Grade 6 PPT Science Q1 Lesson 2

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Are you suspended?

will will use the activity as
guide in the next slides.
The list of materials are
Task 1
1.Prepare a glass.
2.Fill the glass with half-filled water.
3.Add a spoonful of flour into the
glass then stir.
4.Observe and describe what
Task 2
1.Prepare a glass half filled with
2.Add a spoonful of sand into the
glass then stir.
3.Observe and describe what
Excellent Good Needs Poor Score
4 3 Improvement 1
Content Content is accurate Content is accurate but Content is Content is
and all required some required questionable. inaccurate.
information is information is missing Information is not Information is not
presented in a logical and/or not presented in a presented in a logical presented in a
order. logical order, order, logical order,
but is still making it making it
generally easy to follow. difficult to follow. difficult to follow.
Presenta Presentation is logical Presentation flows well. Presentation is Presentation has no
and it flows well. Tools are used correctly unorganized. Tools flow. Information is
Presentation reflects Each member’s are not used in a insufficient and it
extensive use of tools information is represented relevant manner. It lacks some of the
in a creative way. and identified with their lacks some of the member’s
Each member’s name. Overall members’ information/ information.
information is presentation is and or information is
represented and interesting. not identified
identified with their
Mechani There are no spelling There are few spelling There are some There are many
cs and grammar errors. and grammar errors. Text spelling and grammar spelling and or
Text is in authors’ own is in authors’ own words. error. Most of text is in grammar errors.
words. authors’ own words. Text is copied.

Let’s answer the guide
The top part should contain things
you want to know more about

The bottom part

should contain
things you have
learned about

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