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Tac Attack

December 1968

Safe Arm Time.. Page 4

fir efficint tactical air ''wer current interest
How much is enough


A backfire is more than just no ise
Pg 8

Vol 8 No. 12
Or how to end your career

Some thoughts for all of us
L T GEN GORDON M. GRAHAM For two-wheeler types


Published by the Chief of Safety About your ejection

Angle of Attack Pg 3

F I ight Leaders Pg 12

Chock Talk Pg 14

CHIEF SAFETY PUBLICATIONS Pilot of Distinction Pg 19

2nd Look Pg 25
TAC Tips Pg 28
Lt Col John M. Lowery
Crew Chief/ Maintenance Man Pg 30
assistant editor
TAC Tally Pg 31
Don Reynolds

art editor
Stan Hardison
TACRP 127-1

layout & production Articles, accident briefs, and aasoc/ated material In thiB maQaz /ne are non-dlrec·
tlve In nature. All suQQestlons and recommendat#ona ate Intended to remain within the
scope of exlatinQ directives. Information used to brief accidents and Incidents does
TSgt John K. Miller not Identif y the persons, places, or units Involved and ma y not be construed as ln-
cTimlnatlnQ under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justi c e. Namee, date s,
and places used in conjunction with accident atorlea are fictitious. Air Force units
editorial assistant are encouraled to republish the material contained herein; however, contents are not
lor public release. Written pennlsslon must be obtained .lrom HQ TAC before material
Mariella W. Andrews may be republished by other than Department ol Defense orfanizatlons.
Contribution• of articles, photos, and Items of interest from peraonnef In the field
are encourafed, as are comments and c rlticlam . We reserve the r#Qht to edit all manu-
scripta lor c larit y and readability. Direct communication Ja authorized with : The Edi-
tor, TAC ATTACK, HQ TAC (OSP), LanA/ey AFB, Va. 23365.
Distribution F, Controlled by OSP - TAC Publi c ations Bulletin No. 22, dated 3
Hq TAC Field Printing Plant June 1966 Autovon 254-2937
Hngle of HTTHCK

the true cause

A TAC airman was killed this fall when the car he was driving
went out of control, skidded 700 feet and flipped seven times.
Investigators reported his car was traveling more than 120 miles per
hour when it went out of control.
The apparent cause of this fatal accident was speed. But was it the
real cause? Driving 120 miles per hour on the highway is too gross an
example to merely say, "Excessive Speed," and close the case.
Why do people do things (For example: speeding) that cause
Here is what investigators found in this man's derogatory file:
• Three previous driving citations.
• An accident six months earlier- speeding a factor- that
resulted in more than 100 days hospitalization.
• Not approved for reenlistment.
• An improper uniform citation.
• Drunk.
• Disrespect for Security Police.
• On control roster.
Now, the true cause- WHY this man was driving 120 miles per
hour- becomes more apparent. Some individuals, apparently, have
not developed the responsibility and self-restraint necessary to safely
operate a motor vehicle. This is a flagrant example, but even brief
lapses of responsibility can lead to accidents.
All of us who drive must be willing to accept responsibility every
second we are behind the wheel. Those of us in supervisory positions
have the additional obligation of protecting the lives of others. We
must look beyond the obvious, determine the true causes, then seek
to correct.

R. L. LILES, Colonel, USAF
Chief of Safety
how much is

by Capt John C. Morrissey

4537th Fighter Weapons Sq
Nellis AFB Nev

Is four seconds arm time a safe setting to use

Captain Morrissey graduated from pilot on an M 117 bomb? Probably not. Safe arm time
training in Class 62-H at Laredo AFB and then is defined as the minimum time that a bomb must
attended basic and advanced gunnery school at be in the air before it becomes mechanically
Luke AFB. Duty with the 4440th Aircraft armed . Furthermore, it is assumed from a
Delivery Group delivering F-105s from the worst-case-safety standpoint that the bomb will
Republic factory to Brookley AFB followed an detonate when mechanical arming occurs. This is
F-1 05 checkout at Nellis. Captain Morrissey was an elusive subject because so many factors affect
then assigned to the 12th TFS in Okinawa in the safe arm time requirement.
September of 1963. During his tour at Kadena, he I suppose it might seem unusual for a fighter
was TOY to Da Nang and Karat on several pilot to be writing an article about fuzes, so
occasions. He participated in the first F-1 05 strike perhaps a bit of background is in order. My
in North Vietnam on 2 March 1965 and has flown interest in fuzes was kindled by a task assigned to
as an F-105 pi lot in SEA at least two months out me while I was a first balloon in a fighter
of every year since 1965. He was assigned to the squadron in the Far East. It seems that the object
USAF Fighter Weapons School at Nellis AFB in was to remove a steel coated door from the rear
Apri I 1966. Now serving as an F-105 project test of the squadron immediately across the street. It
officer in the OT&E section of the 4537th went without saying, of course, that one of the
Fighter Weapons Squadron, he was selected as the primary objects of this exercise was to avoid
T AC pi lot to fly the prototype Thunderstick II detection .
weapons system, and was one of two TAC pilots Removing the door, heavy as it was, didn't
selected to evaluate the F-1 05 pilot recovery worry me for I intended to pack the perimeter of
system. the door with gunpowder and then seal it off with
At present Captain Morrissey is in SEA serving putty. The required escape distance (distance ' .
as Introductory Team Chief for the FMU -72/B required to escape detection) was another matter
Long Delay Fuze. entirely. Actually, this is how I first became

interested in a safe, rei iable, long delay fuze. greater the fragmentation pattern the greater the
After several experiments, I finally settled on one arm time requirement.
of the oldest and most reliable time delay fuzes Air density is a factor often overlooked in
known to man-- the cigarette. Empirical data selecting proper safe arm time. This is extremely
showed that a standard king size cigarette would important when you consider that at 21,000 feet
consume 7 minutes and 30 seconds of burn time atmospheric density is approximately one-half the
before reaching the filter. Adjustments to the safe sea level value. Fragments of an exploded bomb
escape distance could be made by attaching the react to this by not slowing down nearly as fast as
primer cord closer to the I it end. they would at sea level. Consequently, more safe
.. . Worked Iike a charm, because we were escape distance is required (ever dropped bombs
standing directly in front of the squadron in straight and level on a sky spot mission from
question, talking with their gunnery officer, when 20,000?) .
the door blew off the hinges precisely seven and As a rule of thumb, safe escape distance is
one-half minutes after ignition (we had selected a inversely proportional to air density; i.e., escape
non-delay function time). distance at 21,000 feet is twice the sea level
During the past three years I have had the requirement.
opportunity to work with conventional munition Finally, let's consider fuze arming tolerances.
fuzing on a more scientific basis and become We want four seconds of safe separation when we
better acquainted with the problems associated select it, but what are we actually getting? In an
with iron bomb fuzing . With this in mind, I would M-905 arming tolerance is _± 20 percent; the
like to explore a common belief associated with FMU-268 is+ 250 milliseconds, and the M-904E2
our subject and discuss its validity with you, the is+ 10 percent .
fighter pi lot. Putting all these variables into a typical F-105
The following items are the main factors eight bomb mission, let's drop M 117 bombs in a
affecting arm time selection : 45 degree dive condition at 520 knots in ripple
1. The recovery maneuver used. mode and select the minimum safe arm time. For
2. The type of bomb. our problem let's assume our recovery maneuver
3. The air density.
4. Tolerances on fuze arming time.
The recovery maneuver is important to
consider because most Dash 34 fragmentation
envelope clearance tables are predicated on a 4G
recovery attained 2.0 seconds after release. This is
true for all conditions except the level release
condition where no pull-up is initiated. The
recovery maneuver, by the way, is figured from
2.0 seconds after the last bomb has been released .
Let's examine the case where we are rippling 8
bombs from an F-1 05. Time to ripple the bombs
is 840 milliseconds (almost one second). During
this interval the bombs that are being rippled are
virtually flying with the delivery aircraft as no
recovery maneuver has been initiated. It is after
the last bomb has been released that we are
allowed two seconds to attain the 4Gs required
for recovery.
The type of bomb is an obvious factor to
consider in selecting a suitable arm time and
assuming factors 1, 3, and 4 remain constant. The

will be the standard 4Gs attained in two seconds. release until the first bomb becomes armed is 5.7
We now get into the areas of partial fact and seconds (minimum safe arm time for the first
extrapolated data. Your minimum fragmentation bomb released plus time required to complete the
clearance altitudes are all based on sea level ripple) we can see that if the first fuze were to
escape criteria. The fact that you are releasing 7 arm and detonate at 3.6 seconds we would be 2.1
or 8 thousand feet MSL is not considered. This seconds from the outer edge of the safe escape
minimum altitude is valid only for a surface burst envelope. (Remember all those M 117 bombs you
and is assumed to be valid for an air burst as there dropped with 4 second arm time?)
is no empirical data for air burst fragmentation Now let's take our aircraft up to 18,000 and
clearance problems. ripple those 8 M 117s with a straight and level fly
The F-1058 -34-1-1 lists the minimum release through. What is the minimum arm time now?
time of flight for one M 117 as 4.85 seconds. Now There is no such figure listed in the F-1 05-34 ;
let's figure that we will be delayed from pulling however, the F-4C-34 lists 9 seconds. The
up for at least 840 milliseconds more while the M-904E2 fuze would have to be set on 10 seconds
aircraft is releasing the remaining bombs. This to take care of the 10 percent tolerance. It works
puts us almost one second into the two allowed out, in fact, that considering the low end of the
for attaining 4Gs. If we were using the M-904E2 fuze arming tolerance, it is impossible to be
fuze in the nose which has a ± 10 percent outside the safe escape envelope with any iron
tolerance, we must consider the first bomb bomb when using a 4 second arm time.
released fully armed at 3.6 seconds. Therefore, The general rule is that fuze safe arm time
having determined that the minimum time from must be selected so that the minimum value

on an M-904E2 as the mm1mum value for 6
seconds would be 5.4 seconds (.4 seconds short in
a worst case condition) . Finally check your Dash
One to see if your ground clearance is adequate
for dive recovery.
The above method for determining arm time is
lengthy, but it is the only way to approach
problems not considered in the Dash 34; e.g.,
determining the minimum arm time requirement
for 5 M K-83s rippled from an F-1 05.
On the subject of fuzes, it might be worth
while to note that several new fuzes are coming
into the USAF inventory. They are the FMU
series. All use internal arming wires mounted
completely inside the fuze well of all currently
manufactured M or M K series bombs.
(desired value minus the tolerance) will be equal The FMU-56/B and the FMU-57/B are
to or greater than the minimum safe arm time proximity fuzes and their radomes extend
required . Conversely minimum drop altitude, forward of the bomb nose. The FMU-57 /B is the
considering your selected dive angle and true low-altitude-iron-bomb-proximity fuze. The
airspeed, is a function of selected arm time plus FMU-56/B is used to function the SUU-30B/B
the tolerance. Drop it high enough to arm with canister (CBU-24B/B and CBU-29B/B) .
the fuze set on the minimum safe arm time for Information concerning these fuzes, their
your particular weapons delivery condition and function, arm times, tolerances, and any warning
type weapon. (Ever divert from a dive bomb notes will be covered in operational supp lements
mission to a sky spot mission without regard to to your Dash 34. Several of these fuzes have fixed
the arm time set on the fuze?) arm times. Others have settings which could be
This information may come in handy, hazardous; e.g., a two-second arm time in a
especially since we now know that approximately FMU -26/B fuze.
one FMU-26/B fuze detonates at the expiration At the Weapons Center we are attempting to
of safe arm time for every seven hundred thoroughly test these new fuzes and munitions
dropped. before they reach the field. We are also
How do we come up with these figures? It is attempting to make known TAC's requirements
true that not all the Dash 34 handbook valt:Jes are for forthcoming RAD's. In any event, when new
listed in easy to read formats. However, most of munitions reach the field, you can be certain that
the data can be extracted. For instance, we know someone at the Weapons Center has been through
the minimum altitude for a certain type weapon the "Graduation Exercise" first. ~
and delivery condition from the minimum
fragmentation clearance table in the Dash 34. AUTHOR'S NOTE:
This altitude may then be used in the ballistic The above discussion is based on the assumed
tables (same weapon and release conditions) to validity and accuracy of the fragmentation
determine the minimum time of fall. clearance envelope in the F-1058-34-1-1 and TO
When using a ripple release, use the minimum F-4C-34-1-1S-19. As we learn more about
release altitude of the last weapon and add the conventional weapons and their effects, it is not
time required to ripple all weapons to the only possible, but probable that more accurate
minimum arm time associated with the last fragmentation envelopes will be developed. If and
bombs' altitude. This minimum time of fall is when they do, the fundamentals of this article
then set into the bomb fuze; e.g., a minimum will still apply.
time of 5.8 would require an 8 second arm time

by Lt Col Carl E. Pearson


Lsten, recip types, that backfiring engine's stopped. Now unable to hold his 200 feet at 100
trying to tell you something about knots, he turned back, lining up about 45 degrees
survival . .. yours and the airplane's. It's not off runway heading. His gear lowered and locked
playful barking, like a happy, healthy pup's. just before touchdown, the added drag stalling
You're toying with a sick, coughing canine. the slow-flying bird. Landing on turf about 30
Ignore it and it'll soon disprove that old wives' degrees off runway heading, the Boxcar rolled
tale about barking dogs never biting . across one runway, through a six-foot deep ditch,
It happened to a dollar-nineteen pilot recently. and stopped on the primary runway. Finally lined
About ten minutes after engine start, number two up with the runway, the bird had dirty feet.
backfired intermittently at taxi throttle settings Fortunately, little else was damaged.
below 1100 rpm. Undaunted, he ran it at 1100 Maintenance investigators found the intake
rpm and above, accepting the rough-running manifold feeding numbers one and two cylinders
engine. blown open at the base, cooling baffles on One,
On runup his left engine power checked okay. Two, and Three showed fire residue, plug leads on
And number two's left mag drop reduced from TIM) and the coil on Three were charred. The fire
seven to five PSI of torque after ground wall on number two nacelle buckled and shielding
defouling. Satisfied with his power plant output, on prop conduits burned, but no metal particles
he launched. turned up in engine oil screens. Engine time since
Accelerating on takeoff roll, his left engine major overhaul totaled only 324 hours.
increased torque smoothly to 165 psi . His right Surprisingly, number two engine ground
engine advanced slowly, sluggishly to a max of checked "within limits." This in spite of its
163 psi at 58 inches MAP, holding until liftoff failure to hold less than METO power without
aod gear up. Then it backfired twice . . . torque backfiring during a three minute flight ... that
dropped to zero. He feathered the complaining somehow ended without tragedy.
engine, noting a 220 degree CHT and other Maybe it's inexperience, complacency, or lack
instruments indicating normal. His altitude : 200 of understanding on the pilot's part. Flight
feet. Airspeed: 100 knots. manuals offer specific guidance on handling
Complicating things, the left engine started backfiring engines during ground operation. They
backfiring, losing thrust with each cough. He say take it back and find out why. They aren't
eased back on his one good throttle, reaching 42 too specific about what progressive destruction
inches MAP before backfiring and torque loss goes on inside a backfiring engine. Perhaps that's

Dogs do bite!

why he ignored it. The following may help. the intake valve opens. This explosive "meeting"
tears up intake manifolding, induction systems,
WHAT'S BACKFIRING? power sections, supercharger sections, and
carburetor components. And engine failure can
Not all the snap, crackle, pop a recip puts out occur after the first backfire or the next one.
is backfiring. That unwelcome noise can be How many it takes is anybody's guess.
backfiring, afterfiring, preignition, detonation, or An extremely lean mixture won't burn, or
a combination thereof, depending on where, burns so slowly that flame lingers in combustion
wh en, and why the unwanted mini-blasts occur. chambers through completion of the exhaust
They 're all bad actors, but the loudest reports stroke. When intake valves open , the still-burning
come from backfiring and afterfiring engines. mixture ignites the incoming fuel charge. Th e
Let's look at backfiring first. resulting explosion reaches back thru the open
intake port to the carburetor deck, pounding
induction system plumbing enroute.
Besides the angry noises, cockpit indications
of backfiring include : wide torquemeter
fluctuations, dropping to zero momentarily;
increased manifold pressure; high carburetor air
temperature; sudden stopping of cockpit "small
talk ."
The engine conditioning manual for recips,
AFM 52-9, recommends enriching fuel mixture
and opening the throttle to reduce
lean-mixture-induced backfiring . Fuel-air ratio
enrichment prevents continued slow burning of
the too-lean mixtures. Throttle opening draws the
backfire out of the induction system into the
engine expelling it thru the exhaust
system . . . like pulling an engine-start induction
system fire thru the engine with open throttle and
continued starter cranking .


A fterfiring results from a reversal of

backfiring's fuel mixture problem in combustion
Simply defined, backfiring's a too-lean chambers. It's too rich for complete burning. As a
mixture looking for more fuel and finding it when result unburned fuel slugs enter hot exhaust

stacks or collector rings during the exhaust stroke cylinder firing patterns on ignition analyzers,
and ignite explosively. excessive rpm increases during idle mixture
checks, all point toward afterfiring possibilities.
Unless an exhaust valve sticks open or is blown
open, manifold pressure, torquemeter indications,
and carb air temperature gauges won't provide
afterfiring identification. Like backfiring, proper
fuel mixture adjustment corrects afterfiring
The lesser rattles of preignition and detonation
are masked by prop and engine exhaust noises.
Because they're hidden, they're potentially more
dangerous and destructive. Instead of your ears
you have to depend on your eyes and instrument
interpretation .. . before engine failure occurs.


Like the name suggests, cylinder fuel charges

ignite before the timed spark jumps the spark
plug gap. Hot carbon deposits, a burned valve,
cracked piston, a "glow plug" in the form of a
broken spark plug insulator trapped behind
electrodes, crossed plug leads, all can fire fuel
mixtures in advance of normal timing . If this
happens early in the compression stroke, the
piston is forced over top dead center against the
Recips with exhaust-driven turbosuperchargers exploding charge. There's probably no more
suffer more often and more severely from damaging internal struggle developed in a
afterfiring. Their collector rings and longer recip . . . failure's imminent.
exhaust ducting retain larger quantities of Don't confuse preignition with incorrect
unburned fuel -and then generate bigger bangs. timing. Results may be similar, but in preignition
Dead jugs or cylinders firing intermittently cylinder charges ignite early due to overheated
cause afterfiring too. Their unburned fuel cylinders, hot spots, or cylinder defects.
discharges into engine exhaust systems. The Preignition is usually traced to some cause other
resulting torching and barking resembles a than spark plugs and early timing. High-power
too-rich mixture afterfiring. If crews mistakenly operation and excessively lean mixtures aggravate
lean mixtures on this wrong assumption they can and promote preignition problems.
precipitate a backfiring problem. Preignition's cockpit indications include
Afterfiring's destructive too. Besides blasting engine roughness, sudden cylinder head
power section and cylinder components, it temperature increases, reduced power output,
pounds exhaust plumbing, turbosupercharger backfiring when fuel charge preignition catches
nozzle boxes, and turbine wheels. Resulting gaps the intake valve open or damaged.
or cracks in the exhaust system now vent hot If you're at high power, reducing throttle
gases and flame within the engine nacelle. settings for a few seconds may break loose
Beyond the noise, cockpit indications of glowing carbon or lead deposits in the cylinder.
afterfiring are more limited. Too-rich mixtures Broken-off particles then discharge thru exhaust
indicated by high fuel flow, unusual torque systems. Shock treatment such as water injection,
increases during mixture leaning, weak-to-dead carburetor deicing alcohol, and full -cold carb air

10 DECEMBER 1968
can provide the quick combustion chamber backfiring, afterfiring, preign1t1on, and
coo I i n g needed to reduce cy Ii nder head detonation? A former engine conditioning team
temperatures and pressures, stopping preignition. chief jotted down a "few" recollections :
• Carburetor: Ruptured seals and diaphragm
WHAT'S DETONATION? warped; broken and misaligned throttle valves.
• nduction system forward of
That "pinging" heard during detonation in an carburetor : Cracks or holes in ducting; damaged
automobile engine can't be heard in a prop-driven carburetor screens, allowing stray parts to enter
recip. Heard or not, detonation is robbing power, the impeller section; warped, broken, or seized
overheating cylinders, setting the stage for carburet or heat doors.
preign1t1on, and damaging the • Impeller section: Blown-out seals and
engine . .. destruction's ahead if continued . impeller seat allows engine oil to enter induction
Normal, even burning of cylinder fuel system; damaged impeller and drive train caused
mixtures takes a fraction of a second, but it's by sudden, intense pressures of backfiring.
slow motion compared to detonation. It's an • Cylinder and valves : Cracked cylinder
almost instantaneous, piston-shattering explosion. head and skirt; cracked or broken piston; broken
Instead of the full power delivery of a normal piston rings; complete cylinder separation;
flame front uniformly increasing gas pressure on warped or broken valves and valve seats; damaged,
cylinder heads, detonation's explosion delivers a broken, or warped rocker arms, valve springs,
quick, power-robbing blow. Extremely high rocker arm bearings, push rods, tappet assembly,
cylinder pressures resulting from detonative firing and cam mechanism.
can crack or burn pistons, break piston rings, • Connecting rods and drive train: Broken
create "hot spots," or blow off cylinder heads. or bent rods; flattened or out-of-round rod
A detonating engine is firing on time. Its bearings; damaged power section components and
problems revolve around proper fuel-air ratios, accessories caused by heavy "back loads."
high cylinder head temperature and compression, • Engine mounts and dynafocals: Warped
and fuel antiknock quality. Reduced power and loosened engine mounts; damaged rubber
settings, improved mixture quality, lower inserts in dynafocal mounts.
carburetor air temperature, and cooler cylinder It's a pretty impressive list .. . and not
heads thru airspeed or cowl flap gap increase are complete. However, it's long enough to generate
recommended actions. And avoiding mixing J-P4 some serious thought about pilots accepting
with av gas duriFig fuel servicing helps, as many "backfiring" engines. At least, while still
detonation-shocked crew members can testify . uncommitted for takeoff and taxi-back is an
Recip types should keep in mind that av gas option. Remember, a sound engine will operate
fu e I grades represent "without-detonation" satisfactorily without noisy interruptions. When
performance ratings. The grade designation they start barking it's time for that precision
115/145 means: an antiknock quality of 115 at maintenance drill called engine conditioning.
lean mixture; an antiknock quality of 145 at rich That sick engine tried to alert you earlier in
mixture. In addition, a recip's power curve drops quieter, more subtle ways . . . like excessive mag
faster on the lean side of best power than it does and torque drop, rough running, below-predicted
on the rich side. And it's the too-lean mixtures torque output, too-rich or too-lean mixtures,
that bring on backfiring, detonation, and abnormal analyzer patterns, and over-two-inch
preignition .. . the engine destroyers. So, being manifold pressure spread between engines at
over-eager on fuel-saving leaning can actually be balanced power settings. Now, like a forgotten
short-sighted engine destruction. mutt whining on the porch, it's desperate enough
to bark. You'd better listen or lose a
DAMAGE POTENTIAL friend .. . and it could be on takeoff. ~

What's the possible engine damage result of

Breguet 14-A2
Flight Leaders
by Lt Col Carl E. Pearson

Pug-nosed, slab-sided, the Breguet 14-A2 and concern with "getting there fustest with the
wasn't the fastest recon bird in 1917, but it was a mostest" the flying machine permitted trained
rugged performer. And it typified the rapid observers (not pilots} to locate roads and truck
advances made in aircraft design and power plants traffic, supply trains and railroads, bridges and
since the start of World War I. French-built, and river traffic, trench systems and fortifications,
designed by Louis Breguet, early pioneer in artillery sites, ammo dumps, and supply depots.
aeronautics, the Breguet 14 fi lied both a recce Wartime recce operations soon pinpointed the
and long-range bomber mission for the French human failings of airborne observers and their
and Belgians. In the later stages of the war it severe limitations in communicating, and recalling
served as a trainer for pi lots of the fast-expanding intelligence gathered in flight.
American Air Service. Ahead of its With airborne radio transmission in its infancy,
contemporaries, it was one of the first airplanes in priority messages were handwritten and air
the world to employ wing flaps. dropped. Readability and reliability of content
The Breguet 14's upright, big-bore-six Fiat depended on the observer's ability, experience,
delivered an impressive 285 hp at 1600 rpm . and physical condition . Field commanders soon
Italian-built, the Fiat power plant with its discovered that observers missed much of the
rhinoceros-like flame tube was the only "straight available info and forgot vital
six" used by the Allied Air Forces in World War I. details .. . sometimes they were too sick to recall
With a wing span of 46 feet, the Breguet at all .
grossed out fully loaded at 3452 pounds. That's The logical next step was use of cameras. At
about 12.1 pounds per horsepower. It Iifted a first, observers carried their own . Their success in
total load of 1159 pounds, a then-efficient 50 recall and identification of strategic and tactical
percent of its empty weight. At full throttle the sites aided by crude photographs brought quick
two-bladed wooden prop pulled it along at 110 improvements. Small, family-portrait type
mph. cameras were replaced by hand-held, over-the-side
Fuel endurance with max power at sea level cameras of increased quality. They were
totaled three hours. Reduced cruise settings gave cumbersome and difficult to operate, but turned
the Breguet unusually long "on station" times, aerial reconnaissance into a military science
ideal for recce operations and artillery spotting. conducted by professionals.
Its climb to 6,500 feet consumed nine and That's why enemy fighters like the pictured
one-half minutes and reaching 10,000 feet added HANOVERANER, one of the toughest German
six more minutes. Its calculated ceiling was two-seaters, moved in on the Breguet. Powered by
20,000 feet . It couldn't be called a homesick a 260 hp Mercedes-Benz engine, the Hanoveraner
angel, but not bad for a big two-seater in its time. featured a unique biplane elevator control and
The Breguet 14's performance was close-set staggered wings. A powerful, streamlined
phenomenal improvement considering standards fighter with classic lines, the sight wasn't a happy
set by France to weed out inferior aircraft designs one for the defending observer.
just prior to World War I. They demanded that a Depending on an observer's visual acuity and
two-seater aircraft be capable of flying 186 miles memory wasn't enough to fulfill the combat
with a payload of 660 pounds besides the crew, intelligence mission. Without a reminder, flying
and maintain 37 mph types - short of the rare mental giants - couldn't
France recognized the airplane's potential as a do their job without forgetting vital data. That's
war machine during military maneuvers in 1910. why checklists were born. So, use yours.
Like other nations, their thinking considered only You wouldn't want to be called a rare mental
a reconnaissance role. Development of tactical giant, would you?
doctrine was slow. In a war of ground maneuver

.... incidents and incidentals

chock talk

high-priced pliers completely "foiled" when the mun1t1ons crew

failed to properly inspect the connection.
The number one engine compressor stalled If they had, they would have found the
when afterburner was selected. Maintenance partially unseated connection, which would have
troops stopped their trim check and towed the prevented the electrical short, which would not
bird back to a hangar for engine removal and have happened in the first place if connectors had
inspection. They found a pair of long-nose pliers been protected with authorized material instead
lodged in the inlet guide vanes. The plier handles of foil.
were long enough to reach the engine's first stage
rotor blades.
A dollar's worth of forgotten pi iers suddenly
cost 6500 dollars in engine repair, not to mention
ejector outlet plug
total manhours and aircraft downtime. It's a poor The pilot of a T-39A arrived at his destination
trade and a sad example of how Forgotten after a cross-country trip only to find the field
Objects Damage combat capability. temporarily closed because of an accident. It was
then necessary to divert to an alternate field .
During a sharp descent with about 600 pounds of
all "foiled" up fuel remaining, the left engine flamed out. Restart
in level flight was accomplished without further
A Supersabre nosed down on its first rocket incident.
pass. The pilot eased the pipper up on target and During the subsequent investigation
fired. But, rocket trails failed to appear! The maintenance personnel discovered a plug
range officer reported jettisoned stores; a type Ill (265-481020) missing from the left engine fuel
pylon, an LAU-59 rocket launcher, and three boost pump. Inspection of the unit's two
2.75 rockets. remaining T-39s revealed a plug missing from the
Investigation eliminated improper switching . right boost pump of one of the airplanes. Neither
But they did find the problem .. . a small piece of of the missing plugs could be found.
aluminum foil in the dropped pylon, lodged In both cases, with the plug missing, the
between the wing Cannon connector and phenolic transfer ejector (fluid-driven forward transfer
seating block . pump) was inoperative. This plug is a conversion
How did this happen? Three personnel errors! kit item installed on either the left or right side of
First, the Cannon connector was not seated to the pump (depending on whether the pump is
the phenolic block, leaving one-half inch of installed in the left or the right wing) .
exposed connector pins. Second, maintenance There are two possible explanations for the
personnel used unauthorized aluminum foil to missing ejector outlet plugs: they were
protect the electrical connectors during storage . overlooked on a previous inspection; or, when the
When the pylon was installed, a piece of foil fell fuel boost pumps were changed the outlet plugs
inside and later worked its way to the connectors. were turned in with the defective pumps and not
And third, professional workmanship was retained for reinstallation on the new pumps.

14 DECEMBER 1968
with a maintenance slant.

With the plugless boost pumps and the Apparently the error happened during I RAN,
airplane in a descent, fuel can be trapped in the more than a year previous. And to make the trim
forward part of the fuel cell . Engine flame-out work properly, they crossed the wires again at the
can then occur even with 300 pounds of fuel actuator, the second "error."
remaining. Of course, when the original write-up was
At the next opportunity, check configuration remedied, the mechanic wired the actuator
of the engine fuel boost pumps to determine that correctly. This is where he trapped himself by
the ejector outlet plugs are installed correctly signing off -the inspection and the release for
(right hand vs left hand) . To verify installation of flight . . . without a crossed-wires check!
the outlet plug, the fuel boost pump access door The plane was repaired, this time according to
may be removed to permit reaching through m tech orders. And the mechanic and his
order to feel the plug (cover plate) . supervisors ... their procedures were corrected
North American Rockwell Corp. small oversights
An F-40 returned from a combat mission with
double crossed some unexpended ordnance. Because of a heavy
gross weight and a wet runway, the aircraft
A ground crewman corrected a T-33 write-up commander decided on an approach end barrier
by replacing the elevator trim tab motor. Later, engagement. His first attempt was good. He
investigation revealed that the bird was repaired, hooked the BAK-12 on centerline but for some
inspected, and released for flight ... by the same reason, the hook cut the cable. He proceeded to
individual . his alternate, down loaded his weapons, and
The following day, the aircraft took off on a returned to home base.
GCI mission. At 150 knots, the pilot raised the With the runway still wet, the pilot again tried
flaps, added some back stick and trimmed to for the barrier . .. this time the M-21. He touched
relieve back pressure. But the trim seemed down properly, hooked the cable, but after about
ineffective and the nose became heavier as speed 100 feet of tape runout, this cable also failed.
increased. The pilot tried the emergency trim Committed to land, the pilot continued to the
override switch with no effect. By then, both mid-field BAK-12. This time he stopped.
hands were needed to hold the stick back just to Examination of this cable revealed it too was cut
maintain level flight. nearly in half.
He declared an emergency, reduced power, The primary cause of this series of mishaps
and made a shallow, downwind turn toward a was blamed on the barrier crew. They failed to
swamp to jettison tip tanks. After a wide base leg mount the barrier pendant cable the required
and shallow final approach, he landed without one-and-a-half inches above the runway. Added to
incident. On the ground, he saw the trim tabs in a this was some maintenance error .. . failure to
full nose-down position. recognize the tail hook shoe was worn beyond
Another trim actuator was installed and a limits. This gave the shoe front a very sharp
check flight made. The test pilot had the same wedge shape. The sharp edge dug into the strands,
problem, but found that the trim was working destroying cable integrity. This caused the
backwards. The plane landed and the shop chief arrestments to fail .
was directed to check the electrical wiring. Two small oversights by two different groups
Crossed wires were found at pins 'E' and 'F' in of people almost caused one major aircraft
the cannon plug at the aft section split line. accident.


lsD. What is it? Is it more harmful than of LSD makes him a risk, and he cannot be
alcohol? What's a trip like? What does it offer considered reliable from that time on .
me? Much has been said and written about LSD WHAT IS LSD?
during the last couple of years, and depending on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is one of several
the interest of the speaker or writer, these compounds derived from fungus grown on wheat
questions have been given many answers. or rye. The various chemicals of these natural
Answered by the Air Force in a Headquarters compounds have powerful effects on the
Letter earlier this year, they are also told in a body- from curing migraine headaches to causing
specially prepared film , SFP 1826, titled "LSD." an abortion.
It describes LSD and its effects, and states a The hallucinogenic effect of LSD was
position : Any history of use of LSD is discovered accidently by a Swiss scientist during a
disqualifying for all flying duties, all air traffic routine study of the compound . On a Friday
control activities, and all duties under the Human afternoon, while resynthesizing the material he
Reliability Program . In short, the Surgeon became "ill," feeling extremely uncomfortable,
General has declared that a person's one-time use very anxious and nervous, and began to

16 DECEMBER 1968
Users take LSD several ways : in a tablet or
pill, on a sugar cube, in a liquid, or by injection.
But regardless of how the drug is taken, the
reaction or latent period is about the same; from
30 minutes to an hour.
Tests were conducted by attaching a
radio-active atom to an LSD molecule, tracking it
through'the body. Only minutes after LSD enters
the body, it is absorbed from the intestinal tract
and very rapidly cycles through the brain . Before
any reaction appears, all trace of the drug has
disappeared. This is extremely important to
understand because it has led scientists to believe
that the drug creates the cause but not the effect.
What appears to happen is based on normal
chemical reactions of the brain .
For instance: The brain is a storehouse,
similar to an electronic computer memory bank,
and there are certain chemical reactions which are
possible but do not take place. These possible
reactiuns are composed of memory bits in
combinations which are not activated during
By Don Reynolds normal consciousness. But LSD acts as a catalyst
making the otherwise impossible reactions occur.
Once the reaction is underway, it continues.
About 20 minutes after the drug is consumed,
minor physical effects occur; faster heart beat,
increased respiration, and possible feeling of
anxiety. And that's all. But within another 20
minutes, the mental effects begin . There is a rapid
hallucinate. He called it a day and went home and complete loss of contact with reality . The
early . But over the weekend he was troubled . He body image may disappear, merging with
concluded that he could have ingested some of furniture or other objects. Sounds and sights are
the compound, but if he did, it had to have been heard and seen when none exists. Ordinary
a very small amount. objects change shape, size, and color- usually
0 n Monday he decided to test the brilliant colors. Sense of time vanishes. Seconds
material . .. on himself. He selected a small dose may seem like hours, or vice versa.
of 250 micrograms, expecting that he could study The environment immediately before taking
his reaction to the minute portion. (Users can the drug usually has a direct effect on what the
"take a trip" on as little as 100 micrograms, user experiences- from god-like associations to
about the weight of 200 red blood cells-- there horrendous happenings. This period of insanity is
are about 330 million in one drop of blood .) The referred to by i Ilegal users of the drug as
effects began in less than an hour and terrified "expanded consciousness," a psychedelic journey
him! He was essentially psychotic for the next 24 into the yet to be known . Physicians studying
hours. effects of the drug report resulting

depersonalization is somewhat similar to than "the trip." A lot longer! And this is why the
schizophrenia. Surgeon General has declared LSD users to be
Actions of a person "on a trip" vary. Some sit Human Reliability risks.
and stare for hours at a bright light or brightly "No man who has taken even one dose of LSD
colored objects. Some feel capable of omnipotent should make a major decision for at least three
powers sometimes leading to disaster: falling months." This is the statement of the Chief of the
from an eighth story window because he felt Department of Medicine at Harvard University
capable of flight; crushed by onrushing traffic Medical School. The Air Force's position is even
when he believed he could stop all vehicles by more cautious, and for good reason .
simply stepping onto the highway with raised Electroencephalograms, a method of plotting
hand; and one woman drowned in San Francisco brain waves, shows that the brain is different after
Bay when she demonstrated her belief that she taking LSD, and remains changed for, as yet, an
could walk on water. undetermined amount of time.
The peak of a "trip" occurs in about six hours, Proof that the brain has changed is borne by
then gradually tapers off for a total trip of about an unusual after-effect experienced by some
20 hours. The following 48 hours is a mental users. Without warning, a person who has had
hangover, a period of depression. For the novice, even one dose of LSD, can be triggered into
this period may last for months. another full-blown "trip," months or even years
later. And the sensory or emotional thing that can
trigger the recurrence is equally unpredictable.
Physically, the after-effects often appear This is one of the important differences between
nominal . But it is a known fact that LSD is the effects of LSD and alcohol.
destructive to chromosomes, or genes. This has If a man does, while on leave, "booze it up"
been proven in laboratory tests, and the only more than socially recommended, the effect
similar reaction is caused by leukemia or exposure terminates when the bottle goes dry. But with
to a large dose of whole-body radiation. Whether LSD, it's possible that a man might have a
the injury is permanent is not yet known, but recurrence six months or a year later ... while
until proven one way or the other, it must be flying his supersonic fighter ... or while working
assumed that an LSD user has become genetically in highly sensitive positions.
different and possibly will produce abnormal LSD is an extremely powerful drug. And it
children. may someday be proven a wonder drug . A
A study made at a New York hospital is resolution passed by the American Medical
revealing. During a 10-month period in Association in 1966 still stands: "The AMA is
1965-1966, 25 persons were brought to the unalterably opposed to any expansion of the use
psychiatric receiving hospital because of LSD of psychedelic drugs beyond use by physicians.
effects. Fourteen had taken the drug within a day Even use by trained physicians should continue to
of thei; admission . The others were suffering be limited to carefully controlled experiments
from LSD symptoms recurring from intake until incontrovertible data are available
several weeks or months previous. Hospitalization documenting LSD's .e fficacy and safety."
came after four had attempted suicide, two had Indiscriminate use of LSD was described by
attempted homicide, one had smashed his Dr. Goddard, former chief of the Pure Food and
parent's furniture, and the others experienced Drug Administration, as "Russian roulette with a
severe anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations. sugar cube." But as far as the Air Force is
The effect of LSD on the brain lasts longer concerned, every chamber is loaded! ~

18 DECEMBER 1968


utility hydraulic system. Because of multiple

systems failure, Major Perkins decided to land the
aircraft utilizing standby instruments and
emergency systems.
Establishing a 25 mile final approach, he
lowered the landing gear and increased approach
Major John E. Perkins of the 560th Tactical airspeed to compensate for the failure of the
Fighter Squadron, McConnell Air Force Base, trailing edge flap circuit. Major Perkins touched
Kansas, has been selected as a Tactical Air down 1,000 feet down the runway and brought
Command Pilot of Distinction. the aircraft to a safe stop with 4,000 feet of
Major Perkins, a student in an F-1 05, was runway remaining.
flying an ACM mission. The fuel inlet pressure Investigation revealed that the main airline had
and forward boost pump caution lights broken in the bomb bay area and hot air bled
illuminated while in afterburner at low altitude directly onto wire bundles, hydraulic lines, fuel
and high indicated airspeed. He heard and felt a lines, the bomb bay fuel tank, and aileron pulley
thump as he came out of afterburner and started bracket, causing the multiple system failures.
to climb. Instantly, additional caution lights came Major Perkins' professional knowledge and
on, including the main airline overheat light. calm reactions during severe stress readily qualify
Major Perkins turned off the main airline switch him as a Tactical Air Command Pilot of
resulting in immediate loss of the generator and Distinction.

Human needs

by Major Emo Boado sweetheart, (this is one aspect of the belonging

40 TFS, Eglin AFB, Fla. need) your behavior will be directed toward
becoming one of the boys. As this need is
satisfied the esteem need begins to appear.
Dr. A. H. Maslow (he's very big in the Human This is an area of increasingly complex higher
Relations Field) has developed a useful vehicle for needs where it is more and more difficult to make
understanding human needs. He calls it "Maslow's exact distinctions. The belonging need shades into
Hierachy of Needs." This is how the diagram the esteem need and it is almost impossible to
looks : isolate one need from the other. The need to
belong and to be identified with a group is just a

short step from the need for status and
recognition by the group. The first implies fairly
passive acceptance of you by others, the second
involves not only acceptance but active
recognition of your talents and achievements.
This is why you strive for Top Gun or some other
significant feat.
BELONGING Let me pause in this discussion for a moment,
and comment on the fighter pilot's esteem needs.
They are large. A fighter pi lot is a different breed
SAFETY of cat because of this larger need. This is the thing
that makes him want to be a fighter pilot. To
understand him is to understand this need.
Even when men have satisfied their esteem
needs, and consequently most of their other
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are arranged in needs, they seem to feel the urge to move on to a
ascending order. This means that as a lower need higher level. When men are operating at this level,
is satisfied, an individual progresses to the next morale is high.
level of need; i.e., survival to safety to belonging, Here a man approaches the fullest possible
etc. integration of himself, in which all his talents,
Survival and safety needs are called "lower capacities, and potentialities are being put to use.
needs" and are fairly self-explanatory. Belonging, An inner need to grow and develop and fully be
esteem, and self-actualization are called "higher himself is his all-powerful motivation; he is no
needs" and require some explanation. longer dependent on the outer world of people
In order to understand these higher needs, let and things for the satisfaction of his needs. In a
me put you in a familiar situation. You are an sense, the need, behavior, and goal of his
"FNG" (new guy) in a fighter squadron. Your motivation are within himself.
first level of need at this point will be Self-actualization should not be confused with
"belonging ." outstanding achievement, which may exist on the
Assuming you have a loving wife, kids, or a level of esteem needs and does not necessarily

20 DECEMBER 1968
imply self-actualization if one has greater talent . because they have the power to compel
Nor should self-actualization be equated with obedience, it is unnecessary to try to inspire
high intelligence or great ambition . It is just as willing cooperation.
attainable for the average person as for the When this happens motivation is directed at a
outstanding leader. What a man can be, he must "I ower need ." Consequently, low morale.
be, and this will vary from person to person . Motivation directed at a "higher need" promotes
There will be few outward signs of high morale which in turn produces high
self-actualization, except a certain serenity of performance.
mind and sense of accomplishment. Morale is intangible; it's an attitude ; it is, as
General Marshall puts it, "a state of mind." But it
MORALE AND THE MISSION plays an all important role in mission success.

When an organization can provide a means to CONCLUSION

satisfy these human needs, then morale is high.
High morale and the mission have a direct So far, I have said that people have certain
relationship. When morale is high, the job gets human needs which they are constantly
done. General George C. Marshall puts it this attempting to satisfy in one way or another. I
way : have also said that morale of the organization is
"Morale is a state of mind . It is steadfastness high when these needs are satisfied to an
and courage and hope. It is confidence and zeal acceptable level. What does all this mean?
and loyalty. It is elan, esprit de corps, and It means that we must understand people in
determination . It is staying power, the spirit order to work with them effectively. We must
which endures to the end, the will to win . With it, realize that an organization is more than
all things are possible ; without it everything else, regulations, office procedures, and restrictions.
planning, preparation , production, count for Organizations are people who can do anything
naught." when they are properly motivated. But who is
Unfortunately, the word morale often responsible for this motivation?
conjures up thoughts of the Red Cross or the Bob The answer to this question is simple. The
Hope Christmas Show. Certainly this is part of it, leader is responsible . But there is a side to the
but it is much more, much deeper and much more question which is not so simple. Who is the
significant. It is esprit de corps, discipline, and leader?
pride. The answer: You are! No matter what
In good times, high morale may be marked by position you hold in the organization, you can
cheerfulness-- not by hilarity or exuberance of have a positive influence on people around you .
spirits necessarily, but by each man recognizing When a man does a good job, you don't have to
the necessity of the duty and performing it be the commander to tell him he did a good job.
without hostility even though it is unpleasant. When a new man comes into the organization,
In times of adversity, cheerfulness may not be you don't have to be the commander to make
found, yet morale can be excellent. It will be him feel welcome . These are positive influences
manifested in a determination to accept the we have on each other.
situation which exists and get from it the best Morale is not only the commander's
possible outcome . responsibility; it's everybody's responsibility. We
The important ingredient is your personal are all leaders in one way or another.
desire to get the job done. It is not the I think the Air Force definition of leadership
commander's desire to get the job done. This is is an appropriate concluding remark :
the key. Efficient work cannot come from men "Leadership is the art of influencing and
who are acting under protest and with no desire directing people in a way that will win their
to do anything except to avoid punishment. Some obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal
commanders have mistakenly believed that cooperation in achieving a common objective.~

This helmet saved the life of a T AC
cyclist ... twice during the same acci-
dent .•• when his head struck a steel
sign post (top) before smashing to the
pavement (side). Either blow would have
crushed an improperly protected head.
Wi II your he I met do the same?

"H e was really motorscooting until he saw chances of being killed were eight times greater
that car enter the intersection. Then he seemed to than sitting thru an automobile bash . Deaths in
freeze. Looked like he knew he couldn't miss it. two-wheeler accidents jumped 42.6 percent and
He slowed some, but still hit hard . He was thrown the number of accidents 38.5 percent compared
about 30 feet and his head hit the curb wall. I to 1966. In the same period automobile deaths
wish he'd worn a helmet. Yes, I'm certain that increased 8.6 percent and accidents were up 4.7
driver would've seen him if his headlight was on . percent.
It works that way with me. You're not really In TAC, with only two percent of the total
expecting motorcycles-you're conditioned to vehicle registrations, two-wheelers account for a
seeing other cars. That's why the headlight helps staggering 26.5 percent of our accidents. You're
me," he concluded. just too vulnerable to injury sitting out in the
State Police and TAC's accident investigators open on your cycle saddle- and especially
throughout the country find similar witness without protective gear. It's an unequal match
testimony with the same tragic twist all too often . when a motorcyclist takes on a driver enclosed in a
Head injuries are the major causes of two-wheeler steel cab. And it's small comfort to the cyclist
accidental deaths. The driver would've survived knowing the other driver will be cited for failure
the collision with car, culvert, curb, power pole, to yield.
or roadbed if he'd worn a helmet. There'd be That's part of the background reasoning for
bruises, and lots of them, but he'd be alive. states pressing forward with legislation on
Medical examiners verify that. motorcycle headgear requirements and other
Another sobering fact: nationwide in 1967, if operating regulations.
you had any kind of two-wheeler spinout, your Nationally recognized standards of protective

To prevent injury AF cyclists must wear certain headgear and accessories while on CONUS bases. Can you pick


headgear for riders and occupants of vehicles in by sun, rain, cold, dust, vibration, skin contact,
high-hazard environments are : perspiration, or even the greasy kid stuff used on
e USA Standards Institute (USASI) Z hair. Any material that's known to cause
90.1 - 1966. irritation cannot come in contact with the skin.
• Motorcycle, Scooter and Allied Trades Only durable, high-quality materials can be used .
Association (MS & ATA)
• Snell Memorial Four]dation LABELING
• American Motorcycle Association
• British Standards Institute Every helmet meeting USASI Z 90.1 standards
The majority of states adopted the helmet that's offered for sale must be labeled as follows:
specifications established in the USASI 290.1 • For adequate protection this helmet must
Standard or the MS & AT A standard . fit comfortably and closely, and provide a range
of peripheral vision of about 120 degrees.
TEST STANDARDS • This helmet may be partially destroyed or
damaged by a severe blow and even though such
Here's the protection you're buying in a damage may not be readily apparent, any helmet
helmet meeting the USASI 290.1 Standard. First subjected to severe impact should be returned to
of all, it's designed to protect your head and the manufacturer for inspection or should be
absorb shock under various combinations of replaced.
temperature and humidity. It resists measured
amounts of penetration and crushing. It has to SHOCK ABSORPTION
stay on your head under specified impact loads.
Shock absorption tests use a flat impactor of
CONSTRUCTION 19.6 square inches and a hemispherical impactor
with a 1.9 inch radius. The helmet must absorb
The smooth external shell can't have 50 foot-pounds of impact energy from the
projections greater than 1/8 inch except for a hemispherical impactor and 66 foot-pounds from
goggle fitting; and that no greater than 3/16 inch the flat impactor without transferring a peak
at the back of the helmet. Rivet heads can't have acceleration exceeding 100 Gs to the wearer.
sharp edges or protrude more than 1/16 inch. Each helmet tested must survive two identical
Designs of optional helmet attachments cannot impacts in not less than four locations.
cause injury to the wearer.
The striker used on the helmet weighs six
Materials used in the helmet must resist pounds and 10 ounces. Its point has a .197 radius
downgrading of the protection standards caused with a 60 degree included angle. It's dropped one

the outfits that offer maximum protection, and meets other requirements of AFR 127-5? (Answers on next page.)
meter - 39.37 inches- in an attempt to WHY LEGISLATION?
penetrate the unpadded shell. Any vertical
deflection of the shell is recorded electrically at Why motorcycle safety legislation and
impact. Maximum vertical deflection of the m1 n1mu m test standards for your protective
helmet shell is .394 of an inch. Any penetration headgear? To save your life. It's as simple as that .
of the striker point disqualifies the helmet. The skyrocketing two-wheeler death and serious
injury rate is a matter of nationwide and TAC
If you've ignored helmet protection up til
Testing of the chin strap includes the now, don't any longer. You're playing demolition
attachment points as well as the strap itself. Three derby in the wrong league. If you're wearing a
hundred pounds of weight or tension are applied helmet now, check its quality. If it's not up to
to the strap and fastners. Stretching beyond one approved test standards, it's time to change
inch or breaking loose from the attachment brands. After all, it's the only head you've
points isn't permitted. got - it deserves the best. ~

Which Helmets are Approved ? because of tinted color. Decoration not

authorized with uniform.
No. 2. Safe. Three-quarter style, meets Z90. 1
Safe and unsafe headgear pictured on previous standard, color and retention requirements. Chin
page and described below were evaluated strap cup offers added comfort, snap-on visor
according to Air Force Regulation 127-5, which offers sun and rain protection. Glasses have
includes: shatterproof lens.
• Helmet construction must meet minimum No. 3. Unsafe. Does not meet Z90. 1 standard.
impact and penetration specifications (Z90.1 Padding too skimpy, liner too soft, poor fit, no
standard). eye protection, and unauthorized color for use
• Helmet color, when worn with uniform, must with uniform.
be white or international orange and free from No. 4. Safe. Ladies helmet meets Z90. 1
decoration, except for an optional white, silver, standard. Retention strap, color meet
or orange reflective one-inch band placed requirements except for decoration. Cushion
horizontally around the base, or vertical across contoured glasses are shatterproof.
the top, or both. Appropriate unit insignia or No. 5. Unsafe. Ladies helmet does not meet
other identification may be displayed as Z90. 1 standard, single shell construction and poor
authorized by Hq USAF. padding. Retention strap is unreliable, color and
• Helmet retention must include a chin strap or decoration not approved for uniform wear.
associated harness to hold helmet secure. Personal glasses without shatterproof lens is not
• Eye protection must include shatter-resistant approved.
face shield, glasses, or goggles of hardened lens. No. 6. Safe. Meets Z90.1 standard and Air
No. 1. Unsafe. Fails to meet Z90.1 standard, Force color. Glasses have shatterproof lens, and
inner liner too soft. Bubble shield offers adequate frames are designed to eliminate sharp corners
eye protection but use limited to daytime only and edges.

24 DECEMBER 1968
A 2nd Look at ...


An F-1 05 pilot told the accident board, to hydroplane. This pilot had 12,000 feet of
'' ... final approach was normal with a runway and even without the chute should have
touchdown point just past mobile control at 190 been able to stop by hooking the barrier. But the
knots in the center of the runway .. . I delayed crosswind pushed him off.
two seconds, then pulled the drag chute handle. True, the F-105 anti-skid will prevent
But, the handle came out past the detent and the blowouts caused by hydroplaning tires running
chute did not deploy . .. I applied brakes. The onto a relatively dry surface. The anti-skid system
runway was wet from melting snow and ice with a will also provide the most efficient braking from
wind from the left at 12 knots. As I applied whatever traction is available .
brakes the aircraft hit some water and began to The main point in this case is that with or
slide to the right (drift downwind). The slide without a drag chute the pilot, landing on a wet,
could not be stopped with nosewheel steering or slush-puddled runway, should have used the
left brake. The aircraft left the runway at upwind side instead of the center. Had the drag
approximately 50 knots still sliding to the right." chute deployed while his tire's hydroplaned, his
The I P stated, " ... because of the water on downwind drift would have been
the runway I could feel the aircraft planing accelerated ... because the drag chute acts as a
(hydroplaning) ... I asked if he (the student) had sail to catch and amplify the crosswind.
the anti-skid on and told him he had better get on Possible corrective action -with the aircraft
the brakes . .. I could still feel the "planing" weathercocked into the wind, adding power
because of patchy water (melting snow). About (forward thrust) would have changed the
this time, I believe, the right tire blew. We were resultant force (drift) vector. Power would not
about 7000 to 7500 feet down the runway and have helped him get stopped, but he would have
passing thru 85 knots ... I applied full left brake been able to stay on the runway and snag the
and rudder with no response. Shortly thereafter barrier.
the aircraft left the runway and came to a stop." During these winter months keep in mind that
The cause was determined to be operator error standing water is not necessarily required to
because the pilot failed to actuate anti-skid and encounter hydroplaning. And if the temperature
appeared to have used improper braking is near freezing you may encounter the worst
procedure. In addition, he was blamed for possible condition- slush . Combine these factors
inadvertently jettisoning his drag chute. with a crosswind and you have all the ingredients
In Iight of more recent test information we for a major accident.
know that a pilot is helpless when his tires begin


by Lt ColT. J. Slaybaugh

Photo by AlC James R. Boca

Some of T AC's 1968 aircraft accidents point awaken ghosts in your own flying past.
up the fact that there comes a time in a particular After landing at an enroute base, all AC power
set of environmental conditions when a bird is was lost when the right engine was shut down and
destined to bash, no matter whose hands are the right generator went off the line. Both
stirring the cockpit accessories. The momentum generator circuit breakers and the external power
induced by basic laws of gravity and interlock circuit breaker had popped. Transient
aerodynamics overrides any mortal input, no alert performed no maintenance that evening due
matter how desperate. to lack of T.O. data.
Some examples: Next day, the pilot called his home base and
On a heavyweight go-around from a discussed trouble-shooting procedures with his
simulated single engine approach, the IP squadron maintenance officer. Engine run-up and
permitted his student to let the airspeed decay trouble-shooting resulted in the same circuits
below safe single engine speed. They soon reached being popped. Another call was made to the
a low point in time and space from which power home station. The maintenance officer wasn't
and control reserves were insufficient to prevent available.
the crash. The assistant ops officer directed the pilot not
Both the pilot of the ailing aircraft and his to fly the aircraft until the discrepancy was
element lead share in the next one: With both corrected. Meanwhile, the pilot and local
generators inoperative and the resultant loss of maintenance specialists discussed the problem
electrically powered systems, including radios, the some more. Finally the home base maintenance
pilot decided to go anyway. As the flight officer called back. They agreed to another
progressed systems operation continued to run-up check but the maintenance officer advised
deteriorate until the aircraft became unflyable the pilot not to fly the aircraft unless it checked
and ejection was the only way out. out.
Maybe, in the solitude of your conscie·nce, After the engines started this time, only the
some of the events in the next sequence will left generator circuit breaker popped. When the

26 DECEMBER 1968
pilot was told of this he had the aircraft buttoned of warnings, until the accident became inevitable.
up and had obtained tax i clearance. With each error of commission or omission the
A quick-check crew was in position, but the pilot took another step toward an inevitable
pilot did not stop. On takeoff there was no left accident . As the pattern progresses, there is
AB light, but no abort either. At the 2000 foot evidence of temptation to take an ever bigger
point, ground witnesses observed fire in the lower chance in an effort to try to rectify the sum total
section of the left engine bay . of mistakes made to that point.
At the 5000-6000 foot point, immediately Occasionally, the "override" pattern continues
after lift-off, tower advised the pilot that he had a without apparent change, even after the accident
fire. The pilot continued his takeoff, shut down becomes inevitable. At other times there is
the burning engine, and asked for a heading to an evidence of a pattern change - canopy separation
unpopulated area. Then he swung around for a or even partial chute deployment - but too late.
land ing attempt. However, he didn't get a safe In sharp contrast, when onset of an accident
gear down indication . situation is in no way pilot induced- materiel
As the pi lot attempted a go-around the aircraft failure and combat damage being
appeared to develop control problems, as examples- there is less of a tendency to press on
evidenced by wallowing and wing rock . A rolling, until survival is impossible.
descending left bank terminated in an inverted, As pointed out initially, in either case there
nose low impact. And the pilot made no attempt are natural laws that make a crash inevitable once
to eject. a certain point has been reached. From this point
These aren't all, but they are representative of on, whether the pilot caused, contributed, or was
a type of accident that continues to recur . in no way a factor- none of these have a bearing
There is a common denominator underlying on the outcome .
these accidents : the pilots contributed to the Why not think about it right now? Establish a
impending accident situations through their own mental set ahead of time . Then, when you are
acts. tempted to buy a sick bird or stick with it too
The control component known as ' pilot long, reason will prevail, not emotion . A bruised
judgment" had to override a warning, or a series ego will heal , but you're a long time dead. ____;:::;-

... interest items, mishaps
Tac tips
with morals, for the TAC

ugusted" gooney noticed his rear engine had failed .

After a successful single engine landing they
It wasn't reported or invited, but the discovered the pi lot's hand had accidentally
thunderbumper moved in anyhow. Patient old kicked the auxiliary fuel pump switch to the high
gooney waited resignedly, gust locks in place, tied position, causing the engine to flood out when
down to the ramp. Without a place to hide or a power was applied .
friendly hand willing to head her into the storm, The cause was listed as pilot factor since he
she endured all 53 knots, broadside. Wind blasts accidentally actuated the pump switch.
blew ailerons and rudder over and out of gust Looks to us like a good case of design
locks and deflected control surfaces to, and deficiency in that the switches are ideally
beyond max travel . arranged to booby trap the pilot .
When the winds went away investigators found "It's awfully easy to assess pilot blame . It
both ailerons warped, the rudder twisted and its takes a mountain of paper work to change the
base structure cracked, a right wing former darn thing ." (H . W. Longfeather)
broken and some internal stringers damaged, and
the control system needing inspection of all
components. That's pretty rude treatment for an
unglamorous, but still faithful bird.
de-icing T-33 takeoffs
Conscience stricken about possible lack of Mission insurance for T-33 flyers during winter
consideration for their uncomplaining beast of months is noted in the Dash One. Don't forget
burden , the owners are working on newer, more that after takeoff from a wet snow or slush
effective control locks. Not content with just that covered runway, you must operate landing gear
and in deference to her years of service, they're and flaps through several cycles to prevent
finally arranging for early notice about severe freezing . And another good idea, when taking off
weather threatening their gooney. Now grateful, through puddles of water, wait at least 15-seconds
gooney's looking forward to a quiet hangar during after breaking ground before retracting gear. This
windstorms, or at worst, having winds work her allows time for the centering cam to position the
over headon instead of broadside .. . and that's nose gear for retracting and the delay lets the
progress. airstream remove excessive moisture, soon to be
ice, from the wheel well areas and electrical

built-in booby trap indicator switches.

An 0-2 student pilot was shooting night

landings. Following takeoff from a touch-and -go,
tacky trigger
he switched the landing light "Off." He noticed An F-4D jock aligned his steed on t arget and
that in the process he inadvertently hit some pressed the trigger for a short burst. The
other switches. He turned up the cockpit's lights S U U -1 6A bumped ... and burrrped ... and
and attempted to reset each one. burrrped! The trigger, released by the pilot after
His next landing was long, so he applied power the short burst, stayed depressed. He reached to
to go around . Acceleration was unusually slow turn off the master arm switch but was blocked
and it wasn't until the gear was retracted he by his locked shoulder harness. While one hand

28 DECEMBER 1968
searched for the harness lock, the other kept the announcement on appropriate control
roaring cannon pointed in a harmless direction . frequencies.
He finally reached the switches. After safetying The FAA urges all pilots to cooperate in order
all armament switches, he manually extracted the to relieve frequency congestion. A listing of
trigger from its depressed position . On landing, airports using A TIS along with hours of operation
investigation revealed that the trigger broke at the and voice frequencies is available in the Airman's
hole drilled for the trigger safety pin, causing it to Information Manual. Otherwise, avai labi Iity of
jam. A U R was submitted and the stick grip the service and frequencies are indicated on
replaced ... and so were six over-used gun Enroute Charts as part of the aerodrome data.

automatic terminal turbojet enroute descent

information service As a resu It of an article "Your Man at the
Center" (T AC A TT AC K, July 68) some question
In the past, terminal controllers at civi I developed concerning the terms Enroute Descent
airfields have been required to transmit routine and Enroute Penetration. Headquarters USAF
non-control weather and airport information to advises that there is no such thing as an Enroute
every arriving and departing aircraft. As everyone Penetration . True, you do hear pilots and the
knows this has caused serious radio frequency centers using "Enroute Penetration ." This term
congestion at the busier airports. appears to be a hold over from the old days.
After a test period ATIS, recorded broadcast A Turbojet Enroute Descent is a procedure for
of routine terminal information, proved so expediting military jet aircraft from enroute
successful that FAA published Advisory Circular altitudes to final approach without execution of
90-22A (Oct 9, 1968) making it standard the published high altitude instrument approach
procedure for specified terminal areas. The procedure. The proper phraseology for requesting
recorded information -available on a special this procedure is to advise Air Traffic Control
voice frequency TVOR, VOR, or "Request Enroute Descent," in accordance with
VORTAC- gives the latest ceiling, visibility, FLIP planning 11-58, IV-B.
wind, altimeter setting, instrument approach, and
active runway.
When a pilot checks in, the terminal controller
custom fitted helmets
wi II assume that he has Iistened to the AT IS For those of you who may need a custom
message and has all the routine information. Time fitted helmet in the near future, here's how you
checks and RVR will not be included in the go about getting it.
recording . This will be provided in the usual First, check USAF Supply Manual 67-1, Vol 4,
manner. Also, when ceiling and visibility drop Part I. This manual tells you how to submit a
below the highest circling minimums for the request for a special helmet fitting . These requests
airport, the ATIS message may contain the all go to AFLC's Physiological Training Unit at
statement "Ceiling and visibility will be issued by Wright-Patterson AFB. Your flight surgeon
Approach Control." supplies your head measurements and other
Recordings will be updated anytime there are appropriate details which must go along with the
changes in weather, type of instrument approach, request. After your request is submitted the
active runway or any other previously broadcast Physiological Training Unit decides whether you
information. As soon as the new recording is really need a special fitting and custom helmet
made the controller will make a one time liner.


Technical Sergeant Lyle V. Gillis of the USAF

Tactical Fighter Weapons Center, Nellis Air Force
Base, Nevada, has been selected to receive the
T AC Maintenance Man Safety Award. Sergeant
Gillis will receive a letter of appreciation from the
Commander of Tactical Air Command and an
engraved award.

TSgt Gillis

Sgt Citty


Sergeant William P. Citty, Jr. of the USAF

Tactical Fighter Weapons Center, Nellis Air Force
Base, Nevada, has been selected to receive the
TAC Crew Chief Safety Award. Sergeant Citty
wi II receive a letter of appreciation from the
Commander of Tactical Air Command and an
engraved award.


MAJOR ACCIDENT RATE COMPARISON (per 100,000 flying hrs)


- 15

- _
9.3 - 10

5 5

I- -.....,
0 00 - ,..... 411 M. No.-
-". ../ 4,
10 A-1

-1 6.8
R B -66

i _ F/RF-84
/Min - 20.0
10 10

5 5

Jon Feb Moo' Apr Mop Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

19 68 F/RF-101


1968 1967 1968 1967

9 AF 6.2 7.4 12 AF 10.2 9.3 F-105

4 TFW 9.4 6.0 23 TFW 27.5 10.2 10.2

15 TFW 9.5 23.0 123 TRW 7.1 12.6
33 TFW 7.8 8.8 27 TFW 8.5 11.4 F/RF-4
113 TFW 20.0 13.4 140 TFW 5.8 18.2
10.4 9.0 C-47
4531 TFW 16.4 0 479 TFW

363 TRW 5.9 9.0 474 TFW 34.3 0

64 TAW 3.6 0 67 TRW 10.4 11.1

0 20.3 C-119
316 TAW o 0 75 TRW

317 TAW 0 4.8 313 TAW 0 0

464 TAW 0 2.6 516 TAW o 0

4442 CCTW 0 6.9 4453 CCTW 14.1 3.4 C-130

4510 CCTW 6.6 9.6


1 SOW 6.6 5.9 4500 ABW 0 0

4410 CCTW 15.6 8.4 4440 ADG 0 0 C-7

4409 SUP SQ 0 0 4525 FWW 31.2 20.9
4416 TSQ 46.9 0


Tread _J
f- Contact I
With Road


- Tread ...1
1 Contact - I
With Road

Tread _I
I- Contact I
With Road

don't reduce tire pressure

on snow. slush,ond ice.

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