Chapter 4 Finale - 071349

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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered from the

answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field, said data were presented in Ranao Council

Al-Khwarizmi International College Foundation Inc., Science Laboratory School, with the

specific questions posited on the statement of the problem.

Profile of the Respondents:


Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Age


15 years old 26 26%

16 years old 42 42%

17 years old 32 32%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

According to Table 4.1, 42% of the respondents from the age of 16 answered the

questionnaire, 32% from the age of 17, 26% from the age of and 15. Therefore, most of our

respondents came from 16 of age and answered our questionnaire.

Table 4.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Gender


Male 56 56%

Female 44 44%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Based on our table, our female respondents are 44%, while our male respondents are 56%.

Therefore, the majority of our respondents are Male because it has 56%.

Table 4.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ School


Yes 40 40%

No 60 60%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Based on our table, the respondents are 40% are transferee students, while 60% are not

transferee students. Therefore, the majority of our respondents are not transferee students

because it has 60%.

Table 4.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Age


35-40 years old 40 40%

41-50 years old 40 40%

51 years old and above 20 20%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Table 4.4 presents the frequency and the percentage distribution of the respondents’ age

where out of the total number of the sample size, out of one hundred (100) parents, there are

forty (40) or forty percent (40%) belongs to the age of 35 to 40, forty (40) or forty percent (40%)

belongs to the age of 41 to 50, twenty (20) or twenty percent (20%) of the population recognized

to the 35-40 and 41-50 above.

The tabulated variable denoted that most of the respondents of RC-AKIC SLS are found to

be at the age of 35-40 and 41-50. This result suggest that majority of the total respondents were

old. Thus it is the right stage for them to understand and know the impact of full blast face-to-

face as perceived by the parents or grade 10 students in RC-AKICFI SLS and answer the

question carefully and honestly.

Table 4.5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Gender


Male 50 50%

Female 50 50%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Table 4.5 presents the frequency and the percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of their gender. It shows that, fifty (50) or fifty percent (50%) of the respondents are male

students, and fifty (50) or fifty percent (50%) of the respondents are composed of female

students. Thus, it can be inferred that most of the respondents are male and female students.

Table 4.6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Educational




High School Graduate 18 18%

College Graduate 31 31%

Master Degree Holder 14 14%

Doctorate 6 6%

Others 31 31%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Table 4.6 presents the frequency and the percentage distribution of the respondents’

educational attainment where out of total number of the sample size, out of one hundred (100)

parents, there are eighteen (18) or eighteen percent (18%) are high school graduate, thirty-one

(31) or thirty-one percent (31%) are college graduate, fourteen (14) or fourteen percent (14%)

belongs to master degree holder, six (6) or six percent (6%) are doctorates, thirty-one (31) or

thirty-one percent (31%) is others.

Table 4.7 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Number of Children


1-2 20 20%

3-4 30 30%

5-6 27 27%

7-8 9 9%

9 and Above 14 14%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Table 4.7 presents the frequency and the percentage distribution of the respondents’

number of children where out of total number of the sample size, out of one hundred (100)

parents, there are twenty (20) or twenty percent (20%) have 1-2 children, thirty (30) or thirty

percent (30%) have 3-4 children, twenty-seven (27) or twenty-seven (27%) have 5-6 children,

nine (9) or nine percent (9%) have 7-8 children, fourteen (14) or fourteen percent (14%) have a 9

and above children.

Table 4.8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Have technologies

that allow all members of the household to work simultaneously

Technologies FREQUENCY (f) PERCENTAGE (%)

Yes 55 55%

No 45 45%

TOTAL 100 100.0%

Based on our table, the respondents are fifty-five (55) or fifty-five (55%) are agreeing, while

forty-five (45) or forty-five (45%) are not agreeing. Therefore, the majority of our respondents

are agreeing because it has 55%.


Table 4.9 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ What are the impact

faced by the parents during full blast face-to-face of their children in RC AKIC SLS?



1.) My child can focus on academic work more 3.04 Agree 8

when they are doing it at home.
2.) My child’s sleep is affected because of the 3.07 Agree 7
amount of work they have.
3.) I promote my child to participate in 2.61 Agree 12
extracurricular progress to relieve stress.
4.) I’m confident that my child can make adequate 2.29 Disagree 14
academic progress through remote learning.
5.) My child is using less gadget after online 2.15 Disagree 15
6.) Face-to-Face class is more effective than online 3.18 Agree 5
class for my child.
7.) My child gaining more knowledge during face- 3.22 Agree 4
to-face classes.
8.) Face-to-face classes helped my child boost their 3.14 Agree 6
academic performance.
9.) My child’s social skills improved considerably 2.55 Agree 13
after the online class.
10.) My child’s physical health is more conditioned 3.26 Strongly Agree 3
during face-to-face.
11.) My child is more productive during these face- 3.36 Strongly Agree 2
to-face classes.
12.) My child is more focused on their studies 3.43 Strongly Agree 1
during face-to-face classes.
13.) My child is currently adjusting to this school’s 3.01 Agree 10
14.) My child is not used to learning 17 individual 3.02 Agree 9
15.) Did the impact of the full blast face-to-face has 2.77 Agree 11
a bad effect on your child/children?

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