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ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol. 7 No.

5 May, 2022
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)Two-phase Fluid
Flow and Heat Transfer Problem in a Horizontal
Channel in Presence of Uniform Magnetic Field
Mrinmoy Goswami
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, India
Dr.Krishna Gopal Singha*
Department of Mathematics, Pragya Academy Junior College, Jorhat, Assam, India
Dr.Amarjyoti Goswami
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, India

Abstract A theoretical analysis of two-phase flow and heat transfer in a horizontal channel in the presence of
an inclined magnetic field has been investigated in this paper. The inclined magnetic field is a strong magnetic
field and the induced magnetic field is produced along the flow direction. The fluids in both phases were
incompressible and the flow was assumed to be steady, one-dimensional and fully developed. Further it is also
assumed that the two fluids have different viscosities and thermal conductivities. In this paper, we have
investigated the upper phase of the two fluids which is assumed to be electrically conducting and that of the
lower phase is electrically non-conducting. The transport properties of the two fluids were taken to be constant
and equal temperature. The differential equations governing the flow are non-dimensionalised and solved
analytically with appropriate boundary conditions. The computed results of velocity distributions, induced
magnetic field strength and the temperature distributions are depicted graphically for distances from the fixed
horizontal plates and for different angle of inclinations.

Keywords: Induced magnetic field, horizontal channel, incompressible, electrically conducting fluid, Hartmann
number Mathematics Subject Classification 2000 (MSC2000) 76W05

1. Introduction
An electrical conducting fluid flows past a magnetic field, an electric field and consequently an electric
current is induced. In turn the current interacts with the magnetic field to produce a body force on the fluid. Heat
transfer in developing magnetohydrodynamic Poiseuille flow and variable transport properties carried out by
Alireza, S. and Sahai, V.[1]
The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) heat transfer in a two-phase flow with the fluid in one phase being
electrically conducting has been studied by Lohrasbi and Sahai [2]. The flow through the generator channel has
two regions: (a) gaseous suspension region containing slag and seed particles and (b) liquid phase consisting of
condensed slag. Both phases are electrically conducting and have variable transport properties.
The coal-fire MHD generator channel is subjected to an unusually sever thermal environment. Postlethwaite
and Sluyter [3] present an overview of the heat transfer problems associated with a MHD generator. The fluid
mechanics and the heat transfer characteristics of generator channel are significantly influenced by the presence
of magnetic field. The slag layers in the walls of the channel complicate the problem. Further the thermal energy
is supplied to the conducting fluid through Ohmic heating. Thus the temperature field in an electrically
conducting fluid in presence of a magnetic field differs from that in a non-conducting fluid. Malashetty and
Leela [4] have studied the problem of magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer in a horizontal channel in
a two-phase flow. He observed that in case of open circuit problem for negative values of the electric load
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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
parameter R e , the effect of increasing the Hartmann number M is to accelerate the velocity and to increase the
temperature field in contrast to the short circuit case. Recently there have been some theoretical and
experimental works on the stratified laminar flow of two immiscible liquids in a horizontal pipe. The interest in
these types of problems stems from the possibility of reducing the power required to pumping oil in a pipeline
by suitable addition of water. Hartmann flow of a conducting fluid in a channel between two horizontal
insulating plates of infinite extent with a layer of non-conducting fluid between upper channel wall and the
conducting fluid has been studied by Shail [5]. He found that an increase of the order of 30% can obtained in
the flow rate of the conducting fluid for suitable ratios of the depths and viscosities of the two fluids and realistic
value of the Hartmann number. Setayeshand Sahai [6] analyzed the magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer
problem with variable transport properties. Malashetty and Umavathi [7] have studied the Two-Phase
Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer in an inclined channel in which one phase being electrically
conducting. He assumed that the transport properties of both fluids are constant. It is found that the velocity and
temperature can be increased or decreased with suitable values of the ratios of viscosities, thermal
conductivities, the heights and the angle of inclination. Singha and Deka [8] studied the laminar convection
flow of a viscous electrically conducting incompressible fluid between two heated vertical parallel plates in
presence of a uniform inclined magnetic field. It is found that with the increase of angle of inclination, velocity
increases with different magnetic field strength. Further it is also observed that with the bigger strength of
magnetic field variation of velocity with angle of inclination is bigger. So it is concluding that with large
magnetic field strength if inclination of field is slightly changed we can expect large change in fluid velocity.
The two-phase problem of magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer in a parallel-plate channel is studied
analytically by Singha and Deka [10]. It is observed that in case of open circuit problem for negative values of
the electric load parameter R e , the effect of increasing the Hartmann number M is to accelerate the velocity and
is to increase the temperature in contrast to the short case. P. Sri Ramachandra Murty and G.Singh [11]
investigated on hydromagnetic steady flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two parallel infinite plates
under the influence of inclined magnetic field. Balaji Prakash [12] have done a detailed analysis on MHD Two-
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer between Two Inclined Parallel Plates in a Rotating System. Recently Hasan Nihal
Zaidi, Naseem Ahmad [13] have studied MHD Convection Flow of Two Immiscible Fluids in an Inclined
Channel with Heat Generation / Absorption. Navneet Kumar Singh, Vinod Kumar and Gaurav Kumar Sharma
[14] investigated the effect of inclined magnetic field on unsteady flow past an moving vertical plate with
variable temperature. The results are discussed with the help of graphs and table. The effect of inclined magnetic
field on two infinite parallel plates having porous medium with heat and mass transfer has been studied by
Rishab Richard Hanvey , Rajeev Kumar Khare and Ajit Paul[15]. Aruna Sharma and A.V .Dubewar [16]
investigates the MHD flow between two parallel infinite plates. He considered the upper plate is moving with
constant velocity and the lower plate is held stationary and a constant pressure gradient is applied to the system
which is under the influence of an inclined magnetic field. Very recently Thadakamalla Srinivasulu and B.
Shankar Goud[17] studied the inclined magnetic field effect on Williamson fluid over a stretching sheet in the
presence of nano- particles with convective boundary conditions. The MHD boundary layer flow of a viscous
incompressible fluid over an exponentially stretching sheet with an inclined magnetic field in presence of
thermal radiation was analyzed by R A Mutegi, John Achola Okello and M Kimathi[18]

In the present paper, we have studied the Magnetohydrodynamics two-phase flow and heat transfer problem
in a horizontal channel and it is considered in presence of a uniform inclined magnetic field. The fluids in the
two-phase were assumed to be immiscible, incompressible, steady, one-dimensional and fully developed.
Further it is also assumed that the two fluids have different viscosities and thermal conductivities. In this
problem, we have investigated the upper phase of the two fluids which is assumed to be electrically conducting
and that of the lower phase is electrically non-conducting. The transport properties of the two fluids were taken
to be constant and equal temperature. The analytical solutions for velocities, induced magnetic field and
temperature distributions are obtained and are computed numerically for different heights and viscosity ratios
for two fluids and for two values of electric load parameter R e . The computed results of velocity distributions,
induced magnetic field strength and the temperature distributions are plotted distances from the fixed horizontal
plates and for different angle of inclinations. Analytical solutions for velocity, induced field and the temperature

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
distributions are obtained; skin frictional factors are computed for different angle of inclinations and for different
magnetic field strengths.
Our study is motivated by the work of Singha and Deka [8] who investigated one- phase flow of a viscous
electrically conducting incompressible fluid between two heated vertical parallel plates in presence of a uniform
inclined magnetic field. In the present work, we have studied two-phase MHD flow and heat transfer in an
inclined magnetic field. In our studies it has found that the volumetric flow rate in a channel may be controlled
by the orientation of applied magnetic field.
2. Formulation of the problem
The physical model shown in Fig.1, consists of two infinite parallel plates extending in the X and Z -direction.
The region 0  y  h1 , is occupied by a fluid of viscosity 1 , electrical conductivity  1 , and thermal
conductivity k1 and the region  h2  y  0 , is occupied by a layer of different (immiscible) fluid of viscosity
 2 and thermal conductivity k 2 .The transport properties of both fluids are assumed to be constant. The fluid
flows in the X direction. A uniform magnetic field of strength B 0 is applied in the direction making an angle
 to the vertical line which in turn another magnetic field B x ( y ) along the lines of motion.

The fluid velocity and the magnetic field distributions are

V  [u ( y ),0,0] and
    
B   B x ( y )  B0 cos   , B0 cos ,0
 2  
 Bx ( y )  B0 sin  , B0 cos ,0

 [ Bx ( y)  B0 1  2 , B0  ,0]

where cos   .The two bounding walls are maintained at constant temperature Tw .

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
The flow is assumed to be steady, laminar, incompressible and fully developed. The flow of both phases is
assumed to be at a constant pressure gradient x .
Under these assumptions as stated above, the governing equation of motion, magnetic field and equation of
energy for the two phases are

 V  0 . (1)

V     1  1   
 V    V   p   2 V   J  B   Z
t      . (2)

B    1  2
   (V  B )    B  0
t  e  . (3)

 T   J2
c p   V  T    2T    
 t   . (4)

Here  represents the dissipation function given by

 u  2  v  2  w  2   v u  2  w u  2  u w  2 3  u v w  2
  2                         
 x   y   z    x y   y z   z x  2  x y z 

and the third term in the right hand side of equation (2) is the magnetic body force and J is the current density
due to the magnetic field defined by

   
J    E V  B 
  (5)

Z is the force due to buoyancy

Z=  g T0  T  (6)

The gravitational body force Z has been neglected in the equation (2).

Using the velocity and magnetic field distribution as stated above, the equations (1) to (4) are as follows:

The equation of motion and energy for the two-phases reduces to

d 2u 
 E z  uB0  B0   0.
 dy 2  (7)

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du  1  d 2 Bx
B0     0.
dy  e  dy 2 (8)
T  2T  u 
c p u   2       E z  uB0   .

x y  y  (9)
3. Boundary Conditions
The fluid and thermometric boundary conditions are unchanged by the addition of electromagnetic fields. The
no slip condition requires that the velocity must vanish at the wall boundaries. In addition, the fluid velocity,
sheering stress, temperature and heat flux must be continuous across the interface y  0 . Boundary and interface
conditions on u1 , u 2 and B x are

du1 du
1  2 2
u1 (h1 )  0 , u 2 (h2 )  0 , u1 (0)  u 2 (0) , dy1 dy 2 at y=0
B x  0 at y=  h (10)

If the walls are maintained at constant temperatures the boundary conditions on T1 and T2 are given by

T1 (h1 )  Tw1 T2 (h2 )  Tw2

, , T1 (0)  T2 (0) ,
dT1 dT
k1  k2 2
dy1 dy 2 at y=0 (11)

Velocity and magnetic field distributions

The governing equation for the velocity u1 of phase-I can be written as

d 2 u1
 1 E z  u1 B0  B0   0
1 1
P  1 
 dy1
 . (12)

The equation governing the velocity u 2 of the non-conducting lower phase-II may be obtained by setting
 2  0 in equation (7) and is given by

d 2u2 1 P 
  
dy 2
   2  . (13)

The equation governing the magnetic field of the conducting upper phase-I can be written as

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
du1  1  d 2 Bx
B0    0
dy1  e  dy1
. (14)

It is convenient to non-dimensionalize the above equations the following transformations will be used here:

u  y u  y
u1   1 , y1  1 , u 2   2 , y 2   2 ,
 

 u1  h1  u1  h2
P Ez Bx
G , Re  ,b
 u / h 
1 1 1
u1 B0 B0 . (15)
Equations (12)-(14) becomes respectively,

d 2 u1
G 2
 M 2 Re  u1   0
dy1 . (16)

 G  d 2 u 2
 2   0
   dy 2
. (17)
d 2b du1
 Rm 0
dy1 dy1 . (18)

(The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the upper and lower phases respectively).

Where M is the Hartmann number, which is the measure of the strength of the applied magnetic field,

M  B0 h1
Rm is the magnetic Reynolds number, Rm  u1h1 1 e

R e is the electric field loading parameter.

 is the ratio of the viscosities of the two fluids, 2 .

 is the ratio of the height of the two fluids, h2 .
G is the non-dimensional pressure gradient.

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The boundary conditions (10) reduces to

u1  1  0 , u 2  1  0 , u1 0  u 2 0 ,

du1    du 2
 
dy1    dy 2 at y  0

b  0 at y=  1 (19)

Equations.(16)-(18) can be solved easily subject to the boundary conditions (19). The exact solution for the
velocity of the electrically conducting phase is given by
u1{ y1 )  U  k1 cosh[My1 ]  k 2 sinh[ My1 ]. (20)

The corresponding solution for the velocity of the non-conducting fluid is given by

Gy 2

u2 ( y2 )  k3  k 4 y2  .
2 2 (21)
And the solution for the magnetic field of the electrically conducting phase is given by
Rm (cosh[M ]  cosh[My1 ])k 2  k1 (sinh[ My1 ]  y1 sinh[ M ])
b( y1 )  .
M (22)
U  e
M 
2 2
 ,
M 1  2 M cosh[M ]   sinh[ M ] ,

k1 

 2 MU  G  2U 2 sinh[ M ] 
M1 ,

k2  

2U 2  G  2U 2 cosh[M ] 
M1 ,
2MU cosh[M ]  1  G sinh[ M ]
k3 
M1 ,

k4 

M  2U 2  (G  2U 2 ) cosh[M ] 
M 1 ,

Temperature distribution
Once the velocity distributions are known the temperature distributions for the two regions are determined by
solving the energy equations subject to the appropriate boundary and interface conditions.

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
In the present problem, it is assumed that the two walls are maintained at constant and equal temperatures.
The term involving x in the energy equation (9) drops out for such a condition. The governing equation for
the temperature T1 of the conducting phase-I is then given by
d 2T1  du 
 1  1    E z  u1 B0    0
k1 2
dy1  1
dy . (23)

The temperature T2 of the non-conducting fluid in phase-II is similarly governed by the equation

d 2T2  du 
k2 2
  2  2   0
dy 2  dy 2  . (24)

To non-dimensionalize the equations (23) and (24) the following transformations are used

u  y u  y P
u1   1 , y1  1 , u 2   2 , y 2   2 , G 
 

 u1  h1  u1  h2 1 u1 / h1 2
 
Ez T1  Tw T2  Tw
Re  , 1  2
, 2  2
u1 B0 u1 1 / k1 u1 1 / k1 (25)

Here Tw is the common wall temperature. Equations (23) and (24) then reduces to the following form

d 21  du 
  1   M 2 Re  u1   0
dy1  dy1  . (26)

d 2 2   du 
  2   0
dy 2
  dy 2  . (27)

 
Here  is the ratio of the thermal conductivities of the two fluids, k2 ,

 is the ratio of the viscosities of the two fluids, 2 ,

M  B0 h1
M is the non-dimensional Hartmann number, 1

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
In the non-dimensional form, the boundary conditions of the continuity of temperature and heat flux at the
interface y  0 becomes
1  1  0 ,  2  1  0 , 1 0   2 0 ,

d1   d 2 
  
dy1   dy 2  at y  0 (28)
Tw1  Tw2  Tw
In the present case, it is assumed that
Once the velocity distributions are known the temperature distributions for the two phases are determined using
equations (26)-(28) and (20)-(21).

The solutions of equations (26) and (27) is given by

1 ( y1 )   ( cosh[2 My1 ]k1   cosh[2 My1 ]k 2  8 sinh[ My1 ]k 2 k 5
2 2

 4 cosh[My1 ]k1 ( sinh[ My1 ]k 2  2k5 )  2(2k7  2k8 y1  M 2 k5 y1 )) (29)
2 2

k 4 2 y 2 2 Gk 4 y 2 3 G 2y 2 4
 2 ( y 2 )  k9  k10 y 2   
2 3 2 12 4 . (30)

k6 
k 5  Re  U , 12     ,

k7  k6 (3 3(   cosh[2M])k1  3 3 (   cosh[2M ])k 2

2 2

 24 3 (sinh[ M ]  M )k 2 k 5  6 3 k1 ( (sinh[ 2M ]  2M )k 2

 4(   cosh[M]k5 )  (G 2  4G 2 k 4  6 4 k 4  6M 2 3 k5 ))

2 2

k8  k6 (6 4  sinh[ M ]2 k1  6 4  sinh[ M]2 k 2  24 3 (M   sinh[ M]k 2 k5

2 2

 6 3 k1 ( (2M   sinh[ 2M ])k 2  4 (cosh[M ]  1)k 5 )

  (G 2  4G 2k 4  6 4k 4  6M 2 4 k5 ))

2 2

k9   (6 3 sinh[ M]2 k1  6 3 sinh[ M]2 k 2  24 3 (M  sinh[ M])k 2 k5
2 2

 6 3 k1 ( (2M  sinh[ 2M ])k 2  4(cosh[M ]  1)k 5 )

  (G 2  4G 2 k 4  6 4 k 4  6M 2 3 k5 ))k6

2 2

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k10   ( (6 4  sinh[ M ]2 k1  6 4  sinh[ M ]2 k 2  24 4 ( M  sinh[ M ])k 2 k 5
2 2

 6 k1 ( (2M  sinh[ 2M ])k 2  4(cosh[M ]  1)k 5 )

  (G 2  4G 2k 4  6 4k 4  6M 2 4 k5 )))

2 2

4. Discussion of the results

The velocity and temperature distributions are now plotted graphically against the distances between the two
plates. Both the cases are taken in to account, the case of electrical load parameter Re  0 and Re  1.0 .
Re  0 represents the short circuit case in which there is no electric field, and the flow is driven entirely by the

applied pressure gradient. Re  1 indicates that the Electric pressure drives the flow in opposite direction to
the pressure gradient of the fluid. It leads to the retardation of the fluid.

In figure 2 the velocity distribution is plotted against the distances from the solid boundaries. It is clear from
the figure 2 for the Phase-I(conducting fluid) at liquid boundary y  0 the fluid velocity u  0 where as at
solid boundary y  1 it is zero. This is the evidence that there is an enhancement volumetric flow rate in the
channel due to the presence of liquid boundary. This flow rate will be increased when the angle of inclination
of imposed magnetic field with vertical line of the channel is increased. This observation is important for the
probable application in the pumping of conducting liquid along with the immiscible liquid. This shows that
beside the minimizing power requirement for pumping the question of controlling flow rate by changing
imposed magnetic field direction. Here some effect is established in fig.4 for different electrical load parameter
Re .
In earlier work [3] it has been pointed out that, the pressure requirement to pump electrically conducting
liquid can be reduced. In our paper it has found that the volumetric flow rate in pipe in a channel may be
controlled by the orientation of applied magnetic field. The temperature distribution is shown in figure 3 and
figure 5. It should be noted that the temperature distributions for the conducting phase in both cases i.e.
and Re  1 have qualitatively the some characteristics as then exhibited by classical one-phase Hartmann
flow [8].

The induced magnetic field distribution is shown in figure 6 and figure 7 for ( Re  0 and Re  1) in
conductor strength of magnetic field decreases almost linearly as we approach to the boundary wall of the
channel Rate of change of induced magnetic field gradients are strong for the case Re  1.0 than for the
Re  0 .

In figure 8 and figure 9 for ( Re  0 and Re  1) same effect has been observed as shown in figure 6 and
figure 7.

5. Conclusions: The study concerns the magnetohydrodynamics two-phase flow and heat transfer problem in a
horizontal channel and it is considered in presence of a uniform inclined magnetic field. The analytical solutions
for velocities, induced magnetic field and temperature distributions are obtained and are computed numerically
for different heights and viscosity ratios for two fluids and for two values of electric load parameter R e .
Analytical solutions for velocity, induced field and the temperature distributions are obtained; skin frictional
factors are computed for different angle of inclinations and for different magnetic field strengths.

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol.7 No.5 (May, 2022)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Greek letters
B 0 Uniform applied magnetic field   2 , ratio of the viscosities

B x ( y ) Induced magnetic field  h2 , ratio of heights of two fluid

E z Constant electric field in the direction of z  k 2 , ratio of the thermal conductivities

(T1  Tw )
1  2
h1 , h2 Heights of the two regions (u1 1 / k1 ) , non- dimensional temperature in phase-I

M  B0 h1
1 , Hartmann number
𝐶𝑝 =Specific heat at constant pressure K=Thermal conductivity
=(𝑤𝑚−1 𝑘 −1 ) = Jκ𝑔−1 𝐾 −1

P T2  Tw
G 2 
 u / h  Non-dimensional Pressure gradient
, 2
u1 1 / k1 non- dimensional temperature in
1 1 1

Tw Common wall temperature 1 ,  2 Viscosities of the two fluids
Re 
u1 B0 Electric load parameter  1 , 2 Electrical conductivity of the two fluids
u1 ,u 2 Velocity of the two fluids

u1 Average velocity
x, y, z Co-ordinates in space Subscripts1, 2 refer to the upper and lower phase

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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