Locomotor and Non - Locomotor Skill

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. identify the different locomotors and non-locomotors skills;
b. execute the locomotor and non-locomotor skills; and
c. appreciate the importance of locomotor and non-locomotor in doing daily task.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Locomotor and Non- locomotor skill
Reference: Physical and Education Learners’ Material pg, 194-195.
Materials: desktop, speaker, pictures.
Values: Appreciating the importance of locomotor and non-locomotor skill in
doing daily task.

III. Procedure
Preliminary Activity
Class, let us stand for a word of prayer. (Students are praying)

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Grace, Mabuhay!

Checking of attendance:
Class, is there any absent among your group today? (Group leader answers the question)

Checking of assignment:
Everybody get your assignment and let us check. (Students get their assignment).

What is exercise? A type of physical activity that requires

planned, structured and repetitive bodily
Students’Activity movement to
Give some examples of exercise.
improve or maintain one or more components
of physical fitness.

Very good. Pass your paper in front, and this will serve
Walking, aerobics, swimming, cycling,
as your attendance.
running and strength training.
As a recall of what we have discussed last meeting, I
will show you some pictures of different festivals. You
will tell what kind of festival it is.
Is that clear class?

Yes Ma’am!

It is celebrated in Baguio City.

Right. Next.

Ma’am! Panagbenga Festival.

It is known as the festival of smiles.

Correct. Next.

Ma’am! Masskara festival.

It is
celebrated in davao city, a festival of thanksgiving
for the gifts of nature.

Excellent! Next.
Ma’am! Kadayawan Festival.

It is
celebrated in Lucban city. And their decorations
is made up of kipling

Yes. Next.

Pahiyas festival

It is celebrated during holy week.

Moriones festival

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s have first
an activity. This activity is what we called, “Act mo
Are you familiar with this game?

Alright! I have here a box containing different

Yes, ma’am.
movements. Each group will select a representative to
act here in front of the class.
Each group will guess the movement based on the
actions without saying any words.
Did you understand class?

(The teacher will call the representative of each

Yes Ma’am.
group). Step, walk, leap, run and jump.

Lesson Proper:
(The student will act the movement).
Class, what did you observed in the movement acted
by your classmates?
Ma’am, they performed different types
of movements.

Another observation?
Ma’am, some are running, walking and jumping.
Very good. Aside from those movements, what else
Ma’am some performed the twist,
did you observed?
turn, stretching and rotating

Excellent! Another answer?

Ma’am there is some movements that allow
you to move from one point in space to
another and there are also movements that can
be perform in one point in space only.

Awesome! Now let us identify these different

movements. Put all the movements that allow you to
move from one point in space to another in column A
and movements that can be perform in one point in
space only in column B. is that clear class?
Yes Ma’am!
(The students are doing the activity).

Class, what do you call these movements in column A?

Ma’am locomotor movements.
Right! If column A are locomotor movements, how
about the column B?
It is a non-locomotor movements.
Exactly! Let us discuss your answer.
The first locomotor movement is step. Any
representative from the group 1 to act the step
(The student will do the action).

It is a series of steps executed by both

Based on the action, what is step?
feet alternately in any direction.

Yes. Next movement is walk.

Group two representative, do the walk (The students do the activity).

movement. Now, what is walk? Ma’am, it is a series of steps executed by both

of your feet alternately in any direction.

Good. Next movement is run. (The group leader will act the movement).
Group 3 leader execute the run movement.
It is a series of walk executed quickly in
Based on that action, what is run? any direction wherein only one foot stays
on the ground while the other is off the

Correct! Next locomotor movement is leap.

Group 4 leader execute the leap movement. (The student will execute the movement).

Based on that performance, what is leap? Leap spring from one foot and land at the
other foot in any direction.
Right! And the last movement in locomotor is
(The group leader will act the movement).
jump. Group 1 leader execute the jump
Jump is having both feet loose contact with
the ground.
Good. Now, what is jump?

Correct. Class, its either take off from one foot and
land on the same, or take off from one foot and land
None ma’am.
on the other.
Is there any question with regard to the locomotor skill?
Ma’am, these are movements that are
Now, let us proceed to the non-
performed in one point in space without
locomotor movements. But before that,
transferring from one place to another.
what is a non-locomotor skill?

Very good. The first movement in non-locomotor

is flexion another term for flexion class is to bend.
Yes Ma’am.
Ex. Arm bend and knee bend. Group 1 leader, act
(the student act the movement)
the flexion or bending movement.

Ma’am, it is the act of decreasing the angle

of a joint.
Based on the action of your classmate, what is flexion?

You are correct! Next movement is extension or

Ma’am, it is the opposite of flexion. It
stretching. If flexion is decreasing the angle of a
is increasing the angle of a joint.
joint, how about the extension?

Yes Ma’am,
Exactly. Next is rotation. Group 2
(Student is stretching her/his arms).
representative execute the rotation movement.

To rotate is to move a body segment

allowing it to complete a circle with its
Based on that action, what is rotation?

Very good! Another is twist. Group 3

representative execute the twist movement. Yes ma’am.
(The student do the activity).

Good. Now, what is twist? Twist, to move a body segment from an

axis halfway front or back or quarter to the
right or left as in the twisting of the neck
allowing the head to face right or left and
the like.
Another non-locomotor movement is turn.
All group leaders grom group 1-4 stand up and execute the
turn movement.
Based on that action, what is turn?
Yes Ma’am.
(The students act the run movement).

Right. Any question class regarding

Ma’am, to move your body or a part of your
the non-locomotor movement?
to face a different direction.

Again what are those locomotor and

non-locomotor movements?
None Ma’am.

Step, walk, leap, run, jump, flexion,
extension, rotation, twist and turn.

Class, for your activity, you are going to execute
the locomotor and non-locomotor movements in a
form of dance exercise with music.
I will give you 5 minutes to discuss and practice
with your group, then 1 minute each for your
performance. Is that clear class?

Yes Ma’am!

Rubric for group activity;

Groups Proper
Group 1
Group 2
Ma’am, locomotor are movements that allow
Group 3 us to move from one point in space to another,
Group 4 while the non-locomotor are the movements
that allow us to move from one point in space
Generalization: only or stationary movement.
Class, what is the difference between locomotor
and non-locomotor?
Ma’am! Step, walk, leap, run and jump.

You are right. Again, what are the different locomotor

Good! How about the non-locomotor skills? Flexion, extension, rotation, twist and turn.


Class, get ¼ sheet of paper.
Identify the different skills whether it is locomotor or
non-locomotor. Write LM if the movement is
locomotor and NL if the movement is non-locomotor.

1. Bending
2. Step
3. Twist
4. Stretching
5. Jump
6. Rotation
7. Leap
8. Run
9. Turn
10. Walk
1. NL
2. LM
3. NL
4. NL
5. LM
6. NL
7. LM
8. LM
9. NL
10. LM


Class based on what you have learned today, how

important the locomotor and non-locomotor skill in
doing your daily task? Ma’am, locomotor and non-locomotor skill
is very important in doing our daily task
because through it we can accomplish a lot
of things.
Very good. Do you realize now the importance
of locomotor and non-locomotor skill class?
Yes Ma’am!
How did you realize the importance of locomotor
and non-locomotor skill?
By using the different locomotor and
non-locomotor skills in a progressive
and productive way in doing our daily

Very good.

Assignment: Good bye! Ma’am Grace see you tomorrow.

For your assignment, Observe the different

locomotor and non-locomotor skills used in our daily
task. Give at least 5 skills. Identify whether it is
locomotor or non-locomotor.
skills locomotor Non-locomotor 1.

Let’s call it a day. Good bye class!

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