07 - Ajie Manggala Putra (TML) - 26in BOC - BOD Pipeline Replacement

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Optimum Solution for Designing

Pipeline with TOL Corrosion
26” BOC - BOD Pipeline Replacement
Ajie Manggala Putra - Wood Group Kenny Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia


 Project Background and Overview

 Project Requirements

 Design Criteria and Operating Parameters

 Pipe Sizing

 Materials and Coatings

 TOL Corrosion Prediction

 Integrity Management

 Conclusion

NYSE : TLM | TSX : TLM 1 www.talisman-energy.com


Background and Overview - Pipeline Overview

 5.1km BOC to BOD 26” Wet Gas Pipeline in Northern field of PM3CAA.

 Commissioned in October 2008, with design life of 20 years.

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Background and Overview - Key Event Timeline

 Aggressive pipeline corrosion identified in 5 years

since commissioning.
 First 2 inspection revealed no significant indication
 Defects identified to date suggest up to 76% wall loss
(verified as max of 46% WT loss).
 Corrosion areas localized to top of pipe.
 Pipeline will not meet its design life, replacement

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Project Requirements

TOL corrosion • TOL corrosion mitigation by design

Philosophy • Reduce dependency on operational mitigation

Existing • Bends and mid-line spool preventing use 26” pipeline as a carrier pipe for
internal lining / Reinforced Thermo Plastic Pipe solution
System • Space restrictions at BOC preventing topsides modification for inclusion of
Design dehydration and/or cooling systems

• Limited regional experience with supply and installation CRA pipeline

Materials • Partners/Regulators not in favor of using CRA pipe, due to previous
experience within the region

• BOC Bottom riser to BOD Bottom riser

• Maintain existing riser

Design a replacement carbon steel subsea pipeline with corrosion

protection against the BOC flow conditions with a design life of 20 years
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Design Criteria and Operating Parameters


Service - Wet Gas (Sweet Service)
Water Depth m 54-58
Design Pressure barg 60.7
Design Temperature °C 128.0
Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure barg 55.1
Operating Temperature (Inlet) °C 90
CO2 Content % mole 40
Acetic Acid ppm 250
Design Life years 20
Corrosion Allowance mm 10.0

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Pipeline Sizing

• Flow assurance effects

o Lower liquid hold-up/content due to higher gas
flowrate sweeping liquids.
o Reduced slugging effect at BOD due to less liquid
Replacement o No significant difference in pressure drop (~1bar) at
pipeline flowing conditions.
specified as 24” o No significant difference in BOD arrival temperature.
rather than 26”
• Additional implications
o Greater availability of materials
o Greater capabilities and availability of inspection

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Material and Coating - Wall Thickness Selection

• WT between 25.4 mm - 31.8 mm was considered

• 25.4mm wall thickness provides minimum corrosion

allowance of 16.86mm (ASME B31.8) up to 20.32mm
Carbon Steel ; (ASME B31G)
API 5L X65 • Optimum thickness for Inspection capabilities
25.4 mm Wall
Thickness • Higher wall thickness than 25.4mm would introduce
additional challenges
o Inspection tooling capabilities limited to 25.4mm for
accurate monitoring of pipeline wall loss
o Excessive time durations when welding during
offshore installation
o Requirement for PWHT above 31.75 mm (1.25”) WT

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Material and Coating - Thermal Insulation

Optimum Insulation Requirements

Need for Thermal Insulation
• 250 ppm of Acetic Acid, Target water
condensation rate < 0.025 g/m2s

• Heat insulation coating with U value of less

than 1.5 W/m2K is required

• However this U value is not readily achievable

or economic using available insulation
To reduce the water materials and application techniques
condensation rate, hence
lowering TOL corrosion rate • Coating system designed to reduce U value to
as close to 1.5 W/m2K as possible for the
given pipeline conditions and design life

Decision was made to select the readily proven system to avoid quality issue

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Material and Coating - System Configuration

 Pipeline Coating System Design:
 75 mm Multi Layer Polypropylene (MLPP)
 50 – 75 mm concrete weight coating (for on-bottom stability)
 Injection Mould Polypropylene (IMPP) at FJC and Bends
 Pre-Cast Flange insulation to provide heat insulation at the flange connections

 Achieved U - Value:
 U value of 2.5 W/m2K at pipe body
 U value of 3.2 W/m2K at field joint and bends

 Proven track record available for materials, application and installation

Target U value of 1.5 W/m2K not achieved, however will significantly reduce
condensation rates when compared to the existing pipeline (U value of 16.9 W/m2K)

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TOL Corrosion Prediction - Water Condensation Rate

Future 24” Insulated Line Existing 26” Line

Selected Heat Insulation System Provides a Significantly Lower WCR

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TOL Corrosion Prediction - Corrosion Rate and Wall Loss

 Prediction made with available 15 years of production data forecast.

 Wall loss upto 14 mm is expected.
 TOL Corrosion mitigation still required to control the TOL corrosion rate further to
ensure pipeline meet design life / for future life extension.

Less stringent TOL corrosion mitigation as compared to the previous requirement

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Integrity Management Requirement

Comprehensive pipeline integrity

management program

Corrosion Pipeline
Inspection Routine Monitoring
Mitigation Maintenance

• 1st IP 1 year after

• Existing BOL put in operation
• Corrosion
corrosion • Routine intelligent
monitoring to
Mitigation pigging with
monitor inhibitor • Subsea IMR for
• TOL corrosion frequency based
efficiency insulation integrity
mitigation to be set on preceding
• Water analysis to maintenance /
up, in line with the results (max 5
monitor residual repair campaign.
result of the TOL years)
CI, pH, Fe
corrosion • 2 x yearly ROV
counting etc
prediction survey to verify
coating integrity

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• Considering the TOL corrosion in this pipeline:

– Duplex / CRA clad line is recommended as the main option.
– Is not feasible due to limited regional Contractor experience.
• 24” OD x 25.4 mm Carbon Steel with 75 mm MLPP Heat Insulation
provides optimum solution.
– Install-ability and proven track record.
– Inspect-ability.
– Provides sufficient CA.
– Significantly lower WCR, hence lower TOL Corrosion rate.
– TOL corrosion mitigation by design, lower dependency to operational
• A comprehensive integrity management ensures the pipeline meet its
design life.

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End of Presentation


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