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Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2013, vol.18, No.4, pp.

DOI: 10.2478/ijame-2013-0073




Department of Applied Mathematics
Indian School of Mines
Dhanbad-826004, INDIA
E-mail: [email protected]

An investigation on an unsteady MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer of a viscous,
incompressible, electrically conducting and optically thick fluid past an impulsively moving vertical plate with
ramped temperature in a porous medium in the presence of a Hall current and thermal diffusion is carried out. An
exact solution of momentum and energy equations, under Boussinesq and Rosseland approximations, is obtained
in a closed form by the Laplace transform technique for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates.
Expressions for the skin friction and Nusselt number for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates are also
derived. The numerical values of fluid velocity and fluid temperature are displayed graphically versus the
boundary layer coordinate y for various values of pertinent flow parameters for both ramped temperature and
isothermal plates. The numerical values of the skin friction due to primary and secondary flows are presented in
tabular form for various values of pertinent flow parameters.

Key words: MHD natural convection, Hall current, ramped temperature, thermal diffusion, thermal radiation.

1. Introduction

Natural convection flows are frequently encountered in science and technological problems such as
chemical catalytic reactors, nuclear waste repositories, petroleum reservoirs, fiber and granular insulation,
geothermal systems etc. Natural convection flows from bodies with different geometries are extensively
investigated as it is evident from review articles and books published so far (Ede, 1967; Gebhart, 1973;
Jaluria, 1980; Raithby and Hollands, 1985). A convective heat transfer flow from bodies with different
geometries embedded in a porous medium is of significant importance due to its varied and wide applications
in many areas of science and technology, namely, drying of porous solids, thermal insulation, enhanced
recovery of oil and gases, cooling of nuclear reactors, underground energy transport etc. Keeping in view the
importance of such fluid flow problems, a number of investigations on natural convection flow near a
vertical plate embedded in a porous medium have been carried out. Mention may be made of research studies
of Cheng and Minkowycz (1977), Nakayama and Koyama (1987), Lai and Kulacki (1991) and Hsieh et al.
(1993). Comprehensive reviews of free convection flows with heat and mass transfer in porous media are
well presented by Pop and Ingham (2002), Vafai (2005) and Nield and Bejan (2006). An investigation of a
hydromagnetic free convection flow in a porous medium under different conditions has been carried out by
several researchers due to a significant effect of the magnetic field on the boundary layer control, plasma
studies, geothermal energy extraction, metallurgy, petroleum and chemical engineering etc and on the
performance of so many engineering devices using electrically conducting fluids, viz., MHD energy
generators, MHD pumps, MHD accelerators, MHD flow-meters, nuclear reactors using liquid metal coolants

To whom correspondence should be addressed
1202 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

etc. Raptis and Kafousias (1982) studied a steady free convection flow past an infinite vertical porous plate
through a porous medium in the presence of a magnetic field. Raptis (1986) investigated an unsteady two-
dimensional natural convection flow past an infinite vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium in
the presence of a magnetic field. Chamkha (1997a) studied a transient MHD free convection flow through a
porous medium supported by a surface. Chamkha (1997b) also investigated a hydromagnetic natural
convection flow from an isothermal inclined surface adjacent to a thermally stratified porous medium.
Aldoss et al. (1995) considered a combined free and forced convection flow from a vertical plate embedded
in a porous medium in the presence of a magnetic field. Kim (2000) studied an MHD natural convection
flow past a moving vertical plate embedded in a porous medium. Ibrahim et al. (2004) studied an unsteady
hydromagnetic free convection flow of a micro-polar fluid and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate
through a porous medium in the presence of thermal and mass diffusion with a constant heat source.
Makinde and Sibanda (2008) investigated a hydromagnetic mixed convective flow with heat and mass
transfer past a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with constant wall suction. Makinde (2009)
considered a hydromagnetic mixed convection flow and mass transfer past a vertical porous plate with
constant heat flux embedded in a porous medium.
In all these investigations, the effects of radiation are not taken into account. Radiative heat transfer
along with free convection is important in many areas of science and engineering, viz., glass production,
furnace design, electric power generation, thermo-nuclear fusion, casting and levitation, high temperature
aerodynamics, propulsion systems, plasma physics, space flight, solar power technology, spacecraft re-entry
aerothermodynamics, etc. In many practical applications, depending on the surface properties and
configuration, radiative heat transfer is often comparable with that of convective heat transfer. It is worthy of
note that unlike convection/conduction the governing equations taking into account radiative heat transfer
become quite complicated and hence many difficulties arise while solving such equations. However, some
reasonable approximations are proposed to solve the governing equations with radiative heat transfer. The
text book by Sparrow and Cess (1970) describes the essential features of radiative heat transfer. Chang et al.
(1983) investigated a natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional complex
enclosures. Cess (1966) studied laminar free convection along a vertical isothermal plate with thermal
radiation using the Rosseland diffusion approximation. Hossain and Takhar (1996) considered radiation
effects on a mixed convection boundary layer flow along a vertical plate with uniform surface temperature
using the Rosseland flux model. Chamkha (1997c) analyzed solar radiation assisted natural convection in a
uniform porous medium supported by a vertical flat plate. Chamkha et al. (2001) studied a laminar free
convection flow of air past a semi-infinite vertical plate in the presence of chemical species concentration
and thermal radiation. Muthucumaraswamy and Ganesan (2003) investigated radiation effects on flow past
an impulsively started vertical plate with variable temperature. Ghosh and Bég (2008) discussed the effects
of radiation on a transient free convection flow past an infinite hot vertical impulsively moving plate in a
porous medium. Chamkha (2000) discussed thermal radiation and buoyancy effects on a hydromagnetic flow
over an accelerating permeable surface with heat source or sink. Raptis and Massalas (1998) studied an
oscillatory magnetohydrodynamic flow of a gray, absorbing-emitting fluid with a non-scattering medium
past a flat plate in the presence of radiation assuming the Rosseland approximation. Azzam (2002)
considered radiation effects on an MHD mixed convection flow past a semi-infinite moving vertical plate for
high temperature differences. Cookey et al. (2003) analyzed the influence of viscous dissipations and
radiation past an infinite heated vertical plate in a porous medium with time-dependent suction. Mahmoud
Mostafa (2009) discussed thermal radiation effects on an unsteady MHD free convection flow past an
infinite vertical porous plate taking into account the effects of viscous dissipation. Ogulu and Makinde
(2009) investigated an unsteady hydromagnetic free convection flow of a dissipative and radiative fluid past
a vertical plate with constant heat flux.
In all these investigations, an analytical or numerical solution is obtained assuming conditions for
fluid velocity and temperature at the plate as continuous and well defined. However, there exist several
practical problems which may require non-uniform or arbitrary wall conditions. Keeping this fact in view,
Hayday et al. (1967), Kao (1975), Kelleher (1971) and Lee and Yovanovich (1991) investigated a free
convection flow from a vertical plate with step discontinuities in the surface temperature. Recently, Patra et
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1203

al. (2012) investigated the effects of radiation on a natural convection flow of a viscous and incompressible
fluid near a vertical flat plate with ramped temperature. They compared the effects of radiative heat transfer
on a natural convection flow near a ramped temperature plate with the flow near an isothermal plate. It is
well known that when density of an electrically conducting fluid is low and/or the applied magnetic field is
strong, effects of the Hall current become significant. The Hall current plays an important role in determining
flow-features of the problem because it induces a secondary flow in the flow-field. Therefore, it is
appropriate to study the effects of the Hall current on an MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat
transfer past a moving vertical plate with ramped temperature.
The objective of the present investigation is to study an unsteady natural convection transient flow of
a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid with radiative heat transfer past an impulsively
moving vertical plate embedded in a fluid saturated porous medium taking into account the effects of the
Hall current and thermal diffusion when the temperature of the plate has a temporarily ramped profile.

2. Formulation of the problem and its solution

Consider an unsteady flow of a viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting and optically thick
fluid past an infinite vertical plate embedded in a uniform porous medium. The coordinate system is chosen
in such a way that the x - axis is considered along the plate in upward direction and the y  - axis normal to
the plane of the plate in the fluid. A uniform transverse magnetic field B0 is applied in a direction which is
parallel to the y  - axis. Initially, i.e., at time t  0 , both the fluid and plate are at rest and have a uniform
temperature T . At time t  0 , the plate starts moving in the x - direction with uniform velocity U 0 . The
temperature of the plate is raised or lowered to T  Tw  T  t  t0 when t  t0 , and it is maintained at
uniform temperature Tw when t  t0 ( t0 being the characteristic time). The geometry of the problem is
shown in Fig.1.
u  x

u (  , t )  0, 

w (  , t )  0,  t  0  
T (  , t )  T , 

Porous Medium B  0


u (0, t )  U 0 , t   0
w(0, t )  0

T  Tw  T  t  t0 , 0  t   t0 , z

T (0, t )    
Tw , t   t0 .
Fig.1. Geometry of the problem.
1204 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

Since the plate is of infinite length in the x and z directions and is electrically non-conducting, all
physical quantities except pressure, depend on y  and t  only. The induced magnetic field generated by the
fluid motion is neglected in comparison to the applied one, i.e., the magnetic field B   0, B0 , 0  . This
assumption is valid because the magnetic Reynolds number is very small for liquid metals and partially
ionized fluids (Cramer and Pai, 1973). Also no applied or polarized voltages exist so the effect of
polarization of the fluid is negligible, i.e., the electric field E   0, 0, 0  . This corresponds to the case where
no energy is added or extracted from the fluid by electrical means (Cramer and Pai, 1973).
Keeping in view the assumptions made above, governing equations for the natural convection flow
of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid within a uniform porous medium with radiative
heat transfer taking the Hall current into account, under the Boussinesq approximation, are given by

u   2u B02 
 2   u   mw  u   g T   T  , (2.1)
t  y   1  m2   K1

w  2 w B0 2 
 2   mu   w   w, (2.2)
t  y   1  m2   K1

T  k  2T  1 qr
 1  . (2.3)
t  c p y 2 c p y 

Initial and boundary conditions for the fluid-flow problem are

u  w  0, T   T for y  0 and t   0, (2.4a)

u  U0 , w  0 at y  0 for t   0, (2.4b)

T   T  Tw  T  t  t0 at y  0 for 0  t   t0 , (2.4c)

T   Tw at y  0 for t  t0 , (2.4d)

u   0, w  0, T   T as y   for t   0. (2.4e)

For an optically thick fluid, in addition to emission there is also self-absorption and usually the
absorption coefficient is wavelength dependent and large (Bestman, 1985) so we can adopt the Rosseland
approximation for the radiative flux vector qr (Azzam, 2002). Thus qr is given by

4 T 4
qr   . (2.5)
3k  y

It is assumed that there is a small temperature difference between the fluid temperature T  and free
stream temperature T . Equation (2.5) is linearized by expanding T 4 in Taylor series about the free stream
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1205

temperature T . Neglecting the second and higher order terms in T   T  , T 4 is expressed in the
following form

T 4  4T 3T   3T 4 . (2.6)

Making use of Eqs (2.5) and (2.6) in Eq.(2.3), we obtain

T  k1  2T  1 16 T 3  2T 
  . (2.7)
t  c p y 2 c p 3k  y 2

Equations (2.1), (2.2) and (2.7), in a non-dimensional form, become

u  2 u M2 u
 2  u  mw   G rT , (2.8)
t y 1  m2   K1

w  2 w M2 w
 2   mu  w  , (2.9)
t y 1  m2   K1

T  1  N   2T
 (2.10)
t Pr y 2


y  y U0t0 , u  u U0 , w  w U0 , t  t  t0 , T  T   T  Tw  T ,

M 2   B 02  U 02, K1  K1 U 02 2 , Gr  gTw  T  U 03, (2.11)

Pr  c p k1 and N  16 T 3 3k1k .

It is appropriate to mention here that the characteristic time t0 is defined, according to the non-
dimensional process mentioned above, as

t0   U 02 . (2.12)

Initial and boundary conditions Eqs (2.4a) to (2.4e), in a non-dimensional form, become

u  w  0, T 0 for y 0 and t  0, (2.13a)

u  1, w0 at y 0 for t  0, (2.13b)

T t at y 0 for 0  t  1, (2.13c)
1206 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

T 1 at y 0 for t  1, (2.13d)

u  0, w  0, T 0 as y for t  0. (2.13e)

Combining Eqs (2.8) and (2.9), we obtain

F  2 F 1
 2  N F  F  G rT (2.14)
t y K1

M 2  1  im 
where F  u  iw and N   .
1  m2

Initial and boundary conditions Eqs (2.13a) to (2.13e), in a compact form, are given by

F  0, T 0 for y 0 and t  0, (2.15a)

F 1 at y 0 for t  0, (2.15b)

T t at y 0 for 0  t  1, (2.15c)

T 1 at y 0 for t  1, (2.15d)

F  0, T 0 as y for t  0. (2.15e)

Equations (2.10) and (2.14) with the use of the Laplace transform and initial conditions Eq.(2.15a)
reduce to

d 2T
 saT  0, (2.16)
dy 2

d 2F  1 
  s  N 
2  F  G rT  0 (2.17)
dy  K1 

 
where a , F  y, s   F  y, t  e  st dt and T  y , s   T  y, t  e  st dt , ( s
  being Laplace transform
1  N  0 0
Boundary conditions Eqs (2.15b) to (2.15e), after taking the Laplace transform, become

F  1 s, 
T  1  e s  s2 at y  0, (2.18a)

F  0, T 0 as y  . (2.18b)

Equations (2.16) and (2.17), subject to the boundary conditions Eqs (2.18a) and (2.18b), are solved
and the solution for T  y, s  and F  y, s  is given by
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1207

T  y, s  
1  e  e s
 y as
, (2.19)

1  e s
F  y, s   e y
s 
s  s  
2 e  y s 
 e y as
 (2.20)

where   Gr  a  1 ,   N    1 K1  and     a  1 .

An exact solution for the fluid temperature T  y, t  and fluid velocity F  y, t  is obtained by taking
the inverse Laplace transform of Eqs (2.19) and (2.20) which is presented in the following form after
simplification (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1972).

T  y, t   G  y, t   H  t  1 G  y, t  1 , (2.21)

1 y  y   y 
F  y, t   e

erfc   t   e  y 
erfc   t   
2 2 t   2 t  (2.22)
  F

 y, t   H  t  1 F  y, t  1


 ay 2  y a at  4t
G  y, t    t   erfc    ye ,
 2 
  2 t 

1  et  y     y      y 

F   y, t    e erfc        t   e y erfc       t  
2  2  2 t  2 t 
y  a  y a   y  a  y a  
e erfc    t   e erfc    t 
 
2 t  2 t  
1  1 y  y    y   1 y   y    y 
  t    e erfc   t    t   e erfc   t  
   2   2 t    2  2 t 
2 
ay 
 1 ay 2  y a at  4t 
2  t    erfc    2 ye  .
  2  
 2 t  

H  t  1 and erfc  x  are, respectively, the unit step function and complementary error function.

3. Solution in case of isothermal plate

Solutions Eqs (2.21) and (2.22) present the analytical solution for the fluid temperature and fluid
velocity for the flow of a viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting and optically thick fluid past an
1208 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

impulsively moving vertical plate with ramped temperature taking the Hall current, radiation and thermal
diffusion into account. In order to know the influence of ramped temperature distribution within the plate on
the fluid flow, it is appropriate to compare such a flow with the one past an impulsively moving vertical plate
with uniform temperature. Keeping in view the assumptions made in the present study, a solution for the
fluid temperature and fluid velocity for a flow past an impulsively moving vertical isothermal plate is
obtained and is expressed in the following form

y a
T  y , t   erfc   , (3.1)
2 t 

F  y, t  
1  d  e
y   y
erfc 

 t   e  y   y
erfc 
 t   

2  2 t  2 t 
* t
d e  y     y      y 
 e erfc        t   e y erfc       t   (3.2)
2  2 t  2 t 
a y a  y a  y a
e y erfc   t   e  y a
erfc   t    d *erfc  
2 t  2 t   2 t 

where d*    .

4. Skin friction and Nusselt number

The expressions for the primary skin friction  x , secondary skin friction  z and Nusselt number Nu,
which are measures of shear stress at the plate due to primary flow, shear stress at the plate due to secondary
flow and rate of heat transfer at the plate respectively, are presented in the following form for ramped
temperature and isothermal plates.

(i) For ramped temperature plate

 x  i z   erfc    t   1  1
et    F1  y, t   H  t  1 F1  y, t  1  , (4.1)

Nu  2

 t  t  1H  t  1  (4.2)


F1  y , t  
et 
2 
      erfc      t   1  1    t 
e  a erfc    t   1  a t 
e 
1  1   
  t     erfc
    
  t   1  1 t 
e 
 2 
erfc   t   1  a
2 t 
 t
 .
 
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1209

(ii) For isothermal plate

 

 x  i z  1  d *   erfc

   t   1  1

e t  
 (4.3)

* t
d e 

    erfc   
   t  1 
1   t
e 

a 
  t   1 
 a erfc d
t 
* a

Nu  . (4.4)

It is evident from the expressions Eqs (3.4) and (3.6) that, for a given time, the Nusselt number Nu is
 Pr 
proportional to a    in both the cases, i.e., the Nusselt number Nu increases on increasing the
 N  1
 
Prandtl number Pr while it decreases on increasing the radiation parameter N. Since Pr expresses the relative
strength of viscosity to thermal diffusivity of the fluid, Pr decreases on increasing thermal diffusivity of the
fluid. This implies that thermal diffusion and radiation tend to reduce the rate of heat transfer at both ramped
temperature and isothermal plates. Also it is noticed from Eqs (3.4) and (3.6) that Nu increases for the
ramped temperature plate whereas it decreases for the isothermal plate on increasing time t. This implies that,
as time progresses, the rate of heat transfer at the ramped temperature plate is enhanced whereas it is reduced
at the isothermal plate.

5. Results and discussions

In order to highlight the influence of various physical quantities, namely, the Hall current, thermal
buoyancy force, permeability of medium, radiation and time on flow-field in the boundary layer region, the
numerical values of fluid velocity, computed from the analytical solutions Eqs (2.22) and (3.2), are depicted
graphically versus the boundary layer coordinate y in Figs 2 to 11 for various values of the Hall current
parameter m, Grashof number G r , permeability parameter K1 , radiation parameter N and time t taking the
magnetic parameter M 2  15 and Prandtl number Pr  0.71 . It is noticed from Figs 2 to 11 that, for both
ramped temperature and isothermal plates, the primary velocity u and secondary velocity w attain a
distinctive maximum value in the vicinity of the surface of the plate and then decrease properly on increasing
the boundary layer coordinate y to approach the free stream value. Also, primary and secondary fluid
velocities are faster in the case of the isothermal plate than that of ramped temperature plate. It is evident
from Figs 2 to 11 that, for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates, the primary velocity u and
secondary velocity w increase on increasing the Hall current parameter m, Grashof number G r , permeability
parameter K1 , radiation parameter N and time t.
This implies that, for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates, the Hall current, thermal
buoyancy force, permeability of the medium and radiation tend to accelerate the fluid flow in the primary
and secondary flow directions in the boundary layer region. As time progresses, for both ramped temperature
and isothermal plates, primary and secondary fluid velocities are getting accelerated in the boundary layer
1210 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar


Ramped Temperature
0.8 - - - - - Isothermal



m = 0.5, 1, 1.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Fig.2. Primary velocity profiles when Gr=6, K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.

Ramped Temperature
0.25 - - - - - Isothermal




m = 0.5, 1, 1.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Fig.3. Secondary velocity profiles when Gr=6, K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1211


Ramped Temperature
0.8 - - - - - Isothermal



Gr = 4, 6, 8
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Fig.4. Primary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.

0.14 Ramped Temperature

- - - - - Isothermal


w 0.08



Gr = 4, 6, 8
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Fig.5. Secondary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.
1212 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar


Ramped Temperature
0.8 - - - - - Isothermal




K1 = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Fig.6. Primary velocity profiles when m=0.5, Gr=6, N=1 and t=0.4.

Ramped Temperature
- - - - - Isothermal



K1 = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Fig.7. Secondary velocity profiles when m=0.5, Gr=6, N=1 and t=0.4.
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1213


Ramped Temperature
0.8 - - - - - Isothermal



N = 1, 3, 5
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig.8. Primary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, Gr=6 and t=0.4.

Ramped Temperature
0.12 - - - - - Isothermal




N = 1, 3, 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig.9. Secondary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, Gr=6 and t=0.4.
1214 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar


Ramped Temperature
- - - - - Isothermal




t = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6

0 1 2 3 4
Fig.10. Primary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, Gr=6 and N=1.

Ramped Temperature
- - - - - Isothermal



t = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
0 1 2 3 4
Fig.11. Secondary velocity profiles when m=0.5, K1=0.5, Gr=6 and N=1.

In order to study the influence of radiation, thermal diffusion and time on the temperature field,
numerical values of the fluid temperature T, computed from the analytical solutions Eqs (2.21) and (3.1), are
displayed graphically versus the boundary layer coordinate y in Figs 12 to 14 for various values of N, Pr and
t for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates. It is revealed from Figs 12 to 14 that, for both ramped
temperature and isothermal plates, the fluid temperature T increases on increasing either the radiation
parameter N or time t whereas it increases on decreasing the Prandtl number Pr . This implies that radiation
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1215

and thermal diffusion tend to enhance the fluid temperature in the boundary layer region for both ramped
temperature and isothermal plates. As time progresses, for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates,
there is an enhancement in the fluid temperature in the boundary layer region. It is noticed from Figs 12 to 14
that the fluid temperature is maximum at the surface of the plate for both ramped temperature and isothermal
plates and it decreases properly on increasing the boundary layer coordinate y to approach the free stream
value. Also, the fluid temperature is lower for the ramped temperature plate than that for the isothermal plate.


Ramped Temperature
0.8 - - - - - Isothermal



N = 1, 3, 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig.12. Temperature profiles when t=0.4 and Pr=0.71.

Ramped Temperature
- - - - - Isothermal

P r = 0.71, 0.5, 0.3


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig.13. Temperature profiles when t=0.4 and N=1.
1216 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

Ramped Temperature
- - - - - Isothermal

T t = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6


0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig.14. Temperature profiles when N=1 and Pr=0.71.

The numerical values of the primary skin friction  x and secondary skin friction  z for both ramped
temperature and isothermal plates, computed from expressions Eqs (3.3) and (3.5), are presented in a tabular
form in Tabs 1 to 6 for various values of m,G r , K1 , N and t taking M 2  15 and Pr  0.71 . It is evident
from Tabs 1 to 6 that, for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates, the primary skin friction  x
decreases whereas the secondary skin friction  z increases on increasing m,G r , K1 , N and t. This implies
that, for both ramped temperature and isothermal plates, the Hall current, thermal buoyancy force,
permeability of the medium and radiation tend to reduce the primary skin friction whereas these physical
quantities have a reverse effect on the secondary skin friction. As time progresses, for both ramped
temperature and isothermal plates, there is a reduction in the primary skin friction whereas there is an
enhancement in the secondary skin friction.

Table 1. Skin friction at ramped temperature plate when K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.

 x z
m ↓ Gr 
4 6 8 4 6 8
0.5 3.52773 3.38016 3.2326 0.822145 0.840905 0.859665
1 2.96664 2.80741 2.64819 1.2036 1.23458 1.26555
1.5 2.49560 2.32391 2.15222 1.29095 1.3273 1.36365

Table 2. Skin friction at isothermal plate when K1=0.5, N=1 and t=0.4.

 x z
m  Gr 
4 6 8 4 6 8
0.5 3.08103 2.71011 2.3392 0.873748 0.918309 0.962871
1 2.47507 2.07006 1.66506 1.28524 1.35704 1.42884
1.5 1.94873 1.50359 1.05846 1.37326 1.45076 1.52826
MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer … 1217

Table 3. Skin friction at ramped temperature plate when Gr=6, N=1 and t=0.4.

 x z
m ↓ K1 →
0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8
0.5 3.76606 3.38016 3.27836 0.763887 0.840905 0.863658
1 3.2297 2.80741 2.69626 1.0949 1.23458 1.27702
1.5 2.7941 2.32391 2.1994 1.14304 1.3273 1.38548

Table 4. Skin friction at isothermal plate when Gr=6, N=1 and t=0.4.

 x z
m ↓ K1 →
0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8
0.5 3.13249 2.71011 2.59802 0.831435 0.918309 0.943612
1 2.54491 2.07006 1.9422 1.19984 1.35704 1.40451
1.5 2.05595 1.50359 1.34866 1.25277 1.45076 1.51236

Table 5. Skin friction at ramped temperature plate when m=0.5, Gr=6 and K1=0.5.

 x z
N↓ t→
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 3.63395 3.38016 3.11496 0.793177 0.840905 0.886539
3 3.61757 3.35039 3.07493 0.796584 0.849511 0.899521
5 3.60943 3.33604 3.05594 0.798411 0.853922 0.905993

Table 6. Skin friction at isothermal plate when m=0.5, Gr=6 and K1=0.5.

 x z
N↓ t→
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 2.8951 2.71011 2.63569 0.823002 0.918309 0.954028
3 2.73568 2.5966 2.54322 0.887562 0.966504 0.993723
5 2.66206 2.54562 2.50195 0.916847 0.988774 1.01172

6. Conclusions

A theoretical study of an unsteady MHD natural convection flow with radiative heat transfer past an
impulsively moving vertical plate with ramped temperature in the presence of the Hall current and thermal
diffusion is presented. Significant results are summarized below:

a. For both ramped temperature and isothermal plates:

The Hall current, thermal buoyancy force, permeability of the medium and radiation tend to
accelerate the fluid flow in the primary and secondary flow directions in the boundary layer region. As time
progresses, primary and secondary fluid velocities are getting accelerated in the boundary layer region.
Primary and secondary fluid velocities are faster in the case of the isothermal plate than that of the ramped
temperature plate.
1218 G.S.Seth, G.K.Mahato and S.Sarkar

b. For both ramped temperature and isothermal plates:

Radiation and thermal diffusion tend to enhance the fluid temperature in the boundary layer region.
As time progresses, there is an enhancement in the fluid temperature in the boundary layer region.

c. Fluid temperature is lower for the ramped temperature plate than for the isothermal plate.

d. For both ramped temperature and isothermal plates:

The Hall current, thermal buoyancy force, permeability of the medium and radiation tend to reduce
the primary skin friction whereas these physical quantities have a reverse effect on the secondary skin
friction. As time progresses, there is a reduction in the primary skin friction whereas there is an enhancement
in the secondary skin friction.


B0 – uniform magnetic field

cp – specific heat at constant pressure
Gr – Grashof number
g – acceleration due to gravity
K1 – permeability parameter
K1 – permeability of porous medium
k1 – thermal conductivity
k* – mean absorption coefficient
M – magnetic parameter
m  e e – Hall current parameter
N – radiation parameter
Pr – Prandtl number
qr – radiative flux vector
T – fluid temperature
u, w – fluid velocity in x and z - direction respectively
 – coefficient of thermal expansion
 – fluid density
 – electrical conductivity
* – Stefan-Boltzmann constant
e – electron collision time
 – kinematic coefficient of viscosity
e – cyclotron frequency


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Received: January 5, 2013

Revised: August 8, 2013

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