RAC Lecture 10

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Vapour Compression
Refrigeration Systems
1 Version 1 ME, IIT Kharagpur
The specific objectives of the lesson:
This lesson discusses the most commonly used refrigeration system, i.e. Vapour
compression refrigeration system. The following things are emphasized in detail:
1. The Carnot refrigeration cycle & its practical limitations (Section 10.3)
2. The Standard Vapour compression Refrigeration System (Section 10.4)
3. Analysis of Standard Vapour compression Refrigeration System (Section 10.5)
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
1. Analyze and perform cyclic calculations for Carnot refrigeration cycle (Section
2. State the difficulties with Carnot refrigeration cycle (Section 10.3)
3. Analyze and perform cyclic calculations for standard vapour compression
refrigeration systems (Section 10.4)
4. Perform various cycle calculations for different types of refrigerants (Section

10.1. Comparison between gas cycles and vapor cycles

Thermodynamic cycles can be categorized into gas cycles and vapour cycles. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, in a typical gas cycle, the working fluid (a gas) does
not undergo phase change, consequently the operating cycle will be away from the
vapour dome. In gas cycles, heat rejection and refrigeration take place as the gas
undergoes sensible cooling and heating. In a vapour cycle the working fluid undergoes
phase change and refrigeration effect is due to the vaporization of refrigerant liquid. If the
refrigerant is a pure substance then its temperature remains constant during the phase
change processes. However, if a zeotropic mixture is used as a refrigerant, then there will
be a temperature glide during vaporization and condensation. Since the refrigeration
effect is produced during phase change, large amount of heat (latent heat) can be
transferred per kilogram of refrigerant at a near constant temperature. Hence, the required
mass flow rates for a given refrigeration capacity will be much smaller compared to a gas
cycle. Vapour cycles can be subdivided into vapour compression systems, vapour
absorption systems, vapour jet systems etc. Among these the vapour compression
refrigeration systems are predominant.

10.2. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems

As mentioned, vapour compression refrigeration systems are the most commonly used
among all refrigeration systems. As the name implies, these systems belong to the general
class of vapour cycles, wherein the working fluid (refrigerant) undergoes phase change at
least during one process. In a vapour compression refrigeration system, refrigeration is
obtained as the refrigerant evaporates at low temperatures. The input to the system is in
the form of mechanical energy required to run the compressor. Hence these systems are
also called as mechanical refrigeration systems. Vapour compression refrigeration

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systems are available to suit almost all applications with the refrigeration capacities
ranging from few Watts to few megawatts. A wide variety of refrigerants can be used in
these systems to suit different applications, capacities etc. The actual vapour compression
cycle is based on Evans-Perkins cycle, which is also called as reverse Rankine cycle.
Before the actual cycle is discussed and analysed, it is essential to find the upper limit of
performance of vapour compression cycles. This limit is set by a completely reversible

10.3. The Carnot refrigeration cycle

Carnot refrigeration cycle is a completely reversible cycle, hence is used as a model of
perfection for a refrigeration cycle operating between a constant temperature heat source
and sink. It is used as reference against which the real cycles are compared. Figures 10.1
(a) and (b) show the schematic of a Carnot vapour compression refrigeration system and
the operating cycle on T-s diagram.
As shown in Fig.10.1(a), the basic Carnot refrigeration system for pure vapour consists of
four components: compressor, condenser, turbine and evaporator. Refrigeration effect (q4-
1 = qe) is obtained at the evaporator as the refrigerant undergoes the process of
vaporization (process 4-1) and extracts the latent heat from the low temperature heat
source. The low temperature, low pressure vapour is then compressed isentropically in
the compressor to the heat sink temperature Tc. The refrigerant pressure increases from Pe
to Pc during the compression process (process 1-2) and the exit vapour is saturated. Next
the high pressure, high temperature saturated refrigerant undergoes the process of
condensation in the condenser (process 2-3) as it rejects the heat of condensation (q2-3 =
qc) to an external heat sink at Tc. The high pressure saturated liquid then flows through
the turbine and undergoes isentropic expansion (process 3-4). During this process, the
pressure and temperature fall from Pc,Tc to Pe, Te. Since a saturated liquid is expanded in
the turbine, some amount of liquid flashes into vapour and the exit condition lies in the
two-phase region. This low temperature and low pressure liquid-vapour mixture then
enters the evaporator completing the cycle. Thus as shown in Fig.10.1(b), the cycle
involves two isothermal heat transfer processes (processes 4-1 and 2-3) and two
isentropic work transfer processes (processes 1-2 and 3-4). Heat is extracted isothermally
at evaporator temperature Te during process 4-1, heat is rejected isothermally at
condenser temperature Tc during process 2-3. Work is supplied to the compressor during
the isentropic compression (1-2) of refrigerant vapour from evaporator pressure Pe to
condenser pressure Pc, and work is produced by the system as refrigerant liquid expands
isentropically in the turbine from condenser pressure Pc to evaporator pressure Pe. All the
processes are both internally as well as externally reversible, i.e., net entropy generation
for the system and environment is zero.
Applying first and second laws of thermodynamics to the Carnot refrigeration cycle,

∫ δq = ∫ δw
∫ δq = q 4 −1 − q 2 −3 = q e − q c
∫ δw = w 3− 4 − w 1− 2 = w T − w C = − w net (10.1)

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⇒ (q c − q e ) = w net

Heat sink


3 2


4 1

Heat source

Fig.10.1(a): Schematic of a Carnot refrigeration system



Tc 3

4 1

Fig. 10.1(b): Carnot refrigeration cycle on T-s diagram

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now for the reversible, isothermal heat transfer processes 2-3 and 4-1, we can write:

q c = − q 2 −3 = − ∫ T.ds = Tc (s 2 − s 3 ) (10.2)
q e = q 4−1 = ∫ T.ds = Te (s 1 − s 4 ) (10.3)

where Te and Tc are the evaporator and condenser temperatures, respectively, and,

s 1 = s 2 and s 3 = s 4 (10.4)

the Coefficient of Performance (COP) is given by:

refrigeration effect q Te (s1 − s 4 ) ⎛ Te ⎞

COPCarnot = = e = = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (10.5)
net work input w net Tc (s 2 − s 3 ) − Te (s1 − s 4 ) ⎝ Tc − Te ⎠

thus the COP of Carnot refrigeration cycle is a function of evaporator and condenser
temperatures only and is independent of the nature of the working substance. This is the
reason why exactly the same expression was obtained for air cycle refrigeration systems
operating on Carnot cycle (Lesson 9). The Carnot COP sets an upper limit for
refrigeration systems operating between two constant temperature thermal reservoirs
(heat source and sink). From Carnot’s theorems, for the same heat source and sink
temperatures, no irreversible cycle can have COP higher than that of Carnot COP.

3 2

4 1


b a s
Fig.10.2. Carnot refrigeration cycle represented in T-s plane

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It can be seen from the above expression that the COP of a Carnot refrigeration system
increases as the evaporator temperature increases and condenser temperature decreases.
This can be explained very easily with the help of the T-s diagram (Fig.10.2). As shown
in the figure, COP is the ratio of area a-1-4-b to the area 1-2-3-4. For a fixed condenser
temperature Tc, as the evaporator temperature Te increases, area a-1-4-b (qe) increases
and area 1-2-3-4 (wnet) decreases as a result, COP increases rapidly. Similarly for a fixed
evaporator temperature Te, as the condensing temperature Tc increases, the net work input
(area 1-2-3-4) increases, even though cooling output remains constant, as a result the
COP falls. Figure 10.3 shows the variation of Carnot COP with evaporator temperature
for different condenser temperatures. It can be seen that the COP increases sharply with
evaporator temperatures, particularly at high condensing temperatures. COP reduces as
the condenser temperature increases, but the effect becomes marginal at low evaporator
temperatures. It will be shown later that actual vapour compression refrigeration systems
also behave in a manner similar to that of Carnot refrigeration systems as far as the
performance trends are concerned.

Fig.10.3. Effects of evaporator and condenser temperatures on Carnot COP

Practical difficulties with Carnot refrigeration system:

It is difficult to build and operate a Carnot refrigeration system due to the following
practical difficulties:

i. During process 1-2, a mixture consisting of liquid and vapour have to be compressed
isentropically in the compressor. Such a compression is known as wet compression due to
the presence of liquid. In practice, wet compression is very difficult especially with
reciprocating compressors. This problem is particularly severe in case of high speed
reciprocating compressors, which get damaged due to the presence of liquid droplets in
the vapour. Even though some types of compressors can tolerate the presence of liquid in

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vapour, since reciprocating compressors are most widely is refrigeration, traditionally dry
compression (compression of vapour only) is preferred to wet compression.

ii. The second practical difficulty with Carnot cycle is that using a turbine and extracting
work from the system during the isentropic expansion of liquid refrigerant is not
economically feasible, particularly in case of small capacity systems. This is due to the
fact that the specific work output (per kilogram of refrigerant) from the turbine is given
w 3− 4 = ∫ v.dP (10.6)
since the specific volume of liquid is much smaller compared to the specific volume of a
vapour/gas, the work output from the turbine in case of the liquid will be small. In
addition, if one considers the inefficiencies of the turbine, then the net output will be
further reduced. As a result using a turbine for extracting the work from the high pressure
liquid is not economically justified in most of the cases1 .

One way of achieving dry compression in Carnot refrigeration cycle is to have two
compressors – one isentropic and one isothermal as shown in Fig.10.4.


Condenser 3 Pi
Pc > Pi > Pe Pe
4 q2-3 C
2 4 3
5 1
Evaporator 5 1

Fig.10.4. Carnot refrigeration system with dry compression
As shown in Fig.10.4, the Carnot refrigeration system with dry compression consists of
one isentropic compression process (1-2) from evaporator pressure Pe to an intermediate
pressure Pi and temperature Tc, followed by an isothermal compression process (2-3)
from the intermediate pressure Pi to the condenser pressure Pc. Though with this
modification the problem of wet compression can be avoided, still this modified system is
not practical due to the difficulty in achieving true isothermal compression using high-
speed compressors. In addition, use of two compressors in place of one is not
economically justified.

However, currently efforts are being made to recover this work of expansion in some refrigeration
systems to improve the system efficiency.

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From the above discussion, it is clear that from practical considerations, the Carnot
refrigeration system need to be modified. Dry compression with a single compressor is
possible if the isothermal heat rejection process is replaced by isobaric heat rejection
process. Similarly, the isentropic expansion process can be replaced by an isenthalpic
throttling process. A refrigeration system, which incorporates these two changes is
known as Evans-Perkins or reverse Rankine cycle. This is the theoretical cycle on which
the actual vapour compression refrigeration systems are based.


Exp. C wc


T Pc

2 Pe
3 2'

4 1

Fig.10.5. Standard Vapour compression refrigeration system

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10.4. Standard Vapour Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS)
Figure 10.5 shows the schematic of a standard, saturated, single stage (SSS) vapour
compression refrigeration system and the operating cycle on a T s diagram. As shown in
the figure the standard single stage, saturated vapour compression refrigeration system
consists of the following four processes:

Process 1-2: Isentropic compression of saturated vapour in compressor

Process 2-3: Isobaric heat rejection in condenser
Process 3-4: Isenthalpic expansion of saturated liquid in expansion device
Process 4-1: Isobaric heat extraction in the evaporator

By comparing with Carnot cycle, it can be seen that the standard vapour compression
refrigeration cycle introduces two irreversibilities: 1) Irreversibility due to non-isothermal
heat rejection (process 2-3) and 2) Irreversibility due to isenthalpic throttling (process 3-
4). As a result, one would expect the theoretical COP of standard cycle to be smaller than
that of a Carnot system for the same heat source and sink temperatures. Due to these
irreversibilities, the cooling effect reduces and work input increases, thus reducing the
system COP. This can be explained easily with the help of the cycle diagrams on T s
charts. Figure 10.6(a) shows comparison between Carnot and standard VCRS in terms of
refrigeration effect.

3 2'
Tc 2’’

Te 4'
4 1

c d e S

Fig.10.6(a). Comparison between Carnot and standard VCRS

The heat extraction (evaporation) process is reversible for both the Carnot cycle and
VCRS cycle. Hence the refrigeration effect is given by:

For Carnot refrigeration cycle (1-2’’-3-4’):

q e,Carnot = q 4'−1 = ∫ T.ds = Te (s 1 − s 4' ) = area e − 1 − 4'−c − e (10.7)

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For VCRS cycle (1-2-3-4):
q e, VCRS = q 4−1 = ∫ T.ds = Te (s 1 − s 4 ) = area e − 1 − 4 − d − e (10.8)

thus there is a reduction in refrigeration effect when the isentropic expansion process of
Carnot cycle is replaced by isenthalpic throttling process of VCRS cycle, this reduction is
equal to the area d-4-4’-c-d (area A2) and is known as throttling loss. The throttling loss
is equal to the enthalpy difference between state points 3 and 4’, i.e,

q e,Carnot − q VCRS = area d − 4 − 4'−c − d = ( h 3 − h 4' ) = (h 4 − h 4' ) = area A 2 (10.9)

It is easy to show that the loss in refrigeration effect increases as the evaporator
temperature decreases and/or condenser temperature increases. A practical consequence
of this is a requirement of higher refrigerant mass flow rate.

The heat rejection in case of VCRS cycle also increases when compared to Carnot cycle.

T A1

3 2'

4 1

c d e

Fig.10.6(b). Comparative evaluation of heat rejection rate of VCRS and Carnot cycle

As shown in Fig.10.6(b), the heat rejection in case of Carnot cycle (1-2’’-3-4’) is given
q c,Carnot = − q 2''−3 = − ∫ T.ds = Tc (s 2'' − s 3 ) = area e − 2' '−3 − c − e (10.10)
2 ''
In case of VCRS cycle, the heat rejection rate is given by:
q c,VCRS = − q 2−3 = − ∫ T.ds = area e − 2 − 3 − c − e (10.11)
Hence the increase in heat rejection rate of VCRS compared to Carnot cycle is equal to
the area 2’’-2-2’ (area A1). This region is known as superheat horn, and is due to the

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replacement of isothermal heat rejection process of Carnot cycle by isobaric heat
rejection in case of VCRS.

Since the heat rejection increases and refrigeration effect reduces when the Carnot cycle
is modified to standard VCRS cycle, the net work input to the VCRS increases compared
to Carnot cycle. The net work input in case of Carnot and VCRS cycles are given by:

w net ,Carnot = (q c − q e ) Carnot = area 1 − 2' '−3 − 4'−1 (10.12)

w net , VCRS = (q c − q e ) VCRS = area 1 − 2 − 3 − 4'−c − d − 4 − 1 (10.13)

As shown in Fig.10.6(c), the increase in net work input in VCRS cycle is given by:

w net , VCRS − w net ,Carnot = area 2' '−2 − 2' + area c − 4'−4 − d − c = area A 1 + area A 2 (10.14)

3 2' 2’’

4 1


c d e S
Fig.10.6(c). Figure illustrating the increase in net work input in VCRS cycle

To summarize the refrigeration effect and net work input of VCRS cycle are given by:

q e, VCRS = q e,Carnot − area A 2 (10.15)

w net , VCRS = w net ,Carnot + area A 1 + area A 2 (10.16)

The COP of VCRS cycle is given by:

q e, VCRS q e,Carnot − area A 2

COPVCRS = = (10.17)
w net , VCRS w net ,Carnot + area A 1 + area A 2

11 Version 1 ME, IIT Kharagpur

If we define the cycle efficiency, ηR as the ratio of COP of VCRS cycle to the COP of
Carnot cycle, then:
⎡ ⎛ area A 2 ⎞ ⎤
⎢ 1− ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
COPVCRS ⎢ ⎜q ⎟
⎝ e,Carnot ⎠ ⎥
ηR = =⎢ (10.18)
COPCarnot ⎢ ⎛ area A 1 + area A 2 ⎞ ⎥⎥
1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎢ ⎜ w ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ net , Carnot ⎠⎦

The cycle efficiency (also called as second law efficiency) is a good indication of the
deviation of the standard VCRS cycle from Carnot cycle. Unlike Carnot COP, the cycle
efficiency depends very much on the shape of T s diagram, which in turn depends on the
nature of the working fluid.

If we assume that the potential and kinetic energy changes during isentropic compression
process 1-2 are negligible, then the work input w1-2 is given by:

w 1− 2, VCRS = ( h 2 − h 1 ) = ( h 2 − h f ) − ( h 1 − h f ) (10.19)

Fig.10.7. Figure showing saturated liquid line 3-f coinciding with the constant pressure

Now as shown in Fig.10.7, if we further assume that the saturated liquid line 3-f
coincides with the constant pressure line Pc in the subcooled region (which is a
reasonably good assumption), then from the 2nd Tds relation;

Tds =dh - v dP = dh; when P is constant

∴(h 2 − h f ) = ∫ Tds = area e − 2 − 3 − f − g − e (10.20)

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and, (h 1 − h f ) = ∫ Tds = area e − 1 − f − g − e (10.21)
Substituting these expressions in the expression for net work input, we obtain the
compressor work input to be equal to area 1-2-3-f-1. Now comparing this with the earlier
expression for work input (area 1-2-3-4’-c-d-4-1), we conclude that area A2 is equal to
area A3.

As mentioned before, the losses due to superheat (area A1) and throttling (area A2 ≈ A3)
depend very much on the shape of the vapor dome (saturation liquid and vapour curves)
on T s diagram. The shape of the saturation curves depends on the nature of refrigerant.
Figure 10.8 shows T s diagrams for three different types of refrigerants.

Type 1 Type 2
3 2
T 2' T 3 2'
2'' 2''

4' 4'
4 1 4 1

Type 3

3 2

4 1

Fig.10.8. T-s diagrams for three different types of refrigerants

Refrigerants such as ammonia, carbon di-oxide and water belong to Type 1. These
refrigerants have symmetrical saturation curves (vapour dome), as a result both the
superheat and throttling losses (areas A1 and A3) are significant. That means deviation of
VCRS cycle from Carnot cycle could be significant when these refrigerants are used as
working fluids. Refrigerants such as CFC11, CFC12, HFC134a belong to Type 2, these
refrigerants have small superheat losses (area A1) but large throttling losses (area A3).
High molecular weight refrigerants such as CFC113, CFC114, CFC115, iso-butane
belonging to Type 3, do not have any superheat losses, i.e., when the compression inlet
condition is saturated (point 1), then the exit condition will be in the 2-phase region, as a
result it is not necessary to superheat the refrigerant. However, these refrigerants

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experience significant throttling losses. Since the compressor exit condition of Type 3
refrigerants may fall in the two-phase region, there is a danger of wet compression
leading to compressor damage. Hence for these refrigerants, the compressor inlet
condition is chosen such that the exit condition does not fall in the two-phase region. This
implies that the refrigerant at the inlet to the compressor should be superheated, the
extent of which depends on the refrigerant.

Superheat and throttling losses:

It can be observed from the discussions that the superheat loss is fundamentally different
from the throttling loss. The superheat loss increases only the work input to the
compressor, it does not effect the refrigeration effect. In heat pumps superheat is not a
loss, but a part of the useful heating effect. However, the process of throttling is
inherently irreversible, and it increases the work input and also reduces the refrigeration

10.5. Analysis of standard vapour compression refrigeration

A simple analysis of standard vapour compression refrigeration system can be carried out
by assuming a) Steady flow; b) negligible kinetic and potential energy changes across
each component, and c) no heat transfer in connecting pipe lines. The steady flow energy
equation is applied to each of the four components.
Evaporator: Heat transfer rate at evaporator or refrigeration capacity, Q e is given by:
. .
Q e = m r (h 1 − h 4 ) (10.22)
where m r is the refrigerant mass flow rate in kg/s, h1 and h4 are the specific enthalpies
(kJ/kg) at the exit and inlet to the evaporator, respectively. (h 1 − h 4 ) is known as specific
refrigeration effect or simply refrigeration effect, which is equal to the heat transferred at
the evaporator per kilogram of refrigerant. The evaporator pressure Pe is the saturation
pressure corresponding to evaporator temperature Te, i.e.,

Pe = Psat (Te ) (10.23)

Compressor: Power input to the compressor, W c is given by:
. .
W c = m r (h 2 − h 1 ) (10.24)

where h2 and h1 are the specific enthalpies (kJ/kg) at the exit and inlet to the compressor,
respectively. (h 2 − h 1 ) is known as specific work of compression or simply work of
compression, which is equal to the work input to the compressor per kilogram of
Condenser: Heat transfer rate at condenser, Q c is given by:

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. .
Q c = m r (h 2 − h 3 ) (10.25)
where h3 and h2 are the specific enthalpies (kJ/kg) at the exit and inlet to the condenser,

The condenser pressure Pc is the saturation pressure corresponding to evaporator

temperature Tc, i.e.,
Pc = Psat (Tc ) (10.26)

Expansion device: For the isenthalpic expansion process, the kinetic energy change
across the expansion device could be considerable, however, if we take the control
volume, well downstream of the expansion device, then the kinetic energy gets dissipated
due to viscous effects, and
h3 = h4 (10.27)

The exit condition of the expansion device lies in the two-phase region, hence applying
the definition of quality (or dryness fraction), we can write:

h 4 = (1 − x 4 ) h f ,e + x 4 h g ,e = h f + x 4 h fg (10.28)

where x4 is the quality of refrigerant at point 4, hf,e, hg,e, hfg are the saturated liquid
enthalpy, saturated vapour enthalpy and latent heat of vaporization at evaporator
pressure, respectively.

The COP of the system is given by:

⎛ . ⎞ ⎛ . ⎞
⎜ Q ⎟ ⎜ m r (h 1 − h 4 ) ⎟ (h 1 − h 4 )
COP = ⎜ . e ⎟ = ⎜ . ⎟= (10.29)
⎜ W c ⎟ ⎜ m r (h − h ) ⎟ (h 2 − h 1 )
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 2 1 ⎠
At any point in the cycle, the mass flow rate of refrigerant m r can be written in terms of
volumetric flow rate and specific volume at that point, i.e.,
. .
mr = V (10.30)

applying this equation to the inlet condition of the compressor,

mr = (10.31)
where V1 is the volumetric flow rate at compressor inlet and v1 is the specific volume at
compressor inlet. At a given compressor speed, V1 is an indication of the size of the
compressor. We can also write, the refrigeration capacity in terms of volumetric flow rate

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. . . ⎛h −h ⎞
Q e = m r (h 1 − h 4 ) = V 1 ⎜⎜ 1 4
⎟⎟ (10.32)
⎝ v 1 ⎠
⎛ h −h4 ⎞
where ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ is called as volumetric refrigeration effect (kJ/m3 of refrigerant).
⎝ v1 ⎠

Generally, the type of refrigerant, required refrigeration capacity, evaporator temperature

and condenser temperature are known. Then from the evaporator and condenser
temperature one can find the evaporator and condenser pressures and enthalpies at the
exit of evaporator and condenser (saturated vapour enthalpy at evaporator pressure and
saturated liquid enthalpy at condenser pressure). Since the exit condition of the
compressor is in the superheated region, two independent properties are required to fix
the state of refrigerant at this point. One of these independent properties could be the
condenser pressure, which is already known. Since the compression process is isentropic,
the entropy at the exit to the compressor is same as the entropy at the inlet, s1 which is the
saturated vapour entropy at evaporator pressure (known). Thus from the known pressure
and entropy the exit state of the compressor could be fixed, i.e.,

h 2 =h(Pc ,s 2 ) = h(Pc ,s1 )

s1 = s 2
The quality of refrigerant at the inlet to the evaporator (x4) could be obtained from the
known values of h3, hf,e and hg,e.
Once all the state points are known, then from the required refrigeration capacity and
various enthalpies one can obtain the required refrigerant mass flow rate, volumetric flow
rate at compressor inlet, COP, cycle efficiency etc.
Use of Pressure-enthalpy (P-h) charts:

Te Tc

3 2' 2

Pe 4 1

h3 = h4 h1 h2 h
Fig.10.9. Standard vapour compression refrigeration cycle on a P-h chart

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Since the various performance parameters are expressed in terms of enthalpies, it is very
convenient to use a pressure – enthalpy chart for property evaluation and performance
analysis. The use of these charts was first suggested by Richard Mollier. Figure 10.9
shows the standard vapour compression refrigeration cycle on a P-h chart. As discussed
before, in a typical P-h chart, enthalpy is on the x-axis and pressure is on y-axis. The
isotherms are almost vertical in the subcooled region, horizontal in the two-phase region
(for pure refrigerants) and slightly curved in the superheated region at high pressures, and
again become almost vertical at low pressures. A typical P-h chart also shows constant
specific volume lines (isochors) and constant entropy lines (isentropes) in the superheated
region. Using P-h charts one can easily find various performance parameters from known
values of evaporator and condenser pressures.

In addition to the P-h and T-s charts one can also use thermodynamic property tables
from solving problems related to various refrigeration cycles.

1. A Carnot refrigerator using R12 as working fluid operates between 40ºC and -30ºC.
Determine the work of compression and cooling effect produced by the cycle. (Solution)

2. An ideal refrigeration cycle operates with R134a as the working fluid. The
temperature of refrigerant in the condenser and evaporator are 40ºC and -20ºC
respectively. The mass flow rate of refrigerant is 0.1 kg/s. Determine the cooling
capacity and COP of the plant. (Solution)

3. A R-12 plant has to produce 10 tons of refrigeration. The condenser and evaporator
temperatures are 40ºC and -10ºC respectively. Determine

a) Refrigerant flow rate

b) Volume flow rate of the compressor
c) Operating pressure ratio
d) Power required to drive the compressor
e) Flash gas percentage after throtting
f) COP (Solution)

4. A NH3 refrigerator produces 100 tons of ice from water at 0ºC in a day. The cycle
operates between 25ºC and -15ºC . The vapor is dry saturated at the end of compression.
If the COP is 50% of theoretical COP, calculate the power required to drive the
compressor. (Solution)

5. In a refrigerator the power rating impressed on the compressor is 1.2 kW. The
circulating wire in evaporator is 5 kW and the cooling water took away 10 kW from
condenser coil. The operating temperatures range is 18ºC and 0ºC and their
corresponding latent heats are 170 kJ/kg and 230 kJ/kg and the difference between the

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liquid energy is 35 kJ/kg. Find the actual COP of the system (2) relative COP, assuming
the vapour is just dry and saturated at the end of the compression. (Solution)

6. A water cooler using R12 refrigerant works between 30ºC to 9ºC. Assuming the
volumetric and mechanical efficiency of the compressor to be 80 and 90% respectively,
and the mechanical efficiency of motor to be 90% , and 20% of useful cooling is lost into
water cooler, find:

1) The power requirement of the motor

2) Volumetric displacement of the compressor

Given Cp (saturated vapour at 30ºC) = 0.7 kJ/kg K (Solution)

The properties of F12 at 30ºC and 2ºC are:

Temp ºC Pressure (Bar) Liquid Vapour

hf (kJ/kg) Sf hg Sg vs
(kJ/kg K) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg K) m3/kg
30 7.45 64.6 0.2399 199.6 0.6854 0.0235
5 3.626 40.7 0.1587 189.7 0.6942 0.0475

18 Version 1 ME, IIT Kharagpur

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