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Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 200


Please read each of the following instructions carefully

before attempting questions

There are TEN questions divided in TWO Sections.

Candidate has to attempt SIX questions in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory.

Out of the remaining EIGHT questions, FOUR questions are to be attempted choosing
TWO from each Section.

The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.

Neat sketches may be drawn to illustrate answers, wherever required. These shall be

drawn in the space provided for answering the question itself.

Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard
Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the same clearly.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off,

attempt of
a question shall be counted even if attempted partly.

Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must
clearly struck off.

Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.

SDFG-U-GPH/65 1 [P.T.O.








What is the relationship between the angle of inclination of the remanent

magnetisation and the magnetic latitude at the time of the magnetisation of the
rock? Assuming that the angle of inclination is 60°, calculate the magnetic

The P-wave from an earthquake arrives at a seismic station at 13 hours

19 minutes 589 seconds and the S-wave arrives at 13 hours 20 minutes
4-7 seconds. Assuming that the P-wave velocity is 5:6 km s7! and that
Poisson’s ratio is 0-25, calculate the time at which the earthquake occurred.

A cylindrical conductor of radius ry has internal magnetic field intensity

3 >
H kt sinbr - cosbr by
2p? 4b

where b= re. Calculate the total current flowing in the conductor if radius

ro =1 cm.

A gravity profile of 25 points indicates the presence of an ore body of horizontal

cylindrical shape. Formulate a non-linear inverse problem to determine the

depth (2), dimension (R) and density contrast (p.) for the ore body. Write the

steps, along with necessary equations, to determine z, R and p, using




Gauss-Newton method. 3+7=10

A mountain range of 3-5 km height is in isostatic equilibrium with a

continental crust of thickness 38 km. During a period of crustal shortening,
2:5 km of material is added to the mountain range, leading to an increase in
the height of the mountain. Calculate the new height of the mountain, after the
isostatic equilibrium is attained. Assume the density of the continental crust to
be 2900 kg/m? and the mantle to be 3400 kg/m?>.

The igneous rock of susceptibility 0-18 (SI) intrudes the host sedimentary rock
of susceptibility 3 x10~* (SI) and forms an anticlinal horizontal cylinder.

(i) Assuming that the rocks are magnetised in the vertical direction by the
vertical component of the magnetic field of strength 38000 nT, calculate
the induced magnetisation contrast between the igneous and sedimentary

(ii) Assuming that the radius of the horizontal cylinder is one-third the depth
to the cylindrical axis, calculate the maximum value of the vertical field
anomaly over the cylinder.

(Given, pg =4m x 1077 H/m)

Two waves with frequencies of 10 Hz and 100 Hz propagate through a medium
of velocity 2 km s~! and absorption coefficient, a. = 0-5 dB A! (A is wavelength

and dB is decibel). What is the wave attenuation in decibels due to absorption

for both waves? What is the inference you draw from your results thus


obtained? 8+2=10






Obtain the inverse of the following matrix using Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) of the matrix :

3 0


Define Apparent Polar Wander (APW) path in the context of continental drift
theory. How do APW paths of the continents provide evidence to the
continental drift? What are the limitations of the APW studies of Precambrian

Calculate the bulk modulus (K), shear modulus (1) and Poisson’s ratio (o) for
the lower crust using the values for P-wave velocity (Vp) as 7-4 km s7!, S-wave

velocity (Vg) as 4-3 km s™! and density (p) as 3100 kg m3.

The d, 4 is the half-width value at jth of the maximum gravity value measured
over a buried sphere of uniform density p. If z is the depth from the surface to
the centre of the sphere, derive the expression for d,,, in terms of z.

Write an expression for minimum norm solution of a linear inverse problem

d=Gm (d : data matrix; m : model parameters matrix). Use the expression to
solve the equation m; + m, =2, where m; and m, are model parameters. What
are model resolution and data resolution matrices for the solution you have





obtained? 2+4+4=10

The normal gravity formula is given by

Gn =g.(1+B; sin? A+ Bo sin? 23)
where g, = 9780327 m/s?, B; =5-30244 x10 2and B, = -5-8x107°.

(i) Derive an expression for the change of gravity value with latitude.

(ii) What will be the change in the gravity values in milligals per kilometre
along northward direction at latitude 30°? [Use radius of the earth =
6371 km]

(i) With the help of a neat sketch, differentiate between a forward problem
and an inverse problem in terms of model, model parameters and data.
Formulate a linear inverse problem d=Gm (d : data matrix; m : model
parameters matrix) for the given 10 temperature values (13, T5,---, Tig) at
10 depth levels (zy, 25, +, 2) by assuming the model T =m; e™2* (m; and

m, are model parameters). 2+5=7

(ii) How will you solve the linear inverse problem formulated above using a
least square solution?

With the help of a neat sketch, describe the elastic rebound model that
explains the origin of a tectonic earthquake.

Describe the Gauss’s law for magnetic fields. What are the geophysical
constraints provided by the Gauss’s law for magnetic field due to localised
magnetisation distribution buried in the subsurface? Assume the lateral extent
of the magnetic survey to be large compared to the size of the magnetisation
distribution (sources).

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