School Grade Level Teacher/Presenter Learning Area Teaching Dates and Time Quarter I/Week 2

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Alam Mudja Grade

School 9
Sai NHS Level
Japhet C. Learning Mathematic
GRADE _9_ Awa Area s
LESSON Teaching Dates and
Day 4 Quarter I/Week 2

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
Standards quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations.
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
Standards relationships in various situations, formulate real-life
problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and
functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Solves equations transformable to quadratic equations
Competencie (including rational algebraic equation). (M9AL-Ic-d-1)
a. Transform quadratic equation into standard form
D. Objectives b. Find the solutions of equations transformable to
quadratic equations

Equations Transformable to Quadratic Equations

C. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
pp. 77-87
3. Textbook
4. Additional

D. Other Learning

ELICIT Activity 1 (5 mins)

Direction: Show different equations on the board and let the
whole class study the given equations.
1. x 2+ 2 x +1=0
2. ( x +1 )( x−2 ) =12
3. x ( x−3 )=20
4. x 2−5 x−25=0
5. x 2=21
a. Which of the given equations are written in Standard
b. How do you describe standard form of equation?

ENGAGE Activity 2 (10 mins)

Direction: Solve and Find the roots of the following

1. ¿
2. (x – 10)( x+3)=0
3. x (x+ 12)=10
4. ¿
5. (x – 4 )(x+5)=0

Present the Objectives of the lesson.

EXPLORE (5 mins)
Solving Quadratic Equations That are Not Written in
Standard Form

Solve x (x – 5)=36
This quadratic equation is not written in standard form.
First simplify the expression x ( x – 5) .
x ( x−5 )=36 → x −5 x=36
Then write the resulting quadratic equation in standard
2 2
x −5 x=36 → x −5 x−36=0

Factor the equation to find the roots, using any method.

x −5 x−36=0
( x−9 )( x +4 )=0
x−9=0∨x+ 4=0

EXPLAIN (5 mins)
Let the students transform the following equation to
standard form.
( x +5 )2+ ( x−2 )2=37
The given equation is quadratic but it is not written in
standard form.
First simplify the expression.
( x +5 )2+ ( x−2 )2=37 → x 2 +10 x+ 25+ x 2−4 x + 4

x 2+ x2 +10 x−4 x+ 25+ 4=37

2 x +6 x +29=37
Then write the resulting quadratic equation in standard
2 2 2
2 x +6 x +29=37 →2 x +6 x +29−37=0→ 2 x +6 x−8=0

ELABORATE (25 mins)

(Students apply 6 x −3
Solve the algebraic expression + =2
the information) x 4
The given equation is a rational algebraic expression.

6 x −3
First simplify the expression + . The LCM is 4 x .
x 4

6 x −3 24+ x −3 x
+ =
x 4 4x

Then go back to the original equation and substitute the

6 x −3 24+ x 2−3 x
+ =2→ =2
x 4 4x

Multiply both sides by 4 x .

( ) ( )
2 2
24 + x −3 x 24 + x −3 x 2
4x =( 2 ) ( 4 x ) → 4 x =( 2 ) ( 4 x ) →24+ x −3 x =8 x
4x 4x

Write the resulting quadratic equation in standard form.

24+ x −3 x =8 x
x −3 x−8 x +24=0
x 2−11 x+24=0
Factor the equation to find the roots, using any method.
x −11 x+24=0
( x−3 ) ( x−8 )=0
x−3=0∨x −8=0
Activity 3 Group Task
Direction: Transform each of the following equations into a
quadratic equation in the form ax 2 +bx +c=0 .

Group 1: x (x + 5) = 2
Group 2: ( s+6 )2=15
Group 3: ( x +2 )2+ ( x −3 )2=9
Group 4: ( 2 r +3 )2 + ( r + 4 )2=10

There are equations that are transformable to quadratic

equations. These equations may be given in different forms.
Hence, the procedures in transforming these equations to
quadratic equations may also be different. Once the
equations are transformed to quadratic equations, then they
can be solved using the different methods of solving
quadratic equations, such as extracting square roots,
factoring, completing the square and using the quadratic
formula. An extraneous root of an equation can be derived
from an original equation. However, it is not a solution of the
original equation.
Direction: Transform each of the following equations into
standard form ax 2 +bx +c=0 . Then solve for the roots.
1.) Which of the following is the standard form of the
equation x(x+3) = 28?
a. x2 – 3x + 28 = 0
b. x2 + 3x – 28 = 0
c. x2 – 3x + 28 = 0
d. x2 + 3x + 28 = 0
2.) What are the roots of the equation in the previous item?
a. -7 and 4
b. 8 and -3
c. 2 and 4
d. -4 and 8
3.) What is c in the equation 3s(s – 2) = 12s if it is
transformed to standard from?
a. 12
b. -3
c. 1
d. 0
4.) Which of the following can not be transformed to
standard form of quadratic equation?
a. (t +1)2 +( t−8)2=45
b. (3 r +1)2+(r +2)2= 65
c. r2(3r – 5) = 26
d. s(3 + s) + 9 = 20
5. What are the roots of the equation x(x + 5) = -6
a. -2 and 3
b. 2 and -3
c. -2 and -3
d. 2 and 3

EXTEND Assignment: (5 mins)

Study the steps in transforming rational algebraic

expressions into quadratic equation.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Japhet C. Awa

Quality Assured by: Jessie T. Mamites


Education Program Specialist, Mathematics

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