Short Term Lets Licensing Guidance Notes
Short Term Lets Licensing Guidance Notes
Short Term Lets Licensing Guidance Notes
1. Introduction
1.1. The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets)
Order 2022 amended the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to require
short-term lets to be licensed. Providers and licensing authorities have no
discretion – the activity must be licensed. The Act and the Order are
published at Scottish Government
information about licensing of short-term lets is published at The Scottish
Government’s Guidance for (1) Hosts and Operators is published at
scheme-part-1-guidance-hosts-operators-3/ and for (2) Licensing
Authorities, Letting Agencies and Platforms is published at
agencies-platforms-3/. This Guidance will refer to “the Order” and “the Act”.
1.2. The Order sets out information about types of short-term let which need to
be licensed and those which do not, as well as definitions of words and
terms used in the Order and the Act. The information is set out in Annex A
attached to this Guidance – please refer to it before continuing to read this
1.3. From 1 October 2022, new hosts and operators will need to have a licence.
This means that, if you were not using your premises to provide short-term
lets before 1 October 2022, you cannot take bookings or receive guests until
you have a licence. If you have already been using your property to provide
short-term lets before 1 October 2022, then you have until 30 September
2023 to apply for a licence and you can operate before you have a licence
by continuing to take bookings and receiving guests while your application is
2. Temporary Exemptions.
2.1. Section 1A of Schedule 1 of the Act requires licensing authorities to publish
a statement of policy which will be applied regarding temporary exemptions
from the requirement to obtain a short-term let licence. The Council’s Policy
is published at
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3. Conditions.
3.1. The Act imposes mandatory conditions for a short-term let licence and these
are set out in Annex B attached to this Guidance. The licence holder will be
required to comply with the mandatory conditions which will form part of the
licence when granted.
3.2. The Council may also attach reasonable additional conditions to short-term
let licences, by adopting standard conditions, which must be published. The
Council has not adopted any standard conditions at this time, but may
develop these as the licensing scheme becomes operational.
4. Floor Plans and Fire Safety Checklist
4.1. In order for the Council and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to undertake
an assessment of the maximum number of guests that can be
accommodated safely, applicants must provide, as part of their application,
floor plan(s) for their premises, indicating room sizes, fire escape routes,
accommodation intended for guests with mobility impairment and other
information. The Council's requirements for these plans are set out in
Annex C attached to this Guidance.
4.2. Application forms must be accompanied by a completed Fire Safety
Checklist set out by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The Fire Safety
Checklist is published as a Related Download at as an
interactive PDF.
5. Declarations by Owners of Short-term Let Premises
5.1. The Act requires that where the applicant is not the sole owner of the
premises, or the land on which the premises are located, s/he must provide:
• the name and address of all owners and
• a declaration from all owners, or persons authorised to act on their
behalf, that they consent to the application.
5.2. Where the applicant is not the sole owner of the premises, the form of
Declaration attached at Annex D to this Guidance must be completed by all
other owners. Where a Declaration is completed by someone else on behalf
of an owner, the person must provide evidence of their authorisation to act
on behalf of the owner.
6. Planning Permission
6.1. The Order sets out that processing of applications from existing hosts
received between 1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023 can be paused
where the host requires planning permission to operate the premises as
6.2. Applications will be passed to the Council’s Planning Service for screening.
If the appropriate lawful status of the premises is confirmed by the Planning
Service, that removes any planning impediment to progression of the
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6.3. If the premises do not have the necessary planning permission/status,
applications can be suspended for a period of 3 months. The period starts
from the date of the notice by the Licensing Service to the applicant. During
that period, the applicant must submit a valid application for planning
permission or a certificate of lawfulness of use or development and must
notify the Licensing Service that the application has been validated.
6.4. The licensing authority may decide not to consider the application for
licence in the following circumstances, where it has notified the applicant in
accordance with paragraph 6.3 above:
• the applicant does not submit a valid application for planning permission
or a certificate of lawfulness of use or development within the 3 months
period or
• the planning authority refuses such an application and the applicant does
not appeal or seek review of that refusal.
6.5. The Act provides that a licensing authority may, within 21 days of receipt of
an application for a licence, refuse to consider the application where it
considers that use of the premises for a short-term let would constitute a
breach of planning control. The licensing authority must, within 7 days of
deciding to refuse to consider an application for a short-term let licence on
this ground, serve notice of its decision on the applicant, the planning
authority and the chief constable, giving the reason for refusing to consider
the application. If the applicant makes a further application for a licence in
relation to the premises concerned within 28 days of obtaining planning
permission or a certificate of lawfulness of use or development in respect of
the use of the premises for short-term lets, no fee may be charged by the
licensing authority.
7. Determination of and Duration of Licences.
7.1. A licence will normally be issued after the elapse of 42 days from receipt of
a valid application. In certain circumstances, for example where objections
have been received, applications can take considerably longer to be
determined. Further information about statutory processing timescales is
provided at paragraph 15.4 of this Guidance. A licence shall normally
remain in force, unless previously suspended or revoked, for a period of
three years. The Council can also determine a shorter period in any case,
dependent upon the circumstances. Application fees will not be refunded if a
shorter period is determined. The licence is not transferable.
8. Licence to be Retained.
8.1. The licence must not be altered, erased or defaced in any way, must be
kept clean and legible and must not be lent to or used by any other person.
Should the licence be lost or become defaced or illegible the licence holder
shall obtain a replacement from the Council on payment of the appropriate
fee. The licence holder shall produce his/her licence within 5 days of being
requested to do so by an officer of Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and
Rescue Service or the Council.
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9. Return of Licence.
9.1. A licence holder shall deliver his/her licence to the Council:
• Upon ceasing to operate a short-term let.
• Within 7 days of receiving notice of the coming into effect of a decision of
the Council to suspend, revoke or vary the terms of the licence, or the
decision of a Court to revoke it.
10. Notification of Convictions or Material Change of Circumstances.
10.1. The licence holder shall notify the Council of any conviction or material
change within 14 days of the event. “Material change” means any change of
circumstances affecting the licence holder (for example, change of his/her
name or address) or the activity to which the licence relates, including any
particulars referred to in the application for grant or latest application for
renewal of the licence. If in doubt, notify the Council of any changes.
11. Material Change in Premises.
11.1. No material change can be made in premises without prior consent from the
Council in relation to the short-term let licence. An application for material
change should be made in similar terms to an application for a licence.
12. Making an Application – the Application Form, Other Documents and Fees.
12.1. Application fees are published as a Related Download at and are
12.2. You can apply online or obtain an application form at or from:
• Email: [email protected]
• Telephone 01856873535, extensions 2246, 2232 or 2229 (voicemail
• Head of Legal and Governance, Council Offices, School Place, Kirkwall,
KW15 1NY.
12.3. Applications must be submitted online or by email to
[email protected] or lodged with the Head of Legal and
Governance, Orkney Islands Council at the address above no later than
6 weeks before the anticipated first day of the commencement of the activity
(for new operators) and no later than 30 September 2023 (for existing
operators of premises already in use as a short-term let prior to 1 October
12.4. Paper application forms must be completed legibly in block capital letters in
black ink or typed. Question 1 or 2 and all other questions must be
12.5. Application forms must be accompanied by a completed Checklist, which is
attached to this Guidance at Annex E. For online applications, the Checklist
will form part of the application process.
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12.6. A Site Notice (Annex F attached to this Guidance) must be displayed at the
premises for a continuous period of 21 days from the date of submission of
the application. A Site Notice should not be displayed until the applicant has
received confirmation from the Council that the application is satisfactory
and can be processed. The Council will agree a date with the applicant for
display of a Site Notice.
12.7. A Site Notice and a Compliance Notice (Annex G attached to this Guidance)
may be obtained online at
Directory/L/short-term-lets.htm or from the address above and must be
returned to that address after 21 days to certify that the display requirement
has been complied with. If the Site Notice is not displayed or the
Compliance Notice is not returned, the Council may require the applicant to
display the notice again for a period of 21 days from a specified date; may
advertise notice of the application on its website; and may advertise such
notice in the local press to allow representations and objections to be made.
If any of these steps are required, any decision on the application shall be
12.8. The Compliance Notice (Annex G attached to this Guidance) should be
returned to the Head of Legal and Governance, Council Offices, School
Place, Kirkwall, KW15 1NY as soon as possible 21 days after the date from
which the Site Notice is first displayed in accordance with paragraph 12.6
above, and preferably within 25 days from that date.
Previous Convictions.
12.9. Any person, including any business entity or any individual named on the
licence application form in any capacity, must declare convictions, subject to
the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This legislation is available at If any person is in any doubt as to whether they
require to declare convictions, they must obtain independent legal advice. If
any person, including any business entity or any individual named on the
licence application form in any capacity, wishes to declare that they have no
convictions, the name of the business entity, as well as all individuals, must
be printed at the question on the application form, followed by the answer
“None”. All names must be accounted for. The question cannot be left blank
in relation to any business entity or individual named on the application
form. If any business entity or individual named on the application form does
not declare something which should have been declared, they may be
prosecuted for failure to declare and this will affect the processing time and
procedure for the application.
13. Making an Application: How to Submit a Valid Application.
13.1. Applicants must submit the following documentation:
• Completed application form (refer to paragraph 12.2 above).
• Floor plans (refer to paragraph 4 above and Annex C).
• Completed Fire Safety Checklist (refer to paragraph 4.2 above).
• Completed Declarations by owners of the short-term let premises (refer to
paragraph 5 above and Annex D).
• A completed Checklist attached to this Guidance (refer to paragraph 12.5
above and Annex E).
• Application fee (refer to paragraph 12.1 above).
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Incomplete applications cannot be accepted for processing.
13.2. You can apply online by clicking on the appropriate button at The
online application form also allows you to upload the required supporting
documentation. Once you have completed the online application you will be
taken to the secure payment page where you will be able to pay the
application fee.
13.3. If for any reason you are unable to apply online, you can complete a paper
application and submit this, together with required supporting
documentation, by email to [email protected]. Payment of
the application fee can be made by card by phoning 01856 873535 and
asking to make a card payment for an application for a Short-term Lets
licence. The Customer Services advisor will need a code to accept the
payment and you must quote the following code: R39 021 000 740 00.
13.4. Alternatively, you can submit a completed paper application form, together
with required supporting documentation, by post to the Head of Legal and
Governance at the address shown at paragraph 12.2 above. The correct
application fee should be enclosed and can be made by cheque payable to
Orkney Islands Council. If you wish to pay the application fee by cash, you
must attend the Customer Services area at the Council Offices to deliver
your completed application form, together with required supporting
documentation, and quote the code number detailed above to the Customer
Services advisor.
13.5. Applications must be submitted online, by email or by post, and will be
checked by the Licensing Service who will advise if any further information
is required. Applicants should not attend at Council offices and expect to
speak with a member of the Licensing Team unless a prior appointment has
been made.
14. Temporary Licences.
14.1. Temporary licences may be granted for a period not exceeding 6 weeks.
Applications for temporary licences must be made in accordance with the
Guidance provided at sections 11 and 12 above. However, no Site Notice or
Compliance Notice is required.
15. Processing the Application.
15.1. Only complete applications, including all necessary documentation and
fees, can be accepted for processing. Incomplete applications shall be
returned to the applicant.
15.2. Applications will be referred to the following for comment:
• the Council’s services in relation to Environmental Health, Building
Standards, Planning and any other relevant service,
• Police Scotland and
• the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
15.3. Premises may be inspected by the consultees identified at paragraph 15.2
above. During inspections, applicants may be asked to exhibit
documentation specified in the Checklist attached to this Guidance at
Annex E.
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15.4. Applications received from existing operators between 1 October 2022 and
30 September 2023 must be determined by the Council within 12 months.
All other applications must be considered within 3 months of being lodged
and the Council must reach a decision on them within 9 months of being
15.5. If an application is granted, the licence will be issued.
15.6. If, during the processing of an application, the Council receives any
objection or representation, a copy will be sent to the applicant. The
application and the objection or representation will then be referred to a
scheduled meeting of the Licensing Committee. The applicant will be invited
to attend the meeting and given the opportunity to address the Committee.
The Committee meets 8 times each year, usually during January, March,
April, June, July, September, October and December.
15.7. Information about the members of the Committee, together with agendas,
reports and Minutes relating to meetings of the Committee, are published
through links from the following webpage:
15.8. If the application is refused, or granted conditionally, the applicant is entitled
to ask the Council within 21 days to give reasons for such refusal, or the
imposition of such conditions, and thereafter is entitled to appeal to the
Sheriff against the decision on various grounds. Applicants should seek the
advice of a solicitor if matters should get to that stage.
16. Prior Refusal.
16.1. If applicants have applied for and been refused a short-term let licence,
unless their circumstances have altered, any subsequent applications will
be unlikely to be granted.
16.2. If refused, applicants cannot apply for the same kind of licence in respect of
the same activity or for the same premises within one year of that refusal,
unless there has been a material change in circumstances.
17. Offences.
17.1. The following are criminal offences liable, on summary conviction, to a fine:
• Carrying on an activity for which a licence under the Civic Government
(Scotland) Act 1982 is required without such a licence. Note that this
does not apply to existing operators who make an application between
1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023, even if the application is still
being considered by the Council.
• Failing to comply with a condition of a licence.
• Making a false statement when filling in the application form.
• Failing to notify the Council of a material change in the circumstances of
a licensee.
• Failing to surrender the licence (1) after it has been suspended, revoked
or varied or (2) when the licensee has given up the activity to which it
The above list is not exhaustive and reference should be made to the Civic
Government (Scotland) Act 1982 for all offences under the Act.
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18. Data Protection
18.1. The information provided on application forms will be used by the Council to
enable decisions to be made on applications. The Council is required to
collect the information in terms of legislation. Applicants’ information will be
shared with a number of agencies which the Council is obliged to consult
before making decisions on applications.
18.2. The Council is obliged to make available some information submitted on
application forms. The Council is required to publish a Register of short-term
let applications on its website and will do so at
18.3. The Council has published a guide to your rights under Data Protection
legislation and how you can exercise these. This information is available on
the Council’s website at
Protection-Policy.htm or can be requested by contacting the Council directly.
18.4. Information about how the Council will process your personal information is
available on the Council’s website at
Version: 2022-08-24.
Updated: 2022-10-05 – Section 6 Planning Permission; Annexes C and E.
Updated: 2022-10-12 – Section 4 Fire Safety Checklist; Section 13.1 How to Submit a
Valid Application; Annex E.
Updated: 2022-10-14 – Annex E – EPC Rating information.
Updated: 2023-03-02 – Sections 1.3, 6.1, 12.3, 15.4, 17.1 – extension to application
deadline for existing hosts; Annex C – to show means of detection or warning of carbon
Updated: 2023-06-30 – Section 1.1, weblinks to Scottish Government Guidance;
Annex C – to advise that suggested scales are not prescriptive and are for guidance only.
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Annex A
Part 1 – Licences for Short-term Lets – Interpretation.
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(iii) living together as though they were married,
(b) a “qualifying relative” means a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or
(c) two people are to be regarded as siblings if they have at least one parent in
(d) a person’s stepchild is to be regarded as the person’s child,
(e) a person (“C”) is to be regarded as the child of another person (“D”), if C is
being or has been treated by D as D’s child.
3.1. “Short-term let” means the use of residential accommodation provided by a
host in the course of business to a guest, where all of the following criteria
are met:
(a) the guest does not use the accommodation as their only or principal home,
(b) the short-term let is entered into for commercial consideration,
(c) the guest is not:
(i) an immediate family member of the host,
(ii) sharing the accommodation with the host for the principal purpose of
advancing the guest’s education as part of an arrangement made or
approved by a school, college, or further or higher educational institution, or
(iii) an owner or part-owner of the accommodation,
(d) the accommodation is not provided for the principal purpose of facilitating
the provision of work or services by the guest to the host or to another
member of the host’s household,
(e) the accommodation is not excluded accommodation (refer to Part 2 below),
(f) the short-term let does not constitute an excluded tenancy (refer to Part 2
3.2. “Short-term let licence” means a licence granted for the activity of the
provision of a short-term let on or after 1 October 2022.
4.1. The Order designates the activity specified in paragraph 4.2 as an activity
for which a licence under Part 1 of the 1982 Act is required.
4.2. The activity referred to in paragraph 4.1 is a short-term let on or after
1 October 2022.
4.3. Accommodation that is on a single premises requires only one short-term let
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Part 2 – Licences for Short-term Lets – Interpretation – Excluded accommodation
and tenancies
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(g) a short Scottish secure tenancy (within the meaning of section 34 of the
2001 Act),
(h) a 1991 Act tenancy (within the meaning of section 1(4) of the 2003 Act),
(i) a limited duration tenancy (within the meaning of section 93 of the 2003
(j) a modern limited duration tenancy (within the meaning of section 5A of the
2003 Act),
(k) a short limited duration tenancy (within the meaning of section 4 of the 2003
(l) a tenancy under a lease under which agricultural land is let for the purpose
of its being used only for grazing or mowing during some specified period of
the year (as described in section 3 of the 2003 Act),
(m) a private residential tenancy (within the meaning of section 1 of the 2016
Act), or
(n) a student residential tenancy.
3(1). “the 1988 Act” means the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988,
“the 1993 Act” means the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993,
“the 2001 Act” means the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001,
“the 2003 Act” means the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003,
“the 2016 Act” means the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016,
“aparthotel” means a residential building containing serviced apartments
(a) the whole building is owned by the same person,
(b) a minimum number of 5 serviced apartments are managed and operated as
a single business,
(c) the building has a shared entrance for the serviced apartments, and
(d) the serviced apartments do not share an entrance with any other flat or
residential unit within the building,
“bothy” means a building of no more than two storeys which:
(a) does not have any form of:
(i) mains electricity,
(ii) piped fuel supply, and
(iii) piped mains water supply,
(b) is 100 metres or more from the nearest public road (within the meaning of
section 151 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984), and
(c) is 100 metres or more from the nearest habitable building,
“hostel” means a building, other than a dwellinghouse, in which there is
provided for persons generally or for any class or classes of persons:
(a) residential accommodation, and
(b) either or both:
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(i) meals,
(ii) cooking facilities.
“personal care” has the same meaning as in paragraph 20 of schedule 12 of
the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010,
“refuge” means accommodation used wholly or mainly for persons who have
been subject to any incident or pattern of incidents, of:
(a) controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour,
(b) physical violence,
(c) abuse of any other description (whether physical or mental in nature), or
(d) threats of any such violence or abuse.
“serviced apartment” means a flat or residential unit in respect of which:
(a) services are provided to guests (such as housekeeping, a telephone desk,
reception, or laundry),
(b) each flat or unit contains its own washing, cooking and dining facilities
separate from each of the other flats or units, and
(c) there is a management system in place to prevent anti-social behaviour and
to impose limits in respect of the maximum occupancy of the flats or units,
“student residential tenancy” means a tenancy:
(a) the purpose of which is to confer on the tenant the right to occupy the let
property while the tenant is a student, and
(b) to which sub-paragraph (2) or (3) of paragraph 5 of schedule 1 (tenancies
which cannot be private residential tenancies) of the 2016 Act applies,
“student accommodation” means residential accommodation which has
been built or converted predominantly for the purpose of being provided to
3(2). In paragraph 1(k), “licence” does not include an HMO licence granted under
section 129 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.
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Annex B
Licences for Short-term Lets – Mandatory licence conditions.
Article 6 and Schedule 3 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of
Short-term Lets) Order 2022.
1. Only those named as a holder of the licence can carry out the day-to-day
management of the short-term let of the premises.
Type of licence
2. The holder of the licence may only offer the type of short-term let for which
the licence has been granted.
Fire safety
3. The holder of the licence must ensure the premises has satisfactory
equipment installed for detecting, and for giving warning of:
(a) fire or suspected fire, and
(b) the presence of carbon monoxide in a concentration that is
hazardous to health.
4. The holder of the licence must keep records showing that all upholstered
furnishings and mattresses within the parts of the premises which are for
guest use, or to which the guests are otherwise permitted to have access,
comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988.
Gas safety
5. Where the premises has a gas supply:
(a) the holder of the licence must arrange for an annual gas safety
inspection of all gas pipes, flues and appliances in the premises,
(b) if, after an annual inspection, any appliance does not meet the
required safety standard, the holder of the licence must not allow a
short-term let of the premises until the works necessary to bring the
appliance to the required safety standard have been carried out.
Electrical safety
6. Where there are electrical fittings or items within the parts of the premises
which are for guest use, or to which the guests are permitted to have
access, the holder of the licence must:
(a) ensure that any electrical fittings and items are in:
(i) a reasonable state of repair, and
(ii) proper and safe working order,
(b) arrange for an electrical safety inspection to be carried out by a
competent person at least every five years or more frequently if
directed by the competent person,
(c) ensure that, following an electrical safety inspection, the competent
person produces an Electrical Installation Condition Report on any
fixed installations,
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(d) arrange for a competent person to:
(i) produce a Portable Appliance Testing Report on moveable
appliances to which a guest has access, and
(ii) date label and sign all moveable appliances which have been
7. In determining who is competent, the holder of the licence must have regard
to guidance issued by the Scottish Ministers under section 19B(4) of the
Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.
Water safety: private water supplies
8. Where the premises are served by a private water supply, the licence holder
must comply with the requirements on the owners of private dwellings set
out in the Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies)
(Scotland) Regulations 2017.
Water safety: legionella
9. The holder of the licence must assess the risk from exposure to legionella
within the premises, whether or not the premises are served by a private
water supply.
Safety and repair standards
10. (1) The holder of the licence must take all reasonable steps to ensure
the premises are safe for residential use.
(2) Where the premises are subject to the requirements of Chapter 4 of
Part 1 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, the holder of the licence
must ensure that the premises meet the repairing standard.
Maximum Occupancy
11. The licence holder must ensure that the number of guests residing on the
premises does not exceed the number specified in the licence.
Information to be displayed
12. The holder of the licence must make the following information available
within the premises in a place where it is accessible to all guests:
(a) a certified copy of the licence and the licence conditions,
(b) fire, gas and electrical safety information,
(c) details of how to summon the assistance of emergency services,
(d) a copy of the gas safety report,
(e) a copy of the Electrical Installation Condition Report, and
(f) a copy of the Portable Appliance Testing Report.
Planning Permission
13. Where the premises is in a short-term let control area for the purposes of
section 26B of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (“the
1997 Act”), the holder of the licence must, where the use of the premises for
a short-term let requires planning permission under the 1997 Act, ensure
that either:
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(a) an application has been made for planning permission under the
1997 Act and has not yet been determined, or
(b) planning permission under the 1997 Act is in force.
14. (1) The holder of the licence must ensure that any listing or advert
(whether electronic or otherwise) for the short-term let of the
premises includes:
(a) the licence number, and
(b) a valid Energy Performance Certificate rating if an Energy
Performance Certificate is required for the premises, in accordance
with the Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations
(2) The holder of the licence must ensure that any listing or advert
(whether electronic or otherwise) for the short-term let of the
premises is consistent with the terms of the short-term let licence.
15. The holder of the licence must ensure that there is in place for the premises:
(a) valid buildings insurance for the duration of the licence, and
(b) valid public liability insurance for the duration of each short-term let
Payment of fees
16. The holder of the licence must pay any fees due to the licensing authority in
respect of the licence on demand.
False or misleading information
17. The holder of the licence must not provide any false or misleading
information to the licensing authority.
18. In these Conditions:
• “Electrical Installation Condition Report” means a report containing the
following information:
(a) the date on which the inspection was carried out,
(b) the address of the premises inspected,
(c) the name, address and relevant qualifications of the person who
carried out the inspection,
(d) a description, and the location, of each installation, fixture, fitting
and appliance inspected,
(e) any defect identified,
(f) any action taken to remedy a defect,
• “Energy Performance Certificate” means a certificate which complies with
regulation 6 of the Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations
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• “gas safety report” means a report containing the following information:
(a) the date on which the appliance or flue was checked,
(b) the address of the premises at which the appliance or flue is
(c) a description of and the location of each appliance or flue checked,
(d) any safety defect identified,
(e) any remedial action taken,
(f) confirmation that the check undertaken complies with the
requirements of an examination of:
(i) the effectiveness of any flue,
(ii) the supply of combustion air,
(iii) subject to head (iv), its operating pressure or heat input or,
where necessary, both,
(iv) if it is not reasonably practicable to examine its operating
pressure or heat input (or, where necessary, both), its combustion
(v) its operation so as to ensure its safe functioning,
(g) the name and signature of the individual carrying out the check, and
(h) the registration number with which that individual, or that individual’s
employer, is registered with a body approved by the Health and
Safety Executive for the purposes of regulation 3(3) of the Gas
Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
• “holder of the licence” means any person to whom a short-term let licence
has been granted or jointly granted,
• “home letting” means a short-term let consisting of the entering into of an
agreement for the use, while the host is absent, of accommodation which is,
or is part of, the host’s only or principal home,
• “home sharing” means a short-term let consisting of the entering into of an
agreement for the use, while the host is present, of accommodation which
is, or is part of, the host’s only or principal home,
• “premises” means the accommodation which is the subject of an application
for a short-term licence or the subject of a short-term licence,
• “repairing standard” means the steps which the holder of the licence is
required to take to comply with the obligations placed on the holder by
Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006,
• “secondary letting” means a short-term let consisting of the entering into of
an agreement for the use of accommodation which is not, or is not part of,
the licence holder’s only or principal home,
• “short-term let” has the same meaning as in article 3 of the Civic
Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022,
• “short-term let licence” means a licence for a short-term let, and
• “type of short-term let” means one of the following purposes:
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(a) secondary letting,
(b) home letting,
(c) home sharing, or
(d) home letting and home sharing.
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Annex C
Licences for Short-term Lets – Floor Plans.
Scottish Government Guidance advises that in order for licensing authorities and the
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to undertake an assessment of the maximum number of
guests that can be accommodated safely, it is desirable for licensing authorities to ask
applicants to submit (as part of their application) floor plan(s) for their premises indicating
certain information.
• the extent of the boundary of the building and the external and internal walls of the
• the location and names of any streets surrounding the building from which guests have
access to the premises;
• the location and width of each point of access to and egress from the premises;
• the location and width of any other escape routes from the premises;
• the location of any equipment used for the detection or warning of fire or smoke or
carbon monoxide or for fighting fires;
• the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts in the premises;
• any accommodation intended for guests with mobility impairment;
• the number of rooms intended for sleeping; and
• the maximum occupancy capacity of the building (excluding children under 10 years
A floor plan may include a legend through which the matters narrated above may be
sufficiently illustrated by the use of symbols on the plan.
Plans used for other purposes, such as planning applications, may be suitable for STL
licensing purposes as long as they are up-to-date and contain all the required information.
Please bear in mind, however, that plans must be submitted by the applicant with their
STL licence application form.
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The Council cannot retrieve plans used for other purposes and pass these between
departments; it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the plans accompanying a
STL licence application are accurate, up-to-date and contain all the required information.
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Annex D
Licences for Short-term Lets – Declarations by Owners.
All owners of the property must agree to an application for short-term lets licence being
made. Please score through the words below that do not apply and then sign the
declaration below.
I / We confirm that I / we am / are aware of the application for short-term lets licence and
consent to the application being made.
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Joint owners should complete the section below or a separate Owner's Declaration.
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
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Annex E
Licences for Short-term Lets – Application Checklist.
A list similar to this is suggested by the Scottish Government to provide a helpful starting
point for checking you have the relevant information required in order to submit an
application for a licence. Getting your application right first time will make the process
easier for you and your licensing authority and will help you to get a decision more quickly.
The Council has shortened this list to those elements which relate to mandatory licence
conditions or are required as supporting information.
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Listings: licence number: I have made plans to display my licence number Yes / No
on adverts and listings.
[If relevant] Listings: EPC rating: I have made plans to display my Energy Yes / No
Efficiency Rating from my EPC on adverts and listings.
Note: A house being used for self-catering should have an EPC. An EPC is
not required where only a room within a building is being let.
Buildings insurance: I have checked that there is valid buildings insurance Yes / No
in place for the premises.
Public liability insurance: I have checked that there is valid public liability Yes / No
insurance in place whilst my premises is let as a short-term let.
I know the fee that I will be charged and I am ready to pay it with my Yes / No
application – see paragraphs 12.1, 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4 of this Guidance.
False or misleading information
I have not provided any false or misleading information to the licensing Yes / No
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Annex F
Licences for Short-term Lets – Site Notice.
Notice is Hereby Given that application has been made on [insert date] ……………………..
To Orkney Islands Council for a short-term lets licence for [insert type of licence from
secondary letting, home letting, home sharing, or home letting and home sharing – delete
as appropriate] in respect of premises at [insert address]:
Any objections and representations in relation to the application may be made to the Head
of Legal and Governance, Council Offices, Kirkwall, KW15 1NY within 28 days of the
above mentioned date.
Any objection or representation must be in writing; must specify the ground of the objection
or the nature of the representation; must specify the name and address of the person
making it; and must be signed by him/her or on his/her behalf. The Council is required to
send a copy of any objection or representation to the applicant.
An objection or representation shall be considered to have been made within the period
referred to if it is delivered by hand within that period or posted (by registered or recorded
delivery post) so that in the normal course of post it might be expected to be delivered
within that period.
Where an objection or representation is made to the Council after the date referred to but
before a final decision is taken on the application, it is competent for the Council to
entertain it if satisfied that there is sufficient reason why the objection or representation
was not made within the period of time stated.
To be displayed for a period of 21 days from the date referred to above at or near the
premises referred to above so that it can conveniently be read by the public.
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Annex G
Licences for Short-term Lets – Site Notice Compliance
(a) A Notice has been posted at or near the premises at [insert address]:
Where the Notice was removed, obscured or defaced during the abovementioned period,
I/we took reasonable steps for its protection and replacement as follows (give details and
circumstances below):
(b) That I/we have been unable to post a Notice as required under Schedule 1 to the
above Act because I/we do not have the rights of access which would enable me/us to do
so (give details and circumstances below):
To be returned to the Head of Legal and Governance, Council Offices, School Place,
Kirkwall KW15 1NY after a Site Notice has been displayed for 21 days and preferably
within 25 days from the date from which the Site Notice is first displayed.
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