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Group5 Board Displays Evaluation Form

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Topic of the Board Display: Announcement, Achievements of the students Location of the Board Display in School: Along the school oval Check the column that indicates your rating. "#$utstanding '#Satisfactory Criteria Effective Communication Conveys the message quickly and clearly Attractiveness Colors and arrangement catches and holds interest Balance Objects are arrange so stability is perceive Unity Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders hold display together Interactivity The style and approach entice learners to be involved Legibility Letters and illustration can be seen from a good distance Correctness Free from grammar errors, misspelled ords, ambiguity Durability !ell"constructed, items are securely attached )* S &S $ rite comments to !ack up your ratings. %#&ery Satisfactory (#)eeds *mprovement Comments
*t is clear, direct to the readers.

Add light colors to the !ulletin !oard.

Some materials are +ell#organi,e.

)eed to !e more creative.

*t attracts the attention of the students.

ell#printed, creative style.

*t is correctly spelled. -as an accurate understanding.learning

Your Analysis
Did the !oard display design reflect the like.interests of its target audience/ hy/ hy not/ # )o, !ecause the !ulletin !oard is not that creative and not that attractive to the audience. *t lacks designs and needs to have light colors to get the attention of the audience.

as the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand/ not/



# 0es, !ecause through the !ulletin !oards, the students respond immediately on the information +ritten on the !ulletin !oard.

hat do you think +as the purpose of the !oard display/

as it effective/


hy not/

# To inform the students a!out the event in their school, to recogni,e the achievement of their students and to kno+ the o!1ectives and goals of their school. # 0es, it is effective !ecause through the !ulletin !oard, students are encourage to perform +ell in their studies.

hat suggestions can you make/

# Bulletin !oards must !e more creative so that it +ill !e more attractive and easy to get the attention of the students and teachers.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: 23ly high, do or die, dare to dream, cheer e4treme.2 Board Title: Cheerleading 5ationale: To motivate students to perform the different stunts of cheerleading.


# # #

To support the team, and raise school spirit.

To spread kno+ledge of cheerleading. To promote the sport of cheerleading +orld+ide. To develop friendly sporting relations among the mem!er associations.federations.

Best features of my proposed !ulletin enhancement: # Announcement # *nformation # events

Content 5esource 6)ame each needed resource and give each a !rief description7 # 84tensive selection of cheerleading uniforms and cheer +ear, including everything from shells, skirts and shoes to poms, accessories and !ags. # *nformation on stunts, motions, tum!ling.

9aterials for aesthetic enhancement: # :se +allpaper for !ackgrounds on my !ulletin !oards. # :se plastic ta!le cloths to cover my !ulletin !oard. # ;ut fa!ric on your !ulletin !oard instead of paper.

C eerleadin! is a physical activity, sometimes a competitive sport, !ased on organi,ed routines, usually ranging from one to three minutes, +hich contain the components of tum!ling, dance, 1umps, cheers, and stunting to direct spectators of events to cheer on sports teams at games or to participate in competitions.

S"un"s are defined as !uilding performances displaying a person<s skill or de4terity. Stunting in cheerleading has !een previously referred to as !uilding pyramids.


A A mandatory mandatory meeting meeting will will be be held held for for all all interested interested so so homores homores and and !uniors" !uniors" #onday$ #onday$ August August %& %& '()) '()) m m

Your Reflections

Room Room %)' %)' * * #+,-IIT #+,-IIT

#ulie Fe T$ Catingub = skills that a teacher must have to !e a!le to come up +ith an effective !oard display is to !e more creative enough in a +ay that the students +ill get attracted to the !ulletin !oard, to !e more imaginative in a +ay that it is in a uni>ue +ay, to !e more artistic in a +ay that the students can really catch the attention of the students, to !e more visualistic in a +ay that the students can visuali,e the presentation and to !e more open#minded in a +ay that the students can share their ideas. 3or me, it is really important to have these skills to have an effective !oard displays. As a future teacher, * must apply all this skills in order for me to enhance my creativeness.

Shane ;hoe!e $live 8. Butalid # To come up +ith a good output of a !ulletin !oard, teacher must have the a!ility of !eing creative so that it can attract the readers and can improve the effectiveness of the learning of the students, !eing resourceful in the materials !eing used, good grammar so that students can easily understand +hat is !eing post in the !ulletin !oards and it is a +ay of communicating to the students, organi,ational skills is also important to have an arranging content in a meaningful +ay and lastly is to have an a!ility of !eing resourceful. hy/ *t is simply !ecause !eing resourceful is a!out optimi,ing +hat you have to +ork +ith. -aving this kind of = skills, +e can come up +ith a !etter and effective !ulletin !oard.

*rene B. Buala

To come up +ith effective !oard displays, these are the = skills that a teacher should have: first, is a visual skill, teacher looks like interior designers they must !e a!le to visuali,e the presentation and impact then apply to the student. Second, is communication skill, the teachers should kno+ the +ords to com!ined +ith visual content and communicate more than +ords alone. The teacher must !e good communicator. Third, organi,ational skill includes comparing, contrasting, grouping, and arranging content in meaningful +ay. 3ourth, creativity, creative teachers try to present concepts and content in an interesting +ay and try to create something different. Lastly, good grammar is to ena!le that the students can easily understand the discussion.

?essa 5ee A. Boa>ui@a # Teacher must have the a!ility of !eing creative to motivate the students !y using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. Teacher must have different in their approach and that makes them stand out from the cro+d. A teacher must posses open mindedness to !e receptive to ne+ and different ideas or the opinions of others and not narro+ or conservative in thought, e4pression, or conduct. Teacher must also !e imaginative in a +ay of teaching and learning that is !ased on engaging learnersA imaginations. *magination is the a!ility to think of +hat might !e possi!le, in a manner that is not tightly constrained !y the actual or taken for granted. Teacher must !e resourceful to find a +ay to achieve their goal or to make one. This is especially true +hen the goal is difficult to achieve and +hen little or no direction is given. And lastly the teacher must !e good in grammar !ecause good grammar is all a!out +here and ho+ you serve it, and not necessarily kno+ing the science !ehind it.

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