3ro Ingles
3ro Ingles
3ro Ingles
Dominica Melendres
Que es el verbo?.- Es la parte variable de la oración que expresa una acción,
movimiento, existencia, concesión, condición o estado del sujeto.
Conjugación delo verbo TO BE en el tiempo presente
Pronom Presente SIGNIFICADO Negative Interrogative
I Am Soy, estoy I am not Am I ?
YOU Are Es, esta You are not Are you?
HE Is Es, esta He is not Is he?
SHE Is Es, esta She is not Is she?
IT Is Es, esta It is not Is it?
WE Are Somos, estamos We are not Are we?
YOU Are Son, están You are not Are you?
THEY Are Son, estan They are not Are they?
Comparatives Adjetives
Pronom. Posesivos significado
I MY Mi, mis
You YOUR Tu, su
He HIS Su ( de e’l)
She HER Su ( de ella)
It ITS Su ( de esto aquel)
We OUR Nuestro
You YOUR Su ( de ustedes)
THEIR Su (de ellos/as)
Forma afirmativa:
This is my laptop= esta es mi laptop
The old house is your= la casa antigua es tuya
I forgot my wallet in the school= yo olvide mi billetera en el colegio
The dog wagged its tail. = el perro meneo su cola
Forma Negativa:
She is not in her bedroom = ella no esta en su cuarto
They not have their house in molleni .= ellos/as no tienen su casa en molleni
I not drink my breakfast = yo no tomo mi desayuno.
Forma interrogative: no es muy usual pero se realiza utilizando cuestion words
(como, cuando, donde, quien)
I work = yo trabajo
He work= el trabaja
She reads the newspaper every day.= ella lee el periodico cada dia
We go to school by bus.= nosotros vamos al colegio en bus
You work very hard= ustedes trabajan muy duro
She likes to sit in the sun= ella gusta sentarse en el sol
We play in the park in the afternoon= nostros jugamos en el parque en la tarde
He watches television in his room= el mira television en su cuarto
We always walk to stadium= nostros siempre al estadio
PRACTICE # 1 tradusca las siguientes oraciones al ingles.
1.-Luisa lava ropa ropa los domingos……………………………………………………
2.-En mi casa nosotros dormimos temprano…………………………………………….
3.-Juan viene a clases muy tarde………………………………………………………..
4.- El profesor corre lento por la carretera………………………………………………
5.-Ellos limpian cada dia el colegio……………………………………………………..
DO / DOES (auxiliares )
Do I eat? Does he eat?
Do you eat? Does she eat?
Do we eat? Does it eat?
1.-Do I eat quinoa soup? Does he eat quinoa soup?
R. yes, I do / no, I do not R.-yes he does / no, he does
2.-Do you drink coffee? Does she drink coffee?
R. yes, I do, /no I do not yes, she does,/ not she does
1.- I do not quinoa soup He does not quinoa soup
2.- You do not drink coffe She does not drink coffee
3.-We do not play basketball Boby does not play
Nota en la forma interrogativa y en la forma negativa en el presente simple
no es necesario añadir S en el verbo en las terceras personas.
Tarea:- Convierta las siguientes oraciones a interrogativas
1.Miguel does the homework=……………………………………………….?
2.-They tavel to santa cruz =…………………………………………………...?
3.-Delia runs in the river=……………………………………………………….?
4.-We drink wáter every day=…
Forma afirmativa
I can speak engles= yo puedo hablar ingles
You can study= tu puedes estudiar
He can play futsal= el puede jugar futbol
Luisa can cook a soup= Luisa puede cocinar una sopa
We can clean the classroom= nosotros podemos limpiar el curso
They can work = ellos pueden trabajar
Consite en agregar (ed) a los verbos regulares y a los irregulares
es necesario saber el pasado de cada verbo, asi también
atulizamos los abverbios de tiempo ayer, el año pasado, la noche
Forma afirmative.-
You worked very hard last week
She lived in Japan last year.
They learned how to swim two year ago.
He was in his garden yesterday
Forma interrogative?
Did you work very hard last week?
Did she live Alex in sucre last year?
Did they learn how swim two years ago.?
Did I want to travel to Santa cruz?
ACTIVIDAD # 1 completar las oraciones con los verbos que están ente paréntesis
pero en tiempo pasado.
There was some money in my bag.= habia algo de dinero en mi bolso.
There was a strong noise in my room in the night.= habia un ruido fuerte en mi
cuarto en la noche.
There was a boy in the bus.= habia un niño en el bus
There was a mouse in the kitchen= habia un raton en la cocina.
There were Se utiliza para referirnos a cosas en plural, es decir 2 o mas cosas,
significa “habian”
There were 10 people at the party= habian 10 personas en la fiesta
There were 100bs in my bag= habian 100bs en mi cartera
There were many cows in the river= habian muchas vacas en el rio
There were five in the school this afternoon= habian cinco autos en el colegio esta
Forma negative + not
There was not somy money in my bag: no habia
There were not……………………………
Negative form
I am not learning English in my school
Maria is not writing a poem now
My mother is not leaving tomorrow morning
We are not building a house
Paul and Jhenifer are not studing laws in the university
Interrogative form
Am I learning english in my school?
Is Maria writing a poem now
Is my mother leaving tomorrow morning?
Are we building a house?
Are Paul and Jhenifer studing laws in the university?