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AYUSHDHARA ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O)

An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems

Research Article


Yadav Kapil1*, Kimothi Swati2, Bamola Poonam3, Goswami Himani4, Gupta Himani5
*1Assistant Professor, Dept of Kriya Sharir, 2M.S. scholar, P.G. Dept of Prasuti Tantra evam Stri Roga, Rishikul
State Ayurvedic College, Haridwar, UAU, Uttarakhand.
3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, 4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Basic Principle, 5Assistant

Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra evam Stri Roga, FIMS, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.


Nasya, Sleep Physiology, Sleep Study was planned to preventively deal with sleep disturbances which
Quality, Insomnia, Anu Taila, are waiting to become public health problem. As much as 30%
Dincharya. individuals among apparently healthy individuals in India suffer from
occasional insomnia. Ayurveda classics offered a solution by use of
Pratimarsha Nasya as daily regimen to improve sleep quality. Anu taila is
best used for Nasya Karma, so was chosen as medicine for this clinical
observational study. Material and methods- 28 subjects were selected
randomly and every evening two drops Anu taila in each nostril was
administered for 3 months. Result- Significant improvement was found
on PSQI, ESS sleepiness scale as well as self developed Sukhnidra
Sukhprabodham scale. For self developed sleep quality assessment scale,
null scores were present in the enrolled subjects with Baseline mean +
SD 0.00 + 0.00 and gradual increase across subsequent intervals. Mean +
*Address for correspondence SD after Trial is 14.54 +1.97. So subjects showed significant response to
Dr.Kapil Yadav Pratimarsha nasya with p value <0.0001 and Z value 4.647. Conclusion-
Assistant Professor, Overall sleep quality is more improved after administration of
Department of Kriya Sharir, pratimarsha nasya, different components of sleep quality considered viz.
Faculty of Indian Medical
getting to sleep, quality of sleep, awake following sleep, behaviour
System, SGT University,
Gurugram, Haryana, India. following wakening all are positively changed. Pratimarsha nasya has
Email: [email protected] such a vast positive effect on physiology of sleep that it deserves to be
Ph. +918901006644 incorporated in daily regimen and can be called as “two drops for well-
being of Urdhvajatru”.

A good quality sleep is very important for and different other stresses influence sleep patterns
normal functioning of brain as well as body. Sleep in and result in sleep disturbances.[4] Sleep
many ways helps in normal activity of brain activity disturbances though frequent, are under-reported
and good balance between different functions of and their implications are often neglected.
nervous system.[1] Sleep is considered by Ayurveda As much as 30% individuals among
as one of the Traya upasthambha i.e. one of the apparently healthy individuals in India suffer from
three basic physiological requirements for occasional insomnia.[5] Many are at verge of sleep
sustenance of life.[2] While discussing about Nidra, disturbances. Disturbed sleep epidemic is waiting to
the ancient Acharyas have stated that happiness become a public health problem. Modern medicine
and sorrow, growth and wasting, strength and has nothing to offer to improve quality of sleep in a
weakness, virility and impotence and the healthy individual.
knowledge and ignorance as well as the existence of Nasya, one of the Panchkarma procedures,[6]
life and its cessation depend on the sleep.[3] is the prime therapy for maintaining the health of
Stressed lifestyle, over demanding work ‘Urdhavajatru’[7], it is a procedure in which drugs,
profile, disordered eating habits, leisure activities oils and liquid medicines are administered through
AYUSHDHARA | July - August 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 4 2275
AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(4):2275-2278
the nostrils[8], because nose is the gateway of the  If any allergy or adversity is reported
head, it is highly effective in curing and preventing a  Any other difficulties.
number of diseases pertaining to the head. Types of study: Observational Study
Pratimarsha Nasya, one of the type of Nasya Period of study: Total duration of clinical trial was
procedure[9] is also advocated to be used as a part of 3 months.
Dincharya (daily regimen).[10] Pratimarsha nasya
Follow up period: Follow up of volunteers
can help to increase sleep quality, by providing
progress was done at regular interval of 15 days
Sukhnidra and Sukhprabodha.[11]
and 1 month after completion of trial.
Anu taila is best used for Nasya Karma. The
Sample size: Observations were made were 28
final prepared ideal Anu Tailam uses minute fine oil
which has a quality to penetrate the Sukshma Srotas
i.e. most fine channels.[12] Regular practice of Study schedule
Anutaila Nasya regains the sharpness of the sense Two Bindu Anu Taila in each nostril every
organs. It strengthens the muscles of neck, evening practicing as a daily regimen for 3 months.
shoulders, and chest. It guards against an attack of No dietary restrictions were asked.
premature graying of hair and premature Criteria for assessment
appearance of wrinkles on face.[13] To achieve these Effect of therapy was compared before,
benefits of Anutaila, it was chosen as a drug for during and after the trial on the basis of
Nasya karma. international as well as self made sleep quality
Keeping in mind the above concept, this indices.
research work had been planned with an aim to 1) Pittsberg Sleep Quality Index, 2) Epworth
understanding effects of Pratimarsha nasya and sleepiness scale and 3) Sukh- nidraprabodham scale
clinically observing it. were used for sleep quality assessment and for
MATERIAL AND METHODS general effect assessment of Pratimarsha Nasya,
Selection of cases grade based subjective criteria assessment were
For the purpose of clinical trial, healthy taken into account.
volunteers were selected randomly after careful Observation
history, physical examination and necessary The observation of volunteers was carried
investigations were performed as per proforma out during the trial at 15 days interval and after
prepared for the present trial. completion of trial for 1 month. Only subjective
Inclusion criteria parameters were taken. Results were recorded as
1. Age between 20-35 years. per case record form (attached in appendix).
2. Healthy persons not having underlying disease
Conclusion and statistical analysis of the trial
Exclusion criteria
 Age below 20 years and above 35 years. Conclusions were drawn after complete
assessment of the volunteers with each and every
 Having any kind of underlying disease.
follow up by using standard statistical methodology
 Night workers
as described below.
 Pregnant or lactating mother
Investigations Material used- Anu Tailam
 Blood- TLC, DLC, Hb%, ESR Statistical Analysis
 Blood sugar- F/PP The outcome measures were summarized as
 Urine- R/M Mean±SD (standard deviation) and proportion &
 Kidney function test- B. Urea, S. Creatinine percentages. The mean scores of before and after
 Liver function test- Total protein, Albumin, treatment was compared by Gaussian ‘z’ test and
globulin, S. Bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT, Alkaline Wilcoxon signed rank test. Paired ‘t’ test is used for
phosphatase. comparing Before treatment with outcomes of
 X-ray chest PA view (investigations only if various follow ups. Categorical (discrete) data from
required) the groups was compared by Gaussian test. A two-
tailed p value less than 0.05 (p<0.05) was
Criteria for withdrawal
considered statistically significant.
 Personal matters

AYUSHDHARA | July - August 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 4 2276

Yadav Kapil et al. The Positive Effects of Pratimarsha Nasya w.s.r. To Sleep Physiology
Table 1: Shows the improvement in the Clinical Features according to international sleep scales
across time intervals
Before Trial After Trial Difference
Parameter z-value p-value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
PSQI SCORE 0.75 1.00 0.39 0.69 -0.36 0.86 2.64 0.0080
Epworth Sleepiness Scale 3.68 2.44 2.54 1.75 -1.14 2.12 3.329 0.0010
For PSQI Score, high scores were present in the enrolled subjects with Baseline mean+SD 0.75+1.00 and go
on gradual decrease across subsequent intervals. Mean+SD after Trial is 0.39+0.69. So subjects showed
significant response to Pratimarsha Nasya with p value 0.008 and Z value 2.64.
For Epworth Sleepiness Scale, high scores were present in the enrolled subjects with Baseline mean+SD
3.68+2.44 and go on gradual decrease across subsequent intervals. Mean+SD after Trial is 2.54+1.75. So
subjects showed significant response to Pratimarsha Nasya with p value 0.001 and Z value 3.329.
Table 2: Shows the improvement in the Clinical Features According to Sukh Nidraprabodham Scale
across Time Intervals
Before Trial After Trial Difference z-
Parameter p-value!
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD value
Component 1 "Difficult/Easier
0.00 0.00 1.68 0.86 1.68 0.61 4.622 <0.0001
than BT"
Component 2 "Slower/Quickly
0.00 0.00 1.93 0.66 1.93 0.47 4.740 <0.0001
than BT"
Component 3 "Feel less sleepy/
0.00 0.00 1.96 0.74 1.96 0.53 4.700 <0.0001
More Sleepy Than BT"
GTS (Getting to sleep) 0.00 0.00 5.57 1.45 5.57 1.03 4.661 <0.0001
Component 4- More restless/
0.00 0.00 1.36 0.49 1.36 0.35 4.802 <0.0001
calmer than BT
Component 5- More wakeful/
0.00 0.00 0.21 0.42 0.21 0.30 2.449 0.014
less wakeful periods Than BT"
Quality of Sleep 0.00 0.00 1.57 0.63 1.57 0.45 4.738 <0.0001
Sukh Nidra Score 0.00 0.00 7.14 1.78 7.14 1.26 4.648 <0.0001
Component 6-AFS more
0.00 0.00 1.79 0.57 1.79 0.40 4.789 <0.0001
Difficult/easier than BT
Component 7-AFS time longer/
0.00 0.00 1.68 0.55 1.68 0.39 4.777 <0.0001
shorter than BT
AFS- awake following sleep 0.00 0.00 3.46 0.84 3.46 0.59 4.693 <0.0001
Component 8-BFW tired/ alert
0.00 0.00 2.29 0.46 2.29 0.33 4.850 <0.0001
than BT
Component 9-BFW balance co-
0.00 0.00 1.64 0.49 1.64 0.35 4.802 <0.0001
ordination than BT
BFW- before following
0.00 0.00 3.93 0.66 3.93 0.47 4.740 <0.0001
Sukh Prabodha 0.00 0.00 7.39 1.07 7.39 0.75 4.665 <0.0001
Sukh Nidraprabodham 0.00 0.00 14.54 1.97 14.54 1.39 4.647 <0.0001
Sukhprabodh- Total Score 0.00 0.00 58.14 7.89 58.14 5.58 4.647 <0.0001
Calculated using Wilcoxon Test
For Sukh Nidraprabodham, null scores were Total Sukhnidra prabodhama showed
present in the enrolled subjects with Baseline significant improvement indicated Pratimarsha
mean+SD0.00+0.00 and gradual increase across Nasya acted on both Sukhnidra and Sukhprabodha
subsequent intervals. Mean+SD after Trial is 14.54 improving getting to sleep, quality of sleep, awake
+1.97. So subjects showed significant response to following sleep, behaviour following wakening in
Pratimarsha nasya with p value <0.0001 and Z value trail subjects. It is to be noted that all the
4.647 components no benefit was seen till day 15 of trial

AYUSHDHARA | July - August 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 4 2277

AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(4):2275-2278
and then gradual increase was seen, so, we can say 3. Pt. Kashinath Shastri and Dr. Gorakha Nath
that though Pratimarsha Nasya acts on sleep Chaturvedi, Charak Samhita Vidyotini Hindi
physiology to give Sukh-Nidraprabodham to the Commentary. Reprint 2011 edition. Varanasi;
subject but the action is of slow onset nature and Chaukhambha Bharti Academy; 2011, Sutra
takes time to show off improvements. Sthana 21/36, p. 418
4. Morin, Charles & Drake, Christopher & G. Harvey,
Allison & Krystal, Andrew & Manber, Rachel &
Following points can be concluded on the basis
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of observations, results and thorough discussion in
Insomnia disorder. Nature Reviews Disease
the present context. Primers. 1. 15026. 10.1038/nrdp.2015.26.
 Pratimarsha nasya has the tendency to induce 5. Panda S, Taly AB, Sinha S, Gururaj G, Girish N,
Samyawastha of Nidra it reduces chances of Nagaraja D. Sleep-related disorders among a
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 Pratimarsha nasya induces Sukhnidra by 6. Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta. Ashatnga Hrdya Vidyotini
improving getting to sleep, quality of sleep. Hindi Commentary. Reprint 2012 edition.
 Pratimarsha nasya makes getting to sleep Varanasi;Chaukhambha Prakashan; 2011, Sutra
easier, quicker. sthana 14/5,p.135
 Sleep is calmer and wakeful periods are reduced 7. Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta. Ashatnga Hrdya Vidyotini
if any, by use of Pratimarsha nasya. Hindi Commentary. Reprint 2012 edition.
 “Awake following sleep” is made easier and Varanasi;Chaukhambha Prakashan; 2011, Sutra
requires shorter time by use of Pratimarsha sthana 20/1,p.172
8. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri.Sushruta Samhita
Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika Hindi Commentary.
 Individuals feel more alert and disruptions (if Reprint 2011 edition.Varanasi;Chaukhambha
any) are reduced, thus Pratimarsha nasya Sanskrit Sansthan; 2011, Chikitsa Sthana 40/21,
improves behaviour following wakening. p.224
 Overall Sukhnidraprabodha is more profound 9. Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta. Ashatnga Hrdya Vidyotini
after administration of Pratimarsha nasya, Hindi Commentary. Reprint 2012 edition.
getting to sleep, quality of sleep, awake Varanasi; Chaukhambha Prakashan; 2011, Sutra
following sleep, behaviour following wakening sthana 20/7,p.172
all are positively changed. 10. Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta. Ashatnga Hrdya Vidyotini
 Pratimarsha nasya has such a vast positive Hindi Commentary. Reprint 2012 edition.
effect on physiology of sleep that it deserves to Varanasi; Chaukhambha Prakashan; 2011, Sutra
be incorporated in daily regimen and can be sthana 20/32, p.173
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Sthana 05/50-52, p. 123.

Cite this article as:

Yadav Kapil, Kimothi Swati, Bamola Poonam, Goswami Himani, Gupta Himani. The Positive Effects
of Pratimarsha Nasya w.s.r. to Sleep Physiology. AYUSHDHARA, 2019;6(4): 2275-2278.
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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AYUSHDHARA | July - August 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 4 2278

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