DLP in Oral Communication-Grade 11

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Dimensions of Communication

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of 1 hour discussion, the students on

their own and in the long run will be able to:
•Differentiate verbal communication from non-
verbal communication.
•Develop appreciation on the value of verbal
and non-verbal cues in communication.
•Perform a specific scene from a particular play
or movie using verbal and non-verbal
A. Content Standards The learner understands the nature and
elements of oral communication in

B. Performance Standards The learner designs and performs

effective controlled and uncontrolled
oral communication activities based on

C. Learning Competencies •Defines communication. EN11/12OC-Ia-1

•Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one
communication process from the other.
II. CONTENT Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Most Essential Learning Competencies with
Corresponding CG Codes, pages 523-524
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Oral Communication in Context by Ramona S.
Flores, pages 17-18
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/verbal-
C. Instructional Materials Tarpapel, Visual aids, and scotch tape.


Preliminaries - Opening Prayer
- Greetings
- Setting the Classroom (picking up trashes inside the room, arranging the
- Remind the students of the health protocols
- Checking of Attendance
- Presentation of objectives
A. ELICIT Review of the previous lesson:
Before we proceed to our new topic,
let us do first a recap.

Can you tell me something about our Shane: It is about the

previous lesson? Yes, Shane? communication and its definition.

Well done, Shane!

Can you give me one definition of Kirby: Imparting information to
communication? others

Well said, Kirby!

Yes, Emma? What is your idea? Emma: Conveying message it should

be understandable and acceptable.
Very Good Emma!
How about you Kayne? Kayne: It is also about informative
and motivational for some reason.
Good job Kayne!
It seems that you understand our
previous lesson. So let us move on.

B. ENGAGE Motivational Activity: (The student will answer)

(The teacher will call a volunteer to Elis: (Elis picked I love you)
pick a phrase inside the bowl.) (Elis will act the phrase I love you)
This game is called charades. Classmates: The phrase is I love you!
I will call a volunteer, and the
student will have to pick a phrase. Kana: (Kana picked Thank you)
You will act out of it and your (Kana will act the phrase thank you)
classmate will guess what phrase Classmates: The phrase is thank you!
have you picked. Wow nice synergy!
Another Volunteer? Yes, Kana Good Hana: (Hana picked the word
job everyone! dancer) (Hana will act the word
Last volunteer? Yes Hana! dancer)
Classmates: The answer is Dancer!

Ok! Very good everyone! Give

yourselves five claps! The class will clap their hands five

C. EXPLORE What did you learn class from our Yes, Ma’am!
activity? Did you enjoy it?

How about you, Ana? What did you Ana: I learned that it is all about
learn? communication.

Very good, Ana! What we did earlier

is an example of communication.
Communication can be verbal and
non-verbal. Which means
communication can be verbal or
language, and non-verbal or
gestures and body language.

For today’s lesson we will

differentiate the two.
Class: Yes, we are!
Are you ready everyone?

Can you explain to me why Kal: It is important because it will

communication is important? Yes, help us to express our self.
Very good, Kal. Cindy: We need communication to
How about the others? Yes, Cindy? share our ideas to other people.

Well done, Cindy.

Let’s give Kal and Cindy a big round
of applause! (Students are clapping)

D. EXPLAIN It is true that communication have a

big role in our lives. To help us to
connect with other people, express
ourselves, and to build a good
For today, our lesson is all about
Verbal and Non-Verbal

COMMUNICATION is the process

of expressing and exchanging
information, thoughts, ideas, and
According to Wood (2004),
(The class will listen to the
communication is a systematic
process in which individuals interact
with and through symbols to create
and interpret meaning.
Communication is a process of
sharing and conveying messages or
information from one person to
another within and across channels,
contexts, media, and cultures
(McCornack, 2014).

Communication is a two-way number

one is Verbal communication is the
use of words to share information
with other people. It can therefore
include both spoken and written
communication. Including written
letters, memos, newsletters,
newspapers, journals and even
personal notes.

E. ELABORATE Before we move on to the

dimensions of communication, can
you tell me again what
communication is? Yes, Emi? Emi: Communication is the process of
exchanging information.
Well done, Emi!
Now, communication can be Verbal
and Non-Verbal.


use of words to share information. It
can be spoken and written.

Yes, Kristine? Can you give me

examples of verbal communication? Kristine: This includes written
journal and newspaper.

Very good, Kristine!

We also have NON-VERBAL

Non-verbal communication includes
facial expressions, the tone and pitch
of the voice, gestures displayed
through body language (kinesics)
and the physical distance between
the communicators (proxemics).
For example, body language such
as facial expressions, posture and
Eye Contact. Humans typically seek
information in the eyes.
Distance. Your distance from
people during communication.
Voice, Touch, Fashion, Behavior, and
Time.These non-verbal signals which
can give clues and additional
information and meaning over and
above spoken (verbal)
Evie: It is all about facial
What is non-verbal communication expression, gestures, and body
again? Yes, Evie? language.

Nice one, Evie!

What are the examples? Yes, Ronna? Ronna: F acial expressions, posture and
Very good, Ronna! What else, Carl?
Carl: Eye Contact, distance, Voice,
Touch, Fashion, Behavior, and Time.

Great job, everyone! It seems that

you really understand our lesson.

Again, based on our discussion, how
Robert: Communication is the
do you define Communication?
process of expressing and
Yes, Robert? exchanging information, thoughts,
ideas, and feelings.

Excellent, Robert!
And what are the dimensions of Amanda: Verbal and Non-Verbal
communication? Yes, Amanda? Communication.

Exactly, Amanda! How about the Emelyn: Verbal Communication

difference of the two? Yes, Emelyn? includes words in sharing information
whereas Non-verbal communication
includes facial expressions and
Very good, Emelyn! What do you
think now class is the importance of
Verbal and Non-verbal
Communication in our lives?
Yes, Marvin? Marvin: Verbal and Non-Verbal
Communication are indeed important
because these are our ways to
communicate with the other people
and impart knowledge to them.

Very well said, Marvin!

Well done, class! Let’s give a round
of applause to ourselves! (Students are clapping)

Do you have any question, class?

None, Ma’am.
If none, please be ready with an
F. EVALUATE Now, you will be grouped into 5, you
are going to prepare a skit about the
most interesting movie that you have
watched. Verbal and Non-verbal
communication should be visible.

Please be reminded also to follow

our health protocols in doing the
activity. Is that clear, class? Yes, Ma’am!

So, here’s the criteria of your


Relevance: 30 %
Creativity: 30 %
Organization: 20%
Teamwork: 20%
TOTAL: 100%
(Students are doing the activity with
I will give you 15 minutes to do the their groupmates)

(After 15 minutes)
Yes, Ma’am!
Are you done, class?

Now, let’s have the presentation of

Group 1.

Excellent performance, class! You

exhibited the Verbal and Non-verbal
(Students are clapping)
Give yourselves a big round of
applause for a job well done!

G. EXTEND Assignment:
For your assignment, please answer
the following questions:
1. What are the Models of
2. What are the strategies in
Please also prepare and review for
our oral recitation about verbal and
non-verbal communication.

Do you have any clarification before None, Ma’am!

I leave?

If none, let’s call it a day. See you Goodbye, Ma’am!

next meeting. Good bye, class!

(Class Ends)
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners
who require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
it work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me resolve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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