OVRS-2 Common Robot Rules of Process Specification
OVRS-2 Common Robot Rules of Process Specification
OVRS-2 Common Robot Rules of Process Specification
OV Common Robot Rules of Process
Version 1.0
März 2018
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy
Vanessa Braum — OV / Body Automation Robotics Execution
Fernando de Pablo — OV / Body Automation Robotics Execution
Document revisions:
Date Revision By Revision history
2018-02 1.0 Vanessa Braum Robot Rules of Process Specification
Table of Contents
1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 General
1.1 Scope
This document provides OV engineering groups and suppliers with robotic processing standards that
promote proper robot utilization and extend the life of robots, robot dress and other associated
The “Rules of Process” were developed to ensure common application of the standard interface in
the processing of robots. These rules are based on the limitations of both the common interface
design and a typical industrial robot.
1.2 Purpose
The processing standards outlined in this specification shall be adhered to in order to achieve
common solutions.
This specification is intended to guide robotic simulation operators and process engineers in the
standardization of processing and designing robot applications for OV.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute part of the
enclosed documentation. The Machinery Directive, its harmonized standards and the regulations of
the respective country shall be adhered to.
This version of OVRS-2 applies to programs that are still in the processing phase during or after July
2006. Programs that have been processed before this time can stay with the previous version of
Total # of Weld Spots = the total number of weld spots estimated for that line
Available Weld Time = the maximum available time for a robot to weld
Weld Time Utilization Ratio* = the ratio of total robot processed weld time to total robot available
weld time
* Note: The Weld Time Utilization Ratio for calculating the quantity of robots will be defined per
Assume an engineer is analyzing a respot robot application where it is uncertain if the robot will have
to reorient in order to get the estimated 12 welds. Also, the product data is not well defined. The
cycle time for that robot should be calculated as follows:
Rough Cycle Time = 2.5 sec in + (12 Spots X 2sec/spot) + 2.5 sec Out = 29 sec
Rough Cycle Time = 6 to 9 sec **pick & clear + (# of Weld Spots X 2 sec) + 6 to 9 sec **drop & clear
* Home I/O (housekeeping) delay = 3.0 sec for ABB and Fanuc RJ-2, 1.5 sec for Fanuc RJ-3, R2000 and
** Pick/drop: Large part like Floor pan, roof, hood, MC Rail = 9 sec. Small part = 6 sec. Pick and clear
or drop and clear can range from 6 to 9 sec based on carried part size. The smallest parts can clear
the tool faster while the largest parts, like floor pans and hoods, take the longest.
Assume an engineer is analyzing a robot application where a Fanuc RJ3 robot will carry a long narrow
part like a Tie Bar. The end-effector orientation is such that the robot travel to the tool is less than it
would be with a wide part. The robot will use 7 sec (in the range of 6 – 9 sec) to pick & clear. The robot
has 12 Ped welding spots to do. The cycle time for this robot should be calculated as follows:
Rough MH Cycle Time = 7sec Pick & Clear + (12 Ped Spots X 2sec) + 7sec Drop & Clear = 38sec
Stud Weld Cycle Time = 2.5 sec In + (# of Studs X [SWT + .5 per move]) + 2.5 sec Out
Assume an engineer is analyzing a robot carried stud weld application where the robot will have an
estimated 8 stud welds of type M6x25mm, which welds take 2.2 sec as found on
The cycle time for that robot should be calculated as follows:
Stud Weld Robot Cycle Time = (2.5 sec in) + (8 Studs X (2.2 + .5) sec) + (2.5sec Out) = 25.6 sec
Rough Cycle time = # of beads * [(2.5 sec In) + (Bead Length in mm + *200 mm per bead) / (Robot
speed in mm/sec) + (2.5 sec Out)]
*200 mm per bead is 100 mm before and 100 mm after each continuous bead to account for sticky
dispense material and line straightening. See section on
for dispense robot speed settings.
Note: The information indicated for early processing are only rough estimates. A detailed simulation
will give a more accurate time estimate.
1. It is square to the base of the robot when the robot’s joints are centered at (zero degrees) synch
position, minimizing the need for angle brackets.
2. While the robot is running its path, joint 5 has a bend in it (near 90 degrees is preferred) to avoid
singularities whenever possible. Avoid key positions where joint 5 must be near zero degrees. (ex., at
spot welds, while dispensing, pick, drop, tip dressing, etc.)
3. There is as little rotation as possible from the robot’s home position to the position where the joint
angles of the robot are at zero degrees—also taking items 1 and 2 above into account.
4. The CG is as close as possible to the centerline and surface of the robot’s faceplate.
5. Joints 4 and 6 should be centered rather than turned one way at home position and during its
motion, if possible. This method of programming will help when synchronizing the robot.
• The weld gun orientation at the tip dress position shall be approximately the same as the orientation
utilized when welding to facilitate weld gun equalization.
• While moving to the tip dress location, the robot shall be clear of the line transferring in order for the
robot to tip dress while the line is transferring. • While moving to the tip dress location, the robot
shall be clear of the other robots’ paths (i.e., no interference zones in the tip dress path).
• One tip dresser per robot with carried gun.
Please see Table 6.8-1 to see which process combinations are currently supported. Any application
not listed in Table 6.8-1 is currently not supported through the robot setup wizard. Contact your lead
Vehicle Systems Robot Engineer or Commodity Engineer if you wish to deviate from the list to make
sure the application can be setup manually.
The following table lists all of the applications that are currently supported through the robot setup
2 1 Pedestal Spot Gun & 1 Pedestal Stud Gun Without Hot Backup
26 1 1 Carried Spot Gun & 1 Pedestal Stud Gun With Hot Backup
2 1 Carried Spot Gun & 1 Pedestal Stud Gun Without Hot Backup
27 1 1 Pedestal Stud Gun With Hot Backup & 1 Pedestal Dispense Nozzle
2 1 Pedestal Stud Gun Without Hot Backup & 1 Pedestal Dispense Nozzle
6.8.2 Material handling valves, clamps, part present switches and vacuum pumps
Tabelle 6.8-2 : Number of clamps allowed
Max Max
Preferred Allowed
(All) (2006 Arch)
Valves 3 10
Clamps 6 18
Part present
3 9
pump 2 4
• Exceeding the preferred number requires ordering additional equipment.
Example: input block, vacuum pump.
• Style detect switches are not required. Style comes from PLC.
• Venturi vacuum valves are preferred.
• Venturi vacuum valves count like the valves in Table 6.8-2.