SMA - Unit 2 Guided Notes

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Name: Makayla Carthon

Unit 2 Guided Notes:

Review and understand Key Terms at the beginning of each lesson! Flashcards will help you learn
terms to prepare for quick checks and unit tests!

Lesson 2

1.      _ is the non-metallic element that makes up all living things.

2. What does our bodies use carbon for?      

3. What type of bond holds carbon together with other atoms essential to processes for living

4. What are the 3 traits of biomolecules? (think about elements in them and type of bonds that
holds biomolecules together).      

5. List the 4 macromolecules discussed in the lesson:      

6. Give an example of each macromolecule.

a. Carbohydrates-     
b. Lipids-     
c. Nucleic acids-     
d. Proteins-     

7. What is ATP and why is it needed?     

8. Give an example of an photoautotroph and how it obtains energy.     

9. Give an example of a chemical autotroph and how it obtains energy.     

Lesson 3: Don’t forget to review key Terms!

1. Fill out the table on how each type of saccharide is the same or different.

Monosaccharide Disaccharide Polysaccharide


2. What kind of saccharide molecule is glucose?      

Continue on next page…..

3. The following picture is an example of an __     _.

Which makes up __     ____.

What does the “R” stand for?      

4. What 4 elements are all proteins made of?      

5. Why are nucleic acids important and what are 2 examples of them?      

6. List the 3 parts of a nucleotide.      

7. Complete this sequence: _     __->nucleotide ->__     _ or __     __ (nucleic acids)

8. Complete the following table to compare and contrast DNA and RNA.


9. What is the purpose of enzymes?      

Lesson 4: Key Terms and questions throughout will help with quick check questions!

1. Photosynthesis uses _     __, __     _ and _     __ to produce __      and      _. This
process takes place in the      ___ of plant cells.

2. When water is released to create molecules it is called?      

3. _     ___ uses ATP by breaking down the bonds in __     __ and __     ___.

4. Cellular respiration causes bread to when yeast produces ___     _____.

Lesson 5:

1. Cellulose and starch are molecules of glucose together which is a type of _     ___.
2. How are glucose and ATP are different?      

3. What does each of these systems do for you? (match the system with its function)

_     _a. Immune system i. Forms blood clots to close wound

_     _b. Circulatory system ii. Grows new tissue to replace the
_     __c. Integumentary system damaged skin.
iii. Helps protect the body from
pathogens and breaks down dead

Lesson 6-Study your Key Terms!

1. A __     ___ is a change that changes the chemical structure of substances.

2. The image below is called a ___     ___. Label the parts of diagram below.

A. __     __-these things react together and are always on the left side of a chemical
B.      ___-this means equals/produces.
C. _     _____-this is what is created when your reactants interact and are always on the
right side of an equation.
D. __     ____-this number tells you have many of that element you have.
E. __     _-this tells you how many of that molecule you have. If there is no number in from
of the chemical symbol, you only have 2. In this case there are 2 molecules of MgO.

3. List the reactants and products of photosynthesis as a chemical equation.


4. There are different types of reactions based on if the energy is released in the chemical reaction
through breaking bonds, ___     ____ OR if the energy is absorbed to create bonds, __     
Continue to the next page…..
5. Complete the following table:

Endothermic exothermic
Prefix means??            
Energy released or            
Example of this reaction            
Activation Energy high or            

6. The reaction represented in the graph below represents an _     ___ reaction.

7. The reaction represented below represents an ____     ___ reaction.

8. Enzymes are __     ____ which help speed up a chemical reaction.

9. How do enzymes work?      

10. When an enzyme is __     ___, the enzyme can no longer work correctly.

11. List 2 ways enzymes can become denatured.      

Lesson 7

1. The law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be _     __ or __     ___.

2. The sum of the reactants must __     _ the products.

3. Complete the missing masses in the following equation.

Reactant 1 (40 g) + Reactant 2 (100 g) product 1 (75 g) + product 2 (_     __g).

4. The equation below is _     ___.

(look at what the reactants and products are)

5. The equation below is __     _____.

(look at what the reactants and products are)
6. Looking at the 2 equations above, what do you notice about them?      

Lesson 8: Review the Key Terms!

1. Where does respiration occur? (what organelle?)      

2. Cellular respiration is made of ___     _ and __     _ processes.

3. ___     _ is anaerobic and does not require ___     ___.

4. After glycolysis is the __     __, which is also known as the citric acid cycle.

5. The 3rd and final step of cellular respiration is called the _____     ___. (ETC)

6. The total number of ATP molecules created from cellular respiration is _     __.

7. What is the difference between a facultative anaerobe and an obligate aerobes?      

Lesson 9

1. What is the difference between reliability and validity?      

2. A ___     ____ is information that can be cited and provides consistently valid information on
scientific topics.

3. Give an example of a reliable resource.      

Once you have completed this please submit into the sample work page for unit 2-lesson 11.

Bonus Review-This information will help prepare you for the short answer questions on your test!

- the rate of photosynthesis or cellular respiration can be measured using products or reactants

- A substance is dissolved in water, and the temperature of the surroundings decreases. Is this
process exothermic or endothermic
- explain the saying, “you are what you eat”. Think about macromolecules learned in this unit
and how that applies to processes you learned in this unit.
-Using what you learned about reliable and valid resources, describe how you can help your
friend in the following scenario about the information they researched:
Your friend asks for your help checking their essay about sugar production and use in
plants. They have found an online encyclopedia stating that plants produce glucose via
photosynthesis. Glucose is linked together to form the carbohydrate starch. They are confused,
though, because a university website states that glucose is linked together to form cellulose, the
main part of plant cell walls.

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