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Class : XI

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Class : XI


Prepared by

Govt. HSS, Elimullumplackal
Govt. HSS, Konni
Govt. HSS, Thottakonam
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 His First Flight - Liam O’Flaherty

 I will Fly - Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
 Quest for a Theory of Everything - kitty Gail Ferguson
 If (Poem) - Rudyard Kipling


 And then Gandhi Came - Jawaharlal Nehru

 The Price of Flowers - Prabhat Kumar
 Death the leveller (Poem) - James Shirley


 Sunrise on the Hills (Poem) - H.W.Longfellow

 The Trip of Le Horla - Guy de Maupassant
 The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu - A Fijian Legend


 Disasters and Disaster

Management in India - Anjana Majumdar
 The Serang of Ranaganji - Dr.A.J.Cronin
 The Wreck of the Titanic (Poem) - Benjamin Peck Keith


 Gooseberries - Anton Chekhov

 To Sleep (Poem) - William Wordsworth
 Going out for a Walk - Max Beerbohm


 The Cyberspace - Esther Dyson

 Is Society Dead? - Andrew Sullivan
 Conceptual Fruit - Thaisa Frank

Prepared by
Asharaf sha C.M Jaya G nair Raveendra kurup.G
HSST English HSST English HSST English
Govt. HSS Konni Govt. HSS Thottakkonam Govt.HSS Elimullumplackal
9447047820 9497812767 9496849241

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His First Flight
Liam O’ Flaherty

His First Flight is an inspiring and thought-provoking story by Liam O’ Flaherty, an Irish
novelist, and short story writer. He was an ardent observer of life and strongly believed
that man has a lot to learn from nature. ‘His First flight’ depicts the need of overcoming
fears in life. Self-confidence and self-awareness are necessary for achieving any venture.
Every step we takes in our life is decisive and hence even the single step has its importance.
The story testifies the relevance of independence and the need for motivation in life to
achieve any goal. The story also testifies the role of parents, especially that of the mother,
in developing children’s inherent faculties and talents.

The young Seagull was abandoned alone on the rock by his parents, elder brothers, and
little sister. They flew away in search of food. He could not accompany them as he was
afraid to fly. He was not so confident enough to trust its wings, even though his parents
encouraged him to fly. He was starving for the last 24 hours and felt that he was going to
die out of hunger. He searched everywhere for food and even swallowed some part of the
eggshell out of which he was born and it seemed to him as if eating a part of himself. The
mother bird adopted a strategy to make the young one fly. She had picked a piece of fish
and flew across him to tempt him to fly. The mother bird approached him carrying the fish
in her beak and halted in the air within his reach. The sight of food which his mother kept
in her beak maddened him. Suddenly he dived towards the mother bird to snatch the food.
But she flew upward deserting the young one to fall downward. He became panicked and
flapped his wings as a reflex action and surprisingly he realized that he was flying. He was
born to fly and hence he had made his first flight.

The story is also symbolic that everyone needs to be independent even while staying
involved in community living.

 Do Remember

• An inspiring story written by Liam O’ Flaherty

• It depicts the importance of self-confidence and self-awareness in life.

• The story affirms the role of parents, especially that of the mother, in developing children’s
inborn talents.

• The parents left the young Seagull on the ledge to compel him to fly.

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• He was afraid to fly as it was believed that his wings were not strong enough to support
his weight.

• He searched every where for food but did not find anything edible.

• His parents, elder brothers, and sister encouraged him in all the way possible and
they failed to make him fly

• The mother bird adopted a strategy. It appeared before him holding a piece of fish in its
beak, pretending to offer him.

• When the bird tried to snatch the fish from the mother, it flew upward deserting the
Seagull to fall downward.

• He became panicked and flapped his wings and surprisingly he realized that he was
flying. Hence, he made his first flight.

• His parents, brothers and sister congratulated him and offered him dogfish as present.

 Let us answer

1. Why does the bird fail to accompany his parents and other family members in their

He could not accompany them as he was afraid to fly. He was not so confident
enough to trust his wings. Even though his parents encouraged him to fly, he could not, as
he was suspicious about his wings and thought that they would not support him. Hence,
he was not ready to make even an attempt.

2. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?

He was not so confident enough to trust its wings Even though his parents
encouraged him to fly, he was suspicious about his wings and thought that they would not
support him. Hence, he was not ready to make even an attempt.

3. How does the mother bird make the seagull fly?

4. How does the young seagull make its first flight?

5. What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?

Ans. (Q. 3,4,5) The mother bird had picked up a piece of fish and flew across him
with it to intensify his thirst and longing for food. He cried for the fish, but she screamed
back mockingly without giving him the fish. The mother bird approached him carrying the
fish in her beak and halted in the air within his reach. The sight of food maddened him.
Suddenly he dived towards the mother to snatch the food. She flew upward deserting the

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young one to fall downward. He became panicked and flapped his wings as a reflex action
and surprisingly he realized that he was flying. He was born to fly and hence he had made
his first flight.

5. Do you think the act of leaving the seagull alone on the ledge and making it starve
for an entire day is justifiable? Why?

6. What is your impression of the reaction of the parents in the story?

7. Do you think that the young seagull’s parents were cruel?

Ans. (Q. 5, 6, 7) The mother bird’s act of leaving the young seagull alone in its cage
to starve cannot be considered as an act of cruelty but a corrective measure to make the
bird fly. It also reveals the mother bird’s care and consideration for the young one.

8. Comment upon the motherly concerns as reflected in the story

The mother bird was more anxious about the young one. While the father bird was
not so bothered about the little one, the mother always kept an eye on him. She was
greatly vigilant about the bird even while staying away from him. she cooked up many
strategies to make him fly. Even though most of them failed to prompt him to fly she was
not ready to withdraw. Her final attempt was successful and it enabled the bird to fly. This
reveals the motherly affection toward the children.

9. How did the family appreciate the bird in his achievement?

The entire family was overjoyed with happiness in his achievement. His parents,
brothers, and sister approached him creating different sounds of appreciation. His mother
swooped past him. His father flew over him screaming. His brothers and sister flew around
him. The entire family assembled around him with beaks full of offerings of scraps of
dogfish for him.

10. Do you think that the bird’s parents loved him? Why?

11. Write a paragraph about the role of parents in developing the innate abilities of
children referring to the story “His First flight”.

Ans (Q. 10,11) The lack of self-awareness on the part of the Seagull resulted in his
inability. The bird was gifted with the art of flying, but it could not realize its inherent talent.
The lack of courage is also one of the major reasons for its inability to fly. The bird has to
believe its wings and should acknowledge its purpose, only then it will be able to fly. His
parents tried everything possible to make him fly. They scolded him, threatened him to
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starve on his ledge unless he flew away. But all their attempts failed as the bird could not
move. Hence, they flew away leaving him alone starving on the ledge. The parent’s decision
to leave the bird alone on the ledge and make it starved that prompted him finally to fly and
win its food. Most of us may be gifted with special talents and abilities that we are unaware
of. External as well as internal motivations are unavoidable for the development of such
talents. Here the timely intervention of the mother bird and her tactics helped the young
seagull to fly. Children tend to imitate others, especially their parents and other family
members. So they have to provide amble opportunities to flourish the potential in children.



Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, the former President of India is popularly known as the ‘missile
man of India’. Besides being a distinguished scientist, he is an admirable humanist and
statesman. His words, as well as his deeds, ignited thousands of youths all over the world
and still, he remains one of the most influential personalities even after his sudden demise
in 2015

The speech “I Will Fly” is highly inspiring, influential and instills confidence, courage, and
optimism in everyone. It is an adapted version of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s speech delivered
at at the inaugural function of a program called ‘Sasthrayaan’. After the speech, many
raised their hands to ask questions. Abdul Kalam in this lesson reiterates the relevance of
a question asked by a teenager. The boy expressed his fear to talk to his teachers and
friends. He admitted that he had not yet asked any questions in his class. The boy wanted
to become a marine engineer. He asked Dr. Kalam whether he would be able to achieve
his dream. Dr. Kalam was completely surprised. He appreciated the boy for asking that
question. Instead of answering the boy, he recited a beautiful poem named “I Will Fly”.
Kalam urged the students to think about the blessings they are already endowed with. He
asked them to fly using their wings of goodness, trust, potentialities, greatness, and
confidence. He also exhorts the youth to be unique in all respects. Being unique in this
world is the only way to become great. He reminds them that it is not easy to become
unique and hence exhorts them to fight the hardest battle to reach the destined place of
 Do Remember
• Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the former president of India, is popularly known as the
‘Missile man of India’

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• ‘I Will Fly’ is a highly inspiring and motivational speech delivered by Dr. Kalam on
the topic ‘I am born with wings’
• He declares that the youth need not fear as the ignited mind of the youth is the
most powerful resource.
• In his speech he recollects his experience of attending the programme ‘Sasthrayaan’,
which means the ‘the propagation of science’
• He shares one question of great importance asked by a student after his speech
• The boy was from a remote village and very nervous.
• He asked Dr. Kalam how could he achieve his dream of becoming a marine engineer.
• Instead of giving him an answer Dr. Kalam recited a thought-provoking poem named
‘I will Fly’
• The poem urges everyone to pursue their dreams with vigor as all are born with
greatness and confidence.
• We are born with wings and hence no need to crawl on the earth.
• Dr. Kalam exhorts the youth to wage the hardest battle to become unique in all
1. What was the mission of Sasthrayaan?
The mission of Sasthrayaan was to prepare about two thousand students from
different schools to make them eligible to become engineers, scientists, doctors, and civil
servants. Kalam’s inaugural address was on the topic “Science Empowers the Nation”.

2. Why did Dr. Kalam value the boy’s question?

He appreciated the boy for asking that question. He valued the question as it reflected
his fears and anxieties and that of many like him.

3. Elaborate the idea in the lines given below

I am born with potential.

I am born with goodness and trust.
I am born with ideas and dreams.
I am born with greatness.
I am born with wings,
So, I am not meant for crawling,
I have wings, I will fly
I will fly.

Ans. The poem was highly thought-provoking and inspiring. It declares that every
people are born with potential. All are gifted with goodness, trust, ideas, and potentialities

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to dream and the ability to make them real. The only thing we have to do is to find out
one’s innate talents and capacities and do the needed to develop them. Nobody is born to
crawl as we are gifted with wings to explore the sky of opportunities. So, one has to aspire
always for the maximum.
4. How does Dr, Kalam urge the students to be unique?
Dr. Kalam also exhorts the youth to be unique in all respects. Being unique in this
world is the only way to become great. But it is not an easy task. We have to fight the
hardest battle to reach the destined place of uniqueness. He encourages all of them to be
unique by fighting the hardest battle in life. Realizing the innate abilities which one possess
is the most effective way to become unique. We have to face our life with courage and
confidence. If we positively take everything, we can win any tough competitions and emerge
Motivational Speech
While writing a motivational speech we should keep the following points in our mind

• You should be clear about the message you are going to present
(Eg. The message Dr. Kalam presents in his speech: - Everyone is born with
certain potentials and we have to do everything possible to develop them)
• Should concentrate only on one central theme.
Eg. The youths do not need to be afraid about their future as they are gifted with an
“ignited mind”. (I Will Fly)
• Don’t focus on multiple topics. (Dr. Kalam concentrates on the single topic ‘How
can one be unique.)
• Start with a report (the opening line should be impressive) (Dr. Kalam opens his
speech with an inspiring poem.). you can begin with relevant quotes, riddles, poems,
or show any picture or short videos, etc. that are relevant to the topic.
• Try to present any personal experience (The entire speech I Will Fly” centered
around Dr. Kalam’s personal experience of attending the programme Sastrayaan)
• Always keep the audience in your mind. (Dr. kalam always try to interact with the
audience by asking questions and responding to their doubts)
• Conclude with a fascinating thought. (I will fly” ends with compelling ideas which
make men unique)

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Kitty Gail Ferguson

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England to Frank and Isabel
Hawking. At an early age, Hawking showed a passion for science and the sky. At age 21,
while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge, he was diagnosed with
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Despite his physical disabilities, he has done ground-
breaking work in physics and cosmology. His several books have helped to make science
accessible to everyone.

In 1959, at the age of seventeen, Hawking went to Oxford to study natural science and to
specialize in physics. Later he took a Ph.D. from Cambridge specializing in theoretical
physics. At the age of twenty-one, he contracted a rare disease, “Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis”. It was a terrible disease. There was no known cure for this. In 1965, he got
married to Jane. Jane liked his intelligent, eccentric, and rather arrogant nature. Besides
he was interesting and witty. As a student in Cambridge, Hawking used to ask unexpected
and penetrating questions to even the most distinguished scientists. His reputation as a
‘genius’, ‘another Einstein’ began in his Cambridge days.

A Brief History of Time

In 1980, he began to write a book about the universe, to make science understandable to
non-scientists. The book begins by reciting the existing theories about the cosmos from
Newton to Einstein. It discussed various questions related to quantum theory, cosmology,
time and space. Unfortunately, he had to undergo a tracheotomy operation before
completing that book, which removed his windpipe forever. After this operation, he could
not make any vocal sounds. Now he continued his work with the help of a computer
program called Equalizer. This program allowed Hawking to select words from the screen.
In 1988 he published his work, “A Brief History of Time”. This book contains several
paradoxes and unique ideas. An abridged version of the book was published in 2005
including the latest scientific development.

 Let us answer

What was Hawking’s attitude to his disability?

The life of Stephen Hawking is a riddle for us. He amazed us with his sense of determination
and mental vitality. Nothing could prevent Hawking from achieving his goals in life. He
proved to the world that nothing is impossible if we desire intensely and work hard for an

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aim. He always updated himself with the latest scientific knowledge and interfered with
social issues. He was not reluctant to declare his views on anything he thought relevant.
No physical illness made him withstand from leading a social life. Hawking always tried to
be a part and parcel of the affairs of the world better than a physically fit person can do.

 Do Remember

• A biographical account of Stephen Hawking written by, an acclaimed scientific writer

Kitty Gail Ferguson.

• On April 29, 1980, Hawkins delivered a lecture on Theoretical Physics in the

Cockcroft lecture room.

Early Childhood

• He was born to Frank and Isobel Hawking on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England.

• He attended the local Saint Alban’s school as he was ill, he could not write the
scholarship exam for the famous Westminster public school.

• Even though his parents compelled him to learn medicine Hawking desired to
become a scientist.


• Young Stephen was not a gifted or promising student.

• At fourteen, he went to Oxford to get specialize in physics.

• First half of his study at oxford was not interesting, but later he began to enjoy

• He liked classical music and science fiction and became well-accepted among his

• He joined Cambridge to do his Ph.D. in theoretical Physics.

Becomes ill

• While at Cambridge he became physically ill, had difficulty talking, and had trouble
tying his shoes.

• In 1963 at an age of 21 he was affected with a rare disease called ‘amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis.

• It destroyed his nerve cell and affected the proper function of his brain

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• At first, he became desperate and did not know what ought to do.

• As he realized the inevitability of death, Hawking decided to utilize his remaining

life to the benefit of others.

• Contrary to the doctor’s expectation Hawking survived two years and he found that
he was enjoying life in the present more than before.

Jane Wild

• He met Jane Wild at St. Alban’s at a new year party and their friendship resulted in
their marriage in 1965

• Jane was a God-fearing shy teenager. She was optimistic and believed that good
can come out of any adversity.

• She was the guiding and motivating spirit behind Hawking’s miraculous life


• In 1965 Hawking received his fellowship at Caius and established himself as a

distinguished scholar.

Tracheotomy operation

• In 1984 he was subjected to a tracheotomy operation which lost him of his ability to
speak or make a vocal sound

• He communicated to the world with help of the computer programme called the
Equalizer, developed by Walt Woltosz

‘A Brief History of Time’

• In 1988 he published his book ‘A Brief History of Time’ with the support of his
student Brian Whitt to make science understandable to non-scientists.

• A revised and updated version of the book was published in 2005.

• His life was a miracle and he ignored the difficulty in life and encouraged others to
adopt the same attitude.

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Rudyard Kipling

‘ If ’ is one of Rudyard Kipling’s most celebrated poems. He composed the poem in 1909
and published it in ‘Kipling’s Collection’ in 1910. It is a didactic poem and a discussion on
the virtues of model leadership and exemplary manhood. The poem is a father’s advice to
his son about how to act to win the respect and approval of others, and more importantly,
how to develop self-confidence and self-discipline within oneself. It serves as an instruction
in numerous traits of a good leader. The poet exhorts the boy to hold his head upright
even when the entire world blames him for their follies and foibles and he reminds him of
the need for holding truthfulness in life. He also advises his son and convinces him about
the importance of tolerance in human life. The poet urges his son to dream and warn him
of over dreaming as it destroys the peace and happiness of life., He also instructs him to
consider victory and failure the two imposters in life as the same and the two sides of the
same coin. Whenever we meet with failure or disaster, we have to keep our confidence
and should try to rebuild our dreams from the debris once again with worn-out tools. The
poet also reminds his son not to lose his basic nature and insists to keep the common
touch of humanity forever. He concludes the poem with the proclamation that if the son
can live by this advice, he will be able to attain “the Earth and everything that’s in it” and
can become a perfect human being.

1. Prepare a critical appreciation of the poem.

Discuss the following

• A brief introduction about the poem and the poet

• The central theme of the poem

• The advice was given to the son by the father on how to be a perfect and successful
human being

• Poetic form

• Poetic devices used in the poem

• Language (denser, epigrammatic, simple, symbolic, figurative, etc.)

• conclusion

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The form and structure of the poem

the structural elements like the number of stanzas, rhyme schemes, meters, number of
lines in a stanza, etc. decide the form of a poem. Poets employ different forms like the
sonnet, elegy, ode, limerick, haiku, lyric, dramatic monologue, free verse, etc. as per the
mood, theme, and purpose of the poem.

If - a lyric poem.

The lyric is a simple and subjective poem in which a single, usually personal, emotion is
expressed. Originally it was written to sing with the accompaniment of a musical instrument,
the Lyre.

The poem ‘If’ is a Lyric in all sense as the poem expresses a father’s advice to his son
about how to act to win the respect and approval of others, and more importantly, how to
develop self-confidence and self-discipline within oneself

Musical quality

The rhyme scheme used in the poem enhances its musical quality. The rhyme scheme of
the poem is ab ab cd cd for each stanza

Stanza form

The poem comprised of four stanzas of eight lines.


The poem employs Iambic Pentameter (a line consisting of five feet of two syllables in
which an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.)

Poetic devises

The poetic devices like metaphors, personification, symbolism, assonance, and rhyme
the poet used in the poem give it an elegant style and didactic implications


A comparison in which identity rather than likeness is emphasized.


“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same”

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Here the poet compares ‘triumph and disaster’ with imposters. He calls them imposters as
success and failures are temporary.

In the following lines

“If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of the pitch- and –toss”

The poet compares life with the game. It implies that you don’t have winnings in life, and
this is not a real pitch and toss. It is a metaphor for risk.

End rhyme

One of the most frequent rhymes occurs at the end of the verse lines.


If you can dream- and not make dreams your master; a

If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim, b

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster a

And treat those two imposters just the same: b

If you can bear to hear the truth you.ve spoken, c

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, d

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, c

And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools; d

The ending words of the above lines enhance the musical quality of the poem. The rhyming
words are

Master- disaster, aim- same, spoken- broken, fools- tools

Find more rhyming words in the poem



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Depiction of lifeless objects, abstract ideas, or animals as persons or giving these

things with personal features.


“If you can dream—and not make dreams your master”

here the abstract thing ‘Dream’ is personified as ‘master’, a human quality. Dreams
acting like a master is a personification of dream

“If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;”

Here ‘triumph ‘and ‘disaster ‘are qualified with human features and named as
‘impostors’ or imitators who can cheat us.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Here ‘minute’ (time) is personified by attributing the human quality forgiveness term

Identify more examples of the poetic device Personification used in the poem.




All objects, action, and ideas have their independent meaning. Some writers invest
these objects, ideas, and actions with deeper meanings. So they stand for suggested or
symbolic meanings.

In the following lines

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

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Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch”

The word Crowd symbolizes the common people and the word Kings symbolizes
important people. The term ‘Common touch’ stands for ‘meekness’

Find out more examples of Symbolism in the poem




The repetition of the same vowel sounds in words close to each other.

Eg: And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise.

Here the vowel sound /u/ is repeated in words close to each other

Identify more examples of Assonance in the poem




Exaggerated statement for the sake of emphasis or humorous effect.

Eg. “Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,”

Now prepare an appreciation of the poem considering the aspects discussed above.

 What are the qualities of a perfect man?

• Self Confidence
• Honesty
• Patience
• Emotional stability

• Perseverance

• Sympathy

• Kindness

• Tolerance

• Dedication

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• Read the passage carefully (two times)

• Recollect the important points.

• Read the passage again.

• Write down a summary of the passage (draft) without looking into the passage.

• Count the number of words and divide it by three.

• Revise the draft and give the précis a title.

• Strike off the rough draft and write the fair copy.

• Write the number of words at the end of the fair copy.

• Do not add any new point

• Do not add any comments on any point.

• No questions. Make it an answer if necessary.

While- reading thoughts for précis writing

• During the first reading, find the answer to this question:

• What message does the writer want to convey to us?

• After the second reading, ask these:

Which are examples used by the writer to prove his/her point?

Is any one of them necessary in the précis?

Is it possible to write a summary of one or two sentences or a section of

the passage?

• After writing the first draft (rough draft):

Have I left out any essential points? Check it with the given passage

Is it possible to reduce it again? Strike off the words that can be omitted

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Today there are over a 7.9 Billion people in the world. Fifty years ago, only about 4
Billion people lived in it. If the Earth’s population were eventually distributed over
its land surface there would be about 60 persons to the square mile. But the Earth
has vast areas of forest, mountains, and deserts which are almost totally uninhabited.
On the other hand, it has great cities each with millions of people living in a few
square miles, to feed the fast-growing population of our Earth scientists and planners
have to discover new ways to produce more. One possible way is to bring more
land under cultivation. This can be done only in places where there is a lot of land
not used for productive purposes. In many places, this is no longer possible because
all the available land is already cultivated. A second way is to make use of new
types of seed to produce much more. Already several new strains of paddy and
wheat have been developed in different parts of the world; India is one of the countries
where a lot of useful work has been done in the field of agricultural research.
( approx. 200 words)



During the last fifty years, the world population has increased from 4 to 7.9 Billion
people. It is unevenly distributed with millions of people living in a few big cities.
Scientists in India and abroad are, therefore, busy with agricultural research to find
out new methods of increased food production to feed them all, and they have already
developed many new strains of paddy and wheat. (70 words)

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UNIT – 2


Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru writes about the timely arrival of Gandhiji to Indian politics in
his book “The Discovery of India”. He emphasizes the dynamic leadership of Gandhi,that
realised India’s long cherished dream of Indipendence.

 Let us answer

1. Describe the conditions of the Indians before Gandhiji came to India.

2. What was the impact of the first world war?

Answer (1 & 2)

When the First World War came to an end people expected peace, relief, and
progress. But quite contrary to their expectations it brought repressive rules and martial
laws, especially in Panjab. People felt that they were being humiliated and seemed to be
helpless in the hands of some all-powerful monster. The increasing number of unemployed
people in India also intensified the misery of the people. The unending poverty and defeatism
made the condition of the people more pathetic. They were not able to find out any solace
in the existing or new dogmas and hence became more and more hopeless. There was
nobody to lead them in their struggle to confront all these issues. They were unaware of
how-to free India from the fatal clutches of age-old foreign domination.

3. What are the immediate impacts of Gandhiji’s arrival among the people of India?

The socio-political situation that prevailed in India was not promising when Gandhiji came
to India. It was at this critical juncture that Gandhiji came to India to take the lead. Mere his
presence was such solacing as it enabled the Indians to stretch themselves and take a
deep breath. His presence was like a powerful current of fresh air which enabled them to
breathe the air of freedom. His presence peeled off the darkness of ignorance and the
sense of fear from the mind of the people and prompted them to be fearless. Nehru
describes Gandhiji as a beam of light that removed the darkness from the mind of the
people, His presence was so soothing and it revitalized the poverty-stricken masses of the
nation to a large extent to fight against the suppressive rule of the colonizers. He revitalized
the people with his magical presence, inspiring words, and deeds. He exhorted the people

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to get rid of the system that produces poverty and misery and insisted them to adopt all
the ways possible to prevent the exploitation by the British. His teachings instilled
fearlessness and truth in the mind of the people.

4. Why was Gandhiji compared to a psychologist?

He acted as a Psychoanalyst for strengthening the mindset of the people. As a

Psychoanalyst, he probed deep into the mind of the people and exposed them to the
reasons for their fear and lack of confidence and hence helped them to get rid of all these
complexes. When Gandhiji took the lead of the people, gradually they became fearless
and more truthful than before. It was like a psychological change that enabled them to
stand straight. There was a psychological reaction also. People felt ashamed of being
under a foreign rule that had degraded and humiliated them and decided no longer to
submit. Here came a need in the minds of the people to throw away the foreign rule.

5. How did Gandhiji influence the people of India?

Gandhiji influenced millions of people in India in different degrees. Different people reacted
differently to this situation. Some people were ready to comprehend the change. Others
were not ready to have a total change. Gandhiji’s presence and his teachings brought
unity and harmony among the people. Several people gave up their titles. People did not
respect British titles. New values and a new way of life were implemented. Many people
adopted simpler ways and wore simple dresses.

6. What was the two-fold action Gandhiji appealed for?

One was to challenge and resist foreign rule and the other was to fight against the social
evils that prevail in India. He insisted the people to resist the British by peaceful methods.
He tried to foster national unity by addressing the issues like the minority problems, the
cause of the depressed classes and ending the curse of untouchability.

7. Describe the India of Gandhiji’s dream.

The India, Gandhiji dreamt of was appealing. He dreamed of an India in which the
poorest should have an effective involvement in making policies of the nation. Gandhi
wanted to make India a place without any class distinctions and rigid caste systems and a
place where all communities should live in perfect harmony. According to him, an ideal
India would be free from the curse of untouchability, intoxicating drinks and drugs. An
ideal place where women should be treated honorably and enjoy the same right as men.

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8. What was Gandhiji’s concept about ‘Indian culture’?

Nehru says that Gandhi was truly proud of his Hindu inheritance. He tried to give Hinduism
a kind of universal attire which included all religions. ‘Indian culture’, he wrote, ‘is neither
Hindu, Islamic, nor any other, wholly. It is a fusion of all. Gandhi also insists that we should
hold on to our tradition and culture and warns us not to be blown out by the ‘modern
thought current’. Indian culture according to Gandhi is a fusion of all.

Thus, Gandhi attracted the common people of India like a magnet. He was a link between
the past and the future. He affected a psychological revolution even among his opponents.


Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay

Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay is a renowned Bengali writer. His stories are noted for the
depiction of hopes, aspirations, joys, pains, and longing of ordinary middle-class people
with lifelike precision. ‘The price of Flowers’ is a touching story that tells the life and toils of
a thirteen-year-old girl Maggie and her mother and their relationship with Gupta, an Indian.

The story discusses numerous themes like family relations, friendship, motherly concern,
etc. The relationship between Maggie and Mr. Gupta is an example of true friendship.
Gupta considers Maggie not only as a friend but as his sister. Maggie lives with her mother
in a small but neat home in the street. She works in the shop as a typist and earns a little
money to help her mother. Her mother makes cakes to sell in the Sunday market. As her
husband died long ago, she has to manage the family with her earnings. Maggie’s brother
Frank, a soldier by profession works in India as part of the British army. Maggie and her
mother are anxious about Frank as for months they have not been receiving any letters
from him. Maggie invites Mr. Gupta to her home to look in the magical ring to know about
her brother. They believe that the ring which is brought from India has the magical power
to reveal hidden things. Gupta agrees to accompany her home and looks at the ring but
did not see anything in it. It makes them sad and Gupta apologizes to them for his inability
to see Frank in the ring. Gupta and Maggie met frequently and he used to visit her home
occasionally. He also took Maggie to the zoo once. She rode the elephant, Indian Raja’.
Like all other children, she was delighted to do it.

One day Gupta received a letter from Maggie requesting him to visit her home as her
mother was ill. Gupta visited her home and found Maggie in a pathetic condition. She was

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looking much pulled down. Her eyes were hollow and ringed. She had been not able to go
to work for a week. Gupta tried to console Maggie, drying her eyes with his handkerchief.
Maggie requested him to do a favor for her. She pleaded with him to look once again in the
ring and requested him to say that Frank is alive even though he did not see anything in
the ring. Gupta agreed to do that and he did not consider telling a lie to save the life of a
person as a great sin. Gupta gazed in the ring and lied that Frank is alive and he is well. He
convinced Mrs. Clifford that he saw Frank in the crystal and his revelation helped her to
recover from the illness.

But when he learned that Frank, Maggie’s brother died in the battle just days before his
revelation to his mother, he became ashamed to face Mrs. Cliford. Hence, he wrote a
letter to Maggie informing his return to India and bidding farewell to the family. On the day
of his return surprisingly Maggie, dressed in black visited Gupta in his house to say goodbye.
Now she appeared like a mature girl and she inquired about his journey and told him that
her brother Frank is buried at Fort Monroe near Dera- Ghazi –Khan. She requested him to
pay a visit to his tomb and wrote about it to her. She placed a shilling on the table pleading
him to buy flowers to lay it on his brother’s tomb. At first, Gupta felt like returning the
money to her, explaining that in India there is no need to purchase flowers as it grows in
profusion. But he reconsiders his decision thinking that it may deprive her of the joy this
sacrifice would give her. He accepted the money and agreed to visit her brother’s tomb as
her wish. Maggie said goodbye to him with tearful eyes. Gupta kissed her hand and bid
adieu to her with prayers. He wiped the tears from his eyes and went upstairs to pack his

 Do Remember

• Price of Flowers is a touching story written by Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay, a

well-known Bengali writer

• It tells the life and toils of a thirteen-year-old girl Magi and the brotherly affection Mr.
Gupta an Indian showed to her and her family.


The title ‘The Price of Flowers’ is very apt and relevant as it reflects the central theme of
the story. As Maggies brother Frank was buried in India, she requested Mr. Gupta to make
a visit to her brother’s tomb when he reaches India. She gave him a shilling pleading him
to buy flowers to lay on his brother’s tomb. At first, Gupta felt like returning the money to
her, explaining that in India there is no need to purchase flowers as it grows in profusion.
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But he reconsiders his decision thinking it may deprive her of the invaluable joy this sacrifice
would give her. He accepted the money and agreed to do as her wish.

Character of Maggie

• Maggie, a young girl of thirteen is the central character in the story “The Price of

• She loves her family much and works hard as a typist in a shop to support her
widowed mother.

• She is hardworking and aspires for obtaining a better job.

• She is polite and cordial and became a close friend to Mr. Gupta within a short

• She considered Mr. Gupta as her brother and she was not reluctant to share her
family issues with him.

• She is emotionally mature and can handle any critical situation with tactics.

• Like every child she desires to play in the park and ride over the elephant, Indian

• When she came to know the death of her brother in the Frontier, she accepted the
fate and consoled her mother to bear the reality

• She gave Mr. Gupta a shilling to buy flowers to place on the tomb of her brother’

• She is not only a loving daughter but also a caring and loving sister.


James Shirley

James Shirley, one of the greatest poets of the Elizabethen era is well known for
his subtle plays and inspiring poems. Most of his poems deal with the impermanence of
human life. ‘Death the Leveller’ is a highly philosophical poem about the inevitability of
death that tramples down pride and pomp. It vividly personified death as the absolute
conqueror which destroys everything except the actions of just one to in his life. It is a
funeral song that was originally included in James Shirley’s interlude. ‘The contention of
Ajax and Ulysses’ as calchas hymn at the funeral of Ajax.

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The poem opens by reminding the reader about the futility of taking pride in one’s family
tradition and social or political status. The glories of blood and that of one’s position are
mere shadows. It is not permanent. No armour can protect us from the fatal clutches of
death. Death lays his icy hands on kings and poor alike. The sceptor and the crown of the
king tremble and fall when death approaches. Everyone lies equally in the grave made of
dust with the poor peasants scythe and spade.

Men may emerge victorious in this world with their might and muscular strength.
They may reap and make a heap of enemy’s heads on the battle field and win laurels to
adorn their heads. But all the worldly victory and power are nothing before death. Even the
most courageous and mighty have to bow their heads before death. Our mighty deeds
and the glory of birth will not prevent the icy hands of death. Death is a great leveller and
it will not discriminate against anybody based on caste, creed or social status.

 Let us answer

1. ‘Only the actions of just smell sweet and blossom in the dust’ - Elaborate the ideas
in the above lines.

These lines are the most important lines in the poem “Death the leveller” written by
James Shirley. All people in this world have to die and become dust. There is no armour
against death. But the good actions of the people will remain forever.

It can survive death. So do good things for others is the clear message of these

2. “The glories of our blood and state.

Are shadows, not substantial things;

There is no armour against fate”

Elaborate the idea in the above lines.

The glory of birth and status are like shadows. They are not substantial or concrete
things. There is no way to defeat death. Death is a super leveller. It treats the rich and poor
alike. Death is inevitable to all.

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3. Do you know ?

Sceptre and crown stands for the power.

Scythe and spade stands for the working class.

scythe and spade symbolizes - Common people
Death’s purple altar - Battle feild

Victor - Victim - Triumphant and the defeated

 Why is ‘Death’ called the leveller?

Death carries off everybody alike-high and low, rich and poor, king and beggar,strong
and weak-reducing all of them to dust. Death is a super leveller.

 Figures of Speech

• Glories are shadows - Metaphor

• Actions of just smells sweet -Metaphor

• Death lays its icy hands on Kings -Personification

• Victor - Victim bleeds - Oxymoron

• Scepture and crown - Metonymy

• Scythe and spade - Metonymy

 Message of “Death the leveller”.

• Death carries off everybody alike - high and low, rich and poor with out any discrimination”
There is no armour against death. Death is a super leveller. It is inevitable to all. But the
good actions of the people will remain with fragrance forever.

7. Appreciation - “Death the leveller”.

James Shirley, one of the greatest writers in the Elizabethan era is well known for his
subtle plays and inspiring poems. Most of his poems deal with the impermanence of
human life. ‘Death the Leveller’ is a highly philosophical poem about the inevitability of
death that tramples down human pride and pomp. It vividly personified death as the absolute
conqueror which destroys everything except the actions of just one do in his life. It is a
funeral song that was originally included in James Shirley’s interlude “The Contention of
Ajax and Ulysses” as Calchas’ hymn at the funeral of Ajax.

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The poem opens by reminding the reader about the futility of taking pride in one’s family
tradition and social or political status. The glories of blood and that of one’s position are
mere shadows. It is not permanent. Like shadows life takes multitudes of shapes and by
the position of light rays. No armour can protect us from the fatal clutches of death. The
ultimate leveller, the death comes and lays his icy hands-on kings and clowns alike. The
scepter and the crown of the king tremble and fall when death approaches. Everyone lies
equally in the grave made of dust with the poor peasant’s scythe and spade.

Men may emerge victorious in this world with their might and muscular strength. They
may reap and make a heap of enemy’s heads on the battlefield and win laurels to adorn
their heads. But all worldly victory and success are nothing before death. Even the most
courageous and mighty have to bow their heads before death. But poor mortals still tame
and kill one another like senseless beasts.

When death comes our strength and courage too shall pass. We all have to surrender
before the will of God. Our mighty deeds and the glory of birth will not prevent the time
from having its course. Death is a great leveller and it will not discriminate against anybody
based on cast creed, social status, etc. The poet says;

“The Garlands wither on your brow;

Then boast no more your mighty deeds!

Upon Death’s purple altar now

See where the victor-victim bleeds;”

The garlands adorned our heads wither and lose their charm and the victories they once
proclaimed are forgotten. We too lose our charm and like pale captives, we creep to death
with a feeble murmur. Death’s altar is purple and no ‘blue blood’ has ever been shed there.
Here the victors too, are victims. The winners too are sacrificed and sent to their cold

In the end, we must return to the dust from which we all came, but the good deeds of the
just will blossom from the dust and smell sweet forever.

The poem depicts the recurrent theme of the futility of human vanity and pride and the
impermanence of earthly glory and power. Even though the poem begins with a pessimistic
tone, it leaves an optimistic note. The poem concludes by saying:

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“Only the actions of just

Smell sweet and blossom in their dust”.

Figures of speech abound in the poem and it increases the charm of the poem. Death is
personified and shown as ‘laying his icy hands’. Metonymy is employed in the beautiful
contrast between ‘scepter and crown’ and ‘scythe and spade’. The end rhyme (E.g. ‘state-
fate’, things kings, crown down, made-spade’ etc) used in the poem also increases its
musical quality.



“The Sunrise on the Hills” is a beautiful poem written by H W Longfellow, an acclaimed

American writer of the seventeenth century. His poems are noted for their pictorial quality
and simplicity of diction. They are filled with life like description of nature and its various
aspects. The poem ‘Sunrise on the Hills’ is no exception. It abounds with the splendid
depiction of the panoramic view of the rising of the Sun. The entire atmosphere is filled
with daylight and it gives a magnificent appearance to the valley, hills and the sky. The
poem ends with the revelation of the magical power of nature to cure the mental as well as
the physical agonies that we confront with. The poet exhorts us to go to nature when we
are sorrow stricken and sleepless, as no tears will dim the sweet look that nature bears.
The splendour of nature can make everybody get rid of his pains with its multitudes of

 Let us answer

 Important poetic devices

Simile - Like hosts in battle overthrown

Personification - Soft gales went forth to kiss the Sun clad vales

The Suns returning march.

Metaphor - Pinnacles thrusting up shattered lances.

 Importance of nature in human life

• Nature is a great source of inspiration.

• It can enrich our mind with great dreams.

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• It can develop positive thoughts.

• It can heal the wounds of mind.

• It can reduce our pain.

• Nature is a good friend, guide, teacher and philosopher.

 Message of the poem “Sunrise on the Hills”

If you want to forget your worries, you should go to the forest and hills. The sweet
and beautiful look that nature has will not be dimmed by tears of any kind. The exhortation
“Go to the Woods and Hills” is the great message of this nature poem.


 Live TV report of Le Horla’s take off

Hello, My dear friends,

I am standing at the Lavillattes in the Belgian frontier, witnessing the lounging of

the hot air balloon Le Horla. All the travellers reached here and they are doing the last
minute preparation for the maneuvering of the balloon. The balloon is lying in the courtyard
and has the appearance of a cake made of yollow cloth, flat on the ground under a rope.
Large number of people are assembled here to see the flight. Most of them are anxious
about the fate of the balloon and some of them are making comments on it. Now the
balloon in being filled with air and it is swaying. It looks like a big fruit covered by the last
rays of the setting Sun. Here the technicians attach the basket to the balloon and make all
other necessary arrangements. Captain Jovis asks the passengers to enter the basket.
Lieutenant Mallet, M.Etierine Beer, M.Paul Bassant, M.Patrice Eyries and Mr.Maupassant
entered the basket. As the basket is heavy for the balloon M.Eyries went out of the basket.
M.Joliet standing erect on the edge of the basket and begs the ladies to stand aside a little
as he is afraid of throwing sand in their hats in rising. It is the time for its liberty. M. Joliet
declares ‘let it loose’ cutting the ropes that hold the balloon to the ground. Hence with the
stroke of his knife, he gives Le Horla its liberty. It is a splendid seen to see the rising of Le
Horla. We are looking at its flight without a wink and we see the balloon fades away from
us to the vastness of the sky flight.

I am Aparna along with cameraman

Mr.Joseph of Today news, from
La villette

Thank you
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 Do remember

 Passengers in the balloon

• Captain Jovis.

• Lieutenant Mallet.

• M. Etierine Beer.

• M. Paul Bessand.

• Guy de Maupassant.

 The aerial view of Paris

It is like a dark bluish patch, cut by its streets. Domes, towers, steeples are visible from
the sky. Around it there is the plain traversed by long roads, thin and white, admist
green fields and forests.

 Figure of speech in ‘delicious inertia’


Dos and Don’ts of planning a trip

 Dos

• Take a first aid kit.

• Take enough pure drinking water.

• Keep enough money.
• Take suitable dress.
• Ensure communication facility.
• Arrange better food and accomodation facility.

• Take less luggage

 Don’ts

• Avoid carrying expensive things.

• Avoid intoxicating drinks and drugs

• Don’t make harm to nature.
• Don’t destroy the peace and harmony of others.

• Avoid dangerous spots.

• Avoid junk food.

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Travel essay

A great trip to Ooty

India, our great motherland is really blessed with beautiful places. Ooty is
one of the great hill stations in Asia. It is located 7400 feet above the sea level in Tamil
nadu. It is the queen of all hill stations in India. Many people suggested us to select Ooty
for our summer trip. It is because of its cold weather and wonderful nature. We planned a
3 day trip to Ooty and made acconmodation and food facilities earlier. We booked a resort
there. We started our journey to Mettuplayam by train. From there we booked car and
reached our resort in Ooty. It was really a great and wonderful experience there. The most
important attraction was the cold climate there. Dodabetta peak, Sims park, Pykara lake
and Tea garden really filled happiness in our mind. Boating in the lake was another attraction.
The Botanical garden in Ooty was another important spot for happiness. Horse riding was
another attraction. There were plenty of plant species, rare animal and birds. Ooty flower
show is a world famous tourism show. Three days passed with golden memories of Ooty
. Ooty imparts a great message of sustaning the love towards nature and its specialities in
life. Let us avowed to keep the gift of nature forever.


Kadavu is one of the larger islands of the Fiji group. Some 50 miles by water from
the capital city of Suva is the Fijian village of Namuana. The women of Namuana village
still preserve a very strange ritual, that of calling turtles from the sea. Here we can see all
the maidens of the village Namuana, assembled and singing a strange chant

The translation of the chant is as follows:

“The women of Namuana are all dressed in mourning
Each carries a sacred club each tattooed in a strange pattern
Do rise to the surface Raudalice so we may look at you

Do rise to the surface Tinaicoboga so we may also look at you”.

As they chant giant turtles rise one by one to lie on the surface, listening to the
music. If any member of the nearby village of Nabukelevu is present, the turtiles will not
rise to the surface of the bay and the turtle calling will have to be abandoned. The turtle
calling is based on an ancient legend still passed on from father to son, among the Fijian
people of Kadavu. It is the story of Raudalice and Tinaicoboga, when the two women go
fishing, they are captured by fishermen from Nabukelevu. Tinaicoboga and Raudalice

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pleaded for their lives, but the cruel warriors of Nabukelevu did not listern to their entereaties.
But the God of the sea was kind, a big strom arose and the canoe was tossed about by
huge waves which almost swamped it. The two women had suddenly changed in to huge
turtles and to save their own lives, the men seized them and threw them into the sea. It is
their descendents today who rise from the water when the maidens of their own village
sing songs to them from the cliffs.

 Do remember

• Points for a debate : ‘Are Women empowered in our society?”

- For

(1) Women are empowered in many fields in our society. Role of women in Panchayatraj
institution is an example.

(2) Women are playing key role in Kudumbasree and Micro- Financing units.

(3) They are getting enogh opportunities for education.

(4) They have fine role in teaching and health care.

(5) We have excellent examples of eminent women in many walks of social life.

 Against

• Atrocities against women are increasing day by day.

• They are not getting equal wages.

• Their participation is not up to expected level in many fields.

• They are not getting equal status in many fields.

Live TV Report of Turtle calling

Hi friends, I am Renuka standing on the cliff at Namuana, a Fijian village, situated

around fifty miles away from the capital city of Suva. Today is a special day for the people
of Namuana, especially the maidens of this village. I invite the entire viewers to take part
in a strange ceremony that is going to be held here in connection with the celebration.
Hundreds of young women of the village, dressed in black assembled here, for the ‘Turtle
calling’ ceremony. The ceremony is connected with a Fijian legend that tells the story of
Tinaicoboga, wife of the chief of Namuana, and her charming daughter Raudalice. It is
believed that Tinaicoboga and her daughter Raudalice were captured by the fishermen of
the neighbouring village Nabukelevu while the two women were engaged in fishing. The
crual men from Nebukelevu confined them in their conoe without considering their cry for

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mercy and request to set them free. But they were not ready to set them free, instead, they
rode away with them. Suddenly a great storm arose and their canoe was tossed about by
huge waves. To their great surprise, the fishermen noticed that the two women lying in the
water in the hold of the canoe, had suddenly turned into turtles. Realizing that it is the
aftermath of their cruel act of capturing the two, they threw them away into the sea. As
they slipped over the side of the canoe, the weather changed and there were no more
waves. The two women turned into turtles who lived in the water of the bay. It is believed
that the turtles which appear on the surface of the water responding to the call of the
maidens are the descendants of Tnaicoboga and Raudalice. It is also said that the turtles
will not rise to the surface of the water if any member of the neighbouring village Nabukalevu
is present and the turtle calling ceremony will have to be abandoned. This is the story
behind the ceremony of turtle calling.

The ceremony is just begun. Now the maidens begin to chant a strange song,
carring a sacred club in their hand and tattooed in a strange pattern looking in the water
they sing.

“Do rise to the surface Raudalice so we may look at you

Do rise to the surface Tinaicoboga so we may also look at you”

What a splendid scene this is ! ? There appear hundreds of turtles on the surface of
the water. Oh ! The colour of water in this area turns to gray with the presence of the
turtles. No doubt the maidens of the village are blessed with the appearance of the turtles,
the descendants of Tinaicoboga and Raudalice. I also invite all of you to come here at
least once in life to witness the strange ceremony.

This is Renuka of News 21 along with cameraman Mr.Suresh reporting from



Write up on a ritual popular in your locality

Onam is the national festival of Kerala. We are celebrating Onam with traditional
enthusiasm. There is a great legend behind the celebration of Onam. A great and generous
king Mahabali ruled Kerala in the past. He was a great King. He treated all people alike.
He was the symbol of love, care, protection, equality, liberty and prosperity. There was no
poverty any starvation. Happiness was everywhere. Mahabali was an Asura king. So the
Devas were jealous of him. So they played a trick. So Vamana came to Mahabali and
requested him to give him three feet of land. Mahabali granted his request. But Vamana
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began to grow in size and covered the earth and sky by the first two steps. Mahabali
showed his head before him for his third step. Vamana put his third step on Mahabali’s
head and pushed him in to the underworld. Vamana gave him a boon to come back and
visit his beloved people once a year. The people of Kerala believe that Mahabali comes to
visit them on Thiruvonam day in every year.

Imagine that you are a tourist guide. Prepare the script of an introductory speech to
welcome the tourists to a tourist place in your district.

Good morning dear friends..........................

Welcome to Gavi. Gavi is an Eco-Tourism project located in Pathanamthitta, Kerala. The

most important attractions are trekking, wildlife watching, outdoor camping and night safaris.
Gavi is in Seethathode Panchayat. It is a part of Periyar Tiger Reserve. You can enjoy the
beauty of forest.

The entrance fee is 25 rupees per person and 50 rupees per vehicle. Cameras are
allowed, 25 rupees per camera. Forest tent camping is available.

Don’t hurt animals.Don’t use plastic. Please avoid intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Your jeep is ready for trekking. Enjoy the wildlife and mind catching beauty of this great

Get ready for the most memorable travel experience in your life. Have a nice day.....

Pathanamthitta is situated in the Central Travancore region of Kerala close
to the western ghats. Achenkovil, Pamba and Manimala, three rivers are flowing through
this district. Sabarimala, the world famous pilgrim centre is located in Pathanamthitta.
Beautiful landscape, rivers, charming country side and colourful forests are the major
attractions of Pathanamthitta.
 Important pilgrim centres
• Sabarimala
• Parthasarathy Temple, Aranmula
• Maramon Convention
• Manjinikara church
• Pandalam ayyappa Temple
• Kalamala Masjid

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 Important Tourism Spots

• Konni Elephant Camp.
• Gavi - Eco Tourism spot.
• Adavi - Eco Tourism spot.
• Rock cut cave Temple, Kaviyoor.
• Aranmula boat race.
• Aranmula Vasthuvidya Gurukulam.
• Perumthenaruvi Waterfalls.
• Veluthampi Smarakam, Mannadi.
• Kakki reservoir.
 How to reach Pathanamthitta
• Nearest Airport
Trivandrum International Airport (110 kms)
• Nearest Railway Station
Chengannoor Railway Station (25 kms)
 Accomodation facilities
• Hotel facilities are available in all major towns
• Department of Tourism
Tourism information centre
Collectorate, Pathanamthitta
+91 468 - 2326409
[email protected]
• Tourist Facilitition Centre
+91 468 - 2311343
[email protected]


Gavi - Golden Impulse of Nature

Gavi is an Eco-tourism project of the Kerala forest development corpora-

tion, located in Pathanamthitta District. Gavi offers trekking, wild life watching, out door
camping in specially built tents and night safaris. The distance from Pathanamthitta to
Gavi is 109 kms and travel time is two and half hours. Gavi is 14 kms south west of
vandiperiyar and 28 kms from Kumaly, near Thekkady. Gavi is inside the Ranni reserve

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forest. It is a part of Periyar Tiger Reserve. The entrance fee is Rs. 25 per person and 50
rupees per vehicle. Rs.25 and Rs.50 are charged for still camera and video camera
respectively Both day and night stays are available. The most enjoyable route to Gavi is
the way from Pathanamthitta. KSRTC is conducting special service form Pathanamthitta
to Gavi Eco-tourism spot.



A disaster is a serious disruption occurring over a short or long period of time that
causes wide, spread human, material, economic or environmental loss which exceeds the
ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disaster and
disaster management in India is an essay written by Anjana Majumder about the importance
of disaster management.

 Do remember

• We have experienced different types of disasters like earthquakes, floods, cyclones,

landsides, droughts, accidents, plane crashes, forest fires etc.

• Both developed and developing countries all over the world face disasters alike.

• Floods are the most common disaster in the world.

• Drought is the deadliest, accounting 48% of deaths due to natural disasters.

• Among all the countries in the world, Asian countries like India, China and
Bangladesh have the highest number of death causalities from disasters.

• India is highly prone to disasters.

• Disasters can be classified in to natural disasters and manmade disasters.

• The over exploitation of natural resources is one of the major reasons for natural

• High population is another reason.

• India has witnessed major disasters in the 20th century.

• A collective effort is required to face the problems of disasters.

• A systematic policy on disaster management is the need of the hour.

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Types of disasters

Natural disasters Man made disasters

Droughts Accidents

Floods Wars

Earthquakes Communal riots

Storms Terrorist attacks

Tsunami Political clashes

Nuclear explosion

Natural disaster - A natural process that may cause loss of life, injury

or other health problems, property damage, loss of

livelihoods and services, social and economic

disruption or environmental damage.

Man made disaster - A disaster resulting from human action. It results in

big loss of life and property. It further affects a

person’s mental physical and social living.

 Let us answer

1. India is highly prone to disasters. Why?

India is highly prone to disasters due to the following reasons.

• Geographical location.

• Geological formation.

• Long coastal line.

• Snow clad peaks.

• High mountain ranges.

• Perennial rivers.

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• High population.

• Tremendous pressure on natural resources.

2. Major impact of disasters - Explain

Major life line support systems that get damaged in disasters.

• Communication

• Power supply

• Water supply

• Drainage

• Commercial and economic activities.

• Psychological traumas casualities.

3. What are the two types of rehabilitation?

1. Physical rehabilitation

2. Psychological rehabilitation.

4. What are your suggestions for reducing the impact disasters?

• Conduct awareness programme.

• Use of modern technology.

• Strict implementation of law.

• Follow eco-friendly life.

• Strengthening the monitoring system.

• Establishment of more infrastructure facilities.

• Use quality materials for construction.

• Opening of more guidance and counselling centres.

• Stop blind urbanisation.

• Better coordination among various agencies.

• Give advanced eqipments to the rescue team.

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• Give special training to the rescue team.

5. What is the main purpose of disaster management?

The main purpose of disaster management is not to prevent or avert disasters but
to minimise the impact of disasters.

6. Prepare five questions for an interview with Murali Thummarukudi.

1. What is your opinion about the disaster management system in India?

2. Can you compare the disaster management system in developed and developing

3. How can we minimise the impact of disasters?

4. What is the role of technology in disaster management?

5. Rehabilitation is an important aspect in disaster management. Do you agree?


A J Cronin

A J Cronin is a renowned Scottish novelist and physician whose works combining realism
with social criticism won a large Anglo-American readership. His narrative skill and realist
descriptions of men and manners brought his literary works worldwide reputation and
acceptance. The short story ‘The Serang of Ranaganji’ is taken from his autobiographical
novel “Adventure in Two Worlds”. It is an anecdote from his experience as a surgeon in
the royal navy. It is a touching story that tells the inequitable service rendered by Mr.
Hasan, a serang. by profession in the ship ‘Ranaganji’ at an emergency.

 Do remember

 Character Sketch of Hasan

• Hasan is the central character in the story ‘The Serang of Ranaganji’ .

• He is a great man of sympathy and filled concern for the needy and destitute.

• He is the serang of the ship the Ranaganji.

• By appearance he is not so handsome and has a strange appearance owing to his

disproportionate body and limps.

• But his internal charm and beauty are great.

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• Hasan is a man of hard work and dedication.

• Hasan is a man of love, care and affection

• Hasan is a secular person.

• He has no family or friends.

• He is not interested to money or any other rewards.

• He is a best supporter to Dr. A J Cronin in nursing the patients.

• He is a great symbol of social Service.

• He hopes for the blessing of God alone.

• He is an embodiment of courage, self-control and unerring faith.

 Character Sketch of A J Cronin, the narrator

• A J Cronin is the physician of the ship ‘Ranaganji’.

• He is a man of dedication and service.

• He is a good physician.

• He is sincere and hard working.

• He is man or high responsibility.

• He is a good observer and co-ordinator.

• He is always respecting and considering the service of Hasan.

 Character sketch of Miss. Jope- smith

• She is a Passenger in “Ranaganji ship”

• She is a thrusting person.

• She is more than thirty years of age.

• She is not only a snob but a bore, an assertive bore.

• She is without culture and good behavior.

• It is impossible to tolerate with her comments on others.

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Cronin’s Letter to the Director of the company about the great service of Hasan


Dr. A.J Cronin,


Ranaganji Ship


The Director

British Shipping Company



I am writing this letter to call your attention on an important matter. I am the physician
of the ‘Ranaganji’ ship. Unfortunately, small pox was spread in the ship during its voyage
from Liver pool to Kolkata. It was really a serious crisis. There were no better facilities for
isolating the affected people. The entire crew was in crisis at that time. But the great
service of Hasan, the serang of the ship helped us. He served with dedication and sincerity.
His noble service is great. So I am asking you to give promotion for his valuable service as
serang in the ship. It will be a great step for inspiring all.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully.

Kolkata S/d

10/02/2022 A.J. Cronin.

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Benjamin peck Keith

The poem ‘The wreck of the Titanic’ is written by the American poet. Benjamin peck Keith.
The poem depicts the role of human courage and kindness in saving the lives of others at
a decisive moment. The sinking of the Titanic is an unforgettable tragedy in the history of
mankind. The Titanic was considered unsinkable and it was the largest and most luxurious
ship the world has ever produced until then. It lounged its first journey with more than a
thousand passengers and crew on board. The passengers were happy and enjoyed the
voyage through the calm and quiet sea. The ship was steered by Captain Smith, a great
man of courage. But its journey ended up in a great disaster. As her first vovage was
speeding it met with an unpredictable accident. It struck with a gigantic ice mountain and
with a shiver from stem to stern and rapidly sinking. But Captain Smith and his crew
rescued so many passengers using life boats. The heroism of Captain Smith and his crew
can be compared with that of great historics events. The poem prompts us to think about
the need for sustaining a sense of feeling for others. The poem celebrates the need for
compassion, empathy and fellow feeling among us. It also glorifies the need of self-sacrifice
and selfless service for the well-being of others.

 Do remember

 Qualities of a good Captain

• Hard working

• Self-confidence

• Courageous

• Optimism

• Dedication

• Commitment

• Trustful

• Team spirit

• Perseverance

• Role model

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 Poetic devices

Metaphor - A poem of iron and steel.

A sea dream.

 Central theme

The courage and sacrifice of Captain Smith and his crew is the central theme.

 Awfully grand scene in the poem ‘The wreck of the Titanic’

The sight of the sinking ship with its band playing a great song, ‘Never my God to thee…
is the awfully grand scene.

 News Paper Report on Titanic tragedy

Heart breaking tragedy of the Titanic

Southampton,15 April 1912

The Titanic, the grandest and greatest of all ships began its first voyage from Southampton
to Newyork was collided with a huge ice berg and sank in to the icy waters yesterday.
There were more than thousand passengers. Mr. Smith, the captain of the ship was very
brave. The entire crew under the leadership of Captain Smith proved their courage and
saved the life of many passengers with the help of life boats. The great sacrifice of Captain
Smith and his crew made history through their great heroism. Britain has announced a
three days national mourning.

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UNIT - 5

Anton Chekhov

 Do remember
• Ivan Ivanich, a veterinary surgeon is the story teller
• Ivan tells the story of his younger brother Nicholai, to his friends Bourkin and Aliokhin.
• Nicholai is a govt. servant whose dream is to buy an estate with gooseberry bush, in a
• Nicholai lived meagerly and starved his rich old aged wife to death to fulfill his dream.
• He owned an estate and planted gooseberries in it. Lived a cozy and lazy life eating
too much.
• Ivan paid a visit to his brother’s house and wonders to know how the hard and sour
berries become so delicious to his brother, for the first time!
• Ivan philosophizes about the nature of happiness, and the value of achieving one’s
personal dream.
• Social injustice and the quest for fulfilment is the theme of the story.
 Let us answer
I Compare and contrast the charecters of Ivan Ivanich and Nicholai Ivanich.


1. Representative of freedom 1. Representative of authority
2. Unselfish 2. Selfish
3. A veterinary surgeon who is friendly to 3. A Govt. Servant who is self-centered
4. No dream at all 4. Cherish the dream of buying an estate
with gooseberry bush
5. Leads a normal life 5. Leads a beggarly life to own an estate
6. Highly realistic and matured 6. Highly romantic and delusional
7. Not satisfied by the way he had 7. Satisfied and fulfilled his dream
2. “A fixed goal helps to achieve success in life”. Examine this statement with referance
to the life of Nicholai in “Gooseberries”?
(i) Goals guide and align our focus.
(ii) Goals help to avoid ‘shiny object syndrome’, ie, ‘wanting the next big thing’.

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(iii) Goals encourage to take actions.

(iv) Goal setting helps to improve and manage things.
(v) Goals make your future safe and secure.
(vi) Goals help you to live your best life.
(vii) Goals help you to flourish your potential
In the story “Gooseberries”, Nicholai achieved his goal leading a meagerly
life. He wasted his youth pursuing his dream of buying an estate. I think, reaching goal by
wasting life is futile. But he could taste the essence of victory by setting a goal.

3. What does Gooseberries symbolize?

The significance of the title ‘Gooseberries’.
(i) Gooseberries symbolize the opposite views of happiness in life.
(ii) For Ivan Ivanich gooseberry fruits are hard and sour, but for Nicholai they are so
sweet and delicious.
(iii) Gooseberries have dual taste, first bitter and then sweet. Nicholai leads a bitter life,
but when he ate gooseberries, his joy knew no bounds.
(iv) It symbolizes the fulfillment of a life-time dream. Planting gooseberry trees to pluck
the ripening fruits ie, dream fulfillment.

4. In the story “Gooseberries”, Ivan Ivanich and Nicholai like country life as they
spent their childhood in countryside. What are the advantages of country life?
The advantages of country life are:-
(i) More space
(ii) Proximity to nature
(iii) Cleaner air
(iv) Cheaper cost of living
(v) Less pollution
(vi) More privacy
(vii) Lower Stress
(viii) Less noise
(ix) Good relations
5. “Money like vodka can play queer tricks with a man”- says Ivan Ivanich. How
far is this statement true in the present day world?
(i) Both money and vodka (alocohol) give courage to do anything and to say anything.
(ii) Both money and drinks intoxicate human minds.

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(iii) Money and alcohol lead to corruption.

(iv) Excess use of money and alcohol destroys peace and mental health.
(v) If you use more money and alcohol the less satisfied you become.
(vi) In the present day world this statement by chekhov is highly relevant.
(vii) Exess use of money and alcohol destroys moral values.
6. After returning from Nicholai’s house Ivan Ivanich writes an e-mail to his friend
sharing his views on happiness in human life. Write the e-mail for him?
To : [email protected]
CC :
Sub : My views on happiness

Dear Lenin
I visited my brother yesterday. He fulfilled his dream. He could taste gooseberries
plucked from his own farm. The hard and sour gooseberry fruits were delicious for him !
He enjoyed it. He had been leading a beggarly life till forty years of age, just to taste
gooseberries from his own estate ! In this regard, I was thinking about human happiness.
We both have wasted life without doing anything good to society. I led a leisurely life
having no dream at all. He was leading a meagerly life, but he could fulfill his dream.
Freedom is a boon ! But don’t waste time thinking about it. A man needs only six feet of
land ! We both are not worthful persons to society. Okay..........just shared my thoughts
with you........
Ivan ivanich
I. Would rather - It is used to show preference for one thing over the other.
eg:- I would rather cook than wash the dishes
He would rather visit London than Paris.
‘Would rather’ can also be used with a past tense, but the meaning is present.
(1) I would rather he played football this year. (After the second subject, we use past
(2) I would rather you went to pick up Tom from school.
Change into ‘would rather’
1. I prefer to walking to driving.
Ans:- I would rather walk than drive.

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Fill in the blanks

1. I would rather you _________ in a hostel than in a hotel
(stay, stayed, staying)
Ans:- stayed
II. Exclamatory sentences
eg:- ‘What a big house!’
‘How beautiful she is!’
Change into assertve sentence
1. What a beautiful flower !
Ans:- The flower is very beautiful.
III. Frame the questions to get the words underlined as answer
(1) He planted twenty gooseberries.
Ans:- How many gooseberries did he plant?
(2) We spent our childhood in a country side
Ans:- Where did you spend your childhood?
Change as directed
(1) I prefer coffee to tea (would rather)
(2) ‘What a huge building’ ! (Change into assertive sentence)

William Wordsworth
 Do remember

• ‘To Sleep’ is a sonnet written by William Wordworth.

• The speaker suffers from insomnia (sleeplessness)
• He was unable to sleep for two nights.
• He wants sleep to visit him and bless him.
• He imagines a flock of sheep leisurely passing by, the sound of rain, the murmer of
bees, the fall of rivers, winds and seas, smooth fields, calm waters and clear sky.
•. ‘To Sleep’ tells us the importance of having sound sleep in our life.
•. The poet addresses sleep as the mother of good health and new thoughts.
• He calls sleep as a ‘blessed barrier”.

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 Let us answer
1. What is a sonnet?
Sonnet is a poem of 14 lines with a pattern of rhyme and rhythm. It has a key idea,
development of thought and a twisted climax or conclusion.
2. What are the poetic devices used in ‘To Sleep’?
(i) Alliteration
eg:- sleepless, soon, small birds (repetition of ‘s’ sound
(ii) Assonance
eg:- bees. seas, trees etc. (Repetition of same vowel sound)
(iii) Personification
eg:- win thee
(iv) Oxymoron
eg:- Blessed barrier
(v) Metaphor
eg:- Mother of fresh thoughts and joyous health

3. What is the significance of sound sleep?

1. Sound sleep can boost our immune system
2. It can improve our memory power.
3. It will refresh our mind.
4. It prevents health related issues.
5. It prevents obesity
6. Getting adequate sleep increases our blood circulation.
7. Sound sleep helps to better concentration, productivity and cognition.

4. Wordsworth describes his sleepless nights in his poem “To sleep’. You too
would have experienced some sleepless nights in the course of your life.
Narrate the experience of one such night ?
Ans:- It was at the age of sixteen I suffered from insomnia. I was asked to join an
entrance coaching institute which was too far away from my home. Hence I stayed in
the hostel, at that night I couldn’t sleep. I walked around the room thinking about my
parents and sister. I felt sad and missed them a lot. After a few hours, I tried to get
sleep, but couldn’t shut my eyes. My friend consoled me and encouraged me to
sleep. It was the first time I got separated from my mother. I called my mother on
phone. She solaced me. The very next day, I could cop up with the situation and felt
happy. But I still remember that sleepless night.

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Max Beerbohm

 Do remember
• ‘Going out for a walk’ is an essay written by Max Beerbohm.
• The writer says that he does not like to go for a walk.
• The author used to avoid walking with friends by telling excuses to them.
• In terms of physical exercises, it is good to do walking.
• The writer challenges the notion ‘walking for it’s own sake’ is a productive
• Max beerbohm mentions that one’s brain won’t work if one goes for a walk.
• He tells that when a person goes for a walk, he starts to observe the surroundings.
He remembers that his friend used to read all notice boards and inscriptions while he
was walking.
• Max Beerbohm says that due to walking, the mental ability of the person tends to
• The author says that mere walking leads to a conflict between soul and brain, in
which the brain refuses to be active.
 Let us answer
1. ‘Very well vagula, have your own wayula”- Who says this? What does it mean?
In the essay ‘Going out for a walk”, Max beerbohm tells that ‘walk for it’s
own sake’ leads to a conflict between brain and soul. The soul is here personified as
‘vagula’ which means ‘wanderer’. True to the spirit of the Emperor Hadrian’s ‘Death-
bed Poem’ addressed to his soul (Vagula), Beerbohm too has his hatch in ‘Wayula’,
which is only a rhyming adaptation of ‘way’. It means ‘very well wanderer, have your
own way with reading now !’
2. ‘He points at it wish his stick, and says ‘Uxminster 11 miles’ - Who is ‘he’
referred here? Who is the writer ? What does it mean ? Why does the writer say
so ?
‘He refers to max Beerbohm’s companion for walking.
The writer is Max Beerbohm. He challenges the notion ‘walking for it’s own
sake ‘ is a productive exercise. He tells that when a person goes for a walk, he starts
to observe the surroundings. He remembers that his friend used to read all notice
boards and inscriptions while he was walking along. When they pass a mile stone,
he points at it with his stick and says ‘Uxminster 11 miles’. Max Beerbohm says that
if one goes out for a walk, his brain stops, due to a conflict between soul and brain.

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3. What are the advantages of physical education?

• It can develop our health
• It can improve our blood circulation.
• It can develop the concept of team spirit.
• It can develop self discipline.
• It can develop the athletic skills of a learner
• It can improve teacher learner relation.
• It is helpful for physical and mental development of a learner.
• It can improve the concentration power of a learner.



Esther Dyson

 Do remember

• ‘The Cyber space’ is an essay written by Esther Dyson.

• Cyber space is a giant leap for a mankind which brought about a revolutionary change
in the dissemination (spread) of information.
• The modern psyche likes to explore ideas, make rules instead of following them.
• The author defines cyber space with the help of a metaphor ‘Real estate’.
• ‘Real estate’ is an artificial environment constructed on top of land. Some are pri-
vately owned, some common, and some others rented out.
• In real estate and cyber space the user is free to select and it is optional.
• In cyber space people can choose where to go and what to see. We need some self
• There are three major areas in cyber space. They are,
(i) Private conversation eg:- e-mail
(ii) Information and entertainment eg:- game down loading, online services,
browsing or searching
(iii) Real communities eg:- facebook, Whats app and instagram
• cyber space is not a perfect world. We must have individual choice and responsibil-
ity, We need some self rule.

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 Let us answer
1. Write some points about the advantages and disadvantages of Cyber Space.
Advantages of Cyber Space
1. Privacy
2. Informative
3. Userfree
4. Optional
5. Useful in doing assignments
6. Large file saving
7. Useful for communication and confer meeting
8. Social networking
9. Entertainment
10. Online shopping
11. Digital transaction
Disadvantages of Cyber Space
1. Misuse of internet.
2. Addiction to Cyber media.
3. Hacking of private account.
4. Threat of black mailing.
5. Sometimes datas are not safe and secure.
6. Increase of cyber crimes.
7. Virus altacks cause system damage.
2. What are the dos and don’ts of Cyber Space?
1. Keep personal information safe and secure.
2. Practice safe browsing.
3. Careful about what you download.
4. Be always mindful about what you post.
5. Use secure connection (VPN).
6. Use strong Password.
7. Install an antivirus programme in your system.
1. Do not reveal e-mail password to any one.
2. Don’t waste time.
3. Avoid late night browsing.

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4. Don’t visit unwanted sites.

5. Don’t spend too much time on gaming.
6. Don’t use it for Cyber crimes.

Andrew Michael Sullivan

 Do remember
• “Is Society Dead” is an article written by Andrew Sullivan.
• The author talks about his experiences while he is walking through the streets of
New York.
• He noticed some special changes in Manhattan’s town.
• It is an i-pod world, he saw there.
• Each one was in his own world, white wires hanging from ears and tucked into
• All are in their on world enjoying the tunes of their taste.
• They are anasthetized by technology.
• It discusses how MP3 diminishes the Social interactions in the lives of people.
• He talks about how modern gadgets have taken control of our lives.
• The attitude of the people is ‘don’t ask, don’t over hear, or don’t observe, just tune in
and tune out”.
• ‘Society without the social” is applicable to life in the technological world.
• Technology has given us a universe entirely for our own.
• The author says that we miss many funny things in our life, due to the addiction of
• He compares music in the past with that of in the present. In the past it was a sharing
experience. But now music is atomized and turned to be a private affair.
• Once the writer forgot to take his i-pod on a trip. He enjoyed the experience of not
being a slave to devices.
• Andrew Sullivan concludes this article by opening a world around us, and exhorts us
to be connected to each other.
 Let us answer
1. What are the Pros and Cons of technology ?
1. Technology has transformed the world into a global village.
2. It is used in all walks of life
3. Has made life easier and comfortable

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4. Has promoted art and designing

5. It makes communication faster
6. Helps in the growth and development of nation
7. It is a best media for education, entertainment and employment.
1. e-waste
2. People gets socially isolated
3. Addiction to gadgets
4. Obesity
5. Laziness
6. Technology borne diseases

Thaisa Frank

 Do remember
• ‘Conceptual Fruit’ is a short story written by Thaisa Frank.
• Greta is a mentally challenged girl of sixteen
• Her caring father hopes that technology will make her life easier and better for
• Her father motivates her by showing a virtual world of computer games.
• He creates a street called Greta’s street and a house called Greta’s house.
• Greta wants bowls in every room with peaches in it.
• Greta clicks the bowl and word ‘peaches’ appear.
• She felt disappointed because she wants real fruits.
• Then the father creates other rooms. But Greta reminds him that it is not real house.
• Finally she gets bored of the unreal world of computer programmes
• Greta’s father hopes that technology will help his daughter for a better tomorrow.
 Let us answer
1. Significance of the title “Conceptual fruit’ ?
“Conceptual Fruit” is a short story written by Thaisa Frank. It tells us about a
caring father who desperately hopes that technology will help his mentally challenged
daughter for a better tomorrow. He creates a virtual world in the computer to make
her happy. But she identifies that they are not real. “Conceptual Fruit’ means ‘imagi-
nary fruit’.

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2. Sketch the character of Greta.

• Greta is a mentally challenged girl of sixteen.
• She goes to a special school for differently-abled children.
• She studies in a lower class than her younger brother.
• She could tie her shoes only by the age of 10.
• She has blond hair, blue eyes and she wears sweater.
• She has a furtive smile when she identifies the unreal things.
• She loves fruits and vegetables.
• She likes blue bowls and white curtains.
• She often repeats what she heard.
• She could identify the real and unreal things.

3. After reading the lesson you write an e-mail to your friend on empowerment of
differently-abled children, using technology. Write the e-mail.

To : [email protected]
CC :
Sub : Empowerment of differently-abled children

Dear Manu,
I read a short story “Conceptual fruit” written by Thaisa Frank. It is the story of
Greta, a mentally challenged girl and her caring father. Her father helps her to shape the
world around her using computer. I think technology helps differently-abled children for
creativity, productivity and self-learning. It will help them to face challenges in life. Tech-
nology helps them to learn more with enthusiasm.
What’s your opinion regarding this subject? Reply soon.
Yours faithfully

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4. Read the advertisement given below and prepare a job application letter with

Post - Teacher for Differently-abled
Eligibility - Graduation and Diploma from SIMC
Between the age of 25 & 40
should be Compassionate

Joe Mathew
20/A, Ruby appartment
10Feb 2022

The Manager
Karunya Special school
Sub : Application for the post of Teacher in your school
As per the advertisement given in The Indian Express dated 2nd Feb 2022, it is
known that there is a vacancy exists in your school for the post of a teacher. I have
graduation in sociology and got one year training from State Institution for Mentally Chal-
lenged, TVM. I am compassionate, kind-hearted, patient and empathetic, to deal with
differently abled children. Please consider my application.
Yours faithfully
Joe Mathew
Name : Joe Mathew
Date of Birth : 25/05/1996
Address : 20/A, Ruby appartment, Cochin
Ph.No. : xxxxxxxxxx
E-mail : [email protected]
Educational Qualification : B.A Sociology and training for SCIM, TVM

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Qualification Passed University % secured

B.A Sociology Apr 2017 Kerala 90%
Training Mar 2018 SCIM, TVM A Grade
for Special kids - 2019

Languages Known : Malayalam, English, Hindi

Hobby : Football, Reading
Signature : (Sd/-)

5. Read the conversation between Greta and her father, and report it in your own
words. Begin with ‘Greta asked her father....................
Greta : ‘I thought you could make real peaches”
Father : ‘No. You have to go to the store for those’.
Greta : ‘But these are just words’
Father : ‘Well, yes’.
Ans:- Greta asked her father that she had thought he could make real peaches. Greta’s
father replied negatively and said she had to go to the store for them. Greta again
asked with curiosity that they were just words. her father agreed in the affirmaive
6. Edit the Passage
He hoped the house will been large and have sheer white curtains billowing on all
the room.
Ans:- would be, in, rooms


Alliteration : The repetition of the same consonant in adjoining words is alliteration

Assonance : The repetition of identical middle vowel sounds in a sequence of syllables.
Eg. Deep - steep, make - take, like - hike
Ballad : A poem or song that tells a story of the heroic or tragic deeds of hero in simple
Blankverse : Poetic line composed in unrhymed iambic pentameter.

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Comedy : A drama with happy ending.

Dirge : A comic, silly and abusive poem.
Elegy : A poem of mourning or lamentation.
Epic : A long narratve poem in an elevated style celebrating heroic persons or their deeds.
Fable : A short humorous play in which plot and incidents are exaggerated.
Hyperbole : Exaggerated or over statement beyond natural bound, for the sake of
emphasis or comic effects.
Imagery : The use of words situations to convey the opposite of what is really meant.
Limerick : A popular form of nonsense verse.
Lyric : A simple and subjective poem.
Metaphor : A comparison in which the identity rather than likeness is addressed.
Eg. My love is a red-red rose.
Metonymy : Eg. The Bench-for judiciary, the crown - for the king.
Monologue : A poem or story spoken by one character or performer.
Ode : A short lyrical poem in the form of an address or calling something.
Eg. Ode to Nightingale.
Oxymoyon : The combination of two contradictory terms in one expression.
Eg. Fearful joy.
Rhythm : Refers to the regular and measured flow of sounds.
Rime Royal : A seven line iambic Pentameter rhyming ab ab bb cc.
Simile : Two things or action re likened for clarity or poetic beauty using ‘as’ or ‘like’.
Eg.My love is like a red-red rose.
Sonnet : A poem of 14 lines. First eight lines are called octave rhyming abda abba abd the
last six are called sestet rhyming cde ior cd cd cd. Shakespearian sonnets have a different

pattern of abab cdcd efef gg. Synecdoche : A figure of speech in which the whole stands
for part or part stands for the whole.
Terza Rima : A three line stanza form in iambic pentameter rhyming aba, bcb, cdc.
Trenodly : A poem of lamentation.

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Members in the District Resource Group, who prepared the

'Nammalethum Munnilethum' study materials

No Name of Teachers Subjects Designa- School

1 RAVEENDRAKURUP G English HSST Govt. HSS, Elimullumplackal
2 ASHARAF SHAH C M " Govt. HSS, Konni
3 JAYA G NAIR " Govt. HSS, Thottakonam
4 P R GIRISH Economics HSST Govt. Boy's HSS, Adoor
5 HARIKUMAR M G " Govt. HSS, Angadickal South, CGNR
6 JAYAPRASAD B. " CVKM HSS, East Kallada
7 BENOY SKARIAH " Govt. Boys HSS, Adoor
8 FELIX LOURD SWAMI Geography HSST Govt. Boy's HSS, Adoor
9 KARTHIKEYAN K. " Govt. HSS, Kadammanitta
10 DHANYA V P " NSS HSS, Adoor
11 ANUPA L " AMM HSS, Edayaranmula
13 JAMES P Botonay HSST GHSS Kadumeenchira
14 ANUJA MAYA S T " GHSS Vechoochira Colony
15 ASHA V NAIR " GHSS Elimullumplackal
16 ANEESH BABU D Malayalam HSST Kannassa Smaraka GHSS, Kadapra
17 MANJU V S " GHSS Omalloor
18 ABRAHAM K J " Netaji HSS Pramadam
19 DEEPU KURIAKOSE " St. Mary's HSS, Niranam
20 SMITHA B Mathematics HSST GHSS Thengamam
22 JIJU MURALI " GHSS Kadumeenchira
23 PRAMOD B History HSST GHSS Kadammanitta
24 THOMAS ABRAHAM Principal GHSS Chittar
25 MADHU M S HSST GHSS Mulakkuzha
26 YUSAF KUMAR S M " GHSS Pathanamthitta
27 AJU S " GHSS Vechoochira Colony
28 DR AMPILI P Hindi HSST GHSS Anchalummood
29 SAJAYAN R S " GHSS Kalanjoor
31 DR SARITHA MOHAN Sociology HSST GBHSS Pathanamthitta
32 RANI N " SNV HSS, Angadical South, Kodumon
33 ICY ANNA KOSHY " St. Thomas HSS Kozhencherry
34 SANDEEP KUMAR S Computer Science HSST NSS HSS Thattayil
35 PRADEEP T C " PHSS Mezhuveli
37 DR TENNY VARGHESE Political Science HSST GHSS Ayroor
38 VEENA NAIR U V " GHSS Mancode
39 SUNIL KUMAR G Zoology HSST GHSS Thottakonam
40 RAJESHKUMAR G " GBHSS Pathanamthitta
41 PRABEENA B " Panchayat HSS Kulanada
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No Name of Teachers Subjects Designa- School

42 LIJO VARGHESE Physics HSST KRPM HSS Seethathode
43 PRATHAPAN T. " GHSS Thengamam
44 SIBY MATHAI " AMM HSS Edayaranmula
45 SUMESH S Computer HSST GHSS Konni
46 ROY MOHAN " GHSS Kadammanitta
48 ARUN B MATHEWS " MT HSS Pathanamthitta
49 ROY VARGHESE Chemistry HSST SNV HSS Angadical South
50 BINDU C " DB HSS Thiruvalla
51 ROOPA L " NSS HSS Kunnamthanam
52 SIBU J JACOB Accountancy HSST CSI HSS Manakala
53 DR MATHEW THOMAS " GHSS Kottarakkara
54 ASOK KUMAR N G " GHSS Ala, Cgnr.
55 UNNIKRISHNAN S R Business HSST GHSS Thengamam
56 DEVADAS CHETTIYAR R " GHSS Vechoochira Colony
57 MANOJ S " GHSS Thengamam
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