General Organic and Biochemistry 8th Edition Denniston Solutions Manual

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The document discusses atomic structure, isotopes, ions, and trends in the periodic table. It provides examples of writing electron configurations and determining the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in atoms and ions.

An atomic orbital is a region of space around the nucleus where an electron can be found. Bohr described atomic orbitals as circular paths that electrons follow. Orbitals are described mathematically and predict the probability of finding an electron in a certain region.

Atomic size increases and ionization energy decreases down a group in the periodic table. Larger atoms have more principal energy levels which means the valence electrons are farther from the nucleus. Elements find it easier to lose electrons the farther they are from the nucleus.

General Organic and Biochemistry 8th

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General Organic and Biochemistry 8th Edition Denniston Solutions Manual

Chapter 2
The Composition and Structure of the Atom
Solutions to the Even-Numbered Problems

In-Chapter Questions and Problems

2.2 a. Phosphorus, atomic number = 15, therefore 15 protons and 15 electrons.

Mass number - atomic number = 30 - 15 = 15, therefore 15 neutrons.
b. Sulfur, atomic number = 16, therefore 16 protons and 16 electrons.
Mass number - atomic number = 32 - 16 = 16, therefore 16 neutrons.
c. Chlorine, atomic number = 17, therefore 17 protons and 17 electrons.
Mass number - atomic number = 35 - 17 = 18, therefore 18 neutrons.

2.4 Bohr described an atomic orbital as a circular path followed by the electron. An orbital is
a region of space in the atom, described by a mathematical function, which predicts the
probability of finding an electron in the atom.

2.6 a. S, nonmetal c. P, nonmetal

b. O, nonmetal d. N, nonmetal

2.8 a. Ar (argon) c. B (boron)

b. C (carbon) d. Ar (argon)

2.10 a. magnesium, atomic number = 12, mass = 24.31 amu

b. neon, atomic number = 10, mass = 20.18 amu
c. selenium, atomic number = 34, mass 78.96 amu

2.12 a. Nickel (Ni) has the atomic number 28. Therefore, Ni2+ has 28 protons. A neutral
nickel atom has 28 electrons and must lose 2 electrons to form the Ni2+ cation. As a
result, Ni2+ has 26 electrons.
b. Bromine (Br) has the atomic number 35. Therefore, Br– has 35 protons. A neutral
bromine atom has 35 electrons and must gain 1 more electrons to form the Br– anion.
As a result, Br– has 36 electrons.
c. Nitrogen (N) has the atomic number 7. Therefore, N3- has 7 protons. A neutral
nitrogen atom has 7 electrons and must gain 3 more electrons to form the N3- anion.
As a result, N3- has 10 electrons.

2.14 a. Cl– has 18 electrons, Ar has 18 electrons; isoelectronic

b. Na+ has 10 electrons, Ne has 10 electrons; isoelectronic
c. Mg2+ has 10 electrons, Na+ has 10 electrons; isoelectronic
d. Li+ has 2 electrons, Ne has 10 electrons; not isoelectronic
e. O2– has 10 electrons, F– has 10 electrons; isoelectronic

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2.16 a. (smallest) F, Cl, Br, I (largest)
b. (lowest) I, Br, Cl, F (highest)
c. (lowest) I, Br, F, Cl (highest)
Note: the exception to the general trend for chlorine and fluorine.

End-of-Chapter Questions and Problems

2.18 The mass of the electrons is too small to be significant in comparison to that of the

2.20 The isotope has an 137 C error. The atomic number for carbon is 6. Nitrogen is the
element with the atomic number 7.

2.22 Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons.

2.24 a. false—atoms with a different number of protons are different elements.

b. true
c. false—the mass of an atom is due to the mass of its protons and neutrons.

2.26 Atoms A and C are isotopes because they both contain the same number of protons but
different numbers of neutrons.

2.28 a. atomic number = 17, hence 17 protons and 17 electrons; 37 –17 = 20 neutrons
b. atomic number = 11, hence 11 protons and 11 electrons; 23 –11 = 12 neutrons
c. atomic number = 36, hence 36 protons and 36 electrons; 84 –36 = 48 neutrons

2.30 Atomic number = number of protons = 19, therefore the atom is K (potassium).
Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons = 19 + 20 = 39
Therefore, the symbol is 39
19 K

2.32 Rn has 86 protons and 134 neutrons (220 – 86 = 134 neutrons)

2.34 a. Iodine has an atomic number of 53, so iodine has 53 protons.

b. Iodine – 131 has 131 – 53 = 78 neutrons.

2.36 a. 1 proton: atomic number = 1, so the element is H

2 neutrons: mass number = 1 + 2 = 3
atomic symbol: 1 H

b. 92 protons: atomic number = 92, so the element is U

146 neutrons: mass number = 92 + 146 = 238
atomic symbol: 92 U

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2.38 Step 1. Convert each percentage to a decimal fraction.

7.49% Lithium-6 x __1___ = 0.0749 Lithium-6


92.51% Lithium-7 x __1___ = 0.9251 Lithium-7


Step 2. Multiply the decimal fraction of each isotope by the mass of that isotope to
determine the isotopic contribution to the atomic mass.

Contribution to fraction of all mass of a

atomic mass = Li atoms that X lithium-6
by lithium-6 are lithium-6 atom

= 0.0749 X 6.0151 amu

= 0.4505 amu

Contribution to fraction of all mass of a

atomic mass = Li atoms that X lithium-7
by lithium-7 are lithium-7 atom

= 0.9251 X 7.0160 amu

= 6.4905 amu

Step 3. The weighted average is:

Atomic mass contribution contribution

of naturally = of + of
occurring Li lithium-6 lithium-7

= 0.4505 amu + 6.4905 amu

= 6.9410 amu
= 6.94 amu (three significant figures)

2.40 Points of Dalton's theory that are no longer current:

• An atom cannot be created, divided, destroyed, or converted to any other type of
atom. (This point was disproved by the discovery of nuclear fusion, fission, and
• Atoms of a particular element have identical properties. (This point was disproved by
the discovery of isotopes.)

2.42 a. Hans Geiger provided the basic experimental evidence for the existence of the
nucleus. A small, dense, positively charged region within the atom was indicated by
his alpha-particle scattering experiment.

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b. The Bohr theory describes electron arrangement in atoms. Bohr proposed an atomic
model that depicted the atom as a nucleus surrounded by fixed energy levels that can
be occupied by electrons. He believed that each level was defined by a circular orbit
located at some specified distance from the nucleus. Electron promotion from a lower
to higher energy level results from absorption of energy that produces an excited state
atom. The process of relaxation allows the atom to return to the ground state (the
electron falls from a higher to lower energy level) and energy is released.

2.44 a. Thomson—measured the mass-to-charge ratio of cathode rays and called the negative
particle responsible for cathode rays "electrons."

b. Rutherford—interpreted the "gold foil experiment" from which he developed the

structure of the atom as containing a dense, positive nucleus surrounded by a diffuse
sphere of electrons; maintained that the nucleus was responsible for the mass of the
atom and the nucleus accounted for only a small fraction of the total volume of the

2.46 Crookes used a cathode ray tube. He observed particles emitted by the cathode and
traveling toward the anode. This ray was deflected by an electric field. Thomson
measured the curvature of the ray influence by the electric and magnetic fields. This
measurement provided the mass-to-charge ratio of the negative particle. Thomson also
gave the particle the name, electron.

2.48 A cathode ray is the negatively charged particle formed in a cathode ray tube. It was
characterized as an electron, with a mass of nearly zero and a charge of –1.

2.50 Rutherford interpreted Geiger’s experiment and concluded that the atom is principally
empty space. Geiger fired alpha particles at a thin metal foil target and found that most
alpha particles passed through the foil instead of being deflected. Rutherford interpreted
this to mean that most of the volume of each atom was empty space. If matter was
evenly distributed throughout the atom, the matter would have interfered with most of the
alpha particles.

2.52 Electromagnetic radiation, or light, is made up of particles. The energy of each particle is
inversely proportional to the wavelength of light.

2.54 The energy of each particle is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light.

2.56 Infrared

2.58 Only certain wavelengths that are characteristic of the gas are emitted in the emission
spectrum. Different gases have different emission spectra composed of different
wavelengths of light.

2.60 The electromagnetic spectrum is the complete range of electromagnetic waves.

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2.62 The promotion of electrons to higher energy levels requires the absorption of energy.

2.64 Reasons why the Bohr theory did not stand the test of time:
• Although the Bohr theory explains the hydrogen spectrum, it provides only a crude
approximation of the spectra for more complex atoms.
• We now believe that electrons could exhibit behavior similar to waves.

2.66 Bohr's model was too simplistic; it confined electrons to narrow regions of space.
Consequently, it is limited to simple systems, such as hydrogen.

2.68 a. calcium
b. copper
c. cobalt
d. silicon

2.70 Group IIA or (2) is known collectively as the alkaline earth metals and consists of
beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium.

2.72 Group VIIIA or (18) is known collectively as the noble gases and consists of helium,
neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

2.74 a. The metals are: Ca, K, Cu, Zn

b. The representative metals are: Ca, K
c. The element that is inert is Kr

2.76 According to the graph prepared for problem 2.65, francium (Fr, atomic number 87)
corresponds to a melting point of approximately 26 ºC. The literature value for the
melting point of francium is 27 ºC.

2.78 A sublevel is a part of a principal energy level and is designated s, p, d, and f. Each
sublevel may contain one or more orbitals, regions of space containing a maximum of
two electrons with their spins paired.

2.80 A 2s orbital is found in the second principal energy level. A 1s orbital is found in the
first principal energy level. A 2s orbital is larger than a 1s orbital.

2.82 a. two s electrons; 2 e–/orbital x 1 orbital = 2 e–

b. six p electrons; 2 e–/orbital x 3 orbitals = 6 e–
c. ten d electrons; 2 e–/orbital x 5 orbitals = 10 e–

2.84 Hund’s rule: When there is a set of orbitals of equal energy, each orbital becomes half-
filled before any become completely filled. Orbital diagram C violates Hund’s rule.
Since the three 2p orbitals are of equal energy, two of the orbitals should be half-filled
instead of having one 2p orbital completely filled.

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2.86 a. Ca 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2
b. Fe 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6
c. Cl 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

2.88 a. V (23 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d3
The orbital diagram is:

b. Cd (48 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10
The orbital diagram is:

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c. Te (52 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p4
The orbital diagram is:

2.90 a., c., and d. are incorrect.

For a., 4 electrons, the element is helium, and the correct electron configuration is:
1s2 2s2
For c., 11 electrons, the element is sodium, and the correct electron configuration is:
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
For d., 5 electrons, the element is boron, and the correct electron configuration is;
1s2 2s2 2p1

2.92 The element represented by orbital diagram A is boron. The element represented by
orbital diagram B is carbon. The element represented by orbital diagram C is nitrogen.

2.94 a. I has 53 electrons. The noble gas which comes before iodine is Kr. Putting [Kr] in
the configuration accounts for the first 36 electrons. The shorthand electron
configuration is: [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p5
b. Al has 13 electrons. The noble gas which comes before aluminum is Ne. Putting
[Ne] in the configuration accounts for the first 10 electrons. The shorthand electron
configuration is: [Ne] 3s2 3p1
c. V has 23 electrons. The noble gas which comes before vanadium is Ar. Putting [Ar]
in the configuration accounts for the first 18 electrons. The shorthand electron
configuration is: [Ar] 4s2 3d3

2.96 For representative elements, the number of valence electrons in an atom corresponds to
the number of the group in which the atom is found.

2.98 The octet rule can be used to predict the charge of atoms when they become ions. Atoms
gain or lose electrons to obtain a noble gas configuration. The ions formed are
isoelectronic with the nearest noble gas.

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2.100 Nonmetals tend to gain electrons to become negatively charged anions.

2.102 The principal energy level is the same as the period of the periodic table that the element
is located in.

Atom Total electrons Valence electrons Principal energy level number

a. Mg 12 2 3
b. K 19 1 4
c. C 6 4 2
d. Br 35 7 4
e. Ar 18 8 3
f. Xe 54 8 5

2.104 a. Sulfur (S) has the atomic number 16. Therefore, S2- has 16 protons. A neutral sulfur
atom has 16 electrons and must gain 2 more electrons to form the S2- anion. As a
result, S2- has 18 electrons.
b. Potassium (K) has the atomic number 19. Therefore, K+ has 19 protons. A neutral
potassium atom has 19 electrons and must lose 1 electron to form the K+ cation. As a
result, K+ has 18 electrons.
b. Cadmium (Cd) has the atomic number 48. Therefore, Cd2+ has 48 protons. A neutral
cadmium atom has 48 electrons and must lose 2 electrons to form the Cd2+ cation. As
a result, Cd2+ has 46 electrons.

2.106 a. 4 c. 6
b. 5 d. 7

2.108 a. I– (54 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6
b. Ba2+ (54 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6
c. Se2– (36 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6
d. Al3+ (10 e–) 1s2 2s2 2p6

2.110 a. F–, 10e–; Cl–, 18 e–; Not isoelectronic b. K+, 18 e–; Ar, 18e–; Isoelectronic

2.112 a. [Ar] or 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 b. [Ar] or 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

2.114 Atomic size increases from top to bottom down a group in the periodic table.

2.116 ionization energy + Na  Na+ + e -

2.118 Energy is released when an electron is added to an isolated chlorine atom.

Cl + e-  Cl- + energy

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General Organic and Biochemistry 8th Edition Denniston Solutions Manual

2.120 a. (Smallest) Cl, S, P, Si, Al (Largest)

b. (Smallest) B, Al, Ga, In, Tl ( Largest)
c. (Smallest) Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba (Largest)
d. (Smallest) N, P, As, Sb, Bi (Largest)

2.122 a. (Largest) Li, Na, K (Smallest)

b. (Largest) Cl, Br, I (Smallest)
c. (Largest) Cl, P, Mg (Smallest)

2.124 a. The fluoride ion has a completed octet of electrons and an electron configuration
resembling its nearest noble gas. The electron affinity of fluorine is very high;
therefore, it is energetically favorable for the fluorine atom to gain the electron.
b. A sodium ion has a complete octet of electrons and an electron configuration
resembling its nearest noble gas. The ionization energy for sodium is quite low;
therefore it is easy for an electron to be removed.

2.126 Ar is larger. Each (Ar and K+) has the same number of electrons (isoelectronic);
however, K+ has one more positive charge in its nucleus, and this excess positive charge
draws all electrons closer to the potassium nucleus, making K+ smaller than the argon

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