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Generating Airborne Ultrasonic Amplitude Patterns Using an
Open Hardware Phased Array
Rafael Morales 1 , Iñigo Ezcurdia 2 , Josu Irisarri 2 , Marco A. B. Andrade 3 and Asier Marzo 2, *

1 UltraLeap Ltd., Bristol BS2 0EL, UK; [email protected]

2 UpnaLab, Public University of Navarre, 31006 Pamplona, Spain; [email protected] (I.E.);
[email protected] (J.I.)
3 Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-090, Brazil; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-948-16-9715

Abstract: Holographic methods from optics can be adapted to acoustics for enabling novel ap-
plications in particle manipulation or patterning by generating dynamic custom-tailored acoustic
fields. Here, we present three contributions towards making the field of acoustic holography more
widespread. Firstly, we introduce an iterative algorithm that accurately calculates the amplitudes
and phases of an array of ultrasound emitters in order to create a target amplitude field in mid-air.
Secondly, we use the algorithm to analyse the impact of spatial, amplitude and phase emission
resolution on the resulting acoustic field, thus providing engineering insights towards array design.
For example, we show an onset of diminishing returns for smaller than a quarter-wavelength sized
emitters and a phase and amplitude resolution of eight and four divisions per period, respectively.
 Lastly, we present a hardware platform for the generation of acoustic holograms. The array is
 integrated in a single board composed of 256 emitters operating at 40 kHz. We hope that the results
Citation: Morales, R.; Ezcurdia, I.; and procedures described within this paper enable researchers to build their own ultrasonic arrays
Irisarri, J.; Andrade, M.A.B.; Marzo, and explore novel applications of ultrasonic holograms.
A. Generating Airborne Ultrasonic
Amplitude Patterns Using an Open Keywords: acoustic hologram algorithm; open ultrasonic array; acoustic tweezers
Hardware Phased Array. Appl. Sci.
2021, 11, 2981.

1. Introduction
Academic Editors: Francisco
The ability to produce dynamic ultrasonic fields with target shapes is of fundamental
Camarena and Noé Jiménez
importance in ultrasonic imaging [1], nondestructive testing [2,3], and high-intensity fo-
Received: 21 February 2021
cused ultrasound HIFU therapy [4]. When operating in air, there are numerous emerging
Accepted: 5 March 2021 applications that require the generation of acoustic fields with certain shapes, such as non-
Published: 26 March 2021 contact tactile feedback [5–7], volumetric displays [8,9], parametric audio generation [10,11],
and the contactless manipulation of objects [12–16].
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral In recent years, optical holographic methods have been adapted to acoustics [13,16–18],
with regard to jurisdictional claims in opening the possibility of generating arbitrary acoustic fields that can be controlled in real
published maps and institutional affil- time. Acoustic holography is normally achieved using either passive metamaterial struc-
iations. tures [17,19,20] or an array of ultrasonic transducers [13,16,21]. Metamaterial structures
have the main advantage of allowing for the generation of acoustic fields with a higher
spatial resolution, but they cannot dynamically change the field. In contrast, phased arrays
do not have this limitation, since the emission phase and amplitude of each transducer
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
can be controlled by a computer, allowing to change the acoustic field in real time. This
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. capability of phased arrays is encapsulated in commercially available platforms, e.g., Ul-
This article is an open access article traleap, Bristol, UK; Pixie Dust Tech., Tokyo, Japan; SonicEnergy, California, USA, each of
distributed under the terms and which provides technology development and commercialisation towards specific target
conditions of the Creative Commons market solutions. Despite the numerous scientific advancements made in both industry
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// and academia, there is currently no unifying hardware platform that can flexibly support exploratory research in acoustic holography applications.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 2 of 13

In this paper, we present SonicSurface, a low-cost open hardware array for generating
arbitrary acoustic fields in mid-air. We also present an algorithm for calculating the emission
amplitude and phase for each transducer in order to create a target amplitude field at a
certain distance from the array. Additionally, we offer a comparison of the accuracy of the
generated fields depending on the size of the ultrasonic emitters as well as their phase
and amplitude resolution. This paper is accompanied by video instructions, available at (accessed on 20 February 2021), Do-it-Yourself. Given the low-cost
and the use of off-the-shelf components, we hope that researchers can build and use these
ultrasonic arrays for their own experiments. We also note the companies commercializing
ultrasonic phased arrays offer proprietary solutions that are certified for their use in various
commercial applications.

2. Related Work
Our review of related work gives an overview of projects that designed and built
ultrasonic arrays that typically operate at 40 kHz. Additionally, we provide a review of
algorithms for creating an arbitrary pressure field.
An ultrasonic phased array consists of a collection of elements that can transmit or
receive ultrasonic waves with specific time delays (phases offsets) and amplitudes. This
technology enables the generation of arbitrary pressure fields by controlling the phases and
amplitudes of each emitter. Moreover, it provides an interesting setup for a wide spectrum
of novel applications, such as mid-air displays [22], wireless power transfer [23], acoustic
imaging [24], or delivering food through acoustic levitation [25], to mention a few.
Iwamoto et al. first demonstrated ultrasonic mid-air haptic feedback [26], who devel-
oped a prototype consisting of 12 annular channels with a total of 91 ultrasound transducers
in a hexagonal arrangement, a single focal point could be refocused along the central axis
perpendicular to the array. Shinoda’s group [27–30] developed a more sophisticated system
that was capable of controlling individually 249 transducers, being able to focus at different
3D positions in space, their boards have the capability to be chained to operate as a larger
array system. Carter et al. [6] developed a phased array that can produce multi-point
haptic feedback. Ultraleap (Bristol, UK) is a company that commercializes ultrasonic
phased arrays for haptic applications related to automotive [31], digital signage [32], and
AR/VR [33] applications. The company has also been exploring the effects on humans of
high intensity ultrasound exposure [34] and has been releasing multiple prototypes that
explore optimized array designs [35,36]. For example, transducer array in a Fibonacci spiral
arrangement can suppress unwanted secondary focal points [37]. Pixie Dust Technologies
(Tokyo, Japan) provides a parametric speaker [10] and an acoustic levitator [38] based on
ultrasound phased arrays. The parametric prototype array has 269 transducers populating
a circular array, π/32 phase resolution, and can be refreshed at 1 kHz. Their levitator
prototype has four orthogonally placed phased arrays with 285 transducers with a phase
resolution of π/8 and it is updated at 1 kHz. These ultrasound phased arrays have a fast
update rate, high-power output, and sufficient phase and amplitude resolution; however,
they are comparatively expensive, the software is closed, and the hardware cannot be
easily modified.
Some researchers have developed open platforms of acoustic phased arrays oper-
ating at 40 kHz in air. These platforms allow developers to create their own low-cost
array [39–41]. For example, TinyLev [42] is a single-axis acoustic levitator that uses two
ultrasonic arrays facing each other, reducing the number of independent channels by ar-
ranging transducers within the same distance to the trapping positions. Hirayama et al. [9]
presented an acoustic levitator display with two opposed arrays that was capable of cre-
ating and modulating a large number of focal points at high speeds (20 kHz update rate)
for delivering tactile feedback and parametric audio at the same time. While some part
of the code is public, the hardware was not provided. Other projects have released both
the hardware and software. For example, Ultraino [41] is a multi-purpose phased array
that is accompanied by a platform that helps designers to build small phased arrays. The
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 3 of 13

hardware is based on an Arduino MEGA microcontroller and provides 64 channels with

π/5 phase resolution. Furthermore, multiple boards can be chained together, expanding
the number of individual controlled channels. The software is capable of customising
phased array arrangements and visualising the pressure field in real-time. Despite the
advantage of being a low-cost platform, the operating voltage is limited, reaching a large
number of channels is cumbersome, and the transducers need to be wired to the boards.
This last part gives some flexibility, but it makes the setups complicated to build, even
when just flat geometries are required.
A more detailed review of the available ultrasonic phased arrays can be found in [40].
We reckon that the presented hardware, SonicSurface, provides the most affordable and
simple flat phased-array. More importantly, within this paper, we provide an algorithm
that is capable of generating arbitrary acoustic fields using SonicSurface or other arrays
that provide phase control.
Acoustic holography [43] involves obtaining the near field of a radiating surface by
taking measurements on the far field. It is a fundamental technique in health structure
monitoring or mechanical vibration analysis. During the last years, a new trend in acoustic
holograms has emerged [13,16–18], which is defined as the application of techniques,
previously used in optics, to obtain target acoustic fields of different shapes by engineering
the amplitude and phase of an array of emitters or an emission modulating surface.
From an algorithmic point of view, researchers first implemented single-point
algorithms [5,26] or single traps with different shapes [13]. Later, multi focal-point
algorithms [16,44,45] enabled creating high-amplitude points at independent positions. For ex-
ample, Plasencia et al. [46] proposed a method for optimizing the phases and amplitudes of the
acoustic field, obtaining higher-quality points than previous phase-optimization approaches.
Other strategies used a phase modulation plate on top of a flat radiating piston.
Melde et al., used an iterative algorithm [17] in order to calculate the required phase
modulation to create a target field at a given distance; they employed a static 3D printed
modulator that encoded the phases for reconstructing the target hologram. Brown et al.
[47] introduced a second holographic plate to modulate both phase and amplitude surface.
These algorithms assume a high-resolution modulation plate with almost pixel-like
shape for each point that modulates the field. Differently, here we introduce a modification
on the previous algorithms to obtain target amplitude fields using discrete ultrasonic arrays
that are made of circular emitters.

3. Hardware Design
SonicSurface is a phased array consisting of 256 transducers emitting at 40 kHz. The
transducers are arranged in a 16 × 16 grid and built on a single integrated printed circuit
board (PCB). On one side of the PCB, ultrasonic emitters are soldered, whereas, on the
other side, the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) (EP4CE6E22C8N—ALTERA IV
Core Board, Waveshare), shift registers (74HC595, TI), drivers (MIC4127 from MT), and
decoupling capacitors (ceramic 50V 0.1 µF) are mounted. The signals for each emitter are
generated by the FPGA. The shift registers demultiplex each digital line coming from the
FPGA into eight channels, and the drivers boost the voltage of the channels from logic
voltage to the supplied power voltage (up to 20 peak-to-peak voltage (Vp-p)). A block
diagram can be seen in Figure 1.
The calculation of the phases and amplitudes to be emitted is performed on an external
computer and then sent to the FPGA via Serial Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
(UART) protocol at 203,400 bauds. A double buffer has been implemented in the FPGA
to generate the signals uninterruptedly [48]; one of the buffers stores emission patterns
coming from the computer, whereas the second buffer is the one that is used by the FPGA
to continuously generate the emission signals, a command from the computer swaps the
buffers at once. This method avoids latency and waiting issues. Different versions of the
firmware are available for the FPGA to support phase and amplitude control, or amplitude
modulation of the 40 kHz main signal.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 4 of 13

The protocol used to communicate with the FPGA is presented in Table 1; 1 byte
specifies commands or emission patterns. If the byte value is larger than 127, it is a
command; otherwise, it represents an emission phase offset or amplitude, depending on
the mode. By default, the FPGA has a resolution of 32 divisions per period, so numbers
from 0 to 31 represent phases from 0 to 2π, 32 represents no emission. Receiving a value
of 254 indicates that new phases are going to be sent, the read pointer of the buffer is set
to channel 0; afterwards, each phase sent will be assigned into the current read pointer
and the pointer increased by one. The command 253 indicates swapping of the buffers.
Other commands are: 252, to toggle amplitude modulation at 200 Hz for haptic feedback
applications; 252 indicates that instead of phases, amplitudes are going to be sent. From
192 to 196, indicates the board number to activate (being 192 board number 1), in the case
that multiple boards were chained together.

SonicSurface 1 1
18V power
5V logic Shift 8
Register 8

Computer emission FPGA 32 1

sync out Driver

sync in 32
Shift 8
Register 8

Figure 1. Schematic of the SonicSurface ultrasonic array. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA)
receives the phases to be emitted from a computer, they are stored on a double buffer and constantly
output. The FPGA multiplexes 8 channels into one line so that only 32 output pins are needed. There
are 32 blocks of shift registers, being able to drive a total of 256 emitters.

The FPGA can generate 256 square-wave signals at 40 kHz. Each of the signals
supports a phase delay control of 32 divisions per period or π/16 radians, the amplitude
can be modulated with up to 16 divisions. A multiplexing scheme strategy was employed
for reducing the number of needed output pins and, thus, reduce the price of the FPGA.
Packs of eight channels are multiplexed into one digital line. Later, this line is demultiplexed
back into eight channels while using the shift registers. Figure 2 illustrates the channel
multiplexation scheme from the FPGA and circuit implementation.

Table 1. Communication protocol commands.

BYTE Command Action

0XXX XXXX Set phases or amplitudes Sets the phase or amplitude for the current channel and moves the pointer to the
next channel
1111 1110 Start receiving phases Sets the current channel to the first one and set that values will represent phases
1111 1101 Swap buffer Swaps the emission and read buffer
1111 1100 Toggle modulation A modulation of 200 Hz on the amplitude
1111 1100 Amplitude mode Sets the current channel to the first one and set that values will represent
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 5 of 13

2 2
1 1

2 2
NC 1 1
PhaseLine Mux8
Mux8 1
NC 8
CLK_8 3
PhaseLine dk_in data_out
clk_in data_out 4
COUNT[2] data_in[7..0]
data_in[7..0] 1 1
clkclk pulse
set sel[2..0]
setset 1 NC NC 8
swap swap COUNT_[2..0]
Q7' GND 2 INA OUTA 76 2 2
swap 9 8
phase[5..0] inst7
10 NC Q7 7
GND VDD 5 1 1
phase[5..0] ShiftClock 11 SCK Q6 6
counter[4..0] LatchClock 12
RCK Q5 5

NC Q4 4
3 2 2
[7..3] MuxSignalIn 15
Q0 Q2
2 1 NC NC 8 1 1
inst +5V 16
1 2

1 1
x8x8 ...
1 NC NC 8
INA OUTA 76 2 2
4 GND VDD 5 1 1

2 2
1 1

Figure 2. At the left, the FPGA blocks in charge of generating the signals are presented, 8 phaseLine
blocks (signal generators) are multiplexed into one digital line to reduce the required number of
output pins. At the right, the circuit schematic represents a shift register that demultiplexes the signal
into 8 channels that get amplified by four dual Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor
(MOSFET) drivers and fed into the ultrasonic emitters.

The shift and the latch clock are generated by the FPGA. The shift clock controls
when the shift registers shift data in, the latch clock determines when the data that were
shifted should be output. The shift clock operates at 10.24 MHz (8 multiplexed chan-
nels × 40 kHz × 32 divisions per period), whereas the latch clock operates at 1.28 MHz
(40 kHz × 32 divisions per period). The number of divisions per period (i.e., the resolution
in phase or amplitude) could be doubled to 64, but the shift clock would operate slightly
above 20 MHz, which would require better filtering and traces on the PCB.
Once the digital signal for each channel has been demultiplexed, it is amplified from
5 V up to 20 V using a dual Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET)
driver (e.g., TC4427a or MIC4127 from MT). After testing different electronic components
for amplifying the signals (e.g., L293D or BJT transistors), MOSFET drivers were found to
efficiently drive the ultrasonic transducers. Dual Mosfet Drivers can amplify two channels
and have a small footprint; larger components would not fit on the integrated board.
Subsequently, the output of the drivers is fed into the ultrasonic emitters (a comparison
of suitable transducers can be found in the supplementary information of TinyLev [42]).
Given the narrowband nature of the emitters, it is possible to use a half-square wave to
drive them without generating a significant amount of harmonics [41]. This technique
is widely employed for airborne ultrasonic phased arrays, because generating a digital
square signal is less complex than creating an analog sinusoidal signal, they are also easier
to amplify.
We present two models of the ultrasonic array. In the first one, the electronic compo-
nents (i.e., shift registers, drivers, and decoupling capacitors) are surface mounted device
(SMD) and the ultrasonic emitters have a diameter of 10 mm (Figure 3). The second model
uses emitters of 16 mm diameter and through-hole (TH) components (Figure 4). The
first model is more compact and faster to assemble if SMD equipment is available (e.g.,
stencils, solder paste, and a reflow oven). The TH model is larger and it takes more time to
assemble, but it can be done with entry level electronics equipment (i.e., a soldering iron).
Throughout the paper, we focus our experiments on the SMD board, since we think that it
will be employed more often in the scientific community.
The program synthesized for the FPGA delegates the phase calculations on an external
computer, thereby the cost of the board itself can be kept low. A UART reader block gets
the bytes coming from the external computer [49]. A distributor block stores the current
channel and sets the phases on the 256 signal generator blocks, each generator block
outputs a digital signal of 40 kHz. Each generator block stores two phases, the one to be
emitted and the previously read phase. The generator blocks have an internal amplitude
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 6 of 13

counter that represents the number of divisions that the output should be HIGH, there
is a global counter (from 0 to 31) that reaches all of the blocks, when the phase of a
generator block coincides with the global counter, the internal amplitude counter is set to
the target amplitude. The generator blocks have a dataline of five bits to read phases or
amplitudes when the line setPhase or setAmp goes high. It also has a swap line, which
swaps the phases/amplitudes when it goes high; this is to implement the double buffer.
Eight generator blocks are grouped into a multiplexer, giving a total of 32 multiplexed lines
that are output from the FPGA, as well as the shift and latch clocks. There are six auxiliary
general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) (we have denominated them from A to F) that
can be operated, defined, and implemented by the user. For example, B is used as the
UART input, D is used as sync out (internal 40 kHz reference), E can be used as sync in
(40 kHz signal to synchronize the global counter), and A can be used as a UART out; C and
F are free for custom applications. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of the FPGA firmware.

Figure 3. Board with surface mounted devices and emitters of 10 mm diameter. (left) Top view of
SMD Board. left) Top view of the Sonic surface where 16x16 ultrasonic emitters can be seen. At the sides
the Sonic surface where 16 × 16 ultrasonic emitters can be seen. At the sides there are connectors
there are connectors for power, UART in, grounds, sync out and sync in. center) bottom view where the
for power, Universal
shifters asynchronous
blocks can be seen as well as receiver-transmitter (UART)
the FPGA on top. right) closer in,a shifter
view to grounds,blocksync
whereout and sync in.
a shift
(center) bottomdemultiplexes
view where a digital
the line into
shift 8 signal blocks
register lines thatcan
to 4 dual-drivers
with the FPGAand thenoninto 8 (right) closer
ultrasonic emitters.
view on a shift register block where a shift register demultiplexes a digital line into eight signals that
are fed to four dual-drivers and then into eight ultrasonic emitters.

Figure 4.ultrasonic
Through-hole array
array. Left)built with Through-hole
transducers components
of 1.6cm diameter and emitters
soldered directly on the PCB.of Center)
16 mm diameter.
the board with the shift-registers,
transducers drivers and
of 16 mm diameter decoupling
soldered capacitors.
on the printedThe FPGAboard
circuit board(PCB).
is connected
(Center) back of
the aboard
withboard with registers,
the shift no logic, just expanding
drivers and the lines. Right)
decoupling detailed view
capacitors. TheofFPGA
a shift-register
board isplus
drivers block.
through an expander board. (Right) detailed view of a shift register block.

The UART Reader and Distributor blocks operate with the internal clock, the generator
blocks and multiplexers operate with a clock that is synchronized with the sync in signal.
Thereby, when multiple boards operate together, the emission waves have exactly the
same frequency. If the emission clocks were not synchronized, traveling waves would be
created [41], making the generation of static fields impossible. A master board has its sync
out connected to its sync in, slave boards take the sync signal from the master board.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 7 of 13

R SSFilter_1
Master clock
Parameter Value Type
Parameter Value Type COUNTER_BITS 8 Signed Integer
TAPS3 Signed Integer
Counter C OUNT[7..0]
inclk0 f requency: 50.000 MHz CLK_8 clk_in clk_out[counter_bits-1..0]
C LK CLK_8 clk bit_out sync_reset
Operation Mode: Normal
inclk0 c0 bit_in
PIN_23 VCC Clk RatioPh (dg) DC (%) RST
c0 128/625 0.0 50.00
CLK_8 is running at 10.24MHz AllC hannels
Cy clone IV E COUNT[2] is running at 1.28MHz Parameter Value Type
NBLOCKS 256 Signed Integer
UAR TReader
RSSF ilter_1
Parameter Value
Signed Integer Distribute C OUNT[2] clk8 data_out[31..0] DATA[31..0]
Parameter Value Type C OUNT[7..0] clk
TAPS 5 Signed Integer swap_out counter[7..0] DATA[31..0] ...
clk_8 i_C lk CLK set_out swap
clk_8 o_RX_DV byte_in set_out phase[7..0] DATA[31..0]
clk bit_out i_R X_Serial q_in[7..0] multiplex_out set_out_e
bit_in o_RX_Byte[7..0] data_out[7..0] address[7..0] MISC_D
debug_swap enableShiftClocks COUNT[7] PIN_120
MISC _B UART is running

debug_reset NOT AND2

at 230.4kBauds debug_onShiftClocks CLK_8 PIN_28
LED[1] PIN_7 enableShiftClocks PIN_85
enableShiftC locks LED[3] PIN_11 COUNT[2]
enableShiftC locks PIN_84

Figure 5. Block diagram of the code that is synthesized in the FPGA. On the top-left, the MasterClock is a phase-locked
loop (PLL) to transform the internal 50 MHz clock into a 10.24 MHz clock named CLK_8. At the top-right, there is a global
counter that acts as a frequency divider of CLK_8: COUNT[7] sets at 40 kHz and is output as the reference signal on MISC_D;
COUNT[2] is the latch clock. If the board acts as a slave, the counter is synchronized with a 40 kHz external signal filtered
by a RSS filter. On the bottom left, the UART input is filtered, read, and sent to the distributor. The distributor updates the
emission phases of the generator blocks. AllChannels contain 256 generator blocks that connect to 32 Multiplexers of eight
channels each. The generator blocks and multiplexers are timed by the outputs of the global counter. At the bottom-right,
the multiplexed data channels as well as the latch and shift clocks are output.

The presented hardware has been optimized for an operating frequency of 40 kHz.
This is the most common frequency for airborne ultrasonic phased arrays [9,38,41,42],
operating at higher frequencies is not straightforward. On the one hand, the multiplexation
of signals is used to reduce the required traces on the PCB and pins on the FPGA, our
current system requires just a two-layer PCB and 40 GPIOs of the FPGA. However, this
multiplexation leads to a 10.24 MHz shift clock. Increasing the frequency or phase resolu-
tion would require a higher clock frequency, which is beyond what is recommended for a
simple PCB or the specs of the shift registers. On the other hand, commercially available
transducers that operate at higher frequencies (e.g., 100 kHz or 400 kHz from MultiComp)
are 10 mm in diameter and, thus, emit a very narrow beam. The emission from an array of
these emitters would not interfere between each other and, thus, would not be suitable for
the techniques presented here or phased-array techniques in general.

4. Algorithm
The algorithm that was developed by Melde et al. [17] is a modification of the
Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm [50]. It calculates the phase modulation necessary at each
point in the emitter plane in order to obtain a target amplitude field at the desired distance.
The issue is that the algorithm is designed to produce modulation profiles that are almost
continuous with more than 100 × 100 elements that are smaller than half-wavelength.
However, available airborne ultrasonic arrays have a resolution of 16 × 16 or 24 × 24
at most, with element sizes that are larger than the wavelength and a circular shape
instead of a square. We introduced a modification on this algorithm to consider the
discrete nature of ultrasonic arrays and their lower number of elements when compared to
passive modulators.
The proposed algorithm is an iterative approach with four steps per iteration, as
described in Figure 6. The FOCUS library was employed for the forward propagation and
the backpropagation of the emission and target field slices [51].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 8 of 13

1- fix amp 2- backproject 3- apply masks 4- project go to 1

target emission emission target
target after 50 iterations

Amplitude (a.u.)

Phase (0 - 2pi rad)

Figure 6. Iterative algorithm to determine the emission phases and amplitudes for an array of
emitters. Step (1) fix the amplitude into the target slice, the phase is not modified. Step (2) Backproject
the target into the emission. Step (3) Apply on the emission slice a discretization on phase, amplitude,
and spatial resolution, as well as the mask with the shape of the emitters. Step (4) Project the emission
into the target. After 50 iterations of steps 1 to 4, the target amplitude is shown at the left.

5. Results
5.1. Comparison between Simulations and Experiments
The experimental setup of Figure 7 was used to measure the acoustic pressure distribu-
tion generated by the array in order to compare the emitted experimental amplitude slices
with the simulated ones. In this setup, an ultrasonic receiver (MA40S4S, Murata) is attached
to the head of a delta stage (Anycubic Kossel) and the emitter array sits on its bed. A Matlab
script communicates with the delta stage and it moves the receiver to different positions
on a grid of 16 × 16 cm with 2.5 mm spacing. At each measuring point, the computer
reads the peak-to-peak voltage that was captured by the oscilloscope (Hantek 6074BE). The
voltage is linearly proportional to the amplitude and, thus, can be directly translated to
amplitude in arbitrary units (a.u.). The computer sends the emission phases to the array
through the UART protocol and it controls the stage using the G-Code protocol. Figure 8
shows the obtained experimental amplitude slices, which are in reasonable qualitative
agreement with the simulation slices, except for the Brazilian flag pattern.

Figure 7. Experimental Setup used to scan the emitted amplitude slice.

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Figure 8. Amplitude slices obtained for different patterns, plotted using the function imagesc of
Matlab. The first row is the target, the second one is the simulated slice, and the third row is the
experimental measurement.

5.2. Effect of Phase, Amplitude, and Spatial Resolution

We carried out multiple simulations using the algorithm that is described in Section 4
with different parameters for emitter size, phase emission resolution and amplitude emis-
sion resolution. All of the target amplitude fields were generated 16 cm above the array,
since we tested that, at that distance, the best results were obtained. The default simulation
parameters are those from the SMD board, i.e., emitterSize = 10 mm, phaseResolution = 32,
and no amplitude modulation. One parameter was varied at a time and the mean square
error (MSE) of the obtained imaged was obtained. The results can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Simulated amplitude fields at 16 cm from the array for different target patterns and array parameters. (First
column) target amplitude field. (Second column) obtained amplitude field when the emitter array is the surface mounted
device (SMD) board presented in the paper, i.e., emitterSize = 10 mm (transducer diameter), phaseResolution = 32 and no
amplitude modulation. (Third column) obtained amplitude fields with an array with emitterSize = 2 mm, phaseResolution = 32
and amplitudeResolution = 16. (Fourth column) mean square error (MSE) as the emitter size decreases. (Fifth column)
MSE as phase resolution increases, emitterSize = 10 mm. (Sixth column) MSE as the amplitude resolution increases,
emitterSize = 10 mm.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 10 of 13

The patterns employed were: the flag of Brazil (non-binary image), the letter A, a
Dove, and a smiley face. In general, it can be seen that as the emitter size decreases (i.e.,
more spatial resolution), the quality of the images improves. It is important to note that
significant reductions of MSE are obtained, even when emitters get smaller than half-
wavelength (4.3 mm), and that no further improvement is obtained below 2 mm (1/4 of the
wavelength); this is different from the generation of regular focal points that do not increase
its amplitude once the emitters are reduced below half-wavelength size [13]. The phase
resolution significantly improves the pattern quality, but quickly plateaus when the phase
resolution reaches eight divisions per period; this is in accordance with the simulations
performed for simple focal points [41]. For amplitude resolution, it is clear that having
amplitude modulation reduces the MSE by half even when only four different amplitudes
can be emitted. In summary, the sweet-spot is obtained with a phase resolution of eight
divisions per period and amplitude resolution of four divisions; the MSE improves as the
emitters get smaller (i.e., more spatial resolution), but no improvement is found once the
emitter size reaches quarter-wavelength.
These findings could be specific to the patterns that were selected in the study and
to our setup characteristics (e.g., wavelength, number of emitters or distance to the target
slice); however, the code was made public, so that other researchers could run simulations
for their specific setups (e.g., operating in water or with static metamaterials).

6. Conclusions
In recent years, Acoustic holography has found numerous applications and has ad-
vanced rapidly due to the adaptation of methods found in the optics community. In this
paper, we have attempted to advance, test, and unify algorithms and hardware used for
acoustic mid-air holography. Namely, we have described a novel iterative algorithm that
calculates the emission phases and amplitudes for an array of emitters that can be used
to generate a desired target amplitude field. To our knowledge, this is the first algorithm
capable of determining the amplitude and emission phases for discrete arrays comprised
of finite sized emitters. We have then used this algorithm to investigate the effects of
increased phase, amplitude and spatial resolution in the obtained amplitude field. Our
analysis demonstrates that diminishing returns are observed at some point on-wards.
Meaning that depending on the application requirements there is no need to use expensive
hardware or that the computations can be accelerated by further discretizing the solution
domain. Finally, to support the growth of the acoustic holography research community,
we have described an open hardware platform named SonicSurface which is an affordable
FPGA-based ultrasound phased array. Two different models for the array of emitters have
been provided (SMD and TH), so that researchers from different fields and backgrounds
can customise these further for their own experimental requirements. We hope that the
algorithm and hardware presented in this paper facilitates further research on the field of
ultrasonic arrays and enables novel applications of crafted amplitude fields.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.M. and R.M.; software, A.M., I.E. and J.I.; investigation,
R.M., A.M., I.E. and J.I.; writing—original draft preparation, M.A.B.A., R.M., A.M. and I.E.; writing—
review and editing, M.A.B.A., R.M., A.M., I.E. and J.I.; supervision, M.A.B.A. and A.M. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Government of Navarre (FEDER) 0011-1365-2019-000086
and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 101017746, TOUCHLESS.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: We thank Adrian Vicente for the calibration of the scanning stage. We thank
Joshua Taylor, Euan Freeman and Chi Thanh Vi for building this array for their research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2981 11 of 13

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:

FPGA A field-programmable gate array

PLL Phase-locked loop
HCI Human-Computer Interaction
HIFU High-intensity focused ultrasound
3D Three-dimensional
Hz Hertz is the derived unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI)
kHz Kilohertz
MHz Megahertz
PCB Printed circuit board
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
PLL Phased locked loop
PWM Pulse width modulation
I/O Input and Output
GPIOs A general-purpose inputs/outputs
V Voltage
MOSFET Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor
SMD Surface mounted device
TH Through-hole
MSE Mean square error
MT Mounted
Vp-p Peak-to-peak voltage
a.u. Arbitrary unity
mm Millimetre
cm Centimetre
rad Radian
uF Microfarad

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