J of Bone Mineral Res - 2019 - Ferrari - Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density T Score and Nonvertebral Fracture Risk

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15234681, 2019, 6, Downloaded from https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jbmr.3722 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [03/03/2023].

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Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density T‐Score and

Nonvertebral Fracture Risk Over 10 Years of
Denosumab Treatment
S Ferrari,1* C Libanati,2 Celia Jow Fang Lin,3 JP Brown,4 F Cosman,5 E Czerwiński,6 LH de Gregόrio,7
J Malouf‐Sierra,8 J‐Y Reginster,9 A Wang,3 RB Wagman,3 and EM Lewiecki10
Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
UCB Pharma, Brussels, Belgium
Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Laval University and CHU de Québec Research Centre, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Columbia University, NY, USA
Krakow Medical Center, Krakow, Poland
Center for Clinical and Basic Research – Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporosis Center, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Although treat‐to‐target strategies are being discussed in osteoporosis, there is little evidence of what the target should be to
reduce fracture risk maximally. We investigated the relationship between total hip BMD T‐score and the incidence of nonvertebral
fracture in women who received up to 10 years of continued denosumab therapy in the FREEDOM (3 years) study and its long‐
term Extension (up to 7 years) study. We report the percentages of women who achieved a range of T‐scores at the total hip or
femoral neck over 10 years of denosumab treatment (1343 women completed 10 years of treatment). The incidence of
nonvertebral fractures was lower with higher total hip T‐score. This relationship plateaued at a T‐score between ‐2.0 and ‐1.5 and
was independent of age and prevalent vertebral fractures, similar to observations in treatment‐naïve subjects. Reaching a specific
T‐score during denosumab treatment was dependent on the baseline T‐score, with higher T‐scores at baseline more likely to result
in higher T‐scores at each time point during the study. Our findings highlight the importance of follow‐up BMD measurements in
patients receiving denosumab therapy because BMD remains a robust indicator of fracture risk. These data support the notion of a
specific T‐score threshold as a practical target for therapy in osteoporosis. © 2019 The Authors Journal of Bone and Mineral
Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).


INTRODUCTION risks associated with the disease. As examples, there are clear
goals for blood pressure thresholds in patients with hyperten-

F or many chronic conditions, guidance is available regarding

the attainment of specific clinical targets to minimize the
sion to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, and specific
goals for blood glucose and HbA1C levels to reduce the risk of

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Received in original form January 2, 2018; revised form February 15, 2019; accepted February 22, 2019. Accepted manuscript online May 29, 2019.
Correspondence to: Serge Ferrari, MD, Geneva University Hospital, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland. Email: [email protected]
Presented at: This study was first presented as an abstract and poster at ASBMR 2014 and as an abstract and oral presentation at ASBMR 2015.
Public clinical trial registration: http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00089791, A Study to Evaluate Denosumab in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteop-
orosis. Extension: http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00523341, Extension Study to Evaluate the Long Term Safety and Efficacy of Denosumab in the Treatment
of Osteoporosis. Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2019, p. 1033–1040
DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.3722
© 2019 The Authors Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

1033 ◼
15234681, 2019, 6, Downloaded from https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jbmr.3722 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [03/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
complications of diabetes.(1,2) These goals have proven value in Term Safety and Efficacy of Denosumab in the Treatment
guiding treatment strategies to improve clinical outcomes. of Osteoporosis) provide a unique opportunity to perform
Such goals have not been defined for the treatment of this analysis: Subjects with a wide range of total hip baseline
osteoporosis, which is considered successful when there is no T‐scores were enrolled, and BMD increased in serial measure-
significant loss of BMD and no new fracture events. This ments obtained over time with continued denosumab treatment,
approach may be partly because of the limited capacity of most allowing us to study the relationship between different T‐scores
existing therapies to realize large improvements in BMD, a achieved in response to treatment and subsequent 1‐year
surrogate known to reflect bone strength. Attributing success incidence of nonvertebral fractures. Our findings underscore the
to the lack of a negative clinical outcome, however, does not importance of total hip T‐score as a predictor of nonvertebral
provide adequate guidance regarding the most appropriate fracture risk during treatment for osteoporosis and provide
therapeutic strategy to minimize fracture risk over time. additional insights into the use of BMD as a clinically relevant
For treatment‐naïve patients, specific (BMD) T‐score thresh- target for osteoporosis treatment.
olds are used to diagnose osteopenia and osteoporosis, and
BMD is a robust predictor of fracture risk. Conversely, only a few
studies have examined the extent to which the risk of fracture MATERIALS AND METHODS
depends on the BMD achieved during treatment. After 3 years
of annual intravenous zoledronic acid treatment in the Study design
HORIZON extension study, the subsequent fracture risk (both
nonvertebral and vertebral) over 3 additional years was a The study designs of the FREEDOM trial (NCT00089791) and its
function of BMD achieved after treatment.(3) In patients who Extension (NCT00523341) have been published previously(9,12,14–16);
achieved nonosteoporotic hip T‐scores, future fracture risk was key methods are described in this report. In brief, the 3‐year
reduced the most. Similarly, after 5 years of oral alendronate FREEDOM trial was a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double‐
treatment in the FLEX extension study, future fracture risk over blind, placebo‐controlled study conducted at 214 centers world-
the ensuing 5 years was a function of hip BMD.(4) In addition, T‐ wide. Enrolled subjects were postmenopausal women between the
scores achieved after 3 years of denosumab treatment in ages of 60 to 90 years with a lumbar spine or total hip T‐score < ‐
FREEDOM (A Study to Evaluate Denosumab in the Treatment of 2.5 at either site but ≥ ‐4.0 at both sites. Subjects were randomized
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis) determined the relative efficacy to receive 60 mg of denosumab or placebo subcutaneously (s.c.)
of continued treatment in year 4 and beyond.(5) These findings every 6 months for 3 years and took daily vitamin D (≥ 400 IU) and
support the use of the T‐score as an easily obtainable clinical calcium (≥ 1 g) supplements.
variable to evaluate therapeutic success and the opportunity to Subjects who completed the 3‐year FREEDOM trial, did not
stop or continue treatment. discontinue the investigational product, and did not miss > 1
Investigational and recently approved therapies, either dose were eligible to enroll in the Extension. During the
alone or in combination, have led to large and continued Extension, all subjects were scheduled to receive open‐label
gains in BMD, (6–9) thus a BMD target for osteoporosis 60 mg denosumab s.c. every 6 months for 7 years with daily
treatment is relevant and of increasing interest. In this vitamin D and calcium supplements. Investigators and subjects
context, it has been proposed that potential targets for were blinded to the BMD results throughout the 10‐year study.
osteoporosis treatment could include achieving a T‐score The data reported here represent up to 10 years of denosumab
associated with acceptable fracture risk, with the caveat exposure for women who received 3 years of denosumab in the
that such a T‐score could vary depending on other risk FREEDOM trial and continued for up to 7 years in the Extension
factors, such as age, prior fracture history, and a propensity (long‐term group) study.
for falls. No consensus has been reached regarding what Study subjects provided written consent. The study protocols
that T‐score should be or which site—spine or hip—should were approved by the ethics committee or institutional review
be the basis for that potential target.(10,11) board at each site.
Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody that
specifically binds RANKL to inhibit osteoclast formation,
Study procedures and assessments
function, and survival. In the pivotal, 3‐year FREEDOM trial in
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, denosumab sig- In the FREEDOM trial, subjects were evaluated every 6 months,
nificantly reduced bone turnover markers, increased lumbar and DXA measurements of the proximal femur were obtained
spine and total hip BMD, and reduced new vertebral fractures, every year for the 3‐year duration. Subjects and investigators
nonvertebral fractures, and hip fractures compared with were blinded to the BMD results throughout the study. During
placebo.(12) Importantly, the gains in total hip BMD explained the Extension study, study visits continued every 6 months for
a large proportion of the observed reduction in fracture risk.(13) an additional 7 years. Over the 10‐year total duration of
Over 10 years of continued denosumab administration, long‐ observation (3 years in the FREEDOM and 7 years in the
term progressive increases in BMD resulted in an improvement Extension trials), proximal femur DXA scans were evaluated for
of 21.7% at the lumbar spine, 9.2% at the total hip, and 9.0% at all subjects once per year from baseline to year 6, and
the femoral neck (all P < 0.05).(9,14–16) thereafter at years 8 and 10. Subjects were asked about the
The main objective of the current analysis was to determine the occurrence of clinical fractures, including nonvertebral frac-
relationship between the incidence of nonvertebral fractures and tures,(12) at every scheduled visit, and they could also report
total hip T‐scores at the time of the fracture (while receiving clinical fractures at unscheduled visits. All fractures were
denosumab treatment). In addition, we evaluated the proportion adjudicated by a central imaging vendor (Synarc Inc., San
of patients who reached a given T‐score at different time points. Francisco, CA, USA) based on diagnostic imaging or a
Ten years of continued denosumab therapy in the FREEDOM radiologist’s report, as described previously.(12) Subjects’
trial and its Extension (Extension Study to Evaluate the Long propensity to fall was not evaluated.

◼ 1034 FERRARI ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

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Statistical analyses unknown, the date of the spine X‐ray with confirmed vertebral
fractures was used as a proxy for time to vertebral fracture.
Total hip was chosen as the main site for this analysis because hip
The percentages of women with T‐scores of > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0, and
BMD is a more robust marker of nonvertebral fracture risk than
> ‐1.5 at the total hip or femoral neck at baseline and over 10
spine BMD,(17,18) and it is less affected by artifacts, such as
years of denosumab treatment were determined. The percen-
coexisting vascular calcification or osteoarthritic changes that
tages of women with baseline T‐scores of ≤ ‐2.5 at the total hip
could influence the BMD measurement. Nonvertebral fractures
or femoral neck who attained a T‐score > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0, and > ‐1.5
(excluding those of the skull, face, mandible, metacarpals, fingers,
over time were also determined. The influence of baseline T‐
or toes) confirmed by the central imaging vendor were included
score on subsequent T‐score improvement at each follow‐up
in the analysis. Pathologic nonvertebral fractures and those
time point was also explored by grouping women based on
associated with severe trauma (defined as a fall from a height
baseline T‐score quartiles.
higher than a stool, chair, or the first rung of a ladder; or severe
trauma other than a fall) were also excluded from the analysis.
The relationship between total hip T‐score and incidence of
nonvertebral fractures and vertebral fractures through 10 years
of denosumab therapy was analyzed post hoc, as follows: (1) a Subject disposition and characteristics
repeated‐measures model (fitting observed T‐scores against
years on denosumab treatment at each BMD assessment, its A total of 3902 women were randomized to denosumab in the
quadratic term, and baseline T‐score with random intercept FREEDOM trial; of these, 2343 enrolled in the long‐term
and slope for each subject) was used to estimate each subject’s denosumab group of the Extension study (Supplemental
T‐score at specific time points during the entire follow‐up Fig. S1). The baseline characteristics of subjects in the FREEDOM
period; (2) Cox’s proportional‐hazard model was fitted for time and its Extension trials have been published.(9,12,14–16) Overall,
to first fracture with the corresponding estimated T‐score for 1343 women completed 10 years of denosumab treatment.
the subject at the time of the fracture and its quadratic term as Participant characteristics at the FREEDOM baseline and the
time‐dependent covariates; (3) the expected fracture risk FREEDOM Extension baseline for all subjects who received
during the entire follow‐up period was estimated for various denosumab and for those who completed 10 years of denosumab
T‐scores ranging from ‐3.0 to ‐0.5; and (4) the expected fracture treatment are shown in Table 1. The FREEDOM baseline
risk at 1 year was extracted for each T‐score to depict the T‐ characteristics of subjects who subsequently enrolled in the
score/fracture response curve. Baseline age (≥ 75 years versus FREEDOM Extension were similar to those of all subjects who
< 75 years) and prior nonvertebral fracture status were enrolled in the denosumab arm of FREEDOM. As expected, the
evaluated separately as additional covariates in the Cox model. mean baseline T‐scores of subjects enrolled into the Extension
The significance of the reduction in 1‐year nonvertebral study were higher than for the subjects who enrolled in the
fracture risk between pairs of T‐scores that differed by an FREEDOM trial because of prior treatment intervention (either
increment of 1.0 was assessed. denosumab and/or calcium + vitamin D supplementation).
A sensitivity analysis of the relationship between total hip T‐
score and incidence of nonvertebral fractures for the first 3
Relationship between total hip T‐score and nonvertebral
years of the FREEDOM trial (denosumab and placebo arms) was
also conducted.
Baseline values are reported using descriptive statistics. Overall, 373 subjects (10.3%) had nonvertebral fractures during
Because the exact timing of vertebral fractures was generally denosumab treatment; 42 (1.2%) had hip fractures, and 155

Table 1. Participant characteristics at FREEDOM baseline and FREEDOM extension baseline: denosumab treatment

Subjects Enrolled in Subjects Enrolled in Subjects Enrolled in Subjects Who Completed

FREEDOM FREEDOM Extension FREEDOM Extension 10 Years of Study
(N = 3,902) (N1 = 2,343) (N1 = 2,343) (N2 = 1,343)
FREEDOM Baseline FREEDOM Extension Baseline
Age, years 72.3 (5.2) 71.9 (5.0) 74.9 (5.0) 73.8 (4.6)
Age groups, n (%)
≥ 70 y 2,872 (73.6) 1,672 (71.4) 1,974 (84.3) 1,073 (79.9)
≥ 80 y 322 (8.3) 144 (6.1) 325 (13.9) 154 (11.5)
Any prior fractures, n (%)
Nonvertebral fractures 1,163 (29.8) 702 (30.0) 780 (33.3) 500 (37.2)
Vertebral fractures 929 (23.8) 559 (23.8) 573 (24.5) 385 (28.7)
Total hip T‐score –1.9 (0.8) –1.9 (0.8) –1.5 (0.8) –1.4 (0.8)
Lumbar spine T‐score –2.8 (0.7) –2.8 (0.7) –2.1 (0.8) –2.2 (0.8)
Femoral neck T‐score –2.2 (0.7) −2.1 (0.7) –1.8 (0.8) –1.8 (0.7)
Data are expressed as mean (SD) unless otherwise noted.
N = number of subjects who were randomized to denosumab in FREEDOM.
N1 = number of subjects in FREEDOM who continued to receive denosumab in the FREEDOM Extension.
N2 = number of long‐term denosumab‐treated subjects who were still on study at the end of year 10.

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Denosumab (N = 3,612) Age ≥ 75 (N = 1,118)
6.0 6.0

Expected 1-Year Nonvertebral

Expected 1-Year Nonvertebral

95% CI 95% CI

Fracture Incidence (%)

Fracture Incidence (%)

Age < 75 (N = 2,494)
5.0 5.0 95% CI

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
–3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5
Total Hip T-score Total Hip T-score

Prior Nonvertebral Fracture (N = 1,416)
Expected 1-Year Nonvertebral

6.0 95% CI
Fracture Incidence (%)

No Prior Nonvertebral Fracture (N = 2,196)

5.0 95% CI




–3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5
Total Hip T-score

Fig. 1. Relationship between total hip T‐score and incidence of nonvertebral fracture with up to 10 years of denosumab treatment (A) overall,
(B) considering age, and (C) considering prior nonvertebral fracture. N = number of subjects randomized to denosumab in the FREEDOM study who
had an observed total hip T‐score at FREEDOM baseline and ≥ 1 observed total hip T‐score during the FREEDOM or the Extension study. The 95% CIs
are represented by dotted lines

(4.3%) had wrist fractures (Supplemental Table S1). The Table 2. Effect of initial total hip T‐score on reduction in
incidence of nonvertebral fractures and hip fractures was nonvertebral fracture risk.
significantly lower among subjects who had at least one
postbaseline total hip T‐score of > ‐1.5 versus those who did Initial Total Total Hip T Nonvertebral Fracture
not (9% versus 12% for nonvertebral fractures, and 0.5% versus Hip T‐scorea ‐score + 1a Risk Reduction P‐value
2% for hip fractures; P < 0.0001 for both).
–2.5 –1.5 –1.01% 0.011
There was an inverse relationship between the incidence of
–2.4 –1.4 –0.91% 0.016
nonvertebral fractures and total hip T‐scores attained during
–2.3 –1.3 –0.83% 0.023
denosumab treatment (Fig. 1A). The 1‐year nonvertebral
–2.2 –1.2 –0.75% 0.034
fracture incidence was about 3.0% (95% CI, 2.3 to 3.7) in
–2.1 –1.1 –0.67% 0.049
women with a total hip T‐score of ‐2.5. In contrast, the 1‐year
–2.0 –1.0 –0.60% 0.071
nonvertebral fracture incidence was about 2.0% (95% CI, 1.5 to
–1.9 –0.9 –0.54% 0.101
2.4%) in women with a total hip T‐score of ‐1.5. The relationship
–1.8 –0.8 –0.48% 0.140
between attained total hip T‐score and nonvertebral fracture
–1.7 –0.7 –0.42% 0.190
risk reduction begins to plateau at a T‐score between ‐2.0 and ‐
–1.6 –0.6 –0.37% 0.251
1.5, above which fracture risk reductions are less robust with
–1.5 –0.5 –0.32% 0.322
further increases in T‐score. This relationship is further
illustrated in Table 2, which shows the absolute nonvertebral Pairs of total hip T‐scores differ by increments of 1.0.
fracture risk reductions after a 1.0 T‐score unit increase for
initial total hip T‐scores between ‐2.5 and ‐1.5. For initial T‐
scores between ‐2.5 and ‐2.1, a 1.0 T‐score unit increase was nonvertebral fracture risk was of lesser magnitude (0.3% to
associated with a significant reduction in nonvertebral fracture 0.6% risk reduction) and was no longer significant.
risk (risk reductions ranged from 0.7% to 1.0%). In contrast, for Like the 10‐year data, there was an inverse relationship
initial T‐scores between ‐2.0 and ‐1.5, the reduction in between the incidence of nonvertebral fractures and total hip

◼ 1036 FERRARI ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

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Fig. 2. Percentage of subjects with T‐scores of > −2.5, > −2.0, and > −1.5 over 10 years of denosumab treatment. N = number of subjects
randomized to denosumab in the FREEDOM study who had a baseline and at least one postbaseline T‐score at the total hip; n = number of subjects
with observed data at each time point

T‐scores attained during treatment with denosumab and with plateau seen in the relationship between higher T‐score levels
placebo (Supplemental Fig. S2). and fracture risk reduction was also maintained independently
Absolute fracture risk was higher in older women and of baseline age and fracture history.
women with previous fractures for any T‐score level; however, Analyses of the relationship between nonvertebral fractures
the inverse relationship between T‐score attained and fracture and femoral neck T‐scores and between vertebral fractures and
risk reduction was maintained regardless of age (Fig. 1B) or total hip T‐scores also showed a similar inverse relationship
prior nonvertebral fracture history (Fig. 1C). Additionally, the (Supplemental Figs. 3 and 4).

Proportion of women reaching a T‐score threshold at

Percentage of Subjects With Total Hip

80% 78.1% year 10

T-score Above the Threshold

In the current study of long‐term denosumab subjects, the

percentages of women with total hip T‐scores of > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0,
or > ‐1.5 progressively increased from 75%, 53%, and 31%,
40% respectively, at FREEDOM baseline to 88%, 69%, and 47% after
25.9% 3 years of denosumab treatment, and 95%, 81%, and 61% after
20% 10 years of denosumab treatment (Fig. 2). In contrast, total hip
2.7% 0.0%
T‐scores of > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0, or > ‐1.5 were 73%, 50%, and 28% after
0% 3 years of placebo (data not shown). The percentages of
n 295 15 0 196 65 6
N 562 562 562 251 251 251 women with femoral neck T‐scores of > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0, or > ‐1.5
Year 3 Year 10 also increased: from 67%, 39%, and 16% at FREEDOM baseline
Years of Denosumab Treatment to 80%, 55%, and 29% after 3 years of denosumab treatment,
Achieved T-score >–2.5
Achieved T-score >–2.0
and 89%, 69%, and 45% after 10 years of denosumab treatment
Achieved T-score >–1.5 (Supplemental Fig. S5).
More than one half of women with baseline T‐scores of ≤ ‐2.5
Fig. 3. Percentage of subjects with a total hip T‐score ≤ −2.5 at at the total hip in the long‐term denosumab group had
FREEDOM baseline attaining T‐scores of > −2.5, > −2.0, and > −1.5 attained a T‐score of > ‐2.5 after 3 years of denosumab
after 3 and 10 years of denosumab treatment. N = number of subjects treatment, increasing to 78% after 10 years of treatment (Fig.
randomized to denosumab in the FREEDOM study and enrolled in the 3). In this same group of subjects, 26% and 2.4% attained T‐
Extension who had a T‐score of ≤ −2.5 at the total hip at FREEDOM scores of > ‐2.0 and > ‐1.5 after 10 years of treatment
baseline and an observed T‐score at the time point of interest; respectively (Fig. 3). The percentage of subjects with baseline
n = number of subjects with a total hip T‐score above threshold; T‐scores of ≤ ‐2.5 at the femoral neck who attained T‐scores of
BL = baseline > ‐2.5, > ‐2.0, or > ‐1.5 also increased over 10 years of
denosumab treatment (Supplemental Fig. S6).

15234681, 2019, 6, Downloaded from https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jbmr.3722 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [03/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

n 584 584 589 577 554 558 566 552 334 397 407 396 247 327 328 327

Baseline Year 3 Year 8 Year 10

Quartile of Total Hip T-score at Baseline
First Quartile Third Quartile
Second Quartile Fourth Quartile

Fig. 4. Total hip BMD by quartile over time T‐score over time by baseline total hip T‐score quartile. Each box represents the respective baseline
T‐score quartile. The bottom and top of each box represent Q1 and Q3 T‐scores within the respective baseline T‐score quartile; the line within each
box represents the median T‐score; the dot represents the mean T‐score

When subjects were grouped by their baseline total hip T‐ This is the largest long‐term study of therapeutic intervention in
score quartile, each group had improvement in T‐scores the osteoporosis treatment setting to date and provides important
throughout 10 years of denosumab treatment, with higher insights into the relationship between absolute BMD and fracture
T‐scores at baseline more likely to result in higher T‐scores at risk among subjects receiving ongoing treatment with denosumab.
each time point (Fig. 4). It remains to be determined if similar conclusions can be made for
other therapeutic agents that reduce fracture risk in patients with
osteoporosis. However, for all approved therapies, preclinical data
show that the relationship between BMD achieved on treatment
DISCUSSION and bone strength remains intact, thus it would be logical to infer
that a similar relationship would be observed from clinical data. The
In this study, we have shown that a high proportion of subjects Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Biomarkers
with osteoporosis achieved T‐scores above the osteoporosis Consortium Bone Quality Project is currently evaluating this
threshold (ie, T‐score ≥ ‐2.5) with up to 10 years of continued relationship in pooled data from multiple clinical trials of
denosumab treatment. The incidence of nonvertebral fractures osteoporosis agents.(20)
decreased significantly as a function of the T‐score achieved There is abundant evidence demonstrating a relationship
during therapy; this relationship was consistent across im- between low BMD/T‐score and increased risk of fracture in
portant demographic variables, such as age and prior fracture untreated postmenopausal women.(21–23) However, there is
history, indicating that the absolute BMD attained on treatment uncertainty regarding the strength of this relationship among
is a key indicator of fracture risk. Within the relationship patients receiving osteoporosis treatments. This may partly be
between total hip T‐score and observed nonvertebral fracture explained by the relatively modest changes in T‐score observed
risk, nonvertebral fractures began to plateau upon reaching a to date with most existing therapies (particularly in the hip); the
total hip T‐score above ‐2.0 (associated with a 1‐year small number of subjects from completed, long‐term studies;
nonvertebral fracture incidence of approximately 2%). A 1.0 and previous attempts to link fracture reductions with
T‐score unit increase was associated with a significant percentage change in BMD rather than the absolute BMD
reduction in fracture risk for T‐scores up to, but not > ‐2.0, achieved while receiving different therapeutic agents.
suggesting that a T‐score threshold ≥ ‐2.0 would be an A previous analysis of data from the FREEDOM trial demon-
appropriate target for therapy to maximize treatment benefits. strated that change (gain) in BMD is a predictor of fracture risk
Further improvements in BMD were not associated with major reduction in patients treated with denosumab(13); however, as
additional changes in 1‐year nonvertebral fracture incidence. demonstrated in the current study, absolute BMD achieved and
The implication of this finding is that nonvertebral fracture risk corresponding T‐score appear to be better predictors of fracture
may be maximally reduced if BMD T‐scores above ‐2.0 are risk reduction. For example, for initial T‐scores of between ‐2.5 and
achieved and maintained, assuming an annual background rate ‐2.1, a 1.0 T‐score unit increase led to a significant reduction in
of osteoporosis‐related fracture of 1% to 1.5%.(19) nonvertebral fracture risk, whereas for initial T‐scores of between

◼ 1038 FERRARI ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

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‐2.0 and ‐1.5, the same incremental increase in T‐score did not antiresorptives may result in better improvements in T‐scores
result in a significant reduction in nonvertebral fracture risk. We over shorter periods, resulting in faster reductions in fracture risk for
would like to point out, however, that this does not imply that patients with osteoporosis. Until recently, there was a lack of robust
patients with total hip T‐scores > ‐2.0 who have prevalent fragility evidence demonstrating that strategies to achieve faster and/or
fractures or low spine BMD should not be treated. larger gains in BMD would result in superior fracture reductions; the
Interestingly, associations between bone strength and a T‐score recently published results from the romosozumab ARCH trial now
threshold of approximately ‐1.5 have been observed in the support this concept.(30)
treatment‐naive population. In a study of untreated patients, hip Our study has several limitations. First, the FREEDOM patient
fractures were almost exclusively observed among women with T‐ population was postmenopausal and largely white, thus our
scores below ‐1.5, corresponding to an estimated strength (by CT findings may not be generalizable to other demographic groups.
finite element analysis) below 4000 Newtons.(24) A similar threshold Second, spine BMD was not collected annually in all subjects in the
was observed when the relationship between fracture occurrence FREEDOM trial. Third, only nonvertebral fractures were examined in
and decreasing T‐scores was evaluated in the National Osteoporosis detail. Fourth, it remains to be established whether the relationship
Risk Assessment (NORA).(25) between T‐score and fracture incidence while on denosumab
The feasibility of treat‐to‐target (or goal‐directed) strategies in the treatment can be extended to other osteoporosis therapies that
management of osteoporosis has been the subject of much have different mechanisms of action. For instance, teriparatide
debate.(26) Although there is currently no consensus on which reduces nonvertebral fracture risk without substantial increments in
parameter would best define the treatment target, the T‐score has hip BMD, which could pertain to its effects on cortical thickness
been proposed as the likely choice (along with the goal of freedom and/or geometry. Analysis of existing data from other studies, such
from fracture) based on the 2017 ASBMR Task Force on Goal‐ as that undertaken by the Foundation for the National Institutes of
Directed Therapy in Osteoporosis. Specifically, a spine or hip T‐score Health Biomarkers Consortium Bone Quality Project(23) could
above ‐2.5 has been proposed for consideration by the task force answer this question. In addition, there may be a question of
because achieving a T‐score of ‐2.5 (for patients initiating treatment bias from nonrandom enrollment in the Extension study and/or
with a T‐score < ‐2.5) would reflect the patient having a BMD above differential loss to follow‐up during the Extension study. With
the intervention and diagnostic threshold for treatment initiation in regard to nonrandom enrollment in the Extension trial, among
many guidelines.(26–29) Of note, the task force also suggests that subjects who had received denosumab in the FREEDOM trial, the
therapy should be continued until a patient is fracture‐free for 3 to 1559 Extension nonparticipants had the same mean lumbar spine
5 years, and that a higher T‐score goal (ie, a T‐score > ‐2.0) may be and total hip scores as the 2343 Extension enrollees.(31) The authors
warranted in patients with a higher baseline risk, such as those over of that study also demonstrated that continued benefit from long‐
age 70 years or with a recent vertebral fracture. Our data, in term denosumab treatment in the Extension study was not the
addition to previously published results,(5) provide some evidence result of a loss of subjects susceptible to fracture over time.(31)
that achieving hip T‐scores of at least ‐2.0 may help provide In summary, our findings highlight the importance of the
additional fracture reduction benefit, at least during treatment with relationship between hip T‐score and fracture risk, which is
denosumab. maintained during long‐term therapy with denosumab. Regular
Our data also suggest that a plateau in fracture risk is reached at monitoring of BMD during therapy may be useful to determine
similar BMD values independent of other risk factors such as older when fracture risk has reached a minimal threshold; treatment
age and/or prevalent fracture. We acknowledge that the absolute could therefore be suspended and/or consolidated (as in the case
background risk is not the same for every patient, which could of a reversible therapy such as denosumab). Our observations
justify different management strategies and goals for specific support the concept of a treat‐to‐target (T‐score) approach in
patients. If the goal is to minimize the fracture risk in every patient, osteoporosis. Further studies are needed to determine the most
however, a similar T‐score value should be targeted regardless of appropriate T‐score level for each therapy and individual patient
those patients’ characteristics. It is important to note that achieving that could be utilized as the therapeutic intervention target.
a specific T‐score threshold does not absolve patients or their
physicians from further management strategies. The treating
physician should consider appropriate treatment options to Disclosures
maintain gains in BMD, particularly in the context of reversible
therapies, such as denosumab. SF: Consultancy for Amgen; Travel expenses from Amgen. CL:
It is important to note that 10 years of denosumab treatment Former employee and stock/stock options of Amgen; Employment
enabled a substantial proportion of women with baseline hip at and stock/stock options of UCB Pharma. CJFL: Former employee
T‐scores < ‐2.5 to achieve total hip non‐osteoporosis T‐scores, but and stock/stock options of Amgen. AW, RBW: Employment at and
only a small proportion achieved target total hip T‐scores of stock/stock options of Amgen. JPB: Grants from Amgen, Eli Lilly;
> ‐1.5. The absolute level of T‐score achieved and the degree of Consultancy for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck; Speakers’ bureau of Amgen,
reduction in fracture risk over 10 years of denosumab treatment Eli Lilly; Board membership of Amgen. FC: Grants from Amgen, Eli
were dependent on both the baseline T‐score and gains obtained Lilly; Consultancy for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Radius Health, Tarsa
over time. This is of clinical relevance as it implies that the baseline Therapeutics; Speakers’ bureau of Amgen, Eli Lilly, Radius Health;
T‐score would also provide valuable insight into the treatment Educational presentations for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Radius Health;
strategy. For example, patients with very low total hip T‐scores at Advisory boards of Amgen, Eli Lilly, Radius Health, Merck. EC:
baseline require larger gains in BMD and/or a longer treatment Lecture fees from Amgen; Travel expenses from Amgen. LHG: Grant
period to achieve a T‐score associated with a low fracture incidence, from CCBR Clinical Research. JM: Speakers’ bureau of Amgen, Eli
thus additional strategies to realize larger and faster gains in Lilly, Grunenthal; Travel expenses from Amgen, Eli Lilly, Grunenthal,
BMD would be desirable. Investigational or recently approved Regeneron, Ono Pharmaceutical. JYR: Grants from IBSA‐Genevrier,
therapies, such as sclerostin antibodies and parathyroid‐related Mylan, CNIEL, Radius Health; Consultancy for IBSA‐Genevrier, Mylan,
peptides, used alone, in sequence, or in combination with Radius Health, Pierre Fabre; Lecture fees from IBSA‐Genevrier,

15234681, 2019, 6, Downloaded from https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jbmr.3722 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [03/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Mylan, CNIEL, Dairy Research Council. EML: Grant from Amgen; 11. Krege JH, Wan X, Lentle BC, et al. Fracture risk prediction:
Consultancy for Amgen, Radius Health; Board membership of importance of age, BMD and spine fracture status. Bonekey Rep.
National Osteoporosis Foundation, International Society for Clinical
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Densitometry, Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico. prevention of fractures in postmenopausal women with osteo-
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13. Austin M, Yang YC, Vittinghoff E, et al. Relationship between bone
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mineral density changes with denosumab treatment and risk
reduction for vertebral and nonvertebral fractures. J Bone Miner
This study was funded by Amgen Inc. Medical writing Res. 2012;27:687–93.
assistance was provided by Michelle N. Bradley, PhD, of Amgen 14. Papapoulos S, Chapurlat R, Libanati C, et al. Five years of
denosumab exposure in women with postmenopausal osteo-
Inc.; Jennifer Villa, PhD, of Oxford PharmaGenesis, Inc., funded
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by Amgen Inc.; and Kathryn Boorer, PhD, of KB Scientific J Bone Miner Res. 2012;27:694–701.
Communications, LLC, funded by Amgen Inc. Formatting 15. Bone HG, Chapurlat R, Brandi ML, et al. The effect of three or six
support was provided by Cactus, on behalf of Amgen Inc. years of denosumab exposure in women with postmenopausal
In memory of Silvano Adami. osteoporosis: results from the FREEDOM extension. J Clin
Authors’ roles: Study design: SF, CL. Data collection: JB, EC, Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:4483–92.
LHG, JYR, EML. Data analysis: SF, CL, JB, FC, EC, LHG, JM, JYR, 16. Papapoulos S, Lippuner K, Roux C, et al. The effect of 8 or 5 years of
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LHG, JM, JYR, ATW, RBW, EML. Approving final version of 2015;26(12): 2773–83.
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