Chapter 3 Workenergy Power

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GENERAL PHYSICS 1  Instead of using the smooth

slope of the inclined plane,

WORK, ENERGY AND POWER KINETIC ENERGY the wedge uses the pointed
WORK  The energy possessed by a edge.
moving object.  While the inclined plane
 Application of force.
 The energy in motion. stays stationary in aiding
 Done only when a force is work, a wedge moves to
applied to a body and moves
 KE =
1mv 2 separate materials.
 It is a product of force and
Quick check  It works like a rotating lever.
the displacement resulting
from application of force.  Determine the kinetic energy  The larger wheel rotates
of a 1,000 kg roller coaster around the smaller wheel.
 W = Fd
car that is moving with a
 W = mgdy speed of 20 m/s. PULLEY

Quick check POWER  A wheel mounted on its axle.

 If you pull your schoolbag  The rate of doing work.  The groove on the wheel is
with a force of 30 N parallel used to place ropes or strings
 The rate of expending over and allows lifting of
to the ground towards your
energy. heavy loads by applying little
classroom 20 m away. How
much work will you do on and opposite force.
 P = W/t
your bag? SCREW
 P = E/t
 Suppose you lift a 1.5 kg  It is an inclined plane
book from the lowest shelf in  1 hp = 746 W
wrapped around a cylinder.
a cabinet to the forth shelf 2
Quick check
m higher. Calculate the work.  Mainly used for putting
 Harold races with his friends things together.
by running up the stairs to
 the capacity to do work. the top of the school building
13.2 m high. He finishes in  Tell us how much of the input
 KE and PE 2.50 minutes. What must his work/energy is converted
average power be if his mass into useful output
 1J = 0.239 cal
is 35 kg? work/energy.
 1kcal = 4186 J
SIMPLE MACHINES  Eff = Wout/Win x 100%
 Are mechanical devices that  = Eout/Ein x 100%
 The energy that is stored and are used to change the
held in readiness. direction and the magnitude  =Pout/Pin x 100%
of its output force to do work
 The energy at rest. Quick check
on an external system.
 Can either be gravitational or  A machine has an energy
 Building blocks of all
elastic. input of 3150 J. if 1860 J of
complicated machines.
useful work is done by the
 PEg = mgh LEVER machine, then find the
amount of energy wasted
 PEe =
1kx 2  Any rigid bar, pole or stick and the efficiency of the
2 that rotates at a fixed point machine.
called a fulcrum.
Quick check
 The mass of the rock is 150
kg and the height to which it  Is a slanting surface.
was lifted is 5 m. How much  It makes moving a load to a
energy does the rock have? new height easier PREPARED BY:


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