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Darunday, Ezra M.


Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern

Health Pattern Response

Health Perception/Health Patient view health as important, free of disease, and
Management eats healthy like vegetables and fish since they live in
a farm. Last immunization is for COVID-19, but does
not remember other immunization for other disease.
No allergies as remembered. Last physical
examination was made due to motor vehicular
accident. Patient is not knowledgeable about
medicines taken, as they consume it if ordered by the
Nutritional-Metabolic S/O and patient is aware about the dry skin of the
patient as well as the sudden weight loss. Patient had
bread, water, and meals that is supplied by the
hospital as daily meal. There is no meal preference
stated by the patient or any restrictive diet.
Elimination Client is constipated, complained about vomiting.
Does not have problem in urine in terms of amount,
color, frequency, odor and discharge. Client is in
Activity-Exercise Patient is in bed, has s-pin R – proximal to tibia
fibula. Client has restricted movement. Barely makes
ROM exercises. Client has slightly high RR, but no
coughing problem.
Cognitive-Perceptual Patient is lucid. Oriented about the time, place, and
his S/O. He is easy to talk to, and does not have any
memory loss.
Sleep Rest Patient’s sleeping pattern is satisfactory. He had at
least 7-8 hours sleep per day. Though, he feels week
Self-Perception/Self concept Client feels sometimes as a burden in the family since
he had an accident, and traveled far away to get
Role-relationship Client stopped studying, due to accident, but he is a
grade 4 student. S/O stated that he helps his father to
sell fish everyday for the family to survive.
Sexuality-Reproductive Client is a 16 year old, healthy male.
Coping/Stress Tolerance Client stated as long as he helps his family, he has
nothing to worry about as long as they can eat well.
Value-Belief Patient and S/O is a Catholic. S/O prays well for the
recovery of his son as stated.

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