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ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Case Study

Swati Malsariya1*, K. Bharathi2, B. Pushpalatha3,4
*12nd Year M.S. Scholar, 2HOD and Professor, 3Associate Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree
Roga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India.
4Ph.D Scholar, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Background: A primigravida female patient of age 22 years came to NIA Prasuti ward on date 25th
August 2019 with chief complaint of Amenorrhea since 9 months and labor pain since morning
with no history of leaking and bleeding per vaginal.
Methodology: The patient first visited NIA OPD on 2nd April 2019 for routine Antenatal check up
with 5th months of pregnancy. Thereafter she was regularly visiting NIA Prasutitantra OPD for her
routine ANC check up and was given routine Ayurvedic anetanatal medications like Mukta Shukti
Bhasma and Shatawari churna with milk, Punarnawa Mandoor with buttermilk. She also followed
all prenatal advice given to her time to time. The patient had not reported any complication related
to pregnancy, or medical problems and side-effects of medications during her course of pregnancy.
Patient had given Bala siddha Taila Matra Basti from 37 weeks of gestation twice a week up to the
delivery and Bala siddha Taila Yoni Pichu during her active phase of labor up to full dilatation of
Result: A full term normal delivery with right medio-lateral episiotomy with vertex presentation
delivered an alive healthy male child of weight 2.7kg on 25th August 2019 at 2:00pm.
KEYWORDS: Sukhprasava, Prasruti Maruta, Apan Vayu, Matra Basti, Yoni Pichu, Masanumasik
Garbhini Paricharya.
Giving birth is life changing event for a Matra Basti was adopted on the lines of Acharya
mother that will leave impression for the rest of life. Charaka and observed its effect on the outcomes of
Every couple has a positive experience on delivery of labor.
their baby. But the event of delivery is associated Need of Study
with many complications. In olden days due to the As cesarean section deliveries and other
lifestyle and dietary habits majority of the women intervention deliveries are rising day by day, an
use to undergo normal vaginal delivery, except a few. effective intervention is necessary to prevent this
Due to modernization, sedentary life style and unnatural act. There are many risks of cesarean
improper dietary habits are causing many prenatal, sections like postpartum hemorrhage, wound
natal and postnatal complications like preterm labor, infection, anesthesia reaction, increased risk in future
intervention deliveries, post term labor, obstructed pregnancy, fetal distress etc. So the rate of c- section
labor, prolonged labor, postpartum hemorrhage etc. should be decreased.
To prevent all these nightmares, Ayurvedic Science
Labor is a natural physiological process
has a nine month pregnancy regimen called
which should be completed within fixed time
Masanumasika Garbhini Paricharya which
interval, for primigravida it should be 12-14 hrs and
incorporates lifestyle modification, diet, therapies
in multipara it should be 6-8 hrs. If this limit crosses
and medications which a Garbhini should follow to
may leads to prolonged labor which causes many
avoid any bad outcomes of pregnancy and labor. In
complications related to mother and fetus. So an
9th month of Garbhini Paricharya, Acharya Charak has
intervention should be adopted to prevent any
advised Madhuraushadha siddha taila Anuvasana
unnecessary act.
Basti and Yoni Pichu to pregnant women[1]. In present
Case Study effect of Bala siddha Taila Yoni Pichu and Uses of Oxytocic drugs are increasing rapidly
in labor process which may develops distress and
IJAPR | November 2020 | Vol 8 | Suppl 2 83
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2020;8 (Suppl 2):83-87
harmful effect on mother and fetus. To reduce such  Expected date of delivery (EDD) – 23-08-2019
medications during course of labor Ayurvedic  Period of gestation (POG) – 40 weeks + 2 days
regimen during ninth month of gestation is well (on 25.08.19)
 Past menstrual history – 4 to 5 days of cycle with
Aim: To study the effect of Bala siddha Taila Matra 28 to 30 days interval, cycle was regular with
Basti and Bala siddha Taila Yoni Pichu in Achieving mild pain and clots, approximate 2 pads soaked
Sukhaprasava. in a day.
Objectives Obstetric History
1. To observe the duration of stages of labor.  O/H- G1 P0 L0 A0
2. To reduce the complications of labor. G1- Present pregnancy
Materials and Methods  Married life: 3years
Selection of patient: Patient was selected from NIA
 Active Married life: 3years
OPD, Jaipur after obtaining voluntary informed
consent incorporated into the study.  Patient conceived naturally
Case Report On General Examination
Chief complaints  General Condition: fair
 Amenorrhea since 9 months  Blood Pressure:120/70 mm of Hg
 Labor pains since early morning (3 a.m.)  Pulse Rate: 84/ min
 No History of leaking and bleeding per vaginal  Temperature : 97.9°F
History of Present Illness  Height : 5’
A primigravida housewife female patient of  Weight : 54 kg
age 22 years came to NIA Prasuti ward on date 25th  Pallor : present
August 2019. As per patient, she was asymptomatic  Icterus: Absent
before 9 months. Then she has developed  Pedal Edema: Absent
amenorrhea of one and half month and done Urine
Pregnancy Test by herself and found positive. Then at  Lymph nodes: No any lymphadenopathy present
5th month of gestation she first visited NIA OPD for  Tongue: Uncoated
ANC work up. Thereafter she was regularly visiting On Systemic Examination
NIA Prasutitantra OPD for her routine ANC check up Cardiovascular System, Digestive System, Respiratory
and was given routine Ayurvedic medications. Form System, Central Nervous System appears normal.
37 weeks of gestation onwards she was given Bala Obstetrical Examination
siddha Taila Matra Basti twice a week up to the Breast Examination
development of true labor pain. She came to NIA IPD
with labor pain at 6:00 a.m. on 25th August 2019 with  Size of breast appears larger, soft
no history of leaking and bleeding per vaginal. So she  Nipples became larger, erectile and deeply
was admitted to Prasuti ward for observation of pigmented
vitals, uterine contraction, fetal conditions and  Colostrum could be squeezed out
further management of labor. Per Abdominal Examination
Personal history Inspection - Striae gravidarum present
 Appetite- Normal Palpation - Lie: longitudinal
 Sleep- Sound Fundal height: uterus term size
 Bowel- Satisfactory, regular, once daily Presentation: cephalic
 Micturition- Clear Head: fixed
 Addiction- No any Auscultation - FHS present, Regular, 144 beat per
 Allergic history- No any history found minute
 Diet- Mixed Contractions in 10minutes (at 3:30am)
Past Medical History: Not significant  Number/frequency – 2
Past Surgical History: Not significant  Duration – 1-40sec
Family History: Not significant 2- 30sec
Menstrual History  Intensity – good
 Last menstrual period (LMP) – 16-11-2018  Interval – regular

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Swati Malsariya et al. Effect of Bala Siddha Taila Matra Basti and Yoni Pichu in Achieving Sukhprasava
Contractions were progressively increases with time. Antenatal advice
Per Vaginal findings: (at 3:30am) at the time of  Patient was advised to continue her usual
admission into labor room. activities but avoid excessive and strenuous work.
 Inspection : Vulva and vagina seems healthy  Patient advised to take proper sleep (8 hours at
 Pelvis : adequate night and 2 hours at noon)
 Dilatation : 2-3cm  Breast engorgement may cause discomfort during
 Effacement : 20-30% late pregnancy so patient advised well fitting
 Station : -3
 Diet would be light, nutritious, easily digestible
 Consistency : soft
and rich in protein, minerals and vitamins like
 Position : midline green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk, egg etc.
 BOM : present  Avoid eating junk food and preserved eatables.
 Show : present  Patient was advised for check up twice in a month
Antenatal Investigations up to 8th month and after that weekly up to term.
 Blood Group : B positive  Patient was complied with some Ayurvedic
 Hemoglobin (Hb): 10.6 gm% (on 27/3/19), 11.1 medication – Mukta Shukti Bhasma (500mg BD)
gm% (on 15/5/19), 11.2 gm% (on 14/8/19) and Shatawari churna (3gm BD with milk),
 Complete Blood Count (CBC): Within Normal Punarnawa Mandoor (2 Tab BD with buttermilk).
Limits  Patient was instructed to report to hospital even
 HBsAg test: Non Reactive at early dates if some untoward symptoms arise
such as intense headache, disturbed sleep with
 H.I.V. screening: Negative
restlessness, visual disturbance, undue swelling of
 VDRL test: Non Reactive face, feet or fingers, presence of any unusual
 Liver Function test (L.F.T.): Within Normal Limits vaginal discharge, bleeding, diminished fetal
 Renal Function Test (R.F.T.): Within Normal movement or any unexpected event.
Limits Management prior to the onset of labor
 Pro thrombin time (P.T.): 11.6 seconds  Matra basti with bala oil was planned from 37wks
 Random Blood Sugar (RBS): 86 mg/dl of gestation and weekly twice which was given
 Urine: Routine Examination- Ph 7.1, Specific prior to the onset of labor.
Gravity-1.025, Sugar-nil, Protein-nil, Treatment Schedule
Microscopic Examination- Epithelial cells 2-3/ hpf, Date Period of Amount of oil
WBC 1-2/ hpf Gestation in Matra Basti
USG Scan 3/8/2019 37 weeks 1 day 60ml
 04/03/2019 – Single Live Intrauterine Pregnancy 7/8//2019 37 weeks 5 days 60ml
of Gestational age 15 weeks 5 days, Fetal Heart
Rate -133 beat per minute, Liquor - adequate, 10/8/2019 38 week 1 day 60ml
Placenta - Posterior, Upper and Grade 1st, EDD – 13/8/2019 38 weeks 4 days 60ml
21/08/2019 16/8/2019 39 weeks 60ml
 16/06/2019 – Single Live Intrauterine Pregnancy
21/8/2019 39 weeks 5 days 60ml
of Gestational age 30-31 weeks, Fetal Heart Rate –
138 beat per minute, Liquor – adequate, Placenta – Management after onset of labor
Posterior and Upper, Estimated Fetal Weight –  Bala sidh Taila Yoni Pichu was applied in vaginal
1590gm. canal after starting of active phase of labor with
 02/08/2019 – Single Live Intrauterine Pregnancy 3hrs gap.
of Gestational age 36-37 weeks, Fetal Heart Rate –  Watch for vitals, contractions, FHS.
144 beat per minute, Liquor – adequate, Placenta –  Maintain proper hydration.
Posterior, Upper and Grade 3rd, Estimated Fetal
Weight – 2410gm.

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2020;8 (Suppl 2):83-87

Treatment Schedule
Time Blood Pulse Temperatu Fetal Heart Contractions Per Vaginal Others
Pressure Rate (per re (°F) Rate (bpm) findings
(mmHg) min.)
3:30am 120/70 84 97.9 144 2 – 40 sec 2-3cm dilatation, 20-
30 sec 30% effaced,
Membrane present,
head at -3 station
6:00am 120/70 82 97.6 142 2 – 35 sec 4cm dilatation, 30- Bala Oil
30 sec 40% effaced, Yoni
Membrane present, Pichu
head at -2 station applied
9:00am 110/70 84 98.1 146 3 – 30 sec 5-6cm dilatation, 40- Bala Oil
25 sec 50% effaced, Yoni
30 sec Membrane present, Pichu
head at -1 station applied
12:00pm 110/70 78 98.0 138 3 – 35 sec 6-7cm dilatation, 60- Bala Oil
30 sec 70% effaced, Yoni
45 sec membrane present, Pichu
head at 0 station applied
1:00pm 120/80 84 98.0 142 4 – 40 sec Cervix-Fully dilated,
30 sec Fully effaced,
35 sec BOM-absent,
20 sec Liquor clear
Observations and Result
Patient came to hospital with labor pain on Baby was found active and cried well at the
40weeks and 2days of gestation. Contractions came time of birth. APGAR score at 1st min was 7, at 5th min
with regular interval, along with increased frequency, was 9 and at 10th min was 10.
duration and intensity. Per vaginal findings also Placenta delivered completely after 15mins
showed that show present along with the formation with all its membranes and cotyledons intact. Uterus
of Bag of membrane. After observing P/V findings contracted well, no cervical tear seen and no post
and contractions we could be said that pains were partum hemorrhage (PPH) found.
true. So, no post dated complications observed. Patient was in under observation for 1 hour but no
During per vaginal examination adequate any complications seen.
pelvis was found. Effacement & dilatation of cervix Rationality of selection of trial drug
was increased gradually. Bishop’s Score at 3:30am
Acharya Charak mentioned Taila
was 4, at 6:00am was 7, at 9:00am was 9, at 12:00pm
yonivishodhanam and Acharya Sushruta mentioned
was 11and at 1:00pm was 13. So, better cervical
it as Garbhashayashodhak [3] and both of Acharyas
conditions observed.
mentioned Tila Taila as best Taila so Tila Taila was
Pain threshold during labor was moderate. used for the formulation of Bala oil for Matra Basti
Good bear down efforts (Pravahana) applied by and Yoni Pichu in this study. Tila (Sesamum indicum
patient. No signs of patient fatigue seen. Linn.) is Madhura rasa, Madhura vipaka, Snigdha
First stage of labor in this primigravida guna[4]. It is Sukshma and Vyavayi in property.
patient was 7 hours and second stage also reduced to Acharya Charaka described Bala under
1 hour. No any delay in labor observed. Madhura skandha in Viman sthana and Prajasthapana
A Full term normal vaginal delivery with right mahakashaya and Brmhaniya mahakashaya in Sutra
medio-lateral episiotomy as vertex presentation, sthana. Bala is considered as Madhura rasa, Madhura
delivered an alive healthy male child of weight 2.7kg vipaka, Snigdha guna, Balya in properties. Bala is also
on 25th August 2019 at 2:00pm. considered as a rejuvenative (Rasayana) [5]. Acharya
Susruta also have the same view regarding the
properties of Bala. He also described it among
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Swati Malsariya et al. Effect of Bala Siddha Taila Matra Basti and Yoni Pichu in Achieving Sukhprasava
Madhura dravya[6]. On Pharmacological screening, administration of Matra basti and use of Yoni Pichu in
Bala having anti inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, ninth month in month wise dietary regimen. This
antioxidant, neuroprotective, antiulcerogenic, CNS Ayurvedic regimen improves the physical and
depressant and laxative properties. [7] psychological condition of pregnant women and
DISCUSSION makes her body suitable for Sukhaprasava. Every
Pregnant women having distension of uterus pregnant woman should follow Masanumasik
which causes obstruction to pathway of Prasruti Garbhini Paricharya to gain healthy baby from a
Maruta (Apanvayu) resulting in constipation, healthy mother.
backache, prolonged labor, non - progress of labor, REFERENCES
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outcome of nature, Garbhiniparicharya has advised 2(4):1-9.
from conception till delivery, which includes
*Address for correspondence
Cite this article as: Dr. Swati Malsariya
Swati Malsariya, K. Bharathi, B. Pushpalatha. Effect of Bala Siddha Taila Matra 2nd Year M.S. Scholar,
Basti and Yoni Pichu in Achieving Sukhprasava: A Case Study. International Department of Prasuti Tantra and
Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2020;8(Suppl 2):83-87. Stree Roga, National Institute of
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Ayurveda, Jaipur, India.
Email: [email protected]
Ph. no.: +918502999321

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