Chapter 4 and 5

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Chapter 4



The purpose of this chapter is to present, analyze, and

interpret the data that aims to answer the problems

presented in this study. The purpose of this study is to

determine the causes of poor academic performance of Grade 7

Learners in Perpetual Help National High School. The

different sections present the results of the investigation

conducted by the researchers. The study answered five

questions, namely:

1. What is the Socio-demographic profile of the Grade

Seven students?

2. What are the causes of poor academic performance of

Grade Seven students of PHNHS?

3. What kind of involvement does the parents of the Grade

Seven students provide along education, guidance and

counseling, and financial support?

4. What are the current laws protecting Junior high School

students from excessive use of social media?

5. What pointers can be formulated by the social workers

to the parents in order to improve their child’s

academic performance?



1. Socio-Demographic Profile

The following characteristics of the Grade Seven

students provided basic information of the respondents.

Age of the Grade Seven Students under four sections

Sections 12 years old 13 years old Total

NO. Percentage NO. Percentage NO. Percentage

Special 6 15% 4 10% 10 25%

program in
Special 5 12.5% 5 12.5% 10 25%
Sampaguita 5 12.5% 5 12.5% 10 25%

Rose 6 15% 4 10% 10 25%

Total 22 55% 18 45% 40 100%

Table 1. Refers to the age of the respondents under four

sections. The age bracket was twelve years old (12) and

Thirteen years old (13). Twelve years old has the highest

total of the respondents with 22 students or 55% in total

while the Thirteen years old has the total of eighteen

students (18) or 45%

The study found out that most of the respondents are Twelve

years old which means that the parents are mostly aware of

the age requirement of the DepEd as supported by the

Philippine Education System that the age qualification of a

Grade 7 student in the country.

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose


FIGURE 4. Age Of The Grade Seven Students Under Four

Gender of the Grade Seven Students Under Four Sections

Male Female Total


NO. % NO. % NO. %

SPJ 3 7.5% 7 17.5% 10 25%

SSC 1 2.5% 9 22.5% 10 25%

Sampaguita 8 20% 2 5% 10 25%

Rose 3 7.5% 7 17.5 10 25%

Total 15 37.5% 25 62.5% 40 100%

Table 2. showed that from the four sections of the

respondents fifteen (15) or 37.5 of the respondents are

males and the twenty-five (25) or 62.5 are females.

Among the number of respondents per section it was

noted that section sampaguita has the greatest number

of males with eight (8) or 20% while SSC section has

the greatest number of females nine (9) or 22.5%.

According to an article of the Gender Gap: Philippines

Education, it states that female students show more

active participation in the school activities rather

than the male students. In continuing education from

among the Junior high school, the table also showed

that the female gender is most aggressive in terms of

education. However, according to the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO), it states that under Education and Gender

Equality Male and Female students must have equal
functions and must have the same rights to a more
safer and secured learning environments despite of
their gender differences.

Frequency Count

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose
Sections of the Respondents
Male Female
FIGURE 5. Gender of the Grade Seven Students
under four sections



Table 3 and Figure 6 will show the percentage means of

the respondent’s assessment on the causes of poor academic

performance. Based on the table, thirteen (13) respondents

or 32.5% answer that lack of concentration at school”, while

the 13 other or 32.5% answer that procrastination affected

their learning’s at school, fourteen or 35% of the

respondents answered that excessive use of the social media

affected them when it comes to doing their homework.

However, no result was found on the increase of absenteeism,

meaning to say that there is no absenteeism that causes poor

academic performance on the part of the respondents.

Based from the results it revealed that the top two

result of the causes of poor academic performance of the

student were the lack of concentration and procrastination.

The results showed that these 2 main causes of having poor

academic performance of the students are attributed to the

aforementioned indicators. According to the study of (Bo Wu

2019) students with poor academic performance have five

significant characteristics first is the low enthusiasm for

learning, second is, lack of motivation for learning, Third


Causes Of Poor Academic Performance Of Grade Seven Students

Indicators Sections Total

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose

No % No % No. % No % No %

Lack of 2 5% 1 2.5% 4 10% 6 15% 13 32.5 2

concentration in
Procrastination 2 5% 3 7.5% 5 3% 3 7.5% 13 32.5 2

Excessive use of 6 15% 6 15% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 14 35% 1

social media

Increase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 10 25 10 25% 10 25% 10 25% 40 100%

lack of interest in learning, next is willingness to learn,

and lastly has a poor learning mentality. And, setting aside

the work to be done at the moment to another day. These

factors have to be known to the parents so that, they can

follow up the reasons why their children or the learners are

behaving such.

Parents also have to see to it that the assignments of

their children are properly attended upon by them or their

brothers or sisters who are seniors than them. Likewise, the

discipline on the use of the cell phone should be properly

observed inside the household. There should be a rule that

must be obeyed by the learners. In which case, the causes of

poor academic performance will be minimized.

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose

FIGURE 6. The Causes of Poor Academic

Performance of Grade Seven Students of PHNHS

This part of the study aimed to determine how the students

perceived their parents’ support for their education,

guidance and counselling and financial needs.


Parents Involvement to The Needs of The Grade Seven


Indicators Sections Total Rank

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose

No % No % No. % N % No %

Yes 8 20% 10 25 9 22.5 9 22. 36 90% 1

% % 5

No 2 5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 5% 2

Sometimes 0 0% 0 0% 1 2.5% 1 2.5 2 5% 2

Never 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3

Total 40 100
Table 4 and Figure 7 will show the percentage mean on

how the parents support their children’s educational needs.

Based on the table Thirty-six (36) out 40 respondents or 90%

answered Yes their parents and guardians are providing their

education, and out of 40 respondents only two (2) or 5%

answered No they are not provided with their education and

another Two (2) or 5% respondents answered that sometimes

they are provided but no one answered never.



Frequency Count

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose

Yes NO Sometimes Never

FIGURE 7. Parents Involvement to The

Needs Of The Grade Seven Students
Based from the result it revealed that 90% of the parents

are still willing to provide the basic needs for their

education of their child which helps to reduce the students

feeling or being neglected instead a feeling of a well-

motivated individual.


Awareness To the Laws That Protect the Students From

Excessive Use Of Social Media

Indicators Sections Total Rank

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose

No % No % No % No % No %

. . . .

Yes 8 20% 8 20 5 12.5 3 7.5% 24 60% 1

% %

NO 2 5% 2 5% 5 12.5 7 17.5 16 40% 2

Total: 40 100

The teacher should make home visits to their students

particularly to give awareness about the discipline and

utilization of social media applications. Table 5 and figure

8 shows the assessment of the students about the Teacher’s

regular home visit and giving proper orientation and

awareness of the discipline regarding the use of gadgets

particularly how it affects their health. Based from the

data collected Twenty-five (25) or 62% of the respondents

answered that teachers should visit them at home, while the

other Two (2) or 5% of the respondents answered that

teachers should not visit them because it is just a waste of

time, Thirteen (13) or 33% of the respondents that teachers

should visit them so that they will have a chance to explain

why there is a need to utilize social media applications

like messenger or you tube as an aid to their performance

tasks like reporting, assignments and other academic

activities. Overall, 95% of the students wants to be visited

at home by their teachers.

Based on the findings of the research study on the poor

academic performance of Grade 7 students at Perpetual Help

National High School in Iriga City, it is recommended to

implement home visits as an intervention strategy to address

the identified issues and improve students' academic

performance. Home visits involve educators or school

personnel visiting students' homes to establish a connection

with their families and provide support in an environment

familiar to the students. This recommendation is supported

by research that highlights the positive impact of home

visits on student outcomes, particularly for students facing

academic challenges.

1. Establishing Rapport and Building Relationships: Home

visits offer an opportunity for teachers and school

personnel to establish rapport and build relationships

with both students and their families. By visiting

students' homes, educators can gain insights into their

home environment, cultural context, and personal

circumstances, enabling them to develop a deeper

understanding of students' needs and challenges.

Building strong relationships with families can foster

a supportive partnership between home and school,

leading to improved academic outcomes.

2. Individualized Support and Tailored Interventions: Home

visits allow educators to gain a holistic view of

students' lives outside of school. This understanding

helps in identifying specific challenges and barriers

that may contribute to poor academic performance.

Through home visits, educators can provide

individualized support and tailor interventions to meet

the unique needs of each student. This may include

personalized study plans, academic coaching, guidance

on time management, and assistance in accessing

additional educational resources.

3. Parental Involvement and Engagement: Home visits

provide an opportunity to actively involve parents or

guardians in their child's education. Educators can

engage parents in discussions about their child's

progress, academic goals, and strategies for

improvement. Through open and regular communication,

parents can be empowered to actively support their

child's learning at home. This partnership between

parents and educators can create a positive and

supportive learning environment, reinforcing the

importance of education and motivating students to

perform better academically.

4. Addressing Socio-emotional Factors: Home visits enable

educators to identify socio-emotional factors that may

affect students' academic performance, such as stress,

emotional well-being, or conflicts within the family.

By engaging in conversations with students and their

families, educators can provide guidance, counseling,

or referrals to appropriate support services to address

these socio-emotional challenges. Supporting students'

socio-emotional well-being can positively impact their

ability to focus, engage in learning, and improve their

academic performance.

5. Monitoring Progress and Providing Continuous Support:

Home visits should not be one-time events but rather

part of an ongoing support system. Regular follow-up

visits can be conducted to monitor students' progress,

provide additional academic assistance, and offer

guidance as needed. This continuous support helps

ensure that interventions are effectively implemented

and adjusted if necessary, leading to sustained

improvement in academic performance.

SPJ SSC Sampaguita Rose


FIGURE 8. Awareness To The Laws That

Protect The Students From Excessive Use Of
Social Media
Chapter 5


This chapter presents a brief summary of the study, its

findings, conclusions and recommendations. This study

determined poor academic Performance of Grade 7 students of

Perpetual Help National High School.

Problem No. 1: The Socio-Demographic profile of the grade

seven students of the Perpetual Help National High School


Findings: The findings derived from this study were as


1. Profile of the respondents:

1.1. Age. In connection to the age of the respondents,

the age bracket was twelve years old (12) and

Thirteen years old (13). Twelve years old has the

highest total of respondents with 22 students or

55% in total while the Thirteen years old has the

total of eighteen students (18) or 45%.

1.2. Gender. Fifteen (15) or 37.5 of the respondents

are males and twenty-five (25) or 62.5 are

females. According to the number of respondents

per sections it was noted that sampaguita has the

greatest number of males with eight (8) or 20%

while SSC sections have the greatest number of

females nine (9) or 22.5%.

PROBLEM NO. 2: The Causes of Poor Academic Performance Of

Grade 7 Students Of PHNHS

I. Findings: Based from the results it revealed that

the top two results of the causes of poor academic

performance of the student were the lack of

concentration and procrastination. The results

showed that these 2 factors are the main cause of

poor academic performance of the students.

II. Conclusions: Proper motivation and positive attitude

are needed to be developed from among the junior

high school students in order to increase their

academic performance.
PROBLEM NO. 3: The Perception of The Students About Their

Parents Involvement In Their Academic Performance

I. Findings: Perception of the students to parents’

involvement and support to the academic performance

of Grade 7 learners in Perpetual Help National High

School. Parents or guardians of the students give

adequate care and support in terms of providing

their education, guidance and counseling and

financial support. Thirty-six (36) out 40

respondents or 90% answered Yes, their parents and

guardians are providing their needs, and out of 40

respondents only two (2) or 5% answered No they are

not provided with their needs and another Two (2) or

5% respondents answered that sometimes they are

provided but no one answered Never.

II. Conclusions: The support of the parents and other

members of the family is strong to be able to

sustain the interest of the students in their

PROBLEM NO. 4: The Current Laws Protecting The Junior High

School From Excessive Use Of The Social Media

I. Findings: Twenty-four (24) or 60% or the respondents

answered YES, they are aware of the laws that

protects them from excessive use of the social

media, the different cybercrimes while Sixteen (16)

or 40% of the respondents is not aware of the laws.

Teacher should visit the student’s home to find out

what are the tools students are using that will help

them in their assignments and other academic tasks,

thus improving their academic performance. Twenty-

five (25) or 62% of the respondents answered that

teachers should visit them at home to give awareness

about the discipline and utilization of social media

applications, while the other Two (2) or 5% of the

respondents answered that teachers should not visit

them because it is just a waste of time, Thirteen

(13) or 33% of the respondents that teachers should

visit them so that they will have a chance to be

aware of the different laws and cybercrime.

II. Conclusions: Regular reminders about the laws

governing the utilization of the social media

applications and the violation of the truancy law is

practiced by the teachers during home visitation.

This will also provide more awareness of the parents

regarding the benefits and the disadvantages of the

utilization of the gadgets and the applications.


Based on the data analysis conducted in this study, the

following conclusions can be drawn:

I. Demographic Profile: The majority of Grade 7

students in the study sample were female, indicating

a higher representation of female students in this

grade level. Additionally, most students in Grade 7

were 12 years old, suggesting that this age group

comprises the majority of the student population.

These findings provide insight into the gender

distribution and age composition of Grade 7 students

in the studied context.

II. Perception of Neglect: The data analysis revealed

that Grade 7 students rated all the positive effects

of neglect from each question with a high

percentage. This indicates that the students

perceived neglect to have a significant impact on

various aspects of their lives. The high percentage

of positive ratings suggests that neglect may have

adverse effects on students' well-being, academic

performance, and overall development.

These findings emphasize the need for further investigation

and intervention to address the perceived neglect

experienced by Grade 7 students. It is crucial to identify

the specific areas in which neglect is having the most

significant impact and develop targeted interventions to

mitigate its effects. This may include implementing programs

and support services that focus on improving the students'

emotional well-being, providing resources and guidance to

address academic challenges, and promoting a supportive and

nurturing environment within the school and community.

Furthermore, it is important to involve various

stakeholders, including teachers, parents, school

administrators, and social workers, in addressing the issue

of neglect and its impact on Grade 7 students. Collaborative

efforts are necessary to create a comprehensive and multi-

faceted approach that addresses the student’s needs and

promotes their holistic development.

These conclusions provide valuable insights for educators,

policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders to develop

targeted interventions that support the well-being and

academic success of Grade 7 students, ultimately creating a

conducive learning environment for their overall growth and



The researchers recognize the importance of addressing

the underlying social, emotional, and environmental factors

that contribute to poor academic performance among students.

Based on my knowledge and understanding of social work

principles and practices, I would like to offer the

following recommendations to support students experiencing

academic challenges:

1. Individualized Support: Each student has unique

strengths, needs, and circumstances that influence

their academic performance. It is crucial to provide

individualized support tailored to their specific

needs. Social workers can collaborate with teachers,

school counselors, and families to conduct

comprehensive assessments and develop personalized

intervention plans. This may involve identifying and

addressing barriers such as learning disabilities,

mental health issues, family stressors, or

socioeconomic challenges.

2. Counseling and Emotional Support: Emotional well-being

significantly impacts academic performance. Social

workers can offer counseling services to students,

providing a safe space to address emotional concerns,

stressors, and self-esteem issues that may hinder their

learning. Utilizing evidence-based therapeutic

techniques and interventions, social workers can help

students develop coping strategies, resilience, and

emotional regulation skills to enhance their academic


3. Family Engagement and Support: Engaging families is

essential in addressing academic challenges. Social

workers can collaborate with parents or guardians to

understand the family dynamics, identify potential

barriers, and develop strategies to support their

child's education. This may involve conducting home

visits, facilitating parent workshops on effective

parenting and academic involvement, and connecting

families to community resources for additional support.

4. Advocacy for Resources and Services: Social workers can

advocate for resources and services within the school

and community to address the needs of students with

poor academic performance. This may include advocating

for additional educational support programs, after-

school tutoring, mentoring initiatives, and access to

extracurricular activities that promote holistic

development and motivation.

5. Collaboration with School Personnel: Collaborating with

teachers, school counselors, and other relevant school

staff is crucial to support students' academic

progress. Social workers can work in tandem with the

school team to develop and implement intervention

plans, share relevant information, provide ongoing

support, and coordinate referrals to external agencies

or professionals as needed.

6. Strengths-based Approach: It is important to adopt a

strengths-based approach that recognizes and builds

upon students' existing capabilities and resources.

Social workers can facilitate strengths-based

assessments to identify students' strengths, talents,

and interests. By incorporating these strengths into

their academic journey, students can experience

increased motivation, self-efficacy, and overall well-


7. Collaborative Partnerships: Social workers should

establish collaborative partnerships with community

organizations, social service agencies, and local

stakeholders. These partnerships can provide additional

resources, mentorship opportunities, vocational

guidance, and support networks for students facing

academic challenges.

8. Continuous Evaluation and Monitoring: Regular

evaluation and monitoring of intervention strategies

are essential to ensure their effectiveness. Social

workers can collaborate with the school team to collect

and analyze data, assess the impact of interventions,

and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.

By implementing these recommendations, social work

professionals can contribute to improving the academic

performance of students facing challenges. It is essential

to adopt a holistic and person-centered approach,

recognizing that academic success is influenced by various

interconnected factors. Social workers play a vital role in

supporting students, families, and school communities to

create an environment that fosters academic achievement,

personal growth, and overall well-being.

Recommendation for the Future Researchers

Based on the findings and conclusions of this study on the

impact of neglect on Grade 7 students, several

recommendations for future research are suggested to further

deepen our understanding of this issue and develop effective

interventions. These recommendations include:

1. Longitudinal Studies: Conducting longitudinal studies

that follow Grade 7 students over an extended period

can provide valuable insights into the long-term

effects of neglect on their academic performance and

overall well-being. Examining how these effects

manifest and change over time can contribute to the

development of targeted interventions that address the

evolving needs of students.

2. Qualitative Research: Complementing the quantitative

findings with qualitative research methods such as

interviews, focus groups, or case studies can offer a

more nuanced understanding of the experiences and

perspectives of Grade 7 students regarding neglect.

Qualitative research can provide rich data on the

specific factors contributing to neglect, the

mechanisms through which it affects students, and

potential protective factors that mitigate its impact.

3. Comparative Studies: Conducting comparative studies

across different schools or regions can provide

insights into the variations in the prevalence and

impact of neglect on Grade 7 students. Comparing

students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds,

cultural contexts, or educational systems can help

identify contextual factors that may influence the

manifestation of neglect and its effects on academic


4. Intervention Studies: Designing and implementing

intervention studies that target the effects of neglect

on Grade 7 students can contribute to the development

of evidence-based interventions. Evaluating the

effectiveness of various intervention strategies, such

as counseling programs, parental involvement

initiatives, or school-wide interventions, can provide

insights into the most effective approaches to mitigate

the negative impact of neglect on students' academic

performance and well-being.

5. Multi-disciplinary Approaches: Collaborating with

professionals from various disciplines, such as social

work, psychology, education, and public health, can

provide a comprehensive understanding of neglect and

its implications for Grade 7 students. Adopting multi-

disciplinary approaches can lead to holistic

interventions that address the socio-emotional,

educational, and environmental aspects of neglect.

6. Impact of COVID-19: Investigating the specific impact

of the COVID-19 pandemic on neglect and its

consequences for Grade 7 students is crucial. Exploring

the unique challenges posed by remote learning, social

isolation, and disrupted support systems can inform the

development of targeted interventions to address the

pandemic's effects on academic performance and overall


7. Policy and Program Evaluation: Evaluating existing

policies and programs aimed at addressing neglect and

improving the academic performance of Grade 7 students

can provide insights into their effectiveness.

Assessing the implementation fidelity, impact, and

scalability of such initiatives can guide policymakers

and practitioners in refining and enhancing existing

interventions or designing new ones.

By undertaking these recommended future research endeavors,

we can expand our knowledge on neglect among Grade 7

students and contribute to the development of evidence-based

interventions and policies that effectively support their

academic success, well-being, and overall development.

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