead cable ........................
466(P)/17 8212 ...................... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Port Approach Guide Buenaventura: 98
Coastline; Berth..................................................................................................
492(T)/17 2257 ...................... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Tumaco: Buoy .......................................... 98
720(P)/17 1938 ...................... MEXICO, Pacific Ocean Coast, Approaches to Ensenada: Works.................... 89
4399(P)/14 1776 ...................... ANTARCTICA, South Shetland Islands, King George Island to Livingston 97
Island, Barnard Point to Demay Point: Coastline; Rocks; Depths.....................
4710(P)/08 3597 ...................... SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, South Georgia, Willis Islands to Eisehul and 96
Undine harbour: Islets; Rocks............................................................................
1309(T)/13 529, 530, 3971 .... BRAZIL, South Coast, Cabo Frio South-eastwards: Mooring buoys................ 95
2399(T)/14 3561 ...................... ARGENTINA, Rio de la Plata-Canal Emilio Mitre E and W: Obstructions; 95
Depths; Wreck....................................................................................................
658(T)/15 329, 330, 3959 .... BRAZIL, North Coast, Rio Pará, Ponta Taipu NW: Depths .............................. 95
1738(T)/15 3063 ...................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Conceição Eastwards: Wreck ....................................... 95
3190(P)/15 566 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Niterói W: Depths ........................................................ 95
4215(P)/15 8076 ...................... URUGUAY, Port Approach Guide Montevideo: Light-float............................ 95
5289(T)/15 566 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Rio de Janeiro N: Obstruction...................................... 95
5372(T)/15 526 ........................ BRAZIL, North Coast, Pecém Terminal: Light ................................................. 95
5548(T)/15 566 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Baía de Guanabara: Wreck; Foul ................................. 95
5556(T)/15 520, 3962 ............. BRAZIL, North Coast, Cabo Cassiporé SE: Wreck .......................................... 95
5559(T)/15 598 ........................ BRAZIL, East Coast, Porto de Vitória: Wreck .................................................. 95
5605(T)/15 431, 432 ............... BRAZIL, South Coast, Baía da Ilha Grande and Baía de Sepetiba: Wrecks ..... 95
5681(T)/15 1749 ...................... ARGENTINA, Canal Intermedio: Foul ............................................................. 95
6057(P)/15 8048 ...................... BRAZIL, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Salvador and Associated 95
Terminals: Note; Anchorage areas; Legends .....................................................
6729(T)/15 3064, 3324 ........... ARGENTINA, Cabo San Antonio: Beacons; Lights ......................................... 95, 96

233(P)/16 8094 ...................... ARGENTINA, Port Approach Guide Puertos Ingeniero White, Nacional and 96
Galván: Anchorage areas; Legends....................................................................
469(T)/16 587 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de Paranaguá: Alongside depths......................... 95
884(T)/16 2506 ...................... SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Falkland Islands, Hecate Channel, Providence 96
Head: Light-beacon; Leading line......................................................................
1350(P)/16 8076 ...................... URUGUAY, Port Approach Guide Montevideo: Legends ................................ 95
1750(P)/16 2001, 8076 ........... URUGUAY, Approaches to Montevideo: Restricted area; Submarine pipeline; 95
Dredging areas ...................................................................................................
2529(P)/16 1331 ...................... ARGENTINA, Approaches to Bahía Blanca: Buoyage .................................... 96
2651(P)/16 8033 ...................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Paranaguá and Antonina: Notes; 10
Anchorage area; Legend ....................................................................................
3528(P)/16 566 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, I. das Cobras NE: Rock ................................................ 95
3621(P)/16 8094 ...................... ARGENTINA, Puerto Galván and Puerto Rosales: Jetty; Dolphins; Lights; 96
Dredged area; Lights in line ...............................................................................
3997(P)/16 8076 ...................... URUGUAY, Port Approach Guide Montevideo: Automatic Identification 95
System; Superbuoy; Restricted area; Light-vessel.............................................
4127(P)/16 8076 ...................... URUGUAY, Port Approach Guide Montevideo: Pilot boarding places; 95
Maintained channels...........................................................................................
4543(P)/16 3978 ...................... BRAZIL, East Coast, Porto de Suape: Buoyage................................................ 95
4600(T)/16 431 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Baía de Sepetiba: Buoy ................................................ 95
4730(P)/16 8049 ...................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Port Approach Guide Rio Grande, Porto Alegre and 95
Terminal Santa Clara: Submarine cable; Obstruction; Landmark; Power
transmission line; Safe vertical clearance ..........................................................
5168(T)/16 29 .......................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Baía de Santos: Buoy ................................................... 95
5328(T)/16 566 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Baía de Guanabara: Buoy............................................. 95
5803(T)/16 2001 ...................... URUGUAY, Approaches to Montevideo: Buoy ................................................ 95
6279(T)/16 3064, 3703 ........... URUGUAY, C. Santa María NE and Punta del Este E: Buoyage...................... 95
6294(T)/16 531 ........................ ARGENTINA, Puerto Mar del Plata , Escollera Norte: Light.......................... 96
6343(P)/16 8076 ...................... URUGUAY, Port Approach Guide Montevideo: Maintained channel; Note .... 95
6574(T)/16 431 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Saco Da Coroa Grande S: Wreck ................................. 95
6623(T)/16 599, 3972 ............. BRAZIL, East Coast, Vitória SE: Wreck ........................................................... 95
386(T)/17 8261 ...................... BRAZIL, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Açu: Port developments; 95
Anchorage areas; Pilot boarding places .............................................................
448(T)/17 520, 528, 543, 3958 BRAZIL, North Coast, Approaches to Baía de São Marcos: Buoy................... 95
449(T)/17 528, 3955, 3957 .. BRAZIL, North Coast, Fortaleza N: Buoy ........................................................ 95
452(T)/17 191, 3980 ............. BRAZIL, South Coast, Laje de Santos SE: Buoy.............................................. 95
454(T)/17 2012, 3063 ........... BRAZIL, South Coast, Approaches to Porto do Rio Grande: Buoyage ............ 95
458(T)/17 529, 530, 4201, BRAZIL, South Coast, Rio De Janeiro SE: Buoy ............................................. 95
4202 ......................
481(T)/17 529, 530, 553, BRAZIL, South Coast, Rio de Janeiro SE, Ilha Rasa: Automatic Identification 95
3970, 3971 ........... System ................................................................................................................
821(P)/17 431 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Ilha da Madeira SW: Channel ...................................... 95
1015(T)/17 545, 8048 ............. BRAZIL, East Coast, Porto de Aratu, Dow Chemical Terminal South- 95
westwards: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
2555(P)/08 793 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Grenadines, Canouan, Taffia Bay: 87
Reclamation area ................................................................................................
331(T)/11 1044 ...................... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Englishmans Bay North-north- 87
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
1518(T)/13 481, 483, 1045 .... CARIBBEAN SEA, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, Gulf of Paria, 87
Columbus Bay North-westwards: Data collection buoys ..................................
3705(P)/13 519, 533 ............... GUYANA, Georgetown, Demerara River: Lights ............................................. 87
4559(T)/13 1045, 3320 ........... VENEZUELA, Río Orinoco, Boca Grande and Approaches, South Channel: 87
LANBY ..............................................................................................................
514(P)/15 1033, 1034 ........... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Approaches to Dégrad des Cannes: Channel; 87
Buoyage; Beacons; Leading line........................................................................

1103(P)/15 8006 ...................... PANAMA, Panama Canal, Port Approach Guide Panama Canal Northern 88
Entrance: Note....................................................................................................
1527(T)/15 1278, 2262 ........... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bahía Colombia W: Obstruction ............. 88
6005(P)/15 8031 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Mobile Bay: Dredged depths .............................................................................
6584(T)/15 1521 ...................... VENEZUELA, Maracaibo, Bajo Grande: Submarine pipeline ......................... 87
136(P)/16 8080 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Galveston To Houston Ship Channel: Automatic Identification System...........
340(P)/16 8112....................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Tampa Bay: Automatic Identification Systems..................................................
723(T)/16 371, 594, 596, 1042 WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Fort-de-France NW: Buoyage.................. 87
813(P)/16 8077 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Houston: Dredged depths...................................................................................
958(P)/16 8031 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Mobile Bay: Dredged depths .............................................................................
1349(P)/16 8113....................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Approaches to Tampa Bay: Virtual aid to navigation ........................................
1499(P)/16 501, 1045 ............. WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, South East Approaches to Trinidad, Red 87
Mango Gas Field NE: Platform; Submarine pipeline ........................................
1509(P)/16 2005, 2006 ........... WEST INDIES, Virgin Islands, Frenchman’s Cay SE: Depths ......................... 86
1583(T)/16 396, 1276, 2195, COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Punta Canoas NW and Barranquilla N and 19, 82,86,
4012, 4013, 4400, NE: Current meters ............................................................................................ 88
4402 ......................
1603(P)/16 8158 ...................... MEXICO, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide Veracruz: Note.................... 83
1604(P)/16 8158 ...................... MEXICO, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide Veracruz: Note.................... 83
1607(P)/16 8065 ...................... VENEZUELA, Port Approach Guide Puerto Cabello: Radar beacon............... 87
1661(P)/16 2434 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bahía de Cartagena: Submarine pipeline 88
1800(P)/16 471 ........................ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Puerto de Haina: Depths; Berths; Lights .............. 86
2140(P)/16 8065 ...................... VENEZUELA, Puerto Cabello and Approaches: Depths; Wrecks; Buoyage; 87
2586(T)/16 376, 1307 ............. MEXICO, Gulf of Mexico, Punta Roca Partida NW: Buoy .............................. 83
2769(T)/16 2434 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bocachica: Buoyage ................................ 88
2858(T)/16 444 ........................ CUBA, South Coast, Cienfuegos S: Light-beacons........................................... 84
2975(P)/16 2261 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Barranquilla and Approaches: 88
Depths; Wreck; Lights; Buoy.............................................................................
3048(T)/16 1307, 2626 ........... MEXICO, Gulf of Campeche, Dos Bocas Terminal N: Wreck ......................... 83
3185(P)/16 8112....................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Tampa Bay: Dredged depth................................................................................
3199(T)/16 2261 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Barranquilla and Approaches: 88
Leading lines ......................................................................................................
3562(T)/16 1521 ...................... VENEZUELA, Lago de Maracaibo: Buoyage................................................... 87
3688(T)/16 2195, 4400, 4402 COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Cañón Aguja N: Current meter................ 86, 88
3726(P)/16 8065 ...................... VENEZUELA, Port Approach Guide Puerto Cabello: Radar beacon............... 87
3894(T)/16 517, 520 ............... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Battures de Malmanoury: Buoy................................ 87, 95
4083(T)/16 1034 ...................... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Approaches to Dégrad des Cannes : Wave recorder. 87
4197(P)/16 8211....................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Cartagena: Beacons 88
4258(P)/16 467 ........................ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, San Pedro de Macorís and Puerto de Santo 86
Domingo: Buoyage ............................................................................................
4292(P)/16 467 ........................ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Bahía de Andrés: Buoyage ................................... 86
4293(P)/16 467 ........................ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Puerto la Romana: Buoyage ................................. 86
4348(P)/16 2194, 2267 ........... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Bolivar and Punta Aguja to Punta 87, 88
de La Cruz: Depths; Lights; Restricted areas.....................................................
4423(P)/16 8031 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide 83
Mobile Bay: Dredged depth ...............................................................................
4666(T)/16 1496, 2866, 3910 WEST INDIES, Bahamas, Great Bahama Bank: Lights ................................... 83
5108(P)/16 398 ........................ WEST INDIES, Bahamas, Freeport Harbour: Depths....................................... 83
5748(T)/16 371 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Fort-de-France, Pointe Simon: Works; 87
Pontoon; Buoyage; Restricted area ....................................................................

5819(P)/16 8103 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide Port 83
Arthur and Beaumont: Note ...............................................................................
5900(P)/16 8211....................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Cartagena: 88
Anchorage area; Legend; Buoyage ....................................................................
5971(P)/16 1400, 1401, 1929, PANAMA, Panama Canal, Caribbean Sea Coast, Pacific Sea Coast: Depths; 88
3098, 3111, 8006, Channel limits; Buoyage; Lights; Dredged depths; Wrecks; Anchorage areas .
8007 ......................
6119(P)/16 3111, 8006............ PANAMA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Atlantic Entrance to Panama Canal: Works; 88
Berths; Buoyage; Depths; Channel; Harbour developments .............................
6160(P)/16 8242 ...................... WEST INDIES, Jamaica, Port Approach Guide Kingston: Notes..................... 86
6211(P)/16 465, 466, 486, HAITI, North, West and South Coast: Depths; Coastline; Lights; Wrecks; 83, 86
1266, 2579, 3907, Obstructions .......................................................................................................
3935 ......................
6233(P)/16 8211....................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Cartagena: Note.... 88
6309(P)/16 1520, 1521 ........... VENEZUELA, Bahía de Maracaibo: Traffic separation scheme; Buoyage; 87
Anchorage areas; Depths....................................................................................
6342(P)/16 8211....................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Port Approach Guide Cartagena: 88
Anchorage areas; Legends .................................................................................
6507(P)/16 8195 ...................... MEXICO, Gulf of Mexico, Port Approach Guide Coatzacoalcos: Foul ........... 85
94(T)/17 257, 258, 454, 458, WEST INDIES, Jamaica, Kingston Harbour, Port Bustamante, Port Antonio, 86
459, 464, 8242 .... Ocho Rios Bay, Falmouth, Montego Bay, Port Kaiser and Port Esquivel :
Berths; Anchorage area; Piers; Mooring; Reported anchorages; Anchor berths
461(P)/17 8078 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Houston Ship Channel: 83
Legends ..............................................................................................................
528(P)/17 8242 ...................... WEST INDIES, Jamaica, Approaches to Kingston Harbour: Automatic 86
Identification System .........................................................................................
551(P)/17 8209 ...................... MEXICO, Gulf of Mexico, Approaches to Altamira: Lights; Breakwaters ...... 83
637(T)/17 477 ........................ WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Bulldog Shoal: Light-beacon . 87
811(T)/17 454, 456 ............... WEST INDIES, Jamaica, Kingston Harbour: Dredging areas .......................... 86
1297(T)/11 324, 2666 ............. CANADA, Newfoundland and Labrador, Banquereau Bank Eastwards and 76, 78
South-eastwards, Hamilton Bank North-eastwards: Sub-surface oceanographic
buoys and moorings ...........................................................................................
176(T)/13 4112, 4405............ GREENLAND, East Coast, Kap Farvel Eastwards: Measuring instruments; 15, 76
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
5552(P)/15 8030 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide 81
Jacksonville: Dredged areas; Dredged depths....................................................
5976(P)/15 8122 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Portland: 81
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
1565(P)/16 8122 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Portland: 81
Wreck .................................................................................................................
2681(P)/16 2490, 2492, 2670, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Gulf of Maine: Maritime limit 80, 81
4746 ......................
2682(P)/16 2710, 2864, 2865, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Cape Fear to Cape Canaveral 81
3687, 3691, 3692 S: Maritime limit ................................................................................................
3188(P)/16 8181 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Port
Everglades: Horizontal clearance; Vertical clearance ........................................
4275(P)/16 8200 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Delaware 81
River - Philadelphia and Camden: Anchorage areas; Legends; Note ................
5140(P)/16 8248 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Boston: 81
Channel limits ....................................................................................................
928(P)/17 8187 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, New York, Lower Bay and 81
Approaches: Obstructions; Wrecks ....................................................................

Source: UK Hydrographic Office



(1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 – 2.8

(2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 – 2.9
(3) North Russia, Norway, The Færoe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10
(4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 – 2.11
(5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . 2.11 – 2.12
(6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 – 2.13
(7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 – 2.16
(9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16
(10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17
(11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 – 2.19
(12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20
(13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 – 2.25
(15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 – 2.28
(16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.28 – 2.29
(17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29 – 2.30
(18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30
(19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(20) Pacific Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31
(25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31 – 2.34
(26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.34
(27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35 – 2.48



Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
889 2.25 55 946(T)/17 2.46 71, 72
890 2.25 53 947(T)/17 2.37 10
891 2.25 55 948(T)/17 2.37 10
892 2.26 55 949(T)/17 2.37 10
893 2.26 55 950 2.15 25
894 2.27 55 951(P)/17 2.35 3
895 2.27 55 952(P)/17 2.43 50
896 2.27 55 953(T)/17 2.38 10
897 2.27 53, 55 954(T)/17 2.42 41
898 2.28 53 955(T)/17 2.45 56
899(T)/17 2.44 55 956 2.15 27
900(T)/17 2.44 53 957 2.33 85
901(T)/17 2.45 54 958 2.15 24
902(T)/17 2.45 54 959* 2.9 3
903(T)/17 2.45 54 960 2.23 52
904 2.10 9 961 2.24 47
905(T)/17 2.36 10 962 2.30 48
906 2.31 95 963 2.10 10
907 2.11 9 964 2.7 7, 13
908 2.31 95 965(T)/17 2.38 10
909 2.11 7, 9 966(T)/17 2.39 10, 12
910 2.14 28, 29 967(P)/17 2.41 17
911 2.34 81 968 2.17 37
912 2.31 84, 86 969 2.13 16
913 2.12 16 970 2.13 17
914 2.10 10 971* 2.33 85
915 2.20 47, 50 972(T)/17 2.40 10
916 2.30 63 973(T)/17 2.40 10
917 2.30 66 974(T)/17 2.40 10
918* 2.32 87 975(T)/17 2.42 43
919 2.28 52 976 2.18 40
920 2.28 52 977* 2.18 40
921 2.10 14 978 2.33 87
922 2.20 41 979 2.18 40
923 2.21 50 980 2.24 52
924 2.21 47 981 2.15 25
925 2.28 52 982 2.11 9
926* 2.32 86 983 2.15 25
927(P)/17 2.42 50 984 2.31 96
928(P)/17 2.48 81 985* 2.16 24
929 2.29 48 986(P)/17 2.46 71
930* 2.8 5 987 2.12 9
931 2.14 27 988 2.16 25
932 2.10 10 989 2.24 47
933 2.14 28, 29 990 2.18 40
934* 2.8 3 991 2.7 86
935 2.11 9 992(P)/17 2.42 25
936 2.28 52 993(T)/17 2.40 7
937 2.22 47 994 2.11 11
938 2.22 47, 48, 50 995 2.13 9
939 2.29 52 996 2.24 50
940 2.13 18 997 2.25 47
941* 2.9 7 998 2.7–2.8 34, 35
942* 2.17 40 999 2.16 25
943 2.29 47, 48 1000* 2.19 40
944(T)/17 2.36 10 1001 2.33 83
945 2.12 9 1002 2.19 40



Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
1003 2.34 81
1004 2.9 3
1005* 2.16 34
1006 2.25 52
1007(T)/17 2.35 3
1008 2.34 81
1009(P)/17 2.35 7
1010* 2.9 8
1011 2.34 87
1012(T)/17 2.36 3
1013(P)/17 2.44 52
1014 2.12 9
1015(T)/17 2.47 95
1016(T)/17 2.36 14
1017(T)/17 2.41 18
1018(T)/17 2.41 18



Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Admiralty
Admiralty Chart
Chart No.
No. Notices

73 940 1566 954T

84 975T 1573 971
90 975T 1608 910
91 940 1624 933
93 940 1701 981
104 941 1763 952P
107 941 1798 957
110 935 1826 959, 1007T, 1012T
155 983 1844 962
176 985 1872 909
180 933 1873 909
224 910 1951 1004
252 958 1962 938
274 993T 1965 961
275 964 1968 938
281 964 1974 988
306 1005 IN 2004 954T
307 1005 2005 926
310 998 2014 949T, 953T, 965T, 972T,
312 998 973T, 974T
340 923 2015 947T, 949T, 974T
348 937 2018 944T, 949T, 953T, 965T,
419 1001 966T, 972T, 973T
430 904, 982 2019 926
463 991 2020 926
494 1011 2029 969
501 978 2040 948T, 949T
545 1015T 2094 1007T, 1012T
550 906 2107 966T
566 908 2111 929
578 998 2115 947T
701 968 2116 950, 983
798 966T 2146 913
836 966T 2166 988
837 905T, 966T 2223 966T
853 966T 2251 944T, 966T
855 958 2288 948T
872 905T, 966T 2294 921
896 936 2361 966T
900 963 2368 1016T
937 938 2449 909
1007 925 2469 945
1058 933 2485 918
1059 989 2523 942, 977, 1000
1061 933 2569 994
1086 910 2571 1010
1087 933 2613 913
1121 1007T, 1012T 2644 960, 980
1126 927P 2650 960, 980
1180 999 2677 932
1190 941 2679 932, 949T
1193 981 2688 914, 948T
1255 1006 2696 1012T
1258 919, 939 2816 944T
1266 912 2837 942, 1000
1270 920 2847 1000
1320 959, 1007T, 1012T 2850 1003
1331 984 2856 966T
1336 943 2857 966T
1338 929 2858 942
1350 995 2861 1008
1411 1007T, 1012T 2864 1008
1423 987 2904 930
1441 991 2945 947T
1461 956 3026 938
1493 931 3057 967P
1512 934 3069 970
1555 924, 938 3204 911
1565 954T



Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Japanese
Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
3220 1017T JP 54 891, 892, 894
3221 1017T JP 79 889, 892, 893, 899T
3231 996 JP 80 898
3348 924 JP 89 890, 898
3403 985 JP 127 901T
3459 911 JP 135 902T, 903T
3460 922 JP 1049 897
3488 938, 961 JP 1065 900T
3489 938 JP 1097 895, 896, 897
3490 1004 JP 1098 892, 894, 895, 896
3621 1014 JP 1101 901T
3625 945 JP 1262 901T, 902T
3635 1018T JP 1263 902T, 903T
3636 1018T
3737 979, 1002
3738 1002 International
3759 976 Notices
Chart No.
3760 1002
3761 979, 1002 INT 307 985
3767 907, 987 INT 512 955T
3786 990 INT 552 938, 961
3790 977 INT 553 938
3834 943 INT 640 946T
3836 943 INT 648 946T
3859 998 INT 750 942
3860 998 INT 1045 987
3865 912 INT 1062 1007T, 1012T
3871 968 INT 1201 947T, 949T, 974T
3890 997 INT 1202 944T, 949T, 953T, 965T,
3892 924, 997 966T, 972T, 973T
3935 912 INT 1218 948T, 949T
3950 1000 INT 1219 949T, 953T, 965T, 972T,
3971 906 973T, 974T
3990 961 INT 1232 905T, 966T
4122 915 INT 1288 914, 948T
4123 915 INT 1297 932
4132 998 INT 1301 966T
4133 998 INT 1314 966T
4512 955T INT 1326 966T
4640 946T INT 1328 966T
4648 946T INT 1342 947T
8009 992P INT 1366 945
8045 1009P INT 1376 963
8048 1015T INT 1383 904, 982
8081 951P INT 1412 907, 987
8131 1013P INT 1453 945
8166 975T INT 1457 1014
8187 928P INT 1473 935
8218 927P INT 1480 909
INT 1482 995
Australian INT 1508 941
Notices INT 1566 941
Chart No.
INT 1607 959, 1007T, 1012T
Aus 323 916 INT 1608 1007T, 1012T
Aus 324 916 INT 1642 1004
Aus 610 917 INT 1643 1004
INT 1705 913
INT 1750 913
New Zealand INT 1766 905T, 966T
Chart No. INT 1768 966T
INT 1812 940
NZ 46 946T INT 1845 967P
NZ 463 946T INT 1847 970
NZ 5412 986P INT 1875 1017T
INT 1876 1017T
INT 1901 940
INT 2050 998
INT 2550 1005



Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
INT 2580 998
INT 2590 998
INT 2600 998
INT 2610 998
INT 2620 998
INT 2814 1005
INT 3180 981
INT 3185 999
INT 3192 983
INT 3216 985
INT 3784 933
INT 5355 936
INT 5363 920
INT 5508 938
INT 7017 942, 1000
INT 7018 1000
INT 7244 1000
INT 7250 942, 977, 1000
INT 7252 977
INT 7254 1002
INT 7255 979, 1002
INT 7359 954T
INT 7428 975T


Source: UKHO

Chart Previous Update Details

275 4926/15 Effective from 23/02/17 on publication of Chart 1402

Insert magenta limit and chart number, NO 10, as follows:

North: 58° 08´·50N. East: -

South: 57° 49´·00N. West: 7° 00´·80E.
Insert legend, NORWEGIAN (NO) LARGER SCALE CHARTS (see Note), centred
on:58° 00´·73N., 6° 35´·50E.
Insert the accompanying note, NORWEGIAN (NO) LARGER SCALE CHARTS,
centred on: 57° 09´·51N., 6° 36´·04E.
Amend chart number to read, NO 12, in position 58° 03´·13N., 6° 11´·03E.
Amend chart number to read, NO 11, in position 57° 54´·75N., 6° 28´·11E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3517, in position 57° 55´·23N., 7° 01´·79E.

281 5867/15 Insert legend, NORWEGIAN (NO) LARGER SCALE CHARTS (see Note), centred on:
58° 16´·81N., 5° 52´·31E.
Insert the accompanying note, NORWEGIAN (NO) LARGER SCALE CHARTS,
centred on: 58° 50´·20N., 6° 28´·55E.
Amend chart number to read, NO 11, in position 58° 12´·17N., 6° 18´·31E.
Amend chart number to read, NO 12, in position 58° 08´·16N., 5° 58´·56E.


Source: UKHO

Chart Previous Update Details

463 5470/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on publication of Chart 468

Panel, Punta Cabarete to Punta Brimball
Insert magenta limit and chart number, 468, as follows:

North: 19° 51´·42N. East: 70° 45´·40W.

South: 19° 50´·28N. West: 70° 46´·47W.

1441 931/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on publication of Chart 468

Insert magenta limit and chart number, 468, as follows:

North: 21° 26´·30N. East: 71° 08´·60W.

South: 21° 25´·50N. West: 71° 09´·20W.


Source: UKHO

Chart Previous Update Details

310 5494/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on withdrawal of Chart 1806

INT 2580 Replace existing note, CHARTS 1197 AND 1806: POSITIONS, with accompanying
note, CHART 1197: POSITIONS centred on 17° 05´·1S., 12° 11´·1E.

312 5320/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on publication of Chart 4175

INT 2050 Insert reference, Adjoining Chart 4175, in S border at longitude 9° 15´·0E.
Delete reference, Adjoining Chart 1806 (see Note - POSITIONS), in S border at
longitude 10° 27´·0E.
Delete note, CHART 1806: POSITIONS, centred on 16° 27´·4S., 12° 54´·7E.


Source: UKHO

Chart Previous Update Details

578 4585/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on publication of Chart 4177

Insert reference, Adjoining Chart 4177, in W border at latitude 34° 37´·5S.
Amend reference in N border at longitude 16° 15´·3E. to read, Adjoining Chart 4177.

3859 3776/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on withdrawal of Chart 1806

INT 2610 Delete note, CHART 1806: POSITIONS, centred on 21° 52´·7S., 14° 21´·4E.

3860 4133/16 Effective from 23/02/17 on withdrawal of Chart 1806

INT 2620 Delete note, CHART 1806: POSITIONS, centred on 24° 10´·2S., 15° 09´·7E.

4132 237/12 Effective from 23/02/17 on withdrawal of Chart 1806

INT 2590 Delete note, CHART 1806: POSITIONS, centred on 17° 47´·3S., 12° 34´·9E.

4133 542/09 Effective from 23/02/17 on withdrawal of Chart 1806

INT 2600 Delete note, CHART 1806: POSITIONS, centred on 19° 50´·6S., 13° 40´·0E.

930* SCOTLAND - Hebrides - Loch Uiskevagh - Marine farm.

Source: Marine Scotland

Chart 2904 [ previous update New Edition 18/08/2016 ] ETRS89

Insert limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: 57° 26´·42N., 7° 11´·95W.
(existing limit)
57° 26´·37N., 7° 11´·78W.
57° 26´·28N., 7° 11´·70W.
57° 26´·22N., 7° 11´·75W.
57° 26´·18N., 7° 11´·93W.
57° 26´·30N., 7° 12´·41W.
57° 26´·40N., 7° 12´·48W.
57° 26´·46N., 7° 12´·43W.
57° 26´·50N., 7° 12´·24W.
(existing limit)

934* WALES - West Coast - Pwllheli - Light-beacons.

Source: Cyngor Gwynedd Council Notice 1/17

Chart 1512 (Panel A, Pwllheli) [ previous update New Edition 01/09/2016 ] ETRS89 DATUM
ThF¨ l.G.15s 52° 53´·041N., 4° 24´·234W.
ThFl.G.12·5s 52° 53´·054N., 4° 24´·044W.


941* ENGLAND - East Coast - New Sand Hole - Automatic Identification System.
Source: ABP Humber

Chart 104 (INT 1566) [ previous update 753/17 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at Humber light-vessel 53° 38´·70N., 0° 21´·24E.

Chart 107 [ previous update 753/17 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at Humber light-vessel 53° 38´·70N., 0° 21´·24E.

Chart 1190 (INT 1508) [ previous update 5833/16 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at Humber light-vessel 53° 38´·70N., 0° 21´·24E.

959* ENGLAND - West Coast - Rhyl Gas Field NW - Buoyage.

Source: DONG Energy

Chart 1320 [ previous update 5966/16 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 54° 06´·57N., 3° 53´·26W.
54° 05´·60N., 3° 44´·40W.

Chart 1826 (INT 1607) [ previous update 253/17 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 54° 06´·57N., 3° 53´·26W.
54° 05´·60N., 3° 44´·40W.

1004 ENGLAND - West Coast - River Mersey - Buoy.

Source: UKHO
Note: Certain Copies Only

Chart 1951 (INT 1642) [ previous update 759/17 ] ETRS89 DATUM

D;f Fl(3)Y.2s 53° 26´·97N., 3° 01´·31W.

Chart 3490 (INT 1643) (Panel A) [ previous update 277/17 ] ETRS89 DATUM
D;f Fl(3)Y.2s 53° 26´·971N., 3° 01´·310W.

1010* ENGLAND - East Coast - Faversham Creek - Obstruction.

Source: Peel Ports

Chart 2571 (Panel A, Faversham Creek) [ previous update 3815/15 ] ETRS89 DATUM
å Obstn PA 51° 20´·193N., 0° 54´·244E.


921 RUSSIA - White Sea Coast - Ostrov Muravoy - Lights.

Source: Russian Notice 4/293/17

Chart 2294 (Panel A, Ostrov Mud’yugskiy to Ostrov Linskiy Priluk) [ previous update 5429/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend light to, Fl.G.1·5s9m1M 64° 48´·28N., 40° 23´·00E.
(a) 64° 47´·35N., 40° 24´·99E.
¶ Fl.5s11m6M, from: 64° 49´·10N., 40° 21´·05E.
to: 64° 49´·13N., 40° 21´·10E.
Delete radar reflector, at light: (a) above

904 DENMARK - East Coast - Aalborg - NM Block.

Source: Danish Chart Corrections 38/430 - 431/16

Chart 430 (INT 1383) [ previous update 2654/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 57° 03´·1N., 9° 59´·3E.

914 POLAND - Port Władysławowo - NM Block.

Source: Polish Notice 52/677/16

Chart 2688 (INT 1288) (Panel B, Port Władysławowo) [ previous update 137/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 54° 47´·8N., 18° 25´·2E.

932 POLAND - Approaches to Swinoujście - Wreck.

Source: Polish Notice 3/60/17
Note: Former Notice 6158(T)/15 is cancelled.

Chart 2677 (INT 1297) [ previous update 3693/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA 53° 56´·94N., 14° 17´·47E.

Chart 2679 [ previous update 5372/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA 53° 56´·94N., 14° 17´·47E.

963 DENMARK - East Coast - Kidholm Hage and Flessingen - Buoyage.

Source: Danish Chart Correction 1-2/10/17

Chart 900 (INT 1376) [ previous update 6590/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

E; Recording Station (1.6.-30.10.) 55° 30´·99N., 9° 36´·20E.
55° 30´·85N., 9° 35´·73E.
55° 30´·76N., 9° 36´·39E.
55° 29´·96N., 9° 35´·22E.
55° 29´·86N., 9° 40´·40E.


982 DENMARK - East Coast - Nørresundby W - Buoy.

Source: Danish Chart Correction 1-2/7/17

Chart 430 (INT 1383) [ previous update 904/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

JVq 57° 03´·789N., 9° 53´·910E.

994 RUSSIA - Baltic Sea Coast - Approaches to Vysotsk - Buoy.

Source: Russian Notice 5/434/17
Note: Former Notice 3227(T)/14 is cancelled.

Chart 2569 (Panel A, Vysotsk) [ previous update 69/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Bd Fl.R.3s 60° 35´·529N., 28° 29´·562E.

907 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Hever - Wrecks.

Source: German Notice 3/(21)103/17

Chart 3767 (INT 1412) [ previous update 176/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

12",Ã 2 Wks, with 11&,Ã Wk 54° 21´·13N., 8° 09´·28E.

909 BELGIUM - Akkaertbank W - Wreck.

Source: Belgian Notice 2/45/17

Chart 1872 [ previous update 585/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

25, Wk 51° 21´·97N., 2° 38´·64E.

Chart 1873 (INT 1480) [ previous update 585/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

25, Wk 51° 21´·97N., 2° 38´·64E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 885/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

25, Wk 51° 21´·97N., 2° 38´·64E.

935 NETHERLANDS - Slijkgat - Depths.

Source: Netherlands Notice 5/70/17

Chart 110 (INT 1473) (Panel B, Slijkgat to Stellendam) [ previous update 81/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 15 , and extend 2m contour W to enclose (a) 51° 51´·02N., 3° 55´·85E.
Delete depth, 16 , close E of: (a) above

Chart 110 (INT 1473) [ previous update 81/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 15 , and extend 2m contour W to enclose (a) 51° 51´·02N., 3° 55´·85E.
Delete depth, 16 , close E of: (a) above


945 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Approaches to Nord-Ostsee-Kanal - Wreck.

Source: German Notices 3/(21)42/17 and 3/(21)46/17

Chart 2469 (INT 1366) (Panel C, Brunsbüttel) [ previous update 795/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
´ 53° 53´·276N., 9° 09´·448E.

Chart 3625 (INT 1453) (Panel B, Brunsbüttel) [ previous update 795/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
´ 53° 53´·276N., 9° 09´·448E.

987 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Amrumbank West - Buoyage. Legend.

Source: German Notices 4/(21)50/17 and 4/(21)103/17

Chart 1423 (INT 1045) [ previous update 871/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, Amrumbank West Under const, centred on: 54° 31´·7N., 7° 43´·1E.

Chart 3767 (INT 1412) [ previous update 907/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

GUm Q AWG N1 54° 33´·00N., 7° 37´·00E.
G;f Oc(2)9s AWG G1 54° 33´·00N., 7° 42´·50E.
GUm Q AWG N2 54° 33´·00N., 7° 48´·00E.
GWr Q(3)10s AWG E 54° 29´·40N., 7° 48´·00E.
GXs Q(9)15s AWG W 54° 29´·40N., 7° 37´·00E.

1014 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Einswarden SE - Depth.

Source: German Notice 4/(21)4/17

Chart 3621 (INT 1457) [ previous update 6434/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 48 , enclosed by 5m contour 53° 30´·38N., 8° 31´·43E.

913 FRANCE - North Coast - Port du Havre-Antifer - Lights.

Source: French Lights List

Chart 2146 (INT 1750) [ previous update 5234/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Dir Oc.4s113m22M 49° 38´·31N., 0° 09´·12E.
light to, Dir Oc.4s135m22M 49° 38´·17N., 0° 09´·40E.

Chart 2613 (INT 1705) [ previous update 5885/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Dir Oc.4s113m22M 49° 38´·30N., 0° 09´·13E.
light to, Dir Oc.4s135m22M 49° 38´·16N., 0° 09´·41E.


940 SPAIN - South West Coast - Approaches to Huelva - Legend.

Automatic Identification System.
Source: Spanish Notice 3/22/17

Chart 73 (INT 1901) [ previous update 5659/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at light 37° 06´·49N., 6° 49´·94W.
Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 37° 04´·80N., 6° 55´·59W.

Chart 91 (INT 1812) [ previous update 6107/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at light 37° 06´·5N., 6° 49´·9W.
Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 37° 04´·8N., 6° 55´·6W.

Chart 93 [ previous update 2885/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at light 37° 06´·46N., 6° 50´·02W.
Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 37° 04´·75N., 6° 55´·66W.

969 FRANCE - North Coast - Port Saint-Brieuc le Légué - Buoy.

Source: French Notice 4/50/17

Chart 2029 (Panel, Port Saint-Brieuc le Légué) [ previous update 209/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
B\d Fl(3).R.12s No6 48° 32´·151N., 2° 42´·908W.

970 FRANCE - West Coast - La Garonne - Buoy.

Source: French Notice 4/59/17

Chart 3069 (INT 1847) (Panel B, La Garonne) [ previous update New Edition 28/07/2016 ] WGS84 DATUM
J]b Fl(2)G.6s 44° 50´·36N., 0° 33´·92W.

995 FRANCE - North Coast - Dunkerque Port Ouest - Intake. Piles. Light.
Source: French Notice 4/47/17

Chart 1350 (INT 1482) [ previous update New Edition 17/11/2016 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert intake, È, joining: 51° 01´·24N., 2° 10´·75E.
51° 01´·27N., 2° 10´·81E.
pile, ã 51° 01´·25N., 2° 10´·74E.
51° 01´·23N., 2° 10´·77E.
Amend light to, VQ(6)8M 51° 02´·25N., 2° 10´·81E.


910 TURKEY - Çanakkale Boğazi - Gökçeada - Lights.

Source: Turkish Notice 1/4/17

Chart 224 [ previous update 6535/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.G.3s5M & Fl.R.3s5M 40° 13´·7N., 25° 57´·3E.

Chart 1086 [ previous update 6588/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 5M 40° 13´·7N., 25° 57´·3E.

Chart 1608 [ previous update 6588/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 5M 40° 13´·68N., 25° 57´·09E.
40° 13´·75N., 25° 57´·28E.

931 ITALY - East Coast - Gulf of Trieste (Golfo di Trieste) - Buoy.

Source: Italian Notice 2.14/17

Chart 1493 [ previous update New Chart 02/02/2017 ] WGS84 DATUM

Bf; Fl.Y.3s 45° 40´·35N., 13° 30´·66E.

933 TURKEY - West Coast - Çandarli Körfezõ S and Foça W - Lights.

Source: New Edition of GB Chart 1618 published 2 March 2017

Chart 180 [ previous update 3588/16 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend range of light to, 10M 38° 51´·4N., 26° 52´·7E.
38° 40´·7N., 26° 42´·2E.

Chart 1058 [ previous update 611/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 10M 38° 51´·01N., 26° 53´·05E.
38° 40´·48N., 26° 42´·68E.
38° 40´·12N., 26° 44´·71E.
range of light to, 5M 38° 50´·13N., 26° 56´·67E.
38° 49´·92N., 26° 57´·78E.
light to, Fl(3)Y.10s5M 38° 45´·93N., 26° 55´·16E.

Chart 1061 [ previous update 489/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 10M 38° 51´·01N., 26° 53´·04E.
range of light to, 5M 38° 50´·13N., 26° 56´·66E.
38° 49´·93N., 26° 57´·77E.

Chart 1087 [ previous update 3588/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 10M 38° 51´·0N., 26° 53´·1E.
38° 40´·5N., 26° 42´·7E.
38° 40´·1N., 26° 44´·7E.

Chart 1624 (INT 3784) [ previous update New Chart 02/02/2017 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend range of light to, 10M 38° 40´·53N., 26° 42´·68E.
38° 40´·11N., 26° 44´·69E.


950 FRANCE - South Coast - Ile de Planier NE - Buoy.

Source: New Edition of GB Chart 153 published 23 February 2017

Chart 2116 [ previous update 338/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Df; Fl(4)Y.15s 43° 12´·20N., 5° 13´·99E.

956 ITALY - East Coast - Approaches to Trieste - Buoyage.

Source: Italian Notice 2.14/17

Chart 1461 [ previous update New Chart 02/02/2017 ] WGS84 DATUM

Efwith Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 45° 33´·93N., 13° 14´·88E.
Delete former Ef Fl(5)Y.20s
45° 33´·97N., 13° 12´·50E.

958 ALGERIA - Skikda E - Light.

Source: Algerian Lights List

Chart 252 [ previous update 5026/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.R.4s10m10M 36° 53´·2N., 6° 56´·6E.

Chart 855 (Panel A, Golfe de Stora) [ previous update 6453/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend light to, Fl.R.4s10m10M 36° 53´·21N., 6° 56´·57E.

981 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Tarragona - Automatic Identification System.

Source: Spanish Notice 4/33/17

Chart 1193 (INT 3180) [ previous update New Edition 30/07/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light 41° 04´·722N., 1° 12´·810E.

Chart 1701 [ previous update 832/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light 41° 04´·7N., 1° 12´·8E.

983 FRANCE - South Coast - Golfe de Fos - Radar beacon.

Source: French Notice 4/79/17
Note: AIS remains unchanged.

Chart 155 (INT 3192) [ previous update 338/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete legend, Racon(G), at GE light-buoy 43° 23´·19N., 4° 55´·46E.

Chart 2116 [ previous update 950/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete legend, Racon(G), at GE light-buoy 43° 23´·19N., 4° 55´·46E.


985* LIBYA - Bahr Essalam Gas Field - Automatic Identification System.

Source: UKHO

Chart 176 (INT 307) [ previous update 289/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete Automatic Identification System, AIS, at platform 33° 45´·1N., 12° 41´·1E.

Chart 3403 (INT 3216) [ previous update 613/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete Automatic Identification System, AIS, at platform 33° 45´·1N., 12° 41´·0E.

988 FRANCE - South Coast - Le Lion de Mer - Light.

Source: French Lights List

Chart 1974 [ previous update 4738/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Q.WR.11/8M 43° 24´·4N., 6° 46´·4E.

Chart 2166 [ previous update 5923/16 ] ED50 DATUM

Amend light to, Q.WR.16m11/8M 43° 24´·45N., 6° 46´·49E.

Chart 2166 (Panel, Saint Raphaël) [ previous update 5923/16 ] ED50 DATUM
Amend light to, Q.WR.16m11/8M 43° 24´·46N., 6° 46´·49E.

999 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Barcelona - Buoy. Light.

Source: Spanish Notice 4/34/17

Chart 1180 (INT 3185) [ previous update New Edition 22/12/2016 ] WGS84 DATUM
Bd Q.R 41° 23´·047N., 2° 11´·910E.
· Fl(4)G.12s5m2M, from: 41° 23´·029N., 2° 11´·980E.
to: 41° 23´·018N., 2° 11´·934E.

1005* ANGOLA - CLOV Terminal W - Buoy. Restricted area.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) [ previous update 97/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s (a) 7° 24´·7S., 11° 14´·5E.
circular limit of restricted area, radius 2500m (1·36M), Ç,
centred on: (a) above

Chart 307 (INT 2550) [ previous update 4778/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s (a) 7° 24´·7S., 11° 14´·5E.
circular limit of restricted area, radius 2500m (1·36M), Ç,
centred on: (a) above


968 MADAGASCAR - West Coast - Baie de Bombetoke N - Pilot boarding places.

Source: French Notice 4/155/17

Chart 701 (Panel, Baie de Bombetoke) [ previous update 3639/15 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
 15° 40´·00S., 46° 11´·10E.

Chart 701 [ previous update 3639/15 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

 15° 32´·88S., 46° 10´·97E.
15° 39´·88S., 46° 10´·99E.

Chart 3871 [ previous update 6407/16 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

 15° 33´·0S., 46° 11´·1E.
15° 40´·0S., 46° 11´·1E.

942* QATAR - Al Khalij Oilfield N and S - Restricted areas.

Source: Qatar Petroleum Marine Department
Note: This update is included in New Editions charts 2886, 2887, 2889 and 2444 published 2 March 2017.

Chart 2523 (INT 7250) [ previous update 519/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: 26° 02´·43N., 52° 40´·50E.
(E border)
26° 01´·80N., 52° 36´·98E.
26° 08´·50N., 52° 37´·00E.
26° 08´·80N., 52° 39´·00E.
26° 06´·97N., 52° 40´·50E.
(E border)

Chart 2837 (INT 7017) [ previous update 714/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: 26° 08´·5N., 52° 37´·0E.
26° 08´·8N., 52° 39´·0E.
26° 03´·0N., 52° 43´·7E.
26° 01´·9N., 52° 37´·0E.
25° 50´·6N., 52° 50´·8E.
25° 43´·0N., 52° 54´·5E.
25° 42´·3N., 52° 53´·2E.
25° 48´·8N., 52° 40´·5E.

Chart 2858 (INT 750) [ previous update 278/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: 26° 08´·5N., 52° 37´·0E.
26° 08´·8N., 52° 39´·0E.
26° 02´·9N., 52° 43´·7E.
26° 01´·9N., 52° 37´·0E.
25° 48´·7N., 52° 40´·5E.
28° 50´·5N., 52° 50´·8E.
25° 43´·0N., 52° 54´·5E.
25° 42´·3N., 52° 53´·1E.


976 BAHRAIN - Approaches to Port of Sitrah - Note. Legends.

Source: Bahraini Chart 1504

Chart 3759 [ previous update New Chart 15/01/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying note, DEPTHS, centred on: 26° 16´·815N., 50° 42´·762E.
legend, Depths (see Note), centred on: 26° 16´·600N., 50° 43´·750E.
26° 14´·800N., 50° 42´·300E.
26° 13´·900N., 50° 44´·800E.

977* QATAR - Ra’s Rakan NW - Wreck.

Source: MENAS Navigational Warning 8/17 and HYDROPAC 260/17

Chart 2523 (INT 7250) [ previous update 942/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ 26° 14´·26N., 51° 07´·93E.

Chart 3790 (INT 7252) [ previous update 2266/15 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ 26° 14´·26N., 51° 07´·93E.

979 BAHRAIN - Approaches to Bahrain - Legend.

Source: Bahraini Chart 1506

Chart 3737 (INT 7255) [ previous update 2141/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, 220°- 040°, centred on: 26° 22´·17N., 50° 46´·83E.

Chart 3761 [ previous update 2266/15 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, 220°- 040°, centred on: 26° 22´·183N., 50° 46´·862E.

990 BAHRAIN - Approaches to Bahrain - Legend.

Source: Bahraini Chart 1507

Chart 3786 [ previous update New Chart 15/01/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, 229°- 049°, centred on: 26° 28´·293N., 50° 58´·158E.


1000* QATAR - Ra’s La- ffan E - Buoy.

Source: mv Maersk Michigan
Note: This update is included in New Edition 2886, published 2 March 2017.

Chart 2523 (INT 7250) [ previous update 977/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.25s 25° 52´·59N., 51° 58´·71E.

Chart 2837 (INT 7017) [ previous update 942/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

D Fl(5)Y 25° 52´·5N., 51° 58´·7E.

Chart 2847 (INT 7018) [ previous update 519/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

D Fl(5)Y 25° 52´·5N., 51° 58´·7E.

Chart 3950 (INT 7244) [ previous update 519/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Df Fl(5)Y.25s 25° 52´·61N., 51° 58´·70E.

1002 BAHRAIN - Approaches to Bahrain - Legends. Depths.

Source: Bahraini Chart 1505

Chart 3737 (INT 7255) [ previous update 979/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 143 , enclosed by 15m contour 26° 20´·59N., 50° 46´·43E.

Chart 3738 (INT 7254) [ previous update 2266/15 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 143 , enclosed by 15m contour (a) 26° 20´·59N., 50° 46´·43E.
Delete depth, 151 , close NE of: (a) above

Chart 3760 [ previous update 2266/15 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 143 , enclosed by 15m contour 26° 20´·587N., 50° 46´·432E.
depth, 151 (a) 26° 20´·460N., 50° 46´·387E.
depth, 146 , enclosed by 15m contour (b) 26° 20´·354N., 50° 46´·277E.
Amend legend to, 212° - 032°, centred on: 26° 21´·879N., 50° 46´·590E.
legend to, 202° - 022°, centred on: 26° 21´·610N., 50° 46´·424E.
legend to, 187° - 007°, centred on: 26° 17´·844N., 50° 46´·407E.
Delete depth, 158 , close NE of: (a) above
(b) above

Chart 3761 [ previous update 979/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, 212° - 032°, centred on: 26° 21´·843N., 50° 46´·563E.
legend to, 202° - 022°, centred on: 26° 21´·638N., 50° 46´·437E.


922 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Bha- vnagar Port - Depths. Buoyage.
Source: Indian Chart 2110

Chart 3460 (Panel D, Approaches to Bha- vnagar Port) [ previous update 5133/16 ] INDIAN DATUM
Insert depth, 25 , enclosed by 5m contour (a) 21° 41´·91N., 72° 30´·55E.
depth, 95 , enclosed by 10m contour 21° 41´·66N., 72° 30´·49E.
G\d Fl(2)R.5s No 2
(b) 21° 36´·43N., 72° 32´·21E.
I]b Fl.G.10s No 1 21° 36´·38N., 72° 32´·70E.
Delete depth, 105 , close SW of: (a) above
G\d Fl.R.2s No 2, close SW of: (b) above
I]b Q.G No 1, close S of: (b) above

915 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - The Brothers - Buoyage. Marine Reserve. Note. Legend.
Source: Hong Kong Notice 1/2/17

Chart 4122 [ previous update 404/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(4)Y.20s BMP-A (a) 22° 20´·209N., 113° 59´·998E.
G;f Fl.Y.3s BMP-B (b) 22° 19´·452N., 113° 59´·999E.
G;f Fl(5)Y.20s BMP-C (c) 22° 18´·596N., 113° 58´·857E.
G;f Fl.Y.1·5s BMP-D (d) 22° 19´·022N., 113° 57´·841E.
G;f Fl.Y.8s BMP-E (e) 22° 20´·215N., 113° 57´·839E.
limit of marine reserve, Ç MR Ç, joining:
22° 20´·480N., 113° 59´·146E.
(G;f )
(a) above
(b) above
(c) above
(d) above
(e) above
22° 20´·480N., 113° 58´·679E.

legend, The Brothers Marine Park (see Note), centred on:

(G;f )
22° 19´·710N., 113° 58´·980E.
the accompanying note, MARINE PARK, centred on: 22° 17´·080N., 113° 59´·270E.

915 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - The Brothers - Buoyage. Marine Reserve. Note. Legend. (continued)

Chart 4123 [ previous update 6349/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(5)Y.20s BMP-C (a) 22° 18´·596N., 113° 58´·857E.
G;f Fl.Y.1·5s BMP-D (b) 22° 19´·022N., 113° 57´·841E.
G;f Fl.Y.8s BMP-E (c) 22° 20´·215N., 113° 57´·839E.
limit of marine reserve, Ç MR Ç, joining:
22° 18´·658N., 113° 58´·940E.
(E border)
(a) above
(b) above
(c) above
22° 20´·479N., 113° 58´·679E.

legend, The Brothers Marine Park (see Note), centred on:

( G;f )
22° 19´·585N., 113° 58´·405E.
the accompanying note, MARINE PARK, centred on: 22° 24´·280N., 113° 58´·460E.

923 CHINA - South Coast - Fanhe Gang - Light. Radar beacon.

Source: Chinese Notice 3/68/17

Chart 340 [ previous update 4999/16 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

¶ F.G.3M (a) 22° 45´·99N., 114° 45´·07E.
radar beacon, Racon(D) at light (a) above

924 CHINA - South Coast - Approaches to Shuidong - Legend. Buoy.

Automatic Identification System.
Source: New Chart GB 1537 published 16 February 2017

Chart 1555 [ previous update 884/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at light-buoy 21° 20´·9N., 111° 24´·7E.

Chart 3348 [ previous update 884/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert legend, Bohe Xingangqu (Under construction 2013), centred
on: 21° 25´·02N., 111° 18´·89E.
I]b Fl.G.4s Xingang No 1
21° 23´·48N., 111° 18´·31E.
legend, AIS, at Shuidong light-buoy 21° 20´·89N., 111° 24´·61E.

Chart 3892 [ previous update 884/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert legend, AIS, at Shuidong light-buoy 21° 20´·9N., 111° 24´·6E.


937 CHINA - South Coast - Zhujiang Kou - Xiaofan Shi and Dafan Shi - Light-beacons.
Source: Chinese Notice 3/69/17
Note: This update is included in New Edition Chart 343, published 2 March 2017.

Chart 348 [ previous update 390/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

TFl.3s11m5M 22° 29´·533N., 113° 48´·196E.
TFl.5s25m5M 22° 29´·431N., 113° 48´·484E.

938 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong E - Wrecks. Obstructions.

Source: Hong Kong Chart 7501

Chart 937 (INT 5508) [ previous update 1687/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

24, Obstn 22° 14´·50N., 114° 27´·22E.
25%, Wk 22° 10´·92N., 114° 23´·18E.
27, Obstn 22° 10´·35N., 114° 26´·64E.

Chart 1555 [ previous update 924/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

24, Obstn 22° 14´·5N., 114° 27´·2E.
25%, Wk 22° 10´·9N., 114° 23´·3E.
27, Wk 22° 10´·3N., 114° 26´·7E.

Chart 1962 [ previous update 379/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

24, Obstn 22° 14´·5N., 114° 27´·2E.
25%, Wk 22° 11´·0N., 114° 23´·1E.
27, Wk 22° 10´·3N., 114° 26´·6E.

938 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong E - Wrecks. Obstructions. (continued)

Chart 1968 [ previous update 379/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

24, Obstn 22° 14´·5N., 114° 27´·2E.
27, Obstn 22° 10´·2N., 114° 26´·6E.

Chart 3026 [ previous update 579/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

24, Obstn 22° 14´·52N., 114° 27´·23E.
25%, Wk 22° 10´·99N., 114° 23´·11E.
27, Obstn 22° 10´·30N., 114° 26´·57E.

Chart 3488 (INT 552) [ previous update 818/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

27, Obstn 22° 10´·2N., 114° 26´·7E.

Chart 3489 (INT 553) [ previous update 185/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

27, Obstn 22° 10´·3N., 114° 26´·5E.

960 CHINA - Bo Hai - Huanghua Gang - Depths. Buoyage.

Source: Chinese Chart 11782

Chart 2644 [ previous update New Chart 30/06/2016 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM
Insert depth, 16 , enclosed by 2m contour (a) 38° 21´·61N., 117° 52´·03E.
G\d Fl.R.4s No 3
38° 19´·04N., 117° 54´·14E.
depth, 87 (b) 38° 24´·08N., 117° 58´·09E.
depth, 97 , enclosed by 10m contour (c) 38° 24´·20N., 117° 58´·48E.
depth, 148 (d) 38° 23´·40N., 118° 01´·19E.
depth, 147 (e) 38° 23´·44N., 118° 01´·47E.
depth, 146 38° 23´·78N., 118° 02´·04E.
Delete depth, 5, close NE of: (a) above
former No 3 light-buoy 38° 18´·30N., 117° 53´·14E.
depth, 93 , close N of: (b) above
depth, 112 , close W of: (c) above
depth, 161 , close NE of: (d) above
depth, 158 , close NE of: (e) above

Chart 2650 [ previous update 4932/16 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert depth, 146 (a) 38° 23´·78N., 118° 02´·04E.
depth, 148 (b) 38° 23´·40N., 118° 01´·19E.
Replace depth, 5, with depth, 16 , enclosed by 2m contour 38° 21´·61N., 117° 52´·03E.
depth, 93 , with depth, 87 38° 24´·08N., 117° 58´·09E.
Delete depth, 159 , close NE of: (a) above
depth, 161 , close E of: (b) above


961 VIETNAM - Ile Bach Long-Vi N - Wreck.

Source: HYDROPAC 215/17

Chart 1965 [ previous update 5824/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA Rep (2017) 20° 12´·00N., 107° 44´·00E.

Chart 3488 (INT 552) [ previous update 938/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA Rep (2017) 20° 12´·0N., 107° 44´·0E.

Chart 3990 [ previous update 850/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA Rep (2017) 20° 12´·0N., 107° 44´·0E.

980 CHINA - Bo Hai - Huanghua Gang - Outer Channel - Depths.

Source: Chinese Chart 11783

Chart 2644 [ previous update 960/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert depth, 141 (a) 38° 23´·01N., 118° 00´·33E.
Delete depth, 155 , close NE of: (a) above

Chart 2650 [ previous update 960/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert depth, 141 (a) 38° 23´·01N., 118° 00´·33E.
(b) 38° 24´·62N., 118° 03´·80E.
Delete depth, 15, close SW of: (a) above
depth, 151 , close E of: (b) above

989 VIETNAM - Song Thi Vai - Tan Thanh W - Buoy.

Source: VMS-South Notice 15/17

Chart 1059 (Panel C, Song Thi Vai) [ previous update 446/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
G;f Fl(3+1)Y.12s B1 10° 35´·05N., 107° 01´·70E.

996 TAIWAN - Chung-Kang P’o-ti - Wind turbines.

Source: Taiwanese Notice 10/17

Chart 3231 [ previous update 197/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert symbol, wind turbine, Q.R.14m5M (Q. Day) 24° 41´·47N., 120° 48´·40E.
24° 41´·60N., 120° 49´·02E.


997 CHINA - South Coast - Xifang Qiantan SW - Wrecks.

Source: Chinese Notice 4/111/17

Chart 3890 [ previous update 6218/16 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

19#, Wk, with ´ Wks 20° 15´·17N., 110° 37´·77E.

Chart 3892 [ previous update 924/17 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

19#, Wk, with ´ Wks 20° 15´·2N., 110° 37´·8E.

1006 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Approaches to Yantai Gang Xigangqu - Buoyage. Radar beacons.
Source: Chinese Notice 49/2086/16
Note: This update is included in New Edition 1206, published 9 March 2017.

Chart 1255 [ previous update 816/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

I]b Fl.G.4s No1 (a) 38° 02´·2N., 121° 15´·7E.
radar beacon, Racon(G), at light-buoy (a) above
I]b Fl.G.4s (b) 37° 54´·6N., 121° 12´·6E.
radar beacon, Racon(G), at light-buoy (b) above

889 JAPAN - Honshu- - Ishinomaki Wan - Ayukawa Ko - NM Block.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/102/17
Note: Former Notices 31(T)/15 and 4808(T)/15 are cancelled.

Chart JP 79 [ previous update 4680/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 38° 17´·1N., 141° 30´·0E.

890 JAPAN - Honshu- - Shimizu Ko - Orido Wan - NM Block.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/103/17
Note: Former Notice 4813(T)/16 is cancelled.

Chart JP 89 [ previous update 4499/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 35° 00´ 00"N., 138° 30´ 18"E.

891 JAPAN - Honshu- - Okama Saki - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/106/17

Chart JP 54 [ previous update 5721/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

·Fl G 3s 5M 39° 25´·52N., 142° 00´·77E.


892 JAPAN - Honshu- - Onagawa Wan - Submarine pipeline. Legends.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/107/17

Chart JP 54 [ previous update 891/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, È, joining: 38° 26´·48N., 141° 31´·52E.
(a) 38° 25´·90N., 141° 31´·12E.
(b) 38° 24´·93N., 141° 33´·10E.
38° 24´·75N., 141° 33´·73E.
38° 23´·85N., 141° 34´·78E.
38° 23´·97N., 141° 35´·40E.
legend, Water, along: (a)-(b) above
Amend legend to, Water (disused), centred on: 38° 25´·42N., 141° 32´·66E.

Chart JP 79 [ previous update 889/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, È, joining: 38° 26´·48N., 141° 31´·52E.
38° 26´·35N., 141° 31´·47E.
(a) 38° 25´·90N., 141° 31´·12E.
(b) 38° 24´·93N., 141° 33´·10E.
38° 24´·75N., 141° 33´·73E.
38° 23´·85N., 141° 34´·78E.
38° 23´·97N., 141° 35´·40E.
legend, Water, along: (a)-(b) above
Amend legend to, Water (disused), centred on: 38° 25´·22N., 141° 32´·74E.

Chart JP 1098 [ previous update 29/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, È, joining: 38° 26´·48N., 141° 31´·52E.
(a) 38° 25´·90N., 141° 31´·12E.
(b) 38° 24´·93N., 141° 33´·10E.
38° 24´·75N., 141° 33´·73E.
38° 23´·85N., 141° 34´·78E.
38° 23´·97N., 141° 35´·40E.
legend, Water, along: (a)-(b) above
Amend legend to, Water (disused), centred on: 38° 25´·33N., 141° 32´·66E.

893 JAPAN - Honshu- - Izu Shima - Terama - Breakwater. Fixed point.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/108/17

Chart JP 79 [ previous update 892/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

è R Lt (a) 38° 26´·29N., 141° 31´·44E.
breakwater, single firm line, joining: 38° 26´·27N., 141° 31´·55E.
(a) above


894 JAPAN - Honshu- - Ishinomaki Wan - Ayukawa Ko - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/109/17

Chart JP 54 [ previous update 892/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

· Fl R 3s 5M 38° 17´·57N., 141° 30´·26E.

Chart JP 1098 [ previous update 892/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

· Fl R 3s 5M 38° 17´·57N., 141° 30´·26E.

895 JAPAN - Honshu- - Ena Ko - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/110/17

Chart JP 1097 [ previous update 29/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl G 4M (exting) & 2 Fl R G 4M (temp) 36° 57´·76N., 140° 58´·29E.

Chart JP 1098 [ previous update 894/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl G 4M (exting) & 2 Fl R G 4M (temp) 36° 57´·75N., 140° 58´·29E.

896 JAPAN - Honshu- - Nakanosaku Ko - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/111/17

Chart JP 1097 [ previous update 895/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

· Fl.3s10M (exting) 36° 57´·20N., 140° 57´·00E.

Chart JP 1098 [ previous update 895/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

· Fl.3s10M (exting) 36° 57´·20N., 140° 57´·00E.

897 JAPAN - Honshu- - Kashima Ko - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/114/17

Chart JP 1049 [ previous update 3767/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl G 3s 16m 7M 35° 57´ 27·3"N., 140° 42´ 45·4"E.

Chart JP 1097 [ previous update 896/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl G 3s 7M 35° 57´·46N., 140° 42´·76E.


898 JAPAN - Honshu- - Shimizu Ko - Ma Saki - Light.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/115/17

Chart JP 80 [ previous update 6518/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

·Iso 6s 5M 35° 01´·22N., 138° 30´·95E.

Chart JP 89 [ previous update 890/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

¶ Iso 6s 11m 5M 35° 01´ 14·4"N., 138° 30´ 57·7"E.

919 KOREA - West Coast - Mokdeokdo NW - Depths.

Source: Korean Chart 3417

Chart 1258 [ previous update 883/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace depth, 157 , with depth, 106 , with seabed type, R 36° 58´·78N., 125° 44´·03E.

920 KOREA - West Coast - Sindo NE - Beacon. Light-beacon.

Source: Korean Notice 2/46/17

Chart 1270 (INT 5363) [ previous update 883/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

K¦hwith T¦hFl.G.5s7m8M 37° 32´·63N., 126° 28´·60E.

925 KOREA - West Coast - Mokpo Newport Terminal W - Buoyage.

Source: Korean Notice 3/60/17

Chart 1007 [ previous update 638/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

GVq Q(6)+LFl.15s A 34° 45´·583N., 126° 20´·500E.
GVq Q(6)+LFl.15s B 34° 45´·750N., 126° 20´·683E.

936 KOREA - East Coast - Nakgot S - Works.

Source: Korean Notice 3/59/17

Chart 896 (INT 5355) [ previous update 66/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Works in progress (2017), centred on: 35° 24´·01N., 129° 21´·62E.


939 KOREA - West Coast - Yoù np’Yoù ng Yoù lto - Anchorage areas. Rock. Obstruction.
Source: Korean Chart 3712

Chart 1258 [ previous update 919/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: 37° 48´·47N., 125° 39´·58E.
37° 48´·47N., 125° 40´·89E.
37° 46´·56N., 125° 39´·68E.
37° 46´·56N., 125° 38´·27E.
37° 40´·66N., 125° 31´·66E.
37° 42´·17N., 125° 34´·95E.
37° 40´·67N., 125° 34´·95E.
4)+ Obstn 37° 36´·97N., 125° 49´·14E.
Replace depth, 28 , with seabed type, R, with depth, 15 , with seabed
type, R 37° 37´·62N., 125° 39´·84E.

929 MALAYSIA - Sabah - Hayter Shoal SE - Wreck.

Source: Marine Department, Sabah Notice 1/2017
Note: Former Notice 1330(T)/16 is cancelled.

Chart 1338 [ previous update 339/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA 5° 50´·4N., 115° 35´·2E.

Chart 2111 [ previous update 1029/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ PA 5° 50´·35N., 115° 35´·20E.

943 MALAYSIA - Sarawak - Tanjung Datu SE and Oya NW - Fish havens.

Source: Marine Department, Sarawak Notice 05/17

Chart 1336 [ previous update 5786/16 ] TIMBALAI 1948 DATUM

Á 3° 02´·9N., 111° 50´·2E.
1° 58´·2N., 109° 49´·0E.
1° 57´·7N., 109° 43´·7E.

Chart 3834 [ previous update 3622/16 ] TIMBALAI 1948 DATUM

Á 1° 58´·23N., 109° 48´·98E.
1° 57´·73N., 109° 43´·68E.

Chart 3836 [ previous update 6097/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 3° 02´·90N., 111° 50´·40E.


962 MALAYSIA - Sarawak - Brunei Bay - Fish havens.

Source: Sarawak Marine Department Notice 5/17

Chart 1844 [ previous update 2053/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 5° 00´·20N., 115° 15´·60E.
5° 00´·70N., 115° 25´·70E.

916 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Lacepede Channel, Gourdon Bay NE, Cape Jaubert N and SW, and
Eighty Mile Beach NW - NM Blocks. Marine farms.
Source: Australian Notice 2/56/17

Chart Aus 323 [ previous update 5780/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ì (see Note), centred on: 16° 57´·5S., 122° 13´·2E.
17° 02´·4S., 122° 16´·9E.

Chart Aus 324 [ previous update 3638/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block A, centred on: 18° 44´·3S., 121° 33´·7E.
the accompanying block B, centred on: 19° 02´·8S., 121° 19´·3E.
Delete limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 16° 57´·5S., 122° 11´·9E.
(b) 16° 56´·5S., 122° 13´·8E.
(c) 16° 57´·3S., 122° 14´·3E.
(d) 16° 58´·5S., 122° 11´·9E.
(e) 19° 20´·4S., 121° 04´·6E.
(f) 19° 18´·1S., 121° 06´·8E.
(g) 19° 19´·0S., 121° 07´·8E.
(h) 19° 21´·3S., 121° 05´·7E.
Ì (see Note), within: (a)-(d) above
(e)-(h) above
Ì (see Note), centred on: 17° 02´·2S., 122° 16´·8E.
18° 22´·2S., 121° 59´·7E.

917 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Approaches to Lord Howe Island - Balls Pyramid - NM Block.
Source: Australian Notice 2/42/17

Chart Aus 610 (Panel, Approaches to Lord Howe Island) [ previous update 6302/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 31° 42´·7S., 159° 13´·3E.


906 BRAZIL - South Coast - Ilha de Santana NE - Superbuoy.

Source: Brazilian Notice 1/3/17

Chart 550 [ previous update New Chart 22/01/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM

Pf Fl.Y.8s 22° 24´·22S., 41° 38´·55W.

Chart 3971 [ previous update 2150/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete symbol, yellow single buoy mooring, Fl.Y.8s 22° 24´·3S., 41° 38´·6W.

908 BRAZIL - South Coast - Ilha do Engenho NW - Foul.

Source: Brazilian Notice 1/6/17

Chart 566 [ previous update 478/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

« 22° 49´·64S., 43° 08´·13W.

984 ARGENTINA - Approaches to Bahía Blanca - Depths.

Source: ENC AR402490

Chart 1331 (Panel, Entrance to Bahía Blanca) [ previous update 1746/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 47 , and extend 5m contour NE to enclose (a) 39° 05´·34S., 61° 49´·37W.
Delete depth, 14, close NW of: (a) above

Chart 1331 [ previous update 1746/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 25 , and extend 5m contour NE to enclose (a) 39° 05´·90S., 61° 48´·62W.
Delete depth, 12, close SE of: (a) above
depth, 15, close NW of: (a) above

912 CUBA - North Coast - Baracoa - Lights.

Source: Cuban Notice 2/40/17

Chart 1266 [ previous update 1182/14 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

¶ Fl.Y.6s75ft10M (a) 20° 21´·1N., 74° 30´·0W.
¶ Fl.6s23ft10M, close SE of: (a) above

Chart 3865 [ previous update 3502/15 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

¶ Fl.Y.6s75ft10M (a) 20° 21´·1N., 74° 30´·0W.
¶ Fl.6s23ft10M, close SE of: (a) above

Chart 3935 [ previous update New Edition 02/02/2017 ] WGS84 DATUM

¶ Fl.Y.6s23m10M (a) 20° 21´·1N., 74° 30´·0W.
¶ Fl.6s7m10M, close SE of: (a) above


918* WEST INDIES - Windward Islands - Barbados - Buoyage.

Source: Mr G Fergusson

Chart 2485 [ previous update 1484/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl.Y.4s 13° 21´·18N., 59° 37´·44W.
13° 11´·34N., 59° 27´·00W.
Gf Fl.Y.4s 13° 01´·73N., 59° 30´·66W.

926* WEST INDIES - Virgin Islands - Road Harbour - NM Block. Jetty. Lights. Depths. Legend.
Source: Oceanside Solutions

Chart 2005 [ previous update 6381/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert jetty, single firm line, joining: (a) 18° 25´·26N., 64° 36´·68W.
(existing jetty)
(b) 18° 25´·23N., 64° 36´·63W.
¶ Fl.4s
(b) above
depth, 109 (c) 18° 25´·28N., 64° 36´·79W.
¶ Fl.3s (a) above
legend, Dn, close S of: (a) above
depth, 89 , close E of: (c) above

Chart 2019 [ previous update 1556/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert jetty, single firm line, joining: (a) 18° 25´·25N., 64° 36´·67W.
(existing jetty)
(b) 18° 25´·23N., 64° 36´·63W.
¶ Fl.4s
(b) above
depth, 109 (c) 18° 25´·28N., 64° 36´·79W.
¶ Fl.3s
(a) above
legend, Dn, close W of: (a) above
depth, 89 , close E of: (c) above

Chart 2020 (Panel B, Road Harbour and Approaches) [ previous update 4184/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 18° 25´·14N., 64° 36´·57W.


957 COSTA RICA - Caribbean Sea Coast - Bahía de Moín - Buoy. Maritime limit.
Source: Costa Rica Port Maritime Division

Chart 1798 (Panel B, Bahía de Moín) [ previous update 342/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert circular limit of turning basin, pecked line, radius 225m,
centred on: (a) 10° 00´·349N., 83° 04´·981W.
legend, Turning Basin, within: (a) above
Ib[ Fl.G.4s No 1, from 10° 01´·680N., 83° 04´·725W.
to: 10° 01´·680N., 83° 04´·819W.

Chart 1798 (Panel C, Approaches to Puerto Limón and Bahía de Moín) [ previous update 342/17 ] WGS84 DATUM
Ib[ Fl.G.4s No 1, from 10° 01´·68N., 83° 04´·73W.
to: 10° 01´·68N., 83° 04´·82W.

971* BELIZE - Gulf of Honduras - Great Monkey Cay SE - Depths.

Source: UKHO

Chart 1573 [ previous update 562/17 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth, 61 , and extend 10m contour S to enclose (a) 16° 17´·63N., 88° 23´·34W.
Delete depth, 75 , close N of: (a) above

978 WEST INDIES - Trinidad and Tobago - Cassia Gas Field NE - Legend.
Source: Trinidad & Tobago Navigational Warning 55/16

Chart 501 [ previous update 3682/16 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, OIL AND GAS ACTIVITY (see Note), centred on: 10° 06´·94N., 60° 07´·50W.

1001 CUBA - North Coast - Cayos Blancos NE, Cayos Falcones NW and Cayo Blanquizal NE - Depths. Rocks.
Drying height.
Source: Cuban Chart 11426

Chart 419 [ previous update New Chart 06/08/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert sounding out of position, 2(+ with seabed type, R (a) 23° 17´·47N., 80° 59´·10W.
depth, 157 (b) 23° 18´·04N., 80° 58´·39W.
depth, 34 , and extend 5m contour NE to enclose (c) 23° 14´·49N., 80° 35´·87W.
drying height, 04 , enclosed by 0m low water line (d) 23° 14´·42N., 80° 34´·69W.
2)+ with seabed type, R (e) 23° 13´·44N., 80° 32´·63W.
0&+ with seabed type, R 23° 13´·87N., 80° 20´·83W.
Delete depth, 34, close NW of: (a) above
depth, 36, close SE of: (b) above
depth, 76 , close SW of: (c) above
depth, 225, close NE of: (d) above
depth, 295 , close NW of: (e) above


1011 WEST INDIES - Windward Islands - Cul-de-Sac du Marin - Buoyage.

Source: French Notice 4/3(P)/17

Chart 494 (Panel C, Cul-de-Sac du Marin) [ previous update 4861/16 ] WGS84 DATUM
Cn 14° 27´·96N., 60° 52´·50W.
Dd Fl.R.2·5s ’MA9’ 14° 27´·98N., 60° 52´·15W.
Amend designation of buoy to, ’MA11’ 14° 28´·04N., 60° 52´·08W.
DsX 14° 28´·09N., 60° 52´·49W.

911 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - New York - Lower Bay - Obstruction. Wreck. NM Block.
Source: UKHO

Chart 3204 [ previous update 700/17 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 40° 30´·9N., 74° 04´·1W.

Chart 3459 [ previous update 700/17 ] NAD83 DATUM

17, Obstn 40° 31´·75N., 74° 03´·15W.
19, Wk 40° 30´·03N., 74° 03´·11W.

1003 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Curtis Bay - Dolphin. Hulk. Legend.
Source: ENC US5MD11M and US Chart 12281

Chart 2850 (Panel, Baltimore Harbor) [ previous update 757/17 ] NAD83 DATUM
ÿ 39° 13´·13N., 76° 34´·07W.
hulk, length 121ft, width 30ft, orientated 213°/033°, centred
on: (a) 39° 13´·10N., 76° 34´·10W.
legend, Wk, close W of: (a) above

1008 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Hatteras Inlet SW - Buoy.

Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 3/11555/17

Chart 2861 [ previous update 6382/16 ] NAD83 DATUM

HpZ Mo(A) Whis ’HI’, from: 35° 09´·5N., 75° 46´·7W.
to: 35° 09´·8N., 75° 45´·3W.

Chart 2864 [ previous update 6379/16 ] NAD83 DATUM

HpZ Mo(A) Whis ’HI’ 35° 09´·8N., 75° 45´·3W.
Delete former Hp Mo(A) Whis ’HI’
35° 09´·5N., 75° 46´·7W.


951(P)/17 ENGLAND - West Coast - River Mersey - Dredged area. Coastline. Legend.
Source: UKHO

Update Feature Position

Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: 53° 27´·30N., 3° 01´·68W.
(existing coastline)
53° 26´·98N., 3° 01´·10W.
(existing coastline)
legend, Liverpool Container Terminal 2, centred on: 53° 27´·20N., 3° 01´·39W.
limit of dredged area, pecked line, joining: 53° 27´·30N., 3° 01´·69W.
(existing coastline)
53° 27´·28n., 3° 01´·72W.
53° 26´·96N., 3° 01´·17W.
53° 26´·99N., 3° 01´·13W.
(new coastline)
*dredged depth, 16·5m, centred on: 53° 27´·13N., 3° 01´·42W.
* Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 3728(P)/16 is cancelled

Chart affected - 8081

1007(T)/17 ISLE OF MAN - Maughold Head - Light.

Source: Northern Lighthouse Board Notice 11/16
1. The range of the light at Maughold Head, in position 54° 17´.73N. , 4° 18´.57W, has been temporarily reduced to 12 miles.

Charts affected - 1121 (INT 1062) - 1320 - 1411 (INT 1608) - 1826 (INT 1607) - 2094

1009(P)/17 ENGLAND - East Coast - River Humber - Alexandra Dock - Works.

Source: New Edition of GB Chart 3496 published 23 February 2017
1. Works on the Green Port Hull project at Alexandra Dock have been completed, in an area bounded by the following

53° 44´·540N., 0° 18´·454W. (shore)

53° 44´·435N., 0° 18´·455W.
53° 44´·434N., 0° 17´·224W.
53° 44´·532N., 0° 17´·224W. (shore)
2. These and other changes will be included in a New Edition of Chart 8045 to be published mid 2017.
3. Former Notice 3270(P)/15 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 8045


1012(T)/17 ISLE OF MAN - Douglas Head - Light.

Source: Northern Lighthouse Board Notice 4/17
1. The range of the light at Douglas Head, in position 54° 08´·599N., 4° 27´·947W. has been temporarily reduced to 12 miles.

Charts affected - 1121 (INT 1062) - 1320 - 1411 (INT 1608) - 1826 (INT 1607) - 2094 - 2696

1016(T)/17 NORWAY - North Coast - Arnøya S - Current meter.

Source: Norwegian Notice 2/56683(T)/17
1. An unmarked current meter, anchored to the seabed, extending up to a depth 25m below the surface, has been established
in position 70° 01´·10N., 20° 38´·42E.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart affected - 2368

905(T)/17 SWEDEN - East Coast - Approaches to Nynäshamn - Finnhällorna - Floodlight. Light.

Source: Swedish Notice 636/11867(T)/17
1. The floodlight at Finnhällorna beacon, in position 58° 54´·84N., 17° 59´·00E., is not operational and a temporary light,
Fl.Y.3s, has been established.
2. Former Notice 729(T)/17 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 837 (INT 1232) - 872 (INT 1766)

944(T)/17 SWEDEN - East Coast - Norra Midsjöbanken NW - Measuring instruments.

Source: Swedish Notice 634/11824(T)/17
1. Measuring equipment has been temporarily established on the seabed in the vicinity of position 56° 13´·0N., 17° 16´·0E.
2. Mariners are advised to avoid anchoring and trawling in this area.
3. Former Notice 6083(T)/15 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 2018 (INT 1202) - 2251 - 2816


947(T)/17 GERMANY - Baltic Coast - TSS North of Rügen - Restricted area.

Source: German Notice 1(16)162(T)/16
1. A restricted area, anchoring and fishing prohibited, has been established, bounded by the following positions:

54° 47´·70N., 13° 04´·30E.

54° 48´·20N., 13° 06´·80E.
54° 53´·70N., 13° 03´·50E.
54° 53´·25N., 13° 01´·00E.
2. Former Notice 5623(T)/14 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 2015 (INT 1201) - 2115 - 2945 (INT 1342)

948(T)/17 POLAND - Gulf of Gdańsk - Approaches to Gdynia and Gdańsk - Hel NE and Zatoka Pucka -
Measuring instruments.
Source: Polish Notice 2/33(T)/17
1. Measuring instruments have been temporarily established at the following positions:

54° 40´·00N., 18° 54´·00E.

54° 38´·47N., 18° 37´·84E.
2. Former Notice 579(T)/14 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 2040 (INT 1218) - 2288 - 2688 (INT 1288)

949(T)/17 POLAND - Oderbank (Ławica Odrzana) E and Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) E and SE - Measuring
Source: Polish Notice 4/77(T)/17
1. Measuring instruments have been temporarily established in the following positions:

54° 18´·60N., 14° 36´·81E.

54° 12´·19N., 14° 55´·53E.
54° 20´·71N., 14° 51´·44E.
54° 53´·55N., 17° 48´·64E.
54° 46´·73N., 16° 47´·97E.
54° 57´·49N., 16° 59´·66E.
54° 50´·71N., 17° 18´·28E.
54° 44´·01N., 16° 58´·70E.
54° 23´·12N., 15° 06´·55E.
54° 29´·56N., 14° 47´·78E.
2. Former Notice 4226(T)/16 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2015 (INT 1201) - 2018 (INT 1202) - 2040 (INT 1218) - 2679


953(T)/17 POLAND - Ławica Słupska E - Buoy. Measuring instrument.

Source: Polish Notice 3/55(T)/17
1. A yellow measuring instrument light-buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s, has been temporarily established in position
54° 59´·64N., 17° 21´·22E.

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2018 (INT 1202)

965(T)/17 POLAND - Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE - Obstructions.

Source: Polish Notices 4/76(T)/17 and 4/80(T)/17
1. Underwater obstructions, depth unknown, exist in the following positions:

55° 04´·98N., 17° 08´·34E.

55° 00´·53N., 17° 00´·38E.
55° 03´·35N., 17° 26´·50E.
55° 00´·71N., 17° 28´·90E.
55° 05´·87N., 16° 59´·80E.
55° 02´·00N., 17° 00´·32E.
55° 03´·98N., 17° 05´·57E.
55° 05´·62N., 17° 11´·29E.
55° 02´·22N., 17° 11´·55E.
55° 03´·74N., 17° 18´·11E.
55° 05´·28N., 17° 24´·44E.
55° 02´·14N., 17° 24´·33E.
55° 03´·59N., 17° 30´·03E.

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2018 (INT 1202)


966(T)/17 SWEDEN - East Coast - South Coast - West Coast - Danger areas.
Source: Swedish Notices 195/4039(T)/08 and 212/4931/08
1. Unexploded ordnance, which are liable to cause a dangerous explosion if disturbed, are reported to exist on the seabed in
the following positions. They could present a hazard for vessels anchoring, fishing or engaged in submarine or seabed

Position Largest Scale Chart(s)

a. East Coast
59° 00´·1N., 18° 11´·7E. 872
58° 59´·8N., 18° 11´·7E. 872
58° 57´·3N., 18° 27´·0E. 836, 2362
58° 50´·75N., 17° 57´·45E. 837, 872
58° 49´·8N., 18° 19´·8E. 2362
58° 49´·7N., 18° 14´·5E. 2362
58° 45´·46N., 18° 26´·23E. 2362
58° 35´·0N., 18° 45´·2E. 2362
58° 30´·5N., 17° 33´·8E. 2362
58° 28´·0N., 17° 23´·0E. 2361, 2362
57° 51´·35N., 17° 14´·86E. 2361
57° 46´·1N., 17° 11´·7E. 2361
57° 49´·4N., 19° 09´·0E. 798, 2223, 2361
b. South Coast
* 56° 00´·55N., 16° 07´·45E. 2251
* 55° 53´·2N., 16° 30´·9E. 2251
* 55° 52´·9N., 16° 30´·8E. 2251
* 55° 52´·3N., 16° 28´·6E. 2251
* 55° 52´·1N., 16° 31´·9E. 2251
* 55° 52´·0N., 16° 30´·5E. 2251
56° 00´·71N., 15° 25´·31E. 2857
56° 00´·2N., 15° 19´·2E. 2857
55° 58´·2N., 15° 10´·0E. 2857
* 55° 52´·4N., 15° 09´·4E. 2018
* 55° 52´·1N., 15° 03´·8E. 2018
56° 05´·6N., 15° 03´·0E. 2857
56° 01´·1N., 15° 02´·6E. 2857
56° 01´·3N., 14° 56´·0E. 2856
c. West Coast
57° 33´·37N., 11° 21´·50E. 2107
58° 14´·56N., 11° 16´·69E. 853
58° 31´·4N., 11° 06´·9E. 1402
58° 49´·2N., 11° 00´·2E. 879
58° 24´·4N., 10° 30´·1E. 1402
58° 27´·9N., 10° 32´·8E. 1402
58° 28´·29N., 10° 48´·78E. 1402
2. Former Notice 2466(T)/11 is cancelled.
* Indicates new or revised entry.

Charts affected - 798 - 836 (INT 1768) - 837 (INT 1232) - 853 (INT 1314) - 872 (INT 1766) - 2018 (INT 1202) - 2107
(INT 1301) - 2223 - 2251 - 2361 - 2856 (INT 1326) - 2857 (INT 1328)


972(T)/17 POLAND - Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE - Tidal gauges. Buoyage.

Source: Polish Notice 4/79(T)/17
1. Tidal gauges, marked by yellow pillar light-buoys, have been established in the following positions:

Position Characteristic Designation

55° 04´·98N., 17° 08´·34E. Fl.4s IM-1
55° 03´·55N., 17° 26´·50E. Fl.6s IM-2

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2018 (INT 1202)

973(T)/17 POLAND - Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank) NE - Buoyage.

Source: Polish Notice 3/56(T)/17
1. Special purpose light-buoys, Fl.Y.6s, have been temporarily established in the following positions:

Position Designation
55° 04´·94N., 17° 11´·14E. Balt2 2W
55° 02´·82N., 17° 00´·02E. Balt2 1W
55° 01´·71N., 17° 01´·84E. Balt2 1S
55° 03´·83N., 17° 12´·96E. Balt2 2S
55° 02´·44N., 17° 28´·32E. Balt 3S

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2018 (INT 1202)

974(T)/17 GERMANY - Baltic Coast - Adlergrund SW - Wreck. Buoy.

Source: German Notice 38/(16)151(T)/16
1. A wreck, depth 12·4m, marked by an isolated danger light-buoy, Fl(2)10s, exists in position 54° 37´·27N., 14° 11´·98E.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Charts affected - 2014 (INT 1219) - 2015 (INT 1201)

993(T)/17 NORTH SEA - Norwegian Sector - Utsira Ground - Precautionary area. Well.
Source: Norwegian Notice 2/56656(T)/17
1. A precautionary area, radius 500m, marking an abandoned well, has been established centred on position
58° 46´·07N., 2° 46´·94E.

Chart affected - 274


967(P)/17 FRANCE - West Coast - Banc de la Coubre to Banc des Marguerites - Depths.
Drying heights.
Source: New Edition of GB Chart 3058 published 23 February 2017
1. Numerous depths less than charted exist within La Gironde. The most significant are as follows:

Depth Position
9·6m 45° 32´·53N., 1° 01´·41W.
9·1m 45° 33´·17N., 1° 01´·80W.
3·7m 45° 35´·18N., 1° 00´·45W.
4·3m 45° 35´·99N., 1° 02´·77W.
10m 45° 36´·21N., 1° 05´·40W.
1·6m 45° 35´·29N., 1° 06´·00W.
8·4m 45° 33´·90N., 1° 02´·23W.
3·5m 45° 38´·65N., 1° 17´·86W.
2·7m 45° 38´·91N., 1° 19´·25W.
0·6m 45° 37´·29N., 1° 14´·02W.
Drying Height Position
0·5 45° 39´·12N., 1° 16´·73W.
0·5 45° 39´·41N., 1° 16´·46W.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
3. These changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 3057.

Chart affected - 3057 (INT 1845)

1017(T)/17 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Rio Tejo - Depths.

Source: Portuguese Notice 1/116(T)/17
1. Depths less than charted exist in the vicinity of light-buoy No 5 (38° 40´·430N., 9° 17´·655W.)
2. The most significant depths are as follows:

Depth Position
18·5m 38° 40´·598N., 9° 17´·498W.
8·0m 38° 40´·538N., 9° 17´·521W.
3·2m 38° 40´·491N., 9° 17´·547W.
12·0m 38° 40´·487N., 9° 17´·723W.
19·0m 38° 40´·509N., 9° 17´·849W.
3. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Charts affected - 3220 (INT 1875) - 3221 (INT 1876)

1018(T)/17 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Cabo Espichel N - Buoy. Current meter.

Source: Portuguese Notice 1/115(T)/17
1. A current meter, marked by a light-buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s, has been established in position 38° 32´·68N., 9° 18´·55W.

Charts affected - 3635 - 3636


992(P)/17 FRANCE - South Coast - Golfe de Fos - Radar beacon.

Source: French Notice 4/79/17

Update Feature Position

Delete legend, Racon (G), at GE light-buoy 43° 23´·19N., 4° 55´·46E.

Chart affected - 8009

954(T)/17 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Kochi - Buoy.

Source: Indian Notice 18/157(T)/15
1. A yellow data collection buoy has been temporarily established in position 9° 55´·01N., 76° 10´·02E.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
3. Former Notice 5315(T)/15 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 1565 - 1566 - IN 2004 (INT 7359)

975(T)/17 BANGLADESH - Kutubdia Island W - Works. Restricted area.

Source: Mercantile Marine Office Notice 2/17
1. Drilling operations are taking place by the mobile offshore drilling unit Deep Driller-8 in position
21° 51´·41N., 91° 48´·28E.
2. A restricted area has been established centred on the works and mariners are requested to maintain a safe distance of at least

Charts affected - 84 (INT 7428) - 90 - 8166

927(P)/17 CHINA - East Coast - Approaches to Zhitou Yang - Recommended tracks. Routeing measures.
Precautionary areas.
Source: Chinese Chart 13522
1. A recommended track (270°-090°) exists between the following positions:

*29° 41´·37N., 122° 30´·53E.

*29° 41´·33N., 122° 19´·08E.
2. A recommended track (238°-058°), for very large vessels only, exists between the following positions:

*29° 43´·97N., 122° 20´·68E.

*29° 42´·26N., 122° 17´·57E.
3. A new routeing measure exists within Tiaozhou Men.
4. *A precautionary area, No 5, has been established joining the following positions:

29° 42´·18N., 122° 17´·70E.

29° 42´·22N., 122° 18´·40E.
29° 42´·01N., 122° 18´·88E.
29° 41´·23N., 122° 18´·43E.
29° 41´·67N., 122° 17´·43E.

927(P)/17 CHINA - East Coast - Approaches to Zhitou Yang - Recommended tracks. Routeing measures.
Precautionary areas. (continued)
5. * A new limit for Precautionary area No 0 has been established, joining the following positions:

29° 45´·25N., 122° 19´·31E.

29° 45´·13N., 122° 20´·21E.
29° 43´·40N., 122° 19´·50E.
29° 44´·36N., 122° 18´·96E.
6. *The routeing measures within Xiazhi Men and Zhitou Yang have been changed.
7. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and report to Zhoushan VTS in accordance with related
8. Charts will be updated when full details are available.
* Indicates new or revised entry.
Former Notice 5527(P)/16 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 1126 - 8218

952(P)/17 CHINA - East Coast - Wenzhou Gang - Port development. Anchorage areas. Bridges. Depths.
Buoyage. Obstructions. Ferry routes.
Source: Chinese Chart 13741
1. Port development, new anchorages, bridge construction and numerous changes to depths have taken place in Wenzhou
2. A new bridge, marked by lights, has been established, joining the following positions:

28° 00´·64N., 120° 43´·75E. (shore)

28° 00´·84N., 120° 44´·52E. (shore)
3. Bridges, joining the following positions, have been removed:

27° 58´·72N., 120° 54´·23E. (shore)

27° 59´·52N., 120° 55´·07E. (shore)
27° 56´·67N., 120° 51´·33E. (shore)
27° 57´·44N., 120° 52´·33E. (shore)
4. Anchorage areas have been established, bounded by the following positions:

28° 02´·07N., 120° 43´·86E.

28° 01´·92N., 120° 43´·78E.
28° 02´·40N., 120° 41´·65E.
28° 02´·50N., 120° 41´·76E.
28° 01´·97N., 120° 39´·23E.
28° 01´·82N., 120° 39´·23E.
28° 01´·77N., 120° 38´·87E.
28° 01´·93N., 120° 38´·88E.
5. Port-hand pillar light-buoys have been established in the following positions:

28° 00´·60N., 120° 44´·35E.

28° 00´·09N., 120° 44´·39E.
6. Obstructions are reported to exist in the following positions:

Depth Position
5·4m 27° 59´·51N., 120° 51´·06E.
4·8m 28° 01´·19N., 120° 46´·53E.

952(P)/17 CHINA - East Coast - Wenzhou Gang - Port development. Anchorage areas. Bridges. Depths.
Buoyage. Obstructions. Ferry routes. (continued)
7. There have been changes to coastline between the following positions:

28° 01´·42N., 120° 37´·80E.

28° 01´·30N., 120° 41´·70E.
8. Ferry routes have been amended.
9. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
10. These changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 1763.

Chart affected - 1763

1013(P)/17 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Yantai Gang Xigangqu - Buoyage. Channel. Berth. Works.
Source: New Editions of GB Charts 1317 and 1319 published 23 February 2017 and New Edition of GB Chart 1206 to be pub-
lished 9 March 2017.
1. A new buoyed channel exists between 37° 44´·83N., 121° 08´·84E. and 37° 42´·98N., 121° 08´·53E.

Update Feature Position

Insert starboard pillar buoy No 37 37° 46´·18N., 121° 09´·18E.
port pillar buoy No 38 37° 46´·11N., 121° 09´·47E.
crude oil pier, joining: 37° 42´·71N., 121° 08´·51E.
37° 42´·86N., 121° 08´·28E.
legend, Works in progress (2017), centred on: 37° 44´·10N., 121° 04´·35E.
37° 44´·17N., 121° 06´·72E.
Delete starboard pillar buoy No 21 37° 46´·26N., 121° 09´·24E.
port pillar buoy No 22 37° 46´·04N., 121° 09´·41E.
3. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart affected - 8131

899(T)/17 JAPAN - Honshu- - Shiogama Ku - Obstruction.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/5085(T)/17
1. An underwater obstruction, anchor and chain, exists in the vicinity of position 38° 17´·8N., 141° 09´·3E.

Chart affected - JP 79

900(T)/17 JAPAN - Honshu- - Tokyo Ku - Section 2 - Works.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/5087(T)/16
1. Dredging works are taking place, until 30 March 2017, in the vicinity of the following positions:

35° 38´ 53"N., 139° 46´ 34"E.

35° 37´ 31"N., 139° 45´ 35"E.

Chart affected - JP 1065


901(T)/17 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Ami-no-Saki E - Works.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/5089(T)/17
1. Magnetic survey works are taking place, until 24 March 2017, within an area bounded by the following positions:

33° 56´ 47"N., 131° 02´ 49"E.

33° 56´ 55"N., 131° 02´ 56"E.
33° 56´ 32"N., 131° 03´ 34"E.
33° 56´ 12"N., 131° 04´ 04"E.
33° 56´ 08"N., 131° 04´ 01"E.
33° 56´ 24"N., 131° 03´ 27"E.

Charts affected - JP 127 - JP 1101 - JP 1262

902(T)/17 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Tanoura Ku - Depths.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/5091(T)/17
1. A depth of 9·4m exists in position 33° 57´ 57·9"N., 130° 59´ 39·6"E.
2. Depths of 1·5m less than charted exist within an area bounded by the following positions:

33° 58´ 07·9"N., 130° 59´ 38·0"E.

33° 58´ 07·5"N., 130° 59´ 44·1"E.
33° 58´ 00·8"N., 130° 59´ 39·9"E.
33° 58´ 00·4"N., 130° 59´ 28·3"E.

Charts affected - JP 135 - JP 1262 - JP 1263

903(T)/17 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Mutsurejima Ku - Works.

Source: Japanese Notice 6/5092(T)/17
1. Underwater obstruction removal works are taking place, until 10 March 2017, within an area bounded by the following

33° 58´ 22"N., 130° 53´ 26"E.

33° 58´ 22"N., 130° 53´ 34"E.
33° 58´ 02"N., 130° 53´ 35"E.
33° 58´ 01"N., 130° 53´ 26"E.

Charts affected - JP 135 - JP 1263

955(T)/17 RUSSIA - Pacific Ocean Coast - Poluostrov Kamchatka, East Coast - Approaches to Petropavlovsk-
Kamchatskiy - Obstructions. Area to be avoided.
Source: Russian Notice 5/471(T)/17
1. Submerged obstructions exist in position 52° 47´·0N., 158° 57´·0E. An area to be avoided, radius 1M, has been established
centred on this position.
2. Former Notice 3359(T)/10 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 4512 (INT 512)


946(T)/17 NEW ZEALAND - South Island - Cook Strait - Fishermans Rock SW -

Scientific instrument.
Source: New Zealand Notice 3/38(T)/17
1. An unmarked scientific instrument, extending 50m from the seabed, exists in position 41° 05´·62S., 174° 32´·80E.
2. Mariners engaged in trawling or seabed activities are advised to navigate with caution and to maintain a minimum distance
of 1M from the instrument.

Charts affected - 4640 (INT 640) - 4648 (INT 648) - NZ 46 - NZ 463

986(P)/17 NEW ZEALAND - North Island - Port of Tauranga - Buoyage. Light-beacons.

Source: New Zealand Notice 3/33(P)/17
1. Aids to navigation within Tauranga Harbour have been revised.
2. The following new aids to navigation have been established:

Designation Feature Characteristics Position

C Port lateral light-buoy Q.R. 37° 37´·468S., 176° 10´·014E.
D Starboard lateral light-buoy Iso.G.2s 37° 37´·886S., 176° 09´·699E.
Tanea No2 Port lateral light-buoy Iso.R.2s 37° 38´·068S., 176° 09´·924E.
Tanea No4 Port lateral light-buoy Iso.R.2s 37° 38´·160S., 176° 10´·003E.
P3 Starboard lateral light-beacon Fl.G.3s 37° 38´·242S., 176° 10´·366E.
* P1 W cardinal light-beacon VQ(9)10s 37° 38´·265S., 176° 10´·221E.
No1 Starboard lateral light-buoy Iso.G.2s 37° 38´·301S., 176° 09´·817E.
P5 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 38´·313S., 176° 10´·578E.
No6 Port lateral light-beacon Iso.R.2s 37° 38´·362S., 176° 10´·418E.
No3 N cardinal light-buoy VQ 37° 38´·398S., 176° 09´·991E.
P7 S cardinal light-beacon Q(6)+LFl.15s 37° 38´·434S., 176° 10´·675E.
No5 Starboard lateral light-buoy Iso.G.2s 37° 38´·505S., 176° 10´·320E.
No7 Starboard lateral light-beacon Iso.G.2s 37° 38´·568S., 176° 10´·490E.
WC3 Starboard lateral light-buoy Q.G 37° 38´·571S., 176° 09´·514E.
WC2 Port lateral light-buoy Q.R 37° 38´·682S., 176° 09´·689E.
No9 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q(2)G.2s 37° 38´·672S., 176° 10´·624E.
No11 Starboard lateral light-beacon Iso.G.2s 37° 38´·785S., 176° 10´·702E.
No13 Starboard lateral light-beacon Iso.G.2s 37° 38´·912S., 176° 10´·746E.
No15 Starboard lateral light-beacon Iso.G.2s 37° 39´·037S., 176° 10´·738E.
No17 Starboard lateral light-beacon Iso.G.2s 37° 39´·307S., 176° 10´·598E.
No8 Port lateral light-beacon Iso.R.2s 37° 39´·754S., 176° 10´·839E.
Town Reach Special light-beacon Fl.Y.5s 37° 39´·961S., 176° 10´·589E.
No10 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 40´·125S., 176° 10´·603E.
No12 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 40´·260S., 176° 10´·536E.

986(P)/17 NEW ZEALAND - North Island - Port of Tauranga - Buoyage. Light-beacons. (continued)
3. The following aids to navigation have been removed:

Designation Feature Characteristics Position

’C’ Port lateral light-buoy Q.R 37° 37´·490S., 176° 09´·988E.
Tanea No2 Port lateral light-buoy Q.R 37° 38´·067S., 176° 09´·921E.
No4 Port lateral light-buoy Iso.R.2s 37° 38´·159S., 176° 10´·000E.
No3 Starboard lateral light-beacon Fl.G.3s 37° 38´·242S., 176° 10´·367E.
No1 W cardinal light-beacon VQ(9)10s 37° 38´·266S., 176° 10´·191E.
No1 W Starboard lateral light-buoy Q.G 37° 38´·300S., 176° 09´·818E.
No5 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 38´·312S., 176° 10´·579E.
C2 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 38´·338S., 176° 10´·352E.
Banks N cardinal light-buoy Q 37° 38´·376S., 176° 10´·014E.
C4 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 38´·407S., 176° 10´·519E.
No7 S cardinal light-beacon Q(6)+LFl.15s 37° 38´·434S., 176° 10´·676E.
C1 Starboard lateral light-buoy Q.G 37° 38´·451S., 176° 10´·324E.
C3 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 38´·552S., 176° 10´·527E.
WC3 Starboard lateral light-buoy Q.G 37° 38´·615S., 176° 09´·544E.
* No2 W Port lateral light-buoy Q.R 37° 38´·630S., 176° 09´·812E.
C5 Starboard lateral light-beacon Fl.G.3s 37° 38´·684S., 176° 10´·674E.
No11 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 38´·810S., 176° 10´·739E.
* No13 Lateral light-beacon Q(3)G.7·5s 37° 38´·944S., 176° 10´·759E.
No15 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 39´·070S., 176° 10´·744E.
No17 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 39´·243S., 176° 10´·669E.
Otumoetai ’1’ Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 39´·303S., 176° 10´·527E.
No19 The Leaner Lateral light-beacon Q(2+1)G.6s5M 37° 39´·405S., 176° 10´·580E.
* No6 Lateral light-beacon Q(2)R.3s 37° 39´·754S., 176° 10´·840E.
No21 Starboard lateral light-beacon Q.G 37° 39´·961S., 176° 10´·594E.
No8 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 40´·122S., 176° 10´·602E.
No10 Port lateral light-beacon Q.R 37° 40´·251S., 176° 10´·538E.
4. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
5. Chart NZ5412 will be updated when full details are available.
6. Former Notice 371(P)/17 is cancelled.
* Indicates new or revised entry

Chart affected - NZ 5412

1015(T)/17 BRAZIL - East Coast - Porto de Aratu - Dow Chemical Terminal South-westwards - Works.
Source: Brazilian Notice 21/128(T)/10
1. A turning basin is being established West of Dow Chemical Terminal (12° 46´·95S., 38° 28´·57W).
The area is marked by four special light-buoys, Fl.Y.2s, located in the following positions:

* 12° 47´·15S., 38° 28´·89W.

* 12° 47´·07S., 38° 28´·85W.
* 12° 47´·03S., 38° 28´·81W.
* 12° 47´·02S., 38° 28´·76W.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.
3. Former notice 6114(T)/10 is cancelled.
* Indicates new or revised entry.

Charts affected - 545 - 8048


928(P)/17 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - New York - Lower Bay and Approaches -
Obstructions. Wrecks.
Source: US Chart 12402 and UKHO

Update Feature Position

*Insert obstruction 40° 31´·75N., 74° 03´·15W.
40° 31´·04N., 74° 03´·91W.
40° 30´·90N., 74° 03´·94W.
40° 30´·35N., 74° 05´·52W.
wreck 40° 30´·44N., 74° 04´·84W.
* 40° 30´·03N., 74° 03´·11W.
*Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 274(P)/17 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 8187

To accompany Notice to Mariners 964/2017

On Chart 275


Within the areas covered by larger scale
Norwegian charts, this chart is only to be used
for planning purposes. The detail is not fully
updated by Notices to Mariners: changes to
inshore lights, aids, depths and dangers
should be expected. Mariners intending to
navigate in these areas must use the larger
scale Norwegian charts indicated.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 964/2017

On Chart 281


Within the areas covered by larger scale
Norwegian charts, this chart is only to be used
for planning purposes. The detail is not fully
updated by Notices to Mariners: changes to
inshore lights, aids, depths and dangers
should be expected. Mariners intending to
navigate in these areas must use the larger
scale Norwegian charts indicated.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 976/17

On Chart 3759

Depths in this area are unreliable due to
continuous dredging.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 998/2017

On Chart 310


Positions on chart 310 differ from those on
chart 1197 by varying amounts; positions
should be transferred by bearing and distance
from common charted objects, not by latitude
and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 915/17

On Chart 4122

No person shall operate a motor vessel at a
speed exceeding 10 knots at any time inside a
marine park. Except for Sham Shui Kok
Anchorages No.1 and No.2, no person shall
moor or anchor a vessel in a marine park
without the permission of the Country and
Marine Parks Authority.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 915/17

On Chart 4123

No person shall operate a motor vessel at a
speed exceeding 10 knots at any time inside a
marine park. Except for Sham Shui Kok
Anchorages No.1 and No.2, no person shall
moor or anchor a vessel in a marine park
without the permission of the Country and
Marine Parks Authority.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 889/17. Image Size (mm) 93.2 by 85.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 890/17. Image Size (mm) 64.5 by 75.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 904/17. Image Size (mm) 159 by 127

To accompany Notice to Mariners 911/17. Image Size (mm) 78.7 by 89.9

To accompany Notice to Mariners 914/17. Image Size (mm) 106 by 160.1

To accompany Notice to Mariners 916/17. Image Size (mm) 68.5 by 56.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 916/17. Image Size (mm) 84.8 by 83.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 917/17. Image Size (mm) 105.8 by 117.6

To accompany Notice to Mariners 926/17. Image Size (mm) 127.9 by 137.4


See The Mariner’s Handbook (2016 Edition). It is recommended that the warnings reprinted below should be kept in a file or
book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient ADMIRALTY Chart is quoted. All warnings issued
within the previous 42 days are broadcast via SafetyNET and/or NAVTEX.
The complete texts of all in-force NAVAREA I warnings, including those which are no longer being broadcast, are
available from www.admiralty.co.uk/RNW. Additionally, a quarterly cumulative list of the complete text of all in-force
NAVAREA I Warnings is included in Section III of the Weekly NM Bulletin in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year.
Alternatively, these may be requested by e-mail from NAVAREA I Co-ordinator at: [email protected]
The RNW web page also contains a link to the IHO website which allows direct access to all the other NAVAREA
Co-ordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web.
Weekly Edition 9, 2 March 2017 (published on the UKHO website 20 February 2017).
Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 9
The following NAVAREA I warnings were in force at 200500 UTC Feb 17.

2017 series: 009 011 014 018 019 020

018 NORTH SEA, UK SECTOR. Frigg Field westwards. GB Chart 294.

1. FPSO Armada Kraken established at 59-55.5N 001-17.6E.
2. Cancel 214/16 and 016/17.

019 Navarea I Warnings in force at 171000 UTC Feb 17.

2. Cancel 015/17.

020 1. RIGLIST. Correct at 200500 UTC Feb 17.

Southern North Sea: 51N to 55N

52-05.4N 003-58.6E Paragon Prospector 1
53-03.2N 002-11.3E Seafox 4 ACP Leman Gas Field
53-14.0N 003-14.5E 590021
53-14.9N 002-17.8E Ensco 92 ACP Europa EZ
53-15.3N 000-52.0E Atlantic Amsterdam ACP Race Bank Wind Farm
53-23.6N 004-12.1E Ensco 72 ACP L10-C Placid Field
53-32.0N 002-15.3E GMS Endurance 6101 ACP Viking Gas Field
54-03.3N 001-02.1E Rowan Gorilla 7 ACP Ravenspurn North Gas Field
54-04.4N 000-54.9E Seafox 2 ACP ST3 Ravenspurn North Gas Field
54-36.0N 002-11.8E Ensco 80 ACP Cygnus B WHP
54-36.0N 002-11.8E Seafox 7 ACP Cygnus B WHP
54-51.2N 004-41.8E Ensco 101 ACP F3-B

North Sea: 55N to 60N, East of 5W

55-28.7N 005-06.5E Ensco 71 ACP Dan Oil Field
55-34.7N 004-45.6E Maersk Resilient ACP Gorm Oil Field
55-38.4N 004-53.1E Noble Sam Turner ACP Tyra Gas Field
55-43.3N 004-48.0E Maersk Guardian ACP Tyra Gas Field
55-46.1N 004-38.9E Seafox 5 ACP Roar Gas Field
55-52.9N 004-14.0E Ensco 121 alongside platform under construction
56-22.6N 003-15.5E Maersk Innovator ACP Eldfisk Oil Field
56-23.7N 002-15.3E Ocean Valiant
56-41.8N 002-20.3E COSL Rival ACP Judy Oil Field
56-48.4N 000-42.3E Ensco 100
57-00.8N 001-50.4E GSF Galaxy 1 ACP Elgin Gas Field
57-00.8N 001-50.5E Prospector 5 ACP Elgin Gas Field
57-01.9N 001-57.3E Noble Hans Deul ACP Shearwater Oil Field
57-11.7N 001-54.8E Maersk Highlander ACP u/c Pierce Oil Field Westward
57-27.0N 001-23.2E Noble Regina Allen ACP Montrose Oil Field
NEW Invergordon Sedco 712
58-18.1N 001-42.4W Blackford Dolphin
58-34.3N 001-41.8E Maersk Integrator ACP Gina Krog under construction
NEW 58-47.1N 002-35.8E Deepsea Atlantic
58-50.6N 002-14.9E Rowan Viking ACP Edvard Grieg under construction
58-55.3N 002-11.8E Maersk Interceptor ACP Ivar Aasen under construction
59-09.9N 001-37.9E Wilphoenix
59-29.7N 001-57.9E Transocean Arctic
59-32.0N 001-24.4E Ocean Patriot
59-35.4N 001-03.4E Noble Lloyd Noble ACP under construction Mariner Oil Field
59-53.9N 001-16.9E Transocean Leader

3.1 Wk09/17

Norwegian Sea: 60N to 65N, East of 5W

60-03.7N 001-59.2E Rowan Gorilla 5
60-15.6N 003-32.8W Transocean Spitsbergen
60-20.0N 004-06.0W Deepsea Aberdeen
60-30.3N 002-00.8E Maersk Intrepid ACP Martin Linge
60-41.9N 002-55.9E Safe Scandinavia ACP Oseberg Oil Field
60-44.2N 002-29.5W Floatel Victory ACP u/c Clair Ridge Oil Field
60-49.8N 003-34.2E Songa Equinox
60-52.5N 003-29.6E COSL Promoter
61-02.3N 002-20.3E West Elara ACP Kvitebjorn Gas Field
61-08.0N 003-32.0E Scarabeo 5
NEW 61-28.0N 001-59.6E Bideford Dolphin
61-40.1N 001-22.2E Paul B Loyd Jr

South and West Coasts of the British Isles.

53-37.9N 003-10.6W Irish Sea Pioneer ACP Hamilton Gas Field

A. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone.
B. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform; u/c - under construction
C. For Rigs located North of 65N, East of 5W, refer to Navarea XIX Warnings or visit www.navarea-xix.no

2. Cancel 017/17.

Wk09/17 3.2


NP7 South America Pilot Volume 3 (2015 Edition) Sweden – Göteborg – Ryahamnen — Basins and
berths; alongside depths

Peru – San Nicolás — Directions; buoy 114

Paragraph 3.295 1 line 6 For 78 m Read 60 m
Paragraph 9.126 1 line 1 For 5 miles Read 3½ miles
Paragraph 3.295 1 line 8 For 78 m Read 60 m
Paragraph 9.126 1 lines 4--7 Replace by:
NNW of Punta San Nicolás, and:
SSE of a light buoy (safe water) (151348S BA Chart 857 [09/17]
751613W) moored at the E end of the TSS,
Denmark -- Århus Havn — Traffic regulations;
Paragraph 9.126 2 line 2 Replace by: restricted area
...boarding position (151408S 751456W), about 1 mile
N of Muelle San... 255

Paragraph 9.127 1 lines 4--5 Replace by: After Paragraph 7.103 1 line 7 Insert:
NNE of a light buoy (safe water) (151348S
Restricted area. Entry is restricted (2017) to the
751613W) moored at the E end of the TSS,
NE part of Basin 7 in the port.
SSW of a shoal (151171S 751734W) with a least
depth of 56 m, thence: BA Chart 949 [09/17]

Peru Notice 1/001/17

(SDD 2017000 027930) [09/17] Denmark -- Århus Havn — Directions; lights

NP7A South America Pilot Volume 4
(2016 Edition) Paragraph 7.108 3 lines 3--9 Replace by:

...breakwater, through a channel dredged to 14 m.

Colombia – Bahía de Cartagena —
Basins and berths
Danish Notices 41/458/16; 46/489/16
(SDD 2016000 255760; 2016000 282822) [09/17]

After Paragraph 9.143 1 line 2 Insert:

Sociedad Portuaria El Cayao S.A. LNG Terminal NP20 Baltic Pilot Volume 3 (2016 Edition)
(101687N 753346W) at Bajos de Coquitos.
The terminal consists of a FSRU (Floating
Storage and Regasification Unit) alongside a
T--shaped jetty, 340 m in length with dolphins (lit), Finland – Hamina — Directions; draught
restriction; leading lights
extending NNW from the shore.

BA Chart 2434 [09/17] 212

Paragraph 5.167 1--3 Replace by:

NP18 Baltic Pilot Volume 1 (2015 Edition)
1 General information. Jetties in the SW part of the
town (603400N 271200E) are used by pleasure
Sweden – Göteborg – Älvsborgsbron — Limiting craft.
conditions; depth under bridge Directions. From a position SE of Hailikari
(603268N 271055E) the route, authorised for a
109--110 least draught of 35 m, is marked by buoys and leads
generally N for 1 mile.
Paragraph 3.269 1 line 6 For 10 m Read 84 m
Finland Notice 3/30/2017
BA Chart 857 [09/17] (SDD 2017000 026841) [09/17]


NP24 Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot 304

(2017 Edition)
Paragraph 8.247 1 lines 1--5 Replace by:
1 From the vicinity of Urmston Road pilot boarding
Turkey -- Ambarli LimanÝ — Arrival information; places (8.154), the track leads SSE, through the
pilotage fairway of Urmston Road marked by lights and light
buoys, passing:
Paragraph 8.247 2 line 4 For UR2 Read TSK
Paragraph 2.220 1 lines 1--5 Replace by:
Paragraph 8.247 3 lines 2--3 Replace by:
1 Pilots board in position 405600N 284065E,
close W of the recommended track (2.224). Pilotage is Either side of Tuen Mun Light Buoy (safe water)
compulsory and available 24 hours, although tankers (222118N 1135602E), thence:
are not normally berthed at night but can sail at any
time. 312

Turkish Chart 2926 Paragraph 8.305 1 line 8 For UR2 Read TSK Light
(SDD 2016000 253231) [09/17]
Paragraph 8.305 1 lines 12--13 For 222341N
1135365E Read 222502N 1135320E
Turkey -- EreÔli — Berths; depths

131 313

Paragraph 3.46 1 lines 1--6 Replace by: Paragraph 8.316 3 line 1 For UR 2 Read TSK

1 EreÔli LimanÝ. Passenger and cargo berths total

Hong Kong Marine Department NM No 18/2017
335 m in length with depths alongside of 34 to 46 m.
(SDD 2017000 025678) [09/17]
Demir Çelik Steel Works:
E basin: Maximum vessel size 60 000 dwt, depths
alongside of 59 to 116 m.
W basin: Maximum vessel size 200 000 dwt, depths NP44 Malacca Strait and West Coast of Sumatera
alongside of 131 to 183 m. Pilot (2015 Edition)

Turkish Chart 1131

(SDD 2016000 258145) [09/17] Singapore — Outer anchorages; foul area


NP30 China Sea Pilot Volume 1 (2016 Edition) Paragraph 8.20 2 line 11 Replace by:
...lies in the SE part close to the E boundary and foul
ground (11491N 1034827E) exists in the NW
China -- Hong Kong — Pilotage part.

287 Singaporean Notice 2/4034/17

(SDD 2017000 026426) [09/17]
Paragraph 8.154 3 line 6 Replace by:
Urmston Road (222400N 1135373E and
222502N 1135320E). NP46 Mediterranean Pilot Volume 2
(2016 Edition)
ENC’s C1515435; C1515445 [09/17]
Corse – Port de Calvi — Arrival information;
China -- Hong Kong -- Black Point to Kau Yi Chau
— Pilotage; buoyage
300 After Paragraph 6.42 1 line 3 Insert:
Paragraph 8.235 1 lines 1--7 Replace by: Anchorage areas are established as follows:
Centred 423431N 84598E, radius 150 m,
1 Black Point to Kau Yi Chau. From the vicinity of depths around 34 m, shell.
Urmston Road pilot boarding places (8.154) the route Centred 423392N 84640E, radius 100 m,
leads SSE to the vicinity of TSK Light Buoy (safe depths around 22 m, rock.
water) (222177N 1135482E), thence to the vicinity
of Tuen Mun Light Buoy (safe water) (222118N French Notice 49/82/16
1135602E), N of Hong Kong International Airport, ... (SDD 2016000 298366) [09/17]


Italy – West Coast – Porto d’Anzio — North--Eastern Adriatic – General information —

Controlling depths International frontiers

Paragraph 10.3 1 line 5 For 1471 Read 1461
Paragraph 12.16 1 lines 1--2 Delete
After Paragraph 10.3 2 line 2 Insert:

Italian Notice 3.5/17 The territorial and maritime border between the
(SDD 2017000 028049) [09/17] Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia is a
matter of ongoing arbitration proceedings (in
Italy – West Coast – Formia — accordance with the Arbitration agreement between
Outer anchorage; wreck the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the
Government of the Republic of Croatia signed on
4th November 2009).
Court of Arbitration, The Hague, press release
After Paragraph 12.79 1 line 3 Insert:
(SDD 2017000 028057) [09/17]
Caution. A dangerous wreck lies in position
411451N 133793E.
NP49 Mediterranean Pilot Volume 5
Italian Notice 3.6/17 (2016 Edition)
(SDD 2017000 028049) [09/17]
Turkey -- Selimiye — Prohibited area
NP47 Mediterranean Pilot Volume 3 176
(2014 Edition)
After Paragraph 5.169 2 line 7 Insert:
Countries – Croatia — National limits Prohibited area. Marine traffic is prohibited within a
triangular area centred on 364570N 312200E,
11 enclosing an underwater museum and wreck.

After Paragraph 1.112 1 line 3 Insert: Turkish Notice 2/011/17

(SDD 2017000 028311) [09/17]
The territorial and maritime border between the
Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia is a
matter of ongoing arbitration proceedings (in
NP57A Norway Pilot Volume 2A
accordance with the Arbitration agreement between
the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the (2016 Edition)
Government of the Republic of Croatia signed on
4th November 2009). Ryfylkefjordene – Finnøyfjorden – Bokn –
Tjørnasund — Anchorage
Court of Arbitration, The Hague, press release
(SDD 2017000 028057) [09/17] 133

Countries – Slovenia — National limits Paragraph 4.164 5 lines 7--11 Delete

13 Norway Notice 2/56681/17

(SDD 2017000 023406) [09/17]
Paragraph 1.129 1 Replace by:

1 Slovenia claims a territorial waters limit of 12 miles.

NP57B Norway Pilot Volume 2B
For further details, see Annual Summary of Admiralty
Notices to Mariners. The median line in the Gulf of (2012 Edition)
Trieste is shown on chart 1461.
The territorial and maritime border between the Soleimsundet – Sæterflua — Directions;
Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia is a sector light
matter of ongoing arbitration proceedings (in
accordance with the Arbitration agreement between 228
the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the
Government of the Republic of Croatia signed on Paragraph 5.433 3 lines 5--6 Replace by:
4th November 2009).
Thence the track continues N, passing:

Court of Arbitration, The Hague, press release Norway Notice 2/56695/17

(SDD 2017000 028057) [09/17] (SDD 2017000 023406) [09/17]


NP62 Pacific Islands Pilot Volume 3 167--168

(2016 Edition) Paragraph 7.311 including heading Replace by:
Ruwais deep--water inbound channel
French Polynesia -- Îles Sous le Vent -- Raiatea – 1 Approach. Inbound vessels approaching from the
Uturoa — Anchorage berths NW should, where possible, favour the SW part of the
channel until reaching Yas Channel.
Track. From a position W of Ghashº Light Buoy
201 (242589N 523449E), the track leads generally SE
for 13 miles through to Jabal Aþ ¹annah Oil Loading
Paragraph 7.77 1 lines 1--8 Replace by: Berths (7.316), the waiting anchorages (7.301) or Ar
Ru’ays Approach Channel (7.315), passing:
1 Anchorage berths. There are three anchorage SW of Najwat Light Buoy (S cardinal) (242541N
berths available for vessels waiting to berth alongside. 523571E) moored on the SSW edge of Najwat
The swinging room is limited, but the two N Ghashº, a shoal with a least depth of 73 m;
anchorage berths, in depths of about 27 m (15 fm), overfalls are usually present over this shoal.
are recommended, as the holding ground is good. The Thence:
S anchorage berth, in similar depths, is affected by a 2 NE of No 1 Light Buoy (N cardinal) (242439N
strong current, usually NW--going. 523645E), moored at the N end of a shoal
spur extending N from Bø San’ia, a detached
reef off the N side of ¬Ør BanØ Yºs (7.338),
French Notice 5/208/2017 with a least depth of 43 m, thence:
(SDD 2017000 026546) [09/17] SW of No 2 Light Buoy (port hand) (242448N
523719E) moored on the SW edge of a shoal
with a least depth of 67 m, thence:
3 NE of No 3 Light Buoy (starboard hand)
NP63 Persian Gulf Pilot (2015 Edition) (242388N 523729E) moored at the E end
of Bø San’ia, thence:
SW of No 4 Light Buoy (port hand) (242411N
523774E), moored at the WSW end of The
United Arab Emirates – Jabal Aþ ¹annah – Ridge, a spur shoal, with a least depth of 52 m,
Ruwais — Arrival information; directions for
entering harbour extending WSW from JazØrat Ghashº, a flat rocky
islet covered with coarse scrub and sand. The
stranded wreck of a tug (242546N 523867E)
166 lies on the edge of the reef N of JazØrat Ghashº.
Paragraph 7.300 1 line 3 For deep--water Read Ruwais DW 4 SW of ‘Ayayat Ghashº (242380N 523970E),
a partly drying coral reef, thence:
Between Light Buoys Nos 7 (starboard hand)
(242261N 523900E) and N–Yas Light Buoy
After Paragraph 7.301 1 line 4 Insert:
(special) (242256N 523935E), the entrance
to Yas Channel and meeting point with the
Anchorage may also be obtained W of North outbound Ruwais DW channel.
Channel centred on 242842N 523822E; depths 5 The inbound track then continues SE and SSE
from 10 to 27 m, sand, shell. through Yas Channel, marked by light buoys (lateral),
to a position between S–Yas Light Buoy (special)
Paragraph 7.302 1 Replace by:
(241830N 524094E) and Light Buoy No 19
(starboard hand) (241785N 524064E), passing:
1 Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels proceeding
ESE of Ruqq Bu Aitr (241834N 524024E), a
within the port limits and is available day and night. shoal with a least depth of 3 m, and a dangerous
Pilot boards in position 242590N 523340E, W of coral reef about 5 cables SW, thence:
Ghashº Light Buoy for the DW routes; or 242600N 6 W of Price Shoal (241751N 524221E), with
524242E for North Channel routes. For further a least depth of 12 m, marked by a light
information see Admiralty List of Radio Signals beacon (red metal column, white lantern),
Volume 6(8). thence:
167 Through to the waiting anchorages, berths or Ar
Ru’ays Approach Channel.
Paragraph 7.308 1 line 5 Delete 168
Paragraph 7.312 including existing Section IV Notice Wk
14/16 Replace by:
Paragraph 7.308 1 lines 8--10 Replace by:
Zirkø Light — as above. 7.312
For details see Admiralty List of Radio Signals Paragraph 7.312a existing Section IV Notice Wk 14/16
Volume 2. Delete


Paragraph 7.313 1--3 Replace by: 3 The route then leads NW through Ruwais DW
Channel, marked by light buoys (lateral and special),
1 Vessels exempt pilotage and of suitable draught until it joins the inbound route N of N–Yas Light Buoy
should use the secondary approach channels when (242256N 523935E) (7.311).
entering or leaving either port.
North Channel. From a position E of Patch Light
Buoy (starboard hand) (244011N 524160E), the BA Charts 3179, 3780;
track leads about 10 miles S to North Channel Light ENC Cells GB303179, GB45054A [09/17]
Buoy (safe water) (243007N 524165E). The North
Channel, marked by light buoys, then leads to and
subsequently forms the East Gashº Channel.
2 East Gashº Channel (242437N 524146E), NP66A South--West Coast of Scotland Pilot
used by local craft, passes between JazØrat Ghashº (2014 Edition)
reef (242481N 523905E) and its outlying shoals to
the W and Umm al Kurkum reef (242359N
524588E) and its outlying shoals to the E. From the
exit of the channel, between E Ghashº Light Buoy Isle of Mull — Tobermory Harbour;
No 7 (starboard hand) and E Ghashº Light Buoy (W seaplane operating area
Kurkum) Light Buoy No 8 (W cardinal) (242398N
524154E), the Yabr Channel leads SE. 224
3 Relief Route. From a position in the vicinity of
Jabal Aþ ¹annah and Ar Ru’ays Outer Fairway Light
Paragraph 5.277 2 lines 1--3 Replace by:
Buoy (safe water) (244590N 525326E), the track
leads SW passing:
2 Regulations. Local rules prohibit anchorage in the
Close SE of a light buoy (isolated danger)
fairway and restrict speed to 4 kn.
(243794N 524727E) marking an obstruction,
with a safe clearance depth of 15 m, thence:
Paragraph 5.278 1 lines 4--7 Delete
NW of a shoal patch (243375N 524466E) with a
least charted depth of 91 m, thence:
N of North Channel Light Buoy (safe water)
(242954N 524159E). Tobermory Harbour Association
The track then leads S and joins the North and (SDD 2017000 026870) [09/17]
East Gashº Channels; — see above.
4 Yabr Channel, used by local craft, is entered
between E Ghashº Light Buoy No 7 (242398N
524136E) (starboard hand) and E Ghashº (W
NP69 East Coast of the United States Pilot
Kurkum) Light Buoy No 8 (W cardinal), 2½ cables E.
The track initially leads 6 miles SE to Yabr Channel
Volume 2 (2014 Edition)
Light Buoy (safe water) (241901N 524525E),
passing NE of N Yabr Light Buoy (N cardinal)
(242101N 524336E); it continues 3½ miles SSW Chincoteague Inlet to Chesapeake Bay entrance
through to S Yabr Channel Light Buoy (safe water) — Directions; racon
(241588N 524346E) and the waiting anchorages.

After Paragraph 7.315 Insert: Paragraph 3.280 including heading Replace by:

Directions for leaving harbour Spare

Ruwais Deep--Water Departure Channel 3.280
1 From a position W of Price Shoal (7.311) the 97
Ruwais DW route, for outbound vessels only, is
entered between Light Buoys No 19 and No 20 and
Paragraph 4.27 1 line 2 Delete
leads NNE, passing:
ESE of S–Yas Light buoy (7.311), thence:
2 WNW of JazØrat Yabr (241919N 524316E), a
small sandy islet, 1 m high, surrounded by a 100
drying reef steep--to on its S side; the islet
lies on the S edge of an extensive reef with
Paragraph 4.39 1 line 2 Delete
foul ground on its W side, marked by No 16
Light Buoy (W cardinal) (242000N
524231E). Thence:
To a position W of No 16 Light Buoy, which marks the US U1 Notice 04/108/2017
W side of the reef. (SDD 2017000 020590) [09/17]



NP74, Vol A Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

A0661·71 - River Medina. E Side. 50 43·53 N 2 F R(vert) .. . . Pontoon
Island Harbour 1 16·86 W
* * * * * * * *

A0661·72 Remove from list; deleted

A0690·8 - Southsea S. Castle Pile 50 46·66 N Fl G 5s 7 . . Grey pile on green Shown 24 hours
1 05·65 W base
- - - Dir Lt 348° .. Dir WRG 17 11 . . F G340°-343°(3°).
Al WG343°-347°(4°) W phase
increasing with bearing.
F W347°-349°(2°).
Al WR349°-354°(5°) R phase
increasing with bearing.
F R354°-356°(2°).
Shown 24 hours
--- .. By day .. 6
* * * * * * * *


A0691 Remove from list; deleted

A0692·5 - Fort Blockhouse. Dir Lt 50 47·37 N Dir WRG 4s 6 12 Base of mast Oc G313°-317°(4°).
323° 1 06·74 W Fl G317°-321°(4°) G phase
decreasing with bearing.
Oc W321°-325°(4°).
Fl R325°-329°(4°) R phase Increasing
with bearing.
Oc R329°-333°(4°).
Shown 24 hours. Traffic Signals
* * * *

A0692·8 - Harbour Entrance. Dir Lt 50 47·85 N Dir WRG 2s 2 12 Concrete dolphin Iso G323·75°-329·75°(6°).
333·75° 1 06·97 W 4 Fl G329·75°-332·75°(3°) G phase
(GB:MODN) decreasing with bearing.
Iso W332·75°-334·75°(2°).
Fl R334·75°-337·75°(3°) R phase
increasing with bearing.
Iso R337·75°-343·75°(6°).
Shown 24 hours
- GOSPORT. Fuel Jetty. No1 . . 2 F R(vert) 8 . . Concrete dolphin 2 m apart
Dolphin 4
* *

A1125·3 - Port Ouest. LNG Terminal. 51 02·25 N VQ(6)W 11 8 Pier

FR, LA, 25410 W Pier. PB 2 10·81 E

A1274 - Bassin Théophile Ducrocq. 49 28·85 N Oc(2)R 6s 7 6 White support, red ec 1, lt 1, ec 1, lt 3.

FR, LA, 28050 Môle Nord. Head 0 06·33 E top Ra refl
* * * * * * * *


A2539 - Alexandra Dock. Lts in line 53 44·54 N Oc Bu 5s .. . . Yellow % on post Marks E limit of dredged area. Occas
345°. Front 0 17·72 W
* * *

5.1 Wk09/17

NP74, Vol A Edition 2016/17 continued.


A2539·1 - Alexandra Dock. Lts in line 53 44·55 N Oc Bu 5s .. . . Yellow % on post Marks E limit of dredged area. Occas
345°. Rear. 24m from front 0 17·73 W
* * *


A4770 - Douglas Head 54 08·60 N Fl W 10s 32 24 White tower and fl 0·5.
(GB:N) 4 27·95 W buildings Unintens 110°-220°(110°),
20 W220°-037°(177°).
Reduced range 12M (T) 2017
* *

A4786 - Maughold Head 54 17·73 N Fl(3)W 30s 65 21 White tower (fl 0·5, ec 2) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 24·5.
(GB:N) 4 18·57 W 23 Reduced range 12M, Elevation 63m
(T) 2017

NP76, Vol C Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.


C1113 - Kalkgrund 54 49·48 N Iso WRG 8s 22 W14 Red round tower, 2 W012°-062°(50°), R062°-084°(22°),
DE, 4001, 200300 (DE) 9 53·28 E R13 white bands, 3 W084°-100°(16°), R100°-120°(20°),
G12 galleries W120°-131·5°(11·5°),
24 G131·5°-157°(25·5°),
W157°-164°(7°), R164°-190°(26°),
G252·6°-258°(5·4°), W258°-265°(7°),
R265°-292°(27°), W292°-308°(16°),
- - Fog Det Lt
-- .. Horn Mo(FS) .. .. .. Morse FS in 13·5s
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 57000.
TD 2017

C5429 Remove from list; deleted

C5429·1 Remove from list; deleted

C5430 Remove from list; deleted

C5430·1 Remove from list; deleted

C5432 Remove from list; deleted

C5432·1 Remove from list; deleted

5.2 Wk09/17

NP77, Vol D Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

D1624 - Puerto de Luanco. Gallo 43 37·15 N Fl(2)R 7s 10 3 Red round tower fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, I, 02060 Breakwater. Head 5 46·98 W 4

D2014 - Neiva. Portinho de Pesca. 41 37·79 N Fl Y 3s 6 6 Yellow column, fl 0·5.
PT, I, 28·2 Breakwater. N Head 8 49·30 W black bands TE 2017

D2059·614 - Canal Principal de 40 39·67 N Fl Y 2s 6 2 Yellow post fl 0·5.

PT, I, 96·813 Navegação. Montante. Lts in 8 42·73 W 5 Y356·5°-016·5°(20°).
line. Front Marks E limit of CIRES pipeline. TE

D2067·35 - Harbour Entrance. Ldg Lts 40 08·87 N Oc R 3s 15 6 White column, red ec 1.

PT, I, 110·6 046·5°. Rear 8 52·16 W bands R039°-055°(16°).
5 TE 2017


D2134·45 - Olivais. S Pier. Head 38 45·23 N Fl R 3s 5 3 White post, red bands fl 0·5.
PT, I, 261·1 9 05·52 W 3 TE 2017

D2197·3 - Marina de Vilamoura. W 37 04·17 N Fl R 4s 13 5 White tower, red fl 1.

PT, I, 492 Mole. Head 8 07·46 W bands TE 2017

D7091 - Saint-Gilles les Bains. West 21 03·28 S Oc(2)G 6s 12 7 White structure, ec 1, lt 1, ec 1, lt 3

FR, LC, 44330 Jetty. Head 55 13·33 E green top
(FR) 8


D7091·484 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·485 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·487 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·488 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·489 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·494 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·496 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·498 Remove from list; deleted


D7091·5 Remove from list; deleted

5.3 Wk09/17

NP77, Vol D Edition 2016/17 continued.

D7295·525 Desalination plant 20 40·70 N Oc WRG 5s .. . . Beacon

39 31·40 E
* * * * * * * *

D7295·527 Desalination plant 20 40·40 N Mo(U)W 12s .. . . Beacon

39 31·30 E
* * * * * * * *

D7295·5275 Desalination plant 20 40·30 N Fl Y 4s .. . . Beacon Marks intake

39 31·40 E
* * * * * * * *

D7295·5278 Desalination plant 20 40·30 N Q(9)W 15s .. . . $ on yellow beacon, Marks outfall
39 31·40 E black band
* * * * * * * *

D7295·528 Tawīl Raghwān. Reef 20 37·42 N Fl W 15s .. . . Beacon

39 23·75 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·395 Al Wajh 26 13·00 N Fl R .. . . Beacon

36 28·00 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·398 Al Wajh 26 13·00 N Fl G .. . . Beacon

36 28·00 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·402 Umm Lajj. No 4 25 00·88 N Fl R 3s .. . . Beacon

37 16·10 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·403 Umm Lajj. No 3 25 00·85 N Fl G 3s .. . . Beacon

37 16·10 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·404 Umm Lajj. No 2 25 00·83 N Fl R 3s .. . . Beacon

37 16·05 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·405 Umm Lajj. No 1 25 00·82 N Fl G 3s .. . . Beacon

37 16·03 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·421 Ra's al Lakk. No 4 24 29·57 N Fl G 2s

37 22·93 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·422 Ra's al Lakk. No 5 24 29·44 N Fl R 2s

37 24·15 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·423 Ra's al Lakk. No 6 24 27·90 N IQ R

37 23·05 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·424 Ra's al Lakk. No 8 24 27·30 N IQ G

37 23·54 E
* * * * * * * *

D7298·4255 Yanbu Approach Channel. 24 03·99 N QR

No 2 37 02·82 E
* * * * * * * *

5.4 Wk09/17

NP77, Vol D Edition 2016/17 continued.

D7299·573 - No 1 19 08·08 N Fl(2)W 5s .. . . Beacon More lit beacons exist in the
41 03·18 E approaches to Al Qunfudhah
* * * * * * * *

D7299·575 - Shib As Sawlah. No 14 19 04·80 N Fl W 5s .. . . Beacon More lit beacons exist in the
41 04·60 E approaches to Al Qunfudhah
* * * * * * * *

D7336 Mīnā Khasab. Ra's ash 26 15·39 N Fl W 5s 19 10 . . W065°-297°(232°)

OM, , 1314 Shaykh Mas`ud 56 12·86 E

NP78, Vol E Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

E0058·5 Fuengirola. Submerged Jetty. 36 32·72 N Fl(3)G 5 3 Green post TE 2017

ES, II, 21305 Head 4 36·80 W 4

E0794 - Îlot Lion de Mer 43 24·39 N Q WR 16 W11 White structure W275°-249°(334°), R249°-275°(26°)
FR, LB, 34940 6 46·43 E R 8 10

E0898·5 - Propriano. Marina. 41 40·63 N Fl(3)G 12s 5 2 Green column, white (fl 1, ec 1·5) x 2, fl 1, ec 6
FR, LB, 39380 Breakwater. W Head 8 54·07 E band
* * * * * * * *

E0899 - Propriano. Marina. 41 40·61 N Fl(3)R 12s 5 2 Red column, white (fl 1, ec 1·5) x 2, fl 1, ec 6
FR, LB, 39370 Breakwater. W Head 8 54·08 E band
* * * *

E0899·2 - Propriano. Marina. 41 40·67 N Fl(2)G 6s 5 3 White structure, dark fl 1, ec 1, fl 1, ec 3

FR, LB, 39390 Breakwater. E Head 8 54·37 E green top
* * *

E2644 - Luka Umag. Pličina 45 26·49 N Fl(2)WR 8s 10 W 8 Red tower on column fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 5.
HR, , 76 Paklena (Pegolota). W Side 13 30·22 E R 6 with gallery, on R165°-347°(182°), W347°-165°(178°)
submerged stone base
---- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381540
* * * * * * * *

E2668 - Otočić Altijež 45 11·85 N Fl(3)W 10s 9 8 White tower with (fl 0·5, ec 1·5) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 5·5
HR, , 94 13 34·10 E column and gallery
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381450
* * * * * * * *

E2672 - Pličina Mramori 45 08·81 N Fl(2)R 8s 13 7 Red tower with fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 6
HR, , 98 13 34·19 E column and gallery
on submerged base
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381480
* * * * * * * *

5.5 Wk09/17

NP78, Vol E Edition 2016/17 continued.

E2866 - Rt Tenka Punta 45 13·74 N Fl(3)W 10s 9 7 Square stone tower (fl 0·5, ec 2) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
HR, , 210 14 31·81 E on pedestal
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381520
* * * * * * * *

E2872 - Rt Veli Pin 44 58·89 N Fl W 6s 20 10 Stone tower on white fl 1
HR, , 237 14 29·12 E pedestal
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381430
* * * * * * * *

E3106·4 - Pličina Sajda 44 11·23 N Fl(2)W 10s 6 5 Black # on black fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 7
HR, , 371 15 02·09 E square stone tower,
red band, on concrete
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381560
* * * * * * * *

E3121 - Pličina Beli 44 05·34 N Fl(2)W 8s 7 6 # on black pole, red fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 6
HR, , 375·3 15 02·52 E bands and gallery
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381550
* * * * * * * *

E3225·3 Čavlin Shoal 43 44·48 N Fl(2)W 5s 7 6 Black # on black fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 3

HR, , 450·2 15 33·48 E beacon, red bands
- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381470
* * * * * * * *

E3274 Otočić Komorica 43 38·99 N Fl(2)R 8s 11 5 Red tower with fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 5.
HR, , 463 15 50·44 E gallery R080°-328°(248°)
- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381440
* * * * * * * *

E3331·9 - Otočić Stipanska 43 24·40 N Fl(2)G 5s 8 6 Green column fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 3.
HR, , 571·2 16 10·12 E 5 G355°-255°(260°)
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381460
* * * * * * * *

E3445 - Hridi Lukavci. SE Rock 43 04·96 N Fl R 3s 14 5 Stone tower fl 0·3
HR, , 621 16 34·87 E 8
--- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381530
* * * * * * * *

E3461 - Rt Velo Dance 42 55·54 N Fl(3)W 10s 12 11 Stone tower (fl 0·5, ec 1) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 6·5
HR, , 625 16 38·33 E 8
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381490
* * * * * * * *

E3488 - Rt Lovišće 43 02·85 N Fl(3)W 10s 10 10 White square stone (fl 0·5, ec 1) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 6·5.
HR, , 634 17 00·11 E tower with gallery on W357°-258°(261°)
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381500
* * * * * * * *

5.6 Wk09/17

NP78, Vol E Edition 2016/17 continued.

E3500·5 - Ploče. Rt Višnjica. S Side 43 02·38 N Fl(2)W 5s 13 7 White tower, column fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 3
HR, , 648 17 24·97 E and gallery
---- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992381510
* * * * * * * *

E6385·5 - Sousse. Épi Sud. Head 35 49·49 N Fl R 5s 10 8 Red truncated conical fl 1

TN, , 2830 10 38·87 E tower
- - - - Reserve light .. .. .. 6

E6390·4 Kélibia. Fishing Harbour 36 49·94 N Fl(2)W 8s 5 5 White pylon fl 1, ec 1·5, fl 1, ec 4·5.
TN, , 2310 11 06·54 E TE 2017

E6390·42 Kélibia. Fishing Harbour. 36 50·00 N Fl G 4s 5 2 Green pylon fl 0·5.

TN, , 2320 Spur 11 06·60 E TE 2017

NP79, Vol F Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

F0837 Hambantota. Breakwater. 6 06·62 N Fl R 4s

Head 81 05·28 E
* * * * * * * *

F0837·1 Hambantota. Artificial Island 6 06·54 N Fl W 2s

81 05·65 E
* * * * * * * *

F0837·2 Hambantota. Artificial Island 6 06·72 N Fl W 2s

81 06·01 E
* * * * * * * *

F1923·41 Kuala Balingian 3 01·00 N Fl(2)W 6s 15 5 White % on white TE 2017

MY, , 2001·2 112 35·13 E metal framework

NP82, Vol J Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

J4388 - Río Champotón. S Side 19 21·47 N Fl W 6s 25 12 White square fl 1.

MX, , 04-065 90 43·44 W concrete tower W045°-180°(135°)

J4392 - Saybaplaya. Punta Morro 19 40·54 N Fl W 6s 54 18 White 8-sided W000°-197°(197°)

MX, , 04-060 90 42·36 W concrete tower

5.7 Wk09/17

NP82, Vol J Edition 2016/17 continued.

J4400 - Cerro de San Bartolo. 19 49·03 N Fl(3)W 12s 78 18 White square

MX, , 04-010 Campeche 90 34·98 W concrete tower


J4401 - Cerro de San Bartolo. 19 51·95 N Iso W 2s 8 10 White metal tubular
MX, , 04-010·5 Campeche. Beacon No 3 90 31·75 W tower
* * *

J5734 - Îlet du Gosier 16 11·90 N Fl(2)R 10s 24 21 White tower, red top fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 7.
FR, LD, 05330 (FR) 61 29·45 W 21 R259°-115°(216°).
Obscured by trees on certain bearings
towards Pointe Caraïbe

NP83, Vol K Edition 2017/18. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

K1043·071 - Kotok Kecil Island 5 41·45 S Lit .. . . # on black beacon,

(ID) 106 32·79 E red band
* * * * * * * *

K1043·093 - Panggang Island. Ujung 5 44·33 S Fl W 5s 7 8 White pipe beacon fl 0·5

ID, , 2412·6 Karang. P Karya 106 35·35 E

K1056·57 - Pulau Pramuka 5 44·78 S Fl G .. . . % on green beacon

(ID) 106 36·26 E
* * * * * * * *

K1056·7 - Pulau Layar 5 43·96 S Q(9)W 15s 6 6 $ on yellow beacon, Ra refl

ID, , 2412·4 (ID) 106 33·52 E black band

K1056·8 - Pulau Pandan 5 42·73 S VQ(9)W 10s 6 6 $ on yellow beacon, Ra refl

ID, , 2412·3 (ID) 106 33·59 E black band


K4964 - Chenal de Faaa. Récif 17 32·56 S QG 4 3 Green % on green TE 2017
FR, LC, 62200 Barriére de Faaa 149 35·35 W beacon
(FR) 6

K4990 - Passe d'Avatoru. Ldg Lts 14 56·81 S Iso W 4s 10 6 White beacon Unreliable (T) 2017
FR, LC, 55440 172·6°. Front 147 42·68 W 11

K4990·1 - Passe d'Avatoru. Ldg Lts 14 56·89 S Iso W 4s 14 6 White beacon Unreliable (T) 2017
FR, LC, 55441 172·6°. Rear. 150m from 147 42·67 W 15

5.8 Wk09/17

NP83, Vol K Edition 2017/18 continued.

K4992·5 - Avatoru. Village. Marina. 14 56·76 S VQ(6)+LFl W 3 3 " on black beacon, TE 2017
FR, LC, 55480 South-westward 147 42·47 W 10s yellow top
(FR) 5

K4998·6 - Tenukupara Channel. 14 32·20 S QR 4 4 Red & on red beacon

FR, LC, 56390 Tenukupara 146 21·50 W 6

K4998·63 - Motu Pirake Keke Channel. 14 26·50 S Fl R 2·5s 4 4 Red & on red beacon fl 0·5
FR, LC, 56480 Motu Rokati. Southward 146 16·00 W 6

K4998·64 - Motu Pirake Keke Channel. 14 26·30 S QR 4 4 Red & on red beacon
FR, LC, 56500 Motu Pirake Keke. 146 15·60 W 6

NP84, Vol L Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

L1992 - Helgelandsflesa 65 13·00 N Fl WRG 5s 9 W7·5 Tower fl 0·7.

NO, , 569500 11 53·19 E R5·5 7 G152·5°-201·5°(49°),
G5·2 W201·5°-212°(10·5°),
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 65825

L6905 - Letne-Zolotitskiy. Ldg Lts 64 57·41 N QG 15 9 Red U, white stripe Vis on leading line only
RU, 2105, 4660 130·2°. Front 36 49·14 E 6

L6905·1 - Letne-Zolotitskiy. Ldg Lts 64 57·23 N Fl G 2s 31 9 White U, black stripe fl 0·5.

RU, 2105, 4661 130·2°. Rear. 500m from 36 49·63 E 6 Vis on leading line only

L6933 - Ostrov Pulkorga. Lt and Bn 65 09·97 N Fl W 4s 8 6 White 4-sided fl 0·4.
RU, 2105, 4630 in line 194·4°. Front 36 51·00 E wooden pyramid Rear beacon unlit. 1·3M from front

5.9 Wk09/17

NP85, Vol M Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

M4331·75 Daebyeongdaedo (Southward 34 40·91 N Fl G 5s 25 5 Green & on green G225°-089°(224°)

KR, 410, 2168·3 of Geojedo) 128 37·59 E round concrete tower
KR, 410, 4354·1 23
KR, 410, 4533 - .. Horn 60s .. .. .. bl 7
- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 994401599

M4445·3 - Sadong Hang. S 37 27·65 N Fl G 4s 15 9 White round concrete TE 2015

KR, 410, 1276·8 Breakwater 130 52·96 E tower
--- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 82944.
TD 2017

M5575·8 - (Tsubakidomari Ura) 33 50·38 N Fl R 3s 5 5 Red tower
JP, 411, 3405·5 134 41·65 E 5

M6469·2 Kominato Ko. E Breakwater. 35 07·28 N Oc W 8s 9 11 White tower, black TE 2017

JP, 411, 1887 Head 140 11·67 E band

M6470·9 Ohara Ko 35 15·40 N Iso G 4s 13 5 White tower

JP, 411, 1875·8 140 24·52 E 10

M6471·1 Remove from list; deleted

M6471·11 Remove from list; deleted

M6784 Remove from list; deleted

M7319·2 Sezaki 35 35·67 N FW 52 . . White tower Illuminates islet 0·7M ENE

JP, 411, 0839·5 133 06·62 E 6
* * * * * * * *

M7335 Uryu Gyoko 35 26·02 N FW 23 .. .. Illuminates rocks 150m NE

JP, 411, 0822·5 132 38·27 E 7
* * * * * * * *

M7335·5 Uryu Gyoko. Breakwater. 35 26·02 N Oc G 4s 11 4 White round concrete ec 1

JP, 411, 0823 Head 132 38·38 E tower
* * * * * * * *

NP86, Vol N Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

N5927·2 - E Breakwater. Head 34 28·00 N Fl R 4·5s .. 5

FR, LB, 83380 35 49·95 E
* *

5.10 Wk09/17

NP86, Vol N Edition 2016/17 continued.

N5934 - Rās Beirut 33 54·00 N Fl(6+2)W 10s 52 22 Stone tower, metallic
FR, LB, 83740 35 28·19 E dome
* * *

N5935 Remove from list; deleted


N7861 - Sabratha 33 45·10 N Mo(U)W 15s .. 10 Platform (fl 0·4, ec 0·5) x 2, fl 1·2, ec 12
12 41·00 E
-- .. Horn Mo(U) .. .. .. (bl 0·75, si 1) x 2, bl 2·5, si 24
* * * * * * * *

NP87, Vol P Edition 2016/17. Weekly Edition No. 9, Dated 02 March 2017.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8, dated 23 February 2017.

P3348·4 Tonggu Zui (Tung-ku Tsui) 19 38·37 N Fl(2)W 8s 140 18 6-sided round fl 0·3.
CN, G103, 5045 111 02·17 E concrete tower Range 12M (T) 2017
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 80990

P4661·1 Hai-pu 24 41·47 N QR 14 5 Wind turbine

TW, , 15027 120 48·40 E 82
- .. By day Q W
* * * * * * * *

P4661·11 Hai-pu 24 41·60 N QR 14 5 Wind turbine

TW, , 15026 120 49·02 E 82
- .. By day Q W
* * * * * * * *

5.11 Wk09/17


Weekly Edition No. 9 dated 02 March 2017

The ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section
VI) are printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from
www.admiralty.co.uk/maritime-safety-information. To obtain the colour versions select View and download NMs – select
Weekly – select Year – select Week – go to Selected Week Content – select File (for example:

VOLUME 2, NP282, 2016/17

Published Wk 12/16
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8 dated 23 February 2017)


PAGE 176, CHINA, above Shanghai Weather Large Lt Buoy No 1 (Shanghai Qi Xiang 1).

SGN 318 Wreck 31°30′·43N 122°09′·23E 994136342 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Chinese Notice 6/155/17 (RSDRA2017000034513) 9/17

PAGE 184, CHINA, above Yueanyun 61 Wreck.


Yue Yang Jiang 0105 Wreck 20°15′·72N 110°24′·93E 994136728 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

(former update 4/17)

Chinese Notice 6/159/17 (RSDRA2017000034513) 9/17


PAGE 338, Chile.

Delete entry and replace by:


Zone 1 Mainland (excluding +4 +3 14 Aug 2016 0400h 14 May 2017 0300h

Magallanes Region and Chilean 13 Aug 2017 0400h 13 May 2018 0300h
Zone 2 Easter Island +6 +5 14 Aug 2016 0400h 14 May 2017 0300h
13 Aug 2017 0400h 13 May 2018 0300h
Zone 3 Magallanes Region, Chilean +3 *

(former update 15/16)

OAG (RSDRA2017000033800) 9/17


VOLUME 3, NP283(2), 2017/18

Published Wk 9/17
First updates in Wk 9/17
The 2016/17 edition is cancelled


PAGE ii, NEW EDITION, First Updates.


This edition was published in Wk 9/17

First updates issued in Wk 9/17

UKHO 9/17





Control Centre: 64°11′·00N 51°43′·00W
570 kHz Illutalissuaq (Kook Island) 64°04′·12N 52°00′·50W
650 kHz AM Qeqertarsuaq 69°14′·67N 53°31′·60W
720 kHz Simiutaq 60°41′·20N 46°35′·00W
90·5-104 MHz FM
Weather Bulletins
0630 0845 1840 2145 LT Weather forecast for the next 24 hours, including gale, storm and ice accretion warnings, in Greenlandic and Danish.
Navigational Warnings
1700 LT1 Local Navigation Warnings, in Greenlandic and Danish.
1 One broadcast is made at a variable point between 1700 and 1800 LT on all frequencies.

KNR and Telepost correspondence (RSDRA2017000001699 & RSDRA2017000022750) 9/17


Delete entry

Uruguayan ANM 2017 Edition and SOHMA correspondence (RSDRA2017000031211 & RSDRA2017000034499) 9/17


CARMELO (PREFECTURA RADIO), Navigational Warnings table.
Delete table and replace by:

Weather Bulletins
0303 1503 2133 Weather bulletins.
Navigational Warnings
0303 1503 2133 Navigational Warnings.

Uruguayan ANM 2016/17 Editions and SOHMA correspondence (RSDRA2016000043368, RSDRA2017000031211 & RSDRA2017000034499) 9/17


Delete table and replace by:

4146 RT (HF)
Ch 15 VHF

Uruguayan ANM 2016/17 Editions and SOHMA correspondence (RSDRA2016000043368, RSDRA2017000031211 & RSDRA2017000034499) 9/17

Delete entry and replace by:
Control Centre: 34°54′·27S 56°12′·75W
Delete entry and replace by: Diagram page 267
Weather Bulletins
0833 1603 2203 Weather bulletins.
Control Centre: 34°54′·27S 56°12′·75W
Navigational Warnings
0833 1603 2203 Navigational Ch 15
Warnings. VHF
Diagram page 267
Uruguayan ANM 2017 Edition (RSDRA2017000031211) 9/17
Weather Bulletins
0833 1603 2203 Weather bulletins.
Delete entry
0833 1603 2203and replace by:
Navigational Warnings.

Uruguayan ANM
PIRIÁPOLIS 2017 Edition (RSDRA2017000031211)

Control Centre: 34°52′·70S 55°16′·42W

Ch 15
Delete entry and replace by: Diagram page 267
Weather Bulletins
0703 1333 2133 Weather bulletins.
Control Centre: 34°52′·70S 55°16′·42W
Navigational Warnings
0703 1333 2133 Navigational Ch 15
Warnings. VHF
Diagram page 267
Uruguayan ANM 2017 Edition (RSDRA2017000031211) 9/17
Weather Bulletins
0703 1333 2133 Weather bulletins.
RÍO BRANCO (PREFECTURA RADIO). Navigational Warnings
Delete entry
0703 1333 2133 Navigational Warnings.

2017 Edition
Uruguayan ANM 2016/17 (RSDRA2017000031211)
Editions 9/179/17


Delete entry

Uruguayan ANM 2017 Editions
Edition (RSDRA2017000031211)
(RSDRA2017000031211) 9/179/17


Delete entry

Uruguayan ANM 2017 Edition (RSDRA2017000031211) 9/17



VOLUME 6, PART 1, NP 286(1), 2016/17

Published Wk 16/16

(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 8 dated 23 February 2017)


Delete and replace by:

(4) Vessels should establish and maintain VHF contact with the Pilots not later than 1h
before arrival at the Pilot boarding position.

Associated British Ports South Wales, (RSDRA2017000033086), 9/17




There are no updates to miscellaneous Nautical Publications this week




a) Safety Notice


A number of ECDIS operating anomalies have been identified, including the discovery that some models of some ECDIS equipment
might not, under certain circumstances, display all navigationally significant features or activate appropriate alarms. Due to the complex
nature of ECDIS, and in particular because it involves a mix of hardware, software and data, it is possible that further anomalies may

The document identified below contains comprehensive explanations of the types of anomalies which might be encountered, along with
advice and guidance on remedial action.

All mariners are advised to obtain the following document direct from the IMO web site:

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Circular MSC.1/Circ.1503 and MSC.1/Circ.1503/Corr.1 available at -
http://www.imo.org/OURWORK/CIRCULARS/Pages/Home.aspx (registration required).

All mariners are also strongly encouraged to use the IHO check dataset which is designed to highlight those ECDIS that are unable to
display the IMO approved chart features and those that may show the anomalous display and alarm behaviour. A copy of the IHO check
dataset is included as part of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service product to help the mariner.

b) ENCs temporarily withdrawn from AVCS

To review a cumulative list of ENCs temporarily withdrawn from AVCS, please visit the ‘Updates tab at:

C1515379 Waglan Island to Xiaoputai Dao withdrawn in week 51/15 due to navigationally significant differences in the depiction of the
Dongan Channel and Lantau Channel traffic separation scheme (TSS) and that published in Hong Kong Department Notice 97/2015,
Hong Kong NM 33/2015 and Chinese NM Week 32/2015. Full chart coverage of the area is available from other ENCs in AVCS and
ADMIRALTY paper charts.

c) ENC Readme.txt file

The README.TXT file located within the ENC_ROOT folder on the latest ENC Base and Update discs contains important safety
related information relating to the use of ENCs in ECDIS.

This file is updated on a regular basis and should be consulted to ensure that all related issues are taken into consideration.

The latest updates to the README file are:

Week 37/16.


The full text of the latest README.TXT file is available at:


d) T&P Notices to Mariners in ENCs

The use of temporary & preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P NM) information is considered an essential part of keeping navigational
charts up to date.

The latest confirmed status of T&P NM information in the ENCs that are available in ADMIRALTY services is shown in the ENC-
T&P-NM-Status.pdf file in the INFO folder on the service media and at: admiralty.co.uk/ENC-TP-NMs

Wk 09/17

ADMIRALTY Products Supporting Digital Navigation

i. ADMIRALTY ENC Maintenance Record, NP133C (V1.1). This publication is designed to hold paper records on ENC and
ECDIS maintenance to assist information management and support inspections. Completed example templates are now
available in V1.1. If you already own a copy of this publication please contact your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent for a copy of
the templates. Please note that both V1.0 and V1.1 are current editions.

ii. ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC Symbols Used in ECDIS, NP5012 (2nd Edition). A companion to the ADMIRALTY Guide to
Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Paper Charts, NP5011. The 2nd edition of NP5012 includes the changes highlighted in
the new S-52 standards and the new presentation library 4.0.

iii. ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs, NP231. (2nd Edition) Supports ECDIS training on the interpretation and
use of ENC data.

iv. ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures, NP232 (2nd Edition). Provides clear guidance for
any individual or organisation responsible for the introduction of ECDIS, in particular those involved in the development of
detailed ECDIS operating procedures.

v. ADMIRALTY Port Approach Guides. Information from a range of official ADMIRALTY charts and publications on one
chart, helping bridge crews to plan for particular approaches and to support Master Pilot Exchange. Expanding coverage of
some of the world's most complex approaches, including Antwerp, Rotterdam and the Panama Canal. More information is
available at admiralty.co.uk/port-approach-guides

2. ADMIRALTY Digital Publications

ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) are computer-based versions of the UKHO’s market-leading paper-based nautical reference
guides – ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications. They contain the same information as their paper equivalents, and are widely accepted as
meeting SOLAS carriage requirements. Information on which flag States have accepted ADP as meeting SOLAS carriage requirements
is available at admiralty.co.uk/flag-state-approval

Availability of ADP V17

ADP V17 is now available. The software is available on the standalone software disk and on the ADP Weekly Update DVD.

For Windows 7 and later, the ADP V17 DVD will automatically uninstall the previous edition and install the new edition without losing
your area subscriptions or downloaded updates. After installing the new version, the first update should be applied using the latest ADP
Update DVD to minimise the update download size. This should be supplied by your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.

Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft. Therefore UKHO may not be able to fully support software running on Windows XP.
The latest version of ADP that will run on Windows XP and Vista is V16. Users of these operating systems should use the standalone
software disk only to update the TotalTide data to 2017. Full instructions are in the readme.txt file on the ADP V17 software disk.

From 1 January 2017 UKHO only supports ADP V16.0 onwards. Users of older versions of the software should upgrade as soon
as possible.

If you experience any problems receiving or installing the software upgrade, please contact your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent in the first

For information:
Please ensure that Activation Key Requests and Update Data Requests for ADP are sent to [email protected] .

German Tidal Stations predicted on LAT

The TotalTide application in ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) computes predictions for all German tidal stations based on
Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT).

Mariners using charts which refer to Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) in German waters must deduct 0.5m from all predicted tidal
heights for these ports before applying them to the depths on those charts in order to determine the correct predicted depth of water. This
advice will also be contained in the Notes Tab on the Prediction Windows in TotalTide for each of the above German tidal stations.

Wk 09/17

3. ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (e-NPs)

ADMIRALTY e-NPs are digital versions of ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications. They allow users to apply NM updates faster and
with greater accuracy. The following e-NPs are currently available:

• All 75 Sailing Directions • Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notice to Mariners

• The Mariners Handbook June
• The Nautical Almanac • How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date
• Ocean Passages for the World • IALA Maritime Buoyage System
• Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 1 • ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS implementation, Policy
• Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 2 and Procedures.
• ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs • Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Paper
• Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notice to Mariners Charts
January • ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS

Availability of e-NP v4.2

e-NP v4.2 is available on the quarterly ADMIRALTY gateway DVD from week 36/16.

A new version of the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader (v4.2) has been released. Benefits for vessels upgrading to v4.2 include:

- Improved registration process

- Ability to purchase and renew e-NPs from within the application
- Geographic bookshelf and catalogue screens
- Improved reader view
- Data downloads resume after loss of connection, reducing transmission sizes
- Integration with other ADMIRALTY digital products

The UKHO only supports e-NP v1.2 onwards. Users of older versions of the software must upgrade as soon as possible.

4. ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station

Availability of e-Navigator Planning Station v4.2

e-Navigator Planning Station v4.2 is available on the quarterly ADMIRALTY gateway DVD from week 36/16.

A new version of ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station (v4.2) has been released. Benefits for vessels upgrading to v4.2 include:

- Improved registration process

- Makes it easier to stay compliant
- Reduces errors
- Makes everyday tasks more efficient, such as updating your ECDIS
- View your digital products all on one geographic display

ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station provides vessels with the ability to plan voyages, order products, download chart data and
view digital charts and publications from their back of bridge computer. e-Navigator Planning Station is available free of charge from
your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.

The UKHO only supports e-Navigator Planning Station v3.3 onwards. Users of older versions of the software must upgrade as
soon as possible.

5. ADMIRALTY Passage Planner

Availability of Passage Planner v4.2

ADMIRALTY Passage Planner v4.2 is available on the quarterly ADMIRALTY gateway DVD from week 36/16.

- Time saving over manual alternatives

- Minimises data-entry errors and re-work
- Squat calculations approved by industry authority, Dr C B Barrass
- Promotes consistency across fleet vessels

Wk 09/17

6. Status of Digital Products

Update status table

Product Last issue date/Week Reissue Date/Week

i. ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service (AVCS) and ECDIS Base
2 February 2017 - 5 6 April 2017 - 14
ii. ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO) CD which contains
16 February 2017 - 7
both the base data and the latest updates
iii. ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 1 19 January 2017 - 3
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 2 29 September 2016 – 39 27 April 2017 - 17
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 3 16 February 2017 - 7
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 4 1 December 2016 - 48
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 5 17 November 2016 - 46
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 6 3 November 2016 - 44 30 March 2017 - 13
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 7 15 September 2016 - 37 18 May 2017 - 20
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 8 15 September 2016 - 37
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 9 25 August 2016 - 34 16 March 2017 - 11
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 10 15 September 2016 - 37
20 October 2016 – 42
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 11 Small-scale Planning

7. Supported ADMIRALTY Software Versions

Product Supported Versions

ADP 16.0, 17.0
eNP Reader 1.2, 1.3, 4.1, 4.2
e-Navigator Planning Station 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2
Passage Planner 4.1, 4.2
NavPac and Compact Data 3.4, 4.0

If you are using an older version which is not supported, you should contact your Chart Agent to upgrade to the latest
version as soon as possible.

Wk 09/17
INFORMATION (V7.0 Jan 2013)
(To accompany Form H.102)

Reporting Port Information affecting ADMIRALTY Products



Principal activities and trade.
Latest population figures and date.

Number of ships or tonnage handled per


Maximum size of vessel handled.

Copy of Port Handbook (if available).

Designation, depths, holding ground,
shelter afforded.

Authority for requests.

Embark position.


Entry and berthing information.

Tidal streams.

Navigational aids.

Number available.

Names, numbers or positions & lengths.

Depths alongside.

Containers, lighters, Ro-Ro etc.

Hull, machinery and underwater.


Docking or slipping facilities.

(Give size of vessels handled or

INFORMATION (V7.0 Jan 2013)
(To accompany Form H.102)


Salvage, Lifeboat, Coastguard, etc.

(with type, quantities and methods of

Fresh water.
(with method of delivery and rate of



Ship Sanitation.

Garbage and slops.

Ship chandlery, tank cleaning, compass

adjustment, hull painting.

Nearest airport or airfield.

Port radio and information service. (with

frequencies and hours of operating)

Designation, address, telephone, e-mail
address and website.

Photographs (where permitted) of the
approaches, leading marks, the entrance
to the harbour etc.



1. Form H.I02A lists the information required for ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions and has been designed to help the
sender and the recipient. The sections should be used as an aide-memoir, being used or followed closely,
whenever appropriate. Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.

2. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings
should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should
be mentioned.
(V7.0 Jan 2014)
(To accompany Form H.102)

Chart/ENC in use
(SEE NOTE 3a) Latitude/Longitude of position read Latitude/Longitude of position read from Additional
Time/Date of
Edition Date & from Chart/ECDIS GNSS Receiver (on WGS84) Information/Remarks
Observation Number /
update status
(V7.0 Jan 2014)
(To accompany Form H.102)

1. This form is designed to assist in the reporting of observed differences between WGS84 datum and the geodetic datum of British
ADMIRALTY Charts by mariners, including yachtsmen and should be submitted as an accompaniment to Form H.102 (full instructions
for the rendering of data are on Form H.102). Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.

2. Objective of GNSS Data Collection

The UK Hydrographic Office would appreciate the reporting of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positions, referenced to WGS84 datum, at
identifiable locations or features on British ADMIRALTY Charts. Such observations could be used to calculate positional shifts between WGS84 datum and the
geodetic datum for those British ADMIRALTY Charts which it has not yet been possible to compute the appropriate shifts. These would be incorporated in future
new editions or new charts and promulgated by Preliminary Notices to Mariners in the interim.

It is unrealistic to expect that a series of reported WGS84 positions relating to a given chart will enable it to be referenced to that datum with the accuracy
required for geodetic purposes. Nevertheless, this provides adequate accuracy for general navigation, considering the practical limits to the precision of 0.2mm
(probably the best possible under ideal conditions – vessel alongside, good light, sharp dividers etc), this represents 10 metres on the ground at a chart scale of

It is clear that users prefer to have some indication of the magnitude and direction of the positional shift, together with an assessment of its likely accuracy,
rather than be informed that a definitive answer cannot be formulated. Consequently, where a WGS84 version has not yet been produced, many charts now
carry approximate shifts relating WGS84 datum to the geodetic datum of the chart. Further observations may enable these values to be refined with greater

3. Details required

a. It is essential that the chart number, edition date and its correctional state (latest NM) are stated. For ENCs, please state the ENC name and latest
update applied.

b. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using chart graticule or, if ungraduated, relative position by bearing/distance from
prominent charted features (navigation lights, trig. points, church spires etc.).

c. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using GNSS Receiver. Confirm that GNSS positions are referenced to WGS84 datum.

d. Include GNSS receiver model and aerial type (if known). Also of interest: values of PDOP, HDOP or GDOP displayed (indications of theoretical
quality of position fixing depending upon the distribution of satellites overhead) and any other comments.
(V8.0 Oct 2014)

1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) when new or suspected dangers to
navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or corrections to publications are seen to be necessary.
Mariners can also report any ENC display issues experienced. The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 gives general
instructions. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports.
2. Accurate position or knowledge of positional error is of great importance. Where latitude and longitude have been used to
specifically position the details of a report,a full description of the method used to obtain the position should be given.
Where possible the position should be fixed by GPS or Astronomical Observations. A full description of the method,
equipment, time, estimated error and datum (where applicable) used should be given. Where the position has been
recorded from a Smart Phone or Tablet, this is to be specifically mentioned. When position is defined by sextant angles or
bearings (true or magnetic to be specified), more than two should be used in order to provide a redundancy check. Where
position is derived from Electronic Position Fixing (e.g. LORAN C) or distances observed by radar, the raw readings of the
system in use should be quoted wherever possible. Where position is derived after the event, from other observations
and/or Dead Reckoning, the methodology of deriving the position should be included.
3. Paper Charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is often the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and
additions being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been
used to forward information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observer's chart. If it is
preferred to show the amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in
red as above, but adequate details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted
4. ENCs: A screen shot of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red.
If it is to report an issue with the display of an ENC, a screen shot of the affected ENC should be sent along with details of
the ECDIS make, model or age and version in use at the time.
5. When soundings are obtained The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) should where possible be consulted. It is important to
ensure that full details of the method of collection are included with the report. This should include but not limited to:
1. Make, model and type of echo sounder used.
2. Whether the echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the
vessel's draught should be given.
3. Time, date and time zone should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where
necessary, or a statement made as to what corrections for tide have already been made.
4. Where larger amounts of bathymetric data have been gathered, only those areas where a significant difference
to the current Chart or ENC should be specifically mentioned on the H102. The full data set may also be sent in,
with an additional note added to this effect. If no significant differences are noted, the bathymetric data may still
be of use, and sent in accordingly. Where full data sets are included, a note as to the data owner and their
willingness for the data to be incorporated into Charts and ENCs included.
6. For Echo Sounders that use electronic ‘range gating’, care should be taken that the correct range scale and
appropriate gate width are in use. Older electro-mechanical echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes
received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range is
500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the set's
nominal range can usually be recognised by the following:

(a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded;
(b) the trace passing through the transmission line;
(c) the feathery nature of the trace.

As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the set's nominal range,
soundings should be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings
received after one or more rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant
differences from charted depths.
7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be
stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned.
8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and aids to navigation out of order should, at the mariner's discretion, also
be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under
30 metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message.
9. Changes to Port Information should be forwarded on Form H.102A and any GPS/Chart Datum observations should be
forwarded on Form H.102B together with Form H.102. Where there is insufficient space on the forms additional sheets
should be used.
10. Reports on ocean currents, magnetic variations and other marine observations should be made in accordance with
The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 with forms also available at www.ukho.gov.uk/msi.
Note. - An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean
immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course; for these purposes, the UKHO may make reproductions of any
material supplied. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the sender's ship or name is quoted as authority unless (as
sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities or the sender states that they do not want to be
named by using the appropriate tick box on the form. An explanation of the use made of contributions from all parts of the
world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be expected when the information is of outstanding
value or has unusual features.
(V8.0 Oct 2014)

Reporting information affecting Admiralty Products

For new information affecting Admiralty Charts and Publications forward to [email protected]
To report issues related to ENCs or their display forward to [email protected]
This form H.102 and instructions are available online at www.ukho.gov.uk/msi

Date Ref. Number

Name of ship or sender

IMO number if applicable


E-mail/Tel/Fax of sender

General Locality

Latitude Longitude
(see Instruction 2)
GPS Datum Accuracy

Admiralty Charts affected Edition

Latest Weekly Edition of
Notice to Mariners held
Replacement copy of Chart No IS / IS NOT required
(see Instruction 3)
ENCs affected

Latest update disk applied Week:

Make, model and or age of ECDIS
if applicable
Publications affected
(NP/DP number, Edition No.)
Date of latest supplement/update,
page & Light List No. etc
Details of anomaly / observation:

Name of observer/reporter

H.102A Submitted Yes/No H.102B Submitted Yes/No

Tick box if not willing to be named as source of this information

Alternatively use our new H Note App located here:


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