Integrating 7E Instructional Learning Cycle in Developing Instructional Material Using Google Site in General Mathematics

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Volume: 11
Pages: 447-459
Document ID: 2023PEMJ976
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8196153
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-28-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Integrating 7E Instructional Learning Cycle in Developing Instructional

Material Using Google Site in General Mathematics
Princess C. Corpuz*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to develop and evaluate an instructional material through Google Site in General
Mathematics for senior high school students of Marist School during the school year 2022 – 2023.
Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: (1) What General Mathematics
Topics were included in the development of an instructional material through Google Site based from
the least mastered topics identified by the mathematics teachers? (2) What was the evaluation of the
mathematics teachers and the expert teachers on the instructional material through Google Site as
regards content, instruction, comprehensibility, and technological aspect? (3) Was there any
significant difference between the evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert teacher-
respondents on the abovementioned material? (4) What were the comments and suggestions of the
evaluators for the improvement of the instructional material developed? This study used the
descriptive method of research. The researcher developed the instructional material with an
integration of 7E instructional learning cycle through Google sites which was then assessed and
evaluated by fifteen (15) mathematics teachers and fifteen (15) expert teachers who are teaching in
selected secondary schools in Marikina City. The data gathered in this study were treated statistically
using ranking, weighted mean, and independent-samples t test. The major finding for this study is,
there was no significant difference between the evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert
teacher-respondents on the developed instructional material in General Mathematics. Thus, the
material was deemed acceptable and appropriate for the target learners.

Keywords: google site, 7le mode, instructional material, distance learning, general mathematics

Introduction geographically remote from each other” (p. 6).

The rapid global breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, Presently, as the outbreak became more manageable
which predominantly affected the health sector, is one and on-site classes are now underway, most people
of the most significant human occurrences ever. Its expect that modalities during distance learning will no
consequences are still clearly visible at this time, longer be an option. In contrary to this, former DepEd
forcing other industries to find a creative way to carry Secretary Leonor Briones (2022) insinuated that
on with their processes. As mentioned in the blended learning, especially in technology,
Sustainable Development Goals Report (2020), the communication, and digitalization will still be
education sector was one among the ones most implemented. The ideal strategy for improving
impacted by the pandemic's escalation. “Many schools teaching and learning outcomes is to give students
are offering remote learning to students through virtual access to many learning environments. It can be
classrooms to mitigate the impact of school closure” executed by merging two separate learning techniques,
(p. 33). This shows that switching from face-to-face to such as in-person instruction and online instruction
distance learning was the primary choice of education (Muhtia, et al., 2018).
departments worldwide to prevent students' extended
absences from class. However, there are several research that showed
underlying challenges during the implementation of
In the Philippines, the Department of Education the aforementioned modality. Learners that took part
(DepEd) have employed several modalities and one of on the study of Dahmash (2020) ran into issues
which is known to be as Online Distance Learning connected to technologies, teachers’ role, online
(ODL) (Combo & Bugay, 2021). ODL was one of the assessments, and limited learner’s resources.As
suggested distance learning modalities by the DepEd, suggested by Chiu (2021), that in order to address
as stated in DepEd Memo DM-CI-2020-00162, which learners' expertise and cognitive load, the
was published in July 2020 (Duero, 2020). ODL was technological learning environment, including the
described on the same memo as “...a learning delivery Learning Management System (LMS) and learning
modality where the teacher facilitates learning and resources, must be designed.
engages learners’ active participation using various
technologies connected to the Internet while they are While the execution of competency- or outcomes-

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

based blended education is thought to require to best implement technology in teaching and learning
intentional and detailed planning, teaching becomes processes.
inherently difficult. Hence, given the fact that
mathematics is an extremely abstract subject in and of To fulfill the requirement for the development of a
itself, the idea becomes somewhat more difficult as it technologically-based material, the researcher utilized
is presented within the context (Esguerra & Combo, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) as its primary design.
2021). As one of the subjects discussed via online This material could cater students’ needs throughout
learning, mathematics needs a lot of preparation to the implementation of the blended learning modality.
ensure that the materials presented to learners Specifically, CAD introduces Computer-Assisted
meaningfully and easy to understand, especially in Instruction (CAI) as one of its key components
high school, which contains abstract topics (Yohannes, whereas, it is used to describe drill and practice,
et al., 2021). tutorial, or simulation activities that are provided
independently or in addition to conventional, teacher-
“An effective mathematics teacher is one that does not led instruction (Cotton, 1991). Stronger student
only know mathematics deeply but also knows a lot involvement was produced as a result of the major
about the teaching of mathematics,” (Framework for impact that digital support had on how the LMS as a
Philippine Mathematics Teacher Education (FPMTE), CAI platform was viewed in terms of autonomy,
2011, p. 25). This emphasizes the idea that, being an competence, and relatedness (Chiu, 2021).
excellent mathematics teacher is not solely based on
how they understand the content, but also, on how they As regards the constructive alignment of the proposed
could transfer it to the learners the best way possible. material, a specific cycle should be taken into
Furthermore, it was concomitantly established in consideration. There are various learning cycle models
FPMTE (2011) that teachers are challenged in several that are usually anchored to constructivism (Sam et al.,
ways. To be more precise, it was highlighted that, 2018) and inquiry-based teaching approach (Hanuscin
“…we find that mathematics teachers are tested by the & Lee, 2008). Among these learning cycle models, the
existence of various types of technologies and their researcher of this present study utilized 7E Model,
which is considered a “higher model than 5E” (Gönen
rapid advancements and the perceived disconnect
et al., 2006, p. 83), as the primary model of the
between school mathematics and everyday life…”
developed computer-aided instructional material.
(p.1). This goes to show that in order to address this
identified technological gap among Mathematics,
With regards to those mentioned concerns, this
mathematics teachers, and learners, there should be a
research aimed to address the identified gaps which
step that needs to be initiated to systematize these
will be through the development of a computer-aided
leading factors and would strengthen the mathematics
instructional material in the form of Google Site that is
education in a general perspective.
grounded to FPMTE (2011) and TPACK as the major
frameworks and 7E Learning Cycle as the primary
Consequently, the present researcher initiated to fill in
model for the presentation of the content. To ensure
the abovementioned gap through recognizing the need
the validity and reliability of this material, underwent
of having a learner’s instructional material with
series of evaluation in terms of its content, instruction,
contents that are technologically and pedagogically
comprehensibility, and technological aspect.
appropriate to mathematics learners. Relative to the
idea of ensuring that a material will be of quality and Research Questions
standard-based, it should be supported by the FPMTE
(2011) which will be further discussed on the latter To be more specific, this study sought answers to the
portion of this study. following questions:

Apart from the Mathematical Pedagogical Content 1. What General Mathematics Topics were included in
Knowledge (PCK) introduced by FPMTE (2011), this the development of an instructional material through
research also considered the integration of technology Google Site based from the least mastered topics
in the development of the proposed instructional identified by the mathematics teachers?
material which makes it technologically-based. Hence, 2. What was the evaluation of the mathematics
it took into account the Technological Pedagogical teachers and the expert teachers on the instructional
Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework. TPACK material through Google Site as regards:
has become a clear and practical foundation for 2.1 Content;
researchers trying to comprehend how technology is 2.2 Instruction;
incorporated into learning and teaching (Baran et al., 2.3 Comprehensibility; and
2011). Thus, educators have the freedom to select how
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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

2.4 Technological aspect? the objective of the present study, more so it

3. Was there a significant difference between the strengthens that reason why it is important to produce
evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert a computer-aided instructional material for the
teacher-respondents on the abovementioned material? mathematics subject.
4. What were the comments and suggestions of the
evaluators for the improvement of the instructional As defined by Wawasan Open University (n.d.),
material developed? computer-assisted (or aided) instruction (CAI)
describes education or remediation delivered using a
computer. Also, it added the claim the CAI
Literature Review significantly improves the instructional qualities of
teachers and learners. Further, it was explained by
The shift of modality is undeniably challenging Training Industry (2022) that, through the combination
(Lapitan, Jr. et al., 2021). It poses several areas of of graphics, text, video, and audio upgrades, CAI
opportunities to both students and teachers for not provides a presentation of materials that is interactive.
everyone has the capacity to adapt to abrupt changes. It is frequently used as a tool to facilitate training, and
Additionally, Flores et al. (2022) alluded that due to it can improve user experience and raise participation.
the pandemic, unanticipated shifts in the teaching That being so, integrating CAI to the system of
method from in-person instruction to online distance education will obviously provide a substantial impact
learning created difficulties for mathematics teaching considering that it is already 21st Century, whereas,
and learning. With regard to this, various educational technology is very evident everywhere.
institutions resorted to the employment of blended
As established on the report of Ito et al. (2022), it was
modality instead of implementing full online learning
implied that CAI has a great deal of potential to raise
sessions since it is believed to be more prone to some
learners' mathematics test performance in the near- and
logistical issues (Gerold, 2020). On the same article,
maybe longer-term. Not only that, Bonsu et al. (2020)
the author emphasized that asking questions during
used other related studies to arrive to a conclusion that
online classes is much more difficult compared to
CAI had a positive impact with respect to the
when it is done on the usual set-up which is somewhat
academic achievement of the learners in contrast to the
alarming since according to H.O.P.E Education
usual set-up of teaching-learning processes. These
(2021), asking good questions is said to be an
important skill that contributes to one’s holistic advantages of CAI ascertains that the present
learning. researcher is on the right track as regards to that
solution to be formulated which shall eventually
In reference to the present study, these ideas shared by reconnect the previously mentioned gap and other
the preceding literature imposes relevancy for it things that hinder the smooth flow of instruction.
underpinned the current construct which is about the
challenges brought by the sudden shift of the modality, Yenilmez et al. (2008) included in their literature the
may it be online or blended. construct established by Tall (1986) that there is a
common belief that software designed for learning is
Apart from the problems focusing on the lesson usually practical. They supposedly make mathematics
delivery, it was also brought up that learners’ very clear, according to another claim. Software
resources had insufficiency on numbers and on its should be able to display the results of numerous
ability to meet the students’ academic needs (Rotas & computations as well as the mathematical method and
Cahapay, 2020; Combo et al., 2022). Along with this, steps used to arrive at the solution to the problem.
Scharaldi (2020) underscored on her educational blog Hence, the same study stresses that in ensuring that
that additional chances for students to see and engage mathematics will be taught properly using CAI, an
with mathematical ideas are made possible by appropriate learning cycle model should be taken into
technology. By utilizing games, simulations, and utmost consideration.
technological tools, students can explore and discover
new things. The academic success of learners is significantly
impacted by the employment of learning cycle models
By taking these ideas into account, development of an in the educational process (Sarac, 2018). This supports
instructional material that is technology-based will be the idea that in order for a learners’ material to be
a good step towards targeting the goal of having constructively aligned, it should follow a model that
sufficient number of materials that is appropriate to the would guide both the learners and teachers in
technological needs of the learners. This corroborates achieving their primary goal, which is to make sure

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Research Article

that the competencies are truly learned and taught. As projects, and summary reports regarding the subjects
introduced, there are several learning cycles that are might be used.
very common when it comes to the implementation of
the lesson. For this present study, 7E learning cycle Extend. Bransford et al. (2000) as cited by Yenilmez
will be utilized. Teaching resources utilizing the 7E & Ersoy (2008) explained that the purpose of
learning cycle might assist students in comprehending introducing this new phase to the elaborate and
the issues and occurrences they meet in their evaluation phases is to demonstrate to the teachers that
surroundings (Amini & Usmeldi, 2020). using some classic and current assessment methods
should not be the last step and to highlight the
7E Model is the expanded version of 5E model, and by significance of the many applications for information
adding two new phases to the first and last phases, it is transfer. As it appears to the instructional material
one of the most popular and well-known instructional developed by the researcher, a set of terminologies
models used today (Turgut, 2017). Further, Yenilmez were utilized. These are: (a) Diagnostic Activities
et al. (2008) elaborated the model’s instructional (Elicit) which contains the pre-test and initial activities
phases which are: to test the prior knowledge of learners; (b) Building
Blocks (Engage), a part where the learners will be
Elicit. The main goal of this phase is to bring up prior encouraged to reflect on the lesson and come up with
learning experiences and establish a solid foundation their own questions; (c) Freedom Wall (Explore), the
for subsequent phases. It can be argued that supporting phase that gives learners a chance to exercise their
the thinking abilities is lacking when starting with only critical thinking skills and develop their own ideas; (d)
engaging the new issues with the oldies. Hence, we In Action! (Explain), the abstraction part where the
should restore outdated knowledge and educational teaching and learning are centered in; (e) Let’s Get
opportunities. Real (Elaborate), a portion to which learners are
expected to appreciate the real-life applications of
Engage. Learners are encouraged to reflect on the
every topic; (f) Test Yourself (Evaluate), the part the
lesson and come up with their own questions.
instructional material that assesses the overall learning
Questioning, describing a problem, and mind-storming
of the students regarding the topics involved; and
in challenging situations are typical actions associated
lastly, (g) Enrichment Activities (Extend), one of the
with this phase.
learning cycles that ensures continuity and gives
Explore. Learners get the chance to exercise their learners an opportunity to look beyond the content.
critical thinking skills in this phase as they explore
In addition to having a solid grasp of mathematics,
their knowledge and schema. Moreso, they should be
teachers should be able to organize classroom
further encouraged for deviating from the core issue
mathematics lessons and divide them into absorbable
and providing justification for developing their own
learning units. This principle is presented as part of the
Framework for Philippine Mathematics Teacher
Explain. In this stage, it's crucial to manage scientific Education (FPMTE) (SEI-DOST & MATHTED,
notions connected to the subject. In order to provide 2011) which inculcates that mathematics teachers also
alternate responses to inquiries concerning the issue, need to understand, along with the what, the why and
students should have a structured thinking. how of the subject.
Additionally, fresh ideas can be introduced by the time
Another principle of the above-mentioned framework
they have new ideas within the context of their
imposes that “Mathematics is best learned when
observations during the investigate phase.
students are actively engaged” (p. 6). To optimize their
Elaborate. Students reflect more deeply on the material learning potential, the learners must take on the duty of
they study and use it in many contexts. The teacher in being actively involved on the discussion and promote
this phase must demonstrate important skills including the idea of independence and autonomy. An additional
showing empathy for lessons and broadening students' construct that FPMTE had coined, hence one of the
understandings. most relevant to this present study was, “Technology
plays an important role in the teaching and learning of
Evaluate. The learning cycle model gives teachers mathematics. Mathematics teachers must learn to use
specific opportunities to assess students' learning rates and manage technological tools and resources well” (p.
and track their progression in thinking levels. For 7). As per the objective of this study, the teachers
instance, in addition to more conventional tests like should be advanced with regard to the utilization of
quizzes, evaluation components like idea maps, technologies even more so, on how it contributes to the

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Research Article

betterment of the teaching and learning processes. students' needs and promote positive involvement in
order to raise reading proficiency among children. In
As discussed by Castor (2019), teachers are expected terms of mathematics, the level of numeracy skills of
to create learning experiences that are efficient and the learners also depends on the pedagogical approach
geared toward achieving organizational goals as of the teachers. It was supported by the study of Shin
members of the school community. Thus, one of their and Shim (2021) where they gave emphasis on the
main jobs is to create and design programs that will idea that enhancing students' cognitive and
meet the demands of the learners. In this regard, motivational growth depends largely on the
Edejer (2021) also established a related study focused effectiveness of the teacher and the classroom
on determining the impact of the developed eModule environment.
in Trigonometry for Grade 9 Mathematics as teaching
materials at San Isidro National High School, Antipolo Another study that imposes similarity to the present
City for the fourth quarter of the school year 2020 – one is the dissertation submitted by Julius (2018)
2021. They used quasi-experimental research method where it was investigated how the use of Computer-
and utilized a questionnaire to gather evaluation from Aided Instruction (CAI) affects the achievement, self-
fifteen (15) math experts and another fifteen (15) from efficacy and collaborative skills of learners with regard
math teachers. Another set of questionnaires were to learning Chemistry as it is compared to other
given to sixty (60) students who were selected by Conventional Instructional Methods. Correspondingly,
matched case-control design. Based on the findings, principals frequently turn to computer-assisted
teachers and students can both benefit from the e- learning programs in the hopes of achieving an
module as an effective teaching tool. Further, the immediate increase in growth in academic
emodules are comprehensively and rationally performance due to the need to provide teachers with
developed to assist students in meeting their learning individualized instructional programs that are
objectives. engaging in order to show an increase in academic
achievement, especially in the area of reading and
The goal of the study conducted by Rosali (2020) was mathematics, while minimizing the amount of
to investigate the impact of introducing Computer- planning time and resources needed (Thomas, 2018).
Assisted Instruction on the academic achievement of Relative to the current study, the researcher tries to fill
secondary physics students. The quasi-experimental in the identified gap as it was found out that students’
pretest-posttest control group design was used in the engagement is dependent to the instructional method
study, which included 157 Grade 10 students from a employed by the teachers (Inayat & Ali, 2020), most
private school in the Philippines. The experimental especially in mathematics.
group was taught utilizing computer-assisted
instruction, whilst the control group was taught using Aside from the sole impact of CAI to the students’
traditional methods of teaching Physics. The study's academic status, Muchiri (2018) proved that gender
findings revealed that both CAI and traditional can also be a prevalent factor that CAI has effect to. It
teaching approaches considerably increase students' was revealed that there is a significant difference
physics ability however, it emphasized that the between the effect of CAI to male and female learners.
effectiveness of these methods did not directly affects Likewise, it was shown on the findings of the study of
students’ achievement in the subject. Chen et al. (2020) that students who participated in
computer-assisted instruction that included
The studies conducted by Castor, Edejer, and Rosali environmental education were able to find unique,
are comparable to the present one since it accentuates engaging instructional materials online and showed a
on designing programs that are embedded to strong attachment to nature and to promote learning at
computer-based instructional materials. Thus, the only the same time. These establish the idea – which is
key difference among these three studies is mainly the present to the current study – that CAI can be
subject area they highlight. dominant in any area, especially if the involve are
learners who are dependent to how teachers deliver
Speed (2020) reported on her dissertation that there are his/her lessons. On that account, teachers who were
curriculum trainers who thought that CAI as a program accustomed to traditional teaching methods were also
lacks student engagement during learning sessions. required to, despite their lack of technological
This problem is very common most especially if the proficiency, embrace technology as it becomes an
learner or the teacher is not fully equipped with integral part of lesson delivery (Barrot et al., 2021).
necessary tools that this kind of instruction demands.
More so, it is crucial that instructional strategies meet To sum up these concepts on CAI as established by

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

various academic documents, the researcher of the identification of the students’ least mastered topics in
present study would like to reiterate that teachers need General Mathematics and teachers’ evaluation on the
to be adaptable and flexible, thus, shifting to new instructional materials that was validated by several
methods of teaching should be treated as an inevitable experts. The questionnaire made to evaluate the
change to the education system. However, this should developed instructional material contains four (4)
also become an eye-opener to the administrators and component criteria which are Content, Instruction,
other institutions, that teachers and learners are in need Comprehensibility, and Technological aspect. A four-
of support anent to the issue with regard the point scale was provided to indicate the degree or level
implementation of CAI as part of the system. of agreement for the evaluation of the respondents in
each item. Each statement in the criteria was rated
This study considered the hypothesis, there is no using 1 to 4 rating scales with the corresponding
significant difference between the evaluation of the verbal interpretations: Fully Agree (FA), Strongly
mathematics teachers and the expert teacher- Agree (SA), Strongly Disagree (SD), and Fully
respondents on the developed instructional material in Disagree (FD), respectively. For further specifications,
General Mathematics in terms of the content, scale 1 is ranging from 1.00 to 1.49, scale 2 is from
instruction, comprehensibility, and technological 1.50 to 2.49, scale 3 is ranging from 2.50 to 3.49, and
aspect. Hence, the conceptual model that guided the scale 4 is from 3.50 to 4.00.
researcher in conducting the study is shown in Figures
1, 2, and 3. As emphasized, this study was focused on the
development and evaluation of a Computer-Aided
Instructional (CAI) material in General Mathematics
Methodology that is grounded to FPMTE (2011) and TPACK. It was
previously mentioned that the material is composed of
This study made use of descriptive method of research. several parts, namely, Diagnostic Activities, Building
According to Creswell (2014), gathering data that Blocks, Freedom Wall, In Action!, Let’s Get Real,
describes occurrences is the first step in descriptive Test Yourself, and Enrichment Activities. These parts
research, which subsequently organizes, tabulates, were initially formulated for it corresponds to the
visualizes, and summarizes the data collection. In phases of 7E structural cycle model. This CAI material
order to help the reader comprehend how the data is aimed to fill in the gap, specifically the technological
distributed, it frequently includes visual aids like gap, as identified by several mathematics experts.
graphs and charts. Meaning, the data that will be
collected, such as the evaluation of the teachers on Procedure
computer-aided instruction will be described,
examined and interpreted. Before the administration of the survey questionnaires
to the selected mathematics and expert teachers,
Participants formal letters were sent to another set of content
experts as it was initially validated and underwent
There are 15 expert teachers and 15 mathematics necessary revisions based on their comments and
teachers from selected secondary school in the suggestions.
Division of Marikina City with a total of 30 teachers
who served as respondents of the study and were After finalizing the survey questionnaire, the
selected through purposive sampling. Purposive developed CAI material was forwarded to the chosen
sampling is conducted when the researchers choose respondents who served as the evaluators of the
respondent who they believe will best help them in material. Prior to this, the researcher sent letters of
understanding the research problem and its specific permission to conduct the study to the principals of the
questions (Creswell, 2014). They evaluated the schools where the teacher-respondents teach. After the
developed instructional material by providing their permission was approved, the data gathering procedure
a s s e s s m e n t of its c o n te n t, i n s t r u c t i o n , commenced. To conclude, the researcher ensured that
comprehensibility, and technological through a all data gathered were treated with strict and utmost
validated survey questionnaire. confidentiality.

Instruments of the Study The researcher made use of the following statistical
The instrument that was utilized in collecting the data
for this research was a checklist-questionnaire for the Frequency Count, Percentage, and Ranking. This was

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

utilized in order to determine the significance of the

evaluation of the subject teachers on the least mastered
topics in General Mathematics.

Independent t-test. It assessed whether the means of

the two groups are statistically different from each
other. This was utilized to determine if there is a
significant difference on the evaluation of the two
and standard deviations of 0.43 and 0.29, respectively.
groups of respondents on computer-aided instructional
(CAI) materials as iregards to the given areas.
Table 1. Respondents’ Evaluations on Developed
Instructional Material in Terms of Content
Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation. It was used
to determine the weighted mean of respondents’
answers on the survey questionnaire which will be
then used in determining the significant difference
between the evaluation of the two groups. Moreover,
the standard deviation was utilized to measure the
spread of each scale value.


This study aimed at the development and evaluation of

a Computer-Aided Instructional (CAI) material in
General Mathematics that is grounded to FPMTE
(2011) and TPACK. After a thorough analysis of the
empirical data, several findings were established.

As a result of the initial survey from the selected

mathematics teachers, it revealed that there were three
specific topics for each general content which are:
Rational Functions (Representation), Rational
Functions (Zeros, Intercepts, and Asymptotes),
Rational Functions (Word Problem Solving),
Compound Interest (Compounding more than once a
year), Simple Annuity, General Annuity, Truth values
and Tables, and Logical Equivalences. Further, these
topics were used by the researcher as the basis for the
development of the 7E-integrated instructional
materials. Instruction. Table 2 showed the evaluations of the
two groups of respondents on the developed
Tables 1 to 4 present the evaluation of the expert instructional material in terms of instruction. It can be
teachers and mathematics teacher-respondents on the observed in Table 3 that both expert teachers and
developed instructional materials in General mathematics teacher-respondents fully agreed on the
Mathematics in terms of its content, instruction, instruction of the developed instructional material as
comprehensibility, technological aspect. Subsequently, shown by the overall weighted mean of 3.67 and 3.84,
the summary of the evaluation of the two groups of and standard deviations of 0.46 and 0.25, respectively.
respondents is presented in Table 7.

Content. Table 1 presented the two groups of

respondents’ evaluations on the developed
instructional material as regards content. It can be
observed in the table that both groups fully agreed on
the content of the developed instructional material as
shown by the overall weighted mean of 3.72 and 3.83,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Respondents’ Evaluations on Developed

Instructional Material in Terms of Instruction
Comprehensibility. Table 3 consists the evaluation of
expert teachers and mathematics teacher-respondents
on the developed instructional material about
comprehensibility. It can be gleaned in table 6 that
both groups of respondents also fully agreed on every
indicator under the comprehensibility component of
the developed instructional material as shown by the
overall weighted mean of 3.76 and 3.79, and standard
deviations of 0.39 and 0.35, respectively.

Technological Aspect. Table 4 showed the evaluation

of the expert teachers and mathematics teacher-
respondents on the developed instructional material
with regard technological aspect. It can be seen in
Table 4 that both expert teachers and mathematics
teacher-respondents fully agreed on the evaluation on
the technological aspect of the developed instructional
material as revealed by the overall weighted mean of
3.77 and 3.85, and standard deviations of 0.37 and
0.26, respectively. The attainment of the subject
standard and the improvement of student achievement
are both aided by comprehensive teaching and learning
materials (Edejer, 2022).

Table 4. Respondents’ Evaluations on Developed

Instructional Material in Terms of Technological

Table 3. Respondents’ Evaluations on Developed

Instructional Material in Terms of Comprehensibility

Table 5 introduced the synopsis of the evaluation of

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Research Article

As observed in Table 6, the computed t value of 0.80

is smaller than the critical t value of 2.05 with 28
degrees of freedoms. At 5% level of significance, the
the two groups of respondents on the developed
statistical decision is not to reject the null hypothesis.
instructional material in terms of its content,
Therefore, this indicates that there is no significant
instruction, comprehensibility, and technological
difference between the evaluation of the mathematics
aspect. As reflected in this table, the evaluation of the
two groups of respondents had the same evaluations of teachers and the expert teacher-respondents on the
the developed instructional material in terms of developed instructional material in General
content, instruction, comprehensibility, and Mathematics as regards content.
technological aspect as revealed by the grand weighted
mean of 3.73 and 3.83, respectively. Table 7. Test of Difference Between the Evaluations of
the Two Groups of Respondents on the Developed
Table 5. Summary of Respondents’ Evaluations on the Instructional Material in General Mathematics with
Developed Instructional Material Respect to Instruction

Table 7 displayed that the computed t value of 1.27 is

Significant Difference Between the Evaluations of
below the critical t value of 2.05. Thus, the statistical
the Two Groups of Respondents on the Developed
decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. At 5%
Instructional Material in General Mathematics.
level of significance, this supports that there is no
The computed results of the difference between the
significant difference between the evaluation of the
evaluations of the expert teachers and mathematics
mathematics teachers and the expert teacher-
teacher-respondents on the developed instructional
respondents on the developed instructional material in
material in General Mathematics are shown in Tables
General Mathematics in terms of instruction.
6 to 9 and the summary in Table 10.
As shown in Table 8, the computed t value of 0.20 is
Table 6. Test of Difference Between the Evaluations of
less than the critical t value of 2.05. Hence, at 5%
the Two Groups of Respondents on the Developed
significance level, this leads that the null hypothesis
Instructional Material in General Mathematics with
cannot be rejected. Further, this means that there is no
Respect to Content significant difference between the evaluation of the
mathematics teachers and the expert teacher-
respondents on the developed instructional material in
General Mathematics as regards comprehensibility.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 10: Summary of the Decisions and

Interpretations of the Evaluations of the Two Groups
of Respondents on the Developed Instructional
Table 8. Test of Difference Between the Evaluations Material in General Mathematics
of the Two Groups of Respondents on the
Developed Instructional Material in General
Mathematics with Respect to Comprehensibility


The results showed that the content of developed

instructional material is appropriate as evaluated by
Table 9 revealed that the computed t value of 0.69 the expert teachers and mathematics teachers. Hence,
is lower than the critical t value of 2.05. At it is determined to be aligned with the content
5% significance level, the statistical decision is standards, include valid and reliable real-life
not to reject the null hypothesis. Consequently, applications, hone 21st century skills of learners, cover
this shows that there is no significant difference different subject areas, and contain assessment tasks
between the evaluation of the mathematics teachers that are appropriate for different types of learners. This
and the expert teacher-respondents on the also implied that the developed instructional material
developed instructional material in General shows clarity with respect to its process flow,
Mathematics on its technological aspect. technologically-integrated approaches, and
cohesiveness on the implementation of the tasks and
Table 9. Test of Difference Between the Evaluations of activities. In support for this, it was highlighted by
the Two Groups of Respondents on the Developed Subia (2020) in their conducted research that the
Instructional Material in General Mathematics with importance of learning exercises and activities can be
Respect to Technological Aspect attributed to its effectiveness in fostering students'
interests, critical thinking, and problem-solving
abilities. The developed instructional material is as
well as generally comprehensive as evaluated by
expert teachers and mathematics teachers whereas it
poses learner-inclusivity, varied teaching styles,
independent learning, and continuous monitoring and
assessment. As revealed by the study of Combo
(2018), a clear, differentiated, and patent instruction
was a contributory factor to an inclusive learning as it
makes learning much more meaningful, regardless of
the utilized modalities. Lastly, the study is deemed
Table 10 presents the summary of the decisions and effective on the integration of technology to the
developed material to which it shows accessibility and
interpretations of the evaluations of the two groups on
interactivity. This concept is corroborated by the
the developed instructional material in General
previously mentioned study of Julius (2018) where
Mathematics with regards to its content, instruction,
they gave emphasis on how technology-integration
comprehensibility, and technological aspect.
(thru CAI) improves students’ achievement in specific
subject areas.

Based on the tables, it recognizes that the content of

the developed material is aligned with the national
standard set by the Department of Education as
introduced through K-12 Curriculum Guide, more
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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 447-459, Document ID:2023 PEMJ976, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196153, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

specifically, in Mathematics subject. Moreover, it goes To ensure inclusivity and standardization of

instructions, similar type of material may be developed
to show that such material could be a valid instrument
for other disciplines, with different instructional
in making sure that teaching and learning will still take learning cycles, or even for specific set of learners. In
place despite the adjustments and challenges that the addition, a separate content validator for the
education system faces. It also has the capacity to assessments parts of the material to guarantee its
promote teaching and learning across modalities. It validity and reliability may be considered.
presents instructions that are well-formulated and In essence, this type of material may contribute to the
concomitantly appropriate to the learning environment success of the implementation of Open High Schools
of various learners. Moreover, it entails that the throughout the Philippines since the program has been
developed instructional material is inclusive by nature practicing distance education even before the
where it fits with different types of learners in the 21st pandemic. Taking into account various experts and
topic teachers' comments and ideas, the material may
century as it uses various approaches of teaching
still be improved, notably its interface and how the
methodology. Most importantly, the results convey instructions be presented to guarantee that learning is
that technology is well-integrated to all areas of the in-depth and learner-centered.
developed material and is utilized to promote Finally, further related research may be conducted
accessibility in teaching and learning. focusing on other fields utilizing different theories,
methodologies, frameworks, and other school contexts.

This study aimed at the development and evaluation of

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