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TUK 15 B 017 Coatings

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Protective Coating Standard

Element 15 – Inspection and Maintenance

Document Owner Fraser Selfridge, Integrity Manager

Document Approver David Gibson, Technical Director
Issuing Department Integrity
Document Classification B Document Type Standard
Issue No Issue 1/Am01 Issue Date July 2018
Amendment Summary Minor change to add Addendum G (CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes
for New-built Constructions and Maintenance) and Addendum H –
NNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes.
For full amendment history, contact [email protected].
Periodic Review Period 2 years Next Review Due June 2020

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TAQA UK Protective Coating Standard


Para Page

1 Purpose 5
2 Scope 5
3 Terminology and Deviations 6
4 Key Responsibilities 6
4.1 Integrity Manager 6
4.2 Corrosion and Materials Technical Authority 7
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5 Compliance Monitoring, Audit and Assurance 7

6 Standard for Coating 7
6.1 Coating Qualifications 7
6.2 Coating Warranty 8

7 Fabric Maintenance 9
7.1 General Requirements 9
7.2 Health and Safety 10
7.3 Environmental Conditions 11
7.4 Personnel and Equipment 12

8 Surface Preparation 12
8.1 General Requirements 12
8.2 Decontamination Before Surface Preparation 13
8.3 Abrasives 15
8.4 Specific Requirements – Dry Abrasive Blasting 15
8.5 Alternative Methods of Surface Cleaning 17

9 Protective Coating Application 19

9.1 General Requirements 19
9.2 Specific Requirements 22

10 Repair, Remedial and Maintenance Procedures 26

10.1 General Requirements 26
10.2 Spot Repairs 26
10.3 Refurbished Coatings 27

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Contents (cont'd)

Para Page

11 Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Inspection Requirements 27

11.1 Rejected Work and Equipment 27
11.2 Quality Plan 27
11.3 Reporting 28
11.4 Quality Tests, Checks and Records 28

12 Coating Systems 32
13 Coating Activities Documentation Requirements 33
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14 Additional Requirements for Subsea Coating Systems 35

14.1 Exposure to Cathodic Protection 35
14.2 Coating Warranty 35
14.3 QA, QC and Inspection Requirements 36
14.4 Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria 36

15 Subsea Coatings Documentation Requirements 39


Table 1 – Abrasives Specification 15

Table 2 – Documentation and Certification (Quality Tests, Checks and Records) 29
Table 3 – Maximum Total Soluble Salt Content 32
Table 4 – Sampling Frequency Plan 32
Table 5 – Documentation for Coating Activities 34
Table 6 – Generic Subsea Coating PQT Requirements 36
Table 7 – Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria 37


Figure 1 – Flange Rebate Examples for Flanges (Vessels and Pipework) 25

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Contents (cont'd)

Addendum Page

Addendum A – Inspection Test Plan Samples 41 

Addendum B – NNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes: Maintenance 49 
Addendum C – Paint and Coating Systems: Topsides Infrastructures 50 
Addendum D – Paint and Coating Systems: Risers, Pipeline and Subsea Infrastructure 72 
Addendum E – Example Coating Inspection Record Template 80 
Addendum F – Example Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate 82 
Addendum G – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes for New-built Constructions
and Maintenance 84 
Addendum H – NNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes 95 
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TAQA UK Protective Coating Standard

1 Purpose
Paint coatings are the primary method of protecting offshore metallic structures
and facilities from external corrosion. The purpose of this standard is to specify
the minimum requirements for painting and coating materials, their application,
inspection and quality assurance.
The objective of this standard is to:

• Define the type of coating system and associated surface preparation required for
the variety of different applications encountered on TAQA UK (TAQA) offshore
facilities, pipelines and subsea infrastructure

• Achieve a long-term service life for the protective coating system by giving full
attention to the quality of surface preparation and application of the coating
system – using Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC) and the
professional skill of blasting and painting personnel
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• Ensure the correct type of coating is used and that a high standard of surface
preparation and coating application is achieved to prevent poor surface
preparation and application resulting in premature breakdown of
coating systems
This standard shall be used for all painting and coating activities undertaken in
support of the Fabric Maintenance Process.

2 Scope
This standard applies to:

• All Contractors engaged in maintenance painting, coating or new-build projects

on TAQA Northern North Sea (NNS) and Central North Sea (CNS) facilities,
pipelines and subsea infrastructure

• All personnel involved in the Fabric Maintenance Process

This standard covers requirements with respect to protection against corrosion
of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This standard shall be quoted as part of any
contractual document where coating work is involved.
This standard is applicable to the following categories of coatings activities:

• External surfaces of offshore marine structures, including associated topsides

structures, plant, piping and equipment including tanks and vessels

• Internal surfaces of equipment, piping, storage tanks and vessels

• Risers, pipelines and subsea infrastructure including valves

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Topics of a general nature regarding painting and coating – such as the supply
of labour, equipment, personnel safety gear or the use of subcontractors –
are excluded from the scope of this standard. These topics should be included
under the general terms and conditions of a contract for fabric maintenance,
or within a project-specific document.
This standard does not apply to:

• Temporary construction items, to which only a zinc rich primer should be applied

• Equipment and components with a (continuous) service temperature below

-100°C and above 450°C

• Field joints for subsea pipelines – these may be covered in an additional

project-specific coatings specification

3 Terminology and Deviations

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The following terminology is used throughout all TAQA Management System (TMS)
Refer to the TMS Document Deviation Procedure if you need to request a deviation.

Deviation from
Term Use of Term Infers
Term Requirements

Must Mandatory Approval is required from the

Integrity Manager.
Legislative requirement, standard or
TAQA’s Safety Rules.
Shall Mandatory Approval is required from the
Integrity Manager or Corrosion
Minimum requirement.
and Materials Technical Authority.
Should Strongly Recommended Seek advice from the Corrosion
and Materials Technical Authority.
Best practice or recommended/
preferred option.
May Suggested n/a
Possible course of action.

4 Key Responsibilities
4.1 Integrity Manager
The Integrity Manager shall be responsible for carrying out the review and
acceptance of the project and quality plan to ensure that the painting work is
executed in accordance with this standard.

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4.2 Corrosion and Materials Technical Authority

The Corrosion and Materials Technical Authority shall:

• Ensure that all fabric maintenance activities (new construction and maintenance
activities) are developed in accordance with this standard

• Ensure that this standard is communicated to the Fabric Maintenance Engineer

and implemented offshore

• Advise and endorse coating systems, particularly if they deviate from

this standard

• Provide support to the Fabric Maintenance Engineer and/or projects in the event
of any deviation request to this standard

5 Compliance Monitoring, Audit and Assurance

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This standard shall be subject to internal compliance monitoring in accordance with

the Assurance Team Yearly Assurance Plan.
Compliance monitoring shall be carried out using the Compliance Monitoring
Checklist for the Protective Coating Standard. The completed checklist forms an
auditable trail of compliance monitoring in the TAQA Action Management System
The Document Owner shall review outputs in accordance with the Audit Procedure.

6 Standard for Coating

6.1 Coating Qualifications
Testing is the preferred method for the selection of coating systems to meet the
requirements specified in this standard. To achieve uniformity and reproducibility in
testing, all relevant data taken from Table 2 during the preparation and testing of the
test panels shall be recorded. Any deviation shall be highlighted in the test report.
Coating systems shall only be used if they can be demonstrated to satisfy the
technical criteria defined in this paragraph. Maintenance coating systems shall be
compatible with the relevant coating systems to be used for new construction.
For coatings intended for use with subsea infrastructure, especially factory applied
coatings for pipelines, additional production testing and Procedure Qualification
Testing (PQT) is required beyond that typically applied to coatings for non-immersed
infrastructure. The additional requirements for subsea infrastructure are covered
in Paragraph 14.
A manufacturer’s in-house test results shall only be accepted if these have
been witnessed and certified by a recognised third party approved by TAQA.
The manufacturer shall provide a track record for the coating systems with
a minimum duration of 3 years in a relevant environment.

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TAQA may specify additional testing to ensure coating products are suitable for
the intended service. Additional testing may be required for coating systems
for stainless steel if the proposed system has been derived from systems tested
on carbon steel panels.

6.1.1 Required Product Information

For each product proposed, the information required in ISO 20340:2009 Clause 5.4
shall be provided as a minimum. This is in addition to that given in the Material
Safety Datasheet (MSDS). A coating system submitted for qualification assessment
shall be described as required in ISO 20340:2009 Clause 6.1.
In addition, paint manufacturers shall confirm in writing that their paint products do
not contain ingredients such as free chloride that could harm stainless steels or
nickel or chromium alloys.
The Contractor shall carry out a fingerprint test of the coating, as required in ISO
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20340:2003 Clause 5.5 and Annex B (both main and optional parameters).

6.2 Coating Warranty

Before acceptance of coating systems by the Company, the manufacturer
shall give assurance in writing that after exposure of 5 years of the topcoats to
atmospheric conditions, no conspicuous discolouration shall be observed.
If discoloration is expected, the level of it shall be agreed with the Company.
Approval shall be obtained in writing and shall remain valid for a period of 5 years,
unless the chemical formulation or the brand name is changed within this period.
The coating systems to be used in accordance with this standard shall be suitable
for a marine atmospheric environment (C5 M as specified in ISO 12944-2).
The expected service life until first maintenance painting is:

• 15 years for organic liquid-coating systems

• 30 years for Thermally Sprayed Aluminium ( ) coatings

A warranty period of 5 years at the agreed coating condition is required for liquid
coating systems. For TSA coatings, a minimum warranty of 10 years is required.
This warranty duration is not applicable to coatings for subsea infrastructure, where
a warranty covering the project life is required due to fabric maintenance and coating
repair being impracticable. The specific requirements for coatings for subsea
infrastructure are covered in Paragraph 14.
The use of coating systems as described in this standard and approved by
the Company shall not affect the warranties agreed by the contract parties involved.
If reference areas are proposed and agreed, they shall be in accordance with
requirements as specified in ISO 12944-7:2008 Clause 7 and ISO 12944-8:2008
Table 1 No 1.13.
Where inspection has identified coating degradation within the warranty period,
inspection shall be carried out by the Contractor and the Company before expiry of
the period of a warranty agreement regarding the coating work.

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The scope of inspection shall include the following:

• The degree of rusting shall be in accordance with ISO 4628-3 and shall not be
worse than Ri 2 (0.5% rusting) for new construction and large-scale maintenance.
This degree of rusting shall only be allowed in localised areas and not be
scattered over the total surface area coated

• For thermally sprayed coating systems, the acceptable degree of rusting shall be
in accordance with ISO 4628-3 and shall not be worse than Ri 0 (0% rusting)

• The quality of adhesion between the coating system and the steel substrate,
and of the adhesion between the coating layers, shall not be less than 70%
of the values specified in this standard

• Visual cracking, mud-cracking or flaking of the coating systems is not allowed.

Full attention shall be given to areas such as corners where overlaps are difficult
to avoid
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• Blistering is not allowed

Surfaces that have deteriorated beyond the specified level of breakdown within the
warranty period shall be repaired by the Contractor and they shall bear the cost of
materials, equipment, labour, onshore transport, onshore lodging and onshore
storage necessary for the repair. Only surfaces that have suffered from mechanical
damage or chemical spillage as a result of operational activities fall outside
this warranty. Both the Company and the Contractor shall accept the findings
of the inspection. For spot repair of coating systems no longer under warranty,
the applicable duration of the warranty period shall be 2 years after completion
of the applied repair coating.

7 Fabric Maintenance
7.1 General Requirements
Access for coating work should be constructed in a manner that provides easy
and sufficient access for all aspects of the preparation and application of the coating
system. Surfaces shall be protected from mechanical damage, over-blast damage,
overspray and paint drips. Flange protectors shall be employed on all exposed
flange faces during all surface preparation and coatings application activities.
The following groups of items should not be coated, unless otherwise specified by
the suppliers or engineering:

• Equipment supplied in an approved fully coated condition

• Non-ferrous surfaces such as copper, copper nickel alloys, aluminium, brass

and galvanised surfaces etc

• Architectural finishes

• Machined surfaces requiring close working tolerances (eg gasket seating

surfaces, spectacle blinds, valve stems, machinery shafts, bearings, control
linkages and threads of adjusting screws etc)

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• Lubrication or grease fittings

• Instrument dials and gauges

• Vessel tags (tags shall be masked for identification purposes)

7.2 Health and Safety

The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of safety and personal protection
related to painting work and meeting environmental regulations and rules.
All activities involved in the selection, application, inspection and testing of
protective coating systems shall be managed to ensure personnel safety, minimal
environmental impact and safe, operable facilities. This shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:

• Implementing safety measures for protecting workers in accordance with all

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Company, local and national regulations including regular safety briefings or

toolbox talks etc

• Developing method statements and risk assessments for potentially

hazardous activities

• Providing adequate ventilation and extraction facilities in confined spaces to

prevent the build-up of toxic or flammable atmospheres and dust etc

• Providing appropriate breathing and hearing protection

• Providing adequate and suitable personal protection equipment to all personnel

• Providing adequate safety systems to prevent electric shock and build-up of static
electricity on plant and equipment

• Providing MSDSs for al materials. All chemicals shall be assessed via CHARM
prior to their use

• Providing appropriate safety systems for use of pressurised air, ‘dead-man’

handles, whip checks, including test certificates for blast pots and air
receivers etc

• Adhering to Company, local and national hazardous/flammable area

classification restrictions

• Adhering to the Control of Work Procedure and the Safe Isolation and
Reinstatement of Plant (SIRP) Procedure including adequate training of
personnel in its implementation

• Providing appropriate waste disposal and/or recycling systems to meet all

Company, local, national and international requirements
Adequate warning signs shall be prominently displayed at all access points to areas
where mechanical and abrasive blast cleaning and painting is in progress.

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Application processes, and any associated materials and substances, shall not
constitute a toxic, microbiological or organoleptic hazard. Materials and
substances shall not contain asbestos, heavy metals (such as lead or cadmium),
Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Halon refrigerants,
Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) or isocyanates in excess of local, national
and international legal limits. Any anti-fouling coating system shall be free from
Tributyltin (TBT) compound.

7.3 Environmental Conditions

All surface preparation and coating application activities must be carried out under
environmentally controlled conditions.
Any necessary weather protection shall be provided in order to ensure that the work
is carried out in accordance with the specification and the agreed programme.
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Surface preparation or coatings application activities shall not take place outside
the following environmental conditions:

• Relative Humidity (RH) <85%

• Dew point: steel temperature – dew point <3°C

• Steel temperature: 5°C< steel temperature <40°C (<5°C, >100 °C). For offshore
application, manufacturer recommendations may be acceptable

• Air temperature: 5°C< air temperature <40°C (<5°C, >40 °C). For offshore
application, manufacturer recommendations may be acceptable

• Hours of darkness (unless adequate artificial lighting is available)

Note: Wind-blown contaminants could contaminate the prepared
or coating surface.
Heaters and/or dehumidification equipment shall be deployed as necessary to
ensure that environmental conditions remain within the above parameters.
A maximum relative humidity of 85% is acceptable for maintenance painting offshore
but coating work should proceed within 2 hours of surface preparation.
Dew point determination shall be done in accordance with ISO 8502-4 and humidity
measurement shall be made in accordance with ASTM E 337.
Higher temperatures shall only be accepted if the paint manufacturer has confirmed
in writing that this application will not affect the performance of the coating work.
For maintenance painting on in-service equipment, the Technical Authority shall be
consulted to review if the coatings are qualified for application on hot equipment
and piping.

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7.4 Personnel and Equipment

All personnel involved in surface preparation and coating application must
demonstrate appropriate experience and competency. The Contractor shall
maintain the training, experience and competency records for all personnel involved
in fabric maintenance activities.
Qualification tests for each specific coating system, where applicable, shall be
carried out using the relevant approved procedures and coating systems, and in
accordance with Standard Practice for Qualification of Coating Applicators for
Application of Coatings to Steel Surfaces (ASTM D 4228-05).
If not certified, the skill of all proposed blasting and painting personnel shall be
verified before commencing any painting or coating work. In addition, the painters
shall each coat a representative structural steel part with an agreed coating system
as part of the Contractor’s trade test.
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The Company shall supply witness tests certificates when requested.

The Contractor shall demonstrate that blasting and spraying equipment to be used is
in good condition and well maintained. Blasting and painting equipment shall fully
comply with any local or regional regulations.
Coating inspection personnel or Offshore Fabric Maintenance Supervisor shall be
individually certified by a recognised organisation (eg North American Corrosion
Engineers (NACE) International or equivalent) other suitable qualification approved
by the Company.
All plant, equipment and tools to be used for surface preparation and coatings
application shall be fit for purpose, suitably certified, maintained in good safe working
order, and shall be accompanied by relevant certification.
The Contractor shall provide and use all inspection equipment necessary to ensure
that the specified conditions and quality requirements are achieved. As a minimum,
equipment shall measure the following:

• RH – minimum accuracy – 2%

• Air-and substrate temperature – minimum accuracy – 0.2°C

• Dew point – minimum accuracy – 0.2°C

8 Surface Preparation
8.1 General Requirements
Before staring activities on newly-fabricated or newly modified structures
or pipework, a release certificate should be obtained from the Contractor showing
that all welding, heat treatment, Non-destructive Examination (NDE) and leak testing
activities associated with the surfaces to be painted shall be completed.
To prevent dust and abrasive contamination, blast cleaning shall be avoided in areas
where painting operations are underway or wet coated surfaces are located.

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Rough grit blasting is allowed during the night if the surface is subsequently blasted
under good light conditions to the specified standard.
Activities shall not start unless the environmental conditions local to the workface
can be maintained within the parameters noted in Paragraph 7.3 for the projected
duration of the surface preparation activities.
All surface preparation shall be carried out by means of dry abrasive grit blasting
unless otherwise specified in the coating specification or by the Technical Authority.
When grit blasting is not possible, alternative blasting techniques may be used.
This should include, but not be limited to, the use of vacuum blasting techniques,
sponge blasting techniques and encapsulation.
Ultra High Pressure (UHP) hydroblasting or wet abrasive blasting may be acceptable
after a written technical review has been submitted and accepted by the Company.
All burrs, sharp edges, weld spatter, laps and laminations etc shall be ground
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smooth before the start of any surface preparation. Where necessary, edges shall
be ground to a minimum radius of 1.5mm for exterior surfaces, and 2mm for vessel
or tank internals and other surfaces, subject to immersion service.
All drill holes shall be degreased before surface preparation.
All local surface geometries that prevent surface cleanliness, blast amplitude or blast
roughness shall be identified.
Blast cleaned steel surfaces shall not be touched by bare hands.
No acid washes, cleaning solvents or other chemical treatments shall be used on
metal surfaces after they have been blast cleaned, which includes inhibitive washes
intended to prevent rusting.

8.2 Decontamination Before Surface Preparation

Before any surface preparation activities:

• Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned

• Cross contaminants (if present) shall be removed by manually or mechanically

wiring brushing the surface

• Using a stiff bristled brush, the surface shall be scrubbed with a bio-degradable
emulsifying degreaser and allowed to stand for 2 minutes

• Surfaces shall be washed with copious amounts of fresh water to ensure the
complete removal of all emulsifying agent (refer to note)

• Surfaces shall be allowed to dry completely (refer to note)

• All bolt holes shall be solvent cleaned before start of blast cleaning in accordance
with Solvent Cleaning (SSPC-SP 1)

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Note: Cleaning can be replaced by high pressure washing (minimum 1200psi /

80bar) with potable water containing a suitable concentration of a bio-
degradable emulsifying degreasing agent followed by freshwater washing.
After pre-treatment, decontamination of the surface shall be carried out in order to
remove all soluble and insoluble contaminants such as oil and grease.
Salt contamination shall be assessed as specified.
Maintenance coating work should always start with a high pressure steam or
detergent wash to remove dirt, grease and salt deposits. This process also applies
between coats where the surface has been contaminated following a storm or as
a result of an extended overcoating period.
Where pitting corrosion has been identified on carbon steel grades, pressure water
or steam wash with fresh water shall be carried out after the initial abrasive blasting.
The surface shall be left for 30 minutes before re-blasting and priming.
The Technical Authority shall be consulted if pitting has been identified on
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corrosion resistant alloys.

If rust-back or black spotting occurs, the high pressure wash plus a salt-removing
chemical, such as Chlor-Rid, shall be used to remove the residual salts residing in
the micro pits (black spotting can be very difficult to eliminate) due to chloride
contamination and the reaction products – the chloride ion forms an electro-chemical
bond to the metal and that bond becomes extremely strong, so it cannot be simply
washed off with a water wash.
Where the sodium chloride would have been relatively easy to remove from the
surface of the coating, the chloride ion now has bonded with the metal surface and is
far harder to remove. For example, most of the salts on the surface of a coating
can be removed with low pressure water wash, but salts that have attached and
complexed with the metal substrate often cannot be removed with 40,000psi UHP
water jetting.
All welded areas and appurtenances shall be given special attention for removal of
welding flux in crevices. Welding spatter, slivers, laminations and underlying mill
scale not removed during fabrication and exposed before and during blast cleaning
operations shall be removed by the best mechanical means such as grinder or
bristle blaster. Edges shall be smoothed or rendered flush.
Where rectification has been necessary on blast-cleaned surfaces, the dressed
areas shall be pre-cleaned as initially specified.
For the treatment of stainless steels, attention shall be given to the level of free
halides in materials to be used. Particular care shall be taken with dry areas which
are not self-draining, so that water collected is removed and not allowed to
evaporate leaving salt deposits on the surface.
If uncoated austenitic type of stainless steels has to be cleaned with hot water,
the temperature of the water shall not be higher than 50°C.
Detergents with a pH >9 shall not be used on aluminium substrates.

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8.3 Abrasives
Abrasives for use in blast cleaning steels shall be in accordance with ISO 8504-2
and Table 1. Test methods shall be in accordance with the tests specified in
ISO 11127. Each batch of abrasive should be tested to check that the abrasive
meets the requirements as specified in the relevant ISO standard.

Table 1 – Abrasives Specification

Type Generic Name Characteristics Standard

Metallic – Iron Grit >1.7% carbon ISO 11124-2

for onshore
Steel Grit 0.8%< carbon <1.2% ISO 11124-3
Natural Mineral Garnet Calcium iron silicate ISO 11126-10
– for Fabric
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Scotgrit Recycled Glass product and -

(FM) activities granulate from a
manufacturing process
Synthetic Mineral Coal Slag Aluminium silicate ISO 11126-4
– for FM activities
Aluminium Oxide Crystalline corundum ISO 11126-7

The conductivity of abrasives to be used for stainless steels shall be a maximum

of 150µS/cm. The Company shall approve the use of alternative abrasive materials.

8.4 Specific Requirements – Dry Abrasive Blasting

There is a wide variation in performance between the products within a given generic
class of abrasives. Surface anchor profile is directly proportional to the abrasive
particle size (the larger the abrasive particle size, the deeper the profile). Cleaning
rate is inversely proportional to the abrasive particle size (the larger the abrasive
particle size, the slower the cleaning rate). A balanced mixture of particle sizes will
produce the optimum level of cleanliness, cleaning rate and surface profile.
Steel or iron grit is commonly used as recyclable abrasives during onshore
fabrication. In general, when steel shot is used, it shall be used together with steel
grit and approved by the Company. The abrasives shall be free from oil, grease,
moisture and chloride contamination.

8.4.1 Carbon Steel Surfaces

For general structures, plant and pipework to be coated with non-metallic coatings,
the abrasive blasting media shall meet the following minimum requirements:

• Surface Cleanliness, ISO 8501-1 – SA2.5

• Blast Amplitude, ASTM D 4417 Method C – 50 to 75µm

• Surface Roughness, ASTM D 4417 Method A – Quadrant 2 of the Elcometer 125

Surface Roughness Comparator

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Abrasives shall not produce silica dust.

These standards can generally be achieved using medium grade copper slag
abrasives with a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7. Any deviations from the above shall be
specified in the surface preparation section of the appropriate coating system tables
in Addendum F.
All re-usable abrasives shall be maintained as a good working mix using a sieve test
in accordance with ISO 11125-2 and shall be oil contaminant free in accordance with
ASTM WK10071.
Blasting media shall be clean, dry and free from oil, grease or moisture, have less
than 100mg/l of water soluble chlorides or sulphate and free from metallic copper or
copper oxides.
The temperature of the compressed air supply for blasting operations shall not
exceed 50°C at the compressor discharge and there shall be a mean nozzle
pressure of 7bar. Nozzle pressure shall be maintained above 5.5bar. The blasting
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air supply shall be free of oil and moisture contamination, which shall be achieved by
the use of oil and water traps in the compressed air supply.
Blast cleaning shall continue a minimum of 50mm into surrounding sound coatings
or until a sound edge is achieved.
Prepared metallic surfaces shall be primed within 4 hours or before any visible
deterioration takes place, whichever is the sooner. However, it is recognised that
under conditions of low RH and high steel temperature relative to dew point,
the prepared surface may be left uncoated for more extended periods. Under such
conditions, permission from the Company must be sought to extend the
overcoating period.
Abrading with sand paper or light grinding with a suitable flexible disc may be used
for surface preparation where sweep blasting is impossible.

8.4.2 Thermal Spray Aluminium

For general structures, plant and pipework to be coated with TSA, the abrasive
blasting media shall be capable of producing, as a minimum, the following standard
of blast:

• Surface Cleanliness, ISO 8501-1 – SA3

• Blast Amplitude, ASTM D 4417 Method C – 75 to 100µm

• Surface Roughness, ASTM D 4417 Method A – Quadrant 4 of the Elcometer 125

Surface Roughness Comparator

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8.4.3 Conventional Coatings to Stainless Steel and Duplex Surfaces

For maintenance purposes, 316 and duplex stainless steel type surfaces must be
coated under the following circumstances:

 316 stainless steel must be coated if operating above 50°C and shall always be
coated if used under insulation. Coating conditions and requirements for 316
stainless steel grades shall follow the FM due date calculator

 Duplex stainless steel must be coated if operating above 70°C as recommended

by NORSOK M-001 and ISO 21457 (super duplex – 90°C). Duplex stainless
steel always be coated if used under insulation
For engineering and construction, all 316 and duplex stainless steel type surfaces
must be coated.
Where the application of conventional coatings to stainless steel and duplex
surfaces is a requirement, it shall be carried out within the following parameters:
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 Surface Cleanliness – Visually Analogous to ISO 8501-1 – SA2.5

 Blast Amplitude, ASTM D 4417 Method C – 20 to 30µm

 Surface Roughness, ASTM D 4417 Method A – Quadrant 1 of the Elcometer 125

Surface Roughness Comparator
Only fine grade aluminium oxide or Garnet shall be used for the surface preparation
of stainless steel grades. Mechanical preparation is also permitted.The abrasive
shall be chloride and low melting point metal free.
Note: Under no circumstances shall steel or iron grit be employed.
Chloride content must not exceed 0.030% by weight.

8.5 Alternative Methods of Surface Cleaning

Alternative surface cleaning is only acceptable after written approval from the
Company. Alternative primers, such as surface tolerant primers, may be required for
alternative methods of surface cleaning – these shall be in accordance with the paint
manufacturer’s recommendations.

8.5.1 Wet Abrasive Blasting

Wet abrasive blast cleaning techniques may be used to avoid dust or in cases where
fire explosion risks are present. The cleaned surface should be washed off
immediately after blast cleaning using fresh water.
Corrosion inhibitors should only be used with written approval from the Company.
Corrosion inhibitors such as mass fraction 0.3% sodium nitrite with mass fraction
1.2% ammonium phosphate, may be used to prevent flush rust. However, Chromate
inhibitors shall not be used. Corrosion inhibitors shall not be discarded into the sea.
Before painting, the paint manufacturer shall approve:

 The use of any corrosion inhibitor

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 The method for removing corrosion inhibitor residues

The cleaned surface shall be dry at the time of painting to prevent dry areas, which
are not self-draining, and ensure water collected is removed.

8.5.2 High or Ultra High Pressure Hydroblasting or Slurry Blasting

Where operational or Health and Safety Executive constraints (risk of damage to
process equipment) prevent dry abrasive blasting, hydroblasting or slurry blasting
techniques may be employed.
Water jetting (water or fresh water not salt water) is restricted to maintenance
painting and potable water and fresh water must be used. The use of seawater
is not permitted – it is a hazardous operation and requires the use of well-trained,
experienced Operators. The surfaces prepared by water jetting shall not be allowed
to flash rust to beyond a grade worse than International HB2.5M.
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Where black spots occur in pits or other surface defects, the high pressure wash
plus a salt-removing chemical such as Chlor-Rid – TAQA Onshore Chemist shall be
advised – shall be used to remove the residual salts residing in the micro pits.
Where the sodium chloride would have been relatively easy to remove from the
surface of the coating, the chloride ion now has bonded with the metal surface and is
harder to remove. For example, most of the salts on the surface of a coating can be
removed with low pressure water wash, but salts that have attached and complexed
with the metal substrate often cannot be removed with 40,000psi UHP water jetting.

8.5.3 Centrifugal Abrasive Blasting

A portable blasting machine using recyclable steel abrasives may be used to
prepare steel decks and tank floors.

8.5.4 Vacuum Blasting

Vacuum blasting may be used for spot repair of damaged or corroded areas in the
locations where open abrasive blasting is not permitted or desirable.

8.5.5 Power Tool Mechanical Preparation

A surface cleanliness standard of Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal (SSPC-SP 11)
is specified or as per Coating System 0M. Surface cleanliness shall be achieved
through the use of:

 Rotary abrasive discs

 Grinders

 Bristle blasters

 Pencil grinders

 Needle guns
Surface appearance, profile and finish shall be visually similar to a weld preparation.

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Power tool cleaning should be confined to minor areas.

Surface cleanliness shall, as a minimum, meet the visual standard PSt 3 in
accordance with ISO 8501-2 at the time of coating. Ensure that power tool cleaning
does not polish the steel surface. Hand tool cleaning is permitted before power tool
cleaning. If the surface being prepared lies adjacent to a coated surface, the power
tool cleaning shall overlap the coated surface by at least 25mm and the coated
surface shall be feathered.

8.5.6 Hand Tool Preparation

Hand tool cleaning is a temporary repair method of surface preparation. Areas
prepared in this way shall be accurately recorded using marked up drawings, and
the details entered into a Material Corrosion Damage Report (MCDR).

9 Protective Coating Application

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9.1 General Requirements

Coatings manufacturer’s product datasheets shall be used at all times with regard to
the mixing, thinning, application and curing of the of coatings materials. Manual
mixing of paint shall be restricted to quantities of less than 2.5 litres. A suitable
mechanical mixer shall be used for larger batches of material. All coatings materials
shall be used before their expiry dates.
Coatings shall not to be used and shall be disposed of in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner if:

 They have damaged containers

 They have exceeded their shelf life

 Their quality has deteriorated

All coatings shall be applied in accordance with the procedures and methods
recommended by the coatings manufacturer in their manufacturer’s product
technical datasheets.
The manufacturer pot life restrictions on two-component coatings materials and
maximum and minimum overcoating times on all coatings materials shall
be strictly observed.
Coatings that have exceeded their maximum overcoating time, and which a solvent
test show to be fully cured, shall be sweep blasted before applying any further coats
of paint.
Coatings application activities shall not start unless the environmental conditions
detailed in Paragraph 7.3 can be maintained.
Zinc rich primers shall be applied over abrasive blast cleaned carbon and low alloy
steel surfaces only. Paints containing metallic zinc shall never be applied,
over-sprayed or dripped onto stainless steel components.

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A minimum of 100mm around the edges of prepared areas shall be left uncoated
unless adjoining a coated surface to ensure that only correctly blasted surfaces are
coated. If they adjoin a coated surface, the connection to the existing paint film shall
be made as described in this paragraph.
Frequent Wet Film Thickness (WFT) readings shall be taken while applying coatings,
and the thickness of the material being applied adjusted accordingly.
When consecutive coatings of the same type are applied they shall be suitably
pigmented to distinguish each coat to ensure full coverage is obtained.
Any pigmentation shall not influence the performance of the coating.
All equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned before the mixing of new materials.
All materials shall be mixed and thoroughly stirred in accordance with the
manufacturer’s technical product datasheets. Good mixing shall be maintained
through continuous agitation until the product is used. If air is trapped in the product
during mixing, sufficient time should be allowed for the air bubbles to escape
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before application.
WFT spot checks shall be carried out during the course of the painting operations
to ensure that the correct film thickness is achieved and maintained. These checks
shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure described in ISO 2808 Method
1A – Comb Gauge.
The Dry Film Thickness (DFT) readings shall be taken in accordance with ISO 2808.
The parameters and definitions for the DFT readings are summarised as follows:

 The DFT of the completed coating system shall be equal to or greater than the
specified Nominal Dry Film Thickness (NDFT)

 An individual DFT datum is defined as the arithmetic mean of three separate

readings taken within a diameter of 25mm

 The NDFT is the arithmetic mean of all the DFT data on a given item or area

 The DFT of the individual coating layers shall be equal to or above 80% of
the NDFT. The number of readings below NDFT shall be less than 20%
of the total number of DFT measurements taken

 The DFT of the individual coating layers shall be maximum 1.5 x the NDFT,
except for areas such as corners, where overlaps are difficult to avoid.
For such areas, a maximum of 2.5 x the NDFT shall be accepted
Before applying any coating materials to existing coatings, the existing coatings shall
be free of all dirt, oil, grease, dust and other contaminants. If necessary, the existing
coatings shall be cleaned as specified in Paragraph 8.2.
All welds, edges, rat holes, stiffeners, stiffener flanges and any other areas that are
difficult to adequately coat shall be brush stripe-coated before the full coating
Unless an induction period is specified in the coating manufacturer’s technical
product datasheets, a two-component material shall not be left to thicken after it is
mixed to achieve an enhanced WFT when using brush or roller application

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9.1.1 Mixing and Thinning

All paint spraying equipment including mixers shall be thoroughly cleaned before the
mixing of new materials. All coating materials shall be mixed and thoroughly stirred
in accordance with the instructions of the paint manufacturer. Sufficient agitation to
maintain good mixing shall be applied until the product is used. If air is trapped in
the product during mixing or stirring, sufficient time should be allowed for the air
bubbles to escape before application. Only thinners specified by the paint
manufacturer shall be used.
Wherever possible, only whole packs of two-component materials are to be mixed.
If it is necessary to mix part packs, a calibrated measuring container shall be used to
ensure that the correct mixing ratio is maintained.
Where the addition of thinners is permitted by the manufacturer‘s technical product
datasheets, only the manufacturer specified thinners shall be used. In no
circumstances shall the maximum thinners or coating material ratio specified be
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9.1.2 Compatibility with Existing Coating Systems

Before any painting work is started, the compatibility with existing coating systems or
layers shall be checked and the paint manufacturer shall be consulted. If there is
any doubt about compatibility, a patch test in accordance with ASTM D 5064 shall be
conducted to evaluate the interfacial adhesion. For new construction, modifications
and areas under renovation, coating layers should only be overcoated with products
made by the same manufacturer.

9.1.3 Overcoating
Coatings shall be dried and cured in accordance with the paint manufacturer
recommendations before overcoating, all over-runs, drips and smears shall be
removed and any coating damage or imperfection shall be repaired. If the DFT does
not meet the requirements of this standard, corrective action shall be taken.
If a zinc primer is specified, it shall be overcoated as soon as possible but only after
sufficient cure if the primer is an inorganic zinc primer. The paint manufacturer’s
maximum overcoating times shall not be exceeded. Zinc salts (white rust) that have
formed during the intervening period shall be removed before overcoating in
accordance with the paint manufacturer’s instructions.

9.1.4 Handling and Coated Parts and Components

No lifting, transportation, erection or fabrication operations shall be done before the
paint has been fully dried and cured to minimise the risk of damage. Canvas or
nylon slings shall be used for lifting and wooden blocks shall be applied during

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9.2 Specific Requirements

9.2.1 Airless Spray Application

Product datasheet specification recommendations regarding tip sizes, tip angles
and pump pressures shall be observed.

9.2.2 Conventional Spray Application

Product datasheet specification recommendations regarding the correct air cap
and fluid tip shall be observed.

9.2.3 Brush Application

If the paint manufacturer confirms that the coating material is suitable,
brush application may be used under the following circumstances:
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• Where it is considered that the spray application may affect other equipment near
the worksite

• For spot repair, stripe coating of irregular surfaces and small parts not suitable
for spraying
Good quality brushes shall be used. Any brushes where the flexibility of the bristles
has been impaired due to inadequate cleaning shall be discarded. Brush application
shall be produce a smooth, closed film, as uniform in thickness as possible.
Multiple brush applications may be required to achieve the specified film thickness.

9.2.4 Roller Application

Roller application of coatings materials shall be restricted to large flat surfaces.
Roller application of primers, other first coats, tank or vessel linings is prohibited.
Roller application shall be done to ensure a smooth, closed film as uniform in
thickness as possible is obtained.
Note: Multi-coat application is required to achieve the same film build by roller
application achieved by one coat of brush or spray applied coatings.

9.2.5 Stripe Coating

Before the spray application of each coat, irregular surfaces – eg as sharp edges,
welds, brackets, interstices etc shall be stripe coated, usually by brush – to ensure
that the specified film thickness is provided.
Stripe coating of the primer coat may be carried out following the spray application
of the full primer coat. This minimises time between blasting and application of the
primer coat. With the exception of the primer coat, the colour of the stripe coat shall
be different from the previous and subsequent coats.

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9.2.6 Thermal Aluminium Application

All TSA coatings shall be applied by arc spray. Thermal sprayers shall follow the
approval test as outlined in ISO 14918.
Feed wire compositions shall be 99.5% minimum metallic aluminium or aluminium
alloy with 5% magnesium in accordance with ISO 209-1. However, for hot (>60°C)
insulated equipment, the 1100 grade (99% Al) may be used. Wires shall be supplied
on reels without kinks or surface contamination and shall be clearly identified with
the composition, batch number, vendor’s identification and weight.
The arc spray current and wire feed rate shall be adjusted to ensure the resultant
film of TSA is even, not excessively coarse, does not suffer from excessive porosity
and is free of lumps and protrusions.
The acceptable surface texture may be established in a pre-production trial
application and sample plates of TSA applied to an acceptable standard shall be
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produced and kept for future reference.

During the application of the TSA film, all aluminium dust deposited by the
application process to the blasted surface shall be removed by blowing down with
compressed air immediately before the application of the TSA. This operation shall
take place whilst the TSA is being applied.
The spray pattern shall be in a block form layer with overlap of each pass.
Successive coats shall be applied at right angles to the previous coat.
The angle of incidence of the TSA stream shall be 90° ± 45°. Overspray from
primers on TSA surfaces shall be removed or ‘brushed off’ when overlapping the
TSA at the interface of TSA and organic coating system. If TSA coatings have to be
top coated with an organic coating system for safety markings, the total DFT of the
coating system (including sealer) shall be a maximum of 80µm. The finishing coat
shall have long-term colour retention properties (a 5-year period is provided by some
Before the application of the sealer coat, all aluminium dust shall be removed from
the freshly applied TSA by means of compressed air blowdown and vacuum
The sealer shall be applied as a saturation coat to fully satisfy the inherent porosity
of the TSA surface. It will be absorbed by the surface, so it is not meaningful to
specify a particular DFT, but sufficient sealer shall be applied to fully wet out and
subsequently seal the surface.

9.2.7 Hot-dip Galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing is the preferred method for the protection of pre-fabricated
structural steelwork eg gratings, ladders, stair-treads and handrails etc. Painting of
galvanized grating is not required. Galvanizing of supports, piping, hand railings,
gratings and other items as specified in the contract drawings shall be carried out in
accordance with ISO 1461.

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Plate work, eg for coolers, may also be Sendzimir galvanized with a minimum zinc
thickness of 25µm on both sides. Items such as structural elements, piping and
handrails should be blast cleaned before they are hot-dip galvanized.
Note: Fasteners such as bolts (including anchor bolts), nuts and washers to
be used for the assembly of galvanized parts shall be galvanized in
accordance with ISO 10684. The threading of the bolts and nuts shall be
cleared of excessive zinc after galvanizing to ensure trouble-free use.
Orders shall be cleared when subsequent coating application is required after the
hot-dip galvanizing of any components. Usually this results in a better finish and
handling of the galvanized items. Vent holes shall be drilled in hollow sections
before hot dip galvanizing.

9.2.8 Carbon and Stainless Steel Joints

Where carbon steel pipes are welded to stainless steel pipes, the joint shall be
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coated with the coating system specified for the stainless steel with a minimum
overlap of 5cm onto the carbon steel. However, the NDFT requirements for the
connected carbon steel pipe shall be applicable.

9.2.9 Protection of Coated Contact Points

At contact points eg where piping rests directly on a support, either a saddle type or
simple beam, there is a potential for severe corrosion. Therefore, coated surfaces in
contact with other surfaces shall be protected with non-metallic inserts or shims.
Examples are Teflon straps or reformed self-adhesive shims usually made from fibre
reinforced plastic or high-impact thermoplastic material such as I-ROD.
Shims should have a limited contact area and high impact strength and retain their
properties over sustained load and offshore exposure conditions. A corrosion
resistant u-bolt coated with a protective non-metallic material should complete the
pipe clamps. Where clamps are not used, shims made from creep resistant plastic
materials eg Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) are available. These can be
adhesive bonded to the underside of the pipe.
The selected system for protection shall be agreed with the Company and such
protection shall be applied when coatings are fully cured.

9.2.10 Protection of Flange Connections

For flange connections in the atmospheric zone and up to an operating temperature
of 120°C, an additional wax oil coating shall be applied. This coating will be applied
after the full cure of the specified paint system.

9.2.11 Internal Coating of Tanks, Vessels and Equipment

To ensure the coating can be carried from the pipe bore out across the inner part of
the flange face, flanges are to be coated as follows (see Figure 1):

• Flat Faced Flanges (FFFs) shall be rebated to a depth of 1.5mm and 20mm out
from the pipe bore or within 3mm of the bolt hole edge (whichever is less) (swap)

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• The Raised Face Flanges (RFFs) shall be rebated to a depth of 1.5mm and
10mm out from the pipe bore or half the width of the raised face (whichever is
less) (swap)

• Hubs and Ring Type Joint (RTJ) flanges shall not be rebated. Internal coating
can only be applied on the bore of the pipe and feathered towards the throat of
the sealing face. There shall be no coating applied to the sealing face, the ring
interface or chamfer

9.2.12 Piping Media Identification

After the final coats have been applied and cured, the line number, piping media
identification and flow direction may be required on piping systems. The type
and model shall be agreed between the Company and the Contractor.
However, identification tapes shall not contain ingredients, such as free chloride,
that could harm some substrates like stainless steels or nickel-chromium alloys.
The Company shall specify the colour of the topcoat and ‘banding’ to be applied
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to piping.
Flanges may be need to be repaired due to crevice corrosion and may be machined
back within the limits of the flange face tolerances. Corrosion that has exceeded
these tolerances must be reported to the Mechanical or Corrosion and Materials
Technical Authority. Flanges may be repaired following Figure 1 or following the
Standard for Management of Temporary Repair of Process and Utility System
Section 10.3 Figure 5.

Figure 1 – Flange Rebate Examples for Flanges (Vessels and Pipework)

Note: Figure 1 rebate example for flanges, taken from Corrocoat Corrosioneering
limited, Issue 0, 28/01/2015.

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10 Repair, Remedial and Maintenance Procedures

10.1 General Requirements
Repairs to damaged or defective coatings shall be carried out using the same
environmental condition parameters, surface preparation, coating systems and
quality standards as those specified in Paragraphs 6 to 9.
Repair, rectification and maintenance coating activities have three classifications:

• Spot repairs

• Refurbishment

• Full coatings replacement

Detailed definitions of these three classifications are given in Paragraphs 10.2,
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10.3 and 10.4.

Damaged areas, defects in the coating system eg over runs, drips and smears that
have to be removed, or areas of inadequate DFT shall be re-cleaned as per
Paragraph 8.2. The re-cleaning shall carry over on to the secure surrounding
coating for not less than 250mm all round and the edges shall be feathered.
The specified coating system or the required layers of the coating shall be re-applied
after the surface cleaning.
Any additional coats shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining areas.
The paint manufacturer shall be consulted if the existing coating requires abrading
to ensure adhesion.
For low and rejected coating DFT, the system shall be repaired in accordance with
the specified coating system specification. Where the DFT exceeds the specified
maximum requirements, the coating shall be removed and the surface re-blasted
and re-coated with the specified coating system.

10.2 Spot Repairs

10.2.1 Conventional Coatings

The bristle blasting method provides acceptable levels of surface cleanliness and
preparation for one coat brush applied coating system. This method was tested
and has been documented under Bristle Blasting Surface Preparation Method for
maintenance (Coating and Wax Trials) Document TNC-HSE-TN0004V3.
Coating System 0 shall be used to repair spot areas. The Spot Repair Checklist
may be used for spot repairs in relation to thermal spray aluminium, galvanised
coatings and passive fire protection.

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10.3 Refurbished Coatings

Refurbishment coating shall only be undertaken with specific written approval from
the Company. Refurbishment should only be carried out where the coated area has
localised (spot) rusting only and the remaining paint film is sound.
Refurbishment coating criteria should not be applied to thermal spray coatings.
The Refurbishing and Replacing Coatings Checklist may be use for replacing
and refurbishing coatings.

11 Quality Assurance, Quality Control

and Inspection Requirements
The painting Contractor shall ensure that updated Manufacturer’s product technical
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datasheets are obtained from the manufacturer before starting any painting and that
coating materials are within their shelf life. The paint manufacturer shall operate an
ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
The Company shall have the right to inspect, check or review at all times any or all of
the activities, equipment, inspection equipment or product designated for the work.
All parts of the work shall be accessible for this purpose.
On behalf of the Company, regular quality checks should be carried out by a
qualified and independent third party inspector, which in no way relieves the
Contractor of any responsibility with respect to the quality of the coating work.
Whenever any component is to be assembled that will prevent subsequent
inspection of an area, the Company shall be notified in time to ensure inspection
and repair activities are carried out before proceeding with the assembly.

11.1 Rejected Work and Equipment

The Company shall have the right to reject any work, tools, materials, testing
equipment, personnel protection, staging and scaffolding where they do not meet
the requirements of the contract or this standard.
Any rejected surface preparation or coating application shall be properly marked
and documented. Any rejected equipment, surface preparation and applied coating
shall be replaced or corrected to a level in accordance with this standard.

11.2 Quality Plan

Before starting any work, a written project-specific quality plan shall be submitted to
the Company for approval. When appropriate, this plan shall include:

• A schedule showing planned sequence, estimated start date and duration

• Detailed scope of the work and associated job cards by area or item

• Required surface preparation

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• The coating system to be applied and a listing of required paints and materials

• Details of the preparatory and application methods, specific environmental control

measures, methods of access and materials handling

• Details of personnel with defined roles, responsibilities and communication


• Inspection and test plans c/w coatings inspection record proforma, equipment
calibration procedures and calibration logs

• Documentation on the essential steps to achieving the required quality levels

• Qualifications of the essential personnel

Following review and approval by the Company, the project quality plan may be
updated and revised during the work, as and when required.
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Coatings programmes should be subject to periodic independent NACE Level 3

certified (or equivalent) quality audits or quality checks.
Assembly or installation sequences may prevent subsequent independent inspection
of the coatings, in which case the Company shall be notified in sufficient time,
to ensure inspection and any subsequent repair is completed before proceeding
with the assembly or installation.

11.3 Reporting
QA/QC reports must be supplied when the task is completed. If required by the
Company, the reports shall also detail the progress of work versus the approved
programme. QA/QC reports must be supplied for each completed MCDR to allow
closure of them in ONE. These reports must include details of weather conditions,
air humidity, temperature, particulars of application eg blast cleaning, wet and dry
film thickness and any anomalies.
All parts and areas that have been inspected and accepted or rejected shall be
clearly identified and documented. Inspection reports shall be submitted when
requested by the Company weekly and when the job is completed that provide
the following details:

• Weather conditions (eg air humidity and temperature etc)

• Application details (eg blast cleaning, wet and dry film thickness
and anomalies etc)

• Progress of work versus planned schedule

• Inspection records with clear identification of accepted or rejected areas

11.4 Quality Tests, Checks and Records

Quality tests, checks and records relating to coating activities shall be created
and maintained by the Contractor. Refer to Table 2.

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Table 2 – Documentation and Certification

(Quality Tests, Checks and Records)

Surface Defects 100% surface area of each coating application shall be visually inspected
for identification of surface flaws that may affect coating integrity (eg sags,
over-spray, mud cracks, pin holes, blistering and inclusions etc).
Defects must be rectified before application of further coats.
Surface Profile At the beginning of each project, blast cleaned steel panels shall be
prepared in compliance with the surface preparation requirements.
The surface profile shall be measured by direct microscopic assessment
of replicas taken from the surface or by other direct methods provided the
Company has approved them.
For field measurements of surface profile, replica tape, a portable
micrometer or other methods may be used provided the Company has
approved them.
Checks on surface profile shall be made on each component and at least
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once per 100m of prepared surface and a minimum of three times per
blaster per day during the progress of the work.
Instruments to be used shall be calibrated against the reference steel
panels or a known surface. The anchor profile shall be measured in
accordance with the applicable part(s) of ISO 8503.
Environmental Record air temperature, steel temperature, relative humidity and dew point
Conditions (dew point in accordance with ISO 8502-4). This activity should be carried
out at 4-hour intervals.
Activities shall cease, and coating activities carried out subsequent to that
time may be rejected, if environmental conditions fall out with the criteria
specified in Paragraph 7.3.
Blasting Media Type, size, grade, dryness and cleanliness of the blasting abrasive shall be
recorded prior to the commencement of any blasting activities.
Contaminated or damp abrasive shall be rejected.
Each batch shall be tested in accordance with ISO 8504-2.
The conductivity of abrasive to be used on stainless steel shall be a
maximum of 150µS/cm.
When steel shot is used it shall be used together with steel grit.
Operability of Blast Nozzle delivery pressure should be within range 5.5 to 9bar.
Cleaning Equipment
Air quality at the blast nozzle for oil and water contamination. Cause of
contamination must be addressed before the start of coating application
Blasting nozzles shall be discarded when the diameter has increased by
more than 50% of the original diameter.
Blast Cleanliness Ensure that coating application complies with ISO 8501-1.
Blast Amplitude Ensure that surface preparation complies with ASTM D 4417 Method C.
Blast Roughness Ensure that surface preparation complies with ASTM D 4417 Method A.

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Table 2 – Documentation and Certification

(Quality Tests, Checks and Records) (cont’d)

Surface Dust Tank and Dust level at the time of coating shall not exceed
vessel linings quantity-rating 2 in accordance with ISO 8502-3.
Elsewhere Dust level on each component and at least once per
10m of prepared surface. Minimum of three checks
per day.
Soluble Salts Ensure maximum total allowable soluble salts level on freshly prepared
surface immediately before coatings application in accordance with Table 3.
Ensure assessment of soluble salts is in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and
Other suitable methods such as Elcometer 130 SCM400 Salt Contamination
Meter may be used when approved by the Company.
Testing on each component or group of components in a given area and at
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least once per 100m and a minimum of two times per day. Special attention
shall be given to areas where water has been trapped and dried out.
Coatings Batch Nos Batch numbers prior to mixing, within manufacturer’s shelf life.
and Shelf Life Coatings materials out with their shelf life are to be rejected.
Routine batch testing shall be carried out as outlined in ISO 20340:2003
Clause 5.5.3. A certificate of conformity is required for all batches of
paint used.
Wet Film Thickness Checked at least every 2m during the application of conventional coatings
materials in accordance ISO 2808 Method 1A – Comb Gauge.
Dry Film Thickness Ensure compliance in accordance with ISO 2808. Refer to Table 3.
Digital magnetic induction type gauges are preferred for magnetic substrates
and eddy current type gauges for non-magnetic substrates. Gauges capable
of storage and downloading. Calibration shall be in accordance with
Measurements shall be random and evenly taken and the number of
measurements shall be increased for areas having a difficult configuration
or limited access. Special attention shall be given to areas such as welds,
edges, corners and areas where the coating is brush applied.
For acceptance of an area the following criteria shall be fulfilled:
• DFT of the completed coating system shall be > than the nominal NDFT
• DFT of any individual coating layer shall be >80% specified NDFT.
The number of readings between 80% NDFT and the NDFT shall be
<20% of the total number of readings taken
• DFT of the individual coating layers shall be a maximum 1.5 x the NDFT,
except of areas such as corners where an overlap is difficult to avoid.
For such areas a maximum of 2.5 x the NDFT is acceptable

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Table 2 – Documentation and Certification

(Quality Tests, Checks and Records) (cont’d)

Coating Adhesion Pull-off test in accordance with ASTM D 4541, using a self-aligning hydraulic
or pneumatic adhesion tester, minimum pull-off force for coating systems
with a DFT greater than 150 micron:
• 5MPa for zinc primed coating systems
• 7MPa for non-zinc primed coatings systems
• 10MPa for internal tank coatings and linings and for TSA
Cross-cut test in accordance with ISO 2409: Class 0 for coating systems with
a total DFT of maximum 150 microns.
Adhesion tests shall be carried out on sufficiently cured systems only ie not
less than 14 days after the application of the final coat.
For conventional coatings, adhesion testing shall be carried out on each
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component and at least once per 100m² of coated surface. Spots damaged
by the adhesion tests shall be repaired in accordance with this standard.
Coating Adhesion For TSA coated surfaces, adhesion tests are to be carried out on unsealed
(cont’d) production test plates, ie one test plate per operative per shift. If tests are
unsatisfactory, further tests will be necessary. If remedial work is necessary,
the TSA applied by that operative on that shift shall be blasted off and re-
Coating Continuity Where specified, and for all vessel and tank linings, testing of 100% surface
area in accordance with vendor recommendation (but no less than criteria in
NACE RP0188).
Pinholes and any other discontinuities are unacceptable. Defects shall be
marked, repaired and retested in accordance with this specification.
Overcoating Intervals Time of application, and where applicable, time of application of the next
coat. Coatings shall only be overcoated in the period between the
manufacturer’s minimum and maximum overcoating times.
Film Defects The coating should be free of all sags, drips, runs, curtains, excessive brush
marks and other film defects. Any such defects shall be rubbed down and
repaired before the application of any further coatings.
Detection of Pinholes Pinhole testing for electrically non-conductive coatings shall be carried out in
accordance with NACE RP0188 for splash zone coatings, internal tank
coatings and the external coatings of buried tanks, vessels and piping.
The high voltage technique shall be used; nominally set at 5V/μm based on
NDFT, or as agreed with the paint manufacturer but not exceeding 25kV
in total.
For coatings that are <500μm DFT, the wet sponge technique may be used
if approved by the Company.
Defects found shall be marked, repaired and retested in accordance with this
document. The Contractor shall provide the necessary equipment for
calibrating the holiday detector.
Inorganic Zinc Primers A solvent rub test using MEK in accordance with ASTM D 4752 shall be
carried out to ensure inorganic zinc primers are fully cured before

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Table 2 – Documentation and Certification

(Quality Tests, Checks and Records) (cont’d)

Millscale The cleaned surface shall be examined using magnifying

instruments or in accordance ASTM A 380.
Checks on the presence of mill scale shall be made on each
component or per 100m or prepared surface and a minimum of
three checks per day during the progress of the work.
Anti-skid System The surface friction coefficient of anti-skid coating systems applied to
for Helideck and the helidecks shall be µ = 0.8.

Table 3 – Maximum Total Soluble Salt Content

Coating New Construction New Construction

Uncontrolled when Printed

Category External Internal

2 2 2
Carbon Steel 25mg/m 20mg/m 50mg/m
2 2 2
Stainless Steels 20mg/m 20mg/m 20mg/m

Table 4 – Sampling Frequency Plan

Area / Length of Inspection Area m or m Minimum Number of Measurements

Area <1 5
1< Area <3 10
3< Area <10 15
10< Area <30 20
30< Area <100 30
Area>100 For additional ranges (m or m),
the corresponding number of
measurements shall be added.

12 Coating Systems
Coatings have specific properties suited to different environments and it is important
to choose the right coating system. A very important factor to consider is the
corrosivity of the media, such as presence of acetic acid and service temperature.
There are two scenarios for the application of each coating system:
(1) Coating system suitable for blast cleaned surfaces.
(2) Coating systems for mechanically prepared surfaces.

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Where the optimum primer for a blast cleaned surface is not suitable for a
mechanically prepared surface, an additional coating system should be specified
with the same system number but with the suffix M. Refer to Paragraph 8.1 for
details of the limitations on the use of mechanical preparation techniques.
Finish colour schedule for new-built constructions and maintenance purposes
(including any spool changeout) is provided in Addendum B.
The use of alternative coatings systems and materials not currently specified in this
standard may be proposed using the TAQA engineering query system. Any such
engineering query shall include the following:

• Product technical datasheet

• Product health, safety and environment datasheet

• Coatings manufacturer written endorsement of the proposed use of the

alternative material, including proposed warranty
Uncontrolled when Printed

• Track record or test results

All surfaces to be coated are to be pre-cleaned before the start of surface coatings
activities in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 8.2.
Where fabric maintenance operations are to take place in tropical or hot desert
locations, the suitability for application at elevated (>30°C) temperatures shall
be confirmed.
All coating materials should be supplied in their original unopened containers
bearing the relevant labels and instructions.
All materials must be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
No material shall have been in stock for more than 12 months. Any materials
exceeding these requirements shall not be used without written approval from
the manufacturer. Any materials which have deteriorated during storage shall
not be used without written approval from the manufacturer.
Each layer of the paint system shall have a visible difference in colour. However,
a compatible coloured undercoat may be used to achieve coverage of the topcoats
containing organic pigments. For certain coloured top coats such as yellow, it may
be necessary to apply a thicker or an additional topcoat to achieve complete cover
of the undercoat.

13 Coating Activities Documentation Requirements

Documentation and certification relating to coating activities shall be created
and maintained. Refer to Table 5.

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Table 5 – Documentation for Coating Activities

Film Defects Record Defects identified and subject to repair.

Quality Plan All the requirements of Paragraph 11.2.
Coatings Inspection Contemporaneous record of coating history of each component.
Copies of completed records submitted every 7 days.
Refer to the Coating Inspection Record Template.
Inspection Test Documentation of all QC-related activities and plan details:
Plans (ITP)
• Type of quality checks required, equipment used, periodicity
of checks, and acceptance criteria
• Which activities represent hold, witness, monitor or record points
Plans shall be submitted for approval before start of any activities.
Refer to the Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate.
Uncontrolled when Printed

Stage Acceptance Issued for each component, group of components or area completed.
Certificate Certificate describes the items coated and their location. Refer to the
Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate.
The certificate will record the coating system used and the surface preparation
or coatings application used. It will also list any engineering queries or
approved deviations which apply to any of the coatings applied.
Accompanying this certificate will be the relevant coatings inspection records,
relevant engineering queries, and, where appropriate, a marked up drawing
showing the areas covered by the certificate. Also accompanying this
certificate will be any approved punch list.
Generally, punch list items shall be limited to items which could not be painted
for operational reasons. Typical punch list items would be weld preparations
on pipe spools, field weld preparations etc. QC rejected items shall not be
included in any punch list.
Final Acceptance On completion of the coatings workscope, a final acceptance certificate shall
Certificate be issued.
Refer to the Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate.
Certificate records all stage acceptance certificates, includes Coatings
Inspection Records pertaining to punch list items included with Stage
Acceptance Certificates; and any coatings repairs performed after issue
of Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate.
Coatings Procedures for each stage of the coatings process submitted for approval.
Procedures Procedures shall include dry abrasive blasting, mechanical preparation,
mixing of paint and paint application.

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Table 5 – Documentation for Coating Activities (cont’d)

Campaign A narrative section, setting out where the campaign exceeded targets
Close Out and expectations and where targets were not met, stating the reasons:
• A ‘lessons learned’ section
• An ‘opportunities for improvement’ section
An addendum comprising following:
• All final acceptance certificates
• All stage acceptance certificates, complete with the relevant
QC documentation and marked up drawings showing the work
completed and accepted
The approved punch list, complete with marked up drawings showing the
precise location of all punch list items. Copies of all approved engineering
queries appertaining to the work carried out during the campaign.
Uncontrolled when Printed

All relevant procedures shall be submitted for evaluation and approval.

An inspection shall be conducted prior to the final acceptance of the work.
This inspection shall include a visual check of the appearance of the
paintwork and over blast of the coating work, and checks on the DFT of
the total applied coating system completed.

14 Additional Requirements for Subsea Coating Systems

Additional requirements for subsea coating systems are in addition to the
requirements described in this standard, unless stated otherwise. Coating systems
for subsea applications can be found in Addendum D.

14.1 Exposure to Cathodic Protection

All coatings used subsea will be exposed to cathodic protection. All organic coatings
will comply with the requirements of a category III coating as defined by DNV
RP B401. This requires a minimum DFT of 350µm, and a minimum of two coats to
minimise holidays.
All coatings are required to be tested for holidays, cathodic delamination and hot
water resistance, in addition to the standard tests described previously in this

14.2 Coating Warranty

As repair and fabric maintenance is not possible for coatings used subsea, it is a
requirement that the duration of the coating warranty is for the lifetime of the project
or as specified in Paragraph 6.2.

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14.3 QA, QC and Inspection Requirements

With respect to any subsea coating, the supplier may commence PQT for the factory
applied coating before full production, with sufficient time to complete all tests and
compile results. Production shall not commence until PQT data is approved
by TAQA.
Subject to final acceptance of the quality testing results, all the coated pipe lengths
used for the quality testing shall form part of the coated item assessment.
The generic subsea coating PQT requirements are provided in Table 6.

14.4 Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria

The minimum test requirements for subsea liquid organic coatings are detailed
in Table 6. This describes the required tests for both PQT and production testing.
Uncontrolled when Printed

For more advanced coatings, such as TSA and two and three layer polypropylene,
additional tests may be required. These should be detailed in a project-specific
At the discretion of TAQA, historic data can be substituted for testing, as described
in Paragraph 11.4.

Table 6 – Generic Subsea Coating PQT Requirements

Requirement Description

Number of Test For specific items, a minimum of one coated test item.
Pipes or Items
For pipes and spools, a minimum of one coated test pipe for each
diameter and wall thickness required.
For linepipe to be used for pipelines, a minimum of three coated
test pipes for each diameter and wall thickness required.
Equipment The supplier shall ensure that all equipment utilised during the
quality testing is the same equipment or capable of producing
identical results during production.
All the equipment shall be independently identifiable via permanent
markings and recorded in the quality testing report
Any equipment amendments or alterations must be proposed by
supplier and acceptance shall be at the discretion of TAQA.
Qualification of Qualification tests shall also be carried out for the techniques
Repairs proposed for repairing defects.
Supervision All quality testing shall be conducted in the presence of TAQA.

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Table 7 – Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria

Required for
Property Test Method Acceptable Values Required for PQT
Production Testing
Adhesion Five random pull off adhesion tests shall be carried As per Paragraph 11.4. Yes One per shift
out on a coated test piece for structures, or at areas to
be cut back for pipes and linepipe.
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Testing method shall be in accordance with the test

methods described in Paragraph 11.4
Cathodic ASTM G8. 30 day, -1.5V versus a saturated calomel Maximum disbondment Yes No
Disbondment reference cell, 3% NaCl at 25 C. radius 5mm.
ASTM G42. 30 day, -1.5V versus a saturated calomel Maximum disbondment Yes No
reference cell, 3% NaCl at the maximum operating radius 5mm.
Coating For pipes and linepipe, four equidistant points In no case should any Yes All items
Thickness circumferentially around the pipe should be tested. reading be below the
A minimum of 10 thickness measurements be made, specified minimum,
at a maximum of 1m apart. as defined in the
coating systems.
For structures, a minimum of five readings should be
taken per m² over 10% of the total coated area,
at locations selected by TAQA.
Testing method shall be in accordance with the test
methods described in Paragraph 11.4.
Dust Test As described previously in Paragraph 11.4. As described previously Yes First five pipes,
in Paragraph 11.4. then one per shift.
Four locations
per structure.

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Table 7 – Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria (cont’d)

Required for
Property Test Method Acceptable Values Required for PQT
Production Testing
Holiday 100% holiday inspection in accordance with No holidays. Yes All items
Inspection ASTM D 5162.
A calibration of 5V/µm should be used, unless
Uncontrolled when Printed

specified otherwise.
The supplier shall check the operation of the holiday
detection equipment before and after each shift,
and shall recalibrate at least once every 8 hours
of production.
Roughness As described previously in Paragraph 11.4. As defined in the Yes One per shift
Test coating system.
Salt Test As described previously in this document in As described previously Yes First five pipes,
Paragraph 11.4. in Paragraph 11.4. then one per shift.
Four locations
per structure.
Visual 100% visual examination after all coating stages and As described previously Yes All items
Examination ISO 8501-1 2001 assessment of grit blasted surfaces. in Paragraph 11.4.
Hot Water ASTM D 870 for 30 days at maximum operating No evidence of Yes No
Resistance temperature. water-related failure or
coating degradation.

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15 Subsea Coatings Documentation Requirements

For subsea coatings there are documentation requirements in addition to those
described in Paragraph 13.
A coating and quality management plan shall be prepared by the supplier and
submitted to TAQA for approval within 3 weeks of contract award. The coating and
quality management plan shall include full details and procedures for the following:

• Line pipe and other items handling, storage and inspection

• Surface preparation, including abrasive details, removal of steel defects

and methods of surface cleaning and surface profile measurement

• Coating materials, including quality control and storage

• Manufacturer datasheets (including Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Uncontrolled when Printed

(COSHH) or international equivalent) and test certificates for all coating materials

• Coating application for all coating components

• Inspection and testing, including methodologies, instrument and equipment types,

frequency and acceptance criteria

• Details of instruments, equipment and calibration methods including relevant

standards and examples of calibration certificates

• QC procedures, including methods of record keeping, batch identification, details

of personnel for all aspects of the work

• Coating repair procedures and acceptance criteria for repairs

• Field joint coatings

• Personnel experience and certification

A PQT report shall be submitted by the supplier on completion of procedure
qualification testing, detailing:

• Items and materials tested

• Procedures used

• Test methods

• Test results

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On completion of production, the supplier shall deliver to TAQA a final report

containing as a minimum, but not limited to, the following information:

• Inspection Release Certificate

• Batch certificates in accordance with BS EN10204 3.1 for all

coating consumables

• Pipe reference register, if applicable

• NDE reports or test results

• Production test reports

• Concession requests
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Addendum A – Inspection Test Plan Samples

Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plans – Power Tool Cleaning

Uncontrolled when Printed

1 Workpiece Visual or Before start Work Positive identification of structure or H H M

identification. document of blasting. package. pipework to be blasted.
2 Environmental Hygrometer, Before start of n/a 5°C < air temp < 40°C H W M
conditions: steel surface preparation
5°C < steel temp < 40°C
temperature and every
• Air temperature gauge. 4hrs thereafter, RH < 85%
• Steel temperature or at any time the
Steel temp – dew point > 3°C
• Relative Humidity conditions show
(RH) a marked
• Dew point deterioration.

3 Surface condition Visual. Before start n/a Surface free of any deposits of dirt, H W M
and cleanliness. of surface oil, grease, salts and any other
preparation. contaminants. All burrs, sharp
edges, weld spatter, laps and
laminations etc will be ground
smooth. For immersion surface and
tank or vessel linings all edges shall
have a minimum radius of 2mm.
4 Surface preparation Visual. Before application n/a SSPC-SP 11. H H M
standard. of first coat.
5 Documentation. n/a End of shift. n/a All relevant data to be entered into R R M
the Coating Inspection Record

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Liquid Coatings Application

1 Workpiece Visual or Before start Work Positive identification of structure or H M M

identification. document of coatings package. pipework to be coated.
search. application.
Uncontrolled when Printed

2a Blast standard Cleanliness – Immediately n/a Cleanliness – ISO 8501-1. H H M

(only applicable to visual. before first coat Requirements vary with coating
first coat application). application on test system. Refer to the surface
panel and after preparation section in the
completion of appropriate coating system table
blasting activities. in Addendum D.
2b Amplitude. Amplitude – Immediately n/a Amplitude – Blast Amplitude: ASTM H H M
impression tape. before first coat D 4417 Method C. Requirements
application and vary with coating system. Refer to
after completion of the surface preparation section in
blasting activities. the appropriate coating system table
in Addendum D.
2c Roughness. Comparator Immediately n/a Roughness – requirements vary H H M
plate. before first coat with coating system. Refer to the
application and surface preparation section in
after completion of the appropriate coating system table
blasting activities. in Addendum D.
2d Soluble salts. Indicator strip. Immediately n/a Soluble salts – ISO 8502-6 H H M
before first coat and ISO-8502-9.
2e Dust. White tape. Immediately n/a Dust – ISO 8502-3. H H M
before first coat

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Liquid Coatings Application (cont’d)

3 Coating identification. Visual and Before start of n/a Material about to be mixed is H W M
document check. any coatings identifiably the material listed in the
application. appropriate coating system.
Uncontrolled when Printed

4 Coating batch Visual. Whenever a new n/a Batch numbers of all components H W M
number. batch of coating of the coating about to be mixed to
is mixed. be recorded on the coatings
inspection report.
5 Coating shelf life. Record check. Whenever a new n/a Coatings material is within the shelf H W M
batch of coating life printed on its container.
is mixed.
6 Coating mixing. Visual. Whenever a new n/a Mixed material has no visible W W M
batch of coating colour-contrasting streaks in the
is mixed. body of the coating. Correct mixing
ratio used. All settled pigment
completely dispersed.
7 Substrate cleanliness. Visual. Before start of n/a Surface to be coated is free of all oil, H W M
any coatings grease, waxes, soluble salts, dust,
application. grit and other gross contaminants.
Surface is completely dry.
8 Substrate defects. Visual. Before the start n/a Surface to be coated is free from H W M
of any coatings sags, runs, curtains, excessive
application. brush marks.
9 Degree of cure. Visual and tactile. Before the start n/a Surface to be coated is tack-free, H W M
of any coatings and beyond its minimum
application. overcoating period.

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Liquid Coatings Application (cont’d)

10 Overcoating period. Visual and tactile. Before the start Coatings Surface to be coated has not H W M
of any coatings manufacturer’s exceeded its maximum
application. product overcoating period.
Uncontrolled when Printed

11 Dry film thickness Electronic dry film Before the start n/a Requirements vary with coating H H M
of preceding coats. thickness gauge. of any coatings system. Refer to the relevant
application. section in the appropriate coating
system table of Addendum D.
12 Environmental Hygrometer, n/a • 5°C < air temp <40°C H W M
conditions: steel temperature
gauge and dew • 5°C < steel temp <40°C
• Air temperature point tables. • RH <85%
• Steel temperature
• Steel temp – dew point >3°C
• RH
• Dew point
13 Stripe coating. Visual. Before the start of n/a All sharp edges, corners, welds, H W M
any coatings bolt holes or other areas of
application. complex surface geometry
stripe coated.
14 Wet film thickness. Wet Film Every 10m² and/or n/a Requirements vary with coating H W M
Thickness (WFT) whenever areas of system. Measurements to be
comb. complex surface taken in accordance with
geometry are ISO 2808.
being coated.

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Liquid Coatings Application (cont’d)

15 Documentation. n/a End of shift. n/a All relevant data to be entered R R M

into the Coating Inspection
Record Template.
Uncontrolled when Printed

Inspection Test Plan – Abrasive Dry Blasting

1 Workpiece Visual or Before start Work package. Positive identification of structure H H M

identification. document of blasting. or pipework to be blasted.
2 Environmental Hygrometer, Before start of n/a • 5°C < air temp <40°C H H M
conditions: steel temperature blasting and every
gauge. 4hrs thereafter, • 5°C < steel temp <40°C
• Air temperature or at any time the • RH < 85%
• Steel temperature environmental
conditions show • Steel temp – dew point > 3°C
• RH a marked
• Dew point deterioration.

3 Pre-blast surface Visual. Before start n/a Surface free of any deposits of H H M
condition and of blasting. dirt, oil, grease, salts and any
cleanliness other contaminants.
All burrs, sharp edges, weld
spatter, laps, laminations etc
will be ground smooth.
For immersion surface and
tank/vessel linings all edges shall
have a minimum radius of 2mm.

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Abrasive Dry Blasting (cont’d)

4 Abrasive media: For expendable Before start of n/a Abrasive type is coating system H M M
abrasives, type and blasting and every dependant. Abrasive cleanliness
• Type grade of abrasive to 8hrs thereafter. to be established as per
Uncontrolled when Printed

• Grade be confirmed by ASTM WK10071.

reference to
• Condition abrasive packaging
Recyclable abrasive grade to be
established by ISO 11125-2.
and certification.
not to be used.
For recyclable
abrasives grade is
to be established
by sieve test,
type by abrasive
condition by visual
check and
bottle test.
5 Blasting air: Pressure – Before start of n/a Max nozzle pressure = 9bar. H M M
hypodermic blasting and every
• Pressure pressure gauge. 8hrs thereafter.
Min nozzle pressure >5.5bar.
• Water and Contaminants –
oil free visual.

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Check Check Method / Governing

Check Description Check Frequency Acceptance Criteria Contractor TPII TAQA
No Apparatus Document

Inspection Test Plan – Abrasive Dry Blasting (cont’d)

6a Blast standard. Cleanliness – visual. Immediately n/a Cleanliness – ISO 8501-1. H H M

before first coat Requirements vary with coating
application on test system. Refer to the surface
Uncontrolled when Printed

panel and after preparation section in the

completion of appropriate coating system table
blasting activities. of Addendum D.
6b Amplitude. Amplitude – Immediately n/a Amplitude – Blast Amplitude: H H M
impression tape. before first coat ASTM D 4417 Method C.
application and Requirements vary with coating
after completion system. Refer to the surface
of blasting preparation section in the
activities. appropriate coating system table
of Addendum D.
6c Roughness. Comparator plate. Immediately n/a Roughness – requirements vary H H M
before first coat with coating system. Refer to the
application and surface preparation section in the
after completion appropriate coating system table
of blasting of Addendum D.
6d Soluble salts. Indicator strip. Immediately n/a Soluble salts – ISO 8502-6 H H M
before first coat and ISO-8502-9.
6e Dust. White tape. Immediately n/a Dust – ISO 8502-3. H H M
before first coat
7 Documentation. n/a End of shift. n/a All relevant data to be entered R R M
into the Coating Inspection
Record Template.

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R The data is recorded in the relevant QC documentation.

M The TAQA Representative (TAQAR) shall monitor this activity and/or the Third Party Independent Inspector (TPII). The coating Contractor should
not inform the TAQAR or TPII that the tests will be carried out and the Contractor may proceed with the work without informing the TAQAR or TPII.
W The Contractor should inform the TAQAR or TPII that a particular inspection test is about to be performed. The TAQAR or TPII may then choose to
Uncontrolled when Printed

witness the test, carry out the test him/herself, or give permission for the work to proceed without him.
H The Contractor should inform the TAQAR or TPII that a particular inspection test is about to be performed. The work cannot proceed until the test,
activity and procedure is witnessed or checked by the TAQAR or TPII.

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Addendum B – NNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes:


Finish Colour Schemes for Maintenance and Fabrication Purposes

Item Colour RAL Code Remarks

Structural steel. Broom yellow 1032 Including handrails,
ladders, walkway
framework (bordesses)
and staircases.
Vent stacks, flare White / red bands 9010 / 3002 Width of the band
booms and crane to be agreed
booms etc. (approximately 4.5m).
Uncontrolled when Printed

Exterior of wall, Carmine red 3002 -

cladding and
bulkheads etc.
Internal of cladding Grey white 9002 -
and ceilings.
Walkways Black 9005 Broom yellow may be
used if approved by
the Corrosion and
Materials Technical
Closed deck areas. Dusty grey 7037 -
Topsides helidecks. Leaf green 6032 Helideck markings
shall be agreed with
the Corrosion and
Materials Technical
Firewater piping Carmine red 3002 Exception: there is no
and equipment. requirement for the
Cunifer pipework to
be painted.
Piping valves etc. Grey / white / 9002 -
battleship grey
Overhead obstructions Yellow 1032 / 9005 -
and beams.
Trip hazards. Yellow 1032 / 9005 -

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Addendum C – Paint and Coating Systems:

Topsides Infrastructures

Table Page

Table 1 – Coating System 0M – External Coating, Spot Areas Repair:

Fabric Maintenance Activity Offshore and Onshore Fabrication 52
Table 2 – Coating System 1 – External Coating: Carbon Steel 120°C > Operating
Temperature (excludes surfaces in the splash zone, deck surfaces and
insulated pipework and vessels) 53
Table 3 – Coating System 2M-1 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon
Steel Pipework and Vessels 120°C < Operating Temperature < 200°C –
Mechanical Preparation 54
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Table 4 – Coating System 3A – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon

Steel Pipework and Vessels 200°C < Operating Temperature < 450°C 54
Table 5 – Coating System 4 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon
Steel Pipework Operating Temperature <120°C – Splash Zone 55
Table 6 – Coating System 4M External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon
Steel Pipework Operating Temperature < 120°C – Splash Zone –
Mechanically Prepared Surface 55
Table 7 – Coating System 5A – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework
and Vessels Operating Temperature <120°C 56
Table 8 – Coating System 5B – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework
and Vessels Operating Temperature <120°C: Onsite System 56
Table 9 – Coating System 5C – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework
and Vessels Operating Temperature <120°C – Onsite System 57
Table 10 – Coating System 6 – External Coating: Galvanized Carbon Steel and
Aluminium Operating Temperature <120°C 57
Table 11 – Coating System 7 – Heavy-wear Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating 58
Table 12 – Coating System 7M – Heavy-wear Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating –
Mechanically Prepared Surfaces 59
Table 13 – Coating System 8 – Light-duty Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating 60
Table 14 – Coating System 8M – Light-duty Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating –
Mechanically Prepared Surfaces 61
Table 15 – Coating System 9A – External Coating: Un-insulated and Insulated
Stainless Steel Pipework and Vessels Operating Temperature < 200°C 61
Table 16 – Coating System 9C – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated
Stainless Steels Pipework and Vessels Operating below 50°C
(eg Firewater System) 62
Table 17 – Coating System 10A – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated
Stainless Steel Pipework and Vessels Operating Temperature < 200°C –
Onsite System 62
Table 18 – Coating System 11 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Stainless
Steels Onsite Operating below 50°C (eg Firewater System) 63

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Addendum C – Paint and Coating Systems:

Topsides Infrastructures (cont'd)

Table Page

Table 19 – Coating System 11M – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated

Stainless Steels Onsite System Operating below 50°C
(eg Firewater System) 63
Table 20 – Coating System 12A – Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating
< 100°C 64
Table 21 – Coating System 12B – Internal Coating, Methanol Storage Tanks Internals
Operating Temperature < 100°C 65
Table 22 – Coating System 12C – Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating
Uncontrolled when Printed

Temperature < 100°C 66

Table 23 – Coating System 12D Internal Coating: Potable Water Tank Operating
Temperature <50°C 67
Table 24 – Coating System 13 Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating
Temperature > 100°C 68
Table 25 – Coating System 14 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature
< 100°C 69
Table 26 – Coating System 15 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature
> 100°C 69
Table 27 – Coating System 16 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature
< 100°C 70
Table 28 – Coating System 17 Epoxy Passive Fire Protection Repair System 70
Table 29 – Coating System 18M Intumescent Epoxy PFP Repair System –
Mechanical Preparation 71

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Table 1 – Coating System 0M – External Coating, Spot Areas Repair: Fabric Maintenance Activity Offshore and Onshore Fabrication

Scope Topsides structure, carbon steel and stainless steel insulated and uninsulated systems.
Area Fabric Maintenance (FM activity: localised spot areas (approximately 0.5m ) or offshore areas where open dry grit
blasting is not acceptable due to potential grit contamination (eg around instrumentation or gas compression systems).
For onshore fabrication.
Uncontrolled when Printed

Operating temperature Up to 100°C.

Life FM activity: bristle blaster (refer to Note 1) (maintenance): 3 years. Onshore fabrication: grit blast: 3< years <8
Chemistry Coat system of epoxy based coating or glass flake or aluminium mastic with zinc phosphate (refer to Note 2).
Adhesion properties Minimum for external coatings shall be 7MPa for single measurements (refer to Note 3).
Pre-surface preparation (1) Washing with potable water shall be done to remove contamination if oil or grease contamination is not present.
(2) Aqueous degreaser shall be used if oil or grease contamination is present.
(3) Three maximum soluble salt test to be 20mg/m² on stainless steel and 50mg/m² for carbon steel components.
Surface preparation FM activity: cleanliness to SA2 (or SSPC-SP 11) using bristle blasting (refer to Note 4).
Onshore fabrication: grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5
Application FM activity: Epoxy coating or glass flake aluminium mastic with zinc phosphate coating would be used following
manufacturer recommendations.
Onshore fabrication: Glass flake aluminium mastic with zinc phosphate coating
Coating thickness minimum 250μm Dry Film Thickness (DFT).

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Table 1 – Coating System 0M – External Coating, Spot Areas Repair: Fabric Maintenance Activity Offshore and Onshore Fabrication

(1) The appropriate material belt shall be selected and it is most effective when slowly drawing the machine backwards and forwards.
(2) Coating shall be applied by following product data sheet.
Uncontrolled when Printed

(3) Value has been taken from NORSOK M501 for hydrocarbon process vessels. Suitable material belt should be used. In addition, the profile
produced with a new belt is considerably higher than with a worn belt and belts should be changed regularly to obtain the correct profile, old belts
can be used satisfactorily to remove heavy scale as a pre-preparation.
(4) Quality Assurance (QA) / Quality Control (QC) shall be provided.
(5) Refer to Bristle Blasting Surface Preparation method for Maintenance (Coating and Wax Trials) TNC-HSE-TN0004V3. This coating system is also
applicable for spools fabricated onshore.

Table 2 – Coating System 1 – External Coating: Carbon Steel 120°C > Operating Temperature
(excludes surfaces in the splash zone, deck surfaces and insulated pipework and vessels)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5 (refer to Note 2). Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness – quadrant 2 of the
elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc rich epoxy. 60µm Nominal Dry Film Thickness (NDFT)
Intermediate Coat Micaceous Iron Oxide (MIO) pigmented high build epoxy. 175µm NDFT
Finish Coat Epoxy modified polysiloxane or acrylic polysiloxane. 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 335µm
Notes: (1) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 1M is to be used.
(2) If operational or Health and Safety Executive considerations preclude the use of dry abrasive blasting techniques, slurry blasting may be
proposed as an alternative. Refer to Paragraph 8.5.2 for details.

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Table 3 – Coating System 2M-1 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon Steel Pipework and Vessels
120°C < Operating Temperature < 200°C – Mechanical Preparation

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

First Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 200µm NDFT

Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1.
(2) The performance of epoxy phenolic coatings is significantly degraded when applied to a mechanically prepared surface.
System 2M shall only be used to repair small isolated breakdown areas (<0.5m²).

Table 4 – Coating System 3A – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon Steel Pipework and Vessels
200°C < Operating Temperature < 450°C

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Inorganic zinc silicate. 60µm NDFT
Intermediate Coat Silicone aluminium. 25µm NDFT
Finish Coat Silicone aluminium. 25µm NDFT
Total NDFT 110µm
Notes: (1) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 1M is to be used.
(2) At relative humidity levels of less than 50%, the cure of the inorganic zinc silicate primer is severely retarded. In this situation the cure may
be accelerated by spraying the primed surfaces with clean potable water. The inorganic zinc silicate primer may not be overcoated until
such time as it passes a cure test as defined by ASTM D 4752-03.

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Table 5 – Coating System 4 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon Steel Pipework
Operating Temperature <120°C – Splash Zone

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc phosphate pigmented epoxy (refer to Note 1) 25 to 40µm NDFT
First Coat High glass flake content glass flake epoxy 500µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Second Coat High glass flake content glass flake epoxy 500µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1040µm
Notes: (1) Wherever possible, the glass flake epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly blasted steel. However, it is recognized that operational
constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum DFT of the primer specified above shall be
regarded as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 8.1 specifically does not apply in this instance.
(2) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 4M is to be used.
(3) For the repair of isolated areas of corrosion on risers, conductors and piles, consideration may be given to the use of elastomer or gel
wrapping systems such as ‘Armawrap’.

Table 6 – Coating System 4M External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Carbon Steel Pipework
Operating Temperature < 120°C – Splash Zone – Mechanically Prepared Surface

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

Primer Zinc phosphate pigmented epoxy. 40µm NDFT
First Coat Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT
Second Coat Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1040µm
Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 7.1.
(2) The performance of Coating System 4 is degraded when applied to a mechanically prepared surface. System 4M shall only be used to
repair small isolated breakdown areas (<0.5m ).

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Table 7 – Coating System 5A – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework and Vessels Operating Temperature <120°C

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA3. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness – quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 200µm

Note: This system is only applicable to pipework, which is not yet installed. Onsite repairs are to be performed using Coating System 5B or 5C.

Table 8 – Coating System 5B – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework and Vessels
Operating Temperature <120°C: Onsite System

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA3. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness – quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Cold spray aluminium. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Cold spray aluminium. 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 200µm
Note: Intertherm 751 CSA or hi temp 1027 is suitable for direct application to hot surfaces operating up to temperatures of 120°C.

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Table 9 – Coating System 5C – External Coating: Insulated Carbon Steel Pipework and Vessels
Operating Temperature <120°C – Onsite System

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA3. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness – quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Inert multipolymeric matrix. 125 to 150µm NDFT
Second Coat Inert multipolymeric matrix. 125 to 150µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 300µm

Note: Hi temp 1027 is suitable for direct application to hot surfaces operating up to temperatures of 120°C.

Table 10 – Coating System 6 – External Coating: Galvanized Carbon Steel and Aluminium Operating Temperature <120°C

Surface Preparation Sweep grit blast to SSPC-SP7. Blast profile 20 to 30µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 1 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper. Refer to Paragraph 8.4.3.
First Coat MIO pigmented high build epoxy. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy modified polysiloxane or acrylic polysiloxane. 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 200µm
Note: Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 6M is to be used.

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Table 11 – Coating System 7 – Heavy-wear Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5 (refer to Note 4). Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the
elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc phosphate epoxy. 25µm NDFT
First Coat Modified epoxy. 800µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Aggregate Non-sparking aggregate. n/a (refer to Note 3)

Second Coat Modified epoxy. 400µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1250µm
Notes: (1) Coating System 8 shall be used on decks subject to heavy traffic such as laydown areas and main escape routes etc.
(2) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 7M is to be used.
(3) Particle size of non-skid aggregate to be 1 to 3mm.
(4) If operational or Health and Safety Executive considerations preclude the use of dry abrasive blasting techniques, slurry blasting may be
proposed as an alternative. Refer to Paragraph 8.5.2 for details.
(5) Certain modified epoxies (eg Interzone 954) perform best when applied directly to the freshly prepared surface. If the coatings
manufacturer’s datasheet states this, the modified epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly prepared surface. However, operational
constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum DFT of the primer specified above shall be
regarded as an absolute upper limit. The max DFT definition in Paragraph 9.1 specifically does not apply in this instance.

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Table 12 – Coating System 7M – Heavy-wear Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating – Mechanically Prepared Surfaces

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

Primer Surface tolerant epoxy. 75µm NDFT
First Coat Modified epoxy. 800µm NDFT
Aggregate Non-sparking aggregate. n/a
Uncontrolled when Printed

Second Coat Modified epoxy. 400µm NDFT

Total NDFT 1275µm
Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1.
(2) The performance of Coating System 7 is degraded when applied to a mechanically prepared surface. System 7M shall only be used to
repair small isolated breakdown areas (<0.5m²).
(3) Particle size of non-skid aggregate to be 1 to 3mm.
(4) Certain modified epoxies (eg Interzone 954) perform best when applied directly to the freshly prepared surface. If the coatings
manufacturer’s datasheets states this is the case, the modified epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly prepared surface.
However, operational constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum DFT of the primer
specified above shall be regarded as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 9.1 specifically does not
apply in this instance.

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Table 13 – Coating System 8 – Light-duty Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5 (refer to Note 4). Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the
elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc phosphate epoxy. 50µm NDFT
First Coat Modified epoxy. 350µm NDFT
Aggregate Non-sparking aggregate. n/a
Uncontrolled when Printed

Second Coat Modified epoxy. 200µm NDFT

Total NDFT 600µm
Notes: (1) Coating System 8 shall be used on decks not subject to heavy traffic.
(2) Roof surfaces where there is no normal access shall be coated with Coatings System 8 without the aggregate.
(3) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 8M is to be used.
(4) If operational or Health and Safety Executive considerations preclude the use of dry abrasive blasting techniques, slurry blasting may be
proposed as an alternative. Refer to Paragraph 8.5.2 for details.
(5) Particle size of non-skid aggregate to be 1 to 3mm. A finer grade aggregate may be used on light/medium duty areas if required
ie GPA900 bauxite (0.5 to 1.8mm).
(6) Certain modified epoxies (eg Interzone 954) perform best when applied directly to the freshly prepared surface. If the coatings
manufacturer’s datasheets states that this is the case, the modified epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly prepared surface.
However, it is recognized that operational constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum
DFT of the primer specified above shall be regarded as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 8.1
specifically does not apply in this instance.

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Table 14 – Coating System 8M – Light-duty Area Non-skid Steel Deck Coating – Mechanically Prepared Surfaces

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

Primer Zinc phosphate epoxy. 350µm NDFT
Aggregate Non-sparking aggregate. n/a
Second Coat Modified epoxy. 200µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 625µm

Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1.
(2) The performance of Coating System 8 is degraded when applied to a mechanically prepared surface. System 8M shall only be used to
repair small isolated breakdown areas (<0.5m ).
(3) Particle size of non-skid aggregate to be 1 to 3mm. A finer grade aggregate may be used on light or medium duty areas if required, ie
GPA900 bauxite (0.5-1.8mm).
(4) Certain modified epoxies (eg Interzone 954) perform best when applied directly to the freshly prepared surface. If the coatings
manufacturer’s datasheets states that this is the case, the modified epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly prepared surface.
However, it is recognized that operational constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum
DFT of the primer specified above shall be regarded as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 9.1
specifically does not apply in this instance.

Table 15 – Coating System 9A – External Coating: Un-insulated and Insulated Stainless Steel Pipework and Vessels
Operating Temperature < 200°C

To be used for un-insulated and insulated stainless steel grades.

Surface Preparation Sweep blasting with non-metallic and chloride free grit to obtain anchor profile of approximately 50μm to 75μm.
First Coat Epoxy phenolic (high cross linked). 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy phenolic (high cross linked). 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 200µm NDFT
Note: This system is only applicable to pipework, which is not yet installed. Onsite repairs are to be performed using the Coating System 10.

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Table 16 – Coating System 9C – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Stainless Steels Pipework and Vessels
Operating below 50°C (eg Firewater System)

New-build or replacement stainless steel pressure vessels, pipe, fittings and in-line components with Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN)
< 40 operating below 50°C.
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually analogous to ISO 8501-1 SA3. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2
of the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator impression paper.
Uncontrolled when Printed

First Coat Zinc phosphate epoxy primer. 100µm NDFT

Second Coat Epoxy acrylic. 50µm NDFT
Total NDFT 150µm NDFT
Note: This system is only applicable to pipework, which is not yet installed. Onsite repairs are to be performed using the Coating System 11.

Table 17 – Coating System 10A – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Stainless Steel Pipework and Vessels
Operating Temperature < 200°C – Onsite System

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 35 to 50µm. Blast roughness:
quadrant 2 of the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy phenolic. 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 200µm
Notes: (1) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 10M is to be used.
(2) If operational or Health and Safety Executive considerations preclude the use of dry abrasive blasting techniques, slurry blasting may be
proposed as an alternative. Refer to Paragraph 8.5.2 for details (for slurry blasting, Coating System 10B or any equivalent product should
be considered).

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Table 18 – Coating System 11 – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Stainless Steels Onsite
Operating below 50°C (eg Firewater System)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 35 to 50µm. Blast roughness:
quadrant 2 of the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Zinc phosphate epoxy primer. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy acrylic. 50µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 150µm NDFT

Notes: (1) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 11M is to be used.
(2) If operational or Health and Safety Executive considerations preclude the use of dry abrasive blasting techniques, slurry blasting may be
proposed as an alternative. Refer to Paragraph 8.5.2 for details.

Table 19 – Coating System 11M – External Coating: Insulated and Un-insulated Stainless Steels Onsite System
Operating below 50°C (eg Firewater System)

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

First Coat Zinc phosphate epoxy primer. 100µm NDFT
Second Coat Epoxy acrylic. 50µm NDFT
Total NDFT 150µm NDFT
Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1.
(2) The performance of epoxy coatings substantially is degraded when applied to a mechanically prepared surface. System 11M shall only be
used to repair small isolated breakdown areas (<0.5m ).

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Table 20 – Coating System 12A – Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating < 100°C

• Glycol and methanol

• Diesel
• Drilling or workover fluids
• Condensate
Uncontrolled when Printed

• Water or hydrocarbon mixtures (water boots, knock-out drums, separators, dehydrators and desalters), raw water, industrial water, seawater, aquifer
water, ballast water, produced water, demineralised water and fire water
• Pipe line flow assurance
• Wet air receivers and boiler blow down vessels
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness:
quadrant 2 of the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Second Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1500µm
Notes: (1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1 – mechanical surface preparation methods are expressly forbidden under any circumstances for tank
and vessel linings.
(2) For diesel and other hydrocarbon product tanks, linings are limited to floor plates, first 1.5m of bottom shell course, roof plates, first 1.5m of
top shell course and all fittings down to 1.5m below roof-shell junction. It is not necessary to apply linings to the tank shell out with these areas.
(3) For pipe line flow assurance, coatings are required for complete interior surface (weld margins may be excluded).
(4) The coatings manufacturer’s recommendations regarding return-to service period are to be strictly adhered to.
(5) Due to the high risk nature of tanks and vessels, factors such as cargo composition, design or working temperature (upper and lower),
pressure, insulation, required service life etc. should be confirmed prior to specifying a lining.

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Table 21 – Coating System 12B – Internal Coating, Methanol Storage Tanks Internals Operating Temperature < 100°C

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 35 to 50µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator.
First Coat Inorganic zinc silicate. 100µm NDFT
Total NDFT 100µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Notes: (1) Mechanical surface preparation methods are expressly forbidden under any circumstances for tank and vessel linings.
(2) The coatings manufacturer’s recommendations regarding return-to service period are to be strictly adhered to.
(3) At relative humidity levels of less than 50%, the cure of the inorganic zinc silicate primer is severely retarded. In this situation the cure must
be accelerated by spraying the primed surfaces with clean potable water. The inorganic zinc silicate primer shall not be over coated until
such time as it passes a cure test as defined by ASTM D4752-03.
(4) Factors such as fluids, design or operating temperature (upper and lower), pressure, insulation, required service life etc should be confirmed
prior to specifying a lining.

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Table 22 – Coating System 12C – Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating Temperature < 100°C

• Glycol
• Diesel
• Drilling or workover fluids
• Condensate
Uncontrolled when Printed

• Water or hydrocarbon mixtures (water boots, knock-out drums, separators, dehydrators and desalters), raw water, industrial water, seawater, aquifer
water, ballast water, produced water, demineralised water and fire water
• Pipe line flow assurance
• Wet air receivers, boiler blow down vessels
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 1000µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1000µm
(1) Refer to Paragraph 8.1 – mechanical surface preparation methods are expressly forbidden under any circumstances for tank and vessel linings.
(2) For diesel and other hydrocarbon product tanks, linings are limited to floor plates, first 1.5m of bottom shell course, roof plates, first 1.5m of top shell
course and all fittings down to 1.5m below roof-shell junction. It is not necessary to apply linings to the tank shell out with these areas.
(3) For pipe line flow assurance, coatings are required for complete interior surface (weld margins may be excluded).
(4) The coatings manufacturer’s recommendations regarding return-to service period are to be strictly adhered to.
(5) Due to the high risk nature of tanks and vessels, factors such as cargo composition, design or working temperature (upper and lower),
pressure, insulation and required service life etc should be confirmed prior to specifying a lining.

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Table 23 – Coating System 12D Internal Coating: Potable Water Tank Operating Temperature <50°C

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Solvent free 100% solids two pack epoxy coating aligned with water 1000µm NDFT
regulation advisory scheme).
Total NDFT 1000µm
Uncontrolled when Printed

Note: Refer to Paragraph 9.1 – mechanical surface preparation methods are expressly forbidden under any circumstances for tank and vessel linings.

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Table 24 – Coating System 13 Internal Coating: Tank and Vessel Operating Temperature > 100°C

• Glycol
• Diesel
• Drilling or workover fluids
• Condensate
Uncontrolled when Printed

• Water or hydrocarbon mixtures (water boots, knock-out drums, separators, dehydrators and desalters), raw water, industrial water, seawater, aquifer
water, ballast water, produced water, demineralised water and fire water
• Pipe line flow assurance
• Wet air receivers, boiler blow down vessels
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester urethane glass flake. 1000µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1000µm
(1) Refer to Paragraph 9.1 – mechanical surface preparation methods are expressly forbidden under any circumstances for tank and vessel linings.
(2) For diesel and other hydrocarbon product tanks, linings are limited to floor plates, first 1.5m of bottom shell course, roof plates, first 1.5m of top shell
course and all fittings down to 1.5m below roof-shell junction. It is not necessary to apply linings to the tank shell out with these areas.
(3) For pipe line flow assurance, coatings are required for complete interior surface (weld margins may be excluded).
(4) The coatings manufacturer’s recommendations regarding return-to service period are to be strictly adhered to.
(5) Due to the high risk nature of tanks and vessels, factors such as cargo composition, design or working temperature (upper and lower), pressure,
insulation, required service life etc should be confirmed prior to specifying a lining.

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Table 25 – Coating System 14 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature < 100°C

Water or hydrocarbon mixtures, seawater and produced water.

If high flow rates (> 15m/s) expected or if solids or sand present, Coating System 16 should be used.
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1500µm
Note: Factors such as fluids, design or operating temperature (upper and lower), pressure, insulation and required service life etc should be confirmed
prior to specifying a lining.

Table 26 – Coating System 15 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature > 100°C

Water or hydrocarbon mixtures, seawater and produced water.

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester urethane glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Second Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester urethane glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1500µm
Note: Factors such as fluids, design or operating temperature (upper and lower), pressure, insulation, required service life etc should be confirmed prior
to specifying a lining.

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Table 27 – Coating System 16 Internal Coating: Pipework Operating Temperature < 100°C

If high flow rates (> 15m/s) expected or if solids or sand present, Coating System 16 should be used.
Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually anomalous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Second Coat Two pack cold cured silicon carbide loaded glass flake. 750µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Total NDFT 1500µm

Note: Factors such as fluids, design/operating temperature (upper and lower), pressure, insulation, required service life etc should be confirmed prior to
specifying a lining.

Table 28 – Coating System 17 Epoxy Passive Fire Protection Repair System

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 50 to 75µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
First Coat Zinc rich epoxy primer 60µm NDFT
Second Coat MIO pigmented high build epoxy 200µm NDFT
Total NDFT 260µm NDFT
(1) This system describes the coatings repair system for use under Passive Fire Protection (PFP) for those areas where the underlying existing coatings
have failed.
(2) After the remedial coatings repairs to any underlying coatings defects/corrosion are completed, there actual PFP repairs shall be carried out in
accordance with the PFP vendor’s recommended procedures.
(3) Any stud welding shall be completed prior to commencement of coatings repairs.
(4) The primer or MIO epoxy system shall be approved by the epoxy PFP manufacturer.
(5) Where mechanical surface preparation methods have been approved by engineering query, Coating System 17M can be used.

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Table 29 – Coating System 18M Intumescent Epoxy PFP Repair System – Mechanical Preparation

Surface Preparation Mechanically prepare to SSPC-SP 11.

First Coat Aluminium pigmented epoxy primer 60µm NDFT
Total NDFT 60µm NDFT (max)
Uncontrolled when Printed

(1) Refer to Paragraph 9.1.

(2) Mechanical preparation is only suitable for small areas <0.5m eg welds and local repair areas etc.
(3) This system describes the coatings repair system for use under intumescent epoxy PFP for those areas where the underlying existing coatings have
failed and abrasive dry blasting is not possible.
(4) Any stud welding shall be completed prior to commencement of coatings repairs.
(5) The primer system shall be approved by the intumescent PFP manufacturer.

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Addendum D – Paint and Coating Systems:

Risers, Pipeline and Subsea Infrastructure

Table Page

Table 1 – Coating System 19A 73

Table 2 – Coating System 19B 73
Table 3 – Coating System 19C 74
Table 4 – Coating System 20 74
Table 5 – Coating System 21 75
Table 6 – Coating System 22 75
Table 7 – Coating System 23A 76
Table 8 – Coating System 23B 76
Uncontrolled when Printed

Table 9 – Coating System 24 77

Table 10 – Coating System 25 78
Table 11 – Coating System 26 79

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Table 1 – Coating System 19A

Structural Steelwork

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc phosphate pigmented epoxy (refer to Note 1). 25 to 40µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Top Coat Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT

Total NDFT 540µm
Notes: (1) Wherever possible, the glass flake epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly blasted steel. However, it is recognised that operational
constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum DFT of the primer specified above shall be
regarded as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 9.1 specifically does not apply in this instance.
(2) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

Table 2 – Coating System 19B

Structural Steelwork

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually analogous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 125µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Thermally Sprayed Aluminium (TSA). 200µm NDFT
Top Coat Silicon sealer. Apply to saturation
Total NDFT 250µm
Note: Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

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Table 3 – Coating System 19C

Structural Steelwork

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually analogous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Glass flake epoxy. 750µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Top Coat Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT

Total NDFT 1250µm
Note: Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

Table 4 – Coating System 20

Subsea Structures, Inside of Piles and Caissons, Outside of Caissons and Seawater Pump Risers Operating below 95°C

Surface Preparation Grit blast to a standard visually analogous to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 2 of
the elcometer 125 surface roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Cured vinyl ester laminated resin. 400µm NDFT
Top Coat Cured vinyl ester laminated resin. 400µm NDFT
Total NDFT 800µm
Primer Multi-monomer isophthalic polyester glass flake coating. 400µm NDFT
Top Coat Multi-monomer isophthalic polyester glass flake coating. 400µm NDFT
Total NDFT 800µm
Note: Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems eg Corroglass 600 series.

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Table 5 – Coating System 21

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Risers – Splash Zone (Glass Flake Epoxy + Neoprene Coating)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Top Coat Neoprene (polychlroprene) coating. 12mm NDFT (refer to Note 1)

Total NDFT 12.5mm
(1) Within the splash zone the riser shall be coated with a 12mm (+3mm/-0mm) thick Neoprene. Coating from 3m below the Lowest Astronomical Tide
(LAT) up to the most convenient cut-off point in the atmospheric zone provided this occurs above the upper limit of the splash zone eg at the first
bend or flange in the atmospheric zone. Above the splash zone, the thickness may be reduced to 6mm ± 2mm. Where polychloroprene coating
below the splash zone is separately specified, the coating thickness shall be specified accordingly. The splash zone is defined as that part of the
structure between -3 metres with respect to LAT and +2m with respect to the Mean High Water (MHW) spring.
(2) The primer and bonding agents shall be Chemlok 205 and Chemlok 220 respectively or equivalents as approved by TAQA.
(3) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

Table 6 – Coating System 22

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Risers – Splash Zone – Metal Cladding

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Metal Cladding Monel 400 sleeve. 3 to 4mm NFT
Total NDFT 3 to 4mm
Note: Monel 400 is applied as sheet, welded directly to steel.

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Table 7 – Coating System 23A

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Operating -40ºC up to 85ºC – Risers – Splash Zone
(3L PE / 3L PP coating -40ºC up to 85ºC)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Uncontrolled when Printed

Primer Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE). 200 to 350µm NDFT

First Coat Copolymer adhesive.
Top Coat Polyethylene or polypropylene.
Total NDFT 20mm
Notes: (1) The three-layer pipe external anti-corrosion system consists of a layer of high-performance FBE onto which a co-polymer adhesive layer is
extruded, followed by a layer of extruded polyethylene or polypropylene until the desired thickness is obtained.
(2) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

Table 8 – Coating System 23B

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Operating -40ºC up to 85ºC (3L PE / 3L PP coating)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer FBE. 200 to 350µm NDFT
First Coat Copolymer adhesive.
Top Coat Polyethylene or polypropylene.
Total NDFT 6mm
Notes: (1) The three-layer pipe external anti-corrosion system consists of a layer of high-performance FBE onto which a co-polymer adhesive layer is
extruded, followed by a layer of extruded polyethylene or polypropylene until the desired thickness is obtained.
(2) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

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Table 9 – Coating System 24

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Risers and (Glass Flake Epoxy + Neoprene Coating)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Glass flake epoxy. 500µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Top Coat Neoprene coating. 6000µm NDFT

Total NDFT 6.5mm
Notes: (1) The primer and bonding agents shall be Chemlok 205 and Chemlok 220 respectively or equivalents as approved by TAQA.
(2) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

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Table 10 – Coating System 25

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Risers and Modified Polypropylene Coating System)

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
The chemical pre-treatment should be used prior to application of FBE powder primer.
Uncontrolled when Printed

First Coat FBE primer. 150µm NDFT

Second Coat FBE + chemically modified polypropylene copolymer powder layer. 150µm NDFT
Top Coat Chemically modified polypropylene copolymer powder. 1500µm NDFT
Total NDFT 1800µm
(1) The FBE powder primer is specifically designed and adapted for the coating system. Physical properties provide good adhesion, maximum
resistance to cathodic disbondment and flexibility to allow cold field bending. Chemistry permits a chemical reaction to occur between the partially
cured FBE primer and the reactive functional groups contained within the overlying layer. Film flow properties and melt viscosity etc allow the
application of 150 microns films over the metal surface.
(2) Each pipe shall be uniformly preheated to a temperature specified by the FBE powder supplier for optimum application conditions, but shall not
exceed 280°C at any time. Any pipe subjected to temperatures in excess of 280°C shall be re-processed. The pipe surface temperature shall be
checked using either a digital thermometer with a suitable probe. The FBE powder application shall be by an electrostatic spray method. Thickness
of the FBE coating shall be at least 150 microns. The chemically modified polypropylene powder shall be applied combined with FBE powder by
flock spraying, following the base coat application of FBE, in order to obtain a proper bonding between FBE and polypropylene. Several subsequent
passes of the chemically modified polypropylene powder shall be performed by flame or flock spraying to reach a total thickness of 1.8mm minimum.
(3) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

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Table 11 – Coating System 26

External Coating: Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel – Risers and Pipelines

Surface Preparation Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA2.5. Blast profile 75 to 100µm. Blast roughness: quadrant 3 of the elcometer 125 surface
roughness comparator or impression paper.
Primer Zinc phosphate pigmented epoxy (refer to Note 2). 25 to 40µm NDFT
Uncontrolled when Printed

Top Coat High glass flake epoxy. 475±75µm NDFT

Total NDFT 515±75µm
(1) Design temperature should be checked to ensure the suitability of the coating system.
(2) Wherever possible, the glass flake epoxy should be applied directly to the freshly blasted steel. However, it is recognised that operational
constraints will often dictate the use of a holding primer. In these circumstances, the maximum DFT of the primer specified above shall be regarded
as an absolute upper limit. The maximum DFT definition specified in Paragraph 9.1 specifically does not apply in this instance.
(3) Coating system to be compatible with cathodic protection systems.

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Addendum E – Example Coating Inspection Record Template

Uncontrolled when Printed

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Addendum F – Example Protective Coatings Stage Acceptance Certificate

Uncontrolled when Printed

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Addendum G – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes for

New-built Constructions and Maintenance

Unless stated otherwise, British Standard colours referred to are to

BS 4800-1989.
All equipment, pipework, valves flanges and fittings are to be painted throughout
the entire length in accordance with ground colour specified.
Working pressures and arrows indicating direction of flow should be shown on
ground colour, preferably in black (or white where contrast is required) near to
junctions, valves and vessels.

Pipework Identification
Colour banding may be by painting.
Uncontrolled when Printed

Positions such that banding sets are normally visible and no greater than
7m apart.
The primary colour (outside) banding shall be placed directly adjacent to and
on each side of, the secondary colour (inside) band. Width of bands shall
be 150mm. A flow direction arrow in black shall be located on the pipe
downstream of the colour bands on pipe-work. Arrows shall be 150 to 200mm
long x 25mm wide at the base of the band head and at the tail.
Stainless steel pipework and pipework coated with Thermally Sprayed Aluminium
(TSA) shall have service indicated by colour banding alone, unless otherwise
Insulated piping shall have service indicated by colour banding alone over
the cladding.
Colour banding shall be in accordance with Table 1 and if required with
BS 1710:1984 and amendment no 1-1989.

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

1 Relief valves Off-white 08B 15 Open ends of 08E51

Uncontrolled when Printed

outlet pipes
venting to
atmosphere yellow
2 Oil lines Crude Off-white 08B 15
Diesel / gas oil Off-white 08B 15
ATK fuel Off-white 08B 15 Off-white 08B 15 Black 00E53
100mm wide band
at 2m intervals
3 Gas lines Natural gas Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction Black 00E53
and pressure
Instrument gas Off-white 08B 15 100mm wide at White with 00E53
2m intervals diagonal yellow
4 Steam Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction White 00E53
and psi
5 Water Industrial fresh Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction Black 00E53
Salt water Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction Black
Fire service Red 04E53 Flow direction Black
Potable water Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction Black
Water and effluent Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction White

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

6 Air Service air Off-white 08B 15 Flow direction Black 00E53

Uncontrolled when Printed

7 Hydrocarbon Off-white 08B 15

and gasolines
8 Electrical services Orange 06E51
9 Effluent to oily water Off-white 08B 15
waste systems
10 Chemicals Injection lines eg Yellow 08E51 Flow direction Black 00e53
corrosion inhibitor
Caustics or acids. Medium 00A05 100mm wide band Yellow 08e51
grey at 2m intervals
Barytes, bentonite Light grey 00A01
and low pressure
Cement Dark blue 20D45
HP mud Orange 06E51
Nitrogen Medium 00A05

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

11 Towers, vessels, crude Tankage, test Medium 00A05

Uncontrolled when Printed

oil and gas processing, and storage grey

including gas oil
separators, demulsifiers
heater treaters,
dehydrators and
dioxygenerators etc
All vessels to have Towers, vessels, Medium 00A05
maximum working heat exchangers grey
pressure clearly shown un-insulated
in white letters on a
black background
Vessels containing Medium 00A05 100mm band and Yellow 08E51
caustics or acids grey all flange rims,
manways and
stools painted
12 Well xmas trees, lead Valves Off-white 08B 15
line and flowline
manifolds Pipework (crude) Off-white 08B 15
Pipework (seawater) Off-white 08B 15 Open ends yellow 08E51
13 Wellhead control Red 04E53

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

14 Well subsurface Left-hand threads. Green 12D45

Uncontrolled when Printed

completion – repair or
service equipment
Right-hand threads. Red 04E53
Crossovers. Blue 16C37
Permanent Either as supplied by Conventional tools:
downhole manufacture ‘baker’ black diagonals
completion yellow or red.
Wireline tools:
equipment, fishing
white diagonals
tools and wireline
tools etc.
All equipment to
have black or white
lettering showing
type, thread
and manufacturer

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour Markings Band BS Colour
Uncontrolled when Printed

15 Marine platforms Helicopter landing Dark green 14C39

production work and test identification
barges, cranes, hoists,
mobile winches, drilling Communication White 00E55 Band interval to be scaled in Red 04E53
aerial towers accordance with height or
and production sites
and flare towers length of tower or jib so that
a min of three red bands are
clearly visible. Bands not less
than 0.5m and not more
than 6m
Power units Orange 06E51
Hoists and davits Orange 06E51
Crown and Orange 06E51
travelling blocks
Swivels Red 04E53

Derricks White 00E55 Band interval to be scaled in Red 04E53

and masts accordance with height/length
of tower / jib so that a min of
three red bands are clearly
visible. Bands not less than
0.5m and not more than 6m

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

15 Marine platforms Crane jibs White 00E55 Band interval to be scaled in Red 04E53
Uncontrolled when Printed

(cont’d) production work and test and gantries. accordance with height/length
barges, cranes, hoists, of tower/jib so that a min of
Refer to Note 2
mobile winches, drilling three red bands are clearly
at the end of
and production sites visible. Bands not less than
this table
0.5m and not more than 6m
Crane and hoist Red 04E53 Roofs and
machinery housings total interior
Crane driver Interior and
compartment exterior white
16 Instrumentation As supplied by the manufacturer unless otherwise specified.
instruments, regulators,
control valves etc,
instrument panels,
instruments for panel
mounting, mimic diagram
panel, mosaic panel,
instrument housing,
instrument air or gas

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band
Uncontrolled when Printed

17 All machinery, motors Blue 18E53 Electrical voltage markers, alarm switches phase
compressors, switchgear power and light notices. Background red 04R53
and switchgear covers etc stick on letters white labels.
Pushbuttons, machinery hand Yellow 08E51
controls, gear cases, couplings,
guards, caution signals, moving
equipment (such as overhead
cranes etc), chain hoists,
runway beams and motor
control pushbuttons etc
Pumps To be colour coded as per product passing through.
18 Steelwork Steelwork structural Off-white 08B15
steelwork – above
deck truss
Stairways, handrails Black 00E53
and sump guard
rails etc
Stairtreads, kickplates Black 00E53
and walkways
Fire escapes Black 00E53
and ladders

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band
Uncontrolled when Printed

17 All machinery, motors Blue 18E53 Electrical voltage markers, alarm switches phase
compressors, switchgear power and light notices. Background red 04R53
and switchgear stick on letters white labels.
covers etc
Pushbuttons, machinery Yellow 08E51
hand controls, gear
cases, couplings, guards,
caution signals, moving
equipment (such as
overhead cranes etc),
chain hoists, runway
beams and motor control
pushbuttons etc
Pumps To be colour coded as per product passing through.
18 Steelwork Steelwork structural steelwork – Off-white 08B15
above deck truss
Stairways, handrails and sump Black 00E53
guard rails etc
Stairtreads, kickplates Black 00E53
and walkways
Fire escapes Black 00E53
and ladders

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

18 Steelwork Safety loops on fire escape and ladders. Black 00E53

Uncontrolled when Printed

Runway beams Yellow 08E51
19 Safety Emergency shower Green 14E53 Diagonal lines White 00E55
Firefighting equipment Red 04E53
Dangerous materials White 00E55 Checks Red checks 04E53
Safe materials White 00E55 Checks Green 14E53
Protection materials Green 14E53
Accident prevention signs Yellow 08E51 300mm wide stripes or as Black 00E53
or notices: truck tail best related to type and size
gates, posts, columns, of sign
low head room, change in
floor level, protruding
equipment and cranes
Accident prevention signs Red 04E53 Letters Letters white 00E55
or notices: static hazards
– warning notices
Safety signs Green 14E53 Letters Letters white 00E55

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Table 1 – CNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes For New-built Constructions and Maintenance (cont’d)

Ground Colour Additional Colour

Item No Item Description Service
Colour BS Colour Markings Band BS Colour

19 Safety Inside a machinery Orange 06E51

Uncontrolled when Printed

(cont’d) guard
Handrails on bridges Black 00E53 300mm wide bands White 00E55
Lifeboat hoists Orange 06E51
and davits
20 Miscellaneous Exterior paintwork Off-white 08B15
Plant houses Off-white 08B15
Ventilators Off-white 08B15
Interior paintwork, Off-white 08B15
control rooms, mess
rooms, lavatories
Information signs Blue 18B53 Letters. White 00E55
21 Doors All doors (internal Off-white 08B15 Hazardous area markings: White red 00E55 04E53
and external) background letters
22 Skid mounted packages To conform to the colour schedule listed above.
(including all equipment

Notes: (1) ‘Safe working load’ to be plainly marked on all lifting tackle and machinery.
(2) Cranes must be provided with a clearly painted radius-load indicator.

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Addendum H – NNS Assets: Finish Colour Schemes

Item Colour RAL Code Remarks

Structural steel. Broom yellow 1032 Including handrails, ladders,

walkway framework (bordesses)
and staircases.
Vent stacks, flare White / red bands 9010 / 3002 Width of the band to be agreed
booms and crane (approximately 4.5m).
booms etc.
Exterior of wall, Carmine red 3002
cladding and
bulkheads etc.
Internal of cladding Grey white 9002
Uncontrolled when Printed

and ceilings.
Wetted and Black 9005 Broom yellow may be used
intermittently wetted. if approved by the Technical
Closed deck areas. Dusty grey 7037

Topsides helidecks. Leaf green 6032 Helideck markings shall be

agreed with the Technical
Structural steel. Broom yellow 1032 Including handrails, ladders,
walkway framework (bordesses)
and staircases.
Vent stacks, flare White / red bands 9010 / 3002 Width of the band to be agreed
booms and crane (approximately 4.5m).
booms etc.
Exterior of wall, Carmine red 3002
cladding and
bulkheads etc.
Internal of cladding Grey white 9002
and ceilings.

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ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CNS Central North Sea
DFT Dry Film Thickness
DNV Det Norske Veritas
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Uncontrolled when Printed

FFF Flat Faced Flanges

FM Fabric Maintenance
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
ITP Inspection Test Plan
ITPI Third Party Independent Inspector
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
MCDR Material Corrosion Damage Report
MHW Mean High Water
MIO Micaceous Iron Oxide
MSDS Material Safety Datasheet
NACE North American Corrosion Engineers
NDE Non-destructive Examination
NDFT Nominal Dry Film Thickness
NNS Northern North Sea
PCB Polychlorobiphenyls
PFP Passive Fire Protection
PP Polyproylene
PQT Procedure Qualification Testing
PREN Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RAL Deutsches Institute für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnun
RFF Raised Face Flange
RH Relative Humidity
RP Recommended Practice
RTJ Rig Type Joint

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Glossary (cont’d)

SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking

SIRP Safe Isolation and Reinstatement of Plant
TAQAR TAQA Representative
TBT Tributyltin
TMS TAQA Management System
TSA Thermally Sprayed Aluminium
UHP Ultra High Pressure
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
WFT Wet Film Thickness
Uncontrolled when Printed


Abrasive Blast Cleaning The impingement of a high-kinetic-energy stream of abrasive

media on to the substrate being prepared.
Anchor / Blast Profile Contour of a blast-cleaned surface on a plane perpendicular
to the surface.
Application Application, drying and/or curing of a coating layer.

Atmospheric Zone That part of the structure 6m above LAT.

Blast Amplitude Peak height relative to bottom of an adjacent trough in a steel
surface following surface preparation (in µm).
Blast Cleanliness Surface cleanliness standard as defined by ISO 8501-1.

Blast Profile The angularity of the peaks and troughs of a blasted surface.

Coating Surface barrier applied to provide corrosion protection.

For the purpose of this specification, the term shall be used
interchangeably with ‘lining’ and shall apply to thin or thick film
non-metallic systems or metallic systems, such as galvanizing
or TSA.
Company TAQA or a wholly-owned subsidiary company or other client
organisation. The Company is the party that initiates the
project and ultimately pays for its design and construction.
The Company will generally specify the technical requirements.
The Company may also include an agent, representative or
consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of the Company.

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Glossary (cont’d)

Contractor The party which carries out all or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning
or management of a project or operation of a facility.
The Company may undertake all or part of the duties
of the Contractor.
Conventional Coating Liquid coatings applied by airless spray, conventional spray,
brush or roller. Does not include thermally sprayed coatings
or powder coatings.
Dew Point The temperature of a given air or water-vapour mixture,
at which, under atmospheric pressure and condensation starts.
Dry Film Thickness The thickness, in microns, of a coating remaining on the
Uncontrolled when Printed

surface when the coating has been dried and/or cured.

Fabric Maintenance Maintenance of paint work, insulation and passive fire proofing.

High Pressure Service Service environments above ASME Class 1500 flange rating
Environments including, but not limited to, systems designed in accordance
with ASME Section VIII-3, ASME HPS-2003 and ASME B31.3
Appendix X.
Hot-dip Galvanizing Formation of a coating of zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys produced
by dipping prepared steel in molten metallic zinc.
Manufacturer / Supplier The party which manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.

Material Safety Details the health and safety aspects of a coating product
Datasheet or thinner.
Mohs Hardness scale (and unit on scale) developed by
Friedrick Mohs.
Nominal Dry Dry film thickness specified for each coat or the complete
Film Thickness coating system.
Offshore Facilities installed in open sea including coastal waters.

Pore Pinhole or very small size defect in a coating system,

penetrating the entire thickness of the coating.
Pot Life The time interval, after mixing of paint or coating materials,
during which the mixture can be applied without difficulty or
loss of final coating quality.
Shelf Life The time interval an unopened container of coating can safely
be stored without suffering degradation.
Splash Zone El -3m with respect to LAT up to El +8m with respect to LAT.

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Glossary (cont’d)

Submerged Zone Below El -3m.

Substrate The surface to be coated.

Technical Datasheet Datasheet detailing the properties of coating materials and the
requirements for their application.
Thinner Volatile liquid solvent added to adjust the viscosity of
the coating.
Uncontrolled when Printed

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(1) Fabric Maintenance Process (TUK-15-B-006).

(2) TMS Document Deviation Procedure (TUK-07-C-003).
(3) TAQA’s Safety Rules (TUK-01-B-001).
(4) Audit Procedure (TUK-20-C-002)
(5) Control of Work Procedure (TUK-17-C-004).
(6) Safe Isolation and Reinstatement of Plant (SIRP) Procedure (TUK-17-C-004).
(7) Standard for Management of Temporary Repair of Process and Utility System
(8) Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys – Chemical Composition, ISO 209.
(9) Paints and Varnishes – Cross Cut Test, ISO 2409.
(10) Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Dry Film Thickness, ISO 2808.
Uncontrolled when Printed

(11) Hot-dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles – Specifications
and Test Methods, ISO 1461:2009.
(12) Paints and Varnishes – Pull Off Test for Adhesion, BS EN ISO 4624.
(13) Paints and Varnishes – Evaluation of Degradation of Coatings, ISO 4628.
(14) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness, ISO 8501.
(15) Preparation of Steel Substrate Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Test for The Assessment of Surface Cleanliness, ISO 8502.
(16) Preparation of Steel Substrate Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Surface Roughness Characteristics of Blast Cleaned Steel Substrates, ISO 8503.
(17) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Surface Preparation Methods, ISO 8504.
(18) Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001.
(19) Fasteners – Hot-dip Galvanized Coatings, ISO 10684:2004.
(20) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Specifications for Metallic blast-cleaning Abrasives, ISO 11124.
(21) Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products.
Specifications for Metallic Blast Cleaning Abrasives. High-Carbon Cast Steel Shot
or Grit, BS EN ISO 11124-3.
(22) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Test Methods for Metallic Blast-cleaning Abrasives – Part 2: Determination of Particle
Size Distribution, ISO 11125.
(23) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Specifications for Non-metallic Blast-cleaning Abrasives, ISO 11126.
(24) Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products –
Test Methods for Non-metallic Blast-cleaning Abrasives, ISO 11127.
(25) Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Protective Paint Systems,
BS EN ISO 12944.
(26) Thermal Spraying – Approval Testing of Thermal Sprayers, ISO 14918.
(27) Paints and Varnishes – Performance Requirements for Protective Paint Systems
for Offshore and Related Structures, ISO 20340: 2003.

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TAQA UK Protective Coating Standard

References (cont’d)

(28) Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Materials selection

and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems, ISO 21457:2010.
(29) Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings, RP0188.
(30) Coatings and Linings Over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment
Service, RP0892.
(31) Schedule of Paint Colours for Building Purposes, BS 4800.
(32) Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts,
Equipment, and Systems, ASTM A 380.
(33) Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Immersion,
ASTM D 870.
(34) Standard Practice for Qualification of Coating Applicators for Application of Coatings
Uncontrolled when Printed

to Steel Surfaces, ASTM D 4228-05.

(35) Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air, ASTM D 4285.
(36) Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel, ASTM D 4417.
(37) Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers, ASTM D 4541.
(38) Standard Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic)
(39) Zinc-rich Primers by Solvent Rub, ASTM D 4752.
(40) Standard Practice for Conducting a Patch Test to Assess Coating Compatibility,
ASTM D 5064.
(41) Standard Practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective
Coating on Metallic Substrates, ASTM D 5162.
(42) Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement
of Wet and Dry Bulb, ASTM E 337.
(43) Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings, ASTM G 8.
(44) Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings Subjected to Elevated
Temperatures, ASTM G 42.
(45) Practice for Indicating Oil in Abrasives, ASTM WK 10071.
(46) Brush-off Blasting (SSPC-SP 7).
(47) Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal (SSPC-SP 11).
(48) Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages (SSPC-PA 2).
(49) Solvent Cleaning (SSPC-SP 1).
(50) Surface Preparation and Protective Coating, NORSOK M-501.
(51) NORSOK M-001 Materials Selection, Rev 4, 2004.
(52) Cathodic Protection Design, DNV RP B401.
(53) Bristle Blasting Surface Preparation Method for Maintenance (Coating and Wax Trials)
TNC-HSE-TN0004V3 Rev 03, June 2017.

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TAQA UK Protective Coating Standard


(1) Spot Repairs Checklist (TUK-15-017_001).

(2) Refurbishing and Replacing Coatings Checklist (TUK-15-B-017_002).
(3) Compliance Monitoring Checklist for the Protective Coating Standard
Uncontrolled when Printed

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