Tutorial - Adobe Premiere Elements
Tutorial - Adobe Premiere Elements
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Learning About Adobe Premiere Elements 4 Key Features in Adobe Premiere Elements 7 Tutorials 10 Starting and Working with Projects 26 Capturing Video and Adding Files 46 Editing Movies 68 Applying Effects and Transitions 108 Animating Effects 166 Adding Titles 181 Creating DVDs 198 Exporting Movies 214 Keyboard Shortcuts 230 Glossary 232 Legal Notices 240
Are new to Adobe Premiere See the Key Features in Adobe Premiere Elements on page 7 and Elements and want an over- the Tutorials on page 10. view of tools and features For information about specic tasks, use the How To palette.
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series. Are looking for background See the Glossary on page 232. information on digital video Want information about becoming an Adobe Certied Expert Visit the Partnering with Adobe website at http://partners.adobe.com. Certication is available for several different geographical regions.
Finding Adobe Premiere Elements training resources If you . . . Want training from an Adobe Certied Training Provider Try this . . . See the Training page of the Adobe website at www.adobe.com/support/training.html.
Want customer or technical Refer to the technical support card provided with your software. support See the Adobe Premiere Elements support page at www.adobe.com/support/products/premiereel.html.
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Smoothly transition from one clip to the next. (See About transitions on page 147.) Quickly apply sophisticated effects with presets. (See Applying preset effects on page 112.) Superimpose multiple clips to create a video collage. (See About superimposing and transparency on page 158.)
Precisely control the volume of each clip. (See Changing the volume of audio clips on page 94.) Create crossfades with audio transitions. (See About transitions on page 147.) Apply audio effects to add reverb, shift pitch, and more. (See Audio effects included with Adobe Premiere Elements on page 143.)
Create attractive DVDs with templates for chapter and scene menus. (See About creating DVDs on page 198.) Export compressed movies optimized for the Internet and wireless devices. (See Exporting to an Internet format on page 224.) Export frames as still images, which you can distribute via e-mail. (See Exporting a frame as a still image on page 219.)
Arrange and resize windows and palettes to suit your system or personal preferences, and save the arrangement as a custom workspace. (See Working with palettes and windows on page 28.) Organize source les in the Media window to work more efciently. (See Working with the Media window on page 33.) Familiarize yourself with standard keyboard shortcuts, and create your own custom shortcuts for nearly any command or function. (See the Keyboard Shortcuts Appendix.)
After you capture footage from your camcorder, its time to assemble your movie. The Timeline window lets you edit like the experts. Gapless editing Shorten or cut a scene and automatically connect the remaining footageno dragging of clips to close gaps you create while editing. (See Trimming frames from either end of a clip in the Timeline window on page 80.) Real-time, all the time Preview your edits and effects as you make changes, without waiting for footage to render. (See Previewing clips and movies on page 101.) Live TV preview Use a DV camcorder to connect a TV to your computer. Then preview your movie on an attached TV set while you edit. Make sure that a movie looks the way you want, long before burning it to DVD. Unlimited undo and redo Multiple levels of undo and redo let you step backwards and forwards through your edits with ease. And with Adobes familiar History palette, you can jump backwards or forwards as far as you want with a single click. (See Undoing and redoing changes on page 39.)
Special effects!
Adobe Premiere Elements comes loaded with hundreds of presets, effects, and transitions to give you the ultimate creative control. Over 150 professional-quality presets Choose from numerous preset effects, including lighting, picture-in-picture, and image pan. In a few clicks, youll produce results that could take hours or days to create on your own. (See Applying preset effects on page 112.) Over 70 video and audio effects Add air with blurs, drop shadows, and more. (See Video effects included with Adobe Premiere Elements on page 123 and Audio effects included with Adobe Premiere Elements on page 143.) Using Help | Contents | Index Back 7
Over 70 distinctive transitions Move from scene to scene with style by using transitions like dissolves and fades. (See About transitions on page 147.) Animated clips Quickly and easily make your clips, titles, and graphics grow, shrink, spin and move anywhere on the screen. (See Animating motion in the Monitor window on page 175.) Fast and slow motion Simply drag clip endpoints to change duration and create fast or slow motion. (See Changing a clips speed on page 91.)
Terric titles!
Create broadcast-quality titles and credits with the Adobe Title Designer. Beautiful templates for all occasions Complete with stylized text and graphics, these templates are terric for birthdays, weddings, and all the special events in your life. (See About using templates on page 183.) Title effects Easily add shadows, glows, and other text effects. (See Adding color and shadows to text and shapes on page 192.) Over 30 new Adobe fonts Use typefaces optimized for use in titles and rolling credits. (See Adding text to titles on page 185.)
Sensational sound!
Adobe Premiere Elements gives you full control over sound with support for the latest audio standards. Extensive le format support Import audio clips in a wide range of formats, including AIFF, AVI, MOV, MP3, WAV, and WMA. Multitrack mixing Add up to 99 stereo audio tracks for a sound mix as detailed as you like. Sweeten your movie with ambient and sound effects tracks, and easily mix background music. (See About editing a movie on page 68.) Pitch control Slow down or speed up audio. (See Changing a clips speed on page 91.) Independent audio and video editing Unlink audio from related video to create split edits or reuse audio in other parts of a movie. (See Linking and unlinking video and audio clips on page 96 and Trimming frames from linked audio and video separately on page 82.)
Show time!
Share your movies with friends and family on DVD, videotape, or the Web. Custom DVDs Use professionally-designed templates and automatic scene indexes to quickly create custom DVDs. (See About creating DVDs on page 198.) VHS tapes Share movies in this widely-available standard by using a DV camcorder to connect a VCR to your computer. (See Recording your movie to videotape on page 217.) Web and e-mail Export to Windows Media format to automatically optimize movies for the Internet and wireless devices. (See Exporting to an Internet format on page 224.)
About these tutorials
The following four tutorials provide a quick tour of Adobe Premiere Elements features, guiding you through a project from start to nish. When you start Adobe Premiere Elements and click the Tutorials button , the nished tutorial project opens, showing you the movie youll create. Then youre ready to begin the rst tutorial, Edit a movie on page 10. If you dont complete all the tutorials at one time, you can return to them in the Tutorials chapter of the user guide or Help. If you cant see Adobe Premiere Elements behind the tutorial text, resize or minimize the browser window.
Edit a movie
Adobe Premiere Elements makes editing a movie easy. Whether sharing home movies with family or creating a DVD to remember your wedding, youll be surprised by how quickly you can convert your rough footage into the rst cut of your movie. In this tutorial, youll edit video and stills from a birthday party. Youll delete unnecessary scenes, cut frames to remove bad shots, and add music. 1. Look at the nished movie to see what youll create. Click the Play button in the Monitor window to view the movie that youll create in these tutorials. Notice that the current-time indicator moves through the ruler above the Play button as the movie plays. Below the Monitor window is the Timeline window, which lists all of the video and audio clips in the order they appear in the movie. You assemble and edit your movie on video and audio tracks in the Timeline window. In addition to video, still images, and audio, this movie contains a title, some transitions, and special effects.
Now that youve seen the nished movie, its time to create it yourself.
2. Open the tutorial project. Switch to the start le for this tutorial by choosing File > Open Project. Navigate to the Tutorial folder located within the folder containing the Premiere Elements program les on your hard disk. The default location is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Premiere Elements 1.0\Tutorial. Open the Tutorial_Start.prel le. (If asked to save your changes to Tutorial.prel, click No.) This project contains all of the video captured directly from the video camcorder. Adobe Premiere Elements automatically places video and audio clips in the Timeline window in the order they were shot. Choose File > Save As. Specify a new name and location for the project, and click OK.
3. Delete unnecessary clips. Click the Play button in the Monitor window to view the raw video of the birthday party. Because this is unedited video, some scenes are too long, some need trimming to remove poor shots, and one, the shot of the grass and feet, needs to be deleted. In the Timeline window, select the clip called Feet.avi, and press the Backspace key. Notice that although you deleted Feet.avi from the movie, it remains in the Media window. The Media window lists all the video and audio captured or added to a project. Note: If you make a mistake during this tutorial, choose Edit > Undo. For more information, see Undoing and redoing changes on page 39.
4. Trim a clip in the Timeline window. In the Timeline window, click the time ruler just before the beginning of the Gifts.avi clip to reposition the current-time indicator . Zoom into the time ruler and the tracks by clicking the Zoom In button . Then press the spacebar, which is a shortcut for clicking the Play or Pause button in the Monitor window. The clip begins out of focus and needs trimming. Place the pointer on the video track at the start of the Gifts.avi clip. If you move the pointer over the edit point between Cake.avi and Gifts.avi, youll see it change to the Trim In icon (when touching Gifts.avi) or to the Trim Out icon (when touching Cake.avi). With the Trim In icon placed over the start of Gifts.avi, drag to the right until the clip begins to come into focus. (Notice that the Monitor window shows both the clip youre trimming and the last frame of the adjacent Cake.avi clip.)
Trimming does not delete frames. It simply sets the start or end of the clip. (Start and end points are also called In and Out points.) The trimmed frames are always available if you later need to adjust a clip again.
5. Create a mini-slideshow with still images. In the task bar, click the Add Media button . Navigate to the Tutorial folder, select the Photos folder, and click Add Folder. In the Media window, click the down arrow next to the Photos folder to expand it. Shift-click each photo to select all ve, and then click the Create Slideshow button at the bottom of the Media window. From the Ordering menu, select Sort Order to place the images in the order they appear in the Media window. Change Image Duration to 2 Seconds and Transition Duration to 20 frames. Then, click OK. The Create Slideshow command places the ve still images at the end of the movie on the Video 1 track and adds the Cross Dissolve transition between each image. (In the Timeline window, transitions appear as rectangles with diagonal lines.)
6. Preview the slideshow. Move the current-time indicator to the beginning of the photos, and press the spacebar. Movies with transitions or effects can take longer to process, so the slideshow preview may not play as smoothly as the other clips. Adobe Premiere Elements adds a thin, red line in the time ruler to indicate that you should rst render that area for the best preview. Choose Timeline > Render Work Area. When rendering is complete, the red line turns green and the Monitor window plays the movie. For more information about rendering, see Previewing clips and movies on page 101. 7. Add music. Close the Photos folder in the Media window. Add music to the project by clicking the Add Media button . Navigate to the Tutorial folder, select the Music.wav le, and click Open. Move the current-time indicator to the beginning of the movie, zooming out if necessary. Drag Music.wav from the Media window to the Audio 2 track, letting it snap to the beginning of the movie. You will adjust its length later. When adding music to a movie with an existing soundtrack, you often need to reduce the volume of the music to hear the dialog. For this movie, however, the original sounds from the party are not critical, so you dont need to adjust the volume.
8. Preview the movie and save the project. With the current-time indicator at the beginning of the project, press the spacebar. The rst cut of the movie is complete. Now the fun beginsadding transitions and effects! In the task bar, click the Save Project button . You will build on this project in the next tutorial, Apply effects and transitions on page 15.
2. Delete the audio portion of the clip. Move the current-time indicator to the beginning of the movie. Press the spacebar, and listen to the Party_Setup.avi clip. The speed change altered the pitch of the soundtrack, resulting in a distracting noise. To delete the soundtrack, Alt-click the audio portion of the clip to select it alone, and then press the Backspace key.
3. Split the clip. In the Timeline window, drag the current-time indicator to the beginning of the movie, and click the Zoom In button until the Party_Setup.avi clip occupies most of the window. Using the Razor tool , position the pointer at the midpoint of Party_Setup.avi, and click.
4. Display the Effects workspace. In the task bar, click the Effects button . In the Effects window, effects are organized by categories, which you can expand to see the available effects. If you know the name of the effect that you need, you can quickly nd it by typing its name in the Contains box. Type Black & White in the Contains box. (To access the full list of effects again, delete all of the text in the Contains box.)
5. Apply an effect to the clip. Drag the Black & White effect from the Effects window to the rst half of the Party_Setup.avi clip in the Timeline window. To preview the effect, press Enter. Adobe Premiere Elements also includes several pre-congured effects in the Presets folder.
6. Apply a transition. In the Effects window, delete any text in the Contains box, and type dissolve. Several transitions in the Dissolve folder appearfor this project, youll use the Cross Dissolve transition. In the Timeline window, drag the current-time indicator to the point where you split the Party_Setup.avi clip with the Razor tool. Click the Zoom In button to see the split better. Drag the Cross Dissolve transition from the Effects window to the split in the Timeline window. When the pointer changes to a Transition icon , release the mouse. To preview the effect of the transition, press Enter.
7. Apply a transition to fade out the movie. In the Timeline window, click the Zoom Out button until you can see the last clip. Now youll apply the Dip To Black transition to smoothly end the movie. In the Effects window, clear the Contains box and type dip to reveal the Dip To Black transition. Drag the transition to the end of the last photo in the Timeline window. Then press Enter to preview the fade.
8. Apply an audio transition to fade out the music. Drag the current-time indicator to the end of the Music.wav clip. Click the Zoom In button to make the clip easier to see. In the Effects window, clear the Contains box. Expand the Audio Transitions folder, and then expand the Crossfade folder. Drag the Constant Gain effect to the end of Music.wav. Then position the pointer at the beginning of the transition, and drag it to the left. Near the Trim In icon , a box appears displaying the duration of your adjustment. Drag the fade until its duration is a full second (-00;00;01;00). In the task bar, click the Save Project button tutorial, Add titles on page 18. . Youll build on this project in the next
Add titles
You can use titles to display credits or the name of your movie, to identify people or places when they appear in the movie, or to superimpose text. In this project, youll use one of the many title templates included with Adobe Premiere Elements to quickly create a title for the opening of the movie. 1. Choose a template, and open the Adobe Title Designer. In the task bar, click the Titles button . In the Templates dialog box, expand the Happy Birthday folder, and then expand the Balloons folder. Select the Balloons_Title template. Click OK.
2. Change the text in the template. Click the Type tool , and position the cursor just before the B in Birthday Title. When a rectangular outline appears around both words, drag to select all of the letters. Then type Diana--5! At the top of the Adobe Title Designer window, click the Center Horizontally button to center the new title in the window. Click the Selection tool , click on the words Birthday SubTitle, and press Delete. You can also change the type size and font. See Changing text attributes on page 187.
3. Save the title, and add it to the movie. Click Save Title. For File Name, type Title, and then click Save. Close the Adobe Title Designer. The title now appears in the Media window with the other clips for your project. In the Timeline window, drag the current-time indicator to the beginning of your movie, and click the Zoom In button . Drag the title clip from the Media window to the beginning of your movie. Click the Timeline window to activate it.
4. Add a transition between the title and the rst clip. Press the Page Up or Page Down key repeatedly until the current-time indicator returns to the beginning of the Party_Setup.avi clip. In the task bar, click the Effects button . In the Effects window, delete any text in the Contains box. Expand the Video Transitions and 3D Motion folders. Drag the Curtain transition to the beginning of the rst Party_Setup.avi clip in the Timeline window. To preview, drag the current-time indicator to a point before the transition, and press the spacebar.
5. Preview the complete movie. In the Timeline window, click the Zoom Out button until you can see the entire movie. Press Enter to render the areas marked by the red line and begin playback. Congratulations! Youve completely assembled and edited a movie. In the task bar, click the Save Project button . Youll build on this project in the next tutorial, Burn a DVD on page 20.
Burn a DVD
DVDs let you share your movies with friends and family. You can create DVDs with or without menus. (See Understanding the types of DVDs you can create on page 198.) When you create a DVD with menus, you can choose from predesigned menu templates in a variety of styles and themes. In this tutorial youll create a DVD from the birthday project you worked on in previous tutorials. Youll add scene markers, select a menu template, and create a DVD with both a main menu and a scene selection submenu.
1. Set Scene Markers for the scenes submenu. Open the birthday project you saved in the previous tutorial, Add Titles. Click the Edit button in the task bar. Then, click the Timeline window to make it the active window. Choose Marker > Auto-Generate DVD Markers. Select the At Each Scene option, and click OK. (This command places a DVD Scenes Marker at the edit point between each clip on the Video 1 track.)
2. Delete extra markers in the slideshow. Move the current-time indicator to the middle of the slideshow and zoom in. Adobe Premiere Elements has placed markers at each photo. For the DVD, you need the slideshow marked as a scene, but you dont need each photo marked. Leave the DVD marker above the rst photo, but double-click the DVD marker between the rst and second photo. In the DVD Marker dialog box, click Delete. Delete the other three DVD markers above the subsequent photos.
3. Choose a DVD template. Click the DVD button in the task bar. The DVD Templates dialog box lists the available menu templates, which are grouped by theme. Choose the Happy Birthday theme. Select the Balloons template, and click OK. The DVD Layout window opens and displays the main menu for the DVD. At the bottom of the window, the DVD Menus box lists all the menus created for the project. In addition to the main menu, youll nd scenes menus with buttons that link to each DVD Scene Marker in the Timeline window.
4. Customize the menu titles of Main Menu 1 and Scenes Menu 1. Double-click Birthday Title in the main menu. In the Change Text dialog box, type Diana-5! and click OK. Then, select Scenes Menu 1 at the bottom of the DVD Layout window. Double-click Happy Birthday Title. Type Diana--5! and click OK.
5. Customize the buttons on Scenes Menu 1. Double-click the Scene 1 thumbnail button. In the DVD Marker dialog box, type Set Up in the Name box. When you change the button text, you also name the linked marker.
Sometimes the frame marked by a Scene Marker is not the best thumbnail for a button, especially if the clip starts with a transition, like this one. To choose a different frame, position the pointer over the timecode displayed under the thumbnail. When the pointer changes to a hand and arrow , slowly drag to the right. Stop dragging when the scene changes to color. Click OK to see the new thumbnail and button name in the menu.
6. Delete the extra button, and name the remaining buttons. Note that the Scene 2 thumbnail button links to the second Party_Setup.avi clip, which you created when you split the clip. You dont need two markers for the same scene. Double-click the Scene 2 thumbnail button. In the DVD Marker dialog box, click Delete. This action deletes both the marker in the Timeline window and the button in the menu. Because all the remaining buttons t on Scenes Menu 1, Adobe Premiere Elements automatically deletes Scenes Menu 2. Rename the remaining buttons as follows:
7. Preview the DVD. Click Preview DVD, and then click the Play Movie button on the DVD menu. Once the movie starts, the transport controls become available. Place the pointer over each control to view the tool tips for each. When the main menu displays again, click the Scenes button on the DVD menu. Use the arrow keys and Enter button in the Preview window to select a button and play a scene. Note that each scene plays to the end of the movie. When you nish previewing the DVD, close the Preview window.
8. Review the Burn DVD options. Click Burn DVD in the DVD Layout window. Although you dont need to burn a DVD of this birthday movie, you should review the settings in the Burn DVD dialog box: DVD Settings You can burn directly to a disc if your burner is compatible. If your burner isnt compatible, you can write to a folder and use the software that came with your DVD burner to burn the DVD. Quality Settings By default, Adobe Premiere Elements ts contents to available space, compressing video only as much as necessary to preserve quality. Compressing video for DVD is very time-consuming and can take several hours depending on the length and complexity of the movie. TV Standard These settings specify the television standard for your region so TV DVD players can play the DVD you create. For example, the clips used in this tutorial are in NTSC format. If you are in a PAL region, however, you would burn a DVD using the PAL television standard.
For more information, see About burning a DVD on page 210 and Burning a DVD on page 211.
After you start a project, you can work through each stage by clicking the task bar buttons labeled Capture, Edit, Effects, Titles, DVD, and Export. When you click these buttons, the content of the How To palette changes to reect your current task. Likewise, the workspace changes as follows: Capture Opens the Capture window, which lets you preview, navigate, and capture footage from a tape in your DV camcorder. (See Capturing video on page 48.) Edit Opens the Media, Timeline, and Monitor windows, which respectively let you organize, edit, and preview clips. (See Working with the Media window on page 33 and About editing a movie on page 68.) Effects Opens the Effects window, which lets you apply a wide range of video and audio effects to clips in the Timeline window. (See About working with effects on page 108.) Titles Opens the Adobe Title Designer, which lets you create and edit titles using a variety of background templates and text styles as a starting point. (See Creating titles using the Adobe Title Designer on page 181.) DVD Opens the DVD Layout window, from which you can apply menu templates, and preview and burn DVDs. (See About creating DVDs on page 198.) Export Opens a menu with options that let you share movies on videotape or in common le formats, such as QuickTime and Windows Media. (See About exporting movies on page 214.) If you rearrange a default workspace, Adobe Premiere Elements stores your changes. You can restore a default at any time. (See Arranging workspaces on page 29.)
Start Adobe Premiere Elements, and click New Project. In Adobe Premiere Elements, choose File > New > Project.
2 Specify the project name and saved location, and click OK. Note: By default, the folder for a saved project also stores rendered previews, conformed audio les, and captured audio and video. These les are very large, so you should save them to your largest, fastest hard drive. To store these les separately from projects, choose Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks. To change the preset used for new projects: 1 Do one of the following to access the welcome screen:
Start Adobe Premiere Elements. In Adobe Premiere Elements, choose File > Close.
2 Click Setup, and then select a preset from the list of Available Presets. 3 Click Save as Default. Note: If you cant nd a preset that works for you, create a custom preset. See Specifying project settings on page 42 and Creating project presets on page 45.
Start Adobe Premiere Elements, and click the project name in the welcome screen. (If the project isnt recent, click Open Project, select the le, and click Open.) In Adobe Premiere Elements, choose File > Open Project, select the project le, and click Open. In Windows, double-click the project le. Back 27
Applying and organizing effects on page 110. Creating titles using the Adobe Title Designer on page 181. Creating menu-based DVDs on page 205.
Arranging workspaces
Adobe Premiere Elements comes with default window and palette arrangements called workspaces, which are optimized for specic tasks such as capturing or editing video. As you work through each stage of a project, you can access these workspaces from the buttons on the task bar labeled Capture, Edit, Effects, Titles, DVD, and Export. You can rearrange the default workspaces, changing window sizes and positions to better suit your working style. If you rearrange the Edit workspace, for example, Adobe Premiere Elements displays your customized layout whenever you click the Edit button. If you later wish to return to the default arrangement, you can quickly restore it. You can add palettes to a workspace by selecting them from the Window menu. To use a workspace: Do either of the following:
In the task bar, click a workspace button. Choose Window > Workspace, and then choose a workspace.
To restore a default workspace: Choose Window > Restore Workspace > [workspace name].
The default Edit workspace A. Monitor window B. Media window C. Timeline window D. Task bar E. How To palette
Combine the How To, History, and Info palettes as a group of tabs. Display the Effects and Effect Controls windows as tabs within the Media window.
To rearrange and separate a group of tabs, drag the tab for that window. To group a tab with another tab or window, drag its tab to another window. Note that some tabs can be grouped only with certain other tabs, as noted above. If a window contains more tabs than Adobe Premiere Elements can display at once, drag the slider bar that appears above the tabs.
To adjust the brightness of window and palette backgrounds: Choose Edit > Preferences > General, and specify a value for User Interface Brightness. To minimize the visual impact of window elements, right-click the Windows desktop and choose Properties; then customize options in the Appearance tab in the Display Properties for Windows. For example, use the Windows Classic style or reduce the font size in title bars. (See Windows online Help.)
To show a palette, choose its name from the Window menu or click its tab, if visible. To hide a palette, click the close box on its tab. To hide or show all open palettes, press the Tab key.
To group the How To, History, and Info palettes: Drag one palettes tab to another. To separate a palette: Drag a palette tab to another location. If you have more than one monitor connected to your system and if your system supports a multiple-monitor desktop, you can drag palettes to any monitor.
List of changes in the History palette A. Selected change B. Later changes that will be replaced by next change.
The History palette records changes only for the current session. Closing a project or choosing the Revert command clears the History palette. While the palette lists most changes, it does not list individual changes within some windows, such as the Adobe Title Designer, nor does it list program-wide changes, such as window placement or Preferences settings. To display the History palette: Choose Window > History. To select a change: In the History palette, click the item you want to change. To delete a selected change: Do either of the following:
Choose Delete from the More menu in the History palette menu, and then click OK. Click the Delete icon , and then click OK.
Drag the slider or the scroll bar in the palette. Choose Step Forward or Step Backward from the More menu in the History palette.
To clear all changes from the History palette: Choose Clear History from the More menu in the History palette, and then click OK.
Media window A. Close Project B. Folders C. Clip D. More menu E. List view F. Icon view G. Create Slideshow H. Find I. New Folder J. New Item K. Delete Selected Items
Expand the Media window or scroll horizontally to view columns. Some columns may be hidden. (See Customizing List view on page 36.) Choose File > Get Properties For > Selection.
To customize general display options for the Media window: From the More menu in the Media window, choose any of the following:
Thumbnails > [command] to hide or set the size of thumbnails. Clean Up to remove empty space between items in Icon view and arrange them within the width of the Media window. (See Viewing lists or icons in the Media window on page 35.) View > Preview Area to hide or show the thumbnail viewer and clip information.
To play back a clip in the Media window: 1 Select the clip. 2 Press the Play button on the thumbnail viewer. The Play button becomes a Stop button, which you press to stop playback. (Playing the clip in the thumbnail viewer does not affect Monitor window views.) To designate a clip frame as a poster frame: 1 Select the clip in the Media window. 2 Press the Play button or drag the play slider on the thumbnail viewer in the upper left corner of the Media window until the frame you want is displayed. 3 Click the Set Poster Frame button . You can also set the poster frame by right-clicking the thumbnail viewer and choosing Set Poster Frame from the context menu.
2 Specify options based on the contents of any column in List view. 3 Click Find.
If you click the New Folder button multiple times in a row, each new folder is nested inside the previous new folder. To move an item into a folder: Drag the item to the Folder icon. You can move folders into other folders to nest them. To display the contents of a folder: Do one of the following:
In List view, click the triangle beside the Folder icon to expand the folder. Double-click the folder.
To navigate from nested folders to parent folders: Click the Parent Folder button at the top of the Media window. You can continue to click this button until the top-level contents of the Media window appear.
Choose View > List or View > Icon from More menu in the Media window.
To arrange items in Icon view: Drag an item to any square. As you drag, a vertical bar indicates where the item is going. If you drag an item to a folder, the item goes inside the folder. You can use Icon view for storyboarding, and then use the Create Slideshow feature to move the storyboard into a movie. (See Creating a slideshow or movie automatically on page 75.) To sort items in List view: Click the column heading by which you want to sort the items. (For example, click Media Type to sort items by type.) If folders are expanded, items sort from the top level and down the Media window hierarchy. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.
To display a column, select the option next to the column. To rename a column, select a column name, click Rename, and edit the name. To remove a column, select a column name and click Remove.
To rearrange columns, select a column name and click Move Up or Move Down. You can also rearrange columns by dragging them horizontally in the Media window.
Note: If you cant locate or change a column attribute in the Edit Columns dialog box, the attribute is locked by Adobe Premiere Elements and cannot be changed. For example, you can change the names of columns you added, but not the names of columns built into Adobe Premiere Elements.
Description A description of the clip. (Enter a description if desired.) Comment Text intended for identication and sorting purposes. Log Note Text that was entered using the Log Note option when a clip was captured using the Capture window. Capture Settings Species whether a le was captured in the current project. Status Species whether a clip is online or ofine. If a clip is ofine, this option also indicates why. Scene Text that was entered using the Capture windows Scene option when capturing video using Adobe Premiere Elements. Shot/Take Text that was entered using the Capture windows Shot/Take option when capturing video using Adobe Premiere Elements. Good Indicates preferred clips.
To undo or redo the most recent change, click the Undo button or the Redo button in the task bar. (You can sequentially undo a series of recent changes.) To quickly jump to any change that occurred since you last opened a project, select an item in the History palette. (See Using the History palette on page 32.) To stop a change that Adobe Premiere Elements is processing (for example, when you see a progress bar), press Esc. To undo all changes made since you last saved the project, choose File > Revert.
To undo changes made before you last saved a project, try opening a previous version in the Premiere Auto-Save folder. Then choose File > Save As to store the project outside of the Premiere Auto-Save folder. The number of changes you undo depends on the Auto Save preference settings. (See Backing up projects with Auto Save on page 40.)
Saving projects
Saving a project saves your editing decisions, references to source les, and the most recent arrangement of windows. Protect your work by saving often. To specify where Adobe Premiere Elements stores project-related les, such as captured video and audio, and video and audio previews, see Using scratch disks on page 40. To save a project: Do one of the following:
To save a copy of a project and continue working in the new copy, choose File > Save As, specify a location and le name, and click Save. To save a copy of a project but continue working in the original project, choose File > Save a Copy, specify a location and le name, and click Save.
Select Automatically Save Projects, and type the number of minutes after which Adobe Premiere Elements will save the project. Type a number for the Maximum Project Versions to specify how many versions of each project le you want to save. For example, if you type 5, Adobe Premiere Elements saves ve versions of each project you open.
To open a project le created by the Auto Save preference: 1 Do either of the following:
Start Adobe Premiere Elements, and click Open Project. In Adobe Premiere Elements, choose File > Open Project.
2 In the project folder, open the le in the Adobe Premiere Elements Auto-Save folder. (If no les are available, the Auto Save preference may be turned off.)
Set up scratch disks on one or more separate hard disks. In Adobe Premiere Elements, its possible to set up each type of scratch disk to its own disk (for example, one disk for captured video and another for captured audio). Specify your fastest hard disks for capturing media and storing scratch les. You can use a slower disk for audio preview les and the project le. Specify only disks attached to your computer. A hard disk located on a network is usually too slow. Avoid using removable media because Adobe Premiere Elements always requires access to scratch disk les. Scratch disk les are preserved for each project, even when you close the project. Adobe Premiere Elements reuses these les when you reopen the project associated with them. If scratch disk les are stored on removable media and the media is removed from the drive, the scratch disk wont be available to Adobe Premiere Elements. Although you can divide a single disk into partitions and set up partitions as scratch disks, this doesnt improve performance because the single drive mechanism becomes a bottleneck. For best results, set up scratch disk volumes that are physically separate drives.
To specify scratch disks: 1 Choose Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks. 2 For each scratch disk type, specify a disk location for Adobe Premiere Elements to store the corresponding les (scratch les are stored in a subfolder named after the project). My Documents Stores scratch les in the My Documents folder. Same as Project Stores scratch les in the same folder where the project is stored. Custom Indicates that the current path isnt in the pop-up menu. The current path isnt changed until you click Browse to specify any available disk location.
Action Safe Area Sets how much of the frame edge to mark as a safe zone for action so that action isnt cut off by televisions that zoom the picture slightly to enlarge it. A rectangle marks the action-safe zone when you click the Safe Zones button in the Monitor window. Scale Clips To Project Dimensions When Adding To Timeline Adjusts imported video and still images so that they t within the frame, if they are larger or smaller than the frame. Sample Rate Identies the audio sample rate dened by the project preset. Options are 32 kHz or 48 kHz. In general, higher rates provide better audio quality when you play back audio in projects, but they require more disk space and processing. Resampling, or setting a different rate from the original audio, also requires additional processing time and affects the quality. Try to record audio at a high-quality sample rate, and capture audio at the rate at which it was recorded. Display Format (audio) Species whether audio time display is measured by using audio samples or milliseconds. By default, time is displayed in frames, but it can be displayed in audio units for sample-level precision when you are editing audio.
Optimize Stills Select this option to use still images efciently in projects. For example, if a still image has a duration of 2 seconds in a project set to 30 fps, Adobe Premiere Elements creates one 2-second frame instead of 60 frames at 1/30 second each. Deselect this option if projects exhibit playback problems when displaying still images.
Start Adobe Premiere Elements. In Adobe Premiere Elements, choose File > Close.
2 Click Setup. 3 Select the existing preset that most closely matches your editing environment, and then click New Preset. 4 Specify project settings, and then click Save. 5 Type a name and description, and click OK.
Make sure that your computer has an IEEE 1394 (also known as FireWire or iLink) port. This port may either be built into your computer or available on a PCI or PC card (often referred to as a capture card) that you install yourself. A majority of computers manufactured in the last two years include onboard IEEE 1394 cards. (See Connecting your DV camcorder to your computer on page 47.) Make sure that your hard disk is fast enough to capture and play back digital video. The speed at which digital video les transfer information, called the data transfer rate (often shortened to data rate), is 3.6 MB-per-second. The data transfer rate of your hard disk should meet or exceed this rate. To achieve this rate, your hard disk must be able to operate at 7200 rpm. Most hard disks manufactured in the last ve years have this capability. To conrm the rate or rpm speed of your hard disk, see your computer or hard disk documentation. Make sure that you have sufcient disk space for the captured footage. Five minutes of digital video occupies about one gigabyte of hard disk space. Though the Capture window in Adobe Premiere Elements indicates the duration of footage that you can capture based on the remaining space on your hard disk, be certain beforehand that you will have sufcient space. Make sure that you periodically defragment your hard disk. Writing to a fragmented disk can cause disruptions in your hard disks write speed, causing you to lose, or drop, frames as you capture. You can use the defragmentation utility included with Windows XP, located in Start > All Programs (or Programs if you are using the Classic Mode display) > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter.
Some DV camcorders require that you use the power adapter to activate the IEEE 1394 port. Other camcorders may go into a sleep or other inactive mode if left in camera mode without being activated for a period of time. To ensure the camcorder doesnt go into these inactive modes, connect your camcorder to its power adapter when setting it up for capture.
Use your DV camcorder to output a digital signal on-the-y from an analog input. Connect the analog source to input jacks on your DV camcorder and connect the DV camcorder to the computer. Not all DV camcorders support this method. See your camcorder documentation for more information. Use your DV camcorder to record footage from your analog source. Connect your analog sources output to the analog inputs on your DV camcorder. Then, just record your analog footage to DV tape. When you are nished recording, Adobe Premiere Elements can then capture the footage from the DV camcorder. This is a very common procedure. See your camcorder documentation for more details on recording from analog sources.
Use an analog-to-digital converter to bridge the connection between your analog source and the computer. Connect the analog source to the converter and connect the converter to your computer. Adobe Premiere Elements will then capture the digitized footage. Analog-to-digital converters are available in many larger consumer electronics stores.
Note: If you capture using an analog-to-digital converter, you may have to capture without using device control. For information about device control, see Capturing video with device control on page 49. For more information on capturing without device control, see Capturing clips without using device control on page 50.
Capturing video
Use the Capture window to monitor the video and access all of the capture commands. This window includes a video preview area, recording controls, a disk-space indicator, and a timecode display. From the Capture window menu, accessed when you click the More button, you can view and edit your current capture settings. You open the Capture window by clicking the Capture button in the task bar. You can also open it from the welcome screen, which appears when the application opens. (See Capturing video with device control on page 49.)
Capture window A. Status area B. Preview area C. Capture menu D. Device controls
Capture window playback controls A. Capture B. Previous Scene C. Next Scene D. Rewind E. Step Back (Left) F. Play G. Shuttle H. Step Forward (Right) I. Fast Forward J. Pause K. Stop
To operate Capture window controls by using the keyboard, see the tool tips in the Capture window. If you are capturing select scenes from the tape, as opposed to capturing the entire tape, capture at least three seconds of additional footage (called handles) at both the beginning and end of the capture to ensure a margin of error during capture. Handles also allow for cleaner transitions and more exibility when you trim your clips. For more information, see Understanding how transitions use trimmed frames on page 147, Trimming frames from a clip on page 80, and Using the default scene detection option on page 50. For details about troubleshooting capture, see Troubleshooting DV capture problems on page 51. To capture video: 1 Connect the DV camcorder to your computer by using an IEEE 1394 connection. The connection point on your camcorder may be marked DV IN/OUT, i.Link, or IEEE 1394. Note: Some camcorders have a USB port for transfer of data. Do not use this port for capture. 2 Turn the camcorder on and set it to the playback mode, which may be labeled either VTR or VCR. Dont set the camcorder to a recording mode, such as Camera or Movie. 3 Do one of the following:
Start Adobe Premiere Elements and click the Capture button in the Welcome To Adobe Premiere Elements dialog box to open the Capture window within a new project. Open a new or existing project, and then click the Capture button in the task bar.
4 In the Capture window, click the More button and choose Capture Settings. Make sure that the Capture Format menu shows your DV camcorder and that the text to the right of the menu reads Capture module installed. 5 Click the More button and select or deselect Scene Detect and Capture To Timeline. For information on these settings, see Using the default scene detection option on page 50 and Automatically capturing directly to the Timeline window on page 51. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 49
6 Use the Capture window controls or the Current Position Timecode display to locate the scene you want to capture. To use the Current Position Timecode, drag the display or click it and enter the timecode you want. 7 To begin capture, click Capture. If you are using Scene Capture, quickly advance to the next or previous scenes by clicking the Next Scene button or the Previous Scene button . Note: Activating any application window other than the Capture window will stop the capture. If you want the capture to continue without interruption, do not try to access any other window. 8 To end the capture before the tape reaches its end, click Stop Capture. If you chose to use Scene Detect, you can also use the Next and Previous Scene buttons at this point to move to the respective scene. 9 If you chose not to use Scene Detect and you only captured a segment of your video, you can repeat this procedure to locate and capture another segment of video. 10 When you are nished capturing, close the Capture window.
Click the timecode value and enter the timecode. Drag the timecode values to locate a particular frame.
The video looks grainy, pixelated, or jumpy in the Capture or Monitor window If you have met the minimum requirements for the data transfer rate of your hard disk, dont be concerned with this preview (seePreparing your system for capture on page 46). Adobe Premiere Elements captures and stores video at full quality. The video image does not appear in the Capture window Make sure that the options are set correctly, that your DV camcorder is playing, and that your IEEE 1394 connections are secure. To ensure that Adobe Premiere Elements can see the DV camcorder, quit Adobe Premiere Elements (leave the DV camcorder on), and then restart Adobe Premiere Elements. Open the Capture window, click the Play button , and click in the capture preview area.
Video formats: DV AVI, MOV, MPEG/MPE/MPG, and WMV. Sequence le formats: BMP, Animated GIF, JPEG, PICT/PIC/PCT, TGA/ICB/VST/VDA, TIFF, and PSD.
Note: Type 1 AVI clips must be rendered before you can preview them from your DV camcorder. To render a Type 1 AVI clip, add it to the Timeline window in a DV project and build a preview le of that section of the Timeline window. For more information, see About pixel aspect ratio on page 63 and Changing clip speed, direction, and volume on page 91.
Adobe Premiere Elements supports the following stereo audio formats: AIFF, AVI, MOV, MP3, WAV, and WMA. Note: Formats such as MP3 and WMA are compressed using a method that removes some of the original audio quality. To play back compressed audio, Adobe Premiere Elements must decompress and possibly alter the les sample rate, thereby degrading the audio quality. You may want to avoid using these formats in your movies. If you want to add audio from CD, you must rst copy, or rip, the audio tracks to your hard disk using another application. Windows Media Player, included with Windows XP, can perform this task; however, you can also use Adobe Audition to rip the CD at various quality settings and perform complex audio processing functions on the le. If you plan to publicly air or distribute your movie, make sure that you own the copyrights or have licensed the copyrights to any CD audio you use. If you download music from the Internet for use in your projects, be aware that some les, notably WMA (Windows Media Audio) and AAC (QuickTime) les may have pre-encoded settings that will not allow you to play the le back in Adobe Premiere Elements.
North America, parts of 720 x 480 South America, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, S. Korea, Guam, Burma, and others Europe, Mid-East, and parts of the following areas: Asia, Africa, South America, and others 720 x 576
25 fps
Adobe Premiere Elements converts all imported audio to the bit depth and sample rate required by DVDs. If possible, it is best to record your audio using the DVD specications:
Audio bit depth: 16 bits. Audio sample rate: 48,000 Hz (48 kHz).
If you own Adobe Photoshop Elements, create your still images by using the New Photoshop File command. (SeeCreating Photoshop les with Adobe Premiere Elements on page 59.) If you use Adobe Photoshop to create your still images, use one of the DV/DVD or PAL new document presets. These presets are optimized for DV output. (See Photoshop Help for more information.) If you use another application to create your still images, see Using square-pixel footage for output to DV on page 66 for information on ideal frame sizes. When you are editing or creating your still images, make sure that you do all of your work in RGB mode. For more information, consult your products user guide, under the category of color management. RGB mode produces colors that are suitable for video. For best results, create les with a frame size at least as large as the frame size of your video so that you dont have to enlarge, or scale up, the image in Adobe Premiere Elements. Often, when you scale up an image, it becomes pixelated. If you plan to scale up an image, prepare it at a larger frame size than the project. For example, if you plan to scale up an image 200% in a project, prepare the image at double the project frame size before you add it. To determine the frame size of your video, right-click it in the Media window or Timeline window, and choose Properties. The Image Size value shows your frame size.
Adding les
You can add other video, audio, and still image les to your project at any time. All added les are visible in the Media window.
To add one or more les, click the Add Media button in the task bar. Locate and select the le or les that you want to add, and then click Open. To add an entire folder or folders, select the items that you want to add and click Add Folder. To add a le that was recently added into Adobe Premiere Elements, choose it from the File > Add Recent File submenu. The le may not appear if many other les have been added more recently or if Adobe Premiere Elements preferences have been reset. To add les and folders by dragging, drag them from a desktop window to the Media window in Adobe Premiere Elements.
To add still image les at the same size at which they were created: 1 Choose Project > Project Settings > General. 2 Deselect the Scale Clips To Project Dimensions When Adding To Timeline option, and click OK. To add still images directly from Photoshop Elements: Do one of the following:
Drag the image from Photoshop Elements to the Media window in Adobe Premiere Elements. Copy the image from Photoshop Elements, and then paste it into the Media window in Adobe Premiere Elements.
The eld dominance of the original videotape was the opposite of the eld dominance of the video-capture card used to capture the clip. The eld dominance of the original videotape was the opposite of the eld dominance of the video-editing or animation software that last rendered the clip. You have set an interlaced clip to play backward.
You can process elds for an interlaced clip in the movie so that the clips picture and motion quality are preserved in situations such as changing the clip speed, exporting a lmstrip, playing a clip backward, or freezing a video frame. To specify eld processing options for a clip: 1 Select a clip in the Timeline window, and choose Clip > Video Options > Field Options. 2 Select Reverse Field Dominance to change the order in which the clips elds appear. This option is useful when the eld dominance of the clip doesnt match your equipment or when you play a clip backward. 3 For Processing Options, select one of the following choices:
None does not process the clips elds. Interlace Consecutive Frames converts pairs of consecutive progressive-scan (noninterlaced) frames into interlaced elds. This option is useful for converting 60-fps progressive-scan animations into 30-fps interlaced video because many animation applications dont create interlaced frames. Always Deinterlace converts interlaced elds into whole progressive-scan frames. Adobe Premiere Elements deinterlaces by discarding one eld and interpolating a new eld based on the lines of the remaining eld. It keeps the eld specied in the Field Settings option in the Project Settings. If you specied No Fields, Adobe Premiere Elements keeps the upper eld unless you selected Reverse Field Dominance, in which case it keeps the lower eld. This option is useful when freezing a frame in the clip. Flicker Removal prevents thin horizontal details in an image from ickering by slightly blurring the two elds together. An object as thin as one scan line ickers because it can appear only in every other eld.
4 Select Frame Blend Speed Changes to improve the appearance of video when the clips speed is not 100% by blending frames together. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 56
5 Click OK.
Use broadcast-safe colors. Most applications that create animations (such as Adobe After Effects) allow you to check for broadcast-safe colors. Refer to your applications documentation for more information. Use the pixel aspect ratio and frame size specied in the project settings in Adobe Premiere Elements. Use the appropriate eld settings to match your project. (See Processing interlaced video elds on page 56.) If youre using an Adobe application to generate the sequence, select the Embed Project Link option so that you can open the sequence in the application that was used to create it.
To add numbered still-image les and compile them into a single clip: 1 Make sure that each still-image le name has the correct le extension, and make sure that all le names in the sequence contain an equal number of digits at the end of the le name (before the le name extension)for example, le000.bmp, le001.bmp, and so forth. 2 Choose File > Add Media.
3 Locate and select the rst numbered still in the sequence and, below the Files of Type menu, select Numbered Stills, and click Open. When Numbered Stills is selected, Adobe Premiere Elements interprets all of the numbered les as a single sequence.
Position the Selection tool over either end of the image, and drag. Select the clip and choose Clip > Speed/Duration. Enter a new duration and click OK.
To send Organizer footage to Adobe Premiere Elements: 1 Open a project by using one of the following methods:
To add the footage to an existing Adobe Premiere Elements project, open the project to which you want to add the footage. To add the footage to a new project, either open a new project or make sure that no project is open.
2 In the Organizer, select the footage that you want to send, and activate the Send To command. See Photoshop Elements Help for information on using the Send To command.
To create a universal counting leader: 1 In the Media window, click the New Item button , and choose Universal Counting Leader from the menu that appears. 2 Specify the following options as needed (click the box next to the color options to choose a color). Wipe Color Species a color for the circular wipe area. Background Color Species a color for the area behind the wipe color. Line Color Species a color for the horizontal and vertical lines. Target Color Species a color for the double circles around the numeral. Numeral Color Species a color for the countdown numeral. Cue Blip On Out Displays a small cue circle in the last frame of the leader. Cue Blip On 2 Plays a beep at the two-second mark. Cue Blip At All Second Starts Plays a beep at each second in the leaders progression. You can change counting leader options by double-clicking the counting leader in the Media window.
To set the level for all new clip instances, select the Bars And Tone clip in the Media window. To set the level for only one clip instance, select the clip in the Timeline window.
If the clip is in the Source view, Timeline window, or Media window, select it and choose File > Get Properties For > Selection. If the clip is not in the project, choose File > Get Properties For > File. Locate and select the clip you want to analyze, and then click Open.
The graphs include the following information: Data Rate/Sec Graph The line represents the average data rate. Sample Size Graph The blue bars represent the sample size of each keyframed frame. Differenced frames sample size If displayed, the red bars represent the sample size of the differenced frames between compression keyframes. You will only see these bars if you are analyzing the properties of a clip that was compressed using a codec that supports differenced frames. Differenced frames store only data that has changed between any two keyframes. DV footage does not contain differenced frames. You can also view clip properties in the Source view, Timeline window, or Media window by right-clicking a clip and choosing Properties from the context menu.
A 4:3 frame aspect ratio (left), and a wider 16:9 frame aspect ratio (right)
When you add clips into a project that uses a frame aspect ratio that is different from the aspect ratio used to shoot the video, you must decide how to reconcile the different values. For example, there are two common techniques for showing a widescreen movie with a 16:9 frame aspect ratio on a standard television with a 4:3 frame aspect ratio. You can t the entire width of the 16:9 frame into a black 4:3 frame, a technique called letterboxing, which results in black bands above and below the widescreen frame. Or, you can ll the 4:3 frame with only a selected area of the 16:9 frame, a technique called pan & scan. Though this technique eliminates the black bars, it also eliminates part of the action. Adobe Premiere Elements automatically letterboxes any 16:9 footage that you add into a 4:3 aspect ratio project.
If you display rectangular pixels on a square-pixel monitor, images appear distorted, for example, circles distort into ovals. However, when displayed on a broadcast monitor, the images appear correctly proportioned because broadcast monitors use rectangular pixels. Adobe Premiere Elements can display and output clips of various pixel aspect ratios without distortion because it attempts to automatically display them with the pixel aspect ratio of your project. You may occasionally encounter a distorted clip if Adobe Premiere Elements interprets pixel aspect ratio incorrectly; if this happens, you can correct the distortion by manually specifying the source clips pixel aspect ratio. (See Setting pixel aspect ratio on page 65.)
Pixel and frame aspect ratios A. Square pixels and 4:3 frame aspect ratio B. Nonsquare pixels and 4:3 frame aspect ratio C. Nonsquare pixels displayed uncorrected on a square-pixel monitor
When you capture or add video with either the D1 resolution of 720 x 486 or the DV resolution of 720 x 480, Adobe Premiere Elements automatically sets the pixel aspect ratio for that le to D1/DV NTSC (0.9). When you add footage with the D1 or DV resolution of 720 x 576, Adobe Premiere Elements automatically sets the pixel aspect ratio for that le to D1/DV PAL (1.067). However, it is always a good idea to make sure that all les are interpreted correctly by looking in the Media window or the Interpret Footage dialog box. Adobe Premiere Elements automatically assigns pixel aspect ratios to les by using the entries in the Interpretation Rules.txt le, which is located in the Adobe Premiere Elements/Plug-ins folder. If a specic type of image is consistently misinterpreted (distorted) when you add it, you can add or change the entries in the Interpretation Rules.txt le by using a text editor, such as Notepad. If you want to override the pixel aspect ratio interpretation for les already in a project, use the Interpret Footage command. If you want to change the size of an added clip in Adobe Premiere Elements and its pixel aspect ratio is correct, select the clip and change the Scale property of the Motion effect. The Motion effect is available when you view the Effect Controls window with the clip selected in the Timeline window.
For more information, see Setting pixel aspect ratio on page 65.
Use Pixel Aspect Ratio From File uses the original aspect ratio saved with the still image. Conform To lets you choose from a list of standard aspect ratios.
To view a projects aspect ratio: Choose Project > Project Settings > General. To view or change the pixel aspect ratio used for individual source clips: Choose File > Interpret Footage. For information about options in the Conform To pop-up menu, see Common pixel aspect ratios for added les on page 65.
D4/D16 Anamorphic 8:3 Uses a 1.8962962 pixel aspect ratio. Use this setting if your source clip has a 1440 x 1024 or 2880 x 2048 frame size and you want it to maintain an 8:3 frame aspect ratio.
If your nal output is DV (NTSC), create and save it at a 720 x 540 frame size to prevent upsampling or 640 x 480 to prevent eld distortion on a eld-rendered le (such as a 3D animation). If your nal output is DV (PAL), create and save it at a 768 x 576 frame size to prevent upsampling and eld distortion on a eld-rendered le (such as a 3D animation). If your nal output is D1 (NTSC), create and save it at a 720 x 540 frame size. If your square-pixel le was created and saved at the frame size used by your project (such as 720 x 480), but not at the pixel aspect ratio of the project, redesign your image using a different frame size (such as 720 x 540). This is necessary when the application you use to prepare the le doesnt support nonsquare pixels.
To replace an ofine le with a le thats already on your hard disk: 1 In the Media window, select one or more ofine les. 2 Choose Project > Locate Media. 3 Do one of the following, and click OK:
Locate and select the actual source le. Click Cancel if you cant locate the le you wanted to link to.
Note: If you selected more than one ofine le, the Attach Which Media dialog box appears in turn for each le you selected. Pay attention to the ofine le name in the title bar of the dialog box so that you relink the correct source le to each ofine le.
Editing Movies
Editing Movies
About editing a movie
Typically when editing a movie, youll initially create a rough cuta complete yet relatively crude version of the movie. You arrange the scenes of your movie in the Timeline window. The Timeline window uses tracks and a time ruler to display the components of your movie and their relationship to each other over time. It contains two default tracks for video and still images, and two default tracks for audio. You can add additional tracks at any time. Tracks let you layer your video or audio. You can place video or still images, such as titles, on top of each other (superimposing), or add music to play in the background of your soundtrack. The nal movie combines all the video and audio tracks together. Using the Timeline window, you place clips in the order you want them viewed. You can trim and add scenes, indicate important frames with markers, add transitions, and control how clips blend or superimpose.
Timeline window A. Selection tool B. Razor tool C. Time Stretch tool D. Time ruler E. Video tracks F. Audio tracks
Editing Movies
Clip view Lets you play a single clip, set clip markers, and trim a clip by setting In and Out points. The In and Out points dene the portion of the clip that will appear in the movie. When you view a clip in the Clip view, you can view the entire clipall the frames placed in the movie, as well as its trimmed frames. The Clip view of the Monitor window is independent of the Timeline window. The current-time indicator in the Clip view is not linked to the current-time indicator in the Timeline window. Timeline view Lets you play or view the movie assembled in the Timeline window, set markers, and locate specic frames while editing. The Timeline view and the Timeline window work in tandem. For example, as you move the current-time indicator in the Timeline window, the Timeline view of the Monitor window displays the frames. To preview a clip or movie in the Monitor window, see Previewing an individual clip in the Monitor window on page 102 and Previewing a movie on page 103.
Drag the end of the navigation bar left in the Monitor window to zoom in or right to zoom out.
To zoom in or out of the Monitor window time ruler: Do one of the following:
To zoom in on time ruler, drag either end of the navigation bar towards the center. To zoom out on time ruler, drag either end of the navigation bar out towards the edge of the ruler.
To view a different area of the time ruler, drag the middle of the navigation bar to scroll the ruler right or left. When zoomed in, you may not see the slider shift position, but you will see the ruler scroll as you drag right or left.
Editing Movies
Time navigation controls in the Timeline window A. Time display showing position of current-time indicator B. Current-time indicator
To position the current-time indicator in the Timeline window: Do any of the following:
Drag the current-time indicator . Click the time ruler where you want to position the current-time indicator. Press Shift while dragging the current-time indicator to snap it to the edge of the closest clip or marker. Drag the time display (just above the left edge of the time ruler) to the desired time value. Click the time display (just above the left edge of the time ruler), type a valid time, and then press Enter. (You dont need to type leading zeros, colons, or semicolons. However, be aware that Adobe Premiere Elements interprets numbers under 100 as frames.) In the Timeline view of the Monitor window, use any playback control.
You can use the Home or End keys on the keyboard to skip back to the beginning or ahead to the end of the movie. In addition, the Right or Left Arrow keys on the keyboard move the current-time indicator forward or back a frame, while pressing Shift+Right Arrow or Shift+Left Arrow moves it in increments of ve frames.
Editing Movies
Timeline window zoom controls A. Zoom-Out button B. Zoom slider C. Zoom-In button
To display the Timeline window in more detail: Drag the Zoom slider to the right, or click the Zoom In button . To display more of the movie in the Timeline window: Drag the Zoom slider to the left, or click the Zoom Out button . To zoom out so that the entire length of the movie is visible in the Timeline window, make sure that the Timeline window active; then press the Backslash key (\) on the keyboard. You can also zoom in and out by pressing the Plus (+) or Minus (-) keys on the keyboard (not the numeric keypad).
Set Display Style buttons control track display options in Timeline window.
Editing Movies
Displaying thumbnail images across the duration of the clip gives you a sense of the progression of the clip. However, do not confuse the boundary between thumbnails as the actual boundary between frames. Think of the thumbnails as a storyboard or sketch of the clips content. To select a tracks display style: Click the Set Display Style (video) or (audio) button at the left corner of the track. Each time you click, the tracks display style toggles to a different view. To see more volume detail when viewing an audio waveform in the Timeline window, increase the track height. (See Resizing tracks on page 72.) Note: For more information about viewing and adjusting keyframes in video and audio tracks, see About animating effects on page 166.
Resizing tracks
Tracks have three preset sizes, Small, Medium, and Large. The Large view is helpful for viewing the clip thumbnails and adjusting effects such as the opacity or volume of a clip. You can also resize tracks manually and resize the width of the track header area to accommodate long track names. In addition, if your movie contains more tracks than can t on screen at one time, you can adjust the relative proportion of visible video and audio tracks to favor the tracks you need to see. To resize the height of a track: Do one of the following:
Click the More button in the Timeline window and choose Track Size, and then choose either Small, Medium, or Large. In the track header area of the Timeline window, position the pointer between two tracks so that the Height Adjustment icon appears; then drag up or down to resize the track below (for video) or the track above (for audio).
Note: To resize either all video or all audio tracks at the same time, hold Shift while resizing a video or audio track. To resize the track header section of the Timeline window: Position the pointer over the right edge of the track header (where track names are listed) so that the Resize icon appears, and then drag the right edge. (The icons at the top of the track header limit its minimum width. The maximum width is about double the minimum width.)
Editing Movies
To change the proportion of video and audio tracks visible in the Timeline window: 1 Either in the track header area on the left or between the scroll bars on the right, position the pointer between the Video 1 and Audio 1 tracks. 2 When the Split Track icon , appears, drag up or down.
Linked clips share same name with either [V] or [A] appended and are underlined.
All editing tasks (such as moving, trimming, or changing the clip speed) act on both parts of a linked clip. You can temporarily override the link by pressing the Alt key when you initiate editing tasks. You can also place the video or audio portion separately. For information about working with linked clips, see the following:
Adding only the audio or video portion of a linked clip to a movie on page 78. Selecting clips in the Timeline window on page 85. Rearranging clips in the Timeline window on page 85. Linking and unlinking video and audio clips on page 96.
Editing Movies
Clips after default insertion (top), and after Alt-drag insertion to target track (bottom). Notice second audio track unaffected by Alt-drag insertion.
To insert a clip into a movie, shifting all tracks: Do one of the following:
Drag the clip from the Media window or Clip view of the Monitor window to the desired location in the Timeline window. When the pointer changes to the Insert icon , release the mouse. Move the current-time indicator to the desired location in the Timeline window, select the clip in the Media window, and then choose Clip > Insert.
To insert only the audio or video of linked clips, see Adding only the audio or video portion of a linked clip to a movie on page 78. To insert a clip into a movie, shifting clips only on the target and linked tracks: Alt-drag the clip from the Media window or Clip view to the desired location in the Timeline window. When the pointer changes to the Insert icon , release the mouse. If you drag a clip into the blank space above the topmost video track (for video) or below the lowest audio track (for audio), Adobe Premiere Elements creates a new track for the clip. If the clip contains both audio and video, it creates both a new video and new audio track.
Editing Movies
Clips before an overlay edit (top) and after an overlay edit (bottom)
Ctrl-drag the clip from the Media window or Clip view of the Monitor window to the rst frame you want to overlay. When the pointer changes to the Overlay icon , release the mouse. Move the current-time indicator to the rst frame you want to overlay, select the clip in the Media window, then choose Clip > Overlay.
To overlay only the audio or video of linked clips, see Adding only the audio or video portion of a linked clip to a movie on page 78.
Editing Movies
To control the placement of the slides or clips, you can add unnumbered markers to the Timeline window and choose the option to place the media at those points. This feature is especially useful for matching slides to the beats of a music track.
In the Media window, arrange images or clips as you want them to appear in the slideshow or movie.
This command can automatically apply the default transition to the cut between clips. Initially, the default transitions are Cross Dissolve for video and Constant Power for audio. You can set the default to any transition you want in the Effects window. To change the default transition, see Changing the default transition used for Create Slideshow command on page 77. Note: The Create Slideshow command can add clips only at the same level in the Media window; it cant add clips within different folders at the same time. To add clips using Create Slideshow: 1 (Optional) If you want the media placed at specic points in the movie, add unnumbered markers to the Timeline window. 2 (Optional) In the Media window, open the folder containing the clips or images, click the Icon button at the bottom of the Media window, and then arrange the media in the order you want it to appear in the movie or slideshow. For a slideshow with numerous clips, isolate the clips in their own folder in the Media window before arranging or selecting them. (See Organizing clips in folders on page 35.) 3 Select the clips you want to add to the movie either by Ctrl-clicking them or by dragging a selection marquee around them. If you didnt arrange the clips in order in step 1, select them in the order you want them placed. 4 In the Media window, click the Create Slideshow button at the bottom of the window. 5 In the Create Slideshow dialog box, choose the Ordering option, which determines how to place the slides or clips:
Sort Order adds clips in the order theyre arranged in the Media window: from top to bottom in the List view or from left to right, top to bottom in the Icon view.
Editing Movies
Selection Order adds clips according to the order in which you selected them in the Media window.
6 (Video clips only) For Media, choose how you want to place the clips: with both the video and audio, the video only, or the audio only. 7 (Optional) If youve used unnumbered markers to indicate where you want the media placed, select Place Images/Clips At Unnumbered Markers. 8 Choose the other options in the Create Slideshow dialog box as appropriate, and then click OK. For information on arranging clips in the Media window, see Viewing lists or icons in the Media window on page 35. For information on Create Slideshow options, see Create Slideshow options on page 77.
Editing Movies
To change the default transition: 1 Click the Effects button Effects workspace. on the task bar. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the
2 In the Effects window, expand the Video Transitions or Audio Transitions folder. 3 Expand the folder containing the transition you want to use, and select the transition that you want to make the default. 4 Click the More button, and choose Set Selected As Default Transition. A red outline marks the icon of the default transition.
Take Video And Audio icon Take Video icon Take Audio icon
sets clip to include only video. sets clip to include only audio.
3 Add the clip to the movie by using one of the following techniques:
To insert a clip into a movie, shifting aside clips on other tracks as well, drag the clip to the desired location in the Timeline window. To insert the clip, shifting clips only in the target and linked tracks, Alt-drag the clip to the desired location in the Timeline window. To overlay a clip in the movie, Ctrl-drag the clip to the rst frame you want to overlay. To create a new track for the clip, drag the clip into the blank space above the topmost video track.
Editing Movies
Editing Movies
In and Out points serve as a window over a clip A. Trimmed frames B. In point C. Out point D. Trimmed frames
You always trim from either end of a clip. To trim frames from the middle of a clip, you must rst split the clip (which creates two instances of the original clip), and then trim the unwanted frames from the ends of each. You can set In and Out points and trim clips in several ways, by using buttons in the Monitor window, menu commands, or simply by dragging the ends of a clip in the Timeline window.
Editing Movies
A pop-up window displays the number of frames you are trimming as you trim them. This window displays a negative value if you drag the edge toward the beginning of the movie and a positive number if you drag toward the end of the movie. You can tell whether you have trimmed a clip by looking for a small gray triangle in the top corner at either end of the clip in the Timeline window. The triangle indicates you have not trimmed that edge.
Timeline window during (above) and after (below) trimming. Gray triangle in corner of clip disappears when you trim.
For linked clips (video that includes a soundtrack), dragging the edge of one, changes the In or Out points of both clips. Sometimes you want to trim linked clips independently in order to create split edits (also known as L-cuts and J-cuts). Pressing Alt when you trim allows you set the In and Out points of the video and audio separately. For information on trimming audio and video separately, see Trimming frames from linked audio and video separately on page 82. To change a clips In and Out points in the Timeline window: 1 In the Timeline window, click the Selection tool . To trim only one clip of a linked pair, Alt-select the clip to temporarily unlink them. Select them again to move them as a unit. 2 Position the pointer over the edge of the clip you want to trim until the correct icon appears:
3 Drag the edge to the desired frame. Notice that the Monitor window displays the frames as you drag, showing the frame from the adjacent clip (if any). Subsequent clips in the track shift in time to compensate for the edit, but their durations remain unchanged. Note: You cannot drag the In point of a clip to the left past the edge of an adjacent clip. (See Retrieving trimmed frames on page 83.)
Editing Movies
Locate the frame you want to be the rst frame of the clip, and click the Set In button (or choose Marker > Set Clip Marker > In). Locate the frame you want to be the last frame of the clip, and click the Set Out button (or choose Marker > Set Clip Marker > Out).
A J-cut, or audio lead, in which audio starts before linked video. An L-cut, in which audio continues after linked video.
To extend the audio before or after linked video: 1 In the Timeline window, click the Selection tool . 2 Drag the audio clip down to a separate track so it is not adjacent to other clips. 3 (Optional) Move the current-time indicator to the video frame to which you want to trim, and make sure Snap is turned on in the Timeline menu. (A check mark indicates it is on.) 4 Position the pointer over the edge of the video clip you want to trim, and do one of the following:.
Editing Movies
If trimming the beginning of the clip, when the Trim-In icon appears, press Alt and drag the edge to the desired frame. (You can release the Alt key once you begin dragging.) Notice that the video stays aligned with the previous clip. If trimming the end of the clip, when the Trim-Out icon appears, press Alt and drag the edge to the desired frame. (You can release the Alt key once you begin dragging.) Notice that subsequent clips in the track shift left. Alt-dragging a clip temporarily unlinks the clips. When you want to move or edit them together, select them again.
5 If you need to trim an adjacent clip so its audio doesnt overlap with the linked clips you just trimmed, repeat step 4 on the adjacent audio clip. Note: If the audio and video get out of sync in step 5 (a red number appears next to the clip name in the track), right-click the number on the audio clip (not the video clip), and choose Move Into Sync.
to retrieve frames from the beginning of a clip. to retrieve frames from the end of a clip.
4 Drag the edge to the desired frame. Note: To change the In or Out point of only one track of a linked clip, press Alt as you drag. You do not need to hold down the Alt key once you start to drag.
Editing Movies
To retrieve frames in the Clip view: 1 If the clip is in the Timeline window, make sure that you have sufcient blank frames adjacent to the In or Out point you are changing. 2 Double-click the video clip in the Media window or Timeline window to open the clip in the Monitor window. 3 In the Clip view of the Monitor window, do one of the following:
Move to the frame you want to be the rst frame of the clip, and click the Set In button (or choose Marker > Set Clip Marker > In). Move to the frame you want to be the last frame of the clip, and then click the Set Out button (or choose Marker > Set Clip Marker > Out). Drag the In or Out point marker in the Clip view time ruler to the desired frame.
To remove In and Out points from a source clip: 1 Double-click the source clip in the Media window to open it in the Monitor window. 2 Choose Marker > Clear Clip Marker, and choose an option in the submenu:
In and Out resets both the In and Out point. In resets the In point only. Out resets the Out point only
You can also clear an In or Out point from a source clip (not the version in the Timeline window) by Alt-clicking the Set In button or the Set Out button respectively in the Clip view of the Monitor window.
Editing Movies
To select a single clip, click the clip in the Timeline window. If the clip is linked or grouped, clicking one clip selects the other linked or grouped clips. To select only the audio or video portion of linked clips, Alt-click the desired clip. To select a single clip within a group, Alt-click the desired clip. To select multiple clips, Shift-click each clip you want to select. (Shift-click a selected clip to deselect it.) To select sequential clips, drag a rectangle (marquee selection) that includes the clips you want to select. To add a range of clips to the current selection, Shift-drag a marquee around the clips.
Editing Movies
To move only one clip of a linked pair: 1 In the Timeline window, Alt-select the clip you want to move. 2 Drag it to the desired location, and do one of the following:
To shift clips only on the target tracks, release the mouse when the pointer changes to the Insert icon . To overlay another clip, press the Ctrl key, and when the pointer changes to the Overlay icon , release the mouse.
To determine the duration of clips before you copy or paste them, see Finding the duration of several clips on page 87. To copy and paste one or more clips: 1 Select one or more clips in the movie, or to select only the audio or video of linked clips, Alt-click the desired clip. 2 Choose Edit > Copy. 3 In the Timeline window, position the current-time indicator at the point you want to paste. 4 Do one of the following:
To overlay the clips and replace existing footage on the track, choose Edit > Paste. To insert the pasted clips and shift existing footage, choose Edit > Paste Insert.
Editing Movies
Duration of multiple clips in Timeline window includes total time spanned by selected clips.
To view the total duration of selected clips: 1 Make sure that the Info palette is visible. If not visible, choose Window > Info. 2 In either the Media window or Timeline window, select the desired clips. The Info palette displays the number of items selected and the total duration of those items. You can view the duration of a single clip in a tool tip by positioning the cursor over a clip in the Timeline window.
Editing Movies
Right-click the empty space, and choose Ripple Delete. Select the space you want to delete, and press the Backspace key.
Note: If the gap is small and difcult to select, move the current-time indicator to the gap and click the Zoom In button .
Ripple deletion removes frames from the movie and closes the resulting gap, shifting subsequent clips over. Clearing removes the clip from the movie and leaves a gap of the same duration as the frames you remove.
Ripple deletion removes frames, shifting adjacent clips over to ll in gap (middle). Clearing removes frames, leaving a gap (bottom).
Note: Deleting a clip from a movie does not delete it from the project. The clip is still available in the Media window.
Editing Movies
To remove a clip and close the resulting gap (ripple delete): To remove entire clips, select one or more clips in the movie, and choose Edit > Ripple Delete, or press the Backspace key. To delete a single clip of a linked pair, Alt-select the clip you want to delete, and then choose Edit > Ripple Delete, or press the Backspace key. To remove clips and leave a gap: To remove entire clips, select one or more clips in the movie, and choose Edit > Clear.
Splitting a clip
At times you may want to apply different effects to different parts of a clip, for example, to speed up one scene or play it in reverse. You can split a clip in a movie by using the Razor tool . Splitting a clip creates a new and separate instance of the original clip, and if linked to another clip, a new instance of the linked clip as well. The resulting clips are full versions of the original clip, but with the In or Out point changed to match the location marked by the Razor tool.
Note: If you want to change effect settings over time, you neednt split the clip; you can apply keyframes to a single clip instead. (See About animating effects on page 166.)
Editing Movies
To split a single clip or multiple clips: 1 In the Timeline window, click the Razor tool
To split a single clip or linked clips, click the point in the track where you want to split the clip or clips. To split only the video or audio portion of a linked clip, Alt-click the point in the track where you want to split the clip. To split the clips across all tracks, Shift-click the point in the track where you want to split the clips.
For a precise edit, use the Monitor window to locate where you want to split the clip. Then position the Razor tool over the current-time indicator and click as described above, or to split the clips across all tracks, choose Timeline > Razor At Current Time Indicator.
Move Into Sync shifts the video or audio clip to synchronize them. Adjacent clips are overwritten as necessary to accommodate the shifting clips. If you have trimmed either clip, Adobe Premiere Elements aligns them as originally shot, which means that their In or Out points may not match. Slip Into Sync performs a slip edit to synchronize the video and audio. A slip edit maintains the position and duration of the clips in the tracks. It uses the trimmed frames as needed to shift the content of the clips until aligned as originally shot. The distance between the In and Out points and their location in the tracks remains the same; but where those In and Out point are positioned in the original clip shifts. This option is available only if the chosen clip contains a sufcient number of trimmed frames to compensate for the offset.
Audio offset to right (top), audio slipped into sync (middle), audio moved into sync (bottom)
Editing Movies
To automatically synchronize clips that were moved out of sync: 1 In the Timeline window, right-click the offset number of the clip you want to move or adjust. 2 Choose either Move Into Sync or Slip Into Sync from the context menu that appears. The clip you right-click moves or adjusts to align with the other clip, which remains in place.
to time stretch the clip to the right of the pointer. to time stretch the clip to the left of the pointer.
Editing Movies
4 Drag the edge of the clip, increasing its length to slow it down, or shortening it to speed it up. (When slowing down a clip, you cannot stretch it past the edge of an adjacent clip.)
Because you cannot stretch a clip past the edge of an adjacent clip, it is sometimes easier to drag the clip to the end of the movie and adjust it there. When you are satised with its speed, simply drag it back into position in the movie. 5 Preview your changes, and then make adjustments as necessary. (See Previewing a movie on page 103.) 6 If you moved the clip in step 1, click the Selection tool, and then drag the clip back into place in the movie. To change a clips speed by using the Time Stretch command: 1 If you plan to slow down a clip that has another clip on its right in the Timeline window, drag it to the end of the movie in the Timeline window so you can stretch it without bumping into an adjacent clip. 2 Select the clip in the Timeline window. Note: If you havent yet added the clip to the Timeline window, you can select it in the Media window instead. 3 Choose Clip > Time Stretch. 4 In the Time Stretch dialog box, type a percentage for Speed. A value less the 100% slows the clip down; a value greater than 100% increases its speed. 5 (Optional) To keep the pitch of an audio clip unchanged, select Maintain Audio Pitch. 6 Click OK. 7 Preview your changes, and then make adjustments as necessary. (See Previewing a movie on page 103.) 8 If you moved the clip in step 1, drag it back into place in the movie.
Editing Movies
duration as you would any other clip. (See Exporting a frame as a still image on page 219.) To freeze a video frame: 1 Double-click a clip in the Timeline window to display it in the Clip view of the Monitor window. 2 To freeze on a specic frame, rather than the In or Out point of the clip, locate the frame you want displayed, and choose Marker > Set Clip Marker > Other Numbered. Then, specify 0 (zero) for Set Numbered Marker, and click OK. Important: You must set a Clip marker in the clip, not a Timeline marker in the movie. 3 Select the clip in the Timeline window. 4 Choose Clip > Video Options > Frame Hold. 5 In the Frame Hold Options dialog box, select Hold On. 6 Choose the frame you want to hold from the menu: In Point, Out Point, or Marker 0. 7 Specify the following options as desired, and then click OK:
Hold Filters prevents any keyframed effect settings (if any are present) from animating during the duration of the clip. Effect settings use the values at the held frame. Deinterlace removes one eld from an interlaced video clip and doubles the remaining eld, so that interlace artifacts are not apparent in the freeze frame.
Note: If you set the hold frame on an In or Out point, changing the In or Out point doesnt change the freeze frame. On the other hand, if set to hold on Marker 0, moving the marker does change the frame displayed.
Editing Movies
If you need to adjust the volume separately in different parts of a clip, for example, one persons voice is faint, while later anothers is too loud, you can use keyframes to vary the volume throughout the clip. (See Displaying, selecting, moving, and copying keyframes on page 171.) Note: If the original level of a clip is much too high or low, you can change the input level, or gain. (See Changing the input level (gain) of audio clips on page 95.) To change a clips volume: 1 In the Timeline window, select Volume > Level from the pop-up menu in the top-left corner of the clip.
2 Position the pointer on the clips Volume graph; the pointer becomes a double-arrow icon . 3 Drag to adjust the level uniformly (if keyframes have not been added) or to move existing keyframes.
Editing Movies
To mute a clip: 1 If the clip is linked to video, Alt-click the clip in the Timeline window to select just the audio clip. 2 Choose Clip > Enable. (When you disable a clip, the check mark disappears next to the option in the clip menu, and the clip name dims in the track.) To view the Audio Meters window: Select Window > Audio Meters.
Type a Gain value (0 dB equals the clips original gain). Click Normalize to automatically optimize gain. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the amount required to reach maximum gain without clipping.
Grouping clips
You can group clips so that you can move, disable, copy, or delete them together. When you group a linked clip with other clips, both the audio and video portion of the linked clip are included in the group. You can select an individual clip within the group by rst Altclicking the clip. To group clips: Select multiple clips, and choose Clip > Group. To ungroup clips: Click any clip in the group to select the group, and choose Clip > Ungroup. To select one or more clips in a group of clips: Do any of the following:
Editing Movies
Using markers
You can place markers to indicate important points in a clip or movie. Markers can help you position and arrange clips. Each movie and each clip can individually contain up to 100 numbered markers (labeled from 0 to 99) and as many unnumbered markers as you want. You can also add DVD markers for use in creating a DVD in Adobe Premiere Elements. (See Working with DVD markers on page 199.) Working with markers is much the same as working with In and Out points. However, while In and Out points set the actual start and end point of a clip, markers are only for reference and do not affect clips in the nished movie.
Editing Movies
Markers in the Timeline window A. Timeline markers in movie B. Clip markers in clip
Markers you add to a clip placed in a movie appear only in that instance of the clip. Markers you add to a source clip (opened from the Media window) appear in each instance of the clip that you subsequently add to the movie. Adding markers to a source clip doesnt affect instances of the clip already in a movie. To add an unnumbered marker: 1 Do one of the following:
To add a clip marker to a source clip, double-click the clip in the Media window to open it in the Clip view. To add a clip marker to a clip in the movie, double-click the clip in the Timeline window to open it in the Clip view. To add a timeline marker to a movie in the Timeline window, click the Timeline button at the top of the Monitor window.
2 Move to the frame where you want to set the marker. 3 Do one of the following:
In the Monitor window, click the Set Unnumbered Marker icon to add a marker to a clip or movie.
Editing Movies
(Movies only) In the Timeline window, either click the Set Unnumbered Timeline Marker icon in the Timeline window or drag a marker from the icon to any point in the time ruler. You can insert markers while a movie or clip plays. Just click the Set Unnumbered Marker icon in the Monitor window at the locations you want to mark.
To add a clip marker to a clip, open a clip in Clip view. To add a timeline marker to the movie in the Timeline window, click the Timeline button in the Monitor window.
2 Move to the frame you want to mark. 3 Depending on the type of marker you want to set, choose Marker > Set Clip Marker or Marker > Set Timeline Marker, and choose an option from the submenu:
Unnumbered sets a blank marker. Next Available Numbered sets a numbered marker using the lowest unused number. Other Numbered opens a dialog box in which you can specify any unused number from 0 to 99.
To help position clips at a marker, make sure that the Snap command is selected in the Timeline menu. (A check mark indicates it is selected.) Then, clips will snap to the markers as you drag them into position in the Timeline window. To go to a clip or timeline marker in the Timeline window: 1 Do one of the following:
To move to a clip marker in a clip, select the clip in the Timeline window. To move to a timeline marker in a movie, make sure that no clips are selected in the Timeline window.
2 Choose either Marker > Go To Clip Marker or Marker > Go To Timeline Marker, and choose Next, Previous, or Numbered from the submenu.
In the time ruler in the Monitor window, drag the Marker icon to a new position.
Editing Movies
In the Timeline windows time ruler, drag the marker to a new position. Dragging beyond either edge of the time ruler scrolls the time ruler.
Note: You cant move a clip marker in the Timeline window; you must open the clip in the Monitor window and drag the marker in the Monitor window time ruler. To delete a timeline marker: 1 Make sure that no clips are selected in the Timeline window. 2 Move the current-time indicator to the timeline marker. To place the current-time indicator precisely on a marker, either zoom in completely on the time ruler so you can see its exact location or choose Marker > Go To Timeline Marker, and choose Next, Previous, or Numbered from the submenu. 3 Choose Marker > Clear Timeline Marker, and choose an option from the submenu:
Timeline Marker At Current Time Indicator deletes the timeline marker at the current time. (If the option is not available, you have not placed the current-time indicator precisely on the marker.) All Markers deletes all timeline markers from the movie. Numbered deletes a numbered timeline marker from a list of all numbered markers.
Note: You cant remove a timeline marker by dragging it away from the time ruler. To delete a clip marker: 1 Select the clip in the Timeline window. 2 Move the current-time indicator to the clip marker. To place the current-time indicator precisely on a marker, either zoom in completely on the time ruler so you can see its exact location or choose Marker > Go To Clip Marker, and choose Next, Previous, or Numbered from the submenu. 3 Choose Marker > Clear Clip Marker, and choose an option from the submenu:
Current Marker deletes the marker at the current time. (If the option is not available, you have not placed the current-time indicator precisely on the marker.) All Markers deletes all clip markers from the clip. Numbered deletes a numbered clip marker from a list of all numbered markers.
To clear all clip markers from a clip, select the clip in the Timeline window. To clear all timeline markers from the Timeline window, make sure that no clips are selected in the movie.
2 Choose either Marker > Clear Clip Marker > All Markers or Marker > Clear Timeline Marker > All Markers.
Editing Movies
To create a comment, type a message in the Comments eld. To change the duration of the marker, drag the duration value or click the value to select it, type a new value, and press Enter. To create a chapter point for Adobe Encore DVD, enter the chapter name or number in the Chapter eld. To create a web link, enter a URL and Frame Target. The frame number must match a frame in the web page containing the movie.
3 To enter comments or specify options for other timeline markers, click Prev or Next. 4 Repeat steps 1-3 until you are nished modifying timeline markers, and click OK. To create a timeline marker and open a comment window simultaneously: 1 In the Timeline view of the Monitor window or in the Timeline window, navigate to the frame where you want to place the marker. 2 Double-click the Set Unnumbered Timeline Marker icon . 3 Enter your marker comments, and click OK.
Editing Movies
Timeline view of Monitor window A. View zoom level menu B. Timecode indicating position of current-time indicator C. Time ruler. D Current-time indicator E. Go to previous edit point F. Go to next edit point G. Step Back H. Play/Pause I. Shuttle J. Step Forward K. Set Unnumbered Timeline Marker L. Export Frame
Editing Movies
Clip view of Monitor window displaying audio waveform, left channel on top, right channel on bottom.
To view a larger version of the clip or more detail in the audio waveform, enlarge the Monitor window. When viewing an audio waveform, the Monitor window automatically resizes the waveform to t the window. When viewing video, if you set the zoom level to Fit, Adobe Premiere Elements resizes the clip. To play a clip: 1 Double-click the clip in the Media or Timeline window, or drag the clip from the Media window to the Clip view of the Monitor window. The clip appears in the Clip view. 2 Do any of the following:
Click the Play button . (To pause, click the Pause button between Play and Pause.) Press the Spacebar. (To pause, click the Spacebar again.)
Drag the shuttle to the right. The clip plays faster the further you drag the shuttle. Drag the shuttle to the left to play in reverse. The clip plays faster the further you drag the shuttle. Press the letter L or Shift+L to play the clip. To play faster, press the letter repeatedly. For most media types, pressing L increases the clip speed from one to two to three to four times, while pressing Shift+L increases the speed in 0.1 increments. Press the letter J or Shift+J to play the clip in reverse. To play faster, press the letter repeatedly. For most media types, pressing J increases the clip speed from one to two to three to four times, while pressing Shift+J increases the speed in 0.1 increments.
Click the current-time display, and type the new time. (You dont need to type colons or semicolons. However, be aware that Adobe Premiere Elements interprets numbers under 100 as frames.)
Editing Movies
To go forward one frame, click the Frame Forward button To go backward one frame, click the Frame Back button .
. . .
To go forward ve frames, Shift-click the Frame Forward button To go backward ve frames, Shift-click the Frame Back button
To go to the end of the previous clip (the cut or edit point), click the Previous Edit Point button in the Timeline view. To go to the beginning of the next clip, click the Previous Edit Point button in the Timeline view.
For information about controlling playback in the Timeline window, see Moving through a movie in the Timeline window on page 70.
To zoom in or out in Monitor window: In the Monitor window, choose the desired display size from the zoom menu. Note: When viewing the audio waveform of an audio clip, the Monitor window does not contain the zoom options, but instead it automatically resizes the waveform to t the window.
Previewing a movie
You can preview all or part of a movie at any time in the Monitor window. To preview a movie, Adobe Premiere Elements must rst prepare the clips on all the tracks for viewing, applying effects, motion, opacity, and volume settings. Adobe Premiere Elements dynamically adjusts video quality and frame rate in order to preview the movie in real time. Whenever possible, it prepares the content while displaying the movie in the Monitor window. Movies that consist of cuts between single tracks of video and audio generally preview at normal speed.
Editing Movies
More complex movies, movies with effects and layered video and audio, require more processing time to display properly. If Adobe Premiere Elements cant display an area at full speed and quality, it adds a thin, red line in the time ruler. To play these areas, you can instead rst render that area and subsequently preview it. Rendering processes the layers and effects and saves the resultant preview into a le, which Adobe Premiere Elements can use each time you preview the movie. (In the Timeline window, rendered areas are marked with a green line.) You designate the area to render by using the work area bar in the Timeline window.
Timeline window A. Work area bar B. Green bar indicates fully rendered area C. Red bar indicates area needs rendering for best quality preview
Press the spacebar when the Timeline window or the Timeline view is active. Drag the shuttle to the right in the Timeline view of the Monitor window. The clip plays faster the further you drag the shuttle. To play in reverse, drag the shuttle to the left in the Timeline view of the Monitor window. The clip plays faster the further you drag the shuttle.
2 To pause the preview, click the Pause button or press the spacebar. (The Play button and the spacebar toggle between Play and Pause.) To set the area to be rendered (the work area): Do any of the following:
Drag the textured center of the work area bar over the section you want to preview. Make sure that you drag the work area bar from its center; otherwise you move the current-time indicator instead.
Grabbing the work area bar and dragging it over a section to preview
Editing Movies
If the textured center is not visible, Alt-drag the work area bar over the section you want to preview.
Dragging a work area marker to mark the end of the work area
Position the current-time indicator, and press Alt+[ to set the beginning of the work area. Position the current-time indicator, and press Alt+] to set the end of the work area. Alt-double-click the work area bar to resize it to the width of the movie. Double-click the work area bar to resize it to the width of the time ruler, or the length of the entire movie, whichever is shorter. Position the pointer over the work area bar to display a tool tip that shows the work area bars start timecode, end timecode, and duration.
To render a preview: Set the work area bar over the area you want to preview, and choose Timeline > Render Work Area. (The rendering time depends on your systems resources and the complexity of the segment.) You can also render a preview by setting the work area bar and pressing Enter.
Editing Movies
Play Audio On DV Hardware previews audio only through the DV device to external speakers. Play Audio On Audio Hardware plays the audio through the computers hardware and speakers, including external speakers connected to your computers sound card. Playback On Desktop Only displays real-time playback only on the computers monitor. Playback On DV Hardware Only displays real-time playback only through the DV device to a television monitor. Playback On DV Hardware And Desktop displays real-time playback on the computers monitor and through a DV device to a television monitor.
5 Leave the Desktop Display Mode options as set by Adobe Premiere Elements. Note: If previews are jerky even after rendering the movie, your display card may not fully support Direct3D. In that case, select Use GDI for Display Mode. There can be a slight delay between the playback on the desktop and the playback on a television by means of a camcorder. If the video and audio seem out of sync, try to preview both video and audio through the same device.
Editing Movies
To view safe zones in the Monitor window: Click the More button in the Monitor window, and choose Safe Margins. A check mark next to the name indicates the safe zone margins are on. The standard action- and title-safe margins are 10% and 20%, respectively. However, you can change the dimensions of the safe zones in the Project Settings dialog box. (See Specifying General settings on page 43.)
Any effect is available to Adobe Premiere Elements when its plug-in le is present in the Plug-ins folder, which is located in the Adobe Premiere Elements folder by default. If you purchase additional effects, purchased Adobe Premiere Elements as part of a hardware package, or remove les from the Plug-ins folder, you may have a different set of effects than those described in Adobe Premiere Elements Help. You can nd a complete list of third-party plug-in vendors on the Adobe website, www.adobe.com. Note: If you use effects not included with Adobe Premiere Elements and you want to open your project on another Adobe Premiere Elements system, you must install the same effects on that system. When you open a project with references to missing effects, Adobe Premiere Elements removes the corresponding effects from the project.
Effects window A. Presets folder B. Effects folders C. Favorites folder D. Audio effect E. Audio transition F. Video effect G. Video transition H. Effects window menu I. Search text box J. Transitions folders K. New Custom folder L. Delete Custom Item
To delete an effect by name, use the Effect Controls window. Choose Window > Effect Controls, select the effect that you want to delete, and press Delete. To immediately delete an effect that you just applied, use the History palette. Choose Window > History, select Apply Filter, and click the Delete Redoable Actions button . You can select any previous Apply Filer entry as well, but note that if you performed other actions after the Apply Filter action, deleting the Apply Filter action also deletes the actions below it. If your screen cannot easily accommodate the History palette, you can choose Edit > Undo to delete effects.
To create a custom folder, click the New Custom folder button , or choose New Custom folder from the More menu. To create a presets folder, choose New Presets folder from the More menu. Adobe Premiere Elements creates a directory called Preset Folder [folder number] and nests this and any other new presets folder in the root Presets folder.
2 Locate the effect, transition, or preset that you want to store in a folder. You may want to resize the palette so that you can see both the item that you want to locate and the folder you want to place it in. 3 Drag the item to the appropriate folder. Adobe Premiere Elements creates a shortcut to the item. To rename a folder: 1 Select the folder that you want to rename, and then click the folder name to select it. 2 Type a new name for the folder, and press Enter. To delete a folder or an item in a folder: 1 Select the folder or folder item that you want to delete. 2 Click the Delete Custom Items button at the bottom of the Effects window.
If you apply an effect preset to a clip and the preset contains settings for an effect that is already applied to the clip, Adobe Premiere Elements modies the clip using the following rules:
If the effect preset contains a xed effect (motion, opacity, or volume), applying the preset replaces the existing effect settings. If the effect preset contains a standard effect, the effect is added to the bottom of the current list of effects. However, if you drag the effect into the Effect Controls window, you can place the effect anywhere in the hierarchy.
To apply an effect preset: 1 Click the Effects button in the task bar to open the Effects window. 2 Expand the Presets folder, and drag the effect preset onto the clip in the Timeline window. Note: You can also drag the preset to the Effect Controls window to apply it. For more information, see Using the Effect Controls window on page 115. For more information on creating your own presets, see Creating and saving effect presets on page 114 and Working with custom and preset folders on page 112.
Effect Controls window A. Clip name B. Reset Effect button C. Show/Hide Effects button D. Show/Hide Timeline button E. Keyframe area F. Currently selected clip (in the keyframe area) G. Current-time indicator H. More menu I. Effect button J. Toggle Animation button K. Effect properties L. Effect values M. Current time N. Zoom controls O. Play Audio P. Loop Audio
To quickly optimize your workspace for effects editing, choose Windows > Workspace > Effects. To view the Effect Controls window and all of effects applied to it: 1 In the Timeline window, select the clip with the effects you want to view. 2 Do one of the following:
Click and hold the Effects button in the task bar, and choose Advanced Effects from the menu that appears. Choose Window > Effect Controls.
To play audio in the selected clip: In the Effect Controls window, click the Play Audio button . To play audio as a continuous loop, click the Loop Audio button before you click Play Audio. Note: Audio playback controls are available only if the selected clip contains audio.
Drag the underlined value left or right. Click the underlined value, enter a new value, and press Enter. Drag inside the angle control area.Once you have clicked inside the angle control, you can drag outside of it to quickly change the values. Expand the property by clicking the triangle next to the property name (if available), and then drag the slider or angle control (depending on the property).
Click the color swatch, select a color in the Color dialog box, and then click OK. Click the eyedropper, position it on the desired color anywhere on the screen, and then click to select the color.
Click the Effect button . To disable or enable all the effects on a clip, hold down Alt as you click the Effect button. Select the effect, and then click the More button and choose Effect Enabled so that a check mark doesnt appear next to it.
To remove effects from a clip: 1 Select the clip in the Timeline window. 2 In the Effect Controls window, select the effects you want to remove, and then do one of the following:
Press Delete or Backspace. Click the More button and choose Delete Selected Effect or Delete All Effects From Clip.
Note: You cannot remove the xed effects, Motion, Opacity, and Volume.
Adobe Color Picker dialog box A. Picked color B. Original color C. Color led D. Color slider triangles E. Color components F. Hexidecimal color value
For more information, see Color components in the Adobe Color Picker on page 120. To select a color with the eyedropper: 1 Click a features eyedropper button , and move the eyedropper pointer anywhere on the screen. The color next to the eyedropper button dynamically changes to reect the color that appears underneath the eyedropper. 2 Do one of the following:
To select the color of a single pixel, click the pixel. To sample the color average of a 3 x 3-pixel area, Ctrl-click. To sample a range of adjacent pixels, Shift-drag over the pixels.
To visually select a color with the color picker: 1 Select the component used to display the color spectrum. For example, select R for red. 2 To adjust the colors displayed in the spectrum, drag the triangles along the color slider, or click inside the color slider. 3 To select a color, click or drag inside the large square color spectrum. As you adjust the color, the top rectangle to the right of the color slider displays the new color; the bottom rectangle displays the original color.
To numerically specify a color with the color picker: Enter color values in any of the boxes:
For HSB, specify hue (H) as an angle, from 0 to 360, that corresponds to a location on the color wheel. Specify saturation (S) and brightness (B) as percentages. For RGB, specify red, green, and blue values from 0 to 255 (0 is black, and 255 is the pure color). For HSL, specify hue (H) as an angle, from 0 to 360, that corresponds to a location on the color wheel. Specify saturation (S) and luminance (L) as percentages. For YUV, specify a luminance (Y) value from 0 to 255. Specify blue (U) and red (V) values from 127 to -128. For the # box, enter a color value in hexidecimal form.
H displays all hues in the color slider. Selecting a hue in the color slider displays the saturation and brightness range of the selected hue in the color eld, with the saturation increasing from left to right and brightness increasing from bottom to top. S displays all hues in the color eld with their maximum brightness at the top of the color eld, decreasing to their minimum at the bottom. The color slider displays the color that's selected in the color eld with its maximum saturation at the top of the slider and its minimum saturation at the bottom. B in the HSB section displays all hues in the color eld with their minimum saturation at the top of the color eld, increasing to their maximum saturation at the bottom. The color slider displays the color that's selected in the color eld with its minimum brightness at the top of the slider, and its maximum luminance at the bottom. L displays similar data to B. However, luminance values replace brightness values in the color slider. R displays the red color component in the color slider with its maximum brightness (255) at the top of the slider and its minimum brightness (0) at the bottom. When the color slider is set to minimum brightness, the color eld displays colors created by the green and blue color components. Using the color slider to increase the red brightness mixes more red into the colors displayed in the color eld. G displays the green color component in the color slider with its maximum brightness (255) at the top of the slider and its minimum brightness (0) at the bottom. When the color slider is set to minimum brightness, the color eld displays colors created by the red and blue color components. Using the color slider to increase the green brightness mixes more green into the colors displayed in the color eld. B in the RGB section displays the blue color component in the color slider with its maximum brightness (255) at the top of the slider and its minimum brightness (0) at the bottom. When the color slider is set to minimum brightness, the color eld displays colors created by the green and red color components. Using the color slider to increase the blue brightness mixes more blue into the colors displayed in the color eld.
Y displays the luminance component in the color slider with the minimum value (0) at the top and the maximum (255) at the bottom. The color eld displays the full range of U- and V-axis colors at the current luminance value. U displays the U axis in the color slider. The color eld displays the full range of luminance (Y) and V-axis colors at the current U value. V displays the V axis in the color slider. The color eld displays the full range of luminance (Y) and U-axis colors at the current V value.
2 Drag the clip in the Monitor window (making sure not to drag a handle) to reposition it. To make the clip move over time, set keyframes as you manipulate the clip in the Monitor window.
To adjust a clips scale: 1 Select the clip in the Monitor window. 2 Do any of the following:
To scale freely, drag a corner clip handle. To scale one dimension only, drag a side (not a corner) clip handle. To scale proportionally, Shift-drag any handle.
Note: Scaling video and low-resolution images over 100% can make them look blocky or pixelated. Adobe Premiere Elements continuously rasterizes scaled EPS les to prevent pixelization. To adjust a clips rotation: 1 Select the clip in the Monitor window. 2 In the Monitor window, position the pointer slightly outside any of the eight handles surrounding the clip, so that the pointer changes into the Rotate icon . 3 Do any of the following:
To rotate the clip, drag. To create multiple rotations, drag in a circular motion until the clip rotates the number of times you want.
To adjust a clips anchor point: 1 Select the clip in the Monitor window. 2 In the Effect Controls window, select the Motion effect. 3 Drag the underlined values for Anchor point. Note the changes in the Monitor window. Note: Although the anchor point also appears in the Monitor window, you can adjust it only in the Effect Controls window. However, the Monitor window updates changes to the anchor point as you make them.
Alpha Adjust
Use the Alpha Adjust effect in place of the Opacity effect when you need to change the default render order of xed effects. Change the opacity percentage to create levels of transparency. The following controls allow you to interpret the alpha channel in the clip: Note: This effect ignores or inverts the alpha channel of only a single instance of a clip. To adjust the alpha channel of every instance of the clip, you need to use the Interpret Footage command. See Inverting or hiding alpha channels on page 164. Ignore Alpha Ignores the alpha channel of the clip. Invert Alpha Reverses the transparency and opaque areas of the clip. Mask Only Displays only the alpha channel.
A. Clip with alpha channel B. Ignore Alpha C. Invert Alpha D. Mask Only
Alpha Glow
The Alpha Glow effect adds color around the edges of a masked alpha channel. You can specify that a single color either fades out or changes to a second color as it moves away from the edge. Glow slider Controls how far the color extends from the alpha channel edge. Higher settings produce larger glows (and can cause very slow processing before playback or export). Brightness slider Controls the initial opacity of the glow. Start Color Shows the current glow color. Click the swatch to choose another color. End Color Lets you add an optional color at the outer edge of the glow. Fade Out Species whether the colors fade out or stay solid.
The Antialias effect blends the edges between areas of highly contrasting colors. When blended, colors create intermediate shades that make transitions between dark and light areas appear more gradual.
Basic 3D
The Basic 3D effect manipulates a clip in an imaginary three-dimensional space. You can rotate your image around horizontal and vertical axes and move it toward or away from you. You can also create a specular highlight to give the appearance of light reecting off a rotated surface. The light source for the specular highlight is always above, behind, and to the left of the viewer. Because the light comes from above, the image must be tilted backward to see this reection. Specular highlights enhance the realism of the threedimensional appearance.
Basic 3D controls A. Swivel B. Swivel and Tilt C. Swivel, Tilt, and Distance
Swivel Controls horizontal rotation (rotation around a vertical axis). You can rotate past 90 to see the back side of the image, which is the mirror image of the front. Tilt Controls vertical rotation (rotation around a horizontal axis). Distance to Image Species the images distance from the viewer. As the distance gets larger, the image recedes. Specular Highlight Adds a glint of light that reects off the surface of the rotated layer, as though an overhead light were shining on the surface. When Draw Preview Wireframe is enabled, the specular highlight is indicated by a red plus sign (+) if it is not visible on the layer (the center of the highlight does not intersect the clip) and a green plus sign (+) if the highlight is visible. You must render a preview before the Specular Highlight effect becomes visible in the Monitor window. Preview Draws a wireframe outline of the three-dimensional image. Because manipulating an image in three-dimensional space can be time consuming, the wireframe renders quickly so you can manipulate the controls to get the rotation you want. Deselect the Preview control when you nish manipulating the wireframe image to see your nal results.
The Bend effect distorts a clip by producing the appearance of a wave traveling both vertically and horizontally through the clip. You can produce a number of different wave shapes at various sizes and rates. Direction Species the direction of the wave. The In setting species that waves move toward the center of the clip. The Out setting species that waves start in the center and move to the edge of the clip. Wave Species the shape of the wave. Choose from a sine wave, circle, triangle, or square. Intensity Species the height of the wave. Rate Species the frequency of the wave. To produce a wave only vertically or horizontally, move the Rate slider all the way to the left for the direction you do not want. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 125
Bevel Alpha
The Bevel Alpha effect adds a beveled edge and lights to the alpha boundaries of an image, often giving two-dimensional elements a three-dimensional appearance. (If the clip has no alpha channel or its alpha channel is completely opaque, the effect is applied to the edges of the clip.) The edge created in this effect is somewhat softer than that of the Bevel Edges effect. This effect works well with text containing an alpha channel.
Bevel Edges
The Bevel Edges effect gives a chiseled and lighted three-dimensional appearance to the edges of an image. Edge locations are determined by the alpha channel of the source image. Unlike Bevel Alpha, the edges created in this effect are always rectangular, so images with nonrectangular alpha channels do not produce the proper appearance. All edges have the same thickness.
Camera View
The Camera View effect distorts a clip by simulating a camera viewing the clip from different angles. By controlling the location of the camera, you distort the shape of the clip. Latitude Moves the camera vertically. The effect makes the clip appear to be ipping vertically. Longitude Moves the camera horizontally. The effect makes the clip appear to be ipping horizontally. Roll Rolls the camera, thus appearing to rotate the clip. Focal length Changes the focal length of the camera lens. Shorter lengths provide wider views, whereas longer focal lengths provide narrower but closer views. Distance Sets the distance between the camera and the center of the clip. Zoom Enlarges or reduces the view of the clip. Fill color Species the background color.
Fill alpha channel When checked, makes the background transparent (useful if the clip with the effect is superimposed). To access this check box from the Effect Controls window, click Setup.
Channel Mixer
Using the Channel Mixer effect, you can modify a color channel by using a mix of the current color channels. Use this effect to make creative color adjustments not easily achieved with the other color adjustment tools. Create high-quality grayscale images by choosing the percentage contribution from each color channel, create high-quality sepiatone or other tinted images, and swap or duplicate channels. Red, Green, Blue Species the contribution of the individual source channel to the output channel. Constant Species the base amount of the input channel to be added to the output channel. To mix channels in an image: 1 Apply the effect and drag any channels value to the left (or expand the channel name and drag the slider) to decrease the channels contribution to the output channel and to the right to increase it. Or, click an underlined value, type a value between -200% and +200% in the value box, and click OK. Using a negative value inverts the source channel before adding it to the output channel. 2 (Optional) Drag or type a value for the channels constant value. This value adds a base amount of a channel to the output channel. 3 (Optional) Select Monochrome to apply the same settings to all the output channels, creating a color image that contains only gray values. Monochrome is useful for images that you plan to convert to grayscale. If you select this option, adjust the channel values, and then deselect this option, you can modify the blend of each channel separately, creating a hand-tinted appearance.
Chroma Key
The Chroma Key effect keys out all image pixels that are similar to a specied key color. When you key out a color value in a layer, that color or range of colors becomes transparent for the entire layer. Control the range of transparent colors by adjusting the tolerance level. You can also feather the edges of the transparent area to create a smooth transition between the transparent and opaque areas.
Chroma Key A. Original image B. Blue color keyed out C. Image on second track D. Final composite image
The Clip effect trims rows of pixels off the edges of a clip and replaces the trimmed areas with a specied background color. If you want Adobe Premiere Elements to automatically resize the trimmed clip to its original dimensions, use the Crop effect instead of the Clip effect. Left, Top, Right, Bottom Crops each edge of the clip separately. Units Sets the units specied by the sliders, either pixels or the percentage of the frames. Fill Color Species the color that replaces the trimmed areas. The default color is black.
Color Emboss
The Color Emboss effect sharpens the edges of objects in the image but doesnt suppress any of the images original colors. Direction Species the apparent direction in which the highlight source is shining, in degrees. A setting of 45 causes the shadow to be cast in the northeast direction. Relief Species the apparent height of the embossing, in pixels. The Relief setting actually controls the maximum width of highlighted edges. Contrast Species the sharpness of the image contents edges. At lower settings, only distinct edges show the effect. As you increase the setting, the highlight becomes more extreme. Blend with Original Adds a percentage of the original source clip to the nal result.
Color Match
The Color Match effect allows you to match the colors from one source clip to another by adjusting hue, saturation, and luminance. Method Species the method by which colors are adjusted including HSL, RGB, or Curves. Use Sample eyedroppers to sample shadows, midtones, and highlights from the sample or color you are trying to match. Use Target eyedroppers to sample shadows, midtones, and highlights of the clip you are trying to adjust.
Color Pass
The Color Pass effect converts a clip to grayscale, with the exception of a single specied color. Use the Color Pass effect to highlight a particular area of a clip. For example, in a clip of a basketball game, you could highlight the basketball by selecting and preserving its color, while keeping the rest of the clip displayed in grayscale. Note, however, that with the Color Pass effect, you can isolate only colors, not objects within the clip. To specify Color Pass settings: 1 Apply the effect. Then, click the Setup button to the right of the effect name. 2 Then, in the Color Pass Settings dialog box, select the color you want to preserve by clicking a color in the Clip Sample area on the left (the pointer becomes an eyedropper), or by clicking the Color swatch and clicking a color in the Color Selection window. 3 Drag the Similarity slider to increase or decrease the range of the specied color. 4 To reverse the effect, so that all colors except the specied color are preserved, select the Reverse option. 5 Click OK when you are done.
Color Replace
The Color Replace effect replaces all occurrences of a selected color with a new color, preserving any gray levels. Using this effect, you could change the color of an object in an image by selecting it, and then adjusting the controls to create a different color. To replace a color: 1 Choose the color to be replaced by clicking a color in the Clip Sample view, or by clicking the Target Color swatch and clicking a color in the Selection window. 2 Choose the replacement color by clicking the Replace Color swatch. 3 Broaden or reduce the range of the color youre replacing by dragging the Similarity slider. 4 Select the Solid Colors property to replace the specied color without preserving any gray levels.
Corner Pin
The Corner Pin effect distorts an image by changing the position of each of its four corners. Use it to stretch, shrink, skew, or twist an image, or to simulate perspective or movement that pivots from the edge of a layer, such as a door opening.
The Crop effect trims rows of pixels from the edges of a clip and, if you select the Zoom option, automatically resizes the trimmed clip to its original dimensions. Use the slider controls to crop each edge of the clip separately. You can crop by pixels or image percentage.
The Crystallize effect creates a distorted mosaic pattern by clumping adjacent pixels into a solid-colored polygon shape, or cell. You can set the cell size from 3 pixels to 300 pixels.
Drop Shadow
The Drop Shadow effect adds a shadow that appears behind the clip. The shape of the Drop Shadow is determined by the clips alpha channel. Unlike most other effects, Drop Shadow can create a shadow outside the bounds of the clip (the dimensions of the clips source). Since Drop Shadow uses the alpha channel, it works well with 32-bit footage les from drawing programs and three-dimensional rendering programs that support the alpha channel. Note: Because Drop Shadow works best when it is the last effect rendered, apply this effect after applying all other effects. You can create a more realistic-looking shadow on animated clips by applying and animating the Motion or Basic 3D effect prior to applying Drop Shadow instead of animating the xed Motion effect because xed effects are rendered after standard effects.
The Echo effect combines frames from many different times in a clip. It has a variety of uses, from a simple visual echo to streaking and smearing effects. This effect is visible only when there is motion in the clip. By default, any previously applied effects are ignored when you apply the Echo effect.
Echo A. Original image B. Image with low echo values C. Image with increased number of echoes
Echo Time Species the time, in seconds, between echoes. Negative values create echoes from previous frames; positive values create echoes from upcoming frames. Number of Echoes Species the number of frames to combine for the Echo effect. For example, if two echoes are specied, Echo will make a new image out of [current time], [current time + Echo Time], and [current time + 2 x Echo Time]. Starting Intensity Species the intensity, or brightness, of the starting frame in the echo sequence. For example, if this is set to 1, the rst frame is combined at its full intensity. If this is set to 0.5, the rst frame is combined at half intensity.
Decay Species the ratio of intensities of subsequent echoes. For example, if the decay is set to 0.5, the rst echo will be half as bright as the Starting Intensity. The second echo will then be half that, or 0.25 times the Starting Intensity. Echo Operator Species the operations to be performed between echoes. Add combines the echoes by adding their pixel values. If the starting intensity is too high, this mode can quickly overload and produce streaks of white. Set the Starting Intensity to 1.0 per number of echoes and the Decay to 1.0 to blend the echoes equally. Maximum combines the echoes by taking the maximum pixel value from all the echoes. Minimum combines the echoes by taking the minimum pixel value from all the echoes. Screen emulates combining the echoes by sandwiching them optically. This is similar to Add, but it will not overload as quickly. Composite in Back uses the echoes alpha channels to composite them back to front. Composite in Front uses the echoes alpha channels to composite them front to back.
The Emboss effect sharpens the edges of objects in the image and suppresses colors. The effect also highlights the edges from a specied angle. Direction Species the apparent direction in which the highlight source is shining, in degrees. A setting of 45 causes the shadow to be cast in the northeast direction. Relief Species the apparent height of the embossing, in pixels. The Relief setting actually controls the maximum width of highlighted edges. Contrast Species the sharpness of the image contents edges. At lower settings, only distinct edges show the effect. As you increase the setting, the highlight becomes more extreme.
The Extract effect removes colors from a video clip, creating a textured grayscale appearance. Control the clips appearance by specifying the range of gray levels to convert to white or black. To specify Extract settings: 1 Apply the effect, then, in the Effect Controls window, click the Setup button right of the effect name. to the
2 In the Extract Settings dialog box, drag the two triangles underneath the histogram (a diagram showing the number of pixels at each brightness level in the current keyframe) to specify the range of pixels converted to white or black. Pixels between the triangles are converted to white. All other pixels are converted to black. 3 Drag the softness slider to introduce levels of gray into the pixels that have been converted to white. Higher softness values produce more gray.
4 Select the Invert option to reverse the range that is converted to white and black. 5 Click OK when you are done.
The Facet effect clumps pixels of similar color values in cells for a painterly effect. Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.
Fast Blur
Use the Fast Blur effect to specify how much to blur an image. You can specify that the blur is horizontal, vertical, or both. Fast Blur blurs areas more quickly than Gaussian Blur.
Find Edges
The Find Edges effect identies the areas of the image that have signicant transitions and emphasizes the edges. Edges can appear as dark lines against a white background or colored lines against a black background. When the Find Edges effect is applied, images often look like sketches or photographic negatives of the original. Invert Inverts the image after the edges are found. When Invert is not selected, edges appear as dark lines on a white background. When Invert is selected, edges appear as bright lines on a black background.
Gamma Correction
The Gamma Correction effect lightens or darkens a clip without substantially changing the shadows and highlights. It does this by changing the brightness levels of the midtones (the middle-gray levels), while leaving the dark and light areas unaffected. The default gamma setting is 1.0. In the effects Settings dialog box, you can adjust the gamma from 0.1 to 2.9.
Gaussian Blur
The Gaussian Blur effect blurs and softens the image and eliminates noise. You can specify that the blur is horizontal, vertical, or both. (Gaussian refers to the bell-shaped curve that is generated by mapping the color values of the affected pixels.)
Gaussian Sharpen
The Gaussian Sharpen effect sharpens a clip by a large amount; the effect is similar to that of choosing the Sharpen effect several times. Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.
The Ghosting effect overlays transparencies of the immediately preceding frames on the current frame. This effect can be useful, for example, when you want to show the motion path of a moving object, such as a bouncing ball. Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.
Ghosting effect
Horizontal Flip
The Horizontal Flip effect reverses each frame in a clip from left to right; however, the clip still plays in a forward direction.
Horizontal Hold
The Horizontal Hold effect skews the frames to the left or to the right; the effect is similar to the horizontal hold setting on a television set. Drag the slider to control the clips slant.
The Invert (video) effect inverts the color information of an image. Channel Species which channel or channels to invert. Each group of items operates in a particular color space, inverting either the entire image in that color space or just a single channel. RGB consists of three additive color channels: red, green, and blue. HLS consists of three calculated color channels: hue, lightness, and saturation. YIQ is the NTSC luminance and chrominance color space, where Y is the luminance signal, and I and Q are the in-phase and quadrature chrominance signals. Alpha, not a color space, provides a way to invert the alpha channel of the image. Blend with Original Combines the inverted image with the original. You can apply a fade to the inverted image.
Lens Distortion
The Lens Distortion effect simulates a distorted lens through which the clip is viewed. Curvature Changes the curvature of the lens. Specify a negative value to make the image concave, or a positive value to make the image convex. Vertical and Horizontal Decentering Displaces the focal point of the lens, making the image bend and smear. At extreme settings, the image wraps in on itself. Vertical and Horizontal Prism FX Creates a result similar to vertical and horizontal decentering, except that at extreme values the image doesnt wrap in on itself. Fill color Species the background color. Fill alpha channel When selected, makes the background transparent so that underlying tracks are visible. To access this check box from the Effect Controls window, click Setup.
Lens Flare
The Lens Flare effect simulates the refraction caused by shining a bright light into the camera lens. Brightness Species the percentage of brightness. Values can range from 10% to 300%. Flare Center Species a location for the center of the are. Lens Type Selects the type of lens to simulate.
The Lightning effect creates lightning bolts and other electrical effects, including a Jacob's Ladder effect (an effect that depicts a small lightning bolt bridging two metal spikes, often seen in Frankenstein movies) between two specied points in a clip image. The Lightning effect is automatically animated without keyframes across the clips time range. Start Point, End Point Specify where the lightning begins and ends. Segments Species the number of segments that form the main lightning bolt. Higher values produce more detail but reduce the smoothness of motion. Amplitude Species the size of undulations in the lightning bolt as a percentage of the layer width. Detail Level, Detail Amplitude Specify how much detail is added to the lightning bolt and any branches. For Detail Level, typical values are between 2 and 3. For Detail Amplitude, a typical value is 0.3. Higher values for either control are best for still images but tend to obscure animation. Branching Species the amount of forking that appears at the ends of bolt segments. A value of 0 produces no branching; a value of 1.0 produces branching at every segment. Rebranching Species the amount of branching from branches. Higher values produce tree-like lightning bolts. Branch Angle Species the size of the angle between a branch and the main lightning bolt. Branch Seg. Length Species the length of each branch segment as a fraction of the average length of the segments in the lightning bolt. Branch Segments Species the maximum number of segments for each branch. To produce long branches, specify higher values for both the branch segment length and the branch segments. Branch Width Species the average width of each branch as a fraction of the width of the lightning bolt. Adjust the following controls for the Lightning effect: Speed Species how fast the lightning bolt undulates. Stability Determines how closely the lightning undulates along the line dened by the start and end points. Lower values keep the lightning bolt close to the line; higher values create signicant bouncing. Use Stability with Pull Force to simulate a Jacobs Ladder effect and cause the lightning bolt to snap back to a position along the start line after it has been pulled in the Pull Force direction. A Stability value that is too low does not let the lightning stretch into an arc before it snaps back; a value that is too high lets the lightning bolt bounce around. Fixed Endpoint Determines whether the end point of the lightning bolt remains xed in place. If this control is not selected, the end of the bolt undulates around the end point. Width, Width Variation Specify the width of the main lightning bolt and how much the width of different segments can vary. Width changes are randomized. A value of 0 produces no width changes; a value of 1 produces the maximum width changes. Core Width Species the width of the inner glow, as specied by the Inside Color value. The Core Width is relative to the total width of the lightning bolt.
Outside Color, Inside Color Specify the colors used for the lightning bolts outer and inner glows. Because the Lightning effect adds these colors on top of existing colors in the composition, primary colors often produce the best results. Bright colors often become much lighter, sometimes becoming white, depending on the brightness of colors beneath. Pull Force, Pull Direction Specify the strength and direction of a force that pulls the lightning bolt. Use the Pull Force control with the Stability control to create a Jacobs Ladder appearance. Random Seed Species a starting point for randomizing the lightning effects you have specied. Because random movement of the lightning may interfere with another image or layer, typing another value for the Random Seed starts the randomizing at a different point, changing the movement of the lightning bolt. Blending Mode Species how the lightning is added to the layer. Rerun at Each Frame Controls the frame-by-frame generation of the lightning. Selecting this control regenerates the lightning at each frame. To make the lightning behave the same way at the same frame every time you run it, do not select this control. Selecting this control may increase rendering time.
The Mirror effect splits the image along a line and reects one side onto the other. The reection angle determines which side is reected and where the reection appears. You can make the line and reection angle change over time. Reection Center Species the position of the line. Click the box and drag the resulting cross hair to the spot in the image where you want to place the line. Reection Angle Species the angle of reection, and therefore where the reection appears on the clip. An angle of 0 reects the left side on the right. An angle of 180 reects the right side on the left. An angle of 90 reects the top on the bottom. An angle of 270 reects the bottom on the top.
The Mosaic effect lls a layer with solid color rectangles. It is useful for creating a highly pixelated image. Horizontal/Vertical Blocks Species the number of mosaic divisions in each direction. Sharp Colors Gives each tile the color of the pixel in its center in the unaffected clip. Otherwise, the tiles are given the average color of the corresponding region in the unaffected clip.
The Noise effect randomly changes pixel values throughout the image. Amount of Noise Species the amount of noise, and therefore the amount of distortion, through random displacement of the pixels. The range is 0% (no effect) to 100% (the image may not be recognizable). Noise Type Randomly changes the red, green, and blue values of the images pixels individually when Use Color Noise is selected. Otherwise, the same value is added to all channels.
Clipping Determines whether the noise causes pixel colors to wrap around. When the color value of a pixel gets as large as it can be, clipping makes it stay at that value. With unclipped noise, the color value wraps around or starts again at low values. When Clipping is selected, even 100% noise leaves a recognizable image. If you want a completely randomized image, turn off Clipping and turn on Color Noise.
The Pinch effect distorts a clip by stretching the image toward the center from the edges. You can set the percentage of pinching.
The Pointillize effect breaks up the color in a clip into dots, like a pointillist painting, and uses a white background as a canvas area between the dots. In the Pointillize dialog box, you can set the cell (dot) size from 3 pixels to 300 pixels.
Polar Coordinates
The Polar Coordinates effect distorts a clip by moving each pixel in the clips x,y coordinate system to the corresponding position in the polar coordinate system, or the reverse. This effect produces unusual and surprising distortions that can vary greatly depending on the image and the controls you select. The standard coordinate system species points by measuring the horizontal distance (x-axis) and the vertical distance (y-axis) from the origin. The polar coordinate system species points by measuring the length of a radius from the origin and its angle from the x-axis. Interpolation Species the amount of distortion. At 0% there is no distortion. The following two options are available from the Type of Conversion pop-up menu: Rect to Polar Moves pixels by using the standard x,y coordinates from each pixel as polar coordinates. For example, an x,y coordinate of 2,3 becomes a polar coordinate with a radius of 2 and a degree of 3. Horizontal lines distort into circles and vertical lines into radial lines.
Polar to Rect Moves pixels by using the polar coordinates from each pixel as the standard x,y coordinates. For example, a polar coordinate of radius 10 and 45 becomes an x,y coordinate of 10,45.
The Posterize effect species the number of tonal levels (or brightness values) for each channel in an image and maps pixels to the closest matching level. For example, if you choose two tonal levels in an RGB image, you get two tones for red, two tones for green, and two tones for blue. Values range from 2 to 255. Although the results of this effect are most evident when you reduce the number of gray levels in a grayscale image, Posterize also produces interesting effects in color images. Use Level to adjust the number of tonal levels for each channel to which Posterize will map existing colors.
Posterize Time
The Posterize Time effect locks a clip to a specic frame rate. Posterize Time is useful on its own as a special effect, but it also has more subtle uses. For example, 60-eld video footage can be locked to 24 fps (and then eld-rendered at 60 elds per second) to give a lm-like look. This effect is sometimes called Strobe in hardware devices. Animating the value of the Frame Rate slider can give unpredictable results. For this reason, the only interpolation of the frame rate allowed is Hold.
The ProcAmp effect emulates the processing amplier found on standard video equipment. This effect adjusts the hue, saturation, and luminance of a clips image.
The Ramp effect creates a color gradient, blending it with the original image contents. Create linear or radial ramps and vary the position and colors of the ramp over time. Use the Start and End of Ramp properties to specify the start and end positions. Use the Ramp Scatter control to disperse the ramp colors and eliminate banding. Note: Traditionally, ramps do not broadcast well; serious banding occurs because the broadcast chrominance signal does not contain sufcient resolution to reproduce the ramp smoothly. The Ramp Scatter control disperses the ramp colors, eliminating the banding apparent to the human eye.
Refraction (GPU)
Use this effect to create a ripple and add a refractive look to the surface of your image. This simulates how an object distorts when it is just beneath the surface of moving water or behind a refractive object, such as frosted glass. Ripple Amount Species the size of the ripples. Animating this property creates the effect of moving water. Refractive Index Species the ratio of the lights velocity as it passes from a rarer to a denser medium. Bump Species the grain amount on the surface. Depth Species the depth of the surface through which you are viewing the image. For example, in the case of simulating an underwater object, adjusting this value changes how deep an object appears to be in the water.
The Replicate effect divides the screen into tiles and displays the whole image in each tile. Set the number of tiles per column and row by dragging the slider.
The Ripple effect produces an undulating pattern on a clip, like ripples on the surface of a pond. The shape, severity, and direction of the ripple pattern are adjustable, as well as the background color.
The Roll effect rolls a clip to the left or to the right, or up or down, as if the image were on a cylinder.
Use the Shadow/Highlight effect to brighten shadowed subjects in an image or to reduce the highlights in an image. This effect does not apply a global darkening or lightening of an image, but rather it adjusts the shadows and highlights independently, based on the surrounding pixels. You can also adjust the overall contrast of an image. The default settings are optimized to x images with backlighting problems. Auto Amounts Species that Adobe Premiere Elements automatically analyzes and corrects highlight and shadow problems stemming from backlighting issues. This option is selected by default. Deselect it to activate manual controls for shadow and highlight correction. Shadow Amount Lightens the shadows in the image. This control is active only if you deselect Auto Amounts. Highlight Amount Darkens the highlights in the image. This control is active only if you deselect Auto Amounts. Temporal Smoothing Species the range of adjacent frames that Adobe Premiere Elements analyzes in order to determine the amount of correction needed for each frame, relative to its surrounding frames. For example, if you set Temporal Smoothing to 1 second, Adobe Premiere Elements analyzes the frames 1 second before the displayed frame to determine appropriate shadow and highlight adjustments. If you set Temporal Smoothing to 0, Adobe Premiere Elements analyzes each frame independently, without regard for surrounding frames. Temporal Smoothing can result in smoother-looking corrections over time. This control is active only if you select Auto Amounts. Scene Detect Species that Adobe Premiere Elements ignores scene changes when you have enabled Temporal Smoothing. Blend with Original Species the percentage of the effect to apply to the image. Expand the More Options category to reveal the following controls: Shadow Tonal Width and Highlight Tonal Width Specify the range of adjustable tones in the shadows and highlights. Lower values restrict the adjustable range to only the darkest and lightest regions, respectively. Higher values expand the adjustable range. These controls are useful for isolating regions to adjust. For example, to lighten a dark area without affecting the midtones, set a low Shadow Tonal Width value so that when you adjust the Shadow Amount, you are lightening only the darkest areas of an image. Shadow Radius and Highlight Radius Specify the size (in pixels) of the area around a pixel that the effect uses to determine whether the pixel resides in a shadow or a highlight. Generally, this value should roughly equal the size of the subject of interest in your footage. Color Correction Species the degree of color correction that the effect applies to the adjusted shadows and highlights. The higher the value, the more saturated the colors become. The more signicant the correction that you make to the shadows and highlights, the greater the range of color correction available. Note: If you want to change the color over the whole image, use the Hue/Saturation effect after applying the Shadow/Highlight effect. Midtone Contrast Species the degree of contrast that the effect applies to the midtones. Higher values increase the contrast in the midtones alone, while concurrently darkening the shadows and lightening the highlights. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 139
Black Clip and White Clip Specify how much the effect clips the shadows and highlights to the new extreme shadow (level 0) and highlight (level 255) colors in the image. Larger values produce an image with greater contrast.
The Sharpen effect increases the contrast where color changes occur.
Sharpen Edges
The Sharpen Edges effect nds the areas in the clip where signicant color changes occur and sharpens them. Keyframes cannot be applied to this effect.
The Shear effect distorts a clip along a curve. Drag the band in the middle of the dialog box to form a curve that indicates how you want the image distorted. You can adjust any point along the curve. Specify how to treat areas of the image left undened by the shear: Wrap Around Wraps the image to ll the undened space so that the area is lled with content from the opposite side of the image. Repeat Edge Pixels Extends the colors of the pixels along the edge of the clip in the direction specied. This creates a banding effect if the edge pixels are different.
The Solarize effect creates a blend between a negative and positive image, causing the image to appear to have a halo. This effect is analogous to briey exposing a print to light during developing.
The Spherize effect wraps a clip around a spherical shape and is useful for giving objects and text a three-dimensional effect. You can set the intensity (amount) from 100 (a concave appearance) to 100 (a convex appearance). You can also select the direction in which the effect is applied: Horizontal Only, Vertical Only, or Normal (in all directions).
Strobe Light
The Strobe Light effect performs an arithmetic operation on a clip at periodic or random intervals. For example, every ve seconds a clip could appear completely white for onetenth of a second, or a clips colors could invert at random intervals. Blend with Original Species the intensity, or brightness, of the effect. A value of 0 causes the effect to appear at full intensity; higher values diminish the intensity of the effect. Strobe Duration Species in seconds how long a strobe effect lasts. Strobe Period Species in seconds the duration between the start of subsequent strobes. For example, if the Strobe Duration is set to 0.1 second and the Strobe Period is set to 1.0 second, the clip has the effect for 0.1 second and then is without the effect for 0.9 second. If this value is set lower than the Strobe Duration, the strobe effect is constant. Random Strobe Probability Species the probability that any given frame of the clip will have the strobe effect, giving the appearance of a random effect.
Strobe Species how the effect is applied. Operates on Color Only performs the strobe operation on all color channels. Make Layer Transparent makes the clip transparent when a strobe effect occurs. Strobe Operator Species the arithmetic operator to use when Operates on Color Only is selected from the Strobe menu. The default setting is Copy.
The Texturize effect gives a clip the appearance of having the texture of another clip. For example, you could make the image of a tree appear as if it had the texture of bricks, and control the depth of the texture and the apparent light source. Texture Placement Species how the effect is applied. Tile Texture applies the texture repeatedly over the clip. Center Texture positions the texture in the middle of the clip. Stretch Texture to Fit stretches the texture to the dimensions of the selected clip.
The Tiles effect breaks up a clip into a series of tiles. In the effects dialog box, you specify the number of vertical tiles you want, the maximum distance you want a tile to be offset from its original position, and how you want to ll the area between tiles. You can ll this area with white (the background color), with black (the foreground color), with an inverse (negative) version of the image, or with the unaltered image. You can also make the area between the tiles transparent by applying Transparency, selecting Alpha Channel, and then selecting either Background color or Foreground color.
The Tint effect alters an images color information. For each pixel, the luminance value species a blend between two colors. Map Black To and Map White To specify to which colors dark and bright pixels are mapped. Intermediate pixels are assigned intermediate values. Amount To Tint species the intensity of the effect.
The Transform effect applies two-dimensional geometric transformations to a clip. Use the Transform effect to skew a clip along any axis. Apply the Transform effect instead of using a clips xed effects if you want to render anchor point, position, scale, or opacity settings before other Standard effects are rendered. Anchor Point Species the point, in an x,y coordinate, around which the image will be scaled or skewed. Position Species the location, in an x,y coordinate, of the center (anchor point) of the clip. Scale Height Scales height up or down as a percentage of the source clip height. Scale Width Scales width up or down as a percentage of the source clip width. Uniform Scale Scales height and width proportionately. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 141
Skew Species skew amount. Skew Axis The axis on which the skew is based. Changing the axis has no effect if Skew is 0. Rotation Species the number of complete rotations and degree that the clip rotates. Opacity Species the degree of transparency of the image, in percentages. Note: Transform is an Adobe After Effects effect that includes the Shutter Angle control and the Use Composition option; both of which apply only in Adobe After Effects.
The Twirl effect rotates a clip around its center. The image is rotated more sharply in its center than at the edges. You can set the twirl angle from 999 to +999.
Vertical Flip
The Vertical Flip effect ips a clip upside down. You cannot apply keyframes to this effect.
Vertical Hold
The Vertical Hold effect scrolls the clip upward; the effect is similar to adjusting the vertical hold on a television set. You cannot apply keyframes to this effect.
The Wave effect distorts a clip to make it wave-shaped. Number of Generators Species the number of waves, which can range from 1 to 999. Wavelength Species the distance from one wave crest to the next, using values from 1 to 999. Amplitude Species the height of the wave, using values from 1 to 999. Randomize Randomly selects a value between the minimum and maximum wavelength and amplitude values; otherwise, the waves are of a uniform amplitude and frequency. Scale Controls the magnitude of the distortion, both horizontally and vertically. A setting of 0 provides an undistorted image. Type Species Sine (rolling), Triangle (pointed crests), or Square (square crests). Undened Areas Species how to treat blank portions of the frame where the clip was pulled away from the edges. The Wrap Around option wraps the image from the opposite side of the frame to ll the space; the Repeat Edge Pixels option extends the colors of the pixels along the edge of the clip.
The Wind effect distorts a clip to make it look as though wind were blowing pixels off the surface of the clip. You can select the amount of distortion by selecting the Wind, Blast, or Stagger method. You can also change the direction of the wind.
Zig Zag
The Zig Zag effect distorts a clip radially. Amount Represents the magnitude of distortion; type a value from -100 to +100. Ridges Represents the number of direction reversals of the zigzag from the center of the clip to its edge; type a value from 1 to 20.
Style Species how to displace the pixels in the clip. Pond Ripples displaces pixels to the upper left or lower right; Out from Center displaces pixels toward or away from the center of the clip; Around Center rotates pixels around the center of the clip.
The Balance effect lets you control the relative volumes of the left and right channels. Positive values increase the proportion of the right channel; negative values increase the proportion of the left channel.
The Bass effect lets you increase or decrease lower frequencies (200 Hz and below). Boost species the number of decibels by which to increase the lower frequencies.
Channel Volume
The Channel Volume effect lets you independently control the volume of each channel in a stereo clip or track. Each channels level is measured in decibels.
The DeNoiser effect automatically detects tape noise and removes it. Use this effect to remove noise from analog recordings, such as magnetic tape recordings. Noise oor Species the level (in decibels) of the noise oor as the clips plays. Freeze Stops the noise oor estimation at the current value. Use this control to locate noise that drops in and out of a clip. Reduction Species the amount of noise to remove within a range of -20 to 0 dB. Offset Sets an offset value between the automatically detected noise oor and the value that you specify. This is limited to a range between -10 and +10 dB. Offset allows additional control when the automatic denoising is not sufcient.
The Delay effect adds an echo of the audio clips sound that plays after a specied amount of time. Delay Species the amount of time before the echo plays. The maximum is 2 seconds. Feedback Species a percentage of the delayed signal to be added back into the delay to create multiple decaying echoes. Mix Controls the amount of echo.
Highpass, Lowpass
The Highpass effect removes frequencies below the specied Cutoff frequency. The Lowpass effect eliminates frequencies above the specied Cutoff frequency.
The Invert effect inverts the phase of all channels.
The Notch effect removes frequencies that are near the specied center. The Center control species the frequency to be removed. If you are removing power-line hum, type a value that matches the power-line frequency used by the electrical system where the clip was recorded. For example, in North America and Japan type 60 Hz, and in most other countries type 50 Hz.
The PitchShifter effect adjusts the pitch of the incoming signal. Use this effect to deepen high voices or vice versa. You can adjust each property by using graphical controls in the Custom Setup view, or by changing the Individual Parameters values. Pitch Species the change in pitch in semitone steps. The adjustable range is between -12 and +12 semitones. FineTune Fine tunes the semitone grid. FormantPreserve Prevents formants in the audio clip from being affected. For example, use this control when increasing the pitch of a high voice to prevent it from sounding cartoon-like.
The Reverb effect adds ambience and warmth to an audio clip by simulating the sound of the audio playing in a room. PreDelay Species the time between the signal and the reverberation. This setting correlates to the distance a sound travels to the reecting walls and back to the listener in a live setting. Use the graphical controls in the Custom Setup view, or adjust the Individual Parameters values. Absorption Species the percentage in which the sound is absorbed. Size Species the size of the room as a percentage. Density Species the density of the reverb tail. The Size value determines the range in which you can set Density. Lo Damp Species the amount of dampening for low frequencies (in decibels). Dampening lower frequencies prevents the reverb from rumbling or sounding muddy.
Hi Damp Species the amount of dampening of high frequencies (in decibels). Low settings make the reverb sound softer. Mix Controls the amount of reverb.
Swap Channels
The Swap Channels effect switches the placement of the left and right channel information.
The Treble effects lets you increase or decrease higher frequencies (4000 Hz and above). The Boost control species the amount, measured in decibels, to increase or decrease.
Use the Volume effect in place of the Fixed Volume effect if you want to render Volume before other Standard effects.The Volume effect creates an envelope for a clip so that you can increase the audio level without clipping. Clipping occurs when the signal exceeds the dynamic range thats acceptable for your hardware, often resulting in distorted audio. Positive values indicate an increase in volume; negative values indicate a decrease in volume. The Volume effect is available for clips only. Note: You can make most volume changes by using the xed Volume effect. You can apply this additional Volume effect if other effects (such as Reverb or Bass) overly increase or decrease clip volume.
Original image
Alpha Glow
Bevel Alpha
Bevel Edges
Channel Mixer
Color Pass
Color Replace
Drop Shadow
Edge Feather
Original image
Fast Blur
Find Edges
Gaussian Blur
Horizontal Flip
Horizontal Hold
Lens Distortion
Lens Flare
Polar Coordinates
Original image
Sharpen Edges
Vertical Flip
Vertical Hold
Wave Warp
About transitions
Placing two clips next to each other on a track in the Timeline window results in a cut. A simple cut, where one clip immediately follows the next, is the most common technique used to move from scene to scene. Using transitions, you can phase out one clip while phasing in the next. A transition can be as subtle as a cross fade or dissolve, or quite stylized, such as a page turn or spinning pinwheel. While you generally place a transition on a cut, so it includes both clips, you can also apply a transition to just the beginning or end of a clip.
Page Peel transition between two clips (left) and Cross Dissolve transition at end of clip (right)
If either of the clips do not have trimmed frames, then the transition must repeat frames. For more information, see Placing transitions between clips (double-sided transitions) on page 149.
Transition uses trimmed frames to shift to the next scene A. First clip with trimmed frames at end B. Movie containing both clips and transition C. Second clip with trimmed frames at beginning
Transition repeats frames for clips without trimmed frames A. First clip showing last frame repeated B. Movie containing both clips and transition C. Second clip showing rst frame repeated
Note: If a double-sided transition must repeat frames (rather than use trimmed frames), the transition icon contains additional diagonal lines. The lines span the area where it has used the repeated frames. (See Understanding how transitions use trimmed frames on page 147.)
Types of transitions A. Double-sided transition using duplicate frames B. Double-sided transition C. Single-sided transition
Applying transitions
You can apply transitions between two clips (called a cut) or to a single clip. When you apply a transition to a cut, also known as a double-sided transition, you can control its alignment to the cut. When you apply a transition to a single clip, you place it at the beginning or end of the clip. To add several clips to the Timeline window at once, and automatically add a transition between them all, try using the Create Slideshow command. (See Creating a slideshow or movie automatically on page 75.) Transitions are available in the Video Transitions folder or the Audio Transitions folder in the Effects window. Transitions are organized by kind, but you can customize the Effects window to group transitions together in folders to help you to organize the transitions however you like. (See Creating folders of favorite effects on page 111.) Adobe Premiere Elements includes two audio transitions in the Crossfade category, Constant Power and Constant Gain. Though both provide fades, they do so in a slightly different manner. Constant Power creates the smoothest, most gradual transition, while Constant Gain, though mathematically linear, often sounds abrupt.
If both clips contain trimmed frames at the cut, you can center the transition over the cut or you can align it on either side of the cut so that it either starts or ends at the cut. If neither clip contains trimmed frames, the transition automatically centers over the cut and repeats the last frame of the rst clip and the rst frame of the second clip to ll the transition duration. (Diagonal bars appear on transitions that use repeated frames.) If only the rst clip contains trimmed frames, the transition automatically snaps to the in point of the next clip. In this scenario, Adobe Premiere Elements uses the rst clips trimmed frames for the transition and does not repeat frames in the second clip. If only the second clip contains trimmed frames, then the transition snaps to the out point of the rst clip. In this scenario, Adobe Premiere Elements uses the second clips trimmed frames for the transition and does not repeat frames in the rst clip. Back 149
The default duration of a transition is initially set to 1 second for video and 1 second for audio. If a transition contains trimmed frames, but not enough to ll the transition duration, Adobe Premiere Elements adjusts the duration to match the frames. You can adjust the duration and alignment of a transition after you place it. For more information, see Fine-tuning transitions on page 151. To place a transition on a cut: 1 Click the Effects button in the task bar. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the Effects workspace, which includes the Effects window. 2 In the Effects window, expand the Video transitions folder, then expand the folder containing the transition you want to use. 3 Drag the transition to the cut between two clips, and release the mouse when one of the following icons appears:
End At Cut icon Center At Cut icon Start At Cut icon second clip.
, to align the end of the transition to the end of the rst clip. , to center the transition over the cut. , to align the beginning of the transition to the beginning of the
4 If a dialog box appears containing transition settings, specify options and click OK. 5 To preview the transition, play the movie in the Monitor window or drag the currenttime indicator through the transition.
Single-sided transition with clip beneath it (left), single-sided transition with nothing beneath it (right)
To create a single-sided video transition for one of two adjacent clips: 1 Click the Effects button in the task bar. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the Effects workspace, which includes the Effects window. 2 In the Effects window, expand the Video transitions folder, and then expand the folder containing the transition you want to use. 3 Do one of the following:
If the clip does not have another clip immediately next to it, drag the transition from the Effects palette to the edge of the clip. If the clip is adjacent to another clip, Ctrl-drag the transition from the Effects palette to the edge of the desired clip.
Replacing transitions
You can replace a transition by simply dropping a new transition onto the old one in the Timeline window. When you replace a transition, Adobe Premiere Elements maintains the alignment and duration of the original transition; however, it discards the settings of the original transition and instead uses the default settings of the new transition. (See Changing transition settings on page 155.) To replace a transition: 1 Click the Effects button in the task bar. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the Effects workspace, which includes the Effects window. 2 In the Effects window, open the folder containing the new transition you want to use. 3 Drag the new transition from the Effects window onto the existing transition in the Timeline window.
Fine-tuning transitions
A transition appears in the Timeline window just above the cut between two clips or just above the In or Out point of a single clip. You can adjust the length of a transition and, for double-sided transitions, change its position over the cut. Some transitions have other settings as well, such as a center point of the effect or the width and color of a border.
To align a transition using the Effect Controls timeline: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 If the Effect Controls timeline is not visible, click the Show/Hide Timeline View button just below the More menu in the Effect Controls window. 3 In the Effect Controls timeline, position the pointer over the center of the transition until the Slide Transition icon appears; then drag the transition as desired. For ner control, magnify the timeline.
To change the transitions position using an alignment option: 1 In the Timeline window, double-click the transition to open the Effect Controls window.
2 In the Effect Controls window, choose an option from the Alignment pop-up menu. Note: The Custom Start option appears only when you drag the transition to a custom location over the cut.
Center At Cut or Custom Start: The transitions start and end points move equally. Start At Cut: Only the end of the transition moves.
Note: Lengthening a transitions duration requires that one or both clips have enough trimmed frames to accommodate a longer transition. (See Understanding how transitions use trimmed frames on page 147.) To change the duration of a transition in the Timeline window: In the Timeline window, position the pointer over the end of the transition until the TrimIn icon or the Trim-Out icon appears; then drag. To change the duration of a transition by dragging: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 If the Effect Controls timeline is not visible, click the Show/Hide Timeline View button just below the More menu in the Effect Controls window. 3 In the Effect Controls timeline, position the pointer over the transition until the Trim-In icon or the Trim-Out icon appears; then drag. To change the duration of a transition by specifying a value: 1 In the Timeline window, double-click the transition to open the Effect Controls window for the selected transition. 2 In the Effect Controls window, drag the Duration value, or select it and type a new value.
Effect Controls window A. Preview button B. Transition preview C. Edge selector D. Start and End frames E. Start and End sliders F. Options G. Clip A (rst clip) H. Transition I. Clip B (second clip) J. Current-time indicator
To preview the transition or adjust transition settings in the Effect Controls window: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 If the Effect Controls timeline is not visible, click the Show/Hide Timeline View button just below the More menu in the Effect Controls window. 3 To view frames from the actual clip or clips in the Effect Controls window, select Show Actual Sources. (You may need to expand the window to locate this option.) 4 Do any of the following:
To play the transition in the Effect Controls window (not the Monitor window), click the Preview button just above the small preview. Click the button again to stop the preview. To see a particular frame of the transition in the small preview, drag the current-time indicator in the Effect Controls timeline. To display all of the settings, you may need to lengthen the Effect Controls window. Adjust settings. (See Transition settings on page 156.)
To reposition the center of a transition: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 In the A preview area in the Effect Controls window, drag the small circle to reposition the transition center. (Not all transitions have an adjustable center point.)
Transition settings
Many transitions have settings in common. (To view the settings in the Effect Controls window, see Changing transition settings on page 155.) The following list describes the settings youll nd in many transitions: Edge selectors Change the orientation or direction of the transition. Click an Edge selector arrow on the transitions thumbnail. For example, the Barn Doors transition can be oriented vertically or horizontally. A transition doesnt have Edge selectors if it has one orientation or if orientation isnt applicable. Start and End sliders Set the percentage of the transition that is complete at the start and end of the transition. Show Actual Sources Displays the starting and ending frames of the clips. Border Width Adjusts the width of the optional border on the transition. The default Border is None. Some transitions do not have borders. Border Color Species the color of the transitions border. Double-click the color swatch or use the eyedropper to choose the color. Reverse Plays the transition backward. For example, the Clock Wipe transition plays counterclockwise. Anti-Aliasing Quality Adjusts the smoothness of the transitions edges. Custom Changes settings specic to the transition. Most transitions dont have custom settings.
To use an image as a transition mask: 1 In the Effects window, open the Video Transitions folder, and then open the Special Effect folder. 2 Drag the Image Mask transition from the Special Effect folder to the cut between clips in the Timeline window. 3 In the Image Mask Settings dialog box, click Select Image. 4 Locate and select the image le you want to use as a transition mask, and click Open. The image appears in the Image Mask Settings dialog box. 5 Click OK. To preview the transition, drag the current-time indicator through the transition in the Timeline window. To change the image used for an Image Mask transition: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 In the Effect Controls window, click the Custom button. 3 In the Image Mask Settings dialog box, click Select Image. 4 Locate and select the image le you want to use, and click Open. The image appears in the Image Mask Settings dialog box. 5 Click OK.
4 Locate and select the image le you want to use in the transition, and click Open. The image appears in the Gradient Wipe Settings dialog box. 5 Adjust the softness of the transitions edges by dragging the Softness slider. As you drag the slider to the right, the rst clip increasingly shows through the second clip. 6 Click OK. To preview the transition, drag the current-time indicator through the transition in the Timeline window.
The gradient wipe source image (far left) and resulting transition
To change the image used for a Gradient Wipe transition: 1 Double-click the transition in the Timeline window to open the Effect Controls window. 2 In the Effect Controls window, click the Custom button. 3 In the Gradient Wipe Settings dialog box, click Select Image. 4 Locate and select the image le you want to use in the transition, and click Open. The image appears in the Gradient Wipe Settings dialog box. 5 Adjust the softness of the transitions edges by dragging the Softness slider. As you drag the slider to the right, the rst clip increasingly shows through the second clip. 6 Click OK.
Opacity A setting that determines the overall transparency of a clip. (For example, 75% opacity equals 25% transparency.)
Lowering opacity of upper video clip (left) reveals lower video clip (center), combining the two images (right)
Mask Sometimes used as another word for alpha channel; also describes the process of modifying an alpha channel.
Separated color channels (left), the alpha channel or mask (center), and all color channels viewed together (right)
Matte A le or channel that denes the transparent areas of a clip. The value of the matte determines the level of transparency in the resulting image. In Adobe Premiere Elements, you use mattes in conjunction with the Track Matte Key. (See Using the Track Matte Key effect on page 162.)
A matte (left) denes transparent areas in upper clip (center), revealing lower clip (right).
Keying Dening transparent areas with a particular color (color key) or brightness value (luminance key). Pixels matching the key become transparent. Keying is commonly used to remove a background with a uniform color, such as a blue screen. (In television, for example, blue screens behind weather reporters are replaced with weather maps.)
Replacing a background color with another image A. Upper clip B. Blue Screen Key effect denes transparent areas C. Lower clip D. Combined clips
Adjusting opacity
By default, clips appear at full (100%) opacity, obscuring any clips on the tracks below. To reveal lower clips, simply specify an opacity value below 100%. At 0% opacity, a clip is completely transparent. If no clips are below a transparent clip, the movies black background becomes visible. To fade a clip in or out over time, animate its opacity. If you simply want to fade to black, consider applying a transition, such as Cross Dissolve, so that you dont have to animate keyframes manually. For more information, see Applying transitions on page 149 and About animating effects on page 166. To change a clips opacity in the Timeline window: 1 From the pop-up menu on the upper left corner of the clip, choose Opacity > Opacity. You may need to zoom into you clip in the Timeline window to see this menu. 2 Click the Selection tool , and position it over the clips Opacity graphthe cursor becomes a double-arrow icon . 3 Drag the Opacity graph up or down.
You can also adjust opacity by using keying effects. For more information, seeAbout keying effects on page 160.
Replacing a background color with another image A. Upper clip B. Blue Screen Key effect denes transparent areas C. Lower clip D. Combined clips
To apply a color-based keying effect to a clip: 1 In the Effects window, expand the Video Effects folder and the Keying subfolder. 2 Drag a color-based keying effect to a clip in the Timeline window. 3 In the Effect Controls window, expand the effect name to view and edit the effects options.
About the Blue Screen Key and Green Screen Key effect
The Blue Screen and Green Screen keys create transparency from true chroma blue and true chroma green. Use these keys to key out well-lit blue or green screens when creating composites. Adjust the following Blue Screen Key and Green Screen Key settings as needed: Threshold Drag to the left until the blue or green screen becomes transparent. Cutoff Drag to the right until the opaque area reaches a satisfactory level. Smoothing Species the amount of anti-aliasing (softening) that Adobe Premiere Elements applies to the boundary between transparent and opaque regions. Choose None to produce sharp edges with no anti-aliasing. This option is useful when you want to preserve sharp lines, such as those in titles. Choose Low or High to produce different amounts of smoothing. Mask Only Displays only the clips alpha channel, as modied by the key settings. To ne-tune edges, drag Threshold and Cutoff sliders in small increments.
Use the Adobe Title Designer to create text or shapes (use only grayscale images if you plan to key using luma information), save the title, and then import the le as your matte. Create a matte from any clip by using the Chroma Key, Blue Screen Key, Green Screen Key, or Non Red Key keying effect; then choose the effects Mask Only option. Use Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop to create a grayscale image and import it into Adobe Premiere Elements.
To apply the Track Matte Key effect: 1 If the Effect Controls window is not visible, click and hold the Effects button in the task bar and choose Advanced Effects. 2 If you havent already done so, add the matte le to the Media window by clicking the Add Media button, navigating to the matte le, and clicking Open. The matte le should preferably be only a single shape, for example, a star or a ower shape. 3 Add a background clip to a track in the Timeline window. 4 Add the clip you want to superimpose over the background clip to any track higher than the background clip. This is the clip revealed by the track matte. 5 On a third track, add the clip that serves as the matte. (If you need to add a third track, drag the matte to an empty area in the Timeline window above the highest video track; a new track is automatically created.) 6 Right-click the matte clip and choose Enable to remove the check from it, which disables the matte clip. Disabling the matte clip makes it invisible in the project and prevents it from causing any artifacts in the image. 7 In the Effects window, expand the Video Effects folder and the Keying subfolder, and drag the Track Matte effect to the superimposed clip (the clip above the background clip). 8 In the Effect Controls window, click the triangle next to the Track Matte name to expand it. 9 For Matte, choose the video track that contains the matte. 10 Adjust options as needed: Composite Using Select Matte Alpha to composite using the values in the alpha channel of the track matte. Select Matte Luma to composite using the images luminance values instead. Reverse Inverts the values of the track matte. To retain the original colors in the superimposed clip, use a grayscale image for the matte. Any color in the matte removes the same level of color from the superimposed clip.
The unwanted background (left) is masked out by reshaping the Four-Point Garbage Matte in the Monitor window (center); then the Green Screen Key effect is applied (right) to superimpose the boy over the underlying track.
To create a garbage matte: 1 Place a clip in a track. 2 In the Effects window, expand the Keying folder, and drag a garbage matte effect to the clip. 3 In the Effect Controls window, click the triangle next to the effects name to expand it. 4 Do one of the following to reshape the matte:
Click the effect name to display the garbage matte effects point handles in the Monitor view, and drag the handles. Change the garbage matte effects values in the Effect Controls window.
Ignore Alpha Channel Ignores the alpha channel included with the clip. Invert Alpha Channel Reverses the light and dark areas of the alpha channel, which reverses the transparent and opaque areas of the clip. If you have difculty identifying which parts of a clip are transparent, temporarily add a bright color matte on a track below the image you are keying. (See Creating colored background clips on page 61.)
Animating Effects
Animating Effects
About animating effects
You can animate effects with either automatic presets or manually-created keyframes. Presets provide a quick, easy way to apply common animation effects. (See Applying preset effects on page 112.) For more precise and complex animation, manually create keyframes. When you create a keyframe, you specify the value of an effect property for a specic point in time. When you apply different values to keyframes, Adobe Premiere Elements automatically calculates the values between the keyframes, a process called interpolation. For example, to add a blur effect that increases and decreases over time, you would set three keyframesthe rst with no blur, the second with blur, and the third with no blur. Because Adobe Premiere Elements automatically interpolates the blur values between each keyframe, the blur gradually increases between the rst and second keyframes and then gradually decreases between the second and third keyframes. Animating with keyframes involves the following basic steps: 1 Apply an effect to a clip. (See Applying and organizing effects on page 110.) 2 Add multiple keyframes for that effect. (See Adding and deleting keyframes on page 167.) 3 Specify keyframe values for effect properties. (See Specifying keyframe values on page 170.) Note: Some effects cannot be animated with keyframes. For more information, see the documentation for individual effects.
Highlighted frames indicate where Twirl effect keyframes are placed in the timeline: A. Original video B. Video with animated Twirl effect, interpolated for in-between frames
Animating Effects
The Timeline window is best for editing the keyframes of effects that have a single, onedimensional value, such as Opacity or Volume. The Effect Controls window is best for editing the keyframes of effects that have multiple or two-dimensional values, such as Motion or Perspective. The Effect Controls window displays all effect properties, keyframes, and interpolation methods at once, but only for a single clip thats selected in the Timeline window. The Timeline window can display the keyframes for multiple clips at once, but it can display the keyframes of only one property per clip. You save space on your computer screen when you keep the Effect Controls window closed and edit keyframes in the Timeline window.
Keyframe controls in the Timeline window A. Previous Keyframe button B. Add Keyframe button C. Next Keyframe button D. Current-time indicator E. Effect properties menu F. Add Keyframe pointer
Animating Effects
To add a keyframe with the Selection tool: 1 From the effect properties menu in the upper-left corner of the clip, choose the property you want to animate. 2 Ctrl-click the orange property graph at the point in time where you want the keyframe. (The Add Keyframe pointer icon appears when you press Ctrl and hold the pointer over a property graph.) To add a keyframe with the Add/Remove Keyframe button: 1 In the Timeline window, move the current-time indicator to the point in time where you want the keyframe to reside. 2 Choose the property you want to animate from the effect properties menu for the clip. 3 Click the Add/Remove Keyframe button in the Timeline window. If the current-time indicator is after the last keyframe for a property, a new keyframe acquires the same value as the preceding keyframe. Otherwise, the new keyframe's value is interpolated based on the previous and next keyframe values. To delete a keyframe with the Selection tool: 1 From the clips effect properties menu, choose the property that contains the keyframe. 2 Do one of the following:
Right-click the keyframe and choose Delete. Select the keyframe, and choose Edit > Clear or press Delete on the keyboard.
To delete a keyframe with the Add/Remove Keyframe button: 1 From the clips effect properties menu, choose the property that contains the keyframe. 2 Using the Selection tool , click the keyframe that you want to delete. 3 Click the Add/Remove Keyframe button in the Timeline window.
Animating Effects
If you decide that you no longer need a keyframe, you can easily delete it from an effect property. You can remove selected keyframes or all keyframes for an effect property.
Clicking the Toggle Animation button to activate keyframes for a property. To the right of property settings, the Add/Remove Keyframe button becomes available, and a keyframe is added to the timeline.
To add one or more keyframes: 1 In the Timeline window, select the clip that contains the effect you want to animate. 2 In the Effect Controls window, expand the effect to which you want to add keyframes. 3 Click the Toggle Animation button to activate keyframes for the effect property. 4 Move the current-time indicator to the point in time where you want to add a keyframe. 5 Do one of the following:
Click the Add/Remove Keyframe button. Adjust the value for the effect property.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed. Note: If the current-time indicator is after the last keyframe for a property, a new keyframe acquires the same value as the preceding keyframe. Otherwise, the new keyframe's value is interpolated based on the previous and next keyframe values. To delete selected keyframes: 1 To show the Timeline View in the Effect Controls window, click the Show/Hide Timeline View button . 2 Do one of the following:
Select one or more keyframes and press Delete or Backspace. Drag the current-time indicator in the Effect Controls window to the keyframe and click the Add/Remove Keyframe button.
Animating Effects
To delete all keyframes for an effect property: 1 Click the Toggle Animation button to the left of the name of the effect or property. 2 When prompted to conrm your decision, click OK. Note: When you deactivate the Toggle Animation button, keyframes for that property are permanently removed and the value of that property becomes the value at the current time. You cannot restore deleted keyframes by reactivating the Toggle Animation button. If you accidentally delete keyframes, choose Edit > Undo.
Opacity is measured from 0% at the bottom of the scale to 100% at the top of the scale, and the center of the graph is 50%. Rotation is measured in rotations and degrees, and the center of the graph represents no rotation (0). Clockwise rotation values are above the center, and counterclockwise values are below the center. Audio balance is measured from -100 to 100, with 0 at the center (neutral balance). Dragging above the center moves balance toward the left channel and sets a negative value, and dragging below the center moves balance toward the right channel and sets a positive value.
To specify keyframe values in the Timeline window: 1 In the properties pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the clip, select the property you want to adjust. If you cant see the pop-up menu, try increasing the magnication of the Timeline window. (See Zooming into the Timeline window as you insert a clip on page 78.) 2 With the Selection tool , do any of the following:
To change an individual keyframe, drag it. (The pointer changes to the keyframeediting icon .) To change multiple or nonadjacent keyframes, Shift-click them, and drag. (As above, the pointer changes to the keyframe-editing icon .) To change a clips entire keyframe graph, drag a segment of the graph that contains no keyframes. (The pointer changes to the graph-editing icon .)
Animating Effects
Keyframe navigator A. Keyframe navigator in the Effect Controls window B. Current-time indicator C. Keyframe navigator in the Timeline window D. Current-time indicator
Animating Effects
Keyframe controls in the Timeline window A. Keyframe graph B. Effect property menus C. Keyframes
Right-click the clip in the Timeline window and choose Show Clip Keyframes > [property category name] > [property name]. In the Timeline window, choose the property from the effect properties pop-up menu, which appears after the name of the clip. If you cant see the pop-up menu, try increasing the magnication of the Timeline window. (See Zooming into the Timeline window as you insert a clip on page 78.)
Note: The effect properties menu lists only the effects already applied to that clip. (See Applying and organizing effects on page 110.)
Animating Effects
Selecting keyframes
In both the Timeline and Effect Controls windows, you can select keyframes either sequentially with the keyframe navigator, or specically with the Selection tool. The Effect Controls window also offers two keyframe-related features that the Timeline window lacks: You can snap the current-time indicator to keyframes and select all keyframes for a property. Keyframes look different in the two windows. In the Timeline window, unselected keyframes are hollow ; selected keyframes are colored . In the Effect Controls window, unselected keyframes are partially shaded ; selected keyframes are full shaded . To move the current-time indicator to the previous or next keyframe: In the keyframe navigator, click the Previous Keyframe button or the Next Keyframe button . The keyframe navigator is below the track name in the Timeline window and to the right of the property name in the Effect Controls window. To select a specic keyframe: Using the Selection tool , click a keyframe. (In the Timeline window, when you position the tool over a keyframe, the pointer changes to the keyframe-editing icon .) To select multiple keyframes: Using the Selection tool , hold down Shift and select the keyframes. To select all keyframes for a property: In the Effect Controls window, click the property name. (For example, click Position to select all the Position keyframes for a clip.) To snap the current-time indicator to a keyframe: In the Effect Controls window, Shift-drag the current-time indicator to a keyframe.
Moving keyframes
You can move any keyframe to a different point in time. When you move keyframes, you move the values and settings they contain. Moving keyframes makes it easy to change the speed of animations. You can move selected keyframes over and past surrounding keyframes. In addition, you can drag them beyond the In and Out points of the clip, but they are constrained to the limits of the source media. Note: The rst keyframe always uses the Start Keyframe icon , and the last keyframe always uses the End Keyframe icon . If you move a middle keyframe beyond the rst or last keyframe, the icon for the middle keyframe changes accordingly. To move a keyframe to another time: Drag the keyframe icon to the desired time. To move multiple keyframes to another time: Drag any selected keyframes to the desired time. When you drag more than one keyframe at one time, the selected keyframes maintain their relative distance.
Animating Effects
Copying keyframes
To quickly apply the same keyframe values to another clip or point in time, copy and paste the keyframes. When you paste, the rst keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order. The keyframes remain selected after pasting, so you can immediately move them if needed. Adobe Premiere Elements pastes keyframes to only the currently selected clip. That clip must display the same property as the copied keyframes. Note: If the target clip is shorter than the source clip, keyframes pasted after the target clips Out point dont appear unless you disable the Pin To Clip option in the Effect Controls window. (See Adjusting and removing effects on page 114.) To copy and paste keyframes in the Timeline window: 1 In the Timeline window, display the property containing the keyframes you want to copy. 2 Select one or more keyframes. 3 Choose Edit > Copy. 4 In the Timeline window, select the clip where you want to paste the keyframes. 5 From the clips pop-up menu, select the property of the copied keyframes. If the property isnt available from the menu, rst apply the effect containing the property. (See Applying and organizing effects on page 110.) 6 Move the current-time indicator to the point in time where you want the keyframes to appear. 7 Choose Edit > Paste. To copy and paste keyframes in the Effect Controls window: 1 In the Effect Controls window, expand the effect to reveal its properties and keyframes. 2 Select one or more keyframes. 3 Choose Edit > Copy. 4 Do one of the following:
Move the current-time indicator to where you want the rst keyframe to appear, and choose Edit > Paste. Select another clip, expand the appropriate property in the Effect Controls window, move the current-time indicator to where you want the rst keyframe to appear, and choose Edit > Paste.
Animating Effects
The selection pointer to set the position value. The rotate pointer The scale pointer to set the rotation value. to set the scale value.
Note: If clip handles disappear, reselect the Motion effect in the Effect Controls window.
Animating Effects
6 In the Timeline or Effect Controls window, move the current-time indicator to the location where you want to dene a new value for the property and create a new keyframe. 7 Manipulate the clip in the Monitor window to set a new value for each property for which you set keyframes in step 4. A new keyframe appears at the current-time indicator. 8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 as needed. When you animate a clip, it can be useful to reduce the Monitor windows magnication level. This way, you can see more of the pasteboard area outside the visible area of the screen and can use it to position the clip off screen.
To move an existing keyframe, drag the keyframe handle in the Monitor window. To create a new position keyframe, set the current time between existing keyframes and drag the image in the Monitor window. A new keyframe appears in the timeline.
Note: This procedure changes the position value at a keyframe. To change the timing of keyframes, move keyframes in the Effect Controls window. (See Moving keyframes on page 173.)
The default Linear method displays a diamond-shaped icon , indicating that values interpolate in a mathematically even manner across time. The Hold method displays a partially square icon , indicating that values dont interpolate but instead stay the same until the next keyframe. The Auto Bezier method displays a circular icon , indicating that values automatically interpolate smoothly and naturally when approaching and exiting a keyframe. The remaining methods display an hourglass icon , indicating that you manually specify the smoothness of interpolation using either a Bezier handle or the Ease In or Ease Out command. (These commands change values more slowly when approaching or exiting a keyframe.) Back 176
Animating Effects
Appearance of Bezier handles according to keyframe location A. Start keyframe B. Standard keyframe C. Keyframe handle D. End keyframe
Animating Effects
Adjusting keyframe interpolation A. Adjusting the smoothness of temporal interpolation in the Timeline window B. Adjusting the smoothness of spatial interpolation in the Monitor window
Animating Effects
As you change an Auto Bezier keyframe value, the positions of the direction handles change automatically to maintain a smooth transition between keyframes. These adjustments change the shape of the segments on both sides of the keyframe. If the previous and next keyframes also use Auto Bezier interpolation, the shape of the segments on the far side of the previous or next keyframe also changes. If you adjust an Auto Bezier direction handle manually, you convert it to a Continuous Bezier keyframe. Continuous Bezier interpolation Like Auto Bezier interpolation, Continuous Bezier interpolation creates a smooth rate of change through a keyframe. However, you set the positions of Continuous Bezier direction handles manually. Adjustments change the shape of segments on either side of the keyframe. If you apply Continuous Bezier interpolation to all keyframes of a property, the values at each keyframe are adjusted to create smooth transitions. Smooth transitions are maintained as you move a Continuous Bezier keyframe.
To add Bezier handles to a keyframe: Right-click the keyframe you want to adjust, and choose a keyframe interpolation method from the menu. (See Types of Bezier interpolation on page 178.) To change a keyframe from one interpolation type to another: Do one of the following:
If the keyframe uses Linear interpolation, Ctrl-click the keyframe to change it to Auto Bezier. If you later drag the handles in the Timeline window, the keyframe changes to Continuous Bezier. If the keyframe uses Auto Bezier interpolation, Ctrl-click the keyframe to change it to Bezier. Bezier interpolation lets you control each direction handle independently. To convert it to Continuous Bezier, just drag a handle. If the keyframe uses Bezier, Continuous Bezier, or Auto Bezier, Ctrl-click the keyframe to change it to Linear. The Bezier handles disappear.
Animating Effects
To adjust Bezier handles: 1 Display the Bezier keyframe you want to adjust. (See Understanding how Adobe Premiere Elements displays Bezier handles on page 177.) 2 With the Selection tool, do one of the following:
To adjust the slope of the curve, drag the Bezier handle up or down. To adjust the range of the curves inuence, drag the Bezier handle to the left or right.
Adding Titles
Adding Titles
Creating titles using the Adobe Title Designer
In Adobe Premiere Elements, you can design custom titles and logos with the Adobe Title Designer. You can create titles using any font installed on your computer, and you can embellish the fonts with styles like strokes and colors. You can create logos from any graphic or photograph on your computer and use them to further customize and enhance your movies. With the Adobe Title Designer, you can either create your titles and logos from scratch by using the text and shape tools, or you can use one of the included templates, preset text styles, and images to quickly create an attractive title.
Adobe Title Designer window A. Text adjustment tools B. Alignment tools C. Color Properties button D. Background video controls E. Selection tool F. Rotate tool G. Type tools H. Shape tools I. Add Image button J. Styles palette
Adding Titles
You can work with multiple title windows at once. Each time you click the Title button, a new, separate Templates dialog box opens. When you save a title, Adobe Premiere Elements creates an independent title le, which automatically appears in the open projects Media window and is saved to your hard disk for use in other projects. Deleting the le from your hard disk removes it from the project.
To create a new title: 1 Click the Title button in the task bar. 2 In the Templates dialog box, click the triangle next to a category name to expand it. 3 Select a template to preview it in the Templates dialog box. Transparent areas in the templates are depicted by dark gray and light gray squares. 4 When you nd the template you want to use, select it and click OK. To save a title: 1 Do one of the following:
Click Save Title As to enter a new name for the title, and then continue your work in the newly named title. Click Save Title to save the current title and to continue working in it.
Adding Titles
Drag its In or Out point. Select it, choose Clip > Duration, and type a new duration.
Play the title in Program view: Use any of the playback controls in the Timeline window or Program view of the Monitor window. The real-time preview feature can render most titles on the y and play them back at the projects full frame rate. Build a preview of the title: In the Timeline window, move the work area bar so that it covers the portion of the Timeline window containing the title, and then choose Timeline > Render Work Area to build a preview le.
Adding Titles
To show a frame of video behind the title: 1 Open your title in the Adobe Title Designer. 2 Select Show Video. 3 Do one of the following to locate the frame that you want to display:
In the Adobe Title Designer, drag the underlined Background Video Timecode (which appears directly to the right of the Show Video option), or click it and enter the timecode of the frame. The current-time indicator in the Timeline window also changes to reect the timecode displayed in the Adobe Title Designer. Activate the Timeline window and drag the current-time indicator.
Note: If you are working in more than one Adobe Title Designer window, changing the background display in one window changes the display in all the open windows.
Adding Titles
Safe zones are useful when editing for broadcast video and videotape. Most consumer television sets use a process called overscan, which cuts off a portion of the outer edges of the picture, allowing the center of the picture to be enlarged. The amount of overscan is not consistent across televisions, so to ensure that everything ts within the area that most televisions display, keep text within the title-safe margins and keep all other important elements within the action-safe margins. Note: If you are creating content for computer screen viewing only, the title-safe and action-safe margins are irrelevant because computer screens display the entire image.
Title-safe and action-safe margins in the Adobe Title Designer window A. Safe action area B. Safe title area
To turn title-safe and action-safe margins on or off: Click the More button and choose Title > View > Safe Title Margin or Safe Action Margin. The margin is on if a check mark appears beside its name.
Adding Titles
To type horizontal or vertical text without boundaries: 1 In the Adobe Title Designer window, do one of the following:
To type horizontal text, click the Type tool . To type vertical text, click the Vertical Type tool .
2 In the drawing area, click where you want the type to begin. 3 If you want the text to wrap to the next line when it reaches the title-safe margin, choose Title > Word Wrap. Word Wrap is selected if there is a check mark next to it. 4 Do any of the following to add the text:
Type the text. To type a new line, press Enter. Copy text from another source and paste it into the title area.
5 When you are nished adding text, click the Selection tool, and then click outside the text box area. To create text conned to custom boundaries: 1 In the Adobe Title Designer window, do one of the following:
To type horizontal text, click the Horizontal Area Type tool To type vertical text, click the Vertical Area Type tool .
2 In the drawing area, drag to dene the boundaries of the text box. 3 Type the text. The text wraps to a new line when it reaches the boundaries of the text box. Resizing the text box in this mode resizes only the visible area; the text remains the same size. 4 When you are nished typing, click the Selection tool, and then click outside of the text box area. To resize the text box: Select the text box that you want to resize and drag any of the corner or side points. Note: If you did not create a text box, you are still able to drag the corner or side points of the text; however, in this case, you are resizing the text itself.
Selecting characters
The Selection tool in the Adobe Title Designer toolbox makes it easy to select text or graphic elements. When the Selection tool is in a position to select an element, an outline appears around the element; this outline helps you make sure that youre selecting the right text when text boxes overlap one another. To select a single character or group of contiguous characters in a text box: 1 Using the Selection tool, double-click the text box containing the text you want to select. The tool changes to the Type tool, indicated by a blinking cursor. 2 Drag across the range of letters that you want to select.
Adding Titles
Changing fonts
At any time, you can change the fonts that you use for your titles. If you want to experiment with several different fonts, you can quickly do so by using the Font Browser dialog box. The font browser displays all of your installed fonts in the fonts typeface using a set of default characters, which you can change. When you choose a font in the browser, Adobe Premiere Elements immediately applies the typeface to your title. The font browser remains open so that you can easily choose another font for preview. You can continue changing fonts until you nd the right one. You can also select single characters in your text, and apply a different font to each one. Note: If you share your title les with other users, make sure that their computers have the fonts that you used to create the shared title. To change the font: Select the text and do one of the following:
Choose Title > Font and choose a font from the menu. Click the Font Browser button and select a font. Click OK when you are done.
To change the characters that appear in the Font Browser window: 1 Choose Edit > Preferences > Titler. 2 In the Font Browser box, type up to six characters that you want to appear as the default character display in the Font Browser window.
Drag the size, kerning, or leading values next to the Size icon , the Kerning icon the Leading icon . Click the respective value to enter a specic number. Choose Title > Size and choose a font size. Choose Other to type a custom size.
, or
To change the text justication: 1 Select a text box. 2 Choose Title > Type Alignment and choose Left, Center, or Right. You can also set tabs in the text. (See Aligning text characters on page 191.)
Adding Titles
To change text orientation: 1 Select the text box. 2 Choose Title > Orientation and select either Horizontal or Vertical.
Shift-drag to constrain the shapes aspect ratio. Alt-drag to draw from the center of the shape. Shift+Alt-drag to constrain the aspect ratio and draw from the center. To ip the shape as you draw, drag diagonally across the opposite corners of the image to ip the shape diagonally, or drag across, up, or down to ip the shape horizontally or vertically.
Note: To ip the shape after youve drawn it, use the Selection tool to drag a corner point in the direction you want it to ip.
Adjusting position
You can center any element either horizontally or vertically within the title window. The Adobe Title Designer places the elements in the center of the title window at center coordinates relative to the dimensions of the title window. To adjust position: 1 Select the shape or text. (Shift-click to select multiple elements.) 2 Do one of the following:
In the drawing area, drag any of the selected elements to a new position. Choose Title > Transform > Position and type new x and y Position values; then click OK. Use the arrow keys to nudge the element in 1-pixel increments, or press Shift+arrow key to nudge the element in 5-pixel increments.
Adding Titles
To center text and shape elements in the title area: 1 Select the elements that you want to center. 2 Click either the Center Vertically button or the Center Horizontally button.
Adjusting scale
You can scale the size of text by using this method only if you did not initially create a text box. If you created a text box, this method scales only the text box. To scale the text in the text box, you must change the font size. (See Changing text attributes on page 187.) To scale text and shapes: 1 Select the element. (Shift-click to select multiple elements.) 2 Do one of the following:
To scale the height or width, drag the appropriate corner or side point for the selected shape. To constrain the element proportions, hold down Shift as you drag the corner and side points. To scale and constrain the aspect ratio, hold down Shift as you drag any elements corner points. To scale from the center, Alt-drag any elements corner points. To set scale values and specify if scale is uniform or not, choose Title > Transform > Scale, specify the values you want, and click OK.
In the drawing area, place the cursor just outside the corner points. When the cursor becomes the Rotate icon , drag in the direction you want to adjust the angle. (Shiftdrag to constrain the rotation to 45 increments.) Select the Rotation tool and drag the selection in the direction that you want. Choose Title > Transform > Rotation and type a new Rotation value; then click OK.
To adjust opacity: 1 Select the text or shape. (Shift-click to select multiple elements.) 2 Choose Title > Transform > Opacity, type a new Opacity value, and click OK.
Adding Titles
To arrange text and shapes: 1 Select the element you want to move. 2 Choose Title > Arrange, and then choose one of the following:
Bring To Front to bring the selected element to the top of the stacking order. Bring Forward to switch the selected elements stacking order with the text or shape directly in front of it. Send To Back to move the selected element to the bottom of the stacking order. Send Backward to switch the selected elements stacking order with the element directly behind it.
To navigate through stacked text or shapes: 1 Select any of the stacked text or shape elements. 2 Choose Title > Select, and then choose the appropriate command to move the selection either forward or backward in the stack.
To align the selected elements, click the appropriate align icon on the toolbar, or choose Title > Align elements and choose the type of alignment you want. To distribute the selected elements, click the appropriate distribute icon on the toolbar, or choose Title > Distribute elements and choose the type of distribution you want.
Adding Titles
To set and adjust a tab stop: 1 Select a text element. 2 Choose Title > Tab Stops. 3 In the Tab Stops dialog box, do one of the following:
Click the Left Justify tab marker to create a tab stop with left-justied text. Click the Center tab marker to create a tab stop with centered text. Click the Right Justify tab marker to create a tab stop with right-justied text.
4 Click the tab ruler above the numbers to create a tab. Drag the tab stop to adjust its position. As you drag, use the vertical guides that appear in the Adobe Title Designer window to track the position of the stop. The Adobe Title Designer window updates to show the new position of any text at a tab stop that you adjust. To view the tab stops without opening the Tab Stop dialog box: Choose Title > View > Tab Markers. A check mark beside Tab Markers indicates that the tab stop viewing lines are selected. When they are selected, the yellow tab markers display for each text element you select.
Adding Titles
To delete a tab stop: In the Tab Stops dialog box, drag the tab up, down, or off the tab ruler.
Color Properties box A. Color selection controls B. Fill and Stroke controls C. Gradient controls D. Drop shadow controls
Adding Titles
To create a ll or stroke: 1 Select the text or shape that you want to adjust. 2 Click the Color Properties button . 3 Click the Fill button or the Stroke button to adjust the respective color property. The buttons are selected when they appear recessed. 4 (Optional) Choose an option from the Gradient menu. Choose Solid to create a uniform ll. Otherwise, choose another gradient option. For information on specifying color for different parts of a gradient, see Gradient types and options on page 193. 5 Specify a color by doing one of the following:
Click or drag the underlined R, G, or B values to change the individual color channels. Click the eyedropper button, and then click a color in any other window or area of the application to specify that color. Drag the color slider (or the arrows above or below it) to specify a new color. Drag the small circle in the color brightness thumbnail (the multicolored box next to the RGB values) to specify the colors brightness. Click the Remove Color icon , the solid white icon , or the solid black icon .
Adding Titles
Angle to adjust the angle that the drop shadow is offset. Drag within the control to adjust the values quicker. Distance to adjust the distance that the shadow lies from the element. Softness to adjust the softness, or blurriness, of the shadow edge.
Adding Titles
Using styles
Once youve applied a combination of color properties and font characteristics to a text or shape element in your title, you can save this combination, or style, for later use. You can save any number of styles. Thumbnails of all saved styles appear in the Styles area of the Adobe Title Designer, so you can quickly apply your custom styles across projects. Adobe Premiere Elements includes with a set of default styles that you can use immediately. The Current Style thumbnail always shows the color properties that you have applied to the currently selected element. This thumbnail represents how the saved style swatch will look.
To save a style: 1 Apply color properties and font attributes to your text or shape element. 2 Select the element that contains the style you want to save. 3 Click the Save Style button. 4 Type a name for the style and click OK. The style appears in the list of style swatches. For information about setting color properties, see Adding color and shadows to text and shapes on page 192 and Changing fonts on page 187. To apply a style: 1 Select the element to which you want to apply the style. 2 Click a style swatch in the Styles area. To delete a style: Select the style swatch and click the Delete button.
Adding Titles
To create scrolling or crawling titles: 1 Click the Title button in the task bar, and choose Scrolling Title or Crawling Title. 2 Create your title. Note: For best results when creating text, use the Type tool. (See Adding text to titles on page 185.) 3 (Optional) Click the More button and choose Roll/Crawl Options. 4 Specify the appropriate Timing options, and then click OK. The Roll/Crawl title options includes the following: Motion Species the type of title to create. Start Off Screen Species that the scroll begins out of view and scrolls into view. End Off Screen Species that the scroll continues until the elements are out of view. Pre-Roll Species the number of frames that play before the scroll begins. Ease-In Species the number of frames that the title scrolls at a slowly increasing speed until the title reaches the playback speed.
Adding Titles
Ease-Out Species the number of frames that the title scrolls at a slowly decreasing speed until the scroll completes. Post-Roll Species the number of frames that play after the scroll completes. Left to Right, Right to Left Species the direction in which the crawl moves. To scroll a scroll or crawl in the Adobe Title Designer: Drag the horizontal or vertical scroll bar bordering the drawing area. Note: Elements must extend beyond the borders of the work area before the scroll bars will scroll.
Creating DVDs
Creating DVDs
About creating DVDs
DVDs are a great way to share your video with family and friends. You can create auto-play DVDs or menu-based DVDs in Adobe Premiere Elements. Auto-play DVDs begin playing when inserted into a DVD player, where as menu-based DVDs initially display a menu, so your viewers can select what they want to view. Menu-based DVDs let you break long videos into either scenes or separate movies.
Creating DVDs
Use Main Menu Markers (and Stop Markers) to divide the video into separate movies. Button on the main menu link to Main Menu Markers. Use Scene Markers (without Stop Markers) when you want the movie to play from start to nish, and also want your viewer to be able to jump ahead to specic scenes. Scene buttons link to Scene Markers and appear on scene submenus one after another (not grouped by movie). Use Stop Markers to designate the end of a movie. When the DVD player reaches a Stop Marker, it returns back to the Main Menu. Once you add a Stop Marker to the Timeline window, a DVD player will no longer play the movie from start to nish. Therefore, you generally add Stop Markers only if youve divided your video into separate movies, and dont need to play the clips in the Timeline window from beginning to end.
Note: You can use both Main Menu Markers and Scene Markers in a movie. However, you must remember that once the DVD player encounters a Stop Marker, it returns to the Main Menu, not the menu from which it was called.
Relationship between DVD markers and the menu templates A. Media Start B. Stop Marker C. Main Menu Marker D. Scene Marker
Creating DVDs
Duplicate menus created when movie contains more Main Menu Markers than buttons on template A. Next button leads to duplicate menu B. Previous button returns user to main menu
Creating DVDs
Automatically placed Scene Markers do not have names, so the buttons on the Scene submenu remain as named in the template. To customize the buttons, you can either name the markers after they are placed or rename the buttons after you select the template. For more information, see Renaming DVD markers, changing their type, and choosing a thumbnail on page 204 or Customizing the menu template for your project on page 206. To automatically add Scene Markers: 1 Click the Timeline window to make it the active window. 2 Choose Marker > Auto-Generate DVD Markers. 3 In the Automatically Set DVD Scene Markers dialog box, select how you want the markers placed, entering a value if required:
At Each Scene places a Scene Marker at each edit point (cut) between clips on the Video 1 track. Every _ Minutes places Scene Markers at the interval you specify. (This option is only available when the movie contains several minutes of footage.) Total Markers places the number of markers you specify evenly spaced across the entire range of clips in the Timeline window.
4 If the Timeline window contains existing DVD markers that you no longer want, select Clear Existing DVD Markers. (When you clear the markers, you clear the marker names and thumbnail offsets associated with each one.)
Creating DVDs
5 Click OK. Adobe Premiere Elements adds Scene Markers to the Timeline window underneath the time ruler.
To quickly place a marker, you can also drag a marker from the Set DVD Marker button to the desired location in the time ruler. 3 Type a name for the marker in the DVD Marker dialog box. Keep the name short so that it will t in the menu and not overlap another button. (You can adjust the name later as well, once youve selected the desired template.) 4 In the Marker Type menu, select the type of marker you want to set.
Creating DVDs
5 (Optional) Drag the Thumbnail Offset timecode as necessary to select the image you want displayed in the button thumbnail in the menu. When you create the DVD, if you choose a menu with thumbnail images, the image you select will display in the menu. (This thumbnail is for the menu display only; the video linked to the button starts at the marker location.)
6 Click OK. Adobe Premiere Elements adds the marker to the Timeline window underneath the time ruler. A Main Menu Marker is blue; a Scene Marker is green. To add a Stop Marker: 1 In the Timeline window, move the current-time indicator to the end of the video or scene. 2 Click the Set DVD Marker button (just left of the time ruler). 3 In the DVD Marker dialog box, select Stop Marker from the Marker Type menu and click OK. Adobe Premiere Elements adds the red Stop Marker to the Timeline window underneath the time ruler.
Creating DVDs
Type a name for the marker. This name appears as the label for the button in the main menu or scenes menu. Keep the name short so that it will t in the menu and not overlap another button. (You can adjust the name later as well, once youve selected the desired template.) Select the type of marker you want to set in the Marker Type menu. Drag the Thumbnail Offset timecode as necessary to select the image you want displayed in the button thumbnail in the menu. When you create the DVD, if you choose a menu with thumbnail images, the image you select will display in the menu. (This thumbnail is for the menu display only; the video linked to the button starts at the marker location.)
Creating DVDs
Creating DVDs
5 Select the desired template, and click OK. Adobe Premiere Elements links the buttons to the DVD markers in the Timeline window and inserts the DVD marker names for the button text. 6 If Adobe Premiere Elements asks if you want to add DVD Scene Markers automatically, click either No or Yes. If you click Yes, select how you want the markers placed in the Automatically Set DVD Scene Markers dialog box, and click OK:
At Each Scene places a Scene Marker at each edit point (cut) between clips on the Video 1 track. Every _ Minutes places Scene Markers at the interval you specify. (This option is only available when the movie contains several minutes of footage.) Total Markers places the number of markers you specify evenly spaced across the entire range of clips in the Timeline window.
Note: If you choose not to add markers automatically at this time, you can add them later. Adobe Premiere Elements updates DVD menus dynamically, adding Main Marker buttons or Scenes Submenus and buttons if you add DVD markers. 7 Click the small version of the menu in the bottom of the DVD Layout window to view a menu. If necessary use the scroll bar to scroll to the menu you want to view or resize the window to view more side-by-side. 8 (Optional) After you choose a template in the DVD Layout window, you can customize the menu, preview the DVD, or burn the DVD. (See Customizing the menu template for your project on page 206, Previewing a DVD on page 210, and About burning a DVD on page 210.)
Type a new name for the marker (and the button in the menu). Keep the name short so that it will t in the menu and not overlap another button. Drag the Thumbnail Offset timecode as necessary to select the image you want displayed in the button thumbnail in the menu. (This thumbnail is for the menu display only; the video linked to the button starts at the marker location.)
To check for overlapping buttons, click the More button in the DVD Layout window, and choose Show Overlapping Menu Buttons. Adobe Premiere Elements outlines any overlapping buttons in red.
Creating DVDs
To change menu titles: 1 If the DVD Layout window is not displayed, click the DVD button in the task bar. 2 At the bottom of the DVD Layout window, click the small version of the menu you want to change. 3 Double-click the menu title. 4 In the Change Text dialog box, type the new text, and click OK.
Creating DVDs
DVD Layout window with Show Overlapping Menu Buttons option selected
To display the boundaries of overlapping buttons: 1 If the DVD Layout window is not displayed, click the DVD button in the task bar. 2 Click the More button in the DVD Layout window, and choose Show Overlapping Menu Buttons. Adobe Premiere Elements outlines any overlapping buttons in red.
Creating DVDs
Creating DVDs
Previewing a DVD
It is always a good idea to preview a DVD before you burn it. The Preview DVD window contains controls that mimic those on a DVD remote control. By using these controls, you can test each button on the menus and view the video to which they link.
Preview DVD navigation controls A. Previous Scene B. Next Scene C. Rewind D. Skip back a frame E. Play/Pause F. Skip forward a frame G. Fast forward H. Button navigation arrows and Enter button I. Return to main menu
To preview a menu-based DVD: 1 If the DVD Layout window is not displayed, click the DVD button in the task bar. 2 If you havent selected a menu template, the DVD Template dialog box appears. Choose a theme, select a template, and click OK. (See Choosing menu templates for the DVD on page 205.) 3 In the DVD Layout window, click Preview DVD. Adobe Premiere Elements displays the main menu in the Preview DVD dialog box. Note: If Adobe Premiere Elements warns you that buttons overlap, see Making sure buttons dont overlap on page 208. 4 Use the navigation controls or your mouse to select each button and view each scene or video. 5 When you have nished previewing your DVD, close the window.
Supported media
Adobe Premiere Elements supports single-layer, 4.7 GB discs of the following type: DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, and DVD-RW. (If you have a dual-layer recordable DVD drive, you must use single-layer DVD+R or DVD+RW discs.) Choose the media supported by both your DVD burner and the DVD player on which you plan to play the DVD. Unfortunately, not all DVD burners and DVD players support all types of DVDs. For example, many TV DVD players recognize DVD+R discs, but not all. If your DVD burner is not compatible with Adobe Premiere Elements, you can burn the project to a folder, which allows you to use the software included with the burner to burn the nal DVD.
Creating DVDs
Burning a DVD
Once you have previewed your DVD and are satised that it is complete, you are ready to burn the project to a DVD disc. Make sure that the DVD disc youve selected is compatible with both your DVD burner and with the DVD player in which you plan to play the DVD. Also, be aware that you must have enough available hard disk space to accommodate the complete compressed DVD les, as well as any scratch les created during export. (You can verify the space needed once you open the Burn DVD dialog box; it displays the space requirement for your project.) Depending on the complexity and length of the project and your computer, compressing video and audio for a DVD can take hours. If you plan to burn several DVDs, you can save time by burning them in the same session. In this way, you compress the project only once. Note: If your DVD burner isnt compatible, you can burn the project to a folder instead. Then, using the software utility included with the DVD burner, you can subsequently burn the nal DVD.
Creating DVDs
To burn a DVD to disc: 1 If the DVD Layout window is not displayed, click the DVD button 2 In the DVD Layout window, click Burn DVD. You can also access the Burn DVD dialog box by clicking the Timeline window to make it the active window, and then choosing the File > Export > Export to DVD command. 3 In the Burn DVD dialog box, select Disc as your destination for the project. 4 Type a name for the DVD. This name appears in Windows if you insert the DVD into a computer. (The default name is a date stamp in the format: YYYYMMDD_hhmmss, where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, hh is hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds.) 5 Select the desired DVD drive for Burner Location. 6 Make sure that a compatible blank DVD disc is inserted in the drive. If you insert a disc, click Rescan to make Adobe Premiere Elements recheck all connected DVD burners for valid media. Note: Adobe Premiere Elements detects only burners that are connected and turned on at the time you started Adobe Premiere Elements. If you connected and turned on any burners after that point, they are not recognized until you restart Adobe Premiere Elements. 7 If you want to test burning your project without writing to disc, choose Test Media Before Burning. Adobe Premiere Elements performs all the steps of burning without writing to disc. Note: This option requires the same amount of time as actually burning a DVD. 8 Select the number of DVDs you want to burn during this session. As each disc is completed, Adobe Premiere Elements asks you to insert another disc until all of the discs you specied have been burned. 9 Either select Fit Contents To Available Space or drag the slider to choose the video quality you want. 10 For TV Standard, select the option that best matches the geographic location of your audience. 11 Click Burn to begin converting your project to the DVD format and burning the DVD. If no DVD burner is available, Burn is unavailable. Important: Compressing the video and audio for DVD output can take several hours. in the task bar.
Creating DVDs
To build a DVD folder: 1 If the DVD Layout window is not displayed, click the DVD button 2 In the DVD Layout window, click Burn DVD. 3 In the Burn DVD dialog box, select Folder as your destination for the project. 4 Type a name for the folder. 5 Click Browse to specify a location for the DVD folder. 6 Click Burn to begin creating the DVD folder. Important: Compressing the video and audio for DVD output can take several hours. 7 To copy the VIDEO_TS folder to the DVD disc and burn a DVD, follow the instructions that came with your DVD burner. in the task bar.
Exporting Movies
Exporting Movies
About exporting movies
You can use Adobe Premiere Elements to export your videos in the following ways:
Export directly to your DV camcorder or DV recording device via the IEE 1394 connection as the movie plays in the Monitor or Timeline window. Export a video le for subsequent viewing from a hard disk or CD. Export a video le for viewing over the Web, or on handheld devices such as cellular phones and PDAs. Export to DVD. (SeeAbout burning a DVD on page 210.)
Note: To create motion-picture lm from an Adobe Premiere Elements project, you must have the proper hardware for video or lm transfer or have access to a service provider that offers the appropriate equipment and services.
About compression
When exporting a video program, you choose a codec to compress the information for storage and transfer (such as on a DVD), and to decompress the information so it can be viewed again. The name codec comes from an abbreviation of its function of compression and decompression. During compression, repetitive and unnecessary information in the original le is discarded, causing the original le to lose information. For this reason, most codecs are considered lossy. Some codecs, though lossy, still allow the le to retain a high level of quality. The DV and MPEG codecs are especially good at maintaining excellent quality. Compressing video reduces its le size and data transfer rate, facilitating smooth playback and reducing storage requirements. A variety of codecs are available; no single codec is the best for all situations. For example, the best codec for compressing cartoon animation is generally not effective for compressing live-action video. When you export from Adobe Premiere Elements, you generally only need to choose your medium of delivery and the application will select the optimal codec for you. If you intend for your exported movie to be played back from a hard disk or CD, make sure that the codec you use to export your video is available to the audience for your movie. Most codecs for digital video and the Web are already available on a majority of systems. However, if you are using a codec thats native to a particular product, make sure that your target audience uses the same product, or can easily obtain the codec that you used. If you intend to create a DVD or record to tape, codec compatibility is irrelevantyour audience only needs to have the hardware necessary to play back the le.
Exporting Movies
Exporting Movies
Downloading a video le over the Web The data rate is less important than the size of the video le on disk because the main concern is how long it takes to download the le. However, it still may be desirable to reduce the data rate for downloaded video because doing so reduces the size of the video le, making it download faster. Use the Get Properties For command to analyze the data rate of les you export. (See Analyzing clip properties and data rate on page 62.)
Exporting Movies
Exporting to tape
Exporting your movie to tape is a good way to prepare it for easy presentation, as well as a good way to archive your movies without using hard disk space. Unlike footage burned to DVD, you can recapture the footage that you store on DV tape, as well as append new footage to the tape. To export to tape: 1 Connect the DV device (camcorder, deck, or analog-to-digital converter) to your computer by using an IEEE 1394 connection. If you are using an analog source, connect that source to the analog-to-digital converter. 2 Turn on the camcorder and set it to VTR (or VCR) mode. If the Digital Video Device dialog box appears, close it. 3 Start Adobe Premiere Elements and open your project. To give your recording deck additional time before your video starts and after it ends, add black frames before and after the movie in the Timeline window. (See Creating black video on page 61.) In addition, if you plan to have a postproduction facility duplicate your videotapes, add a minimum of 30 seconds of color bars and tone at the beginning of your program to aid in video and audio calibration. (See Creating color bars and a 1-kHz tone on page 61.) 4 Make sure that your video recording device is on, that a blank or appendable tape is in the device, and that the tapes record protection tab is in a position that allows recording. If necessary, cue the tape to the location where you want to begin recording. Make sure that you have sufcient tape, or are recording at an optimal speed, in order to record your entire movie. 5 Click and hold the Export button in the task bar, and then choose To Tape. 6 In the Export to Tape dialog box, select options as desired. For information on available options, see Export To Tape options on page 218. 7 Do one of the following to begin recording:
If you are using a DV camcorder or other device that Adobe Premiere Elements can control, click Record. If you are using an analog device that is connected to the computer by an analog-todigital converter, rst enable record on your analog device, and then click Record.
8 If the movie contains unrendered clips, the rendering begins at this point. Once all the clips are rendered, the export begins. Using Help | Contents | Index Back 217
Exporting Movies
9 When you are nished recording, click Stop and close the dialog box.
Exporting Movies
To export video for hard disk playback: 1 Activate the Timeline window and choose File > Export > Movie. 2 Click Settings, choose settings as necessary, and then click OK. 3 Specify a location and le name, and click OK. To cancel the export, press Esc; it may take several seconds to complete the cancellation. For information on Export settings, see About export settings on page 220.
Exporting audio
Exporting audio by using the Audio command lets you choose the specic le types that support audiomaking the video formats and options unavailable. To export audio only: 1 Activate the Timeline window and choose File > Export > Audio. 2 Click Settings, choose settings as necessary, and then click OK. 3 Specify a location and le name, and click OK. To cancel the export, press Esc; it may take several seconds to complete the cancellation. For information on Export settings, see About export settings on page 220.
Exporting Movies
Exporting Movies
Dithering simulates colors that are not available in the web-safe color palette used by web browsers. Dithering simulates unavailable colors by using patterns that intersperse pixels from available colors. Dithered colors may look coarse and grainy, but dithering generally improves the apparent color range and the appearance of gradations. Deselect this option to replace unavailable colors with the next closest color in the palette; this may cause abrupt color transitions. Transparency menu includes the following options: None creates the movie in an opaque rectangle. Hard converts one color into a transparent area. Color species the color. Soft converts one color into a transparent area and soften the edges. Looping species that an animated GIF plays continuously without stopping. Deselect this option if you want the animated GIF to play only once and then stop. This option is not available for a GIF sequence.
Range Species the range of time to export. Select Work Area exports the frame range indicated by the work area markers. If you are exporting clips from the Monitor window, and In and Out points are marked, you can select In to Out to export the marked range only. Export Video Exports the video tracks. Deselect to prevent exporting video tracks. Export Audio Exports the audio tracks. Deselect to prevent exporting audio tracks. Add To Project When Finished Adds the exported le to the Media window after exporting is complete. Beep When Finished Species that Adobe Premiere Elements sounds an alert when exporting is complete. Embedding Options Contains the following options: Project Link includes in the exported le the information necessary to use the Edit Original command. When a le contains this information, you can open and edit the original project from within another Adobe Premiere Elements project or from another application that supports the command. None species that the information is not included. This option is available only for DV and WAV formats and is on by default.
Exporting Movies
Depth Species the color depth, or the number of colors to include in video that you export. This menu may not be available if the selected Compressor supports only one color depth. You can also specify an 8-bit (256-color) palette when preparing a video program for 8-bit color playbackfor example, to match the colors on a web page or in a presentation. When available, click Palette, and then either select Make Palette from Movie to derive a color palette from the frames used in the video program, or select Load Palette Now to import a color palette that you prepared and saved previously. You can load color palettes in the ACO (Photoshop color swatch), ACT (Photoshop color palette), or PAL (Windows paletteWindows only) format. Note: With the QuickTime le type, you can attach a 256-color palette to a movie of any bit depth. You can specify a palette for 24-bit movies to use when displaying on 8-bit monitors, and you can prevent palette ashing by attaching the same palette to many movies. Video for Windows supports attaching a palette only to an 8-bit movie. Frame Size Species the dimensions, in pixels, for video frames you export. Choose 4:3 Aspect to constrain the frame size to the 4:3 aspect ratio used by conventional television. Some codecs support specic frame sizes. Increasing the frame size displays more detail but uses more disk space and requires more processing during playback, which can cause poor playback on slower computers. Frame Rate Species the number of frames per second for video you export. Some codecs support a specic set of frame rates. Increasing the frame rate may produce smoother motion (depending on the original frame rates of the source clips) but uses more disk space. Pixel Aspect Ratio Species the pixel aspect ratio of the exported le. If you are exporting to DV AVI, choose any of the four D1/DV NTSC or DV PAL ratios, depending on the television standard of your locale. Otherwise, choose the option that matches your source video or that conforms to your destination. For instance, because Animated GIFs will most likely be viewed on a computer screen, which displays pixels in squares, the 1.0 aspect ratio is most appropriate. When the pixel aspect ratio (displayed in parentheses) doesnt match 1.0, the output type uses rectangular pixels, which is the case for DV AVI ratios. For more information, see About aspect ratios on page 62. Quality Species the picture quality of and disk space used by exported video. If you are using the same codec to capture and export, and youve rendered previews of a video, you can save rendering time by matching the export quality setting with your original capture quality setting. Increasing quality above the original capture quality does not increase quality, but may result in longer rendering times. Note: The quality slider is not available for all codecs. Limit Data Rate to _ K/Sec Species an upper limit on the amount of video data produced by the exported video when it is played back. (This option may not be available for the selected compressor) Note: In some codecs, quality and data rate are interrelated, so that adjusting one option automatically alters the other.
Exporting Movies
Recompress Ensures that Adobe Premiere Elements exports a video le that is under the data rate you specied. Always compresses every frame even if it is already within the data rate. Maintain Data Rate preserves quality by compressing only the frames that are above the specied data rate. Recompressing previously compressed frames may lower picture quality. Deselect Recompress to prevent current compression settings from being applied to clips that were not altered when you edited them into the program.
Exporting Movies
Sample Type Species the bit depth for export. Choose a higher bit depth and stereo for better quality, or choose a lower bit depth and mono to reduce processing time and diskspace requirements. CD quality is 16-bit stereo. Stereo provides two channels of audio; Mono provides one channel. Channels Species how many audio channels are in the exported le. If you choose to export a stereo track as mono, the audio will be downmixed. Interleave Species how often audio information is inserted among the video frames in the exported le. See your capture card documentation for the recommended setting. A value of 1 frame means that when a frame is played back, the audio for the duration of that frame is loaded into RAM so that it can play until the next frame appears. If the audio breaks up when playing, the interleave value may be causing the computer to process audio more frequently than it can handle. Increasing the value lets Adobe Premiere Elements store longer audio segments that need to be processed less often, but higher interleave values require more RAM. Most current hard disks operate best with 1/2- to 1second interleaves.
Exporting Movies
To export a movie for the Internet: 1 Activate the Timeline window. 2 Click the Export button in the task bar, and choose one of the Internet le formats listed: MPEG, QuickTime, or Windows Media. 3 Select a preset from the list on the left, depending on your TV standard (NTSC or PAL) or intended destination. Default settings for the presets and the particular playback medium that the preset is optimized for appear in the Preset Description section. The estimated properties of the movie appear in the Your Movie section. You can make adjustments to the default settings by clicking the Advanced button. 4 Click OK. 5 Specify a location and le name, and click Save.
In the Export [le format] dialog box, expand the Custom folder and click a saved preset. In the Transcode Settings dialog box, choose a preset from the Presets menu.
Exporting Movies
Exporting Movies
Frequency Species the number of samples per second in the audio le. Reduce this to decrease le size. However, if high-quality audio is a priority in your le, dont reduce this below 32,000 kHz.
Exporting Movies
Add Alternate Species the type of alternate movie to create. Choose the alternate that best matches the audience that you want to reach. You can choose as many alternates as you wish. Each one that you choose appears in a list below the Add Alternate menu. To edit the settings for each one, just click it to select it. To change the name of the alternate, double-click it and enter a new name. Alternate Movie Species whether an alternate movie is created. Alternate lename Prex Species the prex for each alternate movie le name. Create Reference File, Fallback Species whether a reference le is created. You can also choose to embed one of the alternates into the reference movie. Target path Species the location for all alternate movies. Connection Species the viewers connection speed that will trigger the alternate movie. For example, if you choose 28.8/33.6 Kbps modem, and the reference le detects that the viewers connection speed is 28.8/33.6 Kbps, the alternate movie will play. Language Species the language for the alternate movie. If the reference le detects that the viewer has set a certain language as their preference (viewers set this preference in their QuickTime player)and you specify a language option, the alternate movie that matches the viewers language preference will play. Platform Species the platform compatibility of the alternate movie. Quality Species the quality ranking of the alternate movie. This setting is useful if you create several alternate movies, all with the same connection speed setting, but with slightly different audio and video settings. To differentiate them for the QuickTime player, you can rank them according to quality. The QuickTime player will attempt to play each one, from the highest to the lowest quality, until it nds one suitable for the connection speed. Computer power Species the alternate movie that plays in response to the viewers computer power. Version Species the alternate movie that will play according to the version of the QuickTime player that the viewer owns. For example, you can create several alternate movies and assign each one a different version compatibility. When a viewer with a specic version attempts to play your movie, the reference le triggers the movie that corresponds to the viewers player version. This option is useful for backward compatibility. Server path Species the rstp server path where your movies are posted.
Exporting Movies
5 Select the box next to any metadata that you want to add to your encoded le, or deselect any category that you want to remove, and click OK. 6 On the right side of the Transcode Settings dialog box, enter the metadata in the appropriate box. 7 To erase all the data in the boxes, click Clear Fields.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Using the default keyboard shortcuts
Adobe Premiere Elements provides a default set of keyboard shortcuts that you can view and modify by using the Edit > Keyboard Customization command. (See Customizing keyboard shortcuts on page 230.) To nd the keyboard shortcut for a tool, button, or menu command: Do one of the following:
For a tool or button, hold the pointer over the tool or button until its tool tip appears. If a shortcut is available, it appears after the tool description. For menu commands, look for the keyboard shortcut at the right of the command. For keyboard shortcuts not shown in tool tips or menus, choose Edit > Keyboard Customization. To cycle through open windows, hold down Ctrl, and press the Tab key. (This shortcut doesnt apply to palettes or the oating Audio Meters window.)
Application displays commands found in the menu bar, organized by category. Windows displays commands associated with window buttons and pop-up menus.
3 In the Command column, view the command for which you want to create a shortcut. If necessary, click the triangle next to the name of a category to reveal the commands it includes. 4 Click in the items shortcut eld to select it. 5 Type the shortcut you want to use for the item. If the shortcut is already in use, you are asked to either replace the existing shortcut or cancel. 6 To erase a shortcut so that you can enter a different shortcut, click Clear. (Click Undo to restore the previously entered shortcut.)
Keyboard Shortcuts
7 Repeat the procedure to enter as many shortcuts as you want. When youre nished, click Save As, type a name for your Key Set, and click Save. Note: Some commands are reserved by the operating system and cannot be reassigned to Adobe Premiere Elements. Likewise, you cannot assign numbers or the plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the numeric keypad because they are necessary for entering relative timecode values. You can assign these keys on the keyboard, however. To remove a shortcut: In the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, select the shortcut you want to remove, and click Clear. To remove a custom set of shortcuts: In the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, select the key set you want to remove from the Set pop-up menu and click Delete. When asked, conrm your choice by clicking Delete. To switch to a different set of shortcuts: Choose Edit > Keyboard Customization, and choose the set of shortcuts you want to use from the Set pop-up menu.
AV-to-DV converter An electronic device that converts analog video signals to digital video signals. aliasing Undesirable jagged or stair-stepped appearance of angled lines in an image, graphic, or text. alpha channel A fourth, invisible channel that denes transparent areas of an image. The other three channels are red, green, and blue (RGB). analog video A video signal consisting of a continuous electrical signal. Most televisions and VCRs are analog video devices. To be stored and manipulated on a computer, analog video must be converted to digital video. anti-aliasing The smoothing of edges in an image, graphic, or text. Anti-aliased edges appear blurred up close but smooth at normal viewing distance. Anti-aliasing is important when working with high-quality graphics for television use. artifact Distortion to a picture or a sound signal. With digital video, artifacts can result from overloading the input device with too much signal or from excessive or improper compression. aspect ratio The ratio of width to height of an image. For example, the aspect ratio of NTSC video frames is 4:3, but most motion pictures use the more elongated aspect ratio of 16:9.
bitmap A graphic image comprised of individual pixels, each of which has values that dene its brightness and color. blue screen See keying on page 235.
capture card Sometimes called a capture or video board. A card installed into a computer and used to digitize video. Or, for video that is already digitized, the device that simply transfers the le to the hard disk. capturing The process of transferring source video from a camcorder or tape deck to a computer. If the source video is analog, the capture process converts the video to digital. channel Each computer graphic consists of three separate channels: red, green, and blue. Each may be adjusted independently. A fourth, alpha channel may also be added to dene transparent areas. chroma The color information in a video signal that comprises the hue (phase angle) and saturation (amplitude). Using Help | Contents | Index Back 232
chroma key A video effect that replaces an area of specic color with a different video signal. This effect is often used during newscasts to insert a weather map behind a meteorologist. Cinepak A commonly used codec for compression of video les on CD-ROM. Cinepak offers temporal and spatial compression, and data-rate limiting. clip A digitized or captured portion of video. codec Algorithms used to encode and decode, or compress and decompress, sound and video les. Common codecs convert analog video signals to compressed digital video les (for example, MPEG) or analog sound signals to digital sound les (for example, RealAudio). color bars See NTSC color bars on page 237. color correction Altering the color of video that was shot under less than ideal conditions, such as low light. In Adobe Premiere Elements, you can correct color with the Auto Color and Color Match effects. compositing See superimposing on page 238. compression Shrinking audio or video data by using a format that requires less storage space. See also codec on page 233. current-time indicator A light-blue triangle in the time ruler of the Timeline, Monitor, and Effect Controls windows. You drag this indicator to identify specic frames. cut The transition from one video or audio clip to another.
D-to-A converter An electronic device that converts digital signals into analog signals. data rate The amount of data moved over a period of time (for example, 10 MB per second). Often used to describe a hard drive's ability to retrieve and deliver information. decode To divide an encoded video signal into its separate components. See also encode on page 234. deinterlace To remove artifacts that result from interlaced video. See interlacing on page 235. digitize To convert analog video or audio to digital form. digital video (DV) A video signal made of binary digits. To edit analog video on a computer, it must rst be converted to digital video. dithering Alternating the colors of adjacent pixels to approximate intermediate colors. (For example, displaying adjacent blue and yellow pixels to approximate green.) Dithering enables monitors to approximate colors they are unable to display. drop-out An area of magnetic tape where information is missing. Drop-outs may occur due to dust, over-use, or physical damage. They can cause random ashing color pixels in affected frames. To avoid drop-outs, regularly use a head-cleaning tape in your camcorder. drop-frame A timecode adjustment that drops certain frames to compensate for the uneven, 29.97 frames-per-second format of color video. Drop-frame timecode is critical in broadcast applications. Contrast with non-drop-frame on page 236.
dropped frames Missing frames lost during the process of digitizing or capturing video. Dropped frames can be caused by a hard drive with a low data transfer rate. DTV Abbreviation for digital television. Occasionally used refer to desktop video. DV Abbreviation for digital video. DV denotes the type of compression used by DV systems and formats. DV also describes the tape cartridge used in DV camcorders and tape decks. Such DV devices use the IEEE 1394 interface. (See IEEE 1394 on page 235.) DV in A DV input on a camcorder. Without a DV in, your camcorder cant record video from Adobe Premiere Elements. See your camcorder documentation for more information. DVD Abbreviation for digital versatile disc. DVDs look like CDs, but have a much larger storage capacitymore than enough for a feature-length lm compressed with MPEG-2. DVDs require special drives for playback. DVD formats Your DVD burner supports one or more of the following disc formats: DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW. (Note that -R and +R are different, as are -RW and +RW.) R discs let you record once to the disc. RW discs let you rerecord repeatedly. Use R discs for broadest compatibility; not all DVD players can read RW discs.
EBU timecode The timecode system created by the European Broadcasting Union and based on SECAM or PAL video signals. encode To merge the individual video signals (for example, red, green, and blue) into a combined signal.
FCC Abbreviation for the Federal Communications Commission; the bureau that regulates radio and television broadcast standards in the United States. eld Half the horizontal lines in a video image. A complete television frame consists of two elds; the odd-numbered lines of eld one are vertically interlaced with the even-numbered lines of eld two. See also interlacing on page 235. FireWire The Apple Computer trade name for IEEE 1394. 4:3 The aspect ratio of conventional video, television, and computer screens. fps Abbreviation for frames per second; the standard for measuring the rate of video playback speed. At 12-15 fps, the human eye can detect individual frames causing video to appear jerky. frame A single still image in a sequence of images that, when displayed in rapid succession, creates the illusion of motion. The more frames per second (fps), the smoother the motion appears. frame rate The number of frames per second displayed during playback. frequency The number of audio cycles per second, expressed in hertz (Hz). Frequency determines the pitch of a sound.
gamut The range of color or brightness values allowed for a video signal. Values that exceed the gamut may cause distortion. grayscale The series of visual tones that range from true black to true white. In video applications, grayscale is usually expressed in 10 steps.
HDTV Abbreviation for High-Denition Television. hue The distinction between colors (for example, red, yellow, and blue). White, black, and gray tones are not considered hues.
i.LINK The Sony trade name for IEEE 1394. IEEE 1394 The interface standard that enables direct transfer of DV between devices, such as a DV camcorder and a computer. IEEE 1394 also describes the cables and connectors utilizing this standard. Also called FireWire or i.LINK. inter-frame compression A compression scheme, such as MPEG, that reduces the amount of video information by storing only the differences between a frame and those preceding it. interlacing A system used in standard televisions that alternately draws even and then odd horizontal lines. We perceive the interlaced elds of lines as complete pictures. See eld on page 234. intra-frame compression Compression that reduces the amount of video information on a frame-by-frame basis.
J-cut An edit in which the audio starts before the video, giving the video a dramatic introduction. To perform a J-cut in the Timeline window, hold down the Alt key and drag the left edge of the video to the right; the result looks like the letter J. JPEG A le format for compressing still images. Because video is a sequence of still images, JPEG compression can be used to compress video in Motion JPEG (MJPEG) format.
keyframes Start and end points for animated effects. Adobe Premiere Elements automatically generates the frames between keyframes to create smooth movement. See also tweening on page 239. keying Replacing part of one television image with video from another image. Also called blue screen. See also chroma key on page 233.
L-Cut An edit in which the video ends before the audio, which acts as a subtle transition from one scene to the next. To perform an L-cut in the Timeline window, hold down the Alt key and drag the right edge of the video to the left; the result looks like the letter L. letterbox A technique used to preserve the original aspect ratio of a motion picture when played on a television. Letterboxing adds black bars to the top and bottom of the screen. lossy compression A compression scheme that degrades quality. Lossy algorithms compress digital data by eliminating the data least sensitive to the human eye and offer the highest compression rates available. lossless A compression scheme that doesnt affect signal quality, such as the transfer of DV via an IEEE 1394 connection.
mask See matte. matte The transparent area of an image, typically dened by a graphic shape or a blue-screen background. Also called a mask. MIDI Abbreviation for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A standard used to share data between electronic music equipment and computers. MPEG1 A compression standard used to convert analog video for use in digital applications. The compression ratio is about 100:1. MPEG-1 was designed to deliver near-broadcast-quality video through a standard speed CD-ROM. MPEG2 MPEG-2 is an extension of the MPEG-1 standard designed to meet the requirements of television broadcast studios. MPEG-2 is the broadcast-quality video found on DVDs and requires a hardware decoder (for example, a DVD-ROM player) for playback. MPEG4 MPEG-4 builds on previous MPEG standards with support for streaming video and improved compression schemes.
neutral colors The range of grays, from black to white, that have no color. For neutral color areas, RGB values are equal. noise Distortions of an audio or video signal, usually caused by interference. noise reduction The reduction of noise during recording or playback. non-drop-frame Timecode that uses the color television frame rate of 29.97 fps. Non-drop-frame timecode is preferred for nonbroadcast applications and most of low-end videotape formats. Contrast with drop-frame on page 233. nonlinear editing Random-access editing of video and audio on a computer, enabling edits at any point in the timeline. By contrast, traditional videotape editors are linear because they require editing video sequentially, from beginning to end.
NTSC Abbreviation for National Television Standards Committee. The television format used in Japan, North America, Central America, and some countries in South America. NTSC-based DV camcorders capture video at a frame size of 720 x 480 and a frame rate of 29.97 frames per second. NTSC color bars The pattern of eight equal-width color bars used to check broadcast transmission paths, recording quality, playback quality, and monitor alignment. (To add color bars in Adobe Premiere Elements, see Creating color bars and a 1-kHz tone on page 61.) NTSC RGB Interlaced red, green, and blue video signals that meet NTSC standards and represent the primary colors of an image.
ofine editing Editing placeholders for video les that will later be added to a project.
PAL Abbreviation for Phase Alternation by Line. The television standard used in most European and South American countries. PAL based DV-camcorders capture video at a frame size of 720 x 576 and a frame rate of 25 frames per second. PCI slot A connection slot for expansion cards found in most computers. Most video capture cards require a PCI slot. pixel Contraction for picture element, the smallest display element on a computer monitora point with a specic color and intensity level. Graphics programs use square pixels. However, NTSC and PAL video pixels are rectangular, so computer graphics displayed on a TV screen will be distorted (for example, a circle will display as an oval) unless the aspect ratio of the graphics is adjusted for video. (See Setting pixel aspect ratio on page 65.) plug-in A software module that can extend the features of a software application. In Adobe Premiere Elements, for example, you can use VST plug-ins to add audio effects. printing to tape Recording a digital video le onto a videotape.
QuickTime (MOV) Apple Computer's format for video, sound, and 3D media.
raster A grid of pixels forming the image on a a television or computer screen. raw footage Original, unedited lm or video footage that has not been modied. real-time Instantaneous data processing. In video, real-time refers to effects and transitions you can preview without interrupting rendering. region coding A DVD feature that restricts playback of a disc to players in a specic region. DVDs created by Adobe Premiere Elements will play in all regions. When exporting a DVD, however, verify that the intended DVD player supports the video format on the discNTSC or PAL. (Many PAL DVD players can play both NTSC and PAL video.) Using Help | Contents | Index Back 237
rendering The process of applying edits, effects, and transitions to video frames. resolution The number of pixels in each frame of video (for example, 640 x 480). RGB Abbreviation for red, green, blue; the three primary colors used to display color on a computer monitor or television screen. ripple edit The automatic forward or backward movement of clips in the Timeline window in relation to an inserted or deleted clip.
S-video Abbreviation for Super-video. A technology used to transmit video by dividing the video information into two separate signals: one for luminance (brightness) and one for chrominance (color). saturation The strength or purity of a color. Saturation represents the amount of gray in proportion to the hue measured as a percentage from 0% (gray) to 100% (fully saturated). scrubbing Shuttling audio or video material forward or backward while previewing. SECAM Abbreviation for Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire. A television format used mainly in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Africa. In these countries, televisions support both SECAM and PAL, but DV camcorders and DVD players use only PAL. Therefore, Adobe Premiere Elements users in these countries should use the PAL preset for projects and DVDs. signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) Expressed in decibels (dB), the ratio of noise relative to the desired video or audio signal. The higher the value, the clearer the picture and sound. 16:9 The aspect ratio of wide-screen television. slide edit An editing feature that adjusts the Out point of the previous clip and the In point of the next clip without affecting the center clip or program duration. slip edit An editing feature that adjusts the In and Out points of a clip without affecting the adjacent clips or program duration. snow Random noise on a video screen, often the result of a dirty videotape head or poor TV reception. spatial compression A compression method that reduces the data contained within a single video frame by identifying areas of similar color and eliminating the redundancy. See also codec on page 233. split screen A special effect that displays two or more scenes simultaneously on different parts of the screen. still frame A single frame of video repeated so it appears to have no motion. straight cut The most common edit; consecutive clips placed one after another in the Timeline window. Straight cuts are preferable to transitions when the scenes are similar and you don't want edits to be noticeable. streaming The process of playing video from the Web as it is received, rather than waiting for an entire le to download prior to playback. striping Preparing a tape for editing by recording a video signal (for example, black) with a control track and timecode to ensure proper playback. Also known as black stripe. superimposing Overlaying and visually combining two or more images.
temporal compression A compression method that identies similar areas across video frames and eliminates the redundancy. See also codec on page 233. timecode A time format that measures video in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames (for example, 1:20:24:09), enabling precise editing. See also drop-frame on page 233 and non-drop-frame on page 236. trimming Removing frames from the beginning, middle, or end of a clip. tweening A feature that lls in the frames between two images so movement appears smoother. See also keyframes on page 235.
video capture card See capture card on page 232. video format A standard that determines the way a video signal is recorded onto videotape. Standards include DV, 8mm, Beta, and VHS.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide for Windows If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end-user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end-user license agreement. The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in this guide. Please remember that existing artwork or images that you may want to include in your project may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized incorporation of such material into your new work could be a violation of the rights of the copyright owner. Please be sure to obtain any permission required from the copyright owner. Any references to company names in sample templates are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Reader, Adobe Audition, Adobe Encore, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, and PostScript are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Macromedia and Flash are trademarks of Macromedia Inc. MPEG Layer 3 audio compression technology is licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and Thompson. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Notice to U.S. government end users. The software and documentation are Commercial Items, as that term is dened at 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation, as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. For U.S. Government End Users, Adobe agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250,and 60-741. The afrmative action clause and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference.
Action Safe Area option 44 action-safe margins 184 Add Tracks command 79 adding animations 57 audio and video files 55 numbered sequences 57 still-image sequences 57 Adobe After Effects, alpha channel from 158 Adobe Illustrator (AI) file format, alpha channel from 158 Adobe Photoshop (PSD) file format alpha channel from 158 creating 59 importing as sequence 57 Adobe Photoshop Elements adding files from 58 creating files 59 working with 58 Adobe Premiere Elements Help 4 installing 4 registering 5 support for 5 troubleshooting 5 Adobe Title Designer. See titles. AI. See Adobe Illustrator (AI) file format aliasing, defined 232 aligning shapes and images 190 text 191 Alpha Adjust effect 123 alpha channels about 158 defined in Glossary 232 hiding or inverting 164 Alpha Glow effect 123 Alternates options 227 analog video, defined 232 anamorphic aspect ratio 65 anchor points adjusting in Motion effect 121 of clips 121 animation about 166 accelerating or decelerating 176 adding a file with 55, 57 animating clips 121 windows used for 167 Antialias effect 124 anti-aliasing, defined 232 artifact, defined 232 aspect ratio See also pixel aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio defined 232 frame 63 pixel 43, 63 pixel types 65 setting pixel 65 square pixels 65 A-to-D converter, defined 232 Audiences options 227 audio audio lead edit 82 bit depth, for DVDs 53 conformed 57 Display Format option 44 input level (gain) 95 maintaining pitch 91 sample rate 44
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z sample rate for DVDs 53 split edit 82 supported formats for 52 tracks, increasing default number of 45 volume, adjusting 94 waveform, viewing 102 Audio Gain command 95 Audio Meters window 94 Auto Bezier interpolation 178 Auto Color effect 124 Auto Contrast effect 124 Auto Levels effect 124 Auto Save preferences 40 Auto-play DVDs about 198 changing to 209 creating 209 previewing 210 Auto-Save folder 40 autosaving 40 DVDs 53 bitmap, defined 232 Black & White effect 126 blue screen defined 232 removing with Keying effects 161, 162 Blue Screen Key effect 126, 162 Brightness & Contrast effect 126 brightness, adjusting in windows and palettes 30 Broadcast Colors effect 126 burning a DVD about 210 steps 211 button, DVD menu deleting 207 linking 199, 200 overlapping 208 thumbnail 204 bypass option for audio effects 143
background colors, creating with mattes 165 backgrounds colored 61 removing 161 Balance (audio) effect 143 balancing audio 170 Basic 3D effect 125 Bass effect 143 Bend effect 125 Bevel Alpha effect 126 Bevel Edges effect 126 Bezier handles about 177 adjusting 179 displaying 177 Bezier interpolation, types of 178 bit depth audio 44, 224 color 222 defined 222
Camera View effect 126 capture card, defined 232 capture problems 51 Capture To Timeline option 51 Capture window 48 Capture workspace 26 capturing Capture window 48 defined 232 extra frames 49 from non-DV sources 47 how to 49 manually 50 preparing for 46 to DV tape 48 troubleshooting problems 51 video from DV camcorder 46 CD-ROM, creating video for 215 Channel Blur effect 127 Channel Mixer effect 127
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Channel Volume effect 143 channels See also alpha channel defined 232 Chroma Key effect 127, 161 chroma key, defined 233 chroma, defined 232 Cinepak, defined 233 Clear command 88 Clear Timeline Marker command 98 Clip button 68, 102 Clip effect 128 clip markers adding 97 deleting 98 moving 98 clipping (distortion) 94 clips about linked 73 adding to movie 73, 78 alpha channel in 158 animating 121, 175 blending 162 copying 86 data rate analysis of 62 defined 233 deleting 88 deleting gaps between 88 duration 84, 87 editing in original application 101 enabling and disabling 96 fast motion 91 finding source 91 flipping 126 freezing a frame 92 grouping 95 inserting 74, 86 instance 87 linking 96 masking 157, 164 moving 85 muting 94 naming and renaming 34 organizing in Media window 35 overlaying 75 pasting 86 poster frame 33 properties 62 properties in List view 37 properties, viewing 33 realigning 90 reversing 93 selecting 85 simulating texture in 141 slow motion 56, 91 snapping 89 source 87 splitting 89 trimming 80, 82 viewing 102 volume 94 codecs See also compression defined 233 export 214, 221 Color Balance (HLS) effect 128 Color Balance (RGB) effect 128 color bars creating 61 defined 233 color correction, defined 233 color depth. See bit depth Color Emboss effect 128 Color Match effect 128 Color Matte command 61 color palettes 222 Color Pass effect 129 Color Replace effect 129 colored backgrounds, creating 61 colors adjusting 127, 128, 141 for titles 192 isolating 129 matching 128
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z removing 126, 131 replacing 129 selecting for effects and mattes 119 compositing defined 233 with transparency 158 compression about 214 Data Rate Analyzer and 62 defined in Glossary 233 compression keyframes about 216 analyzing 62 conformed audio 57 connecting camcorder to computer 47 Constant Gain transition 149 Constant Power transition 149 context menus 30 Continuous Bezier interpolation 179 Convolution Kernel effect 129 Copy command 86 Corner Pin effect 129 crashes, using AutoSave to recover from 40 Create Slideshow command 75, 77 Crop effect 130 Crystallize effect 130 current-time indicator defined in Glossary 233 Monitor window 68 moving among keyframes 173 Timeline window 70 custom folders 112 customer support 5 cut, defined 233 deinterlacing 56 defined 233 freeze frames 92 Delay effect 143 Delete Render Files command 105 deleting clips 88 effects 117 gap in movie 88 source files 28 titles 181 DeNoiser effect 143 device control capturing with 49 capturing without 50 difference frames 62 digital cameras, using photos from 46 digital video (DV), defined 233 digitize, defined 233 Directional Blur effect 130 discs for DVDs 210 Display Format option 43 distortion, in audio 94 dithering, defined 233 dominant field 56 dots, creating with Pointillize effect 136 Drop Shadow effect 130 drop shadows, creating in titles 194 drop-frame, defined 233 drop-out, defined 233 dropped frames, defined 234 D-to-A converter, defined 233 DTV, defined 234 dual-layer discs 210 Duplicate command 87 duration about 84 of multiple clips 87 still-image default 58 transition 153, 154 DV connecting video source 62
data rate about 215 analyzing 62 defined in Glossary 233 data transfer rate 46 decode, defined 233
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z defined 234 digitizing analog as 47 DV in, defined 234 DV tape, recording to 217 DVD formats, defined 234 DVD markers about 199 adding automatically 201 adding manually 202 deleting 204 Main Menu Markers 200 moving 203 renaming 204 Scene Markers 200 DVD workspace 26 DVDs about burning 210 about templates 198, 205 burning 211 changing templates 208 changing types 209 choosing templates 205 compressing 211 creating auto-play 209 customizing templates 206 defined 234 discs 210 frame size and rate requirements 53 menu-based 205 previewing 210 types of 198 adjusting properties in 116 changing display options of 116 displaying as tab 30 opening 115 overview 155 effects See also individual effect names about standard versus fixed 108 Adobe After Effects plug-ins 108 Adobe Photoshop plug-ins 108 applying to clips 110 creating presets 114 deleting standard 111 disabling and removing 117 included with Adobe Premiere Elements 123 presets 110 removing 110 resetting 117 saving favorites 111 searching for 110 standard 111 third-party plug-ins 108 Effects window 30 Effects workspace 26 Eight-Point Garbage Matte effect 164 Emboss effect 131 Enable command 94, 96 encode, defined 234 even field, See video fields export settings general 221 Export To Tape options 218 Export workspace 26 exporting about 214 about settings 220 audio 219 Audio settings 223 clips as sequence of still images 220 file types for 216 frame as still image 219 frame size 222
EBU timecode, defined 234 Echo effect 130 edges, highlighting with effects 123, 131, 132 Edit Original command 101 Edit workspace 26 Editing Mode option 43 editing. See also clips Effect Controls window about 114
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z General settings 221 Keyframe and Rendering settings 223 keyframes for 216 movies for the Internet 224 optimizing still images 223 options for Internet movies 225 to videotape 217 using Adobe Media Encoder 225 Video CD 229 video for hard disk playback 218 Video settings 221 work area 219 Extract effect 131 eyedropper, using to select colors 119 FLM. See Filmstrip (FLM) file format folders, for effects 111, 112 folders, in Media window 35 Font Browser 187 fonts, changing in titles 187 4:3 aspect ratio 234 Four-Point Garbage Matte effect 164 fps, defined 234 frame defined 234 differenced frames 62 exporting as still image 219 frame aspect ratio 63 Frame Hold command 92 frame rate defined 234 DVDs 53 for exporting 222 frame size DVDs 53 for playback 43 freezing a frame 92 frequency, defined 234
Facet effect 132 fading in titles 188 video 160 Fast Blur effect 132 fast motion 91 FCC, defined 234 field dominance 56 Field Options command 56 fields defined 234 field order 56 project setting 43 Files import formats for 52 files adding 55 export formats for 216 Fill Left and Fill Right effects 144 fills, in titles 192 film, appearance of 137 Find Edges effect 132 finding a missing file 66 FireWire, defined 234 Flicker Removal option 56 flicker, reducing with video effects 137
gain, audio 95 Gamma Correction effect 132 gamut, defined 235 garbage mattes 164 Gaussian Blur effect 132 Gaussian Sharpen effect 132 Ghosting effect 132 GPU effects 109 transitions 156 Gradient Wipe transition 157 gradients creating in titles 193 creating with Ramp effect 137 grayscale adjusting values 126 creating from color clips 126, 128, 129, 131
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z defined 235 green screen removing with Keying effects 161 removing with Non Red Key 162 Green Screen Key effect 133, 162 Group command 95 interlaced video fields 223 interlacing about 56 defined in Glossary 235 Internet, creating video for 224 interpolation, spatial and temporal 178 Interpret Footage command 164 intra-frame compression, defined 235 intranet, data rate for 215 Invert (video) effect 133 Invert effect 144
halos, creating 140 handheld devices, data rate for 215 handles 49 HDTV, defined 235 Help See also Adobe Premiere Elements task-based 5 Highpass effect 144 History palette 30, 32, 39 Horizontal Flip effect 133 Horizontal Hold effect 133 horizontal text 185 How To palette 30, 31 hue, defined 235
J-cut creating 82 defined 235 JPEG, defined 235 Justify command 187
keyboard shortcuts custom 230 default 230 keyframes See also compression keyframes about 166 adding 167, 168 copying and pasting 174 defined in Glossary 235 deleting 167, 168 displaying 172 in compression, evaluating data rate for 62 interpolation, about 176 interpolation, changing 177 moving 173 navigating 171, 173 selecting 173 specifying values for 170, 171 summary 172 keying See also transparency choosing effects for 160
i.LINK, defined 235 Icon view, in Media window 36 IEEE 1394 defined 235 preparing for capture 46 Image Mask transition 157 images adding 54 darkening or lightening 126 In and Out points about 80 retrieving trimmed 83 setting in Monitor window 82 setting in Timeline window 80 Info palette 30, 31 inserting clips 74 instance, clip 87 inter-frame compression, defined 235
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z defined 235 illustrated 159 keying effects Blue Screen Key 162 Chroma Key 161 garbage mattes 164 Green Screen Key 162 matte-based 160 Non Red Key 162 Track Matte 162 moving 203 renaming 204 markers about 96 adding 97 chapter links 100 comments 100 deleting 98 DVD, about 199 DVD, adding automatically 201 DVD, adding manually 202 DVD, deleting 204 DVD, Main Menu 200 DVD, moving 203 DVD, renaming 204 DVD, Scene 200 moving 98 Web links 100 masks See also Keying effects creating 162 defined 159, 236 Image Mask transition 157 Matte-based keying effects 160 mattes background color 61, 165 defined 159, 236 garbage 164 traveling 162 Media window about 33 customizing 35 deleting items in 34 finding items in 34 folders 35 labels 38 menu templates. See templates. Menu-based DVD about 198 changing to 209 previewing 210 Metadata options 228
labels, in Media window 38 L-cut 82 L-Cut, defined 236 Lens Distortion effect 133 Lens Flare effect 133 letterbox defined 236 using 63 Lightning effect 134 Link Audio And Video command 96 linked clips about 73 adding audio or video from 78 overriding 96 linking buttons 200 clips 96 DVD buttons 199 List view, in Media window 36 locating missing files 66 logos, in titles 194 lossless, defined 236 lossy compression, defined 236 Lowpass effect 144
Main Menu Markers about 199, 200 adding manually 202 deleting 204
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z MIDI, defined 236 Mirror effect 135 missing files, locating 66 mistakes, undoing 32, 39 Monitor window about views 68 playback controls 102, 103 retrieving frames 83 safe zones 107 time ruler 69 trimming 82 viewing clips 102 zooming 103 monitors, previewing on TV 106 Mosaic effect 135 Motion effect 121 Motion effect properties 175 motion path, modifying 176 Move Into Sync 90 movie analysis 62 movie. See also clips moving clips 85 using Motion effect 175 MP3 format 53 MPEG defined 236 MPEG2 compression 211 Multiplexer options 227 muting audio 94 NTSC color bars, defined 237 NTSC RGB, defined 237 NTSC, defined 237
obsolete effects 121 odd field 56 offline editing, defined 237 offline files 66 online Help 5 See also Adobe Premiere Elements opacity adjusting 160 changing in titles 188 defined 159 editing in Timeline window 170 Open Project command 27 opening projects 27 titles 182 Optimize Stills option 45 Organizer, adding files from 58 overlaying clips 75 overscan, defined 184
Page Curl effect 136 PAL creating DVDs for 53, 211 defined 237 timebase for 43 palettes adjusting brightness of 30 grouping and separating 31 menus in 30 showing and hiding 31 working with 28 pan and scan 63 Paste command 86 Paste Insert command 86 PCI slot, defined 237 Pinch effect 136
neutral colors, defined 236 New Project command 27 Noise effect 135 noise reduction, defined 236 noise, defined 236 Non Red Key effect 136, 162 non-drop-frame, defined 236 nonlinear editing, defined 236 Notch (audio) effect 144 NTSC 53, 211 timebase for 43
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PitchShifter effect 144 pixel aspect ratio 43, 63 pixels defined 237 trimming 128, 130 placeholders 62 Play/Pause button 103 Playback Settings 43, 106 plug-ins defined 237 editing modes for 43 effects 108 third-party 108 Pointillize effect 136 Polar Coordinates effect 136 position changing in titles 188 changing with Motion effect 121 Position property 121 poster frame 33 Posterize effect 137 Posterize Time effect 137 preparing for capture 46 preset folders 112 presets creating 114 for projects 27, 45 included with Adobe Premiere Elements 110 previewing DVDs 210 movie 103 on TV monitor 106 preview files 105 printing to tape, defined 237 ProcAmp effect 137 project settings about specifying 42 Capture 44 Default Timeline 45 Editing Mode 43 General 43 playback device 43, 106 presets 45 specifying 27 timebase 43 Video Rendering 44 projects about 26 autosaving 40 opening 27 recovering 40 saving 39 starting 27 Properties window 62 PSD. See Adobe Photoshop (PSD) file format
QuickTime (MOV) defined 237 exporting 222
Ramp effect 137 raster, defined 237 raw footage, defined 237 Razor At Current Time Indicator command 89 Razor tool 89 real-time, defined 237 rearranging clips 85 recording to tape, about 217 rectangular pixels 63 redoing changes 32, 39 Reduce Interlace Flicker effect 137 reflections, creating 135 Refraction effect 138 refraction, simulating 133 region coding, defined 237 remotely controlling your camcorder 49 renaming clips 34 DVD markers 204 source files 34 render files about 105
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z deleting 105 Render Work Area command 103 rendering, defined 238 repeated frames, in transitions 147, 148 Replicate effect 138 resolution, defined 238 Reverb effect 144 reversing video 93 Revert command 32 RGB, defined 238 Ripple Delete command 88 ripple edit, defined 238 Ripple effect 138 Ripple effect (Circular) 138 Roll effect 138 rotation adjusting in Effects Controls window 121 changing in titles 188 editing in Timeline window 170 Rotation property 121 types of 41 scrolling titles 196 scrubbing, defined 238 SECAM defined 238 timebase for 43 selecting clips 85 colors 119 sequences, of still frames 57 sequences, of still images 55 Set In button 82 Set Out button 82 settings, export 220 Shadow/Highlight effect 139 shapes drawing in titles 188 Sharpen Edges effect 140 Sharpen effect 140 Shear effect 140 signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), defined 238 16:9 aspect ratio 238 Sixteen-Point Garbage Matte effect 164 skew, applying to images 129, 141 slide edit, defined 238 slideshow, creating 75 slip edit, defined 238 Slip Into Sync 90 slow motion 91 Snap command 89 snow, defined 238 Solarize effect 140 source clip 87, 91 spatial compression, defined 238 Spherize effect 140 split edits 82 split screen, defined 238 square pixels 63, 66 square-pixel footage 66 stacking order, changing in titles 189 still frame, defined 238 still images
safe zones, displaying 107 sample rate about 53 audio 44 saturation, defined 238 Save a Copy command 39 Save As command 39 Save command 39 Scale property 121 Scene Detect 50 Scene Markers about 199, 200 adding automatically 201 adding manually 202 deleting 204 moving 203 renaming 204 scratch disks about 40 setting up 41
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Adobe Photoshop Elements 59 changing duration of 58 exporting 219 optimizing for Timeline window 45 scaling to frame 44 supported formats for 54 Stop Markers 204 about 199 adding 202 deleting 204 moving 203 straight cut, defined 238 streaming video 215 streaming, defined 238 striping, defined 238 Strobe Light effect 140 strobe, creating the effect of 140 strokes, in titles 192 styles, creating for titles 195 summary keyframes 172 superimposing defined 238 video 158 S-video, defined 238 Swap Channels effect 145 synchronizing clips 90 temporal compression, defined 239 text adding to titles 185 font size, changing 187 justification 187 orientation, changing 187 resizing text box 185 selecting in titles 186 setting tabs in 191 text box, resizing 185 text tools 185 Texturize effect 141 Tiles effect 141 time ruler Effect Controls window 114 Monitor window 68 Timeline window 68, 71 Time Stretch command 84, 91, 93 Time Stretch tool 91 timebase, setting for project 43 timecode about 51 defined in Glossary 239 display in Capture window 51 recording at specific 218 Timeline button 68 timeline markers adding 97 deleting 98 moving 98 Timeline window about 68, 70 adding tracks 79 deleting gaps in 88 display style 71 inserting clips 74 keyframe editing in 167 moving through 70 overlaying clips 75 retrieving frames 83 selecting clips 85 snapping 89
tabs creating in titles 191 in windows 30 Take Video/Take Audio button 78 technical support 5 television standards 53, 211 templates about DVD 198, 205 changing DVD 208 choosing DVD 205 creating in Photoshop Elements 59 customizing DVD 206 deleting buttons 207 for titles 183
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z trimming 80 zooming 71 zooming while inserting 78 Tint effect 141 Title Safe Area option 43 titles adding colors and shadows 192 adding text 185 arranging text and shapes in 189 changing fonts in 187 changing properties of 188 drawing shapes in 188 drop shadows in 194 fills in 192 gradient types and options 193 horizontal text 185 importing graphics into 194 new 181, 183 opening existing 182 resizing text box in 185 scrolls and crawls in 196 selecting text in 186 showing video behind 184 strokes in 192 styles in 195 tab stops in 191 television display of 184 templates for 183 text tools 185 vertical text 185 Titles workspace 26 title-safe margins 184 tonal range, adjusting 126 Track Matte Key effect 141, 162 tracks adding 79 deleting 79 display style 71 naming 79 resizing 72 Transcode Settings Alternates options 227 Audiences options 227 Metadata options 228 Multiplexer options 227 Transform effect 141 transforming, text and shapes in titles 188 transitions about 147 adding between clips 149 aligning 150, 151 applying 149 border 156 centering 156 default, changing 77 duration 153, 154 Gradient Wipe 157 Image Mask 157 orientation 156 playing forward or backward 156 previewing 150, 155 repeated frames 147, 148 replacing 151 settings 155, 156 single- vs. double-sided 148 smoothing edges 156 starting and ending frames of 156 transparency See also opacity adjusting 160 creating with Keying effects 160 options for creating 158 terms defined 158 traveling matte 162 Treble effect 145 trimming about 80 by setting duration 84 defined in Glossary 239 in Monitor window 82 in Timeline window 80 retrieving frames 83 troubleshooting 51 general 5
undoing changes 32, 39 Ungroup command 95 Unlink Audio And Video command 96 Wave effect 142 Wind effect 142 windows adjusting brightness of 30 menus in 30 tabs in 30 working with 28 WMA format 53 work area bar 103 workspaces, arranging 29 World Wide Web 216, 224 See also Internet
Vertical Flip effect 142 Vertical Hold effect 142 vertical text 185 video See also clips fading 160 flicker removal 56 supported formats for 52 tracks, increasing default number of 45 video capture card, defined 239 Video CD 229 video format, defined 239 videotape capturing from 48 data rate for 215 exporting to 217 Volume effect 145
Zig Zag effect 142 Zoom-In button 71 zooming Monitor window preview 103 Monitor window time ruler 69 Timeline window 71 while inserting 78 Zoom-Out button 71