This presentation will introduce us to one of the 4ps of marketing mix under which will be
looking at the product. It will also highlight on the features of a product, its quality and the
advantage it has over the other. Questions like who are the target audience and what they want
will be addressed. Marketing mix being an initiative that aid or help a business’s introduction of
new commodities on the market, product as a model gives a businesses a helping hand when
goods and services are to be contributed. Features are to be considered, the quality, branding,
packaging and services that the business offers are the major factors of its growth.
TRADE KINGS GROUP is a Zambia owned business specialized in the making and
manufacturing of laundry. and cleaning products, delicious sweets, snacks, biscuits and other
exciting beverages. But our main concern is on one of the cosmetic product known as MediHerb
AYURVEDIC SOAP. AYUR ‘means life’ and VEDIC means ‘science or knowledge’. So once
used it gives life and knowledge according to its make.
MediHerb AYURDEIC SOAP have the following the features which makes it special from
other soaps;
SAFFRON SOAP; improve your complexion. Fade away blemishes and dark spots leaving
your skin healthy and glowing. Improves blood circulation by keeping your skin firm and delays
ageing. Color orange, 150g size
BLACK HAIR SOAP; used to show your natural beauty, protect from dandruff and dry scalp,
soften your hair. Prevent of greying hair, deep cleanser pores. Silky hair and reduce hair loss. It’s
a black soap, 150g.
TUMERIC SOAP; this was created to repair skin damage. Suitable for all skin act as
skin is also derived from the original 18 exceptional ingredients of AYURVEDIC
HERBS. It’s a yellow soap, 150g.
These soaps may reduce melanin production, leading to your skin lightened; they have been
branded in such a way that you get your full skin potential. You can get these are soaps at k20
and be satisfied.
Marketing mix enables improve your way of introducing goods and services on the
market. TRADE KINGS as a group of companies have been able to stay on track because of
their different methods of delivery. I would recommend anyone who ventures in business to have
a strategy they will enable to deliver the best to the target audience.