Activity 20-2nd

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas


Quarter : 2 Week : 10 Day 20 Activity No : 20
Competency: : Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based,
motion-based, and manipulative-based presentation using
design principles and elements.
Objective : Create an audio based presentation (podcast) using design
principles and elements
Topic : Audio Media
Materials : Hand-outs, smart phones/ laptops/ tablets/ desktops /
Reference : Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide (for Senior
High School) by collaboration of Commission on Higher
Education and Philippine Normal University
Copyrights : For Classroom Use

Concept Notes:
Elements of Sound Design: -the objects or things that we have to work with:
1. Dialogue - speech, conversation, voice-over.
- Waterfall - As first element fades out, the second element begins at full
2. Sound Effects - any sound other than music or dialogue.
3. Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as
to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
4. Silence - absence of audio or sound.
Principles of Sound Design – the techniques for combining the different
elements or objects.
1. Mixing - the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements.
2. Pace - Time control. Editing. Order of events: linear, non-linear, or
3. Transitions - How you get from one segment or element to another. Types
of transitions:
- Segue - one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).
- Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next fades in, and they overlap on
the way.
- V-Fade - First element fades to inaudible before the second element
- Fade to Black - V-Fade with some silence between elements.

4. Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel for depth.

Activity 3: Producing Podcast

Directions: Make a 5-minute speech or comment about the infographics you
have made in Activity 1 in a form of Podcast. (A Podcast is a program such as music or
talk which is made available in digital format for automatic download over the internet.
Podcasts are audio type of output that cover everything from news and politics to
sports and music.) Follow the steps below in making a podcast.

Steps in making a podcast

a. Planning - choosing a topic and answering the guide questions written in (Media
and Information Design Framework)
b. Pre-recording - choosing your equipment and software for recording
c. Creating your Podcast - audio recording and converting to MP3
d. Uploading your Podcast - choosing where to upload (Example Audio site:

Media and Information Design Framework

Component Guide Questions Answers

Target Audience ∑ Who are the possible readers of this
Sender/Author ∑ Who is the author of this infographic?
Key content ∑ What is the tone of the text in the
∑ What are the sample phrases or taglines
that you will use to relate the information?
∑ What are the facts/figures that you will
include in the infographic?
Purpose ∑ What is the intention of the infographic?
Form / Style ∑ What are the font types, colors and shapes
that you will use in the infographic?
∑ What are the words or phrases that you
need to emphasize in the infographic?
∑ How will you organize your text and visual
Medium/Format ∑ Is this the best platform to use? Why?

Podcasts Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
accurate and accurate but accurate but difficult to inaccurate.
all required some required some required follow. Information is
information information is information is Information not presented in
is presented missing and/or missing and/or is not a logical order,
in a logical not presented in not presented presented in making it
order. a logical order, in a logical logical order, difficult to follow
but is still order, make it making it
generally easy to difficult to difficult to
follow. follow. follow.
Presentatio Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation has
n of flows well flows well. Tools flows well. is no flow.
Information and logically. are used Some tools are unorganized Insufficient
Presentation correctly The used to show . Tools are information and
reflects overall acceptable not used in lacking some of
extensive presentation is understanding. a relevant the member’s
use of tools interesting. manner. information.
in a creative
Use of Use of audio Use of audio Most audio Audio design No audio design
Audio design design elements elements are elements are elements used.
Design elements are are appropriate. appropriate. inappropriat
Elements appropriate. Layout is e or layout is
Layout is cluttered messy.
pleasing to
the eye.
Use of Use of audio An audio design Two audio Many audio No effort was
Audio design principle is design design made to employ
Design principles violated. principles are principles correct audio
Principles are used violated. were used design principles
appropriatel inappropriat
y. ely.
Mechanics No grammar Few grammar Some grammar Some Many grammar
errors. Text errors. Text is in errors. Text is grammar errors. Text is
is in authors’ own in authors’ own errors. Most copied
authors’ own words. words of text is in
words. authors’
own words
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
accurate and accurate but accurate but questionable inaccurate.
all required some required some required . Information is
information information is information is Information not presented in
is presented missing and/ missing and/or is not a logical order,
in logical not presented in not presented presented in making it
order. logical order, but in a logical a logical difficult to follow
is still generally order, making it order,
easy to follow. difficult to making it
follow difficult to
Rubric adapted from Teacher Planet via


Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D. n.d. Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and
Information Literacy. Diliman, Quezon, City: Commission on Higher Education.

Zarate, Maria Jovita E. 2016. Media and Information Literacy. Sampalok, Manila: Rex
Book Store, Inc.

Ph.D, Mark N. Abadiano. 2016. Media and Information Literacy. Cronica BookHaus.

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