ĐÁP ÁN Môn Tiếng Anh Đề 1 FINAL Tách Trắc Nghiệm

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TRƯỜNG THCS CẦU GIẤY Năm học: 2022 – 2023

Môn thi : Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
Đề thi gồm 14 trang

For questions 1 to 43, mark your answers on the answer sheet provided.

Questions 1 - 3: In each of the following questions, choose one of the letters A, B, C,

or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the others in
pronunciation. (0.3 point)
1. A. conscience B. conceit C. conceal D. confront
2. A. tangible B. gigantic C. foliage D. legislate
3. A. crooked B. influenced C. hatred D. allegedly

Questions 4-5: In each of the following questions, choose one of the letters A, B, C
or D to indicate the word that differs from the others in the position of primary
stress. (0.2 point)
4. A. intransitive B. inaccessible C. horizontal D. scientific
5. A. clinical B. sabotage C. instrument D. protective

Questions 6-15: In each of the following questions, choose one of the letters A, B, C
or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences. (1.0
6. This morning the mailman was ________ down the street by my dog.
A. hunted B. chased C. run D. sped
7. Armed terrorists are reported to have ________ the Embassy.
A. taken up B. taken to C. taken over D. taken into
8. I’m going to have to mull this ________ for a while before I make a final decision.
A. down B. away C. up D. over
9. As a vegetarian, she refuses to eat meat under any ________.
A. occasions B. opportunities C. reasons D. circumstances
10. Sports provide an ________ for teenagers’ aggression and frustration
A. overflow B. exit C. outlet D. exhaust
11. How many students entering university have the first idea what the difference is
between ________ someone else’s work and making good use of someone else’s
A. writing B. going over C. plagiarizing D. repeating
12. Don’t forget to ring me up if ________ any changes in the schedule.
A. there are B. it will be C. there will be D. they are
13. You ________ all those provisions. We’re only going for a weekend, not a whole
A. mustn’t buy B. needn’t have bought
C. needn’t buy D. mustn’t have bought
14. Why don’t you have a doctor ________ at your arm if it’s hurting you?
A. to look B. look C. looking D. for looking
15. I thought the journalist ________ his point home well, and the politician didn’t
know what to say.
A. made B. drove C. took D. brought

Questions 16-23: Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits each of the blanks in
the following passage. (0.8 point)
Multitasking children
The trend for children to multitask by juggling all sorts of electronic gadgets at the
same time is seriously damaging their levels of concentration, scientists have warned.
(16)______ use of the Internet, iPods, mobile phones and DVDs (17)______ behind
that finding. Scientists have confirmed the belief of many parents that it is impossible
to concentrate on more than one thing at the same time. They found that children
(18)______ homework while sending messages via the Internet can (19)______ up
spending 50% longer than if they had done each task separately.

David E Meyer, Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Michigan,
said that true multitasking is only possible for simple activities such as ironing and
listening to the radio. He (20)______ experiments demonstrating that young adults
who had to (21)______ from one maths problem to another wasted significant
amounts of time. Meyer said: ‘For situations (22)______ more complex tasks,
especially those requiring language, the total time taken to get all the tasks done will
increase greatly. Over long periods, this kind of multitasking can stress you out and
(23)______ to mental and physical exhaustion.’

16 A. Rocketing B. Heightening C. Ascending D. Leaping

17 A. stands B. rests C. lies D. sits
18 A. engaging B. tackling C. attending D. undergoing
19 A. turn B. come C. use D. end
20 A. set B. put C. took D. ran
21 A. alter B. switch C. interrupt D. exchange
22 A. consisting B. containing C. involving D. meaning
23 A. result B. proceed C. lead D. bring

Questions 24-31: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of
the questions. (0.8 point)
Genetically Modified Foods
When a genetically modified organism (GMO) is created, a target organism is given
DNA from some other living thing, usually of an unrelated species. The goal is to
confer upon the target organism certain traits of the donor organism. This, of course,
makes GMOs inherently "unnatural" in that they have a genetic makeup impossible

to attain without deliberate intervention. This places a human being, the genetic
scientist, in a creative position that many people consider improper, either because
they believe such power over living things belongs only to a divine being, or because
they do not trust science to avoid making terrible mistakes. Perhaps the greatest fear
is that some odd, artificial combination of traits will produce a sort of monster - an
unstoppable disease bacterium, for example, or a hyper-aggressive and venomous
spider - that would then reproduce in abundance and cause an environmental disaster.
Not far down the list is the fear that some GMOs meant to be eaten, such as
genetically modified (GM) beef cattle, vegetables, or other crops, will prove toxic.
These fears have formed the foundation of some serious, and sometimes effective,
opposition to GM food technology and its products. Much of this opposition comes
from environmental activists, particularly in Europe. Originally, research on GM
foods was undertaken partly for ecological reasons - to lessen the environmental
hazards of conventional farming, particularly from the use of chemical pesticides. By
splicing pest-resistance into the DNA of a food crop, it was reasoned, agricultural
scientists could help lessen the buildup of harmful chemicals in the soil, water, and
food chain. Nonetheless, environmentalists in the late 1990s rushed to oppose
bioengineered crops after a British scientist, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, raised concerns that
GM food might have been responsible for immune-system problems in some
laboratory rats. This coincided with a vigorous push by a huge US supplier of seeds
and other agricultural products to market GM varieties of soybeans. A great
controversy arose, with conflicting research claims leaving the issue unsettled. In
1998, the European Union (EU) imposed a 5-year moratorium on genetically
modified food.
Companies significantly engaged in the GM food market were under a great deal of
pressure at the turn of the millennium, not only from environmentalists and consumer
advocacy groups, but also from shareholders. They were worried that risks and
uncertainties associated with GM food might adversely affect the value of the shares
they held. One big worry was that the companies could face ruinous liability lawsuits
if a GM product with which they were involved was shown to cause health problems.

Often with support from outside political activists, the holders of minor stakes in a
company banded together to achieve influence on corporate policy. These
shareholder groups placed resolutions on company meeting agendas in such market
sectors as cereals, fast-food restaurants, soft drinks, and food retailing to limit
corporate risk in several ways. Some resolutions urged a moratorium on the purchase
of GM food until research could better establish its safety. Others concentrated on
demands for labeling that would let consumers know what, if any, GM components a
product contained.
In most markets, prospects for the acceptance of GM food as safe and practical
brightened in the first years of the new century. The EU moratorium on GM food was
partially lifted in 2003, as a vast majority of GM research to that date showed no
evidence of ill effects from GM food in the Americas (where no ban was in place).
The World Trade Organization ruled in 2006 that the EU moratorium on GM food
was illegal, making further such trade suspensions unlikely. By 2006, EU one billion
acres worldwide had been planted with GM crops. In terms of area harvested,
estimates are that more than half the world's soy crop, a quarter of its corn, and a
tenth of its cotton consists of genetically modified stock. In fact, the market for
conventional seeds is weakening. More and more companies are vying for a share of
the $5.6 billion market in agricultural biotechnology. Health concerns about GM
foods have been allayed somewhat since the late 1990s by essentially unremarkable
research results. Nothing much appears to happen when GM potatoes, for example,
are substituted in one's diet for potatoes grown conventionally.

24. According to paragraph 1, GMOs are "unnatural" because _________.

A. they cannot live outside laboratories
B. natural reproductive processes cannot produce them
C. they might cause an environmental disaster
D. traits from at least two organisms are combined in them
25. The phrase “prove toxic” in the passage is closest in meaning to _________.
A. seem to be poisonous B. protect against poisons

C. be discovered to be poisonous D. help researchers find poisons
26. From paragraph 2, it can be inferred that environmentalists _________.
A. did not appreciate the environmental benefits of GM crops
B. developed the first genetically modified food crops
C. believed GM laboratory rats caused immune-system problems
D. have had frequent conflicts with the European Union
27. The word “they” in the passage refers to _________.
A. companies B. environmentalists
C. risks D. shareholders
28. According to information in paragraph 4, the World Trade Organization
A. has authority over the European Union
B. controls GM research in Europe
C. favors American interests over European interests
D. is a European organization
29. The word “conventional” in the passage is closest in meaning to _________.
A. altered B. usual C. safe D. unique
30. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
bold italic sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Since the late 1990s, there has been little reliable research into the health effects of
GM food.
B. Research since the late 1990s has confirmed that GM foods pose health risks.
C. Research since the late 1990s has shown no dramatic health risks in GM food.
D. Since the late 1990s, researchers have failed to adequately explain the health risks
in GM food.
31. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 4 as beneficial to the GM-food
business EXCEPT _________.
A. the EU moratorium
B. research results

C. a ruling by the World Trade Organization
D. less demand for non-GM seeds

There are two sections in this part. Answer the questions below as you listen. You
will hear each section twice.
Listening: Section I (1.2 point)
Listening. Questions 32-43: Now you will hear some talks and discussions about
academic topics. Each talk or discussion is followed by four questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Listening. Questions 32-35:

32. What is the main idea of the talk?
A. How Palestine was created
B. Palestine once belonged to Great Britain.
C. Jews once lived in Palestine.
D. How the dispute over Palestine started
33. Why did the Jews leave their homeland in the ancient times?
A. The Romans invaded the area and drove the Jews away.
B. More and more Arabs came to Palestine.
C. Great Britain ruled Palestine.
D. Christ was born.
34. How did the Arabs come to Palestine?
A. They began to live in Palestine at the same time as the Jews.
B. Turks of the Ottoman Empire drove them here.
C. Palestine was ruled by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire.
D. They also regarded Palestine as a holy place.
35. Why did 700,000 Palestinians become refugees?
A. The UN didn't give land to them.
B. They lost their land in the battles with some Arab countries.

C. They were defeated by Great Britain.
D. Palestine was not suitable to live for humans.

Listening. Questions 36-39:

36. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. Whether cancer cells can spread from one person to another
B. Whether it is safe to donate your blood
C. How to protect yourself from cancer
D. What should we do when we donate our blood
37. What is the opinion of the man about the cancer cells?
A. Cancer cells can spread to another person via blood.
B. Cancer cells' spreading to another person is incredibly rare.
C. There are almost no studies examining cancer cells' spreading.
D. A person's immune system will be suppressed when it meets the cancer cells.
38. What can be inferred from the recent studies?
A. Scientists are still not sure about cancer cells' spreading.
B. Scientists believe that cancer cells' spreading depends on blood recipients.
C. The immune system plays a very important role in cancer detection.
D. Red blood cells are sometimes mistaken by the immune system for cancer cells.
39. What will the immune system do when it detects the foreign matter?
A. It will destroy the foreign matter.
B. It will respond to the foreign matter and let it go.
C. It will mark the foreign matter out and re-identify it.
D. It will mark the foreign matter out and help it to settle in.

Listening. Questions 40-43:

40. What is the main topic of the speech?
A. How the Central Park was built
B. What visitors can see and do in the Central Park
C. How visitors can get to the different parts of the Central Park

D. How many kinds of bridges the Central Park has
41. What does the speaker mean when he says, "Its design has served as an
example for city parks around the world"?
A. The Central Park's design is studied by other countries.
B. The Central Park is the first park in the world.
C. There is not any park in the world better than the Central Park.
D. The Central Park's design is the easiest one for countries around the world to
42. What is the distinct feature of the park?
A. The park has many modern buildings.
B. The park has an English-style landscape with beautiful natural scenery.
C. The park is located just outside New York.
D. The park is small but beautiful.
43. What can be inferred about the Central Park?
A. It can be a good place to watch birds.
B. It costs a lot of money to listen to concerts in the park.
C. It is not a good place for sports.
D. If a history lover comes here, he will be disappointed.

For questions 44 to 100, write your answers on the answer sheet provided.

Listening: Section II (0.8 point)

Listening. Questions 44-51: You will listen to a lecture on Wechsler-Belleview
Intelligence Scale. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer to
complete the following summary.
The Wechsler-Belleview Intelligence Scale (The WBIS)
Wechsler believed intelligence was made up of different skills considered within the
context of the (44)______ (overall) personality ____________. His intelligence
scale broke away from existing intelligence tests and set up a numerical scale with
the (45)______ mean (intelligence)____________ set at 100.

Wechsler decided to create a test to measure these different skills that made up
intelligence. The 2 main areas tested were (46)_______ verbal ____________ and
performance and these were then broken down to 14 sub-tests, 7 for each. These 14
topics remain the basis for today's WBIS, which is today's most commonly used
(47)_______ (psychological) test ___________.
The WBIS is aimed at adults; for younger children other related scales are used,
neither of which need (48)________ literacy __________ in a child.
The WBIS is not suitable for assessing extreme ends of intelligence or of the age
range. For any of these situations, care should be taken with (49)_______ (the)
interpretation __________ of the results.
The WBIS can also be used for neuropsychological assessment. Differences in
answers can indicate types of (50)_________ (brain) damage _________. In
addition, the WBIS is used to diagnose learning disabilities and ADHD. Although
experts say the WBIS is best used only for intelligence, it is used to compare
cognitive development and performance in social skills or at school.
The WBIS is highly regarded as an intelligence test and is often used as a point of
comparison for other tests when assessing their (51)_______ reliability _________
and validity.

Questions 52-54: For each numbered blank below, please write ONE word which
can be used appropriately in all three sentences. (0.3 point)
52. _______ condition _________
He has a heart ________ so he has to take things easy.
My aunt is 85, and in no ________ to travel around the world.
One ________ of the job is that you should be able to work at night.
53. _______ nature _________
The problem of conservation is essentially economic in ________.
It’s only human ________ to want to acquire more wealth.
I’m quite a calm person by ________, but things like this make me really

54. ______ coin __________
It’s not only poets or writers that ________ new phrases. Some words are
invented by ordinary people.
The house is quite cheap. The other of the ________, though, is that it needs
She picked up the phone, put a ________ into the slot and dialed the number.

Questions 55-61: Complete each sentence using a verb from column A in the correct
form AND a suitable particle from column B. (0.7 point)
carry slip go comply away on with down
cut break get out by off

55. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to ______ cut off
_________ the gas supply to the flat.
56. Every employee seems to be ______ getting on ______ well with the new
57. The government hopes to _____ carry out ____ its plans for introducing cable
58. There are serious penalties for failure to ______ comply with _________ the new
traffic regulations.
59. Martha didn’t want to interrupt the party, so she just ____ slipped away
___________ quietly without anyone noticing.
60. Last night, I almost ______ broke down _________ in tears when I heard the
61. We became more and more concerned as time _______ went by ________ and
we didn’t hear any news.

Questions 62-66: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the
passage below. (0.5 point)

Everyone who watches films frequently thinks of something they would like to check
(e.g. the name of a film star). To find information, it has sometimes been necessary to
consult several volumes that seem (62. ACCESS) _______ inaccessible ________.
This book aims to bring all the available sources together, while (63. EXCLUSIVE)
______ excluding ________out-of-date information and anything else that is
considered unimportant. For most people, a fully comprehensive work would be too
weighty, but this condensed one should satisfy most (64. REQUIRE) ______
requirements _________. The contents are arranged alphabetically, there is an (65.
ENTER) ______ entry _________on each film which seems important or
influential, and there are notes on general subjects like censorship. Not surprisingly,
many readers will disagree with the selection and the assessments as any guide will
inevitably be (66. SUBJECT) ______ subjective _________.

Questions 67-73: Fill in each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word. (0.7 point)
Why can’t we tickle ourselves?
The answer to the question is assumed to be that it’s the element of surprise. If you
tickle yourself, you are expecting the feeling, so you don't or can't react to it. But
brain scans have indicated that brain activity is the same (67)____ whether/if ___ a
person is expecting to be tickled or not. So what's (68) _____ going ______on? Our
brains are constantly processing information absorbed from all our senses, which
enables us to (69)____ make ____ sense of our surroundings. An important aspect of
this (70)___ is _____ differentiating between events caused by external factors and
those we start ourselves. (71)___ There ___ seems to be some evidence that activity
in the brain is different when responding to stimuli (72)___ that/which ___ are
perceived as coming from outside and those that come from ourselves; we appear to
be able to distinguish between the two. This may be fascinating but it takes (73)___
away _____ the magic - I prefer to think that when a baby laughs as it is being
tickled, it’s simply having fun!

Questions 74-80: Read the following text and then choose from the list A-J the best
phrase given below to fill each of the spaces. Write one letter (A-J) on your answer
sheet. Each correct phrase may only be used once. Some of the suggested answers
do not fit at all. (0.7 point)
English was first written down in the 6 th century. At that time, writers had to use the
twenty-three letters of the Latin alphabet (74)__J____. Because English has sounds
that do not exist in Latin, they added letters (75)___H___. This resulted in some
irregular spelling. After the Norman invasion of England in 1066, French became the
language spoken by the king and other people in positions of power and influence.
Many French words were introduced and the spelling of many English words
changed (76)___C___. The result was a rich and irregular mix of spellings.
The printing press was invented in the 15th century. Many early printers of English
texts spoke other first languages, especially Dutch. They often paid little attention
(77)___G___. Sometimes technical decisions were made (78)___I___. To do this,
letters were taken off the ends of words and sometimes added to words. With time,
people became used (79)___B___. Fixed spellings were therefore created by the
printers’ decisions. Spoken English, however, was not fixed. It continued
(80)___D___. It is no wonder that English spelling seems irregular. Words such as
although, through and cough, for example, all have the same spelling at the end, but
are pronounced differently. Words such as feet, meat and seize, on the other hand, are
spelled differently but have the same sound in the middle.

A to have a great influence

B to seeing words spelled in the same way
C to follow French patterns
D to change, as it still does
E to show the spellings
F to influence the French
G to how English words were spelled
H to represent the forty-four sounds of English
I to give columns of print straight edges
J to write down what they heard
WRITING (2.0 points)
Questions 81-85: Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the word(s)
given in such a way that it means the same as the original one. (0.5 point)
81. Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late.
Gary prides himself on never being late.
82. I know this reporter’s background well and he’s completely honest.
This reporter, whose background I know well, is completely honest.
83. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime
Had it not been for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been
84. ‘You should have waited for the team,’ said the coach to John.
The coach criticised John for not waiting /not having waited for the team.
85. I can’t come to her wedding next Saturday night.
In no way can I come to her wedding next Saturday night.

Questions 86-90: Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given so
that it has the same meaning as the original one. Do not change the word given. (0.5
86. Further confusion was caused by the loss of the map. LED
The loss of the map led to further confusion.
87. It’s a pity you aren’t going to Ann’s party. WISH
I wish you were going to Ann’s party.
88. It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door. MIGHT
The last person to leave might have left the doors unlocked.
89. There’s no way that you’re staying out all night with your friends, I’m afraid.
Your staying out all night with your friends is out of the question, I’m afraid.

90. Ralph would hand in his resignation immediately if he could find a better job.
Ralph would hand in his resignation at the drop of a hat if he could find a better job.

Questions 91-100: Write an essay on the following topic. (1.0 point)

Some people think children should learn to compete, but others think that they
should be taught to cooperate with others. What is your viewpoint?

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